NEWS FROM ALL NATIONS. I Four nun employed in the Hubbard Coul Mine, near Cleveland, were caught by a fresh et and came near being drowned. Rut by taking r. fuge in the highest part of the mine, they kept dry, but were in imminent danger of starvation, After four days of this sort of imprisonment in the bowels of the earth, the waters allayed, and the famished victims were rescued by their friends. A number of Federal appointees in tin: Southern States have been unable to execute their bonds and take the required oath that they have never voluntarily bore arms, or given aid or coun sel or encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility against the United States, and that they have not yielded a voluntary support to the Rebel Government. —A party of thirty Indians attacked an emigrant train forty miles west of Juleslmrg, Cal., on Saturday week, killed two men and captured one wagon. On the same day a largo party of In dians surprised a camp of twenty-six soldiers a ftw miles north of Valley Station, captured their stock and drove the men to the station. —A man named John Hill, in custody of tin Sheriff of Benton County, Me., for being con eerned, with .wenty-five others, in the murder of several Union men, was forcibly taken from the Sheriff's hands, .July 10, carried across the Osage river, and shot dead without ceremony. —A 'Western paper lias a dispatch from Memphis reporting the seizure of the Commercial Rank in that city and the discovery of a defalcation in the Custom-House. It is supposed that the money which should have been in the Custom lb .use had been used by the bank. —Two prisoners confined in the jail at Mt. Albans, Yt., lately escaped by tiling away the gratings to the windows. It is said that Hezekiah l'avue, the alleged raider, held 011 the charge of robbery, refused to avail himself of the opportu nity to escape. —The military district of Alexandria is discontinued. The records are ordered to be re moved to Headquarters at Washington, and the officers are ordered home, with instructions to re port by letter to the War Department. —The steamer Marcella from Montana, with $'200,000 in gold dust, arrived at Sioux City Sunday week. The Upper Missouri is low, aud a number of boats had to turn back when within 200 miles of Fort Benton. —The Mayor of Portsmouth, Ya., was ar rested 011 Friday by order of Gen. Mann, com manding that sub-district. The cause of his ar rest is said to be some interference with military law or military court matters. —lt is rumored ut Washington that the President has made Gov. Wells of Louisiana a Provisional Governor, so that the control of the State may be obtained and Rebels prevented from la >hling office. Efforts arc making in Richmond to in duce the Washington authorities to rescind Gen. Turner's recent order declaring the late municipal election null and void. —(■ apt. Wirz, of Andersouville infamy, is said to be the only prisoner of war remaining at Washington, liis trial will not take place under two weeks. -Two scoundrels in soldiers' clothes, 011 Mpndnv week, while the clerks were absent for dinner, entered the Belh fontaiuc Railroad pay-of liee ut Indianapolis through a window, and break ing a lock, abstracted SB,OOO. They were, how ever, discovered as they were making their escape, captured, and the money recovered. -A pt irtinn of the lands granted to the State of lowa by Congress, to aid in the establish ment of an Agricultural College, are now for sale (a- lease on liberal terms. These lauds are located In Rardiu, Wright, Hamilton, Webster, Kossuth, Humboldt, Palo, Alto, Clay ami other Counties. President Jonhson's daughter, .Senator Patterson of Tennesse, and the President's son, who is his private secretary, left Nashville on Mon day week for Washington, and will stop over one day in Ciueinnatti. —Gen. Grant visited Brunswick, Me., Thursday, and was present at the commencement t\i reLses 1 f Bowdoiu College, which institution conferred upon him the degree of LL. D. —About JO paroled Rebels arrived at St. 1, 1 utis on Sunday night week, and reported that :le y hiul been forcibly prevented from staying in 1 heir homes in Jackson County, Mo. —John Pryor of the (itli Indiana shot and killed James F. Stillfox of the oth Mississippi Reg iment, in it personal row, at st. Paul, recently. They are both ex-Rebels. A dispatch from Heart's Content in forms us that the Great Eastern was to leave Val entin on the 24th ult. The Clara .Clarita arrivec safely at A spy Ray. Thursday. —Superintendent Conway reports lest than ::r> freedmcn maintained by Government it: Louisiana. No rations arc issued except to the sick and kclph ss. -Krotz's distillery and Ik-usury's brew cry, at St. Paul, have been taken possession of I>J the United States Assessor, for making incorrec! returns. —ln the month of June, 1865, 6,777,21 acres were taken tip at Traverse City, Michigan, under the Homestead Law for actual settlement. •—A Colored Convention is being held al Alexandria, Va., to consider the subject of negrc suffrage and others of importance to the race. The Washington-st. Baptist Church, Petersburg. Va., was struck by lightning Saturday week and entirely destroyed. —The Hon Byron Pima 11, formerly Gov ernor ot Rhode Island, died at his residence in Bristol on Tuesday week, aged 70. Gen. Wright, from the army of the Po tomac, lias left St. Louis for Texas. He will have his head-quarters at Galveston. Brig.-Gcn. Howard, lately Major-Gen. of Volunteers, has been promoted to be a Major- Generul in the regular army. —A movement has been started in St. Lotus to get up a monument to Gen, Lyon on tin battle-ground at Wilson's Creek —Alniakee county, lowa, lots paid 8124,- 000 for county and township bounties, and the re lief of soldier's families. --Major-Gen. Butler arrived in Wash ington Thursday, where he will remain for several days. .—Tin- President's health still prevents his transacting much public business or seeing vis itors. About ninety pardons were granted Thursday bust and two hundred applications re ceived. —-The National debt according to the Ju ly statement is $2,727,273,277 8-7. --Gen, llalleck is devoting his leisure hours to writing a history of tlue siege of Corinth. —The eitv of Baltimore has sold its in terest in the Northern Central Railroad, for sl,- 050,000 to James McDongal A- Co. Seventy-two members of the Pittsburg bar entered the army since the breaking out of the War. —A single firm at Chicago has sold ten thousand copies of " Enoch Arden." —The Emperor of Russia has authorized the employment of women in tele graph offices. jgtiulfottl Reporter. Towanda, Thursday, August 10, 1865. R KI OVSTIU CTION. We hold that there is no need df haste in this work of re-organizing the rebel States. Time will teach the government and the people what is needed. As yet, neither hardly knows how much or how little is to be done to restore these States to their places in the Union ; but above till things it behoves us to be cautious in placing full political power into the hands of our late enemies. They are in the condition of con -1 qnered rebels. Their only submission is • such as military power has forced on them, ' and is it to be supposed that the notions which pioinpted this undertaking have un , dergone any changes? They express them selves badly wlupped, but they are as em f piratic i i declaring that they were right ; . and will they not, in making their political organizations for the future, carry this prin cipal of right, for which they staked all, ! ' with them, in the hope of succeeding with I | it in some other way, at some other time ? 1 ; They will be the strangest people the world I has yet produced, if they, all at once, abau j don the ideas to which they were schooled, I I which they cherished, and for which they t . j fought so lustily, and risked every thing. I And what is the great leading conviction 1 of these southern people ? Why, that sla very is right, that it is necessary to their social comfort, that it is essential to their individual prosperity, and that their polit ical organizations cannot bo perfect witli _ out it. They believe this now, as much as they did before the war, and it will influ- their action in time to come, as it has vj in the past. There can lie no doubt of this. ; And indications of this kind are mauifest {' I ing themselves throughout all the rebel ! States. In Louisiana the validity of the " | ratification of the Constitutional Ainend ■ ments, is called in question, as it is in Tenn v ' essee ; and the Emancipation Proclamation • of President Lincoln is regarded by many .. |asof no binding force. In Tennessee a law ii | has already been passed imposing disabil e j ities upon colored people, and the opposi " lion there to the State franch so law, all | point to the pvevading sentiment which has " I be -n ever uppermost in the slave States. , The Ciueinnatti Gazette of a recent date, published a letter written in Nashville, which contains the following : I was conversing with one of these gentlemen 1 ' Yesterday, a resident of Maury county, and an in r i iiui iitiiil citizen there, i asked him if he was will , ihg to tell tin- frankly what he thought of the fu ture of slavery in Tennessee? ' " Certainly," he replied, "I have no concealment l to in ike upou that or any other public question." " Do you believe there is any possible prospect ■ for its restoi-atiou in this State?" I inquired. •• That," said he, "is still an open question. 1 ~ > consider it no more settled that we shall not again lm\\- slavery in Tennessee, than it is whether the i institution shall be abolished in Kentucky." •'ls there any considerable number of the peo -1 pic who would favor such a restoration ?" j "A large majority would, if oil tcere IIIIOICHI toex ! iii'< .vs iiii'tiistlvcsf." 1 i '• Would you ?" I , •• Unquestionably I would." i, | --Rut as your Amended Constitution forever pro -1 liibits it, why is not the question settled?" ! •• Why," s.iid he, " even a legal Constitution is r j not a finality ; and of course you are aware that ( many of us regard the March amendment to the ' - Constitution of Tennessee as utterly illegal and I void. Were it not for the presence of military e 1 force, the matter would have been brought ere this ; lit fore the Courts, and 1 doiilit not their decision j would have confirmed our opinion." ~ ; •' But," said I, "even if the courts should decide ( as you say. would it not be impossible to restore I the institution, on account of the resistance which II | the blacks would everywhere make of it ?" •'Of eoursi," he replied, "we could not rein j state our authority immediately over the whole of ! them perhaps not over one-half of them. Rut ; -t | there are many sections of the State where the n j blacks are not aware that slavery lues been abol i ished at alb Some of these sections arc in West ! Tennessee, where the colored population is most J ! numerous. In other quarters there are many fam / j ilies whieli the blacks have never attempted to | leave, and where the quiet resumption of the mas '• i tcr's authority would be at once acquiesced in. | Gradually all resistance would cease, and the eol j oreil people, in many cases disgusted with their '* new-found freedom, so different from what thcy 1- had anticipated, would voluntarily return to bon (l dage, or accept as destiny what they could easily be jiursuadea was What it rc/nirei! J (he Fiftieth menf : The* great work is finished. By your gallantry in action and steadfast devotion j in the service of your country you have won a glorious victory, an honorable peace . and an illustrious name. The tendrils that have wound around j our hearts and held us together in stronger : than fraternal affections are about to be severed. The ties that have so closely | bound us as companions in war will unite , us as friends in peace. The story of the old regiment, with the incidents of the past four years, will always be remembered and cherished with the memory and virtues of our noble comrades, whose remains are mouldering in ten dif ferent States. Your deeds of valor and trials of endur ance. with the achievements of thirty-two battles, will brighten many pages in tin annals of your oornttnfs fanw. Future ages will bless you as the defen ders of American liberty. Nations will honor and respect you, and posterity will praise your names for the invaluable heri tage you have so well preserved. You will be welcomed to your homes to enjoy the advantages of the Government you have so faithfully protected. In civil life guard carefully what yon have gained and so well sustained in battle ; let moral goodness and integrity characterize your course, and a grateful people will Idess you, and a proud natiniuehiim and reward you as her most deserving citizens. With sincere thanks for your uniform courage and cheerful co-operation in the performance of mutual duties; fervent prayers to Almighty God lor your happi ness and prosperity through life, and war mest sympathies for the bereaved f'arniles of the heroic dead, your Lieutenant Colonel bids you all farewell. SAMUEL K. SCHAVENK, Lieut. Colonel oIII Europe concerning the progress j a ti:<' Ulantiu Telegraph Expedition. Wo have already ;inonnc6d that the ' shore end "f the Atlantic Cable was sue-; cesstully landed and laid at Valentia, Ire-. Jiiud, "ii Saturday? July 22. a On the next <1 •y, Sunflay, JuTy 23, at i.2"> p. in., the splice of the shore cable; with the main cable on board the (Great ; Eastern Was completed, and the paying j ontTruin' tTie Great TnlsFerii eonime'tccd. j All progressed very favorably until Mo iduy i j ai'teriioon, when a message was received I from the Great Eastern, dated 4: 30 p. in., ' nun Ruffle defects of iusultation. V 'dnfch," caused by tin 1 cablo becoming, j .s "f a-ere. knotfiMl,"()! r doubled up, more! ii ..i • 'nek than taut, had taken place i .!• nit ben from where the shove end i ,v. . iliced . i the main cable One of the i . .n'.t i; steinpers was immediately sent | to discover the exact locality of the hitch, 1 j and by 4 a. in. on Tuesday morning the i , cable was again put in Working order, and I the (Great Eastern, which had hove to in j Int. ieJdeg., long. 10 deg., about SO idles i from shore, once more proceded < >ll her i jojirhej': | A few hours later, the Great Eastern tele | graphed, in lat. £-> deg., long. 02 deg., that i another defect had been discovered; and 1 j that a faulty piece of the wire ori hoard the Great Eastern had to be'eut out and ! the cable to be re-spliced, j After that the progress was successful, i When the last dispatch was received fro in I tlie Great Eastern, on Thursday, duly 27, i 300 miles of the cable had been laid, the i signals were perfect, the weather fine, and I the prospects of the entire success if the I grand enterprise most encouraging: A telegram from Gyrus \V. Field expressed the hope that Heart's Content would be I reached by the nth of August.— Tribune. SECRETARY STANTON ANII OUR PRISONERS.— i One of the first articles written by Mr. Dana j for the Chicago llrjnibhcan, is a denial of a I statement of Junius 11. Browne, who was imprisoned a long time at the South with i Mr. Hie hard son, that Mr. Stanton is respon ! siblc for the sufferings of Union prisoners I at the South. Mr Dana, who was, until re | cently, Assistant Secretary of War, says : i No mail of all tlie thousands who lan i guisbed in tlie cruelties of rebel bonds can rightfully say that Mr. Stanton is responsi ble for one moment ot his tortures. The truth is, that special efforts were made by the War Department to procure the release 'of Mr. Browne and his companion, Mr. Richardson, but those in [tower at Rich ' tnond were, for some reason of their own, 1 Unwilling to surrender them, and refused ; and finally, after all bfher means had been exhausted, and when the notorious "I'o!- ' lard, of Ricliin mil,' (yvlto had been released on his parole to negotiate the exchange ol : Messrs. Jirowne and Richardson for lorn self and sunn other S mtlieru 'ibrnf/riir who had been captured by our forges) had failed to return according to his promise, orders were given to General Butler to seize and hold as hostages for these two genlh men a number of prominent citizens of Virginia, who resided near enough to our lines to be within reach of a cavalry party. Messrs. Browne and Richardson escaped before these orders were executed ; but it is the fault <>f.Fumes A. Seddmi, and not of Edwin M. Stanton, that they we're not sooner at liberty. GEN. SHERMAN'S VIEWS ON NATIONAL Tor ies— At a banipiet given to Gen. Sherman i at Indianapolis on the'27th nit., he made i a lengthy speech in a response to a toast. lie said that his ancestors being in the sea j faring line, had contributed largely to tlie : importation of African slaves, and lie felt i it to be his duty to atone, as far as possi ble, for the sins of tiis ancestors. lie considered the slaves freed by the action of the Secessionists, and that it was the duty of the Gevernnient to protect and ! educate them. They might, he thought, bo i colonized in Florida, and admitted to a rep resentation in Congress, lie opposed ne ' gro suffrage or indiscriminate intercourse • i with tlie whites. His observations in Mexi co and South America had led him to the ; belief that the whites must have the gov ..) erniug intiuenoe. lie believed Omnipotence ■ had inaugurated this rebellion to break down the legal hedge which had protected slavery from the ju.-t indignation of the : civilized world, lie thought that many ot the Southern States would vote to ratify i 1 the constitutional amendment. On tlie sub t ject of the military power, he did not feel - i that there was any usurpation, but tliat . i when the necessity had passed, he hoped 1 i that civil law would resume its sway. tirj?" Hon. ('has. Cook having failed b comply with the reipiiremcnts of the law ~ passed 1802, giving the avails of the sales j of tlie public lands, as an endowment b i the People's College, and also to comply , with the extension of time given by the j lust Legislature, the amount will lie applied as an endowment to the Cornell University : which Mr. Cornel! proposes to build iu Ith i aca, and has tendered the State five hum I dred thousand dollars and two hundred acres of land for that purpose. The work j will now soon be commenced we have in: ') doubt. i CONSERVATISM ILLUSTRATED. —The following i from the Luzerne Union, illustrates'the Cop ! perhead idea of Conservatism. The Rich "l mon delection was notoriously controlled by i returned rebel soldiers, and tlie candidates j elected were of the most violent secession ! stripe. j TILE RICHMOND ELECTION. —An election was held j for municipal officers in Richmond fust week, the . result of which showed decided majorities for what , iidmjnisfrationists have chosen to call the "seccsh' 1 I candidates. In other words, the abolition ticket was beaten, and the conservatives elected their I men throughout. This being too bitter for the : "loyalists." the aid of "military necessity" is ' again invoked, and on Fin day last General Turner 1 issued his edict declaring tlie election null and I void, and addressed the City Council a prwiaciu mtnio forbidding them to,a<*t in their offices. Thus are elections a mockery 111 this new era of elective ' freedom. fiey™ Albert Starkweather, who was ar rested upon the charge of having murder ed his mother and sister at Manchester, has made a confession. lie acknowledged that lie had butchered his mother, and then his sister, with the axe, and then, to make ■ certain of the fiendish job, be had repeated ly plunged his butcher-knife into their throats and bosoms, winding up the deed of horror by setting the bed on lire, and i then his own bed, down stairs. lie says that lie committed the deed out of love for the young lady to whom he was engaged to be married, as she would not have him I without the money, and he got it. f ®ayThc Carlisle (Pa.) Herald learns that the family of Judge Ould, late rebel Commissioner uf Exchange, who have been for some time bearding at the Carlisle Springs, left tlie other day in quite a huff The cause of the offence was that, on the Fourth of July, Mr. Woods, the proprietor of the Springs, bud his liouso decorated with quite a display of national flags. General th • Union candidate j for Governor of Ohio, has written a letter, j in which In- fully defines his position as a I candidate of the party, and gives Ins pri vate views on the question of negro suf frage. The latter, briefly stated, are that the white and colored people of the south i cannot live together as equals, politically, ' and he therefore favors a peaceable scpar j ation of the two races on southern soil, the j 1 blacks in their scperate condition to enjoy ; I full political rights, lie does not propose, i however, to permit his private opinions to j 1 prevent him from giving a cordial support 1 to such measures as Congress and the Pros- ! j ident may deem best for the final adjust- j | mi nt and settlement of the difficult ques tions that have grown out of the war. I®*The iron interest continues to be do- j pressed throughout the State, and both 1 rolling mills, Ac., and collieries, are closing ! every week. Many give the choice to their J i workmen of accepting lower wages or hav ing the works closed, and the workmen gen- 1 ' crally prefer the latter course. In view j of the dull state of the business, the propri-' ctors are rather benefitted thereby. GEN. SIIERMIA.N ORDKEKIIT'I RKMAIN NEUTRAL. | —The General commanding the Department ; i of Texas is enjoined to a strict and faithful j i observance of the instructions heretofore i issued, which require him to forbear from , ; any form of intervention in the war between France and.the .Sovereign power ol Mexico, of which President Juarez continues to be recognized as the chief. The powder Mill of Messrs. Dupont situated near Wopwnllopen, Luzerne county exploded about seven o'clock on Saturday 1 morning last, injuring two employees, | named Stephen Briggs and Morgan Drum, j so badly that but slight hopes are enter- j taiued of their recovery. They were burned in a most shocking manner.— Berwick Ga ■ j zette. tir&" A Mr. Nathan Remuly of Salem i township, Luzerne County met an accident, which resulted fatally, while engaged in hauling hay fur a Mr. Berger, on Monday 1 ! lust, lie fell from the barn floor to the fodder room, and when found life was extinct, j He is supposed to have broken his neck. He was an unmarried man of about fifty 1 | years of age.— lb. FATAH ACCIDENT. —On Friday morning of , i last week, Oliver Nicholson was killed in the Twin shaft of Mercur A Co., near tlie depot, by being overrun by the mine cars. He was an Englishman by birth 20 years ; old. and leaves a wife and three children. He was buried on Saturdrv. — i'iUtun f Co. B, slst Regt, P. V., aged IU years i i and 10 months, eldest sou ot Warren R. had Mary C. Griffis, of Wilinot, Bradford County l'a. His r.mains w.-iv brought homo by Ids parents . . and buried in th '- burial ground near their resi lience. t LOCKWOOD. At Flster, July oth 18H5, Maryami Lnckwood, widow of Edmund Loekwood of the same place, iu the VJd year of her The deceased loaves a la:ge family of afiection- J ate children and grand children to mourn her loss. i For tie happiness of whom she devoted her long J I and laborious life, being left a widow when most l of her children u ere young. Iler relatives and m igld -rs will long miss her. She was a deep L ' i sympathizer with human suffering, and never stopped to ask "who i* my neighborbut, whilst in health, was like a ministering angel by the side l of every sick bed. Her last affliction was cancer, ! which she bore with surprising fortitude and res- I ! iguation until the time of her disolution, which took place as above. On the fourth she laid her I clothes out to dress for the celebration, but her ' strength foilt d lier, and On the next day she quietly ( passed into the Spirit land. t Xcm riiHicrtivcnicnts. i YY VA L U SING AC ADE MY ! REV. F>A VlO CRA FT. A . M., Principal. 0 j THE FALL TERM OF TIUS V ! ACADEMY WILL COMMENCE OX MONDAY, AUGUST 21, LUOJ. .- ! . AND CONTINUE TWELVE WEEKS. E; TERMS. II I Common Branches s.l 00 Y ! Higher 400 ' Special attention will he given to those preparing to ! teach or tor college. L " ; Board, and rooms for hoarding, may he had at leuson -1 able rates. i. I (Sanders Readers, Greenleaf's Common School Arith i luetic, Rohinsou's Mathematics, McXally's Oeographics 0 ' and \\ ickersham s School Economy will he used as text j hooks. HENRY GAYLORD. Pre'at. AUCSTCS LEWIS, Sec'Y. | Terry town, Aug. O. 1 - <;R>. f stock of clothing AT THE y j 8 READY MADE CLOTHING EM BO 111 I'M 1 I OF 11 GEOII G E W. V 0 0 X A CO . ' t r i v We have now in our Store an elegant slock of Men and s Boy 's Clothing, manufactured by ourselves, which can r not be beaten in style, quality and prices. Also a larger I assortment UI Furnishing Goods than can he lound else . where. Call and see and examine before buyirg, and it S will be to your advantage, you will lind better goods , at lower juices than anywhere else. Store No. ;!, Pat ton's Block, one door south of Burst aw SO> Gore's Drug Store. Aug. 8,1886; GEO. W. COON A CO. ' JJLSSOLL'TION UF BARTNERSIIIP ! The partnership herehilore existing, up to the Ist of j April last, between A . F. Cowlea and John J. Griffiths under the firm of C'L tvlcs ,t Co., has been dissolved by 1 mtitu.D consent ; and LLIE Book AND Stationery, and Ex . prc>s btisiuc -S will hereafter he conducted by tne under signed, to wli'uu the debts due to the late firm ol Cowles A Co. have been assigned and are payable. JOHN J. GRIFFITHS, _Aug. s, MM, Successor of Cow les A Co. tf*STRAY.—Left the enclosure of the un- FI derSigned, on or about the 31st of Jnly. a Large, Red, Roan Cow,— the end of her tail has lieen cutoff, and Fhe has hut three teets. Auy person giving infor mation of her whereabouts, will he suitably rewarded. Towanda, Aug. 3, 1865. REBECCA WIECOX. QTOLEN—CAL TION.—AII persous are O hereby cautioned against purchasing a certain judg ment note (so culled) made at Orwell, Bradford county, ; Pa .by J. W. Pay SON for the sum ol S4OO with interest and dated April 27T8, 1 Mil, and payable to the uudcr- J signed or hearer six months after date, as the same has been stolen from the subscriber. Aug. 7,1866. WM. R. I'EAR. E 'STRAY.—V owe into the enclosure of I the subscriber about the 21st of July, LSILD, a RED COW, one hip down, and about i 2 years old. The own er is REQUESTED to come forward, prove property, pay churges and take her away. Litchfield, Aug. 8,18G3. PUTMAN HADLOCK, New nhHTtiscinents. fji !I E A MEIiI 0 A N PE0l L E FOR THE AMERICAN WATCH! AND THE - AMKIf f (! A N WAT C If ! FOR THE AMEIi I C A \ FEOi' Ii E ! 4 I Ail styles of movements, in ill styles <>i cim--. tor all kinds of prices, except o •< puces, at JOHNSON'S, 2" Lake Street, (Sign of the American Flag.) 1 Aug. 7, 1865. Elmit.i, N. Y. 1 A/A DO/. BROOMS' for sale a 1 whole* Jv 'vj sale by L. T. FOX , .AQg. S, 1&55. A (; £ N T £ VANT K 1) J.\. SOK TliK N U USE A SPY. The must iuteresiing and exciting book • publ. ti ed, embracing the adventures of it woman in the L"ti:nli army as Nurse, Scout and Spy, giving a in -.-J vivid in- i , uei picture oi the war. Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, as:-' ialiy i returned and disabled officers and soldiers, in want ul i profitable employment, will lind it peculiarly adapted to their coudiiiuii. We have agents clearing per month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. . Send for circulars. Address JONES, BROS. & CO., N B. corner Sixth and Minor Streets, j July 10,1865. Philadelphia, Pa. I SAL ES ME N W A NT K D J' 'vy TO SOLICIT Kit. l. OKIIKI.S lOK Tilt. . LIFE AND TIMES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, | By Dr. L. P. Bkockett, the eminent biographer and . 1 historian. Prices, $3, $. 50, $1 and $5. also, saktain's matchless ! P O R T RA I T O F A B R A II A M LINCOLN.! i And other first class hmf the Jj subscriber about the loth oi June last, a -mail roan ' two year old Stecr.lhe owner is requested to prove prop erty, pay charges and take it away. T.S.MAN LEV. i ; East Canton, July 26, 1865.—3t. TjULL CREEK COAL A IRON CO. t A meeting of the stockholders of the Fall Creek Coal A Iron Co , will Leht-id at the ofiice t: company in To . watoi l,Pa. it 5 o'clock f. M .onWednesday the oth day ol . August ls'tS, for the purpose ot elcting five directon- 1 to manage the a Hairs u> -aid company lor the ensnibg yeji and two ins|te<-tois to preside at the next elect: u ; ot Directors, New Yoik. July 18. 1 -05. Secretary. " Y| O I \T A 1 N I. A i E ! ■ ! The subscriber respcctiully inform the public that the i pleasure Grounds couuvcled with Mountain Lake, have been putin complete otder, and that lie is prepared tor 1 the r> oept ion oI partie . llis buildings and Boats have all undergone thorough it pair, and parties will find every thing provided (or tlu ir enjoyment A more delightful resort cannot be i ionnd in the County. than this Lake and the a< jaceiii J grounds, utlording shady walks, good boating, and ex 1 eelleut fishing. HARRISON DODD. Burlington, July 18, 1865. • iJpA U M S F0 li S ALE! I The subscriber offers two Farms for sale, one ol 40 acres with buddings, JO acres improved, and splendid Iruit "i all kinds. One of 50 acres.with log builiiing.s.some improve : and splendid timber, all within three-lonrths . of a mile ol Leruy. For further information consult . ! Leroy, July 24, 1865. L. B. HARRIS. 1 TO A V E l; L V INS T ITU T E F s THE FALL TERM OPENS ON i WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16TH, IS 60. 1 ! Other academic terms of the year o|ien. First Wed- L ' j ne day in Nov . Fourth Wednesday in Jan., and Third Tuesday in April. . I The complete and able corp- ol instinct.irs secured tor the coming year will afford the amplest opportnni • j ties to those desirous of pursuing a Commercial course r and also to those fitting themselves lor teaching. ! Other branches will be taught with the same degree 1 ! ol thoroughness which has characterized this school for 1 j he past eight years. Rates of Tuition are moderate. I Twenty ot the tirst applicants to the Normal Class. ! whose qualifications are requisite will receive free in r -truelion for 14 weeks. t ! A. J. LANG, A. XI., Principal. I Aktupr Yatf.s, Pres't Board of Trustees, e i Waverly, N. Y., July 26, 1865. :it. - rriHE ART OF JIG AND CLOG DANC u 1 IXG TAUGHT WITHOUT A MASTER.-Full in ructions sent upon receipt ol titty cent-. 1 Address, Box -cj. Towtnda, Pa, J- ROOKERY AND GLASSWARE AT li EDUO E I) P RICES! | I take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brad ; I ford and vicinity, that I have purchased the stock of I Crockery and Glassware heretofore owned by E. M. | Payne, which added to my former stock, ' CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, PLATED WARE, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, 0 Makes as good an assortment as can be found west of New York. My stock of Crockery consists of iS T X DIFFERENT PATTERNS, j" Plain and Figured W H 1 T E G R A N I T E W ARE. _ | You will also find a choice lot of GROCERIES A N D PROVISIONB, I Wood, W, Stone Ware, aud Self Sealing Fruit Jars at low prices. My motto is small profits quick returns and ready pay. j AII kinds of Farmers Produce wanted, lor which the highest Market Price will be paid. W. B. CAMPBELL, Wavkklv, X. Y., June 7, 1865. ■financial. !TJ S. 7-0 LOA N ! 1 ' We are now selling the Third Series of this highly popular Loan, the first aud second series having becu sold very quickly. The third series aic dated July 15, , j 1865, and are payable three years alter date, with ihter est semi annually, at seven aud three-tenth per cent, in ' currency or at six per cent, in gold, at the option ot the \ Government, and are convertable into the 5-20 gold bear -1 ing bonds at maturity or payable in currency at the opt ion of the holder. They are not taxable for State, coun ty, school or borough purposes, which makes it a very desirable investment. ! We have also on hand a few of the second series da ted June 15. 1805. f Persons wishing to invest in this Loan at Government rates are requested to call on us. B. S. RUSSELL A CO., June 12,1865. U. S. Loan Agents. • JpIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS Treasury Department, ) Office of Comptroller cf the Currency > Washington, May 1,1865. ) Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the ■ undersigned, it has been made to appeal that the "First National Bank of Athens," in the borough ol Athens, in the county of Bradford and State ot Pennsylvania, j j has been duly organized under and according to the re- I : quin meats of the Act of Congress, entitled an " Act to i provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of | United States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation 1 and redemption thereof." approved Jmie 3,1864, and! . has complied with ail the provisions ot said Act. re- ' : quired to be complied with, before commencing the bu- ; siuess of banking under said Act. Now, therefore, 1, FREEMAN CLARKE, Comptroller ; of the Currency, do hereby certify that • The First Na- 1 tioual Bank of Athens," in the borough of Athens, in | . the county of Bradford, in the State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under : the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my hand and seal oi of [l." s.] fice, this first day of May, 1665. FREEMAN CLARKE, | Comptroller of the Currency. | " ffterrTjant>Rf, fcr. jr NTERE B|l N G T O \L L j The sobscritrf-r would most respei tfully aiin be l-.uitd a well selected assortnient of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. READY MADE CLOTHING, HATB, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY, AC. rite motto will te "Small profits, qui.-k sab- l IP ' nimble sixpence Iretter ban the si w sbilling.' TERMS— Payment to be made on delivering the goou Please remember the place, which will liereafu-r t„ known as the "Bee Hive.' Orwell, June 15, 1004. L. H. BROXSON. BLACK SILK. SIIA\Y LS, At the Bee Hive. B ROCHE LO N G AN I) S ING LK At the Bee Hive. SUM ME R Sli AWL S , Beautiful styles, at the Bee Hive. MOURN IN (I SIIAW LS , Finest qualities, at the Bee Hive. EL E G AN T SUA WL S , All seasons of the year at the Bee Hive. FARASOLS AND SI N UMBRELLAS, At the Bee Hive. L A I) I ES ' DUES S G0OI) S , Splendid Styles, at tbe Bee Hive. LADIES' CLOTH, At the Bee Hive. LA DIE S' \Y ATERR Ii O0 F oli REPELLENT CLOTH, at the Bee Hive. LA 1) IBS' COKS ETT S, Ikist quality, at the Bee Hive. . CHILDREN.-' SHOES, GLOVES AND HOSIERY, at the Bee Hive. HATS OF THE LATEST STYLES, At the Bee Hive. 800 T S A N D Sll 0E S , Large assortment, at the Bee Hive. CR or KEIiYkGLAS S \Y A li E, Patterns,' at tbe Bee Hive. T E A S ! TEA E T E E a t A E E TEA E T All IGnd-. Oolong. Japau, Young Hy.-on. Gun;. I and Imperial Teas of all the finest flavors, and 're tire ia-t ctop, at the lowest prices, and warrant-.d, at tae Bee Hive. DAIRY SALT, At the Bee Hive. i: : A GREAT MANY GOODS THAT U WANTED IX EVERY FAMILY, at the.Eee liiv. . COATS, VESTS AND HANTS, At the BEE HIVE, Orwell. Pa. •' Please call and see. L. M. BROXSON I " 1 THIE EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS J. W. TAYLOR, Is now receiving one of the finest assortments nt .\U!!t nery and Fancy (foods ever brought in the market, reu sistiugot all the newest styies of Bonnets, Ilats .nil | Caps the new Fanchon Bonnet, the Fanst, Saratoga and Coburg Hats. Misses and Infants Hats and Scotch - : Caps. All the new colors of Bonnet Ribbons, Monti on "j the 1-ake, tbe new shades of Green, Purple ami Claw ■ 1 A large stock ot Ribbons, Trimmings aud Die-- Trim | rnings. All styles of Hoop Skins, Duplex, Multiform, and Corset Skirt. Silk Utnbre:las and Parasols. Plain Linen, Hem Stitched and Embroidered Handkerchief*. : ! . | Chenelle Head Dresses and Silk X T ets. A Fine a-vrt I nrent of Kid Gloves, French Corsets, Plain Linen, hut- broidered aud Valencia Collars, Linen Thread atii . Smyrna Edging, Dimity Bands and Ruffling. Embroider ing and Tucked Edgings. A good assortment ol Gloves and Hosiery. Biack Silk Mitts, Yankee Notions, Wide Belts and Belt Buckles. Hair and Clothes Brushes. Fans i and Fancy Combs. All colors Zephyrs. Bonnets and Hats trimmed in the, very latest New- York styles. Millinery Work done on short notice and I warranted to please. Bonnets and Hats shaped in the New Style, Ao. X. LL— I have added to my stock a nice line ol dry Goods. Prints, Delaines, Chailis, Black and Colored Alapaccas. All Wool Delaines, Gingham, Bleached Mus lin, Plain and Plaid Xansuok, Jaconets. A lull Line , Swiss, Mull, Bobiuett Laces, Black and White Pastier ! Lace, Black, Black and White Dolled Lace, and a great | many other things too numerous to mention, out- doer north of Cowles k Co.'s Book Store, and opposite tin- Court House, Towanda, May 1, QPIN NI N G WHEE DS ! \V II OLESAL E A N I) R E T AIL- To the citizens and (armors ol Bradlord and adjnimttg comities : The subscriber would respectfully announce that he is prepared to furnish them with WOOL-WHEELS, FLAX-WHEELS, WHEEL-HEADS, SNAP-REELS, S WIVES, FLIERS, At'., In short everything connected with the Home M-" 111 1 lactate ol Woolen and Linen Goods. ... | Merchants wishing to purchase to sell again. * - please address by mail, when list of prices will be re* ' : AU goods packed in shipping order. „ ! N. B. Particular attention is called to the ' Wheel-Bead," an article far superior to any now m n ' All articles warranted to give entire satisfaction C. M. CRANDALI-. j Montrose, Pa., June 10,1865.