pepflrter. LOCAL ASD GE.XERAL. -—• ' ■ I THE First National Bank iias a full v of Seven-Thirty Notes on hand for sale. Uakd. —The Ladies of the Presbyterian t e ndcr their most sincere acknowledgments tin generous public who contributed so liberal ,, -willing the receipts at their late Festival.— j. v* are also under especial obligations to Mr. ,'r (~r the use of his room, (tendered at great ~u v tnil-nee to himself,) —and to JOHN BOTCME, ,t Boston, for a magnificent present. I'OWAXKA, June '25, 1865. ON our outside will be found the Rc , ilt jjj, Auditors appointed to examine the ac ,its of the late l'rothonobiry of this County.— v, : iblisii it at the earnest request of Mr. WEBB, looms its publication an act of justice to him \ HUNT AT THE DEPOT. —On Saturday ,ning as the train was leaving the depot with i;lt;th N. Y. ltegiment, a colored servant at i . [fd to get on the car, slipped and falling be :h the car was run over, breaking his legs , the knee and severely crushing his ankle.— a tad bun a servant for a Captain in the Regi . r and a orn ate "was taking kiln home with him. I I MI- talon to the "Soldiers' Home" at Elmira. I 7" . o/ Times. I AKHIVAI. of ENGINES. —The engines for I svlvauia Petroleum Co., and also for the Brad- I. i ..unty Co., have arrived ; the one for the lat- S. place was sent to Alba a few days ago, the other [ , notice is now laying at the Depot. The en | weigh a little over 5000 pounds each. It is |. oa-eteil they will cofnmence boring at once— I ,„ t soon as the necessary preparations can he for it. We hear it stated that some 9000 of 1 • t ngines have passed over the N. Y. AE. It. 1 . within the last year,— Troy Times. On Friday morning of hist week as • luh and 50th N. Y. Regiments were delayed at It,pot at this place, Capt. BURT of the 15th . nt his colored servant down town on an errand ; 1 , tin- servant was returning, some privates of the ith made some sport of the servant which raised [-... ire of Capt. B, who ordered them to cease their I One fellow not considering himself under i t, B's command, told him of the fact. The i u tain then drew a revolver and shot him. The ... vr of his comrades was thus aroused—tlieypur . , 1 the Captain to the car where the officers of • . ",i ith were and called for him. The Col. says wait and I'll have him arrested." But tearing : :-t the Col. they drove him from the car, chased to the field, where they used jack-knives in i - ueeof other weapons, leaving him as they ■ ight either dead or nearly so. After they had :'t 1 y tin- train, the Captain was carried to the II .rs Hotel. A warrant was issued and he was •1 in eonstable Joralemon's hands. During night however, Capt. B. made his escape, . which time he has not been heard from.— were many stories afloat, but this seems as . tin -facts of the case as may be. — Troy Times. ii; ii.ii uts.- -The store of J. W. HOIJ.EX : \ ... at Barton Village, was broken into on Thurs- I A night last, and robbed of goods to the amount ' mi- S2OO worth. One of the burglars, a boy, 17 • r is years old, Was subsequently arrested by [i :li rat Waverly, and handed over to Sheriff Up ;!... The boy gave his name as Benjamin Veider i. tir-t. but now says it is Richard Maley, that he i- 1: in Towanda, Pa., and that two others, also i :n fowaiula, were associated with him in the 1 Uvy lie is in jail in this village awaiting the k.. tin of the grand jury at the next Oyer and Ter li iner. A part of the stolen goods including all it I'ithes In- had on, were recovered. | Monday night last, the house of Elisha For f . m this Village, was entered and $'275 in mon i : km- - I Viirsrly Advocate. *■ n e isv LIGHTNING — FREAK OF THE Fi.FID. \ Hiring the sharp thunder shower on Monday af f n last, the Snyder House was struck by I: u.'.aig and somewhat shattered by the shock.— p -litning rod was not in an upright position I ' i :s Lying across the top of the building, and f '! ■. 1 srcuieil to divide, a portion ofit following I-• : ! down the East side of the house, the re- I r taking one of the Western chimneys in I' -sag... shattering it "all sorts," throwing I A;, mortar and dirt in all directions, It rent t ill of the building somewhat in passing down It uid tilled the rooms adjoining with soot, dirt 1.1 tsli'-s. Although several were in rooms ad- I the wall they were but slightly shocked.— I . :ii- other side, the fluid, upon discharging from tod. dashed into the eellar-kitchen, adjoining, severely shocked Mrs. WAKFORD, then and t t work. It was several hours before she re ■o n 1 fr-.m the injury she received. The bolt of f it i.-ity was undoubtedly a large one—more than f- r. 1 could carry off, as the electric shock was 1 ' ily and alarmingly felt by persons at a dis fof many rods.— Waverly Advocate. V.jO /,oan—3R> SERIES. —The First Nation '■ ; kis now selling the Third Series of this very 1' I'Ular Loan. It is due July 15th, 1868, and is d in notes of the usual denominations— i;"' SIOO SIOOO. ! ""K mtereat at the rate of ii cents per day on Urn >luo' rhe Government reserving the right u paiing the amount in Gold at the rate of six per Mit. p,-r annum. li.- note- will be dated July 15, and the interest ' e paid to the purchaser in advance np to that ■•Hi" lit the rate of SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS FEB fcINT. I • n i> the last Loan the Government will make ring so high a rate of interest, and as it will ■' ' ! , t'illy all be taken > ciery <>ne who has the money to secure ■oestnieiit as soon as possible. Its freedom 1 state, county and town taxes ; its perfect ami la ing exchangeable for the famous 5- I : n make it, like the former Series, the - >iraide Loan offered f>j" the Government. _ lids bank, will, as usual, render to invest ■'> laeility lor taking the Loan. Any infor u in regard to it will he cheerfully given. N. N. BETTS, JB., May '2'2, 1865. Cashier. 1 A\TKl>. —One million feet of pine, heni ash, beech, birch, maple and whitewood ir 'ii the log, to he delivered at Wilkes-Barre this Summer and coming Fall, for which a price will be paid. Also, a large amount •U' Xt spring. Address J. E. PATTERSON A 'arks (freene, Luzerne Co., Pa., until Aug. '• utter which orders will be received at ' bam-, Pa. June s—3m. : Momim; TRIAL LAST \\ r EEk.—lt ap >"'t my brothers, Union, Ohio, Bkipman and tl'-cted to be displeased at my cordial in to attend the feast in fat, wet, and wildly clover on Towanda Flats ; with the prospect ■•■• it and trial of draught before them. The as decidedly too level also ; taking for that there is no other smooth ground in Mowers are made exclusively for rongh ■ >''ti know! It was reported that they • ls >atisfie(i with my not consulting them as place and viands, to be provided for the L>-t farmer come on to rough ground and •t' him a trial." " Any Mower will work ' Indeed I must apologize for my ignorance and apparent discourtesy in the matter. JZ-&" I now request said brothers, in connection with all others of the family to be found in Brad ford, to make a feast and invite me to it: selecting their own time, (the sooner the better,) ground, (as rough as you please,) food, viands, Ac. Come brothers ! don't be bashful. Some of you come near fr'ujMtmnj even brother Hubbard out of his propriety, though he come all the way from Orwell, expressly to attend the feast. You told him : "He would be foolish to attend, Ac." He came down from town late, and kept coldly back in his wagon, till urged to bike hold ; then, seeing our spanking new, frank and courageous brother Star (who had not even been invited) driving briskly up, and who had hurried all the way that morning from Troy, brother Hubbard plucked up courage ; particular ly, after noticing that 1 had a pretty heavy task to do the feast justice, all alone. He took an upper seat, as he thought, at the fens',; though he was constrained to take a lower, after finding the heavy, flat and wet clover even too much for him—stick ing badly in the teeth—mastication hard and bad. The feast was not so desirable, after all. Brother Star made friends on account of his new dress, and gingerbread fixings and courageous ways. But it was noticed that he was too much inclined to run to the right of the path for good morals. Brother Cayuga Chief sent his next friend to spy out the progress of the feast ; and, being urged, he came down from town at the eleventh hour. He, too. was disappointed after tasting the food ; mastica- tion hard and digestion bad. After trying tlieif own hands at the work, I think my three friends could make proper allowance for a want of perfect work on my part. You absent mowers missed a good opportunity for winning laurels. The dynamometer was lent to each of us, four Mowers : Star, Hubbard, Cayuga Chief and your servant. It was discovered that I ate the clover the easiest, though my mouth was 51 inches w ide : while Star's and Hubbard's were 48 inches, and Cayuga Chief's 52 i inches. Brother Buck-eye, though a wonderful brag, gave us the cold shoul der entirely, not having been heard from. Towanda, June '26. FARMER MOWER. tetSU 1 THE Quarterly report of the "Derrick Educational Club " were held at the Camp School House, on Saturday, June 3d, 1865. The people flocked from far and near, and tlie house and yard were thronged with listeners ! The meeting was called to order by the President, J. M. CRAWFORD, and the exercises opened with music, "Union, GOD and Liberty." A very able salutatory was then de livered by WM. SQCIUES. Muic, "Yes, the Boys are Coming Home." A declamation on the death of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, by WM. J. MITTEN, was then very attentively listened to; also one by LEVI SQUIRES. The exercises were then entertained by a song and chorus entitled "Victory at Last," which being very appropriate, and well sung, was receiv ed with great applause. An affecting essay was then read by Miss ANNIE OVEBPECK. Quartette, "The Girls at Home." At the urgent request of HORACE W. DURAND, he was permitted, by the Pres ident, to read a paper purporting to be edited by "JUPITER K. SLAM, "entitled The LifemryCidtiwtor, the contents of which the Society knew nothing. The first part consisted principally of poetry, bur lesques, local, and personal bits. Its reception however, was not very objectionable to the ' -Club.'' After the reading of said part a very soul-stirring piece of mnsic was sung by tlie "Glee Club" en titled "Ob, Wait till the Good Time Coming Conies!" A Lecture was then delivered by \V. J. HILLIS, on the "Hope of War," in which hisorator ial powers were nobly exhibited, and whose use of language was such as will some day assure him a place among the great. The trained reader of the Cultivator then came forth to expound JUPITER K. SLAM'S great literary talent, and we are sorry to say the second part did not meet our expectations. It consisted of ungentlemanly parodies, rude bur lesques, vile personalities, and slanderous contri butions. After enduring considerably more of the above abuse than we should, an Honorarv member arose and moved that the Club suppress any fur ther reading of the paper, which was warmly sec onded by many members, and carried without a negative response. J. M. CRAWFORD, then offered the following Resolutions : * Resolved, That we. as a society, tender Mr. J. I>. DURAND, our ret net ant thanks for his first production of his uncalled-for and ungentlemanly volume of The Literary Cultivator, and that we hear nothing further from the honorable gentleman until request ed. The Resolution was unanimously adopted and the " Cultivator" disappeared, to appear onh in the cornfields! The next production was a comic song and chorus, entitled "Oil on the Brain," after which Mr. JAMES E. KHORTELI. favored the audience with an Oration, and which he delivered most admir ably. Few young men of bis age and advantages possess such soundness of mind, intellectual great ness. and such flattering oratorical powers. His oration was listened to with untiring interest, for nobly did he perform the part of a speaker. After the above the audience was again enlivened by an other soul-stirring chorus, entitled "The Gay and Happy Suckers from the State of Illinois." After which we very attentively listened to an able and well-delivered valedictory by E. L. HILLIS ; C. L. STEWART, then proposed that we tender a vote of thanks to Mr. SHOBTELL, for his kindness in favor ing us with a speech, which was unanimously re sponded to. Then after the singing of a double quartette, "We Think ofThem Often," the Society adjourned to meet again at the appointed time. MOLLIE A. MITTON, S:e'y. —We, as a Society, wish the public to under stand, that the Literary Cuitimtor was edited, and the "Tempest in the Herrick Tea-pot" was boiled by Mr. J. B. DURAND, (who not being a member of the Club), but recent "New Orleans quill driver," is undoubtedly some or else thinks be is, and who had nothing else to do but slander his neighbors, and originate neighborhood gossip. MA RR IE 1) . TERRY—SWEENEY.—At the residence of the bride's father, June Bth, by Rev. A. Lane, M. F. Terry, M. D., of Terrvtown. and" Miss Marie, daughter of D. H.Sweeney, M. D., of Burlington. TROUT—YERKES.—In Springfield, on the 18th inst., by Rev. Thos. Mitchell, Col. John Trout, of Williamsport, Pa., to Miss Sarah E. Yerkes, of the former place. DIED. STEPHENS.—At East Herrick. Bradford conntv, June 15th 1865, Emily A. wife of L. M. Steve is in the 45 year of her age. She was attacked with inflamatorv rheumatism which caused her much suffering for a few weeks, when it assumed a paralysis form, when death ended her suffering. J 0 N E S HOU S E ! Corner of Market Square and Market St. HARRISBURG, PENN'A, The subscriber, having disposed of his interest in tlie Locheil House, will devote his entire attention to the JONES HOUSE, And for the very liberal patronage extended to it for the past year, he returns his thanks aud solicits a continu ance of favors. C. 11. MANN. June 26, 1865. Proprietor. UIS T* S AARI) E N SEE DS ! It is an established act that a large proportion of the Garden Seeds sold in the country are worthless or nearly so. The reason is obvious. Seeds are left by the owners with merchants to sell on commission, often hut a small portion of them are sold, the remainder being returned, repacked and sent out again the following year, and so continuing until as a matter of course man of the seeds are worthless. In order to get the best and most reli able seeds I have bought a large stock of Robert Huist.of Philadelphia, a house whose reputation lor selling fresh and putmeed* is not surpassed by any in the country ; aud who never send out any seeds on commission, ami consequently not liable to accumulate old stock. I think a little reflection will convince any one of the advantage-of purchasing these seeds. I have many var ieties not to l>e tound auy where els ein town. Also Rutabaga, Beet and Carrot seed by the pound, and Peas by the bushel. Please call and get a descriptive Catalogue at March 20, 1804. FOY'fv (MASH PAID FOR WOOD, AND ALL \J kinds of Produce by June 22, 1865. W.A.ROCKWELL. Ncu) vlboertiscmcnts. r* v © _ S 12 s % 2 O K C* r r * f S- r- 1 S- Ho 2 r 7-" I 2? I r SA > xji | 5- | K Z - 7. ~ 3 F S ■ *-5 > O > -S a£O K - >- • - F 7- 7 ARS 11 A L L B ROTH ER 8 Wish to call the attention of the public to their new- Stock or HARDWARE, KAItMINd IMPI.IMKNTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOJ.S. Also, a large assortment of Window Class, Sash, Paints, Oils, Putty. Varnishes, and Paint uud Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will he sold lor the lowest Cash price. Also, a dine assortment ol K KROSKNK bA MP S of every style and pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid .o Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of T I N WAli K . JOBMKIi PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. We have on hand a tine article of CLASS FRUIT JARS, with improved self- sealing corks, and HEIiME TIC A L SEA L 1 N G C A N S , which is one of the best cans used. June 20. ISii.b I T AT EST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS ! AT W I L L 1 A M A . R 0 C K. W E L L ' S. Consisting of LADIES' DIIESS GOODS, MOZAMBIQUE, GRADE, ME RAT, DE LA INKS, AG. LADIES' GLOTIIES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HATS, and a general variety ot LADIES" GOODS. MENS' BROAI) GLOTIIS. GASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, JEANS, DRILLS, And t variety of VESTIXCS. A well selected assortment of LADIES'ami MISSES SHOES ami SLIDDERS, ami MEN A BOYS' BOOTS. Also. Mens' Boys' and Cliildrc; s" SOFT STRAW HATS ami GADS, of all descriptions. Usual large Assortment of GROGKKRV, < J LASS and STONEWARE, j You will find, l>y calling, a cheap lot of HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, RODES, CABS, BASK ETS, AG. NOW FOR THE 4TH OF JULY ! FIRE-WORKS, of all descriptions, and TOV S of all kinds on hand. Pieasc call and examine my large and general assort ment of Goods, which w ill be sold at lowest prices for , Cash and Produce. June '22, 1865. "JJUMP IIREY A GO. Are just receiving a SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GOODS in their line . Comprising all the LATEST STYLES and finest quality of GENTLEMEN, LADIES AND CHILDRKNS' SHOES. Particular attention is invited to their stock of TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELLING BAGS, AC. The only general assortment to be found in TOWANDA, and all being sold at REDUCED PRICES. | June 20, 1665, fllenljanbiu. JJEN 14 V MEItC Ult k CO., Towanda, Penn'a, Have on band and are opening at L()W EST M A UK K T P KICKS, A superior stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, COTTONS, WHITE OOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS A: SHOES, I : CROCKERY, tic. Towanda, March 21, Is do, / 1 I! EA T ATTRA CTI 0 N AT MONTA NYE ' S STO RE ! PEACE PRICES. Every vaaiety ot LADIES' CLOTII, AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. : floods for Gentlemen of EVERY DESCRIPTION. I And all the known Styles t EN NSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL -L SOCIETY The Pennsylvania State Agricultural 1 Society withhold its exhibition on September 26th, 27th, 28th and 20th, 1865. at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. , Any information desired by persons desiring to exhib • | it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by niem ! hers of the society, will be given by the undersigned, or • by A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg, Pa. A. BROWER LONGAKER. Secretary. I Norristown, June 5,1865. ttpbcgraff's institute. 1 g YE AND EAR INSTITUTE. I)R. UP DE GBAFP, OCULIST . AUKIKT AND GENERAL SURGEON, ELHIKA.N. V. Treat* all Diseases of Ike Eye, Ear and Throat. THE EYE—He will operate iipou Cataract, Artificial ■ Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entro ] pioii, (inversiou ol the eye-lid,] and treats all forms of "SORE EYES," such as Granulated Lid.', Purulent I Ophthalmia. Opacities of the Cornea, Scrofulous dis eases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eye is I subject. THE EAR.—Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, iVoiscs in the Ear. Difficulty of Hearing, Deafness, [even when the Ditun is entirely destroyed, will insert an artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes of the 1 natural THE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. | GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club Feet. Hate Lip, Cleft Palate, Tumors, Cancers, Morbid i Growths, Deformities from Hums, and Hernia, and per j forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips j or any portion of the face is destroyed through disease j or otherwise, by healing them on anew. ear Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, i and General Surgery in all its branches. | INSERTS ARTIFICIAL EYES.—Giving them all the J ' motion and expression of the natural, defying detection, they are inserted without removing the old one or pro | during pain. ! The Doctor's collection of instruments comprises all | the latest improvements, and is the largest in the State, j the superior advantages he has had in perfecting him ! self in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, warrants i him in saying that everything within the bounds of the I profession may be expected of him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we can now accommodate an increased number of patients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach ed to the establishment. No incui able cases received for Treatment or Opera lions. If a case is incurable he will be so informed. Institute on Water street, opposite the Brainard House ! Elmira.N. Y. Feb. 2, 1865. illounng Uladjines. I HHHE FARMER MOWING MACHINES! The subscriber would inrite the attention of all who I desire to buy Mowing Machines to the FARMER MOWER. ; We belive it to be a complete and durable Mower, and I the LIGHTEST DRAUGHT MOWER IN MARKET. It is well balanced .clean cutting, simple and compact, easili adjusted and handled. It is made of iron and i steel. j The Finger-Bar is made of Cast Steel, and cuts four , ! and a half feel wide. '■ All persons who would like to buy a good and durable I Mower at a LOW PRICE, are requested to try a LAST YEARS FARMER MOWER. | I have a number of them that have been thoroughly j overhauled and repaired up, and all such parts as failed j last year on account of weak material, have been renew ed with castings of best quality. These Mowers are warranted to stand and give good satisfaction, I Jam at liberty to refer to 11. C. MBRCUK, Esq., who J j bought a Farmer Mower of me last year ; and who has j ordered a second, this year. It is a well knowr fact; that the Farmer is a very light draught Mower ; and, that last year, all such as did not break, or while in re pair, gave excellent satisfaction. We are prepared to fill orders for this year's IMPROVED FARMER AT REGULAR PRICE. Fitted either with cast or with malleable iron, steel faced guards, as customers may prefer. All Mowers ful ly warranted to give complete satisfaction. ASSISTANT AGENTS. L.D.JOHNSON Manufacturer's traveling agent, Wu. K. WALKER, Athens ; B. C. ELSBKKK, Windham ; 8. J. HARKNESS, Springfield ; EDWARD MEIIRITT, Lacyville ; BYRON AKIN, Alba ; I. A. PARK, South Hill ; JOHN F. CHAMBERLAIN, Wyalusiug. R. M. WELLES. Towanda, June 12,1865. OWIT G MACHINES! II ÜBBARD'S LI GH T MOW E R, ORWELL, PENN'A. It is unsurpassed for simplicity, durability, ease of working, light draft, convenience of folding up for trans portation, as well as comfort for those using it. It cuts the grass when wet just as well as when dry. and at any speed you choose to drive. It operates as naturally on rough and uneven surface as upon level. Its dratt is from 175 to 200 pounds. Also Horse Forks different pat erns, Horse Rakes, Grindstones and Hardware, in great variety, at S. N. BRONSON'S Metropolitan Combined Variety Store. June 15 1845. ; Q 11 1 0 MO WI X G MACHI N E ! The undersigned take pleasure in cal ing the attention of the farmers of Bradford county to the above machine. It has been used in this county several years and no ma chine ha- given better satisfaction. It is carefully made of the lest materials and warranted by tbeuiauufac- j turers. Those who have used this machine pronounce | it the best in the market. It has been improved and is j as perfect a machine, and does its work as well, if not better, than any one yet offered to the public. Farmers wishing to purchase a machine will do well to examine the Ohio. The Agents will be ready at all times to show the machine and its manuer of working, its improve ments, Ac., to those interested. HIRAM TAYLOR, Tuscarora, Pa. Agent lor Eastern Bradford. CODDING A RUSSELL. June 26,1865. Agent for Towanda and vicinity. miscellaneous. WII. CARNOCHAN, ATTORNEY • AT LA IV, Troy. Pa. Special attention given I to collecting claims against the Government for Bounty,. Back Pay and Pensions. Office with E. B. Parsons, Esq. June 12,1865. FOR SALE.—A very fine Pianoforte, Hallet A Davis' make. Boston, Mass. Also a few Chairs, Pictures. Mattresses, Feather Beds.and French Bedsteads. Call at the Ward House Towanda, Pa. June 12.1865. BLACKSMITH WANTED.—THE TOWAN da Coal Company is in want of a good Blacksmith | immediately. Apply at Graydon, one mile from Barclay to JAMES MACFARLANE General Manager, June 5,1865. Towanda, Pa. jT RAYSVILLE BRASS BAND ! STEPHEN GORHAM, Leader. ) Consisting of twelve pieces, orders by mail or other i wise promptly attended to. Address STEPHEN GORHAM, June 6, 1865. Leßaysville, Pa. | IVE R S 11) E CEMETERY! ! The new ground purchased and added to the old Cera- I etery is now ready for interments. The plan of the ground can be seen at the Office of B. S. Russell A Co., and any one desirous of securing lots, can do so by calling there or on Wm. H. Morgan. Sec'y. H.S, MERCUR, ) E.W.HAI.E. V Trustees. June 12,1865. B. S. RUSSELLL.) LOST.— Between the residence of the subscriber, in Smithfield and Milan, on Tuesday, the 23d day of May, a Pocket Book with either $29 or $39 in bills and some smalt change, and a note of SSOO against James H. Webb, with an endorsement thereon of $290 and 50 cents, and a note against N. A. Farns worth of about sll,also, a contract from N. C. Harris to James White for a lot ol land which s iid contract was assigned to Patrick O'Connor, with some other papers of little or no valne. Whoever will return the same to the owner or give hira information where it can be ob tained will be liberally rewarded. June 6, 1865. PATRICK O'CONNOR. BBIDGE LETTING.—SeaIed proposals will be received at the Mill of Isaac Morley, Athens j twp., until 3 o'clock p. m. upon Thursday, June 29tb, 1865, for the building and completing of a Bridge across Shepard's Creek, near that place. Plan and specifica. tion lor the same may be seen at the store of N. C. Har ris in Atheus boro', and at the Commissioners office tor ten days previous to said letting. J. CAMPBELL.) W.B.DODGE, t Com J. BEARDSLEY) Commissioner's office. Towanda. May 23, 1865 FOR SALE.—The subscriber has for sale a well bred Durham Bull, recently brought from Yates county, N. Y., raised by Miles F. llapalee, those wishing to purchase such an animal, will do well to call soon. He is two years old, and will be found on the farm of the subscriber, three miles north of Orwell Hill. June 19. 1865. G. W. BROWN. j jp O R SALE. One Open Spring. Iron Axled Buggy, 1 Sulkey with ! Sprout Springs, 1 Sett New Double Harness, 1 Sett old j Single Harness. ! June' 27,1865. _ JAIAS. M. HALL. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persoua indebted to the ' j estate of WM. ROBERTS, dee'd, late of Canton twp, are ' requested to make immediate payment, aud those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. ROBERTS, C. STOCKWELL, r May 10, 1865. Administrators. ,/Y LOVER SEED FOR SALE BY W. A. ROCKWELL. £egai. ADMINISTRATORS NOTlCE—Noti ce is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of W. H. PLOWMAN, late of Ulster twp., deceased j are requested to make payment, without delay, ; and those havingclaims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARY A. PLOWMAN. June 7.1865. Administrator ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE—NOTU* IS hereby given .that all persons indebted to tbe estate j of JUDBON A. ROYSE. late of Leßoy twp..dee'd are re Guested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. W. B. WILCOX,* | June 7, I*Bs. Administrator. AD M IN ISTR ATO R'S NOTICE— Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to thees -1 tate of ALVAH HEATH, late of Tery. dee'd, are j requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. O.F. PARSONS, | May 25, 165. Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE. —Notice is here by given, that ai! persons ibdebted to the estate of jJ. B. HINMAN, late, of Monroe deceasedd are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will preeseut them I duly authenticated for settlement. S. S-HINMAN. J. B. M HINMAN, JOSEPH B. SWEET, I May 25, 1865. Executors. \I) MINISTR A TOII'SN OTI CE.—Let ters •J of administration ot tbe goods, chattels, Ac. of PERRY BURT, late of Ridgburry twp., deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ' ed to said estate are requested to make payment, aud all persons having demands against the same are notified to I present the same lor settlement to the subscriber. JAMES H. WEBB. Ridgl-ury, June 20,1865. Administrator. EXECUTORS NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es | etate of JOHN LAYTON, late of Litchfield, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment .and those having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. SALLY M. LAYTON, ISAAC LAYTON, ! June 8, 1865. Executors. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol ! RODERICK WILLIAMS, late of Canton, deceased are re ! quested to make immediate payment, and those having I demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement . THOMAS WILLIAMS, SAMUEL ANN ABLE, June 15, 1865. Executors^ NOTICE TO COLLECTORS.— in per snance of in Act passed the 3l)th day of April, j 1864, taking effect in 1865, the Commissioners are re | quired to pay the full amount of State Tax to ths Sta'e Treasurer before the first day of August in each and every year, aud iu case of failure the county is charged five per cent, upon all remaining unpaid upon that date, aud the Commissioners are required to charge the same to Collectors. In order to make prompt payment to the State Treasurer, Collectors will he required to settle and pay their Duplicates of State and County Tax iu j full by the 15th day of July next. And upon failure of I any Collectors to comply with the above suits will lie | immediately bronght to collect the amount due. No I abatements can be allowed. J. CAMPBELL, ) W.B.DODGE, } Corn's- JNO. BEARDSLEE.) COMES OFFICE, April 17, 1865. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order ot the Orphan's Court of Bradfo rd I County,the undersigned,administratrix of the estate of I Charles Rogers, late of Canton twp., deceased will sell at i public sale, on tbe premises, on SATURDAY, JULY 1. | 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described lot, piece or pan el of land situate in Canton tp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a hemlock tree the north-west corner ol lot No. 27. as surveyed by John \ andyke on a arrant No 4596, thence east 125 perches to a birch lor a corner, thence north 70$ perches to a post, thence i 125 perches to a post on the west li le of said warrant, thence south 71$ perches tu the place of beginning. Containing 50$ acres and 32 perches with allowance. ALSO—Another lot adjoining the above, beginning at a sugar maple north-west corner of Fitch Spalding lot, thence west 125 perches to the out line of warrant No. 4596 to a beech corner, thence south 70$ perches to a post, thence east 125 perches to a post, the north-west corner deeded to Roswell Rogers, theace north 7 1$ prs. to the place of beginning. Containing 52 acres and 33$ perches, with allowances. It being the south half of the last above described lot of land, containing in all 79 acres. TERMS—S'2S to be paid on the day of sale. S7OO on coufiimation of sale, balance in one year thereafter, with ' interest from confirmation. EMILY VANDYKE, May 11, 1865. Administratrix. O' RPHAN'S COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court ol Bradford County, the undersigned Guardian of the minor chil dren of Edw .rd A. Murray, late of Athens twp.. de ceased, will sell on the premises, at public sale, on FRI DAY. JUNE 30,1865, a'l o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel ot laud, situate in Athens twp, bounded north by lands occupied by Tbomrs Ogden, east by lands lately owned by Nathaniel Crane, south by the road leading up Griffin's creek to J K. Wrights, west by lauds lately owned by Erastus Wolcott, dee'd. I Containing about 96 acres, more or less. TERMS —S2S to be paid iu the property being struck down, one hall the balauce on confirmation, the bal ance in one year thereafter with interest from confirma tion. MARY ANN MURRAY, May 11, 1865. Guardian. ORPHAN'S CUT KJ' SALE.—By virtue ol' an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Brad ford Couuty, the undersigned Administrator ol Silas Packard, dee'd, will sell on the premises in Alba Boro' on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 36, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., ait that lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Alba Borough, bounded as follows : Beginning at the centre or junction ot the Granville road and tbe road leading from Arabol Blackmail's, Mauley's, aud bounded on the east by tbe road leading from the said Manley's, on the south by B. Baker's lot.un the west by lands of Irad Wilson,on the north by the Granville road. Containing one-half acre, he the same mine or less, a small framed dwelling house thereon. ALSO —All that certain lot ot iand situate iti Leßoy twp., hounded as to,lows : Beginning at a hemlock stump on the line of W. J, stones' Kit,thence north s'2$ Q west 14 rods to an ash. thence north 35° west 44 rods to a post, south-west corner ol E. Auables lot. thence east 53 perches to a post thence south along ttie line ui W. J. Stones'land 108 rods to the place of beginning. Con taining 27 acres and 100 rods, be the same more or less. ALSO—AII that other certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., and bounded as follows, on the west by lands of William Packard and Henry Jen nings, on the north by lands formerly owned by Win. Scott, dee'd., on the east by lauds belonging to the es tate of John Grey deed, on the south by lands belong ing to the estate of Abigal Ayres, dee d... Containing about 104 acres; about 50 acres improved, with oue tramed house, barn and out buildings and an apple or chard thereon. TERMS—S2S to be paid on each lot at the time the property is struck down, one halt' the remainder on con firmation of sale the balance in one year thereafter with interest from confirmation. MINOR P. PORTER. May 11, lS6e. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun ty, the undersigned Administrator of the estate ot Mar garet Fritcher, late of Atheus b rough, deceased, will sell on the premises, at public sale.ou THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens borough, bounded as tollows : Beginning on Maiu-.-t.. at the north-west corner of Chester Parks' lot. thence north wardly along Main-st., 50$ feet to land now owned by the Episcopal Church, thence eastwardly along he line of laud of said Episcopal Church 105 teet to the Imd of C, W. Clapp. thence southwardly along said C. W. Clapp's land 16 feet, thence eastwardly along the line of lands of said Clapp 60 teet to the north-west corner of a lot owned by M. Pike, thence southwardly along the line of said Pike 35$ teet to lands ol the said M. Pike, thence weswardly along lands ol the said M. Pike and the north line of M. Parks' lot I<>s leet to the place of beginning. TEKMS— S2S to be paid on the day of sale, half the balance on confirmation, the balauce one year thrrealter with interest from confiimation. CHARLES W. CLAPP. May 11, 1865. Administrator. A" DM INI STR A T( > R'S N OTlC E.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ELI-IIA WHITNEY, dee'd. late of Wyalusing are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will j resent them duly authenticated for settlement. L. P. STALFORD, May 16,1865. Administrator. I3ook-I3inl>crg. BOOK-BINDERY.— THE PUBLIC IS respectfully iuformed that a Book-Bindery has been established in connection with the Priuting Office o. the " Bradlord Reporter," where will be done BOOK BINDING! In all its various branches, on terms as reasonable as I " the times"'will allow. The Bindery will be under , the charge of H. C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style aud manner which caunot be excelled. Music, Magazines, Newspapers, Old Books, Ac . i bound in every variety of style. Particular attention 1 will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, 5 To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability t wil be warranted. e All work will be ready lor delivery when promised. The patronage ot the public is solicited, and perfect f satisfaction guaranteed. Bindery (after Ist December,) in the front room ot '• Reporter " Building, (down stairs,) north side of the Public Square , Towanda. Pa. Nov. 16. 1864. PLASTER.— A fresh supply of Grouud Plaster on hand and for saie by , Feb. 2,1865. W. A. ROCMYELL.