1„. about twelve inches in length and one iiu-h in width. _ KOBIXSON determined to oppose Ins pro „ss and raised his arm to parry the blow. The consequence was that a wound was indicted in the centre of his (ROBINSON'S ) f, it'chcad, close to the hair, which he wears tnl -ned back. The knife glaifced and the leiiched hand in which the man held the da ,r ""cr came down upon Mr. ROBINSON'S t':uv'"and felled him to the floor. .Miss SEWARD at this juncture escaped from the room, and ran to the front window f the assassin's hand. Major SEWARD! I immediately clinched the assassin. The lat-1 | tor then struck ROBINSON in the stomach, I mocked him down, broke away from Major I SKWAHD, and rushed down stairs. I hiring t ,e scuffle, when he cannot say, j j MI. ROBINSON received a wound quite serious j some two inches in bredth, on the upper I part of the right shoulder blade, another a j j little lower down on the same side, and al | so a slight one on the left shoulder. While struggling \v : th the man near the bedside, lie had seized the wrist of his right I hand, in which was the dagger, and did I ; release his hold until kmocked down by I tin 1 assassin near the door, and after Major I i -: w viin had come to his assistance. I I ll.* returned to the room after lie found I thut the assassin had escaped, and found I thit the Secretary had got off the bed on I • . the floor, dragging with him the bed P rfithes, and was lying in a pool of blood. 1 le in his wrist, and stated to Miss SKW- I . who had re-entered the room and asked I it' ;i>-i father was dead, that he believed he I ui- I Jut upon a second examination, I lh>i!:NS"\ ascertained that his heart was 1 -till beating. The Secretary then said : "I am not I dead. Send for a police and a surgeon and -e the house." He then placed the Sec €i. t.!;y ti|ou the bed, telling him he must 3 ii..t talk. Mr. SEWARD did not speak after m that. Mr. HASKELL subsequently told Mr. ROKIN ■| - A that having been alarmed by the noise, J he had started for the Secretary's room, and 3 was met <>n the stairway by the assassin, 3 and was wounded and thrust to one side. | Mr. ROBINSON remained with Mr. SEWARD 1 until 11 o'clock the next morning, when he I was removed to the Douglas Hospital.— | livery attention is being paid to this brave If man by the attendants of this institution, J, and iiis condition is very favorable. LATEST WAR NEWS. CAPTURE OF RALEIGH. NEWUEBXE, Saturday, April 15—In a. 111. 'fin* Superintendent of the railroad has ; 3 arrived here from Goldsborough, and states j tliat Gov. Vance was captured by our cav-1 Sairy between Hillsborough and Raleigh on ■ the 13th instant. The report states that he (Vance) had :-Jj ; a sent to sherman by Gen. Johnston,! ■J who was at Hillsborough, with instructions I' ■ surrender the State of North Carolina to gl'h'ii Sherman, but that these instructions fi| were afterwards countermanded, and Vance J ■ was on his return to Johnston without hav- j ■ g seen Sherman, when he was captured, j Hrh' is now a prisoner of war, not having; , f ' u ied out his mission. The report also states that Jeff Davis ! Hand family had joined Johnston at Hills -1 3: 1 ,!| gh, which is about thirty miles west R-ti-ugli. Whether Davis arrived at ■Mill-1- rough alter Gov. Vance had been ■seat t Sherman, and caused Johnston's in ■striietioiis to \ auce to be set aside, does *mt appear. I Hi-- mail is about leaving, and there is no IB"" ' 1 hivestigation. M o-. Rii'r.—Sherman's force entered Ral a h'w days since and are now moving ■ -y iid that place after Johnston, who MOBILE SURRENDERED. WEST GULF SQUADRON, ) l Nino STATES FLAG-SHIP STOCKDALE, r ON .MOBILE, April 12, 1865. 1 : I have the honor to inform the l)e- j I |! , 'Uiment that, on Monday,the 10th instant, - H>Uo.se<|uent to the capture of Fort Alexis i H''"' 1 Spanish Fort, detailed in my dispatch i | v ' dated April 9, the Octorara Lieut - B' ommandcr W W Low,and the iron-dads, || were enabled, in consequence of the tho !' "Ji" l ' "'ragging of the Blakelcy River ■ uigh tin- indefatigatde and inti lligcnt ' x portions of Commander Pierce Crosby to 1 I' - vr up the river nearly abreast of Span |l ~; 1 "i t. from which point Lieut-Comman- L >w, with his rifled gun, shelled, with it precision, Forts Iluger and Tracy, i with such effect that both these forts "• evacuated on the evening of the 11th, ■! "ur f irces took possession, capturing a I w prisoners in the adjoining marsh. ' 'ie forts 1 shall hold until Gen. dauby i I'MM garrison them with his troops. liis morning I moved,with the gunboats j' -v ying 7.000 men of Gen. Granger's ■ fee to the west side of Mobile Raw for "■ purpose of attacking Mobile. g "'i mil- arrival it was soon ascertained I •' the enemy had evacuated all their de iind retreated with their gunboats ! T 'l-e Alabama River. I ' " gunboats will, in a lew days, un ■ "'-ti'inably be captured, unless destroyed I ■' t nebels themselves. I • \i ! '. ! , a "-*' r an( l myself have just sent 1 ■ _ b'bile a formal demand to the Mayor ' [ 1,.; , il V" - " I, ditional surrender, which will ■ "ihtedly be accorded,as the city is now ■ ''Ur mercy. I'ARdvpd ]/A R !>■ § lit , u -In Towanda. April 20, by Mi- tr"' -, bleLong, Mr. D. F. Gardner to j . daughter of Dr. E. H. Mason, all, ! g. 1 "wauda. I 'u'-T v' ( ~.' S RAW— In Waverly, N. Y., on ■ '''Ttisni, ' AT" 1 "?' t ' le lust-, by ltev. I). S. j B t r .,]. bn MeCormick, of the Corry i ■ M',iv (:1 i v '"''"'/'A, to Miss Mary L. Shaw, of' I - 'U Athens, Thursday evening. I Mr Thurston, Mr. D. I. I | n(t Mlbn L.vdiu M. Garner. ! JEwftitl fkjwrte. LOCAL AND GENERAL. The members of the Republican Standing Committee of Bradford County, are re quested to meet at the Ward House in the Boro" of Towanda, on Monday May Ist, 1865, at 1 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of appointing a Vigilance Committee for the ensuing year, and transacting other important business. A full attendence is de sired. The following named persons comprise said Committee: J. B. HINDS, Wm. HOWELL, BELA COGGSWELL, N. C. HARRIS, JOHN W. GRIFFIN, D. LILLT, JAH. H. WEBB, JAH. FOI-LKE S. W. ALVOBD, JOHN B. HINDS, Chairman. MASS CONVENTION.— The Union Republi can Electors of Bradford County will meet in Mass Convention at the Conrt House in the Boro' of To wanda on MONDAY EVENING, MAY Ist, 1865. for the purpose of choosing delegates to the coming Re publican Union State Convention, and transact such other business as may come before the Con j vention. By order of the Standing Committee, JOHN B. HINDS, Chairman. t The Republican Mass Convention ON MONDAY EVENING, MAY 1, will be addressed by Hon. GALUSHA A. GROW, Hon. U. MERCUII, Hon. GEORGE LANDON, j And other speakers. WKI.I, DONE. —The Soldiers' Aid Society ' of Macedonia has collected and paid to the U. S. Christian Commission, through B. S. RUSSELL, I agent, the handsome sum of seventy-one dollars. * BINDING.— Those having periodicals to 1 preserve will do well to avail themselves of the op portunity of the coming Court week by sending | them to tie Bindery in the REPORTER Building.— j Old Books carefully re-bound, and all kinds of' Binding done in a superior manner. Blank Books j ruled and made to order. I®" The dwelling of Judge Ei WELL was broken into on Sunday evening last, and a lot of clothing and silver plate stolen. The theft is sup posed to have been committed by some chaps that I were about town collecting old umbrellas to mend. The fact that they never returned those they got— and some of ours were among the number—is sus picious. They had been to the Judges in the after noon. — Mooinshfirtj Republican. RATIONS FOB THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ARMY.— ! FRIENDS AND OFFICERS S. S. A.The time has now come when all our Sunday Schools should resume active operations. Rally friends, rally early. Do I not delay one week longer than is really necessary. The enemy is in the field. Some of us have been already too long in winter quarters. Let us rise ] and gird on our armor for another forward move- i ment. Ours is a good fight, nd we are sure of victory j by faithful obedience to the commands of our Great j Captain. Nor must we forget to provide u sufficient supply | of stores. 1 The youthful soldiers of our army must have ! their rations. The Captain enjoins thrice over ' feed, feed, feed. the food indispensible consists of religious and Scripture knowledge. The S. S. library should be replenished so often, as to contain books ' both new and old.' Let there be a perpetual advent of •S. S. papers, which are leaves • for the healing ' of the little ones. It is thus that the good Shepherd j would have us feed the lambs. By this circular, I wish to inform 8. S. Superin -1 tendents and others, that we have in Towanda a j 'base of supplies." Libraries, Question books, . Singing books, Scripture cards, tickets, Ac., will I be furnished at what they cost in Philadelphia. To ! save trouble, always send or bring some account of the books you have on hand. The Child's World, monthly, ten copies to one address, 12 cts. each for one year. Twice a month, '24 cts. Call at the store of WICKHAM A BLACK'S from 10 ! to 12 o'clock, or address, 11. CRITTENDEN, S. S. MISSIONARY, April, iB6O. Towanda, Pa. 5-20 COUPONS.— The Secretary of the Treasury having directed the payment of the 5-20 Coupons on the 27tli iust., holders of the same are requested to present them for payment. We are prepared to cash them at the highest market price. B. S. RUSSELL A CO. fctf' Rev. SEI.A PAYNE, an old citizen of this county, was killed at Susquehanna Depot, on Saturday, loth iust., by being run over by a train o< cars, while crossing the track. Both legs were severed from the body, and he survived the acci dent but a few hours. JfoaT" The Bradford County Medical Socie ty will meet at Moore's Hall, iu the Borough of Towanda, on Wednesday, May 4, at 10 a. 111. E. H. MASON, Secretary. IMPORTANT TO DRAFTED MEN. —The drafted men, (a list of whom we published last week,) will be pleased to learn that orders have been received at the Provost Marshals office to the effect that they irill not he required to report. All recruiting and drafting has been stopped, and the offices are to be closed as speedily as pos sible. FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN. —Wednesday, 19th inst., the day appointed for the funeral ceremonies of the murdered President, was j suitably observed in this place, in accordance with tlu- request of the authorities, and in accordance i with the universal feeling of grief and sorrow of , our citizens. Business generally was suspended, j and the mournful evidences of public woe freely '' displayed. The bells of the churches were tolled, and services held in the Presbyterian Church, commencing at I' 2m. Appropriate remarks were ! made by Rev. Mr. WOOD of the Methodist Church, lte\. Mr. DOUGLASS of the Episcopal Church, and Rev. Mr. HARRIS, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. In common with the whole nation, the citizens ot this place, united in a heart-felt expression of their sense of the national bereavement, and joined in invoking the Divine protection for the country. WE were pained to learn that in the late sanguinary battles before Petersburg, result ing the capture of Richmond, Capt. DANIEL MINIEK of Sheshequiu, Pa., was among the killed. Mr. MINIEK had served iu the early part of the war its Lieutenant in a Pennsylvania regiment, was iu battles of Chiekahominy, resigned ufter a pro tracted illness, re-enlisted at Syracuse in a N. Y. Regiment, was made Captain and died bravely in defense of his country's honor and unity. He was about 30 years of age. Waverly Advocate. AN EXAMPLE WORTHY OF IMITATION.—I at tended meeting in the North Warren Presbyterian < Lurch last Sabbath, (April 16,) and after the usu al Sabbath service was over, I was allowed the privilege to present the claims of the U. S. Chris tian Commission upon the christian's heart, and in doing so I had occasion to speak of the wants of our sick and suffering soldiers. I mentioned also the blessed results upon them not only physically but spiritually, as I had witnessed during the past winter while laboring among them. At the close of the service it was proposed to I ■ | take up a contribution, which was cordially re sponded too, and the avails, which I hereby ac knowledge the receipt of, amounted to Seventy Dollars. Said S7O to be applied for the benefit of the soldiers, through the U. S. Christian Commis sion. The congregation was very small. Go and do likewise. Yours, respectfully, E. P. COBURN. WY" Appintirients by the Wyoming Con ference, held at Carbondale, April 12, 180.5: Wyoming, H. 11. Clark, P. E.; Lackawanna, Geo. Peck, P. E.: Honesdale, J. R. Peek, P. E.; Bingham ton, Z. Paddock, P. E.; Owego, Geo. P. Porter, P. E.; Wyalusing, H. Brownscombe. Circuits in W "ywiiiwj District. — Montrose, Luther Peek ; Brooklyn, A. C. Sperry ; Leßaysville, G. It. Hair ; Asylum, J. Weston ; Springville, J. F. Wilbur : Sterliugville, J. L. Legg ; Tunkhannoek, J. V. Newell ; Skinner's Eddy, A. J. Arnold ; Me j hoopany, to be supplied ; Wyalusing, S. F.Brown; ! Nicholson, D. Worrell ; Little Meadows, A. Brooks: i Rome, A. F. Harding, Orwell, S. G. Stevens ; i Windham, G. W. Leach ; C. W. Judd, Missionary |to India ;E. F. Roberts, Chaplain to I:l7th liegi j ment, N. Y. V. JOHN \\ ATERS, A private in Company B, l 210 th Regiment, P. V., died before Petersburg, Va., in January last, and was in the thirty-fifth i year of his age. He was of Welsh parentage, and j was born in the city of New Y'ork. He was re moved to this county sometime afterwards, and re j mained a citizen of Burlington twp., up to the time of his enlistment in the Union Army, where his respected parents, in a good old age, and his brothers and sisters, still reside. The deceased was remarkable for his industry, his probity, his sobriety, his quiet, unassuming, peaceful deportment, and was exemplary, to the last degree, in all the relations of life, not having an enemy in the world. By means of his great in dustry and frugality, he had amassed a handsome property, lor a man of his years and opportunities, not one dollar ol which was acquired by question able means. He took no advantage of other peo ple's necessities to get gain, but earned, by honest persevering labor, that which he has left to his re latives, and good will, must come, of property gained in this way. Would that society was blest with more such men as JOHN WATERS was. His life was worthy of all imitation, and. as if to glori fy it yet more, he gave it to his country. Peace to his ashes. ri f Xciu 3iHUTtiscmcnts. FOl.NI). —In tlio Susquehanna River, near Ulster, on 01-about the 6th in.-t., a young red : cow, so weak that she was unable to walk. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. HIRAM N. SHAW, April 17,1865 CHARLES RIDALL. Ip STRAY.—Came into the enclosure of J the subscriber about the middle of the present : month, a dark red cow, with some white on the belly and legs. Supposed to be three years old, and has the appea ranee of giving milk the past winter. NORMAN SHAW. Ulster, April '24, 1*6.7. B STRAY.—Came into the enclosure of the undersigned in Litchfield twp., on or about the 12th of April, 186.5, a lied fleiler, about 4 years old | The owner can have her by proving property and pay j ing charges. J. M. VAN DUZOR. j Litchfield, April 18, 1865. VTOTIC-E.—The Annual Meeting of the j -Li Stockholders of the Barclay Coal Company, will be held at their office in Philadelphia, on MONDAY, Ist I ot MAY next, at 12 o'clock, M., when an election will ; be helk for a President and Directors to serve the ensu ing year. HARVEY SHAW, April 10, 1865. Secretary. I pOR SALE CHEAP.—A Shingle Ma chine ot a veiy good kind. Apply to April 20. 1865. W. PATTON. FOR SALE.—Two Horses, Harness, Top Buggy, and Cutting Box. Enquire of JAMES McIXTYRE, j April 17. '6.7. At Drake's Wagon Shop, Towauda . 00 T S A N D Sll OE S ! New Styles at HUMPHREY A CO'S. rpiU NKS, TRAVELING BAGS,VALISES AND RETICULES. Largest assortment in town, at HUMPHREY & CO'S. jJUMPHREY & CO.'S HARNESS SHOP ! Has a full stock of II ARX E S S', S A D D L E S, \Y 11 1 P S, And everything to be found in a first class establishment ; gP RING ! SPRIN G! S P RING! 180 5 . PIIJ CE S N O W WITIf I N Tlf E EE A Cft O E A L L ! TRACY& M O O R E, Are now opening a FINE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, Including a handsome variety of DRESS GOODS, SPRING SHAWLS, FANCY GOODS & NOTIONS! A Good Stock of PRINTS, DOMESTICS, CARPETTNGS, Ac. LA DIBS' AND GENT'S HATS. GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, April 10. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Ac. PL A N TS,< i R APE VIN ES,E V ER-BLOOM ROSES. Fine variety of VERBENAS, DAHLAS, I Ac., for sale at the Garden of HARRY MIX. Early Winuingstadt, do Ox Heart, do Sugar Loaf, do Large York Cabbage Plants, 8 cents per dozens Early and late Cauliflowers 8 cents pertdozen ; Smooth, Kejee, Perfected, Red and Yellow Tomato Plants, 10 cents per dozen ; Egg Plants and Sweet and Bell shaped Pepper Plants. 10 cents per dozen ; Melon and Cucumber Plants in pots 25 cents, including pots ; Celery Plants 35 cents per 100 ; all kinds late Cabbage 35 cents per 100. To insure safety all plants arc put up nicely in mos. Towanda, April 13,1865. nicrrfjanbiu. JJ K N K V MKI; CI! It .V CO . , I Towiuiua, Penn'a, Have on hau<] anil are opening at LO W EST M A RKKT P RIC KS , A superior stork of DRY noons, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, COTTONS, WHITE (FOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Towanda, March 21,1865. QIXCE THE RECENT DECLINE IN" O PRICES P 0 W ELL k CO., Have made laige addition to their stock of BLEACHED arid UNBLEACHED COTTON GOODS, PRINTS, DE RAINES, Ac., kc. And now they offer them for sale At the L 0 W ES T M A R K E T PRICES. March 9, 1865. INTER GOODS, JUST OPENING, AT ROCKWELL'S. JfURS! FURS!! FURS!I! FURS I!! I A NICE ASSORTMENT, AT ROCKWELL'S, j CLOAKS ! LADIES CLOAKS ! N E W E S T STYLES, I AT ROCKWELL'S, j *■ rpOYS! TOYS!! TOYS !!! TOYS!!! I I SANTA OI.AUS, TAKE NOTICE! finest assort men t nt toys in town For the coming holidays, At ROCKWELL'S. Ccgal. \ DM INISTR'ORS NOTlCE—Notice is ii- hereby given, that all jieraoiia indebted to the estate ol K. P. FERINE, late of Troy B rough, dec'd are requested to make immediate p :.eut. and all having claims against said estate are re ,uested to prc ent them duly authenticated for settlemeiit. H. W. HERINE, April 27,16(15. Administrator. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. - N..tin is liereby given, that ail persons indebted to the estata of CEO. E. ARNOT, late of Monroe township, dec'd. are requested to make immediate payment, and' those having claim against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARTHA C. ARNOT, March 2. 1*65. Administratrix A DMIXISTRATORS NOTICE - Notice is TV hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate ot D C. HALL, late of Towanda borough, dec'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHARLES M. HALL, March 2, 1565. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice . is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es tate ot TRUMAN NICHOLS, late of Missouri, deceased are requested to make payment, without delay, and those havingclaimagainst said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. (Persons are requested to present their claims to the subscriber at Smithlield Summit.) JAMES H. WEBB, March 2,1865. Administrate! ADMIN-TOR'S NOTICE —Notice is bere hy given ,tbat ail persons indebted to the estate of NATHANIEL it. CHAFFEE,Iate of Pike twp. deceased are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. OLIVER WARNER, March 2, 1865. Administrator. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE—Notice is -AIL hereby given ,tbat all persons indebted to the estate ot MARGARET BLOW,late of Owego N.Y.,dec'd are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate wil! please present duly authenticated for settlement. NANCY STANTON, March 2, 1805. Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to tbees j tate of H.J. CAMP, late of Albany twp., dec'd, are j requested to make immediate payment, and all having i claims upon said estate will preseut thein duly authenti } cated for settlement. NATHAN NORTHRUP, April 6, 1865. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE —By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Brad lord county the undersigned Guardian ot the estate ot Ellen G. Sautee and Alice Santee, minor children of Wni. Santee dec'd. will sell on the premises, at public sale, ou WED NESDAY, April 26. 1*65, at 1 o'cloi 6. m., the follow ing descrilied lot. piece or parce! of ! rid,situate in Wil mottwp., and bounded as follows, to wit. ! Beginning at a corner on the bank of the Susquehau uo river at a post, being the north-west corner of Allen Wilson's lot ; thence south 15J° east 764 -to a white j oak sapling on the road between said Wilson and E. ! Winslow's houses ; thence soutli 50° west ou the line j run by John Stuidevaut 381 perches more or less to a j corner on the bank ol said river ; thence down said riv er the courses and distances thereof as the said river runs about 404 perches to the place of begiuning. Con taining 137 acres and 20 perches. ! TERMS.—S2S to be paid ori the day of sale, one half : of the balance on confirmation, and the balance in four ' equal annual payments there-alter with interest annually trom confirms tion. GEORGE F HORTON, March 15, 1865. Guardian. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of UEI. WILLIAMS late ol Canton twp. dee d, ate requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate will present thein duly authenticated for settlement. JABEZ CASE. MATILDA WILLIAMS, Feb. 16, 1865. Admin'tor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot IthielJ. A His, late of Orwell township,l'enu'a, deceased, arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. J. W. PAYSON, March 22, Im;s. Administrator. ADM INISTR ATOR'S N OTICE— Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ol CYRUS SMITH, late of Burlington Township, dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims agaiust said estate- must present them duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM BUN YON. Feb. 16 1865. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of Samuel IV. Gore, deceased. In the Orphan's Court ot Bradford County. The undersigned, as auditor, appoiuted by said court to distribute hinds in the hands of the administrators of said estate, will attend to the duties at his office in the borough ot Towanda, on Thursday the 27th day ol April, A. £>.. 1865, at 1 o'clock p.m.. and all persons having claims upon said funds must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. G. D. MONTANYE, March 23,1865. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of of the estate of IV. F. AlcKtan, deceased. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor, appointed by said court to distribute funds in the hands of the administrators i of said estate, and on exceptions tiled to the final ac-j count ot Dorlesky E. McKeau administratrix, will at tend to the duties ot his appointment at the office of j E. B. Parsons, Esq., in the borough of Troy on Mou- ; day, the 10th day of April, A. D., 1865, at 1 o'clock, 1 p. ni., and all persons having claims upon said funds must present tliera, or else be forever debarred from ! the same. March, 16. 1665. W. T. DA VIES, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of i J. E. Bullock (o use of Harding 4" Fee vs. F. G. Manley, JMarcus Gilman. A. S. Manley and J. B. Greenleaf In the Conrt of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 325, Feb. Terra 1860. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute j the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale ol defendant's real es tate, will attend to the dutttes of his appointment at 1 the office of E. B. Parsons. Esq., in the borough of Troy on Tuesday, the 11th day of April. 1*65, it 1 o'clock, p*. m., and all persons having claims upon said funds must present them or else be forever debarred from the same. W. T. DA VIES March 16. 1865. Auditor. IjiXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- Jk by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol Rev. JULIUS FOSTER, late of Towanda Boro' dec'd arc requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims agaiust said estate will preeseut them duly authenticated tor settlement. SUSAN M. FOSTER, N. N. BETTS, Jr., March 16, 1865. Executors. EX EC UTO ITS NOT I C K. X otice is here- j by given, that all persons indebted to the j estate of STEPHEN L. CLARK, late of Albany, towp, ' deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate J will preseut them duly authenticated for settlement. IRVINE C. SHORES, March 16, 1865. Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Nolice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate ot MARGARET FRITCHER. dec'd, late ol Athens, Pa., j are requested to make immediate payment, and those i having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement CHAS. W.CLAPP, March 9,1665. Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the | estate of ROGER ALGER, dec'd, late of Orwell, Pa.,are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ; ing demands against said estate will present them duly | authenticated for settlement. A. W. ALGER, I March 9,1865. Administrator. ■ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ELIJAH ALGER, dec'd, late of Orwell, Pa., | are requested to make immediate payment and those having 1 demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN W. ALGER, Mat-eh 9, 1865. Administrator, j A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice -TV is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JAMES LAYTON, of Rome twp.. | are requested to make and those j having demands against said estate will present them j duly authenticated lor settlement. WILLIAM FORBES, 2d., March 9, 1865. Administrator. j A DMINISTIIATOR'SNOTICE.—Letters -t * of administration ot the goods, chattels, Ac. of EMLY DRAKE, late of Litchfield twp., deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands sgainst the same are notified to present the same lor settlement to the subscriber. JOHN R. EDSALL, WM. H. SPENCER, Feb. 9, 1865. Administrators. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ! is hereby given, that, all persons indebted to the estate of JONAH STANTON, late of Litchfield, i dec'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and ; those having demands against said estate will please pre- ! sent duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM SNYDER. April. 18,1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es I tate of H. J. BOWEN, late of Warren, dec'd., I are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate must present them duly au thenticated tor settlement. EDWIN E. ALLYN, April 18, 1865. Administrator, j Ccgal. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue uf an r ol the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, the undersigued, guardian of the person and property of Hannah E Sherman, a minor, will sell at jjnhlic sale, on the premises.on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1865, at 1 o'clock,p. in , the following de ciibed lot. piece or par el of land situate in Springfield tp., Isiuwl ed as follows, to wit : Beginning at a hemlock on the north-east corner of Hezekiah Crowells timber lot, thence west 94 7-10 perches to the south-east corner of Andrew Cummins' land ; thence north si 7-10 perches to the south-west corner of Eli Stock well's land ; thence east 04 7-iO pi n-lies to the south-east corner of said Eli Stockwell's lot ; thence south bl 7-10 perches to the pluce of beginning. Containing 4s acres and 67 perch es of land TERMS—S2S In he paid on the day of sale, one half the balance on confirmation, the balance in four equal annual payments thereafter with interest annually from confLmalion. SETH SHERMAN, March 15. l' S.'i. Guardian AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—/ the matter uf the estate uf O, IV. Northrop, deceased. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford county. The uudeisigned ao auditor appointed, by said court, to distribute loud* in the liands of the administrators of said estate, will atterd to the duties at his ofliee in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday, April 27, 1865, at 1 o'clock p. m., and all persons having claims upon said funds must present thern, or else lie forever debarred from the same. J. N. CALIFF, March 23, 1863. Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. —By virtaeof an order issu- d out of the Orphan's Court of Sulli van County, tire undersigned Administrators ol JAMES BLACK, dee'd, will sell on the premises in Forks twp., Sullivan county, on MONDAY, MAY Ist, 1865, at 1 o'- clock p. m., the valuable property, kuown as Black's Mill. Consisting of a large Stone Crist Mill with three run ol Stones and the best water power in the County, with four acres ot land, a good dwelling house, a barn and sheds, and other out buildings. TERMS—SSO on day of sale one-fourth of balance ou the confirmation of the sale, one-tourth more in one year with interest, the balance iu three equal annual payments with interest. MOSES ROGERS, S.S. ROGERS, Administrators ot Jas. Black,dee'd. Forksville, March 15,1865. i SALE.—By virtue of a writ kjof Fi. Fa.issued out ot the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford counly , to me directed and delivered, will be I exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Boro' jot Towanda, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1865. at 1 o'clock i p. jn. the following described lot situate in the Borough ; of Tov anda and bounded as lollows, to wit : On the nofth by land of J. D. Montanye, East by main street, South by land belonging to the estate of D. F. Barstow, dee'd, and West by second street. • ontaining I three-fourth of an acre more or less, all improved with a framed house, framed barn, and a few Iruit trees there- I on. i Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Wm. D. I Delpuecb vs. Joseph Kingsbury. AI ..SO.—By virtue of a writ ot Vend Expo., the fol lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in j Ulster township, and hounded as follows, to wit : Be i ginning at a pine stump,corner ot lauds of S. B. Smitn, j thence south 52° west by land of said Smith 28 perches ' to a post, thence by land of -aid Smith south 61° west 20 per. to a post, thence south 51° west 23 per. to a post j by lauds of said Smith, thence west 50 per. by lands of said Smith to a black-oak, a corner of lands "of S. C. Hovey, thence south by lands ol said Hovey 36 per. to a post, thence east 75 per. to a post by lands formerly of I). O. Chnbbuck, thence south 70° east 40 per. to a post a corner ol lands of Rockwell A Hollenback, thence I north 89 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 36 I acres and 120 per. ot land be the same more or less, about 20 acres improved, with a framed house, and a log barn thereon. ALSO.—One other piece of land in Ulster township aforesaid, bounded as follows : Beginning at a black oak corner on the line of S. C. Hovey running north 67 per. to a dogwood corner, thence west 20 3-10 perches ; to a corner .thence nor'h 96 per. to a corner, thence south ; 78° east 83 3-10 per. to a corner stake and stones, adjoin ing Thaddeus Hill, thence south 83 per. to a stake and 1 stones, thence south 25$° east 46 per, to a white-pine for a corner standing south side of th public highway, theuce along said highway south 40° about west 40 per. to a corner, thence west 50 per. to the place of begin ning. Containing 78 aens and 41 perches more or less, about 30 acres improved. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Alauson B. Smith to use of Jacob Tome vs. James McMorran. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel ol laud situate in the township of LeLuy, and bounded , as lollows. to wit: North by Augustus Keily, east by Chauncy Chaapel, south by the Towanda Creek, and i west by A. M. K. West. Containing 50 acres more or less, about 30 acres improved, framed house, framed barn, and fruit trees therein, Seized and taken into execution at the suitof Chauncy I haapel now to use of William Elwell vs. Rocelia S. I Stone. ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Wilmot, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a small beech corner thenee north 2° eest 59 per. to a post, thence south 88° 8 per. to a stone corner, thence south 111 0 west 2 per. to a stone corner, theuce south Bfc° east by land in pos session of Jacob Miller 158 per. to a corner, thence south 2° west 57 per. to an old hemlock "down corner ."thence north 88° west by land formerly of Geo. Colter 166 per. to a small beech corner. Containing fifty-five acres and 151 per. ot land more or less. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ot Brown A Rockwell vs. Daniel Ilaumgartner. ALSO—A piece or parcel ol landjiu Standing Stone, Beginning at the middle of the highway, on the line of land owned by Reed A Gordon, theuce along said high way, north 20j- east 5 perches to a corner, thence uorth 55° west 34 perches to a post, thence north 26° west 14 8-ld perches to a stump, tbence south 534° west 14 per ches to a corner, thence south 26° east 32$ perches to a corner, thence south 874° east 30 perches to the place of beginning. Containing' 4 acres and 89 perches of land, more or less, all improved, with an old plank house and saw mill thereon Seized and taken in execution ot the suit of James M. Reed, to the use of Daniel Noble and Frederick Coy, vs. 1 Wiliiam M. Sherwood. ALSO—A piece or panel ol land in Standing Stone, j bound ed north by lands of Charles M'Canna and Tsajc ' Whipple, on the east by land of Tbos Mitten and Charles M'Canna, south by land ot John Bishop and west by land i of P. Lynch. Containing about 70 acres, about 35 im- ; proved, plank bouse, small framed stable, framed shed, j fog liaan and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Albert ! Newell vs. Roswell Hagar. ALSO—By virtue of a writ ol Fi. Fa., will be sold at | the same time and place, the lollowing described lot, | piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield twp., and I bounded as follows to wit:—Northerly by lands of Rus- | sell Young and James W. Grace ; easterly and southerly | by lands of L. L. Beacb. and westerly by lands in pos- i session of James W. Grace. Containing 50 acres of j land, more or less, all improved, with one framed house, i framed barn and about 50 fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lewis L. ; Beach to use of Diodate Spencer vs. Joseph Grace. J. MONROE SMITH, Towanda, April 6, 1865. Sheriff. KEGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- j by given, that there has been filed and settled in the office ol the Register of Wills, in and for the county j of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fol I lowing esates, viz : Final account of Betsy and Charles H. Payson admin- | istrotors of William Payson, late of Litchfield. Final account of John McKean, administrator ot Wm. F. McKean, late of Burlington. Final account of E. C. Williams, administrator of H. W. Huntington, late of Troy. Final account ot B. H. Adams, administrator of Wm. Jones, late of Springfield. Final account of Samuel HarUlioroe, administrator of G. W. Jakewavjate of Litchfield. Final account of Smith Lent, administrator of J. J. Reynolds, late of Windham. Final account of M. F. Porter, administrator of Alijah Ayers, late of Cantou. Final account of Mary Jane Sage executor of Philander Sage, late ol Monroe. Final account of F. Gregory, administrator of Allen Light, late of Pike. Final account of R. M. Ross, administrator of E. S. Rice, late of Springfield. Final account of J W. Decker, administrator of R. F. Fox, late of Monroeton. Final account of M. C. Coburn, administrator of Ros well L. Coburn, late Corn's, JNO. BEARDSLEE.) COM'RS OFFICE, April 17, 1865. A LARGE ARRIVAL OF FISII, COD FISH, Mackerel, Herring, Blue-Fish, Scale-Fish. Ac., at wholesale and retail. Mackerel put up in small packages for family use, some very choice ones ; also quarter and half-barrel packages, al offering tor sale at low rates,by feb2 E. T. FOX- A GOOD TRADE IN FROM THREE TO six mouths. Great demand of Telegraph Opera tors. Saleries from forty to eighty dollars per month. Good chance to learn. For particulars enquire at the Telegraph Office, Towanda, Pa. /CHANCE FOR A BUSINESS MAN! The business of D. C. Hall, deceased, consisting of stock of Liquors, rectifiers.and all fixtures necessary for the conducting of a wholesale and retail liquor trade is offered for sale. Enquire of CHAS. M. HALL, March, 30, 1865. Ad'mr of Est'e of D.C. Hall. GUI ST'S GARDEN SE E RS~! It is au established fact tbat a large proportion of the Garden Seeds sold in the country are worthless or nearly so. The reason is obvious. Seeds are left by the owners with merchants to sell on commission, often but a.small portion of them are sold, the remainder being returned, repacked and sent out again the following year, and so continuing until as a matter of course many of the seeds are worthless. In order to get the best and most reli able seeds I have bought a large stock of Hubert Buist.of Philadelphia, a house whose reputation for selling fresh and pure seeds is not surpassed by auy in the country ; and who never send out any seeds ou commission, and consequently not liable to accumulate old stock. 1 think a little reflection will convince any one of the advantage of purchasing these seeds. 1 have many var ieties not to be found any where els ein town. Also Rutabaga, Beet and Carrot seed by the pound, and Peas by the bushel. Please call and get a descriptive Catalogue at March 20. 1864. FOX'S. BOUNTY, RACK PAY AND PENSIONS. The undersigned Agent tor collecting Pensions, ! Bounty Money, Arrears of Pay of all kinds due Officers. Privates, Sutlers, Officers' Accounts settled and Certifi I cates of uon indebtedness procured . No charge unless [ successful. W, T- DAVIES. Towanda. March 16,1865. ULDE II S WA N TED! The subscribers want three or four Moulders at their Foundry and Machine Shop, in Athens, to whom the highest wages and constant employment will be given. Athens, Pa., March 2. 1665. BLOOD jA CO.