ft\,. the pi:"' adopted by the War Depart < would probably not be entitled to the |,, f provided by our own laws for the fain -1 L|-volunteers. I have enquired of Gen- I Hancock whether the proposed corps | : !„ form part of the regular army, or of ■ .volunteer force, and if the latter, under ft.' ( , u q of Congress it is to be raised. He IT referred that communication to the ft ir Department, from which I have as yet | vired no answer to it. fxhc following letters have passed he ft (Jeueral Hancock and myself on the ft'! I' ' PENNSYLVANIA EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, HARBISBURG, Pa., Dee. '2ll, 1864. I , % u ■ i received your letter at the moment 1 v .liimrture for Philadelphia on Monday last, ft 'turned tins morning, and hasten to reply. Hav ft! ,i knowledge of the organization of the corps ITT t' command than what appears in the IT,>apers and orders, I will be obliged if you will ITnn m ,. if it is to be regarded as part of the reg- I iriuv of the United States, or as part of the ft? inter service. If it is part of the army of the I ,1 States, I certainly have no connection with i VT'V'-riior of the State. If it is organized as Ihnt.'crs. he pleased to inform me under what |. ,| mgress. I need not say. General, that I i Tl be most happy to do all in my power person ftv uiul officially to raise a force to be commanded ft- n ('an we not raise you two or three regi- I, fits in Pennsylvania, in the usual manner and I Tling to the act of Congress, for your corps ? I -Trse 1 would consult you in the selection of | ft', rs, and only commission where you approved. I.Tni't understand the importance of my asking j ft, . )vrs( ,ns be sent to Pennsylvania to induce It, Ans to go to the District of Columbia to enlist. 1 | . itainly will do nothing to embarrass the plan ] ft.i,. Til" We have benefits, by general and spee ■ station in Pennsylvania, which attach to the fttsuttfer and his family. While I will do nothing | ( | t t, r the veterans of the State from entering j 1,,, corps, I hesitate to connect myself with a ft'l,.enlistment which may deprive them of fth benefits, unless it is my duty under the law. ft,. General, very respectfullv, your obedient Errant, A. G. CUBTIN. [.Major General WINFIELD S. HANCOCK. HEADQUARTERS FIRST CORPS, WASHINGTON, D. C., Dee. 31,18(14. | //;.* tlreelleney Hon. A. G. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania. SIP. : 1 have the honor to acknowledge the receipt [ vi.ur communication of the '29 th instant, and (j • referred the same to the War Department. I unk yon for yonr kind expression of personal w ill, and regret that there should be any oc csioii for hesitation on your part to lend yonr offi cii influence, as Governor, to the raising of the ~rps as proposed by the War Department. It is i t within my province, perhaps, to discuss the lau of organization, as I am acting under the di f.-t utilt rs of the War Department, and my own k ws, therefore, are of no practical moment. I Lv say. however, that I have no knowledge of the Laiuzation other than what I have derived from L , .tilers and circulars of which I mailed yon ofli [j copies December 5. I cannot see how volun- ! L„s for this corps from your State lose any of the J [b autagi's attaching to those for other organiza- Ln They are credited to the localities where they L tumilies are domiciled, and count on the ii.,ta of your State. It should be borne in mind I Lt this "is an effort to get men into the service Rio arc not subject to a draft. I have the honor k remain, verv respectfully, your obedient ser- ! Lt. ' WINFIELD S. HANCOCK, | [jltij- 1 'ill. U. S. Vols., commanding Ist Corps. ] OBJECTIONS AGAINST THE CORPS. The only act of Congress for raising vol ntms, that I am aware of, requires that lie field and line officers shall be commis i.jiied by the Governors of the several tates. The men in this corps, are not to .•formed into organizations of the respect re States, and it is proposed that its offi crs shall be appointed by the General Gov nmient. I know of no act of Congress or f Assembly under which men so raised rill be entitled to pensions or their families i. benefits from the United States or State iovcrnmeut. In addition, I will observe hat, without any feeling of jealousy, I am till not ready to participate actively in ransferring to the United States illegally It right of appointment vested in the State mil which the State authorities can exer isc with more discrimination by reason of laving a greater familarity with tho merits : the citizens of their own State than the "nited States authorities can possibly have, will transmit any further communication hat I may receive on this subject. It will it- perceived by reference to the correspond that I have offered to raise, in the Banner provided by law, two or three reg inents of veterans for Hancock's corps. My |.-dre is to assist the Government in every i gal mode in raising men, and especially • > facilitate an officer—a native Pennsylva nia—so distinguished as Gen. Hancock, in lis efforts to organize a new corps. 1 shall throw 110 obstacles in his way on he present occasion, but I cannot, certain y, he expected to invite a violation of law a carrying out a plan which sacrifices the ghts of the State under existing laws,and v aihl leave the men unprotected by them, i" far as concerns future provision for their : 'infurt and that of their families. N I'll HER OK STATE SOLDIERS IN SERVICE. 1 will further observe that it appears by ile- report of the Adjutant General, liere h itli transmitted, that the State, under the kvstem established by law, has put into the iiiilitary service of the United States, since lite commencement of the war, the follow-" ing iimnlier of men, viz : TROOPS SENT INTO SERVICE DURING 1864. Urbanizations for three years' term... . 9,867 [lrgnniziitii >nfor one hundred days' term 7,675 1 itemization for one year term 16,094 olunteer recruits '26.567 bruited men and substitutes 10,651 Recruits for regular army 2,974 Re-enlistments of Pennsylvania volunteers : hifantiy 13,862 !.t-.iiry 2,884 Artillery 799 Acen-ditvd to other States 389 17,876 91,704 1 mops sent into the service of the United Mates since the commencement of the re union, including the ninety days' militia in the Department of the Monongahela and >usquehanna in 1863 : During the year 1861 130,594 do. do. 1862 100 do. do. 1863 ' 42*046 do. do. 1864 73,828 Re-enlistment of Pennsylvania volunteers.. .17,876 Total 335,444 The twenty-five thousand militia of 1862 are not included in this statement. •HE REPORTS OK THE SURVIVOR GENERAL AND THE DEPARTMENTS. I call the attention of the Legislature to report of the Surveyor General, here in presented, and commend the suggest ■i made by that officer to your consider- I -lion. ibis message is accompanied by full re ports of all the military departments. They M il'it the large amount of service perform ■ 'uriug the past year, and contain a full ;'stnry of all the military operations of the Mute. Many valuable recommendations are 'U'le in them to promote the efficiency of II volunteers, and the comfort of the sick ' '• wounded, which I commend to your ir uest and immediate attention. It affords " jTe.it satisfaction to bear my testimony the ability, diligence, and fidelity of all l! "' "fticers in those several departments. REMARKS IN CONCLUSION. Ik-fore closing this message I desire to 1 - v, rt to the delay which has sometimes urred in the passage of the general ap -1 'Triatinn bill. It is nrcessary that this ■ Tiiiuhl become a law, as otherwise the ; ' '"•ii of Government would be stopped.— ' '' ;t y its presentation to the Executive t jw was done at the last regular session— hour of the night before the niorn uriv! 1 ® na ' a( \journment, is to de bill- 1 °f their right to have all lat ui . M |"? lUf i l tlj tl f e revision of the Legis- Exeem; L ,aWB> i" case the tW 1 !\* 1 . !u,t a PP r ove them. If iai been time, I should probably have returned the appropriation bill of last year for such revision, as when I had the opportunity of deliberately examining' it, I found provisions which I could not have ap proved ; but that opportunity was denied me before the bill had become a law, and, in fact, as the Legislature was on the point of adjournment, the only question present ed to me was whether that bill should be come a law without amendment, or the necessities of the Government remain un provided for. The gallantry of our soldiers in the field still sheds lustre on the Com monwealth, and that their merit is appreci ated by a generous people is shown by the continued and cheerful liberality with which the men and women of the State contribute of thoir means for their comfort and wel fare. May the blessing of God be qn those brave men who have stood by the country through the dark hours of her trial ! A. G. CI7RTIN. EXECUTIVE CHAMBER, Hurrisburg, Jan. 4, 1865. . LOCAL AND GENERAL. BINDERY. —Persons desiring Binding of any description can have the same done in the best manner, in the bindery connected with the REPOR TER OFFICE. Blank Books of all kinds made, and Binding done to order. CAITIRED.—A letter from Capt. HOSKIXS, A. Q. M., states that W. S. BRIGGS, detailed and acting as wagon master, was captured by the rebels, on the eve of Dec. 10, about twelve miles south of the Nottaway river. GAIT. G. \Y. KILMER, of the 14 1 st regiment, who has not been_ heard from for some time, and supposed by his friends to have been j killed, is a prisoner in Richmond. THE attention of those desiring to purchase a valuable property is called to the notice of L. L. MOODY, in our advertising columns. The opportunity is a very desirable one, for persons de siring to engage in business. Ax EXCELLENT BEE-HIVE. —We had an op pertunity recently of fully examining " R. S. TOR KEY'S Maine State Bee-Hive, " pattentcd June 7, 1859, and which has become so celebrated through out the country. We might here remark that Mr. TURKEY, whose residence is at Bangor, Maine, is probably the most extensive cultivator of Bees in the United States. That this hive is justly entitled to celigrity there can be no question. It is, according to our bumble judgement, the tie {tins ultra of bee hives. It is simple, yet perfect in its entire construction, and its value cannot fail to be appreciated by all intelli gent minds who will give it an examination. We are not alone in our good opinion of this hive, for it has never failed to take the first premium at all state and county fairs where it has been on exhibi tion ; and it has the unqualified endorsement of the largest and best bee men in the country, who are using the hive ; as also all the leading Agricul tural and other Journals of the land. We know that pattent bee hives, like many other pattents, are regarded, and often justly, with dis trust ; but the common sense exhibited in the con struction of this hive, is so palpable that there can be no misunderstanding its value. It is not expen sive—it is jierfect in form and construction all surplus honey can be easily removed without dis turbing the bees or hive—the condition of the bees can lie seen at any time—it has perfect ami scien tific ventilation—no frost or ice, which is so fatal to the swarm, accumulate in winter—it is a perfect deatl shot against the moth, robber bees, Ac,, if properly managed. In times like these, when we are paying such ; exhorbitant prices for all kinds of sweets, it be- j comes more imperative than ever to save by culti- ; vating the bee, what would be otherwise "lost up- j on the desert air. " Now, ourladvice to farmers is to teke care of j their bees, if they desire to make the bee culture profitable. Let the " dilligent little bee" live, and j it will repay you tenfold for your trouble. To do I this secure Torrey's Hive,ami follow his directions, | and you are all right. Mr. T. will remain in the county for a week or . two, and all communications addressed to him at j Towanda, will receive prompt attention.— Aryns. j We join in the above commendations of our neighbor. We have seen Mr. TORREY'S bee-hive i and examined it thoroughly, and in our judgment, ' it is the most perfect thing of the kind ever inven ted. TERRIBLE RAILROAD ACCIDENT. —A sad and appalling accident occurred at the Depot, in Owego, on Thursday night last. The particulars of the accident, from the Times , are as follows : The Dis patcher, about 12 o'clock, began to make up trains for the morning, and in doing so ran a caboose and three freight cars out on the western bound main track and with the switch engine started for others, and while away in the lower part of the yard a train was heard approaching with greut rapidity and he fore any thing could be done, it dashed into the caboose in which two brakemen had taken their lodging for the night. The shock crushed the ca boose like an egg-shell, ripping its floor up some six or eight feet. The head of the engine was shat tered all to pieces—the smoke stack was hurled over into the tender, and the exhaust and steam pipes connecting with the cylinder crushed and broken, at once throwing the whole steam of the engine into the caboose and literally boiling the two unfortunate men so completely that the skin of their hands, feet and faces, came oft'entire. The skin of the hands and feet were as complete as a glove, the nails of the fingers and toes accompany ing the skin. They lived for about two hours, and were sensible almost to the last. Their names were I. WATERMAN, of Catlin Hill, and W. H. LAW RENCE, of near Athens, Pa., both are said to have l>een returned soldiers, both the sons of widows, and both had been on the road,' one a week, the other, we believe, only two days. The train that came in is what is called a "Wild-cat," that is, a train running on no particular time. A SOLDIER'S \\ IFE IN A FlX. —Fpon the or ganization of the 141 st Pa., a resident of Hawley enlisted in Co. G, Capt. Mumford, and went with the Co. to \a. At the battle of Chancellorsville he was reported killed, and a coiurade'sent, an he KUI>- posed, a pocket book and a lock of bis hair to the soldier's wife. On such evidence she regarded him as dead, and some two months ago married again. Among the prisoners who were recently released from Georgia prisons, was the supposed dead hus band. Upon bis arrival at Annapolis he immedi ately obtained a furlough and started to see his family. Our readers can imagine his surprise at finding his wife married again, and hers at behold ing. as she supposed, her dead husband. This war causes many curious scenes to be enacted.—Hones dale Hep. A similar case to the above occurred in Rome, in this county. The wife of a private in the 141 st regiment, having as she supposed, indubitable ev idence of his having been killed in battle, contrac ted a second marriage. It turns out that the hus band was a prisoner, and uninjured. COWI.ES A Go's Exi RESS. —Cowlcs & Co., are now sending daily, through their express, large quantities of Boxes to the army, for the soldiers, filled with everything good to eat and wear. We are rejoiced to know that the brave soldiers who are so gallantly in the field defending their coun try's flag, are not forgotten by their friends at home. As the army has now gone into winter quarters, it is a good time for every family to send a box well filled with "good cheer,"to gladden the hearts of our brave boys. They will be prop erly marked at their office, and to get througlqquick, should be brought in early in the week. COWLEH ACo connect with all the Express Com panies throughout the United States. MARRIED. [ BABCOCK—EITLOIi. —Dec. '2oth. 1864, at Rome, 1 by F. W. Maynard, Mr. J. M. Babcock, of Pike, twp., to Miss Francies A. Eitlor, of Rome. ! GILLETTE-SHAW.—In Shesheqnin, on the '2Bth ult., by Rev. E. Wood, Mr. W. E. Gillette, to j Miss Eliza E. Shaw, both of Shesheqnin twp. ; DAVIS—HARVY.—Dec. 25th, 1864, by Rev. R. S. Stilwell, Mr. E. D. Davis, of Pittsburg, Pa., to Miss M. A. Harvy, of Greenwood, Bradford Co. ! GRANTEER—STINE.—Dec. 30, 1864, by Rev. R. L. Stilwell, Mr. C. B. Granteer, of Canton, to Miss Francies A. Stine, of Monroe, Bradford Co. ORMSBY- BROWN.—On the 25thinst., at Albany, by Rev. R. R. Bedford, Mr. Sevellon S. Ormsby, of Albany, Pa., to Miss Matilda Brown, daughter of Mr. Samuel Brown, of Albany, Pa. ALLEN—LYONS—Dec. 17tli, at the M. E. Parson age, Leßaysville, by Rev. G. lv. Hair, Mr. Ed win E. Allen, to Miss Mary L. Lyons, both of Warren. JENKS—NORTHROP. —ln Pike, on the 4th inst., by Rev. G. R. Hair, Mr. Daniel Jenks, of Vestal, Broome Co., N. Y., to Mrs. ClarissaD. Northrop, of Pike. GRIBWOLD -COBURN—At Warren, Bradford Co., Pa., Dec. 28th, by the Rev. John Iversou, Mr. George M. Griswold, to Julia, daughter of Daniel H. Cobum, all of the former place. IStcti jfctticrtfsements. TOW AN DA BOROFGII VOLUNTEER Bonut., ".nan. SIOO CertiOcatcs of indebtedness of Towamla hoi payable in 6 months with interest, free from tax, for sale at the Banking office ol B. S. Russell A Co. Jannary 9, 1805. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice i s hereby giveu, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOS. SPKNCER, late of Windham township, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having clames against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA E.SPENCER, Jan. 12,1865. Administratrix ADMIN ISTRATORS NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of IRA FORREST, late of Smithtield twp., dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated fur settlement. It. McKEE, Jan. 12, lstis. Administrator. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ! SETTLE UP ! SETTLE UP ! ! The time has now come,that it is to the interest of all persons having accounts with the undersigned to call and settle up without delay. Jan. 2. 1865. JXO. BEIDLKMAX. ADM INISTR A TO R'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es tate of CH.VAPEL LIGHT,late of Tow'inda tp.,deceased are requested to -make payment, without delay and those having claims against said estate must prese them duly authenticated lor settlement. ROBT,M. PRUYME, Jan. 12,1865. Adm'nistrator LTLSTRAY.—Came into the enclosure of ■ 2 the subscriber on the 13th of DeC. last a red COW about five or six years old. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges and take her away, or she will be disposed of according to law. Monroe. Jan. 9,1865. JAMESC. RIDGWAY,2d. QUARTERLY REPORT OF FIRST N AC tional BANK. Towanda, Jan. 2,1865. RESOURCES. U.S. Bonds and other securities $106,278 10 Loans and discounts 83,035 36 Due from National banks 21,135 46 '• " Slop Banks and Bankers . 2,309 8i Cash items 12,243 60 Notes of solvent banks 9,772 00 Legal Tender Notes 24,178 00 Real Estate 6,664 00 Furniture and fixtures 700 00 Premiums 300 00 Expenses &c 491 29 $327,105 62 LIABILITIES. Capital SIOO,OOO 00 Bills in circulation 100,000 00 Surplus .... 3,966 62 Individual deposits 104,619 25 U. S. deposits 12,980 46 Due Banks.... 2,010 53 Dividends unpaid 50 00 Profit and loss. 2,478 76 $327,105 62 I, N. N. Belts, Jr. .Cashier of the First National Bank of Towanda,do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. N.N. BKTTS. Jr. Sworn and subscribed before me this 4th day ol Jan uary , 1865. JOHN W. MIX, Notary Public. "y ALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his property in Rome ] Boro', consisting of the New Store, which he occupies, ' Two Dwelling Houses, Two Barns ard one building suitable tor a Grocery Store, together With about 14; acres oi land, with a good Apple Orchard thereon, all considered,it is as nice location for business and as valu able property as there is in Northern Pennsylvania. Rome, Jan. 9,1865. L. L. MOODY. REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given, that there has been filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wilis, in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fol lowing estates, v z : Final account of Caroline Montgomery, administratrix of Robt. Montgomery, late of Tnscarora. Final account of N.J Keeler executor of Iliantha Ingham, late of Towanda. Final account of David Jenkins, executor of Joseph Jenkins, late of Pike. Final account of James Elliott, admin'r of John Esen wine.lateoi Towanda. Final account of E. E. Buffiugton, admin'r of Andrew Pendleton, late of Warren Final account of A. G. Camp, adm'r of Z. Esseltine. late of Herrick. • Final account of Johanna Donnolly, adm'r John Don nally late of Warren. Final aceouut of M. H. Codding, adminsrat'r of Polly Moore, late at Pike. Final account of James Haverly, admin'r of Henry i Ilaverlv, 2d., late of Overton. Final account of B.C. Kuykendali, adm'r ol William Sibley,late of Windham. Final account ol Marselles Elliott and llol'.is C. Gore, adnrrs of Samuel W . Gore, late of Shesheqnin. Partial account of Joseph C. Bates, executor of James Foster, late of Wilmot. ALSO—The apprasement of property set off by Exe cutors or Administrators to widows or children of the following deeedents ; Estate of Harvy Elliott, " •' James Brown, " " Joseph Quick, " " Isaac Middaugh, # " " David Ridgway, " " David Cash, " " Geo. W. Peppers. " " John A. Simons, " '• 4ames Bagley. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on Mondey, the 6th day of Febru ary next, for confirmation and allowance. N, C. EI.SBREE, Jan. 10.1865. Register. SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE ! NEW FIRM. M. E. Solomon respectfully informs his old customers and the public that he has taken in partnersnip his son Alexander, under the firm of SOLOMON & SON, and that they will continue busitess at the old stand, on Main Street No. 2 Patton's Block. They w ( ill keep con stantly on nand a full assortment of Clothing FOR MEN AN I) BOY'S W EAR! CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE Also, constantly on hand a full line of ; GENTS FURNISHING GOODS ! Consisting of SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HDK'FS, And a large assortment of ARMY SHIRTS, Which they oiler to sell at prices CHEAPER than ! ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT IN TOWN. REMEMBER THE PLACE, AT SOLOMON & SON 'S. Jan. 1, 1865* t(W M. E. Solomon requests those indebted to him to : call and settle. He is desirous of closing ail accounts by the Ist day of March next, as after that time, all un settled matters will be placed in the hands of an officer ; for TIMET A BLE—WAVERLY STATION. NEW YURK AND ERIE RAIL-ROAD. Change of hours commencing Monday December 1,18G4. I Trains will leave Waverly Station at about the following j hours, viz : GOING EAST. . i Train No. 2, Day Express 11:43 A. M. : " " 4, Night Express *12:20 A.M. •' " 6, Mail 4:43 P.M. j " " 8, Cincinnati Express 5:03 A.m. " " 16. Way , 8:43 A.M. ' " " 22, Accommodation 2:05 P.M. " " 2s, Way Freight 5:30 P.M. GOING WEST. Train No. 1, Day Express 5:25 P.M. ! " " 5, Mail 10:20 P.M. j " " 7, Bulialo Express 5:29 A.M. I •' * 15, Way 3:43 P.M. " " 21, Accommodation 1:38 P.M. ! " "27 Way Freight 8:40 A.M. Trains 3 and 4 run every day. tar *Train 4 will stop ; at Waverly Monday mornings. Train 5 remains over night at Klmira. CHA'S, MINOT, Gen'l. fjup't. J. S. SHEAFE, Station Agent, Jtt ercftawMjg. p O W E L L A- CO., Having recently made large additions fo their STOCK OF LADIES' FURS, Ul.O A KS, S// A WL S, it: <7 . , ,f C . Are now prepared to exhibit an attractive stock of these Goods, And offer them for sale at the L OWES T M A R K E T I' R I 0 E S. They have also jnst opened AT I'RICES MUCH BELOW THOSE OF The early pari of the season a large stock of L A DIES D R E S S G O O* D S, Which compiises a greas variety of COLORS AND STYLES OF FRENCH MERINOS, I'OPI.INS, EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPS, PLAIDS, Ac., Ac., Ac,, To which special attention is invited. December 12, 18G4. YmXTER GOODS, JUST OPEXIXG, AT ROCKWELL'S. pi'RS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! FURS ! ! !! A NICE ASSORTMENT, AT ROCKWELL'S. T ARIES CLOAKS ! LADIES CLOAKS ! NEWEST STYLES, AT ROCKWKIX'S'. I rpOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!!! TOYS!!!! SANTA* CLAUS, TAKE NOTICE! The finest assortment of TOYS IN TO W N For the coming HOLIDAYS, At fcOCfcWELL'g, Hcflal AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi the matter of the estate of E. IV. Cox, deed. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an Auditor appointed by said court to distribute moneys in the hands of the administrator of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment at his office in the Borough of Towauda, on the 2.5 th day of January, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., and all persons liaviug claims against said moneys must then and there present them. Dec. 21, 1864. JAMES WOOD, Auditor. A R.M IN IST BATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice -4 A- is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of HENRY A BENNET late ol Wysox twp. dee'd. aie requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. RICHARD M. BENNET, Dec. 8, 1864. Admin'tor. A1)M IN1 STRATI)ITS-NOTICE -Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of GEORGE NlCHOlij.late of Wysox tp., dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims upon .said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement. ESSECK WOOD, Dec. 8, 1864. Administrator. rjIRIAL LIST FOR FEBRUARY TERM. JL 1865. Commencing Feb. 6, 1865. Jefferson Longhead's use vs. John Loughead. C. W. A J. T. Moore A Co., vs. Michael Meylert, David Barber vs. William Tripp. Geo. Dusenbury vs. Gauung A Wight man. D. C. Buckingham's use vs. Farmer's Union Insurance Company. William 11. Clymer vs. Perry Cobb, ct. al. Reuben W. Cheney vs. Ebeu Denning. John H. Murry's use vs. Robert Spalding'* Exr's. Sarah Hillit-r vs. C. M. Mcllwain. William Peel's use vs. S. A. Cantield.et. al. 11. A. Hood vs. Shipuian A Wells. R. A M. Hardee vs. James Merritt. ct. al. Alarison B. Smith vs. William R. Storrs, et. al. Simon Green vs. S. H. A H. 11. Fitch, et. al. Amos Stubble, et. al. vs. l.evi Anderson, et. al. Jacob Savercool vs. Joseph Mill's adm'rs. Charles Comstock vs. Jahez Stone, et. al. Lydia Munsou vs. Amos Baker. Clark A Baker vs. Abraham Steers, et. al. David C. Dibble vs. David B. Palmer, et. al. R. M. Johnson vs. George K. Elliott. James H. Sawyer vs. A lonzo Dong. John Bortz vs. Pomeroys. William S. Alger vs. William G. Alger, et. al. Jesse R. Cowell vs. Kelsey Nichols. Pomeroys vs. J. S. Smead. C, W. Whitney's use vs Ellianan Smith. Polly Chilson vs. John W. Sweet. James Wrisley vs. Roswell Luther. Addison Fuller vs. Schuyler Gates. Eliason, Greener A Co.. vs. C. V. Dare. George A. Holden vs. J. W. Sweet,et, al. N. C. Elsbree vs. Charles Barton, et. al. F. N. Wilcox vs. John W. Denison. Clang, Weldbald A Kluber vs. Antone Lodcr. John C. Alririch vs. Lark Bird.et.al. Dan Russell vs. Henry Wilmonth's admr's. ('omm. of Pa., vs. Andrew E. Men irdi. Maria A. Watkius vs. John W. Wilcox. Benj. S. Reymou vs. Kllianan Smith. Perry O. Dodge, et. al. vs. J. Monroe Smith, Allen White vs. Lewis D. Goodwin. H. W. Miller vs. B. W. Oakley, et. al. Harry Benjamin vs. Charles Benjamin. Chailes Philips udui'r. vs. Mary Roleston. Subpoenas returnable Monday, Feb 13 1865, at 10 o'- j clock a. in. E. O. GOODRICH..Proth'y. .IFor Sale. rpwo DWELLINGS FOR SALE.—The -L subscriber offers for sale his Dwelling Houses and } Lota in Towauda Borough. The House formerly occupied j by nie, on the north-east corner of Main and Franklin ! streets ; a framed house, two stories and basement, with a well, and in good repair. Will be sold with or without the corner lot. Also, the dwelling house now occupied by me, on the north west corner of Second and Franklin streets. It is a two story house, with basement, and has a barn upon ! tlie lot, with well and cistern, and an abundant supply of j fruit. Terms made satisiactory to the purchaser. Dec. 1,1864. JAMES McCABE. DESIRABLE HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The Furniture and Lease of the Ward House, at Towanda, I'a., are now for sale. The house is being thoroughly repaired from garret to cellar. It is located at the county seat of the large and flourish ing county of Bradford, and is doing a good lucrative business. It is the Stage House for all stages arriving at and departing Iroiu the town. The property consists of everything necessary for the complete furnishing of a first class house. Good Spring Water in the kitchen iauudry and bath-room, iu fact, everything desirable for a first rate business stand. To a persou desirous of en- ! tering the business, an excellent opportunity is now offered. POWELL A SMITH. Towauda, Nov, 28,1864. TTILLAGE LOT AND BARN FORSALE. T —The subscriber offers for sdle bis building let in the borough ol Towanda, situated on Second street, first j lot above the residence of E. O. Goodrich. A good Barn is erected on the lot, and the property is ve*y desirable. For terms Ac.,apply to J. F. Means, or Dec. 6,1864. F. E. POST. AT TE N T I 0 N FARM ER S ! VALUABLE FARMING AND TIMBER LANDS KOK SALE, The undersigned offer at private sale about 500 acres of GOOD FARMING LANDS, in lots to suit purchasers. These lands are situated between three and four miles from the Borough of Towanda, in Asylum township.— They are well watered, well located, with deep rich soil. Nearly 156 acres are under the plow. The balance is WELL TIMBERED with Oak, Pine aud Chestnut in quantities sufficient to ' pay one half of the purchase money. Terms one half Cash or Government Bonds, and bal j anct in instalments as may be agreed upon. ALSO 100 ELIGIBLE BUILDING LOTS, Situated in the Borough of Towanda. Teims as above, j Apply to Mrs. M. A. CASH, Administratrix, or to GEO. P. CASH. Towanda, Dec. 12,1864. j rpiTE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale his j JL dv elling house and lot on 3d street, north-west of! ('. L. Ward's. The property has on it a large and new- j ly built bam, a good well of water and cistern, a very ' fine cellar, and some line fruit and shade trees. Inquire | of the subscriber. DANIEL HARKINS. Towanda, Dec. 10, ISG4. .miscellaneous. QYSTEKS! WHOLESALE A RETAIL j | BY THE HUNDRED OR KEG, A T L A U GHLIN'S SALOON! Towanda, Nov. 30, 1864. BRIDGE LETTING.—SeaIed Proposals will be received at the house of Robert Knapp , In Burlington Township, upon THURSDAY, JANUARY 19,1865, at 2 o'clock, p m., for the building and com pleting of an Arched Bridge across Brown's Creek, at j that place. Plan and Specifications mat' be seen at the j Commissioner's Office and at said Knapp's lor one week , previous to letting the same. J. CAMPBELL, W. B. DODGE, J. BEARDBLEE, Commissioner's Office, Dec. 26, '64. Com'rs. I *YT OTICE TO COLLECTORS.— Notice is it hereby given to all Collectors of 1864, and for pre- I' vious years, wlio are in arrears upon tlieir Duplicates of either State. County or Militia Tax, that unless the same is paid in full before the 20th of January next, suits will | positively be brought for the collection of the amount due. J. CAMPBELL, W. B. DODGE, J. BEARDSLEE, J Commissioner's Office, Dec. 27,1864. Com'rs. I PROPOSALS will be received at the of . fiee of G. It Montanye, for furnishing the Borough of Towauda 20,000 ieet of 14 inch oak plank, uot to ex ceed G inches in width. Also 4,000 feet Oak Scantling ;; inches square. To be delivered by the Ist day of May next. Towanda, Dec. 21, 18G4. UEXWAX T E I) ! BY THE FALL CREEK COAL A IRON CO., To Chop, Clear Land, and Make Shingles, or to Clear Land by fhe acre. Apply to WM. M . MALLORY, at the Ward House. Dec. H, ISG4. GEO. C FARRAR, President. : gUBSTITUTES FURNISHED ! Towanda, Dec. 22,1864. | The citizens of Bradford county who are liable to I Draft, are hereby notified that by applying, previously to being drafted, they can procure Substitutes foi three ! years at a much less price than they can after being dratted, and by so doing will be accredited on quota, i and exempted from further draft for the lull term of en ! lhstment of said Substitute. Substitutes furnished for i one, two or three years, at short notice and on reasona ! ble terms. Apply to J. A. MeWILLIAMS, Recruiting Agent, Baldwin st., Elmira, N. Y. Dec. 29,1864—1mp. V 0 W AM) A ME A T MARKE T ! STRATTON A INGHAM, Respectfully inform the citizens of Towanda, that they i have purchased fhe well-known Market of Messrs. Mc : Cabe and will continue to carry on the business at the i Old Stand,on Main Street, next door north of Dr. Por i tor's Drug Store. j They would say to the public that they intend to keep ! on hand a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds, which they will sdl at the lowest possible prices, either by the | side, quarter or pound. Meats, delivered on short notice, when ordered, at any i place within the corporation. ' C. U. STRATTON, j Dec. 29, 1864. H.H.INGHAM, Sisal. NOTICE. NOTICE J is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tateof 8. S.LATHBOP, late of Orwell, Pa., dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment,and those having demands egaiust said estate will present them duly au tbenticated for settlement. MARSHALL PRINK, ELIJAH J. BACKUS, Dec. 8,1864. Executors. A" DMINTsTRATOR'S NOTlCE.— Notice is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the estate of BUCKLEY TRACY, late of Smithfit Id twp., dee'd, are requested to make immediate pay went, and those having demands against said estate will please pre sent duly authenticated for settlement. BATHSHEBA TRACEY, December 1,1*64. Administrator. \ DMINISTRATOR SNOTICE. Letterß ■it of administration 'ot the goods, chattels, Ac. of JEHIAL McKEAN. late of Burlington twp., deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands sgainst the same are notified to present the same for settlement to the subscriber. JOHN A. CODDING, Dec. 29, 1864. Adm'r. T IST OF THE NAMES OF PERSONS .Li drawn as Grand Jurors, for February Term and Sessions for A. D. 1865 : Burlington twp., John Lane ; do, wc-st, John Ballard, Shepard Ballard ; Canton, Leonard Lewis ; Franklin, F F Fairchild ; Leroy, C Hoaglaud ; Overton, Orlando Haverly ; Orwsll, Isaac Lyon ; Ridgbury, Geo. M Man derville; Rome, E. M. Hie; Sylvania boro', F Furman; Springfield, A F Cranmer ; Sheshequin, W D Shores ; Towanda boro', E M Parsons; Geo. F Cole, F Overton; do. twp.. Samuel Dimmock ; Ulster, Wm. Gilmore : Warren, E. F Pendleton, J. W. Murphey : Wyalusing, Joseph Gaylord J. E. Camp ; Wysox, D. Williams, jr ; Wilmot, V olney Hornet. TKAVKRSK JI'KORS —FIItST WEEK. Albany, David Kellog, Isaac Wilcox, R. S. Sabin ; Alliens boro., Josiah Hull ; Asylum, 0. D. Chamberlin, Daniel Cook ; Burlington West, B. Ross, Chan. Bloom ; Burlington boro..Martin Ising ; Columbia, Samuel Jack lin ; Canton boro. J. R. Seems, Abner Doty ; Canton, twp , Levi Lester ; Franklin, I.eona d Morse ; Gran ville, J. McClelland; Volney Laudon : Litch fieid, Beuj. Ball, Wm. H. Spencer ; Monroe, Asa Dim ock ; Orwell, C. R. Darling, Wm. Morgan ; Pike O. G. Carifield : Ridgbury, Moses Herman, Matthew Hill, jr. ; Rome boro., O.Rickey: Smithfield, Alvin Seward, W. S. Vincent ; Springfield,Schuyler Gates.Wm.Cooper; She shequin. Alphrozo Billings ; South Creek, David Dun ning ; Standing Stone, Geo. Wood : Towanda twp., G. Manley ; Towanda North, Wm. Detrich ; Troy twp., Charles Kutiyon ; Tuscarora, Jackson Cogswell : Troy boro..Joseph Jeroloman ; Terry, M. J. Tyrrell. John F. Dodge; Wells, Whiting Gifl'ord, I>. B. Friese, A. W. Knapp : Wysox, James Kinsman, A. A. Bishop : Wy alusiug, Harrison Detrick ; Warren, Miles Prince : Windham, James Johnson, TRAVERSE JURORS—SECOND WEEK Armenia, John Morgan ; Albany, J. S. Campbell, Warren Ayres, W. Waltmart J. Cole ; Athens twp., Stephen Dodd ; Columbia, John Gustin ; Canton, Mer rick Crandall; Franklin. Daniel Montgomery; Grauville, I.uther Van Horn ; Litchfield, Henry (Cooper : Leroy, Hiram Stone ; Monroe twp.,Wm J. Mason, J. Blackman; Monroe boro.. A. Mullau ; Orwell, Myrou Beecher ; Pike, Chester Goodell, L. D. Goodwin,Jarnes J. Gorham: Ridgbury, L. Gardner. L. Chamberlin ; Springfield, C. S. Burt, Denis Bailey. L. L. Beacli ; Standing Stone, A. Taylor ; South Creek, Daniel Livings : Sheshequin, W. Snyder ; Towauda boro., N; than Tidd, L. C. Nelson ; Troy twp., Delos Hei rick ; Windham, John Warner, J. L. Madden : Wyalusing, Ezra Allen. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan 's Court of Brad lord county, the undersigned administrator of the estate of JOHN H. HILL, dee'd., late of Orwell twp..will sell on the premisis, at public sale, on SATURDAY, Febru ary 4, 1865. at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in Orwell twp., bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at a stake and stones the corner of Henry W. Hines, in the highway in the line of E. W. Olds, thence ty said Hines and H. P. Taylor's line north 67° west 144 per. to the warrantee line ; thence by the war rantee line north 17° east 53 per. to a stake and stones tie comer of John W. Hill ; thence by said John W. Hill's in the highway; thence by the said highway south 22° west 53 per. to the piace of beginning. Containing 48 acres, be the same more or loss, about 35 acres of which is improved, small framed house, small framed barn and two small orchards thereon. TERMS.—SSO to be paid on the day of sale, one half the balance on confirmation of sale, and the balance in one year thereafter, with interest. JOLN W. HILL, SAMUEL CASS, Dec. 27,1864. Administrators. £ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Sewell S. Lathrop, late of Orwell Township, deceased are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. WARREN BAG LEY, JOHN W GRIFFIN, Dec. 13,1864. Executors. f~ EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice ishere- J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ofJEbenezer Horton, late of Albany, township, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. EDWARD HORTON, HIRAM HORTON, Dec. 13,1864. Executor.s AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the inn tier of the eat ate of Lyman Blare.she, late of Pike hop., deceased. Etmira Btakeslee..widow aad administratrix. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Or phan's Court of Bradford County, to dispose of excep tions to the appraisement and valuation of property to the said widow and administratrix, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough ol Towauda, on FRIDAY, the 13th day of JANUARY. A. D., 1865, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all per sons interested are reqnired to attend. W. A. PECK, Dec. 9, 1864. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons iudebted to the es tate ot ABRAHAM VALLERSCHAMP late of Orwell,tp. dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. EASTBURN WORKHEIZER, Dec. 27, 1864. Administrator. A - DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to thees tate of PHILETUS VAN DYKE late of Canton, dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having 'claims against said estate must present them duly au thenticated for settlement. PHCKBE VAN DYKE, Dec. 27. 1864. * Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi the matter of of the estate of IV. F. Mckean, deceased. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor, appointed by said court i to distribute funds in the hands of the administrators of said estate, will attend to the duties at his office in the borough of Towanda, ;on Saturday, the 28th day of January, 1565, at 1 o'clock, p.m., and ail persons having claims upon said funds must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. Dec. 21,1864. W. T. DAVTES, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of of the estate of Richard R. Beckwith, deceased. Iu the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by the Or phan's Conrt, to distribute funds remaining iu the hands of the Administrator of said deceased, arising from the sale of real and per-onal estate, will attend to the du ties of his appointment at the office of Morrow A Peet, in the borough of Towanda, on Friday, the 27th day of January, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., and all persons hav iug claims upon said nionev's must present them or else be forever debaried hum the same. Pec. 21,1864. P D.MORROW, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the^aTur^f Uriah Hunt, Francis Hoskins anil William 11. | Winder, trustees <s"<., vs. Thus. T. Wieiman. et. el. i In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 523 Dec. T., 1859. j The undersigned auditor appointed to distribute the ! proceeds of the Sheriff's Sale ot defendants real estate j will attend to the duties ol his appointment at the office I in the Boro' of Towanda, on Friday the 27th day of j January. 1865, at 1 o'clock p. m. and all persons having claims upon the funds must present them, or ! else be forever debared from the same G.P. MONTANYE, Dec. 2R_1864 1 Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—C. M. Manvilhl -£*■ vs. M. //. Allmvay. In the Court of Common Pleast of Bradford County, No, 620 May T., 1862. The undersigned, an auditor appointed by said Court to distribute lunds arising from Sheriff's sale of defen dant's real estate, will attendjjto the duties of such ap pointment at the office of J. C. Adams, esq., ill the Bo rough of Towanda, on Thursday, January 26, 1860, at 1 o'clock, p. ni., and all persons interested are requested to attend. JOHN W. MIX, Dec. 21, 1864. Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford county the undersigned administrator of the estate of JOSIAH , H. LITTLE, dec'd., late of Troy twp., will sell on the premises, at public sale on WEDNESDAY. January, 18, j 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. nr., the following lot, piece or par- I eel of land. Bounded as follows, to wit : Bounded on the north by Sugar creek, one the east by lauds of G. P. Velie, on the south by lands of < omfort Peters, on the west by lands of Reuben Wilber. Con taining about forty acres. TERMS.—S2S to be paid 011 day of sale, one-halt ot the balance on confirmation of sale, and the balance, with interest, in two equal annual payments thereafter. HIRAM HORTON, ! Dec. 15,1864. Administrator. pOAL, LIME, CEMENT, FIRE BRICK \J Ac., Ac. There is a Lime Kiln at the Barclay Company's Basin i a Towanda, where is kept constantly for sale, Fresh I iurnt White Lime Stone, at 40 cts. per bushel, and 18 I entsper bushel for slacked Lime. Also, Syracuse Wa er Lime at two dollars per barrel, and Fire Brick, at 8 ents each. Drain Tiles 2,3 and 4 inch., at 2, 3 and 4 ! en's per toot. RETAIL PRICK OF BARCLAY COAL AT TOWAKPA. AT YAun. DELIVERED. I nmp $5,00 I I.nmp Coal $5,50 Inn of Mines 4,50 Run ot Mines, 500 'ine Coal 4,00 | Fine Coal 450 All the above for sale at the office of Barclay CoaJ j ,'ompany, Towanda. 1 JAMES MACFARLANE, ! Towanda, May, 18, 1864. Hrflal. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE —By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford ronnty the undersigned Executor of the estate of DARIUS M A NLEY, dec'd., late of Troy twp., will sell on the premises, at npblic sale,on Witf iNESDAY, Jannary 18, lKC5.at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following lot. piece or par eel of land, situated in Troy twp., and bounded as fol lows, to wit . Beginning at a corner of Cbas. C. Mauley's lot upon the road, thence along the same south 34$ s west 32 per. south 31$° west 77 per. to a corner npon said road, thence north 71$° west 72 per. to a corner, thence noitb Is° cast 87 3 10 per. to a corner of said Cbas. (I. Man ley's lot, and thence south 82° east 123 7-10 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 57 acres and 106 per. ALSO—AII that other certain lot piece or parcel of land, lying and being, in the twp. pt Troy, ana bound ed on the west, north and east by lands of 1). It. Man ley,and south by the mountain road leading front Thorn is' to Armenia, and containing nine acres more or less. The ea.-t part of same improved. TERMS.—*2S to be paid on day of sale, on each of the lots, one half on the confirmation of sale, the bal lauce in one year thereafter, with interest. E. L. MANLEY, Dec. 15, 1864. Executor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford coun ;v, the undersigned administrator or the estate of KD iVARD WILLIAMS, dec'd., late of Athens twp., will •ell on the premises, at public sale, ou WEDNESDAY, January 18, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of land, situated iu Athens twp., and jounded as follow.-:, to wit •• Beginning at the south west corner of lot No. 2 run ning north Is° east 179 2-10 rods to the northwest cor ner of lot No. 9. thence north 884° west 43 6 10 rods, thence south Is° west 179 8-10 rods to the patent line, thence south 88$° east 43 6-10 rods to the place of be ginning. Containing fifty acres, be the same more or less. TEItMS—S2S to be paid on the day of rale, one-half or the balance on confirmation, and the balance in one year from the date of sale, with interest. SQUIRE NORTHROP Dec. 15, 1664. Administratoi. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford connty the undersigned administrator ot the estate ot JAMES POSTER, dec'd., late of Wilmot two., will sell on the premises, at public sale, on WEDNESDAY, January Is, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p.m., the following lot, piece or par cel of laud, bounded as follow, to wit . Beginning at the north-east corner of the lot hereby descrilied, being the south-east corner or (leo, Harper,s land ; thence soutli along the public highway 42 per. to a stake and stones • thence west along the line of Ira Brown 76$ per. to a post and stones ; thence north along said Brown's land 42 per. to said Harper's land ; thence along the same east 70.$ per. to the place of be ginning. Containing 20 acres, be the same more or less, all improved, one two story frame dwelling house, neai ly finished, an old board house, one barn and other out buildings, and a quantity of fruit trees thereon. TERMS.—S2S to he paid on day of sale, one-half of the balance on confirmation of sale, and the balance, with interest, in one year tberealter. JOSEPH C. BATES, Dec. 15,1564. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE— By virtue f" an order of the Orphan's Court ot Bradlord'county, the undersigned administrator of the estate of A I. ANSON MILLER, dec'd., late of Litchfield twp., will sell on the premises, at public sale on WEDNESDAY, January 18,1865, at 1 o clock, p. in., the following lot piece or parcel of land, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at a stake and stones the south-east corner of a lot of land owned by B. Keeler ; t hence north 894 J west 75 6-10 rods to a corner in JacobC'ampbell jr., north line : thence by land of A. Daskum north 1 35-60° east 89 24-60° east G rods to a post in fence coiner ; thence north 1 55-60° east 9 7-10 rods to a ches'-nnt stamp, a coiner ot said Daskum's land ; thence 388 5-50° east 26 rods to a stake and stones corner of said Daskum's land; thance by laud otsaid Daskum and 11. D. Kinney, north 1 42-60° east 100 rods to a stake, the north-east corner of H. D. Kinney's land ; thence north 2° east 22 4-10 rods to a stake and stones, corner of Samuel Ovcnsbire's land ; thence by said Ovensbire's laud south 89° east 42 rods to a post by a large oak tree, tee north-west corner of B. B. Keeiet's land ; thence south 14° west 134 2-10 rods to the place of beginning. Containing thirty-sev en and three-fourth acres. TERMS, —$25 to be paid on the day of sale, one half ot the balance on confirmation sale, and the balance, with interest, in one year therea.'ter. HENRY MILLER, December 15, 1564 , Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford coun ty, the undersigned Executor of the estate of JAMES EVANS, dee d-, late of Ridgburry twp., will sell on the premises, at public sale on WEDNESDAY, January Is, 1865, at 1 o'clock,p. m., the following lot, piece vr par cel oi land, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at the north east corner of said lot, (being also Kinney DeWitt's north-west corner)running thence south 1° 15 minutes west 132 rods to a beach stake with stones arround it : thence north 88° 45 minutes, west 52 rods to a corner ; thence north 1° 15 minutes, east 132 rods to a post. with stones arround it ; from thence south 88° and 45 minutes, east 62 rods to the plate of heginnii g- Containing 50 acres, be the same more or less,nearly all improved, with a framed house ahd log hara thereon. TERMS.—S2S to be paid on day oi sale, out-half of the baltnce on confirmation of sale, and the balance, with interest, in one year thereafter. DANIEL A. GILLET, December. 15, 1864. Executor. RPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an ordei of the Orphan's Court ot Bradford coun the undersigned administrator oi the estate of HAN t-'OKD KINNEY, dec'd.. late of Litchfield twp , will sell jii the premises, at public sale, on WEDNESDAY, Jan tary 18,1865, at one o'clock p.m., the following lot, piece or parcel of land, bounded as follows, to wit; All that piece, or parcel of land lying and being in die township of Litchfield. Beginning at a stake the south-east coiner of Stephen McKinney's land, thence jy the same north BS° 5 minutes west s3 7-10 rods to a dake corner ; thence south 1° 3,"> minutes, west 59 6-10 ods to a stake iu A. Bronson's dec'd., laud, north line ; hence south 88° 5 minutes, east 1 7-10 rods to a pine •tump, north-east corner of said Bronson's laud ; thence ■ast 1° 55 minutes, west 58 9-10 perches to a stake and ■tone, north-west corner of Joel Campbell's land; thence !SB° 5 minutes, east 83 rods to a stake and stones it the vest line nf A. Miller's deed., land; thence by the ante, and land of S. Ovenshire, north 1° 55 minutes, ast 118 5 10 rods to the beginning. Containing 60 acres md 81 perches, be the same more or less. TERMS.—S2S to be paid on the day of sale, one-halt if the balance on confirmation of sale, and the balance, vith interest , in one year from the day of sale. Z. F.WALKER. December, 15,1664. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Co. he undersigned administrator of the estate of ABRA HAM VALLERSCHAMP, dec'd., iate of Orwell twp., will sell on the premises, at public sale, on WEDNES DAY, JANUARY 25, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the fol lowing lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in Orwell tp., and bounded as follows, to wit; Beginning at a stake and stones on the highway, said highway leading by and from Van Fleet and Beecher's mill through Pot terville ; thence south 60$° west by lands of B. C. Cliafiee and B. Lyon, 120 pr. to a maple : thence north 33° east by lands of C. R. Darling, 117 pr. to a stake md stones on the south side of the highway, said high way leading to Warren tp.; thence north 84° west 3 1-10 pr. to a stake and stones on the north side of said highway ; thence north 24° cast by lands of C. R. Dar ling, 40 pr.; thence north 14$° east by lands of C. I!. A A. Darling 71 pr, to the centre of ihe highway, said highway leading from Windham to Potterville ; thence smith .'M 3 . cast along the centre of said highway 19 8-10 pr. to H. Darling's line ; theuce south 6s° west by said line 16 pr. to a stake and stones the south-west corner of H. Darling's lot ; thence north 85° east by south line of said Darling 31 2-10 pr. to a stake and stones, south-east corner of said lot ; thence north 7s° west by east line of said lot 50 5-10 pr. to a stake and stones, tiie north-east corner of said lot; thence north 26° east by the east side of tne pond 30 pr.; thence north 47° east 10 pr.; thence nortn 65° east 18 pr.; thence north 71° east 8 pt : thence north "o° east 17 pr. to the south west corner ot R. & C. Humphrey's land ; thence south 57° east along said Humphrey's south Sine 11 pr. to a stake and stones on line of Zery Cook's land ; thence south 33° east by said Cook's land 134 pr. to a stake aud - stones on the west side of creek ; thence south 16° east 56 pr. to a stake and stones on the north side of high way, said highway leading to Warren tp.; thence south 76° east along the centre of said highway 18 pr. to the centre of the Potterville highway ; thence soutli 164° east along centrk of said highway 53 pr. to the north east corner of Van fleet & Beecher's mill lot ; thence south 87° west by dam and pond on the north side of said lot 16$ pr to stake and stones, the north-west corn erot mill lot ; thence south 3° east along west line mill lot 41 pr. to a stake and stones the south-west corr cr of mill lot ; thence north 80i° east along south lint of mill lot 16 pr. to a stake and stones in centre ot Pot terville highway ; thence south 3° east along centre of said highway 1 pr. to place of beginning. Containing 98 acres, more or less, reserving all rights and privileges heretofore granted to J. O. Frost and A, (5. Matthews. 75 acres improved, 1 framed house, 2 trained barns and fruit trees thereon. TEKMS.—SISO to be paid on property being struck down, one fourth ot balance on confirmation of sale, and the balance iu five annual instalments with interest an nually. EASTBURN WORKHETSER, Dec. 19, 1864. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE—By virtue of an order ot the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun ty, the undersigned adinistrators of the estate of JOS EPH MILLS, deceased, late of l.eltoy twp., will sell on the presises, at public sale, ou WEDNESDAY, January 18,1865. at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following [lot, piece or parcel ot land,situated in Leßoy twp., and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post and stones in the sonth-east cor ner of Christopher Smith's lot. thnee along lot No. 58 south 2° 13 minutes west 87 rods to a post in the line of Roswell Rogers' lot. thence along the north line of said lot north.B7° 47 minutes west 19S 1-10 per. to a em lock in the south-east corner of lot No. 38, theuce long the east line of lot No. 36. 2° 13 minutes east x7 perches to a post and stones in the south-west cornet of Chiristopher Smith's lot, thence along a line of said Smith souih 87° 47 minutes east 121 5-10 per. to the north-west corner of the school house lot 19 per. to a corm r thence along said lot 15 per. to a corner, thence south 10 per to a corner in the line ol said-Cnristopher Smith e land. thence south 87° 47 minutes east 61 9-10 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 108 acres and 32 perches. TERMS.—S22 to be paid on the day of sale, one-halt of the balance oil confirmation of sale, and the balance, with interest, iu one year thereafter. A. D. FOSS. MARY MILLS, Dec. 22,1864 Administrators. IjiOß SALE.—The uadersigned wishes to sell two good Horses. Towanda tp., Dec. 19,1864. HARRIET MEANS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers