gfriulM fgcptixta. LOCAL AND GENERAL. A man, partially deranged, by the iimic of JEREMIAH UPHAN, of Lindly, wandered l oom his home August 27th, and was seen at Bloss lU,.' on the 2'Jth. He is about sixty years old, i ,odium size and of spare form. He was some Paid, and has partially gray hair and gray and san- V. peayd. His nephew, Geo. Upham, of Lindly, Steuben County, requests information concerning mi and will g<> after him, and reward those who ,v have the care of him. Exchanges please copy. An ORGAN CONCERT will be given by pi f. HOPKINS, of New York, in the Episcopal (•i.urch. iff Towanda, on Thursday evening, Sept. • N t h. Tickets for sale at Banking House of B. S. liui-sell & Co.,—Price 50 cts. For programme, sec posters. FRUIT TREES. —The subscriber having the General Agency for the stock in Daniel Harkins' I\.w;unla Nurseries, wishes to secure the services if i number of reliable men, as Assistant Agents, to canvass their own and adjoining townships, this Fall and coming Winter, for the sale ot all kinds Fruit and Ornamental trees. See our card in this paper. B- M. WEIJ.ES, Gen'l Ag't. KKMGIOCS NOTICE. —Rev. Robert Dunlap, will preach at the Baptist Church in this place, next Sabbath morning, October Ist, at 10.) o'clock a. m. Ay There will be a Cotillion Party at tin- ••Valley House," Sheshequin, on Friday eveu lii-', October 0, 1865. Bill $2 00. Ail are invited to participate, and a pleasant time guarranteed. If v. Gf.O:: :E LANDON. —We see that HON. t_,i i . ,1 LANDON has been nominated for State Sen in the and Susquehanna District.— H, i- i uie of the ablest men of the State. Thedis ; anizers of that district have united with the to defeat him, but the people of the district owe it to themselves and the cause to see that lie is elected.— Columbia Republican. Mrs. Corey, mother of Wm. A.Corey f this village, for many years harmlessly insane, was seriously injured by the Emigrant Train bound west on Tuesday afternoon last. The old lady was ii the Eastward bound traek, but seeing the train preaching stepped upon the other track and put up her hand as if to ward it away, but the motion Hhe train was too great to regard her commands ami she was thrown violently from the track into the ditch. She had frequently said that she was never troubled with the cars, for all she had to do was to wave her hand and they always turned out i- r her. The experiment of the old lady came near proving fatal this time. -Mrs Cory has since died from the injuries re ceived.— Waverly Advocate. IXIIF" THE Bradford County Teacher's As sociation met pursuant to adjournment at thePres bytt rian Church in Borne, and was called to order v IH. President, O. F. YOCNG. The meeting was • ] ■ ued with reading the 147 th Psalm by President ,: 1 prayer by Rev. D. CRAFT. Music by J. G. TI SNER and P. P. BIJSS. IN the absence of the n r, tary DAVID CRAFT was elected to fill the office t'-m. Report of Committee on Business and L'O-gramme was read and adopted. IT was moved ami carried that the Resolutions be taken up in TIIC order presented by Committee. That teachers have a greater influence than parents in forming the character of the young. inl, That no person should be granted a c-rtiti. it.- by the County Superintendent that will i: : r do. s not att. nd Educational meetings. That men who are opposed to paying tax for the support of public schools should be In hibited taking any part in the affairs of our Government /.'-. •''•of, That a uniform system of taxation be al'.pt.'d in the State of Pennsylvania, and that !i divided by the number of scholars in each district. la-solution first discussed by L. A. Lyon, A. F. II tiding, David Craft, O. J. Chubbuck. Resolu ti .a laid on the table. Miss G. H. Barnes was ap pointed Critic. After Music and adjournments, tie Association took a recess until 2 p. M. Friday afternoon—Met pursuant to adjournment. Music by "Yankee Boys." Reading programme In hairman of Committee. Minutes of last meet ing read by Secretary. A committee consisting of •/. 11. Kingsbery and Addie Passmore were appoint ed to solicit names for new membership ; also O. J. Chubb nek and Mrs. H. C. Seaman to gather and assign questions to different individuals to be an swered in the evening. Declamation by J. M. Yought. Resolution second was discussed in a lively, earnest manner, discussion arrested by next order of business. A song entitled "'Tis Sweet to be remembered." Readingbv P. P. Bliss. Discussion resumed, many participating, discus si n arrested by the offer of a substitute which was lost. An amendment to the Resolution was accepted. Resolution as amended, Resdml That no person shonld be granted a -rtitirate by the County Superintendent that will not attend educational meetings. lb-solution as amended passed unanimously. AVm B. Morton then gave his method of teaching elocu tion Music. Recess until 7P. -\I. Friday evening —Called to order by President. The " Yankee Boys" then sung a song entitled, ■'Starved ia Prison." In the absence of Prof. James M William, of Towanda, David Craft was called Ton tu address the audience and extemporized on t'.f following subjects : Ist. A better view of what Ineation is. 2d. A higher qualification of teach - 3d. Mechanical or Book teaching rather than t- .wiling thought and things. 4th. The want of ->-r moral views of the subject of education.— A. Lyon then read an essay which was solicited I 'iMication in the "School Journal." Answer - 1 questions distributed in the afternoon. Re -1 Critic. Declamation, Edward Thompson. M o Adjourned to meet at 8:30 A. m. s 'urday morning—Meeting was called'to order : - ' sidi-nt. Miscellaneous business taken up. e.ding Stone unanimously decided upon as place xt meeting. Music. Ith Resolution discus- ! y many ; strong arguments were supported y affirmative and negative. Resolution car • Kute I veson read an essay, subject, "Sacri- P- P. Bliss then sung a song entitled "My 'fUi'lle Bed." J. G. Towner sung "Passingunder -< Kid." Selected piece was read by Louise Al 'cf Rome. Resolution 4th discussed by Craft, ••■-hug, Chubbuck, Young,—carried. Prof, ■-e delivered a declamation. President made : illowing appointments for next meeting: ret H. J. Crane, of Wysox. (r " v "' Miss Rebecca Yaughu, of Wyalusing; • " Kate McDonald, of Franklin. rs Miss Rosnia Durand, of Herriek ; Miss Horton, of Terrytown. '"I'.TS Mr. Edward Thompson, of Herriek; X ' P. Moody, of Frenehtown. ' ■ oh Business atul Programme —Rev. A. F. ling, Dewitt Vanness, Ella Myers, Florence 'ftuiess,. K> port of Committee on membership. David red tin tollowing Resolution : Tlmt the warmest thanks of this Asso • ii' u tendered to Messrs. Towner and Bliss ' ri'clU-nt music with which they have en kfeiitly to the interest of our meeting ; also to xi ! i i' 01 P' om ® t° r their generous hospitality in i has made this one of the most pleasant and *-' < stmg meetings of the Association. . ' l ' r singing Ddxology, Prayer by 0. Salmon, •' diction by A. F. Harding, the Association ad . urmd to meet at Standing Stone, Friday, Nov. AT 10A. M . O. F.YOCKO , Pres. T- a- SEAiu.v, Bec'y. SALE.— IO be sold at once , a house and lot. Good bargain offered. JOH.V N. CAIJFF, Office over News Room. Sept. 6, 1865.—2 m. It is announced that MR. C. JEROME HOPKINS, the celebrated Organist from New York will give a concert in Troy, on Wednesday even ing ; and we have been informed that measures have been initiated by some of our citizens to in duce him to come to Towanda. Mr. Hopkins is an organist and composer of wide reputation, and his whole artistic career has been marked by the endeavor to elevate as well as charm the public taste. It is to the disin terested eflorts of such artists as Mr. Hopkins that the public owes much of its musical culture. We are now beginning to recognize the fact, that music, like oratory, is an art which appeals to the public heart, a language which conveys the migh tiest thoughts, and which needs only to be known, to become among us, as in Italy and Germany the vernacular of the people. It is this intellectual character which has always distinguished Mr. Hopkins' compositions, and he has always striven to maintain that, as Americans are more intellectual and are actuated by higher feeling than the people of European nations, Amer ican music must eventually take the lead in the world. He makes a constant appeal to the patriot ism of his countrymen, and desires pre-eminence in art, as well as in freedom. Mr. Hopkins' execution upon the Organ is some thing wonderful. He evokes from the pipes their hundred voices—he flings out whole handsful of chords, harmonies and progressions of harmonies roll out from beneath his fingers—he calls forth the harping of birds, the murmur of streams, the sighing of winds, and through all the heroic strains of humanity struggling and conquering—he throws in the sweet, high notes the amenities of nature and in the minor strains vails out the requium of mor tality—and with the pedals reveals the majestic tread of conquering immortality. We trust Mr. Hopkins may be induced to come to Towanda, and that the citizens will give him a reception worthy of his genius and reputation. Rev. Mr. Douglass hoping to secure this great advantage for our citizens has offered Mr. Hopkins the use of the Organ in the Episcopal Church. MAR RIE D . ROCKWELL—WILSON —At Monroeton, on the 20th inst.. by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. M. Rockwell and Miss Izabell Wilson, all of Mon roeton. CHAPMAN—GENTING—In Monroe, Sept. 3, by J. R. Cowell, Esq., Mr. Levi Chapman to Miss Margaret Gesting, both of Albany. BROWN—ELY—At Camptown, by Rev. Geo. Lan don, Rev. S. F. Brown to Mrs. S. J Ely., both of Wyalusing. D 1 ED . HERRIC'K. —At his residence in Athens, on Fri day, the 22d inst., Castle Hopkins Herriek, aged 53 years, 0 months and 12 days. iXciu .-Uiocvtiscmciits. 0 H OIC E FRUIT TREES! THE SL'BSC KIBETT HAS NOW IN HIS TOWANDA NURSERIES, ready for immediate orchard planting, FIFTEEN THOUSAND CHOICE APPLE TREES, comprising the following leading and choice varieties : King of Tompkins County, W'agener, Haldwm. Jiel mont. Tollman Sweeting, Rexbuiy Russet, Rhode Is land Greenings, i)-c., and ali the desirable kinds lor Summer and Fall u The Coupons of the 5-20 Loan due November Ist are now being paid by the Treasury on presentation. Hold era in this vicinity can have them cashed at the Bank ing House of Sept. 25, 18ao. B. S. RUSSELL A CO. CAUTION. —Whereas, my wife AI.MF.DA, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, all persons #re hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her conti acting. STEPHEN E. DICKINS. Rome twp., Sept. 22, 1865. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! 1, James Sweet, of the township of Wilmot, Coun ty of Bradford, State of Pennsylvania, for and in con sideration of the sum of one hundred dollars, paid to me by CHARLES M. SWEET in current money of the United States, ilo bargain and -el! and by these pre sents convey to him his time (he being under twenty-one years of age) being also ot the town and county and State aforesaid, that he may do all lawful acts the same as men of lawful age may of right do. Also sanction ing all contracts done by him in past time. Done this 19th day of September, 1865. Sept. 26.1865.-3t JAMES SWEET. LIVES OF LINCOLN.—THE ESTEEM in which the memory of our late President Lin coln is held, is evinced by the nnmber of " Lives" pub lished. or to be published, and the rapidity with which subscriptions are taken. One of these is the Life aad Times of Abraham l.ineoln, by Dr. L. P. Brockett, who is already known to the public as the author of the works, "Our Great Captains." and '-History of the Civil War in the United States." The specimen pages before us, bound up to show the style and size of the volume, speak well ot its literary qualities and mechan ical execution. 8. G. ROCKWELL, is canvassing for the above book, in the towns of Wyalusing, Pike, Windham, Orwell, Rome, Wysox and Sheshequin, and will deliver the books at the earliest possible period to subscribers. Sept. 22,1865. MS FOR SAL ET~ The subscriber offers two Farms for sale, one of 40 acres with buildings, 30 acres improved, and splendid fruit of all kinds. One of 50 acres,with log buildings,some improved and splendid timber, all within three-fonrths of a mile of Leroy. For further information consult 1 Leroy, July 24, 1865. L. B. HARRIS. Nrro AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SECRET SERVICE, THE PIEI.n,TIIE DUNGEON, AMI THE ESCAPE BY ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. N. Y. Tribuue Correspondent. The most interesting and exciting book evi-r publish ed, embracing Mr. Richardson's un para lied experience for four years ; traveling through the South in the se cret service of the "Tribune"' at the outbreak ol the war, with our armies and fleets, both East aid West during the first two years of the Rebellion; his thrilling captnre ; his confinement (or twenty mouths in seven different rebel prisons ; his escape, and almost miracu lous journey by night of nearly 400 milts. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident and romance el the war than uuy other work published. HORACE GREELEY says:—-'A great rnauy books will yet be written concerning this War, in addition to the many already in priut ; but not one of theiu will give within a similar compass a clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation, of the na. ture, animus, purposes, tendencies and instrumentalities of the Slaveholders' Rebellion than does the unpretend ing narrative ot Mr. Richardson." Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, and especial ly returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will tind it peculiarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $175 per month, which we will prove to any doubtiug applicant. Send lor circulars. Address JONES, BROS. & CO., N. E, corner Sixth and Minor Streets, Sept. 26,18(15.- 3m Philadelphia, Pa. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN the Post Office at Towanda, Pa., tor the week end ing Sept. 23, 1865 : Abbot John (foreign) |Mapes John A Allen Nathan jMulier Jacob Belnap 0 M t Means Jas R Briggs Martha P Mrs. J Osborne D M Bixby Warren lO'Counor David Carty Bridget j Booker Christuiu Craudall G B J Robinson John KM Caldwell J E j Rolls Margaret Cameron Win 1) 'Bought E Davidson J A. Co- ..-spencer Ada Mrs. Dora John Jr Sweeny Dennis (foreign) Ennis G W Frank Erwin Minnie jSimmousJas Gahon P W Sharer Lewis Hancock Francis Traiuor Catherine (foreign) Jordon George TygarJ If Jones Loura M Thompson Win Mrs. Johnson Robert Telford Win H Col. 4 Lynch John D Williams Alecif Miss LockwooU Jas P Wooster Emily Mrs. LangdonA Ao. Washburn Silas H I.eddy Mary Woodward York A Lieut. McMurick C B MsT Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "Advertised." S. W. ALVORD, Sept. 26, 1865. Postmaster. , UOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. That valuable property studded with white oak, hemlock and other valuable timber on Brown's creek, the laud when cleared is good lor farming purposes Containing 2so acres, 60 ok which is partly cleared. The improvements are : 1 good steam saw mill, also one with little repairsto the dam can run by water, one good b.iru, and several dwellings around the mill. The prop erty is only a lew miles west of Ulster, a good ship ping point on the North Branch Canal, and Susquehan na River, to a eapitalst this would he a valuable invest ment. For further particulars address PETER BRADY, Agent, Sept. 18, 1865 . Sparta, Sussex Co., N. J. E W FALL GOODS! J. W. TAYLOR, Has just received a splendid stock of Fall Goods,.con sisting ol all the late styles of DRESS GOODS, snch as Emperess cloth Poplins, a large assortment of all the new shades of French Merinoes, Plain Alapaceas and' 1 Wool Delaius, also some patterns ol new French goods, Blaok Silks plain and rept.a complete stock of Mourn- I ing goods and Delaius. Calicoes, Ginghams, Balmorals, Hoop Skirts, and aj complete stock of dress trimmings to match all colors. , Broad Cloths, Ladies Cloths, and Indies Woolen I Shawls. Also Misses Shawls, Bleached Muslins and Shirtings. He wishes to say his Millinery is complete with all thefl newest styles of Ribbons, Bonnets and Flowers, also old Ladies Caps, infant's Hoods and Scotch; Caps, Turbans and Hats of all kinds, and in fact everything belonging to the Millinery business. He invites the attention of the people of Towanda and vicinity to examine his stock of Goods, one door north cf the Post Office. Sept 18, 1865. JTJISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ! The partnership heretofore existing, no to the Ist of April last, between A. F. Cowles and John J. Griffiths, under the firm of Cowles .V Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent; and the Book and Stationery, and Ex press business, will hereafter be conducted by trie under signed, to whom the debts due to the late firm of Cowles & Co. have been assigned and are payable. JOHN J. GRIFFITHS, Aug. 8, 18(15. Successor < f Cowles & Co. fL< XAMINATIONS.—THE ANNUAL EX -1 animations of teachers for the several districts of this County, will lie held as follows : Windham, Tuesday, Oct. 12, Cuykendall School House. Warren, " 13, Bowen '• Orwell, " 14- Orwell Hill " Wysox, " 17 Myersburg " Standing Stone, " 18 Vannest " Asylum, " 19 Laporte " Terry, " £0 Terrytown " Wilmot, " 21 Sugar Run " Albany & Overton " 23 Brown " Monroe twp. A boro', " 24 Borough " Towanda,northAboro " 25 " " Ulster, " 26 Village " Sheshequin, " 27 Centre " Rome twp.A bom' " 28 Borough " Franklin, " 30 Varney " Granville, " 31 Taylor Leßoy. Nov. 1 Corner " Canton boro A twp " 2 Borough " ArmeniaA Alba boro'" 3 " Troy twp A boro' " 4 " Columbia, " 6 Austinville " Springfield, " 7 Centre Burlington westAboro" 8 Borough " Herrick, " 14 Landou " Wyalusing, " 15 Camptown " Tuscarora, " 16 Spring Hill " PikeALeraysville boro " 17 Borough •' Litchfield, " 20 Centre Athens tp. A boro' " 21 Borough " Smithfield, " 22 Centre " Ridgcberry, " 23 Burnham South Creek, " 24 Gillett Wells, " '25 Beckwith " Examinations will commence at 9 o'clock A. M. None admitted after 10 o'clock, unless unavoidably detained. Teachers must inveriably procure certificates valid in this county, before commencing school. Provisional certificates, or those from abroad, will not be renewed or indorsed. Should any one expecting to teach in this county be unavoidably prevented from attending one of the above examinations, let him communicate with me by letter. Candidates will attend in the district where they reside or expect to teach- They will provide themselves with stationery. Directors are requested to be present, and it is sug gested that they preserve a copy of this notice. O.J. CHUBBUCK, Orwell, Sept. 19,1865. Co. Sup't. IS S II . C . HUNT Contemplates opening a School for a limited nnmber of girls, on Second St., on Wednesdey, Sept. 6, 1865. TERMS PER QUARTER. Common English Branches >5 50 Higher " " 625t0 7 00 French (extra) 2 50 to 4 00 No extra charge for Latin. School year of 42 weeks,divided into four equal terms. Much experience, and considerable opportunities for observation in different methods of teaching, en able Miss HUNT to offer her services to those interested with a certain degree of confidence. Unexceptionable referen ces given if required. Towanda, Aug. 29,1865. ELLEGANT STOCK OF CLOTHING AT THE READY MADE CLOTHING EMPORIUM OF GEORGE W. COON & CO. We have now in onr Store an elegant stock of Men and Boy's Clothing, manufactured tiy ourselves, which can not be beaten in style, quality and prices. Also a larger assortment of Furnishing Goods than can lie found else where. Call and see and examine before buying, and it will be to your advantage, vou will find better goods at lower prices than anywhere else. Store No. 3, Pat ton's Block, on# door south of Barstow A Gore's Drug Store. Aug. 8, 1865, GEO. W. COON A CQ. miscellaneous. TO THE CITIZENS OF CANTON, AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT ! FELLOWS, CRANDALL ft CO. Have procured the services of JAMES TOMPSON,whose name stands first among the Blacksmiths of this county, and we I eel assured that his well earned reputation and experience iu Horse-shoeing,cannot tail to please any or all who may lavor us with a call. ' JAS. H. FELLOWS, D. C. CRANDALL, JACOB G. MERRITT. Alba, Pa.. Aug. '2l, 1865.—3 m PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.— The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will hold its exhibition on September 26th, 27th, | 28th and 29tb, 1865 , at WILLIAM SPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. Any information desired by persons desiring to exhib j it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by mem | bers of the society, will be given by the undersigned, or [ by A. Bovo HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg, Pa. A. BROWER LONGAKER, Secretary. | Norrislown, June 5, 1865. ' lT E A M ERIC A N PEO PL E FOR THE AMER IC A N WATCH! AND THE A M ERICA N WATCHI FOR THE A MERICAN PEOPLE! All styles of movements, in all styles of cases, for all kindß of prices, except outrageous prices, at JOHNSON'S, 28 Lake Street, (Sign of the American Flag.) j _ Ang. 7,1865. _ F.lmira, N. Y. UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVE NUE.—Notice is hereby given, that the Annual ! list of Excise Taxes for 1866 has been tiansmitted to me by the Assessor, and the same has become due and pay able, and tbat the Collector will attend in the County of Bradiord (iu person or by deputy,J at the times and places hereinalter mentioned for the purpose of receiv ing the same: In Towauda, from this date till Oct. 2. Also Satur day, Oct. 7, and Friday, Oct. 20, at his office. 1 In Wyalusing, .Monday, Oct. 2, commencing 1 o'clock p. m., and till noon on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at the office of Andrew Terry. fn Leßaysville, Wednesday, Oct. 4, at J. R. Fletch ers'. In Orwell, Thursday, Oct. 5, till noon at Daniel Steveus'. In Windham, Thursday, Oct. 5. commencing at 2 p. m.. at Hiram Sherrys'. In Rome, Friday, Oct. 6, till 2 p. in., at J. B. Van j Winkles'. In Athens, Wednesday, Oct. 11, commencing at 1 p. ! m., and Thursday, the 12th,till 2 p.m.. at the Exchange Hotel. In Smitbfield, Friday, Oct. 13, till 2 p.m., at L. S. > ! Arnolds'. In Troy, Monday, Oct. 16, commencing at 1 p. m. and j j Tuesday, the 17th, at V. M. Lougs'. In Canton, Wednesday, Oct. 18. at Whitman's Hotel, j In Bufliugton, Thutsday, Oct. 19, between the hours ' of 12 and 3 p. m. : Notice is also given, that all persons who neglect to pay the duties and taxes assessed upon tnem, within the time specified, will be liable to pay 10 per cent, ad ■ ditiou upon the amount thereof. Payment may be j made at any of the times and places me ntioued. Pa> - | meats must be made iu goverumeut funds, or notes of National Banks. H. L. SCOTT, Collector. 13th District l'enn'a. Collector's Office, Towanda. :-ept. 5, 1865. | ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS ! AT WILLIAM A . ROCKWELL'S: Consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MOZAMBIQUE, CRAPE, MERAT, DE LAINES, AC. j LADIES' CLOTHES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HATS, andja general variety of LADIES' GOODS. MENS' BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, JEANS,, DRILLS, And a variety of VESTINGS. A well selected assortment of LADIES' and MISSES SHOES and SLIPPERS, and MEN & BOYS' BOOTS. Also, Mens' Boys' and Childreiis' SOFT STRAW HATS and CAPS, of all.descriptions. Usual large Assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS and STONEWARE. You will find, by calling, a cheap lot of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, ROPES, CABS, BASKETS, &C., AC NOW FOR THE 4TH OF JULY ! FIRE-WORKS, of all descriptions, and TOYS of all kinds on band. Piease call and examine my large and general assort ment of Goods, which will lie sold at lowest prices for Cash and Produce. June 22,1865. E STRAYED-FROM THE PREMISES of the owner, in Towanda Boro'. on the night of the Bth of Sept., a LIGHT RED COW, with white spot in her face, and a very iittle white elsewhere upon her legs and body. She is about 7 or 8 years old, and is very kind and gentle ic her disposition. Any person informing the proprietors of the Ward House of her whereabouts shall be suitably rewarded. Towanda, Sept. 18, 1865. fUcnfjanbuf. J.J E N R Y ME R C U.R & CO., Towamia, Penn'a, i Have on hand and are opening at LOWEST MARKET PRICES, A superior stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY,.Ac. Towanda, March 21,1865. Q.REAT ATTRACTION AT * MONTANYE'S STORE! PEACE PRICES. Every vaaiety of LADIES' CLOTH, AND I FANCY DRESS GOODS. . j Goods for Gentlemen of {EVERY DESCRIPTION. And alllthe.known Styles to suit this Market, which be sold at WHO L EJS A|L E OR RETAIL JT O SUIT CUSTOMERS, At prices that cannot but please. J Returning thanks for past favors, we invite attention j to our Large Stock of Goods. j June 6, 1865. MONTANYE 4 CO. I 1 ICKHAM A BLACK, " Are now offering NEW GOODS AT a N E W PRICES!; DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS WHITE GOODS, and| NOTIONS. HATS & CAPS.J OF THE LATEST STYLESJ BOOTS & SHOES, In variety, W I C K H A M & BLACK Keep a large stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, To which wo invite special attention. We offer our Goods on the CASH SYSTEM. June 12,1865. J A L:L 1 8 6 5. FALL. TRACY & MOORE, Now invite the attention of the public to their.opening of FALL GOODS, Embracing a fine variety of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS and CLOAKS, FANCY GOODS, PRINTS, and DOMESTICS, WOOLEN GOODS, WHITE GOODS and * GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HOSIERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, Together with a good assortment of HATS and CAPS, BOOTS andSHO ES CROCKERY,HARDWARE, GROCERIEB, Ac. Towanda, Sept. 14,1865. mcul)antiGf, &c. INTERESTING TO ALL! The subscriber would most respectfully announce to the citizens of Bradford County, and "the rest of man kind," that he has recently purchased And most elegant ly refitted the stand formerly owned by T. Humphrey, and more recently by S. N. Bronson. and has jnst receiv ed an entire stock ot new goods, purchased wholly since the "caving in" of the reliellion, which will enable bim to offer his stock at such prices as will be sure to give entire satisfaction to all close buyers. In the stock will be found a well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTB A SHOES, CROCKERY, AC. The motto will te "Small profits, quick sales, the ' nimble sixpence better tban the slow shilling.'" TERMS—Payineutto he made on delivering the goods. Please remember the place, which will hereafter be known as the "Bee Hive." Orwell, June 15, 1865. L. H. BRONSON. BLACK SILK SHAWLS, At the Bee Hive. B ROCHE LONG AND SINGLE At the Bee Hive. SUMMER SHAWLS, Beautiful styles, at the Bee Hive. MOURNING SHAWLS, Finest qualities, at the Bee Hive. ELEGANT SHAWLS, All seasons of the year at the Bee Hive. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, At the Bee Hive. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Splendid Styles, at the Bee Hive. LADIES' CLOTH, At the Bee Hive. LADIES' WATERPROOF OR REPELLENT CLOTH, at the Bee Hive. LADIES' CORSE TTS, Best quality, at the Bee Hive. CHILDREN'S' SHOES, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, at the Bee Hive. HATS OF THE LATEST STYLES, At the Bee Hive. BOOTS AND SHOES, Large assortment, at the Bee Hive. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, Latest Patterns, at the Bee Hive. TEAS! TEA E T E E x ,T - E E TEA E T All kinds, Ooiung, Japan, Young Hyson. Gunpowder, i and Imperial Teas of all the finest flavors, and Iresh of the last crop, at the lowest prices, and warranted, at the Bee Hive, j DAIRY SALT, At the Bee Hive. A GREAT MANY GOODS THAT IS WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY, at the Bee Hive. COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, At the BEE HIVE, Orwell. Pa. t&~ Please call and see. L. H. BRONSON; 1 K % s s % = 1 H > CO t * *T> 5 J r §* g d § > 4i£l - „ * |£* * £ r £ S J7 s ?? P 5 ~ 3 i* ? o - * X~ ® W £§§ K B SB ft © 5C F " S .2 BROTHERS Wish to call the attention ot the public Jto their jnew Stock of HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, .Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Bros lie* of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash price. Also, a Sine assortment of KEROSENE LAMPS of every style and pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil aad Plaid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing .of all kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTINDED T OJ. We have on hand a fine article of GLASS FRUIT JARS, with improved self- sealing corks, and HEBMETICAL SEALING CANS, which is one of the best cans used. June 20, 1865. Heal (Estate. ARM FOTSALE.--THIS PLACE IS well known as the Warner Farm, lies in Wysox twp.. on the Susquehanna river, opposite the borough of Towanda and adjoins lands of M. Laning, Esq..Judge Morgan, E. Coolbaugh. R. Brown and others. This farm contains above 200 acres, of which about 100 are cleared. There is a dwelling house, two barns, corn house, and a large orchard of grafted fruit. 1 1 is well watered with never-failing springs of water, one of which is brought to the house, and is well adapted for a dairy farm. The dwelling house is less than a mile from Towanda Bridge. Persons desirous of puichasing a cheap Farm near to a County town, aad public Insti tute would do well to view this place, as it will be positively sold at a very low OvERTON> Towanda, Sept. 4.1865. . , . . N B The person who bought this place last winter was "unable to comply with the terms ,by reason ot losses by the high treshet in the rtver. K G FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale a valuable farm in Smithfield twp. pnnd buildings, fences, fruit Ac. Good DUUU G JQHN N CALTFP Towanda, July 10.1865. Office over P. 0. DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE ! —This Farm lies in Wyalusing twp., one mile from Camp town containing a bout 130 acres ; 95 acres improved, with 'superior buildings, fences and improvements of all kinds. It has a fine fiuit orchard, consisting of ap ples peaches pears, plnmbs, cherries, Ac., berries, bra pes gooseberries, currants, Ac., in large quantities. TERMS—S4O per acre, S3OOO down, the balance on time. , . For further information apply or adress J . N v.- ALI r * i Office over Post office, Towanda. Pa. Sept. 8,1865.— 2m ARM FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER offers his farm for sale in the borough of ( Leßays ville, and contains 83 acres, about 60 acres imp'owi. with a large Dwelling House—a good sprmg or water near the door, a wagon-house, barn and shed thereon. Terms made easy for the purchaser. gTEYENS. Leßaysville, Aug. 25,1865.— 4t £egal. ADM I NISTR A TOR' 8 NOTICE.-Notice in hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of MARVIN McCKKEKY. late of Warren twp., dee d., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against gaid estate will pres entthem duly authenticated tor settlement. JOS. F. WHEATON, Aug. 31, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIUE.-Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of JOEL KIN TON", deed, late of Bradford County, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present thein duly authenticated for settlement. JAMKS H.WEBB, Aug. 31,1965. Administrator ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.—NOTICE is hereby giveu, that all persons indebted to the estate of EDMUND L. COBB, late ol Pike towp. dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claim against said estate will present thera duly authenticated lor settlement. SARAH jC. COBB. Aug. 31, 1065. Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate ot SAMUEL W. WILCOX, late of Canton twp.. dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. J A. D. FOBS. Aug. 17, 1865. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE. —Letters ■A a. of administration ol the goods, chattels, Ac. of PHILANDER POSTER lalcof Oranville twp., dee d, have heeu issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands sgaiust the same are notified to present the same lor settlement to the subscriber. ANDREW i.OYSE, Aug. 17,1865. Administrate!. A" DMIN ISTRATOR'S N OTlCE.— Notice is hereby given, that all persous indebted to the estate ot E. D.GREGG, dee d, late of l'uwandat wp, are requested to make immediate payment, and tnose hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. WM. GREGG, Aug. 3, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tale o! V. N. BOAKDMAN, late of Windham dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. ELIZA BOARDMAN, Aug. 10, 1865. * Administratrix. CT ENERAL ELECTION PROCLAMA- M TlON—Whereas, by an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, entitled "an act re lating to the elections of this Commonwealth," It is en joined upon me to give public notice ot such e.ection to be held, and also the enumeration in snch notice what officers are to be elected, 1, J. M. SMITH. High Sheriff of the County ot Bradford, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of said county,,>n TUESDAY, the 10th day of OCTOBER, in the several districts in said county, to wit: r In Alba, at the house of D C Knapp. In Albany, at the school house near Wm Harness In Asylum,at the school house near Simon Decker's. In Athens boro", at the house of E S Mathewson. In Athens twp., at the house of J B Hunt, in Athens Borough. In Armenia at the bouse of John S Becker. In Burlington boro', at the hall of Henry Vosburg. In " twp.' at the house of Roswell Luther. In " west, at the house of Ezra Goddard. In Canton boro'.at the Central House. In Canton, at the house of S C Myers. In Columbia, st the house of James Morgan. In Franklin, at the house of J M Martin, now occupied by H M Southwell. In Granville, at the house of Benj' F Taylor. In Herrick, at the school house near Daniel Durand's. In Leßaysville, at In Litchfield, at the house of Cyrus Bloodgood. In Leßoy, at the school honse in Leßoy. In Monroe, at the houee of R R Rockwell. In Monroe boro", at the house of Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, at the house ot Frances Woodruff. In Overton, at the house ot David W<man. In Pike, at the house of Traver Bosworth. In Rome, at the Academy. Iu Rome boro", at In Ridgbury. at the house of Benj Herman. In Shesbequin.atthe Valley Honse. In Smithtield, at the house of A J Oerould. In Springlieid, at the house of Siuiou Stevens. In Sylvauia boro', at the house ot Curtis Merritt. In South Creek, at the house of J F Gillett. In Terry, at the house of Jacob Frutchey. In Towauda boro', at the Grand Jury room, iu the Court House, is said boro'. In Towanda twp.At the school honse near H L Scott's Iu Towanda north, at the house ol S A Mills. In Troy, at the Eagle Tavern. Iu Troy twp., at the house ol V M Long, in the boro' of Troy. In Tuscarora, at the school house near James Black s. In Ulster, at the house of J B Holcomb. In Warren,at the house of K Cooper, In Wells, at the house ol L Setley. In Windham, at the house ot Beuj Kuykeudall. In Wyalusing, at the house ot S H Black. In Wilmot, at the house ot A J stone. In Wysox, at the house ol James M Reed. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot One person tor Auditor General. One person tor Surveyor Geueral. One person lor senator. One person lor President Judge. Two persous lor Representative. One person for Treasurer. One person lor Commissioner. One person lor District Attorney. One person lor Auditor. One person for Surveyor. And in and by said act, 1 am lurther directed to give notice "that every person excepting justice ol the peace, who shall hold any office of protit and trust under the government 01 the United States or this State, or ol any incorporated district and also that every Member ol Congress and ot the Le.islalure and the select and com mon council ol any city, or commissioners ol any in corporated district, is by law ii capable ol holding or exer. ising at the same time the office 01 appointment ol Judge, Inspector or Clerk ot any election ol this Com monwealth and that no Inspector or other officer ol any such election shall be then eligible to any officer than to be voted tor. By the 4th section of an act passed the Ist day of Apni. 1&40, it is provided -*hat the 13th section ol act passed July 2, lst3, entitled -An Act relating to the election ol this Commonwealth,' " shall not be constru ed so as to prevent any military officer Irom serving as Judge, inspector or Clerk,at any general or special elec tion ot this Commonwealth. An Act to change the time of Closing the Polls at the General and Township Elections iu the County of Bradford. SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That at all General, Special, aud Township or Borough elections hereaiter held in the County ot Bradford, the Polls shall be closed at six o - clock in the atternoon instead ol seven, as heretofore provided by law. The meeting of the return judges lor this Senatorial District will be at the Conrt House in Towanda, on the seventh day alter the election. _ . The meeting of the return judges of this Judicial district-will be held at the Court House in Towanda .the seventh day alter the election, which will be the 17'h day ot October. The meeting of the return judges lor this Represent ative district will be held at the Court House in Towan da, on the seventh day alter the election. J. M. SMITH, Sept. 19, 1865. Sheriff. miscellaneous. J J. GRIFFITHS SUCCESSOR TO COWLES & GO'S BOOK STORE, NEWS ROOM AND EXPRESS OFFICE, Which are all in the Post Office building,on Main street. Lcctly opposite the Court House. We have the largest and most elegant assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK and LAW BOOKS. MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, SINGING BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, LITHO GRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, DIARIES, FOR 1866, AC., AC., n he found anywhere in the country. We are con atfltitlv receiving, trom New York and Philadelphia, .ich as Harper's and Atlantic Monthlies, Young Folks, lev's Lady's Book, Peterson's Magazine. Scientific American. Ballou's Dollar Monthly, Chimney Corner, Hours at Homt, The Nation, Budget of Inn, Mrs. Grundy, Dime Novels. Song Books and News Papers : V , the Dailv Tribune, Times. Herald, Journal of Com m'erce Sun Ledger, Mercury, Clipper, Boston Pilot, ,v c. BEST GOLD PENS, ever brought to this market; Port Monnies, Pocket Diariw for 1866 ; Bank Note Reporter's and Description nsts describing all the counterfeits aud broken bank Lists, UESCNUIUR country.—every man should notes uow afloat m the > stotk ot School I{oohs SSK KSV.I& .. a. • v„, 1.. figure for cash. PHiYTfiGR Vl'U ALBUM*, PHOTOGKAI Y 8181 ES WRITING DESKS, Methodist, Presbyterian u <^ k^ o ° f Kß T ALL THE POETS. LAW, SCIIOOL. BLANK And all kinds of Booke. Everything in the Book and Stationary line. ... Y nooxs OR OTHER MATTER PUBLISHED CAN BE ORDERED THROUGH US PROMPTLY, AT CITY PBICBB. verly at 5$ o'clock p.m., on the arrival r I fr °We pay specdal attention in sending and receiving Express packages to and from JQVNY GRIFFITHB. Towanda, Aug. 28,1865.