jHtsccllanmis. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A COMPOUND REMEDY, in which we have labored to produce the most effectual altera tive that can he made. It is a concentrated extract of p;.ra Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterat ; ve power as to afford an effective an tidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to core. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How com pletely this compound will do it has been proven by ex perinent on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints:— SCROFULA. ANL> SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, FKUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCEUS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, I TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD lIE\D, SYPIIILLS AND ; SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS,MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, ; NEURALGIA OK TIC DOULOUREUX DEBILITY, DYSPEPSIA j AND INDIOESTION, ERYSIPELAS, ROSE UK ST. ANTHONY S , FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising j from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. \ This compound wi 1 be lound i prroat promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul hu mors which fester in the blood at that si: s >n of the year By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disor ders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can by the aid j of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of i foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not as sisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. ' ieanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores *. cleanse it when j you lind it is obstructed and sluggish in tue veins; cleanse it whenever it i -foul, and your feelings will tell : you when. Even where uo particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, tor cleansing | the blood. Keep flic- blood healthy, and all is well : but with this pabulum of lite disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery ot life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. _ world has been egregious! j- deceived by p;.-parati<>ns of it, partly because the drug alone has notail tue virtue that is claimed jor it, hut more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little ot the \ H tne of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public hive been misled by large nottles. pretending to give a quart ot Extract ot Karsa 'Willa for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain liitle, il any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever, lltnce, hitter and painful disappointment lias followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, nmi lias become synonym us with imposition and cheat. Still we call this impound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply o'lch a reinedv as shall rescue the name trom the load of obloquy w'u' li rests upoh it. And we think we have ground tor believing it lias virtues which arc ir resistable by the ordi.iary run . i the disca.-cs it is intend ed to erne. In order to secure their complete eradica tion trom the system. t lie remedy should be judiciously taken according to dir-etions on the bottle. Prepared by Dr. J.C.AI BR & Co.. Lowell, Mass.— Price, $1 ]>ci liottle ; St / Ttoi'U i for s >. AVER'S CHEERY PECTORAL lias won for itselt sueh a renown f"r the cure of every variety of Throat and la. .C- i.iphuiit. that it is entirely unnecessary for us to lecuuut the e\ idciiee of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its .• aunty is kept up to the best it ever lias been, ami that it may b • relied ou to do lor their relief all it has ever been louiul to do. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, For flie cure of Co.-tiveness, .Jaundice, Dvspepia. Indi gestion, Dysentery, Font Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, 'form rs and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, a.- i Dinner Pill,and for puri fying the Blood- They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a f.iinily pnysic. Price 25 cents per Box ; Five 11 >.\es for SI,OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians Statesmen, anil eminent personages, i ave lent their names to certify the nnparalled usefulness .•! tlmse remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our ALMANAC in which tlioy are given ; witb niso lull descriptions ot the above complaints, and the tivotmeut that should be fol lowed for tlieir cure. .Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more pi 'lit on. Demand AYEK S and take no others, 'l'lie sick want the best aid there is tor them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by Dr. 11. C. POUTER, To wanda ; GUERNSEY & D.'TCHKI.L, Troy ; DALY A. W IIITE, Leonard Hollow; D. D. PARKIICRS, Leßoy ; TAYLOR, Granville; D. WILCOX A I'O., Canton: .VNDKENS A ROCK WELL, Alba : BIXHY, Wyal ■in " ; PIOI.LET, WYSOX ; STEVENS A BURROWS, Sti viisviile ; BODUEKS, We-t Warren ; LONCI A SONS, Burlington ; NEWELL A Co., Ul ster ; PERKINS, Athens : M,.u::Y, Bailuieton; AVERY A*e CAMP. Camptown : NICHOLS, Herrickvilie ; LITTLE Lrßaysville ; BROXSON, Orwell; BEIDLE AN, Orcott's Creek ; MOODY, Rome ; KINNEY A GORE, Slieshequin, and by dealers everywhere. Towanda, July 31. Isti2. HARDWARE CODDING & RUSSELL, ! I HAVE A LARGE AND WELL SE lected stock of Goods, to which additions arc daily j being made, whicli they offer cheap for Cash. A large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Among the many desirable and beautiful patterns is the ' 5 , - .T* ".'■■■. V ' This beautiful stove is unsurpassed for economy in I fuel; is a pei feet baker ; is the best COOK STOVE in] the market. Among their heating Stoves may be found j a great variety suitable for every place where stoves are j used. Stove Pipe and Sheet Jron Work, Always on hand and made to order. T X ZDsT "W AEE, A large stock man • factored from Ihe very best materials and by experienced workmen. A 7ery ful assortment of IRON, NAILS AND STEEL, At New York prices. j£ouse and Carriage Trimmings, TOOLS FOR Till: FARMER, Tools for the House Joiner and Carpenter—Tools for Blacksmiths''--Tools for everybody. WINDOW SASH AND GLASS, Paints, Oils and Yamislies, ■- Machine Oil and Benzole, ICD ROSENE OIL, Wicks and Chimneys, B E L T I X G, o'alU' iuul INh'lul (Ditkrij, BRITTANNIA & PLATED WARE. Pumps, Lend Pipe, ( /tain Pumps, Water Pipes, Grindstones and fixtures, KEROSENE LANTERNS, .1015 WOIIK done with dispatch. Lamps repaired. Fluid- Lamps and Lanterns altered and fitted to burn Ke rosene. Drain,. Old Iron. fa-ding and Wrought Scraps, Copper. - '-'ttnini 15> c-w .x. Feathers ami Hags taken in CX- U •- 0 Highest, price in cash paid tor sheep i'cits and Furs. tfS' OCR GOODS have been purchased on the pay flowa system and will he sold for READY PAY. J™ uisseLT! XG ' } CODDING &. RUSSELL. Towanda, March 10,1*63. V \V jHfscrKancous. OLOTHIITQ' CHEAP FOR CASH. ' THE BEST PLACE IN TOWANDA to buy well-made, durable and good fitting SI ID BOYS' MS. AT REASONABLE PRICES IS AT M. E. SOLOMOFS CLOTHING STORE, NO. 2, PATTON'S BLOCK. FALL 6L WIKTEII CLOTHING GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAPS And Leather cf all kinds. . : Having bought early in the season, at low prices, for j cash, we will sell correspondingly cheap. ' | Come one, come all and examine our goods, as we are I eortain to give you a better article, for less money than can be obtained elsewhere. Remember the place— at M. E.SOLOMON'S. Towanda, Oct. 13, 18112. , ; THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ' WILL BE PAID FOR j Hides, Sheep Pelts & Wool, AT THE CLOTHING STORE OF • i M. E. SOLOMON I MEW ARRANGEMENT i AND - IST J±! ~W <3- OODS, 1 AT THE ; OLD 'mi' 1001STORL THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR- 1 chased the interest of Mr. PARSONS int he above well j known establishment, would announce to our old custo mers and the public generally*, that he will continue the Book and Stationery business at the old stand,and hopes - | by strict attention to business, to merit a share of public . patronage. r i From our facilities for purchasing goods, we flatter onr , self that we can offer greater inducements to purchasers - ! than any other establishment in this section of country, t Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. t S. W. ALVORD r Towanda. Dec. 40,1862. -•! ( A ; ! ' i \7[ ' ' A H U : 7 j % O f ''s\ A 'S'l A'V r i 'AAA THUS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT * J_ where yon can find a very fine assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a ' I good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings 1 up, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. . I am also agent for the sale of 1). E. LENT'S celebrated j Barometers, which every farmer should always have. Pri I ees from $8 to S2O, according to finish REPAIRING ! done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war- anted. WM. A. CHAMBERLIN. THE DPvAFI. THOSE IN WANT OF BOOTS & SHOES, SHOULD GO TO THE TOWANDA B 00T el- SHOE STORE, Opposite the Court House. CASH PAID FOR HIDES & PELTS, At HUMPHREY & GO'S. Towanda, Sept. 24.1'f>2. ENTIRE NEW STOCK AT PANIC PRICES. MEN'S AND BOY'S B A DY-M4.DE CLOTHING. Gents Furnishing Goods, &c., AT 13. Tlo. 3, Pattern's Block, Towanda, Pa. CUTTING, CLEANING & REPAIRING DONE ON KIIORT NOTICE.-®# If Coats and Pants you wish to buy, Just call at Marks' store and try! His Coats lit well and neat— His Pants,in town, cannot lie beat — His prices are exceeding low. " Cash Sales, Small profits," his motto, Remember, if you wish to trade, Money saved is Money made, ]sy purchasing at Marks' store You save '2O per cent, or more! Test this fact and prove in time More truth than poetry in my rhyme. Nov. 2(5, lfct!2. £" ju NEW ATTRACTIONS ! Tt At Geo. H. Wood's Gallery, |k TOWANDA, PA. li\ You can procure, at low prices, /|\pe©i©!BMiPEa It \Of all sizes, up to lift size, either plain or re touched, colored in oil or pastille. I Also. MELAINOTYPES and AMBIIOTYPES, and a! most all other kinds of types. Pictures in good cases lor 25 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Melainotypes made in all kinds of weather, (except for hildren. AH work warranted. July 25,1861. ELA-IsTEC EOOICS. I)L.\NJv BOOKS of nil kinds, Panel and y well bound, CHEAPER than can be found this side of ih city at toe ARGUS ROOK. STORE. Peh. 18, 1868. MEMORANDUM AND PASS BOOKS, AT THE NEWS ROOM. jifcsellannms. DRUG STORE. ( Wholesale and Ril.iil. hin 4, Pulton's Work, Corner of Main anil Bridge Sit., Towanda. Pa.) DR. T. F. £Y3 ADB LL, Proprietor. THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY informs the Public that he has purchased the above Drug Store, and having thoroughly refitted and enlarged t, and increased his facilities for Compounding Medicines is prepared to supply every want ol the public, iu the line of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, My' Stock, almost entirely new, has been selected with care, and embraces a lull assortment of all articles belong iug to the Drug Trade. FRFSH SUPPLIES are received'monthly, of Pure and Reliable Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to suit our patrons. My stock consists of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and PURE LIQUORS\ Of every description, and tin* bc-t quality for Medical use. All the popular PATENT EV'IEDICINE AND A LARGE SUPPLY OF HOMEOPATHIC & COM E.NTR AT EH MEDIUMS Botanic ITcleclic M-dh/nrr. Tildon's Alco holic and 11 aid 1 drtn r/x, Alkaloids and Retinoids. All t best Tresses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Breast Pumps Nipple Siialls ,V Shicl s, Nursing Buttles .Syringe*, Cathters, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS A STROPS, i Pocket Knives. Surgical Instrument-! of bite style and best quality. Paints, Oil<, Varnishes, Window Glass, Pat ty, Ac. A' large supply of BRUSHES For the Hat, Hair, and Shies, Painting, Varnishing and i White Washing, also for the Teeth and Nails. TQC7H POWDERS AMD PASTES, ; of every variety. A large assortment of MISSY Am3a.s& Pure Essential oils. Fine P. rb.mery -ml T->i'.et Soaps, j Buffalo and Ivory Combs, Hair f>%•---. " is and Invigorators. Kerosene, Burning Fluid, Lamps.Shades, Chimneys, Wicks. Choice Toi>aeco : Cif/ftrs <0 Snuff. All the Dye Stuff;, Fish Tackling. Ammunition, Ac. Bird Cages, ol every style ;od vai:ety, Cans, Nc.ts and Seed-!. * ] *9. Dr. M.VDTLT, will be found at his office, in the Drugstore at all times, when engaged in out of door | practice, when he v. i 1 examine and prescribe for patients in hit vai/. free of charge. Physicians snpplied at reasonable rates. Prescriptions carefully compounded. The public are cordially invited | to examine and tot our and learn our prices. Towanda, June 24, 1 12. T. F. MADILL. NOW READY! BiamnS'HEWIBOHWORKS TOWANDA, PENNA. TIIE Subscriber leave to call the at tention of the public to the fact that he has enlarged his motive power .ud purchased and set up additional machinery, and en h>yt-d ; larger nu nher i I workmen than formerly, so tl at he is now prepared to execute or ders for Ca-lings or Mac! inery with promptitude. He has at ids w--; ill the PA !'; bI.'NS iu use by the late firm of VVm.!!. Philiips & Son ot Elmira N. Y.,and has also added to these, patterns of various kinds. MILL IRONS furnished tor Grist Mills, Gang, Gate, Circular and MtiU-y saw Mills, besides STEAM ENGINES different sizes and --tvlej .. .1 in fa t almost any kin Castings or Machinery in common use. Sh am Filling* xurti a* Sh am Pi-:>*. Flbotrx, Hi turn Be-id*, Itrdnerr*, t.'onpli git, liiobi- 15//res, Check Valet *, linage Vt. Oil Cup*, IVhhllcs, fyc. always on hand and made to ' hr. He is also prepared to furnish STEAM ROII.ERS of any siz- or kind wanted. Small Castings made In Brass or Composition. Cook ingand Heating Stoves of different sizes manufactured arid for sale at the above works. Furniture for Cooking Stoves and Stove Pip. a I "a." - • n li.rn-L Persons who want GEARING of any kind arc informed that the subscriber lias more pattern- for Gearing than any other concern in this part of the country. They j would be quite sure of finding among hi.- Patterns Gear ing that would answer their wants and thus save delay and expense ia getting up work. He makes also a k.rge variety of Pulleys, Ralanbe Wheels and Cranks, Water Wheels ; also Saw Glimmers, Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes, Iron Fence, Caldrons, Plows, Ac. His equipment of machinery consists of as good tools as are made, and was selected with ;t!ie design of being able to do anyjob which might be offered, whether large or small. In short his elhut has been to get up in all respects a first cla- ; establishment. Terms Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid for Old Pewter and Brittania. Works situated on Main Street near Barclay R. R. Canal Bar n. O. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, April 11. W.l. Proprietor. Si Hi & MM bOSOS AT ARE NOW RECEIVING A LARGE J. V Stock of New Goods, which we offer to cash pur chasers at as low prices as can be found in Bradford County. We would call attention to our highly increased stock of CLOTHS, CASSiMERES & VEST NGS. in great variety, which can be made up by us to order n the most approved style, as well as clothes purchased elsewhere. Also, HUM-HIDE CITSM GEI\ T T3 FURNISHING GOODS, Boots & Shoes, Hots Caps Groceries, Crockery, Yankee Notions, Tinware, Ac. • Most kinds of Farmers' Produce received in ex change for goods. A. WICKHAM & SON. Towanda, Oct. 15, 1862. nsrzETW" I NEW GOODS! I 11. S. MERCUR, Having formed a coparxer ship with HENRY MERCUR, the business will I hereafter be conducted at the Old Stand of H.S. MER GER. under the firm of IIKNRY MERCUR & Co. They are now receiving a new stock of Is wuich was pur chased exclusively for cash, and will be sold as low as the times will permit. Thanking their friends and the public for their former liberal patronage,they respectfully solicit a continuance "of their favors. Towanda, Fe". 2t. 1*63. PLASTER, FOR SALE—Cayuga Ground Plaster lor sale in large or small quantities, at If AVON'S MILLS, in Monroe. All kind- of Grain taken in payment. J. S. SALISBUBY A CO, Monroe .Oct. 22, 1862—tf. HUSfIUSS ITI> WARD T. ELLIOTT, ATTORNEY J A T LA IV, Towanda, Pa. Office over Patehs' store. Towanda, July 23,1862. —ly. rpHOMAS J. INGHAM, ATTORNEY JL A T LA IV, LAPORTK, Sullivan Comity, Pft. HN. WILLIAMS, ATTORNEY A T • LA IV, CANTON PA., will attend to ail busi ness entrusted to his care in thecourtsnf Bradford, Tiog; Lycomg and Sullivan Co's. Soldiers claims aud pensions promptly attended to. June 24, 1862. E. OVERTON, .in G. D. MONTANYE. OVERTON k MONTANYE, ATTOR hi 1-IYS A T LA If—Office iip Union Block,forme y occupied bypJAS. MACFAKLANJS. DR. E. 11. M A SON, PIT YS TCI ANA NL SURGEON, oiIers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine street, where he can always be found when no professionally engaged. D B. PARSONS, ATTORNEY A1 -Xj f.ASV, TROY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over A | M. & H. F. Long's store. Aug- 7,156. ELHANAN SMITH, having returned t Towanda, has opened a Law Oflice over Mercur' I Store. Dec. 1,1867.. AMERICAN HOTEL, TO WANE A, . Pa., (near the bridge.) M. .T CARRIER, Towanda, Nov. 20,1861. Proprietor. DR. 11. WESTON, BEN TIST. permanently located in Tor/and:- i Laoi-TICK one door south of Bailey&Nevcns' Towanda, Feb. lb, 1 O. 11. WOODRUFF-DEIffTIET. "PERMANENTLY located in Towanda.— 1 X Office No. 5, Brick Row. over TL W. NOBLES' Store Entrance one door south of Tracy &Mnores. dee.l.t: F. G-. COEUII3M, A TTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC, ; L\ Towanda, Pa. Office iu the building formerly oc ■ copied by H. li. McKean. t. s, All legal business attended to with promptness as.d ; care; i Towanda, Aug. 20, 1 161-tf. ! P. WILJIOT. . P. p. MOllllOW W!LM.:T St. MORROW, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TOWANDA, PEN'N'A. (Office 'alii;/ occupied by Judge Mercur.) (/ II \Y ATK I NS, having volunteered, and X • gone into the army, the partnership of WTLMOT | &, WATKI.NS i.- disM.ived. The new tin-i of WILMOT .V | M'IRKO'A will- lose up the business of .lodge Mercur and : Wilmit A Wat kin*-, and attend; promptly to any new , busines.! that n .iy be en: rusted to them. Aug. 11, 18112. ; WXRSD HOUSE.' j r pilE Subscribers lio ; ntr leased this well AknwnLb b I for a !i-rni of v.-n-s, wo'ihl inf rm theii I friends and the traveling public, that they will be most ! lmppy to jccoinmod.i i fth-i may favor them with a , c.,11. It will he the aim ol the present proprietors t I make tk" WAUO 1!- ;-v. at once comfortable, pleasant i and liecvful. Yours Truly, | Jan. l ' POWELL k SMITH. McCA[3 E 5 S | CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. lit'loir J. King.siri ids .*/■ /:', Main st. rpilE subscriber would respectfully tender Ills inr-erf ! X thanks to the public for UJC very liberal patronage extend dto him, and solicits at ontiuuance of the same, ile begs leave to assure that he intends t<> keep on hand i as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS ol all kinds, ' the best, the count! \ . fiords wfitvli he intend-- to sell for ' very sioali pr fits, < ither by the ride, quarter or pound. .#"A quantity of first qualit of SALT PORK, put up by- myself, ' heap, by tfie barrel 5r pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place wit- in the corporation, j Towanda, August 12,1659. J MeCABE. £4nyder ITcut o— Ws v srly, 3?-T. "ST. TS A BIIICK HOTEL, Four Stories high, | X (near the Depot,! has eh-g-mt. parlors, large airy I rooms, well iurui.-shed. is owned and conducted by C. : WARFOKD, with a di -ire to ph .i-e first •!- - patronage I (Open i"-r night trains.) Board S3 per week; mea's2s | cents ; h iscs k-pt 50 to 75 els per day. Stages South ; twice a day. Pj>-< r tnins E ist—Express-, 12.52, 10 07 A. M., i Way 2.22, Mail 5.32, P. M., g'-um' West—Express 4.(>2. ; Wa. 0.2: A. M., Aocouimodation 1.22, K.vpre - 1.56, Mail o P. M. G. WA It Foil P. Nov. 25,1662. IIAI la ROAD HOTEL, hie r the B irclau Railroad U rn.inut, TOWANDA, P£N£\S'A. | R. JORDAN re. s P'.t fully informs tht i o the publir t hat he has /- •sd tlie we'l-known tav ' erii L.no loim,-rly occupied by M. T. CARRIER, in tie ! lowei part o! tin* bor-uieh of Towanda, which having : been refitted and thorov. lily re lurni'hcd, he invites the piit-.-anage ol the putilie with every confidence that lie can ivc entire satisfaction to such as may favor him with a call. 1! i- i', \ u will be kept stocked with the best qualities < f LIQUORS, and the best brands of CIGARS. Extensive stabling is connected with the house, and reliable ,:!ti mlmts will only b; kept. No pains or expense w; 1 be spared to deserve the pat r-'isge of the public.— til;- charges will he reasons Inc. Towanda, April 1,1811. CAX&FTOWZr ACABXQO7. 11 hi I'. S. /•'. RHOlVhi, Principal. TIIIE WINTER TERM OF THIS INSTITUTION I will ccmmcnee DECEMBER 1, Ixo2, and continue 16 weeks. ROOKS rsnn. Town's Spoiler, M- .Valley's Geography. Greenlenf's Common School and National Arithmetics, Brown's Grammar. Povies' Algebra, Geometry and Surveying, Parker's Philosophy, Ac. TERMS. Common English Branches f4 00 Higher Branches 5 25 Board convenient at reasonable prices. Camptown. Nov. 13, lsi;2. Eliasou, Greener & Company. T>IANOS k MELODFONS AT GREAT i BARGAINS.—A splendid seven-octave Piano, made by one of the best New-York manufacturers. This pi ono originally cost fliUO, has been used but a little, and will be soul for $l5O. A nc-w seven-octave Piano with all the modern im provements, and warranted for five years, for S2OO. Also twenty live new Melodeons troui the celebrated manufactory of GEO. PRINCE A Co., at prices never heard ot before. CARHART, NEEDHAM & Co's Har mcniums tor Churches Vestries, and Drawing Rooms,at about half the usual price. Kilty new and secondhand pianos tor sale or to lent, and rent applied it pur chased. Sheet Music at Greatly Reduced Prices. reef All who wish to purchase an instrument, will do well by calling iinmediatclv at ELI A SON, GREENER k Co., 51- Water street, Elmira, N. Y. The Argus Book bindery iLg-aiu in Full Operation ! Directly Opposite tlie Post Office. T TTF. have the gratifieatu 11 of announcing to our frfends VV customers, and the public, that we are now pre pared to do BOOK BINDING, in all its Branches in the latest and most approved styles, and on the most favorable terms. £3" Particular attention paidto re-Binding. All work guarranted. as* Country Produce of all kinds taken in payment for work. e-it- Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or pattern, at prices as low as elsewhere. H. C. & D. D. WHITAKER. Towanda, March 11.1863. IrUK.UEKS, f'CLI'I YATORS AND LO VERS OF GOOD POTATOES—The celebrated •• (larnet Chili " Potatoes, selected by Goodrich in a thir teen years' experiment from more than ten thousand new seedlings, possess a higher degree of hardiness and adap tation to all soils and weather than any other sort. They are round, ripen with the season, grow closely in the hill, do not push out of the soil, are very smooth and beautiful, have white flesh and in most localities have been pronounced t lie finest and best potato for table use. In good --oils and seasons and with tair cultivation, they will readily yield from 250 to 350 bushels to the acre, and in some hands have exceeded even those figures Secure seed now—several bushels for sale. Inquire at DR. PORTER'S DRUG STORE, T, nda, Fa. Jan. 27,1961. jMMMjWapMajjgpißMMß B— w ■aaraaeattMßflMMMßi V />/?. PORTER'S OLD DRUG STORE, Alreadyadmitted to be Tlic largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITU An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its faculties and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, whodevote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, arid use only selected arti cles, and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become V TIES SMijj ©M QTrSBB With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,! ALL AKTJCLJ£*i WARRANTED AS KEFHKSLNTED. By recent arrangements with the MarriCirturer?, Tmpor ters or 1* ir-t If - odors of (foods and (."ash Purcha ses, the prices wiil always be at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN I U CE D , VI7. : Of £onps, Perfumery, Bru>ln's, Combs, | Pocket *Ziiivcs and Hazoxs, Lumps and Materials for Lipid. TRUSSES k SUPPORTERS, WINIS AND LIQUORS,' CMY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin ft Iloir Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclcrhr., lit'-ivir ovd IJonurnyathic lihdiri./ips Spice*. /.'■ rf S>?, /.amp Shade* and Garden Seeds. FL>ii TACKLE. AM A-. Constituting t'.e ,-ont!e<. s ...f ...-ni. cmbraciti" thi* gr, .it "■ anls }i ry-tciij. I'R. POUTER'S i ■'.) \ L OIL. D PORTER'S CA.Mi'ULXK • ! i. PORTER'S AL< THIOL! DR. PORTER'S IH'EXING FLUID! j Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in th* | . L. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATION'S Par X'arrily Use, Known as Safe an.! Reliable Remedies, are warranted fo what tut j- are intended to give satisfaction viz : Dr. Porters Pectoral Syrup p r ,- ( . c ,-q cent „ | Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation • 25 •*' I Dr. Porter's Tonic Uixcr '• ,-q << Dr Porter's Worm Syrrp " 25 " I ' Dr. Porter's (' omp. Syr. Hypopliosphites.. " 100 " • ! Dr. Porter's Ct-i .if ■ni.- •< g-y << j' Dr. Porter's 111... krry Ralsam " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops •• 25 " j Dr. Porter's C. phalic Snuff. <* 2.) " Dr. Porter's T >.ith Powder •' 25 " Dr.Porter'sTricogene 25 .. Dr. Porter - Tri ■ i*iilc " 25 " Dr. Porter's shampoo . 25 " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion " 1:74 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 Dr. Porter's IE 1 Rag Poison 05 '• Dr. Porter's Black ink . . << 05 0 ' Dr. Porter'.- cleansing Fluid ' <• •j'7l •< Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison ... . . "25 " | 'Dr. Porter's < ittvte Mr.eiiesia 25 " Dr. Porter's W >rm Waters " 25 " >lcdical Advice given gratnifotisiy at the ofticr' Charging only for Medicine. W3-Thnnkfu! for ict liberal p tronnyc- would respect | full 3 announce to his friends and the public that no pains | shall be sp: red to s-iti-fy and merit the continuance of j tiieircoatidcuce and patronage, at the Cash TJfup: Store ! I—' 1 —' ( orner of Main and Pint streets. Towanda, Sept. 5, 1 -ml. j t HOTEL KEEPERS,' DRUGGISTS. FARMERS, AXD ALL WHO WANT I 1 1 1 ts=£> tskl t-k. W 4*'' ; * I I HAVE jiwt received from tlie Citv, ' Large Stock of M'ORTEI) PURE LIQUORS, i of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS lias been pur ' chased for C ASH, directly from the Importers, wherebv I am enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LO\\ IIIt PRICES than were ever be ore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine mv stock before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have facilities foi purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE inv goods at New York 1 WHOLESALE PRICES! Resides my Liipton are warranted pure and unndultcr ! ated. 1 liavc also ou hand the Largest Stock and Great' est Variety of Ever brought to Towanda, which having been ptirchasce directly from the Manufacturers and Importers, enabld j me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists ot the i city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invites , to an exam'mati 'n of my entire stock ol Liquors, Clears . and To' acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will he kept constantly on hand, at prices I.OWKIt than elsewhere in this town. Confident that I ain enabled to sell my entire stock of ' Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods I can he purchased this side of the City, I respectl'nTlv so j licit the public to an examination at So. 5, Brick Row. H. W. NOBLE. Towanda, June I t. lfifiO. pHAIR BEBDTEAD A FURNISHING \J W.USEROOM.-JAMES MAKIXSON respectfully informs the public that he has again taken charge ot his old establishment and will manulacture & keep on hand at all times a stock of CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, W-ishstands. Table-. Ac.. Ac., of different styles and prices, suited to the wants of the country, lie ask the attention ot those wishing to I bny to the articles kept by him, as : -i" jg'.l > he is determined that in the quality s,v-j c of his work, the excellence of mate- ; Ofe rial and tlie price not to be ouutdon I JL by any establishment. Beingsatis fied that the READY , PAY system is the best for both purchaser and seller, his business will be conducted upon that system. lie will, however, take in exchange for work, all kinds of Country Produce, at the market price Ofall kiuds, done to order, in the best manner, at reason- i able rates, and on short notice. ar The Undertaking Department will he conducted, as usual, by Mr. Makinson who is prepared with a new and splendid Hearse to attend to all calls in his liue. Towanda, Apri12,1863. iflTcvchantinc, .Vc iGUEAPNESS, STYLE i|[|jj| NOW IS YOUR riMr TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOU!? OWN PRICES PROCLAIM IT TO THE P EO p LF , T UST RECEIVED—A W, s „ , " *' FALL AND WJXTERCLOTHIW* °f Klmira Branch Clothing Mere. SuvkYo/ii . 'XVi deliberately, that he takes tie foiexnost otYf- V *"4 Merchants ot Towanda. Il!e Olothin® Eigtheen hundred and sixty-one has light and beauty ol Spring shines upon u •' >• radiant s-londor. I shall continue to".l|Y",'! h ali >U Cash, cheaper than any other man, as m ' V : r bought cheap for cash, and they will be * fl . cash. J >e s01(i cheap f or My goods are all manufactured in Elmi™ i can warrant them well made. Euou"h r tlio^cfore, l have everything in the line of ° to s y, I CLO THI XG i GENTS FURNISHING GQOJ33 H ATS CAPS, &C., J That is kept in any other Store in "t'vvn My banner is on the breeze, " And l<>ng may it wave O'er the land of the free, And the home of th° brave ' While her Stars and Strines Shine out like sun, 1 Toiling all the n .tior.s 1 hat I* reedom s bee in.'" This a free eormtry; therefore it Is fr r their trading where they can do the i, t ' *' " r ! '!■> the cross and sow looks of eld fogy merchantf'" " f yon to come and see me—country as well ,' .V invited—every person, rich or pom" b : -■< r.r'Y"'" free are Invited to call. 1 ,g or lo *.bond M Come one, come all, and stop ronrspetd V, eve Goods enough for a b " la< , i ' The boys, themselves, ire at tl.'-ir posts And they alone -t. ' (1 cr other (balers in this to.vn, These same boys have won it;,own For selbng the cheapest vial the i And si iling more than all the rest * ' Hurrah! hurrah 1 o'er hill a d plain, Ar c: t m i tiiiiuks, and r ill .1 *.i'i A moi.g our assortments v .u'lT|'wavs find Cmods to St. and please the mind. " ' Wc'r , n ,1.,.. and alwav.s •, ■ - To sell our Go ds, and e7rn a shi'Tingt Bo hoi I your horses, and come this way. >\ e snail be gl id to aee yon any j ly .U .mHNMIiI AM-s J-' IT s Up Store, Main Street, T< wanda pi V B—-We wwh to be understood, that we ire nude:--..P1 by any man. .r combination ot mm. ' a>y No charge for showing our Goods. Towanda. March 12*862. -LCOILV I'iO COMPROMISE! AT THE THTsfiM TJsHuVTV 7tii Li Li kiii' Located at Towaiuln. Paisa'a. G2DRS3T~^icCA3iJ WOT LI) INFORM IIIS FRIENDS T and the people ol Bradford county in general, that be has purchased the Marble Yard fomcrlj owned fe I I'.ior ,t i a-.i. and has, added to his stock a lai-tav s>/i ". oeiit ut ' 0 American and Foreign Marble. :U '* the public to see his J.irge stock b . re pur '■' '~'"o c.scn 11 ere. as he has the iu-grs sp k tv-riir i county. ( ustomers purchasing at tlie shop or sendisc their oruci-s will save at leastso peroent. andnotta troubled with agents looking alter grave e the corpse >s i, ;n ed, and who are not rf ..... c ~t - and and set what von are getting. Havim/ .u„ ness tor the last 2d years. In ihe city of Philadelphia hi intends to ke< a•. triety alwavs cui'liami \j >• a ties. Vo Yard "Posts, li,,d ~:2i roinbs at city pre 99m Yard on Main street, opposite Gen. Patt n's M- B. Alterations and Repairing promtitlv t led Towarda Pee l c .i,tl. TIW ' : T sTn nw \- 1.1 ell tlicst* secll) only to in.Tp.tse the X business and prosperity of the Old Fouudry aai &2AC ; KirJI3 EHC*', (South side of l'ine st.. „ n e door East ol n. S. M r cur's Store.) The undersigned would rail the attention of all cob cerncd to the fact, that lie is prepared to do, and trill it cite w'ua entrusted to him with dispatch,and in ih most workman-like manner. l-'lT'i I NI I hi' Mil.l. ! ROXS, KEPAIRI.VC STEAM EX(i I N 1 11 din t ,ie -: iipa -t to the must -.ini,li■ -ate 3 any of their parts, and WARRANTED to give -ati-tac tion. l'l.OMs always on liand of the most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantial manner. 1 ?:i vi• i;; ecc-nt:;, atbh-i! considerably to his i;l . 't'es doing v. ' iami employing experi< need wuikm' , . , i ia every \i: ~:cnt, lit- is that he ctnt -ati.-t'yal who favor him with their patronage. " JOIIX C A UMAX. Towanda. Oct. l.">, lsr>o. Cfcal, HiK.e, Cry cat, Tire Ericfc. Drain <&c. r ril FRF is n Lime Kiln nf tin* Harclnj X Basin, in Towanda, where is keptroa staidly tor sal . fresh burnt I! hi!- l.itnr. madeuom till best quality ol Xew York lime stone at 2~> cents per bushel,or SI per barrel, headed up in barrels, and i-i cents per bushel for slacked lime. I.iute shipped on bolts at Towanda without additional charge. Also SjncH II uter l.ir.iP i' ?1 2 > per barrel, and Fire lirn'k at * cents each. Diuin 'J iirx 2, .1 ami 4 inch til. -at 2.2 and t vents per loot, a very nice article for draining bud or about dwellings. Ilarelety ('out at t2 'fl per ton for Lump Coal s-d 00 per t u tor Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at 25 cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay Coil Company, Towanda. J. MACFARLANE. Towanda. Oct. 0. 1302. Gen. Superintendent-^ Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF FURXIJURE JLND CHAIRS- AjS*l'' ■ W HAVING greatly increase ' mvfortr"' of Cabinet Ware and ('hairs.! J® '"•'Wdetermined to dispose t theseae.-i!m>-- tions rapidly, and with that design ofl'er all articles >• unprecedented low prices, for Cash. Good Sofas at $lO to S2O, fine Cane Seat Chairs 75 f' s * each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. I have now more than 00 different patterns of l >■* Bureaus Desks for the tanner or men-hunt, I.fikw Glasses nooking giass t'lates,Portrait tnd i'ictnre ira of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corner-. -■ patterns ot Stands ; extension, dining.tea and we' ou in a city Ware house. i A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a g"' u * Hearse ready, at-all times. " .v Purchasers wiil be sure to find the right place. side of the public square, one door east ot Moniaioe-- Towanda. Dec. 1.1859. CHESTER WEtus. liWSS IHSUIiICE El. OFFICE OVER THE WYOMING BAN'K WILKES-BARRE, PENN'A CAPITAL AND SURPLUS Will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire on ty in Town or Country, at reasonable rates- c , m i ' Dtaia lOits G M. Hallenl.ack.John Wadhains, L. D. Shoemaker, D.G. Dresliach. bt •• w [{, |). Lacoe, Geo. P. Steele, W. W. Ketcham, l-n Donauce, Win. S. Ross, G. M. Harding. , G. M. HOI.I.E.NBACK. Preside" 1 - L. 1). SHOEMAKER, > :ee 1 reMd • R. C SMITH. See'y. W. G.Stkklinu, Tieasurer. „ . , irv . ,„ n t. HOMER CAMP. A? eBl " Application for Insurance in the following Cvn'l 1 * B received. ♦ t° 2G5 FuJHm Insurance Company, New A ork, ( ash Capital, ••••■• tin wOfl* Royal Insurance Company, Capital lu - Liverpool A Loudon Insurance Company. . Capital *" - I.lt'E JKSrRAXCE. I Connecticut Mutual, Assets, Camptown, Nov.s, 1862.