(Continued from First Page..) oasforting the traitors who arc in arms against heir country. This State has furnished more men for the defence of our institutions, and has lost more by the casualties of war, than any other State. She has given her blood and treasure freely, and is ready to give as much trore of both, as may be needful, ller people intend that, by the blessing of God, this rebellion shall lie j suppressed, and will not be turned from their , settled purpose by the woes of mu.-L.ed enemies j or the vacillations of feeble friends. On the , contrary, they will (as is their tight; insist ; that competent integrity, earnestness, iotcdcct, ( and vigor shall be employed in the public sci-. vice' to preserve the Government and to maiu-1 tain the unity of the country. c'"RTTN EXECOTIVE Detautment, Tlarrisburg. J in. i, l s D-S. fHb'CClflnfous. i Ayer's Sarsapanlla. \ COMPOUND REMEDY, in wliich wc ! J\ have labored to produce tin- most Chechia! altera- j ive that can be made. It is a concent rate a _ extract o H Para Sarsaparilla, so combined withothei siiost-uni ts i at ill greater alterat : vc power as to atloril an effective an tidote tor the diseases sht ••.-.> pan!, a is reputed to cure. It , is believed that such a remedy i- wanted by tho.-e who : Buffer from Strumous complaints, and that one v. iiu u it )il , accomplish their cure mu-t pr-.veoi immense service to this large class of our afhieb-d tenow citizens. How com- , uletcly tliis compound will do it has been proven bv ex yerini iitou many of the worst cases to be foiiiid ol the . Allowing complaints:— : SCROFULA AN!) Scil'lKl'L US CoIii'LAISTS, i .ill ITIONd , AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCEUS, i'nn i.Es, BLOTCHES, TujxOßS, SALT RIiECM, M 'i.U Ilrl .D, MTIUI.LS AND Stehjutic AFFECTIONS, Mercuri w. DISK vse, lmousv. Neuualoia ok TJC Doci.oui i .x. i'iini.ln, 1 -.-iei.-.a . iM! iMDIGESrtOK, EivaiFBLAS, ItORB OB AXTUONY S Fibe, and indeed the whole < l..ss oi ceiiu .ain.s mising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. | This compound wid bo found a grin.", toxpel tue tout hu-; mors which fester in the bloodat that season of the J 'ar i Btthe timely expulsion of them many rauKlrog *is-r ders arc nipped in the bud. Multitudes can by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves lroia tm- m.nraa •© oi j foul eruptions and ulcerons sores, through which the J system will strive to rid ib-iii of .rruptions. n fc-t as- | mated to do this tiiioti li the i. tur.n ei.ai ■• • J- j body lv an alterative medicine. C leanse oat the vitiated j blood whenever yo i find it - uupuniiei oat sting thron; the skin in pimples, crap;; >ns. or son s : .lena-e it win a ; vou find it is obstructed and sbiggiMi m t:ie tcius : j cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your leco igs n m a u • you when. Even where no particular dis irder is tel , j neople enjoy better health, and live longer, f<. < tvansing , the bland. Keep theblood healthy, and all IS well ; bnt with this pabulum of life di-nidered, t.iere tun oe no ; lasting health. Sooner or later mething must go , wrong, and the great math atry Oi hie is n.sordeicU oi . overthrown. , . | Sarsaparilia has, and deserves much, tl e r< utatu n, j of accomplishing these ends. But the won l has 1 egregiously deceived by pi par itioiisoi it,• - the drug alone has not ul! the virtue that i- nu.-'i ■ it, but more because mmy prepemtiolis. preU-uduij '••> )•: concentrated extr wis oi it, e ut:t■.. but little •! f-ie v i.- . tue of .Sarsaparilia, or any tiling e,-e. ~ ~ , During late years the public h ve been misled by large | nottles, pretending t.) give a quart ol extract more than assure the people il- quality is kept up to flic • best it ever lias been, and tli it it may he relied en to do ; for their relief all it h..s ever been found todo. AYEU'S CATHARTIC Pli.l^, For the cure of Costivencss, Jaenuice. j\v>pcpia, 1n,,-, gestion. Dy.-enterv, i-'oul Stomach .Erysipelas, Headache, i Piles, Rheumatism. Eruptions and Skin Disc i ■ - Liver j Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Bheum, I Worms, Gont, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Piil.and fir puri fyiug Hie Blood. They aresugar-coab,!, so that the most sensitive can take them pie • udly, and 11:< -y r.re th i" -t i aperient in the world lor all the purposes oi a CTII.n physic. Price 25 cents per Box ; 1 ive Boxes for iT,ou. j Great numbers of Clorgymc Pliy tns aijd eiuinent personages, i ave lent theirenames to certi y ■ tne nnparalled usefulness of these remcdii i,btrtOnr ; i e ; here will not permit the ir-erl-D-ti of them. T! - A i:t bclow named furni.-h gr.it'- our AM ::' an ALMA- \C hi ( which thoy are given ; with also full dci criptions of the ' above complaints, and the treatment that snoald be mi lowed lor their cure. Do not h-o put of. by unpr incip'vd deal- rs w.ih ctuer preparations they make more profit on. Demand Ayek ; S , aud take no others. 1 i.e sick want the be. t aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale 1; Dr. if C.P<>:.Trn. Avanda ; GUERNSEY A Dixciiut l, Tmy ; Fuv: v A V iiite, Hollow ; 1). D. PAiuciiius, J.cl! y ; lavi.ob, Granville: I). Wu.co.x A <'•>-. Cant >u; Ani-:. A ' '■> WILL, Alba ; BIXBY, Wyalusing ; PIOLLET, Wytox : Ktkvkns A BCRKOWS, Stevensville : Kodokks, West Warren : Loam a SONS, Burlington : NEWELL A. C .. Ul ster ; PERKINS, Athens?; sD:::av, Hurb.i • '•} ; A.. uv &e CAMP. Cainptown : NICHOLS, Htrrickville : LITTLE Lrßaysville ; BBONSON, Orwell ; Bkidleman, Orcotts Creek; MOODY, Rome ; KINNEY A GOBI:, She hequm, and l>y dealers everywhere. Towanda, July 31.1862. i T-213 O£D STAXTO STILL IX OPERATIOX.; SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY TO A the citizens of Bradlot-'. County, th.P h hand the largest stock <•!'Cakuiaue V. ens t i it AV.- j offered in Northern Pennsy'v :u i. cot;- -ti . < .' t-> ; . j buggies, 1 slide seat t-op buggy 4 IAVO horse Tie.o.i r.:t j wagons, 2 with tops, 4 one h rse d fmocrat, 2bjen i ;• j gies, 2 lumber wagons, besid s sevi r.il second band av.i ■ , ■ HIS. All made ot the best material, mostly ol Eastern I timber, and of the l itest style, ami !•< '■ r lu.ih l.uinic.y • other carriages in Northern Pennsylvania. The work is such that 1 warrant it to stand ail rc.u "U --abie use. . ' •The above will be sold low f r cash or approved credit as I wish to get out of the business. I also have3sul- j kies lor sale. X. R.—Work made to order eud repairing d r u . short notice. G.li. Dii VLL. Towanda, April 23,18C2. 2m I ONOOLN TO MESSTBB.! rET r.ll these seem only to increase Ihe busiuc-ss and prosperity ' the (Jid Fouuury an 4 iviACZiim. shop, (South side of Fine St., one door Ih -t i-i I!. P. Her cur's Store.) The undersigned Avmild .!! the attention of ill <->n cerncd to the fact,that he i- p •• ,>. r d to do, and will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch,and in tli most workman like manner. FITTING UP MILL IRONS. RFPAIRTNG STEAM ENGINES, from the simplesl to the most complicate, in any of their parts, and WARRANTED to give satislac- 1 Aion. FLOWS always on hand of the most approved pat terns. wooded in the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to his :,n ilit'es for doing work, and employing experienced workmen in every department, he is confident tlint he can satisfy ail who lavor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 15, IsCf). Sew Furniture and Chairs. T HAVE JUST IxECEIVED A LARGE .1. and extensive assortment of Sofas. Mohogany Chairs, Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fine Cane-seat, Wood, and Rush-bottom, iiair, Cane-seat and Cane-back Rockers, booking-Glasses, Cord and Tassels, Picture Frames, Ac.. Cheaper than the Cheapest. 455* Please call and s =tis!Y vourselvcs. Towanda, June 2ti, Istu. ' * CHESTER WELE3. "IDLASTER FOR SALE.—Cayuga Ground - ,or ' !1 Rrge or small quantities, at KASQX S MILLS, in Monroe. All kinds of Grain taken in payment. J. S. BALiSBUBY A CO. Mouroe, Oct. 22,1502.—tf. rPHE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID i. . forßuckwheat ut MASON'S MILLS- Xos, let>2 aarsctllantoiis. Susqncjjattna Colltghtlt lustitate, TOIVAXDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACULTY : Rev. JAMES McWTT.LTAM, Principal. Prof??or of An cient Languages,and Mental and .Moral Sciences. SAM) EL L, i'ISEER, A. Li. Professor of. Mathematics j and Natural Science. | Prof.CHARLES K. CO BURN. County Superintendent, I General Director of Normal Department. ; Miss E. MALYKN. ) p rc . ce ntress C s. ML E. C. CAUT-Klt. j 1 K P Miss E. GLEASON, Teacherof Yocai ; nd luslramea u The Fall Term commences WED 2 ESDAY, AUGUST 20, aud will continue 11 weeks. TUITION, TEH TERM : i [Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering tIL school, and one-half at themiddleol the term—fuel i and contingencies included.] I Primary, per term $ 1 00 i Preparatory v 6 00 I Higher, Ist year, per term 1 00 j Flintier. Ist and 2d year, per term 8 00 I classical, Ist year, per term 7 0u ; Classical, 2d and .'H year, perform 8 06 N. B. Pupils will lie classed by the most advanced 1 branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for uel and contingents. EXTRA EXPENSES: French $ 3 00 Gcrmar 3 00 Drawir,: 5 00 Board in 'he Institute, per week, including fuel and lig-.t 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms ot 14 weeks each. The Anniversaiy exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, except in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will not. as heretofore, be tanght in the Institution,but by special arrangement—a class wiF lie taught in a hall adjoining the grounds of the Institute by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. 1 Disarrangement has been adopted for tlie past term . nd e\p< rienoo lia proved it to-be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains wili be t.iki ito si cure the greatest progressf tliose wii-hing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will beas heretofore. Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 00 Use* of instrument on which to take lessons f,o do for practice 2 00 Pupils boarding in the I-lall will furnish their own tow i Is, A el, and the table silver at their option. It is desira hie that they also furnish their own bed anil bedding I wii u it is convenient, bnt when otherwise, these will be furnished ut a slight charge. R i - strongly recommended that students from abroad | (••liei.id b aril in the Institution, as belter opportunities for advancement in study lire thereby secure j. Nunnal Dcparti.uut —Special cx-T.-ises are arranged 1 without extra ( Large for those preparing themselves as Teach< re of Common Schools. Prof. C. it. COBURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools | in the county, has kindly const nted to organize the Tea- I cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. ! lit- will al-o bo present to conduct its exercises as often i ns jiraeticiu-le, and will deliver frequent lectures on the i Theory eud Practice of Teaching, as also on other subject.- j ; connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach-1 ing i >r the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage ■ to be present ditrin : the Fall term. Pi- l. Ciihuru's connection with the institution is not i such a to in any way interfere with the discharge of the j re: i:b r duties i I his office. , No pains will be spared, on the part of the Facnltvand ; Trastees in sustai'.Jiig the high repulatation the instita ■ tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor i liy of future patronage aud .support. J AMES Mc WILLI AM, Principal. July 23, 1862■ KHW CODDING & RUSSELL, RAVE pnrchased the large and well known establish ment of I. Hall, and are now receiving from New York, the largest and most complete assortment of HABD- W A E E, ever pffered for sale in this market, which will be sold ( HEAP for Cash orappoved Creait. V.'e b ,vj a large and selected slock of Wood and ! Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and style of Parlor, Dining-Room. Six-Plate, and Cylinder ' Stoves, which we can. and will sell as cheap as can 1 e I hurchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a full and complete assortment oi IRON AUD STEEL, j Nad avd Glass, Paints and Oils, House Trimmings, C. r riage Trimmings. Springs, Iron Axels and Boxes, of I all sizes, Carpenters and Joiners Took?, Black, -smiths To Is, Crosu-cut, Cirmdar and Mill Saws, Table aud Pocket ci j nzr w -ms: us 72..^. ' 9 of every description. Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tubes. ILCU !"FAA \S k .*Yi? !'LITC W the latest and most approved patters, A iargeqnantity ' <-i TIN-WARE AND r-'i'OYE PIPE, always on hand.— [ Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and I*, r.n ol . FATO-IIXG TOOItS. ! .TO?. WORK d mc- on short notice and warranted.Beet GRAIN, Old Iron. Copper, Brittannia, Brass, l wax and Feath-r.-, 1 ik-m in excliangelor Goods. ! We hivite " the wbofe world and the rest of mankind," j to call and examiite our onr goods before porehasin;,-. | Our motto will be use every man wellaud submit to uotii *-()>•. door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell's- Block, Main street, CODDING & BU3SEIX. JOHN A. CVI'DiSG, 1 tf. f. r.u- sttfi I Towhnda, Sept. 21, 1860. i NEW ATTRACTIONS ! 1 f.' SLi Goo, Z2. "Weed's C-aHery TOM'ANDA, PA. Yea can procure, at low nriecs, ! \ : >f all sizes, up to life uize, either ji'ain or re —— l touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MF.LAIXOTYPES and AMBROTYPES. and al i rp •-! aii other binds of types. Pictures in good cases for i to cents, ai d other -izrs and qualities i:i proportion, i Melainotyi es made in all kinds oi weather, (exeejit for I All work warranted. July 25,1861. : EGQK j t|?HB snbacriber having withdrawn from the Argun ! JL building wonld respectftrlly inform the public that I he ha.- removed Ms Plain and Fancy Tjiudi ry to the Noi tli ' fi i -m of the W ;:d!lou e, formerly occupied by the Post I Odi-'C, where hejs now prepared to bind all kinds ol ' 1 ' in the mo.-t approved aml workmanlike manner Having t: .-hare my profits with no second person I fiat - I tcr :a\ ei. that my prices will meet the satisfaction oi the | pi:' iie. j if: •ukful for the confidence reposed in me and Hie pub- I ■ appic idtion <-i' my work, for tael.i-t two years,] | shall end wi rinth „ future to merit the continuance of public support. | Particular attention given to re-binding Cooks. All i work will be wsn"ranted. Terms. Cash. i ;"Ai :o,a large a sortment of STATIONERY of the host quality, at t!.e lowest prices. Justices' and Consta ble' :'i. \N .\ -. u! z',l kiuds. PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval: and pic tores liaiiied to order,cheaper than ever known here. JO 11 ANN F. RENDER. ToWanda, Jan. 11.1 -"-lio. Bookbinder and Artist. THE WAR TO 13E SETTLED! THE OLD TAILOR. SHOP STILL IN MOTION. f \ 11. HUNTING, TIIL OLD STAND • * • BY TAIF.OR, wmtld inform the public that he is still doing business at liis old stand, where he is still pre p ired to execute aii kinds of work in his line on the short est notice, aud in the most approved style. Having lately secured OLC of the most perfect systems j fur cut! big in i xistence, he can warrant smooth and easy j fits with safety. By an arrangement with the merchants, he is enabled !to get up suits at a very low figure, for cash. He would | inform the public that lie is agent tor A. Bartholfs Sow ling Machines, the best machine extant—which will be : furnished for cash, for from 130 up to as may be de j sired. N. B—lie is prepared to clean and mend garments at reasonable rates, to suit the times—making them IOOK nearly as nice as new. Call and try him. Ws*Cntting done as usual on short notice. Shop on Main st.. opposite Godding . Towanda, Nov. 20, 1861. ID IFT Y FIRST RATE BUTTER FIR- X. KINS, for sa eat 65 cents a piece. Also, a quanti yof Tubs at 38 cents a piece at G.H.DRAKE'S June 11. Outrage Manufactory in Towanda up HE highest preraiurn paid for Gold and I- Silver, also, for the U. S. Treasury notes old issue.— Certificates for the back pav and bouuties of discharged and deseased soldiers cashed bv * B. S. RU3SELL, A Co. Towanda, August 28, 1862. SKfsrellancous. I "GREAT BARGAINS From 83,000 to 84000 Wortlij OF ■ FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, j TO BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY | Having bought recently the , Alliens ; binct Ware Kooms, I Anil entire stock orFURXITURF. Iron; the late pro* J prietor, It. M. WELLES, it will be sold forCASH TUIE STOCK IS LARGE /gy* , -t and very complete, has been well Sh selected, and is well adapted for the r :£; _ J I- I- < ■ ' :. i i ■ ]•' A , common remark made by visitors to i iIV • this establishment, "Why, I had no J g-AA^T'-' ' A idea you had such a large and splen- ! did assortment of Furniture. 1 have ';C* ' ""-fcC: seen nulling like it short of the city." 1 We have BKDSTFADS from f'/.O A and upwards. COTTAGE and other f (II A IKS, in great vara It. from ?!.<> \\ £' to fTi.Ol) per set. TABLES from $11,50 if wt upwards, and Everything else in Proportion. j Z2Djarr-_HLr , JEa r®: 2M3*9 : rf every style, size and price, to suit the means and taste lin any and all customers. 0* Call and see our stock. Athens, Pa., July -4 1361. F.N. FACE. NOW READY! ' OiBTIITTC PSRf i P 0!-! U'OPsfC Lin ILL Ho 11 .'rf iiiUifHtiilnc TO WAND A, PENNA. i riHIE Subscriber begs leave to call tlie at. JL tention of the public to the T. t that lie lias enlarged his motive power and purchased and set up additional machinery, and employed a larger :wuP < r <: workmen than formerly, so that he is now prepared to execute or ders for Castings or Machinery with promptitude. He lias at his works all the P VTTKKNS in u.-e by the iate firm of W1.1.11. i liifiins.v Son ot Klniira N. Y.,and lias als j added to these, patterns of various kinds. MILL I HONS furni-hi 1 for Gri-t Mills, Gang, Gate, Circular and Muley .- tw Mills, besides STEAK 3 IE3 of different sizes and styles lin fact almost any kind o! Castings or Machinery in coram' a use. Steam Fittings such i s Strain P•?, /ilb- r-s, It-ha . J.. ids, / , C'JUfUnl at.-- ■ I mo. (.11 (tic Valcet, Guage Cocks, Oil Cups, Whistles, 4*c. always on limn l , and made to order. lie is also p;-. pared t> famish 3XEAM BOILERS of: any si/.' or i:ind want: Small Castings made in Br;.-s or Composition. Cook-1 ing and Heating Si >ves of different sizes iaanuf; l 1 ire i and for Sale at the at- ve works. Furniture for Cooking | Stoves and Stove Pi;.'.-;: 1 u y- 0:1 li.ind. Persons who want GEABIS G any kind are informed : that the subscriber has rm>re ; •'* : ■■> for ? a. hayotlfer con.-t-rn in t .- . .t of ' ■ . ■ , iy. It y ; would be quite sure ol linding anion : his Pi- .-;i,s tuur-1 ing that would answer their wants and thus save delay j and expense in getting up woik. He makes ab>o a large variety of Pulley;. Bulanbe j Wheels and Cranks, Water Wheels : , Gum n--. . Thimble Skeins and Pipe li it.., Iron i'l .t c, Culdror.s. j Plows, &c. His equipment of machinery eon -Ms of n good tools j as are made, and was selected with t i- -b ' ..1 <■ being j able to do any j >b whi h might be offered, whether larf or small. In -hurt his .. ' n has ln.cn to ~-.t up in a!! i respects a tir.-t 1 i.i is est . 1 i.-:iuiciit. Terms Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid for ] Old Pewit rand Brittauia. Works situated on Main Street 11. ar P.ivlay if. R. C'snal Basin. O. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, April 11, 18(51. i'n >. i>toi. NEW ARRANGEMENTS, { lIIAIR. BESDTEAD A FURNISHING ! \J WAREEOOM.—ELI BROWNING respectfully in forms the public that he has pure!.;:- d trom .lames Mm k inson hi- st ick ol Pin r.iturc. and rented 1 ;- -la p A r.-mis ! and is prepared to offer to purchasers g eat inducements , in all articles in hisline. He \.-:ii manufai ture and keep 1 0:1 hand at all linn . a stock of CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, ieej/ tin; want.- "i the • oiifrv. lie a.-ks h" tin- afltiilieii ot these wishing to 1 Fi.uy t.> ti;c arth h s kept 1-y him.as : he i- i: leiitiintd that in the - niliiy ; J . !•" - t! ■ • ch. m e oi male 'rT*""~.y~ —'—**, rial and the price not to be ouutdon 5. ..Y, .. 'yby any estuiili-liment. L'eingsatis lled that the READY , PAY system is the I. t for both ; urchascr and reiler, his business will be conducted upon j that system. He will, however, take in exchange foi I work, ail kinds of Country Produce, at ihi market price } T TJ IT I IST G- 7 Ofall kinds, done to order, in the best manner, at reason able rates, and on h<>rt notice. jg-g- The Undert iking Department will be conducted, as usual,by Mr. M ickmson who is prepared with ani w and splendid Hearse to attend to ail cal.s in lus line. Towanda. Arril 7.1 •*;". t .A , / : G > f \ r- ' i * \ ( A h IFT AIIIS IS THE ESTARLISII AI EN T 5- where you can find a vc-ry fine assortment, of WA i i i! ;•.< AND JEWKI.RV .f al'th - riptlons, A-i a good stock ol 1" LOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings up. and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. I am also agent forthesaleot D. E. LENT'S celebrated Barometer.-, whh h every t'trmer -honhl always have. Pn ees from to i'2o, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike mannoratid war ranted. WM.A. CHAM BERLIN. sJoa!, Lime, Cement, Tire Slick, Strain Silos, 6lc. THERE is a Lime Kiln at the Barclay Company's Basin, in Towanda, where is kept con stantly ior saie. fresh burnt H hite I.imr . made from the l est quality of New York lime stone at '-'5 cents per bushel, or $L per barrel, headed up in barrels, and l.'t cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped on boats pt Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse ll'nh r J.imc at i l "1 per barrel, and Fire th ick at 8 eerit< each. Drain 'i iics and 1 inch tiles at 'J.:! and i cents per foot, a very nice article for draining bud or about dwellings. La relay Coal a* -2 . ') per ton for Lump Coal :i~d $2 (m per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay Goal Company, Towanda. ,T. MACFARLANE. Towanda, Oct. 6.1862. Gen. Superintendent. Good Flour and Good Bread! WHY IS IT THAT SO MANY EAMI- Y ? LIES HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of the house, and you will invariably receive in answer : The Hour is po-r or the yeast is poor. To avoid these ir üblc - buy your Hour a! way- at FOX'S . and use Stratton's Yeast Compound, to be had at the • j same place; it always gives satisfaction. The best quality of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour and fresh ground Corn Meal, all at low prices, at the Cash Grocery Store. E. T.l'OX. Jan. 2s, 1562. 'nARRISBURG NAIL WORKS. THE undersigned Ims on hand a supply ot Nails, from these well known work. The nails are I made from Pennsylvania Iron, manufactured expressly I for this purpose, and are of as uperior quality. For sale j to dealers only, andon better terms than they can obtain in New York. Enquire at the Banking Office of It. S. I RUSSELL ACO It S. RUHSEI.L. ' Towanda, Marah 18,1S2. iHcrefigntJffc, Arc. ■cifiss, sM &i nun. NOW !S YOUR TIME TO Itl' YYO UII CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWM PRICES. | [PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE! I TUST RECEIVED.—A Largo Stock of ; M FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, at J. CORN'S F.fmira Branch Clothing Store. Says coolly, boldly and deliberately, that lie take.-, tie lore most ol the Clothing i Merchants 01 Towanda. Eigtlieen hundred and sixty-one has come, and the . light and beauty of Spring shines upon us, with all its ' radiant splendor. I shall continue to sell Clothing, for Ca-h, cheaper than any other man, as my goods are all bought cheap for cash, and they will be sold cheap for j cash. f My goods are all manufactured in Elmira, therefore, I can warrant them well made. Enough for me to say, 1 have everything 111 the line of CLOTHING! : GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, KAT3 CAPS, &C., That is kept in any other Store in town. My banner is 011 the breeze, I " And long may it wave, O'er the land of the free, And the- home of the brave ! While her Stars and Stripes Shine out like sun. Telling all the nations That Freedom's began." This _.s a free country ; therefore if is free for all to do their trading where they can do the l>c-t, regardless of the cross and sour looks of old fogy merchants. 1 invite j \ON T<> come and see me—country AS wellthe city are ; invited—every person. rich or poor, high or low, bond or j free are invited to call. Come one, come all. and stop your speed, £ We've Go; Is enough for all in in ed, The boys, thr-mselves, are at their posts, ! And they alone t an supply a host. O'er other dealei- in this town. 'J in se same boys have won renown, t For selling the > btapest and the best, And selling more t ban all the rest! Hurrah! hurrah ! o'er hill a d plain, Accept our thanks, and call again, Among our assortments youTI always find, Goods to fit, and please the mind. We're on h nd and a'v. ays villing. To sell our Go d.s, and earn a -hiibng! B bol l .your horses, and come this way, We shali be glad t > -re you a iv day, j At JOHN SHLAM'S (lothing Store, next door to U.S. Meteor'.- Dry G< od • Store, Main Street, Towanda, Pa. N. B.—We wish to be understood, that we arc not to he undersold by any man, or comhinati in of men. 1: ■' No charge for showing our Goods. Towanda, March 12, W .T. CORN. |.2ii3 Argils iiook bmctery j Again i.a Full Operation I ■ TT7E have the gratiflcath nofann ran eing to onr frfends, j vV customers, and the public, that we arc now pre -1 pared to do BOOK ITi IJJiS r O, i in r.Il its Branches in thebtr-t and most approved styles, and on the most favorable terms. Having secured, permanently, the services of Mr. H. I C. WHITEKAR, a finished workman from Philadelphia, [ end having added ex! u. iveiy to the fixtures of the con |ci I:I it:g i- r hlcility ihan foriuerly—tve ry Store and Printing Office, where all work should be delivered. CAUTION.—Wc are ccuipei: -.1 in jasCve t-v o*sr-:-lvcs, and our old cu tom< re, • 3 well as to pt event an imposition j upon the publi • g<- u-.. !ly, to 1 t! -n them a f.iiiift a sort a concern, that falsely holds out i.> the public that it Is ! t!:e Bindery. This/ramf is p;•;••••, -d n • doubt. with a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold ! and deliberate attexq l to deceive, they are hereby cau ' tioued. S'ir Particular attention paidto re-Binding. Ail work | gu.ll ranted. Z'r Ymntry Produce of ali kinds taken in payment j for work. " ' C'g~ Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pr.re.l to !:•;• nd Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or pattern, at pri< es as ! >was elsewhere. NO COMPROMISE! AT TIL?: u In i uiA bir}JJ J \ i J 1 Located ai Towanaa, IVnn'a, CSOB-CiS! iVEcC'ASa INFORM HIS FRIENDS 1 ? and tbe people of Bradford county in general, that he has pureh;i.-rd the Marble Yard formerly owned by 'fay lor A I a.-h, and has add.-d to bis stick .1 large as sortment of American and Foreign Marble. He invites the public to see his la ge .-tuck before pur chasing el-ewiieie,a-; he ha the la'ges. stock ever ill ihi; county. Customers purchasing at the shop or sending their orders will save at least AO peri-en!, and not be troubled v. iG: agents looking after grave stones b-fue the ct ipse is buried, and who are aot responsible. Come i and set what you are getting. Having tioeu in the busi iicss for the last _. v> rs, in th.e city of Philadelphia, he ' intends to keep :i variety always on hand of Marble Mau t!. s Monumenis. Grave kaid Posts, Head Stones and Tombs, at city prices. IV., Yard ..u Main street, opposite Can. Patton's. N. B.—Alterations and Repairing prontptlv attended GEO. McCABE. Towanda, Pre. 18. 18(51. Tlii'csliing Machine Agency ( ATTENTION!! FARMGRS ! rjIIIE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT : X in the county of Bradford and the neighboring eoun- 1 lies in Pennsylvania and Now York, tor EMER Y ' S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are 1 too well and popularly known to need any description from me, and I will only .-ay that they continue to de serve the reputation they have enjoy ed for ten years ot being the " best Endless Chain Horse Power in use." Those Powers pos-ess conveniences and advantages pos sessed by 110 other power. EMER Y' S XE W PAT EX T THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and lias not before been intro- 1 duced into this region. It lias no endless chain straw ' carrier, but separates all kinds of grain thoroughly from ' the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass t Celled Apron,a new Improved Revolving Picker, and the well known Vibrating Riddle. It is a simple, durable I and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly, without wasting, all kinds of grain. It will not ( choke, run easily anil steadily, without jumping, and is 1 warranted to be superior to the common Rake Cleaner now in use. It remains only to be seen and tested, to lie 1 pronounced by every experienced band at threshing, to < be an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and 1 Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATEES arc not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds AanxcuziT'O'ziAXi rvXft.cszrrEK.'B' at manufacturers prices and terms. £sf- For further information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., applv to R. M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa.. July 30,1861. A CASP, present depressed state of tlie Money 1 . Market having had tbe effect to place many kindsjof Goods within tbe 1 each of Cash buyers, at much lower prices hun heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no tice that he has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent, within the past ten days and is now offering many bargaius such as have heretofore never oeen equal! Ed in this market. Dec. 10. ]S(;o. JOSEPH POWELL. i JURIED FRUIT, coon NIUEO APFI.ES, Blackberries, Rasnbevries and Vhertlebemes. cheap -FOIB XttcWcal. DR.POR I OLD DRUG STORE. Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its faciilties and apparatus for compounding and pre- j paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote j the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use o:ily selected arti cles, and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become TBS SiISJJ MS 37021E j With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL; ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED AS KEPRESESTED. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Trapor tens or i- irst Holders > f Goods and Casli Purcha ses, the prices will always be at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN* EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass. DRUGS a DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this extensive slock will be sold i Cheap for Cash ! PRICES REDUCED, VIZ; Of Soaps. Perfumery, Bnbhcs, Combs. Pocket IXnivcs and Razors, Lumps and Materials far Lipid. TRUSSES K SUPPORTERS, W;N:S AND LIQUORS, ONLY Fori MEDICINE TOBACCO & SNUFF. All lite I > opidur Putrid, jfedicines, I Teeth, Skin &. Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles cf all Descriptions, hvled'C, Jt'lanic and Ifometnpa title. Ahdicinvs Spices, Bird Seed, Lamp Shades and Garden Seeds. FiSli TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the mc-t complete assortment, embracing i the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised lor the Cash System. PR. POUTER'S CAMPIIENE! Lit. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID! Are Fresh, dailj prepared, and unrivalled by any in the ! Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS j I*or family Use, Known as fre'e and Reliable IT mcdies, are warranted fo what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter s Pectoral Syrup price 37J cents Dr. Povicr'.- Family Enii.roeatioa •' 23 • i Dr. Poiti r'- Ton - i ixer '• 50 " Dr. Porter's V.'urm Syrup " g,j • 1 Br. Porter's Syr. Ifypoplio'-jthites.. " 100 •' Dr. Porters Uterine Fonic '• [jp << Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder •< 25 " II:-. Porter's Trie-. :ie " 2". Mr. Porter's 'J 1 ic. ; io " 2"> " ! Dr. Porter'- <><•. 25 " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion " 37* << Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison 25 " Dr. Por ■:' - Bia k Ink " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " Dr. Forter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " Dr.Poi-. i( it rate Magnesia " 25 " Medical Advice given gralußoasly at the olSti Charging only for Medicine. Jfif"Th:in!;.o! 1 -i pa t liberal patronage would respect fuliy announce to his friends and the public thatno pains shai! !•pared t.. satisfy ami merit the continuance of j tht in rutin 111 e and patronage, at tije f 7' ""5 S Ci4-/-. , *Trv ? Sv O lIG 1 si/ o C truer of Main and Piuc streets. Towanda. Sept. 1-51. IIOTELICEET'ERS, I DRUGGISTS, EAR .VERS, A XI) ALL WHO WANT k f US B'ffl np , r*v i-gf s\ /r tie dad j-s-ii" lussjl fessL . fi<*z T IT ATE just received from the City, P L Large Stock <>f IMPORTED Ft nU LIQUORS, of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS has been pur 1 based for F.YSII, directly from tiic Importers, wherebv I cm enabled to furnish i anners for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of an\ kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever be ore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine mv stock before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have facilities foi purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE m\ goods at New \ ork WHOLESALE PRICES! Beside? my Liquor? are warranted pure and unadnlter ated. I have also on hand the Largest Stock and (>t Variety of * Ever brought to Towanda, whi< h having been purchasee directly from the Manutacturers and Importers, enabbl nie to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists or the city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invites to an examination of my entire stock ot Liquors, Cigars and To' acco. .Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will be kept constantly on hand, at price? LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that I ant enabled to sell my entire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods can be pnrclui'-od this side of the City, I respectfully so licit the public to an examination at No. 5, Brick Row. 11. W. NOBLE. Towanda. .Tune 1 f. 1856. Hyf-ATR/IC TT3VEE! FORWARD ! MARCH ! TO THE NEWS ROOM ! Where You can gel the Lalsel News! AND IF YOU WANT TO KEEP -X A. well posted on the events that are passing before the American people, just ask for one of THE ILLUS TRATED PAPERS. They are really worth double the price we ask for them. And while you are there you may as well get a MAP showing all the important points in Che country. Or, you may want to write to your friends, and you can get the verv latest style of PA Till OTIC NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Kit' Come and see what we have got. and satisfy your selves Don't forget the place— THE MEWS ROOM. To,' 'ida, June 12,1861. DACK PAY, BOUNTIES AND PEN I ) SIONS.—The undersigned will attend to preparing ekums for back nay. bounty and pensions. . D.MORBBW Business (Earns. TAD WARD T. ELLIOTT, ~ATfrZ>> -EJ AT LA It', Towanda, Pa. store. ufljc e over A Towanda. July 23, IRC2 lv. 1 X>ENJ. M7 PECK, A TTCji- V, 113 LAW, TOWANDA, p A All lif ■ .<1 ' to bis care, will receive prompt attemi I Col. E. Smith, over Tracy A Moore's j April 11. IM;1 ' rjIHOMAS J. INGHAM 4 tt~, ■ X '-.nr. 1,-.!- IT r X. WILLIAMS. ATTORA-X I I • LA W, CANTON FA.. will att,i ness entrusted to his care in thecourts,, i ' i: ■ Ly< - i. i o's. .Soldiers claims and pensions rirom,o June 21. 1862. promptly aUa .._. X. OVEKTOK, JK /AYERTON k MONTANYF \J A'A'K.V AT J.A IF—Office in I,' / ! j Lt y occupied by'JAs.M ackaklank. Elon Wt-k j TAIL E. 11. MASON, PJI YKfr 1 1 v - I / SURGJ-OX, oflbrs hi, /?-} people of towanda and vicinitv. ..en, , ' s on Pine street, where hecan aiv.a-- i, , : "'-U professionally engaged. J " ~JUr' t/! 1,1 • j Towanda,Nov. 20, i- * CABBIEU, U-'ON. Towanda, O. SI. WQORUrr-£:3N£7 S [■] AR R A XG\ l M Kyr J S ill V.-;i.-!.';;gton, with CI. A LLKN lIOW prep 111-1 to I •'h-cta'fv Jf; 1 Government, Back Pay, Bounty ami Pen '■ • • percentage. £, • , j WILMOT r.n.nd WILM T 81 MORROW ATTORNEY .s AT LAW. TOWANDA, PE'LVi (OJfire lat i.ly occupied by Judg M.ccui.) 'F W ATKINS, having volunteerwi 1 i CA • gone into the army, the partnership of WIIJ •> I K ••fifed. Til ■ I . Vt'f; '■ .- • ; \'Qb'l,'o"' v.'i; up the busiisc- a. : ;..•>! , | W ;!m ,t & Watkias, and atten Ij promptly ij ani a . n • 1 \ ijt. ~ u.;'i - led t . I. j Aug .14.1 s<;2. I ("w IA YOUNG THRIFTY FR3 MMi'.-a/y mM 1 1 REfiS.star '.n-Janddwai-f.<-• - i .d! tin- !•; t variefii-s f Fruit ofti-red 1 r . q'ichanna r,arscrit-.!.'■ ited at t c.v ;ci-, ati.l .1' I —the coming fall. The trees are growing on e : 1 I sod most be sold. Grape Vines by the huadi i ■ I and. vci'v cheap. ** WACTLD—A few intelligent, active ,• • - i worthy b-rei:.. -- m-u. a • agents, to - , j 'l ie, -. PI u:*.s. >• nibs. A>-.. dleivcrt-d in the' ki: j. A libcial conjpensaion will be paid. DANIEL IIARKIV Towanda. Pa.. July 23, 18(52. ly. ! "WARD HOUSEI towanda, Fa. . r |' 11 IT Piibscribers having leased this ~ X known Hotel for a term of years, would i friend- and the traveling public, that they will U:. happy to ac' !;iiii..,l,te all who may favor tiara *■,. call. It v-i ! be the aim ot the present nraprietr make the W.vun HOKSK at once comt'ortacie, pitis in,! cl;e- rfiil. Vours Truly, Jan.l T rei.l. POWELL & SW7I McC ABE'S CENTRAL 51 EAT MAItKH Bclo'V J. Kingsbet y's sieve, Jlninst. , 'j--;!:! .-übsctiber w -:M res]ie. tfuify lendr.-"ih • I ti id st," the ] i-' lie toi the v.-rv -_xt:-i;,.- ito !i;: 1, and 'd;cits a conthi'ia . <• : lie begs leave to assnre that heintendstolo as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS of all n •he !est the conn'rv affords, wht-li l.c i-.t very small profits, either by the iid.>. q in :•••■• 3 Sit*A qnantity first qnßit ufSALT PORK,W by inyelf. heap. Ly tTie iaml 5r pound. Mi ts wi:: ' pronr i'y de'iv-re 1, at any t'.*.?e*3 the 1 orporation. I Towanda. August 12.1850. J M- CAB RAILRO AD~I[OTE 2V. ;r the JSurclety HailroaJ tci .-.-a'nas PE&WA. r P R. JORDAN reM"rtfully mforES i L • the public tn. ihe has 1 rsd the we'l-knovaj eru stand toniierly 01, npicd by M. T. ( A.au": ; lower part of tie borougU ot V iB-anda. v. ; , !: ticc 11 r tittcif ami t!:■ nighiV re fun.i,hi 1. lit* iiiv:''~ ; patronage ot the put,lie -.villi ev rv coatidencv Vi) can give entire satisfaction to such as may lave? wit li a calf. His BAR will be kept stocked with the best quafltd LIQUORS, and the be-d brands of CIG.-MfS. Extensive stabling is connected with the koust.l reliable attendants will enly be kept. No pains or expense wiifbc spared to deserveH*? ronage of the public—and the charges will Lerei- 1 * bie. ■ in la. April 1.1881. Hiitracidinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF FI'RXnURE jiA'D Ep If A VING greatly increase-l raff stock of Cabir.i t v.'are and t'h- " 1 .Teterniined to dispose of these at - tions raiiiilly. and with that design otf-r ail art--"- 1 - injirccedentrd low prices, for Cash. ... Good Sofa < at $1(1 t i S2O, tine Cane Seat Chairs .■ each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shilling-. f , 1 have now i:i- ro than GO diiTercnt patterns of' - Bureaus, Desks for liie farmer or merchant, m Glasses giass Plates,Porti ait md l'ict ' rl of gilt, Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut patterns of Stands : extension, dining.ti 1 an-1 * ' ides. Hall Stands, and in fact anything that can tr ill a city Ware-house. .., A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, vt--"' Hearse ready, at all times. , Purchasers will lie sure to find the right side ol the public square, one door east >•: M -U. . Towanda. I >ec. 1. 185 9. CHESTER War of the Rebeilion, 18^ T D. GOODENOUGH hereby vJ • t . all persons i from the city of Washington, a package ot Ili.Ujl jj for olitaining the Bountv-Money, Arrears ot l-d-jj Pay. Pensions, and all arre irages or sum- of me; tor services, or by reason ot the death of any * the pre-ent war. For the more speedy pr-'-e ' said claims, he has associated himself with a re.- A toinev at the city of Washington. He flatters that from his long experience in procuring L ar; rants, Pensions. Ac., that hecan give at leas: satisfaction as t!io-e can who have had less exp o '' - and on as reasonable terms. Towanda, June It, 1852. NEW U. S. 44 5—20" LOAN BANKING HOUSE OK 15. S. lb- n'• ,v U TOWANDA, June 30,.l ! * b -' rFHE SUBSCRIBER WILL X applications and furnish to subscribers L'. j for the New Loan of the United States, authorizes Act of Congress, February 25, 1862. The? issued in sums of SSO, SIOO, SSOO. and lI.ODL < - lions attached, and are dated May 1. 1 - twenty years, but redeemable at the option or • ermneut atter five years, and bear interest J 1 ' S .D G per cent.. payable in Gold <>n the Ft of ,f'\ vf ml er, in each year. The Legal Tender Aa • | ('nihil Stnh s trill be rertictd at par. Payrne so he made in other funds adding the current _ . change on New York. The allowed interest w ' or its riwiloHl o-