Iprnirf nrtr H eport^r. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOWANDA : Thursday Morning. March 12 3 18C3. piy-Tim many friends of Judge WILJIOT will be pleased to learn that he has been ap pointed by the President, and confirmed by the Swate, as Judge of the Court of Ciaims. If we understand the duties of the position aright it has coguizance of the claims arising from the war, &e. The selection of Judge WILMOT is a most advisable one, and will be a guarantee to the public that the Court of Claims, at least, will be kept free from ill the corrupt and demor alizing practices which have crept into almos every branch of the government. Judge \V:I MOT'S career upon the bench has giveu him a wide reputation for honesty and uprightness as a Judge. His integrity even his bitterest enemies have conceded. The interests of the Government will be zealously guarded, while he is upon the Bench, and speculators and rogues be buf tied by his sagacity, judgment and courage. SUMMARY OF NEWS. Richmond papers of the slh inst. contain telegrams from Savannah, announcing another attack on Fort McAllister on the Sd. Three iron clads and two bortars opened on the fort, and succeeded in dismounting an 8-inch columbiad and wounding two men—according to the rebel report. The attack was contir.u ed nearly all night, bat was not renewed nest day. The fort is said to be uninjured. Gen. Wool has issued an or Jer to Surgeon Cbas. McDougal, Medical Director of the De partment of the East, to cause a thorough ex amination of all prisoners charged with de sertion, and report the same at headquar ters as : Those who are permanently unfit for military duty ; those who are temporarily un fit for military duty, and those who arc fit for military duty. The expedition,under Colonel Phelps,which left Beile Plain in steamers on Tuesday far Northumberland County, Ta , was successful, returned to headquarters on Saturday. The troops visited Heathsville, which they found deserted by the Rebels. Then, throwing out large foraging f parties, they succeeded in cap taring 1,000 bushels of corn, 50 horses and mules, and a large number of fine beef cattle. Two post-offices and several stores were visited, and two important Rebel mails captured.— The cavalry also seized a number of horses and mule?. Some prisoners were taken, among them Coi. Cmybrook, a prominent rabel officer,-and two clerks in the department at Richmond,with n quantify of correspondence for citizens of Baltimore, und official papers addressed to parties in London, to the care of Bearing Bi others. The country was deserted and almost barren. We h ave reports that too pirate steamer Retribution attacked and sank a whaler in the Caribhean Sea, which showed flpht and killed one man on board the pirate. The en tire crew of the whaler were sank with her. The Retribution had previously captured a bark, three brigs and a schooner. The cap iaia of the brig Condor,from Porto ITico 20th alt., reports that when about forty miles from that plaewko saw a three-masted, bark rigged steamer making all sail in the direction of that port. She was closely followed by another 6teamer of about tiie same size, which appear ad to bo chasing her. They both hid a full head of steam on, but from t'na distance —sev- en or eight miles— the brig was from the two steamers, the captain could not state which gained the better of the race. 8&" By the arrival of the Arabia at Hali fax Mondayl we have European dates to Feb. 22—two days later than those previously re ceived. The captain of an English vessel,arri ved at Gibraltar, reports baring, on Feb. 10, beard reports and seen the flashing of guns, and, baring passed two days before a suspici ous vessel, which lie thought to be the '290 or Alabama, he felt ccrtaiu jt was a contest between two ships. Great mass meetings i:i favor of the American Government and the Emancipation were held in Liverpool and Carlisle. Both meetings were very enthusiastic, and entirely unanimous in l itter denunciations of the Slave Power and its English friends. Th t London Times maintains that the contract for tho Confederate loan has been ratified by the Confederate House of Representatives. The Poles are said to have obtained several more successes. France las protested against the ecu vention between Prussia and Russia, and the C onstituliorinel of Paris a semi-official journal, declares that the intervention of Prussia has made tbe Polish insurrection a European ques tioD. Earl Russell denounced the conduct of Russia ir the English House of Lords. The Prussian Cham her of Representatives almost unanimously declared in favor of strict neutra lity. The Engiisb House of Commons unani tnoasly passed a resolution raising the income of the Prince of Wales to £ 100,000. An out break is shortly expected in the Turkish prov iuce of Albania. PRINTING PAPER IMPORTED. —The Sec retary of the Treasury, in a letter communica ted to the Senate on Friday last, says that no priming paper was included in the recent statement of imports of paper from the collec tors of New York and Boston, and that none whatever has been imported under the present tariff, so that monopolists have full swing in its manufacture and iu the regulation of its price BY TELEGRAPH, Over the Towanda Telegraph line. The following' dispatch was received at the telegraph office, at this place,' on Tuesday evening : CINCINNATI, March 10,15G3. A special dispatch to the Gazette, from • Franklin, Term., says a large force of artille ry, infantry and cavalry, moved yesterday against the enemy posted at Springhrll. If the Rebels make a stand, there will bo a I heavy engagement, as it is tne Determination | that Coburu's disaster at Thompson Station ; shall be retrioved. A special dispatch to the Commercial from Murfreesboro, says a report reached there yesterday that Tan Dora's Rebel forces had | been defeated, and a greater portion of them captured. Gen. Rosccrans has ordered that nil persons whose natural supporters are in the Rebel service, and whose sympathy and convictions are such that they cannot give assurance of their loyalty, will hoid themselves in readiness to go South of our lines within ten days. NEW YOF.K, 10 o'clock, A. M., gold $l - 2 8. fti * mm* juiif mii Egg-Upon ft Legislative call, the Adjutant : General has made the following returns from the several counties of Pennsylvania, of those exempted from the military draft on accoun"- of conscientious scruples to bear arms : | All ans 131! Juniata 17 Allegheny 1 Lancaster (not ;ec) Armstrong 19 j Lawrence 18 : Beaver 6 Lebanon.... 99 j Bedford llo'Lehigh. 15 | Ber'sca 93 Lit/erne (none) ' Blair 73,Lycoming 23 I Bradford 2!Mercer 15 | Bucks 3G9'Mifflin 117 i Butler lfti Monroe 8 j Cainbiia 29 M'Kean 1 j Cameron (no draft) Montgomery 195 I Carbon 1: Montour (none) j Chester 205 j Northampton.. 3 i Centre 12 Northumberland, none, Clarion (not rec)l 'Berry. 4 j Clearfield 20Jl'hiiHdelf)lii(i 207 i Clinton 3 Bike (not ree'd) | Columbia 2s Bolter " Crawford lSchnyifeilll 1 ; Cumberland. 83 Snyder 8 i Dauphin '. 102' Somerset 103 j Delaware 4 s -iillivan ...' 10 : Erie 101 Susquehanna 4 Elk 21 Tioga 3 layette 22 l , Juinr. 30 | Forest (none) Venango 5 ' Franklin 188-Warren. 7 ' Fulton 3 Washington, 11 ; (lieene. Ift Wayne, not ree'd, Huntingdon 32 Westmorland 4 ! Indiana ...... 10 [ Wyoming not ree'd j Jefferson. 1 York •• loG 1C29; 1072 fotaf, 2701. Lanciftcr, and the other 1 omitted counties, would bring up the number to about 3,000, who (between the ages of 21 and 45, and subject to diaft,) asked a dis charge from disbei'ef in the right of war. The Constitution requires they shall pny an " equivalent for persona! service." That sum iisto be determined. Tha average paid fur substitutes i? proposed as a standard. SIOO : each, would produce $300,000 ; # slso each, • $450,000 j S2CO each, $600,000,—&e. GP.AND MONSTER UNION MEETING IN NEW YORK —A grand monster demonstration of the masses of New York was held in New York city last Saturday night. It was the j largest meeting ever held in that city, and ; embraced in its number men of all parties, (•from all business interests, and cf all profes ?ions. Among the speakers who addressed i tlio meeting, were John Tan Burcn, Ilenry J. Raymond, James T. Brady, William Culien Bryant, David Dudley, and other distinguish ed orators and public men. The Hernia pro -1 nounces the influence which flashed from this : assemblage, to be equal in force to " chain : lightning'' cn the copperheads. Wo trust j that some of this lightning will flash in thi> (locality. New Yoik by this meeting pro ' nounces in favor of supporting the Govern ' meet at, all hazards and all cost. U. S. SEVATK. —The standing committees were announced in the Senate on Friday. Mr. Sumner called up tho additional rule of the Senate requiring each member to take the " lova! oath," upon which some debate ensued which was ended by the body going into exe calive session. When the doors were opened tiic debate on the question of taking the oath was resumed at length. It was ended by the president pro (em, Mr. Foote, announcing him self prepared to take the oath, and calling upon Mr Foster to administer it, which he did. Tho oath was subsequently administer ed to the folic wing senators : Messrs. Bow dea, Buckulew, Morgan, Sprngno, Wright, Morrill. Wade, Sumner, DixCfl. Hicks, Chan dler and Harding. L-aT'Gov. Sprague on Tuesday resigned 'he office of Governor cf Rhode Island, in order to assume that of United States Senator. There is no Lieutenant Governor, Samuel G. Ar nold, who was elected last Spring, having re signed in order to serve till March 4, in the United States Senate. William C. Cozzens, of Newport, the presiding officer in the State Senate, becomes, in accordance with the pro vision of the constitution of Rhode Island the Acting Governor after Gov.Spragne's resigna tion. DEATH OF AN ESQUIMACX CHILD. —Little TO kerlikita, the E-quimaux child, who, with its parents, Ebierbitig and Tookolito, were brought from the Arctic regions last August by Mr. C. F. Hall, the explorer, died in New York on Saturday. When the parents and their child reached this country they were in excellent health, but the change of food und climate soon produced its natural gniso of loyalty to party and claim for it a loyally to the gov j ernment, which meets our own views exactly. He made a rousing speech at a recent meet j ing in Cinrindati, in the course of which he i expressed the following views in regard to j traitors : " The speaker was not a revengeful or vin ' dictivo man. The hanging of one or two ■ hundred of the leaders of this rebellion, WAIS j about all he would ask. f Laughter ] That 1 done thy difficulty would he ove.tr. Get. rid of i the leaders, break the armed power of the rebellion, and there would be found as much : loyalty in the South as in the North. That accomplished we will then attend to these : fellows who want office, the Vallandighnms 1 and Olds, and their like. Teach your chil dren their names, register them in the book j you read on Sundays, and send them down t.o i be execrated as the men who, in the hour of I their country's peril, through nil possible ob | stacles in the way of its preservation, aid ad j vocate dishonorable peace ut the cost of na I tional existence." r— ' CORPF.NNSADI—ORIGIN OF THE TF.RM—WHAT J T MEANS —A correspondent of the Cinein ; uali (j.tZJlle, in anticipation of the curiosity i of future tontributors io " Notes and Quer i ies " thus writes from the very place claimed ' as claimed as the ' fons d origo ' of this speci- I men of political neology : j Soon after the outbreak of the rebellion, 1 the SpringGed (O ) Re^uhlir, published a com j munieation in which tlie writer noticed the j rattlesnake as the emblem of the South Car ; olina rebels, and stated that tho rattlesnake I was a more magnanimous reptile than the : copperhead snake, as the former givec notice I before he srikes, while the latter, besides iteing 1 more insidious, strikes you without giving you any warning ; and applied the term copper head to all the traitors and sympathizers with i the rebels in tlie free States. Other papers ! soon adopted the term, and it has become very general, but some people do not see the point ; utul in Indiana I see some use the term copperbottoms,but I cannotsee the point of copperbottoms Copperheads is a very ap propriate name for our free State rebels at heart The Speaker's Farewell Address. J [At the conclusion of the session of lbs late i Congress, the SPEAKER, (Mr GROW*,) amid the utmost quiet and marked respectful at- I tcntion, spoke us follows : ] Before performing the duty enjoined by the Constitution, permit me to tender my grateful acknowledgement? for the uniform kindness and co-operation received at your hands. In di-charging the duties to which you assigned rae.if aught has occurred in word or deed to wound the feelings of any, attribute it to errors of tire head rather than intentions of the heart, and let it bo forgotten in the assurance that I shall recall our past inter course only with pride and pleasure. We met as Legislators of the R-public on the thresh old of its most important era. Its sunshine of of almost half a century was for the first time darkened through the land, which it has since drenched in blood. While grappling in a death struggle with this hydra-headed mons ter of civil discord, you have, by your labors, contributed not a little to the advancement of the industrial interests, and promotion of the greatness and glory of the country. Few Congress's, if any, will hold a prouder posi tion in its future. Though we separate with darkness lowering over the horizon, behind the clouds is the sun strll shining. It seems to he a part of toe plans of Divine Providence that every marked advance in civilization must begin amid the carnage of the batilc field. Over the Maranthon and through the Tcerraopylaet of the world's history, liberty has carved out her victories, and the race lias marched on to higher and nobler destinies.— As the lightning's of heaven descend and de- stroy on y to purify and reinvigorate, so free dom's cannon furrows the fields of decaying empires, and seeds them anew with human gore from which springs a more vigorous race to guard the hopes arid cherish the right of mankind. The boom of cannon on the plains of Lexington shook a continent, and bore an obscure militia colonel from the shades of Mount Vernon to the highest pinnacle of earthly glory to stand forever on that proud pedestal, peerless among men, while it called Starke from his granite hills, Putnam from his plough, and Greene from hi blacksmith's foiaie to immortal fame. The iron bail, beating on the water of Suuipter, again shakes a continent, and the Genius of His oiy is recording the names of those born not to die. The country's mar tvrs in this hour of its trial will live forever. I'leii* tombs will be liie hearts of the gieat and good of nil time their monuments tiie granite hills of a nation rejoicing in freedom Whether the night- of our adversity is to be long or short, there can be no doubt o( the Haul dawn of gloiiotis day ; for such is the physical geography of the continent, that be tween the gulf and the lakes there can be but one nationality. Xo matter what changes may be wrought in its social organization, its territorial limits wiiljooutinue tiie same. The traditions of the past and the hope* of the future have ervstaiiz-d in the American heait the fixed resolve oi " one Union, one countryjf and one destiny," from ocean to ocean. No human power can change that destiny any more than it can stay the tide ol the luthci of Waters, as it red.3 fruui tiie mountains to the sea —" Freedom's battle once began— Rcque itheil ti mi bleeding she to son, Though bullied ult is ever won." Better cne war, though it costs countless lives and an told treasure, than a dismember ed Union with its endless border conflicts and final anarchy and rain. It the people between the Gulf and Lukes cannot live together in peace as one nation, tiny certainly cannot as two. This war then must, in the nature of things, tic prosecuted tiii the last armed rebel is subdued and the fl ig of our fathers is re spected on every foot of American soil. Gentlemen, invoking on you and onr com rnon country the blessings of Divine Provi donee, and wishing you each and til! a long and happy life, not in the unmeaning compli ment of the day, I at in eineeiity and truth, ] declare the House of Representatives of the Thirty seventh Congress adjourned sine die. The address was warmly applauded both 011 the fUor and in the galleries. Letter from Fresident Lincoln to the Wcrkingmen of Manchester, The following is President LINCOLN'S let ter addressed to the workingiaen of Manches ter, England, in acknowledgment of the Ad dress recently forwarded to him : " EVKCRNVE MANSION, ) WASHINGTON. January lit. 16G3. { To the Workingnm of Jhnckesler : " I have tlie hoiior to acknowledge the re ' ceipt of ttie address and resolutions which you ' sent me on the eve of the new year. " When I came, on the 4th of March. ISGI, ' through a free and constitutional election, to ; preside over the Government of tlie United tStates, the country was found at the verge iof civil war. Whatever might have been the cause, or whosoever the fault, one duty, j paramount to all others, was belorc me, ' namely, to maintain and preserve at once the | constitution and the integrity of the Federal Republic. A conscientious purpose to per form this duty is tlie key to all the measures | of administration which have been, and to all which will hereafter he pursued. Under our frame of government and my official oath, I could not depart from this purpose ii I would I It is not always in the power of governments to enlarge or restrict the scope of moral re I suits which follow the policies that they may | deem it necessary, for the public safety, from S time to time to adopt. " I have understood well that the duty of self preservation rests solely with the Amen ! can people. 15ut I have at the same time heen aware that favor or disfavor of foreign nations might have a material influence in etih rging and prolonging the struggle with disloyal men in which the country is en gaged. A fair examination of history has ■ seemed to authorize a belief that tlie past ac tion and influences of the United States were generally regarded as having been beneficial toward mankind. 1 have, therefore, reckoned upon the forbearance of nations. Circumstan ces—to some of which you kindly allude—in dueed me especially to expect that, if justice and good faith shon.d be practiced hy the Un ited States, they weald encounter no hostile influence on tiie part of Great Britain. It is now a pleasant duty to acknowledge the dem ! onstration you have given of your desire thai a spirit of peace and amity toward this coun ! try may prevail in the councils of your Queen, ! who is respected and esteemed in your own country only more than she is by the kindred ! nation which has its home ou this side of the i Atlantic. " I know, and deeply deplore, the suffer ings wbicbtbe working men at Manchester, and in all Europe, are called to- endure in this cri sis. It has been often and studiously repre sented that the attempt to overthrow this Government, which was buiit upon the foun dation of human rights, and to substitute for it one which should rest exclusively on the ba sis of human slavery, was likely to obtain the favor of Europe. Thron-rli the actmri of our disloyal citizens, the woikingtei> of Europe, have been subjected to severe trial, for the pnrpo e of forciug their sanction to that at tempt. Under these circumstances I eannot bnt re gard your decisive utterances upon the question as an instance of sublime Christian heroism, which has not been surpassed in any me or in any country. It is indeed an energetic and reinspiring assurance of the inherent poiver of truth ; and the ultimate and universa l tri umph of justice, humanity and freedom I do not doubt that the sentiments you have ex pressed will be sustained by your great nation, and, on the other hand, I have 110 hesitation in assuring you that tiiey will excite admira tion, esteem and the most reciprocal feelings of friendship among the American people. J hail this interchange of sentiment, therefore, as an augury that, whatever else may happen, whatever misfortune may befall your country or my own, the peace and friendship which now exist between the two nations will be, as it shall be my desire to make them, perpetual. " ABRAHAM LINCOLN." Army Ohnioms. —The following is an ex tract from a private letter written by au offi cer of the army of the Potomac : " Until the Government suppresses the treason which is staikirig abroad in our North ern cities and towns, we cannot expect success. All who by act or speech are seeking to clog the wheels of Government ought, to have quar ters in Fort Lafayette or some similar lodging house. Stringent, severe, summary punish inent ought to be applied at once. If the sol diers of the Northern States will only rebuke the cowardly and contemptible nets 1 f the Northern copperheads, even as the soldiers of Indiana and Illinois huve the acts of those States, we might bring these Northern trai tors to the souses." The safest, and most common way to steal is to 1 >tiy and not pay iI flu s lti\) rit fscmcnts. HARD WA RE! CODDING & RUSSELL, HAVE A LARGE AND WELL SK lected stock ol (inudv to which addltionsare daily being made, which they offer cheap A large assortment of COCKING STOVES, Among tbymany desirable and Doantiful patterns 5a the tttSBEATED AMERICAN. : i > ■ ■ This beautiful stove is unsurpassed for economy in fuel; is a pel feet baker ; is the be-? COOK. S7OYK in the market- Anions their heating Stoves may be found a great variety suitable for every place where stoves are used. Stove Pipe and Sheet Iron Work, Always on hand and made to order. TIITV/AEE, A large stock man 'factored from the very best materia!* and by experienced workmen. A 7ery ful assortment of IRON, NAILS AND STEEL, At New York prices. .House and Carriage Trimmings, TOOLS FOR THE FARMER, Tools (or the House Joiner and Carpenter—Tools for Blacksmiths' —Tools for everybody. WINDOW SASH AND GLASS, Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Machine Oil and Benzoic, KE ROSEnSTE OIL, Lamps, Wicks and Chimneys, BELTING, JuWs anil §\ukt CutUrg, BRiTTANNIA & PLATED WARE, Pumps, Lend Pipe, ( hnin Pumps, Water Pipes, Grindstones and fixtures, KEROSENE LANTERNS, JOB WORK done with dispatch. Lamps repaired. Fluid Lamps and Lanterns altered aud fitted to burn Ke rosene. Grain, Old Iron. Casting and Wrought Scraps, Copper, Brass. Brittannia, Beeswax, Feathers and Rags taken in exchange for goods. Highest price ip cash paid for Sheep Pelts and Furs. Blr~ OUR GOODS have been purchased on the pay down system and will be sold tor READY PAY. JOIJN A. COPDIWJ, I CODDING & RUSSELL. C. P. HFSSEI.I.. J Towanda. March 10, 18G3. Farm for Sale. rpilE SUBSCIIIBER BEING DESIR JL ons of retiring from active business, now offers lor sale his farm on advantageous terms. Said farm is situated in Windham, Bradford Co., Pa., and contains 2.">0 acres, ith about 150 acres improved, well watered, under a good state of cultivation, with good buildings, and plenty of good fruit thereon. It is in an excellent "location being in the immediate centre of the township, about four miles from the New York & E. R. It., and one of Ihe best roads in the coun try. This farm is well adopted to either grain or grazing and to any one desiring to purchase a farm would be a desirable location. TRKMS $2,000 cash on taking possession nucithe bal ance can remain a lien upon the property for any length ot time by paying the interest annually. Any further information can be obtained ol C. S. RUSSELL, Towanda. Pa., R. W. Russell, Ulster, or ot the sudseriber on the premises. JULIUS RUSSELL. Windham, Pa.. March 10, ISC3.—w4. . XXf OO D CHOPPE RS WANT El > —To v cut Cord Wood. Apply to L. \\ TIF 1- ANT ,at Barclay. JAMES MACFARLANE, Towanda, Feb. 28,18163. Superintendent. BACK PAY, BOUNTIES AND PEN SIONS—The undersigned will attend to preparing claims for back par, beauty and pension P. P M9RROW. IttfsceUanroits. NEW~SPRING GOODS 7 ' AT J. M. COLLINS', (First door South ot Codding A RuKelp g ) TUST RECEIVED FROM NEWYorp fj an unusnal large stork of Clothing, Cloth* Cuei* I Vestings, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats \ (;p j will he sold at greater bargains than before. * OUR SPRING STOCK ' Will comprise almost every article worn bv man orb* BUSINESS SUITS, COATS, PAZffXg Vests, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Neck Ties, G-loves, Wrappers, Socks Overalls. Boy'a Pants and Jackets. Especial atum; ' is called to our New Rt\-i 6 CLOTHS, CASIMERES ND VESTING, Which are ready to make up to order, on short notic and warranted in every way, or no s*!e, as we have iota' eight years experience in this line of business, niv c-.tt.' Mr. PEXEPACKER. will be on hand, at all t:® M t0 1' cutting for those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND If von wish to buy clothing cheap, and get a* good represented, call at M COLLI UST S'. If you wish to get the worth of yon* montv, and bom., fresh Goods and tail- dealing, call on us and yon Wii' satislied. No trouble to shovr goods and no forcing to'L Goods sold for cash only. J, yj CGLI tvs ' Towanda, April 21. 1862. ' New Arrangements SUBSCRIBERS HAVING FORM- A ed a Copartnership, will continue the hn.ine*. L rnerly earned 011 by J. D. HUMPHREY, in the store %■ posite the Court House, where they will keep constant * on hand a general assortment of BOOTS & SHOES, and a very large stork of all kinds of LEATHER recuic ed for a country trade. A full assortment of Shoe Findings, Harness Trimining?,. SADDLERY. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS GLASS, GROCERIES, Ac., 4c. We expect to increase our facilities in the macufeetn-. ing department, so as to bepible to supply dealers wiih's superior article, at prices rivaling all competition "and especially •' foreign," believing it of vital importance to community to foster domestic productions as far aa prac ticable. Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery owned by Messrs. Cuip & Kirby, and rented the shoo foimerly occupied by them, we offer tor saiea largestock HARNESS. Br IDLES.. TRUNKS.. TRAVtLING BAGS.&C and will make to order almost anything in this line. We respectfully invite public attention to our whole stock in its various branches, trusting that i.y strict at tention to business and zealous exertions to supply the wants of community, we shall merit aud receive a lair share of public patronage. We are roc pa red to make to order anything in onr lino. Also, do all kinds of repairing on very short notice Rf Cash paid lor Sheep pelts. Hides and Skins. J. D. lIL'MI'UIiKV, II'.A B. IK'LL, J. K. DAYTOK. Towanda, April 23, 1562. 183.1 PHILADELPHIA A ERIE RAII.KOAB.7w 'THUS great line traverses the Northern and Northwest F counties oi Pennsylvania to the city ot Etie.onUke Erie. it has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, and under their au-pices is being rapidly opened through it* entire length It i now in use for Passenger and Freight busker* jrom Ilarnsburg to Grove Flat. (172 miles) on the eas tern division, and from Sheffield to Erie, (GS miles) ca the Western Division. T in; QF rASSKVGBIt TRAINS AT WII.Lt AUSPORT. Mail Train Leaves East .11: 44 A. M. Express Train 1 caves post SI- 3c I'. M. Mail Train Lcav s W-est G: Si P. li. Express Train Leaves We-t ?: 2-.' A M Car* run through without change both way* on li.eM trains between Philadelphia and Lo.k Uavc-n and Haiti more and L<>ck Haven. Kiegont Sleeping Car* on Express Triins tin'.!- war between Wjiliainsport aud Baltimore, and Williamaport and Philadephtu. Fin information respecting Passenger business apply at the south east or ltth and MaiketSts And lot Freight ba-iiieas of the Com pan ' Agent* : S B Kingston, Jr., Cor. 11th and Market Sts , I'hiia deipbia. J W Reynolds, Ei ie. J M Drill, Agt. X C. R R . Baltimore. HH. Hastes. Gen'l Freight Agt.. Philadelphia. Lewis L lloupt Gen'l Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. Jus. D Potts, General Jha ager. Williamaport. I*. If. & E. RAIL ROAD. (MIANGE 0F TIME COMMENCING \.J MOXDA Y. January 5. I*o3. Trains will leave Waverly at about the following hours, viz : WKsTWAiiD BOUND. i EASTWARD BOUND. Buffalo Express. .4 51". P MtN. Y. Express. 1007 Aif Night Express... 4 0.7 A M Night Express. .12 45 AV. Mail 7.1S P I Steamboat Expressol" PM Way 3.40 P M j Way VJ7 I'M Way Freight 0-00 A Mi Way Freight 4.57 I'll The Night Express—east and west—runs every day Train G run.* Sundays, but not Mondays. Train* of Saturdays, Irom New York, runs through to IJ-iT*!-.bo due* n-t run toDuukiik. Train 5 remains over night at Eimira. CH A S. MIXOT. Grn'lSup't. T.WRM EIIS, CULTIVATORS AND LO - VERS OF GOOD POTATOES—The celoLratsd •' Garnet ChiliPotatoes, selected by Goodri-.-h in a t."-r teen years' experiment (mm more than ten thousand new seedlings, possess a higher degree of hardiness and adap tation to ail soils and weather than any other sort . The? are round, ripen with the season, grow ciosciy in the hill, do not push out of the soil, are very .-m >oth an! beautiful, have white flesh and in most localities hare been pron 0110 ed the finest and be*t potato for tai-te use- In good .--oils and seasons and with fair cultivation, they will readily yield from 250 to 350 bushels to tiir acre, and in some hands have exceeded even those figurr*.-- Secure seed now—several bushel* for sale. Inquire st l)R. PORTER'S DRUG STORE, Towanda. Pa. Jan. 27. ISfiiL ~VTOTICE —The Board of Revision of Brad il ford County, have fixed upon tie following day for holding of Appeals in said County, for l*f,3, T ' z , : Armenia, Asylum. Albany, Athens twp. .Athens boro . Burlington twp., Burlington boro', Burlington West, on Tuesday, Fehnuny 24. . Canton, Columbia, Franklin, Granville, JlerricV. LZ- Roy. Litchfield,Monroe twp., on Wei nesday. Fe*.2->- Monroe boro', Orwell. Overton. Pike, twp., Rome boro', Smithfield, on Thursday, Feb. 2t>. Springfield. South Creek. Sylvania, Standing Sheshcqnin. Terry, Towanda twp, Towanda.boro , Tues day, March 3. r , Towanda N< rth, Troy tp., Troy boro'. Tnsrarora. ea ter. Windham. Wyalusing, Wysox, Wednesday.March Wells. Warren. Wilinot. on Thursday. Match 5- Assessors will be punctual in delivering not-resto t taxnides and in making their returns upon the day ~f' ignated in their warrants.at which time the Bend ,ll vision will attend and hear such as think them-* vet grieved by said assessment and mako such alterations to them siiail appear reasonable, By order of the Board, . GEO. E. FOX, Clerk- Commissioners Office, 1 Towanda, Feb. 2. 1 f PENSION AGENCY —TO SOI PIER? AND THEIR FRIENDS.—The undersigned ha*i had considerable experience in procuring Pension '' ties and I ack pay of soldiers, will attend to a!! in vliat line, entrusted to his care, with promptness fidelity. or Persons wishing to confer with me will please c- address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford countv- Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONK Refers by permission to 11. B. CARD, Conntv Treasurer, Wellsbboro, I a -1) F. POMEROY. Troy. Pa. A. 11. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Pa. Oct. 22. ISG2. CAMPTOWN ACADEMY REV. S. F. RROIVX, Principal. rpilE WINTER TERM OF THIS INSTITUTION L will commence DECEMBER i, 186-, and con - 1G weeks. BOOKS RSED. T R , Town's Speller. McNalley's Geography. Greeny Common School and National Arithmetics. Bro* Grammar. Davies' Algebra, Geometry and Suneym Parker's Philosophy, &c. TKHMS. Common English Branches ** ?? Higher Brunches 5 #3~ Board convenient at reasonable prices. Camptown. Nov. Iff. 1862. ZNSURANC& rpnAT old nn.l well-tried Comnnnv. "Tfl® JL INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERIUj chnrterrd in 1704. with a paid np capital ot •' ,s located in Philadelphia, will take risks in Town or • try, either annually or perpetually, alas low i any souud Company. Apply to _ RUSStLL> AgW t. at the Ranking Hon of B R. KCFSELL 1 Gy Ttrwacda. l eb. 8,1M15,