LOCAL AND GENERAL. Thursday last, appointed as a day humiliation uiul prayer, was very faithfully ob served. hi this place, by a general suspension of business, lieligious services took place 111 the Methodist Church. The weather, for the past few days bus been suitable for the torrid zone. The prevail in' indications are for a "dry, hot, spell of weath er " So say the weather-wise. The Canal north from this place, w , 11 Ik> in repair, and the water let in, this week. I iie great energy displayed in repairing this im portant work, is worthy of praise. jgr There will be a Parade of the Fire Department of Towanda Boro' for inspection, on Fiidsv. June S'th 18fi5, at 0 o'clock p. 111. lly order of H. B. McKEAN, Chief Km/. Beokse IT ESTKI.I., late resident of this < I while attempting to get upon a car on.the lu liware and Lackawana Railroad, at Factory ville .totioii. fell upon the track, and one leg was cut ~H'below the knee, by the wheels. We hear that In- lias since died. s 1 .">OO J'it KM ilm TO AMERICAN WRITERS. ; I'ln publisher of tlie 1 finite Weekly, Philadelphia, ' .ummnces that he will give SIOOO for the best .sto- | r v. for the second best, SIOO for the third, ; ;ijnl two preininms each of SSO for those next best, i Hi. merits of the stories to be decided by emi- 1 in-lit and well-known literary men, whose names will be published with then - decisions. All maim- i x-ripts must be sent in by the Ist of October, 18l>5. j Edgar Poe wrote his famous story of "The Gold j bug " as a prize story for this paper, and the wri- j tei-s of the United States have now an opportunity i : giving the public a chance of seeing what talent have among us, and we hope those who arc ! still unknown to fame, but feel that they have in j liii-in "thoughts that breathe uml words that j buru," should at once set to work and send to the j 11-iiac Weekly, Philadelphia, the results of their 'cuius. flic Bradford County Teachers As i.-iation will meet at Ulster, the Kith of June, at j in a. m. It is expected that Prof. F. A. AI.I.EN of I M uistii-ld Normal School will lecture, and Prof. C. j i: i'mil us will be present. IFk.iiKi. PRISONERS. —Four hundred and lif !v-!.'. < prisoners of war were discharged at Elxnira, I-i iday, upon taking the oath of allegiance. They ii-i-upied a good portion of the afternoon in get ting their transportation and left in the evening! i\vr tin- Northern Central Railway, for Baltimore. I y lulong in-the various Southern States. JOjr Many Postmasters are in the habit j ..f i- turning jiapers to publishers when uot taken ! out of the office. This is not what is required.— j IPost Office regulations require Postmasters to | m rd. to publishers not only notifying them that j tin- papers are not taken, but also giving the rea- j -. HI-, win-u ascertainable, that they are not taken. J IV.ißoi.Ei .u ON HIE APAI.ACHIN. —It is said i that there are very conclusive surface indications j : the existence of Petroleum in the Apolachin | V.ill- y : and so great is the confidence of the citi- j ... us of that region in this opinion, that lands along j the creek are rising rapidly in value. A company j lb m Bingham ton are already on the ground and an- or- oaring to sink a well. THE 14 IST RKUIMF.NT was mustered out of j rvie.-, last week, at Harrisburg. On Sunday last, j 1 ■at one hundred men of the regiment, arrived J i at this place, on their way to their homes. The j j l.ijs eoiue home browned by exposure, and hard- j ] iii <1 by the toils they have undergone. It is now j i: ally three years since this regiment left this ; • ( • i:: ity for Camp Curtin, nearly one thousand j ' st: i;g, composed of the very best blood and muscle | of the County. They mustered when discharged , bnt a few men over two hundred. Of tlie officers, i - first commissioned, but few remain. The brave i (iciu-ral brevetted Brigadier, is at home ( stiff, ring from the effects of a severe wound ; the lin - nti-d WATKINS and SPALDING, sleep in a sol- ' ■ die i s grave, dying nobly for their country. Of the | ldic officers and privates, many a gallant soul has In-, u yielded up on the field of battle. Tin- history of the 141 st regiment is a glorious one. It has suffered on many a hard-fought bat- ! tli -field, and its tattered colors have been riven in | inaiiy n desperate conflict. At Chancellorsvillc, at : ' tin- Wilderness, at Gettysburg, and in the recent Kittles before Richmond, it lias been conspicuous j tor gallantry, and for its heavy losses. ] , The reluming members deserve to be honored j ' id i- in- labeled for their bravery and the gallant- ' re with which they have upheld the cause of the . country. We bespeak for them the respect and j ' tt.-iiti-iii .if our people. Their proudest boast, in j ■ilt- v time will be, that they followed the flag of the j Gist v.-gintent through the battles of the Great | Rebellion. * 8S- W'e arc informed that the Elmira ladling Mill Co., by reasons of the high prices of j "d'-H' ami materials and the low price of that man- j 'tinctured article, have resolved to suspend opera- j 'inns iu their Merchant bar Mill until the 10th day j of July next. | BHC. I'lie wheat and grass crop are spo- < I.un of all through the country as having improved 1 in growth much during the past two weeks. The j a eatlu-r, in every respect, has been best adapted j to produce a most luxurious harvest of these sta- \ pies. MAI> HOC.—A dog,exhibiting all the symp-1 t'lius of hydrophobia, passed through this place,on j Sund ay week, biting several dogs, as he passed.— We Town Council have very properly passed un j l'diituuce requiring all dogs to be muzzled,on pen- j dlv nt death. I fioiiEv FOR JINE. —The contents of the , -'nut- nuinljor of "Godey " are more interesting and | utiiul than ever. In addition to the handsome i d fashion plates, it has the monthly services i iiu.uerous distinguished contributors. This i ! •Ruber contains the third chapter of "Poor Rela- 1 ; "'iiby Marion Harland. A trip in the Street j 1 ' by Delta. "Cupid versus Kerosene," I FiEt.FI, THE DUNGEON AND THE Escape! - 1* the title of a work now in press ; and will ! ■' la published by tlie American Publishing I at Hartford, Conn. The work embraces the j ' 1" rieiice ot Mr. Albert I). Richardson, a corres -luli-nt ot the N. V. Tribune, who, with other ; ''•spoiulents attempted the dangerous business ' ' '"lining the Vieksburg batteries, during Gen. ; "■''it s operations in that vicinity, and who after I " iiionths close confinement made his escape ! J 1 ifavi llt-il lihi miles through the country of the s - Judging (i-iiiii the advance sheets which -' " hastily glanced over, the work will be one : | bug interest. Certainly the narrative is al -id.il de one, and we doubt not will meet, a ready sale. | ! I , u '"led in every city, county and town- He- 1 . S., to canvass, and receive subserip -1 i tin work to whom liberal inducements ; offered. ; f puitii-aLirs address American Publishing I Hartford, Conn. ; A NEW stock of goods just opened at VII KHAM & BLACKS. Full line. Particulars ! next week. Xeui wlilriertiscitunts. "DLACKSMITH WANTED.—The Towan- XJ da Coal Company is in want of a good Blacksmith j immediately. Apply at Graydon, one mile from Barclay to JAMES MACFAKbANE General Manager, June 5, 1865. Towanda, Pa. R E RAYSVILLE BRASS BAND ! STEPHEN GORHAM, Leader. ! Consisting of twelve pieces, orders by mail or other j wise promptly attended to. Address STEPHEN GORHAM, June 6. 1865. Leßaysville, Pa. 10 ST.—Between the residence of the J subscriber, in Smilhfield and Milan, on Tuesday, the 23d day of May, a Pocket Book with either $2!) or : $39 in bills and some small change, and a note of S.IOO against James H. Webb, witli an endorsement thereon o! $290 and 50 cents, and a note against N. A. Farns i worth of about sll, also, a contract from N. C. Harris j to James White for a lot of lane which s iid contract was : assigned to Patrick O'Connor, with some other papers |of little or no value. Whoever will return the same to I the owner or give him information where it can be ob | tained will be liberally rewarded, i June 6,1865. PATRICK O'CONNOR. T IST OP LETTERS REMAINING IN -Li the Post Office at Towanda, Pa., tor the week end- : ing June 6, 1865 : i Ackley John Hollow J. C. Ackley Margaret Johnson Richard Bowman Harry Mi-Hale Bridget Barrett Henry j sadden Ellen ! Carey Wbeatley Mrs. Manley George Easterbrooks A. M. 2 Smith Hamrada. , ear Persons calling for any of the above letters will ! please say "Advertised." S. W. AbVORD, i Jace 6,1865, Postmaster. Q. R E -V T ~A T T R AC T I O N AT MONTA NYE ' S STO If E ' PEACE PRICES. Every viuiety ot LADIES' CLOTH, AND I FAN C V DRK S S GOO DS . Goods for Gentlemen of EVERY DESCRIPTION. And all the known Styles to suit this Market, which will be sold at WIIO LE S ALE 0 R RETA IL I TO SUIT CUSTOMERS, At prices that cannot but please. Returning thanks for past favors, wc invite attention to our Large Stock of Goods. June 6, 1665. MONTANYE A CO. THE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OF CHESTER WELLS, have been left with me for collection and settlement. All those interested will j please call and settle the same immediately and save costs. G. 11. EATON, J. P. I Towanda. May 22, 1865 FY HEAT BARGAIN. THE OLD TOWN VI SAND MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE—ISO acres of good land. 50 or 60 acres improved, in the town of Sheshequin, four miles from the river. Mill in good condition. The subscriber wants to go to Virginia.— j For terms inquire on the premises. MILTON PHILLIPS. ! Sheshequin, June 1,1865.—6 in .sd. RPIIE ART OF JIG AND CLOG DANC- X ING TAUGHT WITHOUT A MASTER.—FuII in j st ructions sent upon receipt of fifty cents. Address, Box 262, Towanda, Pa. WANTED.— 200,000 LBS., OF WOOL, for which the highest Cash price will be paid. Cash paid for Veal and Deacon skins by I). C. DAYTON. I Towanda. May 25th. pool) NEWS. REBELLION ENDED! s THE PKICE OK CLOTHING G0 N E D 0 W N W IT II G O LD ! j The best stock of good, well made Clothing ever j brought to this market is now open for inspection at tlie j STORE OF R. W. EDDY, Bought since the fall ol Gold and the Rebellion, which will enable him to give his customers tlie benefit of very j low figures, anil the decline in prices. My goads as usu al are stylish, and a la mode. No second rate shoddy l goods, every article guaranteed as represented or no j sale. My goods are all THE LATEST FASHIONS, And equal to the best city custom made, and fit to aT. ! As usual the best quality all wool Business Suits, Black Frock Coats, Black Doe Pants and Vests, Linen Coats, Dusters,and Pants, The Latest Style Fine Silk Hats, Soft, Straw, Panama and Cloth Hats, White and Negligee Shirts, Cotton Neck Ties, Gloves, Sus penders-, Under Shirts and Drawers, Best quality English Half Hose. Over Alls, Over Shirts, Linen Hand kerchiefs, Ladies I-'ine Morocco Travelling Bags. In fact everything usually fouud in a First Class Gentleman's Furnishing Store. My motto is good Goods at a fair price are cheaper than poor goods at any ! price. All goods sold al one price, no bantering not teasing to make an offer, but every one gets the same goods at the same price, which is the bottom of the market. All old goods marked down to the gold base, and will be sold regardless/)! sacri- ( fiee. If you want good : goods at a fair price, i go to EDDY'S, j t where you will find i him ready to show his goods and sell them too at the lowest fig ure to correspond with Gold. Bear in mind the place to buv good, well made, reliable Clothing is at It. W. EDDY'S, next door to Powell & Co. ' 1 Towanda, May 17, 1865. R ' W " ' 1 T>LANTS,GRAPE VINES,EVER-BLOOM- j 1 2. ROSES. Fine variety of VERBENAS, DAHLAS ' Ac., for sale at the Garden ot HARRY MIX. I Early Winningstadt. do Ox Heart, do Sugar I.oaf, do ' Large York Cabbage Plants, 8 cents per dozen ; Early i and late Cauliflowers 8 cents per dozen ; Smooth, Fejee, s Perfected, Red and Yellow Tomato Plants, 10 cents per dozen ; Egg Plums and Sweet and Bell shaped Pepper Plants, 10 cents per dozen ; Melon and Cucumber Plants i til pots 25 cents, including pots ; Celery Plants 35 cents ! i per 100 ; all kinds late Cabbage 35 cents per 100. To ' - insure safety plants are put up nicely in moss. Towanda, April 13,1865. BOUNTY, BACK FAY AND PENSIONS, j The undersigned Agent, for collecting Pensions, i Bounty Money, Arrears of Pay of all kinds due Officers, I Privates, Sutlers, Officers' Accounts settled and Certifi cates of non indebtedness procured. No charge unless uccessful. W. T. DA VIES. Towanda. March 16, 1865, A LARGE ARRIVAL OF FISH, COD FISH, M.ukerel, Herriug, Blue-Fish, Scale-Fish, j &c., at wholesale and retail. Mackerel put up in small packages lor family use, some very choice ones ; also 1 quarter and halt-barrel packages, all offering lor sale at i low rates, by fer2 E. T. FOX. j VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR > T SALE. - The subscriber offers for sale the dwelling house and lot iu this borough now occupied by him, be ing the house built and formerly occupied byE.W. : liaird, esq. Terms made satisfactory, and possession given to suit the purchaser. Apply to J „ ~ 'M.E.SOLOMON. 1 towanda, May 11, 1865. CYS'LR.W MARE. —Uuiiie into tlie enclo- ! -Li sure of the subscriber, about one week since, n I stray mate. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take her away. GEO. H. WELLES. Athens, May 10,1865.- 3t. illerc|)anM;e. I j_j E N R Y M ERCUR & CO., Towanda, Penn'a, Have on hand and are opening at L 0 WEST MARKET PRICK S , A superior stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, ' COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Towanda, March 21, 1865. W 1 LI A M A . R0 C K \V ELL, Having just returned from New York, Is now receiving and offers AT MODERATE PRICES, A FINE STOCK OF SPR IN G GOO DS ! And although "THIS CRUEL WAR IS OVER.' It does not follow that people can dispense with the ne cessaries of life. CALL, THEREFORE, AND SEE HIS DOMESTIC GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINES, GROCERIES, TOYS, Ac. Ac. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S HATS, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, SUMMER SHAWLS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. Towanda, May 10, 1805. MI.'S, HAVERLY, WAVERLY, N. Y„ Artist in Hair Jewelry, Rings, Pins, Bracelets, Chains, Switches, Combs, Waterfalls, Grecian Bows, j and Braids of various patterns. Work from a distance ' promptly attended to. warranted satisfactory, and re- j turned by mail. Those having hair for sale give me a 1 call, or send, as I wish to purchase. May 10, 1865. TO THE DAIRYMEN OF BRADFORD j COUNTY.—Having procured the right of making | and selling the celebrated Brinkerhott' Churn in this and j Susquehanna County, which chnrn is so highly recom mended wherever it is introduced. We can supply all wanting them on short notice, at our Foundry, where j we ki cp on hand Plows, ,tc. All castings done to order. BIUCHARD A GEROULD. East Sniitlifield, Bradford co., May 9, 1865.—4t.p. THE FARMER MOWER.— w c were tin i fortunate in getting hold of some poor iron, last season, and some of it got incorporated in Mowers sold by It. M. WELLES. We intend all Mowers, sent to Mr. \v KM.ES, shall be made good, arid put in durable aud winking order. We now have men in Bradford County ! repairing said machines, who are instructed to see ev ery Mower sold by Mr. Welles, or his agents, aud to re- j pair the same in a satisfactory manner. .... „ „ PARSONS & HAINES, Harrisburg, I'a.. May 20, 1865. 1O THE:!• ARMING PfßMc.—l would respectfully call the attention ol all interested to the above card from Messrs. Parsons & Haines. They are now making castings of an extra quality, aud 1 feel entirely justified ! iu expressing the belief that perfect confidence can be I placed in the assurance contained in said notice ; and in i the excellent quality of the work and goods they are ' now making. Their castings are now made from the best Charcoal Pig Iron, mixed with the best Anthracite ' Iron made in the State, and tempered with be-t quality Scrap Iron. I shall offer for sale a lot of twenty-four ot i last year's Farmer Mowe;s, which will be thoroughly j repaired and improved, and warranted to give satislac- ' tion to the purchasers, with a satisfactory opportunity ; for thorough trial before closing the purchase. They j will be sold at last year's price aud will be new machines not having been used. My residence is now in Towanda Township. H. M. WELLES. lowanda. June i, 1865. BBIDGE LETTING.—SeaIed proposals will be received at the Mill of Isaac Morley, Athens twp., until 3 o'clock p. nr. upon Thursday, June 15th, 1865, tor the building and completing of a Bridge across Shepard's Creek, near that place. Plan and specifica. tion tor the same may be seen at the store of N. C. Har ris in Athens boro', and at the C immissioners office lor ten days previous to said letting. J. CAMPBELL,! W.B.DODGE, > Com J.BEARDSLKY Commissioner s office. Towvnda, My 23, 1860 (Groceries. JQEOLI < '• E S T K V E X S , UKSkKAL lIgALEK i IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, GRAIN, i SALT, AC., Hfidleman'* Block, corner of Main A Rridge Streets, Would respectfully announce that he iR prepared to exhibit a tine assortment ot GROCERIES, I Which arc now offering at the lowest possible prices for CASH on COUNTRY PRODUCE. ! He would invite the public to .111 examination of bis I .-took, which is entirely new and lias been carefully se lected with especial reference to the wants ol this'mar ket. He is also prepared to pay cash for all f Couu—lyink v i roduce. Towanda. April 25 4.186 i> ds IQ.ROCB RI E S CIIE A P . E. T. POX, has just received the finest assortment of 'iroceries ever ottered for sale in Towanda, To my old ! customers. 1 would say. You shall have GOOD, FRESH A.M) Flßs'l CLAHS GOODS at the lowest price. To any one who will favor us with a call, we think we : can offer INDUCEMENTS seldom found in this vicinity We take pleasure in showing (foods, and will try and , make it to the interest o! all to buy. Onr inotto is GOOD GOODS AT LOW RATE, AM) FAIR DEALING. January 1864. K. T. POX. JUST lIKUEIVKI> FJtOiM NKW YORK, A Kitst Kate Asstirtinent ot A No 1 GROCERIES. . - PROVISIONS, FISH, &c., Which the subscribers oiler to the citizens of Bradford County At the I Lowest prices, ai d guarantee everything sold ol the BEST QUALITY 01! NO SALE. Also, Wanted, FARMERS' PRODUCE, | For which the highest price, in CASH, will be paid. | C. P.. PATCH A Co. ; Towanda, Jan, 28, 1804. F<>R MACKEREL, HERRING, And CODFISH, go to PATCH'S. Y OR TEAS, SUGARS,; and COFFEES, Go to PATCH'S, j |F 0R TOBACCO CIGARS, Ac., go to PATCH'S. iJgO 0 T S AN I) 8110 E S ! New Styles at HUMPHREY & GO'S. | J JUMPIWIEY & CO.'S HARNESS SHOP ! Has a full stock of H ARNE S S\ SADDL E S, W IT I P S, And everything to be found in a first class establishment j rjIRUNKS, TRAVELING HAGS,VALISES AND RETICULES. Largest assortment in town, at HUMPHREY A GO'S. I I WOULD cull attention t< our Stock of TEA, which we offer for sale eherp by the chest ! Bradford, for the year 18(15. Township. Name*. Clots. Am 1 1 /Ahe. ' Atheris Borough Welles A Page, 11! $lO on (j. A J. W. Corustock, Hi 10 (Ml (i. A. Perkins-, |:j p, (q . F. N. Page. 11 7 rip ' E. Averell. U 7 oo Harris A Saltmarsh, 13 10 oi) 0. H. Merrick, Trustee, 14 7 00 D. F. Park, 10 20 00 ! H. Caruer. 14 7 00 ' Edwin White, 11 7 Otl i Mrs. Coburn, 14 7 00 Athens twp.—David Gardner, 14 7 00 A. Beidleman, 14 7 00 ! J. S. Srhnltz, 11 7 00 | Albany— A. A S. I). Sieriger, I I 7 00 I Asylum—U. Moody, 13 10 00 ! Burlington West— Ed. E. Loornis, it 7 00 S 8. Webster, 14 7 00 j j Burlington boro.--..'. F. Long A Sons, 13 iO 00 Reuben Morley, 13 10 00 i D. 11. Sweeny. 14 7 00 ; B. Sconton, 14 7 00 Canton twp.—J.M. Foster, II 7 00 ' Andrns A Palmer, 14 7 00 Canton boro.— W. S. A E. Newman, 14 7 00 Win. H. Broiue, 12 12 50 1 A Doty, 13 10 00 J. E. Bullock, 14 7 00 Spalding & Towusend, 14 7 00 ' Mix .t Hooper, 14 7 00 ' W S. Baker, 11 7 00 j John Turner. 14 7 00 11. T. Beirdsley, 14 7 (iO ' Charles A. Kris, 14 7 00 1 E. Wilcox, 14 7 00 , Columbia—Peter Monroe, 14 7 00 A. 11. Austin, 14 7 00 Franklin—Barclay Coal Company, 11 15 00 i Fall Creek Iron A Coal Co., Li 15 00 Granville—L. I). Taylor. 14 700 Herriek—C. Rice, 14 7 00 i Leßoy—C. 11. Lamb, 14 7 00 N.Smith, 14 7 00 C. I). Holcomb A Co., 11 7 00 Monroe—A. L. Cranrncr A Son, 14 700 Henry Tracy, 14 7 00 Orwell—Kimball A Beebe, 13 10 00 L. H. Bronson, 14 7 00 S. H. Bronson. 13 12 50 11. Gibbs & Sou, 14 7 00 ' G. J. Norton, 14 7 00 1 Overton— C. Hickerman, It 7 00 Pike—Stevens A Burrows, 13 10 00 Leßaysville L. L. Bosworth, 11 7 00 Bosworth A Co., 13 10 00 J. F. Bosworth A Son 14 7 00 G. H. Little A Son, 13 10 00 Rome boro.—Geo Nichols, 13 10 00 1 L. L. Moody, i.i ill 00 Ridgbtiry— B. F. Burk, ' 1 7 00 ! Evans A Hill, 14 7 00 ' 1.. B. Gardner, 14 7 00 i Lyman Woodruff, 14 7 00 A. H. Voorhis, 11 7 00 ' Springfield—N. S. Watson, II 700 i Win Daily, 14 7 00 : Sinitlifield—C. B. Iliggs, 11 7 00 E. S. Tracy. 14 7 00 Fritcher Durl'ey. 14 7 00 ; M. E. Bullock," 14 7 00 I Standing Stone—James Espy, 1 1 7 00 1 F. E. Bush, 13 10 00 i 11. W. Tracy, 11 7 00 j South Creek—J.M. Young, 14 7 00 Hiram Sample, 14 7 00 Shesheqnin— Ralph Gore, 14 7 00; Terry—J. L. Jones A Co , 14 7 00 | Troy Boio—S. X. Aspinwall, 11 15 00 J. Blamped, 12 12 50 G. F. Redington, 13 lit 00 Jewell A Potucroy, 13 10 00 O.P.Ballard, 14 7 00 M. Frankc-I, 14 7 00 | E. C. Oliver A Son, 14 7 00 E. H. Dewey, 13 10.00 S. W. Paine, 14 7 00 Pierce & Seymour, 14 7 00 Mrs. ('. K. Spencer, 14 7 00 E. P. Pcruie, 5 00 00 Lcug A- Hopkins, II 25 00 F. Calkins, 14 7 00 F. L. Ballard, 14 7 00 _Grant A Humphrey, 14 7 00 1 S.M. Leonard, 8 30 00 i Morgan A Davidson, 13 10 00 Corbin A Mitchell, 14 7 00 Troy twp.— R. Stiles, 14 7 00 j Towanda Boro.—John Beidleman, 11 7 00 ! Win. A. Rockwell, 11 15 00 Solomon & Son, 12 12 50 j G. W. Coon & Co., 13 10 00 . Wickham A Black, 13 10 00 W. K. Hill, 14 7 no I J. Slilain, 13 10 00 j H. C. Porter, 13 10 00 j Montanyes, 10 20 00 ! Hen-ry Mercur & Co., 10 20 00; D. 11" Barstow, 13 10 00 A. M. Bley, 1-1 7 00 J. Lewis, 14 7 00 j Codding A Russell, 8 30 00 i Tracy A Moore, 11 15 00 11. M. Eddy, 14 7 00 J. Powell A Co., 3 100 00 ; E. T. Fox, 12 12 50 i C.B. Patch A Co., 11 15 00 J. M. Collins 13 10 00 J. A. Record, 14 7 00 ; Humphrey A Co., 13 10 00! Marshal Brothers, 13 10 00 ! J. O. Frost. 14 7 00 Cowles&Co., 12 12 50 j Geo. Stevens, 10 20 00 J.W.Taylor, 12 12 50 I Wm. A. Chamberlin, 14 7 00 ' A. M. Warner, 14 7 00 : Ulster—Amosa Watkins, 14 7 00 A Newell A Co., 14 * 00 Jason S.'Smith, 14 7 00 I Wilmot—Samuel Norcouk, 14 7 00 i Wyalusing—G. H. Bixby. 12 12 50 , J. G. Kceler, 14 7 00 ! Augustus Lewis, 13 10 00 ! E. M. Bishop, 13 10 00 ! ('. S. Lalerty, 13 10 00 ! Wysox—V. E. A J. E. Piollet, 11 7 00 ; | Warren R.Cooper. 13 10 00 Talmadge A Bowen, 14 7 00 Welles—Jason Watkins, 14 7 00 A List and Classification ot Persons engaged in the sale of Patent Medicines. Nostrums, Ac., in tile County ! of Bradford, for the year 1805. Athens—G. A. Perkins, 4 5 00 A. Beidleman. 4 5 00 Burlington boro.—J. F. Long A Sous, 4 5 00 i D. H. Sweeney. 4 5 00 j Canton -J. M Foster, ' 4 5 no W. S. A E. Newman, 4 5 00 Wm. H. Braine. 4 5 00 ; A. Doty, 4 5 00 ' J. O. Randall. 4 5 00 : W. S. Baker, 4 5 00 j Andrus A Paimer, 4 5 00 j J . N. Williams, -1 5 00 ! Columbia—Peter Monroe. 4 5 00 A. B. Austin, 4 5 00 i Geanville—L. D. Taylor, 4 500 j Leßoy—C I). Hoaglatid A Co., 1 5 00 I ■ (ML Lamb, 4 500 i Orwell—S. N. Bronson, 4 500 , 1 Pike—J. F. Bosworth A Sou, 4 500 j | Rome—Geo. Nichols, 4 500 | 1 L. L. Moody, 4 5 00 j i Ridgbury—A. H. Voorliies, 4 500 B. B. Burk, 4 5 00 j < L. B. Gardner, 4 5 00 Smithfield—E. S. Tracy, -1 500 ' South Creek—J .M. Young, 4 5 00 ; lliram Sample, 4 5 00 | Sheshequin— Ralph Gore, 4 6 00 j Troy—G. F. Redington. 4 5 00 j F. S. Ballard, 1 5 00 Corbitt A Mitchell, -1 5 00 j Towanda—H. C Porter. 4 500 | D. H. Barstow, 4 5 00 Windham—Wm. H. Russell, 4 5 00 List of Bankers and Brokers in the County of Brad j ford for the year 1865. Troy Boro.— Pomeroy Brothers. 9 26 62 Towanda boro.—B. S. Russell, 9 '26 62 ; A List of Beer and Eating Houses and tneir classifies- i tion. in the County of Bradford for the year 1865. Burlington boro C. W. Cranmer, 8 10 00 ! Canton boro.—H. Tattle, 8 10 00 A. V. Trout, 8 10 00 Henry Morgan, 8 10 00 Columbia—A. P. Sladc, 8 10 00 j ! Gronville—J T. Leonard, 8 10 00 Litchfield—John McKean, 8 10 00 I Monroe boro.—A. Mullen, 8 10 00 ! H. S. Phinney. 8 10 00 ! Mingus A Cranmer, 8 10 00 I Leßaysville—W. F. Robins, 8 10 00 j Orwell—H. A. Prince, 8 10 00 AlbertAllen, S 10 00 : Rome—C. S. Park. 8 10 00 Standing Stone—C. S. Taylor, 8 10 00 ' Shesbeqnin—Kinney A Bingham. 8 10 00 ! Terry—E. W. Neal, 8 10 00 Troy boro.—J.N. Wolf, 8 10 00 C. T. Merry A Co., s 10 00; Towanda boro.—John Meredith, 8 10 00 D. B. Bartlett, 8 10 00 John Langhlin, S 10 00 J.S. Allyn, 8 10 00 j T.J. Jones. s 10 001 F. E. Barber, 8 10 00 ' Ulster—U. Sbaw, 8 10 00 Rockwell Brothers, 8 10 00 Classification and list of Distilleries and Breweries in ; Bradford County lor the yaar 1865. Troy—J.J. A G. F. Velio, distillery, 25 00 1 Towanda boro.—A, Loder, brewery, 15 00 i I, N. N. BETI'S. Mercantile Appraiser for tbe County ! of Bradford, for the year 1865, do hereby certify the feregoing to be a correct list of said appraisement and ; classification of Hie same lor the year 1865. Appeal at flic Treasurer's Office in Towanda, June 3, I 1865. N. N. BUTTS. May 10, lsG5. Mercantile Appraiser. "VJ" OTICE TO COLLECTORS.—In pcr _Li suance of in \ct passed the 30th day of April, 1864, taking effect ill 1865, the Commissioners are re quired to pay the liiP amount of State Tax to ths State Treasurer betore the first day of August in each and : every year, and in case of failure the county is charged five per cent, upon all remaining unpaid upon that date, . and the Commissioners are required to charge the same I !to Collectors. In order to make prompt payment to the ; State Treasurer. Collectors will be required to settle and pay their Duplicates of State and County Tax In full by the 15th day of July next. And upon lailuie of any Collectors to comply with the above suits will be 1 immediately brought to collect the amount due. No I abatements can be allowed. J. CAMPBELL, ) W. B. DODGE, > Corn's. JXO.BEARDSLEE \ i Com'ks Office, April 17,1865. Ccgal. NOTICE.- Notice is here- JLJ by given that all persous indebted t the estate of AU.VNTHUS HYATT Uteot Wells township. Bradford County, dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay and all having claim against said estate are re quested to present them nly authenticated tor settle ment. J. E. COOK, May 15, 1865. Executor A|).\l IN I r-TI'AT< lir.- N OTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persous indebted to the estate of WM. ROBERT-. dee'd, late of Canton twp, are requu-teii to nuke immediate p.yment, and those hav iug demands against said e-tate will present ibem duly ! authenticated lor settlement, WM. ROBERTS, C. STOCKWKLI,, May It;, ls;ts. Administrators. A DMINIB'fRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice XX. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol El.l lIA WHITNEY, dee d, late ol Wyalu.sing are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate "will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. L. P. STALFCRI), May 16,1865. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'ri NOTlCE.—Notice 1 -t *• is hereby given, that ad persons indebted to the es tate ol ISAAC WEBBER, dec d, late of Franklin twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. JANE WEBBER, ANDREW CUMMINS, Springfield, May 15, 1865. Administrators. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issui d out of the Orphan's Court ot Iliad ford County, the undersigned Administrator ol Silas Packard, dee'd, will sell on the premises in Alba Boro' on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, JO, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. in., all that lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Alba Borough, bounded as follows : Beginning at the centre or junction ol the Granville road and the road leading from Arabol Black man's, Mauley's, and bounded on the east by the road leading from the said Mauley's, on the south by B. Baker's lot, an the west by lands ol Irad Wilson, on the north by the Granville road. Containing one-half aere, be the same more or less, a small framed dwelling house thereon, i ALSO—AII that certain lot of land situate in Leifoy twp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a hemlock j stump on the line ot W. J, Stones' lot, tlience north 82£° west 14 rods to an ash. thence north 35° west 44 rods to a post, south-west corner ol E. A cables lot, thence east 5J perches to a post thence south along the line of IV. J. Stones' land 108 rods to the place of beginning. Con taining 27 acres and 100 rods, be the same more or less. ALSO—AII that other certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton two., and bounded as follows, on the west by lands of William Packard and Henry Jen nings, ou the north by lands formerly owned by Win. Scott, dee'd., on the east by lands belonging to the es tate of John Grey dee'd., on the south by lands belong | ing to the estate of Abigal Ayres, dee'd.,. Containing about 104 acres; about 50 acres Improved, with one : trained house, barn and out buildings and an apple or chard thereon. TERMS—S2S to ire paid on each lot at the time the property is struck do on, one half 'lie remainder on con firmation of sale the balance in one year thereafter with interest from continuation. MINOR P. PORTER, : May 11, 186e. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun ' ty, the undersigned Administrator of the estate ot Mar garet Fritcher, late of Athens b rough, deceased. will sell on the premises, at public sale, on THURSDAY", JUNE 29, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens borough, bounded as follows : Beginning on Maiu-st.. at the north-west corner of Chester Parks' lot. thence north wardly along ilain-st., 504 teet to land now owned by the Episcopal Church, thence eastwardly along 'he line of land of said Episcopal Church 105 feet to the land of C, W. Clapp, thence southwardly along said C W. i Clapp's land 16 feet, thence eastwardly along the line of lands ol said Clapp 60 leet to the north-west corner of a lot owned by M. l'ike, thence southwardly along the line of said Pike 35J teet to lands of the said M. Pike, thence weswardlyalong lands of the said M. Pike ; and the north line of M. Parks' lot lt-5 leet to the place of beginning. TEKMS —*2S to be paid on the day of sale, hall the balance on confirmation, the balance one year thrreatter with interest from conflnnatiou. CHARLES W. CLAPP, Mjy 11, 1865. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT' SALE.—By virtue ot an order of the Orphan's Court ot Bradford County, the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Channel eight, deceased, will sell on the premises, at public sale, ou SATURDAY', JUNE 17, 1-65, at 1 o'- clock, p. in., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington twp., bounded as follows : Be | ginning at a chesnut at the south-east corner of War- I rant No. 1500, thence by lauds ol Wm. Barnes east | 46 6-25 prs. to the north-west corner of Alexis De scliaux land, thence by lands ol Alexis Deschaux 107 ! prs., to the "south-west corner of Alexis Deschaux, thence west by lands lately owned by Wm. C. Hall 06 8-25 prs. to a corner, thence west by" the west line ol i Warrant No. 1724, 107 prs. to the place of beginning.— Containing 30 acres, or thereabouts, all improved, with ! a framed house log barn and a few fruit trees thereon. TERMS—S2S to be paid on the day of sale, the bal : auce on confirmation. ROBERT M. PRUYME, May 11, 1865. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an older of the Orphan's Court of Bradford | County, the undersigned Guardian of the minor chil dmtof Edward A. Murray, late ot Atheus twp..de ' ceased, will sell ou the premises, at public sale, ou FRI DAY". JUNE 30,1865, at 1 o'clock, p. nr., the following lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Athens twp., bounded north by lauds occupied by Thomas Ogdeu, east by lands lately owned by Nathaniel Crane, south by the road leading up Griffin's creek to J. K. Wrights, west by lauds lately owned by Erastus Wolcott, dee'd. Containing about 96 acres, more or less. TERMS— $25 to be paid cn the property being struck down, one bait the balance on confirmation, the bal ance in one year thereafter with interest from confirma tion. MARY ANN MURRAY. May 11,1865. Gnardian. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order ol the Orphan's Court of Bradfo rd County,the undersigned,administratrix of the estate of Charles Rogers, late of Canton twp., deceased will sell at public sale,.on the premises, on SATURDAY", JULY' 1, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton tp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a hemlock tree the north-west corner of lot. No. 27. as surveyed by John Vandyke on v arrant No 4596, tlience east 125 perches to a birch for a corner, thence north 704 perches to a post, thence 125 perches to a post on the west li te of said warrant, thence south 714 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 504 acres and 32 perches with allowance. ALSO—Another lot adjoining the above, beginning at a sugar maple north-west corner of Fitch Spalding lot, thence west 125 perches to the out line of warrant No. 4596 to a beech corner, thence south 704 perches to a post, tlience east 125 perches to a post, the north-west corner deeded to Rosweli Rogers, thence north "14 prs. to the place of beginning. Containing 52 acres and 334 perches, with allowances. It being the south half ol the last above described lot of land, containing in all 79 acres. TERMS—S2S to be paid on the day of sale, S7OO on confumation of sale, balance in one year thereafter, with interest from confirmation. EMILY VANDY'KE, May 11,1865. Administratrix. ijiXEOUTOR S NOTICE. N OTICE J is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es- Ctate of JOHN LAY'TON. late of Litchfield, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment,and those having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. SALLY M. LAYTON, ISAAC LAY'TON, June 8. 1865. Executors. Upiicgvaff's institute. Jg Y E A N D EA R INS T ITUTE. DR. UP DE GRAFF, Oci T. IST, ACRIST AND GENERAL SURGEON, EI.MIRA,N. Y'. Treats all Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat. THE EYE.—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial ; Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium. Entro pion. (inversion of the eye-lid.] and treats all forms of " SORE EY'ES, 1 ' such as Granulated Lids, Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities ot the Cornea, Scrofulous dis eases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eye is • subject. THE EAR.—Treats successfully Discharges from the ! Ear, Aidses in tiie Ear. Difficulty ol Hearing, Deafness, [even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will insert I an artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes of the natural. THE THROAT Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH | in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—Iie will operate upon Club Feet, Hare Lip, Cleft Palate. Tumors. Cancers, Morbid Growths, Deformities from Burns, ami Hernia, and per forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips or any portion of the face is destroyed through disease or otherwise, by healing them on anew. Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, and General Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL EYES.—Giving them all the motion and expression of the natural, defying detection, they are inserted without removing the old one or pro ducing pain. The Doctor's collection of instruments comprises all the latest improvements, and is the largest in the State, the superior advantages he has had in perfecting him self in all that is new and valuable iu Surgery, warrants hint iu saying that everything within the bounds of the profession may be expected oi him. The Institute lias been greatly enlarged, so that we can now accommodate an increased number of patients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach , ed to the establishment. No incurable casts received for Treatment or Opera tions. If a case is incurable he will be so informed. Institute on Water street, eppasitethe Brainard House ' Elmira. N.Y. ' Feb. 2, 1865. CHINGLES WANTED.—A quantity of No. lO 2, Sawed Shingles are wanted immediately by the , Towanda Coal Company delivered at Gray don or ou the I line of the Barelav Rail Road- Appb' l " JAMES MACFARLANE, Towanda, ifcireh 16,1865. Gen. Man'ger T. C. Co. £cgul. SHERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue of :t writ r I Oof Fi. Fa.ixsued ont of the Court of Common Pleas of ; Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, will be . I exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Boro' ot Towanda, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1865,at*1 o'clock p. HI. the following described lot situate in West Bnr iiiigUm lp., and liomided as follows: north by laud of C. T. Merry, east by laiot ol Mary Reason, south by lands of Mary Heuson and Alonzo Beach, west by land ,ot W. Phelps. Containing 40 acres of land, more or less, about 8 acres improved with a log hoime and ate v I fruit trees thereon. -eized and taken in execution at the suit ol the Com monwealth ot Pennsylvania vs. Abraham Steel. ALSO—One other piece of laud iu Canton twp., boon ded on the north by land ol J. E. Bullock, east by Troy st., south by land of Henry Morgan and F. Black , we-t by laud of Harding A Lee. Coritaini ig one half acre, i more or less, all improved with one small framed build ing thereon. ALSO—One other piece of land in Canton twp,, boun , ded north by laud or C. A Krise, east by land of II 11. . 1 ami J. E. Whitman, S. L. Gilliott and the estate of Wm. , i H. Morell deceased, on tho south by land of Win. H. i Braiue, and west by Troy street Containing about on - sixth of ati acre of land. Ire the same more or less, all I improved, with one framed shop and one framed barn i thereon. | Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofS. W. and D. F. Poraeroy A Co., to u.- of Charles G. Manley ■ vs. Darius Manley. A. 8. Mauley and F. G. Manley. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel ot ' land situate in Columbia twp., bounded north by lands of Allied Furman, east by land ol James Strong, south | by land of Wm. H. McClelland, et. al.,aud west by laud of said Alfred Furman. et. a!. Containing 160 acres ol ! laud, more or less, about 140 acres improved, with u j trained bouse, two framed barns and two apple orchards thereon. • Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. M. Leonard to use ot Eleazer Pomeroy vs. Elias Gustiu ami j J. B. Gustin 1 ! ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel ot 1 land situate in the Troy Isivo' hounded as follows, oil tin -1 north by laftds of B. 8. i'artt, east by Canton street, j south by lands of I). F. Pomeroy and Widow Crippin. ' west by land of D. F. Pomeroy. Containing 4 acres, i be the same more or less, all improved with 1 brick ( bouse, 1 framed house and a tew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. H. ! Fitch to use of Eleazer Pomeroy vs. S. H. Fitch, j ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud 1 j situated in the township ol Wyalu.sing bounded nortl by lands lately owned by Benjamin Stulford dee'd., east by land ol John Howard, south by the Su=que : j hanna river, and west by land ot D. W. Brown. Con taining three acres more or less, all improved with one ' : old dwelling house and a few fruit trees thereon. • j ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate ; in Wyalusing twp., bounded on the north and east by ' lands ot Mason Brown, south by land of D. W. Brown, j west by lands of Chester and Jackson Hollenback. I Containing3o acres of land, more or less, all improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harrison j Black, Treasurer Ac., to use ol School District ot Wya ■ j lusiug Township vs.L.P. Stafford. adtnr. of E. Whit ney dc-c'd. J. MONROE SMITH, ; Towanda, May 11, 1865. Sheriff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE—No : is hereby given that all persons indebted to the • ! j tate of W. H. PLOWMAN, iate ol Ulster twp., deceased ' I are requested to make payment, without .delay. 1 J and those having claims against