Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 23, 1863, Image 3

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Temperan'c The had weather render
stponcment of Mr. PAYNE'S Lecture advisable—
]ectnre on Monday evening next, at the Court
2* We bespeak for him a full attendance.
NOTICE. —In consequence of the Na
-1 past, ordered by the President of the United !
on Thursday, April 30th, 1563. the Sheriffs sales j
fur that day, will be continued to Friday, the
0 f jj;,y, 1863, at the same place and time of day.
{:sl J ' A. 11. SPALDING, Sheriff.
Inasmuch as the official duties as conn j
, superintendent of the undersigned, will close on the |
■ t of May. i* L very desirable that the four month's
"t'licates nnd annual reports be all forwarded to his
,g,j belore that time, in order that he may close up i
![ie whole business of the year during his term. It is
nfideutly expected that directors will give attention
Jtbis C.R. COBURN.
JFR EMIRSD COMPTON, the American Dyer, late ot New
Y or fc ri: v, has come to Towanda to make It his perma
.... We welcome Mr Ccmpton among ns. and ;
to- J be may find it both pleasant and profitable to re
-8.,:n The introduction of any new branch of business, j
■\e his, benefits a community. A Dyeing establishment ■
has long been needed in this vicinitv. Mr. C., wc nader
itand. has leased for a term of years, the large and com. j
-odious building on Bridge Street formerly occupied as |
Saloon and Grocery, for the purpose of carry- •
logon Plain and Fancy Dyeing in alt is various branch- j
f3 We took occasion to call at his establishment, on |
Monday last, and we must say we were highly pleased j
with tl'-'- various specimens of his work. There is no j
9 Aoubt but what he throughly understands his business, j
He w ill dye your garments any color you may desire. — |
14 fl' c ac ]vise all having work to be done to call at his es- j
• .b-Lmeiit. 1 ,haiue for themselves. We were shown j
5 Teat quantity of splendid Broclia Shawls which had
•ecn cleaned and just taken from the press, and to us j
they appeared like new. Also, Moreno, Silk and Crape
Shawls, I.ndirs' Silk. Moreno and Delane Dresses, Cloaks, j
Mantillas, Table Fpieads, Ac., Ac. Also, a la-ge q an-;
itv sn-J variety of Gentlemens' apparrel, all to be clean- 1
tdr colored. We bespeak for Mr. Compton a fair trial
with bis chemicals and dyes, feeling confident that he
willfully sustain our predictions. He comes among us i
highly recommended. D j
20, SAP ACCIPF.NT — The Owppo Gaz tie
JIYS " Oil Saturday afternoon last, Mr. WM. G. BOST- i
wicx. na employee in the Bri ge Shop of this village, i
was thrown ba- kwaris upon a circular saw. His head
passed so near the saw as to cut his hat badly ; then his ;
right arm struck it and was cut completely off about live
inches below the elbow.
The arm was promptly amputated and dressed by Dr.
DANIELS, assisted by Dr. ARNOLD, and lie is now d ing j
weil and seems likely to recover.
Having known Mr. Dostwick from his boyhood, we are
enabled to bear testimony to his unilorm ha : its of indus
try and strict morality, and the good character he has
always in -iiituini d 111 the community ; and we sincerely
tympatize with liini and bis family iu this great and irie"
parable misfortune.
—INCENDIARISM.— EarIy in the evening of Saturday ,
h-t the barn of Mr. I'KESLKVED IIINI.S. on the Apalarhin
("reek, was set <-n fire, but being discovered before the
Ore had made much progress, it was easily extinguished •
— if*'.- wkich Mr. Dines turned out two cows that were j
ia the stab'e. and retired, noi supposing that the miscre- j
~nts would have sufficient boldness to return and renew I
the attempt; but iater in the nigut they did return , and
j'ter d.iviisg the cows back into the stable, -gain set the
Urn un lire, aud it was burned to the ground with all |
if* contents !
following Bill has passed the Xew
York Legi.-lature :
An Act to provide tor the extension of the Chenango ca- I
na! from its termination at or near the village of Bing
liamtou, to the North Branch canal, at the State line : j
SrcTiox I. The caual Commissioners shall, from time j
lo time, as funds shall no appropriated, extend the Che
nango canal from its present termination at or near the j
village 11 Binghamton down the Susque hanna valley .by I
the most adva tageous loutcs, to the State line near Ath- :
ens, Pennsylvania, so as to connect the same with the
North Branch caual of Pennsylvania ; said extension j
shall be let by cor tract, at the lowert price, with adc- j
quale secuiiiy lor its per ormance, imblic notice being :
gl'cn of the letting*, according to tke provisions of the
§2. Said extension shall be of the same width and ;
depth and size of structures as the Chenango canal.
rpt so far as improvements in permanency, or ;
otherwise, may be obtained, without increasing the cx- j
and w ithout interfering with the usefulness aud i
permanency id Uie work.
§3- But no expenditure shall be made nor allowed un- :
der this act. until the State of Pennsylvania, or a corn- |
pny u| reliable responsibility, incorporated under Its
LIT- shall satisfy the canal hoard of this state that ample
' End certain provisions have been made to complete a
navigable canal lrom the said State line down to and
Dr-n a connection with the North Branch cr.uul, at r-r
Lcr.r the village of Athens in said state ot Pennsylvania.
At Orwell Parsonage, ou ti.o IJiii ins:., by Rev. J. A.
RI-IEI-I. GE.IRGEN. BARTON, of Ap.lacLin, and
Ia Terry, April 'sth. bv Rev. J. 11. P>s. Mr. GEORGE
RICH Alt 08 to Miss LUCY WKLLEc, both at Terry
35 ZED,
In Sylvania borough, 0:1 the sth inst .H ARIET PRINCE,
aget' 59 years, a resident ot Itume twp.
Mrs. PRINCE was on a visit to her son, David Prince,
A was suddenly atta ked with chronic inflammation,suffer
ing most intensely for a few days. Thus she passed away
leavii g a large concourse of friends to mouru her loss,
yet they do not mourn as those without hope, as she had
been a professor of tire religion of Jesus Christ for some
thirty Tears, and had adorned her profession by a well
ardored and devout lite. May the !.< v d grant that wc may
be prepared to meet her in the land of bliss.
In Springfield, on the morning of the 3d u!t..after a pain
ful illness uf about seven months duration, which wa
bovne with christian resignation, Mr. BARNARD
NEWELL, in the 701 h year of his age
Mr. NEWELL was born Iu the State of Vermont, and
emigrated to this place from New Hampshire, in ISIO,
w b-en hut a youth. From that time until his death (with
the exception of about three years speut iu the State of
New- York) , he lived on the same farm, where, with liis
father, he found a home when the township was almost
a wilderness, inhabited by wild beast, with an occasion
a'- opening made by human hands with perhaps a log
cabiu in the centre. He has lived to see the forest clear
ed away and the wilderness to become a fruitful field. —
The disease cf wh'ch lie died was dropsy, turminating
m consumption. As a neighbor, he was kind and oblig
)D o i as a husband, he was always pleasant and cheerful.
Be has left a widow to travel ou in the journey of life
aioue, having no children to comfort her in her declin
" The memory of the just is blessed.''
In Portage, Wis., on the 3lh nit., ' LARA AUGUSTA,
youngest daughter of Isaac SV. and Eunice ,K. Bacon,
aged 3 years, 3 months and 8 days.
My seraph child ! what precious hopes in thee were
garnered up !
4V,th thy sweet love how fraught with bliss seemed Life's
enchanted cup !
GOD made thee, O, so perfect 1 and now mine eye hath
An end of all perfection in this wreck of what hath been.
" 0 what a pure repose is there ! what mild unconscious
emanating from that calm and lovely spirit face !
And look at that fair postura—Just a little turned aside,
Ar! htn ietc be: tleeeping : cot If ay ciiij hsi iie£
In my great grief, ray blessed Lord bath this assurance
That tis imposed for discipline, and not for punishment;
And this dear saying shall assuage and soothe my sorrow
" He doth not willingly afflict nor grieve" His erring !
" And though I turn from that low grave bereaved and
My BOIT iw, sanctified by Him. will work another weight;
An endless and exceeding weight of glory and of bliss,
Transcending, in that holy world, the sorrow borne in
" Beside her blessed Saviour now. and like him undefilcd
A ransomed snow-white little laiub, there roams my ra
diant child ;
Death hath no more dominion o'er her glad and silve.
And her lair enfranchised spirit doth unspeakably rejoice
On Saturday ISth inst., of diabetis, JACOB BUTTY, el
de-t son of Ezra Rutty, of the 141 st Regiment, P. V.,
aged 20 years.
-L BRADFORD COUNTY. The undersigned, a
teacher of i>vtablihed merit nnd large expern-tice, would
respectfully beg the privilege of presenting his name as
a candidate for the County Stiperintendency for the en
suing ycr. As the School Law requires that you select
a person of experience in teachinsr. as well as of scientif
ic attainments lie hopes his claim, as to qualification.
may receive your niost careful '•.iin i ideralion. Iu regard !
to qualification you are respectful' v referred to the form- }
er buperintendeuti, C. R.C'BUR.V and E Grvi'" '
Tusesrrv r i * "'*? 2!
April, 8.1C2.
Opposite IVlcntanyes Store.
0 tions. Li tter. No e. Cap and Legal Cap Paper, En- !
velopes. all sizes and kinds. Pens, Pencils, Peulnjidors !
aud Ink, Ink Stands, Ac., Ac.
JL CES, from $2 25 to $8 25.
J large and small. AT Till! NEWS ROOM.
JL OL'IST Ep'scopal and Farmer's Almanacs,
Jubilee, Diapason, Oriental Glee Book. Ac.,
i -if.l. Monthly, Godey's Lady's B>ok, Peterson's, Ar
i thur's, Continental, Atlantic, Eclectic, and Baliou's.
X lirocuring back numbers n! Magazines to complete
' volumes. AT THE NEWS ROOM.
I\J AZINES— 2S volumes—for sale, or any part of
j \J lor youth, AT THE NEWS ROOM.
i if WEEKLY, by the single copy or year
' kA ered ill New York, in pamphlet hum
I XV duct of the War, for sale
ing Paper. Perforated Board, Tissue Paper, 15! t
ting aud all other kiniD,
-1 1 LIE'S „ N'ew York Illustrated, Budget of Fun,
Comic Monthly, Phunny 1 bellow, for sale
i r\. from New Y'oik and received in three days
i .-lion ot the Act of Kb May. 18*4. you are hereby 110-
j tifi d to meet in Convention, at the Court House, iu T >-
Iwa i!a, ou the first M u iay in May. V i>. Is 3,fn ing tire
j 31 day of the month, at 1 o'clock in the aft moon, and
J select, vtvn voce, by it majority of the whole number of
j Directors present, of literary and K ientitie acquirements,
1 artd of skill aud experience in the ait of tc; rhing. as
i County Superintendent, foe iUetb.-e succeeding y.-ars ;
i delet til'tie the amount of eomnensatiou lor the sanse :aitd
| • i-rti'v the result to the State Slij EI " ' *:*'*, Dxirio
i bttrg, as requited by the 39th and 40th sections of said
' ■ f" Tt CO BURN,
County Snpcrintcnt of Bradford County,
i April 2.1563.
~FOE/ S^-X_.E.
it A . now occupied by tlie suiiseriber, is offered for
] sale. The lreu-e is substa -tially built, is two stories high
I with a basement, and is conveniently arranged, and well
' finished. It is fitted to accomodate L" rders. There is
] upon the lot a good well, a couvenici new barn. np|i!c,
I cherry, peaches, plutn , and pear tre ' s, nnd a variety ot
I grapes. It can be exchanged, on fa teni:°, lor a small
• lann that has good buildings upon 1. , ir if sold lor cash
• time will be given.
Inquire o! F. G. COBURN, atth '' irrrrer office ot E.W.
Baird, or of C. It. COBURN.
Tuwatnla. March 17. 1863.
A liargc and Extensive Assortsnmt cS
i ! ! of Landlords, Saloon Keepers. Druggists and the
| Public in general, to our large and extensive stock of
| Foreign aud Domestic Wines and Liquors, now in store.
I comprising everything in that line and of the best quali
ty, purchased before the great rise. We defy competi
! lion. as we can fc eli less than the goods can be purchased
now in the city, by 25 percent. We now have in store
j 50 Pipes and Bbls. ot Double Swan. Grope Leaf, and
. Palm lree Gin ; 50 Casks Otard, Iloclielle and Signette
; Brandies ; 25 Casks Pott. Malaga. Maderia and Catawba
I Wines ; 106 Bbls. Old Borlion, Wheat, Rye and Malt
j Whiskies ; Jamaca. St. Croix and New England Ruin ;
| Raspberry and Gome Syrups ; Cordials. Bar Fixtures,
! Bottles, Flask*. Jugs, &c. Any quantity of the above
i Liquors iu bottles by the dozen for Druggists use.
Our Rye Whiskey we can warrant pure, as they are
1 distilled und r our own supervision ; and we can safely
1 guarantee thein free from any adulteration. Solh-itiiig
i the patronage of those who have so liberally bestowed it
on us heretofore, and also of all good customers in getter
I al, we hope by fair dealings to merit a continnence 01 tin
j same R. G. CRANS & CO.
j Waverly, March 23,18C3.
N. B.—Orders by mail promptly attenned to and for
wdardeo in short notice—n 43.
ly given that all persons indebted to the est ite of
11. K. Smith, late of Smithfieid twp., dee'd., are req ;st d
to make payment without delay, and those hiving 1 laims
against said estate uuit present them duly authenticated
for settlement. LAURA A. SMITH,
Apt*! 7. IW# Exemtrir
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
k_" writs of Fi. Fa., issued out of the court of Common
Pleas and to me directed, will we exposed to public sale,
| at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda.on Thura
j day, the 30th day of April, 1R63, at 1 o'clock, P. M..
' the following described lot, piece, or parcel of land, sit
uate in Sheslieqmn twp., beginning at a corner on the
line of Jerome Giilett lot, being the N E corner of Sam
uel Owens' Will lot. thence north 60° cast 58 perches to
the N W corner of V E & J E Piollett's land thence along !
the same, south 2s° ea.-t 121 perches to a corner on the !
east bank of the little Wvsox creek. thence south 80° w !
17 610 perches to a corner near the public highway lead- |
ing to Piolett's mill, thence along highway and lands of I
north 70° west 50 perches to a corner—l
thence north 55° west 12 perches to a comer, thence j
along line of Samuel Owens' mill lot, north 2s* west, fid
perches, or thereabouts, to the place of beginning, con
taining 35 acres and 39 perches, more or less, about 16
acres improved, with a trained house, and a shed and
fruit trees thereon
ALSO—Oue other piece of land in Sbcslieqnin andWy
sox twps.bounded north by land ol Joseph Spencer, east
by V E & J E l'iollett, south and west by Wm McKee—
containing about 2 acres, part improved, l>eipg the same !
lot ou which Spencer's saw mill formerly stood.
Seized and token inexecu ion at the suit of J Holmes i
& S Strickland vs Jo.-eph M Spencer.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parrel of j
land situate in Rome twp., beginning at the south east J
corner of lot now in possession of Daniel Itussell. Thence i
north 4 0 west along the > ast line of said Russell 66J pet
elm* to a stake and stones, thence east 75 perches to a {
stake and stones corner ol S Minier, thence along said
line south 6CJ perches to a stake and stones for a corner, j
thence north 83° west, 73 6-10 perches to the place of be- i
ginning, containing 30 acres, more or less being part of j
a lot ol'land sold and deeded by Wm B Clymer by Ms:
Attorney. M Jleylert to Julius A Vannest bearing date
j Way 3.1853, with about 15 acres improved,
i ALSO—one other lot. piece or parcel of land sitnate|in
I Rome twp.. beginning at the north-east corner of a lot
| deeded to Warren Baker, thence east 61J perches to a
j i,o- the south-east corner of the Daniel Eiklcr lot.thence
j south 62 pcrcnes to a beecli tree, thence west 61£ perch-
I es to the south-east corner ol the said Raker lot; thence
i north 62 perches to the place of beginning: Containing
] 22 acres A. 38 perches, more or less, about IS improved,
with a trained house, framed barn A fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Peter
j Voiight vs Michael Thompson.
| ALSO—The following described piece, or parcel of
I land situate in Shcshequin twp., beginning at the north
! east corner of the C R Rice lot, No 26, thence east 106
i 410 perches to a post on the south line of Cornelius i
| Vancise's bit, thence, thence south 01 6-10 perches to the I
j north-east corner ot a lot marked on the map to Elijah |
j Townsend thence west. 106 4-10 perches to fhe north- j
j west corner ol said lot, marked to E. Townsend, thence j
! north 94 610 perches to the place of beginning. Con- j
I tabling 624 ucies, more or less, about 35 acres improved, '
■ with a trained houoc, framed barn, and orchard of fruit J
■ trees thereon.
i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Myers Os- j
j borne vs. John Randall.
j ALSO—The following described lot, piece,or parcel of j
j land situate in Franklin twp., bounded north by land of
i Daniel Green, Jr., east by land of Brown A Rockwell, |
1 south by G. B. Park, west by-J. Green. Containing !
; about 2n acres, all improved.
j ALSO—One other piece of land in Franklin township, j
' bounded north by land ol E. 1). Montanye, east by Brown ;
| A Rockwell, south by the highway aud west by Daniel !
| Green, Jr.. containing about thirty acres with about four
! acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown A
i Rockwell vs. William Williams and Samuel P. Williams,
j ALSO —The following described lot, piece or parcel ol
I land situate in Ulster township. Bradford couuty, and
j State ol Pennsylvania, bounded as follows: Ou the
I north by lands of Charles Smith, on the east by lauds of
i Patrick Kaighn, on the south by lands of C. F. Welles.
; Jr.. and on toe west by T. Holcomb, it being the soutj
! part of iot No. 1, MI the lotting survey of C. P. Welles,
; Jr.'s land in Ulster township, containing 61 acres and
] 72 perches, more or less.
j Seized and token in exeAition at the suit of C. F. :
j Welles. Jr. vs D. C. Hodges.
ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of!
! land situate in Windham twp., bounded as follows : Be- j
' ginning at the most northerly corner of said b t, tlience
! south 42° and 2t> tnin. east 179 per. by land of A. M'Kee
to a bircli sapling, thence north 8* A 0 west 10 7 10 per., |
i thence south 14° west 8 per., thence north B*J° west 20 |
| per. by land ol*A. Brant, thence north 14° east 8 per., |
' thence north Bs4° west 33 per. by land of L. Brown j
| thence north 43y west I3l£pcr. by land of NjTyrrelland
: D. David.-on, thence north 414° west 49 per. to the place
I of beginning. Containing 50 acres aud 12 rods, more or j
! less, about 30 acres improved, with a board shanty and j
i an old barn thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate j
' in Windham twp., beginning at a stake and stone comer j
bct.n en the lands of Nelson i yrell and I>. Davidson,.said j
comer being the south side o! the highway which runs I
from the Davidson farm through to Asa M'Ket's, thence j
north 16° east 60 per., thence north 45° east 16 2-10 per. j
, by said Davidson's laud, thence south 434° east fiSj per. j
; by the Albright farm, thence S 79° west 45 per., thence j
! smith 424° west 314 per. to the centre ot tho highway, |
to the place of beg fan ing. Containing 10J acres, more ]
or less.
Seized and taken in execution at three suits of James i
! Moure vs. Isaiah Walker.
i ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of j
; land situate in Dike twp. bounded on the north by land !
1 of Samuel Whcaton, east by the public highway." south j
■ bv said highway and laud of Alba Dimon, Harry Wilson, !
j ami Almond west by land of Orison Pease. !
■ Containing 160 acres, more or less, about 65 acres im '
proved, with I t ranted house, 2 framed barns with .-beds j
| attached, a covnhousc and granary, and un orchard ol j
j fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel
j Whcaton vs. Charles Dimon and J 11. Carey.
ALSO— Ihe following described lot, piece or parcel of,
land situate in Albany, bounded north by land of Ashley j
j Lodd. south and west by land conveyed to the heirs of j
Hiram S. Wilcox by Freeman Wilcox, east by land con- j
1 veyed by Freeman Wilcox to L'hiletus 11. V" ieox. Con-
I taming 14 acres of land, all improved, with a framed
1 building formerly u>ed as a store, now occupied lor a
j dwelling, and a board shed thereon.
ALSO—one other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in Albany twp.. bounded as follows : Beginning ut a post
on the line oi land belonging to Freeman Wilcox, thence
• running south 36° east 175 per. and i links to a post,
1 '.hence running by land in possession of John Hanson,
! south 61° west 6'i per. to a } ost, thence by land occupied
< by Moses A. Ladd north 30° west 148 per. to a post,
I thence by land of the same north 6l° east 54 per. to a
i post, tl-.ence by land of the same north 30° west 40 per.
i to a post, thence by land ol the same north 584 east .
| 16 7-10 per. to a post, thence running south 36° east 13|
! per to a post, theace running north ssA° east 15 per. and
j 7 links to the place of beginning. Containing 70 acres
j and bO perches, with allowance, being part of two tracts
j of land taken ont in the name ol Elizabeth Rush aud Ma
| ry Robb, and patented to Samuel Wallis. March 16,1795.
laud convive! by Wallis .and wire by indenture dated
t 7.1765, as ~er deed front Deed Book, No. 48 page
! 14, fn m Freeman and Claiibda Wilcox to the heirs of
I Hiram Wilcox, with about forty acres improved • inn. •
I ed house, I rained barn, corn house and a tew fruit trees
1 thcieon.
Seized and taken in execution at tiic suit of Welles A
! Acklcy vs. 11. W. Wilcox and F. N. Wilcox.
, ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
I to- d .itnste in AUcny twp., bounded on the north by
I land ot D. bteriger,"east and south by the J. S. Cantp
( bell farm, west by the public highway. Ci ntaining 34
: acres, more or less, ail improved, with 1 trained house,
tramed stare house, framed bain,framed blacksmith ; hop
a steam saw mill, und an oar factory thereon, with saws,
latiies, Ac.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Harnett
i A. Scott vs. W. Lancaster and J. B. Steriger.
Aiso, at the suit of Harriett A. Scott vs. \V. Lancaster,
! R. 1). Lancaster and Russell Miller.
A LSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfieid twp., bounded north by land
of George Griffiths, east by land of James and William
I Gibson."south by land known as the William Gorslinc
i mill property, west by land occupied by E. Brogue. Con-
I tainitig acres, more or less, about 30 acres improved,
j with a framed house, framed barn, shingle mill, and a
| young orchard of fruit trees thereon,
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Plynn
Phelps, Jr.. vs. Atnos Griffiths.
Also, at the suit oi Jno. Ward's use vs. Amos Griffiths, j
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in SmithSeld twp.. bounded north by land
of Rice Palmer, east by land occupied by E. Urague,
! south by land ot Sidney Looniis, west by laud of Plynn
Phelps and son. Containing 44 acres, more or less, about
25 acres improved, with a framed house, framed barn,
and a few iruit trees thereon.
, Seized at d taken in execution at the suit of C. T. Mer
; ry to the use of Charles Knapp vs. A. J. Griffiths.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Canton tv p., bounded as follows : Begin
ning at a beech, running thence south 10° uest 129 5 10
i rods to a post, thence ire.rtli 79° west 79 rods to a sugar
I maple tree, tlieuee north 1° east 99 rods to a post, thence
I north *2£° f"sst 100 rods to the place of beginning. Con
| taming 61 acres, more or less, being the same lot of land
, Conveyed by Z. Armstrong and wife to C. E. Ruthbone,
j abont 46 acres improved, with a log house, log shed,
I and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. E. Rath
bone vs. Elisha Burdick and Harriett Burdick.
j ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Armenia twp.. bounded north by land of
1 Geo K. Russell, west by Harry Covert, south by Peter
j Co'fc and John Youman, east by BUT Wood and Tho
-1 mas Hul.-lander. Containing 125 acres, more or less,
about 20 acres improved, with a log house, log barn, and
a tew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Ben
son vs. Sumner Rice.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Shcshequin twp., bounded as follows : Be
ginning at the north-east corner of a ten acre lot deeded
to Mrs. M. Chandler, thence east 97 perches to a beech,
the north-west corner ot lot No. 39, thence south 68 per
ches TO the north-east corner of a twenty five acre lot
I deeded o Edsall, thence 141 perches to the north-west
i corner of said Edsall's lot, thence north 25 perches to the
6outh-west corner of the said Chandler lot, thence east 44
perehes to the south east corner of the Chandler lot,
tltecse rsr'-t 43 psrebe? to tte-plaoe of begiarai j Coc
tainingft acres, more or less, with a small improve
ment. a log house, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. J.
Delpeuch vs. James Russell.
A LSO —By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo..will
be expo.-e i to public sale, at the same time and place,
the following described lot, piece or parcel of laud sit
uate in Towanda borough, bounded north by land of W.
C Bogart, ea-t by W Street, and south by land of D C
Hall and west by 3d St., containing 2-3 or an acre, more
or less, all improved, a framed house, a lrame barn and j
Iruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of B S Rus-!
sell's use vs Abm Edwards & J F Means T. T. i
ALSO—The following described lot.yiece or parcel of j
land. Rituate in Rome boro' bounded North by land of Or j
sou Rickey, east by the highway and south and west by j
Dr Rice being 94 feet trout by 150 feet ceep.all improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the sail of S Hutch
inson k Co vs Cyrus Thatcher k Geo Fox.
ALSO—The Wowing described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Towanda boro' bounded north by land of
Mrs. Hiram Rice, east by Second st., south by State st.,
and west by land of the Colored Weslyan Church, con
taining 87 feet front on Second st., & 150 feet deep and
about 114 feet on the baek and next to said Church lot,
be the same more or less, all improved, 2 framed dwell
ing houses, one framed baru and a few frt it trees there
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tracy k
Irwiu's use vs James Mclntyre.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfleld twp., bounded north by land of
Gardner Burlingame and others, east by land o( said Bur
lingame, south by laud of James Phillips and west by
lands of Jonathan Wheeler and others, containing 79
acres and 6-10, about 35 acres improved, framed bouse,
PimH barn. wagon shed and Iruit trees thereon.
fe.-ized anu taken in execution the suit of J C Adaias
vs R K Miller.
\ ''"o.virg described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate 11 Springfield twp., bounded north by tands
of Burgess, I C Phillips, south by land of Martin Phil
lips, and \vc ' 'and of Enoch Merrell, L Cooper Jr.,
and others; containing i T acres and 152 perches, more
or less, about 50 acres improved, being lot No 24 on C F
Weiies" map of Springfield twp., with a log house there
ALSO—A piece of land in Springfield township boun
ded north by land formerly owned by Whipple, now by
Gardner Bennett, east by land ol Charles Burgess, soutu
by land formerly ot A Whipple, now Ervine Burgess and
west by land formerly of Leßoy Whipple now Charles
Burgess—containing 12 acres, more or less, all improved
with a log house, framed bouse, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Pomeroy
Brothers vs Hiram Spear, Thomas Smead's Administra
tors and S I) Harkuc.s.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece cr parcel ot
land situate in Troy twp., bounded north by land in pos
session ot John Salsbury Jr, east by land of John Sals
bury, Absolam Baxter and D N Allen, on the south by
land of D N Allen, Lydia Jones, L Baldwin and John
Sadler and west by lauds of Josia'u Little and W N Ward
—containing 132 acres, more or less, about 1110 acres im
proved, flamed house, 2 framed barns and 2 orchard? !
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E Pomeroy
vs Timothy Roe.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece of parcel of
land situate in Tuscnrora tp , bounded north by land of
Britan Bosworth, east by Britain Bosworth and Patrick
Maloy, routh by D I) Black and west by land of Lorenzo
Ackley,containing 30 acres more or less, a'l improved, a
framed barn and fruit trees t ereon.
ALSO—Another piece ol land in Tuscarora twp.. com
mencing at the south-east corner of the lot ol land of
Nelson Black and running south 5 rods along the public
toad, thence west eight roca, thence north five rods to
the south-west corner of the lot on land of Nelson BI ick,
ihence east 8 rods to the comer first started fioni, all im
proved with a fia...ed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edmund
Worth vs D G Black k D G Black as Administrator of C j
W Black.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Canton twp., bounded north by laud ot S. j
k D. Casper and A. Bothweil. east by E. Lilley, south by I
said I.iiley and lot own- d by Geo. Merrion, and west by
said Merrion. Containing 104 acres, more or less, about j
50 acres improved, log house, framed baru, framed shop
and an apple orchard thereon.
A LSO—Another lot in said township, bounded north I
by land of I. Wilson, east by the highway leading from
Troy to Canton, south by A. Lockwood and west by said
Wilson. Containing 5-8 of an acre, more or less, all im
proved, a framed house, framed baru, aud a few fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO—Another lot in Canton Tillage, bounded north
by Charles Kriese, east by the Kingsbury tavern lot. south
by Harding A Lee. and west by the highway, Contain
ing 36 feet by 110 teet, all improved, more -"-less.
ALSO—Another lot in Canton township, bounded
north by S. & D. Ca-j.ev, east by the highway, south ly
lands formerly owned by G. R. Pickarc.and west by said
Casper Coma-ii.-g 7*? square pu\hes, more cr
less, all improved, log bouse and fruit, trees thereon,
i Seized and tiWn in execution at the suit of W. S.
Jayne and Sophia Jayne, his wife, executors of A. G.
[ Pickhard. dee'd., vs. David Palmer and Frances I'. Pick
! aid. now Frances P. Garsiine, execr'ors ot Geo. K. Pick-
I ard, dee'd.. and Wm. Gorsline, M. Giliatn aud F F. Man
: ley, terre tenants.
I ALSO—the following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Monroe twp., bounded us follows : Regin
i ning at a po*t in the centre of the road '"nding to Can
■ ...u,thence along said road north 54 j° eas-. 69 7 10 perch
' es to a corner, thence north 67° ea- r t 29 perches to acor
! nor, thence r .th 39° and 22 minutes east 17 perches to
a corner in the road opposite the low 1: side of Ingham's
I bridge, thence north 50° and 31 min west 1 perch to a
' corner in the margin of the creek, thence along the sanm
! north 63° east 26 6-10 perches to a cornet, thence north
: s l- east 26 pertheoto a corner 'lience south 3d.4 3 east |
| 22 perches to a corner in the highway near Mason's
bridge, being a corner of Win. J. Mason's lot, thence
' south 1° and 15 minutes west (as run in June, 1852)
| 301 8-10 perches io u coiuc. f land now or lately owned
- by Rodgers Fowler, thence north 6l° west 70 5-10 per
| cbes to a coiucr of Warrant in the name of Alice Bnn
j pie, thence along line of said Warrant north 481° west
54 1-10 perches to a coiner, thence north 1° and 15 min
' utes eas f 231 1-10 pet dies to the place of beginning. Con
! taming 21)3 acres, be the same, more or less, being the
t same land which C. L. Ward and wife, conveyed to G. F.
! Mason, Dec. !2,1854, about 150 acres improved, 2 fram
j <-d, .ranted bains, wagon shed, 1 small outbuild
: ing and fruit trees thereon.
I Seized and taken in execution al the suit of 11. H .Mace
' vs. J. S. Cambe'i, W. A. Park, and P. H. Wilcox,
j ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
I land situate in Smithfield twp., bounded north by land
ol Smithfield School District and by the highway leading
i trom Smithfield to Athens, east by the highway from
i Becbe Gerould's to J. G. Tracy's, by laud formerly
i of J. C. Kellogg, west by land of said Kellogg and land
!of .-aid School District. Containing 3£ acres, more or
j less, all improved, with two framed hou-cs, one framed
I barn, blacksmith shop, and an orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lewis B.
i Gerould Vs. Win. H. 11. Thvyre.
j ALSO—Sale of the following [named suits, advertised
. in bn onM at the Court House, on the 26th day of March,
! isfi. . to wit:
Uriah Hunt. Francis Haskins. Wm. ri. W'uJer, Trus
tees. . V T Wierman, W. H. 11. Brown, James L.
Ilockwe I, J. B. Smith, A. L. frer.mer, Charles Wells,
Horace v'iilev. A. Martin, Vvrn. Williams", Geo. Beards
| ley, nu ' ries Scoutoa, terre tenants.
AIM), Wm. H Winder.Uriah Hunt and Francis Has
j kins. Trustees. Ac. vs. T. T. Wierman,
Stands adjourned to Thursday, the 7th day of May,
18C3, at same place and time of day.
A. H- SPALDING, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Towanda, April 8,1863.
tia, In consequence of the Fast Day appointed by the
President occurring on Thursday,3oth—the day on which
I ihe above sales is advertised—the sale will be continued
I until FRIDAY, May 1,1863, at the same p ace ami time
of day. A. H.SPALDING, Sheriff.
by givea, that there has been filed and settled in
! the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county
j of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fol
j lowing estates, viz :
| Final account of O J Chubbuck, Guardian of A E llai's.
, lit on.
] Triennial account of O J Chubbuck. of Martha E and J
' R Hamilton, minor children of Joscnt II Hamilton, dee'd
j late ol Windham twp.
Final account of John P Sharts, Executor of John
| Sharts. dee'd, late of W'Jmot tp.
j Partial account Pf \v m Jennings and J F Chambcrlin,
Executors of A S Coleman, dee'd, late of Wyalnsing twp
Final Account of J B k Norman McKean, Administra-
I ors ot Jehil McKean de'ed., late of West Burlington twp.
' Final account of I A Pierce executor of A P Ballard,
! dee'd, late of Troy borough.
Final account of Jos H Marsh, adm'r Of IsSdc Nichols
! de'ed. lateot Pike twp.
Final account of Wm II Russell .administrator of Han
| nah Smith, dee'd. lr 4 e of Warren twp.
Final account of Cyrns Cook, adm's of Mary Ru asell,
I dee'd.. late of Orwell lwp.
Final account of Charles E Brown, adm'r of J LCan
| non, dec's late of 1-jme twp.
Partial accoti t of Andrew Kiff. adm'r of Bnel Smith,
, dee'd., late ot C.-nton twp.
Final account of Morris and L D Sbepard, exe'rs of
I Nathan Shcpard, dee'd, late ot Wells twp.
i Final account of John Morrow, ex'r of Richard Mc-
I Pberson, dee'd. late of Wyalnsing.
Fioal account of Caroline Montgomery, executrix of
; of Robert Montgomery, dee'd, late of Tuscarora twp.
i Final account of James Yoorbis, adm'r of Elenor Voor-
I his. dee d, lato ot Springfield twp.
Partial account of Smith Lent. Administrator of John
I J. Reynolds, dee'd., late of Windham twp.
ALSO—The appraisement of property set off by Ex
ecutors or Administrators to widows Or children, bf the
following decedents:
Estate of Mo--es Can field of Wysox,
•' " EleaXer Wright, of Litchfield,
" . '• Nathaniel Terry, of Terry,
" " Jeptha Rider, of Terry.
" " Joseph Hamilton.df Windham.
And the ame will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of Bradford County, on Monday, the 4th day Ot MAY
next, for confirmation and allowance.
N. C. El -SRREE, Regiatxr,
Segffter'? OSx' IWtss#. April • IW9
Term, 1663, commencing May 4.
Athens twp—H H Green, Springfield -Hiram Horton,
John Morley, Julius To- Ira Woodworth.
1 zer. Smithfleld—Edwin Blakes- j
Asylum—Joseph Braund. ley, Robert Pollock.
Burlington-Philander Burns Terry—Martin Itider, Eli j
Li chfield—A Baldwin. Haifield, E D White, II L (
Monroe twp—Morris Kel- Terry.
logg. Troy twp—S W Taylor.
Rome twp—W Tanner. C Troy boro—C 0 Paine.
M YanWinkle. Wysox—D P Bartlett.
Shesbequin—T B Marshall, Windham—Peter Osborn.
LJ Culver. -Wyalnsing—Justus Lewis. '
Athens twp —Watson Sut-j Springfield—BK Adams, K
lid, Hanley Tozer, I A- H Cooley.
Weller. -Sylvania boro—Peter Mon-
Armenia—Alba Burnbam.! ro
Alex Cease, C H Weller.'Troy twp—E Stiles, D AUi-
Athcns boro—J L Drake, J! son, W Lament.
Parsons, Win Durant, G i Tuscarora—liiram Ackley,
H Wells. C Hunsieker. I B Cogswell, Levi Wells..
Asylum—Charles Stevens. ]Troy boro—Nelson Adams.
Burlington—L M Kundall,; Ulster—J as. McCarty, Tiios
J S Clark. E Kendall. i Scott.
Canton—John G Mason, j Wysox—E A Coolbangh,
Granville—C W Churchiili David Shores.
Leßoy—Alfred Stone. iWyalusing—L P Stalford,
Monroe—Joseph Ingham, j Wra Mitten.
Overton—James Haverly. ! Wells—A Warren, A P Bon-
Pike—John Black. i ham.
Ridgbury—A Tanner. ! Windham Samuel Jake
SmltUfield— L B Gerould, Rj way, James Ellsworth.
Wood. ! Wilmot—J J Brumhall, J W
Shesbequin—Wm Post. j Ingham.
Athens twp—ClranlStevens,'Pike—Joseph Coleman, S
G Y.'aikc-r. | Buck, Harris Beecher.
Athens boro—Wm Hancock Shcsliequia— TLJS Wood. 1
Albany—John Brown. IStandingStone—El Eary,
Asylum—J P Ellis. i Henry Fisher.
Armenia—Nathan Sherman Troy twp—P Tratt.ll Long,
Burlington Wcoi—T Black ! S Spalding.
well. -Tuscarora—D D Gray.
Columbia—Joseph Beeman.'Towanda boro— J C Wilson, I
Newberry Calkins. Ej Nathan lirid.
Young. ,Terry—T M Buttles.
Canton—W S Jayne, E Lan- j Ulster—T C Wheeler.
don. " j Wells—George Noble, Joliu
Franklin—J V Taylor. Brown.
Granville—S J Saxton. Windham—P W Kinyon.
H®vrfck—T S Camp. Wyalnsing Wyman Gay-
Litchlield—J T Dution. lord.
Monroe—Wm Beardsley.
PROCLAMATION.— TVh?rcrs the Hon
U. MERCUIt, President Judge of the 1-th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford
and Susquehanna, and Honorable? JOHN PASSIIORK, and
V. M. I A)NO, Associate Judges, in and for said county ,
of Bradford, have issued their precept hearing date the
27th day ofMarch A. D. 1863,t0 me directed, for holding
a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Couri a* To
wanda,for the County of Bradford, on Monday, the 4th
day of May next, to contiuue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County ol
Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with
their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those things which to their office appertains to he
done ; and those who arc bound by recognizance or oth
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may
be in the jail of said County, or who shall be bound to
appear at the said court, are to he theu and there to j
prosecute against them as shall he just. Jur'-re are re- i
quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to ;
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 2d of April, in the year of our '
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three.aud !
cf the Independence of the Uuiteu -states, the eighty- j
sixth. A. H. SPALDING. Sheriff, j
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of NORVAL W. JONES, late of Pike twp.,dec'd.
are requested to make payment without delay,and tho.-e
having claims against said estate will present them duly j
authenticated for settlement.
E. W. .TONES. )
Apr. IS, IBG3. Administrator, i
is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es- J
tate ofELON BENNETT, late ot Springfield twp.,dec'd,
are reauue.-ted to make immediate payment, and tho.-e
having claims will please piesent them duly authenti
cated for settlement. F. G. BENNETT,
March 11, 1803. Administrator.
J\. is hereby given, that, all persons indebted to the es
tate of O. \V. Northtop late of Pike, dee'd., are nonnested
to made immediate payment, and those having eia'.ms
against said estate must present them duly authenticated j
for settlement. ISAAC LYONS, Adm. j
Feb. 17.1863. J
is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ISAAC PIIATT,Iate of Orwell twp:, deceased, are
requested to make immediate payment, and all having
claims upon c.-.tate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement.
li. H. PRATT,
March 11, 18G2. Administrators.
is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the
estate of FRANCIS A. HARRIS, lale of Leßoy, deceas
ed, are requested to make immediate payment, and all
having claims against said estate are requested to pre
seut them duly authenticated for settlement.
March 11.1863. Administrators.
NOTICE. —The Stockholders of the To
wanda Bridge Company, are hereby notified that
a meeting will be held at t ie office of LAPORTE, MA- ,
SON & Co., in the borough of Towanda, on the 4th day j
of May next, at 2 o'clock P. M..for the election of a Pre- j
sident, Treasurer and six Directors of said Company. j
N. N. BEITS, Jr., Sec'v.
March 25.1863. _
-t-Jb is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of CHAitLES BURCH, late of Towanda borough,
Uec'd . are requested to make immediate payment, and
all having claims against said estate will present thwin
duly autheuticated for settlement.
March 2,6, 1863. Administrator.
A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—/. P. Kirby n !
•J * Charlotte Gorsclir.e, et al., IVo. 12?, Fib. Term, lß62 j
—Same vs. fir. H Gorsliue, et al —la the Court of Cum- .
mon Pleas, No. 123, Feb. T. 1862.
The undersigned,an Auditor, appointed by said Court '
to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale of (Vfend'is i
personal property, will attend to the duties of his
appointment at his office, in the borough of Towamla, on
SATURSDAY, the 25th day of APRIL, 1863, at one
o'clock, p. m., and all persons having claims upon said
monies must present tliem, or else he forever debarred
from the same P. D. MORROW
Match 23. ISG3. Auditor.
J- pair of MULES, five years old, iv!l matched in size
and color. Any one wishing to buy can do so at a nar
Refer to N. TIJ)H at the Barclay Coal office. Towan
da. Pa. L.D. PRINCE.
Roma, March 23.1868
sale the'farm upon which he lives, situate
about one mile north ot the village of Towanda. oh the
maid road leading to Athens. Said farm contains about
65 acies, all improved, and is under a good state of cul
tivation, with a dwelling house, barn, stable and other
buildings thereon, also, a good orchard and other fruit
trees, and a good spring a few rodstrom the house.
For further information address or enquire of the sub
scriber, on the premises.
North Towanda, April 15,18G3.
J TOWANDA R.R.COMPANY.—Letters patent hav
ing been issued incorporating the Towanda Rail Road
Company, notice is hereby giveu that the subscribers to
the stock of said Company, will meet at the office of the
Barclay Coal Company, in Towanda, on Thursday, the
30th day of April. 1863, at 2 o'clock P- M., to organize
the Company and to elect, in person or by proxy, a Pre
sident, and six Dir - tors, to conduct and manage the uf
fairs and business of said company, until the Ist Tuesday
ia Februorv, agreeably to the act of inoorpr atioa.
Towanda, Pa., April 15,1363.
she will open a class in Instrumental Music, at the
Collegiate Institute, on Tuesday, the 7th iust. Special
pains will be taken to secure the greatest progress of pu
pils in this branch of education.
Tuition on Piano (per Term) •.. $] 000
Use of Instrument for practice i 200
L CENSES.—Notice Is hereby given that
the following named persons have filed in tue office
ol the Clerk of the Court of c-uaiter Ses.-ions of Bradford
County, their petitions for Licenses to soil Liquor under
the existing'aws of this Commonwta'th, and their sever
al applications will b" heard beloie the Judges of said
Court, on MONDAY, the till day of May Ctxt .
Edmund King Springfield.
A C Bentley. "
Rrrjainin Hernfes Ridglrary.
Jareti Hammond
Jacob Fretcbey W'iiajo*.
George Messersniith
Oinn Furman. Rylvania IV>ro T
Abraham Masteu. Troy Boro'
Valnev M 1.0 i.g ...... "
SB Wilcox "
M M Coolbaugli Monroe Borough.
Francis Green Smithfield.
Reuben Stiks Troy I wp.
Ceorge Cass
I. D Cranteer Canton.
H II & J E Wbiierau,.
D P Knapp _ 4
John B DickerSua Warren.
H M Holcomb Leßoy.
O S Morse 4 '
Ann W li aloe. V.'ysnx.
V. in McQueen Ulster.
C M Segar
John Kerr "
J S Thorapsoii W yalusing.
T Hines
Samuel C Means • •..I'ike.
Hiram Sherry. .\t inufiittn.
J S sloan Athens Euro*
Simmons & Rockwell .••• •
John Kendall Towanda Boro''
M T Carrier <...; do
Thomas R Jordon "
C H iJotchkiss Standing Stone*
S 1) Goodrich Colutnbia.
John P Strong 44
Charles H Ames .Shesheqnin.
Lorenzo h Bowman Towanda 'l wp.
Jacob Reel Athens Twp.
Wm ii Bantley
Joseph O Piuo Burlington Bofo'
irrtcnAXT DJ: VI-I.HS.
Michael Walsh : Athens Boro'
Dennis McMahon Towanda Boro'
Ilall & Smith
Redingtou & Ncwberv... Tr< y Boro 4 .
Twundfl, April 15. I*G3.
QHERIFFS SALE.—By viitne of writs
U m Fieri Facias issued net ot tiic C urt of Common
Pleas of Bradio:d cot nty, v.-11l be exposed to public sale,
at the Court House, in the D-rc;:- h .i Towanda, on
Thursday, the 7th day of Mrty, Ist,;;, at 1 o'clock, p.m.
the follow.g described lot. piece >r arol laud situ
ate in Troy twp., beginning at a post., thence north t;t°
east, 20 links to the south bank ol Sugar Croest, adjoining
lauds of Samuel Allen's heirs t hence south 42° east 14-10
purche* along the bank ol the creek to a po.f, thence
south 47° wot 2 410 pcrehr- „ po.t ia line of the
State road, Uicnce north 4!H° west 4 perches along said
r"td to the place of beginning, it being the same piece of
land formerly deeded by Samuel Allen and wife to Aaron
Case, bearing da*e the 7th day of May, ls.s"> tll improv
ed, with 2 framed blacksmith i-ln-ps iuiieon.
ALSO—One other lot of 'and situate in Troy township
—beginning at a stake n> Die side-.:' the road, being the
north-east corner of Ihe Pu'v nage lot, i.ow occupied by
Mr. Herman, thence .vesteily t iui.t i ds to tin. not th-weac
corner of said Parsonage, tlienoe wr-L Ay com o 5 rods,
making t. continuation of the a sterlv line 4 .' c Piuson
i. o c, thence easterly course S rods to a >t.iko by the side
of the road, thence in a southerly course, 5 r-.ds by the
side of the road to the pl. ee F 5 ginning ; containing 4
of an acre of land, being the wnne 1t <4 land deeded to
Wui V.'Pber by Hannah Harding, wife oi Ju.,ep:i Harding
—all improved, a framed huuec, shed root barn aud a
few fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in
Troy twp . beginning at tie centre oi the t- : hwe.y lead
ing from Troy boro* down e-. gar Greek '.ie..e in a south
erly course al >ng the line of meeting house in East Troy
5 rods & 12 feet to the south-east corner of said meeting
house lot, thence casteiij aaurse 3 rods and 10 feet to the
South-west corner of a I t Jciii. 1 by Ad Lake Ward and
wife to Reuben Stii-s, thence a westerly course along
tbe line of said Stilt -lot 8 rods A 12 eel to the centre
ot the highway, thence a v. .'••• ted. eon: - • al- ng the high
way 4 rods to the 1 orth-c-ast corner meeting house lot,
the place of beginning, n-Raining 37 res ti'ground,
more or less, all improved.
Seized and taken i.; execution at the suit of Porueroy
6 Go's, use vs R T Cady.
ALbO —The following uis; d.bc l 1 t. piece or parcel bf
land situate in Tre; ' begiuid. ~ A po--r, being the
north-east corner of a lot deeded by II i. Green et al., to
L A Ii Stiles, south ST; J ea-t 14perches to a oost
—thence souih
•■474° west 33 4-io purclies to anoint in centre of public
highway leading from Alien's Bridge to GranviHe.lhcnce
by the centre .said read u~.lh icj° east 7 2-10 purches,
tin_L.ce 70° west 1(5 perches, thence north 32°we.-t
8 perches, thence 1101 th -12° erst 24 pen-'. ■ s, thence uor b
tie" east 2s 410 perches t the place ot beginning ; c< a
tainiug 12 acres & 135 j.-eic: •" , let measure,all improv
ed, framed hon-e. Wanted barn aud au orchard of fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and t .ken in exerr'd _a at due Euit of D Rock
well & Go. vs Leonard Stiles.
Towanda. Ay,ill 15 l- l. Sheriff.
AiiarK- AKD rarcrsr
DIERS, Widows. MiAfic-j •;J Minor Guildren.—
Bounties for Soldiers discharged by reason of wounds re
ceiveu in oattie : Widows and Hi irs ot deceased Soldiers.
Back Pay and settlement ol nil arrears and balance due
discharged and deceased Officers, S .ldicrs and Sailors.—
Prize Money for ail United State? vessels.
Hand-Book of Instructior cnt, 113* enclosing stamp to
pay return postage. SOMES A BROWN.
Solicitors of Claims and Patents,(Under Broadway Back)
2 Park Place, New York. 473 Seventh Street j Wash
ington, D. C.
Hon. IIANN ABLE uAMLIX, Vice-President.
" M ART IN KALBFLEISCH, Major oi Brooklyn.
" A 111 J\ 11 MANX. New \Ol k.
JAY, COOK ,c GU., Dai kcrs, Washington A I'hiia.
March 2b, lbC3.
AND THEIR FBI ENDS.— The undersigned having
had considerable experience In procuring Pension Boun
ties and lack j.ay of soldiers. Will r.tfend to all businwxs
in that line, intrusted to his care, with promptness and
Persons wishing to confer with tr.o will please call or
address me by letter at Sylvsnia, Bradford cmintv. Pa.—
Charges reasonable. GLO.P. M l \'ROE.
Pefers by permission to
11. B. CARD, County Wellsbboro, Pa.
D. F. POMEROY. Troy. Pa.
A. 11. SiLvLLIXG, Shciiff. Towanda, Pa.
Oct. 22. 1802.
1863. SPEIN& 1863.
j Match 10,15C3.
Kew Boot and Shoe Shop.
V FORM the citizens of Turunda and vicinity
' wj ■•*"ihat be opeued a BOOT AND SHOE
I PV SHOP in the Building mre door south of the
I News Room, in which place h solicits a share of their
Satronage. Especial leu lion paid to Gents Sewed
Oots and Ladies Balmorals.
Towanda. April 2, 1865.
Great Commotion !n Now York I
TZzz Produced
! A Woiidcrfii! Chiin2[fi in the Market!
in the Phoenix Block. ELM! ft A. X. A*., have re
daccd their prices and accordingly offer to a
j ipeudid stock of
Unsurpassed in quality as well as in style and prices.
All those visiting Elruira would do well to call
and examine their stock. !i y,m wish to have an extra
good 11' and something nandsome. jast leave your meas
ure and select the good? you wish to have them off. aud
we wilinoton!" *r.-i ml a gcnl fit. but entire satisfao
Awril 1.-W65 Eimira.X.Y.