Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 02, 1863, Image 4
Ayar's Sarsaparilla, A COMPOUND REMEDY, in which wt h. l vc labored I • the m<effectual altera ive that can be made. It is a concentrated extinct o! tiara SarsaparilhK so combined with other suh-Krnr'E's o! still greater altcrat've |*nvcr as to afford an effective ::- tidots lor the diseases Sa v sapnriila i- rc-puti (1 !•> cure, it is i.eiieved that snca a remedy is wauie i hy th >-e who super from Strumous complaints and that one which w.d accomplish their euro must prove <>l imtueiise service to this ! use class ol oar Mhicied it Row citizens. 1-low com pleieiy this compound will d > it has been proven l<y ex periment on many of the worst cases to he lound ol the fo" rivingcon.plaints:— iV!:'Ki:(.A AND Sc!!'-Fl*t.OfS COUPI.AIKTS, EIttTTION? AM) EI.LTVIVB DISUVSKS, ULCEUS, PIMI'LES, BI.OTeIIKS. T' moks. SALT ITffni'M, SCALD Hi: n, Svi nn.Lt? AND Fvratt.iTtc AFFKOTIOXS.MKKOI'SIIAL DTSKASE, Oaorsv. KKf'tU.fitA <)K Tu Ixa toi i.Kix DKUIMTY, IhsrKPSiA • am> INP:c--:ST:OX. KRYSIPKI A-. Ho-v. ott ST. AXTIIONY'S j and indent the whole iktss ,-i complaints arising! lrom IjtrcKiTY OF Tim BLOOD. This compound wi 1 he found a great promoter ol , health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul lm-| mors which fester in the blood at that season of'he year ! By tlie timely expulsion of them many rankling disor | ders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can hy the aid ! of this remedy, spue themselves lrom the endurance -j loul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the j svstein will strive to rid itself of corruptions, it not as- j sfstedto do this through the natural channels yd t; c body by r.n alterative nieuieiue. Cleanse out the vitiated j blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through ! the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores : cleanse it when , you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins; j cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your teeiings will toil you when. Even where no p-.iiticul.w discover is It-It. people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing i the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; hut i with this labuluiu ol" lile disordered, there can be no : lasting health. Sooner or later something must go ; wrong and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. . | Sarsaprrilla has, and deserves much, the reputation. , of accomplishing these ends. Ilut the has been j egregious'y deceived by preparations ot it, partiy*because : the drug alone has let all the virtue that is claimeu jor j it. but more because many preparations, pretending (" be -concentrated extracts ol it, contain but little ol tlie vir tue of Sarsapari 11a, or any tiling else. Jim h-.g h.te years the public hive been misled by large j nettles, pi.lending to give a quart ol Extract of Sarsa i parilla tor one dollar. .Most ot these love teen frauds upon the sick, for they n<>t only contain little, if any. Sarsaparilla, lint often no curative i roperttes whatever. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the os <,f tile vaiioos extract- ot f-ar-apari'da whicu flood the market, until the name its--!! is jnM'y ilo.-pised, nod h.:s become s;%- nymous with imposition and client. 1 Stiii we call I'iis c..nipoiind Saisapariila, and intend to snjpiiv so ha remedy as shall rescue the name frmn the ' 1 xii of old - : v which rests upoh it. And we thiut ; have gum ml b.r believing it lias virtues which are ir j rc-i-hudc- by the or '.ia try rna of the diseases it i.- int. tid ed tocrue." I:i Older to secure their complete cradica j tlon from the system, the reuu-dy should no jadnu ualy i taken a-.-ci .iing to directions on the In !o. Pre; trod by Dr. J.C. AVER & Co.. I. a well, Mass— . Price', il per Botilc ; Six BoU'.e* for S.">. AVER'S CHERRV I'ECTOR AL has wop. f. t itself such a renown tor the cure of every j variety ot Throat and > .unuc.uit. t 1 ... t is entirely , neweeessary foi ns to recount the evidence of its virtues ; wherever if has been employed. As it ! ng been in ; constant use- throne!, i.t tig- section, v,c need nt do [ more than assure the people its quality is Kept up to the j best it cvt r lias been, end that it may 'or- relied on tj do j lor their relief nil it h s ever be- n .ound : > do. AVER'S CATHARTIC RILLS, For the cure of (' -livc-i,.-J, Jaundice, Dvspepia, Indi gestion. Pvsentery. Ik nil S -mutch.Erysipelas. Headache. ; Piles. Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. IJvci , C-mplaint, Dmpsy, Titter, Tumors and Suit Rheum. ! Wo>■.ts. Clout, N. analgia, as a Dinner Bill, ti r put; fving the Blood. They arc sugar coated, so that ti.e mst j sensitive can take them plea- .utiy, -and they are lh- b< -t | aperient in ttie world for all tin- pnrpu-c-s of a b.miiy piiy.-ic. l'rice 115 cents per Box ; 1 lie L 'xcs for ft,Go front r.timbers of Clergymen, Pliy-ic'ans Statesmen, aril eminent personages, i avc lent the ir names b> <Tiii \ tlie imp uailed iisch-ini—'"i these remedies, 1-nt our p.i-i here will net permit tir-i's.-itirti of them. The Agents: bet c.v named I'arr.-h giatis o ir Amv.UCAS ALMASAC i„ , which the v are given : with si- ; < fni! il> -'-liptions oi the 1 above complain*.-, and the tic.Umcat that should be foi- f lowed for the : r i ure. Po r.ot he pot ol! i.v nnprin.-ipt'-l deai rs wl'h cll.t i , preparati ms they make more profit on. Demand AYKH'S sod t it'.e n > others, i - -i- h. > oi the bc.-t aid there i for .a. and they -lio-dd ii.ive it. A!i -IR REMEDIES ire foi s-.tie by Or U. C.POXTH: F> WDTid.I ; (JFUKKSEY & PLTCIIFI.L, TL'OJ ; P\J.Y & V/HITK, I Leonard Hollow; (>. D. I*ARKUL:US, LER**Y; TAVLOB flranvi.K: P. VN.cox V ('■.. Cnit N; AMJULSS & iioi .. TRRIR.. Alba ; BT.\I v, W\ai-.Cl;ir ; PP-LLKT. V'y-..x : J Stbyrvs A Brisßowr. t: -viOI-VIIIE ; BT.pJ-:N. *E- I Warren ; LONG & Soxs, Burlington : XKWKLLA: CO., \ 1 STER : I'EBSIX.s, Alliens ; M::-.uV. B-.riing!-n : Avkky IE CAMP, Cauiptown : Nicaoi.S, Htrrlekville ; I.ITTI.e Lißny.-vi'le ; B .ovsos. dnvcll : B -blk a v . iticott - Creek ; MOONV, II - no ; Ki.n.nlv & GOUX, EHEEHCIIAIN and by M .h RS cCC ty WL.eie. Tow;;--,da. July :;t. 1 -c,2. NOW RPADYT" nf, C7TP' E? nj-I Ir.ft S3 Ulft n fit' p ; HiJ Li \ vi i- {V t• n ■NS \ TO WAND A, PENNA. THE Snlis<*ribf-r lctr> leave to oa'l flip at to'ition of tl.-e ;.ntMe to the ft that he lias onl irgcd his i-.o.livv powes-:. d ba.-cd and si t. tip .;•! V*'icaiJ jn-v.-l-i-'ery, and employed a larger number of workmen than formerly, so that no*.v prepared to execute r dt-rs for Ca-tii gs or Macliio-ry w-'h promptitude. t! • I;it bis work- BATTKUXS in - -e by tin late i,oof v m. It. i'lii ■i. n. | Kliuira X. V.,and lias also uddeil to these. |);i; tcvus ot v.nious kinds. MIT.I. IRON'S .i-:ii-!. ! for Ori t ME..S, Gang, Gate. Circu'.ar ui.J Moi.-; >.-. v " ,i v ,- STE.V?" r T- r *! kl 3 of il*T"rent s'/.c--andig-i ;. .d ia fact almost any kind of Ca tings or MaciTn.eiy it. - <>minon use. ah um Fittings such us steam Pipe*. Pthru-*, Hi turn lie■■■>/*. R. I'tr ?, Ct.up'.i g*. Glubt-\' !ri, Check I alas, G'a.fgt Cock a, Oil Cup*. H itisCe*, 4*C. Iwa3 - s on hand and made to order. ."I- is also prepare,l to furnish STEAM BOILERS of any siz or kind wanted. Small Castings made in Brass or Composition. Cook Ing .a:il Heating Stove sof different sj/.es uiaiiulactoici and for sale at the above works. Furniture for Cooking Stoves and Stove I'iae a! way sou han-l. Her- -us who want (lEARINti oi any kind are informed that the subscriber lias in-oe patterns for (ieni ing fl .iti any other cmceni in ti,j.s part ot tlie eonntry. The\ would be quite sore of tic ting among hi; H ltterr.s (bar lag licit would answer their wants'and thus sav" dclai Li;-' expense in getting up wvk. lie m ikes nl-i a large variety of Pulley®. Balnnlx W heels and Cranks, Water VVlieels ; also Saw Cummers ,-hi mldc Skeins and I'ipc Boxes, Iron Fence, Caldrons Plows, &c. His equipment of machinery consists of a< good tool: fl® arc made, and was selected with .tlie design i t bein able to do any job which might be offered, whether largi or small. In short his (.tToit has to get up in all rc®pt*iti a ;i:st , !a.-s cstabiisliment. Icr .i- I,iia;,jf. Oid>.-rs solicited. Cash paid foi Oi l Pewter and Lritlariia. Work® situated on Main Street near Birrlav ft. If Can Basin. U. D. BAifILK f!. Towup 'a, April il. 1 1. l*rop< iclot. BOOK BSsYDERY. r T 1 TlEy bscv'l.-cr having wi'hdi iwn frm the Argo- J building would respeetfuFy iutbrm Die public that ] lie hasreaiuved huFiainand Fancy Bindery to the Xortl I Room ot toe M t-diiou-e. loran-riy occui 'i-d by tiie P'.si I Office, v.ore lie. is ii"\v prepared to bind all kinds m j w®ka >o the n.0.-t approved and workmanlike maunerj i T f_- to share my profits witis no second person i fiat tor my-eii tuat my pi ices win meet the satisfaction ot tlie public. Thankful lor tlie confidence reo iscilin me and tlie pub lie appreciation of my work, for the last two yearn, I oi.. '( ndcavoi in the fulitrc to merit tlie continuance ot i lln1 In-support. 1 arti. -'-ir attention given to r-:-binding Books. AH w .. wili lie warranted. Terms, Cu-h. J"AI- '.a large .is- irt <d s I'A I'IOXERV of tlu ; best qimii'y. at the lowest prices. Justices' and Consta i bic . Bi A N'K.-s. of ail kinds. • I'lcft II;i 1-li.\\lEs. round, ®quare and oval; and pic tuits f cauicd to order, clicapi; !'iau ever known here. JOIIAN'N* F. BENDER, i jovund.i .Jan. 11,1 vifO. Bookbinder and Arti t. i ESTALLISHEa ISff 18-2 S. EN'TLKMIfX g SHAVING AND HAIR CL TTI.VG i f 5 :, 1 ' still in operation in the basement of the v. a;d House. SQLoiviGivr COGPSH Y .-ltd respeetn.liy inform the public that he is prepared ! t<> \\ . tun :ul tiuil will favor him with ar.iil. Strict ;t- 1 temioii with a determination to pb-a-e. in everv cb-ni'it '. me- ;of Ins trade. Shaving, Ha.r Cutting, and Sham I lv J • ,Z "D. -"''V 1 and Ml - a '"' w rauted to shave ' . ft air and >\ luskcrs colored to suit the t-isle •„,i w u--anted to j lease. AJwayy ready to wait on my one j la.'t' u ';-'lcii-e. Clothes cleaned and renovated iuthe IK i DDssibie manner. \ lowaudn. Jan. 27. 'r-i E hig|iest. premioin paid for Cio d ami j • / , ' Vi'' 1 1 iDtest.|ti i<sue— I t .1 Tswinia lug-'.-A i.J-ttUas>ELL,.& Co. jl. JTttsccUaueous. Susqutljauna Collegiate Institute, TOIVAXDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. F ACL'LTY : Rer.JAMES MCIFILLIAM. Hrincipnl. Professor of An cieni Laug.rug'-s. and Mental anil Moral Sciences. SAMHKI. i,. FISI.ER, A. B. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. ~ ProI.CHARLES It. COBURN County Superintendent, General Director of Normal Department, Miss E. C.'Vf AiVxi-'R, | Preceptrcsses. Miss E. OLEASON, Teacher of Vocal and Instrnmertal Music. The spring Term commences WEDNESDAY, MARCII 2J, and will continue 14 weeks. Tl'iriOX, TEit TEttM : [Payable invariably in advance, or one-lialf on entering the school and one-halt at the middle oi the term—fuel | and contingencies iuciudt'd.] ' Primarv, per term * r ' •i Preparatory 0 00 1 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00 I Higher l-t and 2d year, per term 8 00 ! Classical. Ist year, per term. 7 00 i Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. B. I'npils wiii be classed by the most advanced i branch thev respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for ! uel and contingents. EXTKA EXPENSES: i Frencg $ j tierina 0i) : Dr.jwiL, 5 Co ! Board ir. he Institute, prr week, including fuel and ligat 2 00 Washing, per dozen : The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 i weeks each. The ■nniversaiy exercises will be held at j the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, cxeept in case I of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will heretofore, be taught in ! the Institution.but by special arrangement—a class wi) ! be taught in a hall adjoiningthegrounds oi the Institute ! by the Teacher ol Vocal Music. ! This arrangement has been adopted for the past term : and lias proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains wili be taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to ; take les.-onsin this branch. Terms will be us heretofore. Tuition or. Piano Foitc. per term $lO oft | Use ol instrument on which to take lessons CO do for practice 2 00 i Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow els, Ac., and the table silver a. their option, it is desira bic that they also furnish their own bed and bedding I when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these wiii he : furnished at a slignt charge. It I- strongly recommended that students from abroad should board in the Institution, a.® better opportunities ; for advancement in study are thereby secured. Norma! Department— Special exercises are arrangeo without extra charge for those preparing themselves as i Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. 11. COBI'KN , the i able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools I in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea ! chi-r's class, ami lire-1 the course to tie pursued. • lie will also be Ire A-to conduct its exercises as often j as practicable, ami will dcllwr frequent lectures on the i Theory and Practice ot Teaching, as also 011 other subjects | connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ■ : ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be pi esi-ut during the Fail term. Prot. Cobnrn's connection with the institution is noi j such us to in any way interfere with the discharge or the i regular dutic-s oi bis office. No pains will be sp; red, on the part of the Faculty ar.d Trtistei s in sii-taiuing the high repul Ration the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in icndeiing it mom wor hy of future patronage and support I JAMES MeWILLIAM, Principal. March IS. ISiFL TH^DE/AFT. THOSE IN WANT OF BOOTS & SHOES, SHOULD CO TO 'THE TOWAXDA I BOOT & SHOE STORE, Opposite tbe Court House. CASH PAID FOB HIDES & PELTS, At HUMPHREY & GO'S. Towand.i. Sept. 24. ISII2. !~ ~ ~ I ... A S - -■> b v \ .5 *' a isL-J ■ v v; . >r "- ■- . x,-f ■ ' - npiTTS IS TDK EST ATS LI SIIM EXT 1 whore you can linda very line assortment o b'. ! rt'UMS \ND •! EWELUY of .ill descriptions, al-o : S good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shilling.- ■tp, at.d warranted to give good -ati-!aeti..n or no saie. | i am ai.-o agent lor tlie sale o* D. E. LENT'S eelebratec j Barometer- whi h every tbiuier -hould ulwavs have. Pn i -cs from $3 to S2O, according to finisii UEI'AIRINt lone as usual in a neat and workmanlike inanneraud ai r tiled. W.M. A. CH AM BERLIN. ENTIRE NEW SiTK'K AT PANB C PR 8 C ESt, MEN'S AND EOY'S READY-3I \DE CLOTHING. Gents Furnishing Goods, otc., AT 18. MABKS', | Wo. 3, Patton's Slock, Towanda, Pa. ' es,CUTTING, CLEANING- ,V REPAIRING DONE ON tiUURT NOTICE.tEjt If Coat® 1 nd Pants you wi.-h to buy, Ju-t call at M irks' -tore and try ! i His Coats tit well and neat— His Pants, in town, cannot be beat — Mis price- arc exceeding low. CIII Sail—, Small pi- tits,'' hi a motto, Remember, it you wish t 1 trade, Money saved is Money made. By pur busing ~f Maiks'.store j Aon ve 20 per cent, or more! ie-t this 1., ; , I-,J PI->ve in time Mo'i-1 ruth than poetry in my rhyme, j Nov. 2li. 1-li? NEW attractions" T"s At Geo. H. Weed's Gallery A TOWANDA, PA. You can procure, at low prices, IPEOTOBIPJIIPHS, Of al! sizes, up to life size, either plain or re ; touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MELAINOTYPES and AMBROTVPES. and al- ' most all otlic-i kinds of types. Pictures in good ca>a s lor j 2.5 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Mt-laiuotyi c-s m.i le in all k lubflfenveather, (except for liildnn. All work wan ant, tJuly 2.5. ISGI. j INS-JR t rJCS. I IMTAT cll nml well-tried Comnnny. "TflE . INSI.'RANCE COMPANY OF NORTH "AMERICA .' \ charlered in IThl. with a pa d up capital of S.jlKJ.i nO.aiid ! ■O-- del in Philadelphia, wiii risks in Town 01 Coun try, either annually or | erpetnally, at as l"\v i; tes as ;ny sound Company. At ply to . _ . B. S. RUSSELL, Agent, at Hie Banking House o! B. 8. RUSiBLL A Qo. iiuWAiida, l'b. 3,18 J. iHfsttl'.aiirou';. THE TTICTIOIfT j| IAW >' ,>. s DRUG STORE. (IVltolesa.'r and Retail- No 4, Pattern's Block, C'ornei of J\lu : n an ! Bridge Sis., Tnuiunda Pa.) DR. T. F. MA DILL, Proprietor. : rpiiE SUISSCIM HER RESUEOTFULLY | J. informs the Pulific flint lie lias purchased tlie above i Drug Store, anil having thoroughly refitted ami enlarged I t. ami increased his facilities for Compounding Medicines | is prepared to supply every want <>t the public, iu the j line ot DRUGS AND MEDICINES, My r Stock, almost. enPicly new, has been selected with care, and embraces a I ill assortment of all articles belong iug to the Ding Trade. FS.I3SH supplies' are received monthly, of Pure and Reliable Drugs and Medicines, which will lie sold at prices that cannot tail lo suit our patrons. My stock consists of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and PURE LIQUORS, ! Of every description, and the best quality for Medical use. Ail the popular | PATENT HEDSCS^E AND A I, A ROM SUPPLY OP HOMEOPATHIC & COXCEXTItiTED MEDICINES j Botanic J* ITcfectic Medicines, Tildon's Alco In lie ami l luid Extracts, Alkaloids and Resinoids. All the best Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Bt\.ces. Breast Pumps. Nipple Shalls & tshiel s, Nursing Unities, Syringes, Cat liter*, ,V LARGE ASSORTMENT OP RAZORS A STROPS Pocket Knives. Surgical Instruments of inte style and best quality. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Put ty, Ac. A large supplvof B B TJ S II E S i For tlm II it. Hair, and Sines. Painting. Varnishing and White Washing, also for the feelh aud Nails. TQQTK POWDERS AND PAST£5 8 of every variety. A large assortment of PASICT AamsiLiLS, Oils. Fine Perfumery and Toilet Snap*. Buffalo and Ivory Combs, Hair Dyes, Oils and lavigorator*. Kcr cue. Burning Fluid, Lamps, Sicilies. Chimneys, \i lck.s, Ac. Choice Tobacco, Cigars cO SnvfJ. All the Dyi St ffs, I*i-11 Tackling, Ammunition. Ac. Bird Cages,t ev.ry style aid variety, Cups, Xe*ts and Seeds. Cfi. Pr MAPTLL will be found at his office. mi the Pl'.gstoi' .it all ' :o. j. when eogavvd in out ot <i,-oi practice, when he wilt examine anil piesotibc lo: patient :n his ici'i, free ol charm;. I'lli inn <.- 15• (>'i,• .a? r-\isonablt i ite. Pcs -ription caret illy cointnmnileil. '! he nut-lie c ■.di.nlinv It*-,] k> examine and u-t our stuck .out i.;.ir:i •• ir i ti. •-. Toward i. J cue 21, 1 -;2. Y . P. MAD ILL. U R EAT H \KGA!\S! j From 83,000 to 84000 V.'urlL OK ! FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. I TO BK j SOLD S.V.E3E3!ATELY Having bought recently the l Alliens c; linet Ware Rooms, | And entire gJ PI UN .1 •. IE f. otyi Pc' to pro- I piictor. It. M. V. EI.LLS, it will e .id o • \HI IAT PAfyiO PRICES. J&i-* r f li! " ; atone IS I. uun •••? ,- vX -* f- 1 vr-iy cu • | iaii has nun I A"Nj! SC-h ■ '.f-d and is -,V, -If id ,< ,| |„ r t];i Ljkb|&V wants..! the country. N. U.—H is a j Y**. • • common re mat k mad. I>v visitor* t tfiis e>t.ibli.-!i:ueiif, " Why. i had in • v "" >iu 'h U !ii go ami -nlc-n , did assortment or Furniture. i liav, j S-' -A - T4"' \ Mteii nothing like it -loot of the ( ' V J 'e have BEDSTEADS from $2 , jTY and upwards. COTTAGE and "tlin Ly CHAIRS, in great variety, irmn st.<>( )) $r to 125,00 per set. TABLES from s'i,s< > \ upwards, and j Everything else in Proportion. ci zsi a H<" E? > f every style, size and price, to suit the means and taste in .invand til customers, hi' Call and see our-t <k Atlc iis. i'a.. July '24 1861. P.N.I'AGE. AT A UK NOW RECEIVING A LARGE I. V Stock of New Goods, which we offer to cash pur •!i.isers at as low prices as caii lie found in Bradford County. U'c would call attention to our highly increased stock of CLOTHS, CASSiMERES & VESTiNGS. n great variety, which can he made up by us to order n the most approved style, as well as clothes purchased elsewhere. Also, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, ' Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps Groceries, Crockery, Yankee Notion*. Tinware. Ac. r,&~ Mo>t kinds of farmers' Province received in ex change for good*. A. WJCKHAM A SON. Tow.uida, tkt. 15, 1862 New Furniture aud Chairs. [ HAVE .1U ST R ECEIV ED A LAR G E t and extensive assortment ol Solas. Mohogany Chairs, Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fine Cane-seat. Wood, and Rush-b"ttom. Hair, Cane-seat and C ine-back Rockers, Looking-Giasse*, Cord and Tassel*, Picture Frames, Ac., Cheaper than the Cheapest. fte" Please call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda. June 2t>. o\ AAA VOUNG THRIFTY FRUIT *m.f )*jy " 7'l nnl dwarf, embracing all the best varieties of r ruit offered for sale, at the Sn.™ queiianna Nurseries, located at Towanda and Athens, I'a —the coming tali. The tree* are growing on good land and must be sold. Grape Vines by the hundred or thcuis- . and. very ch(ap. ear Wanti u—A few intelligent, active and trust worthy business men, as agents, to solicit orders for 'i'reis. Plants. Shrubs, Ac.. dleivi red in the fall ol A liberal couipensa.ioa will be paid. DANIEL IIABKINS. Tn-a-nnds F* . July 2i.IS6T-ly. Uusfness earns. TUDWARD T. ELLIOTT, ATTORNEY T 1 LAIV, Towanda, i'a. Office over i'atchs store. Towanda, July 23,18G2.—1y. rp 11 oM A S .1. INGHAM, A TTORNE 3 X AT LAW, LAPOUTE,Suilivan County. Pa. ff N.WILLIAM< ATTORNEY A'J I 3 • LA IV, CANTON PA., will attend to all biisi ness entriisied to his care in thecourts of Bradford, Ting: Lycomg and Sullivan Co's. "gjrsoldier* claims aud pensions promptly attended to June 24, I*G'2. E. OVEKTON, Jr. a. D. JIONTANYE. (XV ERTOX & MONTAXYE, ATTOh \J NLVS AT LA IV —Office in Union Block, form r y occupied by Jas. M aci aulaxe. DR. E. 11. MASON, r/l YSICTAN A X; SCIIC' -' ON. "iter* hi- nrofession-.:! -tervices to t!: pcoplt oi towanda and vicinity, thiicee in-reside! < t ni Pine street, where he can always be found when no pro lit ssionallv engaged J? V>. PARSONS, ATTORNEY A\ X> LA IV, TBOV, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over M. vt H.F. Long's store. stag- 7, 15U. SMITII, having rotiirnetj t £j Towanda .has opened a Law Oftice over Mercui 'Store. l>cc. 1. 1557. AM E RIC AN IIOTE L, 7VWA XL A L A Pa., (near the bridge.) 51. .T CARRIER. Towanda. Nov. 20. lrti:i. Proprietor. I>R. II WESTON, DEIS TIST, permanently located in Towand . M -sU i T L-L-i oi-T-TCE one door south ot Bailey&Neveu> Towanda, Feb. 10.1550. O. U. V r 7ooßß.Urr-I>jGWTZST. i PERMANENTLY located in Towanda.— i 1 Office No. 5, Brick Row. over H. W. NOBLES' St i e i Entrance one door south ol Tracy A Jloores. dee.l .t r. Cr- coBURrj, j \ TTORNEV AND NOTARY PURLIC, i Ex. Towanda, Pa. Office in the building formerly oc copied ly 11. li. McKean. t: *l, All business attended to with promptness a.- d care. Towanda, Aug. 20, tBOI-tf. I). WILMOT „ r. U. MOKiIOW WILM: T & MORROW, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TOWANDA, PENN'A. (CJjlt e lat lif occupied bo Judg. Mccruc.) 11 WAI KI N S.lnt vitijr volniitcererl, and gone into the army, the partner-hip ol WILMOT A W CI'KINS is dissolved. The new lir-i of WILMOT A M< iRROA will close up the Inisiiie.-sot .Judge Jlercur and Wilm >tA Wat kin.*, and attend, promptly to any new business that may be entrusted to them. Aug 14, 1 SW.2.* ~NTIK. ICD HOUSE. Towanda, Pa. • '*p!lß Sii'iscriltcrs lui®t*jr loused lliis well | JL kll ■vn Hotel for a term cf 3ear*, would inform theii I friends aqd the traveling |iubi'c. that they will be nmst t Inppy to accommodate all who may favor tliem with s j call. Ii will be the aim ol the present proprietor* t< ; make the W'aup I!UL >E at nucv courfui table, iiieasai t ; tnd cheerful. Yours Truly, Jan. 1 * ■ I. POWELL A SMITH. McCA B E ' S CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. Below ./. Ivivgshrnjs store, Main st. fpilE si>:-i riber would rc>pe. tfull tender In since c 1 thanks t • the public l-.r tue pationate j extended to him, ai.d solicits a coutinuan- e of the same. I lb- begs leave to assure that tie intends to keep on hand j as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS oi al! kince, i the ! -I the country affords, wi-:-.-h he intend.- to -ell t very small profits, either by the -itle. quarter or pound. J k'sf .\ q l.iutity oi lit -1 [,< lilt "i s A Li'PORK, put I ] j by iux.-eii ' bap, ! y the barrel 5r pound. Meat- wi!i i>e promptly delivered, at any place w : t! IE ! the coriioimioii. Towanda Sugust. 12,1859. J McCABE. f>;;ydcr ZXouxe—VJovcrly, 3M. "ST. j" S A LRK.'k HO ILL, Ftiiir Si oi ii-s liigli, i 1- she Fn-iiot i lni. ; elegant pail >r. l og-- afry !i<h)io* well furui.strei). is owaed ami conducted by O W \IJ !•" >!;!). wMi a ih sire to pl'-a-e lirst clas; p; iron age (Oiu-n for nigl-i trains ) Board 7-11 per week : men >g . • cents ; hoi-C-s l.ciit 50 to 75 els per day. Ft ages South ; twice a day • l'js-eug i trains E ist—Express. 12 52. 10 07 A. 51. I Way 2.22. Mail 5.32. P. 51.. going West—Exp res* 4.02 Wit .1.2 t A. M., Aocolimioiiuliou i.'22. Express 4 ji; j '• -5 P. M. C. WARFORD. j Nov 21, 1 -ill. iRAIX'IIOAiT IIOT~3£ At tr the Barda;j Railroad tr.rminus, TOWAMDA, pzmr A. [ R JORDAN resi"''tfull y iu forms tin ' .JL • the publii 1 lint he ha-'' :?d the we'l-known t i'- • I fie -t o!!o< rly o—,-n,. i.-1 hy M. T. I.'akkikk. in tit I lowe: part ot the borough ol T'owau-ia. wiiich havi: p | been u-iitted mid ly birni hi d he ill vi:* - tla j patronage ot tlie liuulic with e\- v coiimh-oce lo J can give entire satisfaction to such as may favor bin j wii'.l a call. 1 G: will ' c Icept sfi.rk""d with the '-c-t qualities • f ! LIQI'ORS. and Hie best brands o CIGARS. Extensive stabling i* connected with the house, am i re! a In attendants will • nly i- kept. I N1 p ins or 1 xpeuse wi 1 .;c spared to deserve the pat ; ' mige • . • • - ' . ci;.;.ges will he re.l-010 ill.. fow.inda. Api i! 1. lSfil. GASIZPSOW 2M ACASSDI7. RL i . S. I'. BJI OI VN, Principal, T""HIE WINTER TERM OP Tills INSTITETfON 1 w c iiuuieuic DECEJIBER 1, 18G2, aud continut j 10 weeks. BOOKS t'SEP. Town's Sp Her, McNalley's Geography. Green leaf's Common School .and National Arithmetic*. Itrmv 1 - ' I;. 1 iniiiac. Davie- Algebra, Geometry and Surveying Parker's Philosophy, Ac. TKIIM3. Common English Blanche* $1 00 I I!ight 1 Branches Bo" Board convenient at reasonable price*. | Caniptown."Nov. 13, l v i; 2. 3M. Y. &. E. RAIZi ROAD. ! ( T11A N(II; 0 F TIM ECOMMEX CIN (4 ' vJ MONDAY, January 5. lstio. Trains will leavt ! Waverly at about the following hours, viz : wnsnvAKi) uot'Mi. ; eastwahii boi'nd. Buffalo Express. .4 5(1 P M N. Y. Express... 10 07 Asl Night Express... I 03 A 51 Night Express.. .12 45 A M Mail 7.18 P (Steamboat Expresso.lß 1 Jl Way 3 4ii P M Way 5.47 l Way Freight. 9-00 A 51 Way Freight 4.57 P 51 The Night Express—east and west—runs every day Train 0 rims Sunday--, but not Mondays. Trains 3 ot Saturdays, Irom New York, rims through to Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkiik. Train 5 remains over night at Elmira. CHA'P. Ml NOT. Gcn'lFiip't 1803 PHILADELPHIA A ERIE RAILROAD. ISC3 j r PIIIS great line traverses the Northern and Nortliwe-I i countie-, of I'ennsylvauia to the city ot Eric,on Lak< Et ie. it has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com piny, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened through it-entire length. It i- ii"w in use for Passenger and Freight business ! j -om Uarrisbtircr to Diiftwo -d (li7 miles) an the eas : t 111 division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (07 miles) 011 I ihe Western Division. TIMK or PASSKNGEU TItAIXS At WILLIAM=ro|!T. Mail Train Leaves Eist II: 40 A. M. Exmress 11 >in Leave* East *: Jn P. 51. 51ail Train Liav s Wist 7: . 0 I'. 51. Express Train Leaves Wc-t ,v. 2o A. 51. Cars run through without change both ways 0:1 these trains bet ween Phi!adelphia and Lo-k Balti more aud Lock Haven. Liegant Sleeping Cavs on Express Trains both wai between Williamsport and Baltimore, and Williamspor: and Pliiladepliia. For informal ion respecting Passenger business apph at the south-east < or. 1 itli and Mai ket Sts. And tor Freight business ot the Com pan \'s Agents : . S B Kingston, Jr., Cor. i'iili and Market Gts", Phila delphia. J W Reynolds. Erie. J 51 Drill, Agt. X. C. R. 11. Baltimore. FI If. Ilustoi Gen'l Freight Agt.. Philadelphia. Lewi., L floupt, (ien Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. Jos. D Potts, General Man ager, Williamsport. blattk: BOOKS. r> LA NK LOOKS of nil kind.*, Pnned and xf well bound, CHEAPER than can be found this side of .lie city at the ARGUS BOOK SI'ORE. Fell. 18, 1863. Y)iiAS I LK POL vtAljl'j —Cayuga Ground I. Plaster for sale in Urge or small quantities, at It AgON'S 51ILLS, iu Monroe. All kind ot Grain taken in payment. J s. SALISBURY & C'o Monroe .Oct 22, 1862.—tf. iHcWcal. DR. PORTER'S CLD BBUG STORE. Alrendvndmittc-c! to lie The largest, .safest nr>d most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA ! WITH \iiestablished reputation for kpeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED ru its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRCSCRIPTiCNS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use otily selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become T3lB SASSJJ GDSO-3 §T©liiE With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALI. ANTILLES WAIttIANTED AS lIEPHKSENTED. By recent arrangements with tiie Manufacturers, Impor ters or First Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, tlie pi ices will always he at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN ; Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS &. DYE-STUFFS. | Everything in this extensive slack will be sulci Cheap for Cosh ! I PRICES It EI)CC ET) , VIZ: Of Soaps, Perfumery, Brihlies, Combs, Pocket Knives and Razors, , Lumps and Materials for Li aid. TRUSSES k SUPPORTERS, WiNIS AND LIQJORS, ONLY FOR IVIEDiCiNE TOBACCO &. SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin & Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclectic, Into vie ontl 'llnmccopalfiic Hit die Lues Spices, Died Seed, I.amp Shades and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE. AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete as-ortnieiit. embracing the great v ints r>t the People, reduced in Price, and revised lor the Cash System. PR POUTER'S COAL OIL. DR. PORTER'S CAM PITEXE ! Pit. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! PR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID! Are Fresh, daily prepared. and unrivalled by any in the Market. | DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS For Family Kse, Known a* Safe ami Reliable Remedies, are warranted fu what tliey are intended to give satisfaction vu : Dr. Porter's Pert, Syrup price 50 cents Dr. Porter s Funidy Embrocation • 2.5 Pr. I'oiler"* Tonic Elixer • jo " Or Porter's Worm Syrep " 2.5 " Dr. Portci's < 'uinp. Syr. Hypopho.-phites.. " lno " Dr. Porter's l.'ti riav T'-nic <■ i.,q <. Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 " Dr. Porters t'ephalic SuutT. " 25 " Dr. Piter's Tooth Powder •• 25 " Dr. Porter's Tvieogcne " 25 " Dr. Portei "s 11 it ophite " 2.> " Dr. Porter's Shampoo •< 25 " Dr. Porter's Horsg and Cattle Lotion " ;!7i " Dr. Porter's llor-e and Cattle Powder " 25* " Dr. Porter's Red Bug Poison ->5 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " ;j;i ■ Dr. Porter's I'ut and Alice Poison ' 25 " Dr. If i ter's t'itiale Magnesia • •>- " Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers •• 25 " >lcdical ;\<!t ire given grafnitoiisly at iheoffiu Charging only lor Medicine. tVU ! bn pa-t liberal patronage would respect Fully announce to his friends and the public that no pain shall he spared to satisfy and merit the continuance ol then confidence and patron.! .e, a i tiie O doll Drug* Store ! Ccraer of Maui and Pine streets. Tovaiul.i. Sept. 5 I-nl. HOTEL" KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, TARMERS, AND ALL who WANT I HAVE just received from the Citv • *- Large Stock of " ' IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, >f every variety. My stoelc of LIQUORS has been pur band for CASH, directly from the Importers, wherein I am enabled to lurnisli Farmers for the approachin'" Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor of any vind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever b.- ore offered in Tmvanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examinim •tock before purchasing elsewhere. J have facilitiestin purchasing, which enables me to WHOLES VLF no goods at New York ** •> WHOLESALE PRICES! Reside* my Liquor are warranted pine and unadulter 'ted. 1 have also on hand the Largest Stock and Great est Variety of ilver brought t• Towanda, which having been purchase lircetly from the Manufacturers and Importers, riialdii ne to compete with the Wholesale Tohaeeonists ot the ity. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invites to an examination < 0 my entire stock ot Liquors, Ci"ais tnd To' acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every des< ription, will lie kept constantly on hand, at I prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Coiitident that 1 am enabled to sell my entire stock ot Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods I can he pnrcha.-ed this side of the City, I respectf'uTi vso licit the public to an examination at No. Brick Row. H. VV. NOBLE. Towanda. June 1 i. ISfiO. Eliasoii, Greener & Company. OIANOS 4 1 MELODEONS AT GREAT A BARGAINS—A splendid seven-octave Piano, made !>y one ol the 1 est New York mannfaetiiiers. This pi aim originally cost SJuO, has been used but a little and will be soid for $l5O. A new seven-octave Piano with all the modern im I proveinents, ami warranted for five vears. for S2OO AL-o twenty live new Mehdcoiis 'iroin the celebrated maun factory of GEO. PRINCE & Co.. at prices m-vei heard of before. CARIIART, NELPHAM A( nV liar i mi niums lor Churches Vestries, and Drawing about hall the usual ju ice, l-'ilty new and sts olid hand i pianos tor sale or to rent, and rent applied if pui eliused. Sheet. Music at Greatly lliduced Prices. i All who wi-li to purchase an instrument, will do ( well by calling immediately at , ELiASON, GREENER A Co., I 51 Water street, i, N. Y. I> LCKIVING—IOO TONS MASON'S ' V Mills Ground Plaster, at , Dee HLIF3. W A. ROCKWELL f J&mftaitM?*, # t CHEIPNESS, mil o Mij| " ow !?.31!?."w CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWN PRICES | PROCLAIM IT TO THE P EO p L r, IUST RECEIVED- A Large •' FALL AND WINTEiicLuITUXtj 1 F.linira Branch Clothing Mere. Sv. , '".Vt i deliberately. that lie tak ,-s :Le foremost or o Ul U 'a Merchants oi Towanda. CV.. Eigthecn bundled and sixty-one has en light and beauty ol Spring shines m.ou ' Z ' ' s "'■ fa radiant s- leudor. I shall eontiuue to - t -'l i'| W '' h i!| ni Cash cheaper than any other man, a- "j'"?, b j bought cheap lor cash, and they will be srta ,J D' , i cash. ' a thtjp My good-- are all rnarmf ic%red in F.lmin • , can warrant them well made. Enough for , ' I,;: " • have everything m the line of ° Uie t,J CLOTHING l" GEN TS FURNISHING GOODS HATS CAPS, &c., That is kejit in any other Store in town. My banner is on the breeze, y And long may it wave O'er the land ol the free, ' And the home ot the brave ! While her Stars and Stripes Shine out like sun, Telling all the nations That Freedom's begin." > I This _.s a free country ; therefore it is free f or ,l> ~. , their trading where they can do the he-t reear * . the cross and sour looks of 0 11 tdgy men h'anu i'■ * I you to come and see me—country as well as th. | invite,l-every person rich or poor, high or low tree are invited to call. I Come one, come all. and stop yoarspetd We've Goods enough (oral! in need ' i The hoys, themselves, are at their post* And they alone can supply a host. ' O'er utliei dealers in this town. These same hoys have won renown, For the cheapest and the best And selling more than all the rest! ' Hurrah! hurrah: o'er hill a d plain Aceejit our thanks, and call again, ' A mong our assortments vou'lTalwavt find Goods to tit. and please the mind. " ' We're on hano and always willing. To sell our Go ds, and earn a shilling! < So hold your horses, and eonie this way We shall he glad to see yon a> v dav '' At JOHN MILAM'S Clothing Store, next door to FT; Meicur > Dry Goods Store. Main Mieet. Tcwanda pi. N. B— We wi-lt to be understood. that we are nut • ■, undersold hv any man. or combination of men. *Gr N" charge lor showing our Goods. Towanda. March 12. ISO 2. -LCOPJ NO COMPROMISE ] ' AT Til K UNION EAFBLE WOSKS! Localud at Towanda. Pcnn'a. GEORGE IvlcC ABE WOULD I.NFOn.M INS FRIENDS * t and the [•eo: le ot Bradford county in geif>, lie lets purchased tiie Marble Yard lornierlv -. w■. ■ , | Tiylor .V Cash, and has added to his stock a iur-eii j sortinent ot American and Foreig-n Marble. He invite< the public t-> >,-e his i.irge stock l.t-f.-re t> - . I ; 'h i-ing cl-cwkere. a. lie has the la"ges st's ker-i : i J county. Customers purchasing st the simp orseaa i tueir order.- will save at least 50 per .ent. nuii: , | Doubled with agents looking alter grave st aiCs • i ] the corpse i> buried, and who are riot resjionsilile. c 2 j and set what yon are getting. Having been i:i tli j ae-s |„r the ia-t 2u years, in Hie city of I'hiladeijiiiij i j intends to keej) i variety always on hand MarMeM. t'e-. .Monuments, Grave Yard Posts, Head it DM ui | Tombs at city prices. t3- Vaido'i Main street, opjio-ite Gen. P'ttnn? j N.B. Alterations and Repairing j.romuiii iitr,- GEO. Met'A Kb I T '' w '"'' 1 " 1:1 NEW mmmm i NIAIR ISi:SD IE A D k EURMSIii.N'I WAISKKfMiM.-KLf B!:o\V\i.\i; . j lonns tin* piiliHr thnt It |)iircli 'rin.J nuc-.u i , | iiiMtit lii- -tock ot I- nin it me. and ivdkm] hi- -In j.x *? j iiil i- jue|:ue<l to ntfi*r to £T cnt itiiinccttrti I in all ill ticie< iti lii>line. He vviii nuuiiUcl-irc Audket) on h.tNtl ar iii limes t >to, kol , CHAIRS, BEDSTt ADS, BUREAUS ! : ''"k" . Wa-hsiands Table-. Ac.. A I ' ditU-ient styies - suilnll ; '/?:'■*. —s-v.-tsr---'- --j t! , :,: 11 111 i• 11 o! !.. .. !-(. ID \lt'. j f J k'- I-> ;. :oi t'ia-qi-j-l ! j-.- : !. -w.I k. tile ev cl\i:< -r L " "" | Hill t lie pi i. e nut !o lie "CI : j ►' L '1 y any eslabli-liiiient. Heiug-sis | Jed 'bar the READY I'AV svstem .- • c ' ••• rcbaser and seller, his business will be ••!iilurtn!; : that system, lie will, however, take i:i exebar.. work all kinds o| Conutrx Produce, at themaiktl p.t TUKiITIITG, Ol all kinds, d me to older, in tiie best manner, at leas able i tcs nod on short notice. £.a~ l'lu-Uudertakuig Department will Le rnnJadr as usual, by Mr. Mackinson who is jirepared with aof ami splendid llear-e to aitend to all culls iu Ins line. Towanda. April 7.181.2. LINCOLN TO BE ELECTED, \TET r.ll these seem only to increase JL business and prosperity of the Old Foiiudrv i: - r.aiicii2rv'Z! SHOP, (South side of Pine st., one door East ot 11. S. !'■* cur's Store.) The undersigned would call the attention of sf ■erned to the tact, that he is prepared to do. mi ' ' ■cute all work entrusted to him with disjiatcii.andia'- most workman-like manner. FITTING UP MILL IRONS. REPAIRING STEL ENGINES, from the simplest to the most complm"' : inyol i heir parts, and WARRANTED to give sanc tion. PLOWS always on hand of the most approved ?*'" 'erns wooded in"the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to his larilit f" doing work, and employing experienced workinw • -very department. he is confident that he can .-ati-Q who favor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN Towanda, Oct. 15, 1860. _ . Coal, Xame, Cement, Fire Brick, Pi" 2 ' l Tiles, 6lc. r JIIIERE is a Lime Kiln nt the Rari'^ A. Company's Basin, in Towanda, where is kept - -tantly fr sale, fresh burnt- IVhilr /.imr, made fram Oiest quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents ?■ bushel. orsl per barrel, headed up in barrels, and--! •ents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped I it Towanda without additional charge. Also >yrt j I fitter l.hne at J1 25 )ier barrel, and Fire n •ents each, liruitt 7i/e* 2,3 and 4 inch tile* at y"J t cent- per foot, a very nice article for draining l—" , about dwellings. , Darclay Coal at $2 50 per ton for f.ump CeM '' ?2 0(1 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in To" - da at 25 cents per load. , rr All the above lor sale at the office of the Barclaj Company, Towanda. J. MACFARLANt- Towanda. 18(52. Gen. Siiperiide l " l^, Extraordinary Inducements t O THE BUYERS OF FURNITURE *ND CIUI1& mFuIFAHAVING greatly increase ro.vf"/ ■*' of Cabinet Ware and Chaus- -y ' *a® determined to of theseacy''"- tions rapidly, and with that design otter all articles mi precedent ed low prices, lor Gash. Good Sofas at .-flii to S2O, line Cane Seat Chairs >5 tacit, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. I have now more than 00 different pattrrns of t • Bureaus Desks for the farmer or merchant. Lo" tila--es -.ouKing giass elates,Portraitmd Picture iw- •_ of gilt, Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut ° Ol ' 1 ® .''fi I patterns of 'Stands , extension, dining,tea and > files, Hal! Stands, and in fact anythiug that can M in a city Ware-house. . . caJ j A large assortment of reftdy-made Collins, wit 2 s Hearse ready, at all times. Purchasers w ll be sure to find the right P' side of the public square, one door east of Mont-' J • Townmla, Dec 1, l tt f9. CHBbTER " r t