sratlM ivfprto. £-> ....... LOCAL ANI) GENERAL. i S; ,,N KEI'FIII.IOAN COUNTY CONVENTION. I;, publican County Convention have appoin ''l'TLN following Committees of Vigilance, whose '' 1S T0 C4 LL meetings of the electors on Satur s, PT 2. 1865, between the hours of 5 and 7 p • 'I the purpose of electing two delegates to ' T each district in the County Convention 1 , ACID at. I'owandu, Monday evening, Sept 4, By order of the Committee. JOHN B. HINEH, Chairman. COMMITTEES OF VIUILENCE. David Palmer, C S Wilson, D W'C ' Carter, D S Alexander, J Vanloon. U S Uvenshier jr., DGardner, A SUELL jr. U ''" ■ ,R.!V 8 B Hoyt, L White, F X Page. UEX Cease,*J B Morgan, John Becker, L; C Gilbert, E R Delong, 11 J Moody. II il LIDL, 1 Waters, J Nichols, urn west -C Taylor, G W Shattuek, Thomas A boro' —M Long, E Everette, R Morley. .) L Bothwell, G C Spalding, W S Jayne. J K , .J W Vandyke, L liMorse, E Newman. p P Peckiiaiu, G Taylor, G L'lacy. 11 Kellogg, C Stevens, J P Bitrnham. VV Bunyon, M Ayers, E Bailey. \\ Camp, Cyrus I: utter. D llolcomb, J Wallers, Dr Win Wilcox. T__J B Wheaton, W 11 Spencer, Cyrus ~,i .iod. NC S Gorliam, G W Brink, Dr. Dcwitt. IP 11 .-meet, E Horton, I Smiley. JII n iiiackmau, ii C iracy, S a liinman. j d IK veil j, it it itieUard, L iievcrly. ji Tuner, Ai iayior, L B Powell. \ IN. \ uoios, J \* 5 ones, W iiutemnson. J , ~ I IJ.U'E, Git AieaU, Ai D iiciruuD. j V jlooily, T Dallies, suiiii Vi iuwncr. 0 ,, i. u Aioody, U i loung, <) Passinoie. Ya- , uin- i- i na\v, CJ Sniilh, k L Post. \u C L Wood, S iracy, Waiter Scott. ,a G F iialkncss, Biv Auums, i W dder. C [VII J i' UllieUc, D i HlliUeUi, L Berk. O i UIWUN, i' Alonrue, E Furinan. AU MONE —W Grrtlis, ii W iracy N A Wood, ihoiiias, JII iieddington, ii Stiles. ' (j XJ X'eck, il S Leonard, C Corbin. I.i iwp BIL Bowman, B Davidson, 11 L , A bo'— W II 11 Gore, D C Dayton, C 1) ... T. north— J N Oaiifl, A Mead, W" ASluyter. I 1.1 11 iayior, W Cobuin, N J Cogswell, ii Terry, J H Horton, J Terry, ii Walker, 11 Shaw, J S Patterson. . .. J A Newman, N Young, jr., W p Corlun. A.IIII—A, J Newman, B KuykeutlalL A Brink, Ai bin pai d, A Young. ,I .J W ingham, D Aurams, C S StowelL ..-in ' J l ee, E llomet, 1 J Eaeey. L'C'. A Lent, I C Shores, John Tuttle. DKI EUATE MEETING. —The Republican Elect - Towauda Boro' are requested to meet in the udJun Room, ou Saturday, Sept. "id, 1865, at ioet I'. M. , for the purpose of choosing two .ACS to represent the Boro' at the County Con xion to he held at Towauda, Monday, Sept 4th, W. H. H. GOKE, ) D. C. DAYTON, Com. of Yig. L'. D. PASSAGE. ) The Wavorly Stage leaves the News is at Tuwanda every morning at 7 o'clock and ■IS every C\ ening (Sundays excepted). Passen- RS .< aving in this line can go to Elmira, Coming, i, Binghamton, Chemung, Barton, Tioga, : thboro, Big Flats, Union, Ac., transact their - :U >S and return by the same stage in the even l'.iss, ngeis by this line reach New York the LIT V. and returning leave New York in the ■jii n ,TI hiiig Towauda the same night. I. ST His WIFE. —Mr. JOHN A. LAXDON, of I IIITRE, liroome county, New York, has re nu 1 from tlie army " alive and well," and finds i ti... ■s of his wife and child. Her name is or - t'.INIEIUXE A. LANDON, and she has a little boy u;t thvi-i-years old. Any one knowing such a I will confer a favor on the husband by in llilll AS above. ••• .IR IN AGRKTT.TUP.IST. —The August rof this illustrated agricultural monthly - usual, an exceedingly interesting amount UL information for the farmer and others, best work of its kind published in the and should be at once introduced into ■is, bold. Published by O. Judd, -11 Park N w York. Terms $1,50 per annum. D. " Ili'iio is the name of a new town 10-' ■n the right bank of tbe Allegheny river, j i : ur miles of Franklin, and on the A. and J '• R.nlway. It is named after General Reno, j is a native of Franklin. The founders of i I U at e Galusha A. Grow, Ex-Speaker of the ! 1 States House of Representatives and C. W. j r. ('ONGRT-ssmen elect from the Crawford dis- ' \WK.I>. — A little buy of Mr. Frost, -Under. about 7 or 6 years of age, was I on Monday week by falling off the Erie Bridge over the Owego creek. :.Kl>. —A Mr. Cortright was killed by \ng of a tree, in the town of Windham, while --'•lping, one day last week. -A building belonging to Mrs. -< iiie roii on the west side of North Avenue, tire from the burning out of a chimney, on -iy .ilti rnoon week. The flames were quick ■ itiuguidied, and no serious damage was done. >./" li'l'.'tk. " The Little Corporal," is the title of ut!i!y paper, for children, recently started in - • H'inois. by Alfred L. Sewell, two nutu : which, together with the "Children's Por- Mr. Lincoln," a magnificant picture sent ' l-rt ti.inm to all subscribers of the paper. "The ' ' ."pond," claims to be and is a first class • > :.r boys and girls—a real gem of children's It should be in every house where ■ > < i. The price of the "Little Corporal" y< .'!■ in advance, with extra premiums to 5, iiin.ii numbers sent for 10 cents, i mtains 16 pages, quarto size. Ad i L. Sewell, care of Duulap, Sewell A : 1 hi. ago, Illinois. —On the night of the Bth inst., a lining to Mr. John l'revost, of Russel '.'■. lining about twelve tons of hay, was Li'' fire was discovered near midnight. ; -i ueral impression as to the origin of the tire t ho that some canalers, who had become ... •! whisky at the tavern near by, went to :i lor ilu- purpose of smoking and sleeping, • 'da yL it too much of the one and too lit the other. *** l!"' Branch Association of '-is will hold its next annual meeting at "" l " u Wednesday and Thursday, October ■ "112 th. Bradford County Teacher's As *il! in., tut Rome, the Bth of Bept., at 10 '"'lowing resolutions are proposed for •"i"U : "• 'ant teachers have a greater influence " b'l ining the character of the young. . , ' lut no person should be granted a . >; j ' '*•• t 'ouuty Superintendent that will ' - not attend Educational meetings. ' illt men who are opposed to paying a . it*':.'""* °* P u blie schools should be ■ sing any part in the affairs of our 3d i'v !. hftt 11 "'u'orm system of taxation lie • divi \ > i . o tut ' h'cnu.sylvunia, and that 1 e made to accommo date all who may come. The Pastors throughout the county are reques ted to read the above call to their Reveral congre gations, and much oblige the Ex. Com. O, A. BLACK, US. Sec. WANTED. —One million feet of pine, hern lock, oak, ash, beech, birch, maple and whitewood lumber in the log, to be delivered at Wilkes-Barro during this Summer and coming Fall, for which a liberal price will be paid. Also, a large amount wanted next spring. Address J. E. PATTERSON A Co., Clark's Greene, Luzerne Co., Pa., until Aug. Ist, 1865, after which orders will be received at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. June s—3m. MARRIED, CHILSON JOHNSON. —In Monroeton, Aug. 17, 18t>5, by J. R. Cowell Esq., Mr. George A. Chil son to Miss M. Johnson, all of Asylum. DIED. CHUBBUCK.—In Orwell, Aug. 1, 1865, Nuthaueil Chubbuck, aged 76 years—a much respected and worthy citizen. ! Xciu 3i)r>ert'nciiunts. t IJTSS II C . IIUN T Contemplates opening a School tor a limited number of girls, on Second St., oti Wednesiley, Sept 6, 1865. 1 TERMS t'EH qIAUTF.K i Common English Branches $5 50 Higher " " 7 00 " " Latin included 9 00 French (extra) 4 0o School year of 42 weeks, divided in tour equal terms. Much experience, and considerable opportunities for observation in dillertut methods of teaching, enable Miss HINT to offer her services to those interested with a certain degree of confidence. Unexceptional referen ces given it required Towanda.Aug. 29,1805. E STRAY.—Came into the enclosure of the Subscriber on or about the 20th day of July, 1105, a.Yellow Heifer, Bock Horns, thin in flesh, supposed to be about one year old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her j away, or she will be disposed ot according to law. HARRISON DODD. I Burlington, Aug. 17, 1865 3t TO THE CITIZENS oFcANTON, AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT ! FELLOWS, CRANDALL A CO. Have procured the services ot JAMES TOMPSON,whose name stands first among the Blacksmiths of this county, and we leel assured that his well earned reputation and experience in Horse-shoeing,cannot tail to please any or all who may favor us with a call. JAS. H. FELLOWS, D. C. CRANDALL, I JACOB G. MEIUUTT. Alba, I'a., Aug. 21,1865.—3 m CHEEP ! SHEEP ! ! SHEEP ! 1 ! Those wishing to secure a flock ot sheep cau do so without paying out money in advance. I have a tine lot ot about 150 which 1 will let out to double in lots to suit. Letting to commence at 10 o'clock a. in., on Sat urday the 9th day ol September, at my house in Albany township, Bradford Co., Pa. H. H. HOAGLAND. 1 New Albany, Aug. 21. 1865. ! A MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY! INTERESTING TO AGENTS, FARMERS, AND LADIES. We are making a single machine which combines the best and cheapest portable Wine and Cider Press, she dryest. C lotbes Wringer, and the most powerful Lilting Jack iu the world. It is the only press adapted to mak ing Apple Champaign, which is now regarded as one of " the most important discoveries of the age. A good j agent wanted iu every county, to whom we will hold : ( i out such inducements as to ensure SIOOO before Christ f mas. The first one making application troui any couuty j I shall have the exclusive agency. Full particulars, terms, j I etc., by Circular. Address HALL, REED A CO., j Aug. 14,1865. No. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. /CAUTlON.—Whereas, my wife, Elizabeth, has lett my bed and board without just cause or j provocation, all persons are hereby cautioned against i harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay j no debts ot her contracting. FERDINAND A. WHEELER. , Ulster, Aug. 9,1865. PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL JL SOCIETY.—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will hold its exhibition on September 26th, 27th, 28th and 29tb, 1865, at WILLIAMSPOIiT, LYCOMING COUNTY. Any information desired by persons desiring to exhib it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by mem bers of the society, will be given by the undersigned, or by A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg, Pa. A . BROWEK LONGAKER, Secretary. Norristown, June 5, 1865. P STRAY.—Left the enclosure of the un- JU dersigned, on or about the 31st of July, a Large, Red, Roan Cow,—the end of her tail has been cutoff, and she has but three teets. Any person giving infor mation of her whereabouts, will be suitably rewarded. Tuwanda, Aug. 8, 1865. REBECCA WILCOX. EISTRAY. —Come iuto the enclosure of i the subscriber about the 21st of July, 1865, a RED COW, one hip down, and about 12 years old. The own er is requested to corno forward, prove property, pay ch srges and take her away. Litchfield, Aug. 8, 1865. PUTMAN HADLOCK, ADM INISTR ATO Il'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of V. N. BOARDMAN, late of Windham dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and ail having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti- -t cated for settlement. ' ELIZA BOARDMAN, Aug. 10, 1865. Administratrix. T ATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW LOOPS ! AT W ILL! A M A . R 0 C K W ELL'S. Consisting of LADIES' PRESS GOODS, MOZAMBIQUE, CRAPE, MERAT, JDK LAINES, AC. LADIES' CLOTHES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, IT ATS, and a general variety of LADIES' GOODS. MENS' BROAI) CLOTHS, CA SSI MERES, SATTINETTS, JEANS, DRILLS, And a variety of VESTIN'GS. A well selected assortment of LADIES' and MISSES SHOES and SLIPPERS, and MEN A BOYS' BOOTS. Also, Mens' Boys' and Childrens' SOFT STRAW DATS and CAPS, of all.descriptions. Usual large Assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS and STONEWARE. Yon will find, by calling, a cheap lot of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, ROPES, CABS, BASKETS, AC., AC. NOW FOR THE 4TH OF JULY ! FIRE-WORKS, of all descriptions, and TOT S of all kinds on hand. Piease call and examine my large and general assort ment of Goods, which will be sold at lowest prices for Cash and Produce. June '22,1*65. FOR SALE.—A few Chairs, Pictures, and French Bedsteads. Call at the Ward House Towunda, Pa. June 12.1865. fHercljanbtir. | ENIiYMERC UR&(! O ~ Towanua, Penn'a, : Have ou hand and are opening at L OWES T M A It KE T PRICES, A superior stock of . DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, I COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Towanda, March 21,1865, Q K EAT A|T TRACTIO N AT MONTANYE'S STORE! PEACE PRICES. Every variety of LADIES' CLOTH, AND FAN C Y I) RE S S GOODS. Goods for Gentlemen of EVERY DESCRIPTION. And all the known Styles to suit this Market, which will be sold at WIIO LE S A|L E OR RETAIL TO SUIT CUSTOM Elt S , I At prices that cannot but please. Returning thanks for past favors, we invite attention to our Large Stock of Goods. June 6, 1865, MONTANYE A CO. ICKHAM & BLACK, Are now offering XEW GOODS AT X E W PRICES! DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, WHITE GOODS, and XOTIOXS. II A T S k CAPS, OF THE LA T EST ST Y EES. BOOTS k SHOES, In variety. W ICKH A M & BLACK Keep a large stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, To which we invite special attention. We offer our Goods on the CASH SYSTEM. June 12,1865. QPRIXG! SPRING! SPRING! 18G 5 . PRICES NOW WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! TRACY k MOORE, Are now opening a FINE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, Including a handsome variety of DRESS GOODS, SPRING SHAWLS, FANCY GOODS A NOTIONS! A Good Stock of PRINTS, DOMESTICS, CARPETINGS, kc. LADIES' AND GENT'S HATS. GROCERIES, ROOTS AND SHOES, April 10. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Ac. "LVYRM FOR SALE.—THE SUBSCRIBER A offers his farm far sale in the borough of Leßays ville, and contains 83 acres, about 60 acres improved, with a large Dwelling House—a good spring of water near the door, a wagon-house, barn and shed thereon. Terms made easy lor the purchaser. . _ L.M.STEVENS. Leltaysville, Aug. 25, 1865.—4t illmljanbue, Sec. JNTERE STI N G T O AL L ! The subscriber would most respectfully announce to 1 the citizens ol Bradford County, and'-the rest of man kind," that he has recently purchased und most elegant j Iy refitted the stand formerly owned by T. Humphrey, and more recently by S. N. Bronson. and has just receiv ed an entire stock ot new goods, purchased wholly since the ' caving in" ol the rebellion, which will enable him to offer his stock at such prices as will be sure to give entire satisfaction to all close buyers. In the stock will be found a well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY, AC. The motto will le "Small profits, ijuick sales, the ' nimble sixpence better than the slow shilling." TERMS—Payment to he made ou delivering the goods. Please remember the place, which will heieafter be I known as the "Bee Hive." Orwell, June 15, 1865. L. H. BRONSON. BLA 0 K SILK SIIAW LS , At the Bee Hive. BR 0 CII E LONG AN D SIN GL E At the Bee Hive. SUM ME R SIIAW LS , ', Beautiful styles, at the Bee Hive. MOUR NI N G SIIA WL S , Finest qualities, at the Bee Hive. ELEG AN T SIIAW LS , All seasons of the year at the Bcc Hive. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, At the Ree Hive. LA DJ ES ' DRESS GO OD S, Spiendid Styles, at the Bee Hive. LAI)1 KS ' CLOI II , At the Bee Hive. LADIES' W A T E R P R 0 0 F 0 R REPELLENT CLOTH, at the Bee Hive. LAI)I ES ' CORSE TT S , Best quality, at the Bee Hive. CHILDREN'S' SHOES, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, at the Bee Hive. HATS OF THE LATEST STYLES, At the Bee Hive. B 0 OTS AND SHOES, Large assortment, at the Bee Hive. 0 ROCK E R Y A G L A S S \V A R E, Latest Patterns, at the Bee Hive. TEA S ! T E A F. T E E a x - E E TEA E T All kinds, Oolong, Japan, Young Hyson. Gunpowder, j and Imperial Teas of all the finest flavors, and fresh of the last crop, at the lowest prices, and warranted, at the j Bee Hive. DAIRY SALT, At the Bee Hive. A GREAT MANY GOODS THAT IS ' WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY, at the Bee Hive. COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, At the BEE HIVE, Orwell. Pa. Please call and see, L. H. BRONSON ' rpHE EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS. J. W. TAYLOR, | Is now fteeiving one of the finest assortments ofMilli- i j nery and Fancy Goods ever brought in the market, con | sistiug of all the newest styies of Bonnets, Hats and i Caps the new Fanchon Bonnet, the Faust, Saratoga 1 and Coburg Hats. Misses and Infants Hats and Scotch . Caps. All the new colors of Bonuct Ribbons, Moon on . the Lake, the new shades ol Green, Purple and Blue. A large stock ot Ribbons, Trimmings and Dress Trim mings. All styles of Hoop Skirts. Duplex, Multiform, and Corset Skirt. Silk Umbrellas and Parasols, Plain Linen, Hem Stitched and Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Chenelle Head Dresses and Silk Nets. A Fine assort i | ment of Kid Gloves? French Corsets, Plain Linen. Em ' ! broidered and Valencia Collars, Linen Thread and ! Smyrna Edging, Dimity Bands and Ruffling, Embroider | ing and Tucked Edgings. A good assortment of Gloves and Hosiery. Black Silk Mitts. Yankee Notions, Wide | Belts and Belt Buckles, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Fans and Fancy Combs. All colors Zephyrs. Bonnets and Hats trimmed in the |very latest New | York styles. Millinery Work done on short notice and j warranted to please. Bonnets and Hats shaped in the New Style, Ac. N. B.—l have added to my stock aniec lineot dry Goods. Prints, Delaines, Challis, Black and Colored Alapaccas. All Wool Delaines, Gingham, Bleached Mus lin, Plain and Plaid Nansook, Jaconets. A full line of Swiss, Mull, Bobinett Laces, Black and White Paslier Lace, Black, Black and White Dolled iAce, and a great many other things too numerous to mention, one door north of Cowles & Co.'s Book Store, and opposite the Court House, Towanda, May 1, 1865. gP IN NING WHEELS! VV II OLE S A L E A N I) R E T AIL. j To the citizens and farmers of Bradford and adjoining | counties : The subscriber would respectfully announce ; that he is prepared to furnish them with WOOL-WHEELS, FLAX-WIIEELS, WHEEL-HEADS, SNAP-REELS, SWIVES, FLIERS, &C., AC.' In short everything connected with the Home Mtina j facture ol Woolen and Linen Goods. Merchants wishing to purchase to sell again, will j please address by mail, when list of prices will be sent. ! All goods packed in shipping order. N. B. Particular attention is called to the " Crandall i Wheel-Head."' au article far superior to any now in use. i ! All articles warranted to give eutire satisfaction. C.M. CRANDALL. I Montrose, Pa., June 10,1865. Ccgal O IIKRIFPS SALES.—By virtue of a writ k ' of Fi. Pa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered,will be exposed to puhlh sale ul llie Court House in the Boro' of Towanda, MONDAY, BEPTEMBBH 4, 1865, at one o'clock,p.m ,thc folowing described lot piece or parcel of land ntuate iu the borough of Athens, aud bounded as follows, to wit : North by land of Mrs. McGeorge, east by the Bank lot, (so called) south by North st..and west by land of Michael O'Brien, known us lota No. 75 and 76 on plot aud survey made by Orson llickey for Hon. D. Herriek. Containing about one-fourth acre more or less all improved, with a framed bouse aud small framed barn tliereon. Seized aud taken into execution at the suit of N. C. Harris to use of a I £ r* z o B > - I £ 2 ~ i r* ► CO K p: r * 5 I > J gf * ° § 90 H lis" 5 P * I - I M AESHAL L BROTII Eli S Wish to call the attention ot the public to their [new Stock of HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash price. Also, a fiine assortment of KEROSENE LAMPS of every style aud pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, We have on hand a line article of GLASS FRUIT JARS, with improved self- sealing corks, and HERMETICAL SEALING CANS, which is one of the iiest cans used. June 20, 1865. | REWARD.--On Tuesday, 22d iust.,' a colored man traded with me a mare stolen from George Beidleman of Chemung, N. Y., for a mure j belonging to nte ; she was a BAY M ARE, 15 or 16 years ! 1 old, with a small star in her lo r eberd, a ringbone on her j off hind leg, and cut In her nigh fore shoulder made a j tew days since, i will pay $lO for the apprehension of the thief, aud $5 lor such information as will lead to j ! the recovery of the mare. Bcidlemau also offers a re- j | ward for the apprehension of the thief, i The negro was short, thick-set, with the left eye sore, j He represented himself as a pedlar, living near To wan i da. and was last heard of crossing the Towanda Bridge. . PATRICK BUTLER. I Ridgbury, Bradford County, Pa., Aug. 25, 1865. Xa~ Susquehanna Co. papers please notice. £egal. i | I IST OF THE NAMES OF PERSONS i , U drawn as Jurors lor September t o.irt, 1*65 : | GKANII Jl'ROtW. Athens twp , John Watkina, jr.; Alliens boro', Z B. ! j Spalding, A P. Stevens; Canton li no . James Rail f I dall.J. G. Scudder ; Granville, Geo. Catliu ; lietrick. i Gyrus Fuller; Litchfield, li. B.Wolcott; Ov • urn, ia-w.■> t i Bolt; Rome twp., C. E. Blown ; -Sunthtield, Wm. ltus t I sell, Ezra Wood; Springiield, B. K. Adams; H!i. .-ueqain, > Win. Klsbrec; Syivauia boro', Geo. Monroe ; fo vauda • j boro', W. li . 11. Gore, Dwight Dodge ; Ulster, John i Conklin; Warren, Stephen Chaffee, Browning Meyhew; I Wyalusiug, Hiram Buck; Wysox, Henry Wood ; ii'ri I | ham, Dennis Russell; WUniot, David fcllieuberger. . I tkavebs Jtmoaa- lav VOL < i ! Athens twp., J. A. Weller, Horace M-Kinney, Cb.t-. ' McDutlee. J. W. Pool, Setb Morley; Asylum, B. izrporU ; ' i Albany, Wm. Martin; Burlington West, W. it. Gaiuag- , ■ j Chas. Thatcher; Burlington twp., Allen M. Haight, Liu ' j beus Ellis, Chas. Knapp, Sam'l Whitehead ; Granville, i i Win. McKerran,Marcus Ayers, John JlcNaugbt; Leroy, ; Albert Holcomb; Litchfield, Isaac Baldwiu; Monroe o > | to', O. B. Westgate; .Mouroc twp., Jauies N. Irvine; I Pike, Geo. D. Johnson, Andrus bteveus, Russell <,'o.e --• nun. J. L. lughtm; Rome twp., A. G. Spencer, J. A- Moody, A. D. Towner; Uidgberry, David Gillett; stand, ing Stone, Byron Stephens ; Sulilhlield, J. H. Barber, Sam'l Miles, O. K. Bird, lleury Phelps; Sheshequm, G. Smith; Springfield, James Matox ; l'roy twp.. Dwight Freeman, W. L. Ninston; Troy boru', Braninard Bswen, Robt. Uediugtou, L. A. Saleys; To* airda tp.,H. L. Scott; ! Ulster, Levi Noble; Wysox, Irvine C. Shores, Stepnen CLysou ; Warren, iioger Howell; Windham, James Newman; Wilmot,ti. S. Gamble. TKA VERS Jl'KOad—2i> WEEK. Alba boro', Aivtn T. Dunbar, John J. Reynolds, Vol ney M. Wilson; Asylum, Kobt. Bull; Atheus boro', Jno. Hill, Albeit Camp cell; do. twp., Samuel Ovensbire, jr., Burlington boro , Charles Ross; do. West, Bourne; Canton tp., H. McClelland. Roderick Willtam-; Franklin, E Blake; Herriuk, D. laylor; Leruy,.-s.C. Van- Fleet; Monroe twp., F. ."sweet ; Urwell, Alphonzo Bos worth; Pike, S. 14. Stevens ; Kidguerry, Edwin Beck with, Aaron Ostrander, Wm. Fuller ; springtieid, A. B. Fanning; Smitbue.d, James Lyon, E. G. Durte ; she shequiu. Elisha Newell; ferry, J. L, Jones, F. W. ! Frutchey; Troy twp , Stephen F. Wheeler, smitli Bax ter; Towanda boro , L. B. Rogers; do. North, James Simmons; Lister, Walter Pollock, Wm. Elsoree, Guy Tracy; Wells. Frank Bowman; Wiutluam, Silas While; Warren, Jackson Wtutakcr. TKA VERS JURORS —3D WEEK. I Athens twp., Geo. McAttee. Levi Gaiuuer, Geo. Page. I Ismuard Wnite; Albany, Horatio Ladd, U. W. Corom, ; atlas Morse; Asyjum, Vmnp Cuweti ; Armenia Jouu J. Green; Columbia, Geo. Billings ; Canton t E. 11. Hill.— No. 122 Sept. Term, I*o4. You are hereby notitied that 0. C Hill, your wife, has applied to the Court ot Common Pleas of Bradlord County lor a divorce from the bonds oi matrimony,aud the said Court has appointed Monday, September 4th, 1*65, at two o'- clock p. m., at the Court House in Towanda,for hearing the said O. C. Hill in the premises at which time and place you can attend if you think proper, J. M.SMITH, Aug. 10,1865. Sheriff. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE. To / s 2x O. Brewster. No. S4B Sipt. Term, I*6l. You are hereby notitied that Ruth A. Brewster, by her next friend Joseph P. Hine, your wife, h s applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County for a di vorce trorn the bonds ot matrimony, and the said 1 "urt ha> appointed Monday, September 4th, 1*65, at l" o - clock p. in., at the Court House in Towanda. tor hearing the said Ruth A. Brewster in the premises at which time and place you can attend it you tMnk^iro^er. Aug. 10, 1*65. Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. —ToBrace Stevens.— No. 122 Feb. Term, 1865. Youarebere | by notified th :t Hcttie t>. Stevens, by her next friend j Pierson Brace, your wife, has applied to the Comt of I Common Pleas of Bradlord County, for a divorce from ; the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court ha.- appoint i ed Monday, September 4th, 1865. at two o'clock p. 111.. j at the Court House in Towanda, lor hearing the said Hettie 0. Stevens iu the premises at which time and ! place you can attend if yon thiEk proper. J.MONROE SMITH. Towanda, Aug 10,1665. Sheriff. FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale a valuable farm iu bmithtield twp. I Good buildings, fences, fruit Ac. | JOHN N. CALIFF, Towanda, July 10,1865. Ofiice over.P. 0.