Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 12, 1863, Image 1

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Thursday Morning, March 12, 1863.
Sfltdcb Uoefijj.
Tbe Genius of each age records,
Heroic, bright, and noble deeds,
'iiid ela.-h of musketry aud swords,
'Mid tramp of foemen and of steeds.
O'er battle's horrid scenes of woes,
Where flashes high the crimsoned glaive,
The heart a laurel wreath bes.tows
To the memory of the brave,
Tbermoplse and Marathon
Shine grand as sunlight on the seas ;
Aad vivify those heroes gone
Leoniuas, Miltiades.
.The glories ot the Grecian States-
Rome's prowess on the land and wav?,
Awake the chords of praise elate
To the memory of the brave.
Earopa's heather-vales attest
The valor of Caucassian blood ;
To brave foul Tyranny's behest
Tie knights of Freedom ftoutly stood.
Aye, many fought in grand crusade,
And many piled tbe hollowed grave ;
Let not polluted to>gues upbraid
The darling mem'ry of the brave.
Upon the blooming Western Land
The flash of warry lightning's came ;
Dear Vict'ry smiled on Freedom's band,
And Tyranny crouched low in shame,
Where rest Hie valiant—spirit—free—
Oblivion's tide shall never leave ;
For heart ensluined will ever be ;
The mem'ry of the truly brave,
Let nations honor, long ar.d well,
The noble hearts that fieeiy bleed ;
Each battle-ground—each martyr-cell
To consecrate by gallant deed !
0, green in recollection's maze
IF ever y valiant hero's grave ;
Posterity its voice will raise.
And bless the mem'ry of the brave !
ill is i c 11 it nto ns.
[From the Christian Advocate]
Providence in Our War.
To discern and accept GOD'S wish and de
ci_rii in a given event is to half a.sciiieve sue
To fail to sec this, or, see ng i', refuse
to fo; ward that design, is to take a guarantee
for ru ii. To sav that (Jon lias uo design to
be (level ipvd in this great ctvil war, is to de
nv his interest iu man, which is cicuying his
sentient existence.
It requires little wisdom to see the moving
of ins hand in this war, less to sec tuo design
to be ultimately accomplished. Seeing the
struggle as inevitably coming as puuisbmeiit
follows sin, 1)2 gracisous'.y pr■•pared us for it.
it is tiue wo were unprepared, so fur as hu
man foresight had made ready Icr success ;
bu' a better preparation was at hand made by
Providence, divine and direct.
The norma! slata of society shows a slight
excess of the female over the male sex. But
jor the terrible slaughters to which we were
to be subjected, and the scoiety might be in
i's normal condition for pro-perity at the end
of the war. G-n provides a:t act ess of seven
hundred thousand males in the Northern
States. He opened gold fields' iu abundance;
for without gold no war can be waged. Cur
rency In* made stable, business thrive, and
starvation he kept at bav. We were in a fair
way to squander it all on our vanities, sending
it abroad. Just previous to the war an un
precedented crop of cereals at borne and fail
ure of crops abroad made the world our debt
ors, and gold flowed back in readiness for tbe
struggle to come. The same was repeated a
second year, binding the nations to keep the
pence when their leaders longed to interfere.
Good men recognized the providence, and
saw what great blessing for the nation GOD
designed to bring from this terrible outbreak
of the wrath of man. But the nation would
not see it. Politicians denied.if not the right,
jot the wish of GOD to interfere in the strug
gle, least of all, to so interfere as to bring lib
erty to the slave. But bis design was unal
terably fixed from the first. Iluiu or freedom
for all were the only alternatives .set before
th nation. Tt could follow either path at
It chose a vicillation between the two ;
varied fortunes followed ; but ou the whole
utter disappointment. The marked successes
of die sprn.g of 18G2 caused the nation to
forget GOD'S design. Gen. Ilalleck was for
getful of it in the West, M'Clelian in the East,
and the President revoked Gen. Hunters or
der of emancipation in the South.
This was too much. Summer followed, the
terrible battle summer of 1862, when we were
reminded of our refusal to eo operate in GOD'S
designs by such a succession of disasters as
would have ruined any nation that GOD had
tot determined to sustain. That he did sus
tain while he punished,who can doubt ? Noth
ing but a severe and special storm among the
hiiis prevented the junction of Lee with Jack
son, the annihilation of Pope, und the capture
of Washington before tbe possible arrival of
A victorious army on the borders of the free
states conspired, with a sense of unknown
disaster, to make the nation ready to accept
GOD'S plan. And so with the first flush of du
bious victory came a promise, welcome only
TJ necessity, to follow in the path of GOD'S
Disaster ceased, and confidence justly re
torued. But good men feared that no success
could come till the promise was redeemed. —
fde poor slave no longer prayed for success to
northern arms, for the measure of that
Recess would be the measure of continued
Meanwhile the North poured out its mighty
passes of men. Every pint was reinforced.
ioeffHent officers were taken frpra commands
and pat on trial. Innumerable vessels leaped
into the soa from various ports. And so con
fidence in the power of man alone was restor
ed. Evil-minded, self seeking,party-loving men
appeared determined to thwart the design of
emancipation. Said one of these leaders, " I
tell the President that without we have a change
of measures, so help vie God, we will have a
change of men Without he responds to the
voice which h&a been seot from Ohio and
Pennsylvania and Indiana, and from glorious
New York ; without he hears and heeds, and
acts upon the potential voice of the people
thus expressed in thunder tones./Aaf as Wash
ington was the first President, Abraham Lin
coin is the last." This was responded to by
millions, for the state mentioned had wheeled
into the line of opposition to the policy of
emancipation. Thus they signified their re
turn to the road to ruin,and the promised pol
icy seemed ready for utter defeat. So dan
gerous is it to put off doing right.
In this spirit,and with their fancied strength,
a uniformly victorious leader led our forces
against the foe at Fredericksburg. The fear
ful result, so keenly felt by the nation, so bit
terly iu the families of fifteen thousand men,
was a hint of what would inevitably follow
movements founded on the policy which was
being dictated to the President.
Still the people were not ready for final
committal to the policy of justice and right.
They determined to snatch victory at a 1 ist
moment, and so justify the non-issuing of the
proclamation of freedom on the ground that
I there was no military necessity.
Sunday morning before the old year closed
j the assault on Vicksburg began, enough of it-
I self to insure defeat. Monday the battle rng
jed extremely sore Disastrous repulse follow
j ed. Fags of truce were fix d upon till the
i enemy had time to strip the wounded and dead
Tuesday it was fully seen that the cherished
object of the West could not be achieved, and
thousands had been thrown away. Wednesday
opened with the defeat of Murfreesboro. The
| right wing was utterly broken. Ammunition
' trains and rations for the soldiers, defense and
! strength, was swept away from their very
rear, and the road to Kentucky and Ohio was
well nigh opened. Night comes. A storm is
|on the water. The pride of the
gles with the waves. The most globus ship
in hbtory, and one of the chief sujmorts of
j our pride, strikes flag to Him who iioWs tin*
j winds in his fist. The last hour of the old
I year -ees rebel steamers creeping down upon
, our ships a" Galveston ; and before the proc
lamation was announced the whole force of
men, ships, and armament- is slaughtered, cup
tured. blown up or scattered.
Was not the nation made ready to accept
(ion's piaa ? DM the men pledge to anarchy
iv fearful inipreciuturns keep their vows ?
Was not their wrath restrained ?
Finally (he deed was done, GOD'S plan
adopted. The skies so long utterly black over
the slave broke into light, and the playing
11 unes wrote freedom in the sight of all.—
Prayer for success flooded up to heaven from
North and South. That very day, by the in
spiration of God and under the protection of
his buckler, Rosencrans snatched victory from
defeat ; that very day the onset of rebels
across the Black water was repulsed ; that
very day Col. Sullivan destroyed theconimaud
of the long sought Col. Forrest ; that very
day Col. Ilaskins defeated the übiquitous
Morgan ; that very day Col Phillips drove
the rebel Indians across the Arkansas and de
stroytd Fort Smith ; that very day Hindmans in Arkansas was utterly dispersed.
Shall we learn aught ? Shall we take GOD'S
path of glory, or ours of shame again? It
, will not be claimed that taking his path shall
' save in every instance from defeat , that nil
! possible incapacity and designed treachery
shall fie over ruled for our success. We can
, not claim that the motive of this last step is
entirely acceptable, nor the limitations of the
j plan according to his will ; but from bright
' omens of succe-s we believe his grace will be
vouchsafed to help us, aud his wisdom to guide
to a perfect result.
meeting of Ohio officers in's army
was held on the 12th inst., to take measures
to learn the sentiment that exists in the army
in regard t<j the prosecution of the war, adop
tion of dishonorable compromises, and the in
cipient treason which has developed itself in
i the North. The utmost unanimity prevailed,
and an adress was adopted, of which the fol
lowing is an extract :
" We have sunk nil party considerations in
devoted loyalty to our country, and whatever
names unholy traitors may appiy to us we
I will, by every means that Providence puts in
our hands, sustain the help us GOD!
j The army of the West is in terrible earnest ;
earnest to conquor and destroy armed rebels;
earnest to meet force with force ; earnest iu
its hearty destination of cowardly traitors at
home ; earnest in will and power to overcome
ail who desire the nations ruin. Ohio's one
hundred thousand soldiers ask their fathers,
brothers and friends by their firesides and in
their peaceful homes to bear and heed this
; appeal, and put an eud to covert treason at
; home, more dangerous now to our national
existence than the presence of armed hosts of
misguided rebels."
A LUXURY.—A traveler was lately boasting
of the luxury of arriving at night,after a hard
day's journey, to partake of the enjoyment of
a well cut ham and the left leg of a goose.—
| " pray, sir, what is the peculiar luxury of a
left leg ?"' " Sir, to conceive its luxury, you
must find that it is the only leg that is left !'"
A lot of fellows bauteriug a large and fat
companion, remarked that if all flesh was
grass, he must be a load of hay. " I suspect
I am," said the man, " from the way the asses
are nibbling at me."
"If you children quarrel so about that doll,
I'll break it; there's uo peace where you are."
lOh do mamma, " screamed the yoong hope
ful; "then we ail shall have a little piece.'
A Patriotio Letter from the Army of the
The following letter written by a former
resident of Rome township, to hi 3 brother,
speaks for itself, and ought to quiet the mur
raurers and eornplainers of the policy of the
Administration in the conduct of % the present
war against treason and rebellion.
The writer, as will he perceived, is not an
abolitionist ; on the contrary, he is and always
has been a democrat of the bluest stripe—nev
ertheless he is a patriot, and in favor of end
ing the war bj weakening the rebellion by ev
ery possible means.
While such men as Gen. BUTLER, and oth
ers of our patriotic soldiers, tell us that slavery
is the cause of the war and ought to be struck
down. The copperheads among us, who hiss
coutinually and are forever telling us that the
war for the suppression of Rebellion is carried
on only in the interest of the Abolitionists—to
free " niggers," ought to be ashamed to show
their heads.
Feb. 14. 1563. )
have beeu encamped at this place one month.
Our force here is the loth, 44'.h and 76ih Ill
inois, a Company of Cavalry ana a Battery of
four guns. It has rained a good share of the
time sine? we arrived at this station.
We are twenty seven miles from Memphis.
Two trains come iu and go out every day and
bring the latest news from Vicksburg and
Charleston. Our forces here are in very good
health and in high hopes that our army of the
West will prove itself unconquerable, under
the command of Geu. Grant, now before Vicks
burg. That battle will tell to us whether we
are to stay another year or go home. If we
win it the day is our, and the Mississippi is in
our possession. If we don't take Vicksburg,
and the battle goes agaiust us, the war will
qot be ended.
r More troops will be called for—the negroes
armed and the Abolitionists be made to fight
beside the negro and against him, as the South
will arm their mu'.attoes and Creoles.
If 1 had known that I to free
the negroes, so they would spread over the
Eastern and Western States, it would have
gone against my ideas of right. But such is
not the " idea." Our Presdent in freeing them
iutenas to weaken the South and take away
their help—for most two years the South has been
fed by their slaves, who were kept at home,
working and raising bread for their Avmv,
while their masters were fighting against us.
Now, that is " played out," and instead of
furnishing the Southern army with provisions,
the negroes arc to be armed to the number
not exceeding 300,000, and besides this, the
President has ordered that every roan through
out the Federal States, between the age of
e : ghteen and forty five, shall be ready aud li
able to be called upon to fight.
rsow, it is of no use to talk of peace with the
South at this time. If the North was to ask
for peace, what would be the result ? It would
be to acknowledge ourselves whipped, and sub
mit to their own terms.
Now, let our forces be uuited—let ns fight
for Victory and to win.
We will plant our banner firm, and as the
Stars and Stripes float proudly over us, we
will prove to the wojld that no traitor blood
fills our veins and no cowardice our hearts. —
If we fall, it is for our country—if we live, DO
finger of scorn will point us out as traitors.
I am in good health at present, and as long
as I am blest with health, the army is my
home, Gon mv guide—in Ilim 1 trust.
The President is our ruler, and to him we
look as to the laws of the land ; and in our
rifles we place great confidence as a friend.
Your Brother,
(Correspondence of the Reporter.)
A Voice from the Battle Field.
CAMP PITCHER, Near Falmouth. Va., )
February 25th, 1563. J
A meeting of the officers of the 51th Regi
ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, was convened
lor the purpose of appointing a committee to
draft resolutions, expressive of the views of
the officers and privates of the regiment in re
gard to the war and the duty cf all L nion
loviug citizens in the great struggle for lib
Lieutenant Col. Peter Sides was called to
the chair, and Captain JAMES M. DARLING
was appointed Secretary.
On motion, the chair appcinted the follow
ing nr med officers as that committee. Chap
lain McAdams, Dr. Lyman and Captain Nel
son, to report at the next meeting. Adjourn
ed to meet at eleven o'clock, A.M., the follow
ing day.
FEBRUARY 26, 1563.
The meeting convened according to adjourn
The minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.
The committee presented the followiog re
port, which was uoanimonsly adopted :
WHEREAS, The war, which has caused us
voluntarily to relinquish the endearments of
home, and the comforts and peacefel pursuits
of civil life, and to tubmit to the deprivations
and hardships incident to active military ser
vice, is one which involves interests of tbe
most momentous and enduring character ; And
whereas, On the result of this contest the ex
istence of our Government, the perpetuation
of the blessings of civil and religious liberty
to the unborn millions of future ages, and the
solution of the question : Is the existence of
a Republican form of Government possible ?
all depend ; And whereas, We have a deter
mined, wily and powerful foe4n front to meet
on the field of deadly combat, aud also the
machinations of a mean,cowardly, cunning and
insidious crew iu tbe rear to scoru and resist;
Resolved, That we spnro with contempt and
indignation the suggestion of the Northern
copperheads, that we must approach armed
traitors with propositions of compromise—
which they would scornfully reject—as alike
incompatible with every attribute of true man
hood, and with the dignity and honor of a
great and powerful Government
Resolved, That tbe only compromise that
we can consistently make with traitors is that
they lay down their arms aud return to their
Resolved, That the only hope of securing
this result is to be found in a vigorous and de
termined prosecution of the war, whatever
may be the required sacrifice of life and treas
ure, till the military supremacy of the Gov
ernment is fully vindicated.
Resolved, That we are still willing to toil
and fight and die, if uecessury, for the attain
ment of this end.
Resolved, That the wide spread opinion in
the Northern States that the army of the
J'o omac is demoralized and will not fight is
false aud slanderous, and we doubt not the
malicious fabrication of those Northern trait
ors, who would stab us in the dark, but are
too cowardly to array themselves under the
banner of the insurgents aod to meet us in the
shock of battle.
Resolved, That loyal men at home should
carefully organize themselves to watch tbe
stealthy movements of the venomous " copper
heads," and aid the Government in bringing
ihem to condign punishment,not only for their
treacherous behavior at home, but also for
their endeavors to make their slander of the
army true by poisoning the minds of the sol
diers through the influeuce of treasonable
Resolved, That, as the President of the
United States is the constitutional represent
ative of our Government, his administration
must and will be sustained by all true patriots,
and that those who are denouncing his admin
istration, are laboring to the exteut of their
power to throw hiderances in the way of a
vigorous and successful prosecution of the
war, and deserve the unmitigated scorn of
patriots and the hemp that is dug to trait
Resolved, That slavery is one of the chief
pillars of sirentii to the rebellion ; that its es
sential antagonism to freedom renders its ex
istence! incompatible with the restoration of
the Union and its continued maintenance, and
that the President's emancipation prociaroa
tion is not only humane aud wise, hut an ab
solute military necessity in order to the speedy
suppression of tbe rebellion aud the restoration
of enduring peace.
Resolved, That we heartily approve the pol
irv of organizing all the able bodied men of
African descent into regiments, brigades and
divisions for active military operations ; for
as we have to risk our lives for the mainte
nance cf our liberties, it is but just that they
should be required to incur the same hazards
in order to secure theirs ; and as they have
heretofore been used for the promotion of the
rebeliion, it i 3 but right that lliey should be
used hereafter for its suppression.
Resolved, That while we do not fight for
anv man, or set of men, but will cheerfully
follow the leadership of any general whom
the President as Commander-in Chief of the
Arrnv may, in his wisdom, see fit to appoint
over us, we take pleasure in declaring our con
fidence in the ability and skill of our present
brave and gallant commander, Major-General
Resolved, That Governor A. G. Curtin de
serves the thanks of ail true patriots for the
skill, energy and patriotism which he has dis
played in raising, arming and equipping the
troops of our State,and especially of all Penn
sylvania soldiers, for the profound iaterest
which he has manifested in their welfare gen
erally since they have been brought into the
field, and particularly iu his efforts to have
the sick and wounded of their numbers re
moved to hospitals in our own State, and as
far as practicable to their own homes, till fit
for dirty.
Resolved, That these proceeding, signed by
the Chairman and Secretary, be published in
the Harrisburg Telegraph, Philadelphia In
quirer, Forney's Press, Towanda REPORTER,
and in all the loyal papers of the different
counties in which the regiment has been
It was resolved that Col. Sides, our Chair
man, should call the regiment together, and
that the chairman of the committee on reso
lutions should read this paper to the non com
missioned officers and privates and ask them
to take the paper under consideration.
The regiment was accordingly assembled
Sergeant Green was called to the chair. The
preamble and resolutions were read and unan
imously and enthusiastically adopted, followed
by three cheers for the resolutions and three
more for General Hooker, the Army and Na
A physician told his patient that he
could cure his toothache by simply holding a
certain root io his hand.
" What root?" asked the sufferer.
"The root of the aching tooth," replied tbe
BSy " That's my business," as the butcher
said to the dog that was killing bis sheep.
State Superintendent of Common Softools
[The following communication, and favorable editorial
notice, in reference to the Common School Superinten
dency, we clip from the Harrisburg Daily Telegraph, of
of the 3d ins. As we have heretofore lecommended Prof.
COBURH to the appointing power, it is useless to say that
we cheerfnlly endorse the article. From a life-long ex
perience as a teacher and School officer, Mr. C. is peculi
arly adapted to the position ; and bis sterling worth and
indomitable energy, together with his unquestioned abil
ity, will secure to the educational cause a good and reli
able officer.— ED.]
We publish to-day, a very able communica
tion in reference to the appointment of a suc
cessor iu the Superintendent of the Common-
School Department. On this subject, we have
declared that we have no particular personal
preference. All that we, and all that the
friends of tbe administration ask for, is a
change, by which the whole Department may
be purged of some of the useless material with
which it is now burdened, and reorganized on
a plan of economy in more perfect harmony
both with its own success aod the necessity of
the Commonwealth.
Tbe communication to which we refer,
suggests Charles R. Coburn, of Bradford coun
ty, as a gentleman eminently qualified to suc
ceed the present Superintendent of Common
Schools. The reputation of Mr. C. as a teach
er and a superintendent in connection with the
cominoQ schools of bis locality, is of the most
enviable character. In fact, be is represented
to be a practical, thorough aud accomplished
teacher, one who has made the calling a pro
fession. and dignified it by the zeal and suc
cess with which he has devoted himself to the
pursuit. If Mr. Coburn is appointed, we have
every assurance of his fitness for the position.
Added to this, he is a thoroughly loyal man—
and with loyalty and fitness combined, his ap
pointment could not fail to be popular.
EDITOR TELEGRAPH : Sir : —As it seems to
be couceded that there is to be a change in the
head of the school department, I desire to call
the attention of the appointing power and all
who are interested in the welfare of our com
mon schools, to the merits of Professor C. R.
Coburn, of Bradford county, for that position.
Mr. Coburn has been connected with schools
and educational enterprises, as teacher andsu
perintendent, all- his lifetime ; and he has
showu himself competent and efficient in ev
ery department of science with which he has
b-'en conmcted. As an evidence of his ability
and energy, I need only say, that be took the
siiperintendency of the common schools of
Bradford county, at a time when the affairs of
the system were in utter contusion, and the of
fice of superintendent very unpopular with the
people, so unpopular that in many districts it
was entirely disregarded and condemned. Out
of this chaos he immediately organized order; I
ar.d, from being " everywhere spoken against,'!
the office of superintendent soon came to be j
everywhere regarded with favor, and all
the rules and recommendations of the depart- ;
rnent fire now acquiesced iu, and obeyed with
cheerfulness. It is believed that the same !
spirit of harmony, order and emulation which j
he has infused into the affairs cf his local dis
trict, would pervade the system in every part
of the State, if he could be promoted to tbe
head of the department.
It would 6eem to be proper and very judi
cious to confer the appointment upon some one
of the county superintendents. Having been-j
connected with the school system in a position :
of such importance and responsibility, shonld !
tell strongly in favor of. any applioaut. But:
when I say, as I suppose I may, without dis-:
paraging or offending anybody, that Prof. Co- j
burn is among the very first of the county su j
periritendents of the State ; and his brother :
superintendents have indorsed his high quali
fications upon various occasions, by calling him
to preside over their conventions, I think 1
present a case that ought to have controlling
influence with the Governor when becomes to
decide upon the appoiDtee.
The qualifications of Prof. Cobnrn being ad
rnitted to be equal to those of any otherap
plicaut, then his location should entitle him to
the appointment. The northern section of the
State has received uo importaut appointment,
from this Administration. And now, when
we offer an unexceptional man, pre-eminently
qualified for the office of Common School Su-1
perintendent, we hove a right to expect that
our claims will not he disregarded.
February 26, 1863. D. L.
The Protest Against Mediation-
The following are the proposed concurrent
joint resolutions reported by Senator Sumner
from the Committee on Foreign Relations, to
whom was referred the message of the Presi
dent of the United States, communicating, in
answer to the resolution of tbe Senate, the
correspondence on the subject of mediation, ar
bitration, or other measures looking to a ter
mination of the present rebellion :
Whereas, It appears from the diplomatic
correspondence submitted to Congress, that a
proposition, friendly in form, looking to paci
fication through foreign mediation, has been
made to the United States by the Emperor of
the French, and promptly declined by the Pre
sident ; aud whereas, the idea of mediation or
intervention in some shape may be regarded
by foreign Governments as practicable, and
such Governments, through this misunder
standing, may be led to proceedings tending
to embarass the friendly relations which now
exist between them and the Uuited States ;
and whereas, in order to remove for the future
all chaDCe of misunderstanding on this subject
and to secure for the United States the full
enjoyment of that freedom from foreign inter
ference, which is one of the highest rights of
independent States, it seems tit that Congress
shonld declare its convictions thereon :
Therefore, Resolved, The House of Repre
sentatives concurring, that while in times past
the United States have sought and accepted
tha friendly mediation or arbitration of foreign
Powers by the pacific adjustment of interna
tional qnestions where the United States were
the party of the one part, and some other sov
ereign Power the party of tbe other part, aod
while they are not disposed to mieeoattrne tbe
VOL. XXIII. —NO. 4:1.
natural and humane desire of foreign Powers
to aid in arresting domestic troubles, wbieh,
widening in their influence, have afflicted oth
er countries, especially in view of the circum
stance, deeply regretted by the American peo
ple, that the blow aimed by therebellonatths
uation's life ba9 fallen heavily upon tbe labor
ing population of Europe, yet notwithstanding
these thing:, Congress cannot hesitate to re
gard every proposition of foreign interference
in the present contest as so far unreasonable
and inadmissible, that its only erplanation will
be found in a misunderstanding of tbe true
state of tbe question, and of the real character
of tbe war in which the Republic is engaged.
Resolved, That the United States are now
struggling with an unprovoked and wicked re
bellion which is seeking the destruction of the
Republic, that it may build up a new Power,
whose corner-9tone, according to the confes
sion of its chiefs, shall b$ slavery. That for
the suppression of this rebellion and thus to
save the Republic and*to prevent the establish
ment of such a power, the National Govern
ment is now employing armies and fleets iu full
faith that through these efforts all the pur
poses of tbe conspirators and rebels will be
crushed ; that while thus engaged in this
straggle on which so much depends, any pro
position from a fo.eign Power, whatever form
it may take, haviDg for its object tbe arrest of
these efforts, is just in proportion to its influ
ence an encouragement to tbs rebellion aud to
its declared principles, and on this account fa
calculated to prolong and embitter the conflict,
to cause increased expenditures of blood and
treasure, and to postpone the much desired
day of peace. That with these convictions,
aud not doubting that every such proposition
although made with good intent, is injurious
to the uational interests, CoDgress will b
obliged to look npon any farther attempts ia
the same direction as an unfriendly act, which
it earnestly deprecate, to the end that nothing
may occur abroad fo strengthen rebellion or
to weaken those relations of good will with
foreign Powers, which the United Statea ara
happy to cultivate.
Resolved, That the rebellion from its begin
ning, and far back even ia the conspiracy
which preceded its outbreak, was encouraged
by the hope of support from foreign Powers ;
that its chiefs frequently boasted that tho
people of Europe were so far dependent upon
regular supplies of the great Southern staple,
that sooner or later their Governments would
be constrained to take sides with the rebellion
in some effective form, even to tbe extent of
forcible intervention if the milder form did not
prevail ; that tbe rebellion is now sustained
by this hope, which every proposition of for
eign interference awakens auew, and that,
without this life giving support, it mast soon
yield to the just and paternal authority of the
National Government. That considering
these things, which are aggravated by the mo
tives of the resistance thus encouraged, the
United States regret that foreign Powers have
not frankly told the chiefs of the rebellion
that the work in which they are engaged is
heartfu!, and that a uew Government, such as
they seek to found, with slavery as its acknowl
edged corner-stone, and with no other declared
object of seperate existence, is so far shocking
to civilization and the moral sense of mankind
that it must not expect welcomeor recognition
in tbe commonwealth of nations.
Resolved, That the United States, confident
in the justice of their cause, which is the cause
also of good government and human rights ev
erywhere among men; anxious for the speedy
restoration of peace, which shall secure tran
quility at home aud remove all occasions of
complaint abroad, and waiting with well as
sured trust the fiuai suppression of the rebel
lion, through which all these things, rescued
from present danger, will be secured forever,
and the Republic, one aud indivisible, tri
umphant over its enemies, will continue to
stand an example to mankind, hereby an
nounce as their unalterable purpose that the
war will be vigorously prosecuted according
to the humane principles of Christian Statea,
until the rebellion shall be suppressed, and
they reverently invoke upon their cause the
blessings of Almighty Gon.
Resolved, That the President be requested
to trausmit a copy of these resolutions through
the Secretary of State to the Ministers of the
United Slates in foreign countries, that the
declaration and protest herein set forth may
be communicated by them to the Governments
to which they are accredited.
to record the death of Mrs. Blue, wife of ex-
Sheriff Blue, of Liberty township, this county,
ou Tuesday last by drowning. Mrs. B , has
been for some time laboring under slight aber
ation of mind, which caused much anxiety to
her friends and a constant watchfulness over
her on their part. Of late she evinced signe
of improvement and they were in hopes that
she would be again restored to health. Bnt
Tuesday last,during the absence of her husband
to court, Mrs. Blue eluded the sight of those
having her in charge, and the next day they
found her body in a large pond in the viciui
ty of her late residence. Although she had
not been in the water but from five to ten
minutes the vital spark had fled. This ia a
most sad affliction to a large circle of frienda
and relatives The deceased wa9 a lady high
ly esteemed by all who had the pleasure of
her acquaintauce. — Danville Intelligencer.
BQp- We never knew one who was in the
habit of scolding able to govern a family.
What makes people scold ? The want of self
government. How can they govern others ?
Those who govern well are generally calm.
They are prompt and resolute, but steady and
ADVICE TO HUSBANDS. —If yonr wife hap
pens to be of opinion that absolute monarch ii
better than constitutional government, be re
signed. You can not say your sovereign was
not of your own choosing.
tGf " All maideus are good," says one mor
alist ; " but where do the had wives come