jjjCAL AND GENERAL. g p r ]-). s. PRATT will deliver a Tenr.- t at the Court House, on Monday even- j ft' ance ' l .;i arc invited to attend. r SS bCS ' V t . £ t A? on S.Smith has been appointed c ' It ru*er Fa. The Waverlv Advocate says ... • Master" L ag ooaa l , l .oiutmcnt. ■ ] ; _ P R WM. MADIIX, formerly of this place, j rceo n of the 23d New York Regiment, was in 1 * *1 ♦ week. He reports the boys from this county . irn la sl ... t ;cnera! £° hcaith. j _ Y Free Lecture will be given on t r-uay) eve, at Moore's Hall, at 7 o'clock, by '"/pIiNAKD, the great American llorse Tamer. All £ are invited to attend. ( ft„ Mcsioai- Convention.— Prof. J. G. 1 ff will hold a Musical Convention at Rome, com- 1 ' on Tuesday, February 3d, and closing Saturday y febrnary 7th, with a Concert. The success attended Prof. TOWNER in these Conventions, * V exceeded the expectation of his patrons, llis ad /-• -euieut will be found in another column . Our friends throughout the county will - ... m especial favor if they keep us advised of all lo a' M-WS i:'. their respective neighborhoods. They need U- ..arti'-uUr about the ma iner in which they send us ; ; . t .; n all we care about are the facts ;we will y iv ]ut them in form and shape. To those who Live already thu, favored us, we return our thanks . J jaf (Pi cor first page will be found sever- , . :, lto restii:g original articles—a beautiful little poetical •• vutmnn Rain 'by Miss PIULA 11. CASE— " The , i"-v nf the Read," by I.'ASPIRANT, both excellent pro- . We have on tile a Leutiful poem, a ritten by the v tl .r, v.ifi h will appear next week. We hope to be fa- TOrtd'with arti les from both of them frequently. j.s?-Fire. —The dwelling bonse of Jonx j f ~ „ Si of Wilmot township, was destroyed by fire about | middle of December last. Mr-BACON and his wife, I. v.itbMrs. McCAfKERTV, were away from liome, : tliev sent a boy about six years old to • ,>np a lire, which lie did and went away, and soon ; seen to be in (lames. Everything was con- j ' .-,!. Mr-. MCCAKEKRTY, who is the wife ofa soldier. •,!:with Mr. BACON : she !• s'.cvcy thing she had. I _v TUKI:.— On the night of the 13tli, the residence j 1 v I'at. rk BROWN and JOHN Kili on e. of Wihnot 1 • wt-r p. look lire from a stc ve-pipc and was consutued, ; i , ,er with most of what it contained. Mrs. BROWN , ' „... .. .t y from home. ar. 1 the fire originated in her part ' \ ; ■, , which was locked so that little could be re , jav*Tr.MrEß.vxcE —'I ho cause of Tciniterance, • it,. Ivi .l quite a start in this pl.ee through the com- j (l.ihie exertions of some of our citizens, both male and i . ... W th. 'pc-they will continue their exertions t:li j i j .. ■ ciiVetc.allv . -e up the numerous drnuken dens that 1 a mil, not oi:!v in t'.i.-, but in other towns—nurseries i rirne and fountains if p< Hut ion that arc continually i , . !i,i . j !'. rth their countless streams of fallen humanity ; , • the country with beggary and crime, and j cople , :he j rl-.n* with unfortunate convicts. At the 1 i-t meeting ot the Society a Pledge was pre ■ r.'ed It eived a ituniher of signatures. There are I • „in i t• vn who think it !• -neat!: the dignity of a an to sign, a Pledge. With Mich folly wc will enter in i ' ;i no c;- "ssion.ns we think the sober second thought , i,... ei nit. e them that the Pledge robs no man of his : < : j.jral rig: Af", invades no man's dcmicil with warrants and .xK-utious in demand of that wichthe inmates ne >l, and , - i.i uo parti i!ar derogatory to the well-being of eoe'ely. i 1 i fallowing tairre.spoudtnce between the President. 1 and >• rotary ol the Ladies' Soldiers Aid Society and J. • J o i'.tri e . Esq., will be found interesting. Mr. PATTOX, j is'.u'.iiis the " Society,'' deserve much credit for the ; :-.teres - , they lake in the cause : TOWANDA, Jan.?, 1 iC3. i ' J. Patt-'N. E-q. Dear Sir:— At a meeting of the . , r p. ! \id S iety,'" ofTowanda. lulu Wed nesday evening, December tjth, it was QBanimooaiy /if- olnd. That an ii . 'ration be extended to J. ti P.-.t- - ~'N L-q., to deliver a 'i'cuipu-uuee Lc-ctnre, ia and ol the , .s.xety. Ou behalf of the Sodety, we earnestly urge your ac- i cej' in e ol the invitati m. and would suggest, ii it meets your convenience, Monday evening, January 12th, at the Ceuit House, as the time and place. Respectfully Yours, "Mrs. i . MERCER. President. Miss ELIZA OVERTON, Sec. TOWANDA, Jan. 9,1563. M i- b* Mm I S. President. Miss ELIZA OVERTON, Secre- j tiry of the Soldiers' Aid Society; _ !• I.ai-iks : Yi.r.r note o! to ui.v, icque.-ting me to deEv- I '"al. •lire on Ti-ur cane, before j our Society, at the | Cmrt House, on Monday evening next, lias just been i plan din my Lands. 1 am pleased to assure you-, that j it \ i.!. 11 ..J j b ..-a: c. 10.-omply with your request. | Verv Re-pectfullv, Yours, J.G PATTJN. | £&* TiiO Tlritdfonl County Medical Society 1' ii s quarterly meeting at tlie Masonic llalt, in the ugh .-f Troy, January 7, ltli3. The following nrc-m Lc-rs were present : l'rs. Mills, Axti-H, Holmes, Parsons, llorton, Smith, Tracy. Rockwell, Mason. The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. MILLS. •ci moti in of Dr. llorton, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with. The President then called for the reading of Reports cf Cases. Dr. ii dines reported a case of Rupture of the Heart in ;l s er, the result o! enormously distending the stoia- I aih with food—having eaten seven large dishes of oys tc-vs at one meal, just prior to the accident. -' CLOTHS, C.VSOTERES AM) TESTINGS, Wliieh are ready to make up to order, on short notice, and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some eight years exporter, - in this line of businr-s. my cutter, Mr. PENEi'ACKEH, will be on hand, at all times to do cutting for those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get as good as represented, call at COLLIHS'. if voti wi.-h to get tlm w >r'h of your money, and buy new fresh G i .ds ami fair dealing, ' :• ! on us m d you w'iii bo satisfied. No trouble i" show goods and n<> farcing to bay j a]- id f.u- -i-.il oi.lv. J. M. COLLINS. * l Towanda. April 21. L n2. lew Arrangements, mii i: si' nscßicKus u A YJXG FOR m JL ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for nioily carried ou by . i). ill. Ml'llUE\ .in the >iore o)i --poMte til..- C uirt Ho -e. where they will keep con,tautly on hand a general assortment of p* =2* O r , Pf .9 .c* O Xw." ~J 3 Ci> A 3 JZ. v.?, aml n very large stork ol all kinds of LEATHER requir ed for a country trade. A l'u!i assortment of iShoo Findings, Ihinicss Trliiniiiiis, bADDLERY. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS GLASS, GROCERIES, &c.,&c. We expect t - increase our facilities in the manufactur ing department, so as to Legible to sup; ly dealers with a supei Er article, at prices llvaiing nil • .unperiticn, and especially •• foreign," 1.-elieviug i: of vital iniporlauce tc '■ immunity to tester dome lie productions as far as prac ticable. Having pur ' ased lhe sto<-k < f Harness and Saddlery owntii by Messrs. Culp A Kirby, and rented the shop f"i raei ly occupied by ihc.u, wc offer lor sale a large stock HARNESS. Be IDLES. TRUNKS, TRAVtLINS BA3S.&C and will make to order almost anything in this line. Yv'e rcspc tfully invite public attention to our whole s'ock in its various brnnci.es, tm-ting that by strict at tention to busim and zealous exertions to sup.'.! me wants ol cM.imnniiy, we shall merit and receive a lair i share of public pa' nonage. We are prepared t > make to order anything in our line. ' Ai -o.do all k.iiii-of repairing on very sho.t notice or Cash paid for Sheep pelts, Hides and Skins. J. I>. II •IPlinilV. IRA 11. Ei I.L, J. E. lIAYION. Towanda, April 2", 1 -ffd. THE "DT?, A IT'np ■ THOSE IN WANT OF BOOTS & SHOES,! SHOULD GO TO THE TOWANDA BOOT k SHOE STORE, ' i Opposite the Court House. CASH RAID FOR HIDES & PELTS, At HUMPHREY ft CO'S. Towanda. Sept. 2-f. 1 Rfi2. ANOTHER MW STOCK OF WINTER GOODS! AT WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. THOSE WISHING TO PURCHASE THE LA TEST STYLES] AT TIIE MOST REASONABLE PRICES, WILL CONSULT THEIR OWN INTEREST BY GIVING US A CALL. Towanda, Dec. lfi, 1882. "OLASTER FOR SALE —Cayuga Groaod 1 R'ni-'.cr for sale in large or small quantities, at MAcjON'S MILLS, iu Monroe. All kind- of Grain taken in payment. J. S. SALISBUBY & CO. Monroe, Oct. 22,15C2. —tf. A E DITOR'S NOTICE.— In the. matter of X\, partial account of B. C. and Joseph Etsbree, ex ! ccutors of Martin Elsbrec, dte'd. In the Orphan's Court l ol Bradford county. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court i on exceptions tiled to the account of executors, will at - tend to the duties of liis appointment at his office iti the j borough ot Towanda, on WEDNESDAY, the 2sth day of I JANUARY, lM3,at 1 o'clock, p. m., when and where : all persons interested can attend. JOHN C. ADAMS, Dec. 17, 1R62. Auditor. 1 >ENBIOX AGENCY—TO SOLIUERS X AND THEIR FRIENDS.—The undersigned having had considerable experience in procuring Pension Bonn ties and back pay of soldiers, will attend to all business in tliat line, entrusted to bis care, with promptness and fidelity. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county. Pa.— Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONROE. Refers by permission to 11. B. CARD, County Treasurer, Wellsbboro, Pa. D. F. POMEROY. Troy, Pa. A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Pa. , Oct. 22. 1"62. * " Itlf'itfllnnrous. THE TT3STICTT DRUG STORE. (lYholcsale and Retail. JVo 3, Pattern's Block, Corner of Main and Bridge Sis., Towanda . Pa.) DR. T. F. IVIADILL, Proprietor. IMIE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY . informs the Public that he has purchased the above Drug Store, ami having thoroughly refitted and enlarged t, and increased his facilities for Compounding Medicines is prepared to supply every want ol the public, in the 1 ine of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, MyjStock, almost entirely new, has been selected with care, and etabrac sa lull assortment ofuil articles belong ing to the Drug Trade. TS.E3S2 SUPFIiZES are received monthly, of Pure and Reliable Drugs and Medicines, which will !>c sob! at prices that cannot fail to suit our patrons. My stock consists of Driiss |Ucdirines |iiul Chemicals, and PURE LIQUORS, Of every description, and the Le-t quality for Medical use. All the popular PATENT MEDICINE AND A LARGE SUPPLY OF HOMEOPATHIC A CONCENTRATED MEDICINES Botanic V BchcJic Medicines, Tit dun s Alec hulk and fluid Extracts, Alkaluids and Rcsinoids. Aii the best Trusses, Abdominal Siippn.Lu-s, Shoulder Braces. Breast Tumps, Nipple Si.alis & Sliiel is, Nursing 1 tittles,Syiinges, Gathters, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS & STROPS, lh-eket Knives, Surgical Instruments of late style and best quality. Paints, ui's. Varnishes, Window Glass, Put ty, Ac. A large supply of Ei> J.:u U L 3 Jrd_ .i.: 1 ' For tin- II :t. Hi ir. aud Slu- s. Painting, V: . r.isbing and into V ing, also lor the Teetl. and Nails. TOOTH PO WDER? AND PASTER 4 t I c-very v.'.i-fty. A large assortment of J'Aii'if'j' I*ure !. -ft;!--. Pine fas's7- -rv and Toilet Soaps, Buffalo and Ivory Combs, Hair Dyes, Oils and ln\igoruturs. Ker i one. Buniing 1 luid, i.-.nips. Shad < hi.nm .s, \Yi-k-. A--. do ice luhacro, Ci-jtirs lit.- public Icr their patronage during the past year, and a-A the rime discriminating public to give liis new stock a fair examination before buying, be lieving he can wt -i'y them b th ir r■■ ;!s and p'ri-.-i-s. I will sail j.-.y stock a- low, U .' the quality, as any one in j tlie count.y. v.hicii consists, as usual, ot all articles iu tin (It:nU-iiu-i:Fur.:is..iug (ie; •.a!r.,:-nt. All Wool ■ simeve Silk Mixed d-j., ;;i.u sumo of a lower grade, 1 as well as the finer Doc-kin GaK Pants k Vests, Silk Velvet and Grenadier Silk Vests. :•;! of which goods I will ivprcefcnt true 's to quality, ' Jvsr- lats, all grades and prices. Under Shirts aud Drawers, Snspenders, Ho sieries, Collars, Neck i its, i'iue Linen Shirts, HATS AND CAPS. C.ir.ps, Umbrellas, Gloves and Mittens, fee., Sec. I would i call especial attention to my large stock of Fur lints, which i .kit; -r mv-li'l sella lit' c lower than the same goods can be bought in town I mean wliat I say, and no hnrahug : so give ns :> i ill, and ii we don't sei. you goods bc ni-e you 1 tv,- it will be our I. ult. We charge nothing lor hoc 1: -is. 1 have the ball Style of tils lV!(];rai.'id On'kford Silk Iliil, Now en exhibit! -n, whirl, n- eds no pt king to those wh bare worn them. Respectfully, It. W. EDDY. Towanda, Oct. 1 i, 1 (12. g houses, long stable and fruit trees there ' on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A \Y Bai lett vs John J Waring. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of j land situate in \sclls, bounded north by land of Hiram j B.and Ahmzo Noble, east by J ii" Brink, south by i lb • h. Jiway, and west by L I, Lawrence and Hiram B.i --' kcr, Containing 60 acres, more or less, about 4,5 acres improved framed house, wagon house, and framed barn, i and orchard thereon. Seized ami tak-n in execution at the . '.it of Joseph j Mun-on v.- Ann'.-. Baker, i ALSO —The following described lot piece or pared of I laud Ml.uz.t-.- in 11 inc boro* hounded north by the public 1 . highway and land of S. C Mann, east by the highway, j i -until by 1 ml of (> > Fox and vve.il by 1 -lid of Mrs Hice, | being !c) f*i-l nori'i and south and 150 feet east and west ! ; with one framed barn & frmed house A fruit trees thereon. A l,SO—Another lot ins tid borough,bounded north by | It ml • : Lev. i. if. ;• and L W.stties.i- ist by land of Mar- i . ilia Warner and Polly Grimmer,south by the public high way, and on the west by laud of Martha Warner ; con taining 121 acres more or lee.;, a framed barn and an or chard thereon. Si zed aml taken in execution nt tie suit of Samuel C Maun v- i!r- >n Rickey ulcott and Ira A A C Elsbree,containing 250 acres, 1 •<> acres improved, a framed house and tram ed bun, a shingle mill, a hog pen and corn hou.-ie and I : fruit trees. j Sei/- •: and tak- nin execution at the suit of C S Rns- I ! '! vs Fi-itiklin Murray Also, at the suit of N G Harris i i vs Franklin Murray. 1 ALSO —The following lot, piece oi; parrel of land situ ate in Franklin twp., bounded ou the north by the To i wand i en ••!, east i y Wm. Lantz, south by David Cash, i and west by Ezra Spalding. G mtaiiiing 130 acres, more ! or less, about 40 acres improved, fnuned house, Mimed bam and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. Pome rnv vs. .1. E. Spalding. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of bind situate in Windham twp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a take near the lour corners road, it being the south west corner of N. Cowles' lot, thcucc south 732 1 ' isi 70 perches to stake and stones, thence south 7i 10 100 perches tQ post and stone, thence west ho perches to a corner in the highway, thence north ;! :ig the highway s7 perches to the beginning. Gon : tabling 40 acres, be the same more or less, about thirty I acres improved, framed house, framed burn and fruit • tiers thereon. St iz d ; ltd taken in execution at the suit of Miles Princi: vs. V iii. G. Angeil and Polly S. Angell. i A I.SO -1 he it How iing describe i lot. piece or parcel of 1 slid situate in Ganion twp. bounded north by land of S AH Gasper and A Bath well, oast by E Lilley. south by said Liiley and lot owned by Geo Merrion and west by mid Merion, . ontaiuing 104 ; -res more or less, about 50 acres impr -vt-d, log house, framed barn, framed shop A i an apple orchaid thereon. ALSO —Anorlier lot in said township, bounded north j by lands of i Wilsan, cast In the highway leading from Troy to Canton, south by A Lockwood and west by said ; Wilson, containing 5-s of an acre, more or less, all ini v d, framed house, framed barn, r.nd a lew fruit trees ' thereon. ALSO - '.nothcr lot i Canton vj'age bounded north by the Kingsbury tavern lot east by Harding A Lee,south j | by the h" hway.-ttid w.! 1 v ('iiarlessKriesc, containing j3d feet by 1 10 It fct, ail improved, more or iess. j ALSi' - Another lot in Canton township,bounded north iby S At) Casjier. east by the highway, on the south by j bin Is lb; ii. riy owned by ' It Pi.-kard, and west bv said I i asper, coat i iiing a out 70 square pel dies, more or less | all improved, kg house and truit trees thereon, j Seized and taken in cxceuti mat the suit of W S.Tayne S A Sophia .Liyne bis wile, Kxe utrxof A G Pi.-kard dee'd j vs. David Palmer A Frances p Pjckard now Frances P Gorslinc. Executrix of Geo K Pickard dee'd A VV Gors ; line, M Gillian A F G Manley. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of j land situate in Athens twp., beginning at the west line of Fulton street at the south -east corner of lot No. 40, I running thence westerly along said lot 115 feet to the | centre line,thence southerly along said line 00 feet to the j X W corner oi lot No 38, thence easterly along said lot 1 1.5 ieet to the west line of Fulton street, thence norther ly along said street 60 feet to the place ot beginning.— Containing 115 leet by CO feet, more or less, all improved one framed house thereon. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of Wm El well's use vs Samuel Wallbridge A Daniel Stevens. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Burlington twp, bounded north by the townsnip line between Burlington and Smithfield, east by land of Stanton Clark, south by land f David Cam p bell and west by land of Se'h P Gustin, containing fifty live acres, more or less, about 25 acres improved, framed house, trained barn and truit trees theron. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Codding A ltusseil vs II Compton. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens twp.. beginning at the S W corner of a lot ol land sold to 11 Butler, and since owned by Ja cob Jones, thence north 1-2° east 1334 rods,thence north B*4° west 95 s-lo rods, thence south H° west 1334 rods to a corner, thence south 88j° cast 8.5 8-10 rods to the place of beginning ; containing 80 acres, be the same more or less, being part of lot No. 5, as surveyed by Or son Rickey, about 20 acres improved, one shanty and log barn thereon. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of David Gar dner vs Robert Berry. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Springfield twp.. bounded as follows : Be ginning at a post in the line of landof K. S. Tracy, thence south 05 1 cast 08 per. to the highway leading from Smith field to Troy, thence south 10° east"by lands of said Tra cy 06 perches to a post, thence north cast by lands lute ol Abirarn Pierce -is perches to a post, thence north lsi° cast by land <>: C. E. Pierce 30 8-10 perches to a post, tin nee south 75° west 122 perches to a post, thence ' south 9£° east 81 perches to a post, thence south 804° west 55 perches to a corner of land contracted to A. 4L Cranmer, thence north OA 0 west along line of said land so contracted to said Cranmer 78 5-10 perches to a post, thence north B S .{° west 2() perches to the line of bigh ' way leading towards Andrew Cummins', thence along said highway north 3° east 20 perches 40 a post, thence ' north 8s^ a west along the line of land contracted to said Cranmer 170 8-I0 perches to a post, thence north ll£ 5 west 78 perches to the center ol the highway, thence along the center of said highway east 42 perches, thence along said highway north 56° east 126 perches, thence north 74.J 0 east 5T perches, thence north § 3 east 88 6-10 | perches to place of beginning. Containing 267 acres, more or less, about 216 acres improved, 2 framed houses, 2 framed barns, 2 hay barns and 2 orchards thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Eli Stock- I well vs. Warren Durand. ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of fi. fa., the follow- 1 lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda borough, bounded north by land of G. 11. Wat kins, east by Main street, south by E. A. Parsons and Cary and Hinman, and on the west by C. L. Ward.be ipg about 21 feet front- on Main street, and about 150 back, with a framed building used as a dwelling and tboe ib op and a few fruit trees thereon. Scflal. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. P. Kir by vs. J. W. Wilcox. . Also, at the suit of Bo wen and Baker to use of J. P. Kirby vs. J. \V. Wilcox. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Pike and Herrick twps., bounded on the north by I , land formerly of A. J. Reed, on the cast by Sheldon 1 Paine, on the south by Thomas l'eet, on the west by G. j ; C. Atwood. Containing about 40 acres, more or less, | about 20 acres improved, a log house, frame I urn, frame j i blacksmith shop and a young orchard ot fruit trees 1 thereon. j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Avery A Camp to use of Geo. C. Atwood vs. Caleb Xurss. j I ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ot land situ- I I ate in Burlington borough, bounded on the north by land j of M. Vosburg, on the east by the highway leading from j said Burlington borough to Smithfield, on" the south by lands of Walter Conkiin, and on the west by Addison ! McKean. Containing 4of an acre, more or less, all itn- j pioved, with one framed house, framed barn and a few j truit and ornamental trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Merrv, j Wilhelm A Co. vs. 1). it. McGee. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ-1 afe i.i Athens twp., bounded as follows, to wit : Begin ning at a cherry tret: for a corner at the northwest cor- I r.er ot lot purchased by defendant of Luce, thence in an j easterly direction along the north line of said Luce lot i about 80 rods to an oak sapling marked for a corner 011 ! the west line of 1 hompsou's land, thence along the west j line of Thompson's and Samuel llulitt's land in a north- j crly direction about 100 rods to the southeast corner of [ land recently owned by Edward Robinson, thence along j the line of said Robinson in a westerly direction to the I bank of the Susquehanna river to the"south west corner ' of said Robinson's hat. thence southerly along the east ' bank of the river to the place of beginning. Containing t about 22acres, more or less, about 15 acres improved, with oue framed house, a stable and few fruit trees there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of X. C. liar ris vs. Jacob Vangorder. A LSO— The following desdribed lot, piece or parcel of - land situate in Asylum twp., bounded on the north by land of Solan Benjamin, east by John Benjamin 2d,south by Harry Benjamin, and west by John V Benjamin con taining 25 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, with a framed house, a shed and few fruit tress thereon. Sa'zed and taken in execution at the suit of Sylvenus Benjamin vs Alonzo E Benjamin. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Terry twp.,bounded north by laudof Sam uel Hiilbouse, east by hind of J. L. Jones, south by land j of Hiram Stone, west by land of Hiram Stone arid Eii Hatfield. Containing 50 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, 1 framed house, 1 trained barn, 2 framed shops, and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the- suit of C. C. Brooks vs. D. O. Dibble. Also, at the suit of Jason P. Horton vs. D. C. Dibble. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate iu Athens twp., bounded north by J.K. Wright, ou the east by Wm. Roll'e, on he soulh'bv L A. Caliif, 011 the west by the highway and Cornelius Pla-y. i Containing GO acres, more or less, about 40 acres iniprov- j ed, with 0110 old framed house, one framed barn and a j young orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of D. A. Bar- } 1 aw vs. J . K. Wright and Charlotte Gillet, administrators of Plumley Gillett. dee'd. A. IIAXSOX SPALDING, Sheriff. Jan. 7, 1863. j O EH ESTER'S NOTICES.—Notice is here- I i-b by given, that there has been filed and settled in ] the o'iice of the Register of Wills, in and for the county ! °f Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the l'ol i lowing e-tates, viz : Final account of A W Alger & Otis Hamilton.Ex'rs of 1 Joseph Hamcllon dee'd, late of Warren township. i I'iijal account ot Chester Pierce, Admini-trator of Cor. | < "oolbaugii, dee'd. late day of JANUARY, 1863, at 2 o'clock, p. m., when and where all persons having claims on said monies must present, them, or else be forever debarred from the same. F. G. COBURN, Dec. 17, 1862. Auditor. E'XECtJTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here i by given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of NATHANIEL TERRY, late of Terry twp., dee'd., are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MINER TERRY. LUCRETIA HALLOCK, HIRAM L. TERRY, Jan. 7,1863. Executors. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here- AJ by given that all persons indebted to the estate of N. L. GREEN, late of Wysox twp., dee'd., arc requested to make paymenkwitbout delay, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. ~ J.E. PIOLLET, j Jan. 7,1863. Executor. A DMTNINITIATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice -DjL is hereby given that ail persons indebted ' .. ' tale of SALLY ANN ECKLER, late of requested to make iramsdia*' payment, and those having claims against saideef&te must present them duly autben ticated for settlement. SM T TH LENT Tec. 17,^dnioiEtrater. Eeflal. Trial list for February term, 1803. Commencing February 9, 1863. j \o. | Term, j Year, j Plaintiff*. | Defendants. 473 Xlev 1559 Wm Xlounccv vs James McQueen. j 14 Dec 18.",'j cWA J F Moore & CoXf Meylert. I 139 " Jas Gordon's Ad's vs V C Leonard | 205 Feb'y ISOO Ham'l H Strang vs II Roberts, | 471 May 1800 David Barber vs Wm Tripp, j 193 '• " George Da sen bury vs Canning A Wigbtman, ICS Sept TSCO Wm Bingham's Trustees vs Hiram Harkness, j 213 " " I.G Buckingham's n*o vs Farmers' Union Insurance Co. j 570 " " MD W Bishop vs D H Sweeney, I 99 DCj 1800 G W Morgan vs R K Milleret a"l 100 " " same same ! 555 " " Stevens A Burrows Xl* Boswortb, ; ISO May 1861 J\V Howland vs John M Allyn I 406 " " Stephen Felton vs Elijah Horton, | 507 " " VT in Braine ?s Geo Williams, j 618 " " David Barber vs It Hawkin's Ad's. | 703 " " Sam! Hillhouse vs EShcpard, j 730 " '* Jll Kiilgore vs Alvin Fornian etal i 743 " " W J Rotlirock vs Robert Stuart, > 22S Sept 1861 A K Beckham's use vs M Gaylord, j 268 " •• Jas Nichols vs Jason P llorton, ! 473 " " Sarah Stor.e vs James Crofnt, 567 " " Mary Ann Bishop vs Con Moore, i 725 " '• C F Welles Jr's use vs C Hnnsiker. [ 824 " " 1) C Hodge vs Barclay RRA VCo 1941 " '• John H Calkins vs Ben} Herman, j 953 •' " Kpb Dyer rs Henry Sherman et al. I 79 Dec 1861 Louisa C Leeds et at Ed Lock wood I 223 " " Reuben W Cheney vs Eben Duuing ' 245 " •' < !eo Mallory vs A B Spalding. ! 697 "* •* Benson Shepard Keyman vs Benj. Royman et al 723 " " Jno H Munay's vs R Spalding's Ex 210 Feb y 1862 C L Ward vs Geo Wofeott et a!. 211 " •' same same 343 " ' " Pomeroys vs Geo W Ingham. 455 " " Wm Haverly vs Saml Amable's Ex 562 " " Geo Decker vs A B Bentley etal 474 " " H B Strong vs Henry Roberts, 599 " '• Win Watkins vs Eli Gibb's Ad et al COO •' " same same 618 " " B L Cooper vs Jos Hinchman 616 •' " Clms Rosengrants vs S M Gregory, 189 May 1802 F X Page vs Jl' Blood 291 " '• Rachel Westbrook vs It W Emits 472 " ■' Geo W Fi>h vs Valentine Wagoner 705 *' " O P Bower vs II X Fish 21 Sept 1802 Jesse Moore vs Henry Miller 277 " '• N C Harris' usevsA P Stevens et al 236 " •' Theo Sem St Chas Borromeo vs Wm Gibson et al 510 " " Alvah Tompkins vs A Hunsikcr 311 " " same same 509 " •• Ed Overton vs Joel Bennett et at 531 " " Justus A Record vs Antone Loder, 532 " '• same same i 679 " " A Mad ill's Ex'r vs Samuel Kellum i 677 " ' Burnell A Hyon vs A Lewis, : 673 " " ('has G Bailey vs Sanil Walls, | 701 " " Jll PhinneyJrvsJ Hanson et ax 1397 " " Jaeob Grace vs Noah W Clark, 703 " •' Aaron Chubbuck vs D F Barstow's Administrators. 704 " " S Vanßuskirk vs Wm Horning etal 711 " Ezra Holcomb rs Peter Itishel 713 " " Francis G Loomis vs A Castaline, 715 " " Ira Stephens et al vs J Simons etal 716 " " Ilosmer Buell vs J C Whipple et al BRADFORD COUNTY, SS : Subpoenas returnable on Monday, Pebruarv 2, lS63.at 10 o'clock A. XI. E. O. GOODRICH, Prot. Jan. 3. 1663. I IST OF JURORS DRA WN FOR FEB J J RL'ARY Term. 1863. or. AND Jrnons. Athens Tp J.;s McElwain.! Hiram Shaw. Jas Smith, 11 A Miller, Win Jacklin.jSpringfield— Geo Corey, Albany—E W Bunlock, iSmithiield—Justin Loomis, I Burlington -Jas Wilcox, I South Creek—S Pettiugall, j Canton—R W McClelland ITuscarora—J J Lewis, Litchfield— John Fitler, Mm Warren— Abrani VanDyke, • Cooper, Jr, Rufus Bulfington. i Orv.ell—S W Alger, Dank! Wilmot—Benj Stafford. Dimmock, , Windham—Win Wlieelhouso ! Rune—Dan Ilu-.-rll, Salsbery Kimball, * Sheshequin—ThomasWcller'77y-sox—Elliot Whitney, Tit A VKKSE JI'ROP.S—FIRST WEEK. Athens Tp—John Slurry, S'Shesecqnin—W R ITortofi i Harkness, South Creek—Jesse Moore, i Athens Boro'—S B noyt jTowanda Boio—Lyman 13 Asylum—E X Delaiiv, ! Rogers, Jos Kingsbury,J. Canton—James Warner, j Collins, | Columbia—Jos A Gladding,,Tr }' Tp—A S XlanlV; 1 Franklin—Tliomas F Smiley "Towanda North-Bishop Fos , Granville—.John Vroman.O ter, Wm McMurrin, i D Berry. Albert Barnes Towanda Tp—E W Hale, Derrick- J S Angle, | Terry—Charles Thompson, j Monroe Tp—A M Coolbaugh Ulster—Lorenzo Watkins, i Ormell—A XV Alger, llustiii; Warren—Edward Tripp,Na l'latt. than Young Jr., Daniel H | Pike—John MAgnew,Byron Coburn, Hiram Taylor. Bolls, ' Wyalusing—Elias Vaughn, ! Ridgbury- -Adison Cooper, KM Welles, John Miller, iWilmot —J L Quick, Perry ] Some I!>ro—(' O Chaffee, Miller, ■ SmithGeld—Cliris Child.An- Wysox—Ony Allen, Alvin gustos Phelps..l \ Jerould Wells—Jcnas Edaa'l, David Springtlcld—Elioha Fanning Lowry. SECOND WEEK. Athens Tp—Jolir.WatkinsJr Keene, Burlington—l .1 Haight, j Towanda Boro'—ll C Noble Columbia—Oscar Harris Jo-! W C Bogart, seph Ballard, Terry —James Jones,Geo T. Canton—Saml Fitzwater.Jr, Horton, Franklin —D W Cokeley Jr..Troy Boro—N M Carrochun W A Rockwell, i Philander McKean. Herrick—Geo Wickizer, Troy Tp—Orlando Ward, Litchfield—A F Campbell,!Tuscarora—D D Black, Adam Cranse, iUlster—G H VanDyke, Leßoy R R Banner, Windham—Chas Walker, Ridgbury—John Stanton, Warren—Laurence Antisdel Ulysses Farnsworth. Ira W Corbin, Ileury F Rome Tp—Sanford Prince, Newman. Svlvani.i Boro—Pdcg Peck. Wilmot—J C Crandall, Jr. | Wyalusing— R DCleaveland Sinithfield—Orrin KinSslev,: Patrick Mahony, Benj. j Springfield—J N Grace, j Brown j Standing Stone— John Ai | FOREIGN ATTACHMEXT.— Constant JL Mdlthftrsim rs. John Rl lhtffie and Clarissa Mc \ Differ. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Coun i ty, Xo< 94. February Term. 1863. j AXDTOVvTT: December 11, 1862, ordered by tlio I Court, on motion of Mr. Patrick, that the Sheriff shall ! publish a copy of the writ, for six weeks, in the Bradford , /ieportcr, published in Bradford County, and in ttio I American, published at Palmyra, Wayne County, N. Y. [FOREIGN ATTACHMENT] I BRADFORD COUNTY, SS. C( MMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. J To the Sheriff of Bradford County, C!i erting : Wo command you that you attach JOHN McDUFFIE ! and CLARISSA McDUFFIE, late of your County, by all I and singular their goods and cbattles, lands and tene | mcnts, monies, rights and credits, in whose hands or pos session soever the same may be .so that they be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be bolden at the I borough of Towanda, in and for said County, on the first i Monday of February next, there to answer "t OXSTANT MATTHEWSUN, of a plea of debt not exceeding five hundred dollars, and that yon summon all persons in w hose hands or possession the said goods, chattels, mo nies, rights and credits, or any of them may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before s .id Court, at the day and place aforesaid, to answer what shall be objected against them and abide the judgment of the Court therein ; and have you then and there this writ. Witness the Honorable ULYSSES XIERCUR, Presi dent of our said Court at the Borough of Towauda aforo ' said, the 11th day of Dcccmbpr, A. 1)., 18f2. E. O. GOODRICH, Prothonotary. ! TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES: j 1 certify that I executed this writ by attaching on tho j lltli day of December, ISG2, in the presence of J. T. 1). j Mver and John Fralick, good and lawful men of my bali i wick, all of the defendants, John McDuffee and Clarissa ' McDnffee's interest in the following described lot, piese i or parcel of land, to wit : the place known as the Con ' stant Matliewson farm, being iu Athens township, Brad t ford county. State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north ; by land of John F. Sattcrlee, east by Chester Stephens, • south bv James Thompson and west by tlie Susquehanna j River. Containing about 200 acres, about 160 acres im proved. with 2 framed houses, 1 large barn. 1 hcr.-e barn, | corn house, 1 Irame building used for the manufacture ! of medicine, with shed attached, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. A. II- SPALDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Dec. 15, 1862. \ UDITOR'S NOTlCE.— Entity (ii/leT^T. XX. John Randall. In the Court of Common Pleas of radford county. Xo. 452, May Term, 1861. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute monies arising from Sheriff's sale of defen | dant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint : rnent at the office of Wilmot A Xlorrow, in the borough | of Towanda. on FRIDAY, the 30th day of JANUARY. I 1863, at 1 o'clock. P. XL, when and where all persona i having claims upon said funds must present tlieni or els© ; be forever debarred therelrom. P.D.MORROW, | Dec. 11,1862. • Auditor, A UDiTOR'S NOTICE.— In thim-- ''- -AX. the estate of Orange Bosworth, d'~ ' .".iter OJ phans'Court of Bradford count'' a. In the Or j The undersigned, an *- ". ' to distribute th® " -uUitor, appointed by said Court ! estate <- , i I't occeds of the sale of real and personal i .a the hands of the administrators, Wm B Bto" vens and Betsey Bosworth.will attend to the duties ofUia appointment at his office, in the borough of Towanda on , THURSDAY, the 22d day of JAXU A IU7 1862 afiwo o clock, p. m., and all persons faaving claims upon said monies must present them, or els® be forever debarred from the same " ' w G PAtorruv Pee. 10, MM. * ' C j*SV