Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 19, 1863, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, March 19, 1863.
We publish on the first page of to-day's
paper the speeches of JAMES T. BRATA and
JOHN YANBUREN, delivered at a Great Union
Meeting held at the Cooper Institute, in New
York, on Friday evening, the 6th inst., which
was participated in by men of all parties, ex
cept the Copperheads.
Meu who have heretofore been in full com
munion with the Democratic party, headed by
HORATIO SEYMOUR, came out boldly in favor
of Mr. LINCOLN, and justified most fully and
unqualifiedly all his measures for suppressing
this rebellion.
Most prominent among the speakers was
J. T. BRADY, who has heretofore been one of
the strongest supporters of the New Aork
Democracy. Mr. BRADY took a proud posi
tion before the American people and announc
ed himself in favor of war to the knife, until
peace is restored. Speaking of the Confede
rates he said :
" They have told us that if wo g&vo them
a blauk paper and a pencil to write the terms
of a new compact they would not agree to it.'
Therefore it is a war declared for all ultimate
results that can come: and I spit upon any
Northern man who t >tcs any position except
for the maintenance of the Government."
In speaking of the separation of these States,
which he declared to be impossible, he said :
" And now, gentle-men, in conclusion, I pro
pose to answer the question, 1 Y\ hat will come
out cf this war V You say you will never
consent to be united with ns. "We say that
we will never agree to the existence cf two mili
tary governments arising out of the same people
on the same territory." * * *
" Now, I tell mv Southern bretheren that
their only chance is to let the Constitution be
their guide ; for if the Yankees get down in
to that Southern territory, who Imve a theory
about this war, and put arms into (he hands of
the negroes, and put their long feet on the ta
bles of the estates of which they take posses
sion, I don't want to be the lawyer iu uu ac
tion of ejectment."
Mr. BRA DY'S speech was an able one, and lie
was c'ucetcd enthusiastically from the begin
ning to the end of his oration.
Mr. BRADY is an Irishman, and a Roman
Catholic, and he is the mouthpiece of a large
portion of his countrymen ia the city of New-
JOHN VAN BCKEN spoke in the RAM? strain
for mere than hour. Duricg Lis remarks Le
said :
" I nrn for a vigorous prosecution of the
war. lam for a prosecution of the war until
this rebellion is wholley overthrown. I atn
for destroying this usurped government that
has been set over several States of this Un
ion, known as the Confederate government ;
nnd until that is done, I hold all propositions
for peace to be entirely preposterous and ab
surd. [Applause and cries of good !] Now,
being for the war, I a:n necessaiily with eve
rybody that is for the war; and being oppos
ed to peace, I am necessarily opposed to ev
erybody that is for peace."
DAVID DUDLEY FIELD, another prominent
Democrat, made n most able and patriotic
Let the Copperheads, who are talking
about tho Ruinous d'bt ! enormous Tar, and
a bankrupt nation, ponder this statement well,
for it is true, nnd the question of the expens
es of this war is squarely met in a few
Our taxes never need be higher than they
are at present, and we have stood them one
year—they have Dot hurt us yet —wc can
Etand them another, and forever ; with fifty
per cent, added, if need be ; and still remain
the richest, the happiest, and most prosper
ous people upon the face of the earth.
The Uniou meeting at the Cooper Insti
tute is but the begiuning of what is soon to
follow. The people are getting tired of car
rying on the war by slow approaches and easy
marches, and they are about to give their unit
ed support to the administration, and they are
about tc tgivc heir united support to the ad
ministration, and then the traitor sympathiz
ers will have to stand from under. A curse
like that of Cain will he pronounced upon
them by an outraged people, and they will be
cousiued to obscurity and detestation.
USV-A brief dispatch from Yieksburg annonn
ccs that the Yazoo Pass Expedition has cap
tured twenty six steamers, and that tne gun
boats which formed part of it have arrived at
Haine's Bluff and were shortly to begin the
attack. Asa consequence, probably, of the
unexpected success of this expedition, the evac
nation of Yieksburg is again reported, and this
time with addition that the greater part of the
Rebel force is to go to Chattanooga thence to
operate against the Army of tho Cumberland
under Gen. Ilosecrans On the other hand,
\va have a report that both Union and Rebel
armies are to adjourn the contest to Port Ilud
son; but as the fortifications at that point are
understood to be weakest on the north, it is
not easy to see why the Rebels should aban
don Yieksburg only to retire upon a less defen
sible position. It is, however, reported from
Washington that Port Hudson is also to be
abandoned, and this seems the more probabie
iu tho case of the evacuation of Yieksburg.
The Like Providence operations are said
to have inundated a hundred miles of Louis
iana, destroying mil'ioos of property, and
drownidg out tho guerrilla rats which infested
it. The Yieksburg cut-off seems also to have
been prematurely filbd by the impatient wa
ters of the Mississippi ;and their remains, there
fore, only the Yazoo Pass Expeditiot as the
basis of immediate success. Fortunatly we
have nothing but good news from that quar
ter. though act yet so eomplete as might be
Our exchanges come to us filled with glow
ing accounts of mass meetings of the people
of the loyal States of the Uuiou. C-opper
hondism has raised up a feeling of indignation
that will not be put down until secessionists
South, and sympathizers North, will all be
crushed in one common ruin. On Wednes
day evening of last week, an immense mass
meeting, to inaugurate the National Union
Club, took piace at the Musical Fund Hall,
Philadelphia. Gov. CURTIN presided and
made the opening speech. Speeches were de
livered by Gov. JOHNSON, of rennessee, Sena
tor DOOI.ITTLE, cf W isccnstn, BENJAMIN 11.
these speakers were earnest in their remarks,
and their condemnation of the miserable
Copperheads, who, like Sanderson, Swarr and
others, are attempting to break down the
Government, was greeted with the wildest
shouts of applause.
On Thursday evening Gov. Wr.iGirf and
Hon. H. B. WRIGHT were serenaded at the
Continental Hotel, and in response to re
peated calls addressed the thousands assem
bled. In the course of bis remarks Gov.
WEIGHT said :
The assertion has been made that none but
the Democratic party could save the country.
He thought so too, but lie proposed to u.-k
the question, what class of Democrats do you
mean are to save toe country? \Y e have got.
a past history. Let us yo back ami look at
it. There has been a Democratic party in this
country, but. the men composing thai party
were found in harmony with the Constitution.
But even then there were some of a false De
mocraey. Thomas Jefferson was a genuine
Democrat, [applause J llxi had a Vice
President of the name of Aaron Burr. Mr.
Burr was inside cf the Democratic organiza
tion. [Laughter] Were they not both
Democrats. Coining from Jefferson to Jack
son we find tiiiit Andrew Jackson had ;i
Vice President by the name of John C Cal
houn. Was not Calhoun inside of the Demo
cratic organization as much as General Jack
son himeif. Coming from Jackson we find
Stephen A. Doualas; and was not lie a r. pre
sentativc of the old Jefferson Democracy? At
that time the country had a Vice President in
the person of John C. Breckinridge, who was
tlieu a Democrat too Then we have .TtfiVr
son and Burr. Jackson and Calhoun, and
Douglas and Breckinridge ail inside of the
Democratic ring. [Laughter ] Do you f.d
low Jefferson, Jackson and Douglas, or Burr,
Calhoun and Breckinridge ? Do you follow
these lost ? (Cries of " no, no. ') The coun
try stood by President Polk when he had his
trouble, and now we want the whole people
of this country to stand up for the war. If
you are a genuine Democrat that is what you
should do. When you hear a man saying
that the only party that ran save the country
is the Democratic party, be sure and ascertain
what he means oy the Democracy, whether it
is genuine or bogus. There can be no such
thing as a true Democrat, who does rot otai.d
up for the war (Long applause )
lieu. H. B. WRIGHT was equally pointed in
his remarks. He affirmed :
I am here a Democrat, but a Douglas Dem
ocrat. [Applause.J 1 have been a Demo
crat for i> quarter of a century. I shali con
tinue one as long as I live. 1 love my conn
try, its Constitution and its Laws, and if need
be he will fight to preserve them ail. Not a
sympathizer with, nor apologist for treason.
I am the enemy of the traitor, and the dead
ly foe of the man wiio takes up arms against
the country. [Loud applause.]
lam a peace man man. No one living is
more anxious for peace. Dot it must be
peace under one Union and Flig the
flag of the Union! [Applause] Liberties
like ours are not to re relinquished or surren
dered. lam one of those who believe that
patriotism ignores and is above aii party, and
that it is the duly of every man to come ;for
ward with l>is last do.lar and Ids personal ser
vice to put down tiD, the most heinous nnd
unnatural rebellion upon which the light has
ever shone. [Cries nf " That's so."
Our ancestors seuied in their life bloorl this
American Union, yet men are among us who
doubt the posihility of its preservation, and
are welcoming the guillotine to their own neck.
The rebel press tell us that if the whole Yan
kee nation submitted to their yoke,they would
spurn them. On no condition will they reunite
with us. Who can ciy for peace in the face
of declaration like these. The rebels never
yet intimated a desire to reunite the govern
ment. They are today precisely what they
were when tbev fired into the national emblem
upon Fort Sumpter. If peace cannot lie ob
tained upon honorable terms, what is left t j
us but 10 fUdit for peace ? Peace to the
country would be a welcome boon,but, untii the
pride and contumacy of the leaders are broken
all hope oi it must prove delusive. The bit
terest enemies of the Union are tliowho
would accept peace upon the broken fragments
ol this great republic. [Applause] They
arc direr enemies to the government than those
who take up opon arms against it. [Cried of
" so they are."]
The war is no work of oars. We c1il not.
make it. Its calamities are not oar doing.—
The blood of our sons and brothers is not up
on our heads. Their bones that bestrew eve
ry battle held from the Potomac to the Rocky
mountains are not scattered by our hands.—
The spirit of secession is not appeased by
them. Upon every battle field the graves
of Democrat and Republican he side by fide
their bones mingle in the burial trenches.
[Applause ] If ever there was an hour when
loyal men should stand together irrespective
of party politics it is now. The memory or
the man who tt b his icu-.tiy in her i'our ol
trial and dangers is ac.ursecl. The fate of
Arnold shall be his fate, out! his heritage the
execration of unborn millions. [Deafeuiag
applause ]
This is the time when loyal men shoul i
mould public opinion. You are the people
do it. Spurn the traitor from your home. Let
him see the contempt you feel for him patent up
oiif/ourbrow. [Cheers.] 1 have differed wide
ly from the Administration on several points,
butai te everything necessary to put dow
treason I give it my unqualified support. —
[Applause.] The man who is a traitor or
tiie sympathiser with rebellion cannot be my
friend. Let every loyal man thus scout them
and will hide their diminished heads.
CSV" Which travels at the grcate-t speed,
heat or cold ?—Heat; because you can easily
catch ccld
The hatred for loyal Democrats was exhib
ited : n its fullness, by the venomous copper
heads in the House of Representatives, on
Friday of last week. That noble son of
Tennessee, ANDREW JOHNSON, a life ions Dem
ocrat, who has suffered severely for his loy
alty, whose property has been confiscate 1 and
stolen by the rebels, and whose wife has been
scorgcd because of her husband's loyalty, by
the womcn-wUppers of the"chivulrons" South,
and who still stand firm for the Union, was
on a vi.-it to Hurt isbnrg. He was accom
panied by that sterling old Democrat, ex-Gov
ernor WRIGHT of Indiana, whose democracy
was never questioned and whose loyalty Was
of the Jacksoriian stamp. Mr. A ineent o!
Erie, offered a resolution to tender them the
Hull for the purpose of addressing their Dl
low-citizens, and moved a suspension of the
rules that the,resolution might be put upon isl
Mr. Beck objected to the suspension of the
roles, and, on a call for the yeas and nays,
Messrs. Alexander, Burger, Barron, I5k,
Boileau, Brown, (Northumberland,) Dellone.
Eilis, Glean, Grebel*, llcss, Hoover, llorton,
Jackson, Josephs, Kuin, Kerns, (Sclmylkiii,)
Kline, Labar, Myers, Neitnan, Noyes, Putton,
Quigley, Rex, Ritoles, Robinson, Rowland,
Trimmer, AValsh, Weiduer and Wolf—32 ;
all Democrats of the copperhead stump, voted
not to hear loyil Democrats spedlc !
The intelligenc from our forces operating
on tno Mississippi is important, though not so
definite as wo could desire. A dispatch from
Cairo brings us advices Memphis to
Thursday evrnirp A movement of troops was
taking place below, from which important
results were expected immediately. It was
believed that A'icksbnrg mast soon capitu
late or suffer a worse fate. The Yazio Pass
operations appear to have given n? son e great
advantage, of which we huve as yet hardly
more than a hint. One dispatch states that
Admiral Po: tor has reeeivul information that
the Expedition had captured Yazoo City, and
destroyed the rebel fi-ct known to tie there
Another dispatch states that the AiTbiiml
was momentarily expecting intelligence from
Haines' Bind' that onr forces had arrived, then
from above—which would be the signal fot
a combined attack upon then be! fortifications
there. Meantime an oOiciui dispatch from an
other source lend - a new aspect to a flairs on
the Mississippi. Gen. 1\ isencrans has tele
graphed to the War D.p-irtment a report
which lias reached h in, to the i fifed tliat the
rebels have evacuated Viek-bu'g lu r urm i
ti- n had previously reached Washington that
they were removing their stores and war m.v
tcrial into the interior, and the report of the
evacuation is quite likely to be t:ue.
A positive confirmation of the destruction
of the Indiatiola liy the rebels has been sent
t > the Navy Department by Admiral Porter.
The destruction was in consequence of the
fright occasioned by the " turn-ted monster"
sent down by the Vicksburg batteries, and a
full account of tho aPTiir is contained in the
Vicksburg IVkig of the 5• !i inst.
A dispatch from Cairo brings a report that
a force of 12.0D0 rebels is approaching Fort
Donelson—being already within twenty-eight
miles of that tort. Our forces there ate ready
for ihem.
Our advices from the army under General
Itoseucnius are of the most gratifying charac
ter. The men and < Hirers ore in high s| iriis, lent ar.d cheerful well clothed, wcll-ftd
and well armed.
Washington vras perturbed on Sunday by a
rumor that a considerable force of rebels had
crossed the Rappahannock at United Stares
Ford, and were making a raid against the
right wing of Gen. Hooker's Army, with a
view to forcing an engagement. The rumor
was without any fodndation in fact.
The Washington Ripublic-rn reiterates the
statement made by it a few days ago, that the
rebtds arc in cousderable force in the Shanati
doali Valley, between New-Maiket and Staun
ton, and contemplating another raid on the
Baltimore ant! Ohio Railroad.
We received, on Saturday, advices from
Port lloyal to the tenth inst., by an arrival
at this port. Gen. Hunter's great movement
bad not yet commenced, but a General Order
had been issued by him on the s'b, in which
he says that after long and wearying delays,
due to canoes over which no one in the De
partment had control, his command has at
length the cheering prospect of active and
very important service. On the same dav
Gen. Hunter issued an order relieving Tsriir
Gen. Nnglee from duty, and ordering him to
New Yoik, to report to the Adjutant Gcner
a!. Another order, issu d on the Gtli, directs
the drafting of all the able bodied negroes in
the Department, between the ages of US and
50, not otherwise employed by the Govern
meet, to ganUon the virions forts and posts,
and thus relieve the white soldiers for active
WM C. WEEB, formerly of (his PI nee,
has been elected Speaker of the Wisconsin
House of Representatives. The Milwaukie
Sentinel says i'lio Assembly did itself cre
dit by the election Mi Webb is the best par
lementarian in the House, and will discharge
the duties well and impartially."
Bowley, of New York, avows himself the au
thor of a petition for tlie restoration of Slav
ery in that State. He says that although the
signers of his petition are few.t ere are tlions
an'.ls who are " willing to sign it os an evi
rlmce of their good faith towards the slnveknld
ivg Slates " Mr. Bowley was a Whig, but
is now a professed Democrat. He and Wut.
li. Reed, of Philadelphia, occupy the some
platform a class of politicians who can "dive
deeper and come np dirtier" than any original
Democrat is able to do.
Tlie Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society.
The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, of To
wanda, which has been in existence since the
beginning of the war, meets at Firemaos*
Hall every Wednesday afternoon.
and contributions from the ladies of every
part of the county will be thankfully received.
As an evidence of the good accomplished by
the benevolent efforts of the ladies we publish
the following letter from G P. DAVIS of the
52J Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers;
ST. iiEi.LENA Ist. ASM. South Carolina, >
February 15, 16(;:1. ')
DEAR SIR :—I consider the mission which
you are so deeply interested in, the highest
end holy mission which our citizens could en-
gage in. Tiicfe is nothing which somucb pleas
es the soldier or more encouraging to him
than to know that he is not forgotten at home,
and that everything is being done to render
him comfortable when sick or wounded. The
necesity for thus liberally and patriotically do
nating for the relief cf our soldiers is as great
to day as at any previous time By your lib
eral and patriotic donations you have saved
hundreds of precious lives, and you have great
ly relieved the pains and sufferings of thous
ands of sick and dying soldiers by your be
nevolent aid and nevtrtiring efforts. The
field of operation is still large and the suffer
ings of cur soldiers are great, but I huve so
much confidence in tie patrioti-m of our peo
pie that I lie icve they will leave nothing tin
done which they can do to relieve the suffer
ings in our army. I k<ve. seen the time while
on the. peninsula. that the rainless rag lag r f
any family would have saved precious lives
il/'H act iiilly dying <f h,ss of It nod for the
want of a rag or bandage with which to clccss
their wounds. Bandages are tin article which
have always tu-en very scarce with ti.e army
in the field probably owing to its great use,
wherever your supplies have r. ached the ar
my the hospitals and de pots for ihe sn k have
been made comfortable and really cheerful
homes for the sick and wounded. The untir
ing ath nthiii of the i tirses furnished by the
S initary Commission, have done more good
town;d 1 1 lievu'g the siik a: <1 testorit g tiifin
to health with their kind attention and cart ful
uur.-ii g ti t.n a score of army surgeons could
do wish their medicir ncs. Thousands huve
been restored to health and to duty by your
hetievoU et and paliiotic aid, whifh il left
alone to the finish 111 at meets of tin-. ann\
must have perished, and when you turn to
'hat part ot the field which has not been
ri-ached by your commission, there you sec and
realize the real MJA'.' rings of our army. There
you see and know the vu t auiuunt of good
which you have done. There you find the
dead and feur of every soldier in the army,
(the hospital or house of death) you li tl no
clean or wholsome cuts, to change - f gar
merits. You will find no delicacies which are
>o welcome and necessary in a hospital. You
find patients infilling from ail kinds of il is
fuses, ar.t'i wounds, and in all stages of the
tlis.t use some who have lain in the hospital
for mouths without having even a change of
garment, and many wounded men who for
weeks have lain with their bloodstained clothes
and could not be provided with a change.—
il.eir diet is I lie coarse snbsis'ance furnished
by the 0 S. Here I hey have no kind hand?
to smooth their dying pillow arid no kind friends
to speck a _word of consolation or to carry
their dying tnc.-sage to fiiends at home. In
many eases they aro left comparatively alone
to 6'. ffer and (be unless tin ir constitution may
b > strong enough to overcome the disease.—
it our citiz-iis could !nt see the contrast, be
tween the hospitals which has been supplied
by tHtir bent vole: ce ai d the ones which thev
have not reach d and could hut h.-ar the
heartfelt thanks nttercd by the soldiers whose
suffering conditions have been made comforta
ble by their great exertions end
I teel su.e that their ainady princely dona
tions and the great exertions of the Commis
sion would be greatly increased.
Truly Yours,
G. i\ DAVIS. Captain.
gU'a) &fctocrtfsrmeiUs.
V V MAX, 11 help take care o! three 1 abic*. Inquire
of _ J.SSH.AM,
March 1., 1-i3. To wan da, Pa.
A '.£. GOAL COMPANY rwiN one or two good strong
MULES, nut much over four feet six inches high. Apply
m our ollk-e, at Towanda. J. MAL'FAItLANH.
Mm eh IC—Sup't.
TV cut Lord Wood. Applv to L. IV TIFFANY, at
Barclay. JAM Lb MACFA I! I. A Nl3.
Totvaatla, Feb. 23,1 I'M. Superintendent.
] >At' K~TAY~ BOUNf lES AM) hEX
* SIONS.—The undersigned will attend to preparing
claims lor back pay, bounty and pens; n
23X1 ZirK BOOKS 7'
1) [j AX K BOOKS of nil kinds. Paged nod
2 well bound, CHEAPER tban r.-.ti le found this side
of die city at the ARGUS BOOK STORE.
Feb. Is.
Splendid and Appropriate Present.
-i.tJL $5 SEWING MACHINE, the embodiment of prac
tical utility, and a m uval <>t simplicity ; makes the run
ning sti. h very rapidly and perfect. uses a common nee
dle. and will last a lifetime. At the New Yuri; Si. te Fail
its simplicity, efficiency, and great practical utility, was i
tO'ifirtned i>\* the award or the first Premium.
It w ill gather, little, shirr, tin k rim tip breadths, etc., i
with a single or double thread on any material adapted
to the Running Stich. The thinnest usually the most ;
difficult tostitch by • titer sewing machi ies, beingsewed I
the easiest. For ladies"and childrens" apparel, arid other ■
articles made "t light tallies, it will therefore be found j
a in ist invaluable
It is attached to the table like a sewing bird, and lnv- !
ing ir tension, and requiring no lubribrication or change j
of stitch, is always ready for operation, and such a mar- ,
veld simplicity tint a <-ht!d ol six years can understand 1
it. and use it successfully.
It is not at aii liable to get. out of order.
Each machine is put up in a neat box. accompanied
with lull a d explicit directions, and twenty live needles.
Sent to any address m the United States on receipt of
an order, inclosing tlie amount, or may be collected by
Express on delivery of the machine.
When the money is sent with the order and
WP guarantee its sate receipt and the delivery ol the inn
Verv liberal arrangnuents for agencies.
i,7Z Broadway, x, Y
k'cteii stock ot Goods. to which additions are daily
being made, which they offer cheap fur, Cash. A large
assortment of
Among the many desirable and beautiful patterns is the
: X' 1
This beautiful stove is unsurpassed for economy in |
fuel: is a perfect baker : is t lie best COOK STOVE in
the market. Among their heding Stores may be found j
a meat variety suitable for every place where stoves are j
Stove Pipe and Sheet Iran Vt'ork,
Always on hand enu made to order.
A large stock man •fnrtnrcd from the very best materials j
and by experienced workmen. A very tul assortment ol i
At New Yoik prices.
-onsc and Carriage Trimmings,
Tools lor tlie House Joiner and Carpenter—Tools fot ;
Dlack-rniths' —To -Is fortvcixb> dy.
Pdinls, Oils and Variiislics,
I*2acL ine Oil AND Zicnzclc,
Lamps. Wicks and Chimneys,
1) E L T I X G ,
SAMT AND P-OTKT Cnilrrv, :
Pumps, Is 7(1 P>pr, Chain Pmips, IVatcr ,
Pipes, Ci / iiw'sfohr.i <• i.;l f lures,
.Ti rls WORK done with di-pnt h. I nmm repaired. ;
I-Tti.d I.ainps,.:.d Lanterns altered and filled to burn Ke
ru-i : e.
Gntfft, Old lr m. Casting and Wrought Scraps, Copper,
lira- 8 , nritt -:.ria. Beeswax, feather- and lbms taken m 1
exchange h-r g--"ds.
Highest price In cash paid for Sheep Pelts and Fan. .
tfjf OUR GOODS hveieen pnrchased <m the p.,y
d wit system ai d will be sold for READY I'AY.
jotin a corniNG, J
c Ki-ssn.r ) CODDiNG A ItL a.iELL.
Tow.uida. March 10. HG3.
rarm for Sale.
X on ß of retiring from active business, now filers lor
si:!'- bis farm on advantage >us terms.
haid larm i-situated m Wind!; no, Bradford Co., Pa.,
and contains 250 acres, with about 150 acics improved
well wo tried-, under a good state: ol cultivation, with
good buddings, and plenty ol good limit lb,a eon.
It is in an e.\e< Ih-iii "location being in ihe immediate
centre of tin: town.-liip, about four miles fro :: the New
Yoik A K. R. l;.. and one of the best i -ads h: (he conn- 1
try. 1 bis |,a ,u j- well adopted to either gi ain or grazing ■
am! to any one desiiing to purchase a farm would be a j
dear tble ioc it ion.
TKI.MS $2.0110 ea hon taking possession and the hal
ante can remain a lien upon the property for auv length
of time by paying lire interest annually Any" furt her i
informal ion can he obtained ot C.S. HUS>ELL, Twivandd.
Pa., li. \\. Russell, I 1.-ter, or of the sndscriber <-u the
Wiadkam, Pa.. March 1). 1863.—wt.
ICattsl's American S Lorry !
t . dents ot iilngb imp; P. mine Co. X. Y., halnft
ncqunii'Vd with .Mr. Knt <1 ot Kattelville. do consider
I.iio 'rhaolc—ami as to !.i s .American Sherry, tnade limn
bis Win • 1 Ma ay. we have tv-tcd it, and piumcim c it r< il- ;
iy a spb.-iubd \. ine ami cheerfully add oar tcv ir.iony in
its favor. I'tnr- '.i,'i site too much cannot be said in ta- i
vor of the production ot this a. tide, posset-sing, as tt i
docs, rare medical qua if,ics. auiTa beauty of flavor and ;
delicacy of ta .te M-ld"i.i, i> f ver. ex ci! d l-v the l-.n !
Sherry Wines of I uiope. Me me inloimcd by Mr. Kaltel j
as follows: i at he sets 2500 plants per acre, and the
cultivation that one produce :.n bushels ot earn per arte !
will produce two gallon*, of Wine per plant, or 5000 gal
ions o! wine per .i to, which at $2 per gsilisn, (the puce ; it really commands at one year old.) would amount '
to slo,' a). The whole cxpei.-e. including Hie cost of i
plaiit-. to the st-Uii'g m the \i ine in the cellar, will lie j
It--* I hail fh •" 00, .unking a net profit ot j ;.sou per acie.
.Til'' plant crnnof tail to cometnnl at once large and
profitable -ale-, am! to baa great and sure source of re
venue to oil who engage in its cultivation.
Hon. 1) S. D:rkin-"n, |j, n. H. S. C.ii.-wold, Hon Geo.
Haiti, tt. Tlioma- Jo k-o l. M. D,W. S Griswohl. M !>..
J". i'. Morgan, t '.ishi: r~l Broome t oiin'y Hank, Clias. W. :
Sanloid, \ ci I it-.-.dent ol the P. mk of i.iiighauitou. i
Jack-on. Denton A M ilk-*, Wholesale Grocers. D.J. H.
t'iiabbuck, Diiiggi.-t Rev. Devi Pius. Win, Stewart.Esq.
J. S Carey. Broorn Comity 1> ink, Col. Hazard Lewi--, J.
11. S impson, Haul ward Merchant. G. W. liotciikiss Esq.,
Mollis llagamau, E-q..C. I'. Stieneer. Squire D.Cook.
March 17,18(13. Rome. Pa. !
IQvOa m illliy* iOuO.
March 10, ISg3.
A UPITOR'S NOTHMB —J P. Norton r.:
- 1 /'. C. f ■, 4" J. P. Morton's u-e v~. D.C.Dibb.'e
Ao. HI. 145 .in the Court of Common Pleas, oi Bradfuid
Co. .M.ij* Term, IN.V 2.
Tile undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute monies arising from Sheriffs sale of defen
dant's real estate, will attend to the duties ot his appoint
incut at the office ol Rl>. T. ELLIOT I', ia the borough
<>i Towando. on IHI DAY, the Kith day of APRIL,
Ixi-j. at 1 o'clock. P. M.. when and where all persons!
having claims upon -aid funds must present them or else
be forever debarred therelrom. E. T. ELLIOTT,
March. 16, lNt;3. \mlifor.
-L D\. now occupied by the subscriber, is offered for |
sale, 'i be house is substantially built, Is two stories high
with a basement, and is conveniently arranged, and well
finished. It is fitted to accomodate landers. There is
upon the lot a good well, a eonveni nt new barn, apple,
cherry, peaches, plum , and pear ti ters, and a variety of !
grapes, it can be i xch inged, on fair terms, tor a small
farm m„t has good buildings upon it, or it sold lor ta-h !
time will be given
Inquire ot E. G. COBURN, at the former office of E.W. 1
Baird, or ot C'. R. COBURV. I
Towanda. Mitr-h 17.1?53.
(First door South ol Codding & Itu**]'
J an nnnsnal&ige stock of Clotliiii", (ToMis r
Vestings, Gent's Kurnishing Goods, flats \ i
will be sold at greater bargains than before ' Wil,ck
Will compri-e almost every article worn bv man no
Vests, Shirts, Collars,
Suspenders, Neck Tics
Gloves, Wrappers, Sock*
! Overalls. Boy's Pant-and Jackets. Especial -m .
is called to mir New Si.i m ' a P<ai!;oi,
Which ate ready to make up to order, on w
and warranted in every way, or no sale, We i'" ot,ee .
eight years experien. in tins lineol busing n'u-
Mr. PKNEPACKER. will be on hand, at all i ' kr .
cutting tor those who wish it done.
If you wish t.v buy clothing cheap, and get a , Bo . H
rq>rc6cnteti, call at " u °a M
If yon wi.-h to get the worth of your v,rv
tre-h (foods and lair dealing, call on n- and vni rnu"
satisfied. No trouble to show goons ami no forcirmT,'l
Goods sold for ct>h only. j y ,
Towandir, April 21. lsr,2. '
New Arrangements.
! X ed a Copartnership, will continue ho i „ -
I merly carried bv J.'l). HCMPHRKV T" f ° r "
posiic the Court House, where they will ken. LnT '?
i un hand a general assortment ot D*taiUjj
I and a very large stork of nil kinds of I.HATHER ren,.i
jed lor a country trade. A full assortment of "
! Slioe Findings Ilaniess Trimming
J We exper tto increase our facilities in Hie manufaetar
i mg department, so as to bepihie tosnpi ly dealers witba
j superior article, at prices rivaling all'competition an d
: esjie: tally • foreign, * believing ii of vital importance L
! eununiinity to lostc-r donte-tic pn.duetioiis as lur asprac-
Having piireliased the stock of Harness and
! owned by Mes r-. Culji A Kirbv. and rented the -lion
i loinierly occupied by them, we offer tor sale a large sto- k
i and will make t" order almost anything in this line.
We n-sj cut fully ii.vitc pnl.iic attention to mn whole
! st,M ]i iu i!-. various branches, trusting that i,v strii-t at
j tci.tion to bu-iiiess and zealous ex-Mi-,us to" supply i'i e
want.- of i-ominuniiy, we shall merit and receive ii lair
; sha e of puiblic patronage.
We are prep i red to make to order anything in oar lino.
Also, do ;il! kind-of repairing on very shot t - otice
| r-i" t a-li paid lor .Sheep pills. Hiues and skius.
j .1. I) til 'I I'll I!! V, 111 AB. VCLI., J. K. I'AVTOX.
j T'-wuiidu. Apt il 25, I-c-J.
1 lie Argus Book bindery
Again in i'uil Operation!
Directly Opposite the Tost Office,
T E have the gratificati- nof announcing to oar I'rh-irds.
I ?V cu tomcis, and the public, that wt art n- tvart
: t ft vio
1 >oolv Bl XDIN Ci,
; i i all it- Brandies in the latest ami most approved B'.v'.en,
a i>: ■ i l' - mo-t f.iv ralde terms.
I'ai ticular attention paid to re-Binding. All work
.uarra ited.
i ouutry Produce of all kinds taken iu payment
for work.
f . il, ring ri-.'de complete arrangements, we are pre
;.-.i: '! t i Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style tt
pdiurn, at prices as low a ' elsewhere.
li. C. & D. D. WIIITAKER.
1 ownpfla. March 11.1st
is signed s app'inlcil for the purp-i-c,
I will ojiea l-u k- for receiving wncnmMn T > THE
: -5 Ai*lT ai. s-r-ex of Hi- ioW-AXDA RAILROAD Co.M
FAN \ .at the • IT: e ol the Bu d iy Coal Company ir, T)-
w iijiia. Fa., on the 2d. Hd ami 4tii daysot Ai'lilk, IsiiT*
In ween the lmurs ol n o'ciok. A.M., and 4 o'clock. T
M . when ami where all persons mav .subscribe lot--ha'ci
n said si-,,-k t on ;jip paunent ot five dollars jv
the lii;,e ot siib-i : iiiin. agreeably to the Act iteorp" rit
iig s i;d T-j-.vaiida Ruilroac Couipanv. approved M.ircu
4th. IM'-'I
E. R. M 1 MR. C. L. WARD,
I E. V, B AIRD, G. P. M ASON".
Towanda . Fa . March 0. Is i 3.
1. VERS OP GOOD POTATOES.—The erlehmted
" (>nrnet Cluli Potatoes, selected b_\ Goodiicii iu a tlnr
i teen v ears' experiment tr un more than ten ii-tv
j seedlings, posses a higher degi-e o! hardiness and adap
| tntiou to ail soils and weather than any other sort. Tin-y
are r-c nd, ripen with Hie season, grow closely in the do not push out of the soil, rii -e very sin'uth and
i'l-.iutitiil, have wldre tlesh and in most localities have
be, n pp-n iiiii-ed the finest and be-t potato for tanle use.
t In go >d -oils and seasons and with fair cultivation, they
v. it readily yield lioni 250 to bushels to the acre,
and iu some hands have exceeded even those figures
Secure seed uw—several bushels foi* sale. Inquire at
Jan. 27. DSiill. _
V held at llornbrook, Bradford county. I'euu s ,
At in o'clock, t * five davs-. and close with a
Concert on SATURDAY EVENING, April 4. under
j tiie direction of I'iof. J. (}. ToWNE-R, of the N'oiiasl
Acadeuiyot Music, Geucseo, N". Y.
There will be ihree Sessions each day. Morning. Af
ternoon ami Evening. The *• Olive Branch," aud " Ori
ental Glee and Anthem Books'' will ne used, ami f" r
iii-hed d uiug the Convention, free of charge; p-rsons
having them are requested to bring them. Mr. Towner
will be as.-isted by his Normal Quartette at the Convert.
Ample arrangements will be made to fun i-h all P fr *
sons irnm a distance With good board and lodgings at
reasonable rates.
To (he whole cause, including Concert ... 50 ctseack
Concert. 20 "
Li order of the Comrni'tee of Arrangements.
-fi_ AND THEIR FRIENDS. —The undersigned having
had considerable experience in procuring P'-nsbm Boun
ties and i ack pay of soldiers, will attend to all business
in viiat line, intrusted to his care, with promptness aud
Persons wishing to confer with me will please ca" nr
addle--- ine by letter at Bylvauia, Bradford county. '
Cbargt-s loisonaule. " GEO. P. MON ROIL
Refers by pennission to
11. B. C.\Rl> tkmutv Treasurer, Wellsbboro, Pa.
I). I-'. Y. Troy. Pa.
A. 11. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Pa.
Oct. T>. 1 St',2.
REV. S. F. BR Oil EY. Principal.
.1 will commence DECEMBER 1, lsii2, aud continue
Iff weeks.
Town's Sp-lier, MeNal'ley's Geography."*
Common School ami National" Arithmetics, B2otvn'*
Grammar. D ivies' Algebra, tieomctry aud Surveying,
Parker's Philosophy, Ac.
Common English Branches fl 00
Higher Branches. ... 5 25
Board convenient at reasonable prices.
Camptown. Nov. 13. 1802.
cM tirnl well-tri-d Cumnanv. "TIIE
chartered in 17J4. with a paid up capital of S'liit.iHO.nri-t
located iu Philadelphia, will take .risks in Town or Conn
try, either annually or perpetually, at as low rates as
any sound Company. Apply to
R. S. RUSSELL. Agent,
at Ihe Banking House of R. S. RUSSELL A Co.
V ■: A I. r.HO3.
JL . forßuek-whwt at MAtkOX*S MILLS.
Vo>i ISO?