LOCAL AND GENERAL. SKATING CLUB. —The Towanda Skating i < lnl> is now in a flourishing condition, and from j j,resent indications tlie members intend enjoying j themselves hugely this winter. As the skaters are j numerous hereabouts, ;uid a large proportion of them juveniles, and rather young to belong to any j ,ssiieiation of this kind, it has been thought best l.v some of the members of the elttb to solicit con tributions from the parents and friends of the "lit- ] tie ones," to Carry out more effectually arrange nn iits to preserving life. It is the intention of the 1 rluli to place large lanterns, flags, torches, Ac., up on the ice, so that everything must move off in j ■ il'. ty and security. To do this would incur an ! , \pi iise larger than the club in its present condi t ion is willing to foot, w hen others come on the ; rounds and enjoy the same privileges that the ! members do. Donations will be received thank- | fullv by the Treasurer, ('HAKI.ES I'. PATCH, in behalf ~f the club. ♦ j TORRKY'S BEE HIVE.—Mr. R. S. TORRKY, of | Bangor, 1/aine, is introducing the "J/aine State Bee Ilivc." to flic notice of the people of Bradford j Comity. This hive has taken the first premium at many State Fairs, aud was aw arded the first pre- ! iiiiiuu at the Pennsylvania State Fair, held at Eas toti. The agricultural journals all praise it highly, j ml ii has the warmest testimonials from those who have made use of it. J/r. T., the patentee, is an enthusiast on the subject of bee raising, and has made it a study and business for more than thirty years. His hive combines cheapness with 1, auty of style and perfect adaptation to the wants of fin- colony which inhabits it. It is claimed for it, that it secures all the advantages necessary for tla- safety of tlie bees, removing the obstacles and , angers of raising and wintering them, and to oling them to produce in abundance a better quality of lioney. Its merits are certainly worthy ii-:'s Emporium, besides other illustrations too numerous to mention. Its literary contents are ini\ailed. He will send Godey's Lady's Book a! the "KEPOKTEB" the next year to subscribers j for 54.50. lloi.itiAY PARTY. —We would say to the lo.ers of Dancing, that the HOLCOMB HOUSE, inLe- j Roy, will be open to receive its guests on Friday | evening, Dec. 30. Good music will be in atten- j ,i, lice. Bill $3.00. THE LADY'S FRIEND. —The January ntitn- | l.i-i* of the Lady's Friend is already on our table, \ I fully bears out the high reputation of this new ! monthly, which is now entering upon the second j y. ar of its existence. The leading steel engraving, I • HUSH! IT IS ASLEEP," is a beautiful picture, and j will doubtless go right to the hearts of the ladies. Tin- Fashion Plate—a double one, as usual—is very handsome indeed, admirably engraved on steel, and richly colored. Then there is a colored de- ! sign of a WORK TABLE COMPANION, a very useful la- j (ly. a-, she seems, in red and yellow* and blue ; and j numerous other engravings of the Fashions, Work j Table Department, Ac. The music of this ntun- j ber is a piece entitled, "I STOOD WITHIN OUR COT- | TAOE HALL." The literary contents, are even un usually excellent. Pri. i- -2,50; 2 copies 64,00 ; fl copiea 610,00 ; *2l copies 631,00. Specimen numbers will he sent to those desirous of making up clubs at 15 cts.— i V.'lu-elev A Wilson's celebrated Sewing Machines [ AR. furnished as Premiums. Address DEACON A* I PETERSON, 31!) Walnut street, Philadelphia. Now is the time to send on your subscriptions for j 180.-,. THUJA CO. COTTON. —On Monday last we j wi ii shown a sample of Sea Island Cotton, raised j 1 Mrs. Cady, at Tioga, from seed sent l>v some of ] t'i, boy-, in the 45th Reg't, during their stay in ! s nth Carolina. From the specimen before ns we j --In mid judge it would pay all to give it a trial and j find out whether the loyal North is not capable of \ rising her own cotton without the help of our " dear Southern brethern."— Ti>ja Agitator. BrTf' We are glad to welcome our old ; friend GOODRICH back to tlie tripod, and look to see ! him prosper as lie deserves. The Hepoi-ter is now* j •ne of the largest and neatest county papers in Pennsylvania. In fact it was ever one of the neat- | est printed and most efficient of all our exchanges, j 1!. has procured new presses and new type, and ! ought to have 2500 subscribers. Tlie priee of the I is now 62 per year in advance. He had Pern rinhe it 62.50. Thuja Agitator. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE. —We are in receipt of this popular Lady's Magazine, for December.— j It is a splendid number, with a superb title page j lor 1861. Notwithstanding tlie enormously in ert -i-il prii-i of paper, and the rise in all printing j materials. -Peterson" will still lie furnished at | TWO DOI.I.>J:S \ TEAK. No Magazine of similar: ii i lit ajipn aches it in cheapness. Its stories and I; velettcs are by the best writers. In 1865, Four j I'i jgitial Copyright Novelettes will be given. Its I -iiions are alw ays tlie latest and prettiest. Every : > ighborhood ought to make up a club. IT IS THE i MAO VZINE EOK THE TIMES Its terms to clubs are j mipreeedeiitedly liberal, viz :—8 copies for 612,00, J or 1 1 copies for 6*20,00. To every person getting up a club, (at these rates.) the Publisher will send, j as a premium, that .superb engraving for framing, SIZE. 21 inches by 20 inches, "WASHINGTON PAKT IS. FROM HIS GENERALS," or an extra copy of the Magazine for 1805. \RTMI R'S HOME MAGAZINE FOR 1865.—The II :ne Magazine closes its volume for 1864 with the widest circulation it has yet obtained. For 1865 it will be enlarged and made still more worthy of t; patronage it is receiving. No periodical in the nntry has met with a heartier welcome from the ptv-s. Its praises come heralded from every direc- ' : a. To maintain the high place it has reached in public favor, the publishers and editors will spare - thcr expense nor labor. It is, par excellence, tin- people's magazine, and should And a place in 'Aerv home. Terms, 82,50 a year; three copies, : Jive copies, and one to the getter up of the "ib. 610 ; nine copies, and one to getter up of club. 815. ' ifKisTMAS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. — COWI.ES IK 1 ■ . call attention to the most splendid variety of Christmas holiday presents ever offered for sale in I wanda. Having a large stock they are deter mined to sell at great bargains, ( all and see tliem. N EW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA PETROLEUM CO. 1 lie prospectus of this company will be found in uiotUer column. At this time, when so many pro y- ts of this character are being originated for pnr qiecnlntive purposes, it behooves those desiring to " s t to investigate closely. Tlie names coiinec -1 with this company, are a sufficient guarenteeof s (''liability, and that its affairs will tie prudently managed. I lie Sunday school H ofWyalusing and 1 initj will hold their regular monthly Concert •xt Snnday Christmas—at 3p. m., in the chapel 01 ,he Second Presbyterian Church. WaF" The Fire Department of the Boro' of Towanda, held their annual election at the Engine House, on Monday evening, Dee. 19th 1864, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: H. B. MCKE.CN, Chief Engineer. JOHN W. MIX. .1 .s.v'F. Chief Engineer. THE DRAFT. —List of persons drafted, to supply the deficiency under the last call of the President, for Bradford County : ORWELL. Wm. Black, Francis A. Sexton, Jesse Hunt.Wm. B. Wage, James. E. Backus, Byron Cass, Gaylord Frisbie, Samuel N. Bronson, Wm. H. Hardy, Ste phen Russell. Alphonse J. Lloyd, Warren -1. Parks, Hollis H. Atwood, Jas T. Burr hard, Isaac V< night, Samuel G. Stevens, Geo.Smitli, David O.Cass. Geo N. Hardy, Luther J. Pendleton. Francis. M. Mayu ard, Edmund Yanfleet, A. A. Alger, Marcus Rock well, Joseph Doane, Geo. N. Yarriugton, Julius P. Sexton, Geo. Lyon. Jr., John C. Wilhelm, Chas. Foster. SPRINGFIELD. J. M. Baker, Lewis JDickinson, Crawford (Vest brook, John N. Reescr, Byron S. Guthry, Hezeki ah Direman, Allen Eaton, Hiram G. Chase. Harvy Gates, Alva Cooper, Israc Andrns, Thomas Halsey, Theodore Barrett, Woodward Berry, Jr., Win. Ward Wallace Fanning, Joel Adauis, Wm. Tracy, Alvin L. Berrv, James H. Barrett. CANTON. John Bailey, Allen Williams, H. McClelliui, J. P. Bates, 0. Hevold, Martin P. Lewis, Daniel G. Greenleaf, Franklin Pierce, Thomas Batv, Hiram M. Goff, Wm. M. Watts, S. Lindlay, Orrin Allen, Houston Fitch, James Stanton, J. S. Mauley, Sam Mi-Man. Allen Williams, D. P. Elliott, Jas Barnes, Solon Roberts, Calvin Brown, Arseinus Aiulrus, James Bourk, L. W. Jones, Milton Adams, Morti mer Foster, Luke Streeter, Erskine Packard, Thos W. Cross, Wm. Hamilton, Hiram Liiulley, Daniel W. Webster, Orrin Montgomery, Jeremiah Fitzge rald, Hiram W. Thomas, Marcus P. Ayers, Abra ham Williams, Loienzo Wright, Allen Packard, Lemuel A. Packard, Wm. R. Dunrt, Samuel Fits water, Jr., D. P. Liiullev, John Matony, Levi Stull. LITCHFIELD. Prgpton Wolcott, Albert Ammemian.Clias. .John son, Allen Baldwin, Charles Cooper, Walter Green, James Rogers, Theron Wolcott, Daniel Campbell, Andrew Layton.Wm. Lurcock,Julius Cotton,Dan'l Reeser, Joseph Stout-fist, Oscar Wolcott, James Drake, Hcurv Mmm.Olivar Dverson, John Newels, Thos. Randolph. Alanson Camel*, Andrew J. Fish, Henry Mallory, Daniel Munu, Hiram Bloodgood, Daniel Morse. PIKE. Wm. J. Hutehinsoii/Geo.Stevens,Edwin A.Jones, Wm. Morris, F. (). Goodwin, Andrew ('. Pierce, David J. Morris, Alonzo Hill. Wm. M. Payne, Stephen P. Warner, John L. Williams, Charles H. Pnrdy, Harris 1!. Taylor, Oliver J. Warner, Alex. Gibbs, Nathan R. White, Jarvis King, Henry W. Bolles, Robert Sloeiim, Myron H. Matson, Samuel Depeit,Alonzo Whitehead, Byron D. Bolles, Stephen F. Edsell. Asa 1!. Payson, Horace B. Cliaffee. Lt RAYSVILLE, Asa Nichols, Addison Frisbie. RIDGBI-RY. Aaron M. Gillett, Geo. H. Berry, Freeman A. Aston, James Stirton,, Johnson A. Kline, Harmon Sible, Alplieus Marcellus, David'J. May, Gabriel Kavnor, E. Gunsaulus, Jolin L. Webb, Itliemer Manning, Wm. Gnnsaules. SMITH FILD. Arial Geronld, Noah F. Tuttle.Nehemiah Robin son. Daniel Allen, Francis A. Fundi, Thomas I>. Waldron, George T. Beach, Marshal Bullock, Phi lander Hall, Wayland B. Andrns, Willis Ames, Lockwell E. Thompson, Judson Bnrlingame, Ern mons Eames, Plimi Phelps Jr., John W. Harris, Orrin E. Harris, David Newton. ROME. Wilforil S. Dady, IFm. R. Wolf, A. King, Hugh McCabe, D. S. 4/aynard, Wm. Y. Parks, Washing- j ton Towner, Wm. A. Blair, Harry Beernan, Henry D. Yinight, Edgar B. Baxter, Daniel Babcoek. Phi- j lander Prince, Henry Quigley, Sylvester Mineer, ! Ebenezer Cowles, Wilson -1/urphy, James Forbes. Francis Johnson, Joseph Towner, A. H. Holmes, James Vibt-rt. ROME BORO'. Edgar J. Chaffee, Levi Porter. SHESHEQITN. Warner E. Gillett, David Horton Jr., Ira Mur phy, Wm. M. Middaugh, Horace Horton, Leonard j Heinmingway, Dan'l Minier, Tlieron F. Miller, j Chas. Willard, David J. Horton. Millard Maekizer, j Marquis A. Vaneise, Frank Bessex, Milton Smith, j Daniel Minier, Daniel M. Bidlack, George Childs. Dennis Burtin, Isaac Hoilenback, Moses Watkins, i Marion Lovelace, AVarehestcr Childs, Elisha New- 1 ell, John W. Dilruer, Samuel Hulett, Major S.Mar- ! slial. Andrew Zeller, Manson Elshree, David New- | ell. .James McDaniel, Joseph M. Elliott, John Bar- j rett Jr. ASYLI'M Dennis Lane, Harry D. Fausey, Nathaniel Moody, ; Albert Whiffile, Jewit S. Ross, James Vargnson, ! William F. Cole. Clianucey Baker. George Johnson, j Fred Miller, Isaac Babcoek, James Stoneman. Nicholas Johnson, Cliarrick Wcstbrook. MONROE TWP. George Vargnson, James Chilson, Edward Min- • gus, Thomas Mulka, Philip A. Harvy, William Northrop, Abraham Boys, V ia. W. Decker. Angles i McMillen, Windfield Scott, Nathaniel Hendershot, John English, William AVestbrook, Douglas John son, Washington Suntee, Jeremiah Hakes Frank lin Northrup, Eliplialet Shores, David Mason, P. C. Bartow, Hiram Chilson, James Smith, N. B. Overton, Cornelius Johnson, Rogers Cole, Lewis Camp. ATHENS TWP. John H. Green, Thomas Chapman, William Har ris* George L. Easterbrook, Wood Eliglimi, Abram Mills, B. H. Haven, Charles Williams, William Sawyer, Samuel Vauwert, James Morris, William McMorren. W. W. Wolcott, G. K. Tozer, Hand ford Rolinson, A. T. Kartright, William Jacklin, Jacob J. Weller, George W. Thomas, Joseph 11. Snell, Joseph Tuttle, Seeley Kinner, Ismic Suell, Warren Weeks, E. A. Weller, John Kirkpatrick, Cornelius Hurley, Michael Doren, James Vanvleet, G. W. Hammon. G. H. Morley, Nathaniel Seelv, William Vauallen, John Houglitaling, Pitney Vin cent. Ira B. Sherwood, W. G. Stevens, David Hail lock. ALBANY. Isaac Wilcox, William Harroway, jr., Peter Myres, John B Steringer, Michael McCuc, Warren Allen. Jesse S. Burlier, Philip Cain, C. W. Davis, Samuel Fuliner, James Allen, Rufus S. Hakes, Alvin Warner, Joseph Lee, Charles Moon, Burton Allen, Fernando Forn, Lowell Nowell, James Tee ter or Seeter, William A. Zaner, Gardner Allen, James Hancock. OVERTON. Edward Sturn, C. R. Severing, John Mosher, Timothy MoAndrew, Eli Heverly, Josiali Reinbolt, James Mullen, William Faucett. MONROE BORO. John Dongertv, Wailand L. Cranmer, Edgar W. Smith, Halleck Armstrong. WEST BURLINGTON. Benjamin Morxon, Richard Warrington, Benjam in Dayton, Lewis Johnson. George Blair, Philander Smith, George Rathbone, James DaiTow Isaac IU. Bronson, Holland Swane, Able Dickens, Alvord Rockwell, Reuben Dudley, Charles Taylor, Stephen H. Ballard, William Riley. FRANKLIN. Adam Miiqiliev. Edward Galliger, George. W. White, Mathias M. Piatt, Reuben Schrader, Math ew Barnes, William P. Lyon, Patrick Mnlealy, De eatur I'epper, Dennis Donivan Gilbert R. Chase, James Richard, Samuel Tovy, Charles MePatriek lUhite. Ira Morse, James Galliger, Ira Smith, J. B. Stratton, John Kirkendall, Ebenezer Harris, Geo. Selirimei*. Benjamin Baldwin, Daniel Toway, Adol pliis R. Pratt, John Schrader, Henry Black, Pat-, rick Sullivan, Albert Northrop, George Burchell, Timothy Sullivan, Daniel Oakley. Ebenezer Thom as, Andrew Louty, Arthur Crogan, James Collins, Sterne M. Kee, James Comiskey, Samuel Jordon, James Brissel, Jehial Green, Wilson Brissel, John 1 nderwood, Augustus Hardy, Patrick Wileox, H. P. Cray ton, Charles Rice. WINDHAM. William Reel, George Lawrence, Mesley Rogers, James Rogers, John Campion, Robert Smith, Har vey Turner. John M. Warner, Morgan ('anienter, William Dunham, Hiram Sherry, James Morevi Michael Healy, Truman W. Walcott, Eliphus Gle'a son, Charles Hand, William Strope, Hamblin Deck er. GRANVILLE. William Bowman, John Wilcox, Lathan Andrns, Charles D. Ross, George W. Eliakim, Jefferson T. Bailey, E. D. Furgnson, Thomas Smith, JohnMor rison. Henry Michael, Smith May, Burton A. Por ter, Douglas Smith, Horace M. Spalding, Barnafns Vrowiuan, C. W. Mi-Murray, David S. Turner, Harvey Putnam, David Tiriny, Luman Pntman, jr. ' George Collits, Riley ('. Pitch, Victor T. Simpkins, Orvil Putnam, David VanVmskirk, Bnrrella l'ratt, (Uilliam Vrowman, Joseph R. Miles, E. W. La- Hiaut, Barney Rockwell, Allen Bovier, James ,lfc -1 Cellan, Gilbert J/cFaught. WYSOX. David S. Horton, George Conklin, Joseph W. Bis | hop, Oliver D. Stiles, Isaac Martin,H. T. Harding, Wm. Lewis, Adam Groff, Albert Kinley, Thomas Byan. Johuathuii Howe, Robert C. Ward, John A, Allen, 'Thomas T. Madill, Cornelius Coleman, E. Stevens, Homer B. Morgan. James Sweet, Ralse ! rnonil Shores, Hiram Dyre, Melvin B. Owen, Geo. I S. Miller. Charles Martin, Nathaniel N. Parks, M. M. York, E. M. Allen. STANDING STONE. David R. Emory, Manning Lmiday, John Sygal. Jacob Tuttle, Edwin Sill, Hugh Park, A. Stevens, Civilian Mc ! Cracin, Myron Waterman. Jefferson G. Roof, Edward j Clark, J. Yanneas, Peter West brook, Anson P. Hunt, Wm. Clagett, James Bush,Alonzo Enlford.E. H, Dixon. Daniel B. Ennis, Soproness Vanest, Minor Black. DERRICK. Philip Swaikhammer, David Neahit, James S'.utheis, John Neshit, John D. Squires, Wm. Nesbit, Morton H. , Stephens, Noble Levenworth, J. Burrows Allen, Wm, • Lnnday, Thomas A. Lee, John Blakesley. SOUTH CREEK. Walter Chase, Thos. Shappec, John Andrews,Alansou Lewis. Edward C.'Andres,Walter Davey,Firman Mason, i (ieo. H. Thompson. O. Churchill, John W. Haight, John ! A. Vamvert, Sylvennsßerry, G. W. Brink. Samuel F. Avers, Henry" Bradie, Hezekiah Hodge, Ephram F Bou gilt on. TOWANDA TWP. Andrew Bishop, Edgar Cole, Theodore Ackley, John Lynch, Geo. Litzelman. John Walburn, Patrick Lynch, Geo. Chilson, Wm. Decker, John \V. McGill, Wm. Cum minx, Martin Cranmer, John C. (iregg, Wm. Bowman, Wm. Wheatley, Francis Gregg, Burr Stockwell, Solo mon, Walburn, Chas. B. Brooks, Willis Fisher,. TOWANDA NORTH, j John Latter, Stephen Bennett, Aduey Traey, Ed Des i lain, Fred Butty, Thoa. F. Bailey. Phelix Deviua, Wm. Dull, Oliver Newell. Samuel Hawkins, John CarkufF, James Foster. Peter Vangorder, Thos. Jordou, Chus. T. Bennett, Martin Flanery. Thos. Lynch. Alonzo B Slyter Geo. B. Mills. Chas. W. Reck fellow, John Granger. John I'evine. ULSTER. j Chas G Rockwell, Harvey H. Smith, John M. Ridall. ' Edward Walker, John Lewis, Wm. Carey, Wm Pollock Wm. McGaffey, Robt. Pollock, Edward P. Lenox. Fruu j cia .M. Hill, John W.Bulloak, Wm. Mather. Sum 1 j John Gilmore.John H. Hull', Sam'l G. Lockwood Nelson Olniitead, Geo. Nichols, Ralph Kussell, Ellis Hoagland, i Henry J. Davidson, John Dixon, Solomon Mineer. BURLINGTON, i Wm. I'. Lane, John M. Burnett, Wm. A. Lane, John ; Gattord, Abel E. Sellick. Jackson Alexander, Edward 11. i Sellick, Samuel Whitehead, Robert D. Barnes, Andrew ■ G.Campbell, Stern M. Clark, Henry Ciandall, Minard i McNeal, Clark B. Wheeler, John Sackett, Jeremiah Get ter, Horace H. Brower, John McNeal, Kussell P. Allen, i Morris P. Smith, Chas. Scouton, Thos. Waters. TROY TWP. John Case, A. L. Cooper, Scott Mauley, 0. W. Burns, N. A. Mayuard, Isaac Horn beck, Henry W. Jennings Harvy Greeno, Wm. C. Cobb, Sain'l Symersou, D. W. j C. Ayers, Char. Grohs, Ambrose Williams, G. W. Cass, James Snow, Wm. E. Chilson, Dan'l Peters, Robt. Bal lard. Oliver Booth, Chas. Boyse, LaFaytte Johnson, E. C. Rockwell, A. W. Lindenuan. Jas. W. Williams. I.es ler G Van Horn, Michael Kinney, Curtis Jenner, Hiram W. Thoiyas, L. F. Baldwin, Joseph Baxter, A. Rock well, Sam'l Peters, Oreu D. Morse, Joseph Mec. ARMENIA. Austin Smith,Chas. F. Crandali,Charles N Smith, Horace Durnet, Beer Wood, isrial Mere, Allied Ripley, James Whitehead, Timothy Felon, Fred. Huft'au. TUSCAROKA. Bishop A. i*argo, Wilinot Coburn, Timothy Culver, Davis Grey, John C. Neigh, Burton Montgomery, Jack sou Bawer, Philander Hardy, Gee. It. Johnson, Thomas Potter, Ezekiel Whipple, Henry 1,. * Coburn, Edward Brown, Allied Ackley, Wilbur Lewis Rhoderick Cady, Hiram Taylor, Noris Pargo. Heury B. Ackley, John Rngar, Geo. Taylor, Alonzo Rockwell,Mart in Christian, Harris Hogenboon WYALUSING. Wm. N. Wells, Andrew Fee, Milton Hornet, Benjamin Ackley, Wm. 11. Define, Ed. Wells, J. J. Cantield, S. Lyons, Dan'l H. Brown, Chas. Allen, Geo. C. Atwood, Henry Camp, Harrison Detrick, Lewis Biles, C. S. Lat ferty, Chester B. Hoilenback, Sanford Cox, Dwigbt 1). Gh.jlee, John Cox, Jesse Cox, Jas. Fee, Joha Carmody, j Chandler B. Strunk, Raymond M. Wells, James Kelly, Francis J, Lacy. TERRY. j Richard S. Johnson. Ira If. Shoemaker, Thomas Lamb Hiriim L. Terry Wm. J. Hillis, James A. Jones, Wm. S. Vandcrpool, Richard Vanderpool, E. W. Neal, Peter M. Jerolomem, Cornelius Johnson, Zebulon Wheeler, John C. Richard, Wallace Dodge, A. Mosher, Moses Marcey, Jerra Vanderpool, John Williams, Benj. Corson, Jeremiah Yetter. WILMOT. Wm. Frutchy. Stephen , Martin P Neill, Daniel Hogan, E. C. Quick, Ira Steel, Jolin I). Fuin, John Mc- j Donough, John S. Quick, Jos. Staltord, C. E. Burgess, Henry M. Wilcox, Geo. Hartford, Chas. Kenley, M D. Donnovan, Geo. B. Frutchey, Henry Evans, John Coyle Sam'l Thrasher, Geo. S. Gamble, Fisher Roseerans, S. Sake, Patrick Carroll, Geo. Vaughn, Wm. Fox.it. H. Ely, Caron Persoon, Leander P. Gamble, Paul K. Huu ! singer, Wm. T. McAßerty, Asa M. Quick, Joim M. Wil son, Sydney Stewart, Elmore H. Winslow . WARREN. David Wilson, John Connelly, Henry King, Dennis Russell, Nathan Young. Hiram Manchester. Minor Rus i sell, Chas. L. Arnold, Win. Bennett, Eli Knight, Hor ace G. Ccburn, James Conner, H. Howell, P. James, W. i P. Chaffee, Benj. A. Corneil. A. M. Beards lee, Henry C. | Allyn, Ed. F. Tripp, John Prince. Joseph S. Wheaton, Hiram Beaman, Chas. Vanormun. Win. P. Chaffee, Anar S. Arnold , Jacob P. Rogers, Perry Bowen. LEROY. A lien Finney, S. Lorst. C. It. Stone, M. J. Heagland* j S. W. Wilcnx, Moses Walter, Seth Loomis, E. D. Van | dyke, Cnrtis Smith, Luthur Greenough, Burton Hol ' comb. C. A. Kelley, Harrison W. Holcomb, H. Wilcox, Mathias K. Morris, Andrew Kitchen, M. It. Morse, Geo. : W. Cranmer, T. F, Bliss, Douglass A. McCraney, Levi C Wilcox, J. H. Owen, James Snrader, Mortimer Haxton. MARRIED. HAMILTON—BLISS. —l4th inst., at Leßoy by Kev. James Mr It'illianis, Mr. Arthur S. Hamil ton, of Rochester, N. Y.. to J/iss Sarah H. Rliss, daughter of Dr. C. T. Rliss, of Leßoy. itttsccllnnrous. AOAUI).— MKS. FRANKLIN FOWLER would respectfully inform her old friends and the | public, that she will reorganize her class of iustrumen- I tal music, at Monroeton, Dec., 12. She will be ready to j attend to lier pupils either at her residence, or her room j over Tiacy's Stoie. Music also on hand for sale, Monroe. Nov. (i 1664. QYSTERS! WHOLESALE A RETAIL! BY THE HUNDRED OR KEG, AT LAUGHLIN'S SAL O O N ! ! Towanda. Nov. JO, 1804. rpHE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE TOW -L ANDA BRIDGE COMPANY are liereby notilied ! that there will be a meeting at the office of the Company I in Towanda, on WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of J ANUA RY, 1865, between the hours of 2 and 4, P. M., for the election of a President, six Managers and a Treasurer. Dec. 1. N. N. BETTS, Jr., Sec'y. I IST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN J-J the Post Office at Towanda, Dec. 13,1604. I lleers Charles iMaffit Geo. W. • Barrett Caroline Myhan Thos. Bloom Lucinda j Pratt Newman . Bonney Mrs. 'Pratt Mortimer Camp Abiara iShelden B. Caiklin W. H. 2 Shaw B. F. ! Detrieli Mary E. 'Snyder Kate i Douglass Wm. Soder Loretta ; Edmonds Frank Scott Dr. S. S. Faucett Benjamin Smith Theodore, I Hastings Ilell IVanorton John ; Horton Win. B. Vangorder Mary Ann I llemmingway Wm. Wilcox Ester ! Larue Wir. A. Ward Nellie MeXeal Ann E. Wood Peter ; MeCraeken Electa W.lmot Samuel Persons calling for any of the above letters, will plese say," advertised." S. W. ALVOItD, P. M. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.— The subscriber would respectfully announce to the ! party-going linblic, that he will give a New Year's ; Party at his house in Milan, Bradford county, Pa.,on ' MONDAY, the 2d day ot JANUARY, 1664, when and where lie will be glad to see all his o.d friends. Come i one, come all. Go<#l Music guaranteed. _ J. S. PATTERSON. VTOTICE.—MY WIFE, SARAH JANE, ! .Ll having left my bed and board without any cause or provicatiou, all persons are hereby forbidden trusting or harboring her on my account, as I shall pay no debts'of her contracting after this date. OLIVER A. HUDSON. Shesheqnin, Dec. 3, 1864. 3wp. SClie Draft. OFFICE PKOVOST MAKSIIA!., 13th Dis.) TROV, Pa. Dec. 5,1864. ( In order to secure the assistance and co-operation ol i the people in the endeavor to keep the Enrollment Lists 1 continually coirect, the Enrolling Board have been di ; rected to have copies of said lists kept open to the exam ination of the public at all times, if he can show, to the I satisfaction of the Board, that the person named is e-. j properly enrolled, on account of Ist. Alienage. * 2d. Non Resident. ! 3d. Over Age. 4th. Permanent physical disability,of such a degree to render the person not a proper subject for enrollinei. under the law and regulations. Stli. Having served in the Military or Naval service two years during the present war. and beeu honorably discharged. Especially civil officers, clergymen, and ail prominent citizens are invited to appear at ail times before the board to point out errors, and to give such information in their possession as may aid in the correction and revision. ■ thereof. They should understand that it is plainly for the in lerest of each sub district to have stricken from the lists all names improperly enrolled because an excess of names increase the quota called for from such sub-districts; and that it is equally tor tfie interest of each person enrolled in a given sub-district to place upon the lists all persons in tlie sub district liable to do military duty, because the greater the number to be drawntrom, the less the chance that any particular individual will be drawn. It is the personal interest f every enrolled man. that the quota in which he is concerned shall not be made too large, and that his own chances for draft shall not be injnetly increased ; both these objects will be attained if aii par ties will aid in striking out the wrong names and put itg in the right ones. Especially is this the interest of those drafted men who by putting in substitutes them selves liable to draft have secured exemption. which by the terms of the law hold good only until the precent en rollment is exhausted in their, sub districts. Men who are over 45 years of age and in consequence ■ excused by law from the performance of duty in the field, owe it to the cause and the country to take a zeal : ons and active part in the correction ot the enrollment lists, a military service of the first import nnee. The la.v requires that the quota shall be assigned in proportion to the enrollment, and the (airness aud justice of this mode ol determining the amount ol military service due from each and every section cannot be doubted if the enroll ment is made as nearly perfect as it is practicable to make it. The amount of service due to the nation from j every town or county, is thus laid fairly and plainly lie fore the citizens, aud is expected that a higher motive | thon a selfish interest will prompt all to do their'khare in ' perfecting the enrollment, and securing a just and effi cient exetntion of the laws for raising troops, whenever ; it becomes necessary to apply tliem. By order of Maj. RICHARD J. DODGE, A. A. Pro. Mar. Gen. Pa. WILLIAM SHEFFLER, Capt. & A. A. A. Gen. | C'HARLXS M. MANVILLB, i Capt. & Pro. Mar. 13th Dig, Pa. 2Lrfll!. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Orphan'* Court of Bradford county the undersigned Executor of the estate of DAItIUS MANLEY, dec'd., late of Troy twp., will sell on the premises, at ppbllc sale, on WEDNESDAY, January I*, 1865.at 1 o'clock, p. m.. the following lot. piece or par cel of land, situated iu Troy twp., and hounded as I'd fows, to wit . Beginning at a corner of Chas. G. Manley's lot upon the road, thence along the same south 344° west 32 per. south 311° west 77 per. to a corner upon said road, thence north 71 west 72 per. to a corner, thence noith 14° eastß7 3-10 per. to a corner of said Chas. G. Man ley's lot, and thence south 82° east 12,'> 7-10 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 57 acres and 106 per. AIJ3O—AII that other certain lot piece or parcel of land, lying and being, in the twp. pt Troy, and bound ed on the west, north and east by lands of i). It. Man ley,and south by the mountain road leading Irora Thom as' to Armenia, and containing nine acres more or less. The eait pa-t of same improved. TEEMS.—S2S to be paid on day of sale, on each of the iols, one-hall on the confirmation of sale, the bal lance in oue year thereafter, with interest. E. L. MANIiKY, Dec. 15, 1864. Exec ut "r. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford coun ty, the undersigned admin istrator or the estate of ED- I WAUD WILLIAMS, dec'd., lata of Athens two., will sell orr the premi es, at public sale, on WEDNESDAY, January IS, 1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of la..d, situated in Athens twp., and bounded as follows, to wit Beginning at the south-west corner of lot No. 2 run ning north U° east 171# 2-10 rods to the northwest c or ner of lot No. 9. thence north SB£° we-t 43 0 10 rods, i thence south IJ° west 179 8-10 rods to the patent line, thence south B*4° east 43 6-10 rods to the place of be ginning. Containing filty acres, be the same more or less. TERMS—S2S to he paid on the day of sale, one-half or the balance on confirmation, and the balance in one year irom the dale of sale, with interest. SQUIBE NORTH ROD Doe. It, 1664. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order ot the Orphan's Court o! Bradford conn ty, the undersigned administrators of the estate of JOS EPH MILLS, deceased, late of Leßoy twp., will sell on the prcsises,at public sale, on WEDNESDAY January 18,1865, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following lot, piece or parcel of land, situated in Lelioy twp," and no unded as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post and stones in the souf h-cust oy er of Christopher Smith's lot, thence along lot No. 58 outh 2° 13 minutes west S7 rods to a post, in the line 1 Roswell Rogers' lot. thence along the north line of aid lot north,B7° 47 minutes west 198 1-lu per. to a emlock in the south-east corner of lot No. 38, thence long the east line of lot No. 58, 2° 13 minutes east -7 ; erehes to a post and stones in the south-west corner of Christopher Smith's lot, thence along aline of said Smith south 87° 47 minutes east 1215-10 per. to the north-west corner of the school house lot 19 per. to a corner, thence along said lot 15 per. ,o a corner, thence south 10 per. to a corner in the line ol said ClirDtnpher Smith's land, thence south 87° 47 minutes east (it 9-10; per to ths place of beginning. Containing 108 acres i and 32 perches. TERMS.—S2S to he paid on the day of sale, oue-hali ; of the balance on confirmation of sale, and the balance, with interest, in one year thereafter. A.D. DOSS, MARY MILLS, Dec- 15,1804 , Administrators. ORPHAN'S COl RT SALE.—By virtue "1 an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford comity the undersigned administrator of the estate ot JAMES FOSTER, dec'd . late of "Wilmot twp., will .-ell on the I premises, at public sale, on WEDNESDAY, January Is, 1665, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following lot, piece or par- : eel of land, bounded as follow, to wit . Beginning at the north-east corner of the lot hereby 1 described, being the south-east corner or Geo, Harper ,s land ; thence south along the public highway 42 per. to a stake and stones • thence west along the line of Ira Brown 7GA per. to a post and stones ; thence north j along said Brown's land 42 per. to said Harper's land ; j thence along the same east 73 7-10 rods to a stake corner ; thence south 1° 55 minutes, west 59 6-10 1 rods to a stake in A. Brouson's dec'd., land, north line ; tliercc south 88° 5 minutes, east 1 7-i() rods to a pine stump, north-east corner of said Bronson's land ; thence c:i-t 1° 55 minutes, west 58 9-10 perches to a stake and ! stone, north-west corner of Joc-l Campbell's land; thence • 38.s° 5 minutes, east 83 rods to a stake and stones it the ' west line nf A. Miller's dec'd., land; thence by the same, and land of S. Ovenshire, north 1° 55 minutes, east 118 5 10 rods to the beginning. Containing 60 acres and -1 perches, he the same more or less. TERMS.—S2S to he paid on the day of sale, one-half of tiie balance on confirmation of sale, and the balance, j with interest, in one year from the day of sale. Z. P. WALKER. December, 15, 1864. Administrator. \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice a A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es t .te ot HENRY A BEXXET late ol Wysox twp. dec'd. lie requested to make immediate payment, and all ii .ving claims against said estate will present them ; duly authenticated for settlement. . RICHARD M. BEXXET, Dec. 8, 1864. Admin'tor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Ix is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of GEORGE NICHOLS,Iate of Wysox tp., dec'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and ali haviug claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated lor settlement. ESSECK WOOD, Dec. 8, 1864. Administrator. JFnitcn &ootos, fcc. tjVWX'Y GOODS &. DRESS A CLOAK ; MAKING! MRS. L. M. TABER, Informs the Ladies and Citizens, ofTowanda and vicin ity, lhat she lias opened, at Ihe la'e stand of Miss. Darling, next door soutli of Patch's Grocery Store, Main street, a FANCY GOODS STORE, ■ which she will keep well supplied with an assortment of the most Fashionable Goods to he procured in tiie ! New York market Great care will be taken in select- I ing to meet tiie wants alike, of the most fashionable, as of the most plain and economical. 1) RK S S IE S' FUR S, CLOAKS, S 11 A W L S, d C. , if C . Are now prepared to exhibit an attractive stock of these Goods, And offer thein'for sale at the I.JO \V ES T M A R K E T I* R I(' ES. i They have also just opened AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THOSE OF The early part of the season a large stock of L A D I E S I) R ESS G O O D S, Which composes a greas variety of . COLORS AND STYLES OF FRENCH MERINOS, ; I'OPUXS. ! EMPRESS CLOTHS, REPS, PLAIDS, ■ Ac., Ac., Ac., - To which special attention is invited. | , December 12,1864. TO"IXTER GOODS, JUST OPENING, AT ROCKWELL'S. , puns ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! FURS ! ! !! A NICE ASSORTMENT. AT ROCKWELL'S. TADIES CLOAKS ! LADIES CLOAKS ! N E WEST ST V L F. S , AT ROCKWELL'S. rpovs ! TOYS ! ! TOYS !! ! T<)YS !! !! SANTA CLAUS, TAKE NOTICE! ' The finest assortment of TOYS IN TO W N For the coming HOLT T> A Y S . At ROCKWELL'S. iFor Sale. TWO DWELLINGS FOR SALS.—The subscriber offers for sale his Dwelling Houses anil J forts in Towanda Borough. The House formerly occupied ' by me, on the north-east corner of Main and Franklin streets ; a framed house, two stories and basement, with i a well, and in good repair. Will he sold with or without j the corner lot. Also, the dwelling house now occupied by me, on the ! noilh-west corner of Second and Franklin streets. It is a two story house, with basement, and has a barn upon j the lot, with well and cistern, and an abundant supply ol ' fruit. Terms made satisfactory to the pur. has. r. Dee. 1,14*4. JAMES McCABB. , DESIRABLE HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE.-The Furniture and I .cast of the Ward House, at Towanda. I'a., are now for s#ie. The House is lieing thoroughly repaired from garret lo cellar. It is located at the county seat of the large and flourish ing county of lira. I ford, and is doing a good lucrative j business. It is the Stage House for all stages arriving ut and departing irum the town. The property consists of everything no cssary for the complete furnishing ot a first class house, Good Spring Water in the kitchen laundry and hath room, in fact, everything desirable for a first rate business stand. To a person desirous of en tering the business, an excellent opportunity is-now j offered. POWELL R BAL E . The subscriber lias TWO GOOD FARMS—one situa ted about oue mile from Towanda borough, in North Towanda twp., on the main r oail leading lrom Towanda to Waverly. All improved, with good house, barn and out buildings. Also, a choice variety of fruit of ail kinds. The farm contains .70 acres, and is under a good state of cultivation. The other, situate in Ulster twp., contains 280—foO acres improved—on tlie main road leading from Towan da to Waverly, about four miles lrom Towanda, with a large new barn, a house,saw-mill, and other out build ings. Well watered, leticid Ac. About 30 acres ot good timber laud. Terms to suit the purchaser. For further information inuuiteol S. W. Alvobk, at the Post Office, or on the premises of North Towanda, Nov. 10. A. E.MENARDI. T7TLLAGE LOT AND BARN FOR SALE. T —The sub:-- riber offers for sale his building let in the borough ot Towanda, situated on Second street, first I lot above the residence of E. O. Goodrich. A good Barn | is erected on the lot, and the property is very desirable. ! For terms &c., apply to J. F. Mcxns, or j Dec. C, 1864. F. E. POST. ; AT TE X T iU X V A R M E I! S ! VALUABLE FARMING AND TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE, The undersigned offer at private sale about 500 acres of GOOD FARMING LANDS, in lots to suit purchasers. These lands are situated between three and four miles j from the Borough of Towanda, in Asylum township.— ' They are well watered, well located, with deep rich soil. | Nearly 150 acres are under the plow. The balance is WELL TIMBERED | with Oak, Pine and Chestnut in quantities sufficient to pay one half of the purchase money. | Terms one half Cash or Government Bonds, and bal j anci iu instalments as may be agreed upon. ALSO inn ELIGIBLE BUILDING LOTS, ! Situated in the Borough of Towanda. Teims as above. \ Apply to Mrs. M. A. CASH, Administratrix, or to GEO. P, CASH. Towanda, Dec. 12,1*04. Haft l&oaftg. ! -~ PE X X S V L VA N I A R A I L R 0A D. WINTER TIME TABLE. MONDAY, October 31, 18(54.— The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from llarrisburg, and arrive at Philadelphia and Pittsbarff as follows : EASTWARD. Through Express Train leaves llarrisburg daily at 2.45 a. in.,and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.55 it. m. Fast Line leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 8, a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40a. in. j Passengers take Breakfast at llarrisburg. j Mail Train leaves llarrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 1.30 ]>. ra., and arrive at West Philadelphia at 6. 25 I p.m. [ Pittsburg and Erie Express leaves llarrisburg daily i (except Sundays) at 11-55 p. m , and arrives at We-'t Philadelphia at 4.20 a. m. llarrisburg Accommodation Train, leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) at 4 p. m.. and arrives at We-'t Philadelphia at 0.30 p. m. /7iis /m* nocunm - tio from the 115 st Columbia Accommodation Train, leaves Harrisburg i daily (except Sunday) at 7 a. m., and arrives at 1 in j caster at 0.15 a. m., connecting (except Mondays) with the Fast Line east. WESTWARD. rittsburgaud Erie Express leaves Harrisburg! daily (except Sundays) at 12.35 a. m., Altoona 6.50 a.m. take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.4(1 p. m. Baltimore Express Train leaves Harrisburg daily (ex cept Monday) at 2.25a. w.; Altoona, 5.15 a. m., take breakfast, and arrive at Pittsburg at 1.40 p. m. Through Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 5.25 a. in . Altoona at S. 15 a. m., take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 2.40 p. m. I Fast Line leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) | excepted) at 4 p. m.. Altoona at 0.10 p. m., take sup j per. and arrives at Pittsburg at 2 a. m. | Mail Train leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) i at 1.40 j). m., Altoona at 7 55 p. ni., take supper, and j arrive at Pitts! urg at 1.30 p. m. j Mount Joy Accommodation west leaves Lancaster at ' 11,20 a. m., connecting there with the Mail we-t : leaves i Mount Joy at 11.51 a. in,, and arrives at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. SPECIAL NOTICE. ' The Harrisburg Accommodation Train from Pittsburg | which arrives at Harrisburg ct 6.30 p. m., stops there, passengers for East of Harrisburg lay over until 11.55 p.m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Middle Div. Penn'a R. R. llarrisburg, Oct. 27, lMi4. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD This great line traverses the Northern and i Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has beeu leased by the Pennsylvania Hail Paul Company, and is operated by them Its entire length war opened for passenger and freight busines, October 17tli, 1804. Time of Passenger trains at Wiliiamsport . LEAVE EASTWARD. Through Mail Train, 7:10, P.M. Klmirn Express Train, 9:50, P.M. Accomodation 830 A. M. LEAVE WESTWARD. I Through Mail Train, .. 5:25 A, M. I Elmira Express Train 7:40 A M. Accomodation 0:00 P . M . ! Passenger ears run through without charge both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cars ou Express Trains both ways i between Wiliiamsport and Baltimore, and Wiliiamsport ' and Philadelphia. j For information respecting Passenger business apply j at the S. E. Corner llth and Market streets, Phil'a. i And for Freight business of the Company's Agents : j S. ft. Kingston, Jr., Corner 13tli and Market streets, ! Philadelphia ; J. W. Reynolds, Erie ; J. M. Drill, Agent N. It. It. Baltimore. H.H.HOUSTON tlen'l Freight Agt. Phil'a. H. W. tIWINNER, C.enT Ticket Agt. Phil'a. JOS. D. POTTS,Gen'I Manager, Wiliiamsport. 1 ———————— liooU iintMiiQ. BOOK-BINDERY.— THE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that a Rook-Bindery has been | established in connection with the Printing Office of j the " Bradford Reporter," where will be done BOOK-BINDING! ' In all its various branches, on terms as reasonable as | " the timeswill allow. The Bindery will be under i the charge of 11. C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly | done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music. Magazines, Newspapers, Old Rooks, Ac., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention | will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, j To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability J will be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Bindecy (after Ist December.) in the front room of I '• Reporterßuilding, (down stairs,) north side of the I Public Square, Towanda, Pa. Nov. 16,1804. IESIT IAXECUTORB NOTICE. NOT IC E I_J is hereby giver, that all persons indebted to the i-s tateof S. S LATHUOP, late of Orwell, Pa., dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment.and those having demands egainst said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. MARSHALL KRINK, ELIJAH J. BACKUS, Dec. 8, fo4. Executor-. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.- -Notice is here by given that all persons indebted to the estate of NANCY T, DECKER, lateoi Springfield twp,, Bradford County, dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay and all having claims against said estate are re quested to present them I'uly authenticated for settle merit. LEVI C.PREsTON, Nov. 13, fo T A T E M E N T 0 F T II E A M O U N T, kJ description and valuation of Ileal and Personal Pro perty, Trades, Professions and Occupations Offices and Posts ii Profit, Money at Intere-t, Notes, Judgments, , Mortgages, Gold Lever, Silver Lever and Guld and Sil ver Wat'-hes, v hied at over 120, Ac., as returned by the several A -essors for the County of Bradford for A. D. 1-6.7 : % ~ | f: r 7- Armenia.-.. 18060 29311... -|....| 214 Asylum 93626 12909 400 80 .. 2i 1 144 Athens Bu' 11191 1 11730 .... 67.7 .. 12 ... 417 Athens twp. 7376-: 236 .-23117 ...3 1. 261 .Albany. .. 60285 8210 1496 330.. 3... 4.7 Alba Biro'.. -442 130.7 206 . .. 2 12 222 Burli'tpn i. 94-16 lfoSO 36.7 276 .. 2 ... 62 '• b'uo 1-7. ' 30-j 2306 l6u 1 4 3 200 • west 71466* 127.70 2:fou 476.. 2 .7 338 Canton Twp 1 176.7. 17.713 306 477 1 1 2 111 Canton Bor.' 26636. 3.-30 117" 166. 6 l'J 233 Columbia. . 175216 19716 4326 12-3 1 2 6 202 Franklin . 56.103 11299 50 420 222 Granville... 16-2 G 14600 3.76s 115 3 5 3S$ derrick.... G-fl ' 13-64 1650 275 2 214 Leßoy i"-09i 11678 22 Liti-hfield. 111437 1- 26 1500 205 63 Leßaysville. 17-42 3486 3630 230j 2 21 2 198[Monroe Twp 81379 10335] 650 570 54 Monroe lb-rii 1.740 1672 200 225 1 313 Orwell 145666 16751 1125 240;.. 1 ... 75 Overton.... 22627 365- ... 37s Pike 1691 V. 26474 2260. 825 . 1 2 afo Bidgbury.. 122421 16477 4350 4.70 .. 4 5 225 lfouio Twp..; 95538] 112901.. ..1 "... 58 Rome Boro". 10191 2540 .... 429.Smithlield 199725 26692 5715 760 .. 1 ... 366 Springfield.. 17 .7m. .'2155 2506 24.7 .. ... ... 161 south Civek . -15,5 4!) Sylvania... 1-173 1900 266 31.7 Shv-hequiu . 171142 18685 5706 755 .. 2 2 191 Standing S. >2495 14373 1420 430 .. 2 7 227 Terry 57246 -961 400 796 .. 1 4 115 Towanda T. Sij-'r:: 67-i 26,70 275 .. 2 ... 298jTpwanda B. 196307 20635 7606 426 3 3] 3 95 Towanda N. i;2o4Q 5734 2.700 266 2 366 troy Twp 193167 2-1734 20.76 715 6 208, Troy Boro'. 77325 13701- 6400 665 .. 31 20 219 Tuscarora .. 775-i 12655 j... I 211 Ulster.,. .. 103967 lfoOO 192 350 .. 3.. • 340 Warren ' 158138 19358 1700 145 .. 2 ... 23-s Windham,.. 132163 21777 lli-'.'u 815 . . 1 2 306 Wyaiusiug.. 132430 22836 8230 1477 2 6 3 23 s Wysox .... 16-720 18.144 4300 750.. 5 2 229 Will- 111-Mil 14858 4100 56.. .. .. 208 Wilmut ..... 64094' 100301. Offices and Posts of Profit over S2OO, State tax 2 per cent, Towanda l-oro* 1600. Trades, professions occupations over 9200, State tax 1 per cent, Athens boro" 150 ; Towanda boro' 2400 ; Troy boro' 950 ; Wysox 300. BR kDFORD COUNIY.BS. ' We the undersigned Commissioners of said County do hereby certify the above to he a true and correct state . inent of the returns made by the several Assessors ol Bradford Cunty. ior the year 1-65. And we also give not'ee that we will met * at the Commissioner's Office in Towanda, on Tuesday, the 27th of December, f064. for purpose of revising an 1 * equalizing-tid A— cssmeut. Given under our hands and "filial seal at Towanda i this 6tli day ol December, 1864. J. CAMPBELL, W. B. DODGE. JOHN BEARDSI.EE. Commissioners. Attest, E. B.COOLBAUGII,CIerk. I DM IXISTRA TOR'S NOTICE —Notice I is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOSEPH (JUICK, late of Smithtield townshp. deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. SAMUEL EARWELL. Oct. 13. 18tl4. Administrator. EpXl'ri I'TOT. > NO TICE —Nc'ic-e i> !,< r -4 by given, t! at all persons indebted to the estate of Sewell S Lathi op, late of Orwell Township, deceased are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. WARREN BAGLEY, JOHN W GRIFFIN, Dec. 13. ISM. Executors. NOTICE. -Notice is bere- J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ofJKI enezer Horton, late of Albany, township, 1 deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. EDWARD HORTON. HIRAM HORTON. Dec. 13, 1864. Executors AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of Lyman Wane Ire, late of Pike lirp., defeased. Elmira Iliukestee .widotr and a inmisiratri The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Or ' phan's Court of Bradford County, t-> dispose of excep tions to the appraisement and valuation of property to the said widow and administratrix, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the ! orough of ! Towanda, on FRIDAY, the 13th day ot JAXUARS A. D.,1865, at 10 o'clock, a.m.. when" and where ail per sons interested are required t