NEWS FROM ALL NATIONS. —Prominent Texans are daily arriving in New Orleans. They say that fears are enter tained that Gov. Hamilton will delay the Conven tion and keep the Texas delegation out of Con gress. Gov, Hamilton has organized over 100 Counties. The delay in regulating the mail sys. tern has been detrimental to the political organiza tion of the State. —An important circular has been issued from the Freedmeu's Bureau in New Orleaus regu lating the duties of the negroes toward their em ployers. The freedmen are given to understand that they must labor for their existence hereafter, and not expect any further concessions from the Government. —Hugh Donnelly has been arrested in Philadelphia, charged with being concerned in the murder of the porter of White's dental depot in that city a few days since. He was identified by a hardware dealer as the man who bought the chisel left by the murderers in Mr. White's fire-proof. Alexandria, I-a.. is resuming its for mer business activity. The old crop of cotton is coming in steadily. In the Shreveport section the new crop is very late. The caterpillars have done much damage, and the crop will be far below the average. The Hon. L. P. Poland was Thursday elected by the Legislature Chief-Justice of the Su preme Court of the State of Vermont, and John Pierpont, James Barrett, L. C. Kellogg, Ashall Peck and W. C. Wilson Associate-Justices. -At the* Fenian Congress, Thursday, it was" reported that the Irish organization was pow erful and under skillful leaders. There was an in creased attendance, and subscriptions would soon be opened for the loan. —The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund have anticipated the payment of the Novem ber interest due on the Ohio revenue loan. Pay ments of interest will be made from this date. —The business of Xew-Orleaus has in creased 33 per cent over what it was on the Ist of August. There are not enough clerks in the Cus tom-House to do the business. —Tiie loss of the Michigan Central Rail road, by the burning ot their freight-house and its contents at Detroit on Wednesday night, will not exceed §250,000. Daniel Gregory, under sentence of death for murder, died in Philadelphia on Wednes day night. Ho was reprieved by Gov. C'urtin on Monday. —.'en regiments of Northern negro troops were mustered out of the service and dis banded at Brownsville, Texas, on the *2d inst., and sent home. —A man named Rogers was deliberately murdered and then robbed by a former employe named O'Connor, at Hamilton, Ohio, on Monday hist. —The molding establishment of Dumont A- Co., of Cincinnati, was partially destroyed by tire on Wednesday night. Loss, SIO,OOO. —Gen. Canby has issued an order, re voking all orders restraining or putting a condition on the sale or transfer of lands in Louisiana. —The American Christian Missionary Society met in Cincinnati on Wednesday. Gen. Beauregard is to be Superinten dent of the New-Orleans and Jackson Railroad. The press of Texas does not approve of negro suffrage as expressed in ex-Postiuaster- General Reagan's letter. —Strenuous efforts are being made by friends of John Mitehel for his release from Fort ress Monroe. —The steamer Huntress from Louisville for New-Orleans, with an assorted cargo of 350 tuns of freight, consisting in part of cement, whisky, flour, tobacco, stores, Ac., sank on Sun day morning near the month of Cash Creek, three miles above Cairo. The boat was valued at §3O - and can probably he saved without serious damage. She has six feet of water on her deck, aft the boilers. —Alexander H. Stevens was entertained at a private dinner in Boston on Monday week, at which he declared his intention of supporting the President's reconstruction policy "to the full ex tent of his ability aud usefulness." -—The following State officers have been certainly elected in Mississippi : Swan. Auditor . Echols, Treasurer ; Braugher, Secretary of State ; Hooker, Attorney-General ; West, Peyton, Rey nolds and Harrison, to Congress. The bodies of an adult woman and two girls, aged 10 and 15 years, killed by the recent disaster on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, are still unclaimed. They are supposed to be resi dents ofLivermore Falls, Me. —The Mississippi State Convention met and organized on Monday week. Gen. S. J. Gholsou of Monroe was chosen chairman. Gen. Humphreys was inaugurated Governor in the evening. —At Helena, Arkansas, not a single case of actual want exists among the freedmen. New Yolk ship-owners are taking steps to prevent themselves being swindled by parties who evade paying the foreign freight dues. —Wendell Phillips has been making a speech in New Y'ork, in which he denounced both President Johnson and General Banks, and said the Republican party was dead. His subject was : •' The South Victorious." —Commodore Lynch, formerly of our, hut lately of the rebel service, is dead. Havana advices say that the only ves sel President Geffrard had to blockade the rebels at Hay Li has been captured. —Cotton is in demand in Savannah. The market has been steadily advancing for some time past. —Murders are of almost daily occur rence in Nashville, Tenn. —W. Gilinore Simms lias retired from the editorial chair of the Columbia. S. C.. I'ha-nir, and is succeeded by W. B. Johnston, Esq. —On the 13th instant an ordinance au thorizing the Legislature to assume the debt con tracted during the war in North Carolina, was tallied in the Convention of that State by a vote o* 63 ayes to 50 nays. The debt is estimated at $40,000,000. —The 3d Pennsylvania artillery is shortly tci he mHstered out. —Governor Hovoy, of Indiana, United Stall's minister to Tern, is in Washington. —ln Nashville, Tenn., all the hospitals for refugees and freedmen, with the exception of four, have been discontinued. These are for the freedmen exclusively, and it is expected that these will shortly l>e abandoned also. —Our English friends seemed to have been disappointed in Washington. Sir Morton Peto expressed great astonishment, and said that they exi*actod to see a handsome city, also much business enterprise, after the fashion of their own capital. —A delegation of clergymen, from Tenn essee are in Washington. They especf to see the President to-day. Many of them are from his own neighborhood, in that State. —A colored woman, with a fortune of s>oo,ooo, advertises in the Paris papers for a hus band. Bradford Towanda, Thursday, October 26, 1865. THE KIiECTIOSf. The official table of the election returns in this County, which we publish* in another column, shows that a portion of the Repub lican voters of the County, failed to cast their suffrages for the nominee of the I niou party for Senator, and voted for Elder SHF.P ARD, the independent or irregular candidate. It is true that the number of voles thus thrown away was small—not sufficient to effect any result at the late election, nor sufficient to influence any pending contest, yet it must be a source of mortification and regret t<> every true Republican to know that even a small portion of the party can be controlled in their actions by the desires and machinations of the Copperhead lead ers, and be alienated even for a short time from proper party affiliation. We know that the great majority of those who voted the Union State Ticket, but re fused or neglected to vote for Mr. LANDON, are sincere and well-meaning Republicans, who could not be persuaded to cast a vote for a Copperhead, and who would not wil lingly do anything to damage the cause, or which would prove detrimental to the prin ciples of the Union party. We think they made a great mistake, and that their action, if persistently followed up, in the end would be fatal to the organization whose object is to advance the ends they certainly desire to see successful. Now that the election is past, and the verdict of the peo ple rendered in such an unmistakable and emphatic manner, the sincere and true men who have faltered this fall, must see that the judgment of the great body of the voters has been contrary to theirs, and they should be ready to lay aside all prejudice and passion, and allow Mr LANDON to be judged by his career as a public man. Cer tainly no man in the County has a stronger ciaim upon the Confidence aud generosity of the people of the District. He might plant himself upon his 2500 majority in the Dis trict, aud defy those who have sought to awaken prejudices against him, or those who have suffered themselves to be influ enced by the c'antors of men whose pleas ure and business it is to decry every true man in the Republican ranks. Such, how ever, we do lot believe, is his desire or in tentiou. Those who have done him injus tice for the past, will be obliged by his faithfulness and ablity in the Senate,to con fess their error, and fasten the fault, where it justly belongs, upon the selfish and inter ested demagogues, who have endeavored to injure him, for their personal aggrandize ment. Whilst we have no desire to say an un kind word, to those who were misled in their opposition to any position of the tick et, we cannot but feel,that the leaders in the movement should be proclaimed outlaws, and placed without the pale of the party or ganization. The men who concocted the scheme to devide the Republican party,have no sympathies in common witli that party. They do not hold its principles in estima tion—they hang on to the skirts of the party for mischievous purposes, and the sooner they cast off' all pretentions to be long to the organization, the better it will be for the party. Their sympathies are with the Copperheads, and they are ready at any time to confer and consul with the Democratic leaders, in devising plans for the defeat of Republican candidates. They do not care how deadly a blow they may strikf at Republican principles, if they can only gratify their malice toward some prom inent Republican, whose zeal and abilitj' has made him conspicuous. We are glad to know that the voters understand these men thoroughly and that their power to do mischief has become small. FOREIGN NEWS. —The Scotia, which left Liverpool on the 7th, and Queeustown on the Bth inst., arived at New York Thursday morning. Denials continue to be published by per sons who were included in the list of alleg ed holders of bonds in the Confederate Loan. Only Mr. Lindsay confesses having suffered a loss of several hundred pounds. Fenian ism was still an engrossing topic in the Irish Provinces. Rumors of suspi cious cruisers hovering about the coast were circulated not only in the South but in the County Donegal. Precautions were adopted to prevent the clandestine landing of arms or sympathizers, should an attempt be made, which after present events was considered extremely improbable. The strictest survillauce was kept over all Amer ican vessels which touch at Queenstown. The luggage of the passengers is carefully searched before they are allowed to land. The American correspondent of The London Times states that. Sir F. Bruce had asked Mr. Seward for au explanation of the va rious Fenian movements in all parts of the country. The Queen had approved of a Royal Com mission for investigating the cattle plague. They are fully to investigate the origin and nature of the cattle plague, to ascer tain the best mode of treatment, and to consider the regulations calculated to pre vent the spread of the disease and any further outbroak. The cholera has made its appearance at Altenbtfrg, Germany. the Conservative meeting in Lex ington, Ky., on Monday evening, to express . thanks to President .Johnson for removing i martial law from the State, the President was indorsed as to his reconstruction pol -11 icy, but no further Gen. Huston made an intemperate speech, urging his Conserva tive friends to prosecute the Union men who had interfered with their rights, A*c. He also opposed the Board of Trade ap -1 pointed by Gen. Brudridge. The meeting applauded everything hut the emancipation of tiie negroes. On thai point they were I very cold. THE NEW STATE SENATE AND ASSEMBLY, SENATE. Sptakf?- -If: vid Fleming, of Daupliiu. Districts. I Philadelphia—Jeremiah Nichols ;U. II " Jacob E. Ridge way ; U. HI *' DM Donovan : D. IV " GeoComiell: U. V Chester, Dels\v. . e and Montgomery—W Wor tliington ; P. Horace Royer : U. VI Bucks—O P James ; D. VII Leliigh and Northampton-—Geo BSohall: D. VIII Berks—Hiester Clymer ; D. IX Schuylkill—Wm M itandall; D. X Carbon. Monroe, Piko and Wayne—H. B. Beardslee : D. XI Bradford, Susquehanna and Wyoming—Geo Landon ; U. XII Luzerne —L D Shoemaker : U. XIII Potter, Tioga, McKann and Clinton—War ren Cowles ; IT. XIV Lycoming, Union and Snyder—J Walks; IX XV NoVthnmberlund, Montour, Columbia and Sullivan— David B Montgomery : D. XVI Daupbin and Lebanon—D Fleming : V. XVD Lancaster —B Champneys : U., J M Dun- Lip : C. XVIII York and Cumberland A Hiestaiwl Glatz : D. XIX Adams and Franklin—C M Duncan : IX XX Somerset, Bedford and Fulton—George W Householder; U. XXI Blair, Huntingdon, Centre, Mifflin, Juniata and Perry—L W Hall ; U., Kirk Haines ; U. XXII Cambria, Indiana and Jefferson—General Harry White ; U. XXIII Clearfield, Cameron, Clarion, Forest and Elk —W A Wallace ;D. XXIV Westmoreland, Fayette and Greene —Jas Latta : D. XXV Allegheny—J L Graham ; IT., T J Big huui : U. XXVI Washington and Beaver—W Hopkins; I). XXVII Lawrence, Butler and Armstrong—Rev 15 Andley Brown : U. XXVIII Mercer, Venango and Warren— Thomas Huge ; U. XXIX Crawford and Erie—Morrow BLowry ; U. Union Senators ~ .20 Opposition Senators 13 Union JLijority 7 It is believed that Mr. Couaugliy, the I uion candidate in the Nineteenth di -triet may beeh-cf. ,1 by the soldier's vote, wh:ch wilt gi"e a Union - jority ot eight. ASSEMBLY*. PHILADELPHIA. FAYETTE. 1 Geo W Gliegan :U. Ch is E Boyle :D. 2 W H Ruddimnn ; U. UP.EEKE. 3 Samuel Josepns : D. i l'homas Rose ; D. 4W W Watt; U. HUNTINGDON, nn FUN AND 5 Joseph T Thomas ; I . JUNIATA. (■ Jas Freeborn : F 'Epbraim Baker ; I*. 7 James Sobers : TX James M Brown : U. 8 James N Kerns ;U. INDIANA AND WFSTMOBE y Geo A Quigley ; 1' LAND. 10 Elisha W Davis ;L . George E Smith ; I". 11 F 1) Sterner : U. J 1! McAfee : I". 12 Alex Adir ; C. jJas MeElroy ; U. 13 Jas Donolly: D. ! LANCASTER. 14 Francis Hood ; U. K W Slieuk ; U. 15 G DeHaven Jr ;U. j Charles Demies ;U. 16 D A Wallace ; U. David Wood; U. 17 Ed G Lee ; U. ' Juo M Steliman ; U 18 Jas N Marks ; i I.KBANON. ADAMS. ; Jacob 15 Meily ; U. Phillip L Houck : U. LEHIGH. .ALLEGHENY. N WeiSCT t D. Geo T McKee ; U. 'James F Kline ; D. Hans B Heirou ; U. LYUOMING, UNION AND SNY- Alfred Slack ; U. DER. David Shaffer; IT. . Sam'l C Wmgard ; U. John P Glass : U. Isaac Rothrock : I*. John A Danks : I*. !D A Irwin : U. ARMSTRONG. LUZERNE. F Meechlin ; U. Anthony Grady ; D. BEBKS. D F Seybert; D. John Missimer ; D. D S Koon : D. H B Roads ; D. MERCER, LAWRENCE and Fred Harner : D. BUTLER. BUCKS. Josiah McPlierrin ; U. Luther Calvin : D. J II Negley : I*. F W Headman ; D. Sam'l McKinley ; I T . BRADFORD AND st LLIVAN. Henry Pillow : U. Lorenzo Griimell : I*. MONTGOMEBY. G W Kinney ; U. .A D Markley ; IX BLAIR. E L Satterthwaite ; IX Joseph G Adlum ; U. NORTHAMPTON. CAMBUIA. Oliver H Myers ; I). Cyrus L Pershing :D. TD Barringtou ;D. CARBON AND MONROE. J NORTHUMBERLAND. Allen Craig ; D. Charles W Tharp ; D. CENTRE. PERRY AND FRANKLIN. Fred Knrts ; D. George A Sherman ; U. CLARION AND JEFFERSON. N S Stambuugh ; U. W W Barr : D. SCHUYLKUJ CLEARFIELD, ELK AND FOR-; Kennedy Robinson: P. EST. -J M Crosland : I). Dr RC! Early : Ind I). P F Collins :D. CLINTON, CAMERON AND j SOMERSET, BEDFORD AND MKEAN. FULTON. E B Eldred ; I). Moses A lioss ; C. CHESTER. | D B Armstrong ; U. N d Sharpless ; U. ' SOSQITEHANNA AND WYOM- W B Waddell ; V. ma. N A Pennypacker : I'. P M Osterhout :U. CRAWFORD. J T Cameron ; U. J C Stnrtevant; T T . TIOG.A AND POTTER. Geo H Bemus : U. Wm T Humphrey ; U. COLUMBIA AND MONTOUR. John S Maun ; U. W H Jacob ; D. VENANOO AND WARREN. CUMBERLAND. W N Whanii ; U. Phillip Long ; P. j Harrison Allen : TJ. DAUPHIN. |WASHINGTON AND BEAVER. Jeremiah Seller : U. James R Kelly ; U. H B Hoffman; U. Joseph C Welsh; U. DELAWARE. jMathew S Quay ; U. EUwood Tyson ;U. ! WAYNE AND PIKE. ERIE. iWm >1 Nelson : I). 0 S Woodward ; U. j YOUK. D B McCreary ; U. , James Cameron ; D, A S Lawrence : p. The majority of the Pemocratic candidates in Luzerne is so small that the soldier's vote may elect the Union candidates. Union Members 66 Pemocratic 3d Independent Democrat .1 Union majority 32 Union majority on joint ballot 3!) Three of the Senators elected occupied the same honorable position during the last three years, and of the successful Representatives fifty-eight were members of the House last winter. OFFICIAL, VOTE FOR SENATOR, The following is the official vote for Sen ator in this District : Landon. Nhepard. Susquehanna, 318!) 11)51 Bradford, 4476 2094 Wyoming, 1114 1310 8779 6555 Landon's majority, 2525 The Union Executive Committee of the State of Ohio have issued an address to the Union voters,iu which they announce the gratifying result of the recent election. Although lull official returns have not yet beeu received, and little is known as to the vote of the soldiers still in the Held, the Committee are already enabled to state that the Union State ticket has been elected by a majority ranging from 28,000 to 30,000, without the soldiers' vote. This gives to the Sta-te a Union Governor, Lieutenant Governor, State Treasurer, two Supreme Judges, Attorney-General, School C'ommis sioner, Member of the Board of Public Works, and Clerk of the Supreme Court. The Legislature of Ohio stands as fol lows : Of the 37 members of the Senate, 25 are Union, and of the 105 members ol the House, 68 are Union, and the election of at least two more by the soldiers' vote is confi dently expected, making 70 Union members in the House, and giving the Union party two-thirds iu each branch, and a majority on joint ballot of 48. " THE TRES*, 1 ' published by John \V. For ney at Philadelphia, appears in quarto form enlarged to the size of the Sow York dai lies. It is with pleasure that we note this evidence of the prosperity of this able and influential journal. Mr. FORNEY has built up with his own pen a business in the PRESS, which has become profitable in a pecuniary point of view, while the value of iiis labor to the Union cause has been in calculable. We commend " Thr. Pre s "to the patronage of those desiring a Philadel phia daily. OFFICIAL RETURNS OF THE ELECTION HELD OCTOBER 10, 1865. . - . _ -g i S) j— H | "C ■ft > ft I i -ii I • i ,i• i;i i;i ts.'l ' £ I | ! I-; % Z ! ° E • s : ? i > if. • y o ■v. ■ J B •" 5 ' I s g j 1 Li: f : 1 I 5 ! i J EL j ft "8 ■ : | f ( 2_ _| a = ittt '§ ! $ 1 ~ 1 1 * ? p > *i I!= •5° I S § 5• I , I * * H p. I ° :S g ,r 2 as ss - T ff * 1 P g; ■?s l >• ! f- ' .SC 'a: < ft c = a■ or * rig ss B „ •! * a'? ?i Ps h. ?. TOWNSHIPS. 5 y > 1,32 5i B j Ij.||!Sl? 's)l ■ ■ r5 f{ ? '3f l '§ ! ? 3' S 5 2• 7. £'B■S'| ■a: r , . a j := r p. !pjg S!T '•'• j • ?*j' f Armenia 49- 6 0; 49 44 i 4 SO 50 0 C 4f 8 49, 8; 561 4* 7 41) Albany I 96, 44 10, 44! 100 l 100 ! 58 109 109' 42* 42! 109 451 109 43 153= 106 44' 106 Asylum 85. 93. 64 !iS 85, 72 ! Job 94 84 1)4 94 *2 93 75 102 177! 82 90 83 Athens two ... 109 155j list, u#; no 7s, 191 119, lis, 160 161, 119, 1601 10S, 166 178, 119, 168, 119 Athens boro\.. ! 08' 41; 68 40 66* 10 97 5' 67 44 40 64 37. 00 45 103 65' 37 C 3 A'ba boro' 1 34 , 33 34, 19 17: 34i 34 | ! 33! | 311 4 35! 341 i 34 Burliugtou twp. 138 24, 133 23 136! 115 42 138, 138, 24 24 i 134 23 130| 21 164 133 231 133 " boro" 32 10 1 32 11 29 i 17 27 311 33 11 11 43 2 17' 26, 42 29 11 j 29 West.l 75 42; 75 40 93 75 02 92, 92 42' 42 96 ! 38 87 47 12m 89 30 91 Cautuu tw|i 207! 32 223 32 239 172 96 ' 240 240 31 31 223 29, 22„ 41 272 236 2s' 234 •' boro'.. 921 7 87 o 91 61' 42 90 92 7 7, 94, 3 86; 13 jol; 89 7 92 Columbia , 133 60. 138 63' 136 113' 90 130! 131 66 66! 137 62 123 S3 105, 134 65 133 Kntnklin lis 63 117 52 llu 110 39 lH'.i 116 oil 51 1171 52 119 53i 157! 117 51! 118 Cranviile. ... 1-3 26 185 25 183 147 72 176 176 26, 26 184 27 181 3- 211, 17-i 251 182 Herriek ' 158 26 : 158 27 156' 154 29 157' 157 26 26 156 26 152 30 if; 2: 145 27 155 Li-Hoy 14- 27; 154 27 153 154 33 157 157 28 28' 144 36 145 25 |?s 136 26 136 Litcbtield 106, 84! Los 85, 110 84 94 110 110 84; 84, 111 S3j U0- -8.1 j<,4. lo7i 841 108 Leßaysville .... 51 8; 50 in 55! 46 13 54 54 8! s, 52 - 45 to 61 53 7 ati Monroe twp | 139! 29 136! 38' 139 130 1 37' 139; 139 38 1 38 13tl 39' 136 40 |7y 139; 39 136 boro 36, 13 3- is I 3- 26, 2" 3- 5- 1.3 13; 3s 13, 34 15 511 38 I3j 37 Orwell 204 21 203 21 207 1-4 50 2031 206 21 21 204 19. 196 25 227 206 2o 200 Overton 21' 34' 22 32 21 16 36 ! 22' 22 32 32' 20 32 22 34 55 23 32 22 Hike.. 202; 17, 212 17' 213 194 39 2H : 215! 16 16' 213 l 2 : -' -3' 225' 213 15! 200 Ridgbury 222 4t.j 117 46 126 123 47, 126 126! 47 47; 166 i 47 12- 4*ll 175, 125! 47 123 Rome twp 142 3D 1 142 29 144 I3'j! 33 141 142 2'J 24 142 50 143 29 17 1 144 30 139 '• boro' j 2-5 14: 3n, 14 37' 35 lftl 37, 37' 13 13 36; 13 3-1, 14 so| 35' 14 35 Sniithlield 2,,7 S3; 254 sol 263! 233 lo2| 25-' 25 .86 86' 262, hsj 261, 8 346 2611 en 261 Spriugtii'l"* .. 1--,; 91 1-01 9. 2931 l-o lio, 204! 24 91 93. I'-", 04; 19. 94 200 .no 95; 191 .S 111b Creek.. 1' l-j -2, 1- -2' 67 1 32 --'! -2 I I-' IN N '*' 1" 62 1-, s-< ~VI v .111.1. 3,,; 7| 3-' .j 3. 30 1 j 32j 52 7 | 3.! i 32' -! ~ i 32! 7; 32 >l.esU'-.| ill . ; |;. 84 18,, 1 1 0 |9I ' I.' 7--,' 1■ ; '••! 2 . 1.4, "4 It ' Bto ,r. I I'l.J 4 ; 7 13 117 11 II 1,2 11 2 4>, 13! 4 lib .6 .36 il-.j 4. I'eriy . .. ; -71 72' -,j 72 -it s2i - -I 7" 72' h -t' 7 7.1; 15 ) -3 ! 76 '-2 lowjudalwp 4 1 47 4- 4, 49, 17 531 4 7 47 47, 47 041 4' 12 51; 9. j 4.11 47, 47 boro' . 17.-,' 121' lii 117 1-3 11 . ;, : 171 17. 11. 11- 20- -5. 1-7! to !2 4 174 H'7 1.3 ! 4 ' 4.1 42 L, 45! 34 54' 4 1 4 1 2 25 4 1 24 . 32 ,I, 4. 25 i 41 Troy twp , 17-, 74 IN-| 7.4 1-4 ibii 1-., I-.; 72 72 l-'j t. lie /.-• 124 17J 73. ISO l'mj b, in'. ' 10. 3:1 HI 39 il 94 120' 111., 4oi 4 ! tit ■' Jo| lob 105, 71b jI Ma 'I U.-caroi 1 117' 32 11-' 32 1 12, 1 Si, 7' 12 12 3.' 32, 120 ■! ' 4i i.,2 12. ( 31 i2s Ulster : 1 71! 9..j 7| 95. s- 9 0 ' 69 6-j 159 "5 6')! 9- VV..IIt'll 16i. 31 I- •• 3s 17 >i l7Hj lil 72 1 7 3-' 172. 3iti 3,1., Hi.. il l 174 Wmdliiim , 7-> I .5' 7- Hi. 1 12, I 104 7 75, i• ' •=' 'O4 7" j 104 IVju using. . i 173! ,i !73! •!,. i7 ■ 13. 1. I 172 172 9.. 9* |T! 9 '1 ' 124 269 1 71,' 95: 175 A.SOX . ... 10(1 102 i'-y 102 |t.i -5 1:2 HI 101 I :t|: !•!: j It! 1 .09 lob) I lOlti 10 , ioU Well* 75; |u2' "4, lor 75 75 9. 7- 7u 1-jll 99j 75. it 10l 177j 75 SO-; 74 W.lnert ...... J ittyj io! H6J 53! in l Wlj 57' lo- 1081 S4j 1 106! t6| Si 1581 lOtf! 531 io=> Total .. ~,242 23"! olnbL 6 .1 I ">503 ; 447U!29.,3 1 i 290.5 i-9-22:1,227i ].. ;o3 2 2587; 1332|51981223; , | , 310 Char V good deal oi excitement prevails in Kentucky over tiie removal of martial law, anil th-r" will no doubt soon be a con flict between tlie civil and military author ities. Negroes hired on military passes are being discharged, and nil contracts made between masters and slaves are deemed as at an end. Owners are prepar ing to reclaim their slaves, and all absent on military passes will no doubt be hunted up, driven back to their former masters and set to work. Judge Pearl, of Whitley County, is reported to have decided that the law of Congress, of March 3, 1865, is unconstitutional, and to have ordered a black woman, who is the wife of a soldier, to be sold as a slave. Gen. Brisbin has ordered the arrest of Judge Pearl for vio lating the United States law. aSk, Returns of official and estimated ma jorities have been received from about fif ty counties in lowa, which show an aggre gate majority for the Republican State ticket of twelve thousand. It is ex pec tad that the counties yet to be heard from will swell the majority to sixteen or seventeen thousand. Copperheads counties are very rare in lowa. Among the fifty counties from which re ports have been received, we find no more than six which gave a democratic majority. The General Assembly will, therefore, be largely Republican in both branches, thus securing the election of two United States Senators—one for tiie vacancy occasioned by the resignation of James Harlan, and one for the full term of six years from tho 4th of March, 1867. e&" Montgomery Blair spoke at the Democratic meeting at New York, last week, in favor of the candidates of a party that lias steadily and cruelly slandered Abraham Lincoln, who made him Postmas ter General, and Andrew Johnson, whose coiiliifi tici* lie professes to enjoy. A surer promise of a Union victory in the Empire State, on the Bth ot Noveinhea, could not be desired. tfoy- flie statement of th • death of 11 • u. George V. Lawrence, Union niemfiei elect fof the \\ ashiugtoi! (Pa ) district, is con tradicted. His e.omiietitor lor tiie nomina tion for Congress, lion. Thomas Cunning ham, of Beaver, died some months ago, and a more upright and conscientious patriot never lived. GENERAL LEE TAKESTHE AMNESTY OATH Among the amnesty oaths just filed at the State Department is that of Robert E, Lee, subscribed to on the 2d inst. That all the world may know what this man promis es for the future, we give the oath entire.— It is the same oath required from " any other man." OFFICE OF NOTARY PCBUC. ( ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY, VA., Oct. 2, 1K65. ) I, Robert E. Lee, of Lexington, Ya., do solemly swear, in presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully sup port, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Union of the States thereunder ; and that 1 will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existing rebellion with reference to the emancipation ol slaves, so help me God. (Signed) R. K. LEK Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2d dav ot October, A. D. 1865. ('HAS. A. DAVIDSON. Notary Public. Virginia is fast recovering from the terrible effects left upon her by the war. But few traces are now seen upon the re nowned battlefield of Bull Run. At Ma nassas Junction the fortifications have near ly disappeared, a scarcely distinguishable line alone marks their existence. At I'ris tow the graves of the fallen rebels are lev elled witli the ground, and the ties of the long line of stockades from Bark's station to the Rapidan, have been made into rail road tics. From Alexandria to Culpepper, however, the country is still barren, almost a desert, but at Orange Court House npw houses and fences now fill the places of tfiose destroyed. The Orange and Alexan dria Railroad is being put in repair. The Hon. Kroeman Glurke, says a Washing! on dispatch to the Xew oi l. l ri ' buue, peremptorily ordered Governor Pier pout, of Virginia, to leave lii olHee at the i Treasury on account of littering disloyal i sentiments. The language used in part , was : "We people of the south never will , submit to being taxed to pay the Union war debt. We never will st;iiid it, sir," I etc. .WHY JEEP. DAVIS IS HOT TRIED (From the Tribune) WASHINGTON, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1563. During the intervi w, on Friday,bet ween ; the President and t: <: South Carolina dele- i gates he said that, if treason lias been com- ! init ed, there ought to be some test by the !, highest tribunal as to the power of the j government to punish the crime, in order ! to assert the vindication of the Government j and the Const.tutiou, even if the Executive clemency should thereafter be exercised. This repetition J his intention certainly j does not comport with the assertion- of at j least one newspaper correspondent (and i which have been extensively published), i that "the President has no idea of bring-1 ing Jefferson Davis to trial." The delay j lias certainly not been the fault of Ihe Ad- j ministration, nor is there any reason to be- j lieve that the desired test has been abuu- j doned. It is known that it is the business j of the Judiciary, and not of the Executive, i to initiate proceedings in the premises ; but j there is a difference of views among jurists, j and the opinion lias been advanced that, in ! the present unsettled condition of tiie South- j era States, which are still under martial law, in one of which the trial would have j to take place, no general peace having j been proclaimed, additional legislation by j Congress may become necessary ; and, j further there would not be time enough be- j tween now and the first Monday of Decern- j her to try the ease, for at that period tlie i Justices of the Supreme Court of the United j States will commence their regular term ! at the Capital. Whatever may be the ulti mate disposition of Jefferson Davis and others, this appears to be the present eon- j dition of the important subject. It will be recollected that during the Conspiracy Trial two printers, employed in the office of The S< hnu Dispatch, testified that George W. Gale was the author of an j advertisement which appeared in The J)js- \ patch, soliciting contributions to the amount j of $1,000,000, with which to procure the assassination of President Lincoln and cer- I tain iiietibers of bis Cabinet. Gale was in ! Washington when the testimony was given, j and had engaged counsel to conduct his ' ca-e, in the event of his trial in Washington. But lie removed S nith. alien* he his! ev r since* irii in eontiiienient. Rpce iDy ' the President ordered that !n be trnnslerrcd ■ to a civil, instead of a military, court for' trial, in Alabama. DI.-A-TI R AT SKA. —The steamer Atlanta, w litis) on mi way Hon New t)i cans to > New \ork, was lost at sea on Saturday, tiie 14th, vvlo'st in latitude 3d noli 3 deg., longitude 72 mi * 13 dog. jiu* hud <>u board seventeen p. singers and thirty-five o! a crew. On Fi iy tlie 13th. she sprung a leak and althongu i n* pumps were work ed freely she rapidly filled with water. — Oil Saturday night he water had reached the tires, extinguishing them. She soon commenced to sink and the waves to heat over her. Captain A'illiams then lowered the boats, but with me exception all were swamped. The wl le one contained four of the crew, and before tlie lady and other passengers were able to get in it the ship separated in three parts, precipitating all on board into the waves. Some clung to pieces of the wreck ; but only four, three of the crew and one passenger, are known to have been sa\ ed. These were on a raft ; from Saturday night to Tuesday morning i before they were rescued by the bark An derson. It is probable tlie rest were drown- ! od ' - - —~- I HE LINCOLN MONUMENT FIND. —The addi : tioual subscriptions received at the olfiee i of the Illinois State treasurer, in Spring- | field, to the 14th, for the National Lincoln Mouurjiept Fund, amounted to $116,98. Governor Uglosby, of Illiuois, lias received a very cordial letter from the Governor of , Wisconsin in response to his appeal on be j half of the Monument Association. liis j Excellency states that the object of tlie so ciety has his warmest approval, and that lie will present the same to the Legislature i of his State, and otherwise assist its fur therance in every possible manner. The Titusvillc Herald says an ex- I perienced Colorado miner lias discovered in a spur of the Allegheny Mountains, about ; forty miles west of that place, an extensive lode of gold-vearing quartz, specimens of which have been sent to New York for an- I ;i lysis, and which an* said to contain, for j 1 surface specimens, a fair per rentage of gold. Some excitement has already been ! produced by the discovery. ; _ WSSL. L'hipman on Satur | day plosed bis argument for the prosecution j in the W it/, trial, confining himself to the j charge of murder, which crime, he conten i di d, had been committed in 18 instances .j by tlip prisoner's own bauds. At the con clu. iuu pi (Jul. Uliipijptp's speech, the Coijrt presided at a private examination of tho physical condition of the accused, at the I a Iter's request. Tlie Commission then vent into secret session. HE who raises the devil conjures up a master and not a servant. fnts. "Yi" ISS | S UPHA MS, DRESS MAKERS, TOWANDA, PA. Over Eddy's Clothing Ktore, 3d Story, offer their ser vices to the Ladies, confident that a long experience .and the mo.-t desirable lacilitie?, with promptness and cour tesy will (tiSiire satisfaction. The latest lashions received regularly from Madame Demorest's shop, New York. Particular attention paid Basqnining. Stitching done to order. Oct. 24, w. j. tr.T.YN'S OYSTER SALOON, (Formerly Ijnighlin's) Under Chamberliu's Jewelry Store, west of Public Square, Main Street Oysters by the thousand, hundred or disii. Families and dealers supplied on short tennis. Give ue a ceil. Oet. 24. 1865. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of Exceptions to the Final account of H. C. Hnird, Assignee of Farmer's Union Insurance Co. No. 155 Sept. Term, 1865. In the Court of Common Pleas of j Bradford County. The undersigned an auditor appointed by said Court upon exceptions filed to the final account of H. C.Baird, As-igtiee of the Farmers' Union Insurance Co., will at' tend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in To wanda boro", ou Saturday, November 25, 1865. at one i o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons inter- : ested can attend if they think pioper or be forever debarred Irom the same. G. D.MONTANYE, Oct. 23, 18C5. . Auditor, j U TRAVEL)—From the enclosure of the ; subscriber, in Ridgbury twp, on or about tbe llltb ' iust.. a large white COW, about "J yea s old, wi b black j spots about the head, and a crook in the tail. One real ; bis been lost. Aj J information concerning said Cow : will be tliaukf'uliy eceived and liberally rewarded. Oct. 24, lsG5. B. W. WHITE. yyr yAL USI N G ACADE kY . | A. H. GODHII ILK, t. 8., I'rini-ipal. Winter term commences Nov. i 3, 18G5, andconitn t ues 12 neeks Common Fnglish bracches ft 00 j tl igber .... ..... -, 5 00 I ire • • lake pleasure in announcing Uui they : hii i .i <• , eiieic ed and aecnmplisbed in • • a* i the Academy. No pains w.ii •.* spar ed t - io.u- na seliaoi secmd > none iu tin- tOaaty.'J ant. rooms tut bearuing inav oe ba<. ai le.-Oii *G; +nws. H. GAYM'iRD. Pre.-'t. A. uKwis, Hec'y. Uct. 2;;, is6s. I HP IIE NATIONAL INK C.O.'S SCHOOL N1 > COUNTING ROOM INKS. Business office 184 Washington Street, New York. I C. L.VAN ALLEN. Actuary. This Ink has been in general and constant use for the last 2u se is,and is warranted to be all that we as.-ci t of it, 1. It is indelible. 2. it will nut corrode the pen. 3. It flows wiih perlect lacdiiy.a line never is broken, i 4. It wiil not collect on tbe penjnor rnouthjol tbe sta d; j all this is warranted. This Writing Fluid is black with ■ a rich aud glossy tint oi blue. i ins Ink is lor sale, wholesale and retail, by SOLO MON STEVENS, Uerrickville, Bradfoid County, Pa. j Oiuers filled on snort notice. | Oct. 23 1065. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE—By virtue of unorder issued out of "he Orphan's Court of Brad j ford County, the undersigned, administrator of the es ' tatc of J ".Mali Stanton, late ol Litchfield twp., dee'ed, will seli on the premises on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, , 18G5, at 2 o'clock p m., the following lot. piece or par ; i d oi land, situate iu Litchfield twp., bounded and de j scribed as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of Oliver Everson, OB the east ! by lands of said Oliver Everson and James Randolph, | and on the south by said James Randolph, and on the west by lands of Wright Snyder Containing 59| acres be tbe -sine more or less, about 20 acres improved .with a smail log house thereou. TERMS.—S2S lo be paid on tbe property being ! struck down, and the balance on final confirmation of ; sale, WM. SNYDER, Oct. 20, lsG5. Administrator. I IST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN -LJ the Post Offi -c at Towanda, Pa., tor the week end i ug Oet. 21, 1865 : Abrams E T Mann Phillip J Brown flalsev Mrs. Peck B S Brock Maria H ! Ranb Geo. W j Harney Thomas Ross George ' Clark Jas. L Mrs. Robinson \\'m. 4 1 Cormick Thomas <Swayze Anrelius J. i Foster R H Capt. Shepard Erastus j Hanford Henry Stoll Harriet ; Jones Mary Thompson Wm. : Kymer M S Williams Donahue & Co. : LanghliuJohu j Yeeder Henry Unt H B *3" Persons calling for any'of the aliove letters will | please say "Advertised." S. W. ALVORD, Oct. 23 , 1865. Postmaster. ORPHAN'S CODRT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out ol the Orphan's Court of Brad , lord County, tbe undersigned, administrators of tbe es tate of Jonathan Jackson, late of Canton twp., dee'ed, will sell on the priraises.ou SATURDAY", NOV. 18,1865, at 1 o'clock p. m.. the following lot, piece or parcel ol land, situate in Canton twp,, bounded and described as j follows, to wit : Begiuning at an ironwood tree, it being the south east corner thereof, on the side ot the Williamsport and ; Klmira lUihoad, thence north 87J°, west 74 per. to a i post, the corner of the Whipple lot; thence north on j the line of .said Whipple lot I°, east 173 per. to a post j on tbe line o! James Rockwell's lot ; thence by the line . of the name, and other lands, south 97°, e ist 78 per. to ; -i dry hemlock for a corner ; thence south 3° west by ! lands ot Taylor A McLelland 173 per to tbe place ot he ginning. Containing 82 acres aml 25 perche-i of land, . ne the -ame more or less. TERMS —450 to be paid ■ u the property ta-,ng siiock ! duaii. $450 mi cantirmati HI ol salt, ibe balance in two equal ana al instalment.- with in'-rrest .nun cnlii nation ' iii-l payiueut t" be made one year from -n'd coiiiinua ! linn. JOHN LII.LKY. K.VCrIE I. vN HON. llct. 20. 18C.5. Adniinistraiors A I DITOK'S N OTICE.— In the mailer of .uit., -/ f the r lalt oj Jo rj.h Ire iu the CuUrt , •no ii ie.'. EluUiord Couuey, No. 4GGJ .llsy j 11 rui 164 The , . n r.signed, an auditor, uppoiuted to d'stribu e tie lUoiiiea in tne bauds ol ai'UiiuUU-e raised iniui •y Uie suie ei Joseph Etp real eslaie, wib at lend lo ; llie unties ut uis appolulmeiit at ills olfice, fo tbe | borough ol Towanda, ou Friday, the 24 b (l a y ol No i veiuner.A D., tsoo, at t o'clock p. in., and all persons | having claims upou said monies must present tbeiu, or j else be forever debarred trom the same. BENJ. M. PE K. j Oct. • 1865, Auditor. A DMINISTH ATO R'S NOT IC E.—Notice I A js hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate ol UliLlH S, BROWN, dee d, late ol Orwell twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those i having demands against said estnte will present them ! duly authenticated lor settlement. A G.MATHEWS, Oct. 2G, 19(15. Administrator. AL TION.—THEODORE RF.RT, a boy inden- J tured to the subscriber, fias run away. I hereby i forbid all persons harboring or Irusti ng him on an ac | count. OWEN PARk. Lticnfield, Oct. 22 18 65. JJEW' GOODS ! NEW GOODS f I 'Hie undersigned having puicliesad the property for meily owned by B. F. Buck, Bendy Creek, Pa., contain ing n store thereon, takes this opportunity of aunonnc | ing to the public, that he has returned from Nsw York with a complete stock ol every thing usually found in a country store and of the best quality that could be found in market ; which was bought cheap for cash and will be sold lor a small profit. No credit will be given under any circumstances whatever. Deeming the ready pay system to be to tie interest of both the dealer and 1 consumer. Farmer's produce taken iu exchange fin goods at market price. v ' ' The stock consists ot Dry Goods and Groceries, Hats and Gaps, Boots and Shoes, Drugs, Kerosene Lamps, Wirks, Oil and Chimneys. Hardware and Pocket Cutlery, Window Glass, Crockery, Tobacco, Snuff, and Cigars, Crackers, Cheese. Nuts and Candy. Flour in Sacks, 1 oldies 'Winter Shawls, Hoods and Nubies. Gentlemen's Wrappers, Drawers and Gloves. Y'ankee Notions, And a large assortment of Ploughs and Plow Points, manufactured by 8. W, Paine,Troy, Pa. Also, a large quantity of Revenue Stamps, of all sizes, kept constantly on hand for the accomodation of the pnblic in general, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Be sure and call at the Old Key Stone Store and judge (or yourselves. The undersigned is lully assured that bis customers will be satisfied with both prices and quality of goods. Accept lhauks for the liberal patronage thps far re i ceived, hoping it may so continqe. J. C. ROBINSON. Bently Creek, Pa., Oct. 23, 1865. T ARGE ADDITIONS ARE BEING COV -LJ stantly made to our Stock of Groceries ; and we have UPV a complpte assortment adapted to the Fall Trade, which we offer lor sale at lo* est market rates. Please call iu and price our goods. Sept. 25. 1865. E. T. FOX- A C'ANAIj BOAT FOR FALE.^-JluvTug *■ no use for said Boat it will be sold cheap. There is also a full set of Furniture which wilt be sold sepa rate or together. Inquire at the store of WICKHAM & BLACK. 1 Oct 9, !Btt3. ' I'owsnd.i, P*. fpOli. SALE.—Several giiod llorses, and Tw o span ol good Mules. Inquire of JOHN HOLMES. Towauda , Oct. 12,1865. Heal (Estate. FARM FOR SALK.-lu w,i mot(owli , adjoining I in da of A. Ely and E. Horton jU, a mile from the .-<nsquehanna river .and about , from the canal, contains HO acre*, ,V> acres 0 | it Ir ' '* food improvement. A good fiamed Uin ari<J f ## kr oiise ; also a young orchard thereon. For •,.T.; rWfl inquire of M. M. Moody, at Frenchtown or't i' : , ar ' at Jugharatown. M. M c J ot.v r Oct. 2, 1865.—4t ,J °"l IjVYKM FOli .SALE.—THE SIB.SCJiJbKh offers for sale a farm rituate on Sugar Creek , mile* trom Towanda boro'. It contains about 12s J, lit) of which are in a good state of cnltivati" n well watered and is a lirat class dairy farm. a "ltho " portions of it are well adapted to grain. 'I here i it, a good dwelling hoose, large harn (the U-st ' township) horse barn, corn house, other ont irm ! ' and orchard. '" if*. One fourth of the purchase money will be require, time of sale, and any reasonable credit will t, e ewe /*' the residue. ULYSSES MKHTU Towanda, Oct. 4, 1865. F~~ ARM FOR SALE.- -THIS i'LACE well known as the Warner Farm, lies in \y v , twp.. on the Susquehanna river, opposite the ' of Towanda and adjoins lands ot M. Laming, Eso.j Morgan, E. Coolbaogh, R. Brown and others." r" tarni contains above 200 acres, of which about 1% cleared. There is a dwelling house, two barna A"; house, and a large orchard of grafted fruit ,t watered with never-tailing springs of water. which is brought to the h mse, and is well adaptK, • a dairy lartn The dwelling house is less than a from iowanda Bridge, i'ersons desirous of pu,' i ! 9. .' a cheap Farm near to a County town, and public i-,.-' tute. would do well to view this plate, as it * positively sold at a very low figure. EDW. OvERTOK Towanda, Sept. 4. 1865, N. B. The person who bought lhi< place !i -! w ■. was unable to comply with ibe terms ,by reaw.n ot.-,',V by the high tresbei iu the rtver. K. ij LVARM FOR SALE.—The JL orl*r* tor oalf h vaiujt>le farm in ¥ ♦ .O 'd iiuiluii.g*. teuce*, Iruii Src. JOHN N C \i.\yv Tow.ifol i, lnl y 0, IWtf, •• v . DESIRABLE FARM FOR sale : Farm lie* in Wy tlo-iug twp., oiio in tie . 'in i tiw u. containing a oout 430 acre-; #5 acre- u,i ( , ri< h superior buildn gs feh i-, .md irrl.l• • v•-mci. l - all Kinds It has a fiur orchard, cou-ie',...' pie-, pea* ties pears, plumbs, cherries ,Ve., grapes g'l'i .i't crr:t.-, cuna.' Ls cc .. iu la' ge ip. ur, i . i KBsiS— 440 per a*-rc. FiiJbu down, liie hut.-.; time. For It.rib r inform itiuu aj>ply :-di* J X t ALIFF Office over P*. ffi.-e, T. wai.iJa, Sent. h. ! srri.—2iu LURM FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCK 1 JL otters tits lyim tor--.lie in the tciroorh o! 1 ville, and con ain- F.'i arrea. airftut OU acres wi'h a large Dwelling H'ui-e—a good epri g ■ near tlie door, a wagoii-n >u.-e. batn auu -heo i; Te'nis uiu :e eu y tot the purchaser. 1.. M. STEVEN;. Leßaysville, Aug. 2d, 1n65.—4t J?ARM FOR SALE. -A GOOD 1 • JL consisting ol 135 acres ol land hand- ■ , ted on the river, about nine miles irom lowai, la. in a good state ot cultivation, with bo:i-e, n, . . and convenient outbuildings, and well water ec. . eu tor sale on favorable lei ma. F-.r pun,-, i: | of the subscrioer at the Banking House ol ft s. . A Co. 11. S. RUr-.-ti. I Towanda, Sept. 25, 1865. POR SALE ON REASONABLE IKK.' - i That valuable property studded with white a hemlock anu other valuable timber ou Brown- K the land when cleared is good for farming Containing 2*o acres, GO ol which is partly i improvements are : 1 good steam saw miii, u ,- with little repairs to the dam can run by Mr., ! barn, and several dwellings around the miii. 1 > ! erty is oDly a lew miles west of Ulster, a g 1 ping point on the North Branch Canal, and Su na River, to a capilaUt this would Ire a valuable k\--- ment. For lurther particulars address PETER BRADY, Agent. Sept. is, 1845. Sparta, Sussex Co., N. JgAGLE HOTEL IN TOWAND.I, FOR HALE. ! Location, ou the south side of the Square, by ue i st- . terian Church. Apply to W. A. PECK, oi-.e. I' I I Block, north side of Square. Vjy Is .fruit £rces, &"r. |q HOICK FRUIT TREE .- THE SI'BSCUIBXH UAS NOW IN UIS |TO W A NBA NURS ERI E - ready for immediate orchard planting. FIFTEEN THOUSAND CHOICE APPLE 1 comprising the following leading and h ■ ■ v A'mg of Tompkins Count//, It agent/, lialdin mon!. '1 alman Sictfting, Roxtiusy 1. land Greening*, sc., and ail the des i iie I. Summer and Fall use. Also a tine assortment of select Cberrie-.P Pears, and a line assortment of Bearing lira; Ymf The pr<iprietor having removed to Wilkes-ildrrr established his nursery business there .make " nr for hitn to close out at an early day bis Towaiid serv Stock. He uow ofiferti this choice stock ol suoerior t;.! at greatly reduced prices— at irua 2 > • cent, cheajier than other nursery-tm n •( e-'n utation. N. U.—NVc wish it o lie parti uiarly uiuii t-b i these Fruit Trees, are of very superior qui'.i'y: are of unusually tine siz*, of he.ilthy pro i a: - tirely ireq trom all disease. •i-We preler that tiiu-e wishing to pur t visit the nurseries and to sel et their ow.i : ■ ibey will iinu re i.ible rneu to wait up n th ru limes F'lire uf .Vi>. 1, Aop'.e Trees, o lot o' " ' ' upwai <f s, I'.O /e> hundred (,N ennd < pti hundi etl, si/ d only to those irh / conn u]ti< -V' . 1 T' ee-, in lo'- It ■ - than .>O, 25 cents uu. . Trier of Chell y. Pear and Plum I''en, art 'j >■' Vines in pevj/oi [ion. DANIEL HAKKINS I'rupfi' All orders should be a' dre-sed t • the E • il 1- ud will is promptly attended u.. Hi-ultbi ... •tar-hall Brother.- Hardware M nr. R. M . WEI.LEH. W Towand l . Sept 2t. lFn.5. ! Q 0< -)l FRl'lT ! LU>UIOUrt ORAIT- The subscriber and bis assisl.uits, while -•* ■' :i -'' taking orders tor tJie choice Apple. Cbeiiy .Vi Pear tree- in the lowntida Nurseries, c 1 - time, take orders lor Fruit and Drnatm a.' tne-. > that must be procured irum elsewhere tu to -*a °' , ' t ' SUPERIOR GRAPE VINES. Much attention is being paid through' - T the propagation arid cultivation of tiiie and Laro tive grapes. Wonderlul improve,uem-in - have been made. The line Foreign Crap' have failed in open air culture in this climate : i is a well known fact that, until within a few yeir- *' have had no native American Grapes equal t. : - Foreign. Such is the tact no longer. The Imj* and lona, particularly, have no superior, i < man, who has room enough to set a vine, c.m a> v - and enjoy as good grapes as his wealthy neigh has a hot-house grapery. S P URIOUS VINES. Manv persons in Bradford have been sadly n s'! Ed in vines—though purchased as improved AIM varieties, they proved to be common sorts, bx.-w - lias demonstrated that cheap or low prl 1 v.. actually tlie dearest. The subscriber lias dele :: profit by the experience of others, and will buy his grape vines from the best sud most " known giape cnltnrist in the Union. I)R. C. W. GRANT, OF ION \. The celebrated originator of the splendid lona am- '• elltt Grapes. ' Vt'e can buy cheaper vines, represented to b _ lona and Israelis, aiid other leading varinw- '.on. nurserymen, but they, if true to name, will • be inferior vines:— use dare not risk the cons c eta" THE BEST VINES AND CHOICEST GRAPP though high priced, are the cheapest It has been found that the vines, of some varit- > like age and size, from some nurseries, are ' worth twice as much for early and productive < 1 as those from others. We will lurnish the Delaware, lona, Israelii an the leading Grapes at Dr. Giant's prices. r , The ION* is the GREELY SIOO PKEttirM GRE R - ■ householder should have one of these lona vines. STANDARD PEAR AND PEACII TRKH AU other fruit and ornamental trees to till order- * j be obtained from a Rochester Nursery of big- 1 r • ; tion, and lumished at the most favorable rates- . The subscriber will have several - - ! who will canvass for orders. We hope the j onr County will favor us with a libera! patronage correspondence promptly attended to. , v -- S Towanda.Oct. 0, ISGS. H >2o LOAXI i Tlie Coupons of the 5-20 Loan due Novem f flOti' I now being paid by the Treasury on l>resenta'' dU ' era in this vicinity can have them cashed at ; ing House of I (A. LRI'4. .G.KOWSEU*S /VM TION. -Wiieivas, my wife, has left my lied and Imard without j'i- L 1 ' , pmvooatio n, all persons are hereGy eatt<" p* harlHiriug or trusting twr on my account, as i no debts oi her contracting. ( pipfiWA* - I Monroe ton, Oct. 9,ISGS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers