Va-adfonl gtjwtfcr. lOCAL AND GENERAL. „ , lC c By reference to an advertise in another column, it will be seen that A. F. : | s will soon be ready to furnish all wanting ~ 1,. with choice canned Peaches, fresh from ; Orders left at the Book Store, will he j [Vliiwan. ml'dy attended to. -q-iivKn Him Knurr.—On Tuesday an indi . p., W as caught in an attempt to rob one of ''."turned veterans, in Camp Curtin. received a ; foiu the soldiers quartered there. The | i u iii'>wly escaped with his life. Numerous i a, kicks and blows dealt upon his person, j / .ill doubtless feel their effect for some time i His was the punishment that should be ; ~,) upon all who rob the soldiers of their j 'i, jirtied money.— Hnrri.sbar'j Tel. j. }IKT —A severe storm <>n Sunday nf ii and evening caused a freshet in the streams u, cistern portion of this State and the upper ,1 N, w Jersey. Considerable damage was I ,-u tin* Rati tan river, New Jersey, to the rail i bridges, canal, Ac. On the Wissahickon \ ami Neshamong creek in that Section all the j were washed away. The Susquehanna at ! , 1 u -, was considerably swollen. '• XTEN6IVE STRIKE. —On Monday, of this she miners of the Pennsylvania Coal Com- j -truck for the reason that they had been 110- I i tliat a deduction of 15 cents per ton would i i.le from their wages. We arc informed that j - new prevail throughout the whole length of j I kaWitnua and Wyoming' coal fields. Both , ... u l operators appear to be indifferent us to! L.r the works goon or not Several ol'the ;l, r companies at this place have gone to work, j . j n e to abide by the decision, as to price, by I IVunsvlvania Coal Company. It is said that a • ;u , scale is being arranged by which it is | _i.t the company's men will soon return to j We trust this may prove true for there has 1 r ii ,ui immense amount of money lost in this \ al luring the last three years to both men and ,r.iters, by strikes.— Pittston Gazette. SAD OCCURRENCE. —Two little buys, j io-i parents reside in Philadelphia, were drown- j in the river at Jersey Shore while bathing, on j .nrsday week. They were pupils at the high j L.MII in Jersey Shore, and expected to leave for j ir Louies the next morning, tin .school b rni ; dug expired. The FOALTRADE. —-"The Wilkesbune Times that orders for coal begin to come in on our i.iters, and it is very probable there \x ill be an ive trade during the fall. "ad ACCIDENT. — A man giving is name as r Cavigau, met with a sad accident on last 1 usday afternoon, at Major Perkin s mill, while I in running the edging saw. A heavy piece j bring cauglit on the teeth, throwing it with it force against the man's stomach,causing such imd injuries that he died on Friday morning, residence is not positively known, hut is sup -1 to be some place in the Bald Eagle Valley, ntif County, Pa. Witlianispe/rt Democrat. Ci .sisi. OK IRON ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE I.E ,ii VALLEY. The Allentown (Pa.) Deiuocmt says tin const quencc of the want of demand for .a .-inee the cessation of the war, every iron cs iishiuent in the Leliigh Yalley has blown out ■. two or more stacks, and pig iron is piled lip the banks "t tin canal and along the railroad ,lu> .-rii. At i i,ta.-.:-aqu,i ibtp. or live stacks v.- been Bt-q-t'ied . "t the Allentown iron works ■ sit of four . a; iluekendauqua two out of four: in in two ut till Lehigh Valley iron works ; .."lii-i ts company. t Allentown, is blowing out :.iy stack : and the rolling in lis at Allentown, • ssiiipia and other points are preparing to sus i for a time. Lewis mills have already stop- DKATII of AN EDITOR.— G. I\ Reed, Esq., editor of the Indiana Trut {lu'cricwi, died at | - -iiK u.-e in that borough, on Monday morning ■I. in the 47th year of his age. fcaf* OCR farmers are now in the midst of j ivi st. We have heard no complaints of the wee- j ■ in wheat in this vicinity, though the ravages of ! ; - insert iii districts of Northampton, Bucks,Lc- j i. iii aster aud other counties are said to have ; very 11msiderable. 11 •!i-is still great demand for houses in our j •t. Why do not capitalists direct their attcn ■l to building V 1 '.<; ITS LABORS. —The officers of the U. sanitary Coininission have issued a farewell ad- 1 -I the brunches and aid societies,stating that j '.thcr collections of supplies or money need [ ja ie. The work of the Commission is almost K mid no further requisitions will be made np '.hr public. The branches of the Sanitary Com -'"'■"ii and Aid Societies are'requested to forward - supplies as they have on hand. The address is wjiicluoion jb Livt tried to do our duty impartially, dili untly, wisely. For the means of carrying on this 'ist work, which has grown up in our "hands, keep . I'.iee '■ itli die growing immensity of the war, ' ■ idinh Me are now about to lay down after giv- ! - ffi; American jmblic an account of our stew pap. w, an- chiefly indebted to the money cre •l v the tail s which American women inangnra uud eondueted, and to the supplies collected by ler opr (rganization. To you, then, is fin the largest pint of whatever gratitude be ,Ls's|ii the Sanitary Commission. It is as it • i • s '.'blier will return to his home to j "i ' la ' v '" w "ife, inotlier, sistei, daughter, for j l 'i"kmg after him in camp ami field; in j ,] i" I'risiin ; and thus it will be seen that - oil iniiiies of the country which have wrought j gr- ~t salvation, and that the men and wo- j n ''n huve an equal part in its glory and b I-king the blessing of God upon you ' ere gratefully and proudly your fellow* la- TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. —This j 1 Us next annual meeting in Harris- j ' Uie I'ith, 17th and 18th days of August.— j •••'histand that letters have been received i • min. ut educators in nearly every State in j n. including Alabama, Mississippi and j - tla- Southern States, promising their It will doubtless lie one of the most : ftuit educational meetings ever he'd in this 1 •*uli V. * "it is IT.". —The Lebanon Courier i a curious animal was killed near Albert's "-tiiumty, a few days ago. It was about 1 111 length, weighing about fourteen pounds, " su inches in length. Its hair black and D y lmir of the hinder part of the body had '■ "'-nouh substance ut the end of it, being e 1,11 and somewlmt resembling the pin ' fl " f poultry, but stouter and more solid.— - • -"ml was put up for preservation, and is at Albert's Mill. ...p OI ' T FOR ALTERED POSTAL CTRRF.NCY. t ""'l/o' to fifties. —Five cent postal enm-n --• r , r , ln geniously altered to fifty cents are in uaw'v "if US tLCy " rfc C:Jcul,it< - >c l t0 deoeive 4oni,i I*' osu parties handling sjiindl notes Aft much The " otc ' s il general thing Wstixeo a a,1(1 tLfc fruu ' l is perpetrated by tl- fro , a , at the end of the son the back, it,.- m i ,, so u ' uoll M'orn as to make the print -1,1 —tanj-pLu u duller than the other figure. DriT' A formidable strike exists among the miners in Luzerne county, consequent on n reduc tion of wages, from and after last Monday. The miners are resolved not to resume work at less than old rates, and the companies are resolved not to pay the old rates. An obstinate hold-out is probable on both side. DROWNED.—A young man, named Em;ar HOWE, was drowned in the Susquehanna river, near RICHARD HORTON'S, in North Towanda, on Sunday evening last. He was bathing, with a companion, and undertook to swim to the island opposite.— When nearly across he sunk, having been taken,as is supposed with cramps. His body was not re covered until the next day. He was about 20 years of age, and a son of the late IIENUY HOWE, who died in the army. I lie closing exercises of the Susque hanna Collegiate Institute, were held at the Pres byterian Church, on Monday and Tuesday even ings of last week, an 1 attracted a large attendance of those interested in the prosperity of the institu tion. The performance of the pupils reflected great credit upon the worthy Principal, Mr. Mc- WILLIAMS and his able assistants, Mr. FISLER, and Misses SHERMAN and COLT. The next Collegiate year will commence on the I:sth of September next. At no previous time has the Institute afforded better opportunities for the advancement of pupils than the present. The ar rangements for hoarding pupils are such as to en sure satisfaction, whilst the corps of teachers, by their experience and faithfulness, merit the confi dence of those having children to educate. We are pleased to know that the school is in a flourish ing condition, showing that the people of the County appreciate the advantage of having such a Seminary in their midst. Extensive imjirovements to the College buildings are in progress, which will make them much more convenient than heretofore, THE publishers of the lUtwf Branch Balkthi propose to issue their paper daily, after Sept. 13th, provided sufficient encouragement is manifested. The liiiiletin is a well conducted sheet, and deserves a better fate. Williamsport, however, has u street railroad, and aspires of-course, to the dignity of a daily paper. Very proper, but hard on the printers. However, if they undertake it, we wish them abundant success. THE CROPS. —From inquiries we are pleas ed to learn that abundant crops are rewarding the labors of the farmers of this County. The growth of grass is unusually heavy. The weather so far, however, has not been favorable for securing it.— Rye, wheat and oats are above an average yield. Corn and potatoes promise well, whilst the rains have given buckwheat a fine start. LADY'S FRIEND. —The August number of this popular magazine fully sustains the reputation of previous issues. It has already attained a high degree of appreciation amongst the ladies. The contents of the number now on our table appears to be unusually attractive. Price 52.0il a year ; 2 copies 54,00. To those desirous of making up clubs, specimen numbers will be sent for 15 cts. Wlieeler A Wilson's cele brated Sewing Machines are furnished as Premi ums. Address Deacon A Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Pliiladclj>hia. A VALUABLE ROOK.—Hon. HENRY J. RAY MOND, Editor of the Xc/r Yorlc Times, is preparing The lite and Public services of Abraham Lin coln, Sixteenth President of the United States, together with his State Papers, including his Speeches, Addresses, Messages, Letters and Pro clamations : also a history of the tragical and mournful scenes connected with the close of his noble and eventful life, to which is to be added anecdotes and Personal reminiscences of Lincoln, by W urd B. Carpenter, the artist, who while paint ing at the \\ bite House, enjoyed for six months taniiiiar intercomsc with our late President. This volume prepared from authorized and au thentie data, by Mr. RAYMOND, will be the most reliable and valuable history ed Mr. LINCOLN and the most faithful chronicle of the acts of the Ad ministration which can be had. Mr. RAYMOND combines with undoubted ability advantages for acquiring the materials for his work possessed by no other map, The work is published by subscription by Derby & Miller, 5 Spruce-st., New York, at 53,50 for cloth, :$4, for leather binding. Mr. D. W. HUGHES has lu-i ; appointed agent for this borough, North and South Towenda, Smithfield, Burlington, Rome, HI trick and Pike townships, AND will receive sub scriptions at tie above vales. He has already pro cured the names of iniinv of our citizens. S.U.K. —To be sold at once, a house and lot. Good bargain offered. JOHN N. CALIFF, July 10, 1855. Office over News Jtouiu. WANTED. —One milliou feet of pine, hem lock, oak, ash, beech, birch, maple and white wood lumber in the log, to be delivered at Wilkes-Barre during this Summer and coming Fall, for which a liberal price will be paid. Also, a large amount wanted next spring. Address J. E. PATTERSON & Co., Clark's Greene, Luzerne Co., Pa., until Aug. Ist, 1805, after which orders will be received at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. June s—3m. 7-30 LOAN —3D SERIES.—The First Xation -1! Bank is now selling the Third Series of this very popular Loan. It is due July 15th, 18C8, and is issued in notes of the usual denominations- Sot) 8.100 8500 81000. Bearing interest at t tic rate of 2 cents per day on every slOO! The Government reserving the right of paying the amount in-Gold at the rate of six per cent, per annum. The notes will be dated July 15, and the interest will be paid to the purchaser in advance up to that time at the rate of SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PEE CENT. This is the last Loan the Government will make bearing so high a rate of interest, and as it will undoubtedly all be taken in a very short time, it becomes every one who has 'he money to secure the investment as soon as possible. Its freedom from all state, county and town taxes ; its perfect safety ; and being exchangeable for the famous 5- 20 Bonds, make it, like the former Series, the most desirable Loan offered by the Government. JPV" This Bank, will, as usual, render to invest ors every facility for taking the Loam Any infor mation in regard to it will be cheerfully given. N. N. BETTS, JR., To WANDA, May 22, 1805. Oushier. M A /I HIED, UNDERWOOD- MONIIOE. By Br. 8. E. Shcp ard, in Troy, Pa., July 3d, 180*5, Dr. J. D. Under wood, of East Smithficld, Pa., to Miss Helen Monroe, of Armenia, Pa. TAi LOII—MORTON.—JuIy 10, 1805, at his office! in Leroy, by A. Royse, Esq., Mr. J. W. Taylor to M. A. Horton, both of Canton, Pa. DIED. MAT I'ISON. Suddenly, in Smithficld. July 15th, 1805, at the residence of her father, Col." Ansel Scott. Frances, wife of Edwin R. Mattison, in the 2'Jth year of her age, "We shall meet beyond the river, When the surges cease to roll ; \\ here in all the bright forever, Sorrow ne'er shall pierce the soul." J7AGLE HOTEL IN TO WAX DA, FOB SALE. Location, on the south side of the Square, bv the Presbv ; terian Church. Apply to W. A. PECK, office, Union | block, north side of Square. May 18, 1805. ANTCIV T IST OP LETTERS REMAINING IN JLJ the Post Office at Towauda, PH., tor the weekend ing July 24, 1865 : Buckingham S. Curtis jMerring Amanda C. Babcock It. Murphey Dan'l, j Barnell Mary, 1 Nurse Clia, j Bennett Jonothan 2 j Pitcher E. M. 1 Brown Jonothan, Payne Mary, : Chaff e H. D. jQuackenbosh John, ! CannorThos. IRlchards Geo. i Dull Wm. ! Richards J. A. 2 Faircliild Sarah, j Sweet Dallas, Oleeson Owen. Smith Henry, * I Gorton Mry J. 'Smith O. i Ouston B. K. 2 jSliower Philip, 2 , Hick X. C. iSmail Thomas, ! Higgins James IShell Wm. I*. i Litzhman Geo. ; Wilcox Elliott. mi" Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "Advertised." S. W. A LVORD, July 2t. lsi',."). Postmaster. (CAUTION. —Whereas, my wife JOHANNA, J has left my bed and board without just, cause or provocation, all persons ere hereby cautioned against i harboring or trusting her on my account, as 1 shall pay ] no debts of her contacting. MICHAEL CROAK. Asylum. July 21, 1865 3t A DMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.— Notice is ! IX hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ot DAVII) GRISVVOLD, late of Wells twp., deo'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. K.R. BECK WITH, July 27, 1865. Administrator. pEACHES! PEACHES !! PEACHES!!! The undersigi ed will soon have a large quantity ol choice canned Peaches, fre-h from Delaware,with which lie wonid like to supply the people of Towauda and va far as he can. The Peaches are put up with great care, aud will keep years, un/eis used be/me. Ci ders received at the Book Store. July 21. 1865. A. F. COWI.ES. JCVALL CREEK COAL & IRON I'D. A meeting of the stockliolders of Die Fall Creek Coal & Iron Co., will be held at the office of company in To wanda,Pa.,at 5 o'clock r. M. .on Wednesday t lie 9th day of August. 1865, for the purpose ol electing live directors to manage the affairs of said company lor the ensuing year and two Inspectors to preside at the next election ot Directors. C. G. MILLER, New York, July 18.1865. m Secretary. LPOLL SALE.—A very line Pianoforte, JL Huliet & Davis' make, Boston, Mass. Also a lew Chairs, Pictures.and French Bedsteads. Call at the Ward House Towanda, Pa. June 12. 1865. PARMS " F 0 R S A I. E ! The subscriber offers two Farms for sale, one of 40 acres with buildings, 30 acres.improved, and splendid fruit of all kinds. One of 50 acres,with log buildings .some improved and splendid timber, all within tliree-fonrths of a mile of Leroy. For further information consult Leroy,July2l,lß6s. L. 11. HARRIS. "VTOTICE.--TLIC School Hoard of Directors XI of the Borough of Williamsport, Lycoming coun ty, Pa., hereby give notice that an examination ol Teach ers, will take place at the Grade School House in the Centre Ward of said borough, on Thursday the 10th day of August next, and the public schools of said borough will commence on Monday, the 14th dayof August. Eighteen teachers arc required--nine male and nine female. Applicants from u distance will be required to produce testimonials of character. WM. CALVERT. President. J. W. LEONARD, Se'c'y. July 12. AG EN T S WAN T E D FOR THE NURSE & SPY. The most interesting and exciting book ever publish- ; ed, embracing the adventures of a. woman in the Union army as Nurse, Scout and Spy, giving a most vivid in- ; ner picture of the war. Teachers, ladies, energetic young men, aud especially ■ returned and disabled officers aud soldiers, in want of j prolitable employment, will liud it peculiarly adapted to their condition. We have agents clearing $l5O per , month, which we will prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circulars. Address JUNES, BROS. & CO., N. B. corner Sixth aud Minor Streets, July 10,1865. Philadelphia, Pa. j JYR O (' NTA I N L A K E ! The subscriber respectfully inform the public that the \ Pleasure Grounds itiunected with Mountain 1-ake, have j been put in complete older, aud that he is prepared for j lhe reception of parties. His buildiugs and Boats have all undergone thorough repair, and parties will tiud every thing provided for their enjoyment. A more delightful resort cannot be ' found in the Couuty, than this Lake and the adjacent j grounds, affording shady walks, good boating, and ex- , eel lent fishing. " HARRISON DODD. Bulling ton. July Is, 1865. ■TM/A SAL ESM E N WANT E D F /V*V/ TO SOI.ICIT AMI KILL ORDERS FOR Till. LIFE AND TIMES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By Dr. L. P. BROCK KTT, the eminent biographer and historian. Prices, i'.i, $3 50, $4 and $5. ALSO, SARTAIS'S MATCHLESS PO R T RA 1 T O F A Blt A UAM {.l NCO 1. N . Aud other first class hook aud engravings. Deeds and territory given, grunting exclusive right i of sale. Apply personally, or address li. H.CURKAN, Publisher. ROCHESTER, N. Y. ! General office and Salesroom, on Main st.. cor. Water. 1 OHINGLES WANTED.—A quantity of No. kri 2, Sawed Shingles are wanted immediately by the Towanda Co il Company delivered at Gray don or on the i line of the Barclay Rail Road. Apply to J AMES MAI FA RLANE, Towanda. March 10,1865. Gen. Man'ger T. C. Co. rj\ 0 AL L IXTEII E S T E D ! Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the e-tate of D. C. II ALL, that having disposed of the Li quor Store belonging to said estate, that all accounts must be settled or paid at once, or costs will be made. Payments may be made to E.W.Smith, Esq.,at M Kean's Liquor Store, or to me at Codding A Russelis . June 36, iB6O. CHAS. M. HALL, Adni r. /"LASH RAID FOR WOOL, AND ALL | \J kinds of Produce by June 22, 1805. W. A. ROCKWELL. miscellaneous, Q ROCKERY ANI) GLASS WAR E AT 11 EI)U C E D E R ICES! I take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brad ford and vicinity, that I have purchased the stock of Crockery and Glassware heretofore owned by E. M. Payne, which added to my foymcv stuck, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, PLATED WARE, TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY, Makes as good an assortment as can be found west o New York. My stock of Crockery consists ot iS IX D I F FER E N T V A T T EIIN H, Plain and Figured W H I T E GRANIT K W ARE. You will also find a choice lot of G ROCE R I E S AND PRO V I S IONS, Wood, Willow, Stone Waie, and Self Sealing Fruit Jars at low prices. My motto is small profits quick returns and ready pay. All kinds of Farmers Produce wanted, for which tlio highest Market Drive w ill be paid. VV. B. CAMPBELL, WAVERLY, N. Y., June 7, 1865. F OR ~ ~ TEAS, ' SUGARS, and COFFEES, Go to I PATCH'S. F 0 R TOBACCO CIGARS, Ac., go to PATCH'S. P 0 IT MACKEREI), HERRING, And CODFISH, ge to ; PATCH'S. JCcuj vliincrttscmcnts. 5° K bs* J o a a 2 c 2 © M •** ® & H J- < rz ? a |n? " 1 r £l cr g >- > X | | I i" 1 x 1 * "' I S* >■ •*■ , W c w * 50 H • v. 3 p & o m ?] K 5; _ U I p . jyj" A RS II A I. L BRO TH K li S Wish to call the attention of the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, FAHMI NO IMI'LIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also. a large assortment of j Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, Rutty. Varnishes, and Ruint and Varnish Brushes • j of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash price. | Also, a tiiue assortment of * K ERO SE N E LA M R S of every style and pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil aud Fluid m Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all j kinds of T1 N WAR E . .1 (Ml II IN Ci PROMPTLY ATTEN l> KI) l'O. j We have on hand a fine article of (1 L*A S S FRUIT JARS, with improved self- sealing corks, and li E It M ET I C A L SEA L 1 N(i C A N S , which is one of the best cans used. June 20,1665. j TATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! AT W I L E I A M A . ROCK W ELL'S. Consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MOZAMBIQUE, GRADE, M El L\T f DE LAIXES, AC. LADIES' CLOTHES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HATS, and a general variety of LADIES' GOODS. MENS' BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, JEANS, DRILLS, And a variety of VESTINGS. A well selected assortment of LADIES' and MISSES SHOES and SLIITERS, and MEN & BOYS' BOOTS. Also, Men,'.' Boys' and Childrens' SOFT STL'AW HATS and CAI'S, of all descriptions. Usual large Assortment of CROCK ERA', G IrASS and STONEWARE. You will find, by calling, a cheap lot of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, ROBES, CABS, BASKETS, AC., AC. NOW FOR THE 4TH OF JULY ! FIREWORKS, of all descriptions, and TOYS of all kinds on hand. ! Riease call and examine my large and general assort ment of Goods, which will be sold at lowest prices for ; Cash and Produce. June 22,15G5. TJUMBIIREY A CO. Are just receiving a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GOODS in their line. Comprising all the LATEST STYLES and finest quality of GENTLEMEN, LADIES AND CHILDRENS' SHOES. i Particular attention is invited to their stock of TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELLING BAGS, AC. The only general assortment to be found in TO WAN DA, and all being sold'at REDUCED PRICES. June 20, 1805. Illci'rijaniiiu. |J|E NR Y MER CU R A CO., Towanuu, I'enn'a, " Have on hand and are opening at L OWES T M AIIKET PRICES, A superior stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, W OOLENS, I COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Towanda, March 21,1805. QRE A T A|T TRAC TI 0 N AT M O N T ANY E'B STORE! PEACE PRICES. j Every variety of LADIES' CLOTH, AST) FAN C Y I) RE S S GOO DS . Goods for Gentlemen of EVERY DESCRIPTION. Aml all the known Styles to suit this Market, which j will be sold at WIIOLK SA L E 0 R RETAIL TO SUIT CUSTOMERS, At prices that cannot hut please. Returning thanks for past favors, we invite attention to our Large Stock of Goods. June 6,1666. MONTAXYE t CO. yy ICKII A M A BLACK, Arc now offering NEW GOO DS AT N E W B R I C E S ! DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, WHITE GOODS, and NOTIONS. II A T S A CABS, OF THE LAT ES T STYL ES . ! BOOTS A SHOES, In variety. W I C K II A M & B L A C K Keep a stock of CROCKEIIY AND GLASSWARE, To which we invite special attention. We offer our Goods 011 the CASH SYSTEM. June 12,1805. GP RING! SPRING! SPRING! 18G 5 . j PIIICES N0 W WIT HIN TIIE RE A CII 0 F ALL !' T R A C Y & M 0 0 R E, Are now opening a FINE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, i Including a handsome variety of i DRESS GOODS, SPRING SHAWLS, PAN C V GOO 1) S & N O T.l ONS! A Good Stock ol PRINTS, DOMESTICS, CARPETINGS, Ac. LADIES - AND GENT'S HATS. GROCERIES, ROOTS AND SHOES, April 10. OMOCKKRY. HARDWARE, Ac. THE ART OF JIG AND CLOG DANC ING TAUGHT WITHOUT A MASTER.—FuII in | structions sent upon receipt of fifty cents. Address, Box 262. Towanda, Pa. THE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS" OF CHESTER WELLS, have been left with me for collection and settlement. All those interested will please eall and settle the same immediately and save costs. G. H. EATON, J. P. Towanda, May 22,1865. Upbcgraffs institute. ! rj Y E A N I) EA R I NS T ITU TE. Dlt. UP DE GRAFF. OCULIST, AUBIST AND GKNERAL SURGEON, KI.MIKA, N. Y. I Trents all Disease* of the Lye, Ear anil 'Throat. \ THE EYE.—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Eutro ! pion, (inversion of the eye lid,] and treats all forms of "SORE EYES," such as Granulated Lido, Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities ol the Cornea, Scrofulous dis eases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eye is subject. THE EAR Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, Aloises in the Ear. Difficulty ol Hearing, Deafness, i [even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will insert | an artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes of the I natural '/' HE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH j in all its forms, permanently cured. | GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club ! Feet. Hare Lip, Cleft Palate, Tumors, Cancers, Morbid I Growths, Deformities from Rurns, and Hernia, and per j forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips ' | ot any portion of the face is destroyed through disease 1 | or otherwise, by healing them 011 anew. Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, ~4 and General Surgery in all its I,ranches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL EV KS.-Giving them all th< | motion and expression ot the natural, defying detection, | they are inserted without removing the old one or pro ducing pain. I The Doctor's collection of instruments comprises ali | the latest improvements, and is the largest in the Slate, ' the superior advantages he has had in perfecting him | sell in all that is new aud valuable in Surgery, warrants j him in saying that everything within the hounds 01 the j piolessiou may he expected ot him. | The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we j can now accommodate an increased number of patients ! from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach | ed to the establishment. j No incut able cases received for Treatment or Opera j Hons. If a case is incurable he will be so informed. Institute on Water street, opposite the Brainard House Elmira.N. Y. Feb. 2, 1865. iUounng ftladjhus. ; rjMJE FARMER MOWING MACHINES ! j The Subscriber again offers this unrivalled Mower for I the patronage of the farming public. Notwithstanding ; trouble last year with some 01 the smaller castings on j account of weak material, the Farmer established its reputation in this county as it has elsewere, of being ! I tin Lightest Draught Mower in use and of doing the i best mowing. I have a number of those •.AST Y EARS FA If ME If MOWE If S . j that have never been used and have been thoroughly re newed and repaired in those parts, that tailed last year, with castings of the very best qualiiy. Price, SIOO. delivered at the purchaser's door. With every reasonable apportnuity for trial; the machine warranted to give satisfaction, or no sale. This will be found to be a good and cheap Mower and sate to try. THIS YEAR'S IMPROVED FARMER will be found to be a spkndid Mower. Price with malliable steel face - - $l3O Warranted to mow. and do good work on as rough ground as any Slower in tiie State ; and the draugnt warranted ns light, both of this and last yeui's farmer, as any tour feet Mower now known, notwithstanding the Farmer is a standard or Large Mower ; rutting 1 feel 0 inches in width THE FINGER BAR IS MADE OF BEST CAST-STEEL, and cuts'a swarth 4 feet C inches in width. It is inde pendent and flaxihle in its movements ; rising and fall ing at either end, either above or below the plane of the two driving wheels. When the outer end falls, the crank-head rises, keeping the scythe and pitman at all times in line ; thereby preventing the cramping and I binding of scythe and pitman, common to folding-bar Mowers, THE DRAUGHT BEING SO LIGHT Is caused by attaching the draught directly to the Fin ger Bar—a leaturc possessed by no other competing mower. The Farmer is a convenient mower to handle and op crate. The attention of persons desiring to buy mow j ers, is called to an examination of the Farmer and to | its diseriptive circulars. ASSISTANT AOENTS. L.D.JOHNSON Manufacturer's traveling agent, WM. | K. WALKER, Athens ; D. HANKINSON, Meshoppen ; S. J. ' iI AUKNESS, Springfield ; EDWARD MERRITT, Lacyville : BYRON AKIN, Alba ; I. A. PARK, South Hill ; JOHN F. CHAMBERLAIN, Wyalusing. Correspondence promptly attended to. It. M. WELLES. Towauda. July IS. 1865. M <>\Y J \ G MACII 1 N E.S : IHUBB ARIU S LI GII T MO\Y E 11, ORWELL, I'ENN'A. I it is unsurpassed lor simplicity, durability, ease of ! working, light drait. convenience of folding up for trans j portatiou, as well as comfort for those using it. It .!> the grass wheii wet just as well as when dry. and at any I speed you choose to drive. It operates as naturally on i rough and uneven surface as upon level, its Jratt is j from 175 to 200 pounds. Also Horse Forks different pat ! erns, Horse Bakes, Grindstones aud Hardware, in great variety, at S. X. BRONSON'S Metropolitan Combined Variety S; re. June i. 1845. QH I O M O W I N G MAC II IN E ! The undersigned (ait pleasure in caking the attention of the farmers of Bradford county to the above machine. It has been used in this county several years and no ni;'- chine ha given better satisfaction, rt "is curelcltv made of the best materials and warranted by the manufac turers. Those who have used this machine pronounce it the best in the market. It has l>een improved and is as perfect a machine, and does its work as well, il not better, than any one yet offered to the ■ ; lie. Farmer wishing to purchase a machine will do ,v. ;l to ev mine the Ohio. The Agents will be ready at all times t -bow the machine and its manner o! wotking. its improve incuts, Ac., to those interested. HIRAM TAYLOR. Tuscarora, Pa. Agent fur Eastern Bradford. CODDING & RUSSELL, June 26,1865. Agent for Towauda and vicinity. iUiscellanwus. r E RAYSVILLE BRASS BAND ! STEPHEN GOKHAM, /.aider. Consisting of twelve pieces, orders by mail or other 1 wise promptly attended to. Address STEPHEN GORHAM, June 6,1865. I-eßaysville, Pa. T IVEII SI D E CEME TER Y ! j The new ground purchased and added to the old Cem ■ etery is now ready lor interments. The plan of the ground can be seen at the Office oi B S. Russell & Co., and any one desirous of securing lots. \ can do so by calling there or on Wit. H. Morgan, Sec'y. > U.S. MERCUR, ) E. W. HALE, - Trusties. I June 1i,1865. B. S. RUBBELLL,j FOR SALE.—Tito subscriber has for sale ; a well bred Durham Bull, recently brought from Yates county, N. I'., raised bv Miles F. Rapalee, those wishing to purchase such an animal, will do well to call I soon. He is two years old, and will be found on the ; farm of the subscriber, three miles north of Orwell Hill, j June 10. 1865. 6. W. BROWN, j P OR S A L E . One Open Spring. Iron Axled Buggy, 1 Sulkey with Sprout Springs. 1 Sett New Double Harness, 1 Sett old j Single Harness. June 27,1865. CHAS. M. HALL. JoN E S U OUS E ! Corner oj Market Square and Market St. HABWSBURG, PENN'A. The subscriber, having disposed of his interest in the Loeheil House, will devote his entire attention to the JONES HOUSE, And for the very liberal jiafconage extended to it for the past year, he returns his thanks and solicits a continu ance of favors. C.H.MANN, June 2ti. 1865. _ Proprietor. "PENNSYLVANIA A-GBICI LTURAL ' X SOCIETY.—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural i Society will hold its exhibition on Scpiteniber 26th, 2ith, 1 28th and 29th, 1865 , at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. I Anv information desired bv persons desiring to exhib • it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by mem bers of the society, will be given by the undersigned, or bv A BOYD HAMILTON. President, Harrisburg, Pa. j A. BROWER LONGAKER, Secretary. { Norrislown, June 5,1865. PJIETROPRIETOR OF THE ROYSE JL HOUSE, BURLINGTON, PA., j Begs leave to inform his old customers and the travel ' itig public, that he has thoroughly repaired and renova | ted his House, and it is now in good condition to accom I modate guests in a satisfactory manner. I L T. ROYSE, j Burlington, June 26 ,1865. Proprietor. 17^ ARM FOR SALE.—The uudersignoJ . offers for sale a valuable farm ia ijpiithfield twp. Go Aid buildings, fences, fruit Ac. JOHN N. CALIFF, T owxtula, July 10, 1860. _ Office over P. O. PLASTER. —A fresh supply oforound : j Jl Plaster on hand and for saie by ~ . j Feb. 2,1865. W. A. ROC lv\V ELL. £egal. I X BRADFORD COMMON FLEAS NO. 1 272 SEPTEMBER TERM. 1*65. ROSWELL LUTH ER vs. FIVE CANAL BOATS, ail unnamed, four of vltielj are lying and being iu fowaud i Borough. Brad ford County, I'enii a, and one in l'errytown, in said County, and GROVE M. HALL, owner or r-puted own- I " r ' The Five ( anal Boats delcudauts, and allaehecs in this ca- • are itl! uiiuaiued and al. belong iu Towanda Borough, in said County, and none ol thmi have never liadany commander. Said Canal Beats will he ..old for the payment of debts contracted .or work done, or for materials pro vided in the building, repairing, littiug, furnishing and equipping of the same, uule.-.s me owner, consignee or commander of said Canal Beats,or som ; person in their ociialf shall appear and pay the .-.aine, or otherwise ob tain the discharge of said Canal Boats within three mouths from the first publication ol this notice. All persona having a lieu upon .aid Canal floats or either of them for any ilebls contra ted as aforesaid are : hereby required to file the same within three months Hon. the first publication ol this notice, or be debarred ■ Irom prosecuting their claims under the writ of attach tneut in this case. J. MONROE SMITH, Towauda, July 11, 1805. Sheriff. A DMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice .xX. is hereby given that ail per.s us indebted to the es tate ol W. 11. FIX)VVMAN, laic- of Ulster twp., deceased are requested to make payment, without delay, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. ■ MARY A. PLOWMAN. June 7, lofia. Administrator ADM I NLSTEATOR.-i N OTlCE—Notice is hereby given,that ail persons indebted to the estate oi JURSON A. HOYSE, late of be Roy twp.,dec d are re que Bed to make immediate payment, aud those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated lor settlement. W. B. WILCOX, Juue 7, 1865. Administrator. A DMINISTRA i OR SNOTlC'E.—Letters Jl ol administration oi the goods, chattels, Ac. ot PERRY' BURT, late ol Rldgburry twp., deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all per ons having demands sgainst the same are notified to present the same lor settlement to the subscriber. JAMES If. WEBB, Ridghury, Jul e 20,1865. Administrator. LT\ LIT TOR S$ N OTICE. —NO TI C E JLx is here .y given tbat ail persons indebted to the es crate o! JOHN LAYTON. late ot Litchfield, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment .and those having demands against-aid < -.late will pt. cut them duly au thenticated fui settlement. SALLY M.LAYTON, ISAAC LAYTON, Junes, Lsos. Executors. CTXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here- JU by given, that ail pei.t indebted to the estate of RODERICK WILLIAMS,IateoI t'anion, deceased are re i nested t J make iiuaiedi.,' i'uy meat, aud those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. THOMAS WILLIAMS, SAMUEL ANN ABLE, Jane 15, 1&65. Executors. AI) MINISTEA TO R S N O 'IT LtT-Noiicc is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estite of HENRY PITT, late of South Creek twp., dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands agam.;t said est itc will pres ent tliem duly authenticated mr settlement. S. D. HARKNESS, July id, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Nt>tico is hereby given that, all persons indebted to the estate ! ot PATRICK DOUGHERTY*,dec d, late o! N. l .wauda, I arc requested to make immediate payment, and these i having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated l ir settlement. B. 8. RUSSELL, ELLEN DOUGHERTY, i July 1.1. i $65. Administrators. OKITIAN'F CO LET FALL.—By virtue of _ an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Brad r,id County, lie undersigned Administrator of Silas Packard de--'d. will sell on the premises in Alba Boro' on WEDNESDAY' ACGI'ST. •!'. ISGS, at 1 o'clock, p. n., all that it, piece or pan el ot land situate in Alba i Borough, b >unded o follows ; Beginning at the centre ' * the loau leading Iront the said j danlev's. on the south by B. Baker's lot, on the west by | kinds of Lad Wiison, on the north by the Granville road, j Containing one-half ucie, be the same more or less, a small trained dwelling house thereon. ALSO —All that certain lot •• laud situate iu Leßoy twp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a bomb ck stump on the line oi W. J, -tones' lot, thence north west 11 roiL to an it-li. thence uoith -Jo* west Al lods to a post, south-west corner ot E. Auaulcs lot. thence east .1 perches to a i 0.-t then' south along the line ol W. J. Stones'land lOffrodsto 'be place ot beginning. Uon i taiuing 27 acres and 100 rods, be the same more or less, j aL.sO —All that other eon.;.a lot, piece or parcel of I laud situate in Canton tw; . a: . ad> d as toiiows, on l the west by lands ot Wilium 1* i .durd an- Heuiy Jcu i iiiugs. on the north by lauds iormerly owned by Win. .-c.U. dr. d., ou the •. tst h., i.e. . i-i longing to the es | late of John Grey dee'd., on the .-n , by lands belong | ing to the estate ot A':y! Av re.- d> 'a.. Coutdiniug j about lot sties; .da i ..) a-.n..- St..proved, with one i Irn ued hou.-c, burn ana o.t buildings and an apple oi chard thereon. j ; KliVi- —s2s t i f.t- paid each lot at .he time the ( pr iperty is struck down. one hail ihe remainder on cou ! I rmai: "u of .- .Ie the a; nice in ne yar tla-rcalter with I interest from confirmati n. MINOR P. PORTER. May 11, lstic. AumuiisUntur. i A EDITOR'S NOTIOE.—Z/t the matter of I jliL of the est.ite of John ./. Reynolds, d* .-eased. Iu i tin Orphan's Court ol Bradli rd ( •uuty.. The undersigned, an auditor, apj ■ ii.tod to tii-ti ibuie the monies in Hie hands ol the administrators raised by the sale of said decedents ical and personal estate, will attend to the ti He--1 his appointment at the of fice ot Mercur A Morrow, in the '■ ; i _li of Towauda, ou Thursday, the 17th day < A .gust A L)., l-fio, at 1 o clock p. m.. and all persons ciaiins upon said monies must present them, orek-vbe forever debarred lrem the same. P. D. MOKRtIW, July llf,-l8li.;. Auditor. ; A UDITO&'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estsde ef A F. It'll a', r. a 'J. lit the Orphan's Court | ol Bradford County. I The undersigned. an auditor, app Inte lby said court J t • distribute tiitids in ti.e handset the administrators I of said estate, will attend to the duties at his office in ) the borough of Towauda, on Friday the lMh day ot : August, A. D., i-6.7, at 1 o'cheJc p. m.. aud all persons I claims upon said funds must present them, or " else be forever debarred from the same. JAMES WOOD, July 10, 1865. Auditor. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of J. 1L th, Estate oj Ai ■am /'<--r. deceased. In the Or phan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigin dan . -alitor ■ tcl by said Court to distribute funds in H-<-hand "•>; the administrator of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in To wands boro', on Tuesday, August 15, 1865, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all per sons interested can attend if they think proper or be forever debarred from the same. \V. T. DA VIES. July 17, 1805. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE —hi the natter of xL f/ir estate of R. li . iietkietth. deceased. In the 1 Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The auditor appointed to distribute the monies in the hands of Hie administrator, raised by i the sale id defendant's real estate, will attend to the | duties of his app< iutnu-nt at tin- -flI •• • Me n A j Morrow, in the borough of Towanda.on !•'. I ay." ■■ IMb | day of August, 1865, at 1 o'el k. p. m.. and all ] > -us | having claims upon said monies suu.-t present them or i else be forever debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW. ■Tilly 10. lMjj. Auditor. financial. iTT S. 7- 3 0 LOA X ! We aie n w selling the Third Series of this highly i popular Loan, the first, and second series having licen 1 sold very quick!} . The third series are dated July 15, I IM;*., and arc payable three years alter date, with inter- I est semiannually, at seven and three-tenth per cent in j currency or at -ix per cent, iu gold, at. the option of the i Government, and are con vei table into the 5-20 gold bear i ing bonds at nt iturity or payable in currency at the opt- I ion of the holder. They are not taxable for State, coun- I ty, school or borough purpose.;, which make , it a very i desirable investment. ! We have also on hand a few of the second scries, da -1 ted June 15, 1865. : Persons wishing to invest in this Loan at Government ! rates are requested to call on us. • B. S. RUSSELL & CO., I June 12,18C5. U. S. Loan Agents. XT EST NATIONAL RANK OF ATHENS 1 j TREASURY DTU VUTMENT, 1 OFFICE OF COMFTROI I.KR CF TIIK CI RRENCY V WAMIIXUTON, May I, 1865. J ■ I WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to a- peai that the "First r 1 National Bank of Athens," in the i>.,rough ol Athens, ! in the connty of Bradford and St..te ot Pennsylvania, ! has lieeu dinv organise d under a d according to the re , quiremcnts of the Act of Gengnas, entitled an' Act to - provide a National Currency, secured t.y a pudge or - United States Binds, and to provide for the circulation ' I and redemption thereof." approved June J,18i.4 ami I has eoaiLlicd with all the provisions of said i quired to be complied with, be! re commencing the bu siness of banking under-olid Act. 1- ; Now,therefore, I, FREEMAN C LABK£, < omptroUer l of the Cunency, do hereby certify that The B jot Na >- tioral Bank of Athens,' m the borough of Athens, in the county ot Bradford, in the Mate ot Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business ot Banking under the Act aforesaid. - i n testimony wbereot, witness my band and sea! ot of -1 IT s I lice, this first day of May, 1865. 1 11 FREEMAN CLARKE, '• I Comptroller of the Currency. j O L. AN DHLS, Licensed Auctioneer, i Ll" Canton, Bradfoid comity. Pa-- having bad much ; experience, offers his services to tbe public. Addiesa jby letter,or otherwise, i Canton, July 18,1865.