flradfotd fjUjwittt. LOCAL AM) GENERAL. ftfn '['lie members of the Republican s, aiding Committee of Bradford County, are re q,,l to meet at the Ward House in the Bora' of , .wanda, ou Monday May Ist, 1865, at 1 o'clock ~ in. for the purpose of appointing a Vigilance Punimittee for the ensuing year, and transacting other important business. A full attendence is de sired. The following named persons comprise said (VIIINIITTEE: J. B. HINDS, Wm. HOWELL, BELA SWELL, N. C. HARRIS, JOHN N. GRIFFIN, D. I lUV . .lis. H. AA'EBB, J AS. FOULKE S. W. ALVORD, JOHN B. HINDS, Chairman. \] A s S CONVENTION". —The Union Repnbli ,, Electors of Bradford County will meet in Mass Convention at tiie Court House in the Boro' of To waiida on MONDAY EVENING, MAY Ist, 1865. for the isc of choosing delegates to the coming Re- J:r,Mican Union State Convention, and transact i, other business as may come before the Con vention. 1; v order of the Standing Committee, JOHN B. HINDS, Chairman. 7-30 LOAN* —Xe# ISSIE.—The First Xa nil li.uik Towanda, is now prepared to receive I s ( riptious for the new issue of Treasury Notes, I i ,M. three years from June 15th, 1865, or ex blc at that time for the 5-20 sixper cent gold | . ; .-t bonds at par. The notes bear interest as I f, .i!"\vs : iin cent a day on ? 50 fwo cents a day on 100 Tc cents a day on 500 twenty cents a day ou 1000 flic interest from time of subscription to June | will be paid by us to subscribers in advance. | In, vc notes, with the exception of the date, are in I ,11 respects like the old issue of seven thirty cur j reucy interest notes. A supply will be kept on : ad for immediate delivery. N. N. BETTS. Cashier. bit. C. T. RUSH, formerly of Leroy, in this aitv, has located at AVaverly, and opened an of [ i , for the practice of his profession. iNT'That excellent Union newspaper, the j ' ii ihi'i Cimnly Ifrfmblimn, has entered upon its ,:ii relume, with abundant evidence of continued | > ! >pcrityand success. Dr. JOHN has fought a ..I light, in the very midst of Treason, and has !idd the cause of the Country with fidelity and i .igc. He has now associated with him as part- ALFIIED F. YOST, who has been for some years [ , ~,[.1. .yt-d in the office. AA'e wish the new firm the | .ss they so well merit. £-jrThe prisoners in charge of the Sheriff' I i I'D _;i county, N. Y., while on their way toßoch- I ~i,r. escape 1 from custody on Tuesday of last I. -tweeii Elmira and AVatkins. The Sheriff! 1 off thenars at Millport, and before he could i. • .r.i :h. train had left. £r;V\\ e arc indebted to (.'apt. OSCAR Tem- j | i'i.et 'N. of the 107 th Regiment, I'. A'., for files of I );• In 1 newspapers, embracing Columbia, Charlotte, I li.'i h and other journals. These papers are print- I I i 1 dingy paper, of about the quality of com- I !i, ii wrapping paper, and show generally the des ■ ji. rnT- condition of publishers in Dixie. I i 'apt. T. was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, and I•as le ,-n for twenty mouths a prisoner, in half a I ■ii i/i ii rebel prisons. iii;.ioiciNus,—About 1 o'clock p. in. Mon il. v, a despatch was received at the Telegraph of {!• • at this place,announcing the surrender of Lee's tunny, followed by the official correspondence.— Tins great news created the wildest enthusiasm . .1 excitement. Business was at once suspended, t .• stores closed, the church bells rang their mer riest peals, all the artillery in the place, (an old an vil) brought nut, and the town given up to a gen ii a! jollification. tie- evening a liugh bon Are illuminated the [ oid a grand torch light procession under'the I f A i ii' >ii of the Fire Department, H. B. MCKEAN I : Engineer, paraded the streets. A large crowd pat i • iin trout of the Ward House, and speech es .. . re made by Drt. TCRNER. Hon. U. MEISOTK and 1. 1. ELLIOT Esq. J. DE WITT Esq. spoke at the M>- ins Ibmse, and Gen. PATTON made some elo -81, i t remarks at his residence, which was beauti f'iy illuminated. Several other private residen-J [•■ - w. re illuminated. lin Tad news of the capture of Lees' army was '■ Vitiated to awake the most joyous feelings, k : ear citizens gave themselves up freely to the K item, nt of the occasion. AVe are glad to be able ■ - > however, that nothing occurred of an im ■' • - 'tit nature and the general hilarity was un- X i i-. ,1 by accidents or untoward events. tSa?*The full,i wing- complimentary notice | .In.'tve MERCUR'S retirement from the Bench of I <li-ti i* t. is from the Philadelphia Press, of the | St alt The members of the Bar of Bradford, A uity. m this State, paid a deserved eomplimeiit at" ' LY.-SES MEBCCB, president Judge of the P : i,t ; ■ i.i: Pistriet of which Bradford is apart, on ■-] n of his retirement from the Bench.— i itiair took place at the AVard House, in Tow- I'-T-.i. in tin Uth of March. Gentlemen of differ j>; - ; -iii,'.;! .sentiments participated in this testi t„ one of the most independent and inipar •h;ri.<ts in our State. Judge MERCUR'S retire -3 its mused by his election, last October, as i— i, presentative of the people of the Bradford P; in tin- Congress of the United States. As - qualified to wear the robes worn by JOHN -M I. GIBSON, who first presided in the Brad ■ ! ' 'istriet. so is he fitted to he the successor of i - mot and (IKO\V in the National Legislature, p.ike these t„ gentleliieu, Judge MeRCUR was for y :i \<-ars an active Democrat. Governor Cl'R |:s, we are gh„l to see, has appointed Hon. F. 15. |:i;KETEU. of Susquehanna county, to fill the va -1 y created bv the resignation ol' Judge MERCTR. f ' STREETEI: has occupied a number of important ft : ■ posts, and has always exhibited firmness, ihility. and energy. He will, of course, be nouiiu fti, T i-y the Union men of the district, and trium ■'h.i'itly elected. " I 93*. XKW FASHIONS. —J. \V. TAYI.OK is '• eiving a nice new stock of Spring Goods, -isting of nil tie- new styles of Bonnets, Hats - ' 1 riiumings, Ac. Call and see them. | t~g~ 'A force is at work on the shute at a> !" ;• • , and it will soon be in a condition to al tl„- passage of rafts. II m " in the battle of Monday, at Petersburg gallantly leading bis brigade into action. • reports lie was doing well, and in hopes of —' ible soon to get home. ■T" •*" HOOL. —The friends of the Sab s '| " 1 cause are invited to attend the meet- Bradford Co. S. S. Association at Athens ast WcTnesday and Thursday of this month, 'ills meeting is called at the time of the ope manv of the summer schools, and at the be - "f the summer campaign, it is hoped a l umber ,f our S. S. army will appear and ' the good work with their presence and |p v . D. A BLACK, Recording Secretary, ruer of the Executive Committee. and representatives of deceased i;,, L so ''h<rs can have their Back Pay and v piomptly collected and Pensions secured , t; N lx i Towanda Pa. Office with Messrs. t 1 KIT Attys at Law, No charge unless iXcui 3btHTtisnncnts. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF TOWANDA April 3, 18C5. ASSETS. U. S. securities $216,876 If Loans and discounts 83 544 | 3 Real estate. !!"!! 6.604 00 Furniture and fixtures 700 00 Due from National Banks 105,267 GO State Banks and Bankers 1!534 01 Legal tender notes on hand . 25 401 00 Banknotes " 12)788 00 (ash items 8,524 42 Expenses and taxes 2 367 10 Premiums 480 00 $464,136 54 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $125,000 00 Circulation 100,000 00 Surplus 3,066 62 Deposits 228,091 19 Profit and loss 7,078 73 , „ „ T . $464,136 54 I, N . N. BEITS, Jr., Cashier of the First National Bank of Towanda, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and be lie c v N. N. BETTS, Jr. oworn and subscrilied before me, this sth day of April. l s 6-'> J. W. Mix. Notary Public. PATRICK & PECK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offices : —ln Union Block, Towanda, l'a., formerly occupied by Hon. V'm. Elweil, and in Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They may be consulted at either place. II W. PATIOCK, apll3 W. A. PECK. CP RING ! SPRING! SPRING! 18 6 5. Pltl CE S N O IV WITH I N THE RE A Cll O F AL L ! T R A C Y A MOO R E, Are now opening a FINE STOCK OF SPRING GOODS, Including a handsome variety of DIIESS GOODS, SPRING SHAWLS, F A NC V <1 O O D S ft NOTIONS! A Good Stock of PRINTS, DOMESTICS, CARPETINGS, Ac. LADIES' AND GENTS HATS GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, April 10. CROCKERY, HARDWARE, Ac. YALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE! T A small farm in Bnrlington township, Bradford :ounty, situated 01 e half mile west of the Nichols' ichoof house, known as the Wiihelm lot. This piece ot and contains 53 acres, on which there is a small house, rood new barn, acd small orchard. The laud lays well, here being no waste land. ALSO—A lot adjoining the above lot, known as the Taylor lot, but a few rods from the Nichols" school house ontaining 14 acres. The title to this property is perfect. Terms madesa- I istactory to the purchaser. Apply to E O.GOODRICH 1 it the Prothonotary's Office, Towanda, Pa. apl2 .financial. Q S. SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN ! The undersigned have been appointed Agents tor the iale ot this Loan in this vicinity. These Notes are issued under date of August 15. 1864, ; nd are payable three years from that time, in currency r are convertible at the option ot the bolder into j U. S. 5-20 SIX PER CENT, G O L I) -P. E A R 1 N G R O N I) S . These Bonds are now worth a premium of nine per ! •ent , including gold interest from November, which j nakes the actual profit 011 the 7-30 Loan, at current ! 'ates. including interest, about ten per eent. per annum. ! resides its exemption frimi Sla'e and municipal taxation, I c/iich uddt from one tn three per rent. won. according } 0 the rate It-vied on oilier property. The interest is >ayable semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, J 1 hich may be tut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day on a SSO note. Two cents per day on a SIOO note. Ten cents per day on a SSOO note. Twenty cents , er day on a 1,000 note. One Dollar per day on a $5,000 note. Notes ot all the denominations named will be prompt y furnished upon receipt ot subscriptions. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET aw offered by the Government, and ii is confidently ex rected that its superior advantage will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $200,000,000 remain unsold, which will pro- 1 lably be disposed ot within the next sixty or ninety lays, wljen the notes will undoubtedly command a pre uium. as has uniformly been the esse 011 closing the sub- 1 criptions ot other Loans. B. S. RUSSELL, & Co. j U. S. Loan Agents. ; Coupons on all U. S, Loans cashed by us. Feb. 16. 1865. BANKINC. HOCSK OF B. S. RCSSELI. A Co.. 1 TOWANDA, Feb. 6, 1865. ( It HE undersigned having been appointed as agents lor the sale of the U. S. 7-30 Loan, offer the same to subscribers, ai d will extend every facility for pur chaseis lor investments in this highly popular Loan, vhich has two years and a half to run and is then paya de in Cash, or convertible, at the option of the holder, I nto the 5-20 gold bearing Bonds of the United States. Ve will receive the 5 per cent, interest bearing notes inu .11 low interest to the date of subscription Our facilities will enable 11s to oiler every inducement opuechasers. Any information required will be I'rcelv riven. !(. S. RUSSELL ft CO. . RANKING Horsu OF R. S. RI-SNKLL ft Co., I TOWANDA, Feb. G, 1865. ( \ f TOI.DERS of tbe U.S. 7 30 Loan are hereby notified LI that their Coupons due on the 15th inst., will be ashed on presentation at our office We have on hand and for sale all kinds o! Govern nent Securities, and purchase the same at best rates Passage Certificates by the " 111 man Line "of Steale rs from Liverpool and Cjtieenstown, lor sale at the I egular New York rates We also furnish Drafts pay ible at sight on London and Dublin, and on any part of he Continent of Europeat the lowest rates of Exchange. _B : S. RUSSELL & CO. ; FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TOW ANDA ! DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE t*. S. Capital SIOO,OOO DIRECTORS: :. 11. SMITH, | (. F. MASON, I JOSEPH POWELL, :. S. RtSSKLL, E. T. FOX, | GEORGE STEVENS, !. W. HALE. | J. D. MONTANYE, | O. D. BAKTLETT. This Bank lieing a depository of the United States, I ind in daily communication with the Treasury Depart nent, affords to its dealers unusual facilities for invest ng in Government Securities, or for the payment of in ,crest Coupons as they become due. A supply ot U. S Bonds and Treasury Notes are kept :onstantly on hand, and the officers of the Bank will al vaysbe pleased to lurxishany information required in egard to the various Government Loans. Deposits received and interest allowed as usual. Persons wishing to send money to any part of our own or the (lid Country, will lie furnished with Ex change at current rates. .. Xt K. H. SMITH. President. N. N. HETlis JR.. Cashier. Y| ON E Y T O I. 0A N ! Money to loan, in large or small sums, for a long or short term of years, on good securities. Money advanced upon Claims against the United States. Persons having money to lend will find it to their ad vantage to notify me of the fact. Sales of Real Estate negotiated and Conveyancing at low charges. Particular attention paid to matters in the Orphan's Court. Those who have farms or dwellings to let. and those desM'ing to rent the same, will consult their interest by calling 011 me. Abstracts ot Title—without which no owner of real estate should suffer himself to be—prepared with the ut most carefulness. Sales ot property attended to. and responsible agents tound lor tbe transaction ot business in other States. References when required. Office one door south ot PATCH'S, up stairs, over the room formerly occupied by the Telegraph Office, Towanda, l'a. EDWARD T. ELLIOTT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Towanda, March 2, 1865. IMPORTANT TO DISCHARGED WOUN- A ded Soldiers, Fathers, Mothers,Widows.Brothers and Sisters, and Orphan children of deceased soldiers, and all persons that have claims against the United States, 111 any ot the Departments at Washington, can have the same promptly collected, by calling on Office over Moutanye s Store, Main Street. To wanda. l'a. March 20, 1865. FTHOALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! -L SETTLE UP I SETTLE UP 1 ' The time has now come.that it is to the interest of all persons having accounts with the undersigned to call and settle up without delay. Jan. 2, 1860. JNO. BEIIILEMAN. tflerrtyanbijc. J.j K X R V MERCUR & CO., Towanua, Penn'a, Have on hand and are opening at LOWEST MARKET PRICES, A superior stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS k SHOES, CROCKERY, kc. Towanda, March 21,1865. SINCE THE RECENT DECLINE IN O PRICES 1' 0 W ELL k CO., Tave made huge addition to their stock of BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED COTTON GOODS, PRINTS, DE LAINES, kc., kc. knd now they ofler them for sale At the j O WE S T M A R K E T PR I C ES. March it, 1865. INTER GOODS, JUST OPENING, AT ROCKWELI/S. pUIIS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! FURS ! ! !! A NICE ASSORTMENT, AT ROCKWELL S. CLOAKS ! LADIES CLOAKS ! N E W E S T S T Y I. E S , AT ROCKWELL'S. THOYS ! TOYS !! TOYS!!! TOYS!!!! SANTA CLAUS, TAKE NOTICE! finest assortment ot TOYS IN TOWN For the coming HOLIDAYS, At HOCKWELL'B. *Heal (Estate. VILLAGE LOT AND BARN FOR SALE. • —Tbe rsii|j€ riber utters tor sale his building li tin the borough ol Towanda. situated on Second street, first lot above the residence of E. O. Goodrich. A good Barn is erected on the lot, and the property is very desirable. For terms Ac.,apply to J. F. Means,or Dee. 6, 1864. F. E. POST. TTALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND H .\I- T BERING PROPERTY FOR SALE,—The subscri ber desirous of going into other business, offers for sale his farm situate in Burlington Township. Bradford Coun ty,containing Five Hundred and Twenty-Five acres, about one hundred acre- under improvement, lour framed dwelling houses, a framed barn and -tabling, with a good Steam Saw Mill and Shingle Machine there on. Such land as .s uuimproved is good timber land, about six miles from the Susquehanna River and the North Branch Canal, end about ten miles Irom the William-port and Eltnira Rail Rotd, and about one mile from Burlington Borough. The timber upon the land is Pine, Hemlock , Oak, Ash. llapie and other kinds— Iteihg a very desirable properly lor lumbering and farm ing. One fourth of the purchase money would be required us a down payment, and the balance to IK; -eculed upon the property, to he paid in (our years in equal install ments annually For further particulars reference is made to the sub scriber upon the premises, or to Geo. C. Hill ol Burling ton Borough, or to Elhanau Smith, Towanda. N. B.—The subscriber has now on hand at the said mill, logs sufficient to manufacture from 400,000 to 500,000 feet of lumber, which he would sell with the property. 11. B. HILL. Burlington, Feb. if. 1865.—dm. TAESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! The subscriber will sell a building lot of half and acre, on Herrick street, also, a lot on Front street with pleas ant house, barn, ornimentul and choice fruit trees, com modious celler and an excellent well of water thereon, situate in the thriving village of Camptown, Pa. He will also dispose of a farm in Herri k township, about 3 n.iles from the former place, of 110 acres, 25 or 30 i in proved, house, shed, choice fruit of pear, cherries, ap ples, Ac., together with the timber and lumber fori barn on the the spot, the balance of land is heavily tim bered with hemlock, pine and hardwood. Terms to suit the purchaser. All persons owing the undersigned, on note, judgments, book account or otherwise, must have immediate settlement.. L. M. HEWITT. Wyalusing, Pa., March 2, 1865. FOR SALE.—The subscriber offers for sale his Carriage Factory, Blacksmith Shop and Barn. The Carriage Factory would make a very good stand for a store and could ire altered for that purpose for a trifle. The Smith Shop would make a good store house, it being near the Barclay Depot, for the boatmen to get feed and provisions. Also my Dwelling House is for sale. The house is a good two story one, with wood Hhed, good well of water and cistern. I will sell the above together or separate, to suit purchasers. I have a good horse and several carriages for sale also. The above property is situate on Main Street in the south end of the Borough of Towanda. March 1(1. 1865. H. H. DRAKE. yALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ! The well known Farm and residence of the subscriber is offered for sale. It is situated in Towanda township, one mile south of the borough, and is one of the most valuable and desirable properties to be found in the market. The farm contains 75 ACRES OF SPLENDID LAND, mostly river flats, and under a high state of cultivation. To those who know the fertility ol the river bottoms,and the ease with which they are worked, no praise is nec- L-s-ary. The improvements aie a BRICK HOUSE, with out-buildings, and a large variety of fruit, apples, peaches. plums, cherries, grapes, gooseberries, Ac.. Ac. The House,with five acres of land will be sold witli or without the Faint Terms of payment made easy to suit the convenience of the purchaser. Towanda. March 13, 1-65. HARRIET MEANS. IpOll SALE.—A House and Lot situated on Chestnut St., in this borough, 75 foot front and 210 foot deep, a two-story House, neaily new. and a new Barn. Inquire of Chas. M. Hall or March 9, 1864. I. S POST. yiLLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE! The subscriber offers for sale his house and lot, situa ted on the corner of Second and Elizabeth streets in the aoiough of Towanda. The House is a large two story house, with basement, nearly new and in complete re pair. It would answer admirably for two families. The iot is a corner one, well fenced, hiving a large number if thrifty fruit trees upon it. There is upon the prem ises a tine well of soft water. This property is one of :lie most eligible in the borough. Terms made easy. March 25. 1865. PHHAP SEEBICH. P 0 R R K N T ! A good Country Tavern stand, with about seventy ive acres of land attached, is being fitted up in good irder and will be ready to occupy by the first ol May, the improvements will be solar advanced as to enable laities to live in the house by the first ol April. There s two orchards, and two barns on the pjace. Security Tor the rent required. For terms apply to the subscriber, box 1816. Philadel phia. or I'. I). Morrow, Esq., Towanda.Bradford county, den n'a. March 20,1865. _ E. REED MYER. y ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE! The undersigned offers his Farm for sale, containing I bout 110 acres; about 70 acres improved ; under a -ood state ol cultivation; large Dwelling House ; two ;enemeut houses ; barns, and outhouses of all kinds; law mill, wagon shop, tannery and tobacco factory. A1 n good repair. Situate in Wyalusing township, on the Wyalusing creek, one mile from tbe river. Churches lud schools close by. For terms. Ac., enquiie of the iwner, J. T. Stalkuud, on the farm, or to 11. B. M'KF.AN, March 27. 1865. Towanda, Pa. P O R S A L E ! A good Dwellitl-' House and Baru, situate i.i this Jorough. enquire of To wan da, M arch 20. "05. .10 HXN.CA LI FF. Upikfiiraff's institute. GY E AN D EA R INSTIT I* TE. DR. UP DE GRAFF. jCCLIST, ACKIST AND GKNKHAI. SfKOKON, EI.MIUA.N- Y. Trial* all f)i*ra*e* of the Eye, Ear anil Throat. THE EYE.—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial dupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entro pion, (inversion ot the* eye-lid,] and treats all forms ol • SORE EYES," such as Granulated Lids, Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities ol the Cornea, Scrofulous dis eases of tbe Eye. and ai! diseases to which the Eye is lubject. THE EAR Treats successfully Discharges from the 2ar, JVoises in the Ear. Difficulty of Hearing, Deafness, even when the Drum is entirely destroyed. will insert in artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes of the latnral. THE THROAT.-Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton lils, together with CATARRH n all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate npon Club -Vet. Hare Lip, Cleft Palate, Tumors. Cancers, Morbid L-owths, Deformities from Burns, and Hernia, and per orms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips >r any portion of the face is destroyed through disease >r otherwise, by healing tliem on anew. Will attend to the Ampntation of Limbs, ind General Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL EYES.—Giving them all the notion and expression of the natural, defying detection, .hey are inserted without removing the old one or pro lucing pain. The Doctor's collection of instruments comprises all lie latest improvements, and is the largest in the State, the superior advantages he has had in perfecting him ielf in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, warrants aim in saying that everything within the bo'unds of the atofession may be expected ot him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we •an now accommodate an increased number of pat louts From a distance. Comfortable Boarding Honses attach ed to the establishment. No incut abb canes received for Treatment or Ojiera >ions. If a case is incurable he will be so informed. Institute on Water street, opposite the Brainard House Elmira, N. Y. Feb. 2. 1865. JJEW FIRM. GREAT INDUCEMENTS. FELLOWS, CRANDALL A CO., Successors to Reynolds, Fellows A Co., are now offering and prepared to furnish on short notice, Wagons, Car riages and Sleighs, of all descriptions aud ot the latest and most approved style and of the best material, at the aid stand opposite the Union House, in thecentril part of Alba Borough, Bradford County, Pa. The public are assured that the reputation the shop has acquired during the last six years under the super intendence of J. H. Fellows, will be more than main tained, as he will superintend the work as heretofore, he having long been and having had much experience as i Carriage and Sleigh Builder, would assure the public that rfo pains will be spared by the above firm to make the establishment worthy of their patronage. Thank ful as one of the old firm for tbe patronage thus far ex tended, we hope to merit a continuance of the same. N. B.—We, the undersigned, being pr. ctical mechan ics can manufacture and offer to the public at prices that will dety competition. (JAMES H. FELLOWS, W. C. CRANDALL, (j G. MERITT. Alba Borough, March 30,1 865. SHINGLES WANTED. —A quantity of No. 2, Sawed Shingles are wanted immediately by the Towanda Coal Company delivered atGraydon or on the line of the Barclay Rail Road. Apply to JAMES MACFARLANE, Towanda, March 16,1865. Gen. Man'ger T. C. Co. WANTED. —A Bellows, Anvil, Vice and a complete set of Blacksmith tools. Also a good Blacksmith accustomed to the work ot Miners. JAMES MACFARLANE, March 11,1865, General Manager T. C. Co. Cegal. 4 DMINISTR'ORS NOTlCE—Notice is J\- hereby given. thai ail persons indebted to tbe estate ot BV AN MEREDITH late of Franklin twp.,dec'd are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims apain.it said estate are requested to pre eat them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN MEREDITH. March 2, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.— Notice is hereby giVen, that all persons indebted to the estate ol (iEO. t'. * AHNOr, late ot Monroe township, dee'd, are lequested to make immediate payment, and those having claim against said estate will present th<-m duly authenticated tor settlement. MARTHA 0. A KNOT. March 2. 1*65. Administra'rix A DM IN ISTR ATORS NOTICE.— Notice in *A hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of I). C. HALL, late of Towatida borough, dee'd are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHARLES M. HALL, March 2, 1*65. Administrator. ADMINI STRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate ot TRUMAN NICHOLS, late of Missouri, deceased are requested to make payment, without delay, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. (Persona arc requested to present their ciaims to the subscriber at Smithlieid Summit.) JAMES H. WEBB, March 2,1865. Adm'nistratoi ADM 1 N TOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol NATHANIEL B. CHAFFEE,Iate of Pike twp. deceased arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present dulv authenticated for settlement. OLIVER WARNER, March 2,1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given.that all persons indebted to the estate of MARGARET BLOW.late of Owego. N.Y.,dee'd are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. NANCY STANTON, March 2, 1865. Administratrix. ADM INISTR ATO R'S N OTICE Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of H.J. CAMP, late of Albany twp., dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. NATHAN NORTHRUP, April 6, 1865. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE —By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county the undersigned Guardian oi the estate o; Ellen G. Sautee and Alice Santee, minor children of Win. San tee dee d, will sell on the premises, at public sale, on WED NESDAY, April 20, I*os, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the follow ing described lot. piece or parcel of I nd,situate in Wil inotlwp., and bounded as folfov. s, to wit . Beginning at a corner on the bank of the Susquehan no river at a post, being the north-west corner of Allen Wilson's lot ; thence south 15J 0 east 784 -to a white oak sapling on the road between said Wilson and E. Winslow's houses ; thence south 50° west on the line run by John Sturdeyant 384 perches more or less to a corner on the bank ol said river ; thence down said riv er the courses and distances thereof as the said river runs about 404 perches to the place ol beginning. Con taining 137 acres and 20 perches. TERMS,—S2S to lie paid on the day of sale, one half of the balance on confirmation, and the balance In four equal annual payments thereafter with interest annually from contirma Don. GEORGE P. HORTON, March 15, 1865. Guardian. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby givc-u, that all persons indebted to the estate of SAMUEL A. WARNER, late of Herrick, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please pre sent duly authenticated for settlement. H. W. CAMP, Feb. 8, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to thees tate.ot JUSTUS STUBDEVANT,Iate of Granville, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate must present them duly au thenticated for settlement. MINER T. PORTER. THOMAS AMES, Feb. 7. 1865. Administrators. A DM I NISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice Ja is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of UEL WILLIAMS late ol Canton twp. dee'd. are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JABKZ CASE, MATILDA WILLIAMS, Feb. 16, 1865. Admin'tor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice . is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Itbiel J. Allis, late of Orwell township,Penn'a, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. W. PAYSON, March 22. 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE-Notice is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate ot CYRUS SMITH, late of Burlington Township, dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM BUNYON. Feb 16 1865. Administrator. A UDITOIi'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the eita'r of xTL Samuel If. Gene, deceased. In the Orphan's Court o! Brad lord County. The undersigned, ac auditor, appointed by said court to distribute funds in the hands ot the administrators of said estate, will attend to the duties at his office in the borough of Towatida, on Thursday the 27th day ot April. A. P.. 1*65, at 1 o'clock p.m.. and all persons having claims upon said funds must present them, or else he forever debarred from the same. G. I). MONT \NYE, March 23, 1565. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In tin• matter of of the estate of IV. F. MrA'ea■<, deceased. 11l the Orphan's Court ot Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor, appointed by said court to distribute funds in the hands of the administrators of said estate, and on exceptions filed to the linal ac count ol Dorlesky E. McKean administratrix, will at tend to the duties ot his appointment at the office ot E. B. Parsons, Esq.. in the borough of Troy on Mon day, the 10th day of April, A D., 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., and all persons having claims upon said funds must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. March, 16. 1865. W. T. DAVIES, Auditor. A UDITOIi'S NOTICE.— In tin > matter of ./. IC. Bullock to use of Harding '• r v -F. ti Manley, .Marcus Oilman, A. S. Alanley and J. 11. Grcenteaf In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradlord County, No. 325, Feb, Term 1860. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of defendant's real es tate, will attend to the dutti'es ot his appointment at the office of E. B. Parsons, Esq., in the borough of Troy mi Tuesday, the lltli day of April. 1*65, tt 1 o'clock, p. in., and all persons having claims upon said funds must present them or else be forever debarred from the same. W. T. DAVIES March 16. 1865. Auditor. £ [EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here in by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol Rev. JULIUS FOSTER, late of Towanda Boro' dee'd are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will preesent them duly authenticated for settlement. SUSAN M. FOSTER, N. X. BETTS. Jr., March 16, 1865. Executors. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of STEPHEN L. CLARK, late of Albany, towp, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. IRVINE C. SHORES, March 16, 1865. Executor. ADAfI NISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of MARGARET FRITCHER, dee'd, late ol Athens, Pa., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHAS. W.CL.VPP, March 9,1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ROGER ALGER, dee'd, late of Orwell, Pa.,are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. A. W. ALGER, March 9, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ELIJAH AL(ER, dee'd, late of Orwell, Pa., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN W. ALGER, March 9,1865. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice -'A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JAMES LAYTON, dee'd, late of Rome twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. WILLIAM FORBES, 2d., March 9, 1865. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE.—Letters 1 4 of administration oi the goods, chattels, Ac. ol EMLY DRAKE, late of Litchfield twp., deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands sgainst the same are notified to present the same for settlement to the subscriber. JOHN R. EDSALL, WM. H. SPENCER, Feb. 9,1865. Administrators. Ccgal. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order ol the Orphan's Coart of Bradford County. the undersigned. guardian ol lhc person and property ol Hannah E Sherman, a minor, will sell at public mle, on the premises,on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m , the following rle cribcd lot. piece or par el ol land situate in Springfield tp., hound ed as follows, to wit : Beginning it a hemlock on the r.orth-ea-t corner of ilezekiah Crowcll's timber lot, thence west 94 7-10 perches to the south-east corner of Andrew Cummins.' land ; iheuce north si 7-10 perches to the south-west corner of Eli Sto-k well's land ; thence east 94 7-i't per- hes to the soiiih-eisl corner of said Eli Stockwell s lot ; thence south si 7-10 perches to the place of begiuuiiig. Containing 48 acres and 07 perch es of land TERMS to he paid on the day of sale, one halt the balance on coutirinatiou, the balance iu four equal iimual payments thereafter with interest annually from conthmation. SKTH SHERMAN, March i;i, Istjj. Guardian. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- In the mailer of the estate of (>, IV. Northrop, deceased. In the Orphan's Court at Bradford county. The undeisi ned an auditor appointed, hy said court, to dis'rihute funds in the hands ol the adrniui-trators of said estate, will attei d to the duties at his office in the borough of Towanda,on Thursday, April 27,1865, at 1 a'clock p. in., and all persona having claims upon said funds must present them, or else he forever debarred from the same. . J. X. CALIFF, March 23, 1865. Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. —By virtue of an order issird out of the Orphan's Court of Sulli van County, the undersigned Administrators ol JAMES BLACK, dee'd, will sell on the premises in Forks twp., Sullivan county, on MONDAY, MAY Ist, 1865, at 1 o'- clock p. m., the valuable property, known as Black's Mill. Consisting of a large Stone Crist Mill with three run of Stones and the best water power iu the County, with four acres of land, a good dwelling house, a barn ind sheds, and other out buildings. TERMS—SSO on day of sale one-fourth of balance on the confirmation of the sale, one-tourth more in one year with interest, the balance in three equal annual payments with interest. MOSES R' GERS, B.S. ROGERS, Administrators ot Jas. Black,dee'd. Forksville, March 15, 1865. I KRI UK'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ Oof Fi. Fa.issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county•, to me directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Boro' >1 Towanda, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1865, at I o clock p. rn. the following described lot situate in the Borough if Tov auda and hounded as follows, to wit : On the north by land ol J. I). Montanye, East by main street, South by land belonging to the estate of D. F. Barstow, dee'd, and West by second street. containing three-fourth of an acre more or less, all improved with a Iramed house, framed baru, and a few fruit trees there on. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Wm. D. Delpuech vs. Joseph Kingsbury. ALSO By virtue of a writ ol Vend. Expo., the fol lowing described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster township, and bounded as follows, to wit : Be ginning at a pine stump,corner of lands of S. B. Smitu. thence south 52° west by laud of said Smith 28 perches to a post, thence by laud of .-aid Smith south 61° west 20 per. to a post, thence south 51° west 23 per. to a post by lands of said Smith, thence west 50 per. by lauds of said Smith to a black-oak, a corner of lands of S. C. Hovey, thence south by lands of said liovey 36 per. to a post, thence east 75 per. to a post by lands formerly of D. O. Cknbbuck, thence south 70° east 40 per. to a post a corner of lands of Rockwell & Hollenbaok, thence north 89 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 36 acres and 120 per. ol land la? the same more or less, about 20 acres improved, with a framed house, and a log barn thereon. ALSO.—One other piece of laud in Ulster township aforesaid, bounded as follows : Beginuing at a black oak corner on the line of S. C. Hovey running north 67 per. to a dogwood corner, thence west 20 3-10 perches to a corner,thence north 96 per. to a corner, thence south 78° east 83 3-10 per. to a corner stake and stones, adjoin ing Thaddeus Hill, thence south 83 per. to a stake and stones, thence south 254° east 46 per, to a white-pine tor a corner standing south side ol the public highway-, thence along said highway south 40° about west 40 per. to a corner, thence west 50 per. to the place of begin ning. Containing 78 acres and 41 perches more or less, about 30 acres improved. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Alanson B. Smith to use ol Jacob Tome vs. James McMorran. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel ol land situate in the township of Lel.'oy, and bounded as follows, to wit: Norili by Augustus Kelly, east by Channcy Chaapei, south by the Towanda Creek, and west hy A. M. K. West. Containing 50 acres more or less, about 30 acres improved, framed house, framed barn, and fruit trees therein. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Chauney Cbaapel now to use of William Elwell vs. Kocelia 8. Stone. ALSO.—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Wiimot, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a small beech corner thenee north 2° eest 59 per. to a post, thence south 88° 8 per. to a stone corner, thence south 10° west 2 per. to a stone corner, thenee south .98° east by land in pos session ot Jacob Miller 158 per. to a corner, thence south 2° west 57 per. to an old hemlock'down corner,"thence north 88° west by land formerly of Geo. Colter 166 per. to a small beech corner. Containing fifty-five acres and 151 per. ot land more or less. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Brown & Rockwell vs. Daniel Baumgartuer. ALSO—A piece or parcel ol lauu|in Standing Stone, Beginning at the middle of the highway, on the line of land owned by Reed A Gordon, thence along said high way, north 20J C ea.-t 5 perches to a corner, thence north 55° west 34 perches to a post, thence north 26° west 14 8-10 perches to a stump, thence south 53£° west 14 pet ches to a c mer, tbeuce south 26° east perches to a corner, thence south S74 3 east 30 perches to the place of beginning. Containing" 4 acres and *9 perches of land, more or less all improved, with an old plank house aud saw mill thereon. Seized and taken in execution ot the suit of James M. Reed, to the use of Daniel Noble and Frederick Coy, vs. William M. Sherwood. ALSO—A piece or parcel ol laud in Standing Stone, hound ed north by lands of Charles .51'Canna and Isaac Whipple, on the east by laud ef Thos Mitten and Charles Vl C nna, south by land ot John Bishop and west by land if P. Lynch. Containing about 70 acres, about 35 im proved. plank house, framed stable, framed shed, og ba.ui and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Albert S'ewell vs. Itoswell Hagar. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa., will be sold at he same time and place, the following described lot, jiece or parcel ot land situate in Springtield twp., aud rounded as follows to wit: —Northerly by lands of Rus ■ell Young and James W. Grate ; easterly and southei ly jy lands ol L. L. Beach, and westerly by lands in pos iession of James W. Grace. Containing 50 acres of and, more or less, all improved, with one framed house, ramed barn aud about 50 fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Lewis L. Reach to use of Diodatc Spencer vs. Joseph Grace. J.MONROE SMITH, Towanda. April 6, 1865. Sheriff. f> EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here l by given, that there has been tiled aud settled in he office of the Register of Wills, in aud for the county >f Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fob owing estates, viz : Final account of Betsy and Charles H. Payson admin strotors of William Payson, late of Litchfield. Final account of John MeKean, administrator of Wm. ?. MeKean, late of Burlington. Final account of E.G. Williams, administrator of H. >V. Huntington, late ot Troy. Final account of B. H. Adams, administrator of Wm. I ones, late of Springfield. Final account of Samuel Hartshorne, administrator of J. W. Jakeway,lato of Litchfield. Final account of Smith Lent, administrator of J. J. Reynolds, late of Windham. Final account of M. F. Porter, administrator of Alijah Ayers, lale of Canton. Final account of Mary Jane Sage executor of Philander sage, late ot Monroe. Final account of F. Gregory, administrator of Allen bight, late of Pike. Final account of R. M. Ross, administrator ot K. S. Rice, late of Springfield. Final account ot J W. Decker, administrator of R. F. Fox, late of Monroeton. Final account of M. C. Coburn, administrator of Ros ivell L. Coburn, late of Warren. Final account ol John McMahou. administrator of lobn Flynn.lateof Wyalusing. Final account of James and Austin Edsall, executors of Jesse Edsall, late of Wells. Partial account ot M . T. Porter, administrator of Silas Packard, late ol Granville. Partial account ot J. F. Chamberlain, guardian of Ol iver A. Gilbert. Final account of O.J. Chubbuck, guardian of Martha E. Hamilton Final account ol S. H. Wilson, guardian of Robert Dimon. Final account of L. I!. Pierce, administrator of Robert P. Shortell, late of Pike. Final account of T. S. Roberts, Guardian of Lois Marsh. Final account of John Mc-Mahon, Guardian ol Martin. Mary, David, Bridget and Catherine O. Keefe. Partial account ol P. H. Buck, administrator of Dudly M. Baily, late of Leßaysviile. Partial account ol Joseph Hornet and Oliver Brown, administrators of W. H. H. Brown, late of Monroe. Final account of G. W. Brink, administrator of the es tate of George Harrington, late ot Pike, dee'd. Final account of G.W. Brink, administrator ot the es tate of Denison Gregory. late of Pike, dec d. Final account of Myron Caperon, administrator of J. J. Barues, late of Wells, deceased. ALSO.-The appraisment ot property set off by the Executors or Administrators to widows or children of the following defedents : Estate ot Oliver Bartlette, " Charles Hornet, " " Shepard Cosper. ''S.J.Gibson, " " Wm. K. Sext n, " " Buckley Tracey, " " Ebcnezer Horton, " '• George Nichols, " '• Joseph G. Spencer, " "Ira Forrest, •' " Chapel Light, " ' Isaac R. Horton, " " Samuel A. Warner, •' " Pbiletus Van Dyke. Aud the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on Monday, the Ist day ot May next, for confirmation and allowance. April 6, iB6O. N. C. KLSBREE,'Register. ADM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of DANIEL MINIER late of Sheshequin twp.. dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will pres ent them duly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM ItIDALL, April 11, 1865. Administrator. Cegal. Q HERIFF'K SALE.—By virtu*.* of a writ k_/ of I. v. Kac issued out of the Court <>l Common Ple.is of Bradford county, to me directed .mil deiivcred, will be exposed uf public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Towauda. SATURDAY, APRIL T-l, 1860, at 1 o'clock p m , the lollowing described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate iu Franklin township, bounded ■ follows : A certain saw mill. arid three aerosol land, beginning at a hlai k-ouk on the tiank of the i owattda Creek, thence north 4j° west 21 per. to a atone in tire centre ol the public road, them e along tin- same north i| 0 went 7 3-10 per. to a stone in said mad. thence *outh 6° west 15 310 per. to a stone comer, thence ionth 7 m £° west 20 per. to the bank of the creek, t ence lown the several courses thereof to the place ot begin ring. Containing three acres lie the same more or less, with two framed dwelling houses, one framed horse arn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ot William Darling to use ol Kelson Gilbert vs. John 1..111U and fames Roof. J. MONROE SMIIH, April 6,1*65. Sheriff. [ IST OF THE NAMES OF PERSONS -Li drawn for Grand arid Traverse Jurors, for May Join t, 1865 : GUANO JURORS—FIKST WKKK. Asylum, Reuben DeLung, J N. Arbuekle: Burlington twp , K. R. Phelps; Canton twp., Jared S. Manley Wm . Locke ; Canton bor<T Lewis He I lard ; Granville. J. F Buriingarne; Orwell, Zebulou Frisbee; Overton, James shc-edy : Ridgburry. Moses Soper ; Rome boro', P P. Bliss; Rome twp., E. W. Taylor; South Creek. Iliram Harkness; Springfield, J. M.Bonfoy ; Troy twp., Saml Ihornas, Ezra Loornis; Towanda boro', Isaac Larrieraux; l'erry. Franklin Strong ; Windham, Hezekiah Darling. B.C. Eisbree; Wilmot, A.J. Stone; Warren, Beia Fair child; Wells, Gideon Ingersol!; Wyalusing, H.S.Clark. THAVKRSE JfHOHS- -FIRST WKKK. Asylum, James M. Darling; Athens twp., Squire Northrop, Charles West brook, Muses W Wbeelock : Burlington twp.. Barney Herron, Oscar F. Ayers ; Col umbia flames Wilson; Canton twp.. Allen Taylor; Frank lin, Mathew Marshall; Granville, Edwin Porter ; Mer rick. Wm. A. Whitmore; I.itchfield, Cyrus Bloodgool. Heman Morse, Milo Merrili; Asa Nichols: Monroe boro', O. I*. Lyon; Orwell, G. W, Brown, Avery Cook; Pike, C. W. Remolds, loiccy Stevens, Win. J. Davis; Ridgberry, Luther Gates; Rome boro'. Daniel Vought; Shesbeqiiiu, Charles Chaffee, G. Wayne Kin ney, Thomas MeMahon; Springtieid, D.vid Smith, Seth Sherman, Abram Westbrook; Smithfield. Miles Ransom, Gordon Wilcox; Standiug Stone, Stephen T. Bishop, John Gordon; South Creek, Dayton Shepard; Tuscarori W. H. Brown, Aaron Culver, Wm. Mahoney: Troy twp., Shepard N. Spalding; Towanda North, A. J. Easter brooks; Terry, Philander White; Troy boro', Wm. Mor gan; Wells, Charles Smith; Warren. N.N. Bowen, A. Dewing; Windham, Abraham Dunham ; Wyalusing, Julius Bragg, L. D. Chamberlain; Wilmot, Elmore Hoi ton. TRAVEK3 JURORS—SECOND WEEK. Athens twp., Ezekiel Curry; Athens boro'. John P. Blood; Burlington twp., Robert M. Prnyne ; Columbia. Cornelius H Mosher ; Canton twp.. Philander Case ; Franklin, Ira Yarney; Granville, Wm. Bunyan. Harrisou Ross; Herrick, J. C. Barnes ; Leßoy, Lewis T. Rurgs, Eugene VanDyke ; Monroe twp., Hiram Xorthrup, J. F. Woodruff; Pike, A. B. Bartlett ; Rome twp.. D. B. Barnes; Ridgberry, Mathew Fritchn*; Springfield, John Parsons; South Creek, John F. Gillett.Jauies Burnham: Sylvania boro', L. N. Tinkham; Sheshequin, U. E. Hoi ton ; Tuscarora, Wilmot Coburu, G. R. Johnson ; Troy boio', Andrus Case ; Troy twp , John V. Ballard ; To wauda twp.. Francis Gregg; Towanda North, Michael White ; Towanda boro', LeCcmpt Mundy, Wm. Mix. Charles Passage; Wells, S. R. Ayers, David Lawrence : Wysox, Fred. Alleu; Warren. G. W. Bowen, Harring ton Whitaker. LICENSES. —Notice is hereby given that the following named petsons have filed iu the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, for Brad ford county, their petitions for Licenses under the ex isting laws ot the Commenwealth, and that their sever al applications will he heard before the Judges ot the said Court, on MONDAY, the Ist day ol MAY next: FOR TAVERN LICENSES. V. M. Long Troy Borough. I'latt A Hall, Athens Township. S. W. Ada Standing Stone. Charles H. Ames, f-heshequiu. Riley Warner Canton Borough. H. H. & T. E. Whitman do John Dickerson, Warren. H. M. Holcomb, Leßoy. J. S. Thompson, Camptown. John M. Pike, Athens Borough. T. Hines, Wyalusing. D. H.Beardsley Alba Borough. Richard H. Benson Springfield. Abraham Martin Troy Borough. James A. Shu It Z, Athens Township. Edmund King Springfield. S. D. Goodrich, Columbia Township. Francis Green Troy Borough. E. B. Tuttle Ulster. Pet-ley K. Foot, Towanda Borough. M.T. Carrier, do Thomas It. Jordan do Samuel McCraney Leßoy. Wm. H. Decker Monroe Borough. Hiram Sherry, Windham. Jared Hammond liidgbury. Ann Whalon Wysox. Orrin Furman Sylvania Borough. FOR MERCHANT DEALER. A. O. Snell Athens Borough. Charles M. Hall, Towanda Boioogh. Dennis MeMahon do Lyman Blackman, .Monroe Borough. E. 0. GOODRICH. April 12, 1860. Clerk. r IST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT MAY -Li Term, 1865, second week ; Davis Fitzsimmnns vs Amos Knapp Case Daniel M'Duffie vs North Branch Canal Co. . Damages S W Park vs Wm Frederick Ejectment Benjamin Bennet vs Jonn W Sweet do Alanson B Smith vs Sam'l Kellum 2d, et al ... do Reuben W Cheney vs Ebeu Dunning ..Case P X Page vs J P Blood Debt H A Hood vs Shipman & Welles do D M Osborne A Co vs R M Welles et al do Clarkson A Nichols vs Meyiert A Ward do Amos Stiuble et al vs Levi Anderson et al....Ejectment W H Tyler's administrator vs Meyiert A Ward. .. .Debt Lewis Havens vs Christopher L Ward ... do Charles Knapp vs John F Long et a! Trespass Lydia Munson vs Amos B k<-r Issue George A Hidden vs John W Sweet Ejectment K C Elslr<e vs Samuel G Hathaway "s heirs... do Daniel J Horton vi Benj L M'Affee Trespass David Barber vs Ulysses Mercur .. Case Daniel Curran vsMary Ann Bishop Sei Fa Subpoenas returnable Monday, May 10. IM;s,at 10 o'- slock, A. M. I-To. GOODRICH, Prot. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT XI Charles Stockwell, Jesse E. Bullock, and others, have presented to the Court ot Common Pleas of Brad ford County, the charter ol the Canton Cemetery Asso ciation, praying the Court for a decree of incorporation, and that the same will lie heard on MONDAY, the Ist day ot MAY, 1865, of which all persons interested will please take notice. E. O. GOODRICH, April 10,1865. Prothonotary. miscellaneous. A LARGE ARRIVAL OF FISH, COD PISH, Mackerel, Herring, Blue-Fish, Scale-Fisli. Co., at wholesale and retail. Mackerel put up in small liaekages tor family use, some very choice ones ; also quarter and half-barrel packages, al offering for sale at low rates, by fen 2 E. T. FOX. A GOOD TRADE IN FROM THREE TO six months. Great demand of Telegraph Opera tors. Salevies from forty to eighty dollars per mouth. Good chance to learn. For particulars enquire at the Telegraph Office, Towanda, Pa. QHANCE FOR A BUSINESS MAN ! The business of 1). C. Hall, deceased, consisting ola stock of Liquors, rectifiers.aml all fixtures nccessaty for the conducting of a wholesale and retail liquor trade is offered for sale. Enquire of CHAS. M. HALL, March, 30, 1865. Ad'mrol Est'e of DC. Hall. LANDED ON THE PREMISES OF THE subscriber 111 the ice freshet ot March 11th. and ta ken care of by him, a part ot a raft of hemlock sawed lumber. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. " J. W. INGHAM. Sugar Run. Pa , March 25. 1865. T> UI S T'S GA R D E N SE E DS ! It is an established fact that a large proportion ol the Garden Seeds sold in the country are worthless or nearly so. The reason is obvious. Seeds are left by the owners with merchants to sell on commission, often but a small portion of them are sold, the remainder being returned, repacked and sent out again the following year, and so continuing until as a matter of course many of the seeds are worthless. In order to get the best and most tell able seeds I have bought a large stock o! Robert Uuis.ol Philadelphia, a house whose reputation for selling fresh and pure seeds is not surpassed by any in the country ; and who never send out any seeds on commission, and consequently not liable to accumulate old stock. I think a little reflection will convince any one of the advantage of purchasing these seeds. 1 have many var ieties not to be tound any where els ein town. Also Rutabaga, Beet and Carrot seed by the pound, and Peas by the bushel. Please call and get a descriptive Catalogue at March 20,1864. FOX'S. MO U L 1) E R S . \Y A N TE I) ! The subscribers want three or four Moulders at their Foundry and Machine Shop, in Athens, to whom the highest wages and constant employment will be given. Athens, Pa., March 2.1865. " BLOOD &CO ANY PERSON WISHING TO TAKE charge of a large Boarding House can hear of a good chance bv calling on s " A.WICKHAM, March 16,1865. Towanda, Pa. BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. The undersigned Agent for collecting Pensions, Bounty Money. Arrears of Pay of all kinds due Officers. Privates, Sutlers, Officers' Accounts settled and Certifi cates of non indebtedness procured . No charge unless successful. W. T. DA VIES. Towanda. March 16. 1865, "VTOTICE. —All persons who have unset i\ tied accounts with the subscriber are requested to call immediately and settle up, as he will lie in Leßays vilie only a few days longer. Those heeding this call will save money. " A woid to the wise is sufficient." L. H. BRONSON. Leßaysville, Feb. 13, 1865.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers