LOCAL AND GENERAL. LARGE STRAWBERRIES. —We are indebted to MRS. J. B. M. IIINMAN, of Monroe ton, for a pres ent of the finest Strawberries we have seen this year. Some of which measured five inches in cir cumference. SUICIDE. —SAMUEL OBERN, a resident of Monroe ton borough, committed suicide, on Satur day last, by hanging himself with a rope, iu his barn. He was a re-enlisted veteran, and home on a furlough. gsaf In the window of Mr. FROST'S Furni ture Warerooom, may be seen a Photograph of the Colors of the 141 st regiment, taken at Harrisburg, after the return of the regiment. They give evi dence of the hard service the regiment has seen, ami of the storms of shot and shell through which they have been bravely borne. Beg" There will be a Parade of the Fire | Department of Towanda Boro' for inspection, on Thursday, June 15th 1865, at 6 o'clock p. in. By order of H. B. MCKEAN, Chief EIUJ. * ("APT. W. H. CARNOCHAN lias resumed j (lie practice of law, at Troy, as will be seen by his [ , ard in another column, ('apt. C. will give espec- ! ial attention to the collection of claims against the j government, and the procuring of bounty, back ! pay. aud pensions. His experience in the army | lias made him familiar with the steps necessary for j a speedy settlement of such matters. Bgk Wanted immediately, four young i horses of a good quality, kind, sound and suitable for stage purposes. Apply at COWLF-S A Co., News j and Express office, Towanda, Pa. FESTIVAL AT CAMPTOWN. —A festival, in honor of our returning soldiers will be held at Camptown, Thursday, June 15th. Addresses will he delivered by Hon. ULYSSES MEECCR and Hon. GEO. LANDON, and the occasion will be made worthy of the brave veterans now returning to their homes. A cordial invitation is extended to sol diers and their friends to participate. WANTED. —One million feet of pine, hem look. oak, ash, beech, birch, maple and whitewood lumber in the log, to be delivered at Wilkes-Barre during tbis Summer and coming Fall, for which a liberal price will be paid. Also, a large amount wanted next spring. Address J. E. PATTERSON & \ Co., Clark's Greene, Luzerne Co., Pa., until Aug. j l>t. 1865, after which orders will be received at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. June s—3m. SUICIDE. —Mr. JONATHAN GRIFFITH, a resi (l, lit of Conkliu, Broome county, aged about 65, iHinitted suicide in that town on Saturday last I \ hanging himself to a tree in the woods, about a quarter of a mile from the house. He was missed between ft and 10 A. SI., Saturday, and was not I 'Uiid until Monday afternoon. He was supposed to 1M; temporarily insane. Deceased's wife died several years ago. feS"* We find the following particulars of the accident which happened to G. If. ESTELI., in the Tuukhanuoek Republican : " A serious accident happened last Friday at Factory vile. As the nor th in-bound Express stopped, a man by the name of < i l.oia lE ESTELI., ol Towanda, went into the hind car to speak to a passenger, and as the cars were starting he stepped off, and slipping or making a nihs step, one leg fell across the track and two wheels passing over it, nearly severing the limb just above the ankle. Doctors Wilson. Brnndage nd t apwell were called and found it necessary to amputate the limb." MOWING MACHINE TRIAL.—The Ohio.Buck • \e. I'nion, Allen, Monitor, Wood, Cayuga-Chief, shipmaii. Hubbard and Eagle Mowers, arerespect tulh and cordially invited through their agents aud lilt ids in Bradford, by their brother, the Farmer -M ' .V.T. to a friendly trial of skill, merits and draught in cutting clover, on the farm occupied by Mr. A.UZI FRUTCHEY, on Towanda Flats, on Wed nesday. -June 21st. Trial to commence at 10 A. M. home, fanners of Bradford, lay asideyour labors fer one day, take a little relaxation, and see what beautiful, handy, ingenious and valuable machines, pair brethern. American artizans have, with great skill, expense and labor, provided for your benefit, t hir sad war is over! Peace has been declared! l i:. I'nion is saved ! You can afford to come. The various agents are invited to be present at tl. office of W. C'. BOGAET, Esq., in Towanda, on Tuesday evening previous, at 6 p. M., to agree upon rules and regulations, and selection of Judges. It. M. WELLES. A meeting of the Bradford county > S. Ass* iciation will be held in the Baptist church, ii. l.< 1; y, dii "Wednesday and Thursday, June 28th and 39th. iust. Commencing at 11 A. M. ,on Wed- Loaay. the Convention will hold five sessions, at which the whole subject of Sunday School work in this c< >unty will be dwelt upon. On Wednesday aftenn iiu the following questions will come up for discussion : Lint is the best method of conducting a S. S. ? M hat arc the qualifications of a good Superin tendent? Should works of fiction be introduced into S. S. Libraries ? t >u \\ eduesday evening the Rev. G. M. HARDING, ' Rome, will deliver an address on the subject of >. S. work. On Thursday morning Rev. Mr. TODD, of Athens, is . xpeeted to speak on S. S. Literature. other short addresses will also he delivered on kindred subjects, and reports received from Su pi iiiitendents and others of the condition of S. S. a. their respective localities. On Thursday after a a. at two o'clock, a meeting of all the Sunday • s Is of the place and neighborhood will he held, a.a h will be addressed by the Rev. W. J. CLARK, f Philadelphia, the agent for the American S. S. I ai-a. for Pennsylvania. All Superintendents and hers of Sunday School and pastors of Evangel c .■ Lurches give in their names to the Secretary are ;' nr..il. A as members of the Association, and are it- J to be present and assist in the meeting of Association. O. A. BLACK, .S ee'y. LIE SM.VU. Pox. —Our Borough has been : 1 with that loathsome disease, Small Pox. As c as we can learn there were twenty eases in all, which proved fatal. One of the worst cases - that c,t Conducter BENEDICT, who died. An ' severe and sad case is that of DANIEL SCLLI ■ who caught it from laying out a child that 1 with it, being ignorant of the disease from ii the death of the child ensued. He is still in d condition. The most of those attacked I ■ 'a had the clear small pox and not varioloid, i-" sot varioloid are reported now. but the st n ov, r. There is at present less cause for ■ -arte I ' 'ong the excitement business has been sonie ■ . '"' "strute, and vaccination has been the order I. '* Our citizens generally have availed ■ " s of the opportunity to he re-vaccinated I | doubly secure against the fell disease. I "aprtssion abroad that people were dying ■ '-'pid rate aud that sixty or a hundred ' l l Exported, is entirely erroneous. \\ e are sorry to learn that several new '• ported this week, some of them quite '(hern i'ennsylvanian, (Susquehanna De SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—WESLEY FRANCE, of Auburn, Susquehanna county, by the accidental discharge of his gun when going out hunting, one day last week, was seriously wounded in the arm —the bullet entering in front midway between the elbow and shoulder, passing through and coming out back of the latter. The nature of the wound renders the loss of the arm probable, but there are hopes it can be saved. Dr. LATHROP, of Mont rose, was called to attend the case. KICKED BY A HORSE. —Our fellow towns man, NELSON FISH, on Wednesday hist, was kicked by his horse, being struck on the forehead, and rendering him perfectly unconscious for several days, but we are happy to learn however, that he is now improving, though slowly, and that hopes are entertained of his ultimate recovery.— Troy Times. EXTENSION OF THE CHENANGO CANAL. —At a late session of the Canal Board, in Albany, the subject of the extension of the Chenango Canal was among the subjects considered. At the sug gestion of State Engineer WA. B. TAYLOR, the pro posed plans allowing its extension to twenty miles south of Binghamton, were duly legalized. The Board further directed that the ten miles south of Binghamton be immediately leased ; the lease to include the excavation and other improvements. Consumers of coal will, of course be greatly bene fitted by the much-needed extension. BURGLARY IN GREAT BEND. —The store of T. D. EST.YBROOK, at Great Bend, was broken open about 2 o'clock of the morning of the 25th of May. The safe was blown open with powder and robbed of about S2OO in cash, besides a good many notes which were done up iu packages so that the thieves probably thought they were money. There was a package containing 8500 in cash in the safe which the thieves did not see. The burglars got in the rear of the building through a window, made their way through two doors by unscrewing the catch of the lock at one door and cutting through and tak ing out the bar of the other. They used tools, which were found in the store, to open the safe af ter they had blown oil' the outside plate of the door. As they went past the cigar drawer they took some out and left the drawer open. There were sounds heard when the explosion took place but they who heard them did not get up as nothing was heard afterwards. ACCIDENT ON TIIE ERIE—MAN KILLED. —The Cincinnati Express, at 6:37, Tuesday morning, when about two miles below Owego, ran into a Stock train, killing one brakeman of tbe freight, and wounding another. The brakeman who was killed was caught between two freight cars and crushed to death. His name was TANNERY, resid ing in Waverly. The baggage and two passenger cars of the Cincinnati were broken up so that they had to be abandoned ; but no passengers were in jured excepting one whose face was slightly scratch ed. The Cincinnati did not reach Binghamton un til about half past eleven. The cause of the accident was as follows : The Stock train was behind time, and was running to Owego, its regular place for allowing the Cincin nati to pass ; the duty of the conductor of the freight train was upon finding out he would not reach Owego in time, to put off a flag-man to warn the express, which he knew would be just behind his train. This he did not do ; but the Cincinnati coming up suddenly around a curve, ran into the stock before the express had time to greatly check its speed. So early in the morning (5 :38 A. M. )the rails were wet with dew, which would delay the stock and render it more difficult for the express to check its speed. 7-30 LOAN— 3D SERIES. —The First Nation al Bank is now selling the Third Series of this very popular Loan. It is due July 15th, 1868, and is issued in notes of the usual denominations— sso SI 00 SSOO SIOOO. Bearing interest at the rate of 2 cents per day on every $100! The Government reserving the right of paying the amount in Gold at the rate of six per cent, per annum. The notes will be dated July 15, and the interest will be paid to the purchaser in advance up to that time at the rate of SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PEII CENT. This is the last Loan the Government will make bearing so high a rate of interest, and as it will undoubtedly all be taken in a very short time, it becomes every one who has the money to secure the investment as soon as possible. Its freedom from all state, county and town taxes ; its perfect safety ; and being exchangeable for the famous 5- 20 Bonds, make it, like, the former Series, the most desirable Loan offered by the Government. ?■*?" This Bank, will, as usual, render to invest ors every facility for taking the Loam Any infor mation in regard to it will be cheerfully given. N. N. BETTS, JR., TOWANDA, May 22, 1865. Cashier. 31A RRIE D . MARSHALL -McCORMICK.—In this borough, on the 17th ult., by Rev. B. J. DOUGLASS, at the res idence of M. C. Mercur, Esq., Richard T. Mar shall to Miss Mary A. MeCormick, all of this place. HIGENBOTAM—RIDGWAY.— In Wysox, June 7, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Henry J. Crane, Mr. John Higenbotam,of Frank lindale, to Miss Maggie E. Ridgway, of Wysox. DIED. LA'OX.—May 27, 1865, in Sniithfield, Pa., Lenity C. Lyon, wife of James Lyon, aged 34 years. The deceased was u daughter of Rev. L. D. LAN DON, one ofthe pioneers ofCanton township, Brad ford county, Pa. For fifteen years she was a con sistent professor of Christianity. Her last illness was brief, and her departure, unexpected ; but the summons did not find her unprepared. She lived in possession of the hope of eternal life, and died in full assurance of its realization. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." W. R. S. LAYTON.— In Litchfield, Pa., May 4th, 1865,J0hn Layton, Esq., aged 94 years and one day ; for merly of Sandyston, Sussex county, N. J. WHEELER.—In Ulster, on the 17th day of May, 1865, of Consumption, altera lingering illness Mariett, daughter of T. C. and Huldah Wheeler, in the 19th year of her age. BLROEB&— At Point Lookout, Md., on the 6th ol March, 1865, Edwin P. Burgess, aged 20 years. The deceased was the only son of William C. and Marretta Burgess, of Springfield. He enlisted in the service of hie country, June 35, 1864, being in Battery D, U. S. Artillery. He was detailed as clerk and sent to Fort Hamilton, where he remained for some time, and joined his battery near the Wel don railroad, Nov. 16th. His health failing, he was sent to City Point hospital, and afterwards to Point Lookout, the place of his death. He was a young man of more than ordinary promise, and the pride of his parents and relatives. He had been liberally educated and gave every in dication of realizing the anticipations of his friends, but has fallen a victim to disease, adding another to that glorious list of martyrs whose lives have preserved the liberties of the country. His remains were brought to Springfield for final interment, and deposited in the grave amidst the profound sorrow of a sympathizing neighborhood. NICHOLS. -At Leltaysville, May 29, Luraett, only Daughter of Asa and Harriet Nichols, aged 14 years. Our young friend had long been marked by the fell destroyer, consumption, for his prey ; and for many weary months she lingered under his influ ence, with a patience and resignation marvelous for one so young. Remarkable for her mental precocity while in health, this was more strikingly exemplified as she neared the end of Ufa's journey; evincing as she did, an intelligence and consider ation far beyond her years. She talked with the utmost familiarity about dying, and made all the arrangements for her funeral, making choice of place of burial, her grave dress, hymns to be sung Ac., with all the particularity of a person arrang ing for taking a journey. She took a cheerful view of the future, and chided her sorrowing friends when they seemed by their tears to think other wise. The members of the M. E. Sabbath School, (of which she was a member,) in order to show fit ting respect to her remains, on the occassion of her interment, formed in mournful procession, and sung those hymns, which youthful voices alone can sing so sweetly. But Lury has passed on before. Her life's short day is ended. With a "good hope through grace," she has entered into rest, wishing her sorrowing friends, and her young associates to meet her on the evergreen shores of the better land. "Not lost but gone before." COM. Ncu) WH. CARNOCHAN, ATTORNEY • AT LAW. Troy, Pa. Special attention given to collecting claims against the (Government for Bounty, Back Pay and Pensions. Office with E. B. Parsons, Esq. June 12,1865. FOR SALE.—A very fine Pianoforte, Hallet & Davis make, Boston, Mass. Also a tew Chairs, Pictures. Mattresses, Feather Beds, and French Bedsteads. Call at the Ward House Towanda, Pa. June 12.1865. TAKEN UP "ADRIFT—In the Susque hanna river near the mouth of the Wyalusing creek, on the 22d day of May last, one small platform of Lum ber, mostly white pine boards. BENJ. BROWN, JuneS, 1865. FRANK H. STALFORD. BLACKSMITH WANTED.—THE TOWAN da Coal Company is in want of a good Blacksmith i immediately. Apply at Croydon, one mile from Barclay to JAMES MACFARLANE, General Manager, June 5,1865. Towanda, Pa. WANTED. —A Bellows, Anvil, Vice and a complete set ot Blacksmith tools. Also a good Blacksmith accustomed to the work ot Miners. JAMES MACFARLANE. March 11, 1865, General Manager T. C.Co. LANDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE subscriber in the ice freshet of March 11th, and ta ken care of by him, a part of a rait of hemlock sawed lumber. The owner can have the same by proving property aud ; paying charges. J.W.INGHAM, i Sugar Run, Pa., March 25, 1865. THE ART OF JIG AND CLOG DANC- 1 ING TAUGHT WITHOUT A MASTER—FuII in structions sent upon receipt of fifty cents. Address, Box 262, Towanda, Pa. ; FTHIE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OF ! X CHESTER WELLS, have been left with me lor collection and settlement. All those interested will please eall and settle the same immediately and save costs. G. H. EATON, J. P. Towanda. May 22, 1865. . TO THE DAIRYMEN OF BRADFORD j COUNTY.—Having procured the right ot making j aud selling the celebrated BrinkerbofT Churn in this and j 8 usquebanua County, which churn is so highly recom- \ mended wherever it is introduced. We can supply all ! wanting them on short notice, at our Foundry, where we keep on hand Plows, &c. All castings done to order. I BIRCHAKD & GEBOULD. East Smithfield, Bradford co., May 'J, 1865.—4t.p. F E RAYSVILLE BRASS BAND ! STEPHEN GORHAM, Leader. Consisting of twelve pieces, orders by mail or other wise promptly attended to. Address STEPHEN GORHAM, June 6, 1565. Leßaysville, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of RODERICK WILLIAMS, late of Canton, deceased are re quested to make immediate payment, aud those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. THOMAS WILLIAMS, SAMUEL ANNABI.E, June 15, 1865. Executors. RIVERSIDE CEMETERY! The new ground purchased and added to the old Cem etery is now ready for interments. The plan of the ground can be seen at the Office of B. S. Russell & Co., aud any one desirous of securing lots, can do so by calling there or on Wm. H. Morgan, Sec'y. H.S, MERCUR, ) E. W. HALE, v Ti utttet. June 12,1865. B. S. RUSSELLL, j T7EN NSYLVAN IA AGRICULTURAL X SOCIETY—The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will hold its exhibition on September 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th, 1865, at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. Any information desired by persons desiring to exhib it, applications for premium lists or posters,or by mem bers of the society, will be given by the undersigned, or by A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg, Pa. A . BROWER LONGAKER, Secretary. Norristown, June 5,1865. LOST. —Between the residence of the subscriber, in Smilhfield and Milan, on Tuesday, the 23d day of May, a Pocket Book with either $29 or $39 in bills and some small change, and a note of SSOO against James H. Webb, with an endorsement thereon of s29oand 50 cents,and a note against N. A. Farns worth of about sll, also, a contract from N. C. Harris to James White for a lot of lam 1 which lid contract was assigned to Patrick O'Connor, with some other papers of little or no value. Whoever will return the same to the owner or give him information where it can be ob tained will be liberally rewarded. June 6, 1865. PATRICK O'CONNOR. "JJ S. 1-30 LOAN! We are now selling the Third Series of this highly popular Loan, the first and second series having been sold very quickly. The third series are dated July 15, 1865, and are payable three years after date, with inter est semi annually, at seven and three-tenth per cent, in currency or at six per cent, in gold, at th'e option of the Government, and areconvertable into the 5-20 gold bear ing bonds at maturity or payable in currency at the opt ion of the holder. They are not taxable for State, coun ty, school or borough purposes, which makes it a very desirable investment. We have also on hand a few of the second series, da ted June 15, 1865. Persons wishing to invest in this Loan at Government rates are requested to call on us. B. S. RUSSELL & CO., June 12,1865. U. 8. Loan Agents. JJ OWI N G MACHINES! HUBBARD'S LIGHT MOWER, ORWELL, PENN'A. It is unsurpassed for simplicity, durability, ease of working, light draft, convenience of folding up for trans portation, as well as comfort for those using it. It cuts the grass when wet just as well as when dry, and at any speed you choose to drive. It operates as naturally on rough and uneven surface as upon level. Its draft is from 175 to 200 pounds. Also Horse Forks different pat ems, Horse Rakes, Grindstones and Hardware, in great variety, at 8. N. BRONSONS Metropolitan Combined Variety Store. June 15. 1845. yy IC K II A M & BLACK, Are now offering NEW GOODS AT X E W PRICES! DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, WniTE GOODS, and NOTIONS. HATS & CAPS, OF THE LA T EST S T YLES. BOOTS & SHOES, In variety. WICK II AM & BLACK Keep a large stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, I To which we invite special attention. We offer our Goods on the CASH SYSTEM. June 12,1865. JHtrtljanifye. JJENRY MERCUR k CO., Towanda, Penn'a, Have on hand and are opening at LOWEST MARKET PBICEB, A superior stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, . COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS k SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Towanda, March 21, 1866, ! ! ILI A M A . ROCKWELL, Having just returned from New York, Is now receiving and offers AT MODERATE PRICES, A FINE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS! And although "THIS CKUE.L WAR IS OVER.' It does not follow that people can dispense with the ne cessaries of life. CALL, THEREFORE, AND SEE HIS DOMESTIC GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINES, GROCERIES, ! i TOYS, Ac. kc. LADIES* AND GENTLEMEN'S HATS, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 1 SUMMER SHAWLS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. Towanda, May 10, 1865. Q. RE A T ATTRACTION AT MONTANYE'S STORE! PEACE PRICES. Every vaaiety of LADIES' CLOTH, ▲ND FANCY DRESS (IOODS, Goods for Gentlemen of EVERY DESCRIPTION. And all the known Styles to suit this Market, which will he sold at WIIO L E S ALE OR RET A I L TO SUIT CUSTOMERS. At prices that cannet but please. Returning thanks for past favors, we invite attention to our Large Stock of Goods. June 6, 1865. MONTANYE A CO. I Groceries. (JEORG E STEVENS, GENERAL DKALKK IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, GRAIN, SALT, AC., Beidleman'* Block, cor HIT of Main A Bridge Street*, Would respectfully announce that be is prepared to exhibit a fine assortment of GROCERIES, Which are now offering at the lowest possible prices for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. He would invite the public to an examination of his stock, which is entirely new and has been carefully se lected with especial reference to the wants ol this mar ket. He is also prepared to pay cash for all f Couu—lyink V Produce. Towanda. April 25 4.1860 ds QROC E R I E~s" CHE A P . E. T. FOX, has just received the finest assortment of Groceries ever offered for sale in Towanda, To my old customers, I would say, ' You shall have GOOD, FRESH AND FIRST CLASS GOODS at the lowest price. To any one who will favor us with a call, we think wc I can offer INDUCEMENTS seldom found in this vicinity We take pleasure in showing Goods, and will try and make it to the interest of all to buy. Our motto is j GOOD GOODS AT LOW RATE, AND FAIR DEALING. January 1864. E. T. FOX. j j UST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, A First Rate Assortment of A No. 1, ; GROCERIES, ! * PROVISIONS, FISH, kc,, ! Which the subscribers offer to the citizens of Bradford County At the Lowest prices, aid guarantee everything sold of the j BEST QUALITY OR NO SALE. Also, Wanted, FARMERS' PRODUCE, For which the highest price, in CASH, will be paid. C. B. PATCH A Co. I Towanda, Jan, 28, 1864. F OR I ! < i MACKEREL, j HERRING, 1 And CODFISH, go to I PATCH'S. F° 8 !' TEAS, SUGARS,; and COFFEES, J 1 \ Go to ( PATCH-S. < F OB ii TOBACCO j J CIGARS, Ac., go to 1 I PATCH'S. * ! £ 1 I< £ t •j BOOTS AND SHOES! \ New Styles at HUMPHREY A CO'S. c ( I ( t JJUMPHREY k CO.'S HARNESS SHOP ! . Has a full stock of HARNESS',SADDLES, WHIPS, And everything to be fonnd in a first class establishment < rjtRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS,VALISES AND RETICULES. Largest assortment in town, at - HUMPHREY k CO'S. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS -ID PER- j snance of an Act passed the 30th day of April, ! 1864, taking effect in 1865, the Commissioners are re- i quired to Day the full amount of State Tax to ths Sta'e Treasurer before the first day of August in each and every year, and in case of failure the county is charged five per cent, upon all remaining unpaid ui>on that date, and the Commissioners are required to charge the same to Collectors. In order to make prompt payment to the State Treasurer, Collectors will be required to settle; and pay their Duplicates of State and County Tax in lull by the 15th day of July next. And upon (ailuie of any Collectors to comply with the above suits will be | immediately brought to collect the amouut due. No abatements can he allowed. J. CAMPBELL, ) j W. B. DODGE, V Corn's JNO. BKARDSLEE.) COJI'RS OFFICE, April 17,1865. I WOULD call attention to our Stock of TEA, which we offer for sale cherp by the chest or I | retail: every sale warranted to give satisfaction or the I money refunded, at FOX'S. I Ccgal. £ EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- J by privcn tliat all persons indebted to the estate of ARANTHUB HYATT, late of Wells township. Bradford County, dee d, are requested to make payment without delay and all having claims against said estate are re quested to present them rtnly authenticated for settle ment. J. E. COOK, May 15, 1865. Executor AI)M INISTRATO R'.S N OTIC E.—Notice is hereby given, that allpersous indebted to the estate of WM. ROBERTS, dee'd, late of Canton twp, are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. ROBERTS, C. STOCK WELL, May 16, 1665. Administrators. ADM IN ISTRATOE'S NOTlCE.—Ns feet to the place of beginning. TEBMS —S2S to be paid on the day of sale, half the balance on confirmation, the balance one year thrreafter with interest from confiimation. CHARLES W. CLAPP, May 11, 1565. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT "SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court ol Bradford j County, the undersigned Administrator of the estate of I Chaanel Light, deceased, will sell on the premises, at I public sale, on SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1565, at 1 o'- clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of land j situate in Burlington .twp., bounded as follows: Be- i ginning at a chesnut at the south-east corner of War rant No. 1500, thence by lands of Wm. Barnes east 46 6-25 prs. to the north-west coiner of Alexis De schaux land, thence by lands of Alexis Desohaux 107 prs., to the south-west corner of Alexis Deschaux, thence west by lands lately owned by Wm. C. Hall 06 8-25 prs. to a corner, thence west by the west line ot Warrant No. 1724, 107 prs, to the place of "beginning.— Containing 30 acres, or thereabouts, all improved, with a framed house log barn and a few fruit trees thereon. TERMS—S2S to be paid on the day of sale, the bal ance on confirmation. ROBERT M. PRUYME, May 11, 1865. Administrator. RPHAN'S COURT SALE —By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the undersigned Guardian of the minor chil- j dren of Edward A. Murray, late of Athens twp.,de | ceased, will sell on the premises, at public sale, on FRI- j DAY', JUNE 30,1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of laud, situate in Athens twp., bounded north by lands occupied by Thomas Ogden, east by lands lately owned by Nathaniel Crane, south by the road leading up Griffiu's creek to J. K. Wrights, west by lands lately owned by Erastus Wolcott, dee'd. Containing about 96 acres, more or less. TERMS —S2S to be paid on the property being struck j down, one halt the balance on confirmation, the bal-I ance in one year thereafter with interest from confil'ma- . tion. MARY ANN MURRAY. May 11, 1865. Guardian. j ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue 1 of an order ot the Orphan's Court of Bradfo rd County ,the]undersigned,administratrix of the estate of Charles Rogers, late of Canton twp., deceased will sell at public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, JULY'I, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described iot, ( piece or parcel of laud situate in Canton tp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a hemlock tree the north-west corner of lot No. 27. as surveyed by John Vandyke on ' v arrant No 4596, thence east 125 perches to a birch lor a corner, thence north 702 perches to a post, thence 125 perches to a post on the west li le of said warrant, thence south 71J perches to the place of beginning. Containing 50J acres and 32 perches with allowance. . ALSO—Another lot adjoining the above, beginning at a sugar maple north-west corner of Fitch Spalding lot, 1 thence west 125 perches to the out line of warrant No. j 4596 to a beech corner, thence south 701 perches to a ' post, thence east 125 perches to a post, the north-west 1 corner deeded to Roswell Rogers, thence north 711 prs. to the place of beginning. Containing 52 acres and 33J perches, with allowances. It being the south half ot the last above described lot of land, containing in all 79 acres. TERMS—S2S to be paid on the day of sale, S7OO on continuation of sale, balance in one year thereafter, with interest from confirmation. EMILY VANDYKE, < May 11, 1865. Administratrix. IpXECUTOR S NOTICE. NOTICE J is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es etate of JOHN LAYTON. late of Litchfield, dee'd. are requested to make immediate payment.and those having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement . SALLY M. LAYTON, ISAAC LAYTON, June 8, 1865. Executors. fipbegraff's institute. JgYE AND EAR INSTITUTE. DR. UP DE GRAFF, OCULIST, ACRIST AND GENERAL SURGEON, ELMIRA.N. Y'. Treats all Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. THE EY'E.—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entro pion, (inversion of the eye-lid*] and treats all forms of " SORE EY'ES," such as Granulated Lids., Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities of the Cornea, Scrofulous dis eases of the Eye, and ail diseases to which the Eye is subject. THE EAR—Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, JVoises in the Ear. Difficulty of Hearing, Deafness, [even when the Drunf is entirely destroyed, will insert an artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes of the natural. THE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY—He will operate upou Club ( Feet. Hare Lip, Clett Palate, Tumors, Cancers, Morbid Growths, Deformities from Burns, and Hernia, and per- ) forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips j or any portion of the face is destroyed through disease j or otherwise, by healing them on anew. tar Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, *s* j and General Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL EYES—Giving them all the j motion and expression of the natural, defying detection, ! they are inserted without removing the old one or pro ducing pain. The Doctor's collection of instruments comprises all ! the latest improvements, and i? the largest in the State, j the superior advantages he has had in perfecting him- j self in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, warrants him in saying that everything within the bounds of the 1 profession may be expected ot him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we can now accommodate an increased number of patients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attaeh- j I ed to the establishment. .Vo incurable cases received fur Treatment or Opera- i 1 lions. If a case is incurable he will be so informed. I Institute on Water street, opposite the Brainard House Elmira.N. Y. Feb. 2, 1865. ( SHIM ; LES WANTED.—A quantity <>fNo. j '2, Sawed-Shingles are wanted immediately by the j Towanda Coal Company delivered at Graydon or on the , line of the Barclay Rail Road. Apply to | JAMES MACFARLANE, | i Towanda, March 16,1865. Gen. Man ger T. C. Co. | iugal. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ Oof Fi. Fa.issued oat ot the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Boro' of Towanda, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1865,a til o'clock p. m. the following described lot situate in West Bur lington tp., and bounded as follows : north by land of C. T. Merry, east by land of Mary Henson, south by lands of Mary Henson and Alonzo Beach, west by land of W. Phelps. Containing 40 acres of land, more or less, about 8 acres improved with a log house and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Abraham Steel. ALSO—One other piece of land in Canton twp., boun ded on the north by land of J. E. Bullock, east by Troy st., south by land of Henry Morgan and F. Black , west by land of Harding & Lee. Containing one half acre, more or less, all improved with one small framed build ing thereon. ALSO—One other piece of land in Canton twp,, houn ded north by land of C. A. Krise, east by laud of 11. H. and J. E. whitman, S. L. Gilliott and the estate of Wm. H. Morell deceased, on tho south by land of Wm. H. Braine, and west by Troy street Containing about one sixth of all acre of land, be the same more or less, all improved, with one framed shop and one framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofS. W. and D. F. Pomeroy A Co., to use of Charles G. Manley vs. Darius Manley, A. S. Manley and F. G. Mauley. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Columbia twp. . bounded north by lands of Alfred Furman, east by land of James Strong, south by land of Wm. H. McClelland, et. al.,and west by laud of said Alfred Furman. et. al. Containing 160 acres ot land, more or less, about 140 acres improved, with a framed house, two framed barns and two apple orchards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. M , I-eonard to use ol Eleazer Pomeroy vs. Elias Gustin and j J. B. Gustin ; ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of j land situate in the Troy boro' bounded as follows, on the , north by lands of B. S. Dartt, east by < anton street, i south by lands of D. F. Pomeroy and Widow Crippiri, ' west by land of D. F. Pomeroy. Containing 4 acres, i be the same more or less, all improved with 1 hri- k j house, 1 framed house and a few fruit trees thereon. I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. H. | Fitch to use of Eleazer Pomeroy vs. S. H. Fitch. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land ' situated in the township ot Wyalusing bounded north j by lands lately owned by Benjamin Stalford. dee'd.. i east by land of John Howard, south bv the Basque i hanna river, and west by land of D. W. Brown. Con I taining three acres more or less, all improved with on ! old dwelling house and a tew fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate ! in Wyalusing twp., bounded on the north arid east by j lands ot Mason Brown, south by land of D. W. Brown, ; west by lands of Chester and Jackson Hollenback. | Containing3o acres of land, more or less, all improved, j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harrison Black, Treasurer Ac., to use of School District ot Wya i lusing Township vs.L.P. Stalford, admr. of E. Whit i ney dee'd. I J.MONROE SMITH, Towanda, May 11,1865. Sheriff. ADM 1X ISTRATO R'.S NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the cs ! tate of W. H. PLOWMAN, late of Ulster twp., deceased i are requested to make payment, without delay, : and those havingclaimsagainst said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARY A. PLOWMAN. June 7,1865. Administrator DMINISTRATORS NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given,that all persons indebted to the estate of JUDSON A. ROY'SE, late of Leßoy twp.,dee'd are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. W. B. WILCOX, Juue 7, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the j estate of ItbielJ. Allis.lateof Orwell township,Peun'a, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, I and those having claims against said estate will present j them duly authenticated tor settlement. J. W. PAY SON, March 22, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE —NOTICE is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of ALVAH HEATH, late of Troy, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. O.F. PARSONS, May 25, 1865. Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate d iJ. B. HINMAN, late of Monroe deeeastdd are i requested to make payment without delay, and tho.-c having claims against said estate will preeseut them duly authenticated for settlement. S. S. HINMAN. J. B. M HINMAN, JOSEPH B. SWEET, May 25,1*65, Executors. A DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE. —Letters ■"I of administration ot the goods, chattels, Ac. ol EMLY DRAKE, late ot Litchfield twp., deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and a'.! persons having demands sgaiust the same are notified to present the same for settlement to the subscriber. JtiHN R. EDSALL, WM. H. SPENCER. Feb. 9,1865. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JONAH STANTON, late ot Litchfield dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having demand? against said estate will please pit sent duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM SNYDER. April. 18, 1865. Administrator■. ADM INISTR ATOR'S X OTICE- Xot ice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the i s tate ol H. J. BOYVEN, late of Warren, dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate must present them drily au thenticated for settlement. EDWIN E. ALLY'N, April 18. 1865. Administrator. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of DANIEL MINIER late ot' Shesheqnin twp., dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment aud those having demands against said estate jv ill pres ent them duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM RIDALL, April 11, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the estate of MARVIN H. LEONARD dec d, late ot Troy, I'a., are requested to make immediate payment.and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM YERBECK, May 11,1865. Administrator. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. —Notice J.A. i s hereby given, that all persons indebted to the is tate of ROSWELL HAGAR late ol Standing Stone, dee'd. are requested to make immediate pa.\merit, and al! having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. HANNAH HAGAR. NELSON COE, May 11, 1865. Admiu'tor. fEXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hen- J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of R. WILCOX, late of Albany, township, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. H.D. wiLCOX.i Eiecutore ' May 11,1865. A DMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.—Notice is /A hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of HIRAM MASON, late of Wiudham twp .dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES MASON, May 11,1865. Administrator. ADMINISTR'ORS NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of E. P. PERINE. late of Troy Borough, dee'd are requested to make immediate pa ment, and all having claims against said estate are requested to pre ent them duly authenticated for settlement. H. W. PERINE. April 27,1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of S> WOODWORTH, late ot Springfield towp.. dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment.and those having claim against' said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. ELIZABETH WOODWORTH. May 11,1865. Administratrix. ADMINTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here by given,that alt persons indebted to the estate of ■ J. D. HUMPHREY', late of Towanda borough, deceased i are requested to make immediate payment, aud those ! having demands against said estate will please present I duly authenticated for settlement. I LAURA HUMPHREY, IRA B. HUMPHREY, | May 11, 1865. Administrators. AD MINISTR ATO R'S X OTIC E—N otic, • is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es i tate o! ALEXANDER SMITH, late of Wyalusing twp.. i dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having claims against said estate must present them 1 duly authenticated for settlement. , ' ELIZA B.SMITH, SAMUEL OVERI'ECK, May 11, 1865. Administrators. A' UDITOR'S NOTICE.— I Urn.,/. Delpewh vs. Joseph Kingsbury. lu the Court of Common 1 Pleas of Bradford County, No. 144, May Term lsfij. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute i the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of defendant's real es | tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at I his office in the borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, i the 24tb day of JUNE, 1865, at 10 o clock, a.m.. and all persons having claims upon said funds must present tnem or else be forever debarred from the same I W. A. PECK. May 11, 1865. Auditor.