Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 09, 1863, Image 3

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The law now requires bnt Gve cents
upon four months and teachers oertifl-
Lrttsoe Stamps I C.R.COBURN.
are reqnested to say, that Major
ofWoodside, will lecture on Temperance,
on Wednesday evening April 15th. and at
"Corners on the 17th. The Major's lecture here
r 'v| r t House last winter, established his reputa
tl'"l6' ' our people as a popular speaker. His efforts
pjjaons j! A3 instructive. He will make you
in ff ite J ou
' -4
kicnt. Col. W ATKINS, of the 141 st
j p a . Vols., is home on furlough. The Colonel
• rid reporti the boys from this county, under
ia good health, generally.
! . n t MASON, of the sth Fa. Reserves, is also
''' '*',uch. The Adjutant is in good health.and
cSe "• '.' brave well the " horrors of war aud Virginia
i t Mason, of the-United States Army, is also
,; DC on furlough.
w c re yon at the Temperance inect-
Monday evening ? " " Did Dr. TCKNER lecture?
: 1 am sorry I wasn't there since 1 have
i'ifi'-'qioken t so highly by every body. I told Mr
; !/ V h would he a good Lecture. Were there many
p. consideration of tlie bad night and small atten
' tlie Society be likely to invite tlie Doctor
"" . it' 1 understood this morning, that su:h was
', • u'tcnti-n. Good! lam glad of that—lie'll have a
!"• '• next time, I'll guarantee." Tlie above ques
, : e-i occjr after a good Lecture, as in this ease.
. able and interesting Address would bear repeat
'." ■ -on times before tlie same audience and lose none
interest. It ought to l,e published and a copy sent
boose in the nation, and read by every man.wo
! - --'iclii'J if 'he land. We cannot speak too highly
lecture. It was an ab'e and eloquent effort. Those
-n-ere not present lost one the finest lectures of the
The real subject of the Lecture was Delirium
•-Bens', which is also a lecture on the woes aud ills o
Sprinjr, with its frentle ruins and bud
....- wers> it.* green fields and worm sunshine, will soon
■; us, wreathing the face of Nature with blight and
Spring, with its " Ethcrial mildness,"
• abide with us forever, but during its absence
- li. BUSTING will cause a blight glow of delight
. e w : i upon the races of all those who patronize him
: Taining business for they aie sure to have a
ict lit." lie is now pr> pared, with greater facili
!•*.than c-ver to make up full sails to order, on amo
- lire nod will guarantee every article to fit equal
jV w Yoik cut, or no sale.
j[„ j s a ; s o prepared to furni.-h any style of goods, from
•. , -0.-imeres and vestiags, at a low figure, and man
•. .re tlie same to order, at a lower price than any
■ ,er i-'jhhshn.rnl in the place. He i* determined to he
, .....d i ruone, and hopes by careful attention to bu-i
-merit aud receive a liberal share i f public patro-
Call and examine for yourselves. Shop on Main
i .it, cue door south cl Wickham's store.
! were sd- pted by Franklin Fire Company, No. 1,
rH- g lar Meeting, Saturday evening, Apiii 4lh,
'■ :: r :; I- i i * pYaul Divine rrovidence torcmcve
I, n n y J, : and. WCtr Ist. to U hctltT World, Ooi' late
P • r. KIM IN BOWLANI>. wh • was tor many years an
i: ft ami utti -i.-nt invmlier of our Company, and who,
•; ii. of hi* di-c-i-i-e. was holding the position of
t -! As.* ' nit i' -it :u in.
■ ion f I of
t Si; waie ruler, and while we niotitn liis decease, ill
ttf r-ri::;.' <>: fife and usefulness, we tru*t to Ilirn who
ifr.n.!! thing* weil.
Rfw'ntl. tiie Engine and fixtures of the Compa
rv. ■ i.. :i'i t;, Hiuing in re*pec! to memory of the
. :-ed, a.-1 t!, i* w: tender to tlie family our sympathy
I --in- <c-a i.t a iuisl and and father.
limited i a a < • p.v of these Revolutions 1-e rreseri
i. M the family nt the deceased, and that the same Le
■ .i.dicd in tne papers.
]•' (5. I-OBD.
POT Piirsunnt to public notice, ft meet ing
V. : -n of Canton, was held at the Disciple Church,
i- Niluid iy evcuing, March 2s, 18(53, for the purpose of
il• c-.r.g the duty of citizens in the present crisis.
Dr K. LOOMIR, was chosen Chairman, and J. VAN
Dvir.Jr. Ricietary.
Capt. CUAS. McDoro >u, of the 132J Beg P. V., was
r si -i and dclir. red an a'oie and eloquent addiess
the . ■ nduetand conclusioaof the war. After
' p I ! iwing preamble and revolutions offered by
8- N. WILLIAMS. Esq., and umtnimonsly adopted :
Wr.i.rA*. I'r.-ler the convtitulional form of our Gov
m>.r the principles or civil lib' rty on which or
• - indC : tntion are liased ;no wroug.any ir.divid
■ 1 wpvit humide, or community of indiA iduaJs, liow
< ■ ■ !-> . nay Miffer, hut 'hat 111" said laws and < "iisii
-i.'i ds an un,].-:c and complete redress. Ihcrefurc
i. 1 int t'■•••> rebel:i m now dren -hir.g the land
• ■ ; ■ HI. is of the most causeless and atrocc us
• i.i.c i-ir C.Ticl Executive of on** country is required
adate h; liiiniaiiity. natural pride and honor,
c. : i very tue.ins in hi.* power, to *ubdue this
■i .iial maintain the Union intact. we D-arti!} endorse and approve the policy
:,|r " -pled iiv the National Admiuistratiou in
' - lid rebel!inn.
~*■ • ''o*r!iption Act recently passed by the
! •-';>■**. i.* eminentiy wise and necessary, and
G.i ly aud implicitly submitted to.
. ' :i ' rc-i-t.-iice bv word or deed to the aforesaid
* r -r Hie iiutlini iti, .s of the United States, in their el
- aie! eii-icsiires in putting down this rebellion, is trai
• H ai! per*oiis ivh >so resist, should be syeed
v !''Hi.iic! as their crimes dcin ind.
,' • d'H' person endt avoiing by any means to weaken
• ? .. C0:i: ; ' 'n* ot the people in tlie present Adininistra
j 't* ofli ers.aio perfoiming a traitor's work, and
ni'et a traitor's donm.
, it to tlie soldiers tint have been and now arc in
' 9 t have fought and are now fighting the bat
,! heed mi, we owe an incalculable debt ol gratitude
~, •i" pai-J by adi f-p and heartielt sympathy
11 ael their*, and a life-long remembrance and te
•'•■'l nt their laliors.
* i and c iri ie i ; That the proceedings of this meet
- ' :m dby Due officers, and pnblishna in the papers
- j■ ,; inty. E. LOOMIS, Chairman.
nni' ' Kc, .11'., Secretary.
Great Commotion In New York !
Has Produced
1 Change in the Market!
; * in the Phoenix Block, ELM IRA. N. Y.. have re
;.;! ! 1 11 ices and accordingly offer to the public a
f iid stock of
"pa--ec| in quality as well as in style and prices.
. <L*, Ail those vi*iting Elmira would do well to call
{ 'heir stock. It you wi*h to have an extra
<,,1 "V' s ° !n etliing handsome, just leave your mea*-
*p w ' et ' 'he goods you wi*h to have them off, and
"I not nuiwarraut a goml lit, but entire salislac
Elmira, N. Yk_
Kipfront active business, now offers lor
'>9 fa nil on advantageous terms,
and ib situated in Windham, Bradford Co.. Pa.,
a,ll < 250 acres, with about 150 acres improved.
f '[• 'Opred, under a good state of cultivation, with
j,'VV -*.ar.d plenty ol good Iruit thereon.
f„ ]t m ( ar - ' xcelU-nt -location being in the immediate
Yrj'rjj /'township, about four miles from tlie New
try' J.; "• R ; , and one of the best roads in the coun-
U'i to '" S rm ' s WP " iU '°P , ed to either grain or grazing
one desiring to purchase a farm would be a
y ab ie location.
l~ 52.000 cash on taking possession aud the bal
Ofti'dft'i r ' ma '. n a 'ien upon the property for any length
inform the interest annually. Any further
tq p"' 0 " ( 'an he obtained ot C. S. RUSSELL, Towanda,
n*pkn • Russell, Ulster, or of tbo sudscriher on the
' n ham, Pa. March 10, 183.-w4
ace ai.
SHERIFFS SALE.—By virtue of sundry
L_ writs ol li. Fa., issued out oi' tlie court of Common
Pleas arid to rne directed, will Lc exposed to public sale,
at the Court House, in the borough of Towauda.on Thurs
day, the 30th day or April, 1863, at 1 o'clock, I'. M.,
the following desci ibed lot, piece, or parcel of land, sit
uate in Shcshequin twp., beginning at a corner on the
line of Jerome Gillett lot, being the N R corner of Sam
uel Owens' Mill lot, thence north 00° east 58 perches to
the N \V corner of VE.UK Fiollett's laud thence along
the same, south 28° east 121 perches to a corner on the
east hank of the little Wvsox creek, thence south B(>° w
17 6 10 ) erches to a corner near the public highway lead
ing to Piolett's mill, thence along highway and lands of
Wm. McKee, north 70° west 5!) perches to a corner—
thence north 55° west 12 perches to a corner, thence
along line of Samuel Owens' mill lot, north 2s° west, 00
perches, or thereabouts, to the piace of beginning, con
taining 35 acres and 30 perches, more or less, about 10
acres improved, with a liuiued house, and a shed and
fruit trees thereou
ALSO—One other piece of land in Shcshequin andWy
sox twps.bounded north by laud ol Joseph Spencer, east
by V E & J E l'iolletf, south and west by Win McKee—
e ntaining about 2 acres, part improved, being the same
lot on which Spencer's saw mill formerly stood.
Seized and taken in exeeu ion at the suit ol J Holmes
&. S Strickland vs Joseph M Spencer.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Rome twp., beginning at the south east
corner of lot now in possession ot Daniel Russell. Thence
north 4° west along the < ast lineot said liussell i/l per
i lies to a stake and stones, thence ea*t 75 perches to a
stake and stones corner o! S Minier, thence along said
line south <>o4 perches to a stake and stones lbr a corner,
thence north 89° west, 73(1-10 perches to the place of be
ginning, containing 30 acres, more or less being part of
a lot of laud sold and deeded by Wm B Clymer by his
Attorney, M Meylert to Julius A Vannest bearing date
May 3.1853, with about 15 acres improved.
ALSO—one other lot, piece or parcel of land situatejin
Rome twp.. beginning at the north east corner of a lot
deeded to Warren Baker, thence east 614* perches to a
po*t. the south-east corner of the Daniel .Eikier lot .thence
south 62 perches to a beech tree, thence west 614 perch
es to the south-east corner of the said Baker lot • thence
north (32 perches to the place of beginning: Containing
22 acres & 38 perches, more or less, about Is improved,
with a framed iiou.-e, framed barn & fruit tree* thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Peter
Vought vs Michael Thompson.
ALSO—The following described piece, or parcel of
land situate in Shcshequin twp.. beginning at ttie north
east corner ol the C B Rice lot, No 2(5, thence ea*t 100
4 10 perches to a post on the south line of Cornelius
Vancise's lot, thence, thence south 01 c-10 perches to the
north-east corner ot a lot marked on the map to Elijah
Townsend thence west, lob 4-lu perches to (he north
west corner ot said lot, marked to E. Townsend, thence
north 94 (5-10 perches to the place of beginning. Con
taining o2| acres, more or less, about 35 acres improved,
with a framed house, framed barn, and orchard ot fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Myers Os
borne vs. John Randall.
A I,B(l—The following described lot, piece, or parcel of
land situate in Franklin twp., bounded north by land of
Daniel Green, Jr., east by land of Brown tc Rockwell,
sooth by 6. B. Part, west by J. Green. Containing
about 2o acres, all improved.
ALSO— One other piece of land in Franklin township,
bounded north by laud ot E. 1). Montanye, east by Brown
it Rockwell, south by ilie highway and west by Daniel
Grci n, Jr.. containing about, thirty acres with about four
aeiis improved.
Seized and taken in execution at t're suit of Brown A
Rockwell v*. William Williams and Samuel F. Williams.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Ulster tow -hip. Bradford county, and
state ol Pennsylvania, bounded as follows: On the
north by lands of Charles Smith, on the < ast by lauds of
Patrick Kaighn, ou the south by lands ot C. F. Vedcs,
Jr.. and on me west by T. Uolcouib, it being the south
part of iot No. 1. hi the lotting survey of G. F. Welles.
Jr.'* la d in Ulster township, containing 01 acres and
72 perches, more or less.
Seized and taken in execution at the of C. F.
Welti *, Jr. vs D. C. Hodges.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land ? incite in Windham twp., bounded as I blow* : Be
ginning at the most northerly corner of said lot, them •
.south 42° and 20 min. east 179 per. by laud of A. M'Kee
to a birch sapling, thence north SbA 0 west 10 7 in per.,
ti.etic If 4 ve-t K per..lhen-e north B*4° we. t2d luidot A. Brant, thence north t.v- east 8 per.,
(hence north ssA° we,-1. 33 per. by Unci of L. Brown
them e north 43}-" west KD-Aper. by land of XJTym-l! and
D. Davidson, thence north -t-D° west 49 per. to the pl.iee
of beginning. Containing aO acres and 12 rods, more or
h? ;s. about 3d acres improved, with a board shanty and
ail old barn thereon.
A LSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in Windham twp., beginning at a stake and stone corner
between tiielauuso: AO-VI I'JMI and 1'- Davidson,said
'•oi'Qer being Ihe south side of the highway which runs
from the Davidson farm through to Asa M'Kci'*, thence
north Dt° east of) per., thence north 45° east l(i 2-10 per.
by said David on's land, thence south -134° east 53} per.
by the Albright larm. thence S 79° west 45 tier . thence
sunto 424° west. 314 per. to the centre ot the highway,
to the place of beginning. Containing 10} acres, more
or less-
Seized and taken in execution at three suits of James
Moore vs. Isaiah Walker.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Pike twp, bounded on the ruth by land
of Semite! Wheaton, ea-t by the public highway, south
by said highway and land of Alba Dhnon, Harry Wilson,
and Almond Beecher. west by land ol Oris .u l'< ase.
Containing 100 acres, more or less, about (55 acres itn
prov< d, with 1 framed bouse, 2 framed barns with sheds
ntt i bed, a coruhou.-e and granary, and an orchard ol
fruit trees thereon.
S> izr.'l and taken in execution at tno suit of Samuel
Wheat on v*. Charles Dimon and J. H. Carey.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel ol
iiuu situate In Albany, bounded north iy land of Ashley
i.rdii. south and west'by land i >nveyed to the heirs ol
Hiram 8. Wilcox by Freeman Wilcox, east by land con
veved bv Frectnati Wilcox tc i'iiiletus ii. Wilcox. Con
taining 11 acre* of land, all improved, with a framed
building formerly used a* a store, now occupied lor e
dwelling, and a board .shed thereon.
\|> i -One other lot, piece or parcel of land -iluatr
in Albany twp., bounded as follows: Beguyjing at a ppet
i-,i tlic line ot bind belonging to Freeman Wilcox, thence
running south 30° cast 575 per. and 7 links to a post,
tlience rfrnaiiig by land in possession ol John llanson,
; south t.P west C 2 per. to a i nst, therme l.y laud occupied
by Moses A. Lndd north 30° west 148 per. to a post.
1 thence l>y land ! the same north t>l v v .54 per. to a
po-t, thenc* by land of the same north 3o° west 40 per.
to a p st. thence by land <>i the same north 58j east
10 7-10 per. to a post, thence running south :';.p i. ! : -7
i per to ii post, thence running north .;-A° east 15 per. and
7links to t!:e place ot l>eginii.'.ig. Containing 70 aeit>
and Ml pf'ta lies, with allowance, being part <0 two tracts
ol land taken out in the name ol Elizabeth Ru-li and Ma-
I I V I'obb, and patented to Samuel Wallis, March 10, 1705.
and conveyed by Wallis and yvße. bv indenture dated
April 7.170.5, as per deed from Deed Bonk, No. 4s page
i 14, from Freeman and Ciarinda Wilcox to the heirs of
Hiram Wilcox, with about forty acres improved, a tram
ed house, I ruined barn, corn house and a lew fruit trees
thei eon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles A
Ackley vs. H. W. Wilcoxand F. N. Wilcox.
A—The following'described lot, piece or parcel ol
land situate in Albany twp., bounded on the north by
j land of 1). Steriger, east and south by the J. S. Camp
J bell farm, we-t by the public highway. Containing 3A
I acres, more or less, all improved, with 1 framed house,
| framed store house, framed bain, framed blacksmith .• hop
| a steam saw mill, and an oar factory thereon, with saws,
! lathes, Ac.
i Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Harriett
! A. Scott vs. \V. Lancaster and J. B. Steriger.
i Also, at the suit of Harriett A."Scott vs. W. Lancaster,
li. lb Lancaster and Ilns-ell Miller.
A LSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfield twp., bounded north hv land
of George Griffiths, east by land of James and William
Gibson, south by land known as the William Gorsiinc
null property, west by land occupied by E. Brague. Con
taiuing *2 acres, more or less, about 30 acres improved,
with a framed house, framed barn, shingle mill, and a
young orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Plynn
Phelps, Jr.. vs. Amos Griffiths.
Also, at the suit of Jno. Ward's use vs. Amos Griffiths.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel ol
I land situate in Smithfie-ld twp.. bounded north by land
•of Rice Palmer, east by land occupied by E. Brague.
| south by land ol Sidney Looniis, west by land of Plynn
I'helps and son. Containing 44 acres, more or less about
25 acres improved, with a framed house, framed bain,
: and a few unit trees thereon.
Seized ai-.d taken in execution at the suit of C. T. Mer
ly to tiie use of Charles Knapp vs. A. J. Griffiths.
ALSO—The following described lot, j> i < re or parcel of
j land situate in Canton tv p.. bounded as billows : Begin
ning at a beech, running thence south 10° vest 12!)5 10
: rods to a post., thence north 70° west 70 rods to a sugar
5 maple tree, theiice mo th 1° east 00 rods to a post, thence
! north c2A° east 100 rods to the place, of beginning. Con
i raining ol acres, more or less, being the same lotof laud
1 conveyed by Z. Armstrong and wife to C. E. Rathboge,
| about 40 acres improved, with a log house, log shed,
j and fruit trees thereon.
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit, of C. E. Path
| hone vs. Elislia Burdick and Harriett Burdick.
■ ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
: land situate in Armenia twp.. bounded north by land ol
j Geo K. llussell. west by Harry Covert, south by Peter
i Cole and John Younian, east by But Wood and l'bo
mas Hollander. Containing 125 acres, more or less,
i about 20 acres improved, with a log house, log barn, and
i a few fruit tiees thereon.
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Ben
| son vs. Sumner Rice.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
! land situate in Sbeshequin twp., bounded as follows : Be-
I ginning at the north-east corner of a ten acre lot deeded
j to Mrs. M. Chandler, thence east 07 perches to a beech,
; the north west corner of lot No. 3!), thence south (18 per-
I ches to the north-east corner of a twenty-five acre lot
i deeded io Ktlsall, theme 141 perches to the north west
j corner of said Edsails lot, thence north 25 perches to the
south-west corner ot the said Chandler lot, thence east 44
I perches to the south-east corner of the Chandler lot, ;
1 thence north 43 perches to the piace of beginning. Con- '
argal. 1
r taining 4t acres, more or less, with a small improve
t mer.t, a log house, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Wm. J.
Delpeuch vs. James Russell.
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo.,will
j lie exposed to public sale, ot the same time and place,
j the fallowing described lot, piece or parcel of land sit
. j tiate in Towanda borough, bounded north l>y land of W.
j I O Bogart, ea-t by 2d Street, and south by land of D C
r | Hall and west by 3d St.. containing 2-3 of an acre, more
or less, all improved, a framed house, a Irame barn and
: fruit trees thereon.
i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of B S Rus
t 1 sell's use vs Abm Edwards & J F Means T. T.
_ j ALSO—The following described lot, yiece or parcel of
. ; land, situate in Rome born' bounded North by land ol'Or
j son Rickey, east by the highway and south and west by
.; Di Rice.being 94 feet trout by I*so lect deep,all improved.
; I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S Hutch
] I inson & Co vs Cyrus Thatcher & (seo Fox.
ALSO—Tlie following described lot p ece or parcel of
. ! land situate in Towanda buro' bounded noith by land of
t J Mrs. Hiratn Rice, east by Second st., south by State st.,
_ ! and west by land of the Colored Weslyan Church, con
i taining 87 feet front on Second st., & 150 feet deep and
about 114 lect on the back and next to said Church lot.
5 be the same more or less, all improved, 2 framed dwell
ing houses, one framed barn and a few fruit trees there
f on.
t Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Traey &
j Irwin's use vs James Mclntyre.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
t land situate in Sniitbfiehl twp., hounded north by land of
] i Gardner Burlinguine and others, ta.-d by land ol said Bur
! liugame, south by land of James Phillips and west by
. ! lands of Jonathan Wheeler and others, containing 79
f acres and (5 19, about 35 acres improved, framed house,
| framed barn, wagon shed and Iruit trees thereon.
. j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J C Adams
| vs R K Miller.
! ! ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
t | land situate in Springfield twp., bounded north by lands
, | of Burgess, J C Phillip*, south by land of Martin Phil
j lips, and west by land of Enoch Merrcll, L Cooper Jr.,
' and others ; containing 77 acres and 152 perches, more
or less, about 50 acres improved, being lot No 24 on C F
i Welles' map of Springfield twp., with a log house there
1 ALSO—A piece of land in Springfield township boun
r j ded north by land formerly owned by Whipple, now by
| Gardner Bennett, east by land o! Charles Burgess, south
f by land formerly ol A Whipple, now Ervine Burgess and
, | west by land formerly of Lcßoy Whipple now Charles
j Burgess—containing 12 acres, more or less, all improved
s j with a log house, framed house, and Iruit trees thereon.
; ; Seized and taken in execution at the suit of l'onteroy
1 - Brotlurs vs Hiratn Spear, Thomas Smead's Administra
tors and S D Harknoss.
2 i ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
_ laud situate in Troy twp., bounded north by land in pos
session ol John Salsbury Jr. east by land of John Sals
l bury, Absolant Baxter and D N Allen, on Ihe south by
i land ol 1) N Allen, Lydia Junes, L Baldwin and John
. | Sadler and west by lands of Josiah Little and W X Ward
i —containing 132 acres, more or less, about 100 acres ini
t ' proved, Lamed house, 2 framed barns and 2 orchards
t thereon.
> | Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E Pomeroy
' ! vs Timothy P.oe.
' I A I.Bo—t he following described lot, piece of parcel of
land situate in Tuseurora tp , bounded north by land of
Britan 15- swoi tli. cast, by Britain Bosworth and Patrick
j : Malov. south ly D D Black and west by land of Loienzo
~ I Ackley, containing 30 acres more or less, a'! improved, a
framed barn and fruit tices t civm.
; ; A LSO—Another piece of land in Tuscarora twp., com
! men-zing at the south east corner of the lot ol laml of
I | Nelson Black and running south 5 rods along the public
j road, thence west eight rods, thence north five rods to
, ! the south-west corner of the lot on land of Nelson Ii! ok,
I | thence east 8 rods to the corner first started from, all fax
_ ! pr wed with a framed house thereon,
j Seized and taken in executi iat flic suit of Edmund
Worth vs D G Black & D G Buck as Admuiistrator of C
i j W Black.
ALSO—Tiie following described lot, piece or parcel of
• lan situate in ('anion nvp.. bound 1 im. ih by land ofS.
| A D. C --'per and A. Bolliwell. east by E. Lilley, south by
. ; s.jj l.iiiey and lotowu-dly Geo. Mt-rrion, and west by
' i s rid Men ion. Containing 104 acres, more or lis*, about
. 50 acres improved, log house, framed barn, framed shop
. . and an apple orchard thereon.
| ALSO —Another l'-t in said township, bounded north
i I bv land of I. Wilson, east by tlie highway lea-'iug from
j Trpytd Cartt in, south 1 y A. I.ockwood aud west by said
' j Wilson. Containing 5-s of an acre,re • i less, all im
-1 proved, a framed house, framed bam, and a few fruit
n ! trees thereon.
~ ' ALSO—Another lot in Canton village, bounded north
j : by Charles Krivse, east by the Kingsbury tavern lot.south
jby Harding & Lee, arid west by the highway, Contain
ing 3d feet ly 110 feet, all improved, more or less.
2 ' ALSO—Another lot in Canton township, hounded
, ' . •(■:!. 1 y S. & l>. (, east !y the highway, south by
i lands lairucriy ov. i.< u by G. 11. Pickard.and west by said
J ! ( a.- 1 -(.'oi. taming about 70 square perches, mote or
. ! less, ail improved, log home and fruit trees thereon.
: 8t izc-d end taken ut cxerutu.ii at tie suit of \V. R.
' Jayneaud R<-jihia Jajne. his wife, executors of \ (.
| I'i< khard. dec d., vs. David Palmer and Frances P. Pick
' j aid, now Fr.iuces Gorsline, executors ot Geo. K. Pick
!, dee'd., and Wm. Gorsline, JI. Giilam and F. F. Man-
; ley, trrre tenants.
j A LSD—The following dcscrila J lot, piece or parcel of
! j iand situate in Monioc twp., t onr.ded as it.Hows : Bcgin-
I ; iiiiig :.t a post in the ecntie of the road leading to Can
j ion,thence along said road north 5-l.v® ea-t fiit 710 perch
| c s to a incr, lia i:ce i: rtli Ci' J east 2.i perches to ator
', thence north 3;<° and 22 minutes cast 17 perches to
i a '-oM.rr iti the road oppt ito the lower side < t IniiiUta's
s I iiiidge. tlience north s<■- and 34 niin west I perch to a
. j corner in the margin of the crrek, thence ah ng the same
1 j north 03° cost 2(5 (> 10 perches to a corner, tlience north
- j *4° east 2(5 perches to a corner, thence south 304° east
I 22 pen lies to a corner in the highway near Mason's
, , lu hlge, being a corner of Wm. J. Mason's lot, thence
' i .< nth ]° and 15 minutes west (as run in June, 1552)
, j 3o 1 x-m perches to a corner of land row or lately owned
| i by Riulgi rs l'owier. thence north si'}° west 70 5-10 prr
i dies to a corner of Warrant in the name ot Alice Rop
[l i pie, thence along line of said Warrant north 4s4 a west
c i 54 l io perches to a corner, thence north 1° and 1.5 min
j utes east 231 1-10 pen-lie* to the p1y,.,)! begin; ing. C'on
„ I laiuiiig 20.3 acres, be the same, more <-r Ir-s, being the
'. j same land which C. L. Ward and wife, conveyed t" G- F.
, Mm on, Dec. 12, 15",4. about 150 acres improved, 2 fram
,® i id hcc. cs, framed h-atris. wagon shed, 1 small outbuild-
I iu.r and tiuit tires thereon.
: Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. H.Mace
vs. J. S. Cnmbell. VV. A. I'aik. and P. If. Wilcox.
ALSi)— Tie following described lot. piece or parcel of
i lai ■! situate in Smitlifieid twp., bounded north by land
ol sniiibfield Sciini 1 District and by the highway leading
| Iron) Smitbfield to Alliens, east by the highway from
• Heche Gerould's to J. G. Tracy's. .<< litis by land formerly
ij i C. Keilojr_-. west by laud 1 f said Iveinigg and land
ol aid School ib-triet. Cor.t niits i-i RVIVj more or
le-is.n!' Improved, with two liaincd liou-es, one framed
barn, blacksmith simp, and an orchard tb' v i
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Lewis D.
Gcrould vs Wm. 11. H. Dwyre.
ALSO—Sale of i he following ' suits, advertised
to be sold at the Court House, on the 26th day of March,
■ 1 "•(!.!. to wit:
Uriah Hunt. Francis Haskins. Wm. IT. Wilder, Trns
| tees. Ac.. v. T. T. Wierman, W. 11. H. Brown, James L.
i Rockwell. J. B. Smith, A. L. Crannier, Charles Wells,
! Horace Willcv, A.Martin, Wm. Williams, Geo. Beards
; ley, and Charles Smuton terre tenants.
Also. Win. 11. Winder.Uriah Hunt and Francis Has
i kins. Trustees. Ac. vs. T. T. Wieiman,
Stands adjourned to Thursday, the 7th day of May,
1803, at same place and time of day*.
A. 11- SPALDING, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Towar.da. April s. Hi;'!.
T) K(I IS'J'KH 8 NOTICES.—Notice isliere-
I L by given, that there has been ti • d and settled in
j the office of the Register of Wills, in and for the county
of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the i'ol
; lowing estates, viz :
Final account of O J Chubbuck, Guardian of A E Ilani.
Triennial account of O J Chubbnek, of Martha E and J
E Ilaniiltcu. minor children ol Joseph II Hamilton, dee'd
late of Windham twp.
Final account of John P Sharts, Executor of John
Sharts. dee'd, late of Wiimot tp.
Partial account of Wm Jennings and J F Chamberlin,
Executors of A S Coleman, dee'd, late of Wyalnsing twp
Final account ol J B A Norman McKean, Administra
orsof Jehil MeKean de'ed., late of West Burlington twp.
Final account of I A Pierce executor of A P Ballard,
j dee'd. late of Troy borough.
Final account of Jos H Marsh, adm'r of Issac Nichols
| de'cd, lateol Pike twp.
Final account of Win II Russell .administrator of Han
j nah Smith, dee'd, late of Warren twp.
Final account of Gyrus Cook, adin's of Mary Russell,
• dci "d.. late of Onvell hvp.
Final account of Charles E Brown, adm'r of J LC'an
: non. dee'd late of Rome twp.
Partial account of Andrew Kiff. adm'r of Duel Smith,
dee'd., late o' Canton twp—
i Final account of Morris and L D Shepard, exe'rs of
Natiian Shepard, dee'd, late of Wells twp.
Final account of John Morrow, ex'r of Richard Mc-
Pbersein, dee'd. late of Wyalnsing.
Final account of Caroline Montgomery, executrix of
j of Robert Montgomery, dee d, late of Tuscarora twp.
j Final account of James Yoorhis, adm'r oi Elenor Voor
| his. dee'd, late ot Springfield twp.
j ALSO—The appraisement of property set off by Ex
i ecntors or Administrators to widows or children, of the
' following decedents :
! Estate ol Moses Canfield of Wysox,
•' " Eleazcr Wright, of Litchfield,
" '• Nathaniel Terry, of Terry,
j " " Jeptha Rider, of Terry,
j " " Joseph Hamilton.ot Windham.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court.
| of Bradford Connty. on Monday, the 4th day of MAY
i next, for confirmation and allowance.
N. C. ELSBREE, Register,
i Register's Office, Towanda. I
j April 5, 18C3. f
riIHE highest premium paid for Gold and
' JL Silver, also, for the IT.l T . S. Treasury notes old issue
! Certificates lor the back pay and bouuties ol discharged
! and deseased soldiers cashed bv
1 B. S. RUSSELL, & Co.
mencing May 4, 1863.
E W Prnith vs Win El well,
C W & J F Moore & Co vs Michael Meylert,
C Stock well's use vs Solomon Lindley,
same vs Eason Pepper,
Thomas Little vs School Directors of Wells,
David Barber vs Wm Tripp.
Geo Dusenbury vs Gaming & Wightman,
L C Buckingham's use vs Union Insurance Co.
Adin Morton vs Minerva Potter etal
J W Holand vs John M Altyn,
Wm Praine vs Geo Williams,
John ii Killgore vs H & Alvia Furman,
Asylum School Sub-district vs D L Staates et al,
A K Peckham's use vs Mervin Gay lord etal,
James Nichols vs Jastn P Nichols,
Mary Ann Bishop vs Cornelius Moore,
C F Welles Jr's use vs Cornelius Hunsiker,
Win 15 Clymer vs Perry Cobb et al,
E L Knights vs Allen Knights,
John H Kalkins vs Benj Hermans
II C Lockwood vs Joseph B Webster,
Louisa C Leeds vs David Brown,
Reuben W Cheeney vs Eben Dunning,
George Mallory vs A P Spalding.
B S Iteymau vs Benj Reyiuan et al
J 11 Murflly's use vs Itobt Spalding's Executor®,
C L Ward vs Geo Wolcott et al
same \s same
Pomeroys vs G W Ingham,
II S Phinney vs Wilson Ager,
Geo Decker vs A I> Bentley et al
Charles Rosengrants vs SM Gregory,
B L Cooper vs Joseph Hinchman,
Joshua Horton Jr vs Richard T Morton,
Wm Graham vs C L Ward.
Racliael Westiuook vs I> W Enuis,
S D Lewis vs C L Ward.
H A M Hardee vs John Hewitt,
0 P Bower vs II X Fish,
John Fulton \s V E & J E Piollet,
Ezekie) Curry vs M S Warner,
James E farmer vs Cyrus Bloodgood et al,
Philadelphia Theo Sew St Ch i s Bar vs Wm & J Gibson,
Alvah Tompkins vs Abram lluniker,
same vs same
Jacob Grace vs Noah W Clark,
Charles G Ilailey vs Samuel Walls,
J 11 Phinney Jr vs John Hanson et ux,
Aaron Chubbuck vs D F Bar-low's Executors,
Ezra Holcomb vs Peter Rishel.
Nichols & Long vs John A Perry.
Ira Stephens et a! vs James Simmons et al,
Ilostner Buell vsj C Whipple et al,
Smith Lent vs John Russell,
John Wightman vs Sarah Taylor,
Henry Sherman vs Burton Kingsbury.
Ann Whalon vs Polly Weaver,
Harriet Means vs Elhanan Smith,
Sarali A Buttles' use vs John Horton et al,
Simeon Green vs S II Fitch et al,
Subpoenas returnable ou Monday,
May 11, ISC3, at 10 o'clock A. M.
March 7, 1863.
Term, D..G3, commencing May 4.
Athens fwp—H IT Green,, Springfield -Hiram Horton,
John Mi.rlcy, Julius To-; Ira Woodworth.
zcr. jSmiihfield—Edwin Blakcs-
Asylum—Joseph Braund. , Icy, Robert Pollock.
Burlington-Philander Burn.-,Terry—Martin Rider, Eli
I.i.cliticid—A Baldwin. | Hatfield, E D White, H E
Monroe twp— -Morris Kei-i Terry."
l"gg. tTroy twp—S W Taylor.
Rome twp—W Tanner. Cj i'roy boro—C C Paine.
M Van Winkle. Wysox—l) P Brrtlett.
Shcshcquin—T B Marshall,' Windham—Peter Osborn.
LJ Culver. I U'y .Busing—Justus Lewis.
Athens twp—Watson Sut Springfield—B Iv Adams,K
in. Hanky To/.er, 1 A H Cooley.
Wefler. iSylvania boro—Feler Mon- I
Armenia—Alba Burnham, ro
Alex Cease, C li Welier. Troy tv p—E Stiles, D Alli-
Athens boro J L Drake, J s >n,W Lament.
Par-ins, Wm Durant, C'Tusearora—Hintm Aclcley, !
H Wells. C Hunsicker. I 15 Cogswell. Levi Wells.
Asylnm—Charles Stevens. Troy boro—Nelson Adams.
BnrKngton—L M Rnnddll,! Ulster—Jas. McCarty, Thos
J S Clark, E Kendall. ! Scott.
Canton—John C Mason. Wysox-—E A Coolbaugh.
Cranvilie—C W Cnurchiii David Shores.
Leßoy—Alfred Stone. Wy:tluing—L P Stalford,
Monroe—Joseph Ingham, i Win Mitten.
Overton—James lJaverly. I Wells—A Warren, A P Bon-
Pike—John Black. ' horn.
Rid . bury—A'j' I Windham Samuel Jake- '
Smitiifieiu— L B Genoa'(l, R way, James Ellsworth.
Wood. iWiimnt—J J Bramhall, J W
Sheshcquin—Wm Test. Ingham.
Afhensiwp--GrantStevens. Pike—Joseph Coleman, S
G V. alker. Buck, Harris Beecher.
Athens boro—Wm Hancock She-dioquin—'Thos Wood.
Albany—-John Brown. I Standing Stone—El Espy,
Asylum—J P Ellis. Henry Fisher.
-Nathan Sherman Troy twp— P Tratt,ll Long,
Buriirgton West—T Black S Spaldiug.
well. _ Tttscarora—D D Gray.
Columbia—Joseph Beeman L'owaudn boro—J C Wilson.
Newberry Calkins. E Nathan Tidd.
Young. Terry—T M Unities.
Canton—W S Javne,E Lan- Ulster—TC Wheeler.
Bon. _ r Wells—George Noble, John
Franklin—J V Taylor. i Brown.
Granville—S J n. ; Windham—P W Kinyor.
Hen i. k—T S Camp. iWyslusiug—V.'ymaa Uay-
Litchfiehl—l T Button. < lord.
Monroe—Wm Beardsley. 1
XJL is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Mas- ■Sr CurrJ.ite of Overton,dee d.,are requested
to make immediate payment, and ail having claims
against said estate, most present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement. JAMES HEVEBLY,
Feb. 2"), 1863. AdministiT-tor.
J'\. is briv'.by given that ail persons indebted to the es
tate o!' Sally, late of Orwell twp., dee'd., are re
quested to ; lake inimt-diite payment, and those having
claims ag-thisf aid estate must present them duly au
thenticated (or settlement. ALBERT PRINCE,
l'eb. 25,1b02. Administrator.
xA. is hereby given that all persons indebted to Hie es
tate o; " W ; GO'... t iwnship dee'd., are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
claims against -aid• -late must present tiiem duly authen
ticated lor .settlement. If. C. GORE,
Feb. -~K 1863. Administrator.
PROCLAMATION. —Whereas the Hon
. U.MERCFR. President Judge of the 12th .Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford
and Susquehanna, and Honorables JOHN PASSHOKE, and
\. M. LONG. Associate .Judges, in and for said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the
27th day of March A. I). Ls63,to me directed, tor holding
a Court of Oyer ami Terminer, General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace, Common Picas and Orphan's Court at To
wnnda,for the County of Bradford, on Monday, the 4lh
daynt May next,to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to.the Coroners and
: Justices of the Peace and Constables, of tlie County cl
j Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in tiie forenoon of said day. with
their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those things which to their olllce appertains to be
done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or oth
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may
be in the jail of said County, or who shall be bound to
appear at the said court, arc to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual in thelV attendance, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 2d of April, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty three .and
of the Independence of the United States, "the eighty
sixth. A. H. SPALDING. Sheriir.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of NORVAL W. JONES, late of Pike twp., dee'd.
are requested to make payment without delay.and those
having claims against said estate will present them duly
authenticated lor settlement.
Feb- 25. 18GSi Administrators.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liere
-1 J by given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of NATHANIEL TERRY,Iate of Terry twp.,dee'd..
arc hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those haviug claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 7.1 5 fi3. Executors.
"VfOTICE —Tito Stockholders of the To-
JLx wanda. Bridge Company, are hereby notified that
a meeting will We held at t, :e office of L-VPORTE, MA
SON A Co.. in the borough of Towanda, on the 4th day
of May next, at 2 o'clock I*. M.. for the election of a Pre
sident, Treasurer and six Directors of said Company.
N.N. BETTS,Jr.,Sec'y.
March 2.3, ISC3.
A L DI TOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
V the estate of Milton Ross, dee'ei.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Court
upon exceptions field to the final account of Aiministra
tor. will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his
office, iu Towanda borough, on Saturday, the Uth day of
APRIL. 1863, at 1 o'clock p. m.,at which time and
place all persons interested are requested to be present.
Towanda, March 4,1863. Auditor.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ELOX BENNETT, 1 ite of Springfield twp..dee'd, '
aie reauuested to make immediate payment, and those ,
having claims will please present them duly authenti- i
cated for settlement. F. G. BENNETT, i
Mareh li, 1888. Administrator.
I J.X. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
I estate of FRANCIS A. HARMS, late of Leßoy, deceas
ed, are requested to make immediate payment, and all
having claims against said estate are requested to pre
i scut them duly authenticated for settlement.
j March 11,1863. Administrators.
UIX. is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es- j
i tatc of ISAAC PRATT,Iate of Orwell twp., deceased, are
| requested to make immediate payment, and all having
j claims upon said estate will present them duly anthcuti-
I cated for settlement.
11. H. PRATT,
March 11, l r .C2. Administrators.
| NOTICE Notice
■ JfJ is hereby given that nil peasons indebted to Use cs
i Ite of MOSES C'A XFFFLD.Iatc of Wysox twp.. deceased
arc requested to make immediate payment, and all hav
ing claims against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Jan. 26. 1863. Executrix.
! O is hereby erven, that ail persons indebted to the es
tate ofHULDAH KING, laate of Wyalusing, dee'd.,
are hereby requested) to make payment without dfl.iy,
and all persons having demands) against said estate will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 26, ISC3.
-tx. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of Samuel Schrader, late of Franklin dee'd..are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
demands against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Feb. 5, 1563. Administrators.
is lierev given, that all persons indebted to c-state
of JOHN C. IIURLBUT, late of Canton twp..dee'd., art
requested to make payment without delay, arid those hav
ing claims against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 25. 1P63. Administrator.
-X jL is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es
tate ol O. W. Northrop late of Pike, dee'd., are requested
to made immediate payment, and those having claims
against -iid estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ISA AC LYONS, Adrn.
Feb. 17,1563.
. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate l Richard R- Beekwith, late of WELLS, ilec'd.,
are requested to make immediate payment, and those
having demands against said e-tate will prescut.them da
i y authenticated for settlement,
Feb. 5, Administrator.
; J.\. vs. John It', li'nn iv g. No. 4 C 3, May T. 1861.
j The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed bv said Court
I to distribute monies raised i y Sheriffs sale ol defendant's
I real estat", will attend to the duties of his appointment
i at his office in the borough of Towanda, on FRIDAY,
! the 10th 6:13- of APRIL, 1363, at 2 o'clock, p. in.,
i when and where all persons having claims on said monies
j mu.A present them, or else be forever debarred from the
| March 4,1863. Auditor.
j A UDI TO I ITS N OTIC 'E.— Samuel C. Mmni
j Tl- vs. Orsor. Rickey 4" A7/cn Rickey. No. 7jo Mav
j T. 1860.
| The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by srU Comt
I to distribute monies raised 'O3- Sheriff's sale oi'deiendant's
1 real estate, will attend to the duties of Ins appointment
! tat his offi-e in the borough of T<•wanda, on S iturdcy
, the 4th day of APRIL, 1803, at 2 o'clock, p. m.. r.nd
j allf persons having claims upon said monies must present
| them, or else be forever debarred from the sam<-.
March. 4.1R65. Auditor.
Take notice, that at an Orphans Court held in and for
I the county of Bradford, a! To-.vanda, the 3d day of Feb-
J ruary, 1 -Ob tli-' Barnard Quick, pr; -rnteb a petition set
i ling lortls that be contracted with B. P. Ingham, decent
! c-b about the year 1851, for two ceres of laud situate in
j Wilmot towr-.iip. and bounded as follows : On the south
j by the Susquehanna River, on the east by lands of B. P:
\ lu-.'ham.dee'd,. on the south ty s.une, A on the west by
lard- of 1 cM*3' et Horton, tiiat he has -r bond, from B. P.
Ingham, dec'd., covenating to give T.'m a good and suf
ficient deed on payment of consideration money, that lie
has paid the condition money and asks a decree of court
torthe administratrix to vnakc him a deed in accordance
with contract ol JieceO.ant. On motion of Mr. Adams the
court grant a rule to show cause why specific periorrfi
ance shall not bo allowed.and decree that personal notice
he given to the administratrix and heirs at law residing
in li;e county, and order the notice to 1 e pnb lislied iii
the county paper and mailed to the last respective resi
dences of those heirs who reside ont of the county. Rule
' returnable to the first day ol May Term, 1863.
Towanda, Feb. 25,1833.—4w.
| TUDITOB'S NOTICE.—/" P. Horton vs.
• -If I), c 1 iib'j'e, 4* J. P. Ilorlon s tee vs. I).('.I)i j'c
; A i l-f!, l-l-'.in the Court of Common Pit-as, of Bradford
j Co. May Term, 1°52.
I jhe undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
| to distribute monies arising from Sheriff's sale of defen
; dant s real estate, will attend to the dutiis of his appoint
mi ut at the office of' ED. T. LLLIOI 1 , in the borough
of Towanda. en FRIDAY, the 18th day of APRIL,
1-63, at 1 o'clock. P. M.. when and where all persons
having claims upon said funds must present them or else
be forever debarred therefrom. E.T. ELLIOTT
March, Hb 1863. Auditor,
j is hereby given, that all persons ir.d- bted to the es
| tate of CHARLES BURCH, late of Towanda borough,
dee'd.. nre requested to make immediate payment, and
all having claims against said estate will present them
du'y authenticated for settlement.
March 25,1863. Administrator.
I AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—J. ./". Kirby vs
I • Charlotte Gorstlint, et a!., JVo. 122, /•". b. Term, 1862
! —Same vs. G. It Gors'ine, et <:!. —ln the Court of Cuin-
I mon Pleas, No. 123, Feb. T. 1862.
1 The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
' to distribute the proceeds of the Sheriff's sale ol defend'ts
1 personal property, will attend to the duties of his
appointment at his office, in the borough of Towanda, 0:1
\ , S-VTURSDAY, the 25t'n day of APRIL. 1863, at one
' o'clock, p. ra., and all persons having claims upon said
monies must present tla-:n, or else be forever debarred
' from the same P. D. MORROW.
' March 23. 1563. Auditor.
1 I -®- pairof MULES, five years old, well matched in size
■ ' and color. Any one wishing to buy cau do so t*. a oar
. gain.
j Refer to N. TIDD, at the Barclay Coa! office. Towan
• I da. Pa. L. I>. PRINCE.
I Rome, lfarch 23,1863.
IJ- DIERS, Widows. Mothers and Minor Children.—
' | Bounties for Soldiers discharged by reason of wounds rc
i j ccived in battle ; Widows and Heirs of deceased Sialiiiers.
j Bark Pay and settlement of all arrears and balance due
discharged and deceased Officers, Soldiers and Sailors.—
i Prize Money for all United States vessels.
Hand-Book of Instruction sent, bv enclosing stamp to
; : pay return postage. SOMES k BROWN,
_ j Solicitors of Claims and Patents,(Under Broadway Bank)
2 Park Place, New York. 476 Seventh Street, Wa.iii
ington, D. C.
1 \\ JLLTAMSBL RG CITY BANK Wil'iamsburgb.
i Ilcn. HANNABLE HAMLIN, Vice-President.
I " MARTIN KALBFLEISCH, Mavorol Brookivn,
" ABU AII MANN, New York.
| JAY, COOK & CO., Bankers, Washington & P'uila.
March 26, 1563.
-L AND THEIR FRIENDS.—The undersigned having
' had considerable experience in procuring Pension Bonn
- ties and I ack pay of soldiers, will attend to all business
in that line, entrusted to his care, with promptness and
Persons wishing to confer with me will please rail or
" address me by letter at Sylvaaia, Bradford count v. Pa—
Charges reasonable. " GEO.P. MONROE.
Refers by permission to
t H. B. C'ARD, County Treasurer, Wellsbboro, Pa.
D. F. PoMEROY, Troy, Pa.
1 A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Pa.
f Oct. 22. 1862.
• Mil's Ground Plaster, at
De?. 16,18 M. W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
: NEW MmmmC
I informs the public that he has again t.iken charge of his
| old establishment and will manufacture A keep on band
i at all times a stock of
'-Wt>V" :i ~h'!.inds. Tul les, Ac., Ac., of
"AA-A AM* different stylesuu prices, suited to
t ~ '*s tfie wants of (be country. He asks
the attrntion of those wishing to
: Is-• " U,' .; 1/ Li:v to the articles kept by him, as
I, • q':<l h<? i* determined that in the quality
i ;T \of his work, lite excellence of matc
-1 ' r r " ri; 1 and the price not to he onutdon
| | r Mi\* any establishment. Beingsatis
fied that the IIKAPY "PAY system is the best for both
purchaser and seller, his bin-iise-s vvih be (''inducted upon
I that system. He will, however, take in exchange for
work, all hinds of Country Produce, at the market price
TU B^riira-,
' Of all kinds, dmc to order, in the best manner, at reason
: able rates, and on short notice.
W The Undertaking Department will be conducted,
1 as usual, by Mr. Makinson who js prepared with a new
. and splen ! id Hearse to attend to nil calls in his line.
! Towanda, April 2, l<j63.
HAVING pnroltase.'l the Ft ore and exten
sive stock of Goods of T. HUMPHREY, in Orwell,.
! now offer great inducements to those v>ho are in want of
Boots, Shops A Leather of all kinds. The highest price
Orwell. No* £, 1862 n23-tf.
; rpiIAT old ami well-tried Comnany, "TIIE
chartered in ITiU.with a paid iij> capital of SSCO.OOO.and
located iu Philadelphia, will take risks in 'J'<>wn or Coun
try. either aniiuuily or perpetually, at as low rates as
anv sound Company. Apply t"
B. S. RUSSELL, Agent,
at the Banking House (>' B. S. ItUSSELL A Cj.
■ Towanda, Feb. 3, 1r.03.
J- thank 'to the public for their patronage during the
past year, and :.-k the same di.-< runinating public to
give his new stock a fair examination before buying, be
lie *ing he can Bttiify them both in goods and prices. 1
i will roil my :t >ck as low. for the quality, as any one ia
the country, which consists, a- usual, of all articles in
■ the Ger.tbmm's Furnisning department. All Wool Cas
sinicrc tails. Silk Mixed do., and some of a lower grade,
! as we'll as th> finer
Doeskin coals. Pants k Vests.
Silk Velvet and Grenadier Silk VcN. all, of which goods
1 will leprc.-f nt in to quality. Overcoats, ail grade*
and ]>ri. c". Un :er r-hii's and Drawers, Suspenders, Ho
sieries, Collars, Neck Ties, I sue Linen Shirts,
Canes, Umbrella®. Gloves anc! Mittens, Ac., Ac. I would
! call espec-ai attention to my large stock of Fur Hats,
' whi> h I 11 •.r t' r my-df! sell a Lttio lower than Hie s.v.oe
[ goods can 1 e boa ht in town 1 mean what I say, and
'no humbug ; so <'re t : .- ;i oil?, and if we don't sell vos
■ goods before ye t leave it will he our fault . We chares
j nothing for bowing g ••'<. I have the Fall Style of the
Ce'cbratcd Oakford Siik Ilal,
Now on exV-itinn, which needs no puffing to those wh
i have worn them. Respectfully,
11. W. EDDY.
Towanda. Oat. 14.
SPRING. 1883.
; SPUING noons,
March 19,1563.
; New Boot and Shoe Shop.
V ! FORM tiie citizen.' of Towanda and vicinity
UIt 1 ::11. he has opened a I'- >ol' AND SHOE
SHOP in the Building one door south of the
News It. >om, in which, place he nolle'ts a share of their
patronage. Especial attention ; aid to Gcats' Sewed
. Boots aud Ladies' P Hmoralc).
Towanda, AprillBt>3.
I WW, 1 ' 0 y '-~ BUY POOR COAL
• 1 'i.. t—All Kerosene or Crat Oil sold by Dr. Por-
J tor will L.A warranted as represented, and hereafter no
one yrill have an ezense for buying poor Oil. when a
| good, rttiablt article can be bad at Dlt PORTER'S
■ j DRUG STORE at a low price.
J. 1) A , now occupied l'.v the rub.-eri: er, rs offered for
| .-ale. 'The house i snb-taxtially built, is two stories high
I with a basement, and is conveniently arranged, and well
' i finished. It. is fitted to accomodate borders. There ia
upon the lot a good well, a conveui-t t new barn, apple,
I cherry, peaches, plum . and pear tri e's, and a variety of
, grapes. It can he r>:chang?d, on fa r 'erms, f.r a small
i larni that ha- good buildings upon it, IT if sold for cash
t j time will be given.
Inquire of E.G. COBURX, at th umer office of F..W.
P.aird.orof 0. 11. CO BURN,
i Towanda. March 17.1863.
! The Argus Book bindery in Pall Operation !
! Directly Opposite tiie Test Office.
\yri have the gratificatlc no: ann mcing to our frfcndn,
> customer:, and the public, th. twe are now pre
i pared to do
j in all its Branch's in th • latest and most approved styles,
1 and on the most favorable terms.
tS" Particular attention paid to r-Bi:iding. All work
. j guarranted.
AS"Country Produce of all hinds taken in payment
j for work.
Having made complete ao~g"m?ntß. we are pre
; | pared to Rule and Bind BLANK ROOKS to any style or
pattern, at prices as low as elsewhere.
11. C. A L'. 1). WIIITAKER.
( Towanda, March 11. If 63.
.I. 1 ERS OF GOOD POTATOES. The celebrated
; "Garnet f 'hili" Potatoc-. selected by Goodrich in a thir
-1 teen years' experiment IV nn more than ten tliousand new
! seedlings, possess a hither degree of hardiness and adap
-1 tation to ell soils and Weather than any other sort. They
. | are round, ripen with the season, grow closely in the
i hill, do not push on* of the so",!, are very smooth and
I beautiful, have white Ihsli and inmost localities have
J been pronounced the finest and be-t potato for table use.
In good soils and seasons and with fair cultivation, they
will readily yield from ?oO to 350 bushels to the acre,
and in some'hands have exceeded even those figures
I Secure -red now—s-weral bushels for sale. Inquire at
. | Jan. 27.1863.
Valuable Mill Propciiv for Sale.
- i a property in Fmithficld. Bradh.rd county, Pa..con
si'tlng of a STEAM FLOURING JIILL, with new Flue
Boiler, having wafer privilege, and a new water wheel—
The Mill is in complete order, and has a goo.l run of ous
torn established. 2"> A eyes of Improved Lund, upon which
are two Dwelling flenses, one new< a oarrtage sbop,fcr
a good farm horse, s.-ven years oU ; two wagona, Ac..
, will be sold with toe Mill,
> For further particulars er.qnirc. personally or by letter,
addressed to HINMAN A DELANCy,
Ma - h U - D 68- SaithficW, Bradford Co., Pa.