Bradford Reporter. LOCAL AMD (iEAiERA L. a&° Tin* Ait of Jig and Clog Dancing i ni' lit without u Master. See lulvertiseuient in uiiitlu'' eolntiiu. DBOWXEP. —A man named John H. Carrier, ; HjftMinan from Auburn Tp., Susquehanna County, drowned in the Susquehanna river at the jjb above Mill Creek, on Friday morning last.— hi attempting to fasten the raft, he was caught in t [j, i-,.jie and drawn into the water, and drowned !„ I'.IO assistance could reach him. |Jo.\is. — Heavy rains during the last , k have helped to keep the roads in many parts [he eouutry in bad condition. Frowned. —John Graves a well known citi/.eti of Windham Township, in this County, we j, , nl was drowned in passing the schute at Nanti dain on Saturday last. He was standing at the side of the oar of an ark which ho was running, wla ii the oar-blade caught a swirl and he wis *hr wn violently into the water, all efforts to save him bv his companions were vain. T'oikhmioch I 1,. ,n,Tt in gold at the rate of (5 per cent per an- | 1 nm.i The notes will be dated July 15th, and the | ini. rest will be paid to the purchaser in advance j j :q. t<> that time at the rate of seven and three' H tenths per cent. '('his is the last loan the government will m i e I I• ut ile, so high a rate of interest, and as it will un [ 1 mt.tcilly all be taken in a very shot time, it be- j 1 . in. s.v. ry one who has the money to securo the ! I ,:iv. urn nt as soon as possible. It- freedom from all State, county, and town I t.c. s its perfect safety—and being exchangeable I ■ r : the famous 5-20 Bonds, makes it like the for- I ' •• -"ries, tiie most desirable loan offered by the . iftuii.-nt. Phis Bank will as usual render to! ■ invest .si v.ry facility for taking the loan and in-; I formation iii regard to it will he cheerfully given. N. N. BETTS jr., ( W<. | Fr 11. \\ i:sr. >x, Dentist —lias resumed! I i ! ' tie.-. Persons at a distance wishes his services ' IB Eel i t make applications by mail. Office in l'at ■'% : Block, over Dr. Barstow's Drug Store. HORSES FOR SALE. —Four line young 1 llor-! ■ - s f". • ale—in fine condition, sounc and kind. | I M ill |„. sohl cheap, as the owners have no further ! I us.-t'..r them. Enquire of COWXES it Co., at the ■ N't s Room, for one week. STASH- DITY OX NOTES. —The following de- H isioii in reference to Stamp Duty on Judgment i H X •!. - is of interest to all our readers : Mo.s'xii' .SK, April 24, 18(55. A. ROLLINS, Depidtj VoiHinissiinier: What stump duty do the enclosed Judgment H N 'i. s require 'i Does the sml make any dilference I in tii-character of the instrument and amount of j B ' Suppose the vw'" / /toh had been drawn for I -an 1' - than one hundred dollars, what stamp ! ■ 1 it have required? My attention has been ! ii-i to 1,-tter to I>. K. White, Collector for 28.1 I Pa., under date of February Dili 18(55. .'m i • > but as 1 have no means of knowing what • - iii i ..! blanks he sent. I write for information. In i ■ t'"- •: the forms I send have heretofore been • | : i i i - Promissory Notes, and where judgment I •=- '••<> 1 teied, the additional fifty cents has been nffixe 1 hj the Clerk of the Court making the entry, l'e "i t fully, Yours. IV. 11. .TESSTP, Assessor (tf 12f// District, J'n. ' FIST FORM. 9 ~ April Ist, 18(55. i< ii 'i .y- alter date, tor value received, I promise : pay A 15. or b.-.irer.onc hundred and five dollars, j 9 P-'i interest, and without defalcation or stay or ex- ! 'itimi. And Ido hereby confess judgment for "•y all errors, and waiver of all rights to in- ■ I iUisition and appeal, and to the benefit of all laws j I • tempting real or personal property from levy and SECOND FORM, g : ii thiys alter uate, for value received I promise 88 1"> A- 1'- or bearer, one hundred and five dol- Ii i-. with interest, and without defalcation or stay j 4 execute. , And Ido hereby confess judgment tU " "hove sum, with interest and e„ s t of suit a I release of all errors, a waiver of all ri dits to in quisition and appeal, and to the IK.-nefit\.f all laws S lupting real <.r personal property from levy and le. Witness my hand and seal. C. D. [SEAL.] DECISION. TIIEASITRY DEPARTMENT. ) ! OFFICE OF INTERNAL KEVENTE, WASHINGTON, April 27th, 1805. \ W. 11. JESSCP, esq.: Vour letter of the 24tli inst., in regard to j | ' imp duty on Judgment Notes, is received. li. reply I have to say that the first note, No. 1, I >"' ii enclose requires a stamp duty of five cents for j b hundred dollars or fractional part thereof, as } I pr"iuissnry note, and also a stomp of five cents ' ■R agreement t waive inquisition and appeal, ! 1! judgment should be entered up upon eon u. it would then require an additional stamp | > titty cents us a confession of judgment. 1 lie second form submitted by you. being under i ■ IS subject to a stump duty of twenty-five cents ; '■ml not otherwise charged : if for an amount. • v ■. ding due hundred dollar.'. If the amount Is one hundred dollars, it is subject to stamp ■ s personal bond for the payment of a defi- i ' i 1 certain sum of money, and upon judg- ' ; I -' . ing entered up an additional stamp duty , " > ci (its us a confession of judgment. ' >y Respectfully, E. A. ROLLINS, I Deputy Commissioner. MAIIIi IE D . I b':'! 'BOMSON.—On Sunday, May 14th, at! ■ j-.- valence of the brides parents, l.y the Rev. \ b ba'i'lon. Mr. J. M. Reed, gf Binghamton, 1 ■ to Miss Addie M, daughter of J. S. Thoin- I Tl'p ■' I'a. ,j- II D HER.—On the Kith inst., at the res- i s •• >f the bride's father, by the Rev. Clark v the Rev. Albert Trne, to Miss Marie T., ! i ' ' st ,' "hter of Mr. Lorin Pitcher, of War- i I J "'adford county, l'a. || '■-\', NJ i y , ' I Aa.a.- kV , Stone, of Scarlet fever, , 'ke 17t 1 v'!' 'tighter of William Kingsley, in , -runt. .1 'ma 'i 1 ! cr a ß e - Her earnest desire is | - . aim she knows how the angels look. Xfiu vUiMrtiscmcnts. r | Hi F AUT OF JIG AND CLOG D\\(J 1. I.VG TAUBHT WITHOUT A MABTF.B,—FuII in structions seat upon receipt oi lifty cents. Ait.lrcss, B>x 202, Towanda. Pa. \y ANTKD.—2OO,OOO LBS., OF wool,. ' If for which the highest Cash price will be paid. { Ca-h paid for Veal and Deacon skins by I). C. DAYTON. Towanda, May "i.'ith. BBIDGE LETTING. —Sealed proposals will be received at the Mill of isaie Morley Atheus twp., until 3 o'clock p. ra. upon Thursday, June lath. , 18(55, for the builditig and completing of a Bridge across Shepard's Creek, near that place. Plan and speciflca. ; tion lor the same may be seen at the store of N. C. Har ) ris in Athens boro", and at the 0 .mmissioners office lor i ten days previous to said letting. J. CAMPBELL,) 1 W. B. DODGE, V Com J. BEAKDSLEY j Commisskmer'soffice.Towvnda, May 23, 1805 (jJ-OOD MAYS. REBELLION ENDED I THE PKICK OF CI.OTHINU GONE DOWN WITH GOLD! The best stock ot good, well made Clothing ever • brought to this market is now open for inspection at the STORE OF R. W. EDDY, Bought since the tall of Gold and the Rebellion, which will enable him to give his customers the benefit of very low figures, and the decline in prices. My goods as usu al are stylish, and n hi mode. No second rate shoddy goods, every article guaranteed as represented or no sale. My goods are all THE LATEST FASHIONS, And equal to the best city custom made, aud fit to aT. As usual the best quality all wool Business Suits, Black Frock Coats, Black Doe Pants and Vests, Linen Coats, Dusters. and Pants, The Latest Style Fine Silk Hats, Soft, Straw. Panama and Cloth Hats, White and Negligee shirts. Cotton Neck Ties, Gloves, Sus t penders. tin 'er Shirts and Drawers, Best quality English Hal Hose, river Alls, liver Shirts, Linen Haud kerchiefs. Ladies Fine M< rocco Travelling Bags. In tact everything usually found in a First Class Geutlenian's Furnishing Stove. My motto is good Goods at a fair price are cheaper than poor goods at any price. All goods sold at one price, no bantering nor teasing to nuke an oiler, hut every one gets the same goods at the same price, which is the bottom of the market. All old goods marked down to the gold base, and will he sold regardless of sacri fice. It you want good goods at a fair price, go to EDDY'S, where you will find him ready to show his goods and sell thera too at the lowest fig ure to correspond with Gold. Bear in mind the place to hu> good, well made, reliable Clothing is at 1!. W. EDDY'S, next door to Powell & Co. R. W. EDDY. ) Towanda, May 17, 1805. PLAN TS,G 11 AL'E VIX LS,L YER-B LOO M liOSKS. Fine variety ol VERBENAS, DAHLAB, Ac., for sale at the Garden of HARRY MIX. Early Winuingstadt. do Ox Heart, do Sugar Loaf, do 3 irge York Cabbage Plants, 8 cents per dozen ; Early and late Cauliflowers 8 cents;per,dozen ; Smooth, Fejee, Perfected. Red and Yellow Tomato Plants, 10 cents per dozen ; Egg Plants aud Sweet and Bell shaped Pepper Plants, 10 cents per dozen ; Melon and Cucumber Plants in pots 25 cents, including pots ; Celery Plants 35 cents I per 100 ; all kinds late Cabbage 35 cents per 100. To 1 insure safety all plants are put up nicely in moss. | Towanda, April 13, 1805. BOUNTY, BACK FAY AND PENSIONS. The undersigned Agent for collecting Pensions, Bounty Money, Arrears oi Pay of all kinds due Officers, I Privates, Suticrs, Officers' Accounts settled and Certiti- I cates of uon indebtedness procured. No charge unless uccessful. W. T. DA VIES. Towanda. March 16,1865, A LARGE ARRIVAL OF FISH, COD FISH, Mackerel, Herring, Blue-Fish, Scale-Fish. Ac., at wholesale and retail. Mackerel put up in small packages tor tauiily use, some very choice ; also quarter and half-barrel packages, al offering fot sale at low rates, by feo'2 E. T. FOX. rpo THE DAIRYMEN OF BRADFORD A COUNTY.—Having procured the right ot making and selling the celebrated Brinkerhoff Churn in this and S usquehanna County, which churn is so highly recom mended wherever it is introduced. We can supply all wanting them on short notice, at our Foundry, where we k- ep on hind Plows. Ac. All castings done to order. BIKCHAKD A GEROULD. East Smitlifield. Bradford co., May "J, 1865.—4t.p. , LVTKAY M ARE. —Came into the enclo-1 -Li sure of the subscriber, about one week sinc e, a j : stray mare. The owner is requested to prove property, | | pay charges and take her away. GEO. H. WELLES. ! Athens, May It), l-o;.".. 3t. \ R ALL ABLE IIOFSE AND LOT FOR ▼ SALE. - The subscriber offers for -ale the dwelling house and lot in this borough now occupied by him, be ing the house built and formerly occupied byE.W. liaird, esq. Terms made satisfactory, and possession given to -nit the purchaser. Apply to M. E. SOLOMON. Towanda, May 11,1865. I IME, CEMENT AND MORTAR.— Lime, U Cement and Mortar lor sale by P. PHKLAN. All orders promptly tilled. May 10, ist!s. MRS HAVERLY, VVAVERLY, X. Y, . Artist in Hair Jewelry. Rings, Pins, Bracelets. Chain.-. Switches, Combs. Waterfalls, Grecian Bows, and Braids ot various patterns. Work from a distance promptly attended to. warranted .-uti-fac'nry, and re turned by mail. Tho-e having hair for sale give me a call, or -end. as I wi-h to purchase. May 10. 1M55. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. The co partnership heretofore existing between Hirain P. Kimball & Avery Beebe. in the Mercantile bu sinc-s. under the firm name of Kimball A Beebe, is this day di-s .lved by limitation. All indebted are requested to make immediate payment. The books will he left iu t.:e hands of 11 P. Kimball. KIMBALL A BEEBE. Pntterville, May 1. 1V, 5. The busine-s will be continued at the old stand by Kimball A- So. who solicit the patronage of the people oi Eiste.n itrarllord. N. B.—New stock ot goods just arriving, which will be sold at panic prices. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order ot the Orphan's Court of Bradford County ,t'tie undersigned .administratrix ot the estate of Charles Rogers, late of Canton twp., deceased will sell at public -alt-,bin the premises, on SATURDAY, JULY 1, isi;.",, at 1 o'clock, p. m , the following described lot, piece or par el of land situate in Canton tp., hounded as follows : Beginning at a hemlock tree the north-west corner of lot No. 27. as surveyed by John Vandyke on v arrant No 4596, th nee east 125 perches to a birch for a corner, thence north 70] perches to a post, thence 125 perches to a post on the west li le of said warrant, thence south 71] perches to the place ot beginning. Containing 50] acres and 32 perches with allowance. Al.Sri -Another lot adjoining the above, beginning at a sugar maple north-west corner of Fitch Spalding lot,, thence west 125 perches to the out line oi warrant No. 4596 to a beech corner, thence south 70] perches to a post, thence east 125 pen lies to a post, the north west corner deeded to Rosweil Rogers, thence north 71] pre. to the place of beginning. Containing 52 acres and 33] perches, with allowances. It being the south half ot the last above described lot of land, containing in all 79 acres. 1 TERMS—S2S to be paid on the day of -ale, S7OO on confiimation of sale, balance in one year thereafter, with interest from confirmation. EMILY VANDYKE, May 11, 1865. Administratrix. QIIINGLESW ANTED.—A quantity of No. LJ 2, Sawed Shingles are wanted immediately by the l"wancla Co 4 Company delivered at Graydon or on the , line oi the Burclay Ihiil Itoud. Apply to I _ , , JAMES MACFARLANE, Towanda, March lb, 1865. Gen. Mau'ger T. C. Co. GUI S T'S GAR I) E N SEE DS ! It is an established act that a large proportion of the Garden Seeds sold in the country are worthless or nearly so. The reason is obvious. Seeds are left by the owners with merchants to sell on commission, often hut a.small i portion of them are sold, th? remainder being returned, I repacked and sent out again the following year, and so ■ continuing until as a matter of course man of the seeds j are worthless. In order to get the best and most reli able seeds 1 have bought a large stock of Robert Buist.of I'hiladelphia, a house whose reputation for selling fresh and pureseeds is not surpassed by any in the country ; and who never send out any seeds on commission, and - consequently not liable to accumulate old stock. 1 think a little reflection will convince any one of the ! advantage of purchasing these seeds. I have many var ieties not to be found any where els ein town. Also Rutabaga, Beet arid Carrot seed by the pound, and Peas 1 by the bushel. Please call and get a descriptive Catalogue at March 20, 1864. FOX'S. I IST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN AJ the Post Office at Towanda, Pa., lor the week end ing May 22, 1865 : i Ackley D. E. Hollenback C. ■ Carter Wm. Kollar Mary, Clark Mrs U. ISimmens M. A. -Crane Phil. Satterly M.J. I "' '-Kir ~ Stevens Danil. | GoffW. W. iSmith Henry. I Gage O ;Strope Henry, i Harvey H. A. Shelton C.J. | Herda F. iTewilleger C. M. 3 BW Persons calling for any of the above letters will i please say "Advertised." S. W. ALVORD, May L 1865. Postmaster. /TLOVER SEED FOR SALE BY \J W. A. ROCKWELL. lllrrcl)ani>i?f. E N R V MER VU R & CO., Towanua, Peon'a, Have on hand and are opening at 4 *i ■ s : LOWEST M A RK E T PRICES, I 1 A superior stock of DRY GOODS, ; DRESS GOODS, [ WOOLENS, COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS A SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Towanda, March 21, 1865. SINCE THE RECENT DECLINE IN PRICES . POWELL & CO., Have made laige addition to their stock of BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED COTTON GOODS, PRINTS, I DE LAINES, Ac., Ac. And now they ofler them for sale At the LOWEST MARKET P R I C E S. March 9, 1865. ' W I L I A M A . RO C K WEL L , Having jnst returned from New York, Is now receiving and offers AT MODERATE PRICES, A FINE STOCK OF SPR IN G GOODS! And although "THIS CRUEL WAR IS OVER.' It does not follow that people can dispense with the ne cessaries of life. CAM., THEREFORE, AND SEE HIS DOMESTIC GOODS, PRINTS, DELAINES, GROCERIES, TOYS, Ac. Ac. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S HATS, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, SUMMER SHAWLS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Ac. Towanda, MAy 10, 1665. ©rocrrics. Q. EOR (J 8 8 T E V 8 \ 8, (lENKKAL PKALKK IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, GRAIN, SALT, AC., : Reidlemun'* Muck, corner of Main A Rriilge Streets, J Would respectfully annouucs that he is prepared to J exhibit a tine assortment ot GROCERIES, : Which are now offering at the lowest possible prices for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ■ j He would invite the public to an examination ol iiis stock, which is entirely new and has been carefully se | lected with especial reference to the wants ot this mar ket. He igalso prepared to pay cash for all f Coun—lyin k | v i rodiice. Towanda. April 25 4.186 ods GROCERIES C II E A P . E. T. FOX, has just received the finest assortment of Groceries ever offered for sale in Towanda, To ray old customers, I would say, You shall have GOOD, FRESH AND FIRST CLASS GOODS at the lowest price. To any one who will favor us with a call, we think we can offer INDUCEMENTS seldom found in this vicinity I We take pleasure in showing Goods, and will try and i make it to the interest of all to buy. Onr motto is GOOD GOODS AT LOW RATE, AND FAIR DEALING. January 1864. * E. T. FOX. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, A First Rate Assortment ot A No. I. GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, FISH, &c\, Which the subscribers offer to the citizens of Bradford County At the Lowest prices, ai d guarantee everything sold ot the BEST QUALITY OK NO SALE. Also, Wanted, FARMERS' PRODUCE, ! For which the highest price, in CASH, will be paid. C. B. PATCH A Co. Towanda, Jan, 2H, 1864. FOR ~ MACKEREL, HERRING, And CODFISH, go to PATCH'S^ !F OR TEAS, SUGARS.; and COFFEES, Go to PATCH'S. | F OR TOBACCO CIGARS, Ac., go to PATCH'S. JG 0 0T S AN I) SIIO ES I New Styles at HUMPHREY A CO'S. HU MPHREY & uo.-s HARNESS SHOP ! Has a lull stock of II ARNE SS\ SADDLE S, W II I P S, And everything to be found in a first class establishment j RPRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS,VALISES AND RETICULES. Largest assortment in town, at HUMPHREY & CO'S. 1 WOULD call attention to our Stock of TEA, which we offer for sale cherp by the chest 01 retail: every sale warranted to give satisfaction or the ; money refunded, at FOX'S. | WANTED. —A Bellows, Anvil, Vice and a complete set of Blacksmith tools. Also a good Blacksmith accustomed to the work of Miners. JAMES MACFARLANE, March 11, 1866, General Manager T. C■ Co. | LANDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE subscriber in the ice freshet of March 11th, and ta ken care of by him, a part of a raft of hemlock sawed lumber. i The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. J. W. INGHAM. I Sugar Run, Pa , March 25, 1865. ; FOR SALE.—A first class new Canal Boat for sale, by March 14,1865. W.A.ROCKWELL. flegal. A* LIST AND CLAS UFICATION of per sons engaged in he We of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, in the Cm nty o r Bradford, for the year ! 1865. , Township. Xamtsi Class. Am't Li'se. Athens Borough- -Welles A Page, 13 sfco 00 C. A J. W. Corns lock, 15 10 00 G. A. Perkins, 13 10 to F. N. Page, 11 7 00 E. Averell 14 7 00 >l Harris & Salt marsh, 13 1000 C. H. Herrick, Trustee, 14 7 00 1). F. Park, 10 20 00 H. Carner. 14 7 00 Edwin White, 14 7 00 r ; Mrs. Coburn, 14 7 00 ; Athens twp.—David Gardner, 14 7 00 A. Beidleman, 14 7 00 J, 8 Schultz, 14 7 00 ' Albany—A. AS. D. Steriger, 14 700 . ! Asylum—U. Moody, 13 10 00 I Burlington West— Ed. E. Loom is, 14 7 00 S S. Webster, 14 7 00 ; Burlington boio.--J. F. Long A Sons, 13 10 00 i Reuben Morley, 13 10 00 I). H Sweeny, 14 7 00 ! B. Scouton, 14 7 00 I Canton twp.—J.M. Foster, 14 7 00 f Andrus A Palmer, 14 7 00 I | Canton boro W. S. AE. Newman, 14 700 Wm.H. Braine, 12 12 50 A Doty, 13 10 00 1 I J. E. Bullock, 14 7 00 Spalding A Townsend, 14 7 00 Mix A Hooper, 14 7 00 W. S. Baker, 14 7 00 John Turner, 14 7 00 1 i H. T. Beirdsley, 14 7 00 Charles A. Kris, 14 7 00 I | E. Wilcox, 14 7 00 Columbia—Peter Monroe, 14 7 00 A. B. Austin, 14 7 00 Franklin—Barclay Coal Company, 11 15 00 Fall Creek Iron A Coal Co., 11 15 00 Granville—L.D. Taylor, 14 7 00 1 Herrick—C. Rice, 14 700 Leßoy—C. H. Lamb, 14 7 00 N.Smith, 14 7 00 C. D. Holcomb A Co., 14 7 00 Monroe—A. L. Cranmer A Son, 14 7 00 Henry Tracy, 14 7 00 Orwell—Kimball A Beebe, 13 10 00 L. H. Bronson, 14 7 00 S. H. Bronson. 13 12 50 H. Gibbs A Son, 14 7 00 G. J. Norton, 14 7 00 i Overton—C. Hickerman, 14 700 j Pike—Stevens A Burrows, 13 10 00 i Leßaysville—L. L. Bosworth, 14 7 00 Bosworth A Co., 13 10 00 J. F. Bosworth A Son 14 7 00 G. H. Little A Son, 13 10 00 Rome boro.—Geo Nichols, 13 10 00 L. L. Moody, 13 10 00 Ridgbury—B F. Burk, 14 700 Evans A Hill, 14 7 00 L. B. Gardner, 14 7 00 Lyman Woodruff, 14 7 00 A. H. Voorhis, 14 7 00 i Springfield—N. S. Watson, 14 700 Wm Daily, 14 7 00 Smithfield—C. B. Riggs, 14 700 E. S. Tracy. 14 7 00 Fritcher Durfey. 14 7 00 I M. E. Bullock, 14 7 00 Standing Stone—James Espy, 14 7 00 F. E. Bush, 13 10 00 H.W.Tracy, 14 7 flO South Creek—J.M. Young, 14 7 00 Hiram Sample, 14 7 00 Sheshequin—Ralph Gore, 14 7 00 Terry—J. L. Jones A Co , 14 700 Troy Boio.—B. N. Asplnwall, 11 15 00 J. Blamped, 12 12 50 G. F. Redington, 13 10 00 Jewell A Pomeroy, 13 10 00 O. P.Ballard, 14 7 00 M. Frankel, 14 7 00 E. C. Oliver A Son, 14 7 00 E. H. Dewey, 13 10100 S. W. Paine, 14 7 00 Pierce A Seymour, 14 7 00 Mrs. C. K. Spencer, 14 7 00 E. P. Perine, 5 60 00 Long A Hopkins, 9 25 00 F. Calkins, 14 7 00 F. L. Ballard, 14 7 00 Grant A Humphrey, 14 7 00 S. M. Leonard. " 8 30 00 Morgan A Davidson, 13 10 00 Corbin A Mitchell, 14 7 00 ] Troy twp.—R. Stiles, 14 7 00 ; Towanda Boro.—John Beidleman, 14 7 00 Wm. A. Rockwell, 11 15 00 Solomon A Son, 12 12 50 G. W. Coon A Co., 13 10 00 Wickham A Black, 13 10 00 W. K. Hill, 14 7 00 J. Shiam, 13 10 00 j 11. C. Porter, 13 10 00 Montanyes, 10 20 00 Henry Mercur A Co., 10 20 00 D. H .Barstow, 13 10 00 A.M. Bley, 14 7 00 J. Lewis, 14 7 00 Codding A Russell, 8 30 00 Tracy A Moore, 11 15 00 R. M. Eddy, 14 7 00 J. Powell A Co., 3 100 00 E. T. Fox, 12 12 50 C.B. Patch A Co., 11 15 00 J. M. Collins 13 10 00 J. A. Record, 14 7 00 Humphrey A Co., 13 10 00 Marshal Brothers, 13 10*00 J, O. Frost, 14 7 00 CowlesACo., 12 12 50 Geo. Stevens, 10 20 00 J. W. Taylor, 12 12 50 Wm. A. Chamberlin. 14 7 00 1 A. M. Warner, 14 7 00 Ulster—Axnasa Watkins, 14 7 00 ! A Mewell A Co., 14 7 00 ! Jason S. Smith, 14 7 00 1 | Wilmot—Samuel Norconk, 14 7 00 i i Wyalusing—G. H. Bixby. 12 12 50 j J. G. Keeler, 14 7 00 I Augustus I-ewis, 13 10 00 ! E. M Bishop, 13 10 00 | C. S. Laferty. 13 10 00 1 j Wysox—V. E. AJ. E. Piollct, 14 700 ; Warren—R.Cooper, 13 10 00 j Talmadge A Bowen, 14 7 00 j Welles—Jason Watkins, 14 7 00 ! A List ami Classification of Persons engaged in the sale of Patent Medicines, Nostrums, Ac., in the Count}' i of Bradford, for the yeai 1865. , Athens—G. A. Perkins, 4 5 00 A. Beidleman. 4 5 00 j Burlington boro.—J. F. Long A Sons, 4 500 D. H.Sweeney, 4 5 00 i ! Canton -J. M Foster, 4 5 00 VV. S A E. Newman, 4 5 00 Wm. H. Braine, 4 5 00 A. Doty, 4 5 00 J O. Randall. 4 5 00 W. S. Baker, 4 5 00 Andrus A- Paimer, 4 5 00 J. N. Williams, 4 5 00 , Columbia—Peter Monroe. 4 5 00 A. B. Austin, 4 5 o f > j Geanville—L. D. Tay lor, 4 500 j Leßoy—C D. Hoagland A Co., 4 5 00 C. H. Lamb, 4 5 00 i Orwell—S. N. Bronson, 4 500 Pike—J. F. Bosworth A Son, 4 500 Rome—Geo. Nichols, 4 5 00 L. L. Moody, 4 5 00 Ridgbury—A. H. Voorliies, 4 500 B. B. Burk, 4 5 00 L. B. Gardner, 4 5 00 i Smithfield—E. S. Tracy, 4 500 j South Creek—J .M. Young, 4 5 00 ! Hiram Sample, 4 5 00 Sheshequin—Rilpb Gore, 4 5 00 j I Troy—G. F. Redington, 4 5 00 F.S.Ballard, 4 5 00 ; Corbitt A Mitchell, 4 5 00 [ Towanda—H. C. Porter. .4 500 D. H. Barstow, 4 5 00 Windham—Wm. H. Russell, 4 5 00 j List of Bankers and Brokers in the County of Brad ford for the year 1865. Troy Boro.—Pomeroy Brothers. 9 2S 62 Towanda boro.—B. S. Russell, 9 26 62 i A List of Beer and .Eating Houses and tneir classitlca- j tion, in the County of Bradford for the year 1865. Burlington boro.—C. W. Cranmer, 8 10 00 , I Canton boro.—H. Tuttle, 8 10 00 i A. V. Trout, 8 10 00 | Henry Morgan, 8 10 00 j I Columbia—A. P. Slade. 8 10 00 1 ' Gronville—J. T. Leonard, 8 10 00 I | Litchfield—John McKean, 8 10 00 j j Monroe toro.—A. Mullen, 8 10 00 H. S. Phinney, 8 10 00 IMingns A Cranmer, 8 10 00 Leßaysville—W. F. Robins, 8 10 00! Orwell—H. A. Prince, 8 10 00 Albert Allen, 8 10 00 5 I Rome—C. S. Park, 8 10 00 j j Standing Stone—C. S. Taylor, 8 10 00 i I Sheshequin—Kinney A BrighaHn. 8 10 00 j I Terry—E. W. Neal, 8 10 00 I Troy boro.—J. N. Wolf, 8 10 00 1 C. T. Merry A Co., 8 10 00 ! 1 Towanda boro.—John Meredith, 8 10 00 i D. B. Bartlett, 8 10 00 | John Laughlin, 8 10 00 J.S. Allyn, 8 10 00 j T.J.Jones. 8 10 00' F. E. Barber, 8 10 00 , Ulster—U. Shaw, 8 10 00 ; Rockwell Brothers, 8 10 00 j J Classification and list of Distilleries and Breweries in j : Bradford Connty for the yaar 1865. Troy—J.J. A G. F. Velie, distillery, 25 00 I Towanda boro.—A, I,oder, brewery, 15 00 j | I, N. N. BETTS. Mercantile Appraiser for the Connty ! ! of Bradford, for the year 1865, do hereby certify the j feregoing to be a correct list of said appraisement and | classification of the same for the year 1865, Appeal at the Treasurer's Office in Towanda, June 3, j 1865. N. N BETTS, May 10, 1865. Mercantile Appiaiser. ! NOTICE TO COLLECTORS.— in Por snance of in Act passed the 30th day of April, 1864, taking effect in 1865, the Commissioners are re quired to pay the full amount of State Tax to ths Sta'e Treasurer betore the first day of August in each and I every year, and in case of failure the county is charged five per cent, upon all remaining unpaid upon that date, and the Commissioners are required to charge the same [ to Collectors. In order to make prompt payment to the j | State Treasurer, Collectors will be required to settle i and pay their Dnplicates oi State and County Tax in | full by the 15th day of July next. And upon tailure of j any Collectors to comply with the above suits will be ! immediately brought to collect the amount due. No ! abatements can be allowed. J. CAMPBELL, ) W. B. DODGE. \ Corn's, j JNO. BEARDBLEE.) COM'RS OFFICE, April 17,1865. £cgal. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is bete -J by given that all persons Indebted to the estate of AHA NTH US HYATT, lateof Wei! township. Bradford County, dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay and all having claims against said estate are re quested to present them ■ illy authenticated lor settle ment. J. E. COOK. May 16. 1865. Executor DM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- -Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of AVM. ROBERT-. dee d, late of Cant m twp, arc requested to make "immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. WM HUBERTS, C. STOCK WELL, May 10, IstiJ. Administrators. ADMIMS'I RATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all peisons indebted to the estate of ELI-HA WHITNEY, dee'd, late of Wyaluaing are requested to make immediate paymtnt and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. L. P. STALFORD, May 16,1865. Administrator. ADM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ■aV is hereby given, that all persons indebted to t lie es tate of ISAAC WEBBER, dee'd, late of Franklin twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JANE WEBBER, ANDREW CUMMINS. Springfield. May 15, 1865. Administrators. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue ol au order issu-.d out of tiie Orphan's Court of Brad ford County, the undersigned Administrator o( Silas Packard, dee d, will sell on the premises in Alba Boro on WEDNESDAY, AUOI'ST, 30, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. in., all that lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Alba Borough, bounded as follows ; Beginning at the centre or junction of the Granville road and the road leading from Arabol Blackrnan's, Manley's, and bounded on the east by the road leading from the said Manley's, on the south by B. Baker's lot.un the west by lands of Irad Wilson, on the noith by the Granville road. Containing one-half aere, be the same more or less, a small framed dwelling house thereon. ALSO—AII that certain lot of land situate in Leßoy twp., bounded as fo.lows : Beginning at a hemlock stump on the line ot W. J, Stones' lot, thence north west 14 rods to an ash. thence north 36° west 44 rods to a post, south-west corner ol E. Anables lot. thence east 53 perches to a post thence south aloDg the line of W. J. Stones' land 108 rods to the place of beginning. Con taining 27 acres and 100 rods, be the same more or less. ALSO—AII that other certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., and bounded as follows, on the west by lauds of William Packard and Henry Jen nings, on the north by lands formerly owned by Win. Scott, dee'd., on the east by lands belonging to the es tate of John Grey dee d., on the south by lauds belong ing to the estate of Abigal Ayres, dee'd.,. Containing about 104 acres; about 50 acres improved, with one trained house, barn and out buildings and an apple or chard thereon. TERMS—S2S to be paid on each lot at ihe time the property is struck down, one half the remainder on con tinuation of sale the balance in one year therealter with interest Irom confirmation. MINOR P. PORTER, May 11,186g. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the undersigned administrator of the estate of Ithel J. Ailis, late ol Orwell twp., dee'd., will sell on the premises, at puclic sale, on SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1865, at 1, o'clocs p. m. the following lot piece or parcel of land situate iu Orwell tp., bounded north by lands of H.W. Barnes, on the east by lands of R.J. Pickering, J. W Paysou and P. Matson, on the south by lands of George Smith, on the west by lands ot Har riet Allis. Containing 50 acres, more nr less, about 25 acres improved,a small framed house, atramedbarn not entirely finished, and an old saw-mill thereon. TERMS—SSO to bejpaid ou the day ol sale, jone half he balance on confirmation, the balance wi h interese from confirmation, within one year thereafter. JOHN W. PAYSON Maya, 1865. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE —By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun ty, the undersigned Administrator of the estate of Mar garet Fritcher. late of Athens b rough, deceased, will sell on the premises, at public sale, on THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1865, at I o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens borough, bounded as follows : Beginning on Main-st.. at the north-west corner of Chester Parks' lot. thence north wardly along Main-st., SOTfeet to land now owned by the Episcopal Church, thence eastwardly along ihe line ol land of said Episcopal Church 105 feet to the land of C, W, Clapp, thence southwardly along said C. W. Ciapp's land 16 feet, thence eastwardly along the line of lands of said Clapp 60 feet to the north-west corner of a lot owned by M. Pike, thence southwardly along the line of said Pike 35| feet to lands ot the said M. Pike, thence weswardly'along lands of the said M. Pike and the north line of M. Parks' lot lt>s feet to the place of beginning. Tekms —s2s to be paid on the day of sale, half the balance on confirmation, the balance one year thrreafter with interest from confiimation. CHARLES W. CLAPP, May 11, 1865. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the undersigned administrators of the estate of Edward B. Ferine, late ot Troy boro' dec'd., will sell on the premises, at public sale, on TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Troy boro' bounded as follows, to wit: on the south by Mainst., on the west by lots be longing to X. M. Pomeroy and E. C Oliver, ou the north by lot belongiug to the heirs of E. F. Ballard, dec'd., east by a lot belonging to O. P.Ballard. Con taining one acre, to be sold in one or more lots. TERMS—ISOO to be paid on each lot if sold separate on the day of sale, one half the balance on confirmation the balance in one year thereafter with iutercst from confirmation. W. VV. PERINE, G. F. REDIXGTON, May 5, 1805. Administrators. OR PHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the undersigned Administrator of the estate ot Chauoel Liight, deceased, will sell on the premises, at public sale, on SATURDAY, JUXE 17. 1 65, at 1 o'- clock, p. m., the following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington twp., bounded as follows: Be ginning at a chesnut at the south-east corner of War rant No. 1500, thenco by lands of Wm. Barnes east 16 6-25 prs. to the north-west corner ot Alexis De schaux laud, thence by lauds of Alexis Desehaux 107 prs., to the south-west corner of Alexis Desehaux. thence west by lands lately owned by Wm. C. Hall 06 8-25 prs. to a corner, thence we.-t by the west line ot Warrant Xo. 1724, 107 prs, to the place of beginniug.— Containing 30 acres, or thereabouts, all improved, with a framed bouse log barn and a few iruit trees thereon. TERMS—#'2S to he paid on the day of sale. Hie bal ance on confirmation. ROBERT M. PRUYME, May 11, $865. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the undersigned Guardian of the minor chil dren ot Edw rd A. Murray, late of Athens twp., de ceased, will sell on the premises, at public sale, on FRI DAY, JUNE 30,1865, atl o'clock, p. m., the following lot. piece or parcel of land, situate in Athens twp., liounded north by lands occupied by ThomesOgden, east by lands lately owned by Nathaniel Crane, south by the road leading up Griffin's creek to J. K. Wrights, west by lands lately owned by Erastus Woleott, dec'd. Containing about 96 acres, more or less. TERMS—S2S to be paid en the property being struck down, one half the balance on confirmation, the bal ance in one year thereafter with interest from confirma tion. MARY ANN MURRAY, May 11, 1865. Guardian. Upbcgraff's institute. Jg YE AN U EA R INS TITU T E. I)R. UP DE GRAFF. OCULIST. AURIST AND GENERAL SURGEON, ELMIKA.N. Y. Treats atl Diseases of the Eye, Ear ami Throat. THE EYE.—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entro pion, (inversion of the eye-lid,] and treats all lorms of "SORE EYES," such as Granulated Lids;, Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities ol the Cornea, Scrofulous dis eases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eye is subject. THE EAR—Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, JVoises in the Ear. Difficulty of Hearing, Deafness, [even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will insert an artificial one, answering nearly ail the purposes of the natnral. 7'HE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club Feet. Hare Lip, Cleft Palate, Tumors, Cancers, Morbid Growths, Deformities from Burns, and Hernia, and per forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS-Where the Nose, Lips or any portion of the face is destroyed through disease or otherwise, by healing them on anew. pgr Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, and General Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL EVES.—Giving them all the motion and expression of the natnral, defying detection, they are inserted withont removing the old one or pro ducing pain. The Doctor's collection of instruments comprises all the latest improvements, and is the largest in the State, the superior advantages he has had in perfecting him self in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, warrants him in saying that everything within the bounds of the profession may be expected ot him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we can now accommodate an increased number of patients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach ed to the establishment. • No incurable cuses received for T> ealment or Opera tions. If a case is incurable he will be so informed. Institute on Water street, opposite the Brainard House Elmira, N. Y. Feb. 2, 1865. jyjo ULPERS WANT E I) ! The subscribers want three or four Moulders at J their ■ Foundry and Machine Shop, in Athens, to whom the highest wages and constant employment will be given. , fijAthens, Pa., March 2. 1865. BLOOD A CO. | £en.-fl nut of the Court of Common f" i Bradford couuiy, to me directed ami dc ivere' will le exposed to p iblie sale at the Court House in the Bur nt Towanda, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, lMio.i! 1 o'clock p tn. the following described lot situate in West Bui liiigtoii lp..alid bounded as follows: uor'h by laud < C. T. Merry, east by land of Mar} Henson, -o itii b\ lands of Mary Henson and Alonzn Beach, west by land of VV. Phelps. Containing 40 acres ol land, more or less, about 6 acres improved with a log house arid a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of the Corn monwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Abraham Steel. JOALSO —One other piece of land in Canton twp., bum ded on the north by land of J. E. Bullock, east by Troy st., south by land of Henry Morgan and F. Black, west by land of Harding A Lee. Containi ig one half acre, more ->r less, all improved with one small framed build ing thereon ALSO—One other piece ol land in Canton twp,. bona ded north by land of C. A Krisc, east by land of H If. and J. E Whitman, S. L. Gilliott and the estate ot Wrn. H. Morell deceased, on tho south by laud ot Win. H 8.-aine, and west by Troy street Containing about one (sixth of afi acre of land, be the same more or less, all improved, with one tramed shop and one framed barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at-the suit of S. \V. and D. F. Pomeroy A Co., to nse of Charles G Manley vs. Darins Manley, A. S. Manley and F. G. Mauley. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land situate in Columbia twp., bounded north by lands oT Allred Furmaii, east by laud oi James Mrung, south by land of Wm. H McClelland, el. al., aud west by laud of said Alfred Furman. et. al. Containing 160 acres of land, more or leas, about 140 acres improved, with a framed house, two framed barns aud two apple orcliaids thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. M. Leonard to use ol Eleazer Pomeroy vs. Klias Gustiu and J. B. Gustiu ALSO--'The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ihe Troy boro' bounded as follows, on the north by lands of B. S. Dartt, east by Canton street, south by lands of D. F. Pomeroy and Widow Crippin. west by land of D. F. Pomeroy. Containing 4 acres, be the same more or less, all improved with 1 brick house, 1 framed house and a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. H. Fitch to use of Eleazer Pomeroy vs. S H. Fitch. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sitaated in the towuship of AAyalu.-ing bounded north by lands lately owned by Bet: jam in Stafford dee'd., east by land of John Howard, south by the Susque hanna river, and west by land of D. W. Brown. Con tainiug three acres more or less, all improved with one old dwelling house and a lew lruit trees thereon. ALSO— One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Wyalusing twp., bounded on the north and east by lands ot Mason Brown, south by land of D. W. Brown, west by lands of Chester and Jackson Hollenbaek. Containing 3o acres of land, more or less, ail improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harrison Black, Treasurer Ac., to use ot School District ot Wya lusing Township vs, L. P. Staliord. adinr. of E. Whit ney dee'd. J.MONROE SMITH, Towanda, May 11, 1865. Sheriff. AD MINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of TRUMAN NICHOLS, late ot Missouri, deceased are requested to make payment, without delay, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. (Persons are requested to present their claims to the subscriber at Smitbfield Summit.) JAMES H. WEBB, March 2,1865. Administrator ADM INISTRA TR i X NOT ICE- Nutice is hereby given,that all persons indebted to the estate jof MARGARET BLOW,late of Owego N.Y.,dee'd arere i quested to make immediate payment, and those having | demands against said estate will please present duly | authenticated for settlement. NANCY STANTON, J March 2, 1865. Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estateof Ithlel J. Allis, late of Orwell township,Penu'a, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. AV. PAYSON, March 22, 1865. Administrator. ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate ol ALVAH HEATH, late ol Troy, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. O.F. PARSONS, May 25, 1865. Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.— Nutice is liere | AJ by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of J. B. HINMAN, late ot Monroe Jeccastdd are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will preesent them duly authenticated for settlement. S. S. HINMAN. J. B. M. HINMAN. JOSEPH B. SWEET, May 25, 1865. Executors. A DMINISTR A I OR SNOTlCE.—Letters -a * of administration ol the goods, chattels, 4c. ot EMLY DRAKE, late of Litchfield twp., deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. .All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands sgainst the same are notified to present the same for settlement to the subscriber. JOHN R. EDSALL, WM. U SPENCER, Feb. 9.1865. Administrators. A I IMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JONAH STANTON, late of Litchfield, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please pre sent duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM SNYDER. April. IS, 1865. Administrator. A IMINISTR A TOR'S N OTIC E—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the t tate of H. J. BO WEN, late ol Warren, deed., are requested to make immediate par ment, and all having claims against said estate most present them duly au thenticated for settlement. EDWIN E. ALLYN, April 18. 1865. Administrator A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notice XX is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of DANIEL MINIER late of Shesheqnin twp , dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will pres ent them duly authenticated lor settlement. WILLIAM RIDALL, April 11. 1565. Administrator. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-NoUcv is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of MARVIN H. LEONARD dec d, late of Troy, Pa., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenthated for settlement. WILLIAM VERBECK, May 11.1865. Administrator A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice - 1 V i s hereby given, that all persons indebb d to the es tate of ROSAYELL H AGAR late ot Standing Stone, dee'd. are requested t-o make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. HANNAH HAGAR, NELSON COE, May 11, 1865. Admin'tor. f EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hue J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of R. WILCOX, late of Albany, township, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. P. D. WILCOX. I P . , H. P. WILCOX I Exetu,ors - May 11, 1865. \ DMINISTR ATOKS NOTlCE.—Notice is O hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of HIRAM MASON, late of Windham twp..dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JAMES MASON, May 11,1865. Administrator. ADMIXISTR'ORS NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that al! persons indebted to the estate of E. P. PERINE, late of Troy Borough, dee'd are requested to make immediate pa ment, aud all having claims against said estate are requested to prc eut them duly authenticated for settlement. H. AV. PERINE, April 27,1865. Administrator. ADMIXI STBATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of S. WOOD WORTH, late of Springfield towp., dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, sod those having claim against' said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, ELIZABETH WOODWORTH. May 11,1865. Administratrix ADMIN'TOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol J. D. HUMPHREY , late of Towanda borough, deceased are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. LAURA HUMPHREY, IRA B. HUMPHREY, May 11,1865. Administrators. ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ol ALEXANDER SMITH, late of AVyalnsing twp.. dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and thosehaving claims against said estate mu.-t present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA B. SMITH. SAMUEL OVERPECK, May 11. 1865. _ Administrators. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— J Cm. ,7. Delpeuch . vs. Joseph AT'ng6u< y. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 144, May Term 1865. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale ot defendant's real es tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 24th day of JUNE. 1865, at 10 o'clock, a. m., and all persons having claims upon said funds must present them or else Ire forever debarred from the same, AV. A. PECK. May 11. 1865. Auditor,