bv tin' terms <>f that proclamation, OJ by .liiy of the acts of Congress. If the people should, by whatever mode or means, make it an Executive duty to rc-enslave such persons, another, and not 1, must be their iustruinent to perform it. In stating a single condition of peace, 1 mean simply to say that the war will cease on the part of the Government whenever it shall have ceased on the part of those who began it. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Bradford Jvqmter. LOCAL AND GENERAL. CONTHI BLTIONS to this column, are so licited. from the friends throughout the County. We design to make the REPORTER emphatically a Conn !,i paper, and desire to "make a note " of every thing of public interest. Will our friends write us matters of general public interest occurring in their neighborhood '■ We will put the facts iu shape for pnl dieation. HEREAFTER all obituary notices ox eept the announcement of deaths will he charged for insertion at the rate of ten cents per line. A like charge will he made for resolutions, and all proceedings not of general interest. These mut- P is have multiplied until they have become a great nuisance to the printer anil a bore to the readers. tejp Miss DIX, the philanthropist, has just I visited Elmira, New York, on a tour of inspection j to the rebel prison. She was highly gratified at tin- manner in which the Government provides for ; the prisoners of war there. Miss Drx visited the ' several hospitals, including the rebel hospital, in company with Colonel TRACT, commandant of the post. She was invited by hint to examine the beef, pork and vegetables furnished to the prisoners, and expressed herself satisfied with them all. as well as the general care bestowed upon them. Her only wish seemed to be that our prisoners in the South should be as well provided for as those at Elmira now are. Court commenced on Monday last, Judge MEWTB President, and Judges LONG and STALFORD, associates. A full report of the pro <.i dings for this week will appear in our next. fisap- All notices inserted in this column, must 'oe paid for at the rate of teu cents per line, for each insertion. This includes notices of meet ings, associations,J&c. Advertisements, strictly speaking, will not he admitted. Gratuitous advertising is "played out," at this establishment. We ain't in the eelemosnary line, much, as long as the present high price of paper, Ac., rules. HOLIDAY PRESENT?. —" A good boot is the la st of friends." A limited number of the best se lections from The Am. S. S. Union, also a few ele gant pocket Bibles and all at Philadelphia prices.— Friends, call and examine at Wickliam's & Blacks. S. S. MISSIONARY. SABBATH SCHOOL.—A special meeting of the Bradford Co., S. S. Association will he .held at Orwell on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 14 and 15, 1804.. On Wednesday afternoon brief addresses will he delivered upon subjects of a practical character. In tile evening a sermon will he preached by tlie Rev. i>. J. DOUGLASS, of Towauda. At * past 1 o'- clock in the afternoon of Thursday a children's mo ting will he held. It is expected that Sunday Schools in the vicinity will be present. Friends of tlie S. S. you are earnestly invited to attend this meeting. Your presence will show your interest in the success of the christian enterprise, and believing that you all can by so doing get good and do good we most gliullv ask you to meet us at Orwell. Ex. Com. per. O. A. BLACK, lie. Secy. AVU.I.IAMSVORT ITEMS.— -From the Bulletin. DESTRUCTIVE FlßE. —About 12 o'clock on Saturday night last, the alarm of fire was sounded. It pro ceeded from the Foundry and Machine Shop of Messrs, SNYDER A BROS., in the western part of the borough. The buildings were of wood and the flames spread with great rapidity so tliat hut little property was saved. The valuable patterns were ,dl consumed and most of the machinery was de stroyed. Not afire company attempted to throw water on the burning building or check the flames, s.i that the machinery could he removed. A drun ken man started tlie alarm that there was danger of flic steam boiler exploding, and the citizens and lireiiuii stood aloof. A few men who were not frightened, assisted in moving some of the lathes, fire-proof, Ac., and nearly everything might have been removed if the panic had not kept hack the firemen and spectators. The loss of Messrs. SNY der is about T?8,4)0O, on which there was an insur ance in the Lycoming Mutual for SI, BOO, and in the Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection for 52.000. The heaviest loss will he in the interruption of bus- ! iness, as it takes some time to rebuild. I . A FAST M AN*. —On Friday of last week, a ' i luuu nanrec JOHN SNELL. who has been engaged in j peddling Fanning .Mills for a firm in Athens, Brad- i 1 lord county, trotted liis horse across the Basque- ! lianna Bridge—running the toll gate without pay- i ing. On his return Mr. BROAD, the gate keeper, j ] Jll formed him of the law in repard to fast driving t over the bridge. On Saturday he again drove fnri- j ously across the bridge. On bis return Mr. BROAD ; undertook to close the gate on him. but he was too | far through. Mr. B. seized his horse by the bri- | die, KNELL whipped his horse, the horse jumped j and threw Bin IAD between his fore legs dragging I him across the street. By the courage and perse- j verance of Mr. BROAD the horse was stopped, when J the driver began to curse and swear about such • arbitrary arrests," and finally offered $5 to lie re- i leased, then $lO. then *2.1 ; but Mr. BROAD told 1 him that the law would settle the whole matter. SNEI.I, was arrested on a charge of assault and bat- j terv, and Justice REPASS, in default of S3OO lmil, committed him to the Grey Eagle to await trial at the next court. ISSg** The following complimentary notice is from the Wartrly Adrocate. The editor will please consider our hat touched, and our best bow made, in appreciation thereof: Stephen W. Alvord retires jrom the Bradford /.V --] wrier, and its former editor and proprietor, E. O. GOODRICH Esq., again takes the helm. A new Pow er Press, and a complete assortment of new print- j ing material have been added to the appliances of that heretofore excellent and successful Journal, ! winch must render it one of the most complete es taclishment in the country. It must be gratifying j t<> the Union people of Bradford to know that they ! will continue to have so faithful, able and reliable j an organ as the 7,<-y>orftT has ever been. ERIE TIME TABLE.—A new Tinte Table on ! the Erie Railway commenced Dec 1. For Waverly j station it is as follows : GOING WEST. Train 7, Night Express, 5 i 29, A. M. 27, Way Freight. 8,40, " I •' 1, Day Express, .1,25, P. M. '• 5, Mail, 10.2(1, " '• 15, Way, 3,43, i " 21, Emigrant, 1,38, " GOING EAST. Train 2. New York Ex., 11,43, A. M. " 8, Uineinatti Ex., 5,03, " " If., Way, 8,43, " 0, Steamboat Ex., 4,43. P. M. 22, Accommodation, 2,05, " " 28, Way Freight, 5,30, " DEATH OF STEPHEN POWELL.—We are pained to learn that Mr. STEPHEN POWELL, for many years ' a citizen of North Towanda twp., died at the resi- i dence of liis son-in-law, Mr. HARDT, at Lake City, 1 Minn, oil the 20th nit., after an illness of only three ' days. Mr. P. after residing iu this County for more than forty years, during which time by his industry, strict economy, and unwavering honesty, lie had accumulated a fine property, removed to the West in September last, to spend his remaining days with an only daughter. On the evening of the 17th ult., he was taken ill with congestion of the lungs, hut was not consid ered dangerous until Sunday when he was suddenly bereft of consciousness, and died the same evening. His age was 60 years, 6 months and 7 days. His death will be deeply mourned here, not only | by his near relatives, hut by a large circle of friends j and acquaintances. The friends of the Rev. G. J. DUBOIS | contemplate making him a Donation Visit at Pome- I roy's Hall, Troy, Tuesday evening, Dec. 13th. The j "old folks " will meet at the house of ELISHA NEW j BURY in tlie afternoon. A cordial invitation is ex i tended to all who may desire to participate. ! SAD ACCIDENT. —The Union celebration at Lawreneeville, Tioga Co., oil Saturday evening, November 20, was marred bv an accident which costu fine young man, Mr. William Mingus, his life. He was acting as gunner, when, hv some neglect, the cannon was prematurely discharged, lacerating him in such a manner that lie died on Tuesday fol lowing. The Union citizens made up a liberal purse for tlie family on the spot. t&* Social Siny, at Lcßaysville, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 16th and 17tli, to he conducted |by DANIEL BELDIXO, and others. Three sessions, j each day ; those who join the class of the first day | and continue through the sessions, will he admit j ted free. Persons having tlie "Key Note," "Diap ! ason," and "Oriental," will please bring thorn.— Good hoard can be obtained at reasonable rates.— Tlie entertainment will conclude with a concert, Satufday evening, by the Highland Vocalists, as sisted by Mr. BELDINO. This is perhaps tlie last time that the friends of Mr. BKLDIXG will have an opportunity of meeting with him in social si ay— so well, and so favorably known in former years. Ad mission to the Concert, 20 cents. MARRIED. At the residence of tlie bride's father, by Elder Bainbridge, of Elmira, N. Y., Mr. JOHN 11. HOW ARD. of Elmira, to Miss NETTIE A. daughter of James C. Ridgwuy, Esq., of Franklin, Brad ford County, Pa. In East Smitlifield, Nov. 24, 1863, by Rev. ('. ('. Corss, Mr. L. T. BIRCHARD of Bircliardville. Susquehanna Co., Pa., to Miss J. E. daughter of Mr. Arabel Tracy of East Smitlifield, Bradford County, Pa. jfceto iiltocrtlscntcuts. IJT E N WANT ED ! BY THE FALL CREEK COAL & IRON CO., To Chop, Clear Land,and Make Shingles, or to Clear Laud by the acre. - Apply to WM. M . MALLORY, at the Ward House. Dec. 8. 1864. OKO. C- FA If HA It, President. OFFICE PROVOST MARSHAL, 13th Bis. / TROY, Pa. Dec. 5, 1864. ) In order to secure the assistance and co-operation ot the people in the endeavor to keep the Enrollment Lists continually correct, the Enrolling Board have been di rected to have copies of said lists kept open to the exam ■ iuation of the public at all times, it he can shovr, to the satisfaction of the Board, that tlie person named is not properly enrolled, on account of Ist. Alienage. 2d. Non Resident. 3d. Over Age. 4th. Permanent physical disability,otjsuch a degree as to render the person not a proper subject for enrollment under the law and regulations. sth. Having served in the Military or Naval service two years during the present war. and been honorably discharged. Especially civil officers , clergymen, and all prominent citizens are invited to appear at all times before the board to point out errors, and to give such information in their possession as may aid in the correction and revision, , thereof. They should understand that it is plainly for the in terest of each sub district to have stricken from the lists all names improperly enrolled because an excess of names increase the quota called for from such sub-districts; and L that it is equally for the interest of each person enrolled iu a given sub-district to place upon the lists all persons in the sub district liable to do military duty, because the greater the number to be drawn from, the less the chance that any particular individual will be drawn. It is the personal interest ef every enrolled man, that the quota in which he is concerned shall not be made too large, and that his own chances for draft shall not be injustly increased ; both these objects will be attained if all par ties will aid in striking out the wrong names and put ing in the right ones. Especially is this the interest of those drafted men wtio by putting in substitutes them selves liable to dratt have secured exemption, which by tlie terms of the law hold good ouly until the preoent en rollment is exhausted in their sub districts. Men who are over 45 years of age and in consequence excused by law from the performance of duty in the field, owe it to the cause and the country to take a zeal ous and active part iu the correction ot the enrollment lists, a military service of the first importance. The la-v requires that the quota shall be aligned iu proportion to i the enrollment, and the fairness and justice of this mode ! ot determining the amount ot military service due from - j each and every section cannot be doubted it the enroll -1 meat is made as nearly perfect as it is practicable to i make it. 'i'he amount ot service due to the nation from ' i ev. rv town or county, is thus laid fairly and plainly be t j lore the citizens, ami is. expected that a higher motive ; thou a selfish interest will prompt all to do their share in ' perfecting the enrollment, and securing a just and effi • cient exctution ot the laws lor raising troops, whenever it becomes necessary to apply them. By order of Maj. RICH ARB J. DODGE, A. A. I'ro. Mar. Gen. Pa. WILLIAM SHKFFLER, ('apt. & A. A. A. Gen. ! CHARLES M. MANVII.I.E, i ("apt. A Pro. Mar. 13th Bis. Pa. L'KTPAY.—CAME INTO THE ENCLOS AA are of (lie subsetiher, in limTiugmu twp., Oct. Is', 1804, THKEK HEIFER CALVES. The owner is rejue.s ted to prove projiertay, pay charges, ami taketheni away. E- 8. AT BUS. ; Ulster, Dec. '■, i>o4. T7"ILLAGE LOT AND BARN FOR SALE. 7 _ The subw riber oifcrs for sale his building lei in the borough ot Towanda. situated on Second si reel, lirst lot above the residence of K. O. (Joodrich. A good lfun is erected on the lot, and the property is very desirable, i For terms Ac.,apply to J. F. Mesas, or Dec. 6,1864. I'. E. POST, j VTOTIOE.—MY WIFE, HARAH JANE, | JA having left my bed and board without any cause or , provication, all persons are hereby torbidden trusting or 1 harboring her on my account, as 1 shall pay no debts ol her contracting after this date. OLIVER A. HUDSON. Shesliequin, Dec. 3, 1864. 3wp. g()MET HI X 0 XE IV A T GEORGE H. WOOD'S J 11 oT O O R A P H 1 C o AL L K R Y , TOWANDA, PA. He has the pleasure of informing his old friends and patrons, that he is now prepared to make the new and beautiful style of OE M FERR () T Y PES, ' mounted on cards very cheap. Also, Melainoiypes for Lockets Cases, or Frames, as well as ali kinds ot P 11 O T U O 11 A 1' 11 s AS BEFOKR IN ' T H E I! EST S T Y I- K I) V ART. Views taken of Houses on short notice. ;copv ix < i) ox k t o o r i> e k In a lew days. A I. 1. W01! K W A It It AN T Ell. i | Albums kept on hand arid will be sold cheap. CI. H. WOOD, j j Dec. t>, lsi;t. FIKST RATIONAL HANK.! , Towanda, Dec. 6. 1804. j ! The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ot this Bank, . : for the election of nine ('.) Directors to serve the ensu ing year, will be held at the Banking Office on the 10th ! day ol January next, between the hours ot 1 to 3 p. ni. * S. N. BEITS Jit. Cah'. \ CARD.—MRS. FRANKLIN FOWLER atjL would respecttully inform iter old friends and the pnblic, that she will reorganise her class ot instrumen tal music, at Mourueton, Dec., 13. She will he ready to attend to her pupils either at her residence, or her room over Tracy's Store. Music also on hand lor sale, Monroe. Nov. ti 1804. jJOODS AM) XT BIAS—a new lot, and HOME-MADE MENS AND BOYS' BOOTS. May be found at WICKHAM A BLACKS. IMMCTUFG. ffllA /Wtfl WORTH OF FURNITURE fIP 1 V JU FO SALE AT F.N. PAGE'S WARE-ROOMS, AT ATHENS. PA. ' Having added largely to our former immense stock of Furniture, both of our own and Enstern manufacture, I we are better prepared than ever to serve our old cus- j toiuers aud as many uew oues as will lavor us with a call. MR. A. O. HART, (Who is known far aud near as otic of the best work men in the world.) has charge of the establishment, and all who will give us a call wiit soon be convinced that they will save a large percentage by making their purchases of us. In short we have the f nest stock of goods iu our line west of New York, consisting of LUO SETS PARLOR FURNITURE, At prices that will defy competition at F. N. PAGE'S, 50 CHAMBER SETS Various styles of Enamelled or Imitation of Rosewood and Chesnut, and solid Chesnut, Black Walnut. Mahog any and Rosewood, at prices from $25.00 to S3OO, which for variety of desigh aud finish, cannot be excelled by any other establishment, and all to he found at F. N. PAGE'S. S O F AS AN I) B U RE AUS, AT F. N. PAGE'S. MARBLE TOP CENTRE TABLES, AT F. N. PAGE'S. EXTENSION AND DINING TABLES, AT F. N. PAGE'S. 150 DIFFKREST STYLES OF CHAIRS, i From $4,00 to $120,00 per set. at F. N. PAGE'S. 500 BEDSTEADS, A GREAT VARIETY, And lower than the lowest, at F. N. PAGE'S. Why is there such a rush at our establishment for Furn iture ? The plain reason is we have the best assort ment, a better blass of work, ami are selling at lower prices than can be found withing one hundred miles of us, aud to lie convinced call at F. N. PAGE'S. The most of our Furniture was made and bought pre- j vious to tlie late advaine in prices, and will be sold at like low prices. Farmers will buy more Furniture from us for one firkin of butter. 100 bushels of oats, or 10 ; cords of wood, than they could four years ago. Try it at F. N. PAGE'S. We have also a large stock of MIRRORS, PICTURE FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH OVALS CORDS AND TASSELS, STEEL ENGRAVINGS, OIL CURTAINS, CURTAIN HANDS AND CORNICES. WORK BOXES, TOILET STANDS, PICTURES, Ac., at F. N. PAGE'S. Everything in our 1 ne that can be called tor, will be found at F. N. PAGE'S. COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES. Our undertaker's department will at all times be well supplied with everything in that line. We have the finest HEARSE in this section, not excepting anything west of New York, and will attend furnerals within a circuit of twenty miles, on reasonable terms. A. O. HART. Agent. F. N. PAGE. Athens. I'a., December 1,1*04. jtterciianW??. INTER GOODS, JUST OPENING, AT I ROCKWELL'S. jprus ! FURS ! ! FURS !!! FURS! HI! A NICE ASSORTMENT, AT ROCKWELL'S. I ARIES CLOAKS ! LADIES CLOAKS ! N E W E ST S T Y L ES , AT norKira^s. I " rpOYS! TOYS!! TOYS !!! TOYS! 11! SANTA CI.AI'S, TAKE NOTICE! The finest assortment of TOYS IN TOWN For the coming f II !) L I I A Y S , At ROCKWELL'S. — \ HAPPY XE\Y YEAR TO ALL.— XI The sutiscriber would respfclfu'ily announce to the party-going public, that he will give a New Years i'arty at his house in Milan, Bradford countv• l'a., on MONDAY, the 2d day ol JANU ARY , 1864. when and where lie will lie glad to see all his old friends. ' " me one, conte all. Good Music guaranteed. J. S. I'ATTKRSON. QYSTERS! WHOLESALE k RETAIL ! BY THE HUNDRED OR KEG, AT LAUC.HLIN'S SALOON! Towanda, Nov. 30, 1864. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice I\. is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of GEORGE NlCHt >bs. late of IVysotc t.p., dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having . claims upon said estate will present them duty autheuti ' cated for settlement. ESSECK WOOD, , Dec. 8, isti4. AMwtntor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice A is hereby given, that all persons indebbyd to the es t ite of HENRY A BENNKT late ol Wyaox twp. dee'd. ate requested to make immediate payment, and all ; having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. RICH A UD M. BEN NET, Dec. 8, 1864. Adaiin'tor. "VT OTICK.—THE SUBSCRIBER HAS It left his books and accounts ot Sheriff Cost at the Prothoiiotary's Office in Towanda. All persons having unsettled hills will plea*- call and adjust them without delay. A, JT. SPALDING, 1 Nov. 28, 1864. Late Sheriff. .fFcr Si(c. 11 WO DWELLINGS ICR SALK.—Tin . subscriber offers for sale hia dwelling Hous"* ami i Lois in Toward* Borough. The House formerly occupied 1 by me, on the norih-ea.-t corner f Main and Franklin j streets ; a framed house, two stories and basement, with i a well, aid in good repair. Will be sold with or without , the corner lot. Also, the dwelling house uow occupied by me, ou the I north west corner ot Second and Franklin streets. It is a two story house, with basement, and has a barn upon i the lot, with well and cistern and an abundant supply of 1 truit. Terms made satisiactory to the purchaser. Dec. 1.1864. JAMES McCABE. DESIRABLE HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The Furniture and Lease of the Ward House, at Towauda. I'a., are now for sale. The house is being thoroughly repaired from garret to cellar. It | is located at the county seat of the large and flourish ing county of Bradford, aud is doing a good lucrative t business. It is the Stage House for all stages arriving | at aud departing from the town. The property consists of everything necessary for the complete furnishing of ; a first class house. Good Spring Water in the kitchen ! laundry and bath-room, in fact, everything desirable for a first rate business stand. To a person desirous of en tering the business, an excellent opportunity is now : offered. POWELL & .SMITH, j i Townnda, Nov, '48,1664. jjo US E FO R SAL E . A dwelling house standing on the east side ot second street below Elizabeth, in the borough of Townnda, is I offered lor sale by the subscriber. The house is pleas antly located on a large lot, aud is conveniently arranged for either a large or small family, it has a well of excel lent, unfailing water near the kitchen door. There is a ! good barn and a variety of bearing fruit trees aud choice ! shrubbery upon the lot. Terms can be made easy lor i the purchaser. C. 11. COBIIKX. i Nov. 17th 1864, JA AR M FOR 8A L E 1 The subscriber odors for sale a good Grazing Frant, situated in Terry township iiar .1. I'. Morton. laying ! along the main road leading from to Albany, j I containing l td uore , a'out twenty acre- unimproved, j with mi unfinished frame house and about 9(1 frii'l trees, 1 , a school house and other improvements thereon. Terms to suit the purchaser. En mire of (J. W. J ACK i SON, Sugar Hun. Bradford county I'a. Nov. 17 1864. tin I TJ(( US E A N D LOT FO R SAL E. The subscriber offers for sale liis Honseand lotsituated 1 at the month of Wyalusing creek, with a large building I suitable lor a store or other business, pleasantly and con veniently located,containing about 1 1-s ol an acre. Terms to suit the purchaser. Enquire ol (}. Vt. JACKSON. Sugar linn, BradlordCo. I'a. ! Nov. 17 1864. | AR M S F0 R SAL E . The subscriber has TWO GOOD FAIIMS—one situa , ted about one mile from Towanda borough, in North , Towauda twp., on the main road leading from Towanda Ito Waverly. All improved, with good house, barn and ' out buildings. Also, a choice variety ol fruit of all kinds. The larin contains JO acres, and is under a g >d state of cultivation. The other, situate in Ulster twp., -ontai):- 280—160 acres improved—on the main road leading from Towan i da to Waverly. about lour milt - iiuin Towauda, with a large new burn, a1: > >.itt mill, ml other out build • tags. Well watered, fenced Ac. About 30 acres of j good timber land. Terms t< • suit the purchaser. I For further information innuireof S. W. Ai.voitn, at ! the l'ost Office, or ou the premises ol North Towanda, Nov. 10. A. E. MENAItDI. 3A.itl iic.itib. PE N X S V 1- V A X I A J! A I L KO A D. WINTER TIMK TABI.K. I MONDAY, October 31, 1864.—The Passenger Trains : of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from ■ Ifarrishurg, and arrive at Philadelphia and I'ittsljura' , as follows : EASTWARD. j Through Express Train leaves Harrisbnrg daily at j 2.45 a. m..and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.51 a.m. ! Fast Line leaves Harrisbnrg daily (except Monday) at 1 8, a m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.40 a. in. . Passengers take Breakfast at Man isburg. ! Mail Train leaves Harrisbnrg daily (except Sundays) at 1.30 p. m., and arrive at West Philadelphia at 6.25 p. m. Pittsburg and Erie Express leaves Harrisbnrg daily (except Sundays) at 11-5.7 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 4.20 a. m. Harrisburg Accommodation Train, leave- Harrisbnrg I daily (except Sundays) at 4 p. m.. and arrives at West j Philadelphia at 0.30 p. m. This train has no connec tion from the ll'est j Columbia Accommodation Train, leaves llurriburg' " daily (except Sunday) at 7 a. in., and arrives at Lan j castsr at y.15 a. m., connecting (except Mondays) ; with the Fast Line east. WEST WARP. j j Pittsburg and Erie Express leave - llarrishurgjdaliy |, ! (except Sundays) at 12.35 a. in.. Alto ma a.m. | 1 take break last, and arrive at Pittsburg at 12.t0 p. m. j, | Baltimore Exprc-.-Train leaves Harrisburg daily (ex i ; cept Monday) at 2.25a. in.; Altoona, 5.15 a. m- take r ! break last, and arrive at Pittsburg at 1.40 p. ni. 1 Through Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.25 a. \ i m., Altoona at 5.15 a. m., take breakfast, and arrives ] : at Pittsburg at 2.40 p. m. Fast l.ine leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) j excepted) at 4p.m. , Altoona at t>. 10 p. m., take sup- * per. and arrives at Pittsburg at 2 a. rn. \ Mail Train leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sundays) > at 1.40 p in.. Altoona at 755 p. m., take supper, and arrive at Pitts' urg nt 1.20 p. in. Mount Joy Accommodati m we a leaves Lancaster at 11.2(1 a. ni., connecting there with the Mail west : leaves Mount Joy at 11.51 a. 111,. and arrives ~t Harrisburg ,d 1 p. m. SPECIAL NOTICE. The Harrisburg Vccommodation Train from I'itMjurg which arrives at Harrisburg itt 6.20 p. m.. stops there, oa-sengers for East of Harrisburg lay over until 11.55 p m SAM! RL i). 1 OliNlt, *" Supt. Middle Div. IYnn'a U. R. 1 1 llarrisbnrg, Oct. 27, I S| l4. TJ/TILADELPIIIA AND ERIK RAIL- j IJL BOAD. This great line traverses the Northern and ( i Northwest counties of Pennsylvani 1 to the city of Erie. : , on l.ake Erie. ' ] It has liein leased by the /'oui.e /r 1/11'u liail Howl Company , and is operated by them Its entire length war opened for passenger and freight ( ' busincs,October 17th, lktji. Time ol Passenger trains at Williamsport .- LEAVE EASTWAKtI. Through Mail Train. 7:10.P. M. Elmira Express Train, P.M. Accomodation 8:10A.M. j I.KAVE WKSTWAKD. Through Mail Train .j>:2s A, M. Elmira Express Train, 7:40 A. M. 1 Accomodation 6:00 P.M. 1 Passenger cars run through without charge both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. Elegant Sterpiw; Cars on Expre-s Trains both ways i between Williamsport and Haiti more, and Williamsport > and Philadelphia. _ i For information respecting Passenger business apply 1 at the S. E. Comer 1 lib and Market streets, Pliil'a. And for Freight business of the Company s Agents : , S. 11. Kingston, Jr.. ( rner 13th and Market streets,. Philadelphia ; J. W. Reynolds, Eaic ; J. M. Drill, Agent X. It. It. Baltimore. 11. H. HOUSTON. (Jen! Freight Agt. Fhil'a. ' H. W. ('.WINNER, lieuT -Ticket Agt. Phil's. JOS. D. POTTS.GenT Manager, Williamsport. | j lsooli=Ufnlrfna. BOOK-BINDERY. —THE ITBLID IS respectfully informed that. a!: .okUindery lias been i | established in connection with tin Printing Ofii< eof the " Bradford Reporter/' where will he done BOOK-BI X I) I N G ' In all its various branches, on terms as reasonable as " the times will allow. The Bindery will be under tin' charge ot H. C. WIIITAKER, | An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly [ done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. | Music, Magaeines. Newspapers. Old Books, Ac., bound in every variety of style. Particular attention j will be paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, ■ To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability I wiil be warranted. ' All work will be ready for delivery when promised. Tim patronage of the public is solicited, and perfect 1 itihlaction guaranteed Bindery (after Ist December.) in the front room of I '• Reporter " Building, (down stairs.) imrlb side of the Public Square. Towanda. I'a. Nov. 16, lsU4. i jfanct) (Sooto, #r. 171A NT Y (;00!H A IMvKSS A CLOAK ju M AKING ! i MUS. L. 11. TABKK, I Tnforaw l-ndtes and Citterns. ofTowanda and tlcin- I I'it v. that he has opened, at the la'e stand ol Miss. ' Darling. next l>. >r south of Patch's Grocery Store, Main 1 Street, r a FANCY GOODS STORK, 'which she will keep well supplied v. ltli an assortment 0 the most Fashionable Goods to lie procured in the ! New York market Great care will is- taken in select i juo to meet the wants alike, ol t'ne most lushionahle, as : ! ol the most plain and economical. '; I) li ES $ X ANDA BRIDGE COMPANY' are hereby notiticd • i that there will be a meeting nt the office of the Company f j jjj Towanda, on 11 EDNESDAY . the 4th day of J All A* t I lIY, HUA. between the hour- of 2 and 4, P. M.. for the i.- ect ii ola President, six Manageis and n Ti> usurer. I D ;c . 1. N. N .HE ITS, a r., bee'y. fteaal U T A T E M E N T O F T I f E A MOUNT, lO description mid vuloatiou ol Rem and Personal Pro perty, Trades, Professions and Occupations Offices and Posts o Profit, Money at Interest, Notes, Judgments, Mortgages, Gold Lever, Silver Lever and Gold and Sil ver Watches, valued at over S2O, Ac., as returned by the several Assessors lor the County of Bradford for A. D. 1865 : i' i gran o co If 1 5 I; S i , * <' ST —' -i "w ■ w! '-5 5' r 5 v 2L 3 8 1 ?' • s j " © P 1 ' Sfo j re S| ? fi •I£af 5; - j >-5 * ! w : i*j s ,od 1 SI 5 i S> ~ - !! I : I i If **\ £' I S i s ; ? g g-3j - s s i § £ * rI . Z : s •- 1" | ' s*' i 2 T7[ r r| g| f 78! Armenia.-..' IXOSO 29311... 1... 23-1 Asylum.... 93626 12909 400 1 so' . 2 1 144 Athens Bo'. 111914 11730 ... ! 67.3' . 12'.. 417 Athens twp. 337689; 23058 23117 .. .13 1. . i 261 1 Albany. ... 602<-5|- k2l(> 14961 330... 3'... , 45: Alba Boio'..i 8442, 130a. 200 ... 2 12 j 2221Burli'ton T. 94*10 i 11880 365 J 270 . 2 ... 62 " boroi 1873'J, 30x5 j 2300, 160 1 4 3 I 2001 • we.-t 1 71466' 128501 2380 4.70 . 2 5 338 Canton Twp 1476.30 17515- 300 457 1 1 2j 114, Canton Iloro 26050 3x30 j 4170j 160 .. 6 10 253 -Columbia... 1,75216! 19716- 4320 126., 1 2 6 , 202 Franklin ... 58303 11299: .70 420 ! I 222 Granville.. 108293; 14600j 3568 11.7; . 3 5 233 Derrick ... 68949 13864 1650 275 2 214' be Roy 6809! 11078 225 Litchfield.. 111437113926 1500 205 63 Lelhiysville. 17642 34-6: 26.50 230 2 2| 2 , 198 Monroe Twp 81379 10335 650 570 ...... 54 Monroe Buro' 15740 107*2 i 200 j 225 .. 1 313 Orwell 1456.76 16751 1125 240! -- i 1 ... I 75 Overton.... 226271 36581 : 37.- Pike 169453 26474 22001 825 . 1 2 I 31s Ridgbnry... 122421- 19477 4350 450 .. 4 5 225 Borne Twp.. 95638] 112901.. ..1... .. .. ... i 58 Rome Boro'.j 10181 25401 .. I 429|SmithfieM .1 199725 26092 55151 180 .. 1 ... 366 Springfield.. 1735061 22155 2.500 245 161 South Creek 72410 877.7 575 iB5 49bSylvania.... 18173j 1900 200 , 31.7 Sheshequin. 1711)2, 186-2 5700! 755 ... 2 2 j 191 iStanding B.| 82495 14353 1420- 430 ... 2 7 227 Terry 57246 s'.i-1 400! 790,.. 1 4 115 Townnda T-: 80263- 6789 2650, 2551.., 2 ... 1 298 Towanda 8.1 4963071 20635 ) 76061 420 3 3 | 3 - ITowanda M.| 366 1 roy Twp .. | 193195- 24734 205(1 715 . 6 5 208j Troy Buro'.l 77325 13700 6400! 665 .. 31 20 , 219 Tuscurora ..; 77584, 1265.7 j... 1..1...1 1 211 Ulster,, ' 103967' 11800- 192 350'.. 3 . . 340 Warren j 168138) 193581 1700 145 ..- 2 ... 23S Windham,.. 132163 21777 11990 815 .. 1 2 300)Wyalusing.. 132430j 22836 8230 1475 2 6 3 238|Wysox .... 16X720. 18344 4300 750-..' 5 2 229 Wills,.. ... 10SX64' 143.58! 4100! all i 208 Wilmot ....' 64004' 10030- Offices and Posts of Profit ever S2OO, State tax 2 per I cent, Towanda ' oro' 1000. Trades, professions occupations over S2OO. State tax 1 per cent, Athens boro' 150 ; Towanda boro' 2400 ; Troy !,oro' 950 ; Wysox 300. BRADFORD COUNTY, SS. We the undersigned Commissioners of said Count}- do hereby certify the above to be a true and correct state ment of the returns made bv the several Assessors of Bradford County, for the year 1865. And we also give not ce that we will meet at the Commissioner's Office in Towauda, on Tuesday, the 27th of December, 1864, for puiposc of revising and equalizing -aid Assessment. ) Given under our hands and official seal at Towanda this 6th day of December, 1864. J. CAMPBELL, W. B. DODGE, JOHN BEARDSLEE. Commissioners. Attest, E. B. COOLBAUGH,CIerk. NOTICE—Notice is licro- J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JAMES B. IP) UT HER, late,'of Sin it!, field .deceased are re que-tad to make immediate payment, and those having ' demand-against said estate will please present duly - authenticated for settlement. JAMESBURNHAM, November 29, 1864. Executor. \ I) a i NISTR A TOR'SNOTICE.—Letters * of administration o! the goods, chattels, Ac. of JEHiAL MoKEAN. late of Burlington twp., deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands against the same are notified to present the same for settlement to the subscriber. JOHN A. CODDING, Dec. 29, 1864. Adm'r. T IST OF THE NAMES OF PERSONS' I 1 drawn as Jurors for December Term and Session. ; 1564 : PKANI) JIT.OKS. Albuny, Ralph Stevens; Athens twp., Henry Olmstead, ; Nathaniel Green ; Burlington West, Sloan Ross; Bur- ; lington, Robert Kendall; Canton, Joel Taylor; Colum bia, A. S. Parsons ; Herrick. T.S. Camp ; Orwell, Geo, Bixby ; Monroe. Jeremiah Blackmau ; Sheshequin, Dan iel Minier ; Springfield, Gearge Barrett ; Standing Stone. Hiram Gordon ; Smithtield, Clayton Gerould ; Tuscaro- ! ra, Eerri* Ackley ; Terry, Thomas Lamb ; I'owanda i Borough. James McCabc ; Troy tw-p., Nelson Wood ; Wysox. Wir.. Lewis, Wm. H. Conkiin : Warren, Sidney j Pitcher. Alexander Hand. William Corbin. TKAVKKSE JCKORS —FIKST WEEK. Asylum, Philip Worth : Athens twp.. E. S. Matthew son : WeM Burlington, John Blackwell, Enoch Black well; Burlington Myron Travis; Canton twp., Ichabod j Sellard ; Granville, i'ercival Bailey, DavidSayles, James | Merrill jr. ; Franklin, E. R Bacon: Herrick. James ; Foyle ; Leltoy, Christopher Smith. David Ingham, H. It. . Wilcox, Benjamin Clark : Orwell, Ira Humphrey, J. K. j Rolinson ; P:ke, Philip Pliillias, Evan W. Davis, Edwin , Humphrey, Hidghury, William Leonard, Stephen Her man. William Dean ; South Creek. G.eorge Dunham ; | Sheshequin, tate of DENISON GREGORY, late ol Pike twp., will sell on thej premises in said twp., 011 the 2tiadayot Dscember, the following iot, piece or parcel of land, hounded as follows, to wit: Bounded on the north by lands of Richard Ash ton and the highway, on the east by the highway, on the south by lands now owned .iy Mercie Gregory , and or the west by iauds ol ilopkin Davis & Mriwni Gcylord. | supposed to contain about sixty three acres. | ASLO—A small lot upon wliich n house now stands, lately occupied by the said Denison Gregory, dee'd. and I bounded on the east by lands of the estate oi Stephen 1 Gregory decid. and on the south and west by the high way, containing about hall an acre. TERMS —Twenty-five dollars on the day of sale, one third of the balance on confirmation, the balance in two equal annual payments thereafter witn interest from con firmation. GEORGE W. BRINK, Oct. 27, 1864. Administrator I XTOTICii IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT , XI an application has been made to the Court of Com mon Pleas of Bradford county, by H E Shipman, Asa I Douglass, to grant a charter of incorporation to , themselves, their associates and successors, under the i name and style of" The Mechanics' Union Association |of Bradford County." And if no sufficient reasons be I shown to the contrary, the Court will decree that they become a corporate body. E.O. GOODRICH, Nov. 2,1864. Frothy. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT an if application has been made to the Comt of Com : mon Pleas of Bradford county, by Ab'm Knapp, C O 1 Haven, and others, to granta charter of in orporation to 1 themselves, their associates and successors, under the name and style of" Tlic First Baptist Church of Colutn j bia and Wells." Andil no sufficient reasons be shown to the contrary, the Court will decree that they become a corporate body. K.O.GOODRICH, Nov. 2, lsi;4. I'rothonotary. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the m liter of TX Abrium Spalding us. A, .V. fy H r . II . Spalding. ' In the Court of Common Picas of Bradford County, No. ! 72s' Sept. T., 1861. The undersigned auditor appointed to distribute the f proceeds of the Sheriff's Sale ot defendents real estate will attend to the duties of his appointment at thebffiee of Morrow ft Pr-et in the lioro' of Towanda, on Monday ; the 21st day of November 1864, at 1 o'clock p. m. and all persons having claims upon the funds must present them, or else be forever debared from the same I>. I). MORROW. [ Oct. 17, 1864, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter qf - of the estate of Benjamin I'. Snyder dee'd. In the j Orphans Conrt of Bradford County, i The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Court i to distribute hinds arising from the partial account of tiie execution will attented to the duties of his appoint j merit, at his office, in the boro' of Towanda,on Thursday, 1 the 17th day of November, 1864, at one o'eolck p. m., when and where, ali persons having claim against said i estate, will present the same, or be forever debarred I from coining in for a share of said funds W.A.PECK Oct. 12, 1834. Auditor. ADMINISTR'ORS NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ! estate ol E. A. MURRAY, lateof Athens tp., deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate are requested to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. F. N. PAGE, ; Sept. 6. 1864. Administrator. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es | tateof S. S;LATHI!OP, late of Orwell, Pa., dee'd, are I requested to make immediate payment .and those having ! demands egainst said estate will present them duly au -1 thenticated for settlement. ' MARSHALL FRINK, f| ELIJAH J. BACKUS, ' f Dec. 8,1864. Executors. TEXEOUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- JuJ by given that ail persons indebted to the estate of | NANCY T, DECKER, lateol Springfield twp., Bradford | County, dee'd. are requested to make payment without ! delay and all having claims against said estate are re ' quested to present them duly authenticated for settle ' I merit. • LEVI C.PRESTON, j I Nov. 13, 18C4. Executor EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the | estate of J AMES EVANS, late of 1! dgbury township, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate : 1 nni-ment nnd thnup hoviuc claims aeainst said estate payment, aim mose naviug i-iaims agamsi saiu WMIC will present them duly authenticated for settlement. DANIEL A. GILLETT, Oct. 13,1804. Executor. ADM INI STil ATO R'S NOTlCE—Notice 1 V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate o! JOSEPH FARR, late of Ridgbnry, twp.. Pa , ' dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate most present them duly authenticated for settlement. V.S.VINCENT, Oct. 13, ISO 4. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of ISAAC MIRAUGH late of Wyalusing, dec'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate must present them duly au thenticated tor settlement. JOHN F. CHAMBERLAIN, ELLEN MIDAUGH, Oct. 20. 1864. Administrators. j J EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here -A by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot JOHN T. MORRIS, late of Pike twp, deceased, are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said estate will preesent them duly authenticated for settlement. ABRAM MOORE, Nov. 15. ISM. Executor.^ AD MINI STR ATO R'SN OTIC E.-N otic is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of S. KELTON, late ot Towanda Boro", Penn'a dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will pres ent them duly authenticated lor settlement. E. T. FOX, Oct. 13,1864. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice , is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JAMES BROWN, late of Litchfield, township, dec'd, are requested to inako immediate payment, and those having clamesagainst said estate will present tliein i duly authenticated for settlement. ! SAMUEL P. WOLCOTT, Nov. 15.1864. Administrator \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice ' A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the I estate of JOSEPH QUICK, late of Smitlitield townshp. deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present I them duly authenticated tor settlement. SAMUEL FAR WELL, Oct. 13, 18(14. Administrator. REGISTER'S NOTICE. —Notice is here by giveh, that there has been filed and settled in i the office af the Register of Wills, in and Tor the County ! of Bradford, accounts ot Administration upon the fob j lowing estates, viz : Final account of A M and D C Wattles executors ol 1 Arunah Wattles, late of Rome. Partial account of G W Brink, administrator of Geo Harringtou, late of Pike. Final account of F P l,athrop,administrator of Edward Lathrop, late of Wilmot. Partial account of Peter It and Annias Knapp. execu tors of Zeplianiah Knapp,late of Wells. Final account of Henry Miller, administrator of Alan son Miller, late of Litchfield Final account of Andrew Kifi, administrator of Buel Smith, late of Canton. Final account of S S Reynolds k David M'Duagle, ad ministrators of Moses Ayers.late of Granville. Final account of Mary Crippin, administratrix of Wm. Crippin, Partial account of R K & J Hnlett, administrators ot Samuel Hulett, late of Athens. Filial account of B S Russell, Guardian ot A L Buffing ton. Final account of John M'Maun, administrator, ol I H Stephens,late ol N.Towanda. Final account ot Abel Moore, Executor ol Hannah Evitts, late of Pike. Final account of Calvin Newell, executor of Barnard Newell, late of Springfield. Final account of WilmotCoburn, administrator of E Lewis, late of Wyalusing. Final account of R D Tyrrel k A A Dairow, adininso r of niram C Tyrrell, late of Orwell. Final account of J E Piolett. executor- ot N L Green ate of Wysox. Final accounts ol J B Hinds, administrator o! Geo. H , Weaver, late of Wysox. Final account of A A Prince, administrator of Sally Prince, late of Orwell. Partial account of Denison Johnson, Guardian ot Mary E & Carrie A Bailey. Minor Children ol Ransiord i Bailey, late of Pike. ... Final account of Amelia A Barstow. administratrix of David F Barstow. late of Towanda. Final account of Win H Reel & Wm 11 Russell adinin , istrator of Benjamin Keel, late of Windham. A LSO—I he apprisement of property set off by Execu -1 tors or Administrators to widows or children, of the tol- I fowing decedents: • | Estate of Edward A Murray, " '• Alanson Miller, '• " Lyman Blakesley, I " '• Zeuas Giblis, " '• William A Retail, | " "A S Grover, " " Darius Mauley, '• " Moses Kellogg, •' '• Silas Packard, " " Joel C Wright, I " " Hcman H Hickok, " " Edward Williams. And the same will he presented to the Orphan's Couel of Bradford County, oh Mouday, the sth day ol Decern ber. next, for confirmation and allowance, i N.C.ELSBREE, Nov. 2. 1861. Register. NOTICE —Noti.-r K. WTSHAKT Dear Sir—l had Bronchitis. Inflamu t ion of the Lungs, and shortnes of breath in their worst forms. 1 had been treated by several ol the most enuui ! nent physicians in Phi.adelphia without benefit. I was , truly on the verge of the grave. Your PJSK T*KL TAB , CoßiuA 1. was recommended to me by a., Iriend, and altei ' using four large and one small bottles. lam restored to perfect health. JOHN WARD, Receiver of Taxe, Cor. 6th, and Chestnut sts.. Thila. 1 I READINA, Pa , April 20. 1864 , j DR. WISH ART—Dear Sir: I have been cured, as I be ; ! lieve, of Consumption, by the use of your PINE TREE " I TAR CORDIAL, and I was so very low, aud bad been ! sick so long when I commenced to use it. that 1 had but little confidence in anything. 1 bad tried many of the advertised medicines, as well as the prescriptions of many emminent physicians. r My symptom-' were a dry, hacking cough, wliich I hsi I j for several y> 11s. with night sweats and frequent,severe ' j bleeding of the lung-. I was so very weak that 1 could 1 attend to no business, and had pain almost constantly ! through my breast and shoulders. About four yeai> c < ! my brother, Who resides in Philadelphia told me he be ! lieved your medicine would cure me, and I comni uco, • its use. I was aware that my disease had gone fat } ; that I could not expect to be cured in a lew days, but it • a short time 1 lelt much better, so much so I war 1 , übe to attend to my business ; and alter continuing it* use for several months, I recovered my health and strength perfectly. 1 am convinced that this i- not a mere trancieut relict but a complete and permanent cure, as 1 have 1 ec: ci. A ually growing stronger ever since, and 1 attribute i*. solely to your PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. Br I liicw : that 1 must have gone to my grave yi r ago, it 1 ban not used your great medicine. I would say to those win i are similarly afflicted—especially in cases like mine, where the disease lias run for a long time, that ait'..- ugh • one bottle will relieve, it will not ell.. t a cure; but l*- J persevering iu its use, I believe it will ic-toi- y■ >< t health, if you ara not beyond the ; overoi i.eo o. . MPS. L. s. SAI.I.AIH -65s Perm .-t..Reading IV April Puh. PO-i I This is to certify that I have used DR. Wl.-li.'.lil S PIXE TREE TAR CORDI AL " in uiy un lv with d . results. One of my lamily was afflicted tor a long time with a very tad cough. 1 cured two small bolt|es ol the Cordial and the * v perfect cure. nENJAMIN I'. YOST. Hanover St, Pottstown. IV. RKADISG. Pa . April 10, Is- : DR WISIIART—Dear Sir : One year ago the Ex.-tnin ing Surgeon of this District told uc 1 had Consnmpt. n of the lungs, and thai I could not be cured: and judging from all my symtonts at that time, I myself supposed this to be true. 1 was lor more than one year troubled with a hacking cough,which gradually grew -■• i ad tin t I could not have a severe lit ot coughing without :M:ng up blood in huge quantities. For months 1 could not work .t anything, a;. : i obliged to keep my bed most oi the time, v hile in tb.s condition. I was in at Mr. Rowbotham's stole - city : and be. seeing bow very lew I wa-. n■ 1 in: • sued me to try your PINK TREE TAI! CORPIAI. lie be had sold a great deal of it ; and that it bad i ie many others, he believed it would do me good. 1 1 ■ u. .t a bottle and commenced Using is in i very short tilue 1 H -aw that I was getting better very last, am ..iter t Uii.g several bottles, I was entirely re-torcd to health. that I could work every day at my bin suc.-s, which i- v.iy heavy work in an in n toundery. When I coninicn, c to use y'onr PiNE TREE TAB CORDIAL, my weight .■- ■ only one hundred and thirty live pounds, since the use ol it I have weighed on an average one hundred and nl ty five. I shall be glan to hayeyou publish this Ibe Iteve I should not have been living at the pre.-int lime but tor the use of your great medicine, and I wish all who suffer to receave its benefit Very trulv your-. Cant. SAMUEL DARNER, 334 South Bth at., Reading, Pa. READ THE FOLEOWING FROM UTICA. Dk. WisHHtr—Dear Sir: I take pleasure In informing roil through this source that your PINE TREE 1 \U JOKDIAL, which was recommended lor my 1...1111 u 1 y dr. J. A. Hall, ol this city, has cured her of a nore than fire months standing. 1 had thought i• : >..• fund cifrc. and had employed the be-t midh ,i. .1 • it:.- >ut any benefit. I can chierfully recommend it ' the inblic as a safe and sure remedy tor those -m. uny iftiictcd as I know of many other cases br.-ide tl.-.t "I my laughter that it has cured of long standing > 1 : : - Yours, respectfully. JOHN V. PARKER. Daguerrian Am 120 Genessee st., Utica. N.Y * * * * I have used Dr. WISH ART'S PINE I'REE TAR CORDIAL in my family, and -cordially 1 e •ommend it as a valuable and safe medicine f'i trdds, 'OUL'IIS, and those predisposed to Consumption h Dr. G. A.FOSTER, 100 Genessee st.,Utica' X. I!. The above are a few among the thousands which this treat remedy has saved from an untimely grave We lave hundreds of letters from physicians and druggists n ail parts ot the country, saying that they have never prescribed or sold a medicine which gave auch universal satisfaction. *3-These Medicines are prepaised only by the pro irietor. L. Q. C. WISH ART. WHOSE OFFICE IS AT No. 10 WORTH SECOND STREET,'THII.ADF.I 1-111* . I'A. Where he can he consulted either personally or by let free of charge. Thev arc sold by Druggists and deal a everywhere- -at wholesale by all New York and Phil elphia wholesale druggists. Aug. 31. nl4. AYERV Ahi'F. CURE —hr //<<■ .** sai( ~* of any other cure for Chills aud Fever ? It is true off this, and its importance to those aftiicted with the com- p plaint cannot be over estim tted. So sure is it to curagj the Fever aud Ague, that it may he truthfully said to oq,| a certain remedy. One dealer complains that it is uot ®| good medicine to sell, because one bottle cures a whol by J.C. Avail A Co., Lowell. Mass. and -olg by 11. C. POKTEH, Totvauda. aiul by .ll dealers in nicddt cine everywhere. At wholesale by OGDOS A POTIT. Era rolra, N. Y.