l ocal and general. THE Rev- Mr. NOAXS, of Philadelphia I® Christ Church, on Sunday morning, Feb .;!(JIREF'H '■ V& hU +- u'e hear it mfnored that there are CS of email pox, in Wyahishig township, this °Vc DO not vouch for the authenticity of the re cauntj- port. s -\Ve sec it stated that Ret. T. P. HuSt* . -• Father HINT," of Wyoming, TS about to try ■" a- CHAPLAIN OR the 173 th Pa- Militia. Dr. HVNT RAGLIN , V , Iwolain of the 7th Pa. Reserve, aud is , ,J forfflf NJ 1 • ■ kn ,„ruiu this vicinity. _* cs-Teachers and others will bear iu mind ; I -S' \-sociiition will meet on the second IT T the I L ' ;L ' 4 February, at Orwell Hill. In duC time the pro '' 1 FROM the Secretary will appear. jjg- Prof. lltciiE?, the Artist, who holds , ,J, A t the Car. wishes us to say, that notwithstanding ' , UR I,T made upon his apparatus and "fixings,'' a R ( TIME J-INEE, by some imknown.villain, he is again ~A r cJto" secure the substance ere the shadow tlees," ■V' AIS USUAL lift-like pictures. igr PiiOi n ;c.—Oil Sunday morning last, .• NIAN LADY of this place, gave birth to three childreu 'l>.>ys and a girl. The popular German phrase— nirlds ivmi s heraus"— don't apply in this case, much ! ; -,T,I t" SAY that tlie mother belongs to the " La- JISOWICRS* Aid Society." Per. Father CARROI.L, Pastor of the F.VINDIE Cliurch, at Dushore, Sullivan county, died at tut "lace, "A Saturday evening last. His remains were I lit to this place on Monday evening last, under cs ...T of liev. Father LKO, Pastor of this Parish, over which I, M ASS was said, preparatory to being forwarded to R lor interment, lleqaiescat in puce. INTKRESTINO STATISTICS. Somebody i I , as follows : " Over one thousand persons have ; v.. A; ; ■S .. FR over four times this winter, but not of aufii- J •; A--- to make the ice valuable. During LA.-T : . there WA. - quite .I freshet in the river. Justices of the Peace, elected at the ' [■.- I-H-1 tion , should Lear in mind that it i- M.-ccssary to I ■ V in tlie olli'-E of the I'roilioiiotary. a written notice ol j their intention to a—.- --t the office, otherwise tlietr com j V.'.-iou- will not no i.-suc-D. ♦ POTSONI-.O —One day this week, an I Tri-I.MUI living MI "the State Pond, a R-W miles cast oi j tlii- pice. attempted to c umuit suicide by taking arsea- J M i- ~! aid was called, and at hist accounts lie VM? -iice-iily recovering. IR-GP ANOTHER SOLDIER GONE — Corporal PAIMCK MCT'NRK, of Capt. GORE'S Company, who was • and taken prisoner at the battle <>! Frtderieks i NG. DIC-U in L.ibby IB isoa. at ltivhm<-:id, a short time M'O. .'•!•' wa - A braE soldier, and Las thus sacrificed I S >N tiie altar of his country. \W !I.,V<- NOT been abf - to obtain a li-t of the di-a tors •'.- I ittic ol Fri derii K-lgrrg, to the boys from this ,:;tv. but -lowly the REPORT • S OME IN ol the good and brave who tell hi that struggle. At an electron held in t.ho bn'rottgh of Towanda. on Friday, January LTL, 1 SST'GJ, tlie following offi Vers were E'reted to serve the ensuing year JUDGE of Fleet tons A. A. Exsf KKSKOOXS. Insjortw Vof Flections. —G. 3. PKCX, WM. 11 SHAW. Bor much Auditor. — EOWAK!) I'. EbMoVt. Tuxrn Council. — J. G.PATTON.C M. TOWNKR. Sih ol Jjirectors. —ISAAC SMALLEY, P. I!. MORROW. Assessor. —V,"M . C. 800 ALTV. Cunstu'ifa.—A. D. SIIIPM '.N'. Hick Constable. — G. 11. RATON. £-5?" JUDGMENT NOTES AKI) ST A.MRS —An ar ' . !E copied into tiie Reporter last W eeh, regarding Stamps IT PI ! a Judgment Notes, is not entirely cmrcct and appli cable as applied to the common judgment note in U3e in this county. A note, containing a simple confession of •Judgment, requires only the stamp provided by law, for proraissary notes. But a judgment note, which contains authority " for any attorney of any Court of record to appear and confess judgment," is construed to contain a power of attorney, and recjuires a power of attorney stamp of sl, besides the proper prommissary note stamp For the entry of Judgment by the Prothonotury no stamp is required. m- On Monday evening last theTowanda temperance Society h-"ld a regular meeting at the Court House, which was ably addressed by Dr. PRATT. Rev. B J. DOCGLASS, and others. The pledge was again circu lated and received many signatures. We hope the good work may continue, and tlie efforts of the Society be blessed with a icompllshmeut of the great aud permanent good it has view. • The next meeting will be held on the 9th February, and will b an dressed by the Rev. JULIUS FOSTBK. ttS?" A ROU.IXG STONE GATHERS NO MOSS. Well, what of that ? Who wants to be a mossy old stone, away in some dark corner of a pasture, where sunshiue and air never come, for the cows to rub them selves against, and for snails and bugs to crawl over, aud FIR toads to squat under, among poisonous weeds? It is far better to be a smooth and polished stone, rolling along in the brawling stream of human life, wearing oil' the rough corners, an 1 bringing out the firm chrvstaliue structure of the granite, or the delicate veins of the agate, or the chalcedony. It is the perpetual chafing and rubbing in the whirling current that shows what sort of grit a man is made of, and what use he is good for. The sandstone and soapstone are soon ground down to sand and mad, but the firm rock is selected for the towering fortress, and the diamond is cut out and pol ished for the monarch's crown. ££r The very best medicines in nsc among us arc tnose prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., of Lowell He is a graduate of the L'enn. University, whoso con nection with t hut celebrated College of Medicine has con ferred more distinction upon it, than its Diploma has upon him. His remedies have become household words NOT only in the COUNTY, but in almost every region of THE earth inhabited by man. Their extraordinary fauio has risen from their extraordinary virtues, and these are certified by men of the highest station. We publish In our issue to-day, a document signed by the Mayors of tlie great cities in the United States, Canadas, Mexi co, Peru, Chili and Brazil, each of whom certify that the physicians and druggists of their respective localities have given their assurance of the uniform good effects W>D Eupcrior \ iitues of Doct. Aycr's preparatioss. 'IWQ is evidence which satisfy the most sceptical, of their efficacy, afid we beg our readers to refer to it. Especial ly do they speak wiih glowing praise of his Sarsaparil'a effects and truly remarkable cures that have been realized -from its use.—iVcw York S.ndaij Times. fia&aSaaiiifo Iu Burlington, Dec. 24, by Rev. b-J. Gibson, Mr. ADOL PHUS W ATKINS, of Ulster, to Miss SARAH CLARK, ot the former place. Fy Rev. James 11. Ross, Mr. OltIN D. WICKIIAM, of To wanda, to Miss HANNAH ROBBINS.of Monroetou,. DIED, In Canton, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. CELI V PRATT, widow of the late Asa Pratt, aged OS years, "J months and I t days. iActo gttJbcrtfscmcnts qIxPENCE REWARD^—•• Be tboa as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shaft not es- 1 cape calumny."— .N7X--- peare. Some low malicious person?, during the last three or lour years, have set on foot the blackest lies aud the j most daring slanders against nie, dud having set their I " newsling " into existence, they disown it, and leave | the miserable thing to the public support, if not it will die immediately. Those persons, by calling at my office, will receive tlie above reward for their trouble. Towanda, Jan.20.1863. JOHANN F.BENDER. NEW SPRING GOODS! AT J. COLLINS', (First door South ol Codding & Russell's.) TUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK : an unusnal large stock of Clothing, Cloths, Caseiners ! Vesting-, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats X Caps, which j will be sold at greater bargains than before. OUR SPRING STOCK Will comprise almost every article worn by man or boy. i BUSINESS SUITS, COATS, PAKIS Vests, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Tics, Gloves, Wrappers, Socks, Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention is called to our New Stvl® <•' ( LOTUS, CASDIEUES AM) YESTIXGS, Which art? ready to make up to order, on short notice, ' : and warranted in every wdy, or no sale, as we have some eight years experienw • in this line of bu-ine-s. my cutter, Mr. PiSNKPACKEH, will be on band, at ail t cues to do i cutting for those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND . If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and got a- good as : represented, call at COLLINS'. : rf you wi-h to get the worth of your money, and buy new I'rc-it Good- and fair d -aling, cab on us and yon will he ; -ati.-lii.-d. No trouble to -bow goods and no forc-i i to Imy Go -ds sold for i-b only. J. M. COLLINS. • Towanda. April ft, 1862. | New Arrangements. I rrill E SURSCUIRERS HAYING FORM ! JL ed a Copartnership, will continue the bu-ine-s for lacrly c.-rrl.-d on by J. D. HUMPHRKV.m tire store i-p --! positc tiie Court House, win-re they will keep constantly ' on hand a general a.-, ortuient of BOOTS & SHOES, ; and a very large stock ,-f al! kind- of LK \ Til MR requir | ed lor a country trade. A full assortment ui Slioc I'iihlliiiiS, lliinicss Trliiiisiliuzs, SADDLERY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS (IL I S3, G ROC'ELUES,VC., &c. We expect to in: •• 'sc our facilities in the mannfactur ' ing department. s>> a- to be,ablt.- to-up; ly dealers wirli a ! superior arti'-le. at price- rivaling all competition, and i especially •• foreign," belieri'ig it of vital importance to j community to 10.-tcr domestic product ions as far as prac I ticable. Ilav ng ]'g.r- lnised tlie sti"of Harness and Saddlery [owned by M e—is. Culp A Kirby, and rented the shop ; formerly occupied by tliern. v. c offer fcrsalea large stock I HARNESS. B; IDLES. TRUNKS, TRAVtLWB BAGS W I ami will make to order ulnu-.-t anything in this line. We respectfully invite public attention to ou'. - whole stock in its various brain 1.e.-. tru Ring that by strb t at tentio ; to bu-itit - and zealous exertions to supply tlie ; want- of community, wg shall merit and receive a lair , -luire of public patronage. We arc pit-pored to make to order anything in our line, j.V 1 so, do kinds ;f repuit ing on very .short notice ggg- Cash paid for Shec-p pelts. Hides and Skins. ; J. 1). HI MfitUICV, lltA It. HV1.1., J. E. DAVION. Towami.i, April 25, I-b-'. ID JR; LEFT. THOSE IN WANT OF I BOOTS & SHOES, PHOULD GO TO THE TOWANDA BOOT & SHOE STORE, Opposite the Court House. CASH PAID FOR IIIDIES PELTS, At HUMPHREY A CO'S. ( Towanda, Sept. 24. lt-02. ANOTHER NEW STOCK OF WINTER GOODS ! AT WJVS. A. ROCKWELL S, THOSE WISHING TO PURCHASE THE LATEST STYLNS AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES, WILL CONSULT THEIR OWN INTEREST BY GIVING US A CALL. Towanda. Doc. 10,1502. 1 UDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter of x V partial account of B. C. and Joseph Ktsbree, e.r- I ecu'ors rf .Martin Elsbrec, dee'd. In the Orphan's Court ot Bradford county. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court : on exceptions tiled to the account of executors, will at i tend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough ot Towanda, on WEDNESDAY, the V-tli day of I JANUARY, at 1 o'clock, p. m., when and where ! all persons interested can attend. JOHN C. ADAMS, ! Dec. 17,1k62. Auditor. PEN SI ()N^K^Y.-TO^OLU)IER6 AND THEIR FRIENDS.—The undersigned having had considerable experience in procuring Pension Boun i ties and back pay of soldiers, will attend to ail business in that line, entrusted to his care, with promptness aud ■ fidelity. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county, Pa.— i Charges reasonable. GEO.P. MONROE. Refers by permission to H. B. CARD, County Treasurer, Wellsbboro, Pa. P. F. POMEROY, Troy, Pa. A. 11. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Pa. Oct. 22, lbfl'2. F~ OR SALE OR TO RENT.—A very de sirable lot of land in Wyalusing twp., containing i ONE ACRE, with a framed dwelling, outbuildings and i a variety of choice fruit trees thereon. The situatiou is I an enviable one for a mechanic or grocer, it being located : near the North Branch Canal. For terms andany other information that may be desired, apply to J. D. GOODENOUGII, Ju.l3, 1363. Towanda, Pa. iftttscrKancous. TH3 TJIn lOUfT DRUG STORE. ( Wholesale and Retail. .Vo -l, Patten's Mock. Corner of Main and Bridge Sis., Towanda. Pa.) DR. T. F. MADILL, Proprietor. lUIE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY . informs the Public that he has purchased the above I Drug Store, and having thoroughly refitted and enlarged : t, and increased his facilities for Compounding Medicines ; is prepared to supply every want ol the public, in the j line ot DRUGS AND MEDICINES, j MySStock, almost entirely new, lias been selected with j care, and embraces a lull assortment of all articles belong ] ing to the Drug Trade. FRESH SUPPLIES are received monthly, of Pure aud Reliable Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold at prices that cannot tail I to suit our patrons. My stock consists of Dnms, Medicines and Chemicals, and ' PURE LIQUORS, Of every description, and the best quality for Medical use. All the popular PATENT MEDICINE AND A LARGE SUPPLY OF HOMEOPATHIC A CO.MEMUATED MEDICINES Botanic V Eclectic Medicines, TUdon's Alco holic and fluid B.ctracts, Alkaloids and Be-in bids. All tiie best Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Br.ees. Breast Pump-. Nipple Snails A shb-i-.s, Nursing Bottles .Syringes, Catlifcis, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS & STROPS, Pocket Knives. Surgical Instruments of late style and best quality. Paints, (pis, Yamlfbfs, Window Uki.-s, Put ty, Ac. A large supply Of BBIJSHES i For the Hat, Hair, and Shoes, Painting,"Varnishing and White Washing, also for the Teeth and Nails. TOOTH POWDERS AND PASTE?, of every variety. A large assortment of mmy Pure If' f-.i-ial Oils. Fine Perfumery and T-blct Siaps, Buffalo and Ivory Oombs, Hair Dyt s. G"-and lnvigerator-. Kerosene, Burning Fluid, Lamps, Shades, ('himucys, Wicks. Ac. Choice Tobacco, Ciyars r. MA PILL will be found at. his office, in the Drugstore at all times, when engaged in out ot door practice, when he will examine and pre-cribe tor patients HI liis way, free ol charge. I'liy-ieiati.- supplied at Reasonablera'es. Prescriptions carefully compounded. The public are cordially invited to examine and test our stock and learn our prices. Towanda, June 21. 1562. T. F. MADILL. FRESH ARRIVAL or Fill UD WIITER CLOIHiHO. rr\ 11K Srß 5 C KIB ER\VO VL D R KTU R N J- tiiaiik- i'i the ]!-:■. 1 : • ft-!- their pnti marro during the p. :-t year, and a-k the same* di-eriminating pat V- to liive hi.-. lit'* -tor!: .1 fair n to lav large sl'-< k of Fur flats, which i flatter niy-!!l 1 .li a little lower than the same goods can i.o !.• ■ugbt in town 1 menu what T say, and no humbug : so give us a call, and i! v.'-: don't soli you goods before you leave it will be our fault. We charge nothing f ■ .-I: wi: " 1 sis. 1 iiavc the Fall Style ol tlia CoMmiti-d O-ikf /iMi £!ik flat, Vow on exhibition, which needs no pnSlng to tbose wh have worn thcun. Respectfully, It. W. EDDY. Tofranda, Oct. 1-1. 1862. IB 62, iTZETW" WINTER GOODS! AT TRACY & MOORE'S, BARGAINS FOP. CASH PURCHASERS ! SALT JUST RECEIVED. Towanda, Nov. 26. 1862. Pol I.TRY A. ' CA .MK I ! CASH PAID FOR ANA QUANTITY OF NICE FAT POULTRY Dressed for the New York Market. Also, for PHEASANTS & OTHER GAME, By E. T. FOX. Towanda, Nov. 15.18G2. Snyder House—Waverly, INT. "XT. TS A BRICK HOTEL, Four Stories high, X (near the Depot.) has elegant parlors, large airy I rooms, well furnished, is owned and conducted byO. I WARFORD, with a desire to please first class patronage. (Open for night trains.) Board $3 per week; meals 25 ; cents ; horses kept 50 to 75 cts per day. Stages South twice a day. I Passenger trains East—Express, 12.52, 10.07 A.M., I Way 2,22, Mail 5.32, P. M., going West—Express 4.02, 1 Wv 9.2'J A. M., Aoeommodalioa 1.22, Express 4.56, j Mail 6.55 r. M. C. WARFORD. Nov. 25,1862. CAMPTOWN ACiIDSMY. REV. S. F. BROWN, I'rincipaL rpHE WINTER TERM OF THIS INSTITUTION ■, X will commence DECEMBER 1, lt>62, and continue ost on li.t- | | Towanda Creek, thence by land now or late of Dan h i A * Charles Green .north l c east 90 perches fo a post; thcioc 1 north 7t° east 103 perches to a post; thence by land lute j of Daniel 1- Dodge, south 1° west 158 pen-hesliFa post in the centre of the road; thence along said road north 75- I west 51 perches to a post in the centre of the road.thence soutli (U 3 west 23 7-10 perches to a poet on the bank of ! said Towanda Creek ; thence up the same north s5 3 west | 83 porches to a post, thence up the same north 2-s® west j IS perches; thence up tli • same north 52° west 10 pcr | chcs to file place of beginning. Containing 134 acres, ; ni'ro or less, about 100 acres improved, I trained bouse, 2 fumed barns, 1 framed building used a- a horse barn, wagon and corn house, trained hog pen. and out house A orchard of fruit trues thereon. Seized ajid taken in execution at the suit of Josiali | Lawrence vs Geo B Park. ALSO- The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in SheO.equin tvfp., beginning at a point on the Susquehanna river, thence north 42° west 00 perches tliencc north 58° cast 141 perches; thence 314° east 51 perches; thence south 5S° west 74 perches; thence south 69° east 91 perches; thence south 57° west 22 perches ; thence sout i 53" east 1:5 perches; thence south 40° west 44.1 perches; thence north 034 west 40 perches; thence north 304° west 24 perches; (hence north 11° west 20pr thence 52i° west 12 perches to the beginning; contain- I ing 101 acres and 45perches— about SO acres improved : j framed house, framed barn, '2 framed sheds, framed corn i house, 2 orchards ol apple trees and a few other fruit ! tiees thereon. ALSO—An island in the Susquehanna river, lying op ; posife the above described tract containing about 30 : acres; 10 acres improved. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of J P lvirby • vs Elijah R>rton. i ALSO—The billowing described lot, piece or parcel of | land situate in Terry twp., beginning at a chestnut oak i on the line of land occupied by B J HLoyt, thence north ! as per Jonathan Stevens' plot 200 perches to a chestnut j for a corner ; tlicnce west I 2G perches, thenec south 200 j perches; thence en A 120 perches to the place of begin ning; containing 150 acres, more or less, about 70 acres ! improved, frame'! house, framed barn, and an orchard ! thereon, being the cast 4 part of lots Xo. 29 and fin as per i plot of Jonathan Stephens, excepting about 15 acres be ing a mill pond sold by II -Morgan A din's of Selh Philips I to Stone A llallield. | A LSO—Another piece of land in Terry,bounded north i by land of J W Rcnnison. west by other bind of defend't, j smith by land of \ W Builctt and cast by Saml llilfliouse I —containing aboiU 90 acres more or less, about (j acres ; improved, 2 log houses, long stable and fruit trees there i on." i Seized and taken in execution at (he suit of A W Bai : lctt vs John J Waring. ALr-'i) -The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Wells, bounded north by land of lliram B :!;er an 1 Alonzo Noble, cost by J II Brink, south by the highway. and west by L L Lawrence and Hiram Ba ker. Containing GO acres, more or less, about 45 acres improved framed house,wagon house, and framed barn, ! and orciiard thereon. 1 Sci.c d ami faiccn in execution at the suit of Joseph i Man- >u v- Amos Baker. | ALSi) The following described lot piece or parcel ol j | land situate in Home born' bounded north byliio public 1 highway and land of S. C Mann. east by the highway, ; south by laud of Geo fox arid west by laud of Mrs Rice, lr ing I ■') !' i. rtlianil south and 150 feet a. tfl id west Lwitli one framed barn A frmed house & fruit treeSthereon. Al.S 1 ) Another lot in said borough,hounded north by i Irnd 'J Lewis Barne> and I. Wottk-s.i-ast by laud of Mar i tli.i Warner and Polly Crarimer,south by the public high way. and "ii the west by !md of Martha Warner ; con- I liiiin .' 12} acres more or less, a framed barn and au or j chard tin :*. on. Si ai d i-iken in execuf i >n n't the suit of Samuel (' Mann v- ()r>ou Rickey 72 !.! on lib-key. A LSi i —'ill.- following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Alliens twp.. hounded north by land of .1 I' Green and L <• -u 11, i i-t hv D O Kimball and Ira L'-brec. f-Mith by Win Phelps and west bv l'age A Bris toil and W V Wob At and Ira A A C ENhrc - , 'oiitaining ; 250 fcresj 150 acres improved.a framed house and fram r-d barn, a ihingle mill, a hog pen and corn house and j j fruit trees. Seize: and tali- n in execution at the suit of C S Itus j s,';l Franklin Murray Also, at the suit of N C Harris ; vs Franklin Murray. A! S*t Tin- following lot. piece or parrel of land situ | ate in Franklin twp.,l 'Uinied on the north by the To | wanda creek, east by Win. Lantz, south by David Cash. i and west by Ezra Spalding. Containing I ltd acres, more ! or lcs-. about 10 acres improved, framed house, framed | barn ami fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. Foinc roy vs. J. ii- SnaMing. ALSO— The following described lot. piece or parcel oi land -i'.ii:.*" in Windham Dep., bounded as follows : beginning at ;l stake near the tour corners of the road, i it being the aouiit west comer o! X. Cowles' lot; thence ■ otitis 7 - • a-t 7• p- I'ehes to slake and stones, thence south 7 . I<> i ■ ! i per lies to post and stone, thetiee west ■ i. porches to a corner in the highway-, tlnnee north alo ig the highway >7 perches to the beginning. Con i mining 10 tfcres, be the same irtore or ie-s. about thirty ! acres improved, frafnad house, framed barn and fruit | tie - thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Miles Prince vs. Wra.G. Angell and Polly S. Angell. ; ALSO- The following described lot. piece or parcel of , land situ ite in ('anion twp. bounded north by land of S , A 1) Casperaiid A !sothwell, east by K Lillcv, south by I SAID l.iiley and lot OVMIC 1 by Geo Merrion and west by | .saiil Merion, containing ifit acres more or less, about 50 j acres improved. log house, fumed barn framed shop 7v j an apple orchard thereon. ALso- Another lot in said township, Cmmled north j by lands .( ! V.'itsan, cast by the highway leading Irom Troy to Canton, south by A Lock wood and west by said | Wilson, containing 5-8 of an acre, more or less, ail im ' proved, framed house, trained barn, and a lew fruit ttces i thereon. Ai.su -Another lot i Canton village hounded nortli Iby the Kingsbi ry tavei u lot,east by Harding a Lee,souih i i.\ the highway,>u d west 1 y ChanessKriese,containing !it •t ■ \ ! !'i t. nl) irq *vo* •*'~ more *>r 1- -s. j A LSt i- A not her lot in ('anton towns bip.boumk <1 nortli I by S A <-t~t 1 v lb* hiirhwav, <>n the south by |.,!iu- : .rmerly owned by '1 j. Pi.-kard, sui.l w< -t by said I (' tvi il. leg liou.-e and trait trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W S Jayne A Sophia .'ayne his wife. Kxecntrx of A 0 Ph.kard dee'd vs. David Palmer & Frances P l'iekard now Frances 1' Gorslinc, Executrix of (Joe K l'iekard dee d A W Gors line, M Gillian A: P (1 Manffcy.. ALSO—The following described lot, jr-eee or parcel of land situate in Athens twp., beginning at tl:e west line ol Fulton street at the south east corner of lot No. 40, runuing thence westerly along said lot 115 feet to the centre line,thence southerly along said line 00 feet to the X W corner of lot No US, thence easterly along raid lot lib feet to the west line of Fulton street, thence norther 1 y along said street GO feet, to the place oi beginning, t'oniaining 1 lb Pot by GO feet, more or less, all improved one framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Win El well's use v.- Samuel VV'nllbridge X Daniel Stevens. ALSO—The following described 1 t, piece or parcel ol laud situate in Burlington twp, bounded north by the townsnip line between Burlington and Sniithfield, east by land of Stanton Clark, south by land of David Cam p bell and west by land of Sc'li 1' Gusttn, containing filty five acres, Snore or less, about 23 acres impioved, framed house, framed l am and lruit trees theron. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Codding & Russell vs II Comptou. A! SO The following descritrd lot, piece or parcel of land situate it; Athens twp.. beginning at the S W corner ola lot ot land sulJ to 11 Butler, and since owned by Ja cob Jones, thence north 1-2° east 1 DBA- rods,thence north s-A 3 west '.'s 8-10 rods, thence south fA° wst '334 rods to a corner, tlieucc south ssi" east S3"B-10 rods to the place of beginning ; containing SO acres, be tiie same more or less, being part of lot No. 3, as surveyed by Or son llickey, about 20 acres improved, one shanty and log barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tlic suit of David Gar dner vs Robert Berry. ALSO —Tbe following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Springfield twp., bounded as follows : Be ginning at a po.-t in lire line ol land of K. S. Tracy, thence south 03° cast us per. to the highway lending from Smith field to Troy, thence south 10° east by lands of said Tra cy 90 perches to a post, thence north &sA° east by lands late ot Abiram Fierce 18 perches to a post, thence north ls£° east by land of C. E. Fierce JO 8-10 perches to a post, thence south 75° west 122 perches to a post, tiience I south !>A J east el perches to a post thence south 80|° west 53 perches to a corner of land contracted to A. 11. | Crailmer, thence north 94° west along liu'- of said land iso contra'ted to said Crainner 78 5-10 perches to a post, thence north 884° west 20 perches to the line of liigh- J way leading towards Andrew Cummins', thence along : said highway north 3° east "0 perches to a post, tiience | north 884° west along the line of land contracted to said ! Cranmer 179 8-10 perches to a post, thence north 14J° : west 78 perches to the center of the highway, thence : along the center of said highway cast 42 perches, thence I along said highway north 56° east 128 perches, thence i north 744° east ot perches, thence nortli 3° east 88 6-10 perches to place of beginning. Containing 207 acres, more or less, about 210 acres improved, 2 framed houses, i 2 framed barns, 2 ha}' barns and 2 orchards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol Eli otock | well vs. Warren Durand. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs fi. f a „ t j ie foHow lowiug described lot, piece or pam ot of ] aild s ; tuate in Towanda borough, bounded Wrtli by i an< j 0 f (). 11. Wat kins, east by Main south by E. A . Parsons and C'ary and Hinraan, and on the west by C. L. Ward, be ing about 21 feet trout on Main street, and about 150 feet back, with a framed building used as a dwelling and . .-hoe saop and a few iiuit-;:'e§c iket^'g- | ZLejjal. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. P. Kir- j j by vs. J. W. Wilcox. Also, at the suit of Bowcn and Baker to use of J. P.j • lilrby vs. J. W. Wilcox. j A LSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ- ! ate in Pilcc and Herrick tw]is., hounded on the north by | land formerly of A.J. ltecd, on the east by Sheldon i Paine, oil the south by Thomas Peet, on the west by G. i C. Atwood. Containing about 40 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, a lag house, frame I urn. frame ; blacksmith shop aud a young orchard ol fruit trees i thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit id" Avery & ; 1 Camp to use of Geo. C. Atwood vs. Caleb Nnr?s. I j A LSO—The following lot, piece or parcel oi land situ- j | ate in Burlington borottgh. bounded on the north by land i of M. Vosburg, en the cast by the highway leading from | said Burlington borough to Smitbfieid, on* the south by ; ! lands of Walter Conkliu. and on tlie west by Addison '• : McKean. Containing Jof an acre, more or less, all im- j j pioved, with one framed house, framed barn and a few i fruit and ornamental frees thereon. Seized and taken hi execution at the suit of Merry, : Wilhtlra A Co. vm D. D. McCec. ALSO— The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- j a'e in Athens twp., bounded a- follow-, to wit . Begiu ning at a cherry tn • for a corner r.t (ho northwest cor- ! ner of lot pure bared by defendant of Luce, thence in an j easterly direction along the north line of said Luce lot j about i) rods to an oak sapling marked for a corner on j the west line of 1 'hompsmrs land, thence along the west i line of Thompson's and Samuel Hulilt's land in a north ! erly direction about luO rods to the southeast corner of j land recently owned by Edward Robinson, thence along the line of said Robinson in a westerly direction to the bank of the Susquehanna river to the south west corner of said Robinson's lot, thence southerly along the east bank of the river to the place of beginning, Containing about '22 acres, tnofc or less, about 15 acres improved, with one framed house, a stable aud lew lruit trees there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of X. C. Har lis vs. Jacob Vangorder. ALSO The following desdribed lot, piece or parcel ol land situate in Asylum twp., bounded on the north by land of Solan Benjamin, east by John Benjamin 2d .south by Harry Benjamin, and west by John V Benjamin con taining 25 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, with a framed house, a shed and few fruit tress thereon. Saizeil and taken in execution at the suit of Syivenus Benjamin vs Alonzo 17 Benjamin. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Terry twp., bounded north by land of Sam uel Hillhouse, east by land of J. L. Jones, south by land of Hiram Stone, west by land of lliram Stone and Kii Hatfield. Containing 50 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, 1 framed house, 1 framed barn, 2 framed shops, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. C. Brooks vs. D. C. Dibble. Also, at the suit of Jason P Ilorton vs. D. Dibble. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens twp., bounded north by J.K. Wright, on the east by Win. Rolfe, on he south by L.A. Calitf, on the west by the highway and Cornelius I'lasy. Containing (•() acres, more or less, about 10 acres improv ed, with one old framed house, one framed barn and a young orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at Hie suit of D A . Bar -IJW vs. J. K. V.'i iglit and Charlotte Gillet, administrators of Pluniley Ciiictt, dec'' l . A. HANSON SPALDING, Sheriff. Jan. 7. 1-03. I)EGISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice ishere i i I hy given, that there has been filed and s>. ttledin 1 the oiiii .* ol Hie Register of Wills, in and for the count}' j ol Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the lot- I lowing estates, viz : Final account of A W Alger A Otis Hamilton,Ex*rs of • ■ Joseph Ilamtllon d'v'd, late of Warren township. Fin;.! a vomit of Chesb r Pierce, Administrator of Cor. oolhaugh, deo'd. late ot Wysox township. Final account of J F Ovenshire A C F Welles Jr., Ad miui.st'rs of Edward A Ovchshire, late of Athens town ship. dee'd. Final account of P !' Field A L C Sheparil, Adminis trators of Abijih Field, '.ate ol Armenia t wp-, dee'd. Final account of Robert Mason, Administrator of Jos. Biddle dee d., late of Armenia. l-'iuul account ol I A Pierce, Administrator of Jonathan Bush, late of Columbia,dee d. F.iial account of J G Blakeslee AWm Hubbard, Ad ministrators \\ !1 Hublianl. dcc'il. late of Springlielil tp. Final account of John Hopkins, Guardian of Hubbard Williams. Final recount of Joseph Beeman, Guardian of Mary- Jane Cook. I-'iual a count of John Randall,Guardian of Leoua, Wil liam A Millturn Osborne. Triennial account oi O F Young, Guardian of Malilou Watters. ALSO—The appraisement of property set off by Exec utors or Administrators to widows or children, oft he fol lowing decedents. Estate of H. S. Salisbury. " *' Benj. Reel. " " C. 1!. Arnot. " '• 15. P. Ingham. " " Hiram Allis. " " Darling Jarvid. " " James Allen. " " W. 11. 11. Brown. '• Nehemiah Coburrt. " '• A. C.C'ra inner. * " " Charles R. Kellogg. And Hie same will be pr< seuted to the Orphans" Court of Bradford County, uu M unl ly, the 2d day of February next, for continuation aud allowance. X.C. EI.SBREE, Register. Register's Office, Jan. (5, ]si;3. T>ROCLAM ATION.— Vi'herea.s the Hon X I*. MERCER. President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, con.-isting of the Counties of Bradford and Susquehanna, and HonofaMes Jomx and V. Al. Loxu, Associate Judges, in and for said counly of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 27th day of Dec. A. D. 1802, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer ami Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court at To wanda,for the County of Bradford, on. Monday, the sec oud day of February next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace ami Coii.-'LiUe's, of the County ol Bradford, that they be then and there ill their proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to d-> those thirgs which to their office appertains to be done : and who are bound by recognizance or oth v. to prosecute against !• pi isoncrs who arc or may be in the jail of said County, or who shall bo bound to appear at the said court, arc to lie then and there to prosecute against them as shall be ju>t. Jurors are re oue-f 1 to he punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the Ct'i of January,in the year of our Lord, on" thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and of the Independence ol the Dnited States, the eighty sixth. A. 11. SPALDING. Sheriff. 1 )ROCLAM ATI OX.—Bradford Ccfnnty.ss I. MARY TURKS. by lier next friend, Reuheit W. Chenev, rs. EPIiUAIM J. TI'BBS. No. 547, Sept. Term. ISG2. To Ephrairrt .7. Tubljs —Wiiertif ft .elioptrna in Divorce was issued to May Term, lst;2, which was duly returned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was is sued in said case, returnable to Feb. Term. 1562. upon the return of which, proof was made that the said Eprai.H J. lubbs could not be found in my bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require you to appear before the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday in Feb ruary next, to answer to' said complaint. Ac. A.! 1. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Jan. 7, TSG.3. PROCI jA .M ATI(XXRraII ford County ss. DAN ILL MONTGOMERY vs. MA BY MONTGOM ERY. No. 348, Sept. Term, I*o2. To Mary Montgomery —Whereas a subpoena in Divorce was issued to MAY Term, 1802, which was duly letumcd non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena was issued in said case,returned to Feb. Terra, 1802, up on the return of which, proof was made that the said Mary Montgomery could not be found in niv bailiwick. This notice is therefore to require yon fo appear before i the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of February next to answer said complaint, Ac. A. 11. SPALDING, Towanda. .Tan. 7,1863. Sheriff. A I II TOR'S N OT! CE ( ~h;rks Km~pp -L\. vs. Tracy Jfiiapp. No. 10, Feb. Term, 1800. in the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Conrt to distribute monies raised by Sheriff's saleot defendant's real estate, wiii attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on SATURDAY, the 21lh day of JAXUABY, 18G3, at 2 o'clock, p.m., when and where all persons having claims on said monies must present them, or else be forever debarred fro'.a tlic same. F. G. COBD'BN, Dec. 17,1862. Auditor. rOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here ±J by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of NATHANIEL TERRY ,late of Terry twp., dee'd., are hereby requested to make " im mediate payment, and those having claims against sai-j estate will present them duly authenticated for settleiGent. D 1 IN Fit TERRY, LU< RETIA HALLOCK, _ , J'.HIAM L. TERRY, Jan. 7,1563. Encotors. Til NECUT0R''s NOTlCE—Notice is here -Li by a n persons indebted to the estate of N.L. GRE'J,, late of Wysox twp..dee'd:,are requested to make Gayment without delay, and those having claims agalasA said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. E. PIGLLET, * Jan. 7,1863. Executor. \ DMIXIrJI'RATOK'SXOTICK Notice J\- is heiv'ny given that aH persons indebted to the es tate of SALLY ANN ECF i.£7l*. late of Rome, uCc'd., ai'C requested to make immediate payaicnt, and those having Chains against said estate must present them duly authen ticated for settlement. fcMITH LENT, Dev. 17,1562. ACFLTTI. TRIAL LIST FOR FEBRUA RY TERM, 1>63. Commenting February 9, 1363. : Xo. Turn. | Tear. I Plaintiffs. | Defendants. 473 M.°y 1859 Wui Mouncey vs James McQueen, 14 Dec 1859 CWA J F Moore ACo M Meylert, ! i:;; " _ " Jas Gordon's Ad's vs V C Leonard ' 26.7 Feb'y 1860 Sam'l B Strang vs H Roberts, 471 May J'-CO David Barber vs Wm Tripp, 493 " " George Dtisenbury vs Canning St Wight taan, 165 Sept iSfi> Win Bingham's Trustees fs Hiram Darkness, i 243 " •' I.C. Buckingham's use n Partners' Union Insurance Co. ! 570 " " MD W Bishop vs D H Sweeney, | '.(9 Dec 13C0 V W Morgan vs R K Miller et al 100 " " same same I 555 " " Stevens A Burrows X p Boswortb, j ISO May lsGl J W Dowland vs John M Allyn 406 " '' Stephen Felton vs Elijah Hoyton, i 507 " " ' Win Brains rs Ceo Williams, ! CIS •' *' David Barber As R Hawkih's Ad's. , 703 •• •' Sain! Hillhouse vs EShepard, * 730 " •• J il Killgore vs Alvin Furmanetal | 743 " " \V .1 Both rack vs Robert Stuart. ! 225 Sept 1-cl A K Beckham'.- use vs M Caylord, j 263 " •• Jas Nichols vs Jason P Horton, j 473 " " Sarah Stone vs James Crofnt, ) 567 " '• Mary Ann Bishop vs Con Moore, I 725 •' •• C F Welles Jrs use vs C Hunsiker, j 824 " " DC Hodge vs Barclay It It AC Co | 914 " John H Calkins vs Benj Herman, I 953 " " Eph Dyer vs Henry Shermah et al. j 79 Deo ls6l Louisa'C Deeds et at Ed Loekwood l 223 " " lleuhen W Cheney vs Hben Dnning 245 " " Ceo Mallory vs A P Spalding. 697 " •' Benson Shepard Koyman vs Benj. Reynian et al 723 " " Jno )l Munay's vs It Spalding's Ex 8264 " " Cotheco Mang Covs Ira Smith ACo 210" Feb y Jt-G2 C L Ward vs Geo Wolcott et al. 211 " " same same 348 " " Pomeroys vs Ceo W Ingham. 455 " " Wm Haverly Vs Saml Amabie's Ex 562 " " Geo Decker vs A B Beutley etal 474 " " D B Strong vs Ilenry Roberts, 599 '• " Wm Wat kins V 3 Eli Gibb's Ad Ct al COO " " same same 61s " " B I, Cooper vs Jos Tlincbman 616 •' " Clias liosengrants vs S M Gregory, 189 May 1862 F X Page vs Jl' Blood 291 " '■ Rachel Westbrook vs B W Entiis 472 " " Geo W Fish Vs Valentine Wagoner 705 " '• O P Bower vs.II X Fish 21 Sept 1 5 62 Jesse Moore vs Henry Miller 277 " '• N C Harris' usevsA P Stevens etal 290 " " 'i'iieo Sem St Chas Borromeo vs Wm Gibson et al 310 " " Alvah Tompkins tra A Hunsiker 311 " " same same 509 " '• Ed Overton vs Joel Bennett et at 531 " " Justus A Record vs An tone Loder, 532 " " same same 679 " " A Madill's EXT vs Samuel Kellum 677 " ' Burnell A Ityon vs A Lewis, 678 " " Chas G Bailey vs Saml Walls, 701 " " J II Phinney Jr vs J Hanson et alt 397 " " Jacob Grace vs Xoali W Clark, 703 " " Aaron Chubbuck vs D F Barstow'a Administrators. 704 " " S YanHnskirk vs Wm Horning etal 711 " '• Ezra Holcomb vs Peter Kishel 713 " " Francis G Loomis vs A Castaline, 715 " " Ira Stephens et al vs J Simons etal 716 " " Ilosmer Buell vs J C Whipple et al BRADFORD COUNTY, SS: Subpccnas returnable on Monday, Pebruary 2,1803, at 10 o'clock A. M. E. U. GOODRICH, Prot. Jan. 3. 1868. I IST ()F .lURORS DRAWN FOIL FED JJ KUARY Term, 1563. or.AND JUIIOK3. Athens Tp—Jas McEhvain.j Hiram Shaw. Jas SirlUii, 11 A Miller, U'm Jacklin. Springfield— Geo Corey, Albany—KW Bunlock, !smitliticld—Justin Loomis, Burlington - Jas Wilcox, j South Creek—S Pettingall, Canton— R W McClelland jTuscarora—J J Lewis, Litchfield—John l'itler, Mm Warren—Abram Van Dyke, Cooper, Jr. Rufus Buffington, Orwell —S V." Alger, Daniel Wilmot—Benj Stalford, Dimmock. Windham—Wm Wheelhonsß R mie—Dan Russell, Salsbery Kimball, She.-hcquin—Thomas'Weller• Wysox—Elliot Whitney, fKAVKBSK JI'KOHS —FIKST WEEK. Athens Tp John Murry, S Pheseequin—W B Hortott llarkness, South Creek —Jesse Moore, Athene Boro'—S B Hoyt Towenda Boro—Lyman B Asylum—EX Delauy, Rogers,Jos Kingsbury,J. Canton- James Warner, ; Collins, Columbia—Jos A Gladding. Trey Tp—A S Manly : Franklin—Thomas F Sic Hey Totran'la North-Bishop Fofc Granville—John Vvomun.O ter, Wm Mc.Murrin, 1) Perry. Albert Barnes Towanda Tp—E W Hale; Derrick-"J S Angle. Terry—Charles Tliompstth, Monroe Tp—A M Coolbaugh Ulster—Lorenzo WatkuiS. Onnell—A W Alger, Unstin Warren—Edward Tripp,Na- I'latt, than Young Jr.. Daniel H Pike—John MA grow, Byron Coburn, Hiram Tayldf, Bolls, " Wyalusing—Eliaa Vaughn, Ridglmry Adison Cooper. KM Welles, John Miller. Wilmot—J L Quick; Terry Some V, <; Chaffee, Miller, Smithlichl— Chris Child.An- Wysox—Ony Aiieri; Alvin gustns Phelps. .1 A.lerould Wells—Jonas Edsall, David Springfield I Ti.-ha Fanning Lowry. SECOND WEEK. Alliens Tp JolinWatldnsJr Keen&, Burlington- J.! lLiight, rowuuda Boro'—ll C Xobld Columbia--Oscar Harris Jo- W C Bogart. seph Bail.ml, Terry —James JoneSjGeoT. Canton - Saml Fitzwater,Jr,i Horton, Franklin I) W Cukcley Jr. Troy Boro—X M Crirrochaa \V A Rockwell, 1 Philander McKcan. Derrick—G&o Wickizer, Troy Tp— Orlando Ward, Litchfield—A F Campbell, Tusearora— 1) L' Black, Adam Cranse, ; Ulster—G II VanWrke, Leltov— I* II Parmer, Windham— Clias Walker, Ridgliury—John Stanton. Warren—lmuthncS Antisdel Ulysses Farnsworth, j Ira W Ccffbfn, Henry f Home Tp— San lord Prince, ' Newman, Sylvania Boro—Peleg l'cck.! Wilmot—J C Crandall, Jr. Wvalusing—lt DCleaveland Siniihfieid— Orrin KinSsley.l Patrick Mahony, Bonj. Springfield--d N Grace, Brown Standing Stone—John Ai 01 IE 10 X ATT AC IIM EXT.— Constant JL JMatthri"non •. Jul, a A/' Dujfie and Clarissa Mc l'iffie. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Coun ty. No. February Term. 18C3. AND TO V. if: December 11, 1802, ordered by tha Court, on motion of Mr. Patrick, that the Sheriff shall publish a copy of the writ, for six weeks, in the Bradford Reporter, published in Bradford County, and in tho American, published at Palmyra, Way tie County, N. \\ [l-OREIBN ATTACH:!EST] BRADFORD COUNTV, SS. . C< MM ON WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA.- To the Sheriff of Bradford County, (heeling : We command you that you attach JOHN McDUFPIH and CLARISSA McDUFFIE, late of your County, by all and singular their goods and chatties, lands and fene ments, monies; rights and credits, In whose hands or pos session soever t lie same may he.so that they he nnu appear before "Ur Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at the borough of Towanda, in and for said County, on the first Monday of February next, there to answer CONSTANT M ATTfi EWSON, of a plea of debt not exceeding fivo iiundreil dollars, alid that you summon ail persons In whose hands or possession the said goods, chattels, mo nies, rights and credits, or any of them may be attached, so that they and every of them he and appear before srii Court, at the day and place aforesaid, to answer what shall be objected against them and abide the judgment of the Court therein ; and have you thew and there this, writ. Witness the Honorable ULYS.-sF.ri MF.RCUR, Presi dent of our said Court at the Borough of Towanda aforo* said, the 11th day of December, A. D., 186*2. E. O..GOODRICH, Pruthouotaryb. TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES: T certify that T executed this writ by attaching on the 11th day ot December, IYO2, in the presence of J . T. 1). Myer and John Fralich, good ajd lawful men of my ball wick, all ot tho defendants, john McDtiffee and Clarissa McDuQcc s interest in the following described lot, pieeo or parcel of Ig-.d, to y,tt: the place known as the Con stant Mathcwson I arm, being in Athens township, Brad ford county. St-ide ol Pennsylvania, hounded on the north by land ..t Jijnn F. Satterlee, cast by Chester Stephens, south by".nines Thompson and west by the Susquehanna ,iver. Containing about 200 acres, about 160 acres fa pro'.cd. with 2 framed liouses, 1 large barn.l lu rse barn, rn house, 1 lrame building used for the manufacture of medicine, with shed attached, aud an orchard of fruit I trees thereon. A*. If. SPALDING, Sheriff, j Sheriff's Office, Towanda. Dec. 15.1862. A UDITOR'S NOTICE —Enstey GiM vs. Ji\. John Randall. In the Court of Common Pleas of radford county, No. IV2, May Term, 1861. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute monies arising from Sheriff's sale of defen- I dant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint ! ment at the oflice of Wiiin'ot Morrow, in the borough' of Tpwiinda. on FRIDAY, the 30th day of JANUAwt, 186;;. at 1 o'clock. P. M.. when and where ail persons having claims upon said funds must present them or else be forever debarred therefrom. P. D. MORROW, Dec. il. 1862. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— Ir, i/ie matter of -TjL the (state of Orange Bosworth, dee'd. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford county. The undersigned.an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute the proceeds of the sale of real and personal estate in the hands of the administrators, Wrn. R. Se vens and Betsey Bosworth .will attend to the duties of hi appointment at his office, iu the borough of Uowaada, on THURSDAY, the 22d day of JAXUAIkIf, 1862, at two o'clock, j). m., and all persons having claims upon said 1 monies must present them, or. else be forever debarred j lrora the same " F. G, COBURN, Dec. 10,166?. Aildi ql*