ftftetcfrntccus." Ayer's Sarsaparilia. A COMPOUND REMEDY, in wkieh we _/JL Uivela' red to produce tlte mosti- bed :' ■ wa ive that can be nruk-. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilia, so combined with other - -'.:*'esot ili greater ulterat'-vo power as to afford an < lit ctive an tidote tor the diseases Sa*saparilla is reputtto cure, it | is believed that such a remedy is wauiy- by those wno / suffer Ironi Strumous complaints, ft d that one win -a wi.i accomplish their cure must prove ot itnraeuse s. i\. e •> this large clasa Of out* afflicted ielloir-cjtiaeus. com pletely thiscOlßpound srill do if has been prow perinent on many 1 of the worst eases to be toumi 01 t ie followingcomplaint*:— .. ScKOFCLA AND s.::Tl.l'!'S CoXiI'.'.AINYS, aat > - -s AM) EtUIWIVII PfagASBS, jJIXEBS. PmrLKS. bI.OTIUH.- . I Tritons, SALT Rnmm, Scald HE :D, Svri.t m* AM. SYPHILITIC AFFMTIOXS.Jikw ' I!ML Di-ease, .7 j NEUBALCIA OK TIC Doi uornixx, DEBILITY, Dweimi J AND INIHGBBTION, ERYSIPELAS, ROPBOB ST. Avrik'V. s FIRE, and indeed the whole class oi comp.amts arising from IMPYBITY or* run Li.ocn. 1 This compound will be found a great promoter ©I health, when taken in the sprin to expei the too. i>u- I mora which lestci iu the b'.-'dai that sea "I ■no \_eai , Bv tbe timely expulsion of tlnna many r.oiituug r any ilntig e;-e. ~ During late years the public have been mi-le-t v large nottles, preteadhi- to give a o'art tji 1.-.tia, l o. .n-j piriila for one dollar. Mo t of these have l oen Ira ads upon the sick, for they not h ; • e yuutci usi> taken stecordiug to directions on the bottle. ..Prepared ly nr. J.C.ATEII & Co.,_ Lowell, Mass.— ; pet Botlh : Si: BatlltsfiH -a* • AVLH CUt iiKV FLCTOKAL has won for itself M. 'ha renown tor the euro of every , variety ofTbroat and 1. ingC* ii| lalnt. that it is en tin ... . nnnecessarv for us l- re. mat the evi. a <• ol its \ u ?>e- t wherever it lias been A - it has I i.g been iu i c ustant use throughout tins section, wc need not eo : move than as=:;ie the peoph its >.uii ,: ;.y ke : .t up to the j i e-t it ever has be.n, and ti. .t it ma.t '• " ; 'ed on to do tor their relief all it his evet been ioua'3 t< do. AYEIt'S* C ATIIARTIC Pil.l-S, For the cure o: C- .-ti'venc-s. Juantir • • D pypia _ Indi gestlda, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Hejdaehe, !' ; -es. Khenniuilsiu. Lrupi: '? ■ i ;> '>er j t - rap taint. Dr-tisv. Tvtter, T-unon • d - ! . m. V. uiii- i. ; X-.. ! a- a I'm • ■' ! t.i' ; lying tbe It' ■ -1. 1b y a■:■■■ sag incoaW ■ ' ''■■■ •' ] '' 1 \ a ... physic. Price 25 eents piar Box; Five Boxes for Sr,OU, | (-.eat nuiab -isr y;. u>. F; ' "is men, and eminent per-m. i es, I uve lent tl - • to ertny j Ihe uup.stalled u-. '?u - • •.-p-ej here will not peri-i'. t •> y-i-i.ii,-- tlwi >. "1 he .a u.p j lielow named furnish gr..t ••••:• Askkk AS \i.hanac to , ... , abort eoianlaints, and the treatment that should 1% tol- . . Do not be]ml offbj unprincipled dealers with other j iffeparations they make more profit on. Demand AVBK'S I Leonwd Hollow; !. it. i- ; dA.bc;:, j tfranviUc; I>. Wit cox & ' C.iuton: v - --.. KOCK- i WELL, Alha ; ...... ' V.'J.D '••••', v -y ■ Warren ; Loho L S isßi rlitigtoft : New .Lt S ( o:, U1 j ster ; PERKINS, ATHEI - ; Lr.,.:. , ; A ERA j LrKaysviUe ; Bttotteox, Drwell; BEU ls r, ot'< ft.- | a.: 1 by dealers est rywhere. Towauda, July 111. 1-fhL ! PW FIH *Tiir?s r ?.x*3' !i:, Akin S Aa.L Lb i. *li lev if .-/v AT ill Vi? %SJ U-Vivj \ HE NO'V RECEfVING A I/AUGE ii Stock of New Goods which re offer to cash pur chasers at as law pii.es : c.i.i be - u.d i i Bsol-- County. We would -all attention to our highly in rea sed stock ot n nr'jD ps:f'VC-ro \/CQ" r iE-^Q bLUsflO) u,iOO.iTli.ftvJ Ot in great variety . whit h oro :r in the most approved style, as well as clothes purchased elsewhere. Aiso, anny Mif=r flfiTaiS? ! l! mfrmi iLiifflinb 11 GENTS FffaiJISHING GOODS, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps : Croceriee. Crockery, Venkee Notions, Tinware. Ac. 4- Most kinds of Farmers' I'r • hu-e r. iv.-.l in cx chmagwfor radss A. Wit ivi.Aii. . Towanda, Oct. 15,1562. LfNGOLN T3B2EECEJ. i r El cl! these so era only to iitcreise flit . business and pro. yvity of the Old Foundry an. j UffiACSi?: 13 SHOP, (South side of rine'st., me door Fast of 11. S. Met cur's St-ro.) The undersigned wt uld Call the attention of all cm cerued to the tact. that he is prepared t- ! > and will ex p, ite till work 4 ntn'-tcd t > him with ui-patch,and in th un.st w. iknian-iikp manner. FITTING UF MILL IKON*. REPAIRIN > STF.A\ BNC IaSS.Trdm thesimpTekf to the • tost c&inpfi rate, in any ut their parts, and W A 111'.A.N iKD to give uali.-tac tion. PLOW*, always on hand of the mo-f approved pat terns.wooded iu the most suiistantiul manner. Havin ; c ciitly added - .u-iderably to his facilities for doing rk, and employing expenen-ed workufeu in every department, he is coniident that he c.vn sswfy a ' who iavor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda ,'Oct .*T >, 1 -HO. jS'cw Furniture and Cliairs. I IIAYE ,lUST RECEIVED A LARGE A and extensive assortment oi Sofas, Mohogany-Chairs, Mahogany and Walnut IN-e iters, liu.-tou lbx-kei Fine t'aue-seat, Wo: d, and iDtah-lKofom. li.tir 'V.t.e-a at and One-back Ilockci'S, lmuking-OiossCS, Cord auJ Tassels, Fletore Framc-s, A 0.. Cheaper than the Cheapest. *ST lil: is ' call ait'i ...: iy your.-eh •s. Towanda, J tine "Jvl, 1 s„i. Clii-l •> fr'.lt WELi'S. "FIRE INSURANCE. Insurance against Loss by Fire IN FU, I CLA 'S CASH CAPITAL CO?fIPAPJ:PS APPIA* TO . •TOWANDA, PA. Sept. 30, isr,2. T L T,vv l^? XS t)ESiIIOL T S Oy^IIEAITF I. UN'. MONEY TO F.UROPr.-B."?-. Brssfj, & (o. are prepared to draw . ; . ,arable at England. Iwgaad, bcotland and v,.T,T. •. Hai£ a Swa'i a;-o on all the principal •" • ■ ~ 0 .• „• nciltol LufOpfi. —£ Lj .mo,it 'ußiiii ty tht ir triciids there can o taut ecxits iv-m aa 4l - . v - the lowest rate of Kx?':Lt¥e. dt. Towanda, Jan. 7, l~u3. : - \ \ iiHsccUauccus. §asqßt|aana' Colicgr.ilt liKtittSc,. TOWANDA, B Ruin FORD CO., PA. FACft.TY : . . Bev. JAMES McTILI.JAM. Principal, Professor of An- | dent Langaages.and Mentolnnd Moral Sciences. I SAMFKI. 1.. i'lsl.Klt, A. B. Professor of Ifatbemattcs , and Natural Science. t ProLCaAiif.ES R. tat BURN. Comity Superintendent, 1 General Director of Norma! Department. Mits E. MALVEX, > p receDtl . e . ses Mi-s E. ('. CARTER. C 1 iece P ue - tt; '- Miss E. GLEASON, Teacher of Vocal and rnstrumerta! Music. .. The Fall Term - imineiices VKDNEt-DA'i, Al-Gl-M 20, and will continue 14 weeks, f TfITION, er.R TERM : ; [Payable invariably in advi.i.ce.or one-hall on entering tin; school, and -ne-hall at !he middle ol Hie term—ltu-1 I and contingencies included.] i Pri,nary, per term f f f, O i Preparatory G Oil i Higher, Ist year, per term 7 on : Dig'er. Ist and 2d year, per term S 00 Ciasakal. Ist year,'per te; i,i 700 j Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. 15. Pupils will he classed by the most advanced j branch they respectively pursue. j Pupils tiding ->'lm!ar.-hips are charged $1 per term for j uel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES : j i ran er. • ? 3 00 i Germar - - 3 00 J Drav.*it: 5 00 Board in ' l i ■ Institute, per week, including fuel and Eg".t A 2 00 V.'ashing. par dozen '. 3# 'Jt, -llegiate sear is divided into three terms of 14 . - c-ach. The nniversaiy exercises will be held ut tin i !-se of tlie F-riior term. No dfdui tion will be ntnde for ak-ence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. i.. -truir.entul Music w ill not.as heretofore, b? taught in the Institution.but by special arrangement—a da - wil' pe taught in a hall adjoinlngthe of the Institute by tbe Teacher of Vocal Siu-ie. This irrangciiient has been adopted for the past term i experience has proved it to be eminently .superior to i ! : plan pursued in form :r years. Spe< iaj p.iii. wili be taken to secure the greatest j rogress of tliosc wi-haig to i ax- lessons '.n i his .ranch. Terms will be as heretofore Tnitfeteon Piano Forte, jer term il(i (Ti l-ae oi iiistruxLen! on which to take lessons £0 do for practice 2 00 Pupil- boarding in the Hall will fnrajslrtheir own tow i-1 s. Ac.,and the (able silver a~i their option. It i-. desira t i.-y.i-i.' l.ivnis'i Uioir m\. n bed and bedding j when it i- i-onver.tent. but when otherwise, these will be I farnnhed at a slight charge. h i-. t:-ngly r-i iiininciideti that students from abroad sh i.ild board in .lie Institution, as better opportunities j lor advancepieatin study arc therebyscckred. ; .Xor-'.ai pegarlvsent- Special exercises are arrange!! ] withi ftll xtfa charge for those preparing (hem-elves as T i hers of I'ouuiid:. Schotds. Prof. c.il. COBURN,the . I- nd a 4-1:u-iwn - -iriiiter. ;::td Oominon F-hools j in the county, has, kindly con -,-t i to organize the Tea elite's class, and olfect the coarse to be pursued. 1 lie wid also be pre n! to c.,T? t it.scxeri is-sa- often ! as practicable, and will deliver tVe-picnt lectures on the lir 'y .. :i! rue lice i i leu h.u.e asalsoouothcrsubjects : connoted vritb Normal trainfug. j Thosi ■■ ereona, &cref> re.lntending to engage inteach : Ing lor the w infer, will rind it • really to their advantage ;to be i)ii-< r.' luring the Fall term. I'v ~ < ol "lira's co;. itction wit"; the in-titnti m is not sftch a? to in any way interfere with the discharge of the , xv.. sth I ir- .ii hi ■ • -i-O. | No aii. will lie-- . d, on the part of the Faculty and ' T - - in f-'i.-ttiiiifng the high r-ein ilal i-'u li? institu j thai hifcs hitlierlb nj< , • ,1. and m rcndeinig it i.icic wor hy -I t'ut'.ire ] atr.n •. '. : i JAM la.- Mc'i, iI.LIAM, Principal. Jt ' ■>;). 1 ?. 2JZV7 PIS HE. ; CODDING IiUSSELL, f TAV .. pur ha -'d ti:s- lar e and well known establish ijss tof D.Cl.iHali, and are now receivingfrom New = Vcfii, u.e largest and m .st c-mplctc assortment ol TT A T> T\ W A Ts* 21 2SL jL-U NJ - YT Lii j-J 9 l eyer offered f( ;• -.ilo r V-*t, t uicli i.'.il be sol'. .CD A !'for ( :■-ii orappov-d ''-e at. Ve u t - t large and w ill jfeleeted stock oi Wood and • il COOIUNG STOVES, i very variety of j attorn and ; tyl of PaHor, Dining-Soom. Six-Plate, aud Oylhidei .... i pun bast this oi .y i djdicing county. Also a full : in.i COIL :-tc .. * . ■ ' Vio:* AMD STESL, i Nails and GlasetPathtsaodOiis, Hoi se Trlmasngs, Cai . | all size , Carpenters and Joiners Toota, Bfatk. : g-"A 51" J 11^9 j . of evt ry r.ption. p?: ...•. v ..tin Puicjis and Tubes. • BBS 'S'A "? A A\u> I'L l i F>i WiRS | . 1 FARMING TOOLS. J- V.'OKK done oi. <-rt not' and w.'--anted.Pec URAlla Old Iron. Copper. Brittannia, Brass, u ' ..if f. >e! s. taken in xi-hai:..s loi-Go 1 \Y ; . b the i!e world and liie re.-tot mankind,' to - . s .oiis bs-'br. . 'irei asiug.- ■ i r m "ii-. ili be use every man wellaudsubmit to uotb ln.> w, r.7r Due door - .nth of Tracvand Moore and Powell" Block, J}ai.i"--tuet, c'Ot>DIXG A ill. SELL. JOHN I.COOOI.Xii, ) C. S. RI'SSELL. C Towanda , Bept. 2!, 1 sup. mem m NEW ATTRACTIONS ! I TT Seo. H. Wcod.'s Gallcri tti TOiVANDA, PA. ||\ Yon can procure, at low prices, j l\\ 'T\) T'f f\\ 7fs"Np ■■ r n -Q-f-rr , | 11 \xj. iu 1 L' a XaA-AjTxi-x. j \ui ailmzes. up to hie ■ ize, either plain or r. -oi 1 touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. sIF-LATNOTYPES and AMDROTYPES. and al 'iio-t all other kh; L " types. Ri.'-tnres in good eases foi ij cents, and otln i sized and c|(ratifies proportion. M-lainoiy pes la.iiic in ail - of weati. r (i;xc-p( ii, rhildren. all work warranted. July 25,1861. BOOK BINDERY. lIIIE aub-. rihc! havi- g withdrawn from the Argu i—i'..'. .''X' -■ n-pt'-i: !!y iiii.oia ii - public tlui .* hit-v-.i nisi - aiuaiid Fancy Bindery to 1 lie Xort! to .u o( the "Vai'.Uou,e. by the Post iffi -, vh-14-he is now pre;>iired to I hid all kinds o: ! .ks in ibe ino-1 approved and workmanlike maimer, in'.to h;u> my pr":it with i> -e- >l.-i person i Hat ■ r my svli that my prices a ili meet lire satisfaction of tin public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub .:. ap-;latiou ol my work, for the last two years, 1 a.:lii.vor In to merit Hie continuanee o public - ippolt. i'arti :iL: attention given to re-hip.diug Books. Al woiwill be warranted. Terms, Cash. i-.vf Ar-o.u large assortment of STATIONERY of .tin ' tipi at'.- at the lowest prices. Justices'and Const a h-"- of el! kinds. Pii Atfitfi I RANEb. round, aqnare and oral; and pic tuvt'a trained to .order, cheaper tlnui ever ki own i-re. JOli A N \ r F. BENDER, Towanda.Jan.il, 1860. Bookbinder and Artist. TiiH W\U TO BE ssimmi THE OLD TAILOR SHOP STILL IN MOTION, / I IT. HUNTING, THE OLD STAND I All.O'S, would iatorm the public that he i> .-* 1 do'i.g busines- at, iiis old -tand. where he is still pre P-D'C'i i execute all kiuds ct work in his line on the sliort e-t notice, wuo in tbe most approved style. E vine lately -i ■ urcd <>i.c U tin* most ]>erfect systems : i-r cutting in existence, iiexan warrant .-month and eas\ I ti's with safety. - ) By hvl arrangement with the merchants, he is enabled i to get up suits at a very low figure, tor cash. He would j inform the public that ite is agent for A. BartholFs Sew | i.ig Machines, the best ni i-hine extant—which will be : f-ia ished for cash, for from S3O up to sso, as may be ue '-sitvsl. N. B.—llc is prepared t*i clean and mend garments at re -abb? rates, to -nit Hit times—making them look Bearly as nice as new. Call and try him. zf3~C'uttii:g_dor.c- as u-r.al oa short notice. Shop on Mala st., opposite Codi R '.-iacU'a : v.-. re, no 1; t'ltee dual's south of Dr. Carter".- grocery. I Fas .cv' ivt'd every eix rnouik-. G. 11. B. j i'ltwa.-i.ia, Nov. 20, i piFTY FJRST RATE BUTTERFIR " I KINS, t-r sa eat Co cents a piece. Also, a ipianti ■jy oi Tph- at us cents a piece at ti. H. DRAKE'S :j 1 - ■ Crrr.ig-e Manufactory iu Towanda XH L highest premibia paid for Gold and ijuW-aXu tot the. I'. S.,Ttt-,isiry notes old i-sne.—. ' Cert jcates t-r the baek j a-, end hocutl* s of discharged . j aud uncased soluieia i Raiiuvi e v f . i • , „ J* ti.lAjciiLLt, 4 Co.' XoivaiXifi-Amf'Gt 2?, 1-A2. JttfsaHaitfoas. T BARGAJAS From 83,000 to 81000 Worth OP FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. TO UK ! SOLD IMMEDIATELY Having b<>uglit recently the til 01 IS i I ir.i I \Y are Rooms,! And entire stock of FURXITFRE from the lute pro prietor. It. M. WELLES, it will he sold for CASH AT Phmo PRICES. rPIIE STOCK IS LARGE; ■ and very complete, has been well > *%. 4 selected, and is well adapted for the v. T Vg wants of the country. X. 13. It is a j f/t 'J"- ; viumou remark made by visitors to i i tl.est ii.!i ht.:• i!t. " Why. ! had iso | > v idea yon had such a large and -plen ! ! did assortment of Furniture. 1 have i ! 'i V* i. seen nothing like it short of the eftv. 1 ' j ( VT- ; r We have ISEDSTE.V l>S from $2,50 j - --o and upwards. COTTAGE and other | CHAIRS, in great variety, trom s4.Oct V | r to ?25,00 per set. TABLES from $2,50 I Jf \ upwards, aiul Everything else in Proportion. fk S® Y* MSNM -ISA j c[ every -t.yle. izt- and price, to .-ait the means and taste lin any and all customers, f&~ Call and see #nrstock. | Athens,l't., July 21 183l. F.N. FACE. NOW READY ! iMßTininfiil ipPiflr^ 1 : . Ukh i 11 v ilifl *iluii ii nunc TOWANDA, EE NX A. rp.IIK Subscriber begs leave to call tlso at j L t> ;t:on of the public to tin* fact that lie has enlarged I Lis motive power and purchased and set up additional m ieliim ry, and employed a larger number of workmen j than formerly, so that he is now prepared to execute or- j i r- for Ca tings or Machinery with promptitude. He has at iii; works sill the P vTTKKXF in ttseby the I late :ii aof Win. H. Phillips A* Sonot Elmira X. Y*, and i.a- al- : Mod to the e, patterns ot various kinds. YM.L IRONS furnished f.-r Gri-t Milk, Gang, Gate, Circular ami Mr.ley Saw .Mills, he-ides STEAM ENGINES of different sizes a.nd sty : c- t ftsd in fact almost any kind ; of Castings or Ma hiuerj in common use. Sh- rni Finings such as Steam Pipes. Fl'wics, Return Beds, 11.Jams, Couplings, (I'obi-i'ans, Check I'ulccs, (lunge Cocks, Oil Cups, I thistles, eye. always on hand and made to order. He i-also prepared to furnish STEAM. BOILERS of ' any si/, or kiiu. wanted. Small < "a-i'.ngs made in "a or C oap-yiE -it. Cool: • hag •: I Heating fttove.t of (I'll r-nt i/es maimf icinrv. I snd u 8 love wofks* i°;ii i11li.; i ;i'i Cookipj j St >ves i Stove Pipe stwejre on hand. i'er- - who i.! , A!: 1 . of:rv kind are informed 1 t t the .--I. scrila i has cove patterns for Hearing than j ti\ other c> acern in this part of the coumryt' fiiey | wouli le qu :■ tare of hading a noag his Patterns Gear ... . -i. : wo .:,! - . ii'i-r i.t'ar wa its and ii.us t>av< delay i and in ..etting up work. He make- ;>i- i u la. ge variety of PulVys, Ualunbe i Wh -'d- and Cranks, Water Wheels ; also Saw Hummers. | :i • •!>• Skeius aud Pipe 130\e.-, Iron Fenc, Caldrons | His equipment of machinery consists of as good tool.- j isart made,and yassetected With Jthe design '-j being bh Co lo any job whjeh might be offi r.-d, wiiethei largo I >r -:uati. fit sh-o his eiibrt ha- been to get up in aL - respocts a first class establi bment. forms F: -s, : .;ble. Orders solicited. Cash paid lot OM Pewter and Brittahia. --muted on Main Strcc-t oear I'.irelay U. R. i Canal 11., in. O. 1). BARTLETT, Towanda, April H. 1861. Prop ride. [ E d'7 SWTS it • 4 L r .. -* E * *-*, 3"t >• ,I'* •* ? *3 i tie 'i . _ta ? - C.-1- ~<£? i a£i. m? ceres: ti ik."! pn AIR, BESDTEAD A FT'ItNISR!NG ! \J WAtMiROOM—ELI BROWNING respectfully in forms the public that he has purchased from James Miu-.k- 1 itasou jiis ek if Fun iture, audreuted his shop A. rooms j Sufi . ■ i : ' - S : S.J I't ! F>l2 / ifj O T"dT A D! !E)?T A, I t w. UuJO i LALO) QUat./ —-O; j • s v; ' ' ••• <• ••• • Table-:. &c., Ac., of ... ;~ :V :£Z' .w 1 stylos :1; ( | prices, suited p. the wants of the country. 13c asks zS^ '■ ' A ' ■-- "A ii„. : M- MSOII <: 11;..,.* \ : / .'"ye'l* y ,_d ,J_ i.l.y t-. ti . uri !-':♦> kept i.y l.Wi.as I .. ; M j" T1 ' : s:< !.. ' -.e.dd , ! ■J .i. id hi- ■vorl:. tilt (X ill •of i etc- S*"""tf rial ami tie.- price not to i,e otiutdoii j 1.. JK fby any establishment. Beingsatis-1 Sed tl-.-t tl HBAhV , PAY s.vsfeni is the best fur both i ■oreir. ■ r -nd •• i'.er. his ' usme-s will be • indie-ied up< •> | 'hat .-Tem. tic will, however, take in exchange tor work, ill kiu't of i uutry Produce, at the market price i TUE/i ti i\r a-, tl aii kino*, done t-o -dt-r in the j-. -tiuanucr, at .a a.- j ibie rates and oil ' - )'t : >ii,e. tp i'Jk-Crniei i.iiE'IIG I 'epartment will he conducted j . - I,- .ii by Mr. M tck'm-on wla> i- pi ,mi I with a new | .la! splendid Ht .n-si to attend to all etuis in hi- line. Towanda, April 7,1862. I ■ Ov V —C\ x I .f --*- £ - *' -J. T '•; .4 & \\ -d ,/ .% /•- -if / cE" % t ' V; ; I r f\ -- L )) s v ; ' • ; - y , > £ 'A-\ ' A v. * " 'f-" ' 'r> ''' ' 'rillS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT I. where you e.ut find a very riue assortment of 'v .' rcHES A.NJi JEWELRY' of -illdeseriptions. ~'-o a good stock of CLO' 'fiS, prices ranging from 10 shillings up. and vvarrauted to give good atisf.ietioii or no ,-aie. ! am also agent tor the sale of I). E. LKN'T'S celehrnted tlar< meters, which every farmei should always have. Pn -es from $- to S2O, accordin to finish PLI'AIRIN'G done ns usual iu aneataud workmanlike mannerand war ranted. WM. A. GHAMBERLIN. C'oal, Jaime, Cement, Pire Drain 37iies, die. r HIIERE is a Lime Kilrt at the Barclav X Company's; Rasin, in Towanda, where is kept con stantly for sale, frerh burnt White Lime, made from tln best quality of New York finte stone at 25 cents per bttslt.l. or v 1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and 12.i cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped on boat it Tnwaiula without additional charge. Also Syracuse IVater /Ame at $1 2"> per barrel, and Fire Ih uk at S cents eai h. Ihaia '1 lies 2,3 and t inch tile- at 2.and 4 eents per foot, a very nice article for draining hnd or about dwellings. B'ireiay Coal at $2 50 per ton for Lump Coal nud $2 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at. 25 cents per load. All the at-ove for sale at the office of the Barclay Coal Company, Towanda. J. MACFART.ANE. Towanda, Oct.G. 1 -G2. Gen. Superintendent. Good Flour and Good Broad! WHY IS IT THAT SO MANY FA MI T 4 LIEs HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of the house, and you will lit variably receive in answer The flour is*pos>r or the yeast is poor. To avoid tic.-sc ir übksbuy your hour always at FOX'S and u-e Stratton's Yeast Compound, to be hod M tie sane place; it always gives,. ti.-iactiou. The best quality of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour and fresh ground Com Meal, all at low prices, at the Cash Grocery St..re 1 E. T. FOX. Jau. 2S, ioo2. HARRISBURG T4AIL WORKS. rjliiE-umlersigiicd has gu band a supply oi A Kails, front these well known work. The nails are \ madiidrom Pennsylvania Iron, in ui.iact.ured expressly ! i lor tins jiurpo-e, and are ui as ltpyij .r quality. For'safe | to dealers only, audoit better tvi iaa thaii they can obtain 1 iu-Xew York. %qtire the-Bankmg CtCleo of 13. S. ' A ( u 11 S. EUS.SELL. Tow.utdu, Match 1?, IS§2. JfcertftairUf?*, NOW IS YOUR TSME T O B U */ YUL'R CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWN PRICES. PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE! TTJST RELE! \'ED.—A Stock of *t FAf.L AND WIXTKIt C!/)TH1N; at.IvCORN"? Flmira Branch Clothing More. Fays coolly, boldly and deliberately, that lie takes the foremost of the Clothing Merchants ot Towanda. Eigthe n hundred and sixty-one ha-- come, and the light and beauty of Spring shines upon ns, with all it radiant splendor. 1 shall continue to sell Clothing, for Cash, cheaper than any other man, as my goods are all bought cheap for cm-.ti, and they will be sold cheap foi cash. My goods are all nmiuif irtnr: d in Elmira, therefore, 1 ivit warrant them well made. Enough for me lo say, I j have everything m the line of CLO T H IK" G ! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, &.C., That i- kept in any other .Store in town. My banner is on the brc. /.e, -> '• Aud long may it wave, O'er tin land of the free, And the Immc of the brave ! While hoi Stars auu Stripes Kiting-out like sou, I Telling aii the nations That Freedom's heg m." This _s a free country ; therefore it is free for all to do j their trading when they can do tin- ! -t. regardless ol i i ;no ci-0.-- and soar looks of old f.-.gv merchants. 1 invite \ 11 come and see me- country as well as the city are invited—i vc-rv person, ii :k or poor, high or low, bond or i free arc invited to call. I Come one, cornc-all, and stop your speed, / We've Goods an uigh Jorali in need, I The boy-, them stive*, are at their .posts, | And they alobean supply a hot. | O't-r otf a dealei - in till.- town. t These same hoys iiave won renown, ! | For -ell'.itg the che.tpcst and the best, | And scllit.gr more than all the re-l! Hurrah! hurrah 1 o 5 r hid a d plain, Ada fit our thanks, ar.d Call again, in •: g our assortments you'll always find, 1: -r.--. and the poblic, that we are now pre-j lioojc IffXTlYiysCf, iin it- P: -he- •'■ he latest and most appfovei styles, i am! on the im t favorable terras. ; Having secured. ••• Paticnt'y, the services of Mr. 11. C. WawKtiAK i finished workman froin Philadelphia, and lniv i -r r-i-h-d extensively to the fixtures of the"con cern—giving greater fa- ilify than formerly—wc can pre sent to the pubH the mora positive assurance of onr abil itv to pleasi o ~- patr a-. Custom" - ' old oo particular to remember that the •' Argi iii d ry." is In the Argus Building, as form erly. (first oil. orth of the Ward House) and i- con net lid .lib bur and Stationery Store raid Printing Office, where ill work mould he delivered. ''.Mi i ... -V. iiitj ii ii iu justice to ourselves, ami. -;r< '• 1 ■ 0.-t -. ■>• ~ < -. 11; n> prevent an imposition upon t' c ; W ii :• rally, to caution them against a sort a cor-c .1 ' I-.'- mt t<; the public that it-is th Argus Bindery. This fraud i- practiced no doubt, i-. -th oi the Public. Again-t this bold .-a 1 • i:i,ci alt .'I -nip l.j deceive, they arc hereby cau tio: -. 0~ Pa -tic.iier attention paidto re-fiinuing. All work r~- 'a ~ntry Prodnce ot all kinds taken in payment for work. >. r ; - :vl ■ read- i• m- lete arrar. emonts, we are pre pared to Rol l and Bin : BLANK BOOKS to ai.y style or •at; !) •t]• l i • a •• , a elsc-vhcl'c. So wanda, March 5.1 60. B. A. PARSONS. NO COMPROMISE! AT THIS I ueT-w ismsLh VUBRb! 1 1 . fP 5 > * i. .': t iii iowafida, iriin .1. j " GS3SOS.CB DEcCABB \\"OI Li) INFORM IIIS FRIENDS I t ui.•: i •. people i I Bradford county in general, that ! it -as ;in 3 teed wn Marble Yard formerly owned l\ Citsh.and bhs added to his stock a large as j rt 111; !t. >i I American and Foreign Marble. | lb iifv'ti— He-public t i sec I;:- large stock before pur I .-li.i-iiic i st w :-re, a lt<- has the Luges, stock ever in thi i county. Custoiui r- imrciu -ing at the -hop or sending their orders will save at least 50 percent, and not l.i trooi)led with -gent- looking alter grave stot.es bofon the corj -• is bnrie Land who are ;.ot responsible. Come and w whet you . m getiing. Bavin. ) < iin t'ne hu-i '• f the I bfi 2C years, in the "city ol Philadelphia. h< • tvnus to Keep variety always on hand ot Marble Man -11 - :.mi:■ at- "'r-iTe Aard Posts, Head Stones and rmbs at < ify prices, t. -, Yard MI Main street, opposite (Jen. Patton's. X. tJ. Alterations and Rcpairiug promptlv attended GEO. McCABE. Towanda, Dec. 18.18G1. Hircsliiiig 31 acliiiic Agency ATTENTION ! FARMERS ! TU!E SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT ■ i: ■! - ou'ity •! Bradfovd and the neighboring coun ties in Pennsylvania and Xew Yuik.ior E M E It Y ' S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S OXE AND TWO HORSE P OWE Its, an too well ami popularly known to need any description front me, and 1 will only snv that they continue to di -erve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years o! being the " be-t Ladle - Chain liorsc Power'in use.' These P wors po-*-• conveniences and advantages po.- sessed by no other power. EMERY 'S N'E W P A TEXT THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not before been intro duced into this region. It iia* no endless cliain straw earl ier, but separates all kinds of grain thoroughly from th- straw .by a combination of Pitts' Endless C'auvas- Celled Apron,a new improved Revolving Picker, and the well known Vibrating Riddle. Iti- a simple dti'rahh and eflicrent, Maehine, will khrt-sh rapidly and clean thor oughly, without wasting, ail kinds of grain. It will not choke, run ea-iiy and steadily, without jumping, and i warianted to be superior to the common Rake Cleaner now in u-e. It remains only to lie seen auti tested, to be pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to he an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATEES are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed simple and'durable, f ant prepared to supply all kinds at manufacturers prices and terms. ' For tint her information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., apply to R. M. WELLES, Agent. Athens.Pa., JrTy 31.Diftl- A Ca>SiS. rpiTH present depressed state of the Money X A' :i v" ' ' 12v, "0 'i l '! the c-lfect to place many klnds'of ("ion- witnin t.ie reo'-h ot Cash buyers, at much lower prices than herc-toiwe, the undersigned itegs to give no tice tnat lie ha* ayafied himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten days and is now offering maitj' bargains such as have heretofore never oeen euuaii ed m this market. Dpc. 10. lsGfi. JOFEPH POYYFT.L. JURIED ER L IT, ~ good rninn Ar/T.rs, EiaekUrrie-, Jlasplcrries and Wliorlleberrieg, olioap t@*y- iftetfotl. DR. PORTERS ! OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus fur compounding and pre- ; paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, i Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, whodc-vote j the most careful attention,pay tlie strictest regard to accuracy, and u o only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become "Jill [&SSSISTSSB I With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL, AI.L AKTICLES WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. 3y recent arrangements with the Manufacturers. Tmpor- ■ tcrs or pfret HoUosdf GooA ami Cash PllTlliq sts, the prices will always be at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN .Paints Oils, Yarnislics, Glass, DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS. Lccnjlhing in this ex/msire slur/; will be sold Cheap for Cash ! I PRICES REDUCED, VIZ; i Of Soaps, Perfumery, Brushes, Combs, ' docket Hnives and Razors, i Lumps and Materials for LUjld. TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, I WINIS AiND LIQUCRSj ONLY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO & SNUFF. All ire Popular Potent J/uo Iclncs, Tooth, Skin & Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles cf ail Descriptions, i lucfcdw, Jiotnnic and lloinccopal/tir IM< diri. :- s | Spiers, Bird So u. hawji Shades and Harden Seeds. FLSH TAG ALE, AMMUNITION, Ac. I Owi'tftuUng tin nost cosplete tSSOrtHefit, embracing l the g.cut ...ui. oi the People. roducvd in Price, j and i'..v:-vd for the- Ca. " Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder •< 25 " Dr. Porter's Tri-'ogen; " 2.5 " Or. Porter's Tricoohile " 25 " Or. Porter's Shampoo. " 25 " Or. Porter's Horse and Cattle L irion " ;<7i " Dr. Porter's-Horse anti Cattle Powder " 25 " Dr. porter's Bed Bog Prison 2 3 <• Dr. Porter's Black Ink < 55 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Plaid ♦ 371 <* Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Ppison " 25" " Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia .• 25 " Dr. Porter".- V.'orni Wafer.-' 25 " Medical Advku givea graltnfeasly si :iieo2te Charging only for Medicine. KW : hankful 1 ••• pa-t liberal patronage would respect- ! fully ni.. mice • hi- frier:,is and the public that no pain shall be spared to .-atisfy and merit the continuance of rheircoulidence and patronage, at the 1/1 Ug r—' d I Corntr of Main and Pint streets. Towanda. Sept. 5, lsOl. HOTEL KEEPERS, DiiUGGIS 1 S, LARMERS, A XI) ALL WHO WANT 1 *T'f |>? TP,. FT (f\ Trvyi EGEIYJN <7— 100 TONB~ M A SONY'S .1 I' Mills Ground Piaster, ut Dec. 10,1832. W. A. KQCKWEI,! Business £tM iri ' A "' loWanda ' Olhcc^i^ Towanda, July 23, ISo2.—ly. I > Ei. M" PECK, A -nor - , L) I.AH', TOIVANLIA. I>A jii ug. 1 -17 to his care, will receive prompt attention ' Tiw'" 1 ' " Col. E. Smith, over Tiaey & Moore's - lo ' r.A April 11. lsbl ' lolt rruOMAs J. ingham77VTU/7vu 4. 47 LAW, LA PORT E, Sail yai . , , " II W . ,JJJAM . S ' '/"/'O/.'.V/; •• T' II I. All , U ANTON PA., will attend t., . u ,le - s entiiisted to his care in the courts t i, Lycomg and Sullivan Co's. j;, flfJ-Soldiers claims and pensions promstlv .o June It, ISC2. J " u enQej; # , K. OVERTON, JP. ' . ()VERTON k MONTAXYH,' \J Ai: rs AT L A JV —Office iu Union V i P y occupied by J AS. MACFAKLANK. "'-'le TXR.E.H, MASON, PIIYSICI \ v • , S! RHKON, offers bis prolessioifc, J people of Towanda and vicinitv. Offic, ~ T : e on Pine street, where he can always be loun.l professionally engaged. J J, va eo R R- PARSONB; ATTORNeyATi LAW , ii{o\ , Liradford Co. Pa (•' M. A H. V. Long's store. ' la ' . V LuLIiANAN SMITH, Laving r(! , ir ' * u " oito W T. DAVIBS." ATTORmCji A\\ - Brau.o,--! county, p., . House!" 3 ' 1- ' a k " ,v ' u '-f the W j AMERICAN HOTELT TOWANLJ M -- Tc ggSU H. WESTON, j!fv >" t - L *•' '• J ' u> (> - '' l( h '"> e door south of BaiK-vA Vev. • Towanda, Feb. ID.lhiSk "Jaenu O. H. WOODRUFF—DEUTXST ~ PERMANENTLY located in Towanda I. Office No. 5, Brick Row. over H. W. NOBl r<'s- - Entrance MM door sojatlt of Tracy k Moons. fe 7* T. a COBUKW, A TTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC 1A Towanda. Pa. Office in the building formerlvoc' cupird bv 11. 15. McKean. c 9. All legal bosinessattended to with promptnes: ...: care. ' " I Towanda, Aug. 20, ISCI-tf. F. G. C OBtJRN7~ATT 7 Y7, ~ TOWAVD.V, PA. HAYING MA IE ARK \ NGEMKNTS .in V.'a.-hington, with Col. VLI.E.Y M K V IC w prepare-! to .- diovt all > lit, try '.bairus a A ., (I . T JI„. ' LIVT I -iiuent, Back Pay, Bounty and Peii-i -T.- • percent.:! -e. ' [v . LI 'PL l""" b. WILMOT p. D. MeiO'.'jW WILM; T Sc MORROW. j ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TOWANDA, PEX.VA. ( Office luh I'l occupied !j Judge ."!/• era,.) ( f 11. \\ ATKlN6,liaviii£r voluntecrpii.and i A-A• gone into.the army,the partnership .{ cu.-s y i ft 3". ATKINS is dissolved. The new firm of WILSOTi | MORROW will efose up the basinessof JodgeMerearaod ; Wiiia .' v W'atkiut, and attend; promptly to anv uetv buriness that may bt entrasted to tLcus. AAA YOUNG THRIFTY FRUIT • lßEE.Sptandard and dwarf, em ail the best varieties ufFrfilt offered tor sal-.at the > is qii, Uitiina Nurse: i?c. located at Taivandaaud Atheii.-. Pa. —the coining falL The treses are growing on a•ui i.l a ■! ntu.-t be .-old. Grape Vines by the hundred or the:;- and, very cheap. r;■■ Av . IK!) —A f'-w intelligent, active and trust worthy business men, as agewts, to so!; it orders for '.i , Plants, Shrubs, &c., dleivered inthd QUI oi l A liberal coini-eusa jou will be paid. DANIEL HARKINS. !' >wanda. Pa., July 23,1862.—1y. "W _A_ KZD TiO U Pa. rnilE Subscribers having leased lliis well _ known liotel for a term oi yt .irs would intbriu their friends and th> traveling public, that they will be mo-t happy to accommodate all who may favor them wit a c..!!. It aMI be the aim ol the present proprietor? ta make tl e WAKI> HOCSE at once comfortable, pleasant am! cheerful. Yours Truly, Jan. 1" . ,1. POWELL & SMITH. McCAB t r S CENTRAL MEAT MATIKET, JSeloic J. Kiagsbei fs stor e , Main .-/. r PHF subscriber wool t respacMatly tendei his sincere 1 thanks to the publi ior tne wry liberal patron: l ce extended to him. and solicits a continuance of rln- -arm. Hi- begs leave to assure that he intends to keep r :, hand as heretofore, u choice selection of MEATS of all kinds, the bc-t the country affords, which he intend- to sell far very small profits, either by the ride, quarter or pound. if A quantity of first ouilit ui SALT PORK, pot up by ray Self, cheap, by the barrel 5r pound. Meat- v. ill he promptly delivered, at auy place within tlte corporation. Towanda, August 12,1*50. . .1 M- CAHE. RAILROAD HOTEIZ, JVf-ar the Barclay Railroad terminus, TO WAND A l PEmiA. R. JORDAN respwlfully informs the I the ptibltc tivit lie has f -?d the we'l-known tav ern etaud formerly occupied by M. T. UAUIU,.K. in ike lower part of the borough of Towanda. which having been refitted and thoroughly re tarnished, he invites the patronage of the public with every confidence that he can give entire satisfaction to such as may lavcr biin with a < all. Hi- BAK will be kept stocked with the he.-t qualities of LIQUORS, and the best breads oi CIGARS. Exten.-ive stabling is connected with the house, and reliable attendants will .-nfy be kept. No pains or expense will be spared to deserve the pat ronage of the public—-ud tfce charges will be reason* blc. Towanda, April 1. Eztraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF FURNITURE jiND CHAIRS. '--■TW, HAYING greatly increase.' my fomut of Cabinet Ware and Chairs. I am " '■"• determined to dispose of these accumlua ;ions rapidly, and with that design offer all articles at unprecedented low prices, for Cash. Good Sofas at slt> to S2O, fine Cane Seat Chairs To cts. each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. 1 have now more than 2.