fUpcitw. 0 I OCA I- AND GENERAL. \ K ENTEKI-RISK.— A Regular Daily Ex j ;,, e has just been established between To • mil Troy another is in operation between | and Waverly. Special attention paid to 1 n ,r goods to all parts of the country. Office * thf News Room. jarTb° Independent Rejmblican says the fMv. Phillip Wiokizer of Anbnrn was burnep •. s October 18th. It was first seen afire about ' i- ii in., or about sundown. It is not 1 0i • . l>v wbat means it took fire. There was near the haymow what appeared in form to ' t i, e skull ofti man. The bam contained one ,of horses, oats, buckwheat, a large mow of wheat, a large number of tools, which were all i 1. The loss is estimated at 51,500. j* Sof advertisement in another column ...sling House for Sale." Nothing is more J HI this place than a good Boarding House : .; one who understands the business, could ;to open one here# The property offered a very desirable one, and can be pur- j . ,?(1 cheap. M The anuoniicenient that Episcopal j - !:■ 1 1 erery Sunday at Greenwood was : ;is every two weeks. The services j ; 1), C. are Oct. 20th, Nov. 12th, and On th' alternate Sundays, the services | 11!-LI.aid. at 11 a. in. \ : K;>. —A reliable young man to go . t.. the State of Delaware. To one who ...M.leiuble experience in farming, and j r ,-Ii i MYSTERY.— Prof. KARL .. world venowned Wizard and Necromau aimeiices a series of entertainments at \ Hdl on this Wednesday evening, assisted HiavJi DAY iu his great l'eat of the Magic Admission 25 crs. Reserved seats 50 cts. : ,-crvcd scats commence Wednesday mor- ; ,t Moore A Tracy's Store. Tlie followingcom : t.iiy notice we clip from tlie Dally lice tual ■i, Lcckport. New York. Aiv.t Hall lust evening was well filled with a _uiv r. -pfctable and intelligent audience, to wit •n the wonderful slight of hand performances of • K.ui Kahr, who, last evening, fully sustained ;ji high reputation he hits gained for himself as a tor, and indeed far exceeding anything in ; •a v of legerdemain tricks we have ever seen j rforwed in Loekport. THE LADY'S FRIEND. —GRANDMA'S PORTRAIT! id:.- title of a very taking Steel Engraving in the ■ .a uila r number of this favorite monthly. It is lUseheld scene, and one of the youngsters is ; :ng Grandma's picture on the wall. The j ••;! !>• colored steel Fashion Plate is as usual su- ' Love cersxs Flirtation is the title of the ; ~\i lign-.ving, which illustrates an interesting • yof the same name. Then we have a number j 1 .'i.ivings, devoted to tlie fashions, new hats, | ui-clresses. lady's and hoy's suits, Ac. A Mtvss D> aeon A Peterson, 319 Walnut Street, I 'hiladelpUia. i\ A ACCIDENT. —Lauvrence Murry fell i wagon in Dushore, on the llth inst., and >o l.ailly injured that he died on Friday last, j Mr. Murry was a highly respectable citizen of j : -.hip, and has held various public offi- i •i •- th : tuv.n. His death is a loss to the pub- i and an irreparable loss to his family, j IM N:-.- FOCNU. —The remains of some hu i i mgs were found Tuesday last by the work- I t Mattison A liergen, who are engaged in .. a cellar on tlie lot for many years past, - by S. S. Tinkhani for storing ground plaster. ; building having been removed, the hones, .-.■mi',' of part of a skull, and thigh bones, and - •< ,:iy the under jaw with the teeth tolerably - 1 firm. An old felt hat, and two brassket t-re tound near the hones. On one of tjie fin ■ w.m the remains of a brass ring much eorro i Ii: the ring was a blue stone, with its setting i . i pretty good preservation. How long the re- j •■us may have Wen mouldering about two feet! in the surface, and within filty feet of the waters the Snsquehunna, none living can or will tell.— - su posed the remains are those of some Indi wlro may have been laid there, to sleep his last ■p by semi- friendly hand, but many otheis ..UK them the remains of some person who has hy violence, and w .ose battered itnd bleeding was rowdt d by the trembling murderer in • oi,timely resting place. It may be that the i -.'.y ...etch who did the deed has Walked aud a i among his fellows, till called upon to up his lust account and answer for the blood or it may lie that the murderer still lives, ■ with a black aud guilty heart, seeks iu crime -till -potion to obscure the deed of blood, or in ird's cup to wash the blood spot from liis M ho shall w rite the history of these bones ? •th incidents of the lifetime of this wreck ■ ~ uuai.ity ; [he old felt hat which has survived "ia il l structure of the head it once protec- j - ■ :as to us to look to a date later than Indian | - Ovcnjo Times. S ACCIDENT. —A correspondent writes i ai Dc., ,la, that on last Wednesday evening a ■ ; . v i. a m red in that place, resulting in seri- j TV to a .Mr. and Mrs. Murdock. The dri ine extra stage from Addison, on its arrival j MM. dropped the reins and left his seat Tlie j started, aud a passenger, in recovering the - t hold of but one, thus turning the team I •bout, and flinging Mr. and Mrs. Murdock fV to til. . n th. The fall broke Mr. M's. near the shoulder and bruised him other tus wife was considerably injured also. Our >t says that this is the second runaway on j i." within two months ; and reprehends the ! " 'lu -ssness of the driver in leaving vicious j 'aattfuded. To which we say, "Amen.'—i '"■-I A'llhitr,,-. ' . Gto peddling wagon belonging I N iipittwall, was broken open at Covington, ■ ■■■■y evening last, and robbed of some 75 •"rth ol Cutlery, St gars, etc. This is the " iti which, not long since, a man was ■ >w n and robbed of his We would *'•' oviugtonians to ,ook about them, '•■ at these scamps are ousted,or the honest community will begin to avoid them.— _\; >r • N'IT'II. \ ACCIDENT. —James McFcter-' '"•ut 35 years, employed in Dickinson's i Haveu, came to his death iu a suddeu maimer, on Wednesday afternoon, 11th 5,1 was engaged near the large drive ; ■ ''it mill, when lit; was caught in the rig "■•*ii under the belt, carried round the '1 thrown with all the momentum of the -a ...st u pile of boards on the opposite j , ' ourse he was instantly killed—the life out of him, and every Iwne in his j aoly, broken by the tremendous press '' '-' hand in one revolution of the wheel. ~ 1.- LINCOI N.— Mr. D. W. HUGHES :. .. l l > mond s Lite of Lincoln, is prepared to ; s ' ze portrait of the martyr President, tb ~ , '' r " t '°ninien CHAMPLIN. —ln Orwell, Oct. IJ, 1805, Louisa Champlin, aged 38 years, 11 mouths and 15 davs. —————— ————— ———. DARE CHANCE FOK A BARGAIN ! VALUABLE BOABDINC.-IIOBSE PHOPERTY I'UKStLE. j Tke la ge Boardißg-Hnusc s itua l eH on tlie enruer o) Si-coml aud i ilic sis , Towaiuia. ii now uttered lor sale utaUug. iu. Tlie Incise has reieutlv keen iboreuglily II pairtu, and is uou very coinloiiatily aiiaingeil lor a Boaruing-hou-e. From 25 to HO 0 aiders can easily ke ucconiodatud, am: any one who undeistands keeping a gc (>d bearding-tinu.-e call readily ,-icuie that, number, at good prices. The lot is large, and i good well aad cis l. iii and a lat.e number ol 11.1 itj \ nng linil tries i Lemon: The property is only offeied far fiate because tlie present..wiicrs nave II > use lor it. It now rents lor Here lb 111 enough t > Jr.iy in per cent on the amount u.-ltid lor ii. Jt. Ms . to suit the purclia-ei Kuqiiire at tlie Post Uflice or Bakery, Totvdiida, Pa. Oct. 22. t-t5. LOST. — Oil the 12:! i ot fc'ept., between lowauda and sni tiitield. a umorauduui book coniuibiiig tlie dischaige irom the L'. .8. heivice ol the suhsCiibei .u card photograph ot a laly. a..d soa e other papers. The tinder will phase leave it at, or .-end it to, Pioihonotary's office. Tuwauda, or i'o-t Office, hast Mniilitield J.LKKoI VINtLNT. I Oct. 10, 1 ska. LOST. — A Turkey .Morocco Wallet, in Towanda, cntaining a small amount of money, i aud, it i- believed, a bond ol Albany Township fur fkre ; linudred Dollars, and some coupons of Railway Bonds. Thepajmeut of the bond aud coupon have been stop ped, si that the liuder will have little of value except to the owner, who will pay 'len Dollars Reward inr the papers. No que-tions ashed about the money. October 6,1865. C. L. WARD. LOST. —A Double Broche Shawl, with a white centre, was lost out of a carriage between , Towanda and Ulster on Wednesday last. The tinder will be Liberally Rewarded bv leaving it at lowauda, Oct. id, DUS. W. A. CHAM BERLINS. BUILDERS.—SEALED PROPOSALS J_ are invited, lor the building ol tluee school-houses in Wyalusing township, one ol said houses loi a joiut : school lor Wyalusing and Pike twp., two he built ac cording to plans and speciiicui. uis. which may he seen at the residence ol L. P. btallurd or k. W. Reynolds; said buiidings to he completed on or before the hi.-t day of Sept., Icuiti. the board of D.lectors ol Wyalusing and Pike twp. will meet at the school house in Uatnp towu on the 15th day ot November next, between the house of 10 o'clock a.m. and 2 p. m., to receive and examine proposals. By order ot the Board of Directors of Wyalusing and Pike Townships. Oct.. lb, ltftfs VALUABLE FA I; _M FOR SALE.—The t larm known as the "Charles White Firm'' situate in Franklin township is for sale. It contains one hun dred aud thiriy-two acres.over one hundred ot which are improved. It is one ot the In st watered farms in the ! couuty, and is within seven miles ol Towanda. On the ( [ same are two good trame dwelling houses, one very large (having been recently improved), the other i's well calculated tor a tenant house ; two trained barns, one at; by 4t. feet, together with cow house, corn and smoke house, Ac. There is a good sized apple orchard j bearing excellent fruit, a large number ot peach trees which have yielded filty bushels curing the present season, also fruit-bearing grape vines. The farm is. well adapted to grain and grass. For farther pc tictilars inquire of Adams Peet. U ELLINGTON BRAMH ALL. Tuwauda. Oct. 14.1805. gOLOMON A S© N . No. 2 Pattern's Block. Towan ?a, Pa., Invite attention of the public to their New Slotk ol FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Our goods were most of them bought hefoie the re cent great advance in prices, so that we teei confident that we can give our hi' lids, and ill" public generally, as good bargair s as can lie rcoe red anywhere. Thankful for pis' lav >rs we iv iafd * digit t ienlycall i and examina.ion of our assortment, w.t: a cu.isi-ts of ! ail the new styles. OUR STOCK OF BOYS' CLOTHING, CENT'S FURNHHINi; HOODS, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, NECK TIES, COLLARS, RENDER-!, IIATS, GLOVES AND MITTENS, Cannot he I eat. (".•.!! and get the worth of y ur money Oct. 23,1165. SOLOMON & SONS. [ JP.\LL AND WINTER CLOTHING ! The largest, best anu cheape t S TO < K F. VE R SE K N IN TOW A N D A , Can IK; lonnd at the Store of GEORGE W. COON K CO., Also, a very One assortment of BLACK CLOTHS AN D DOESKINS, CASSIMERE SHIRTS, MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPEND!-: S, COLORS, TIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, TRAVELING BA.-> AM. SATCHELS, in great variety lor sale cheap, at GEORGE W. COON CO.'S, No. 3 Pa turn's Block, One Door South of Barstow A Gore's Drug Store. Ort 23, ISBS. LIVES OF LINCOLN.— THE ESTEEM in which the memory of our late President Lin coln is held, is evinced by the number of " Lives'" pub- ] lisbed. or to he published, and the rapidity with which • srbscriptions are taken. One of these is the Life and Times of Ab. ulnnn f.iuroln. by Dr. L. P. Brockett, who is already known to the public as the author ol the works. "Our Great Captains," and "History of the I Civil War in the United Sta'es."' The specimen pages before us. bound up to show the style and size of the ; volume, speak well otits literary qualities and mechan ical execution. S. G. ROCKWELL, is canvassing for the above hook, in the towns ol Wyalusing, Pike, indham. Orwell, R me, Wysox and She.-hequih. and will deliver the books at j the earliest possible neiiod to subscribers. Sept. 22 ISGS. IM) THE CITIZEN.- OF CANTON, AND X SURROUNDING DISTRICT ! FELLOWS, CRANPAI.L A CO. Have proemed tin s-1 vices ol JAMES ToMPSON,whose ! name stands firs' .m-mg the BlaclSmlths of this county, • and we feel ,! that bis well earned reputation and experience iu Uorse-sbneing, cannot tail to please any or all who mav favor us with a rail. JAB. H. FELLOWS, D. C.CRANDALL. JACOB H. MERRITT. Alba. I'a.. Aug. 21, 18t>5.—3m DISOLI HON NOTICE.—Tie fim beie totore known as W. A H. Van Brunt, ot Wysox, ] Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual eon-ent. Ail ac i-ounts cue tlnui must ue promptlv settled W. A H. VAN BRUNT. Oct. 9, 1465. /TOFFEE AND SI'ICES, WHOLE AND KJ gio .nd, and a prime quality ol Ground Java Cof fee at FOX'S, J litSH OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY; E. T. FOX. i iluTtli p.Wje, | *•- }•-?--■ ■ ■ .. U.4JA'. JNTEIiE STI N G T O AL L ! | The subscriber would most respectfully announce to j the citizens of Bradford County, and "the rest of man kind, t!i ' e ha- recently purchased,and most elcgaut •; ly refitted the stand lormcrly owned by T. Humphrey, j and more recently by 8. N. iironson. and has just receiv -1 ed an entire stock of new goods, purchased wholly since I the "caving in" of the rebellion, which will enable him I to offer his stock at sm-h prices as will bi sure to give ' entire satisfaction to all close buyers. In >h. stock tviil be tound a well seiected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS A SHOES. CROCKERY, AC. I The motto will te "Small profits, quick sales, the i 'nimble sixpence better ltran the sl w shilling."' TERMS— Payment to lie made on delivering the goods. Please remember the place, which will hcteafter be known as the "Bee Hive." Orwell, June 15, 1*65. |,. H. BKONSON. B LAG K SILK SHAW LS , At the Bee Hive. BROCHE LONG AND SING LK At the Bee Hive. SUM ME R SHAW LS , Beautiful styles, at the Bee Hive. M O URNI N G SIIAW LS , Finest qualities, at the Bee Hive. ELEG AN T SUA WL S , All seasons of the year at the Bee Hive. 1 PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, At the Bee Hive. L A DIES' DRE S S GOO DS , Splendid Rtiles, at the Bee Hive. LAI) I ES ' GL 0 T II , At the Bee Hive. L A D IKS' W A T E R PR 0 O F O K REPELLENT CLOTH, at the Bee Hive. LADIES' CORSE TT S , Best quality, at the Bee Hive. CHILDREN'S' SHOES, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, at the Bee Hive. HATS OF THE LATEST STYLES, At the Bee Hive. 800 T S A N I) SIIO KS , Large assortment, at the Bee Hive. C R 0 C K E R Y & G L A S S W A R E, Latest Patterns, at tlie Bee Hive. T E A S I TEA E T E E ' T ' E E tea Kyr AH kinds, Oolong, Japan, Young Hysou. Gunpowder, and Imperial Teas of all the finest flavors, and fresh ol the lari crop, tt the lowest prices, and warranted,at the Bee Hive. DAI R1" SAL T , At the Bee Hive. A GREAT MANY GOODS THAT IS I WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY, at the Bee Hive. | ■ COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, At the BEE lIiVE, Orwell. Pa. •ar Please call and see. I* H. BKOXSON 1 "XT u \v G o o D s : WILLI A M A . R0 CK WE LL Is receiving a most choice, ami ele.-'c l a<- ertment o GOODS FDR THE SEASON, Consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LA INK, ALPACAS, and a I v.nities to l>e had by the asking. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN BATTING, BLEACH GOODS FLA N ELS, CLOTHS, • CASS I MERES, SHAWLS, IIOODS, And a great variety too numerous to mention. To he had everything in the Y A N K EE NOTION L I N E, Even to a Violin. The plat e to find what y u want in the lineot HATS, CAPS, FURS, GLOVES, and MITTENS. Ii you arc in want of CROCKEHY, in sets, or ns yon may order, and any amount, GLASSWARE, LANTERNS, GLOBES, Ac. W I) 0 D E N W A II E , to ho had from Babies' Cabs to a Butter Ladle. A complete assortment of GROCE R I E S. Also the best BEE HIVE. SYRUPS and SUGARS of all kinds. A snperior quality of BLACK, JAPAN, GUNPOWDER, and YOUNG HYSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDES, and TOBACCO of ai! descriptions. Every thing in the shape of TOYS FOR CHILDREN. S ve your meat by calling and supplying yourselves with pure ASHTON AND TURK'S ISLAND SALT. , Oct. 10, 185. W. A. ROCKWELL. I ]3' •' ■ I i { i \ POY/ELL a. Te.kjl.-5.—25 to he paid upoii each Ist upon the prop erty being struck down, one half fne balance on coulir u atiouoi sale, aud the balance one year tbereaiier, with interest. JOHN R ED9ALL, WM. ti. BPE.vCER, Oct. 9, 1865. Adinimstrai, ir. ADM 1 IN IFit ATUK ft >U iiCK.-Aoiicv is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate o' ALANouN Ll.sDLr.i , late of Eranklin twp., ' uecd-, are requested to make immediate paymeul and tnose haviug demands against said esute will pres j tut them duly authenticated lor settlement. XEDEBIAH BMITH, Oct. 12, lobj. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is Ueieuy given mat all persons ludebled U> lue estate | ol J UEiA A. DRAKE, dec d, late ol Litchfield twp., i are requested to make immediate payment, aud those i having demauds against said estate will preseut tbeni j duly authenticated lor settlement. JAMES DRAKE, | Oct. 12,185. Administrator. ADM INIST RA TOR'ri NOT ICE.—N otiee is hereby giveb, that all persons indebted to the J eslals ot THEkUN RINEHAUT, late ot Athens twp. dee d, are requested to make immediate paymeul, and those having claim against said estate will preseut them J duly authenticated lor settlement. DAVID GARDNER, I Oct, 12,1865. Admuiisiraior I A DMINI6TRATOR6NOTICE.—Notice is D. hereby given, that all persons luuebled to the es j late oi WM. V iNDEIti'OOL sth,late oi Terry tp., dee d • are requested to make immediate payment, and those ! having claims against said estate will present them duly ) authenticated lor settlement. URIAH TERRY, Oct. 12, 1865. Administrator. AD MINI SIR A IRIX'S N O TIC E-N ot ice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es, late ol MINUR 11. li'i'US, late of Derrick twp., dec d are requested to make payment, without delay, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated ior settlement. MARY J. TITUS, Oct. 12,1865. Administratrix ADMIN ISTRATORS NOTICE—NOTICED liereby given,that all persons indebted to the estate , ol NILES PACKARD, late ot Leßoy twp., dee'd are re quested to make immediate payment, aud those having 'demands against said estate will please present duly i authenticated lor settlement. KELEON PACKARD, j Oct. 12. 1865. Administrator. EC UXORS NOTICE. KOTI C E jLi is hereby giver, that all persons indebted to the es etate of WM. GIKARD, late ot Towanda boro' dec'd.are requested to make immediate paymeut,acd those having 1 demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. MARY ANN GIRARD, GROVE M. HALL, Oct. 12, 1865. Executors. AD MINISTRx\TOR'S N OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the ! estate of JAS. L. DEWEY, dee'd, late of - distribute lunds in the bands of the Executor oi said estate, will attend to the duties at his cilice in l the borough ot Towanda, ou Friday the 16th day ul I October, A. D.. 1x65, at 1 o'clock p. m.. and all persons having claims upon said luuds must present them, or else be lor. ver debarred Iroui the same. JAMES WOOD. Oct. 9, 1665. Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURI SALE.—By virtue ot an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Biadford County, the undt rsigued, administrator ol the estate ot James il. Turrell. decta-ed, late oi Terry two , will sell on the premises, on FRIDAY . NOV. 17. 1865, at 10 o'clock a. m., the lollowing lot. piece or arcei of land, bounded and described as lollows : Lor No. 1. Lying aud being IU the township of Terry bouuded north l>y lauds ot John ana Edmund liorton, east uy the Susquebnnua River .south and west by lauds ol Maj. Uriah Terry. Containing 109 acres,more or less, ali improved, wiih a good house, and burn.out-buildings aud Iruit tree* thereon. LOT NO. 2. teiluute in Terry twp., bounded noith by lands of C. F. Welles, east by lands ol C. F. Welles and Alexander Kinney, south by land of Jackson Hol ienoack. west by laud ol Philander White and Israel Yandermau. Containing 300 acres, more or less, a val uable timber lot with an excelent new Baw Mill thereon. TERMS SIOO to be paid upon each lot when struck down, SSOO on each lot on tiuai confirmation, the bal ance in 1, 2 and 3 years, with interest. L. P. SI'ALFORD, Oct. 13, 1865. Administrator. UDIiORS NOTICE —/* the nutter of the estate of IVm . 11. Moitll, deceased. In the. Orphan's Court ol Bradiord County. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute the monies in the hands ot the administrator, raised by the sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the bis office, in Towanda borough, on Wednesday, the 15th day of November, 1*65, at 1 o'clock, p. m., and all persons having claims upon said monies must present them or else be forever debarred from coming in lor a share ol said funds. JOHN W. MIX, Oct. 19, 1865. Auditor. A YER ' S AGUE CURE, FOR THE SPEEDY CL'KK OK Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague.Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague. Periodical Headache or Bit ious Headache, and Bilious Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases original ing in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria oj miasmatic countries. Fever and Ague is not the oniy consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise trom its irritation, in malarious districts, among which are Nenralgia. Rheumatism. Gout, Headache, Blindness, Toothache,' Earache, Catarrh. Asthma, Palpitation, Painful affection of the Spleen. Hysterics, Pain iu the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, ami Derangement of the Stom ach. all' of which, when originating in thia cause put on the intermittent type, or some periodical. This "Cure" expels the poison from the blood, and thus cures them all alike. It is not only the most effectual remedy ever discovered for this class of cimplaints, but it is the cheapest and moreover is perfectly sale. No harm can arise from its use, and the patient when cured is left as healthy as if he hud never had the disease. Can this be said of any other cure for Chilis and Fever? It is true of this, and its importance to those afllicted with the complaint cannot ne over estimated. So sure is it to cure the Fever and Ague, that it may be truthfully said to be a certain remedy One dealer complains that it is not good medicine to sell, because one bottle curea a whole ueightiorhood. Prepared bv J. C. AYEBAOO., Lowell, Mass., and sold by Dr. H. C. Portci, Towanda,also by all drupfiaU and dealers in medicine everywhere. Oct. 9, '6s—2a