Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 27, 1862, Image 3

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'■ NOTICE.—The annual
■ „ of the Bradford county Agricultural Society,
at the CcurtHouse,in this borough, on Mon
tbc i s t December, at 7 o'clock P. M.
PAXCINO —Mrs. SHAW'S private Danc
• classes, meet at the Ward House, on Fridays at 3 P
ing j.j, m. Mrs. SHAW has the reputation of being
xcelicnt instructress, and we advise all who desire iu
SDC <-tion in this art, cannot do better than give her a
'all Tk c first entertainment will be on Friday, '2eth inst.
PEPICATION. —The now M. E Church,
• sheshequin (D. V.) will be dedicated on Tuesday, tlie
id of December, at 10 o'clock a. m. Rcmon by Rev. !•'•
• UnjiiAun, I). I). Preaching uKo in the evening at G4
o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend.
k ecn decided that if a person has been dratted and furn
ishes a substitute who is under age or an alien, he is free
from all future drafts. But shou'.J the substitute be on
the roll ol the militia, and another draft is ordered, and
the substitute is drawn, the principal who employed the
substitute has to go himself or procure some other per
E0„ Y\'K regret to learn that onr esteemed
friend. Prof. H- RFICK, is about to take his permanent
departure from this place. He goes to Nor walk, Conn.,
where he purposes engaging himself in tlie Photographic
rt, in which he is a decided adept. In him the lovers
of music in this vicinity lose one whose place cannot
easily be supplied—a ' gentleman and a scholar"—
while the citizens ol Norwaik will gain a valuable and
lespectcd resident.
FEY- IF S. RUSSELL is appointed subscrip
tion agent for the new ;National Loan of six per cent
IHIIUD. We understand that this loan is offered to sub
scribers at par and is tho only lean of the Government
to be had on such terms. Every loyal citizen who h t.-
a few hundred dollars to invv.-t. cannot do better than
br inventing in this loan. lie will receive a good interest
on hi- money, and have the gratification of knowing
thai he is aiding his nation in sustaining itself in th.
present struggle. Subscriptions at the rate of one mil
lion of doll.tis r week are being mad i:i Philadelphia
and we trust that the citizens of this county will do what
they can towards it.
BST' SMTPEn'Dkath. —Mr. C E. J. MAP
TIN, of Granville, was ound lying dead, near his Tan
ner v, oil 1- riJay. I4ih in.-,*. 11. had e; ■ - u l ' iillj dud o
heart diJease. ami when found li:e had been for ,-von
time cxiinct.
Mr. MAi.'i in was si man in Hie irino of 'id-, and Ibor.'
but a short time an -idi nt of Granville, had g.i i d tin
respect o' all who knew him- Ili.s 1 u.-ine-s lel.itiou
were extensive, and bis ue-iliugs satisfactory to the eon.
muuity w here he resiil-.-l II- I is deeply dcplor
not only in hi- iminedi te neighborlioou, bnt by all wl o
hid an opp >rtunity of knowing li;.- nmuy noble qualitii
and amiability.
At the n jn--t ot tlie S rintetidopt,
we have printed, and shall keep on hand, a 1 the blank
required Ly School Directors, and wiii .-.til tlitui in pa k
•ages containing
,'!G School Urd'-rs,
2f Agre"ine:its with Teachers,
3 of Y>ll ••* " s Warrants.
3 Collector's Bonds,
3 Treasurer's Bands,
3 Notices of the employment of teachers,
12 Annual .Statementsof ioatriet Accounts,
each pack,ig • for oue dollar.
We and* rstard that the expense of such blanks can be
paid out of the k'thuol treasury.
The followirrjc: lettrr, in reference u.
the capture, by the rebels, of Col. 1). M. IU LI., forn -uly
of this place, together with the whole of his -uti> r -tore.-,
will fie found interesting to many ot our readers :
•' Washington*. D. C„ Nov. 1 f. 1 r;2.
'• PEAK Sin—Col. Bet.i.'s two youngest boys—DAVID
and REEVE—came liome yesterday veiling with the
sail news that llie Colonel and his oldest son, WTi.LIE,
-•were both taken prisoners by the Confederate cavalry.
Col. Bci.L hud two teams, loaded with sutler's store ,
which he w-.-s taking I oar anil .-, up the Potomac, at d
had stopped at a private house over night, and he and
liis three hoys and his two teams with nil his stores,
worth about $1,500, were all taken about one o'clock at
night. The Colonel begged oil'his two youngtst boys.
He had a colored m n with him, who dene the cooking
for him, and who trie i to escape; but t'nc re'als fired
at him as he was running and sh"t him in the leg. They
put him into a wagon -and took him along with them.—
When taken they were about 50 nri'es from Washington,
at a place called Mount Giliad. The two younger boy
walked ou foot about 12 miles, to a point >n the Chesa
peake and Ohio Canal, and then came the rest of the
way in a canal I oat. They took about 40 of our sol lieis
prisoners also. * * * There is no telling
how long the COL. and WILLIE may be held in 1 ondage.
I hope they may soon be released. * * * The first
thing the rebel troops did was to make a grab for all the
blankets the party they took prisorers had with them
They took a watch from one of the Colonel's sons, (DA
vin.) but the captain made the soldier return it to the
boy. Toe Colonel had a pocket revolver with him, and
as it was very daik he managed to slip it into the hands
of bis son DAVID, who slipped it iiito lii- pocket and
brought it home with him. There was quite a discus
sion among the rebels about the propriety of releasing
■DAVID, who passed himself off for 13 years of age, by
Raking himself apoear as small as lie could. I presume
tiny thought he might be old enough to give the Federal
troops notice ot their whereabouts. One man made his
escape by running off and throwing himself into a gut
ter and laying down in the bottom of it. While the reb
els were in put suit of him, some of them rode close by
him; but the darkness screened him from their view,
and as they left the place in about r.n hour after their
-arrival with their (rooty, lie succeeded in tnakiii.' bis
final escape. One of them said ' that was a d—d smart
Yankee.' W. PATTON."
■county Tea -uet-s' Association,convened at the Academy
■in East Smithfield on the 14th i ist. The meet ng was
called to order at 114 o'clock, A. M.
Mr OSCAR F. YOUNG, in the absence of the Presi
•dent, was elected Chairman, and MARTHA J. PHELPS,
The following Business Committee was appointed
Rev. C C. Cor-s, Albert Tracy, Elsie Allen, R Amanda
Committee ou Programme :—Prof. C. IL Coburn, Miss
Susan Preston. Miss Eunice Wood.
Partial report of the Commute on Programme was pre
sented and accepted.
The Association tlren adjourned til! l.j o'clock, P. M.
Friday afternoon —The first business iu order was the
Tending and adoption of the following resolution, as pre
sented by the Business Committee :
Reno!red , That District Institutes, as required by the
present School Law. are beneficial to teachers, and should
■be established and continued.
In support ofthis resolution, Prof. C Y -n occupied the
floor, and spoke in favor of the resolution. Ilis remarks
were explanatory of tlie School Law.
As there were but few gentlemen present, it was de
cided to postpone further discussion till more should be
The Committee on Programme made a farther report,
and appointed Jliss Maria Scott to give her method of
teaching the Alphabet; Miss Elsie Allen, her method of
teaching Reading ; Miss T. Maria Pitcher, her method of
teaching Mental Arithmeti
The second resolution was then presented, as follows :
Resolved, That no person shall lie employed as a teach
lr i who dow not believe in the divine authority of the
tutious* 111 C ''® ,on ' Pay a proper respect to its insti-
Rev. C. G. Corss took the affirmative, and maintained
that persons should be entirely excluded from the teach
er sdesk, who scoff at religion.
The time having arrived for the third order of business.
Miss Allen was called upon to give her method of teach,
ing Reading, followed by Miss Scott, who gave her meth
od of teaching Alphabet.
Remarks were made on teaching the Alphabet by Pror -
Coburn, Rev. J. Parker, Mr. O. F. Young, Rev. C. C-
Corss and Rev. McCarthy.
After reading a number of questions, which were pre
sented by different persons present, part of which were
answered immediately, and the rest deferred till evening
- the Association adjourned to meet at tlj o'clock.
■Evening —The Association, after being called to order,
was favored with music from the choir. A Committee
ot live were appointed by the Chairman, to nominate of
ticers for the coming year. They were as follows : Prof.
C. R. Coburn, Nathan Pcdrick, of Wells ; Miss Phoebe
Doty, ol Smithfield ; Miss Ellen Huston, of Towanda ;
and Miss Amanda French, of Springfield.
'1 he discussion of the second resolution was then re
sumed. Prof. Coburn stated some of the difficulties in
ascertaining whether the person to be employed as teach
er did or did not believe In the divine authority of the
Christian Religion.
Henry Youlz took the floor and spoke strongly on the
affirmative. The resolution then being voted on, was
unanimously carried.
Rev. J. Parker took the desk, and gave for the subject
ol his lecture " The Concentration of Force the Proper
Element of Success." Ills lecture was such as we love to
listen to.and one that did honor to the speaker.
An essay, by Miss E. Amanda French, was the next
business in order, on the subject of " llindcrances to the
teacher's Mental Improvement, and Some of the Reme
dies." She treated her subject in a praiseworthy manner
sympathizing deeply with the teacher who has so much
to contend with and who has so little remuneration for
her labors.
The discussion of the first resolution was then taken
up. The school law was read, and remarks made by Prof.
Coburn, and also bv Revs. Corss and Foster, all of whom
spoke on the affirmative.
Dr. I). Bullock spoke of the watchful care that teach
er- should have over their pupils from the time they leave
home til! they return.
The questions were then answered which were given
in the afternoon, and after music by tli choir, the As
sociation aiij jurned to meet in the morning at nine.
Saturday morning —A motion was made that Orwell
Hill be the place of the next meeting of tiie Association ,
and th" time of me t ng. the second Friday ami Saturday
o! February. The motion was carried.
1 1.1- inflow iiig.aic the appointments f r the next meet
ng •
l ectin er — Rev. Mr. Roscele, of Orwell.
lix-aiyi -Mi -- Mary I-'n'lcr, o. ( '.uptown.
Itccla rner —Mr. Jiist.u- Fletcher, of la I.'aysville.
Header— Mi-- Alice Cm in, ol Warren.
ne- Cam-'. . O.J. <". blmck. M. Cliamplain,
O. (,'orbin. Jr.. Mis- Adelaide Ike. Is r. of Cnvell.
T in Committee appointed t-> report officers lor the ca
ning year, submitted the !.•'!->.sing :
I'r.iil'.t —O-e.'.r.-. Y"uug, ol Rome,
1 i J*i'< e J'u-i. enl- Nathan lVclri- k, of Wells,
2.1 do d> Ilceinan Andrews, of Granville,
'.', l do do Uyron Cass, or Orw ell.
Recording Sieretary —Augnsta Lyon, <>! Towanda.
The nil've named per- lis were unanimously elected.
ii in 11 oi. the Secretary was ovdeivd to write t > the
1 \-t Se rotary tu imp tire after the funds belonging to the ion.
Miss Augusta Lyon, in the absence of Miss Corbin.who
wa- appointed at the last meeting, read an article on the
•• Orderly Lady."
Next hi'.-i:,o-- in order was the be-i method of teach
big Mental Arithmetic, as given by Miss I'. M. Pitcher.
The following re-Million was offered :
Kraolcfd. That at meetings of teachers ladies should
be allowed to take part in the ui wii-simi-. and -hould al
-> be re, .in-d to take an active part in all the pioceed
i ii ,r s.
\dvoi-at'd by Prof. C. It. Coburn, Henry Yontz, and
'll.-s It. \inasida French.
A!.-o, t'uc follow lug le-'tution was adopted :
lit*-tied. That I lie thank- of the members of the Asso
istionbe lot ia.'.cil t" the citizens ot Smiililiehl, tor
,-ir h; o v: to tin finstees of the church and the
wners ot the Academy. I r the use of their buildings :
o the 'li 'lr, ior their well rxe uted music, and to Rev.
I. Fi.rkcr. tor hi.- lecture; and Miss R. A. French, lor
:cr essay.
For w ant < f time, other resolutions were laid over till
the next mecti-g.
Atter singing the doxology, and prayer by Rev. C. C.
C r--. the A-soei.iti n ; j aimed, to meet at Orwell Hill,
on the second Friday and S it inlay of Fcbiuary.
In AYavr rlv, en the IMb ia-t., by lb v. H.R Clark. Mr.
FRAN' 'IS F. i'Oi-T of Towanda, to Miss ANN S.
PI A 'I 1 . ot Munroeton, l'a.
In Wav< r!v. N"veinbcr 20th. bv Rev (ten. I'. Por
ter Mr.'l). D KNAii'toMLs JANE WIIITAKER.
oi Vfavet ly, N. Y.
In Ru h, N' v. 2uth by Rev. 11. 11. Cray. Mr. O. A.
tt.Kip ■ Standing Stone, Bradford County. Peinisyl
vania, to MRs MARY S. ROOF, of the former place.
At the Water Cure, Binuhainton, N. Y., ( ct. 30, 1-02,
IRA S. TAYLOR, in the 2i>lhyenr ot his age.
Thedet i a-ed was fcrinerly from Bradford county,Pa ,
but for several years past has been a resident ot Owego,
where 1 y his ability, integrity and upright deportment,
lie won the ltspci t and good opinion of all who knew
him, lie wa- a young man of promise; retiring in his
manners, firm in his pi,rpo*e, and true t" the principles
and irii] ul-<■- "t' a noble and generous manhood. To a
widowed niothr r, he was the object of many a fond hope;
to her his death is an irreparable loss. Rut she mourn
not as one without hope. Doubtless, could his friends
have followed him down to lile's clo>e, tliey would have
found his end to be peace ; for such is the promise to nP
who make the Savior their trust, and through Him are
enabled to lay bold on eternal life.
At l'ond Hill, Nov. s. lsi>2, o: typhoid fever, Mr. PARK
SYBEE, aged 33 years.
At Alliens. Pa., on the 4th November, ISII2, SAMUEL
CIIA I'M AN. in the *2d v ar of lii- age.
lie bad suffered a nrest painful disease for a year or
more during which lie ma life-ted much patie ice and resig
nation,retained hi- mental powers to a wonderful degree.
Also, rrn Do- tub o y of Nov l-r>2. Mrs. I'IIERE CHAP
MAN , widow ot ihe above, in the s3d year ot her age.
She died suddenly, and five minutes after her attack
there was neither pulsation mr tremor visible.
These are reniakalde cases of longevity—living near a
century, three-fourths of it as husband ami wife and dy
ing within five days of each other. They leave a large
number of relatives and friends.
SUto iltJUcru'yCtontts.
wT Y & &&AU eoasT
MONDAY, November 17, IW2. Trains will leave
Waverly at about the following hours, viz :
Buffalo Express .450 !' M V. Y. Expre.-5... 10 07 A M
Might Express... 102 A M Might Express... 12 .",2 A M
Mail 0.33 I' S• am boat Express.') 3'.' I' M
Way 51.2 i A M W.y 2 22 PM
Way Freight . \ M Way Freight 4.30 P M
Accommodation.. 1.22 1' ilj
The Night Express—east and west—runs every day
Cincinnati Express runs Sundays, lint docs not run on
Mondays. Night Express of Sundays runs through to
Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. Mail remains over
night at Eliuiru.
CH A'S. Ml NOT. Gen "I Rnp't
J_ PER CENT. BONDS. Payable at tlie option of the
Governincnt, utter live years.
The undersigned lias l>eeii appointed agent, in this vi
ciniiy, tor tlie sale ol the above bonds, auJ now offers the
loan to subscribers at par.
The interest on the bonds is payable on the first days
of May A November, in each year, and will be paid in
Gold, which at. the present rate of premium, will yield
about eight per cent, per annum on the investment."
A supply ol the bond- will tie kept on hand tor imme
diate delivery to subscribers, and any information will be
cheerfully given, by B. S.RUSSELL, Agent.
At the Banking House of B. S. Russell, & Co-
Nov. 26,18(12.
SHERIFF'S SALE.— Bv viitue of writs
of Vend. Expo, issued out ol'the Court of Common
Pleas of Lra<jfoid county, to nie directed and delivered,
will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the
oro of Towanda, on Monday, tlie Ist day of In 18(12,
at 1 o clock p.m.,the following described lot,piece or par
cel of land situate in Sheshequin twp., bounded north by
land ot Adam Feught, east by John Maloy, south by John
Post, and west by Henry Monableand George Chandler;
containing 50 acres—abount 12 acres improved, and a lo"
house and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Brighani vs James Russell.
Also-*At the suit ot Enoch Towner vs James M Rus
sell & L L Moody vs same.
ALSO—The following described lot,piece or parcel of
land, situate in Lei toy twp., bounded north by Augustus
Kelly, east by Chauney Chan pel, south by the towanda
Creek, and west by A M R West, containing 50 acres,
more or less, about 30 acres improved. Lamed house'
framed barn, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John R.
Chan pel's use vs Rocc-lia S Stone.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in West Burlington, bounded north by Ezra
Goddard, west by the public highway and Henry John
son, south A T West gate, and east by Ezra Godaid; con
taining 14 acres, more or less—ail improved 2 framed
house , framed barn, framed building used as a store,
framed blacksmith shop, and fruit tries thereon.
Seized and tuiicn in execution at too suit ot George Ii
David-on vs R II Ward A 11 A Ward
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Sheshequin twp., bounded north bv land
ot Mrs. Lu. kv. cast by Abrain Gore, south by land of C
C Gore, and west bv the public highway, containing 3i)
acres, more or less, about 26 acres improved, with fram
ed house, a framed barn, a large (rained shop, and fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO— Another piece of land situate in Sheshequin
bounded north by iamlof George Kinney, ea-t by Mo.-es
Watkins, south by Abrain Gore, and west by Mrs Lucky
—containing 73 acres, inure or less, 40 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ef John
South worth \s % alcntine Smith.
ALSO 1 lie following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfield twp., bounded North by lot
No. 4. sold to J W Campbell, west by lot No 13 sold to
C lark J Drown, .south by lot No. 24. and east bv lot I.}
Sold to D Weid. being lot No. 14 ot the sub-division of
Warrant No. 1 H7, as made by Zephon Flower, being R;3
rods north and south, and 10b roils east and west, more
or less, about 40 acres improved, a log htuse and fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Marshall
Bullock vs Moses E Rabbins.
AL-O—The inflowing described lot. piece or parcel of 1
land situate in Troy A Armenia twps., bounded north by
road leading It in Alonzo Thomas to Aimenia.Mo: . tain,
east by land id D R Manliy. I'omeroy, Freeman & Jolni
Lii ley, south by James I, Both well, John Lillev, west by
E 11 lnip.-on, containing 3(io acres, more or less, about
130 iii-it- improved, 2 Humid houses, trained barn and t
t init lues iliileon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harding A i
la-e's use v.-li t iiamey, Marcus (bikini, A J Mauley A '
I Ii (lit elili ~ff.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or panel of I
land situate in Ri.iliiigii u twp.. bounded norlh l,v lands '
oi J.line- Ross, i ,i-i 1 1\- Hi j man T'ull.e, soiitli bv A* J i
and west by tpublic highway— containing 34 acres, i
mole ol- R a i out I . acies improved, trained house and
trained ! am and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles !
Knapp vs Tiuvy s Knapp.
ALSO—The lolk.wiag dcserilied lot. j iece or parcel of !
la d situate in .Athens b< n ugh, bounded n nth by laud- 1
Oi DM xwe:l :.!,(! Bridge -tuel. < n the east by lands ol i
Drtxwil! i a 11. • sua Ih In laads tiriueiay owned by Ship
man, Welh - A is, on ihe we-t 1 y L'pulia sireel and
being lot. No. 103. Ha. |ii7 and In- , mid down *., a ,
map m Athens is.n., a-surveyed by Orson Rickev fori
the Hon. Edward Herrivk, being Kin feet on Etmira St '
743 lb met oil the lc it line, 151 4 111 ad oil the e.n t line :
and 160 lent on the south line ; framed wagon shop.frani- j
blaeksinith simp and trained shed I lien-m.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of X C liar- :
ris vs A I* Stevens.
A lyd- Ibe i.dio i ing lot, j iece or parcel ol
land situate in l.ilclilielil twp., begiiiniiig at a heml'.ck
the south-vw si eoiiiei ... |,,t N„. ng. tlu-in t- south 1° ui-.-t j
134 i.erches to a k-: lurk on tl.'e muHi line of !■ .t No 74 '
thence south v,i° east s2 perches to a hemlock, "thence !
moth 1° east 134 perches to a post, thence uortii N' 0 .
yvi s ; 2 per. he- lo ti.e place of beginning, containing 70 1
a< res and t,4 j ir- he-, more or less, about 3 acres inn -or t
ed. 1 j
Seized and taken in execution at the sup of P J De-
Cater v- stci lieu !;-twiek A Win Bostwick.
ALSO— I'he i"!lov. ing di--ribed It, piece or parcel of !
land situate in West Burlington, beginning at a post on !
the road at the S K corner ot Joel Calkin's' lot, thence i
south S3 0 west perches to a stone pile in the creek !
lln nce south C J cast lta pet . lies to a post, thence north 1
85° east 20 perches to a post by a pine stmnp, thence '
north 6° west ■ perches t a post, thence north *-1° east 1
12 perches tacking 12 links to a post, thence north 12° i
we.-t 201$ p- rches to a j < -t, them e we-; 2d perches to a
hemlock, thence south 32 perches to a post, theu south j
12 c.isi ItUI i. lo pi n lies to the place of beginning—con
taining 4,. an a.- and nil ]< reins, about 3d acrts improved
11 aim u h -usi', s fiaiued bums, Magi n house and an or
ehard thereon.
ALSO—A piece of land in West Burlington, beginning
at a beech the S W coiner oi hi No sj, tiu nee east R. 3 !
7-10 perdies to a pm'. thence south 11> s lit perches (oa |
po.-t oil the \y ai i a:.l line oi llic olu sin vev on Sugar errek
—th-nee we.-t 13 it Id perches to a hemlock eornei on .-aid
survey, tiienee smith 74° we-t !HJ pen-lies to a pe-t -onih i
east eorner • n lot No. 89. thence north 171 2-10 perches
to the place in beginning, containing 1)3 acre- ami 4. ;
perches, about 95 acres improved, framed house, fi-amed '
barn, sh ngle niachiue and a young or. hard thereon.
ALSO— A | ace oi hu;d in' West 1; ;;lington. liimnded :
north and east by land m Ezra Godard, south bv A T|
West gate, and West by the public highway and Henrv i
John on, ( out.lining I 4 ami -, mote or less*.all improved i
—2 fraaned houses, framed barn, framed store, framed!
blacksmith -hop. and linii trees there, u.
Seized and taki n in execution at the suit, of I A Fierce j
vs Ward A ii A Ward.
ALSO—lire following described lot, piece or parcel ot ;
land situate in liaigl. ,ry two., bound..l north by land oi i
Abnei Keisey. ea.-t and soutii l.y land ot Thomas Decker. '
and we.-t by John Bui t containing 3 acies nmie or less
all improved, a framed dwelling hou&e, partly
board shed and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tho suit of John
Holmes vs Sopliriiia Allen A Anthony Allen.
A LSI)—By virtue ol writs of Flus. Liev. I-'ac., will be
exposed to j.ui.iic rale at the same time and place, the
following de.-ci i:,ed lot. piece or parcel of land situate in
Burlington twp., bounded ,i> follows, b 'ginning at a pop
lar S W eorner of I d No. 274 mi warrant lot No. 4433. I
llience we-t on tire south line ol said warrant 202 per.dies i
to a white maple tor a corner, tin nee north 70 2 If'nu rch j
is to a po.-t. 1 hence ea-t 2(>2 per. lies to the wc.-t line •! I
said lot No. 274. them e south 7o 2 111 perches to the be
ginning, containing Hid ai res strict measure, it being
taken from the south end ol lots No. 273 A 27U on said
warrant No 443 d, with about 70 acres improved, with 1
trained iiou.-e, I trained bain, and fruit trees there u.
Seized and taken in i .M ention al the suit ot . ob 1' Kir
by s use vs Elisha Foster & Jonathan Thompson & (J 'J
(Joverd de.
Ai SO—By virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa., will beex
posed to public sale, at the same time and p ace, the fol
lowing described piece or parcel ot hind situate in Terry
twp., bounded on the north by lands ol Samuel Hiilh.ii.-e
mi the east by lands oi J L Jones, on the south by laiul
ot Hiram Stone, on the west by lands of Hiram Stone A
E i Haittuller ; containing 30 acres, more or less, about
20 acres improved ; one trained house framed barn two
trained shops and fruit trees (hereon.
Seiezed and t .ken in execution at the suit of J P Kir
by vs DC I>i Jjie.
ALSO—The following described-lot. piece or parcel ot
land situate in Burlington twp . bounded as follows : On
the north by lands of Marceilus and A Campbell, on
the east by lads o! S i' Gustiu. on the south by land ot
ilui man Tuttle, and on the wi st by land of James Ross;
containing 30 acres, m- re or 1< .-s. about 23 acres improv
ed, log house, shed, arid fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Theo.
Curli • and 11. Men ur vs. Chailes Alexandt r.
ALL(—The following described let, pieeeorparcel of
land situate in Albany twp., bounded north by land of
David Miller and James Macf'arland, east liy land of Am
asa Hancock, and south and west by- Z.tdoc Corson,—
Containing 170 acres, more or less, about 100 acres iin
proved, with a Ira ed hou-e trained barn, l"g black
sinitli shop and three apple orchards and other fruit trees
ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land in Albany
twp., boun ed north by lands ot Sheffield Wilcox. east
by Milton Hakes, Jos. Menardi and Simeon Chapman,
south by lauds of Wells W ilcox and S. C. and Win.
Means, and west by lands of Jonn Hanson, John Holmes
and Jamesand Benjamiii Wilcox. Containing 100 acres,
more or les.-. about Kat acres improved, two framed
houses, one 1- g house, two trained barns, blacksmith
shop and apple orchard and other truit trees thereon.
itLSO—One other lot in Albany twp., bounded north
by laml ed Sheffield W ilcox and Milton Hakes, south by
land of Joseph Menardi, and west by land of Z. Gillett.
Containing 2(1 acres, more or less, about eighteen acres
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in Albany tv p., bounded on 1 lie north by lands of the
Ratv'ay Coal Co.. on the ea-t and smith by the Sheffield
Wilcox :arm. on the west by aforesaid Coal Company.
Couiaiuing 50 acres mine or less, about 20 acres im
proved. one framed house, framed barn, saw mill and
lew lruii trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. L. I
Rockwell, surviving paitner of Brown & Rockwell vs. I
liolliu Wilcox and Sheffield Wilcox.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of j
land situate in Smithfield twp., bounded on the north by i
lands ot Elliot Hurlbnt. on the east by lands of Nelson 1
Burlingarne, on the south by land of Fhilander Ward, on i
the west by the public highway & Gardner Burlingarne's
estate ; containing 30 acres, more or less, about 40 acres j
improved, framed house, trained barn, corn house, and I
apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William T
Davies & J H Webb vs '1 A Burli -game.
ALSO—The folowing described lot piecp or parcel of
land situate in Monroe twp,, bo..^ ed () „ tlu . nol . lb and
east by lands ot J L ' otkwe n i on the south by theSchra
dtr Ui*"'- a 0 , x o wanda creek, on the west by lauds of
David G*li i containing about ISO actes ; about 75 acres
improved.2 framed houses, framed barn, and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO--One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
M<>nroe twp., beginning at a post on the bank of the
Schrader creek and corner of lands of Wm. Nort hrop—
thence along the same south 48° east 2034 perches to a
post, thence on the warrant 1 no south 464°, west 29} pr
to a corner, thence on warrant line south 14° west 138
perches to a corner of laid of 15 Northrop, thence along
the same, north 4->4° west, to the Scrhadercreek, thence
up the centre of the same, the several courses and dis
tances to the line of Nancy Weston's lot. thence along the
same, north 43}° west to the north-west corner of Nan
cy Weston's lot, thence on the warrantee line, north.sß4 0
east 156 perches totheea>t side of Schrader creek, thence
up the same to the place of beginning ; containing 180
acres, more or less, about 60 acres improved, with one
framed house, framed barn, and shed and an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and l iken in execution at the suit of J I, Rock
well, surviving partner ol Brown & Rockwell vs William
j Northrup.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
! land situate in Springfield twp., bounded north by lands
j ofA Wood, east by the highway, south and west by lands
! J U Grace, containing 26 acres more or less, about 16
I improved, with a shed and fruit trees thereon.
A LS(>—Another piece of land in Springfield township,
| bounded north by land of J U Grace, L Grace. A Cole A
i T Leonard,east by land of ft Young, south by land of R
Young and J Itceser, west by land ot J U Grace. L Grace
| and A Wood—containing 47 acres, about 20 acres im
! proved.a framed barn, a log house and fruit trees threon
; ALSO— Another piece ol land in Sniithiicld township,
bounded noi Is by lands of Burgess, east by lands of C
Burgess and C Phillips Jr., south by lands of M Phillips,
west by land of E Merrell, L Cooper Jr and others—con
taining 77 acres and 152 pr more or less, about 50 acres
improved, being lot No 24 on C F Welles' map ol Spring
field twp., with a log house thereon.
ALSO —Another piece of laud in Springfield township,
j bounded north and east by land of T Wilder, south by
i the county toad, west by the north road, containing one
I acre, more or less, ali improved, with a framed dwelling
house, store bouse, framed barn and shed, fruit and orna
mental trees thereon.
ALSO—A piece ot land in Springfield twp., bounded
north by land formerly of Whipple and now of Gardner
Bennett, ea>t by land of (' Burgess,south by lands of E.
Burgess, west by land of C Burgess, containing 12 acres,
more or less, all improved, log house, and trained house,
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the snit of Francis
Ripley vs Hiram Spear.
Towanda, Nov. 5. 1-62. Sheriff.
OHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of sundry
kX wri -of Yen Ex, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas ol Bradford county, to me directed aud delivered,
will lie exposed to public sale, attheCouit House in To
wanda, on Thursday. Dec. 4, 1562, at I o'clock p. m., the
following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Athens twp., bounded imiih by J P Green and L G Snell
ea-t by I) (' Kimball and Ira Eisbrce, south by William
Phelps, and west by Page .V Bristoll, W. W. Wolcott A
Ira A A <' Eisbrce—containing 250 acres, 150 improved,
a framed house framed barn, a shingle null, a nog pen,
and corn house, and fruP trees thereon.
Si iz< d a d taken in execution at the suit of C S Russ
ell vs Franklin Murray.
A LSI •—The iol lowing <h scribed lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in lirn iek, I , ginning at the south-east cor
ner of Edmund linger land, and stones between two
creek.-, thence moth -a 0 west 54 2 In perches to a beech
at tin- so .ili-ea-t corner of N B Wetmure's land, thence
north I* 3 east 60 perches to a post on G. Wiekhizer's
line, there south 66° east. ■ perches to 12 finger's north
west corner, theme south .!A° west 160 perches to the
beginning—containing 45 acres more or less, about 30
cere- improved, Iraued house and barn thereon.
A LSd— -Another piece ofland in -aid t wnship, bound
ed north by lam! Tv rim rly own. d by E J Turrell, east by
the highway leading irom A Bolles to HerrrokvTßr. A
the highway leading from lb ri kville to Fairchild's
a lis, on tlm south by lands ot Wm MePherson and tlie
State r '.id. and w-t by land of Amos Snow and Chester
Stewart -containing 60 acres, about 50 acres improved.
J tianted hou.-es, truiim barn, a wagon house at.d a few
fruit trees thereon.
ALSO A until r piece of land in said township, begin
ning at a post. the nort t-wet corner ot a lot of land
itec e-I by DL 1; -t h.istlenii, the I7'li day of July, ls.'ia,
to E S Tun el|, thence south Ss° west to a post on the
ea-t line ol Charles Stewart's lot. thence north 1° east to
the place ol la .inning—containing 60 acres.more ot less
- -abou: 20 acres impaired, framed barn and shed there
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Crane A
Cab!veil vs i Itarles Sill, J \Y Brown A Francis Angle,
trading as Sill, Angle A Co.
ALSO The f Lowing described Jot, piece or parcel o'
land situate in Albany twp.. hounded on tlie north and
west by Wells Wilcox, south by the highway, and east
I y tht* I "V.'.er Branch ; containing 4 acre, more or less,
nil improved, framed house, small framed barn and fruit
iiees tln-reon.
Seii zed ami taken in execution at tlm suit of J P Kirby
vs J N Chapman.
ALSO—I he following described lot, piece or parcel ol
land, sit unto in Aibun v twp.. hounded north by land oi
Amasa Dev. rly. east by the Fowler Branch of Towanda
creek, south by land ot X Smith and Daniei Kellogg,and
west by land ol the Coal Company—containing 140 acres
more or less, about no acres improved, framed house, 2
framed barns and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Arabellas
Mace vs P , Wilcox.
Al.sO- By virtue of a writ of Lev. Far., will he expos- i
ed to public --ale. at the s-inie time and place, the follow- i
jug described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Ath- !
e;.s borough,bonnth d north by Church street, cast by Main
si reef. .L.iam Smith and p'r Iloyt, south by Bridge st.,
ami wo-; t>y Kiiuira ,-t., being 215 leet front bv feet
buck, the north line being 350 feet , all impioved, 1 large {
oiiilt!! .... mo ... .. , mm.l V A m.c hine shop, blacksmith
shop, tuoii'ditig room, ana sheds and framed ban thereon :
Scizi.lsm! taken in execution at tire suit of II S Wells' i
use vs.C X Biiipm.ui and terretenants.
Towanda, Nov. 5.1862. Sheriff.
1> EG ISTER'S NOTICES —Notice is-here
Xt by given, that there has lteeu filed and settled in i
the otfic* of the Register of Wills, in and for the county
oi Bradii in, accounts of Administration upon the loi
lowing estates, viz :
Final account of J. G. Towner, Executor of Arnest
l-'orhes, late o! Rome.
Final account of G. 11. Buck, Guardian of Ja's M Ford,
ol Pike.
Final accountof Robert Bull A. 1 R Irvine, Executors
ot George W ('i nk, late of Monroe.
Final account of ii Foster. Administrator dc
beuis mm, of Abial l-'.ister, late of North Townanda.
Final account o! J A l'ieue, Guardian of Wm E A Ma
ry K Craf.s. of Troy.
Final account "l John Horton, Executor of Isaac llor
ton. late of Shesheuiiin
Final account <4 Acltsah Allen, executrix of Jonathon
ll.ill. late ol Smithfield.
Final A-'. " tit ot Ai hsah Allen and Samuel FarweU,
executors ot Warren Allen, latent Smithfield.
Partial account, of !■'. Hortun.Guardian of Susan, Alice.
Flan t... Siintee A F.lizabethS Trilogle, A Lovina Sharts
heirs of Wm. Santee.
ALSO—I lie appraisement of property set off by Ex
ecutors c r Administrators to widows or" children, of the
following decedents:
Estate ot Jeremiah Culp.
'• James Clark,
" J.Mills,
" " J. K. Yalanee,
" " A. S. Coleman,
" H.W.Johnson,
'• '■ Perry C. Heath.
" " Solomon Bosworth,
" " James Brown.
And 1 lie same will he presented to the Orphans' Court
of Bradford County, on Monday, the Ist day of December
next, for confirmation and allowance.
N.C. ELSBREE, Register.
Register s Office, Dec. 4,1862.
pP'GCLAMATION. —Whereas"tTie Ikm
L U. MERCUR. President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting ot the Counties of Rradford
and 8i - ttehanna. and Honorables Jonx Px.ssmokk, and
V. M. I.cmi. Associate Judges, in and ('■ r said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept hearing date the
2sth day of Sept. A. D. lsi;2,to me directed, for holding
i Court of Oyer and Terminer. General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court at To
wanda.lor the County of Bradford, on* Monday, the first
day ot December next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Peace and Constables, ot the County ot
Bradford, that they he then and there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. with
their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those things which to their office appertains to be
done ; and those win are bound by recognizance or oth
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who arc ormay
be in the jail of said County, or who shall he bound to
appear at the said court, are to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are re
quested to he punctual in their attendance, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 6th of Nov'br, in the j-earof our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred ond sixty-two, and
of the Independence ol the United States, "the eighty
sixth. A. H. SPALDING. Sheriff.
IN the via tier of (he estate of Henry Ransom,
late of Orwell tiop. In the Orphan'* Court of Brad
ford County.
Notice is hereby given that on petition of Wm. C. Ran
snnt, of Sheshequin township, the Orphan's Court of said
county awarded an inquest, and a Jury ot Inquest will
he held on the premises, on Tuesday. November 23,1862,
between the hours <.f 10 and 12 o'clock, a. m., to ascertain
whether a piece of laud late the estate of 11 nry Ransom
dec d , can be divided without injurv to the whole s-iiii
land is bounded and described as follows :
Bounded on the ouitli by Mm pu lie highway loading
front Rome to Orwell Hill, west by a road leading from
Rome to Nichols, north by lands <_f F. A- Dinnnock and
east by land ot Simeon Rockwell. Containing about one
acre and a half or two acres, glj improved, with one old
framed house thereon.
• * Hanson spaldinci, sheriff.
ance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford
County, will be exposed to public sale, at the dwelling
house, on the premises, last hereafter described, at one
o'clock p. m.,on Saturday, the 22d dayof November 1862,
the following described tracts ofland, situate in Smith
field twp.,to wit :—Oue lot or tract of land bounded on
the west by land of Albert CalifF, south by the public
highway, east by land late of Harvy Durfey, dec'd., and
north by land ot C 5. A. French, front which is to he de
ducted about three acres, sold by said deceased to Henry
Brigham, andl half an acre sold to S. S. Baker, and by
hirn sold to Wni. I. Ross, said first described lot of land
I after deducting said lots sold as aforesaid ; containing
about 44 acres of land, as supposed, with one fiamed
barn thereon ere ted ; a few fruit trees thereon growing,
and about 25 acres improved. The other lot hounded on
the west by land of H. C. Brigham, and by other lands of
said deceased, o.t the south by laud of S. S. Baker, on the
ca>t by land of Edwin E. French, and on the north by land
| of (1. A. French, from which is to be deducted a small
i lot of about three-fourths of an acre, on which William I.
I Ross now resides, and about half an acre sold by said de
; ceased to said Ross, said last deseriben lot so to be ex
! posed to public sale, as aforesaid. Containing, after mak
ing said deductions, about 40 acres, with about twenty
acres improved, with a framed house, and framed barn
thereon erected, and an apple orchard thereon growing
said lands being of the estate of said deceased.
Attendance will be given and terms of sale made known
by the subscriber. E. G. DURFEY,
Smithfield, Oct. 22, 1862. Administrator.
I si: ii.l held in and for said County, at Towanda,
before the Hon ULYSSES MERCUR.
president and his associate justices of the said court on
SATURDAY the 6,day of Sept. A. i). 1802. In the inat
terot the estate of the partition or valuation of the real
estate of John Donnolly deceased On motion of Mr.
Adams the court grant a rule directed to Ellen Donnolly,
Widow of John Donnolly, and guardian of Sarah and
James Donnolly, minors also, Mary M'Conoson, formerly
Mary Donnolly and James McConoson her husband also
to Grace and Margaret Donnolly heirs and persons inter
ested in said estate and all other persons interested to
be and appear before the honorable the Judges ot the
said court at a court to be held at Towanda, on Monday
the Ist day of December, A. 1)., ISIJ2. there and then
to agree or refuse the real estate of said decendent at the
apnraised valuation put upon it by the inquest duly re
turned by the court.
Certified irom the record Sept. 6.1862.
- EESBRKE, Clerk.
PROCLAMATION —Bradford County ss.
FARNSOX S. MUMFOItD, by her next friend
Francis A. Sexton vs. RICHARD O. MUMFORD. No,
254 May Term, 1862.
To Richard (). Mum ford—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce
was issued to February Term, 1862, which was duly
returned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena
was issued in suid case,returned to May Term, 1862, up
on the return of which, proof was made that the said Ju-
Iliehard O. Vincent could not tie found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of De
cember next to answer said complaint, Ac.
Towanda. Nov. 5.15G2. Sheriff.
T)ROCLAM ATlON.—Bradford county, ss
255, May Term, 1862.
Sophia H. Newton—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce
was issued to February Term, 1862, which was duly re
turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena ;
was issued in said case, returnable to May Term, 1862,
upon the return of which, proof was made that the said
Sophia H. Newton could not be found in my bailiwick, i
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday iu De
cember luxt, to answer said complaint, Ac.
Nov. 5, 1862. Sheriff. I
21 is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of James Allen, late of Albany, dec'd., are requested
to make immediate payment, and all having claims
against said estate, must present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement. J. L.JONES,
Oct. 6. 1862. Administrator.
2"1 is hereby giver, that -all persons indebted to the es
tate of Nehemiah Coburn, late of Warren, dec'd., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
demands egainst said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Oct. 6 .1862. Administrator.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
fate of Newton T. Miller, late of Orwell, dec'd., arc re
quested to make immediate payment, and all having
'•[aims against said estate must present them duly au
thenticated lor settlement. CYRUS COOK",
Oct. 2, 1862. A dm.
XX is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ol Darling Jarvis, late of Pike, dec'd., are requested
to made immediate payment, and those having claims
against said estate must present them duly authenticated
for .settlement. D.M. BAILEY, Adm.
Oct. 2. 1802. .
XX is hereby gin a that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Hiram Allis, late of Orwell, dec'd., are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having claims
against said estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ABEL DARLING, Adm.
Oct. 2.1862.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here
by given that all persons indebted to the estate of
Benjamin Sexton. late of Granville, dec'd.. are retuested
to make payment without delay, and those having claims
against said estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
JOHN J. SAXTON, j Lx rs *
Oct. 2, 1862. _
XX is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Charles 11. Kellogg, late of Monroe, dec'd..are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate must present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. L. S, CHUBBUCK",
Oct. 22, 1862.
XX is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Benjamin Reel, late of Windham, deed., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate must present them duly authen
ticated for settlement. VV'M. H. RUSSELL,
Oct. 22.1862. Administrators,
X AXI) THEIR FRIENDS.—The undersigned having
had considerable experience in procuring Pension Boun
ties ami back pay of soldiers, will attend to all business
in that line, entrusted to his care, with promptness and
Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or
address me bj* letter at Sylvauia, Bradford county. Pa.
Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONROE.
Refers by permission to
H. B. CARD, Countv Treasurer, Wellsbboro, Pa.
D. F. POMKROY. Troy, Pa.
A.H. SPALDING, Sheriff, Towanda, Pa.
Oct 22. 1802.
X thanks to the public for their- patronage during the :
past year, and ask the same discriminating public to
give bis new stock a fair examination before buying, be
lieving he can satisfy them both in goods and prices. I 1
will sell my stock as low, for tlie quality, as any one in
the country, which consists, as usual, of all articles in
the Gentlemen's Furnisoing department. All Wool Cas
siinere suits, Silk Mixed do., and some of a lower grade,
as well as the finer
Doeskin Coats, Pants & Vests,
Silk V elvct and Grenadier Silk Vests, all of which goods
1 will represent true as to quality, Overcoats, all grades
and prices, Under Shirts and Drawers, Suspenders, Ho
sieries, Collars, Neck Ties, Fine Linen Shirts,
Canes, Umbrellas, Gloves and Mittens. Ac., Ac. I would
call especial attention to my large stock of Fur Hats,
which 1 flatter myself 1 sell a little lower than the same
goods can be bought in town 1 mean what I say, and
no humlmg; so give us a cull, and if we don't sell you
goods tie fore you leave it will be our fault. We ch ur ge
nothing for showing goods. I have the Full St-', e 0 f the
Celebrated Oakford Silk Hat,
Now on exhibition, wliicff needs no puffing to those wh
have worn them. Respectfully,
Towanda, Oct. 14. 1862.
"VTOTICE.— Haviner transferred to E. W
-LA BAIRD, Esq.. certain of my Notes and Accounts
in the purchase ot Real Estate, and all persons interested
having been notified of the same transler, those whose
Accounts and Notes remain unsettled on the first No
vember next, will be lef'. for collection by law, as tht
same must be settled at that time to close said purchase.
Oct. 15.1862, M- E- SQEOMON,
-xJI is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of A . C. CRANMER, late of LeKoy twp., dec'd.,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay , and all persons having demands against said estate
wiii presentthem duly authenticated tor settlement-
J)ct. 22,1862. Administrator,
is hereby given, that ali persons indebted to the
estate of JANE JONES, late of Athens, dec'd., are, re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
demands against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. JOHN JONES,
Oct. 15, 1862. _ Administrator.
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby giv
en that all persons indebted to the estate of William
Walborn, late of Granville, dec'd.. are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against said
estate must present them dnlv authenticated for settle
Oct. 2 : , 1862. A ministrator.
ADMINISNRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby giv
en that all persons indebted to the estate of George
Walborn, late of Granville, dec'd., are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against said
estate must present them duly authenticated for settle
Oct. 28, 1862. Administrator.
/""''AUTION —Wlierea.e, my wife PHOEBE
\J 11. FAIRCHILD, having left my bed and board with
out Just cause or provocation. [ hereby forbid any person
or persons harboring or trusting her on mv account.
Herrick, Oct. 24,1862.
(First door South of Codding A Russell's.)
•J an unusnal large stock of Clothing, Cloths, Cascmera
Vestings, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats A Caps, which
will be sold at greater bargains than before.
Will comprise almost every article worn by inan or boy.
Vests, Shirts, Collars,
Suspenders, Xffeck Ties,
Gloves, Wrappers, Socks,
Overalls, Boy's Pants aud Jackets. Especial attention
is called to our New Style of
Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice,
and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some
eight years experience in this line of business, my cutter,
Mr. PENEPACKER, will be on hand, at all Cures to d
cutting for those who wish it done.
If you wish to buy clothing cheap, aud get as good M
represented, call at
If you wish to get the worth of your money, and buy new
fresh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and you will be
satisfied. No trouble to show goods and no forcing to buy
Goods sold for cash only. J. M. COLLINS.
Towanda, April 21,1862.
New Arrangements.
JL ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for
merly carried on by J. I). HUMPHREY, in the store op
posite the Court House, where they will keep constantly
on hand a general assortment of"
and a very large stock of all kinds of LEATHER requir
ed for a country trade. A full assortment of
Shoe Finding, Harness Trimmings,
We expect to increase our facilities in the manufactur
ing department, so as to be,able to supply dealers with a
superior article, at prices rivaling all competition, and
especially " foreign," believing it of vital importance to
community to toster domestic productions as far as prac
Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery
owned by Messrs. Culp A Kirbv, and rented the shop
formerly occupied by them, we offer lor sale a large stock
and will make to order almost anything iu this line.
We respectfully invite public attention to our whole
stock in its various branches, trusting that by strict at
tention to business and zealous exertions to supply the
wants of community, we shall merit and receive a lair
share of public patronage.
We are prepared to make to order anything in our line.
Also, do all kinds of repairing on very short notice.
Air Casli paid lor Sheep pelts, Hides and Skins.
Towanda, April 25, 1862.
And the public generally will find at his store
Which.will be sold on
Towanda, Sept. 25, 1862.
Opposite the Court House,
Towanda. Sept. 24.1862.
Insurance against Loss by Fire
UP. Gh
Sept. 30, 1862.
GUARDIAN'S SALE.—By virtue of an
order of the Orphans' Court of Rradford' county,
will be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY, tbe 27th
day of NOVEMBER next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the
premises, the following described property, to wit : A
lot of land situate in Ulster township, bounded,north and
east by land of James McCarty, south by land of Jason
Smith and west by the public highway. Containing
about half an acre of land, with a framed house and bam
thereon, it being the tavern house formerly kept bylF.
P. Sweet.
TERMS—One fourth of the purchase money to be n-'- 1
on confirmation of sale, and the balance . '""'a
three years therealter, wit*> ' on *< * ,ro '
Oct SO lflti* ELMORE EVERtri,
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