gttporte*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. T \M. ML.M'AY, ol YVilliainsport, was >, V ,.J of 81,500, on Monday evening, at the nlic House in that city, by one ofthe light-fing -1 fraternity. Pretty good haul that. J, !SIS The last prisoner of war, who hctu in confinement at Ehnira, left for home Friday last. He belonged in North Carolina. ; MLIUE is RESTEER. lie has been sick in the ..pital for a long time. jgj-jjie Elmita Rolling Mill Co. pay a riiuiiiit tax of over Fifty-live Thousand Dol .uiniun to the U. S. Government. I.ll> l' 11 SULLIVAN FREE PRESS," is the ~t a new newspaper, published at Laporte, s nan county, by JOHN T. BBEWSTER, the first kr of which has just reached us. The paper will printed, and that it will be ably conducted j is no assurance, when we state that THOMAS J. j p. , ;A M is associated in the editorial department, nish the Free Press success. BURGLARY. —The Grocery Store of M. , UK. in I'Db r, was broken into on the night of N , • 2lst. and about sls ill nioimy stolen. MELANCHOLY SUICIDE.—ASA PRATT, of Cau- L tuwusliip, committed suicide on Wednesday . .ruin" last, while laboring under mental abera ",n He hft his house quite early, and went to . . r ist mill, which is near his house, and was , ~,1 soon after dead, hanging by a rope which Kls fastened to a joice. He had apparantly sat on while he adjusted liie rope around his neck | nd tied it to another joice, and then dropped oil', j Mr Pratt was a much respected citizen. He has ...viral years shown occasional symptoms of ., aud frequently ttilked of killing himself, :i | a one occasion attempted to shoot himself. fLi- family and friends are plunged into the deep -t. ■ net by his melancholy and tragical end. HIGHWAY ROBBERY.—E. IICGHSON, Mer chant, of Big Flats, on his way home from his ..tort, on Thursday night last, was attacked by two ruffians, and after a severe struggle was robbed of .j, out four hundred dollars in money and a gold v..itch. He received several severe bruises, none . which, however, are of a serious character. We . i net learn that as yet tiny clue has been obtain . 1, us to who are the perpetrators of the crime.— Adv. SOLDIER'S DISCHARGES.—We learn that - me soldiers have been trying to sell their dis ..urges. These certificates of honorable service ili old never be parted with. Congress may make fa ther provision forour soldiers,and the discharge, , each instance will be the proof which will en title the soldiers to the benefit of such provision, those who may buy them up, expecting to receive ;.y benefit, will be mistaken. It has always been tin policy of Congress to provide for the soldiers themselves, and disregard the claims of their as 's. This policy is not likely to be departed from. The soldier's discharge should be sacredly preserved its an heir-loom in the family. His de mounts should preserve it with pious care. It is i- ,i great deal better than a patent of nobility. SALE.—To be sold at once, a house and Ft. Good bargain offered. JOHN N. CALIFF, Office ever News Room. Sept. G, 18G5.—"2m. A SALT \\ KI.L. —The "Binghamton Petro leum Co.. who have been sinking a well for the past few weeks at Appalaehin, Tioga Co., N. Y., lav last week, at the depth of 295 feet, struck It water, which flows about 200 barrels a day. • have tasted the water, and should think it was ily . salt, clear and pure as the Onondaga salt • ■ lis. W>- learn that the Company intend erecting As. and go to manufacturing salt at once, and t proceed immediately to put down another well an distance from this.— Union Times. b i have been shown a quantity of the salt water from this well by Commissioner BEAKDSI.EE. ! Warren. It certainly has a briny taste sufficient satisfy the most incredulous. It is said that the low from this well is very large. I "WANDA NURSERIES. —Now is the time for ur farmers and lovers of fine fruit-trees and good "tit to buy large stocks of splendid apple trees of the leading and best varieties at very low prices, h an opportunity may not offer again for many •rs. Send in your orders for Standard Pears, : . lies : and all the best and finest grapes, such • Delaware, lowa, Israella, Conard, C'reveling, Hartford Prolific, Diana, Ac. LI. M. WELLES, Gen'L Ag't. LARUE PIMRKIN.— Mr. J. C. RIDGWAY, of Franklin, has left at this office, a pumkin of mon -tcr growth, weighing 77 pounds, and measuring ever so many feet in circumference. According to ! rate calculation, this pumpkin would make 'in thanksgiving pies for a whole township. If any of our subscribers can beat this, we should -sv to hear from them. To EE REMOVED. —l'rovost Marshal Capt. • - e E. Douglas, informs us that he has had unlets from head-quarters, to close out his busi ness f. ,r this district, as soon as consistent, and i it at Harrisburg, for further orders. We are t sorry that "Uncle Bam'' is disposed to lighten burden that has been so heavy, for the past ■t years, and yet we should like very much, to -oc the Captain remain with us. He is of the 1 "'ripe, and 'tis this class we are anxious to i .am ing us. He has many warm friends in vicinity, who will miss him not a little— Ti-oy 1 : 'EV's LADY'S BOOK, the most superb • s Magazine published in America, is at hand. October number contains a beautiful and very usive ii ne engraving, copied from the Car •"' t liaphaeL It represents five highly inter •" scenes in the lives of Paul and Peter. It is worth the price of the Magazine. The Aashion l'lates are numerous and superb. Liter ■■■■ contents, as nsual, of the highest order.— en, YEAR $3,00. L. A. GODEY, Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa. , (i A Petroleum Company from Prairie y t'Lien, M iseonsiu, consisting of O. B. Thomas, ! Fonant, Timothy Wheeler and W. G. Funnan, w erecting a Derrick on the lands of Albert '■ • iii tin township of Athens, l'a., near this •'gi'. for the purpose of testing the great oil "U in this valley. Mr. Funnan, who is a id man in the business, left yesterday for ' ity to procure an engine fur boring purposes, leisures us that a well will be put down iinme- ; V ; "'d the Petroleum question thoroughly lhe well will be near the canal, between •t and Murray Tozer's. We wish the company "A concerned the most abundant success.— " r 'y Advocate. Iho Canal has been repaired below ~ , water was let in last week. Boat itoii' b" 11 c °mmc-nce, and Anthracite Coal be |' fc uu derstand that the mines at , ' ' ue r *'siimed work, and should no break i.i tin- ( anal, at least a partial supply of coal Audits way to market. MARRIED. BLLL. lii Philadelphia, 011 Pridnye veil ing, the 15th inst., by the Rev. E. E. Adams, D. D., Pastor of the North Broad street Presbyl terian Chnrch, Major Joseph T. Pratt, to Miss Annie E. Bell, both of that city. IHOMAS LINDLEY.—Sept. 26, at the house of Mr. Joseph Lindley, by Rev. S. P. (bites, Mr. Chester Thomas to Miss Lorena Lindley, both of Canton. MANLEY—LINDLEY'.—AIso, at the same time and place, Mr. Dolson Mauley, of Alba, to Miss Marion Lindley, of Canton. GAGE—GOODELL.—At Caniptown, Sept. 27,1N(>5, by Rev. S. F. Brown, Mr. A. D. Gage, of Pike, to Miss H. N. Goodell, of YVyalusing. STEVENS —SCOVILLE.—At the residence of the bride's father, in Wyalnsing, Sept 26, 1865, by Rev. David Craft, Mr. Manford Stevens, to Miss Ann E. Scoville, eldest daughter of Dr. Scoville. DIED. FRISBIE.—At Orwell, Sept. 6, of fever, Warren R. Frisbie, aged 31 years and 5 days. GRIFFIS—In Division Hospital, Arlington, June 6, 1865, of Typhus fever, Warren H. GrilKs, Co. li, 81st Regt. P. V., in the 20th year of his age. The son of W. R. and Alary Griffis, of Asylum. Xeu) LIST OF LETTERS REMMNJENG IN the Post Oflice at Towanda, Pa., tor the week end ing Sept. 30, 1865 : Archer Hannah .Mrs. Lock wood Mrs. E. Avery John jMcCracken Electa Abbot Thos. H. 2 IMercereau E. C. Batuss A. L. Miner Maggie Brown Wm. H. McMahon John Cramer Jas. A. Qu'nlau Daniel (foreign) 2 Cole Wm. Mrs. jltidgway Burr A. Comeron Wm. D. Stewart L. A. Capt. G.anger Laura Ann i Wilcox Francis L. Holland Daniel O. iWood George Howard W. H. Woodburn Mr. Harnan Thos. *3" Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "Advertised." S. W. ALVORD, Sept. 30, 1865. Postmaster. fOll SAL^s—ln Wilmot township, . aiijoinit'g lands ot A. Ely and E. Horton .about half a mile Irom the Susquehanna river,and about one mile from the canal, contains 80 acres, 55 acres ot it uuder good improvement. A good framed barn, and framed house ; also a young orchard thereon. For particulars, inquire of M. M. Moody, at Frenehtown, or of A. Ely, at Jnghamtowu. M. M. MOODY. Oct. 2, 1865.—4t FARM FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a farm situate on Sugar Creek, four miles Irom Towanda boro'. It contains about 128 acres, 110 of which are in a good state of cultivati m. It is' well watered and is a first class dairy farm, although, portions of it are well adapted to grain, there is upon it, a good dwelling house, large barn (the best in the township) horse barn, corn house, other out buildings, aud orchard. One fourth of the*purchase money will be required, at time of sale, and any reasonable credit will be give i for the residue. ULYSSES MERCUR. Towanda, Oct. 4,1665. OHO IG E FRL'I T TRE ES ! THE SUBSCUIIEK li AS NOW IN HIS TOWA NI) A N U RSERI ES , ready for immediate orchard planting, FIFTEEN THOUSAND CHOICE APPLE TREES, comprising the following leading aud choice varieties : King of Tompkins County, llagener, Baldwin, Bel mont, Tollman Sweeting, Roxbury Russet, Rhode Is land Greenings, fyc., and all the desirable kinds lot- Summer and Fall use. Also, a fine assortment of select Cherries, PI urns and Pears, and a fine assortment of Bearing Grape Vines. The proprietor having removed to Wilkes-Barre, and established his nursery business there.make it necessary for him to close out at an early day his Towanda Nur sery Stock. He now offers this choice stock ol superior fruit trees, at greatly reduced prices—selling at from 25 to 50 pet cent. cheaper than other nursery-men of established rep utation. N. B.—Wc wish it to be particularly understood that these Fruit Trees, are of very superior quality; they are of fine size, of healthy growth, and eu tirely tree from all disease. tif We prefer that those wishing to purchase,should visit the nurseries and to select their own trees, where they will find reliable men to wait upon tbcm at all times. Pi ice of No. \, Apple Trees, in lots of 50 trees and upwards. S2O per hundred. (Second Class, *lO to *ls per hundred, soUl only to those who come after them.) No. 1 Trees, in lots less than 50. 25 cents each. Price of Che) iy. Pear and Plum' Trees, and Grape Fines in proportion. DANIEL HARKINS, Proprietor. All orders should be addressed to the General Agent and will be promptly attended to. His office will be in Marshall Brothers' Hardware Store. E. M. WELLES, General Agent. Towanda . Sept. 26. 1865. LARGE ADDITIONS ARE BEING COX stantly made to our Stock of Groceries ; aud we have uowa .complete assortment adapted to the Fall Trade, which we offer ioi sale at lowest market rates. Please call in and price our goods. Sept. 25,1865. E T. FOX. IH'AS OF VERY SUPERIOR QUALITY . are selling at moderate prices ut Sept. 25, IM>5. FOX'S. POFFEE AND SPICES, WHOLE AND \J ground, and a prime quality of Ground Java Cof 'ee at FOX'S. BA TII BRI C K at FOX'S. SUGARS IN EVERY STYLE FOR SALE LJ cheap, wholesale and retail, at FOX'S. BROOMS AND PAILS, WHOLESALE and retail, at FOX'S. FISH OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY E. T ■ FOX. TTIARM FOR SALE.—A GOOD FARM x. consisting of 135 acres of land handsomely situa ted on the river, about nine miles from Towanda, aud in a good state of cultivation, with house, burn, sheds, and convenient outbuildings, and well watered, is offer ed for sale on favorable terms. For particulars inquire of the subscriber, at the Banking House of B. S. Russell & Co. B. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Sept. 25, 1865. >2O LOANI The Coupons ol the 5-20 Loan due November Ist are now being paid by the Treasury on presentation. Hold ers in this vicinity can have them cashed at the Bank ing House of Sept. 25, 1865. B. S. RUSSELL & CO. (TACTION. —Whereas, 1113' wife ALMKDA, J has left my bed and board without just cause or E revocation, all persons are hereby cautioned against arboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her conti acting. STEPHEN E. DICKINS. Rome twp., Sept. 22,1865. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! 1, James Sweet, of the township of Wilmot, Coun ty of Bradford, State of Penssyivania, for and in con sideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, paid to me by CHARLES M. SWEET in current money of the United States, do bargain and sell and by these pre se nts convey to him his time (he being under twenty one years ot age) being also ot the town and county and State aforesaid, that he may do all lawful acts the same as men of lawful age may of right do. Also sanction ing all contracts done by bim in past time. Done this 19th day of September, 1865. Sept. 26,1865.-3t JAMES SWEET. T IVES OF LINCOLN.—THE ESTEEM J_J in which the memory of our late President Lin coln is held, is evinced by the number of '• Lives" pub lished, or to be published, and the rapidity with which subscriptions are taken. One of these is the Life and Times of Abraham Lincoln, by Dr. L. P. Brockett, who is already known to the public as the author of the works, "Our Great Captains." and "History of the Civil War in the United States." The specimen pages before us, bound up to show the style and size of the volume, speak well of its literary qualities and mechan ical execution. S. G. ROCKWELL, is canvassing for the above book, in the towns of Wyalusing, Pike, Windham, Orwell, Rome, Wysox and Sheshequin, and will deliver the books at the earliest possible period to subscribers. Sept. 22, ISC.). JIARMS FOR SALS I The subscriber offers two Farms for sale, one of 40 acres with buildings, 30 acres improved, and splendid fruit of all kinds. One of SOacres.with log buildings,some improved and splendid timber, all within three-fonrths of a mile of Leroy. For further information consult Leroy, Jnly 24, 1865. L. B. HARRIS. J7AGLE HOTEL IN TOWANDA, FOR SALE. Location, on the south side of the Square, by the Presby terian Church. Apply to W. A. PECK, office, Union Block, north side of Square. May 18,1865. New -tbcertisemcnts. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS, Monday morn ing, Oct. 2. 1865 : I RRSOUHCKS. Loans and discounts *103,916 21 ' U. S. Bonds deposited to secure circulation *70, b00 U. 8. Bonds and other U. S. eremites on hand. 6,600 76.C0000 Doe Irom National Banks, 13.477 70 " other " 741 05 14.218 75 Expenses Ac., 2,142 92 Bank Notes on hand, 1,350 Legal Tender Notes on hand, 7 381 Cash items, 3,618 21 12,349 21 *209,227 09 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in *IOO,OOO 00 Circulation, 59.500 00 Due Depositors, 42.290 36 Prolit and loss, 7,430 "3 *209,227 09 I.E. A. Spalding, Cashier of the First National Bank of Athens, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is trueto the best ot my knowledge and belief. E. A. SPALDING, Cashier. State of Pennsylvania,) County of Bradford, f Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2d day of Oc tober, 1865 . C. W. CLAI'P Notary Public. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SECRET SERVICE, THE KIEI.P.THE DUNGEON, AND THE ESC ATE BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. N. \\ Tribune Correspondent. The most interesting and exciting book ever publish ed, embracing Mr. Richardson's unparalled experience for lour years ; traveling through the South in the se cret service of the "Tribune" at the outbreak ot the war, with our armies and fleets, both East a d West, during the first two years ot the Rebellion; his thrilling capture ; his confinement lor twenty months in seven different rebel prisons ; his escape, and almost miracu lous journey by night of nearly 400 miles, it will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident and romance of the war than any other work published. HORACE GREELEY says:—"A great many books will I yet he written concerning this War, in addition to the : many already in print ; but not one of them will give within a similar compass a clearer, fuller, more readable ! account, entirely from personal observation, of the na. j tine, animus, purposes, tendencies aud instrumentalities o! the Slaveholders' Rebellion than does the unpretend- j ing narrative ot Mr. Richardson." Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and especial- ; ly returned and disabled officers and soldiers, ill want of profitable employment, will find it peculiarly adapted! to their condition. We have agents clearing $175 per! month, which we will prove to any doubtiug applicant. Send (or circulars. Address JONES, BROS. A CO., N. E. corner Sixth and Minor Streets, Sept. 26, 1n65. -3tn Philadelphia, Pa. j FOR SALE OX REASONABLE TERMS. A That valuable property studded with white oak, hemlock and other valuable timber on Brown's creek,: the land when cleared is good for farming purposes Containing 280 acres, 60 ot which is partly cleared. The ; improvements are : 1 good steam saw mill, also one with little repairs to the dam can run by water, one good 1 barn, and several dwellings around the mill. The prop - c-rty is only a lew miles west of Ulster, a good ship- , ping point on the North Branch Canal, and Susquehan na ltiver, to a eapitalst this would be a valuable invest- j ment. For further particulars address PETER BRADY, Agent, Sept. 18, 1.865 . Sparta, Sussex Co., N. J. E W FALL GOODS! J. W. TAYLOR, Has just received a splendid stock of Fall Goods, Jcon sisting ol all the late styles of DRESS GOODS, such as Emperess cloth Poplins, a large assortment of all the I new shades of French Merinoes, Plain Alapaccas aud j Wool Delains, also some patterns of new French goods, Blaok Silks plain ana rept.a complete stock of Mourn ing goods aud Delains. Calicoes, Ginghams, Balmorals, Hoop Skirts, and a complete stock of dress trimmings to match all colors. Broad Cloths, Ladies Cloths, and Indies Woolen Shawls. Also Misses Shawls, Bleached Muslins and Shirtings. He wishes to say his Millinery is complete with (all the; newest st ylcs of Ribbons-, Bonnets and Flowers, also old Ladies Caps, infant's Hoods and Scotch) Caps, Turbans and Hats of all kinds, and in fact everything belonging to the Millinery business. He invites the attention of the people of Towanda and vicinity to examine his stock of Goods, one door north of the Post Oflice. Sept 18, 1565. JQISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ! The partnership heretofore existing, up to the Ist of April last, between A F. Cowlesand John J. Griffiths, under the firm of Cowles & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent ; and the Book and Stationery, and Ex- } press business, will hereafter be conducted by tne under signed. to whom the debts due to the late firm ot Cowles St Co. have been assigned and are payable. JOHN J. GRIFFITHS, Aug. 8,18t!5. Successor - f Cowles & Co. EXAMINATIONS.—THE ANNUAL E\- 17 aminations of teachers for the several districts of this County, will be held as follows : Windham, Tuesday, Oct. 12, Cuykendall School House. Warren, " 13, Boweu '• Orwell, " 14. Orwell Hill " Wysox, " 17 Myersburg " Statidiug Stone, " 18 Yannest " Asylum, " 19 Laporte " Terry, " 20 Terrytown " Wilmot, " 21 Sugar Run " Albany A Overton " 23 Brown " Monroe twp. A boro', " 24 Borough " Towanda,northAboro " 25 " " Ulster, " 26 Village " Sbeshequin, " 27 Centre Rome twp.A boao' " 28 Borough " Franklin, " 30 Varney " Granville, " 31 Taylor " Lcßoy. Nov. 1 Corner " Canton boro A twp " 2 Borough " ArtneniaA Alba boro' " 3 " Troy twp A boro' " 4 Columbia, " 6 Austinviile Springfield, " 7 Centre " Burlington westAboro" 8 Borough " Derrick. " 14 Landon '• Wyalnsing, " 15 Camptown " Tuscarora, " 16 Spring Hill " PikeALeraysville boro " 17 Borough •' Litchfield, " 20 Centre " Athens tp. A boro' " 21 Borough " Smithfield, " 22 Centre " Itidgeberry, " 23 Burnham " South Creek, " 24 Gillett Wells, " '25 Beckwith " Examinations will commence at 9 o'clock A.M. None admitted after 10 o'clock, unless unavoidably detained. Teachers must inveriably procure certificates valid in this county, before commencing school. Provisional certificates, or those from abroad, will not be renewed ot indorsed. Should any one expecting to teach in this county be unavoidably prevented from attending one of the above examinations, let him communicate with me by letter. Candidates will attend in the district where they reside or expect to teach- They will provide themselves with stationery. Directors are requested to be present, and it is sug gested that they preserve a copy of this notice. O.J. CHUBBUCK, Orwell, Sept. 19, 1865. Co. Sup't. jyj is s n . c HUNT Contemplates opening a School for a limited number of gills, on Second St., on Wednesdey, Sept. 6, 1865. TERMS TEH QUARTER. Common English Branches $5 50 Higher " " 625t0 700 French (extra) 2 50 to 4 00 No extra charge for Latin. School year of 42 weeks,divided into four equal terms. Much experience, and considerable opportunities for observation in different methods of teaching, en able Miss HUNT to offer her services to those interested with a certain degree of confidence. Unexceptionable referen ces given if required. Towanda, Aug. 29, 1865. ELLEGANT STOCK OF CLOTHING AT THE READY MADE CLOTHING EMPORIUM OF GEORGE W. COON & CO. We have now in our Store an elegant stock of Men and Boy's Clothing, manufactured by ourselves, which can not be beaten in style, quality aud prices. Also a larger assortment of Furnishing Goods than can be found else where. Call and see and examine before buyiDg, and it | will be to your advantage, vou will find better goods at lower prices than anywhere else. Store No. 3, Pat ton's Block, one door south of Barstuw A Gore's Drug i Store. j Aug. 8, 1865. GEO.W.COON A CO. flltscellancous. IK) THE CITIZENS OP CANTON, AND . SURROUNDING DISTRICT ! FELLOWS, CUANDALL & CO. I Have procured the services of JAMES TOMPSON,whose name stands first among the Blacksmiths of this county, ami we 'eel assured that his well earned reputation and I exptrieitce in Horse-shoeing, cannot tail to please any | or all who may favor us with a call, i J AH. H. FELLOWS, I ! I. C. CRANDALL, JACOB 0. MERIiITT. [ Alba, Pa.. Aug. 21, 1865 3m PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL 1 i A SOCIETY—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural | Society will hold its exhibition on September 20th, 27tb, J I 28th and 29th, 1865 , at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. Any informition desired by persons desiring tc exhib j it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by mem bers of the society, will be given by the undersigned, or ; by A. BOYD HAMILTON, Presideut, Hartisburg, Pa. A. BROWER LONGAKEIt, Secietary. Norristown, June 5, 1865. I rjll E A M ERIC A N PEO PL E FOR THE A M ERIC A N \V ATC II ! AND THE A M ERICAN WATC II ! FOR THE AMER IC A N PEO PL E ! All styles of movements, in all styles of cases, for all kinds of prices, except outrageous prices, at JOHNSON'S, 28 Lake Street, I | (Sign of the American Flag.) I _ Au K- 7 > Elmira, N. Y. TTNITEI) STATES INTERNAL REVE ! vJ NUE.—Notice is hereby given, that the Annhal ] list of Excise Taxes for 1865 has been transmitted to me i by the Assessor, and the same has become due and pay- j I able, and that the Collector will attend in the County ot 1 Bradlord (in person or by deputy,) at the times and places hereinalter mentioned for the purpose of receiv l nig the same: In T'owauda, from this date till Oct. 2. Also Satur day, Oct. 7, and Friday, Oct. 20, at his office. In Wyalusing, Monday, Oct. 2,-commencing 1 o'clock p. m., and till noon on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at the office of Andrew Terry, j In Leßaysville, Wednesday, Oct. 4, at J. R. Fletch ers'. In Orwell, Thursday. Oct. 5, till noon at Daniel i Steveus". | In Windham, Thursday, Oct. 5, commencing at 2 p. | m., at Hiram Sberrys'. In Rome, Friday, Oct. 6, till 2 p. m., at J. B. Van j Winkles'. In Athens, Wednesday, Oct. 11, commencing at 1 p. I m., and Thursday, the 12th,till 2 p.m.. at the Exchange Hotel. In Smithfieid, Friday, Oct. 13, till 2 p.m., at L. S. Arnolds'. in Troy, Monday, Oct. 16, commencing at 1 p. m. and : Tuesday, the 17th, at V . M. Longs', j In Canton, Wednesday, Oct. 18. at Whitman's Hotel. I In Burlington, Thursday, Oct. 19, between the hours j of 12 and 3 p. m. I Notice is also given, that all persons who neglect to j pay the duties and taxes assessed upon tnem, within j the time specified, will be liable to pay 10 per cent, ad i dition upon the amount thereof. Payment may be j made at any of the times and places me ntioued. Pay i meats must be made in government funds, or notes of | National Banks. H.L.SCOTT, Collector. 13th District l'enn'a. I Collector's Office, T'owauda. Sept. 5, 1865. T ATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS I AT | W I L L I A M A . ROCKWELL'S. ' Consisting of LADIES' DRESSXGOODS, MOZAMBIQUE, t CRAPE, MERAT, DE LAINES, AC. LADIES' CLOTHES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HATS, i 1 and|a general variety of.LADIES'jf 100DS. MENS' BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTIN ETTS, JEANS, DRILLS, And a variety of VESTINGS. A well selected assortment of LADIES' anil MISSES SHOES and SLIPPERS, and MEN A BOYS' BOOTS. Also, Mens' Boys' and Childrei is' SOFT STRAW HATS and CAPS, of all descriptions. Usual large Assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS and STONEWARE. You will find, by calling, a cheap lot of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, ROPES, CABS, BASKETS, AC., AC NOW FOR THE 4TII OF JULY I FIRE-WORKS, of all descriptions, and TOT S of all kinds on hand. j Piease call and examine my large and general assort- I ment of Goods, which will be sold at lowest prices for I Cash and Produce. June 22,1865. E STRAYED-FROM THE PREMISES of the owner, in Towanda Boro", on the night of the Bth of Sept., a LIGHT RED COW, with white spot in her face, and a very iittle white elsewhere upon her legs and body. She is about 7 or 8 years old, and is very kind and gentle ic her disposition. Any person informing the proprietors of the Ward House of her whereabouts shall be suitably rewarded. Towanda, Sept. 18, 1865. Hlcrcf)anl>H£. JJ E NR Y M ER 0 U.R A CO., Towanda, Penn'a, Have on hand and are opening at LOWEST MARKET PRICES, A superior stock ol DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY,.Ac. Towanda, March 21,1865, Q. 11 EAT ATTRACTION AT MONTANYE'S STORE! PEACE PRICES. Every vaaiety of LADIES' CLOTH, AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. Goods for Gentlemen of (EVERY DESCRIPTION. And alljthejknown Styles to suit this Market,(which will be sold at W H u O L EJS A|L E OR RETAIL |T 0 SUIT CUSTOMERS, At prices that cannot but please. Returning thanks for past favors, we invite i attention to our Large Stock of Goods. June 6, 1865. MONTANYE & CO. | . . - ! yyI C KH A M A BLACK, Are now offering NEW GOODS AT B X E W P R I C E S I j DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS WHITE GOODS, and| NOTIONS. . HATS A CAPS, OF THE L A TEST STYLESj BOOTS A SHOES, In variety. W I C K II A M A BLACK Keep a large stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, To which we invite special attention. We offer our Goods on the CASH SYSTEM. June 12,1865. P A L;L 1 8 6 5. FALL. TRACY A MOORE, Now invite the attention of the public to opening ot FALL GOODS, Embracing a fine variety ot J " J DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS and CLOAKS, FANCY GOODS, PRINTS, and DOMESTICS, WOOLEN GOODS, WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HOSIERY, ! YANKEE NOTIONS, ! Together with a good assortment of HATS and CAPS, BOOTS andSHOES CROCKEBY,HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Ac. Towanda, Sept. 14,1865. fllrrcl)anbt;t, $Zt. iJNT ER E STING TO ALL ! The subscriber would most respectfully annouuc to the citizens oi Bradford County, and "the rest ot uian ! kind," that he has recently purchased .and most elegant ly refitted the stand formerly owned by T. Humphrey, ! and more recently by S. N. Brouson. and has just receiv ed an entire stock of new floods, purchased wholly since the "caving in" of the rebellion, which will enable him to oiler his stock at such prices as will be sure to give entire satisfaction to all close buyers. In the stock will be found a well seiected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY, AC. The motto will le "Small profits, quick sales, the 1 nimble sixpence better than the slow shilling."' TERMS—Bay ment to be made on delivering the goods. Please remember the place, which will hereafter be kuowu as the "Bee Hive." Orwell, June 15, 1865. L. H. BRONSON. BLACK SILK SHAWLS, At the Bee Hive. BROCHE LONG AND SINGLE At the Bee Hive. SUMMER SHAWLS, Beautiful styles, at the Bee Hive. MOURNING SHAWLS, Finest qualities, at the Bee Hive. ELEGANT SHAWLS, All seasons of the year at the Bee Hive. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, At the Bee Hive. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ! Splendid Btyles, at the Bee Hive. LADIES' CLOTH, At the Bee Hive. i 1 LADIES' WATERPROOF OR J REPELLENT CLOTH, at the Bee Hive. i LADIES' COR SETTS, Best quality, at the Bee Hive. CHILDRENS' SHOES, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, at the Bee Hive. IIATS OF THE LATEST STYLES, At the Bee Hive. BOOTS AND SHOES, Large assortment, at the Bee Hive. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, Latest Patterns, at the Bee Hive. TEAS! TEA E T E E A { T A E E T£A E T All kinds, Oolong, Japan, Young Hyson, Gunpowder, and Imperial Teas of all the finest flavors, and fresh of the last crop, at the lowest prices, and warranted, at the Bee Hive. DAIRY SALT, At the Bee Hive. A GREAT MANY GOODS THAT IS WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY, at the Bee Hive. COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, At the BEE HIVE, Orwell. Pa. air Please call and see. L. H. BRONSON rs C f-pw r* QQ C I—< s 2" el I—l >■ P " 00 K W £ © P3 e „ —, -3 c/ 2 £*? - a r c" If r~< " 5 C t —l o 2 a: - s " tr 6>X 1 I "s a " - ts ~ K 5 * sT" 2 v 1 ° * L ► O '*■ w © • 2 jc |-3 5C O ~ o a iSC M I 3 1 O _ Z F" S ~ jyj Alt SHALL BROTHERS Wish to call the attention of the public .to their ,'new Stock of HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash price. Also, a fiine assortment of K EROSENE LAM PS of every style and pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Flnid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO[, We have on hand a fine article of GLASS FRUIT JARS, with improved self- sealing corks, and HERMETICAL SEALING CANS, which is one of the best cans used. Jane 20,1865. ileal Estate. FARM FOR SALE.- -THIS PLACE IS well known as the Warner Farm, lies in Wysox twp.. on the Susquehanna river, opposite the borough of Towanda and adjoins lands of M. Laning, Esq..Judge Morgan, E. Coolbaugh, R. Brown and others. This farm contains above 200 acres, of which about 100 are cleared. There is a dwelling honse, two barns, corn house, and a large orchard of grafted fruit. It is well watered with never-failing springs of water, one of which is brought to the house, and is well adapted for a dairy farm. The dwelling house is less than a mile from Towanda Bridge. Persons desirous of puichasing a cheap Farm near to a Connty town, and public Insti tute, would do well to view this place, as it will be positively sold at a very low figure. EDW. OvERTON. Towanda, Sept. 4.1865. N. B. The person who bought this place last winter was unable to comply with the terms ,by reason ot losses by the high freshet in the rfver. E. O. FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale a valuable farm in Smithfield twp. Good buildings, fences, fruit Ac. JOHN N. CALIFF, Towanda, July 10.1865. Office over P. O. ESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE !—This Farm lies in Wyalusing twp., one mile from Camp town, containing a bout 130 acres ; 95 acres improved, with superior buildings, fences and improvements of all kinds. It has a fine fiuit orchard, consisting of ap ples, peaches pears, plumbs, cherries, Ac., berries, grapes, gooseberries, currants, Ac., in large quantities. TERMS—S4O per acre, S3OOO down, the balance on time. For further information apply or adress J.N. CALIFF, Office over Post office, Towanda, Pa. Sept, 8,1865.—2 m ARM FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER offers his farm for sale in the borough of Leßays ville, and contains 83 acres, about 60 acres improved, with a large Dwelling House—a good spring of water near the door, a wagon-house, barn and shed thereon. Terms made easy for the purchaser. L. M, STEVENS. Leßaysville, Aug. 25, 1865.— 4t £cgal. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the undersigned administrators of the estate of Philander Foster, late of Granville tp. dee'd.,will sell on the premises, at public sale, on SATURDAY, OCT. 28. 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following lot, piece or parcel ol laud, situate in Granville twp. bounded AS follows, to wit : On the north by road leading from W Bunyau's to Beth K. Porters ; on the east by lands of J. P. Bush and W. Bunyan ; on the south by Sylvester Kendall, and on the west by H. Catlin. Containing 156 acres. The above described land will tie sold in three equal lots of fifty-two acres each, divided as follows : LOT No. 1. To include all the above described land lying between land of H. Catlin and a line starting from a point OQ the Bunyan and Porter road, one third of the distance from H. Catlin's land to land of J. P. Bush, and thence running parallel to H. Catlin's line to land of Sylvester Kendall. Containing 52 acres, more or less, with a Bteam saw mill thereon. LOT NO. 2. To include all the laud between Lot No. 1 and a line starting from a point in Porter and Bunyan road, equally distant ftom line of Lot No. 1 audJ. P. Bush's line, and thence running parralle! with eastern boundary of Lot No. 1, to Sylvester Kendall's laud. LOT NO. 3. To include ail the laud of said decedent lying between Lot No. 2, and land of J. P. Bush and W. Bunyan. TERMS.—S2S to be paid on each lot at the time the property is struck down, and the balance at the confir mation of the sale. ANDREW ROYBE, Sopt. 27,1865. Administrator. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notica is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tha estate of MAKVTN McCREERY. late of Warren twp.' dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will pres entthem duly authenticated for settlement. JOS. F. WHEATON, Aug. 31, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of JOEL FLNTON, dec d, late ot Bradiord County, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMBS H. WEBB, Aug. 31,1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.—NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of EDMUND L. COBB, late of Pike towp. dee d, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claim against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. SARAH E.COBB. Aug. 31, 1865. Administratrix. t~TENERAir ELECTION FKOCLAMA JT TlON—Whereas, by an act of Assembly ot the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, entitled "an act re lating to the elections of this Commonwealth," It is en joined upon me to give public notice ol such e.ectiou to be held, and also the enumeration in such notice what officers are to be elected, 1, J- M. SMITH, High Sheriff of the County of Bradiord, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of said county, on TUESDAY, the 10th day of OCTOBER, in the several districts in said county, to wit: In Alba, at the house of D C Knapp. lu Albany, at the school house near Wm Barnes'. In Asylum, at the school house near Simon Decker's. In Athens boro', at the house of E S Mathewson. In Athens twp., at the house ot J B Hunt, iu Athens Borough. In Armenia at the house ol John S Becker. In Burlington boro', at the hall of Henry Voaburg. In " twp.' at the house ot Roswell Luther, In " west, at the house of Ezra Goddard. In Canton boro'. at the Central House. In Canton, at the house of S C Myers. In Columbia, 6t the house of James Morgan. In Franklin, at the house of J M Martin, now occupied by H M Southwell. In Granville, at the house of Benj F Taylor. In Herrick, at the school house near Daniel Durand's. In Leßaysville, at in Litchfield, at the house of Cyrus Bloodgood. In Leßoy, at the school house in Leßoy. In Monroe, at the houee of R R Rockwell. In Monroe boro', at the house of Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, at the house ot Frances Woodruff. In Overton, at the house ol David Waltman. I n Pike, at the house of Traver Bosworth. In Rome, at the Academy. Iu Rome boro', at In Ridgbury. at the house of Benj Herman. In the Valley House. In Smithfield, at the house of A J Gerould. In Springfield, at the house of Simon Stevens. In Sylvauia boro', at the house ol Curtis Merritt. In South Creek, at the house ot J F Gillett. In Terry, at the house ut Jacob Frutchey. In Towanda boro', at the Grand Jury room, iu the Court House, is said boro'. In Towanda the school bouse near H L Scott's Iu Towanda north, at the house ol S A Mills. In Troy, at the Eagle Tavern. lu Troy twp., at the house ol V M Long, in the boro of Troy. In TuScarora, at the school house near James Black s. In Ulster, at the house of J B Holcomb. In Warren, at the house ot R Cooper, In Wells, at the house ol L Seeley. In Windham, at the bouse ot Beuj Kuykendall. In Wyalusing, at the house of S II Black. In Wilrnot, ai the house ol A J Stone. In Wysox, at the house of James M Reed. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot One person for Auditor General. One person for Surveyor General. One person lor Seuator. One person for President Judge. Two persons lor Representative. One person for Treasurer. One person tor commissioner. One person lor District Attorney. One persou for Auditor. One person for Surveyor. And in and by said act, I am further directed to give notice " that every person excepting justice ot the peace, who shall hold any office ol profit and trust under tfie government oi the United States or this State, or of any incorporated district and also that every Member of Congress and ot the Legislature and the select and com mon council ol any city, or commiasiouers ol any in corporated district, is by law it capable ol holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment ot Judge, Inspector or Clerk ol any election o! this Com monwealth and that no inspector or other officer ol any such election shall be then eligible to any officer than to be voted tor. By the 4th section of an act passed the Ist day of Aprii, 1840, it is provided "that the 13th section ot act passed July 2, 1863, entitled 'An Act relating to the election ol this Commonwealth,' " shall not be constru ed so as to prevent any military officer lrom serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerk,at any general or special elec tion ot tnis Commonwealth. An Act to change the time of Closing the Polls at the Gen ral and Township Elections iu the County of Bradford. SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House ot Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That at ail General, Special, aud Township or Borough elections hereafter held in the County ol Bradiord, the Polls shall be closed at six o - clock in the atternoou instead ol seven, as heretofore provided by law. The meeting ol the return judges lor this Senatorial District will be at the Court House in Towanda, on the seventh day alter the election. The meeting of the return judges of this Judicial district will be held at the Court House in Towanda ,the seventh day alter the election, which will be the 17'h day ol October. The meeting of the return judges for this Represent ative district will he held at the Court House in lowau da, on the seventh day alter the election. J.M.SMITH, Sept. 19, 1865. Sheriff fllisccllancous. J J. GRIFF IT H S SUCCESSOR TO COWLES & GO'S BOOK STORE, NEWS ROOM AND EXPRESS OFFICE. Which are all in the Post Office building,on Main street, directly opposite the Court House. We have the largest and most elegant assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK and LAW BOOKS. MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, SINGING BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, LITHO GRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, DIARIES, FOR ISCC, AC., AC., to be found anywhere in the country. We are con stantly receiving, from New York and Philadelphia, such as Harper's and Atlantic Monthlies, Young Folks, Godey's Lady's Book, Peterson's Magazine, Scientific American, Ballou's Dollar Monthly, Chimney Corner, Hours at Horr.t, The Nation, Budget of Fun, Mrs. Grundy, Dime Novels, Song Books, and News Papers : also the Daily Tribune, Times, Herald, Journal of Com merce, Sun, Ledger, Mercury, Clipper, Boston Pilot, Ac. BEST GOLD PENS, ever brought to this market ; Port Monnies, Pocket Diaries for 1866 ; Bank Note Reporter's and Description Lists, desenbiug all the counterfeits and broken bank notes'now afloat in the country,—every man should have'one. We also have the largest stock of School Books ever brought to thismarket,which we offer at a very low figure for cash. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBLES, WRITING DESKS, Methodist, Presbyterian ani | 1 y 1 M k^.'"J. s 0 J 1 ) , KS AL L THE POE TS . LAW, 6CH ° OI " BLANK. And all kinds ol Booke. Everything in the Book and .Stationary line. ANY BOOM OR OTHER MATTER PUBLISHED CAN BE ORDERED THROUGH US PROMPTLY, AT CITY PRICES. Onr Express runs to Waverly every morning (Sundays . excepted) and returns every evening, carrying passen i gers and Express Goods. The hour for starting lrom i Towanda is 7 in the morning, and returning leaves Wa verly at o'clock p.m., on the arrival of the Express | from New York. . ! We pay special attention in sendiug and receiving I ExDress packages to and from the army. H JOHN J. GRIFFITHS. | Towanda, Aug. 28,1865. ENSIGNS.—PENSION CERTIFICATES Cashed on and after Sept. 4th. J. N. CALIFF, Pension Agt., Towand, Aug. 24,1865. Office over "Post Office.