T.radfon] fgqwtte. LOCAL AND GENERAL. EX ION REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION.— HIT- Republican County Convention have appoin ted the following Committees of Vigilance, whose LUTV it is to call meetings of the electors on Satur day, SCJU 2, 180-3, between the hours of 3 ami 7 p M, for the purpose of electing two delegates to y , PRESENT each district in the County Convention in- held at Towauda, Monday evening, Sept 4, : L>y order of the Committee. JOHN B. HIKES, Chairman. COMMITTEES OF VIOILKNCE. YLU: lmro' — David Palmer, C S Wilson, D WC (.aidulL \ anv C Carter, D S Alexander, J Vanloon. UU'CILS tup —S Ovenshierjr., DGardner, A Suell jr. , , :,S boio' —S B Hoyt, L White, I- N Page. \ ,I. tiia Alex Cease, J B Morgan, John Becker, S ~ .IN -U C Gilbert, E B Delong, H J Moody. (Arlington—H Hill, T Waters, J Nichols. .lingti>N west —C Taylor, G W Shattuek, Thomas biackwell. J L dngtoii boro' —M Long, E Everette, It Morley. C ; .N N J L Bothwell, G C Spalding, W S Jayne. II bo' —J W Vandyke, L H Morse, E Newman. i it.:i a.i P P Peckhain, G Taylor, G Tracy, i'nittkhu 11 Kellogg, C Stevens, Jl' Burnham. .uviile —W Bunyon, M Avers, E Bailey. II IIICK E Carr, 11 W Camp, Cyrus Puller. 1. R, I V D lloleomb, J Walters, Dr Win Wilcox. L.tcfiticld — J B Wheaton, Wll Spencer, Cyrus lhoodgood. p. I .IVSVIILE- S Gorham, G W Brink, Dr. Dewitt. l.io. twp -II Sweet, E Horton, T Smiley. . .NI-OE bo —L Blackmail, H C Tracy, S S Hinmau. 0. I;>'D O Beverly, it It Richard, L Heverly. eii'M eii E3l L'urrer, 31 Taylor, E B Powell. J C W Reynolds, J W Jones, W Hutchinson. G.MUY —B E Buck, G R Mead, 31 D Hennan. 1. ME J A 3loody, E Barnes, John G Towner. ROME lio' —L L Moody, O P Young, J Possmore. saeshequiu —E 1' Shaw, G Smith, E L Post, suiitlifield -C E Wood, S Tracy, Walter Scott. >i•:iiigiiehl U> 1' Ilarkness, BK Adams, T Wilder. > ,:th Creek —J E Gillette, D P Hildreth, L Berk, svivania— O Purman, P Monroe, P Purman. s.auding Sloue —\\ Grillis, H W Tracy G A Wood. Tr-y twp — S Thomas, E Reddington, R Stiles. i:oi boro — G E Peek, 11 S Leonard, C Corbin. , '.anda twp — L D Bowman, B Davidson, H L Scott. 1.1.1, au1a bo' —W H H Gore, D C Dayton, C D Passage. MM north —J N Califf, A 31ead, W ASluyter. . C.aora 11 Taylor, W Coburn, N J Cogswell, 'lerry. 11 Terry, J H Horton, J Terry. I E Walker, 11 Shaw, J S Patterson, MI: J A Newman, N Young, jr., \\ E Corbin. iv milliam —A 31eKee, J Newman, B KuykendalL v. T-iis A Brink, 31 Shepard, A Young. W nmot -J W Ingham, D Abrarus, C S Stowell. Wy.dusiug- -J Fee, E Hornet, 1 J Laeey. \\\WX —A Lent, U C' Shores, John Tuttle. WANTED. — Giro million feet of pine, hem ... oak, ash, beech, birch, maple and whitewood j r in the log, to be delivered at Wilkes-liarre j this Summer and coming Fall, for which a I I ml price will be paid. Also, a large amount) TL next spring. Address J. E. PATTERSON* A ' Clark's Greene, Luzerne Co., Pa., until Aug. 1 T. 1803, after which orders will be received at VUIL.'S-Barre, Pa. June 5 —3 M. J On Thursday, the 2Uih day of duly ultimo, which was the sixtieth birthday of 3irs. J. 11. Black, ofWyalusing, mistress of the quiet conn try Inn, kuovvu as the- •• Traveler's Home," that I: : ist rioas lady (.who, by the way, keeps no help, ) ..11 tided to her usual routine of house and dairy S k. getting three regular meals for the family ! -ah s two or three extra meals for travelers, and . addition to all this, spun sixty knots of woolen van. ' Who will beat it ? It may be worthy of i: Ti. that on her birth-day five years previous, ;,i: -. Black spun five runs. Young ladies of the ■ .V II figure and nimble toe, this was not street v else we might expect some of you to take the 1' dm. _ ha - 'I T !. ACCIDENT. —The Schuyler coun ; ! rit gives the particulars of a terrible ac c . : t v Id.'-h oc-c-ured in the town of Altay in that :• v 'tithe 2Gtli inst. A large mill crank, 1 - is to answer the purpose of a cannon, 1 ingused by a party of young men to fire a ! -.dir. "ii the occasion of the marriage in that | : "fa couple from Lodi. While loading this j • I-'ular gun it exploded, killing two of the party, i: juring three others so badly that their lives 1 spaired of. The parties were all of respec ' -families, and the accident occasioned great ■ . itemeut in the neighborhood. CHENANGO CANAL PROSFECT. —We are glad : ! in front Hon. John J. Taylor, who visited 8V use last week, in company with editor Smyth : ti.. Tunes, for the purpose of an interview with I ; Commissioner Bruce, that the latter gave en . ..gement of another letting of 10 or 12 miles : tie Chenango Extension during the present sea n. There is no good reason why the work should not now be progressing on the entire line tween Binghamton and Owego. — Oweijo Gazette. DANGEROUS COUNTERFEIT. —A very danger . ' "unterfeit of the one dollar treasury notes by General Government, has made its appearance, i*. - described as nearly a fac simile of tbe bill. —. 1 IIU ral appearance is pronounced good. The _! •II ink is of a lighter shade than that used on inline. The figure lon the scroll work on . •" r right hand corner of the note are printed MI." •!. ;in the genuine they are White. The I T -e iii the counterfeit is badly executed, ad'-rs cannot BE too Well on tbeir guard in ; in the one dollar treasury notes. * M K.VNN.V OF STATE SUPERINTENDENTS. — L iatice with a call issued by the State Su "B nts of Public Instruction in New Jersey, C • ivaiiia and Maryland, the Superintendents J tin National Teachers' Association in ■ sLurg, met Wednesday, August Hi, and or- I Y electing B. G. Northrop, of Massachu* t firman, and Rev. L. Bokkelen, of Mary- LII'T. Secretary. " 'TIS of interest connected with statistical N r reports were discussed, and the follow ;q>j"jinted to memoralizt Congress re !L E tabhshmeiit of a National Bureau of '■ A : Rev. Dr. Van Bokkelen, of 3larylund ; 1 ■ C. Cl'hurn, of Pennsylvania ; Hon. E. E. ;VI -■ l Ohio. I !::• appointment of a committee on con • N and by-laws, and correspondence, the • EC'III adjourned to meet in Washington, D. L- second Tuesday of January, 1800. Murder has become a fashionable : KS popularity seems to be inducement ■ 'lnmission on the most trivial offences, i. US with broken hearts no longer weep theni - to dc ath, but murder those who win and tri- W 'th their affections. Men suspicious of their inst. ad of cutting the connubial knot, .tway cut some lothario's throat or blow out r-is, and then live happily with their spouses, i with the popularity thus acquired. Wo murder for revenge, and men kill for love, aid moves on, and old Beelzebub is made glad LETTERS.—An item has appeared in ! '- V THE newspapers, stating that but one cent required on drop letters. In order that 1 :; l '!<• may not misunderstand this matter, we '• s tat that where there is no delivery made - ' arriers, only a cent stamp is required on "tt'Ts, but where carriers are employed to • " mail matter at the residence or business l citizens, as in the cities, a two cent stamp " be affixed to letters. "' V AT AIIEMV. —This institution will I the first Monday in Sept. next and eon 1-even weeks. Scholars not taken for less OUT, quarter. R. S. HOWES, Principal. A g- 12, 1860. RESIGNED.— CoI. S. D. POTTS tiavins re. signed the position of General Manager of the Philadelphia A* Erie railroad, Alfred L. Tyler lias been appointed to that post CoL Potts has accepted the presidency of a new freight company, called Empire line. We are glad to learn the Colonel will remain in our town, where he has made so mauy friends by his urbanity and promptitude while in the dis charge of his duties as manager of the P. & E. road.— II est Brunch Bulletin. SUICIDE IN CANDOR.— On Sunday last, in Candor Village, Miss Hannah Lewis, a girl 23 or 24 years of age, daughter of Lucas Lewis, commit ted suicide by shooting herself through the heart with a musket—her folks being absent at Church with the exception of a brother who was asleep in a bedroom in the chamber. When her folks came home she was lying dead upon the floor, with the gun by her side, the muzzle of which she had evi dently held against her breast while she had sprung the lock with her foot. Aberration ofmind growing out of religions excitement is supposed to have been the cause of the rash act. The family are highly respectable, and the girl herself bore an excellent character.— Owego Gazette. tey" The subscribers to the fund for the erection of a monument to Lieut.-Col. Guv H. WATKINS, ere requested to meet at the Office of Col. E. OVERTON, jr., on Saturday evening next, at 7 o'clock. SAD ACCIDENT. —As the Way Freight Train was going West Thursday morning last, a boy 14 years old, who said his name was Joseph McDonough, attempted to get aboard at the De pot, in this village, while the train was in motion and slipped between the cars and platform, the wheels running over his hip and arm smashing the bones and otherwise injuring him. The boy died about one o'clock Wednesday morning, and was buried in the Cemetery. He claimed to have|been in the service of Uncle Sam, and said that the company to which he belonged was mustered out of service at Buffalo, and he was on his way home to Philadelphia, where his parents reside.— Waver ly Advocate. f The Bradford County Medical So ciety will hold its annual meeting at the 3lasonic Hall, in the Boro'. of Towanda, on Wednesday, Sept. 6tli, at 10 o'clock, a. m. MR. EDITOR—DEAR SIR :—The readers of the REPOBTES, I am sure are always glad to find good news in the column local. I have a little to communicate in a short narrative concerning "Un cle Alincr's Sunday School " in Orwell township. Other cases of like character might be mentioned. "Uncle Miner" is one of our model Sunday- School Superintendents. Seven years ago he be gan the good work in what will he hereafter known as 3linerville. He is a great favorite among the children. Even the parents look up to him as their teacher, a man "mighty in the Scriptures." His scholars come by families. The houses are closed when the hour for Sunday School arrives, while children and parents, babes, grandmothers and all go to Sunday School. Having no other place they have been accustomed to meet in a sehoolhouse. This summer it was not sufficiently large to accommodate all who wished to attend. They were compelled to remove to a little island grove near by, which is literally covered with seats, and all the seats are occupied every pleasant sabbath. Last Sabbath I had the pleasure of vis iting this schooL My missionary pony, "Promp" brought me promptly to the place a half hour be fore the time of meeting. I found " Uncle Miner" in the school-house which was filled with children, " asking and answering questions " from the Bible. They at once proceeded to the grove where the first half hour was occupied in asking not less than one hundred questions on the Old Testament, all of which were answered by the scholars in concert. No books were used in this examination. " Uncle Miner" stated that his scholars could go through the whole Bible in the same way. Next followed the Missionary's address in which he showed them first how it was that their Sunday School had pro cured for them a church invisible, and secondly, what they shonld now do to procure also a church visible. After the address, "Uncle Miner" ap pointed a meeting for the puipose of taking meas ures to exchange the grove for a house of worship. Before leaving the next morning, I was told that seven hundred dollars had been subscribed and a fine lot given for the new church visible which is gracefully forming from materials in " Uncle Mi ner's Suuday School." Very truly yours, It. CRITTENDEN. ll®- S. W. AI.VORD lias been appointed Agent for the Arctic Insurance Company, of New York. TLis is one of the safest companies extant. MAR RIE D . MIDLER— KIN LEY.—By Wm. H. Conklin, Esq., August 13th, 18G5, Mr. Charles Miller to Mrs. Amanda Kinley, all of Wysox, Pa. LAYTON—BRINK.—At Binghamton, August Bth, 18G">, by Rev. Charles Keyser, Mr. A. J. Layton, of Litchfield Pa., to Miss Victoria Brink, of Wa verlv, N. Y. HOAGLAND—PERRY.—In Leroy, August loth, by Rev. I. B. Lake, Mr. John M. Hoagland to Mrs. Lucinda Perry, both of Leroy. LIED. SCOTT. —In Albany, N. Y., August Bth, 1805, Dr. David L. Scott, aged 5G years. WELLS.—In Wyalusing, on the 14th inst., Ad elaide, daughter of George 11. and Laura A. j Welles, aged 14 months. STBOPE.—At Ralston, California, July lGtli, Geo. L. Strope, formerly of this county, in the 41st year of his ago. ■\"cu) 3£iDert'ucmcnts. EYSJRAY. —Cauie into the enclosure of the I J Subscriber on or about the '2oth day of July, 1105, iCYellow Heiter, Buck Horns, thin iutiesli, supposed to be about one year old. The owner is requested to come turward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, or sue will be dispo-ed of according to law. HARRISON DODD. Burlington, Aug. 17, 18G5.—3t 110 THE CITIZENS OF CANTON, AND . SURROUNDING DISTRICT ! FELLOWS, CRANDALL & CO. Have procured the services of JAMES TOMPSON,whose name stands first among the Blacksmiths of this county, and we (eel assured that his well earned reputation and experience in Horse-shoeing, cannot tail to please any or all who may favor us with a call. J AS. H. FELLOWS, D. C. CBANDALL, JACOB G. MEItRITT. Alba, Pa.. Aug. 21, 1865.—3 m CHEEP ! SHEEP ! ! SHEEP ! ! ! Those wishing to secure a Dock ot sheep can do so without paying out money iu advance. I have a fine lot of about 15b which I will let out to double in lots to suit. Letting to commence at 10 o'clock a. m., on Sat urday the 9th day of September, at my house in Albany township, Bradford Co., I'a. H. H. HOAGLAND. New Albany, Aug. 21, 1865. -pHE PROPRIETOR OF THE ROYSE J- HOUSE, BURLINGTON, PA., Begs leave to inform his old customers and the travel ing public, that he has thoroughly repaired and renova ted liia House, and it is now in good condition to accom ■ rnodate guests in a satisfactory manner. L. T. ROYSE, Burlington, June 26,1865. Proprietor. J ON E S HOUSE! Coiner of Market Square and Market St. HARRISBUKG, PENN'A. The subscriber, having disposed of his interest in the . Locheii House, will devote his entire attention to the JONES HOUSE, ■ And for the very libera! patronage extended to it for the past year, he returns his thanks and solicits a continn ; anceof favors. C.H.MANN, j June 26,1865. Proprietor. filistelluneous. gNYDER HOUSE, W A V EH I, Y. N. Y. The Snyder House is a four story brick edifice with large, airy reoms. elegant punas and well Inii.i.-lie d, i.- near the depot and tbe general stage office at WAVERLY, N. Y. It is open lor passengers at all trains on lln- Erie railway—time going east is 2:5, 5:5. 8:43, 11:43 a ui , and 5.22 p. m.; going west is 5:2a, 8:20, a. u. and 1:44, 3.'43,5:25,10:20 p. in. TICKETS FOR S.A I. E Ist 2d and 3d class to all principal "poiuts west ; also, by Steamers on Lakes Huion , Michigan and Superior at low rates. Aug. 14, 1865. C. WAHFORD. MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY ! INTERESTING TO AGENTS, FARMERS, AND LADIES. W'e are making a siugle machine which combines the best and cheapest portable Wine and Cider Press, the uryest Clothes Wringer, and the most powerlul Liltiug Jack in the world. It is the only press adapted to niak iag Apple Champaign, which is now regarded as one ot the most important discoveries ol 'he age. A good ageut wanted in every comity, to whom we will hold out such inducements as to ensure SIOOO before Christ mas. The lirst one making application from any county shall have the exclusive agency. Full particulars, terms, etc., by Circular. Address H A LL, REED & CO •, Aug. 14, 1805. No. 55 Liberty St., N. Y. P URN ITU RE WARE-ROOMS ! JAMES MA KIN SUN announces to the public that be still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads. Stands, Chairs, Ac., ot every description, which will he made of the best materi als, and in the most workmanlike manner. 1 invite the in ection ol the public to my work,which shall not he BU|-p s s ed in durability, at any shop in the country, and my prices will he found to be as low as the times will admit. Ready-made Coffins constantly on ban s ur made to or der. A good Hearse wi" he lun.ished when desired . Aug. 15, 1885. (4AUTION. —Whereas, my wife, Elizabeth, J has lett my bed and board without just cause or provocation, all persons are hereby cautioued against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I shall pay j no debts ol her contracting. FERDINAND A. WHEELER. Ulster, Aug. 9,18G5. gEA MA X & OW E N ! DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ROME, PENN'A, Keep constantly on hand a choice assortment of TEA.S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES. Ac. Ac., Which will be sold at lowest prices for cash. The highest market price paid lor Country Produce, i A share ol public patronage desired, Rome. Aug. 3.1865. j PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will hold its exhibition on September 20th, 27th, 28th and 20th, 1865, at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. Any information desired by persons desiring to exhib it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by mem bers of the society, will be given by the undersigned, or by A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Uarrisburg, Fa. A. BROWER LONGAKER, Secretary. Norrislown, June 5,1865. FASTRAY.—Left the enclosure of the un- JCi dersigned, on or about the 31st of July, a Large, Red, Roan Cow,—the end of her tail has been cut off, and she has but three teets. Any person giving infor mation of her whereabouts, will he suitably rewarded. Towanda, Aug. 8, 1865. REBECCA WILCOX. XT'ST RAW—Come into the enclosure of X-J the subscriber abont the 21st of July. 1865, a RED COW, one hip down, and about 12 years old. The own er is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. Litchfield, Aug. 8, 1865. PUTMAN HADLOCK, A DM INISTIIA TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice jt\- is hereby given that ail persons indebted to thees tate ol V. N. BOARDMAN, late of Windhamdee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. ELIZA BOARDMAN, Aug. 10. 1865. Administratrix. T ATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS ! AT W I L L I A M A . ROCK W K L L' S. Consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MOZAMBIQUE, CRAPE, MERAT, DE LA INKS, AC. LADIES* CLOTHES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HATS, and a general variety of LADIES' GOODS. MENS' BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, JEANS, DRILLS, And a variety of VESTINGS. A well selected assortment of LADIES' and MISSES SHOES and SLIPPERS, and MEN A BOYS' BOOTS. Also, Mens' Boys' and Cliildrens' SOFT STRAW HATS and CAPS, of alljdescriptions. Usual large Assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS and STONEWARE. You will find, by calling, a cheap lot of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, ROPES, CABS, BASKETS, &C., AC. NOW FOR THE 4TII OF JULY ! FIRE WORKS, of all descriptions, and TOV S of all kinds on hand. Piease call and examine my large and general assort ment of Goods, which will be sold at lowest prices for Cash and Produce. June 22, 1865. jJlrrdjantoie. JJJE Nlt Y MERC Ult & CO., Towamia, Penu'a, Have on hand and are opening at LOWEST MARKET PRICES, A superior stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Towanda, March 21,1805. QItE A T A|T TRAC TI 0 N AT MONTA NYE'S STORE! PEACE PRICES. Every vajiety of LADIES' CLOTH, AND FAN C Y DRESS GO 0D S. Goods for Gentlemen of EVERY DESCRIPTION. And all the known Styles to suit this Market, which will be sold at WIIO LE S A.L E olt RE TA I L TO SUIT CUSTOMERS, At prices that cannot hut please. Returning thanks for past favors, we invite attention to our Large Stock of Goods. June 6, 1865. MONTANYE A CO. WICK UA M & BLA C K , Are now offering NE W GOO I) S AT N E W PRICES! DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, WHITE GOODS, and NOTIONS. IIATS& C A P S , OF THE LA T EST ST Y LES. BOOTS & SHOES, In variety. W ICKHAM & BLACK Keep a large stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, To which we invite special attention. We offer our Goods on the CASH SYSTEM. June 12,1865. |gPRING! SPRING! SPRING! 1 8 0 5. Pll ICE S N 0 W WJ THIN THE REACH OF ALL! TRACY & MOORE, Are now opening a FINE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, Including a handsome variety of DRESS GOODS, SPRING SHAWLS, FANCY GOODS A NOTIONS! A Good Stock of PRINTS, DOMESTICS, CARPETINGS, &c. LADIES' AND GENT'S HATS GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, April 10. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Ac. fj 0 ALL INTERESTED! Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the ertate of D. C. HAIL, that having disposed of the Li quor Store belonging to said estate, that all accounts must be settled or paid at once, or costs will be made. Payments may be made to E.W.Sraith, Esq.,at M'Kean's Liquor Store, or to me at Codding A Russells'. June 26,1865. CHAS. M. HALL, Adm'r. cc:)x iVi;:. r. JNTERE STI N G T 0 AL L ! i The subscriber would most respectfully announce to the citizens of Brad lord County, and the rest of man ] kind/' that lie has recently purchased and most elegant ly refitted the stand formerly owned by T. Humpiirey, i and mere recently by 8. N. Brousou. and has just receiv ed an entire stock of new goods, purchased wholly since the "caving in" of the rebellion, which will enable him to offer his stock at such prices as will be sure to give entire satisfaction to nil close buyers. In the stock will be found a well selected assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, AO. The motto will le "Small profits, quick sales, the ' nimble sixpence better than the si w shilling. " TERMS—Payment to be made on delivering the goods. Please remember the place, which will hereafter be known as the "Bee Hive." Orwell, June 15, 1805. L. H. BRONSON. BLACK SILK SIIAW LS, At the Ueo Hive. BRO CHE L 0 N G AX D S 1 X G L E At the Bee Hire. SUMM Elt SIIAW LS , Beautiful styles, at the Bee Hive. MOUIt NI N G SIIAYV LS , Finest qualities, at the tfbe Hive. ELEGANT SIIAW LS , All seasons of the year at the Bee Hive. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS, At the Bee Hive. L A DIES' DItE S S GOODS, Splendid Styles, at the Bee Hive. LA D IBS' OLOT 1J , At the Bee Hive. LADI ES' WATEIt Plt OOF olt REPELLENT CLOTH, at the Bee Hive. LADI ES' €OItSE TT S , Best quality, at the Bee Hive. CHILDREN'S' SHOES, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, at the Bee Hive. . HATS OF THE LATEST STYLES, At the Bee Hive. 800 T S A N D sHO ES , Large assortment, at the Bee Hive. CROCKERY & G L A S S \V A R E,! Latest l'atterns, at the Bee Hive. TEAS! TEA E T E E A J A E E TEA E T All kinds, Oolong, Japan, Young Hyson. Gunpowder, and lmpeiial Teas of all the tinest flavors, and fresh of the last crop, at the lowest prices, and warranttd, at the Bee Hive. I) AI R Y SAL T , At the Bee Hive. A GREAT MANY GOODS THAT IS j WANTED IN EVERY FAMILY, at the Bee Ilivc. j COATS, VESTS AND RANTS, At the BEE HIVE, Orwell. Pa. *r Please call and see. L. H. BRONSON rpilE EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS. J. W. TAYLOR, Is now receiving one of the finest assortments of Milli- j nery and Fancy Goods ever brought in the market, con j sisting of all the newest styies of Bonnets, Hats and j Caps the new Fanchon Bonnet, the Faust, Saratoga i and Coburg Hats. Misses and Infants Hats and Scotch Caps. All the new colors of Bonnet Ribbons, Moon on \ the Lake, the new shades of Green, Purple and Blue. A large stock of Ribbons, Trimmings and Dress Trim mings. All styles of Hoop Skirts, Duplex, Multiform, and Corset Skirt. Silk Umbrellas and Parasols. Plain Linen, Hem Stitched and Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Chenelle Head Dresses and Silk Nets. A Fine assort ment of Kid Gloves, French Corsets, Plain Linen. Em broidered and Valencia Collars, Linen Thread and Smyrna Edging, Dimity Bands and Ruffling, Embroider ing and Tucked Edgings. A good assortment of Gloves and Hosiery. Black Silk Mitts. Yankee Notions, Wide ! Belts and Belt Buckles, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Fans | and Fancy Combs. All colors Zephyrs. I Bonnets and Hats trimmed in the jvery latest New ! York styles. Millinery Work done 011 short notice and warranted to please. Bonnets and Hats shaped in the ; New Style, Ac. j N. B.—l have added to my stock a nice line of dry ; Goods. Prints, Delaines, Challis, Black and Colored | Alapaccas. All Wool Delaines, Gingham, Bleached Mus lin, Plain and Plaid Nansook, Jaconets. A full line of Swiss, Mull, Bohinett Laces, Black and WhitePasher Lace, Black, Black and White Dolled Lace, and a great | many other things too numerous to mention, one door north of Cowles & Co.'s Book Store, and opposite the Court House, Towanda, May 1, 18G5. IgPIX XIX f; \V IT E ELS! ;WIIOL ESA L E A X I) RE T AIL.! | To the citizens anil farmers of Bradford and adjoining | counties : The subscriber would respectfully announce | that he is prepared to furnish them with WOOL-WHEELS, FLAX-WIIEELS, WIIEEL-IIEADS, SNA P-REELS, SWIVES, FLIERS, &C., &C.. In short everything connected with the Home Manu : facture of Woolen and Linen Goods. Merchants wishing to purchase to sell again, will i ■ please address by mail, when list of prices will be sent. j All goods packed in shipping order, i ! N. B. Particular attention is called to the " Crandall 1' Wheel-Head," an article far superior to any now in use. All articles warranted to give entire satisfaction. C.M. CRANDALL. Montrose, Pa., June 10,1865. Cccial SHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of a writ if of Fi. Fa issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered .will !)e exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Boro' of Tow-nda, MONDAY, SEPTE ; HER 4, 1865, at oie o'clock,p.m .the folowing described lot piece or parcel of ! land iituate'in the borutieh of Atlieus, and bounded as ! follows, to wil : North by land of Mrs. McGeorgc, east by the Bank lot, (so called) saulh by North st.,and west by land of Michael O'Brien, known as lots No. 75 and 76 on plot aud survey made by Orson Rickey for Hon. D. Herrick Containing about one-fourth acre more or less all improved, with a frame.l house and small framed barn thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N. C. Harris to use of a Lewis vs. H. M.-Kinney. 2d, and John Hosmer. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situateJu the twp. of Warren, and bounded as fol low to wit : North by 1 itid ol John Beardsley, east by kind ol Jerry King, loutb by land of David Congdon and we.it by laud ol 8. X. Congdon. Containing 55 acres of land, more or less, about 45 acres improved, with one framed barn and a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of O. M. Neil'.y to USB "f L. H. Neilly vs. P-leg Congdou. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in tTe twp. ol Troy, and bounded as fßlows to wit: North by lauds ol Samuel Thomas, east by the public highway, south by the Williamsport & Eiuiira railroad aud west by land of D. U. Mauley, Containing about one acre of land, all improved, with one framed iiouse, one framed barn and a tew fruit trees thereon. Seized aud taken into execution at the suit, of Chester Thomas vs. Zera 15. Steveus. ALSO—The following dascribed lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the twp. of Terry, and bounded as follows to w it : Beginning at a post and stones south-east corner of Melviu Carson's lot, the ce west 10 rods to post and stones, thence south 40 rods to post and stones, thence east 40 rods to post and stones, thence north 40 rods to post and slunes, the place of beginning. Containing 10 acres of land, more or less, about one acre improved with a few Iruit trees thereon. [Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Peter Steiiger to use of J. P. Hortou vs. A. H. Covey. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the twp. ol Tsrry or Wilmot, and bound ed as follows,to wit . Beginning at a stone heap,thence south 2£° west 186 per. to a stone heap in Wistor line, thence south 87$° east 6 per. to a stone heap, thence north 2|° east 240 per. to a stone heap, and thence north 87.1° west 100 per. to the place ol beginning. Contain in 134 acres aud 36 per., more or less, about 40 acres improved with a log house thereon. Seized aud taken into execution at the suit of J. P. Ilorton vs. 1,. W. & A. H. Covey. ALSO—By virtue ola writ of Vend. Ex., the follow ing described lo'., piece or parcel ol land situate in the Borough of Canton, and bounded as follows, to wit : North by landsof A. Doty and E. W. Calwell, east and south by lands of Robt. Turner, and west by public highway. Containing one-eighth ol an acre more or less, all improved, with a framed dwelling houee, fram ed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land situate in said borough of Canton, bounded as follows, to wit : North and west by lauds belonging to the Central Hotei lot, east by lauds of John Vandyke, and south by To wanda street, being 32 leet irout, and 87 feet back. Con taining 2144 square feet, more or less, all improved,with one 1 ramed shoe shop thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of County of Bradford vs. J. G. Scudder, J. W. Griffin and Aimer Doty. ALSO—The following deserilied lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the twp. of Wyalusing, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake on the line of I.ydia P. Thomson's land, near the Creek road, thence along said road north 77 3 west 4 2 10 per. to a slake for a corner on a lane, thence north 12° east along said lane 16 per. to a stake, thence south 77 c east 3 per. to a post on the line of Lydia P. Thomson, thence along said line south i£° west 16 per. to the p lace of beginning. Con tinuing 56 0-10 perches be the same more or less, all improved, frame house, small framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A.Lewis to use of Quaekenbush & Co. vs. Mahlon Griffin. ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda twp., aud bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by land of Henry Jones, east by lands of Cornelius Moore, aud on the south and west by lands of Philander Ward. Containing 12 acres of land more or less, about 8 acres improved, with one small plank dwelling house thereon. ■Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Cornel ius Moore vs. Andrew Bishop and Mary Ann Bishop, his wife. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the twp. of Athens, and bounded as fol lows, to wit : North by laud ol Ira Pugh, east by lands ol John VanWert and George Weller, south by lands of Francis Morley and Wm. Underwood, and west by land of C. F. Weils. Containing 41 and acres more or less, about 30 acres improved, with two log houses and a few fruit trees thereon. t-eized and taken into execution at the suit of Page & Bristol vs. Warren J. King. J. MONROE SMITH. Aug. 8, 1865. Sheriff. rppjAL LIST FOR SEPTEMBER TERM, A Commencing Sept. 11. 1865. SECOND WEEK. Orriu I*. Ballard vs. Treat Shoemaker ejectment. Edgar Buel vs. H. K. Stevens appeal. Daniel McDuffee vs. N. B. Canal Co damages. Chas. Stockweli vs. Solomon Lindley appeal. same vs. Eason Pepper. do. Shipnian A Wells vs. Rogers Fowler... debt, Am. Sate In. A Trust Co.vs. H.W Patrick, .sei. ta.mort. same vs. Chas. P. Wells, jr do. Wm. M. Watts vs. Ferdinand Allen aec't render. A. B. Smith vs. Sam'l Kellum, 2d et .a! ejectment. Benj. Bennett vs. John W.Sweet do. Win. feet's use vs. S. 11. Canlield et. al debt. H. A. Hood vs. Shipman & Wells. do. F. N. Page vs.J. P. Blood ... do. D. M Osborne vs. 11. M. Wells et. al do. J. P. Blood's use vs. D. M. Osborne et. al for att. Alanson B Smith vs. Wm. It. Storrs et. al trespass. ClarksoD A Nichols vs. Meylert A Ward Debt. S. Green vs. S. H. A 11. H. Fitch appeal. Amos Struble et. al. vs Levi Anderson, et. a1... .ejec't. W. 11. Tyler's adm'r vs. Meylert A Ward debt B. Baker vs. L. I>. Sweet ejectment. Lewis Havens vs. C. L. Ward debt. TUIRI) WEEK. Lydia Munson vs. Amos Baker..., issue. Clias. Knapp vs. John F. Long A Co trespass. Clark A Baker vs. Abraham Steers et. al debt. D. C. Dibble vs. David 11. Palmer ejectment. James 11. Sawyer vs. Alouzo Long case. John 1$ irtz vs. Pomeroy Bros. trespass. Pomeroy Bros, vt, J. S. Smead appeal. J.E. Westbrook vs. D. H.isweeney do. 11. B. Wilhelm vs.W. A Orange Schrader case. P dly Chilson vs. J. W. Sweet replevin. Addison Fuller vs. Schuyler Gates appeal. Geo. Alb ldcu vs. J. W. Sweet ejectment. N. C. Elsbree vs. S. G. Hathaway do. C. Shumwav's ex r vs. W. A J. H. Barrowclifl". .trespass. M.M. Coolbaagh vs. D. B. Bartlett appeal. David Barber vs. JohnC. Adams case. Chas. Phillip's adm'r vs. Mary Roliston issue. N. C. U. K. Co. vs. James B. Adams trespass. Sam'l Hyatt et. al. vs. T. S. Elliott et. al do. BRADFORD COUNTY SS: Subpoenas tor second week returnable Monday, .Sept. 11,1 btia, tor third week, Monday, Sept. Is, at 10 o'clock a. m. E.O.GOODRICH, Aug. 8, 1865. Prothonotary. s>s i a So M 55w . - J- - rr- = S h xr. F?r 5 ~ r I | 't ? i E 1$ c H a ~ 'J. r s j AT Alt SUA L L B It OTIIE It S I Wish to call the attention ot the public to their new | Stock of HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sasb, Paints, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash price. Also, a liine assortment of ' KEROSENE LAMPS of every style and pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of T I N WABE. JOBBING PROMI'TLV ATTENDED TO., We have on hand a fine article of GLASS FRUIT JAIt S , with improved self- sealing corks, and H EIIMET I C A L SEAL I N G C A NS , which is one of the best cans used. | June '2O, 1865. (lAUTIOX. —Whereas, my wife JOHANNA, J has left my bed and board without just cause or | provocation, all persons are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting her on my account, as i shall pay ] no debts of her contacting. MICHAEL CROAK. Asylum. July 21, 1865.—Ut | HOTEL IX TO WANDA, FOR SALE. Location, on the south side of the Square, by the Presby 1 terian Church. Apply to W. A. PECK, office, Union Block, north side of Square. May 18, 1*65. pASH PAID FOR WOOL, AND ALL U kinds of Produce by nnPKWFi r I June 22, 18C5. W.A.ROCKWELL. Cegal. I IST OF THE NAMES OF PERSONS JJ drawn as Jurors for September Court, 1865: GUAM) iUUBItt. IMB \ Athens twp , John Watkins, jr.; Athens born , Z i> I Spalding, A P. Stevens; Canton Boro , Jaiuen O. l-a.i ! Jail J, U. .Scudiler ; Granville, Geo. Catlin ; .lein-K, Cyrus Fuller; Litchfield, H. B.WolcoU; Overton, L-wis ! Bolt; Koine twp., C. E. Brown ; Smithtield, Will. Rus ; sell, Ezra Wood; Springfield, 15. K. Adams Sheshequiu, Win. Elsbrce; Sylvania boro', Geo. Monroe ; Towanda boro', W. U . H. Gore, If wight Dodge; Ulster, John Conkliu; Warren, Stephen Chaifee, Browning Mcyhew; Wyalusiug, Uiram Buck; Wysox, Henry Wood; Wind ham, Dennis P.usell; Wilmot, David Elienberger. TRAVEKH JURORS—I ST WEEK. Athens twp., J. A. Weller, Horace MeKinney, Chaa. McDuffee, J.W. Pool, Seth Morley; Asylum, B. Laporte; Albany, Win. Martin; Burlington West, W D. Carnage, Chas. Thatcher; Burlington two.. Allen M. Haight. LID beus Ellis, Chas. Kuapp, Sam 1 Whitehead ; Granvilie, Win. McKerran, Marcus Ayers, John M : Naught; I .-my, Albert Holcomh; Litchfield, Isaac Baldwin; Moujoe oo ro', 0. B. West gate; Monroe twp., James N. Irvine; Pike Geo. D. Johnson, Audrus ntevens, Russell < oie man.'J. L. Ingham; Home twp., A. c. .spencer, J . A- Moody, A. D. Towner; Uidgberry, David oilleit, r-.tand. ing Stone, Byron Stephens; Smithtield, J. 11. Baroer, Sam ! Niies, 0. K. Bird, Henry 1 helps; Shesiiequ.n, G. Smith; Springfield, James Matox ; Troy twp.. Dwight Freeman, W. 1- N'iiiston; Troy boro , Lranmard Bewcii, Robt. Redingtou, L. A. Saleys; low anda tp.,11. 1- scott, Ulster, Levi Noble; Wysox, Irvine C. Shores, Stephen Cl Newman; Wilmot, G S. Gamble. TRAVKKS JURORS—'ILL WKKK. Alba boro', Alvin T. Dunbar, John J. Reynolds, Vol uev M Wilson; Asylum, Robt. Bull; Athens buro , Juo. Hill, Albeit CampbeL; do. twp.,Samuel Ovenshire, jr., Burlington boro , Charles Boss; do. Wt, Danve.se Bourne; Canton tp., U. McClelland. Roderick Williams, Franklin, E Biake; Herrick, D. laylor; l^roy,is.C.\ an Fleet; Monroe twp., F. Sweet ; Urwell, Alphonzo Bos worth; Pike, S. li. Stevens ; P.idgberry, Edwin Bees with, Aaron Ustrander, Wm. 1 ulier ; Springfield, A. L. Fanning; Smithtield, James Lyon, h. U. Dune ; She shequin. Elisha Newell; Terry, J. L. Jones, r. W. Frutehey; Troy twp .Stephen F. Wheeler, Smith Lax ter; Towanda boru , !.. B. Rogers, do. North, Jaws Simmons; Ulster, Walter Pollock, Win. Elsbree, Guy Tracy; Wells. Frank Bowman; Windham, Silas White; Warren, Jackson Whitaker. TKAVEKS JURORS —3|) WEEK. Athens twp., Geo. McAttee, Levi Gardner, Geo. Page. Leonard Wnite; Albany, Horatio Ladd, U. W. Corbm, Silas Morse; Asylum, Philip C'owell ; Armenia John J. Green; Columbia, Geo. Billings ; Canton twp., Josiati Warren; Franklin, Chas. Stevens; Granvilie, Woodiord Clark; Leßaytville boro", Daniel G. Bailey ; Litefib i, Wm. Bostwick: Urwell, Jarvis Buttles, Caleb A. Aliyn ; Pike, Philip Philips, Wm. Aguew, Kel ogg Barnes ; Kidgberry, James 1. Ball; Smiinneld, Judson M B . liiiLMine, Mortimer Biown, PtiilAQiier Hall , iovva.i it twp.. J. M. Fox; Tuscarora, Almou Pepper ; io.vanda boro', Henry Essenwine; Terry, J- B. Hortou . Tioy boro', Cash Kendall, Geo. H. Humphrey; Wy-ox. a in Tattle; Wells,Jame-Mitchell ; Warren, byus ware, A. Coburn: Wilmot, l'aui Jolm 1. siiuiL-i. J. ML. July 29,1865. Sheriff. REGISTER'S NOTICE. —Notice is here by giveu, that theie has been tiled aril settled in the office of ibe Register oi Wills, in and lor the county of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon Ibe lo!. lowing estates, viz : Final account of S.H. Wilson, Guardian of Robert J. Dimon. I-ma! account of Charlotte Buffington, Guardian oi Charlotte B. and Chester P. Buffiugbon. .Final account of Albert Lent, Guardian ol Celiuia Horton. Final account of John F. Gillett, adm'r of Thome McGuire, lai eof Attica, N. Y. ... ... Final account of Win. Lake executor of Joun. rord, dec'd, late of Tuscarora. Final account of C. G. Gridlcy adm r of the estate oi Luther C'halfee, dec'd, late of Orwell. Filial account of B. Laporte aud C. F.Wells, j ~adm r of John Laporte, late of towanda. Partial account of Gordon Wilcox surviving exec a i >r of l'hos. WilcoX, late ol Athens. Final account ot I'an A Gillett executor of James Evans, late of Kidgbury. Final account ol John Lilley and Rachel La..dou aui r of Jonathan Jackson, late ot Canton. Final account ol Oyrns Blcodgood adm'r ot Abram Sherman . late of LitcUtield. Final account of C. C. Wright adm'r ol Joel Wright, late ot Canton. . Final account of Margaret Davis adm tlx ot Jeukin J . Davis, late ol Pike. Final account ot D, 11. ilurnham and Sarah L. Kay nor adrn'rs ol Wm. H. Kayuor, late ol Kidgbury. Fiuai account ot Thomas James executor ol Henry James, late ot Waireu. Partll account of G. F. Horton Guardian of Levinia J. Starts, Rims F.SMttoe, Elizabeth Ureytogle. Ellen G. San tee, Alice Saiitee, Muiar children ot Wm. Saulee, deceased. Final account of D. M. James Guardian oi L. T. Smith. . ... Final account of Isaac Strait executor ol Root. M.i gore, late of Columbia. Final account of Simon 11. Stanton and Nancy stair ton adrn'rs of Joseph A. siautoii, late ot West Burling* ton. Partial account ol C. O. Huntington executor ot Ash er Huntington, late ol Athens. Partial account ot K.S. Mather=on adm'r \\ m. Mead, late ot Athens. Final account of J. F. Chamberlin adm rot W. Pepper, late of Wyaltising. Final account of Squire Northrop udm'r ot Edward Williams, late ot Athens. Filial account ot Orriu A, Burnliaui adm'r oi S.auio. i Ruynor, late ol the Slate oi New Fork Final account of luster Taylor and John S..v!es. executors of last will and testiment ot John Van Bu kii k, ot Granville twp. ALSO.—T he appraisement ot property set on by the Executors or Administrators to widows or children oi the followiug decedents : Estate ot Wm. Williams, •' " A. P. Stevens, " " Hemau Morgan, " " Allen W. Barnes, " " Cyrus Smith, " " J. G. Buckhout, " " James Laylou, " " Oliver Bartlett, "D.C.Hall, " " N. B. Chaffee, " " H.J.Camp, "I.J. Allis, " " H. J. Bowen, " " Furuaui Nichols, " " Hiram Mason. And the same will he presented to the Orphan s Court of Bradford Couuty, on Monday,the 4th day ot Sept. next, for confirmation and allowance. Aug. 1, IMm. N.C. LLSBREE. i.egUter. Administrator s .notice->- ice is hereby given, that nil persons indebted ;> ti • es tate 01 SAMUEL W. WILCOX, late o! Cam :inv. . dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment. mid those having claims against said estate mast present them duly authenticated !or settlement. A. IE FOSS. Aug. 17, ISCS. Administrator. \ DM I MSTRATOR'SN OTICE.— Ltd t.-rs Tm. of administration ot the goods, chattels, A . ol PHILANDER FOSTER lateol Granville twp.. dee d, have been issued to the subscriber. Al. persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands sgainst the same are notified to present the same lor settlemeut to the subserioei. 1 ANDREW OV.SH, Aug. 1 7,1865. Administrator. Al>M INISTKATOR'S NOTICE. —Notiiv is hereby given, that all persous indebted to I lie estate of K. D.GREGG, dee d, late ot Towaudat wp, art requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. WM. GKEGG, Aug. 3, 1865. Administrator. \ DMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.—Notice is /A- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ot DAVID GRISWOLD, late of Wells twp.. dec d ' are requested to make immediate payment, and those I having claims against said estate will present them duly i authenticated for settlement. E.R. BECK.WITH, July 27,1805. Administrator. A l ' PPLICATION IN DIVORCEL— To An-■ drew A. Foster.—So. 127 My Term, 1803. You j are hereby notified that Ellen Foster, by her next iiieuu j liarvey Dann, your wile, has applied to the t ourt ol 1 Common Pleas of Bradlord County lor a duoice iioui i the bonds ol matrimony,and the said Couit has appomt | ed Monday, September 4th, IsGj, at two o clock p.m.,at the Court House in Towanda, lor hearing the said Ellen Poster in the premises at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. sMITU Aug. 10,1865. Sheriff. \ PPLICATION IN DIVORCE. — To E. J\_ n, jail No. 122 Sept. Term, 18G4. You are hereby uotitied that O. C Hill, your wile, has applied to the Court o*. Common Pleas of Bradford County lor a divorce from the bonds of matrimony,and the said Court has appointed Monday, September 4th, 1865, at two o'- clock p. m., at the Court House in Towanda,for hearing the said O.C. Hill in the premises at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. Aug. 10.15G5. Sheriff. 'i APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. -1 'o Davis A l). Brewster. —No. 348 Sept. Term. 1864. You j arc hereby notified that Ruth A. Brewster, by her next 1 friend Joseph P. Hiue, your wife, h• * apjniea to no Court of Common P leas of Bradlord County 'or a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the saul Court has appointed.Monday, September 4th, IM>.>, a ■ clock p. m„ at the Court House in Towimla, for hearing the said Ruth A. Brewster in the premises at which time and place you can attend if you tbn.k^rojier. Aug. 10,1865. U Sh'eriff . \ PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.—2b Brace .XXSl.ren*,—No. 122 Feb. Term, 1865. Youareliere -1 by notified tii it Hettic .(.Stevens, by her next i lie nd Pierson Brace, your wife, has applied to the Couit ol ' Common Pleas of Bradford County, for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said Court has appoint " ed Monday, September 4th, 1865, at two o'clock p.m.. at the Court House in Towanda, for lieariug the said Hettie O. Stevens in the premises at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. 1 J. MONROE SMITH, r j Towanda. Aug 10, 1865. Sheriff. I' fIARM KOU SALE.—TIi( ,_ toitlorsip^iH'tl 1 offers for sale a valuatde farm in Smithfield twp. i j Good buildings, fences, fruit CALIFF, ! Towanda, July 10,15G5. Office over P. O.