htiaml § J NT AJ- AND GENERAL. OJF Republican ('ouxtv Convention.— .i.ij,.;,,! Comity Convention have appoin •.\,-mg Committees of Vigilance, whose '■ ~ lil meetings of the electors on Satur -1-55 between the hours of 5 anil 7 p • .' /purpose of electing two delegates to i ' u district in tlie County Convention I ' ;ll Towamla. Monday evening, Sept 7, ]sv order of the Committee. John 15. Hixes, Chairman. ..MiTTI O OF \ I(.I i.i.Nc it. David Palmer, C S Wilson, D W C Carter, D S .Uexauder, J Vauloon. > Oveushier jr., I) Gardner, A Suell jr. S 15 lloyt, L White, 1' N Page. | x t'i use, J 1) Morgan, John Becker. ~ x liiibert, £ 11 Belong, 11 J Moody, i 11 lltll. 1 Waters, J Nichols. I ~ >t i Taylor, G W Shattuck, Thomas "burn' M Long, £ Everette, It Morley. 1 |. lk'thwell, G C .Spalding, W S Jayue. • .( \\ Vandyke, Lit Morse, £ Newman. 1' p i'eckhaiu, G Taylor, G Tracy. 1 ii h. iiogg, C Stevens, J Plitirnham. n Luuyou, M Ayers, E Bailey. 1 £ t irr. 11 W Camp, Gyrus Fuller. ,H .. tub, J Walters, Dr Wm Wilcox. 1 .1 i; Whe.iton, \S 11 Spencer, Cyrus I . ', lK i - S Gorliam, G W Brink, Dr. Dewitt. 11 Swt et, E Horton, 4 Smiley. L L.ackmau, H G Tracy, S S Hinman. ,i Hcverly, li K Kieharil, L Heverly. r M l'anvr, M Taylor, E B Powell. " . i;, yno Ids, J M Junes, \\ Hutchinson. ]. 1 Luck, G It Mead, M D lleiinan. A .Moody. £ Barnes, John G Towner. L £ Moody, O £ Young, J Passniore. ai £ P Shaw, G Smith, £ L Post, p. i i £ Wood, S Tracy, Walter Scott. ... -cP Harknvss, BK Adams, T Wilder. , K J j Gillette, D p Hildreth, L Berk. I , __d Furinan, P Monroe, 1" Furman. I stout— w Gnffis, 11 W Tracy G A Wood, t 8 Th imas, £ Keddington, It Stiles. | G 1. Peek. 11 S Leonard, C Corbin. i L D Bowman, B Davidson, II L W 11 II Gore, D G Dayton, C D I J N Culiff, A Mead, W A Sluyter. II fay lor, W Goburu, N J Cogswell. I ii terry, Jil Horton, J Terry. t\V;, ker. il Shaw, J S Patterson. A -V * man, N Young, jr., W F Corbin. I V Mr hi e. J Newman, B KuykendalL | . . it VI "-in pard, A Young. I i' Ingham, 1) Alirams, G S Stowell. I . 4 Pee, £ Hornet, T J Laeey. j a Lent, t G Shores, John Tuttle. S Academy, A. A. Keenly, Priitci iiii commences August 21st 18(i5. Lo terms moderate, course thorough. I D. Chaffee, Pres., Almou Fuller, L. I • at. ■. . iv. Ingham, Charles Gamp, Gyrus I Homer Camp, 1' ■ it.i tin nf 11 in post office nt Leon ii this County, is changed to "Leoua," | in T. Daly appointed ]iost-master in place t ilubliard, deeeaseil. \ xski t Boys will give a Concert, at i hin h. Mwrsburg, on Saturday even ; , tL- Leuelit of the Church. To he sold at once, a house and t t bargain offered. John N. Califf, i via. i >55. Office over News Boom. The neir'li!). irhood of Tuscarora creek 5 a-u-i u part of the township of that name, I .but. i its share to swell the armies of the I 1.1 has its e..rrespomling share of sorrow, j • : a!. - viz: T. D. Hall, G. C. Culver, t '.i.itr i ouch lost two noble boys in | Tl ".-t of the following notice, | .Mit - n. 1 Lemuel and Loisa Warner, ■ " I" - i iinl was in the battles of Cedar K li .j'i ainmiick, Thoroughfare Gap, 2d ■ .1 there was taken prisoner and held I • t - and pariiled. After his return to I a., in took active part in the battles of I Pri .k ricksburg, Gettysburg, battle n: Spotsylvania, and all those fear- I - from May lbthto August 19th at which a- taken prisoner anil taken to Belle I -re lu mot his brother Charles Warner, f i then • lie was taken barefooted and in a | lition to the Salsbury Prison, that ae i j . and there Charles died, and amid 1 rid and facts to fearful to relate, re l atii Fib. 20th, 1865, when he was paroled, i i ing skeleton he made his way to his I I uscarora, there to relate some of his t - although he declared that all could not : . linger and to die, giving tis the evidence .tiering and destitution that calls so loud I . . He died May 25th, 1805, aged 22 - nths and 25 days. p- 1 \V 11. Thompson will open a Select t i. Herrick at Camp's School House, on f August 11th, 1865. Board convenient at [ -2,00 per week. Terms, common Eu | .t.ibxs, from $ll,OO to $3,50, higher, sl, to | t g . j.k.—We liave some particu '.-t a tivo gale which passed over the | - ■' -Vk ii. on the Cowanesque river, iu this |•' : - s t Friday night. The hurricane came ■ river, destroying nearly everything in its a utted the covered bridge across the it omf upward into the river. Mr. I' -i"• • buildings unroofed. Seeley'sho -- -- d.-stroyed, and one house was '• li itig int.. the river. So violent was J vi wry brvakable thing in some dwell n d.iwu was damaged. In one case •wn int. i the face of the hiily of I utting her severely. — Weßsbo it>* AgOa* —Otic tnilliiHt feet of pine, hem . •. ii. birch, juaple and wliitewood g. t. In- delivered at Wilkes-Barre - -iuiu< r anil coming Fall, for which a ■ paid. Also, a large amount ring. Address J. E. Patterson A I-- Greene, Luzerne Co., Pa., until Aug. • 3 r which orders will be received at ' .ire, Pa. June s—3m. I ' u . k Book. —Hon Henry J. Ray r of th. Xi ir York Thues, is prejiaring ! -' Public services of Abraham Lin . ; :i I'resident of the United States, i his State Papers, including his 'ln —vs. Messages, Letters and l'ro ■ "'■-!> a history of the tragical and ■"<•11. - connected with the close of his Mul lite, tu which is to be added 1 .-rsonal reminiscences of Lincoln, 1. ' "' p. titer, the artist, alio whilepaint "' Hv House, enjoyed for six months ■ -nr. ctrse with our late President R n- prepared from authorized and au "• •■ 1 ;• Mr. Raymond, will be the most •• ! altndilv history of Mr. Lincoln and L ~.,' hronicle of the acts of the Ad • hicu can be had. Mr. Raymond j ' undoubted ability advantages for ' tu at. rials for his work possessed by ' 1' I'-iished by subscription by Derby 1 "f-<£, New York, at $3,50 for cloth, K L..."/ r '" ndin 8- 1 DWHuohes of this '■ _ , u j. " appointed agent for this borough, - owauda, Smithfield. Burlington, I,ikftt0 WBships,and wiU receive ' tLv S 4 l ' lIJ a^ove ru ius. He has already Lames ol many of our citueus. To CORRESPONDENTS —lf " Can! l'ember berton jr.," will submit his MS. to our examina tion, we can answer his interrogations. GEO W. COON & Co., continue to attract and please customers by the style of their goods, their cheapness and durability. They are paying especial attention to the outward man, and do not fail to suit every one who calls upon them. ftaS"' lite I'ire Department of Towandu Boro will parade on Thursday, August 10th 18(55, at 6 o clock pm. A full attendance of members is desired. By order of H. B. MCKEAN, Chief Emj. A P ERFECT \V ATCH is the American Watch, which the reader will had by consulting our advertising columns, is offered for sale by THOMAS JOHNSON, 28 Lake St., Elniira N. Y., put up in a variety of styles, both of movement and ease, and varying in prices from S2O, to $lO, com plete and a warrentee given of perfect time for five years. Mr. JOHNSON informs us that the best evi dence of the universal popularity of the watches, alter being before tae public for ten years, is that since the Ist of January inst, 1805, he has sold over $20,000 worth of them. We predict, with present prospects, that our Yankee tuition will, be fore ten years more roll 'round, become completely Americanized in the matter of American Watches. Elmira Gazette. TEACHERS' INSTITUTES.— The County Teach ers' Institutes will be held as follows : Sheshe tpiin, Monday, Sept. 4; Leltaysville, Sept. 11 ; Leonard Hollow, Sept. 18 ; Canton, Sept, 25 ; Spring Hill, Oct. 2. They will commence on Mon day at 2 o'clock p. m., and close Friday noon. Every teacher in the county is expected to attend during the entire session of one or more of there Institutes, prepared to enter heartily into the work of making them interesting and profitable. School Directors, Clergymen and citizens generally, are earnestly invited to favor us with their presence and aid. O. J. CHUBBUCK, CO Supt.. THE DEAD AT ANDERSONVILLK. —The Sur geon General of this .State has published a list of Pennsylvania soldiers (prisoners of war) who died at the military prison at Andersouville, Georgia, from February 26th 1864, to March 24th 1865. This list has been carefully taken from the origi nal which was copied from the record of the pris on, by CHARLES LONG, Hospital Steward, l()3il Pa., Vol., and is believed to be accurate and reliable. This list can be examined at the Prothonotary's Office, or at the office of JOHN W. MIX, in this borough. THE ALBA OIL WELL. —We feel very grate ful to Superintendent Foster for the tender of his splendid establishment for our use, for visiting the above named well on Wednesday last, a treat very much enjoyed, and a kindness highly appreciated by us. For though we cannot afford a coach and livery, we are nevertheless endow.-d with'a faculty l'or appreciating such luxuries. This Well is sit uated about a mile south of Alba Boro' on the Widow Gosper's farm, in a gorge running East and West, and about twenty roils from the highway. Although the surface indications are not as great as we have seen, we consider the location a very favorable one and quite likely to prove a success. They have now about thirty feet of pipe down, and the work progressing finely. In fact we don't see how it could well be otherwise under the able di rection of Messrs. FOSTER and SHEPAKD who are now the managing hands at Alba. They have al ready passed through the natural or earth strata and are now in a strata of sand and gravel through which it is very difficult to force the huge pipe, and it was thought necessary, as well as expedi ent to resort to the slower process of drilling.— After seeing the several different instruments put into successful operation, we took our leave some what favorably impressed with " ile " and highly gratified with the attention shown ns by Messrs. F. A S. and the gentlemanly engineer, Mr. Mc- Nanght— Troy Times. ED REPORTER :—Allow me the use of your columns to make a correction. In the official de partment of the July No. of the Penu. .School Jour nal, is a table of statistics of County Superinten dent's labors from January 1864, to June 1865, compiled from their monthly reports. In this ta ble the items of the July report from Bradford, are omitted. The aggregates, correct, stands thus: Number of Public examinations 48. Special and private, 32. Teachers examined, 633. Provisional certificates issued, 572. Permanent certificates is sued, 7. Number of Schools visited, 351. Num ber of Institutes attended, 16. Other Educational meetings attended, 13. Number of days spent in official duties, 333. Number of miles traveled, 3859. Number of official letters written, 402. Since the publication of the table, I have been in formed by the State Superintendent, that the re port for the month referred to, is not on file in the Department. This omission is thus rectified by his request. O. J. CHUBBUCK, GO Eupt. CELEBRATION. —The recent Anniverssarv of American independence was celebrated at Ter ry town, by a large concourse of soldiers and cit izens of Terry and the adjoining townships. The exercises were held in the Tabernacle, which was beautifully decorated with evergreens, flowers and banners ; and an Independence Tree in full bloom bearing upon its summit Abraham Lincoln and i Freedoms starry emblen, was placed in front of the pulpit. A very earnest and appropriate prayer was offered by Elder A. Park, of Wyoming County. The Dec laration of Independence was read by Rev. D. Craft. An eloquent and patriotic oration was then delivered by P. D. Morrow, Est}., at the close of which he spoke feelingly of the brave soldiers from this part of the country who had freely sacrificed their lives for their country, and then read Gen. Madill's letter giving a most tender and thrilling statement of the death of Col. G. 11. WATKTNS. — The house was filled to its utmost capacity, and whilst the speaker was reading the letter, a most perfect stilluess prevailed, every eye was fixed up on lnm, a dec]) sensation ran over the whole house, every heart was touched, many an eye was suffused with tears, and 110 one was more deeply affected than the speaker himself. After silence of a few minutes, the animating and soul-stiring sound of martial music called for the people, and a proces sion, the soldiers and their families, some three hundred in number, in front, was formed and marched with waving flags and banners, under the direction of Col. J. H. Hortou and Cupt. I'. Miller, both mounted, to the Terry town Public School House, where, at the instance of Major Terry, Messrs, David and Bowman, had prepared a splen did dinner for the soldiers and their families. Ta bles for seating about two hundred and fifty per sons at a time were set and arranged in fine order, and they were furnished and loaded with precisely such well selected and well cooked dishes as would do honor to the occasion, and be honored by the brave soldiers and their families who were to par take of them. Not one step was left untaken that was needed to make this festive occasion one of rich present enjoyment, and one long to be re membered. The dining commenced at Ip. m. and continued till near 6 o'clock, when all, ten or twelve hundred, had been served, and still the supply was far from being exhausted. It is worthy of note that though the hotel was thronged from quite early in the day till night, rarely a drunken man was seen ; and never was a public social reunion better enjoyed, or more good feeling exhibited than on this occasion. It was all well. It should be so. It could not be otherwise, for all seemed to realize that we were having not only the anniversary of July '76, but also richly jubilant over our recent national diseuthrallment, recuperation, regeneration, and the re-establish ment of our glorious Union upon imperishable ba sis of ALL MEN EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW. E. iXclll SUtoevtiscmcnts. ; ATRIAL LIST FOR SEPTEMBER TERM, I JL Commencing .Sept. 11, 18(55. SECOND WEEK. | Orrin P. Ballard vs. Treat Shoemaker, ejectment. I Edgar Buel vs. H. K. Stevens appeal. Daniel M< Duffee vs. N. B. Canal Co . damages. | Chus. Btockwell vs. Solomon Lindtey appeal. I same vs. Easou Pepper do. | Shipman & Wells vs. Rogers Fowler debt, Am. Sale In. 4( Trust Co.vs. 11. W. Patrick aci fcunort. same vs. Chas. F Weils, jr do. 5Vm. M. Watts vs. Ferdinand Allen „.acc't render. A. B. smith vs. Sam i helium, 2d ejectment. Benj. Bennett vs. Joint W.Sweet do. Wm. Feet's use vs. S. 11. Canlield et. al debt. H. A. Hood vs. Shipuian A Wells do. F. N. Page vs. J. p. Blood do. D. M Osborne vs. B. M. Wells et. a! do. | J. P. Blood's use vs. I). M. Osborne et. ai for att. j Alansou B Smith vs. Win. it. Storrs et. al trespass. Clarkson & Nichols vs. Meylert A Watd Debt. I S. Green vs. S. H. A 11. H. Filch appeal. Amos St ruble et. al. vs Levi Anderson, el. a1... ejeo t. W. H. Tyler's adtn'r vs. Meylert A Ward debt. ; B. Baker vs. L. 1). Sweet ejectment. S Lewis Havens vs. C. L. Ward debt. TFIIKI) WEEK. Lydia Munson vs. Amos Baker issue. Chas. Knapp vs. John F. Long A Co trespass. Clark A Baker vs. Abraham Steers et. al debt. D. C. Dibble vs. David 15. Palmer ejectment. Jnuies H. Sawyer vs. Alonzo Long case. John Bortz vs.Pomeroy Bios trespass. Pomeroy Bros. vt. J. S. Suiead appeal. J.E. Westbrook vs. D. H. Sweeney do. H. B. Willieim vs.W. A Orange Schrader case. 1' illy Cliilsun vs. J. W. Sweet replevin. Addison Fuller vs. Schuyler (lutes appeal. Geo. A. Holdeu vs. J. \V. Sweet ejectment. N. C. Elsbree vs. S. (1. Hathaway do. C. Shumway's ex r vs. W. A J. ll'. I!a trowel iff.. trespass. M. M. Coolbaugh vs. I). B Bartlett appeal, David Barber vs. John C. Adams case. Chas. Phillip's adtn'r vs. Maty ftoliston issue. N.C. R. R. Co. vs. Jantes B. Adams trespass Saiu'l Hyatt et. al. vs. T. S, Elliott et. al do. BRADEORe COUNTY SS : Subpicuas tor second week returnable Monday, Sept. 4, 18(15, lor third week, Monday, Sept. 11, at In o'clock a. in. h. O. GOODRICH, Aug. 8, 1885. l'rothonotary. yj HER I EE'S SALES.—By virtue of a writ 0 ol Fi. Fa. issued out of the t ourt of Common Pleas 01 Bradford county, to me directed and d bvired.will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Btiro' of Totvanda, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, IM>5, at oie o'clock,p. at., the following described lot situate in the twp. of llidgebury, and hounded as follows, to wit ; North by lands of John Collins, east and south and west by lauds ot Thomas Donahue. Containing one acre of land more or less, all improved with a trained shanty aud young fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit oi Harrison Holdrige vs Cornelius oriscr.ll. ALSO- The following described lot piece or parcel ol land situate in the borough of Athens, and nouuded as follows, to wit : North by land ot Mrs. McGeorge, east by tile Bunk lot, (so called) south by North St.,aud west by land of Michael O'Brien, known as lots No. 75 and 7(5 on plot and survey made by Orson Rickey for Hon. D. Herrick. Containing about oiie-tourth acre more or less all improved, with a framed house and small framed barn thereou. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N. C. Harris to use of a Lewis vs. H. McKiuuey. 2d, and John Hostner. ALSO—The following described iot, piece or parcel of land situate in the twp. of Warren, and bounded us bil lows, to wit : North by land ot John Beard-ley, east by land ol Jerry King, south by land of David Congdon and west by laud ot S. N. Congdon. Containing 55 acres ol i land, more or less, about 45 acres improved, with one' framed barn and a tew Iruit trees thereon. "Seized and taken into execution at the suit of O. M. N'eilly lo use ol L. M. Neilly vs. i'eleg Congdon. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel ol land situate iu t'le twp. ol Troy, and l-ounded as 1 Allows to wit : North by lands ol Samuel Thomas, east by the public highway, south by Ibe William-port A Klmira railroad and west by land ot D. R. Mauley. Containing about one acre ol laud, all improved, with one trained house, one trained haul and a lew Iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit, of Chester Thomas vs. /.era It. Stevens. A LSl)—The billowing da-cribed lot, piece or parcel ot [ land situate in the twp. of i erry, and bounded as follows i to wit : Beginning at a po-t and stones south-east corner ol Melviu Carson s lot, the .ce west 40 rods to post and stones, thence south 40 rod- to post and stones, thence ' east 40 rods to post and stones, thence north 40 rods to post and stones, the place ol beginning. Containing 10 ! acres ot land, more or less, about one acre improved i with a tew Iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Peter ' Steriger to use ot J. P. Horton v-. AH. Covey. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of ! land situate iu tlie twp. of Terry or Wilinot, aud bound ed as wit . Beginning at a stone heap,thence south 24° west 186 per. to a stone heap iu Wistor line, thence south N7J° east (i per. to a stone heap, thence north 24° east 240 per. to a stone heap, and thence north 87$° west 100 per. to the place of beginning. Contain iu"l34 acres ami 36 per., more or less, about 40 acres improved with a log house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of J. P. Horton vs. L. W. A A. H. Covey. ALSO—By virtue ufa writ of t end. Ex., the lollow- j ing described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the Borough of Canton, and bounded as follows, to wit : North by landsof A. Doty and E. \V. Calwell, ea.-t and south by lands of Robt. Turner, and west by public highway. Containing one-eighth of an acre more or less, all improved, with a framed dwelling liouee, train ed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. AI.2SO —One otber piece or parcel of lainl situate in said borough ot Canton, bounded as follows, to wit : North and west by lands belonging to the Central Hotel lot, east by lands of John Vandyke, and south by To wamla street, being 52 feet front, and S7 feet back. Con taining 2144 square feet, more or less, al! improved,with one framed shoe shop thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of County of Bradford vs. J. G. Scudder. J. W. Griffin and Abner Doty. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the twp. of Wyalusing. and bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at a stake on the line ot Lydia P. Thomson's land, near the Creek road, thence along said road north 77* west 4 2 10 per. to a slake tor a corner on a lane, thence north 12° east along said lane 16 per. to a stake, thence south 77° east 3 per. to a post on 1 lie line of Lydia P. Thomson, thence iffong said line south 7i° west 1(1 per. to the place of beginning. Con tniniDg 56 6-10 perches be the same more or less, all improved, frame house, small framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A.Lewis to use of Quackenbush A Co. vs. Mahlon Griffis. A I.SO—The lollowiug described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda twp., and hounded as follows, to wit.- On tl.e north by land of Henry Jones, east by lands of Cornelius Moore, and on the south and west by lands of Philander Ward. Containing 12 acres of land more or less, about 8 acres improved, with one small piauk dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Cornel ius Moore vs. Andrew Bishop and Mary Ann Bishop, his wife. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in llietwp. of Athens, and hounded as fol lows, to wit : North by laud of Ira I'ugii, east by lands ot John VunWert and George Weller, south by lands of Francis Morley and Win. Underwood, and west by land ot C. F. Wells. Containing 41 and .j ai res more or less, about :10 acres improved, with two log houses and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Page & Bristol vs. Warren J. King. J. MONROE SMITH, Aug. 8, 1865. Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. —ToBmce Sttvens. —No. 122 Feb. Term, lsti.7. Youare here by notified th it Hettie (I. Stevens, by Iter next triend Pierson Brace, your wife, has applied to the Court of Common l'leas ol Bradford County, for a divorce from the tsiuds of matrimony, and the said Court has appoint ed Monday, September 4th, 1865. at two o'clock p.m.. at the Court House in Tuwauila, lor bearing the said Hettie 0. Stevens iu the premises at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. J. MONROE SMITH, Towanda, Aug 10, 1865. Sheriff. 4 PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— To An- ATJL i/rtic A. Foster. —No. 127 M y Tirm.lSGJ. You aie hereby notified that Ellen Foster, by her next friend Harvey liaon, your wile, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas ol Rradlord County for a divorce from the bonds ol matrimony .aud the said Couit has appoint ed Monday, September 4th, 186.7, at two o'clock p. in.,at Ihe.Court House in Towanda, for hearing the said Ellen foster in the premises at which lime aud place you can attend if you think proper. J. M. SMITH, Ang. 10,1865. Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— TO E. 11. 11:11 No. 122 Sept. Term, 1*64. You are hereby uotitied that O. C Ilill, your wife, has applied to the Court ol Common l'ieas ol Bradford County lor a divorce from the bonds ol uiatrimony.and the said Court has appointed Monday, September lib, 1865, at two o'- clock p. m., at the Court House iu Towanda,for hearing the said O. C. Hill iu the premises at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. J. M.SMITH, Aug. In. 1865. Sheriff'. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— To I >or,s i v 1). Brf.rsttr.~So. 218 Sept. Term, 18ti4. You are hereby notified that Ruth A. Brewster, by her next Iriend Joseph P. Hine, your wife, h is applied to the Court of Common Picas o! Bradford County for a di vorce from the bonds ol matrimony, and the said Court lias appointed Monday, September 4th, 1865, at two o'- clock p. m., at the Court House in Towanda, lor hearing tiie said Ruth A. Brewster in the premises at which time aud place yon can attend if you think proper. J.M.SMITH, Aug. 10, 186.7. Sheriff. IASTRAY.—Caine into the enclosure ol' the Li subscriber on the 23d inst., a two or three years old Heater, dark red with white on the belly and end ol tail. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away. Orwell, July 27, 1865. OWEN WRIGHT. \ DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE Notice J.A. is hereby given that all persons indebted to thces tate ol V. N. BOARDMAN, late of Windham dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, aud all having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated lor settlement. ELIZA BOARDMAN, Aug. 10, 1865. Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of P. D.GREGG, dee'd, late of Towandat wp, are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. WM. GREGG, Aug. 3, 1865, Administrator. tflisrcllaneotis. O EA-M A X .V <) YV E N ! DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, HOME, HENN A. Keep constantly on a choice assortment of ! TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES. Ac. Ac., I Which will he sold at lowest prices for cash. The highest market price paid for Country Produce. A share of public patronage desired, Home. Aug. 3. 1865. /v\-ll PAID FOR WOOL, AND ALL \J kinds ot Produce by j June 22, 1865. W. A. ROCKWELL. DEACHES! PEACHES!! PEACHES!!! The uudersigi ed will soon have a large quantity ol i choice canned Peaches, Ire-h from Delaware .with which he would like to supply the people of Towanda aud va ■ lar as he can. The Peaches are put up with great care, and Mill keep years, unless useil before. Or ders received at the Book Store. July 24. 1865. A. F. COWLBB. (CAPTION. —Whereas, my wife JOHANNA, / has left toy bed and board without just cause or provocation, all persons are hereby cautioned agaiust i harboring or trusting her on my account, as i shall pay no debts of her contiacting. MICHAEL CROAK, i Asylum. July 24, 1805 lit L. A N D 11 US , Ltcemed Ain-lioiu'i-r, Li* Canton, Uradtord county, Pa., having had much experience, offers his services to the public. Address by letter or otherwise. Canton, July Is. 1805. T?AGLE HOTEL IN TOWANDA, FOU SALE. Location, on the south side ot the Square, by the l'resby terian ('hutch. Apply to W. A. PECK, office, Union Block, north side of Square. May Is, 18(15. | - >. o " r2 n > S S ~xt . pd | =1 3 a H"P* H " P * Z" I ** \ ? "I ~ o —i g , j; >■ ■/, 5 - 5 ~ .. £ > W ~ "ay, v, ,*|_ ° J | L* s 1 " ! JYJ A lis JI AL L B 110 TII E K S Wish to call the attention of the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, FA KM INO IMPLLMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Class, Sash, Paints, Oils, Putty. Varnishes, and Paint aud Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold lor the lowest Cash price. Also, a tiinc assortment of ' KEROSENE LA M PS of every style and pattern to suit the public. Lumps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid to j Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. We have on hand a tine article of GLASS FItUIT JARS, with improved self- sealing corks, and H ER M ETI C A L SEALING C A N S , which is one of the best cans used. June 20, 1865. TATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS ! j AT \V I L L I A M A . BOCK W E L L' S. J Consisting ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MOZAMBIQUE, CRAPE, MERAT, DE LA INKS, AC. LADIES' CLOTHES, SUA WLS, CLOAKS, IIATS, and a general variety of LADIES' GOODS. | MENS' BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, JEANS, DRILLS, And a variety of VESTINGS. ! A well selected assortment of LADIES' and MISSES SHOES and SLIPPERS, and MEN A BOYS' BOOTS. * Also, Mens' Boys' and Childreiis' SOFT STRAW HATS and CAPS, ! of all;deseriptiouß. I Usual large Assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS and STONEWARE. You will llnd, by calling, a cheap lot of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, ROPES, CABS, BASKETS, AO., AC. NOW FOR THE 4TII OF JULY ! FIREWORKS, of all descriptions, and TOY S of all kinds on hand. Piease call and examine my large and general assort ment of Goods, which will be sold at lowest prices for Cash and Produce. June 22,1865. IHrrrf)rihithr. IjJEN R Y MER C U R A CO., Towanda, I'eun'a, ■ Have on hand and are opening at I - > LOWEST MARKET PRICES, •| A superior stock of DRY GOODS, ■ DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, ! COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. 1 Towanda, March 21, 1865. Q. RE A T AjT T RACTIO N AT M ONTANYE'S S T ORE! PEACE PRICES. j Every vajiety of LADIES' CLOTH, AND FAN C Y I) RE S S GO OD S . Goods for Gentlemen of j ' |EVERY DESCRIPTION, j And all the known Styles to suit this Market, which will be sold at WIIOLE S A L E 0 R RET A I L TO SUIT CUSTOMERS, At prices that cannot but please. Returning thanks for past favors, we invite attention to our Large Stock of Goods. , June 6, 1865. MONTANYE A CO. WIC K UA M A BLACK, Are now offering NE YV GOODS AT N E YV J' R I C E S ! DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, WHITE GOODS, and NOTIONS. II ATS A C APS, OK THE LA TEST STYLES. BOOTS A SHOES, In variety, YV I C K II A M A B L A C K Keep a large stock of CROCKERY ANT) GLASSWARE, To which we invite special attention. YY'e offer our Goods on the CASH SYSTEM. June 12, 1865. I * | gPRING! SPRING! SPRING! 1 8 6 5. PPi ICE S XO W IF 1 TII I N TIIE REACH OF ALL! T R A C Y A MOORE, i Are now opening a FINE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, Including a handsome variety of DRESS GOODS, SPRING SHAWLS, FANCY GOODS A NOTIONS! A Good Stock of PRINTS, DOMESTICS, CARPETINGS, Ac. LADIES' AND GENT'S HATS GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. April 10. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Ac. rp 0 AL L INTE RES T E D ! Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to thi estate of D. C. HALL, that having disposed of the Li quor Store belonging to said estate, that all account! must be settled or paid at once, or costs will be made r Payments may be made to E.W„Sinith, Esq.,at M Kean'i • Liquor Store, or to me at Codding & Russells'. I June 26,1865. CHAS. M . HALL, Adm'r. ttptograff's 3nstittttr. YE AND EA it INSTI T U T E. DR. UP DE GRAFF, OCULIST, AUBIST AND GKNKKAL SCKOKON, ELMIKA.N. Y. Treats all Diseases of the Eye, Ear anil Throat. THE EVE He will operate upou Cataract, Artificial , Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entro- ' pion, (inversion ol the eye-nd,] and treats all lorrna ol i i " SORE EYES," sin h as Granulated Lid.-,, Purulent j Ophthalmia, Opacities ol the Cornea, Scrofulous dis- ; ! eases ot 1 the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eye is i I 'subject. j THE EAR Treats successfully Discharges from the j ''Ear. .V'.ises in the Ear. Difficulty ot Hearing, Deafness, j [even when the ilium is entirely destroyed, will insert an artiiicial one, answering neariy all the purposes of the ; j nat ii ial 7'HK THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton- ; , ails, together with CATARRH i in all its forms, ptimauently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club j j Feet. Uaie Lip, Clelt Palate, Tumors, Cancers, Morbid j ; Growths, Delorn.ities from Burns, and Hernia, and per- : forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips ol any portion ol the lace is destroyed through disease I or otherwise, by healing them on anew, j St' Will attend to the Amputation ot Limbs, "h* i aud General Surgery in all its branches, I INSERT'S ARTIFICIAL El KS.—Giving them all tin j motion aud expression of the natural, defying detection, j they are inserted without removing the old one or pro ! ducing pain. The Doctor's collection ol instruments comprises all , 1 j the latest improvements, and is tiie largest IU the State, the superior advantages he has had in perfecting luni selt in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, warrants liiui iu saying that everything within the bounds ol the pxoiessiou may he expected ol him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we cau now accommodate uti increased number of patients ! from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach- j ed to the establishment. Xo incur abte eases received for 'I t eatment or Opera tions. If a case is incurable he will be so inlormed. Institute on Water street, opposite the iiraiuard House | Einiira, N. Y. Feb. 2, ltsU6. illowinij filacljines. M O YV 1N G MACHINES! -i HUBBARD'S LIGHT MOWER,! ORWELL, PENN'A. j It is unsurpassed lor simplicity, durability, ease of 1 1 working, light draft, convenience ol folding up for trans- i j portation, as well lis comlort for those using it. It cuts ! I the grass when wet just as well as when dry, and at any I i speed you choose to drive, it operates as naturally on j i rough and uneven surface as upou level. Its ('rait is I from 175 to 200 pounds. Also Horse Forks different pat- ■ ' ems, Horse Rakes, Grindstones aud Hardware, in great I j variety, at Is. N. BRONSON'S i Metropolitan Combined Variety Store. 1 June 15 1*45. | Q II 1 0 MO WING M4.GHINE ll The undersigned take pleasure in calling the attention ' ol the homers ot Bradford count} to the above machine, j It lias been used in this county several years aud no ma- j chine lias given better satisfaction. It is carefully made of tlie best materials and warranted by the manufac- I tillers. Those who lmye used this machine pronounce j it the best in the market. It has been improved and is as perfect a machine, and does its work as well, it not j belter, than aiiy uae .yet oflered to the public. Farmers j wishing to purchase a machine will do well to examine j the Ohio. The Agents will be ready at all times to show the machine and its irt'anncr of working, its improve ments, Ac., to those Uiten sled. HIRAM TAYLOR. Tuscarora, Pa. Agent lor Eastern Bradford. CODDING & RUsSELL, June 20, 1805. Agent for Towanda and vicinity. miscellaneous. j JTE RAYSVILLE BRASS BAND! STEPHEN GORHAM, Leader. Consisting of twelve pieces, orders by mail or other wise promptly attended to. Address STEPHEN GORHAM, June 6, 1865. Leßays-ville, Pa. SALE.—A very fine Pianoforte, . Haliet A Davis' make, Boston, Mass. Also a lew Chairs. Pictures, and French Bedsteads. Call at the Ward House Towanda, Pa. June 12. le(>s. 1j "VrOTICE.--The School Board of Directors ll of the Borough ot Williamsport, Lycoming coun ty, Pa., hereby give notice that an examination ol Teach ers, will take place at the Grade school House in the I Centre Ward of said borough, on Thursday the 10th day I ot August next, and the public schools ol said borough j will commence on Mouday, the 11th day of August. Eighteen teachers are required- nine male and nine female. Applicants from a distance will be reqoired to I produce testimonials of character. WM. CALVERT, President. J. W. LEONARD, Sec'y. July 12. | P U R SALE. One Open Spring. Iron Axled Buggy, 1 Snlkey with Stiri ut Springs, 1 Sett New Double Harness, 1 Sett old Single Harness. June 27, I*os. CHAS. M. HALL. ! UMFII R E Y A CO. Are just receiving a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GOODS in tbeir line. Comprising all the LATEST STYLES and finest quality of GENTLEMEN, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S' SHOES. Particular attention is invited to their stock of TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELLING BAGS, AC. The only general assortment to be found in TOYVANDA, and all being sold at REDUCED PRICES. June 20, 1865. 1 J ONES I! OU S E ! Corner of .Market Square and Market St. lIARRISBURG, PENN'A. | The subscriber, having disposed ol his interest in the - : Locheil House, will devote his entire attention to the JONBR HOUSE, l And for the very libera! patronage extended to it tor the ' ; pa-t year, he returns his thanks and solicits a contiuu- | ! ance of lavors. C. H. MANN, I June X, 1865. Proprietor. 1 >EN NSYLV A MA AGRICULT-I'RAL tX SOCIETY.—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural I Society will hold its exhibition on September 26th, 27tli, ; 28th and 20th, 1865 , at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. / 1 Any information desired by persons desiring to exhib- I it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by mem ; bers of the society, will he given by the undersigned, or j by A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harrisbnrg, Pa. A. BROWER LONGAKER, Secretary. | Norristown, June 5,1565. PHE PROPRIETOR OF THE ROYSE : X HOUSE, BURLINGTON, PA., ' Begs leave to inlurm his old customers and the truvel | ing public, that he has thoroughly repaired and renova | ted his House, and it is now in good condition to aeeom- I inodiite guests in a satisfactory mauuer. L. T. ROYSE, 8 f Burlington. June 26,1865. _ Proprietor. FARM FOR SALF..—The undersigned offers for sale a valuable farm in Smithtield twp. I Good buildings, fences, fruit Ac. JOHN N CALTFF, Towanda. July 10, 1865. Office over P. O. '! A DM I NISTRATOR'S XOTICE.-Notice is , x\ hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate | ot PATRICK DOUGHERTY, dee d, late ol N. Towanda, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them i duly authenticated for settlement. 11. S. RUSSELL, ELLEN DOUGHERTY. July IS, 1865. Administrators. ' \ DMIXISTRATORS NOTlCE—Notice is i e hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es i- ] tate of DAVID GRISWOLI), late of Wells twp., dee'd ;s arc requested to make immediate payment, and those el having claims against said estate will present them duly 's authenticated for settlement. _ E.R. BECKWITH, July 27,1865. Administrator. •* Cegal. LIST OP THE NAMES OF PERSONS drawn as Jurors for September Court, 1865 : (JRANII JURORS. ! Athens twp., John Watkins, jr.; Athens borO', J5 ft. j Spalding, A. P. Stevens; Caulon Boro'. James O. Kan dall,J. O. Scndder ; Granville, Geo. Oatlin ; Hetrick, i Cyrus Puller; Litchfield, 11. B.Wolcott; Overton, Iz-'wis ! Bolt; Route twp., 0. E. Brown ; Smithtield, Win. Kits- I sell, Ezra Wood; Springfield, B. K. Adams; Shesbeqilin, I Win. Klsbree; Sylvania boro', Geo. Monroe ; Towanda i boro', W. H.H. Gore, Dwight Lodge ; Ulster, John j Couklin; Warren, Stephen Chalice, Browning Meyhew; l < Wyalusing, Uiram Buck; Wysox, Henry Wood ; Wind i ham, Dennis Russell; Wilinot, David Elienberger. TKAVEK.S JURORS—IST WEEK. I Athens twp., J. A. Welier, Horace McKinney, Chas. McLuffee. J.W. Pool, Beth Morley; Asylum, B. Laporte; Albany, Ww. Martin; Burlington West, W. D. Carnage, | Chas. Thatcher; Burlington twp. Allen M. Haight, l.ib ' beus Ellis, Chas. Knapp, Sam'l Whitenead ; Granville, ! Wm. McKerran, Marcus Ayers, John MoNaugbt; Leroy, j Albert Holcomb; Litchfield, Isaac Baldwin; Monroe bo ! ro\ O. B. Westgate; Monroe twp., James ,V. Irvine; | Pike, Geo. D. Johnson, A minis .Stevens. Russell Cole i man. J. L. Ingham; Rome twp., A. G. Spencer, J. A. | Moody, A. D. Towner; Ridgberry, David Gille't; Stand- J ing Stone, Byron Stephens ; Smithtield, J. 11. Barber, i SarnT Niles, O. K. Bird, Henry Phelps; Sheshequiu, G. Smith; Springfield, James'Matox ; Troy twp.. Dwight Freeman, W. L. Nin-ton; Troy boro', Braninard Bo wen, ; Kobt. Kedington, L. A. Saleys; Tov anda tp.,H. L. Scott; Ulster, Levi Noble; Wysox, Irvine C. Shores, Stephen ! CUyson ; Warren, Roger HowellWindliam, James \ Newman; Wilmot, G S. Gamble. TKAVEKS JURORS—2U WEEK. Alba boro', Alvin T. Dunbar, John J. Reynolds, Vol ney M.Wilson; Asylum, Kobt. Bull; Athens boro' ,Jno. I Hill, Albeit Campbell; do. twp., Samuel Ovenshire, jr., Burlington boro , Charles Boss; do. West, Danverse Bourne; Canton to.. H. McClelland. Roderick Williams; Franklin, E. Blake; Derrick, D. Taylor; ixiroy.s.C. Van- Fleet; Monroe twpF. Sweet ; Orwell, Alphouzo Bo worth; Pike,S. B. Stevens ; Ridgberry, Edwin Beck with, Aaron Ostrunder, Win. Fuller ; Springfield, A. B. Fanning; Smithfieal, James Lyon, E. G-Dutfe ; She -1 shequin. Elisha Neweil ; Terry, J. L. Jones, F. W. ] Frutchey; Troy twp .Stephen F. Wheeler, Smith Bax- I tec; Towanda boro', L. B. Rogers; do. North, James Simmons; Ulster, Walter Pollock, Wm. Eisbree, Guy Tracy; Wells. Frank Bowman; Windham, Silas White ; j Warren, Jackson Wbitaker. TK A VERS JURORS — ill WEEK. Athens twp., Geo. McAffee. Levi Gardner, Geo. Page. ' 1 jeonard White; Albany, Horatio Ladd, O. W. C'orbui, ; Silas Morse; Asylum, Philip Cowell ; Armenia John J. , Green; Columbia, Geo. Billings ; Canton twp., Josiah I Warren; Franklin. Cbas. Stevens; Granville, Woodlord | Clark; Leßaysviiie boro", Daniel G. Bailey ; Litchfield, Wm. Host wick; Orwell, Jar vis Battles, Caleb A. Allyn ; Pike, Philip Philips, Wm. Agnew, Keltogg Barnes; I Ridgberry, James.'i'. Ball; Smithtield, Judsou M. Bur j lingame, Mortimer Brown, Philander llail ; Towanda ! twp., J. M. Fox; Tusearora, Alnion Pepper ; Towanda 1 boro', Henry Essenwine; Terry, J. 11. Horton ; Troy j boro', Cash Kendall, Geo. ii. Humphrey; Wysox, John Tuttle; Wells, James Mitchell ; Warren, Cyrus Note ware. A. Coburn; Wilmot, Paul Quick, John T. Shorts. J.M. SMITH, | July 29, 1865. Sheriff I) EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hcre -4 by given, that there has been tiled and settled in I the office of the Register of Wills, in and lor the county ' of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fol. lowing estates, viz : ' Final account of Wm. Lake executor of John Ford, i dee'd, late of Tusearora. j Final account of C. G. Gridley adm'r ot the estate of | Luther Chaffee, dee'd, late of Orwell. 1 Final account of B. Laporte and C. F.Wells, j ..adtn r i of John Laporte. late of Towanda. J Partial account of Gordon Wilcox surviving executor i of Thos. Wilcox, late of Athens. I Final account of Dan A. Gillett executor of James i Evans, late of Kidgbury. Final account ot Johu Lilley and Rachel Landou am i 1 of Jonathan Jackson, late oi Canton. | Final account ot Cyrus Blcodgood adm'r ot Abraiu Sherman . late of Litchfield. ; Final account of C.C.Wright adm'r ol Joel Wright, j late o! Canton. I Final account of Margaret Davis adm'trx ol Jenkia J . ! Davis, late of Pike. i Final account ot D, H. Burnham and Sarah E. Ray } nor adm'rs of Wm. H. Raynor, late ot Ridgbury. ' Final account ot Thomas James executor ot Henry I James, late of Watren. I Final account of G. F. Horton Guardian ot Levmia J.sharts, Susan F.&autee, Elizabeth Breytugle. Ellen ! G. S.mtee, Alice Santee, Minor children of Wm. Sautee, deceased. Final account of D. M. James Guardian ol E- T. Smith. Final account of Isaae Strait executor of Robt. Kill gore, late of Columbia. Final account ot Simon H. Stanton and Nancy Stan ton adm'rs of Joseph A. Stanton, late of West Burling ton. Partial account ot C. O. Huntington executor ot Ash er Huntington, late ot Athens. Partial account of E.S. Matherson adm'r Wm. Mead, late of Athens. Final account of J. F. Chaniberliu admr ol G. ft. Pepper, late of Wyalusing. Final account of Squire Northrop adm'r ol Edward Williams, late of Athens. Final account of OrrinA. Burnham adm'r of Samuel Raynor, latv of the State ol New York. Al.So.—The appraisement ol property set off by the Executors or Administrators to widows or children ot the followiug decedents : Estate ot Wm. Williams, " " A. P. Stevens, '• " Henian Morgan, " " Allen W. Barnes, " " Cyrus Smith. " '• J. G. Buckhout, " " James Lay-ton, " " Oliver Bartlett, "D.C.Hall, " N.B. Chaffee, " " H.J.Camp, • I. J. All is, " •' H.J. Bowen, " " Furnam Nichols, " " Hiram Mason. And the same will lie presented to the Orphan s Court of Bradford County, on Monday, the 4th day of Sept. next, for confirmation and allowance. Aug. 1, 1865, N. C. KLSBREE. Register. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court ot Brad ford County, the undersigned Administrator ot Silas Packard, dee'd, will sell on the premises in Alba Boro" on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 30, Istia, at 1 o'clock, p. m., all that lot. piece or parcel ol land situate in Alba Borough, bounded as tallows : Beginning at th- centre or junction ol the Granville road and the road leading from A ratio 1 Blackmau's, Manicy , and houuded on the east by the road leading lrum the -aid Mauley's, on the south by B. Baker's lot. on the west, by lands of Irad Wilson, on the not th by the Granville road. Containing one-half acre, be the same more or less, a small framed dwelling house thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot ot laud situate in la-Roy two., hounded as to.lows : Beginning at a hciul ck stump on the line ot W. J. Stones lot, thence north B'ii° west 14 rods to an ash. thence north 35° west 41 rods IO a post, south-west corner ol E. Auabtes lot, thence east 53 perches to a post thence south along the line ot W.J. Stones' land IDS rods to the place of beginning. Con taining 27 acres and 100 rods, be the same more or less. ALSO—AII that other certain lot, piece or pared of laud situate in Canton twp., and hounded as follows, on the west by lands ol William Packard ana Henry Jen nings, on ike north by lands formerly owned by Win. Scott, dee'd., on the east by lauds belonging to the es tate ol John Grey dee'd., on the soutu by lands belong ing to the estate" of Abigal Ayres, dee'd.,. Containing about 104 acres; about 50 acres improved, with oue trained house, barn and out buildings and an apple or chard thereon. TERMS—S2S to be paid on each lot at the time the property is struck down, one halt the remainder on con firmation of sale the balance in oue year thereafter with interest from confirmation. MINOR P. PORTER. May 11,186 c. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of of the e.-tate of John J. Reynolds deceased. In the Orphan's Court ot Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor, appointed to distribute the monies in the hands ot the administrator-, raised by the sale ot said decedents real and personal estate, will attend to the duties ot his appointment at the of fice ot Mercur & Morrow, in the borough ol Towanda, on Thursday, the 171 la day ot August, A L., Is bo, at 1 o'clock p.m., and all persons Uaviug claims upon said monies must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. I'. 0- MORKoVY , July 10, lobo. Auditor. AUDITOR S NOTICE.—/n the matter