Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 09, 1865, Image 2

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—A sleeping car on the Philadelphia and
Erie Head caught fire near Lancaster, Mouday |
night, and was totiilly consumed. The passengers
barely escaped with the loss of clothing and bag- j
—The House Committee for the District
of Columbia, have discovered that seventy persons
committed to the District jail have been recently
bailed out and sold to substitute brokers.
—Jacob.Little,the great Wall-street stock j
operator, is said to have become deranged. His j
life for the last forty years has been one of contin- j
tied excitement
—Those who are interested in the Erie
Canal are exercised about the proposed ship canal
around the Falls, fearing it will divert traffic.
—A Paris letter says : " General McClel
lan intends to prolong his sojourn in Paris for some
weeks, and thence go to Rome and Dresden, with
the intention of spending next summer in the south
of France, and returning to America next autumn."
—General Grant writes that " if General
Sherman's success continues a few days longer the
country may safely indulge in exultation." In a
private letter from the Lieutenant General he ex
pressed the opinion that peace is not far distant.
—Gen. Mosquera, President of the Re
public of Columbia, and its Minister to London
have arrived.
—Gen. Grant, the War Department con
curring, has declined an offer of Gov. Fenton of
ten regiments of the National Guard for 100 days'
service in garrisoning the forts at Savannah,
Charleston, 'Wilmington, and other rebel ports.
—The Louisville Journal says, editorially,
the rebels are expecting soon to startle the whole
country, and astonish the world.
—A naval expedition of considerable
magnitude is said to be fitting out at Cairo. The
fleet will comprise 30 steamers.
— A telegram from Memphis states that
Major-Gen. Washburn has been assigned to that
—Of all the coast forts seized by the reb
els, and which Mr. Lincoln in his innagttral, de
clared it the duty of the Government to repossess,
not one, since the possession of Fort Snmpter. re
mains in their hands.
—One hundred paroled officers and nine
hundred and seventy-five men reached Annapolis
from Richmond last week. All were in a wretched
condition, and three hundred were carried to the
—Mr. John Overton, the Tennessee mil
lionare. who, it is said, gave $5,000,000 to aid the
rebellion, has deserted the cause, taken the oath,
and is once more a pence- able citizen of Nashville.
—The Grand Jury at Rochester have re
turned two bills of indictment against coal monop
olists. The contents of the bills will not Vie made
public until the parties indicted have been brought
tip to answer upon bench warrants.
Nevada produced $15,000,000 in silver
last year. Tliut is about twice as much as the av
erage annual production of the mines of Pern or
of the mines of Mexico for the last two or three
—The Springfield Republican states that
Gen. Banks, not to permit the government or the
public or himself to feel that he was a superflons
appendage to either the military or civil list, has
offered his resignation to both the Secretary of
War and President, and both have declined to ac
cept it.
—Estimates of Gen. Leo's strength,made
from the best authority, prove him to have from
<IO.OOO to 75,000 men. of which it is supposed, he
has sent South to Beauregard from 10.000 to 15,000
It is not considered probable, in mili
tary circles, that troops would be sent North to
join Lee, as they would not be sufficient to enable
hini to attack Grant with any prospect of success,
and their only hope is to impede and harass .Sher
man on his march northward, whose movements,
so far, have been so completely enveloped by his
cavalry, that they do not know within a hundred
miles of where he will strike next, and, conse
quently. have been unable to concentrate on his
—From one of the returned prisoners, we
learn that the Rebel prisoners sent back bv ex
change are sent south to join Hardee and Beaure
gard. The other day before leaving. Gen. Lee
made a speech to about 1,500, telling tlieni that it
would only lie necessary for them to postpone their
furlough for a few days, when Sherman would be
driven from their soil, and his army scattered and
destroyed. They responded with more enthusiasm
than do those troops who have been in such a state
of destitution all winter in the rebel camps.
—Advices from Mazaflan represent the
surrounding country as thickly infested by Mexi
can guerrillas, on whom the French make constant
reprisals, seldom taking any prisoners.
—There arc said t< heat present about
154,000 tons of ice. varying from 12 to 10 inches in
thickness, stored on the Hudson River,
—The Hon. Johnathan L. Woods, an old
and prominent lawyer of Lookport. died at that
place Wednesday morning last.
—ln the New Jersey Legislature W edits
dav the election tor United States Senator was
postponed until the 15th inst.
—The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania on
Wednesday Feb. 15th, decided that unless there is
a positive stipulation between the parties to the
contrary, the party selling a property and furnish
ing the deed must likewise pay the stamp duty im
posed by Act of Congress upon the same. It
would therefore be well for parties buying ud sell
ing to have a clear understanding n]>on the subject.
—About 3 o'clock Wednesday morning,
Feb. 22d, a fire broke out in tire second story of
Asa Austin's store at Upper Lisle, and spreading
rapiily soon destroyed the entire building. Only
about S3OO worth of goods were saved. Total loss
>i,000 or $7,000. Insuraiie s-.700 Vl\. Austin
was absent at the time.
By virtue of the Constitution of Dela
ware. Gov. Sidsbury, President of the Senate. le
--euuieti Governor of the State for tin unexpired
term of Gov, Cannon.
—On Wednesday of last week about 50
guerrillas dashed into the town ot I'aoli. Tenn.,
burned the dejsg and robbed the families resident
—Dr. G winn's San Francisco organ de
nies emphatically that the Emperor Napoleou has
withdrawn from the Sonorft colonization scheme.
—The Richmond Dispatch confirms the
intimation that Sheridan is advancing down the
Shenandoah valley at the head of two of the finest
eavalrv divisions in the service.
There was a rutnor afloat in Wheeling
Tuesday last, that the Union garrison at Bnlltown.
(Braxton County. Va..'t had bc gobbled up by a
lew of the enemy.
— A dispatch from t)il City says a fire oc
curred at one o'clock Friday afternoon, which to
tally destroyed the New York Hotel, four dwelling
house* and the building occupied by l'ool Brother*
and Iteixiuger. The heaviest loss is on the New
York Hotel. The tali filings were new, just finished
and ready to le opened in u lew days, ihe insur
ance amount* t<> s'Z.tioO. The tire is supposed to
have been tl.e work of an incendiary. No further
jxiriieularK have la-en wsiivwl
The legislature of Vermont has sent
the thanks of that State to the,*. of Philadel
phia for their fiospiUiity to Vermont soldier* p&ss
.iig through that city.
Bradford Reporter.
Towanda, Thursday, March 9, 1865.
On the Fourth of March, 1801, the oath
of office was administered to President LIN -
COLN, who had by stealth arrived at the Cap
ital of the Nation. Washington then swarm
ed with open scecessionists and secret en
emies to the Union. The life of the Chief
Magistrate was hardly deemed secure from
the of the conspirators who
sought the overthrow of the Nation. Ad
dressing, on that occasion, the multitude
which surrounded him, the newly made
President plead in an honest and fervent
manner for the peace and prosperity of the
country, and for assistance to guide the
good ship of State safely through the perils
which had already begun to environ it on
every side. His earnest desire was that
the Union should be preserved inseperable
and that the "madness which ruled the hour"
should be allayed and our "erring Southern
brethren" be brought back to a realizing
sense of their duty to their country, and of
the wickedness and futility of the schemes
which had been formed, and which were
just beginning to develop themselves.- -
There was in his address at that time, noth
ing but words of kindness and persuasion—
utterances which acknowledged the rights
and privileges of the South—and which
should have caused the wickedest and most
desperate of the conspirators to pause in
their mad career.
Since that time four years have passed—
four years of fratricidal war, of unholy re
bellion, of blood and carnage, and desola
tion. The South has been ravaged by the
conquering armies of the North. The re
bellion, confined to a limited section of her
territory is now about exhausted, and tot
ters to its fall. Again President LINCOLN
takes the oath of office, and in compliance
with universal custom, addresses his fellow
citizens, who surround him. On this occa
sion he is greeted by thousands of loyal
hearts, and treason, if it be present, hides
its head in silence aid secret. The voice,
which four years ago besought the South
ern leaders to return to their duty and al
legiance, now properly utters the truths
which the events of the intervening time
have written with characters of blood upon
the history of the Nation. To those who
have doubted, by the President, the realiz
ation of the causes and objects of the Re
bellion we commend his plain and earnest
words. "To strengthen, perpetuate and
extend" the institution of Slavery "was
the object for which the insurgents would
rend the Union even by war ; while the
government claimed no right to do more
than to restrict the territorial enlargement
of it."
In this war,with its desolation South, and
its misery North, the President acknowl
edges the purposes of the Almighty. That
it may speedily end is his fervent prayer,
to which an anxious Nation will respond
Amen !
That pink of modesty, and honesty, R.
M. T. HINTER, the sullen demagogue who
used to figure in the United States Senate
as a Senator from Virginia, and who, more
recently was one of the rebel Peace Com
missioners, made a speech at a war meet
ing held in Richmond, after his return from
our lines, iu which he says "We (meaning
the rebels) are not responsible for the war."
This bold and infamous falsehood is in char
acter with the whole rebel programme. The
rebellion was started on a lie, and it has
been sustained by lies up to this hour. It
could never have been inaugurated, if the
people of the Southern States had not been
deceived as to our feelings, and the intend
ed action of the general government, tow
ards them. All rnanuer of frauds were per
petrated in order to mislead, and get them
into a fighting fever against us, and now
the brazen-faced HI NTER says " we are not
responsible for the war." What does the
record say ?
It is a well known fact, that the Southern
democrats, who commenced the war upon
the government, have almost always iiad,
with the aid of their Northern allies, who
invariably went with them on political is
sues, the control of the government, and
could and did legislate about as they pleas
ed. It is equally patent, that if the rebel
ring-leaders had not deserted the govern
ment, they would still have had the control
of both Houses of Congress, after President
LINCOLN'S inauguration. This power too,
they could, in all likelihood, have retained
until their party was again in the ascenden
cy. for it was through their own division
that they were defeated.
Then, when the factious, discontented,
and arbitrary South demanded new conces
sions, and new guarantees—ail unneces
sary because they had still power over the
legislation of the country—many, perhaps
the majority of the people of the free States,
were willing to concede their insolent de
mands, not that they thought them right or
just, or had any cause to make them, but
because the slave-holders threatened to
break up Uje government, if the North did
not yield ; and rather than have even a pre
tended cause for this, the people of the tree
I States, were willing to submit to almost
' anything. With this view Mr. CRITTENDEN,
of Kentucky, introduced one set of pacific
resolutions,and Mr. CORWIN, of Ohio,another
for the purpose of satisfying these demands
of the South. The moderate, and reason
able men of the South declared either of
these measures ample, but they generally
preferred that of the former. This meas
ure. when it came up in the Senate was de
feated by six of the Southerners refusing to
vote, and these six scoundrels—Hi NTKR
! among them—afterwards became the ring
> leaders in the rebellion Moreover, these
men with their colleagues, who withdrew
from the Senate, when leaving
their purpose to make upon the gov-
I eminent Then followed in rapid succes
sion those aggressive acts upon the goveru
ment, such as taking possession of forts,
arsenals, navy yards, ships, the robbing of
Custom Houses, tiring on the "Star of the
West" when she was sent with provisions
for Major ANDERSON. All this had taken
place, and six States had passed edicts of
secession, before President LINCOLN was in
augurated, and while the government was
still in their possession, yet these impudent
vidians, have the hardihood to assert that
" we are not responsible for the war." Nor
did the government amidst these open as
saults upon her rights resist them. So that
no act of hers could offend, or aggravate
the hatred of her enemies. She submitted
quietly, and waited patiently, for the res
toration of reason among the rebels ; and
A. 11. STEVENS, the rebel Vice-President, de
clared in his Montgomery speech that the
government of the United States had given
them no cause for complaint. Yet they
make war upon her, and are still not re
sponsible for it. Well, this is one way of
reasoning. We have the satisfaction of
knowing that it is not believed, and SHER
MAN is taking HUNTER'S falsehood home to
roost. The government is defining its pos
ition, and this vile petifogger of secession
is ruled out. Right, justice, and truth are
arbitrating her cause, and the verdict is,
liberty, equality, and Union, now and for
ever inseperable.
Since our last publication the news has
been heralded to all corners of our land,
that Charleston, the haughty,the guilty city
of Charleston, has fallen. Her proud crest
is lowered, her taunting insolence is silenc
ed, and gloom and sadness hangs over her
dismantled ruins. A just retribution. No
fortunate event of this terrible war has
been hailed with more quiet, serious satis
faction, by the Union-loving people of the
North, than this closing scene of this mis
chievous, and rebellious city. Not that the
loyal people take pleasure in her misfortune,
not that they bear malice, not that they
take delight in the suffering of their ene
mies. Nor yet, that they are pleased to
see this turbulent city humbled to the dust,
her population sent adrift, houseless, and
breadlesß—for they would feed them if they
could—and her walls darkened with the
smoke of the scourged tire. No, for none
of these are we satisfied ; but, because
justice has been done, because punishment
has come where punishment was deserved,
and needed, because the sword came to him
who slew with the sword. If a man sets
fire to an inhabited dwelling, burns it part
ly down, and some of the inmates are con
sumed in the flames, the right-minded, the
humane, the just, nay all rejoice if the crim
inal is punished. Not that all these take
pleasure in suffering, oh no, only this, that
the merciless, the wicked, are punished for
inflicting sorrow and suffering on others
So here—Charleston—(we can hardly name
the blasted city with composure) deliber
ately kindled a civil war in the best gov
ernment under the sun, and the consequent
loss,sorrow,and suffering, no human tongue
can tell ; and people, the world over, so
long as man lives, will rejoice that ven
geance came to the perverse jade who kin
dled this torch.
Columbia, the capital of South Carolina,
and second only to Charleston in criminal
ity, fully as proud, as rich, as rampant in
bitter hostility to the government, as influ
ential in Southern councils, and as domi
neering, has also fallen into our hands. The
conquering legions of SHERMAN took this
boastful city, and her palatial surroundings.
The first secession ordinance was concoct
ed, promulged,aud adopted here ; and here,
as in Charleston, the last ditch of the chiv
alry was to be found. When the trial came,
the vaunting braggadocios of South Caroli
na, who were going to show the world an
example of heroic devotion to a cause, such
as had never been given before,took to their
heels and ran when the yankee bayonets
bristled in their sight. We suppose these
braves consoled themselves with the old
k • He who tights and runs away.
Lives to fight another day."
Now that the conquering armies of the
Union make the tottering cause of the reb
els, daily more visible, the spiteful, sneer
ing, boastful words, and tones of the rebel
organs, are wonderfully changed. They
now tell of SHERMAN'S glorious march thro'
their territories, the fall of Charleston, the
probable taking of Wilmington, of Raleigh,
of Mobile, and eyen of Richmond, without
promising one severe thrashing, or killing
repulse, to the yankee armies. We hear
nothing now about the impregnability of
Fort Fisher, of the preparations made to
receive TERRY, GII.MORE, and SHERMAN "with
bloody hands and hospitable graves.'' And
our Northern democrats, the sympathisers,
no longer tell us that the South can
not be whipped. We hear no more from
them of the superior armies, of the super
ior equipments, of the superior discipline,of
the superior tactics, and strategy of the
rebels. No more do they tell us that our
victories are humbugs, and give promise
when the truth is known, they will turn out
to be disastrous defeats to our armies.—
Some of them seem to have lost all inter
est in the contest, such too, as used to be
very busy, and were ever ready to give
glowing accounts of rebel valor and suc
cess. From these travelling, noisy cunning
democrats, who saw, and knew, long before
hand, how this struggle would end, one can
hardly get a word. They don't read the
papers, they appear to be afraid the great
SHERMAN, and his great army, will be en
gulphed. Poor fellows, they begin to see
" mene, rnene, tekel, upharrin," 011 the wall;
but no matter, so that the war is ended, the
government i* saved, the union perpetuated,
and freedom is universal.
The reported expulsion of the Ameri
can Consul from Matamoros is confirmed by
tfie latest New-Orleans advices, and the re
port given that our Hag had been nauied
down by some person unknown.
On the 22(1. Washington's birthday, the two
Honses met at 10 o'clock, and, after the journal of
the House was read, the Senators came into the
Hall to listen to the reading of Washington's fare
well address. The doenment was well read by the
clerk of the House, and I was sorry to see so little
attention paid to it; a great majority of the mem
bers were reading news-papers, writing letters,
franking documents or talking, and some were
passing round the room. We have all read that
address, perhaps many times, still respect to the
occasion, and veneration for the author should in
duce us to listen to it whenever read upon a public
occasion, with at least becoming stillness. After
the clerk had concluded, Mr. WEKEB, of Lehigh,
moved that five thousand copies in English and
three thousand in German be printed for the use of
the House. KEIXEIT, of Washington, moved to
strike out the German, this motion was strongly
opposed and was finally voted down, by 70 nays
and 10 yeas. Some one then moved to print one
thousand in French, voted down. DONNELLY
moved to print one thousand in Irish, voted down,
by 39 to 35. MILLER, of Philadelphia, moved to
add, the same number of Jackson's farewell ad
dress, agreed to. THOMAS, of Philadelphia, moved
to print one thousand in Welch, five thousand in
French, and one thousand in Italian, not agreed to.
Mr. BUDKEMAN moved too add five thousand in
Latin, voted down. ALLAMAN, of Dauphin, moved
to print five thousand copies in English of Jack
son's Notification Proclamation, and one thousand
of Gen. Sherman's proclamation to the people of
Atlunta, not agreed to. The resolution was finally
amended so as to have ten thousand in English
and three in German of the two farewell addresses.
During these proceedings, a telegram was read in
which it was announced that Fort Anderson was
taken. This called forth a spirited applause in
which one side of the House participated with
great earnestness.
The Speaker's desk was ornamented with an ele
gantly executed portrait of Washington, which
was presented by Miss ANNIE L. COLLADAY, a pupil
iu the "School ot Design for Women." located in
Philadelphia. The painting is creditable alike to
the institution, and the young lady who presented
it. But little except local matters are attended to.
There are several important bills yet to he acted
upon, but unless attention is directed to them soon,
they will hardly he reached if the adjournment
takes place on the 24th of March as it is now ex
pected. The committee on ways and means has
reported the finance hill, it has not been printed
so I can give no information relative to it. this bill
will occupy two weeks or more ; then the revenue
bill prepared by the cominitb e of last year's legisla
tion, has not been touched. I presume that there
will be a week recess to allow the members to at
tend the inauguration, this will not leave much
spare time before March 24th.
Soldiers are coming in rapidly, not a day passes
that companies do not pass out of the camp for
the front, and frequently several companies per
day. X.
NEWS FROM EUROPE. —The Moravia, from
Liverpool Feb. Ifi, via Londonderry, Feb.
17, arrived at Portland Wednesday with
two days later news.
The Rebel steamer Shenandoah was at
Ferral and said to be leaky. The news of
the Peace Conference produced a great de
pression in commercial and financial circles,
which ceased, when from later accounts it
became apparent that the war would go on.
The Owl of London claims to have received
from special sources of information the
the terms of peace proposed by Lincoln
through Blair to Davis. They are said to
be as follows : Abolition of Slavery to be
left to the Legislatures of the Southern
States, restoration of the Union with the
same rigiits of the Southern States as he
fore, incorporation of the Confederate Army
with the Union Army, with a view to for
eign wars, the past to be forgotten.
Cardinal Wiseman died on Feb. 15.
The French Chambers were opened by
the Emperor on Feb. 15. His speech was
entirely silent on the American question,
and with regard to Mexico, expressed grat
ification at the consolidation of the Impe
rial Government and the development of
the resources of the country.
CONGRESS. —The Senate sat all Friday
night, and then went into Executive session.
The Civil Appropriation Bill was the main
feature, to which several amendments were
made. The report of the Conference Com
mittee, on the Amended Enrollment Bill,
was concurred in. A number of private
bills were passed. About 7 A. M., on Satur
day, the Senate had a brief recess. Upon
reassembling, the hill for the coining of
three-cent pieces was passed. The question
of admitting the Senators from Arkansas
went over. While discussing thin&ill reg
ulating Commerce between the States, the
special matter being an amendment that no
citizen shall be excluded from any public
conveyance on account of color, the hour
of twelve drew near, and preparations
were made for adjournment. Vice Presi
dent Johnson was introduced ; Mr. Ilamlin,
the retiring officer, made a brief address,
the oath of office was administered to Mr.
Johnson, after some remarks by him, and
Mr. Hamlin pronounced the Senate adjourn
ed sine die. The Clerk immediately read
the proclamation for an extra session, the
new members were sworn in, and the Sen
ate iu a body joined in the ceremonies of
the inauguration of President Lincoln.
The House was also in session all Friday
night. A bill was passed regulating the i
disposal of coal-lots on the public domain, j
It was voted to print 35,000 copies of the i
report of the Commission on Flax and i
Hemp ; 20,000 of the amended internal rev
enue act, and 35,000 copies of the Agricul- I
tural report for 1804. The House concurred
in the Senate's joint resolution that this '
Government will never recognue the rebel
debt on any condition. By a vote of 53 to j
67, they non-concurred in the Senate's am
endment to the joint resolution, changing j
from three to fifteen per centum ad valorem j
the duty on printing paper. The House re-!
fused to lay the resolution on the table, and j
asked a Committee of Conference. The !
Army Appropriation Bill was passed, omit
ting the section to compensate the Illinois !
Central Railroad for doing Government i
transportation. The Senate bill removing
all disqualification of color in carrying the i
mails was passed. A resolution was adop- j
ted requesting the revocation of a military j
order requiring that all colored persons
leaving the District of Columbia shall have i
passports; At 7:15 A. M., the House took
an hour for breakfast. On reassembling, a \
few unimportant bills were passed. The i
bill to organize a (governmenttor the Indian I
Territory was put over. The Committee of!
Conference on the Miscellaneous or Civil !
Appropriation Bill made a report. The |
question left unsettled was that introduced i
by Mr. Davis, of Maryland, exempting eh :
viiians from trial by court-martial and mili-'
tary commission. The contest on this point!
consumed the session, and while calling the
yeas and nays on an unimportant motion,!
the hour of twelve arrived, and the Civil |
Appropriation Bill did not pass. The Spea- j
ker then delivered an eloquent address, and
the House adjourned sine die.
The procession reached the Capitol at
about a quarter to twelve o'clock,escorting
the President-elect.
At a subsequent period the President and
Vice-President, together with the justices
of the Supreme Court, members and ex
members of Congress, foreign ministers
and other persons of distinction, assembled
in the Senate Chamber.
There was a very large attendance, and
the scene was one of marked interest.
At 12 o'clock Mr. Johnson was introduced
by the Vice-President of the United States,
and addressed the audience until 15 min
utes past 12. The members of the House
of Representatives then entered the Senate
chamber and stood behind the persons
seated in the circles of the Hall. The oath
of office was then administered by Chief-
Justice Chase to Mr. Johnson, and he was
duly inaugurated to the office of Vice-
President of the United States. The newly
elected Senators were then sworn in, and
belore 12i the marshals had cleared the
passage and President Lincoln entered the
Senate chamber. A procession, there
formed of the persons on the floor, moved
out of the Hall and (entered the rotunda,
pass to the platform erected on the steps
of the east entrance of the Capitol. The
Judges of the Court and the members of
the Cabinet were, seated on the left of the
Senators, and members of the House on
the right of the stage. The members of
the foreign legations were seated behind
the Judges and Cabinet officers, and a
pressing crowd of ladies, membere of the
press and other persons soon tilled the
stage and the landing of the east entrance
of the Capitol. . On the ground below, and
on the vast platform erected in front of the
south wing, not a foot was left unoccupied.
The vast assemblage extended into the
park, half filling it with its swaying mas
ses, and long columns occupied the streets
beyond the public grounds. The procession
from the White House had already arrived,
and coiled itself in numerous folds in front
of the Capitol, .fust as the President and
Vice President came forward and took their
places between the officers of the Court
and Cabinet on the left and the representa
tives of the people on'the right, the thin
clouds that had overcast the sky were dis
pelled into thin air, and (he sun shone
brightly on the scene, lighting it up with
dazzling splendor. The court dress of the
diplomatic corps reflected diamond light
and rays of gold from the stage and over
the vast field between the glitter of the
sabers and bayonets of the soldiery, the
gaudy plumes of the cadets and the fiery
uniform of the engine and hose companies,
formed center-points in tlie immense con
course that surround them. When Presi
dent Lincoln appeared on the stage, the
music of the bands was drowned by the
cheers of the people. As soon as the
marshal had quieted the multitude the
President rose and thus addressed the peo
ple around him :
Mr. Lincoln's Inaugural Address was as
follows :
Fellow countrymen : At this second ap
pearing to take the oath of the Presiden
tial office there is less occasion for an ex
tended address than there was at the first
Then a statement of a course to he pursued
seemed very fitting and proper.
Now, at the expiration of four years,
daring which public declaration have been
constantly called forth on every point and
phase of the great contest which still ab
sorbs the attention and engrosses the en
ergies of the nation, little that is new could
he presented.
The progress of our arms, upon which
all else chiefly depends, is as well known
to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust
reasonably satisfactory and encouraging
to all. With high hope for the future, no
prediction in regard to it is ventured.
On the occasion corresponding to this,
four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously
directed to an impending civil war. Ail
dreaded it : all sought to avoid it. While
the Inaugural Address was being delivered
from this place, devoted altogether to .scr
im/ the Union without war, insurgent
agents were in this city seeking to destroy
it without war—seeking to dissolve the
Union and divide its efforts by negotiation.
Both parties deprecated war, but one of
them would make war rather than let the
nation survive, and the other would woept
war rather than let it perish ; and the war
One-eighth of the whole population were
colored slaves, not distributed generally
over the Union, but localized in the South
ern part of it. These slaves constituted a
peculiar and powerful interest. All knew
that this interest was somehow the cause
of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate
and extend this interest was the object for
which the insurgents would rend the Union
even by war, while the Government claim
ed no right to do more than to restrict the
territoral enlargement of it.
Neither party expected for the war the
magnitude or the duration which it has al
ready attained. Neither anticipated that
the canoe might cease with or even before
the conflict itself should cease. Each
looked for an easier triumph and a result
less fundamental and astounding.
Both read the same Bible and prayed to
the same God, and each invokes his aid
against the other. It may seem strange
that any men should dare to ask a just
(tod's assistance in wringing their bread
from the sweat of other men's faces, but
let us judge not that we he not judged. The
prayers of both could not be answered—
that ol neither has been answered fully.—
The Almighty has His own purposes. Woe
unto tiio world because of offenses, for it
must needs be that offenses come ; but woe
to that man by whom offense comes. If we
shall suppose that American Slavery is one
of these offenses, which in the providence
of God must needs come, but which having
continued through His appointed time He
now wills to remove, and that He gives to
both North and South this terrible war as
the woe due to those by whom the offense
came, shall we discern therein any depar
ture from those Divine attributes which the
believers in a living God always ascribe to
Him ?
Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray,
that this mighty scourge of war may speed
ily pass away. Yet, it God wills* that it
continue until all the wealth piled by the
bondman's two hundred and fifty years of
unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until
every drop of the blood drawn by the lash
shall be paid by another drawn by the
sword, as was said three thousand years
ago, so, still it must be said, that the judg
ments of the Lord are true and righteous
With malice toward none, with charity
for all, with firmness in the right, as God
gives us to see the right, let us strive on
to finish the work we are in, to bind up the
nation*'? wounds, io eaie for him who shall
have borne the battle, and for his widow
and his orphans; to do all which may
achieve and cherish a just and a lasting
peace among ourselves and with all na
Chief Justice Chase then administered
the oath of office to the President elect,
whose clear tones were heard in the pro
found silence that reigned, far out in the
assembled thousands of his countrymen
who had Hocked to the National Capitol to
visit the second inauguration of their chief
magistrate. As Mr. Lincoln kissed the book
the great applause burst forth louder and
more earnest than before. The roar of the
artillery salute, reverberating through the
recesses and halls of the Capitol building,
startled the non-military portion >f the as
sembly. The bands played the national
airs, the column of the retiring procession
began to forjn, and the people filling every
street and passage-way hastened toward
the White House. The column returned up
Pennsylvania-avenue in somewhat the same
order as it had approached the Capitol in
the morning.
General Sherman's line of march through
North Carolina was expected by the rebel
strategists to follow the line of the railroad
from Columbia to Charlotte and Greens
boro, and accordingly they made their
preparations there to obstruct his progress
and offer battle. They have now ascer
tained to their own satisfaction that they
were mistaken, but not until they had con
centrated their forces on that line, and al
lowed Sherman time to penetrate into
North Carolina on his own chosen routes,
and proceed to carry out his plans. The
rebels had evidently fortified Charlotte and
prepared for a siege. To keep them there
Sherman seems to have advanced a de
tachment along the line of the railroad
from Columbia,and passing through Winns
boro this detachment would seem, after
threatening Charlotte, to have got around
it and destroyed the railroad north of it.
Meantime Sherman, with his main army,
did not go by that route at all. In fact, he
went oil in the direction of Camden, S. C ,
which place he passed through on his road
north. The Richmond journals now inform
us that advices from Charlotte indicate
that that place is not now threatened, and
that Sherman's line of march is in another
direction, from which we infer that the de
tachment which was operating near Char
lotte, having accomplished its purpose in
keeping the rebels there as long as was
necessary,has now gone off to join the main
arrnv. Some of the northern press now
fancy that Sherman has gone to Goldsboro,
which would be altogether unnecessary, as
with the capture of Wilmington by our
forces the Weldon Railroad becomes of no
use to General Lee, and it is therefore not
likely that he has attempted to hold the
Goldsboro junction, except temporally as
an exterior defence of Raleigh.
Should Sherman attack Raleigh, of course
all the rebel troops in eastern North Car
olina would be previously withdrawn and
concentrated there, as Sherman's strategy
has separated Beauregard's forces from it.
The troops available for the defence of Ral
eigh are those of Hardee and Bragg,and a
gainst Sherman's main army they would be
unable to hold the place unless heavily rein
forced by Lee. Here Sherman would be
joined by Schofield. Our impression is that
in marching north Sherman has preserved
an interior line between the eastern and
western forces of the rebels, not following
the railroads at all, but moving on and
using every common road leading north, so
that the whole country is filled with his
troops, and is laid under contribution to
furnish supplies.
But on reaching Raleigh he would un
doubtedly use the railroad from Wilming
ton to that place to obtain all he might
stand in need of. As to the rebel force under
Beauregard or Johnston, should they at
tempt to reach Raleigh by railroad, they
would most probably find all communica
tion by railroad destroyed. It is evident,
then, that Sherman's position in North Car
olina, as well as his policy, are much the
same as in South Carolina, separating the
rebel forces, apparently threatening seve
ral main points at once, and yet attacking
none. Supposing Hardee to be at Fayette
villc, Bragg at Raleigh and Beauregard's
troops at Charlotte, Greensboro and Dan
ville, with Sherman occupying the interior
position between them all, it is evident that
he has them at a disadvantage, and can
move as he choses and light where it suits
The annual report of the Secretary of War
was laid before Congress Thursday. Mr.
Stanton says it was delayed in order to
give General Grant an opportunity to fur
nish a summary of his military operations ;
but the summary lias not been received, as
the activity of the campaign in progress
demands his unceasing attention. The Sec
retary says the military events of the past
year have been officially published as tiiey
occurred, and are as fully known to every
branch of the government as throughout
the civilized world. They constitute a
series of successful marches, sieges and
battles, attesting the endurance and cour
age of the sold ers of the United States,and
the gallantry and military skill of their
"The report of Provost Marshal-General
Fry says, in reference to the re-enlistment
ol veterans, that during the Autumn of
1803, more than one hundred and thirty six
thousand soldiers, who would otherwise
have been discharged, were secured for
three years longer. Organizations which
would be otherwise lost to the service, were
preserved and recruited ; and experienced
officers were retained in command. This
force has performed an essential part in the
great campaign of 1864, and its importance
to the country cannot be overestimated.
The result of recruitment in tho rebel states
is reported as unfavorable
" The arrest of deserters and stragglers
is continued with vigor, and 39,392 were
arrested between October 1, 1863, and Oc
tober 1, 1864. The total number received
from the establishment of the bureau to
October 1, 1864, is 60,760. The Veteran
Reserved Corps, on October 1, 1864, consis
ted of 764 officers and 28,738 men. Tbe
report of the secretary gives a summary of
reports of heads of several bureaus con
nected with the War Department, and con
cludes by saying the general exchange of
prisoners effected under tho instructions of
the department, is in course of execution,
and it is hoppd that all our prisoners who
are in the hands of the rebels, will soon be
TENNESSEE. —The loyal men of Tennessee
voted on the 22d on the amendment of the
Constitution of that State abolishing slave
ry and otherwise adapted that instrument
to the changed condition of the peeuple,—
The vote in favor of ratifying the amend
ment was nearly unanimous, and will reach
20,000 throughbut the State. Davidson
pounty, in which Nashville is situated,gives
over 1,450 votes for ratification, and the
other counties voted about the same way.
Tennessee is free,*
Reported Defeat and Capture of Early!
WASHINGTON, D. C., March 5, (
To Maj.-Gen. Dix : The following <jj s .
patches in relation to the reported defeat
and capture of Gen. Early by Sheridan,ail.!
the capture of Charlottesville, have bx-,'
received by this Department. Gen. Sh,. r ;
dan and his force commenced their move
ment last Monday, ami were at Stauiitv
when last heard from. Maj.-Gcn. Hancock
was placed in charge of the Middle Milit--
ry Division during the absence of Doner!.
Sheridan, headquarters at Winchester.
E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
"CITY POINT, VH., March 5-11 a. M.
"Hon. E. M. 5T ANTON, Secretary of War
Deserters in this morning report that Slier
jdan had routed Early and captured Char
lottesville. They report four regiment
having gone from here (Richmond) to reii.
force Early.
T". 8. GRANT, Lieut.-Gen.
"CITY POINT, Va., March 5—2 a. ni.
"Hon. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of H' r
Deserters from every point of the enemy'
line confirm the capture of Charlottesville
by Gen. Sheridan. They say he capture.;
Gen. Early and nearly his entire force, c ;ii .
sistiug of 1,800 men. Four brigades were
reported as being sent to Lynchburg, t
get there before Gen. Sheridan if possible
P. S. GRANT, Lieut. -GEN.
"CITY POINT, Va., March s—l p. Dl
"Hun. E. M. STANTON, Secretary of H'. V
Refugees confirm the statement of desor
ers as to the capture of Gen. Early a
nearly his entire force. They say it t .
place on Thursday last, between Staunte
and Charlottesville, and that the defeat iv a .
total. U. S. GRANT, Lieut -Den "
Friday, March 3, 18C5.
Nothing of importance is transpiring
this Department.
Deserters continue to come into our lie
in large numbers, f6 have arrived to-d&\
nearly all bringing their guns and e
nieiits with them, for which they are t
paid. The number of muskets receiv.
from deserters since February 22. i- Ji
all of them in good order.
In addition to the usual stories t. .1.1
these men, they say that two companl
from each regiment of several brig.,
have been detailed from the army defemli:..
Petersburg, and sent to hunt up desert- •
thousands of whom are said to be scatter
through the country, endeavoring to re;,
their homes. This is particularly the
with North and South Carolina troops, v
are all sick and tired of the contest, a
anxions to join their families, now wit
our lines. These are principally veteia
of three and four years' service, and ma;
of them are those lately exchanged, A
of them being refused furloughs and :
paid for a long time, nor any prospect
getting any soon, they took " French li-.n-
A few days ago a sergeant was sent
in charge of a team and six men to v
The men were unarmed. The serge
was armed with a revolver and a sw
After getting outside tbe lines, the m.
apparently ran away, but the serge;.;
guided them straight for our lines, ai. i ;
whole party arrived safely. They receiv
fur the mules S7OO, which was div'l
The cheering among the rebels on Wed:.- -
day evening was on account of their
, ceiving a ration of whisky, which -ecu
be quite a rarity in their Commissary ;
partment. Gen. Cook, commanding a tr
ade in Gen. Ileth's division, is said to 1.
harangued his men on that occasion, w
greatly intoxicated.
Anthony Raymond of Company B, a;
Newell J. Engle of Company 11, of the*
ty fourth New York Volunteers, were -
to-day for attempting to desert t>
enemy. Five regiments of the First I';
ion of the Second Corps, to which the or
inals belonged, were assembled to witu
tlie execution, the details of which wer.
charge of the Provost-Marshal of the 1
The Richmond papers of March 2 given
rious speculations concerning the in
ments of General Sherman, but no deli "
news. The Whig: says:
"Since Sherman has already been re;
ted as moving toward Cheraw, there ><>
impropriety in indicating that this mro
a movement by the flank to cross the Cats 1
ba river below the railroad, and tlier;
move on Charlotte, along the eastern ba;
or it may mean a change of front, with i
intention to reach Favetteville and l><
co-operation with Schofield.
"\\ e hear nothing from Shernu'u.Sclioi;-
or Schimelpfenning. It is believed it
bottomless and impassible mud suncn.;
tlieui all. The roads are still too bad '■
movements of troops. "It is stated
our forces under General Bragg have
ceeded in checking the forward movent.
Irqm W ilming&n under Schofield, on t
\\ ilmiugton and Weldon road, and that''
latter has advanced no further than \ >vtf
cast River, ten or fifteen miles from d
city. It is thought that Schofield will '■
to effect a junction with Sherman by r
way of Fayetteville, perhaps.
HOT The First Presbyterian Church oft
mini is tho scene of so many accidents s '
to make its name almost unpleasant,
has been burned, lives being lost by t l '
conflagration. Last summer a storm tlir®
down some of its walls. Now we l^ r
that a scaffolding fell, injuring a nuinh | ' r
persona. The Elmira Gazette of Feb. 24"
says: " An accident occurred at the l ;r '
Presbyterian Church this morning, about ' 1
o'clock, caused by the falling of a scaff '
ing while the masons were at work or"
menting and finishing the ceiling. It :
to the floor, some thirty feet, with a
crash, completely burying the workmen r<
neath the ruins of mortar, boards and t
ber. Mr. Geo. Freneli was so seriously
jured that he was immediately taken t
residence in a carriage. How serious 1 '
injury may prove we wore unable to l' a
Several of the masons were badly brui-e ,
but considered themselves fortunate i" 1
capiug with their lives. The cause of :
accident is charged to the carpenters, t->.
having removed some of the braces h l
the scaffolding a few days since."