Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 20, 1862, Image 3

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    local and general.
IMPROVEMENTS. —We notice that on sev
&' . S t r ects, in this place, workmen,.are engag
tr*; differe " j auk W alks. We hope our Borough fathers
to"mend their ways"
We notice that our friend A. D. BRIG- J
now engaged iu getting out a History and Direc
'**'"cjnjira. Mr. B. is an accomplished hand at the
" r ■ ° f ..nil no doubt will give entire satisfactiou to the
;;juiran s *
-n DANCING —Mrs. SHAW'S private Danc-
at the Ward House, on Fridays at 3 Pj
p Mrs. SHAW has the reputation of being
instructress, aud we advise all who desire in
-10 e^' u iu this art, cannot do better than give her a
first entertainment will be ou Friday, 28th inst.
IgyCoal shipped by the Barclay Coal Com
for tbe week ending Nov. 15 1,573 tons.
' Previous shipments <
For lame time last year 36,6'.'2
| 10.335 "
I^-DEDICATION.— The new M. E. Church,
jjiheshetpuh (D. !'•) will be dedicated on Tuesday, the
H jDecember, at lOo'clock a. in. Se>mou by Hev. F.
I HißßAun, D. D. Preaching also in the evening at Gj
Eclock. All are cordially invited to attend,
DEAD HEROES. —What CATO said about
r,boy fallen in battle may be said of the thousands in
bis country at the present time:
Think- to the gods! my hoy has done his duty.
(Verne, my son ! There set him down, my friends,
toll in my sight, that I may view at leisure
Tie bloody corpse, and count those glorious wounds,
j * beautiful is death when earned by virtue!
rba would not be that youth ? What pity 'tis
fwt we can die but once to save our country !
Viiy -its tins sadness on your brow, my friend ?
ihuulu have blushed it CATO'S house had stood
leiure, and lluurishcd in a civil war."
{or SAVE YOIR BAGS, AC. —People should
avc their rags, scraps of paper, etc.. as they are all of
alue now. and can he sold to advantage. If persons
broughout the country were careful in this respect, the
nice of printing paper would in a measure be kept down,
lofscau make their holiday money by attending to this
taller. Old account books, by taking off the covers,
rvei'opi's, Ac., can be sold. This is an import?at mat
G®r For the benefit of those who have been
pfttd and have procured substitutes, we would remark
ut it is important for them to get the certificate of the
ii-tering officer mustering the substitutes into the Unit.
1 states service, and have the same filed with tiie Coin
i-doner, iu order to procure a certificjite of release from
iui. Until this is done no one is properly released. It
ialso important l'or those having certificates of exemp
li to have them tiled with the Commissioner, in order
i have their names stricken from the list of delinquents,
be atteatiou ot the parties interested, to these points,
ill save ail future trouble.
Cajf" WE had the pleasure of attending, a
w nights since, a public party at tbe bouse of L. S.
[MSBCUT, iu Sheshequin. To merely say that ween
lied ourseif would be a feeble statement, as in the whole
our experience in that line, we do not remember of
iving had a belter time. The delicate and iast{e)y vi
tas wire sweet, and the young ladies sweeter ; the music
i>-„• >od aod the whole scene delightful. Mr. K. and
ily kti'.w very well how to entertain company, and wi !
tlad to Set their liiettds on almost any occasion.
fair FUI.T.'N applied steam to the great
aclical uses of the age ; MOKSK has brought Galvanism
be the daily servant of millions of inen. NEWTON un
ruled the mazes ot the stars and made their in lions
# mariner's guide on the trackless ocean. What the.-e
in have done iu their departments. Dr. AYKU does in
Maine, ilo turns the great discoveries in Science and
if;; sto use iu the cure of disease, and makes the un
it discoveries of tlis great chemists available lor the
citsol every day life. His medicines for the low prices
which they are sold, bring within the reach of every
in the best wisdom aud best skill of modern times.—
"i/mingfon (Dei.) Statesman.
OK LIVING. — The price of flour
s risen con-iderably within a short time ; coal is very
V-, domestic goods have advanced enormously in price
consequence ol the scarcity ol cotton ; while the co.-t
as imported goods have advanced in consequence of
c premium cm specie, and the high rates of exchange
i '-nope. Between the increased cost of living and the
avy taxes necessary to support the Government, heav
rc. uiues will be required to maintshf families coin for
i.i. lad economy will be more than ever necessary.
&P* IHE TAX ON TAVERNS. —The Reading
'pers say that measures are being taken by the Inn
lepers of Betks county to test the construction of the
-6-lax Law, which makes thera pay for two licenses
■or one as tavern keepers, and another an retail ltquor
!ers—and that they have the best authority for believ
£ -uut -uch a construction was never dreamed of by the
►wers of the bilk
says, and truly too, that there are few families, any
wrt-. in which love is not abused as furnishing the li
ve for impoliteness. A husband, father, or brother,
l " "peak harsh words to those be loves best a• <] those
• res htm lest, simply because the security of love
'* ' JT ' ; 'y pride keeps him from getting his head broken.
•=a shame that a man will speak more impolitely, at
; es, to his wife or sister, than he would to any other
Ka.e, except a low and Vicious one. It is thus that the
t'-t efTectiona of a man's nature prove to be a weaker
Section to a woman in tHe family circle than the re
'••iits of society, and that a woman usually is indebted
• le kindest politeness of life to those not belonging
" r own household. Things ought uot to be so. The
'■who, because it will not be resented, inflicts his
and bad temper upon those of his hearthstone, is
coward and a very mean Kind words are
1 "'ting mediums between true gentlemen and ladies
nc. and no polish exhibited in society can atone for
-I'-h language aud disrespectful treatment too often
t- --1 in between those bound together by GOD'S own
ij'.ood, and the more sacred bonds of conjugal love.
Ihe early attention of Directors is
to the following article which if attended to will
• -the loss nf public money :
A lew Boards or Directors, in violation of the law
• the rights of teachers and their own duty to the
'' and the system.—insist on exacting twenty two
u n twenty four days of teaching from their teachers,
l " c "chool month. Some even openly nullify the law
■ '-ing the schools to be kept open on Saturdays, or
~ ,f Saturdays, acd wholly iguore it in reference to
-t Institutes.
State superintendent, is however, happy to an
1..' l ' le nu,n ber of districts in which th*s lumen
"ff'fit prevails. Is very small. Still, the case must
, :wt aid dealt with.
j 't'lingly, each County Superintendent, npon re
! l ' ie '°" r months certificate of any district in
r t * Ca C a "y these cases occurs .—viz :an im-
I ' "--''liening of the school month, the holding of
on any Saturday or part of Saturday, or the neg
s t' enforce the act as to District Institutes, as far
tl "! ) curastance of the district shall allow—will en
fact or facts on the back of the proper four
42 cfTtifkato for the current year, before transmlt-
ting it to the School Department; when it will be for the
State Superintendent to enforce the law by withholding
the State appropriation."
At the request ot the Superintendent,
we have printed, and shall keep ou hand, all the blanks
required by School Directors, aud will sell them iu pack
ages containing
, 36 School Orders,
24 Agreements with Teachers,
3 of Collector's Warrants.
3 Collector's Bonds,
3 Treasurer's Bonds,
3 Notices of the employment of teachers,
I' 2 Annual Statements of District Accounts,
each package for one dollar.
We understand that the expense of auth blanks can be
paid_out of tbe School treasury.
The following is the Muster Roll of the
Company formed in this county, and mastered into the
lfth Pa. Regiment of Cavalry, now at Camp McClellan,
neat Harrisburg. The companies in this Regiment have
not yet been " lettered," consequently we are unable to
give the letter of this Company, but are assured that the
Company from this county is composed of the most har
dy and robust " boys" ot the regiment. The following
is the Muster Roll of the Company •
Ist Lieutenant — CßXKl.ES F. WILLARD.
2nd. Liiutenant — JOHNSON ROGERS.
Ist. Sergeant— Charles li. Rockwell.
lit do. —Franklin P. Rogers.
3d do Leroy F. Ward.
4f/i do —James S. Mines.
sth do —George A. Lent.
ijth do.--Amos Congdon<
7th do. —Judson Slocunt.
6th do. —Mason A. Fairchilds.
Ist Corporal.—l.oreu B. Wolcott.
2d do.—George F. Dougherty.
3d do. —Joseph Wolcott.
4/A do.— Newcom Kinney.
sth do. —George A. Conrad.
6 th do. —Chester Neal.
7t/i do. —John Smith.
6thdo. —George W.Rogers.
nuv ATES.
Armstrong Edward T | Kipple George W
Antisdel Fred L Kuykendall Miles
Allacc- Laycoek William E
Aumiller Martin Lamereaux Squire H
Anthony Mortimer Lunu Hcrrick
Arnold George ! Motley William
Boss William 'Murphy Wilson.
Burchard John E j Mot ley John \V
Brainard David M | Mulligan George D
Bishop Stiphen C j Noble William H
Burchard Henry. (Oliver Adam E
Boweu Calti N lOsburn Daniel G
Bufliugton Chauncey L j Pitcher Joel
Beeman James A -Pitcher Sylvan us
Ifusli Albert I'rice William
Chaffee Benjamin L j Post Joseph
Chaffee Noah P ! Richards Robert
Conrad Burton jKocke'eller Robert
Chandler Aileu 1 Rogers Martin Vli
Clougli Zalock K '.-iyLle Parker*
Cotton Julius j Stanton Eliben E
Coffin George L |.Smith Charles 11
• 't isvreil Michael iStanton James \V
"I'allpitcfcer Eli |Stanton Charles W
Camp llenry J jsheeler Jacob
Duulap Charles jSuiith My res
Dixon Henry j fonipkius Ira
Degaugh Joseph j Tripp William
Eiliott William l£ (Tripp Henry P
Etnt-ry Oivin N" j Tyrrell Hiram M
Frederick William jTowsand John
French Waiter Tyrrell Curtis B
Firman John M IVaticise William R
French Abisha ! Vandercook Daniel J
tloob'y John M Verbeck Philip
Gooley Peter iVauduzer Hinian
Morton Joseph R Wilber James
lliney F j Way man fhrias
Miil Sapnrouus jWoj-, utt William R
11 or to II Elmer O j Williams Atliert
Heavener Samuel Wood Sylve.-ter
Joim-on Charles i Yatingluii George N
I Johnsun George W
* Deceased.
( H'holeisale and Itetail. .Vo 4, Pulton's Block, Corner
of .Main and Bridge Sis., Towanda . Pa.)
Dft. T. r. IVIADiLL, Proprietor.
I informs the Puldic, that lie ha- purchased the above
j Drug Store, and having thoroughly refitted and enlarged
■ t, and inctea-ed hi- taeilities for Compounding Medicines
is prepared to supply every want ot the public, in the
My*Stoek, almost entirely new, has-been selected with
care, and embraces a I nil assortment of all articles belong
ing to the Drug Trade.
are received monthly, of Pure and Reliable Drugs and
Medicines, which will he sold at prices that cannot fail
to suit our patrons. My -stock consists of
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and
Of every description, and the best duality for Medical
use. Ail the popular
Boianic tC Eclectic Medicines, Tildons Alco
holic and Fluid Extracts,
Alkaloids and Resinoids. All the best Trusses,
Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Br.ices.
Breast Pumps, Nipple Shalls & Shields,
Nursing Bottles.Syi ittges, Cathters,
Pocket Knives, Surgical Instruments of late style and
! best quality. Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Window Glass, Put
j ty, &e. A large supply of
For the Plat, Hair, and Shoes, Painting, Varnishing and
White Washing, also for the Teeth and Nails.
of every variety. A large assortment of
Pure Es-ential Oils. Fine Perfumery and Toifet Soaps,
Buffalo and Ivory Combs, Hair Dyes, Oils and
luvigorators. Kerosene, Burning Fluid,
Lamps, Shades, Chimneys,
Wicks, &c.
Choice Tobacco, Cigars <£* Snuff'.
i ! he ve Fish Tackling, Ammunition. Ac.
j Bird Cages, of every style and variety, Cups, Nests aud
<sS- Dr. MADTLL will be found at his office, in the
j Drug Store at all times, when engaged in out of door
practice, when he will examine and prescribe for patients
i in his way, free of charge.
! Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Prescriptions
carefully compounded. The public are cordially invited
I to examine and test our stock and learn our prices.
Towanda. June ' 24, 1662. T. F. MADILL.
\J sale in large or small quantities, nt MASON'S Mills,
i„ Monroe. All kinds of Grain taken in payment.
I J. 6. SALSBURY & Co.
C HERIFI' & bALE.—By viitoe of writs
kJ of Vend. Expo, issued out ot the Court of Common
Fleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered
will be exposed to public sale, at. the Court House, in the
oro' of Towanda, on Monday, the Ist day of Dec., 1862
at 1 o'clock p.m..the following described lot .piece or par
cel of land situate in Sheshequin twp., bounded north by
latin of Adam Feught, east by John Maloy, south by John
Post, and west by Henry Monableand George Chandler ;
containing 50 acres—abount 12 acres improved, and a log
house and a lew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Brigham vs James Russell.
Also—At the suit of Enoch Towner vs James M Rus
sell & L k Moody vs same. *
ALSO—The'following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Leßoy two., bounded north by Augustus
Kelly, east by Chauncy Chaapel, south by tbe towauda
Creek, and west by A M R West, containing 50 acres,
more or less, about 30 acres improved, flamed house,
framed barn, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John R.
Chaapel's use vs Rocelia S Stone.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in West Burlington, hounded north by Ezra
Goddard, west by the public highway and Henry John
son, south A T Westgate, and east by Ezra Coda id; con
taining H acres, more or less—all improved. 2 framed
house-, framed barn, framed building used as a store,
framed blacksmith shop, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of George B
Davidson vs R H Ward & H A Ward
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate iu Sheshequin twp., bounded north by lanrl
ot Mrs. Lubky, east by Abram Gore, south by land of C
C Gore, aud west by tbe public highway, containing 30
acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, with fram
ed house, a framed barn, a large framed shop, and fruit
trees thereon.
ALSO—Another piece of land situate in Sheshequin,
bounded north by land of George Kinney, east by Moses
Watkinsj south by Abram Gore, and west by Mrs Lucky
—containing 75 acres, more or less, 40 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Southworth vs Valentine Smith.
ALSO ihe following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate iu Smithfield twp., bounded North by lot
No. 4, sold to J W Campbell, west by lot No 13 sold to
Clark J Brown, south by lot No. 24.and east by lot 15
sold to D Weed, being lot No. 14 of the sub division of
Warrant No. 1467, as made by Zeplton Flower, beiti" 103
rods north and south, and 106 rods east and west, more
or less, about 40 acres improved, a log house anil fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Marshall
Bullock vs Moses E Bobbins.
ALi-O—The follow ing described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Troy & Armenia twps., bounded north by
road leading from Alouzo Thomas to Armenia Mountain,
east by land of 1> R Mauley, Pomeroy, Freeman <fc Joint
Lilleyi south by James L Botlnvell, John Lilley, west by
E II impson, containing 300 acres, more or less, about
150 acres improved, 2 framed houses, lramed bain and
11uit tiees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harding &,
Lee's use vs G I-' Mauley, Marcus Gillam, A J Manlev &
1 B Greenleaft'.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
laud situate in Burlington twp.. bounded north bv lands
ot James lioss, east by Herman Tuttie, south by A J Ross
and west by the public highway— containing 54 acres
more or less, about 40 acres improved, framed house and
framed bain and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Charles
Knupp vs Tracy S Kuupp.
ALSO lhe following described lot, piece or parcel of
lai d situate in Athens borough, bounded noith by hinds
ot Drexwell and Bridge street, on the east by lands of
Drcxwcll, on the south by land* formerly owned liv Ship
man, Welles * Harris, on the west by Eltnira street and
being lots No. 105, tub, 107 ami Ids, ;i . s )a j.j ou a
map of Athens buro, as surveyed by Orson Rickey for
the Hon. Edward Merrick, being 100 feet on Einiira St
74 3 10 lee! on the noft line, 131 410 leet on the east line
and 160 met on the south line ; trained wagon shopjram
bfacksiuitli shop, and trained .-lied thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N C Har
ris vs A F Stevens.
ALsO—The tollo-i ing described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield twp., beginning at a hemlock
the south-west corner of lot No. 04. thence south 1° west
1.J4 perches to a hemlock on the north line of lot No. 74,
thence south So-east s2 perches to a hemlock, thence
north 1° east 134 perches to a post, thence nortn 80°
west 82 perches to the place ot beginning, containing 70
a, tes aim 64 pet cites, mote or less, about o acres iuiprov-
Seized and taken in execution at the sup of F J De
bater vs."Stephen Bostwick Ac V\ nt Bostw icb.
ALSO lite ml lowing described lot, piece or parcel of
laud situate in \\ e.-l Buriiiigtoii, beginning ut a post on
the road at the S E corner ot Joel Calkins' lot, thence
south ss° wc.-t cA porches to a stone pile- in the creek,
thence south 6° east loj perches to a post, thence nortli
f A<> l"- rc '"'- s u post by a pine stump, thence
north 6 west 8 perches to a fio>t, thence nortii s4° east
12 perches lacking 12 links to a post, thence north 12°
west 201 A perches to a post, ihence west 20 perches to a
hemlock, tlieticc south „2 perches to a post, then south
12- east i-.i 6ld pin lies to the place of beginning— con
taining 4n acies and 50 perclies, aiiout 30 acres impri'ved
trumed house, 2 liallied bains, wagon house and an or
chard thereon.
ALSO—A piece of land iu \\ est Burlington, beginning
at a beecn tbeS W corner ol lot No S3, thence east 105
7-10 perches to a po.-t, thence south 14s ts 10 perclies to a
post on the warrant line of the oiu survey on Sugar creek
- thence west 13 !i lo perches to a hemlock corner on said
survey, thence south , 1° west U6 perches to a post south
ea-t corner of lot No. -3. thence m rth 171 2 10 perches
io the place ol beginning, containing 103 acres end 41
perches, about 05 acres improved, tianivd house, framed
bui it. -ii nglc machine and a young orchard thereon.
ALSO—A piece ot land in West Burlington, bounded
north and east l.y land ot Ezra Godard, south by A T
\\ estgale, and west by the public highway and Henry
Julio on, containing 1 A acres, more or less, all improved
2 framed houses, trained barn, framed store, framed
black-uiith shop, and fruit trees thereon
Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of I A Fierce
vs R li Ward A H A Ward.
A ESI)—I he following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Ridgintty twp., bounded north try laud ot
Abuer Kil.-ey. east and south by land of Thomas Decker,
and west by John Hurt—containing 5 acre- more orless
a 11 iriiptoved, a named dwelling house, partly finished,a
board shed and fruit trees thereon.
Seized aud taken iu execution at the suit of John
Holmes vs Sophrina Allen & Anthony Allen.
ALSO—By virtue ot writs ol Flus. Liev. Fac., will be
exposed to public sale at tfie same time and place, the
toll.iw ing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Burlington twp., bounded as follows, beginning at a pop
lar S H corner of lot No. 274 on wan ant lot No. 4136.
thence we.-t on the south line of said warrant 203 perches
to aw hitc maple lor a corner, thence north 7: 2-10 perch
es to a po.-t. thence east 202 perches to the west tine of
said lot No. 274, thence sooth ?:i 2 10 perches to the be
ginning, containing It'll acres strict measure, it being
taken I loin the south end of lots No. 275 A 276 on said
warrant No. 4436, with about 70 acres improved, with 1
framed house, 1 trained barn, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of .Job P Kir
by s use vs Eli.-ha Foster Ac Jonathan Thompson ft (J T
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa., will be ex
posed to public sale, at tbe same time and p ace, the fol
lowing described piece or parcel ol land situate in Terry
twp., bounded oil the north by lauds of Samuel Hillhause
on the east by lands of J L Jones,ou the south by lands
of Hirant Stone, on the west by lands of Hiram Stone &
E i Hart fuller ; containing 50 acres, more or less, about
20 acres improved ; one framed house framed barn two
framed -hops and Iruit trees thereon.
SeicZcd and taken in execution at the suit of J P Kir
by vs D C Dibble.
A LSO— The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Burlington twp . bounded as follows : On
the north by lands of <' Marcellus and A Campbell, on
the east by lads of S i' Gustin. on the south by land of
Hurman 'l'uttle, and on the west by iand of James Ross;
containing 50 acres, mure or less, about 25 acres improv
ed, log liou.-e, shed, and fruit trees thereon.
Feized and taken in execution at the suit of Theo.
Curtis and U. Mercur vs. Charles Alexander.
ALLO—The following described lot, pieceor parcel of
land situate in Albany twp., bounded north by land of
David Miller and James Macfarland, east by land of Arn
asa Hancock, and south and west by Xadoc Corson.—
Containing 170 acres, more or less, about 100 acres im
proved, with a framed hou e, framed barn, log black
smith shop and three apple orchards and other Iruit trees
ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land in Albany
twp., bounded north by lands ot Sheffield Wilcox, east
by Milton Hakes, Jos. Menardi and Simeon Chapman,
south by lands of Wells Wilcox and S. C. and Win.
Means, and we.-t by lands of" Jonn Hanson, John Holmes
and James and Benjamin Wilcox. Containing 160 acres,
more or less, about 100 acres improved, two framed
houses, one log house, two framed barns, blacksmith
shop and apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon.
ALSO —One other lot in Albany twp.. bounded north
by land of Sheffield Wilcox and Milton Hakes, south by
land of Joseph Menardi, and west by land of Z. Gillett.
Containing 20 acres, more or less, about eighteen acres
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in Albany twp., bounded on the north by lands of the
Barclay Coal Co.. on the east and south by the Sheffield
Wilcox ttrm, on the west by aforesaid Coal Company.
Containing 50 acres mote or less, about 20 acres im
proved, one framed house, framed barn, saw mill and
few Iruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. L.
Rockwell, surviving partuer of Drown & Rockwell vs.
Rollin Wilcox unff Sheffield Wilcox.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfield twp., bounded on the north by
lands of Elliot Hufibut, on the east by lands of Nelson
Burlingarne, on the south by land of Phtfander Ward, on
the west by the public highway & Gardner Burlingartfe's
e-tate ; containing 50 acres, more or less, about 40 acres
improved, framed house, framed barn, corn house, and
apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William T
Da vies & J H Webb vs 1 A Burli game.
ALSO—The tolowing described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Monroe twp., bounded on the north and
east by lands of J L Rockwell, on the south by theSchra
der tiranch of Towanda creek, on the west by lands of
pavid Dash ; couuiniag aoout 160 acies; about 75 acre?
improved.2 framed houses, framed barn, and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Monroe twp., beginning at a post on the bank of the
Sclirader creek and corner of lands of Wm. Northrop—
thence along the same south 48° east 203£ perches to a
post, thence on the warrant l ne south 46$°. west 2fts pr
to a corner, thence on warrant line south I|° west 138
perches to a corner of land of B Northrop, thence along
the same, north 434° west, to the Scrhadercreek, thence
up the centre of the same, the several courses and dis
tances to the line of Nancy Weston's lot, thence along the
same, noith 43$° West to the north west corner of Nan
cy Weston's lot, thence on the warrantee line, north ssi°
east 156 perches to the east side of Sclirader creek, thence
up the same to the place of beginning ; containing 180
acres, more or less, about 60 acres improved, with one
framed house, framed barn, and shed and .an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J L Rock
well, surviving partner of Brown A Rockwell vs William
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Springfield twp.. bounded north by lands
ofJA Wood, east, by the highway, south and west by lands
J U Grace, containing 26 acres more or less, about 16
improved, with a shed and fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—Another piece of land in Springfield township,
bounded north by land of J U Grace, L Grace. A Cole &
T Leonard.east by land of R Young, south by laud of R
Y'oung and J Reeser, west by land of J U Grace. L Grace
and A Wood—containing 47 acres, about 20 acres im
proved, a framed barn, a log house and fruit trees threon
ALSO—Another piece of land in Smithfield township,
bounded north by lands of Burgess, east by lands of C
Burgess and C Phillips Jr., south by lands of M Phillips,
west by land of E Merrell, L Cooper Jr and others—con
taining 77 acres and 152 pr more or less, about 50 acres
improved, beiug lot No 24 on C F Welles' map ol Spring
field twp., with a log house thereon.
ALSO—Another piece of land in Springfield township,
bounded north and east hy land of T Wilder, south by
the county road, west by the north road, containing one
acre, more or less, a!! improved, with a framed dwelling
house, store house, framed barn and shed, fruit aud orna
mental trees thereon.
ALSO—A piece of land in Springfield twp., bounded
north by land formerly of Whipple aud uow of Gardner
Bennett, east by land of C Burgess, south by lands of E.
Burgess, west by land of C Burgess, containing 12 acres,
more or less, all improved, log house, and framed house,
f.iuit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Francis
Ripley s Hiram Spear.
Towanda, Nov. 5.1862. Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S SALE —By virtue of sundry
writs of Ven Ex, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed aud delivered,
will be exposed to public sale,' at t Ire Corn t House in To
wanda,on Thursday, Dec. 4, 1862, at 1 o'clock p. in., the
following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Athens twp., bounded north by J P Green and L O Snell
east by 1) C Kimball and Ira Elsbree, south by William
Phelps, and west by Page A Bristol I, W. W. Wolcott A
Ira & A C Elsbree—containing 250 acres, 150 improved,
ft framed house framed barn, a shingle mill, aiiog pen,
and corn house, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized ar.d taken in execution at the suit of C S Russ
ell vs Franklin Murray.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Herrick, beginning at the south east cor
ner of Edmund Hager's lanJ, and stones between two
creeks, thence north 80° we-t 54 2-10 perches to a beech
at the south-east corner of N B Wetmore's land, thence
north 14° east 60 perches to a post on G. Wickhizer's
line, theee south 66° east ■ perches to E Hager's north
west corner, thence south 31° west 160 perches to the
j beginning—containing 45 acres more or lesr. about 30
! ceres improved, framed house and barn thereon.
! A LSI I —Another piece of land in said township, bound
| ed north by land formerly owned by E J Turreil, east by
, the highway leading from A Holies to Herriekville A
1 the highway leading from Herriekville to Fairchild .
i mills, on the south by lands of Win Mel'herson and the
; State road, and wc.-t by land of Amos Snow and Chester
i Stewart—containing 60 acres, about 50 acres improved.
} 3 framed houses, frame barn, a wagon house and a few
i fruit trees thereon.
j ALSO— Anothi r piece of land in said township, begin
\ tiing at a post, the m rt i-west corner ot a lot of land
i deeded by 1) L DeCliastlean. the 17th day of July, 1.830.
to E S Turrel[, thence sooth B*° west to a post on the
east line of Charles Stewart's lot, thence north 1° east to
the place ol beginning—containing 60 acres, more or less
—about 20 acres improved, framed bare and shed there
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Crane A
Caldwell vs Charles Sill, J W Brown A Francis Angle,
trading as Sill, Angle A Co.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Albany twp.. bounded on the north and
I west by Wells Wilcox, south by the highway, and east
j by the Fowler Branch ; containing £ acre, more or less,
all improved, framed house, small framed barn and iruit
trees thereon.
Seiezed and taken in execution at the suit of J P Kirby
vs J X Chapman.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Albany twp., bounded HoYth by land of
Anuisa Heverly, east by the Fowler Branch of Towanda
creek, south by land of N Smith and Daniei Kellogg, and
west by land of the Coal Company—containing 140 acres
more or less, about 60 acres improved, framed house, 2
framed barns and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Arabella S
Mace vs P n Wilcox.
A I,SO—By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fac., will be expos
ed to public sale, at the same time and piaeo, the follow
ing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ath
ens borough,bounded north by Church street, east by Main
street, James Smith and Dr Hoyt, sonth by Bridge St.,
and west bv Elrnira st.. being 215 t'eet front "by 220 feet
back, the north line being 3">o feet , all impioved, 1 large
building used as a foundry & machine shop, blacksmith
shop, moulding room, and sheds and framed ban thereon
Seized and taken in execution at the suitot H S Wells'
use vs.C X Ship man and terre tenants.
Towanda. Nov. 5.1862. Sheriff.
t> EG IST ER S NOTICES—Notice is here
I V by given, that there has been filed and settled in
the office of the Register ot Wills, in and for the county
of Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the fol
lowing estates, viz :
Final account of J. G. Towner, Executor of Aruest
Forbes, late of Rome.
Final account of G. H. Buck, Guardian of Ja's M Foril,
of Pike.
Filial account of Robert Bui! A J R Irvine, Executors
of George W Cook, late of Monroe.
Final account of Samuel B Foster, Administrator de
lionis non, ot A trial Foster, late of North Townanda.
Final account of J A Pierce, Guardian of Wm E A Ma
ry K Gratis, of Troy.
Final account of John Morton, Executor of Isaac Mor
ton. late ot Slteshcouin
Final account of Achsah Allen, executrix of Jonathon
Hall, late of Smithfield.
Final Account ot Achsah Allen and Samuel Farwcll,
executors of Warren Allen, late of Smithfield.
Partial account of F. Horton.Guardian of Susan, Alice,
Ellen G., Sautee A Elizabeth S Tritogle, A Lovitia Sharts
heirs of Win. Sanlee.
AESO—The appraisement of property ret off by Ex
ecutors or Administrators to widows or children, ot the
following decedents:
Estate of Jeremiah Cutj>.
'• James Clark,
" J.Mills,
" " J. K. Valance,
" " A.S.Coleman,
" U.W.Johnson,
'• '• Perry C. Heath.
" " Solomon Bnsworth,
" " James Brown.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of Bradford County, on Monday, the Ist day of December
next, for confirmation and allowance.
N.C. ELSBREE, Register.
Register's Office, Dec. 4,1862.
"PROCLAMATION. —Whereas the Hon.
JL U. MERCUR, President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford
and Susquehanna, and Honorables JOHN PASSMORE, and
V, M. LONG, Associate Judges, in and for said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the
28th day of Sept. A. I). 1862, to me directed, for holding
a Court of Oyer aud Terminer, General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace, Common I'leas and Orphan's Court at To
wanda,for the County of Bradford, on, Monday, the first
day ot December next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County ot
Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. With
their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those things which to their office appertains to be
done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or oth
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may
be in the jail of said County, or who shall be bound to
appear at the said court, are to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 6th of Nov'br, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred ond sixtVtwo, and
of the Independence of the United States, the eighty
sixth. A. H. SPALDING. Sheriff.
IN lite matter of the estate of Henry Ransom,
late of Orwell ticp. In the Orphan's Court of lirael
fard County.
Notice is hereby given that on petition of Wm. C. Ran
som, of Shesliequin township, the Orphan's Court of said
county awarded an inquest, and a Jury of Inquest will
tie held on the premises, on Tuesday, November 23,1862,
between the hours of Iff and 12 o'clock, a.m., to ascertain
whether a piece of land late the estate of Henry Ransom,
dec'd., can be divided without injury to the whole, said
land is bounded and described as follows
Bounded on the south by the pui-j; c highway leading
from Rome to Orwell Uil>, west by a road leading from
Rome to Nichof--, noith by lands cf F, A- ptmmock and
east by lend of Simeon Rockwell. Containing about one
acre and a half or two acres, all improved, with one old
framed house thereon.
Oct. 15, 18*2-
ance of an order of the Orpliau's Court ol Bradford
County, will be exposed to public sale, at the dwelling
house, on the premises, last hereafter described, at one
o'clock p. m.,on Saturday,the 2'2d day of November 1862,
the following described tracts of land, situate in Smith
iield twp.,to wit One lot or tract of land bounded on
the west by land of Albert Califf, south by the public
highway, east by land late of Harvy Dtirfev, dec'd., and
north by land ot G. A. French, from which is to be de
ducted about three acres, sold by said deceased to Henry
Brighara, and half an acre sold to 8. S. Baker, and by
him sold to Wm. I. Ross, said first described lot of land
alter deducting said lots 9old as aforesaid ; containing
about 44 acres of land, as supposed, with one fiamed
burn thereon erected ; a few fruit trees thereon growing,
and about 25 acres improved. The other lot bounded on
the west by land of H. C. Brighain, and by oth?r lands of
said deceased, oa the south by land of S. 8. Baker, on the
ea-t by land of Edwin E. French, and on the north by land
of G. A. French, from which is to be deducteu a small
lot of about three fourths of an acre, on which William I.
ltoss now resides, and about half au acre sold by said de
ceased to said Ross, said last describeu lot so to be ex
posed to public sale, as aforesaid. Containing, after mak
ing said deductions, about 40 acres, with about twenty
acres improved, with a framed house, and framed barn
thereon erected, and an apple orchard thereon growing
said lands being of the estate of said deceased.
Attendance Will be gifreuaud terms of sale madeknown
by the subscriber. E. G. DURFEY,
Smithfield, Oct. 22, 1862. Administrator.
( SEAL I held in and tor said County, at Towanda,
V / before the Hon ULYSSES MERCUR.
president and his associate justices of the said court on
SATURDAY the of Sept. A. D. 1802. In the mat
ter ot the estate of the partition or valuation of the real
estate of John Donnolly dec-eased On motion of Mr
Adams the court grant a rule directed to Ellen Donnolly,
Widow of John Donnolly. and guardian of Sarali and
James Donnolly, minors also, Mary M'Conoson, formerly
Mary Donnolly and James MeConoson her husband also
to Grace and Margaret Donnolly heirs and persons inter
ested in said estate and all other persons interested to
be and appear before the honorable the Judges ot the j
said court at a court to be held at Towanda, on Monday
the Ist day of December, A. D., Iso 2. there and then
to agree or refuse the real estate of saiddecendent at the
appraised valuation put upon it by the inquest duly re
turned by the court.
Certified irom the record Sept. 6,1862.
X.C. KLSBRF.E, Clerk.
PROCLAMATION —Bradford County ss
FARNSON S. MUMFORD, by her next friend
Francis A. Sexton vs. RICHARD O. MUMFOItD, No,
2.54 May Term, 1802.
To Richard O. Mamford—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce
was issued to Felffuary Term, 18G2, which was duly
returned nou est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena
was issued in said case, returned to May Term, 18G2, up
on the return of which, proot was made that the said Ju-
Riehard O. Vincent-could not be found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of De
cember next to answer said complaint, Ac.
Towanda, Nov. 5,1862. Sheriff.
I)ROCLA MATION.—Bradford county, ss
255, May Term, 1862.
Sophia H. Newton—Whereas a -sntipcena in Divorce
was issued to February Term, 18G2, which was duly re
turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena
was issued in said ease, returnable to May Term, 1862,
upon the return of which, prool was made that the said
Sophia II Newton could not be found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday in De
cember answer said complaint, Ac.
Towanda. Nov. 5, ISG2. Sheriff.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— IJevier, Briggs
fyCo.vs. Stephen Felton , No. 326, Sept. Term.
iB6O, and /£. A. Parsons rs . Stephen Felton, Sept. T-,
1862. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale Ot defendant's
real estate,will attend to the duties ol his appointment at
his ollice, in the borough of Towanda, on THURSDAY,
13th Nov., 1862, at 2 o'clock, p. in., and all persons
having cUlwns upon said monies mfist prfcsent them, or
else be forever debarred fiom the same
Oct. 15,1862. Auditor.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE— In the mailer of
th e estate of Milton Ross, dec'd.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Court
upon exceptions field to the final account or A Imiuistra
tor, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his
office, in Towanda borough, on Friday, the 2lst day of
November, 1802, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and
place all persons interested are requested to be present.
Towanda. Oct. 22,1862.
\ UDITO'S NOTICE iV. C. Harris vs.
X.V A. IF. Fox. —ln the Court of Common Pleas ot
Bradford county, No. 216, February T., 1861.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute monies raised by Sheriff's sale of defendant's
real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in the borough ol Towanda.on SATURDAY,
the 22d day of November, 18G'2, at 1 o'clock, p. in., and
all persons having claims upon sard monies must present
them, or else be lorever debarred from the same.
Oct. 22.15C2.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the matter of
fA. the estate of Shepard Pierce vs IFm. A. Fierce.
No. 175 May Teim, ISC2. In tire Court of Common Pleas
of Bradford county.
The undersigned,"an Auditor, appointed by said Court j
to distribute funds arising from Sheriff sale of deft will at
tend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the
borough of Towanda, on Monday, 17th day of November
1862, at 1 o'clock, p. in., and all persons having claims
on said monies must present them,or else be forever de
barred from the same. P. D. MORROW,
Oct. 16,1862. Auditor.
XJL is hereby given that tsii persons indebted to the es
tate of James Allen, late of Albany, dec'd., are requested
to make immediate payment, and all having claims
against said estate, must present them dulvauthenticat
ed fur settlement. J. L.JONES,
Oct. 6, 1862. Administrator.
a U is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Nehemiah Coburn, late of Warren, dec'd., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
demands egainst said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Oct. 6 .1862. Administrator.
JfL. is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es
tate of Newton T. Miller, late ot Orwell, dec'd., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and all having
claims against said estate must present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. CY'RUS COOK,
Oct. 2, 1862. Adm.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ot Darling Jarvis, late of Pike, dec'd., are requested
to made immediate payment, and those having claims
against said estate must present tlicm duly authenticated
tor settlement. D.M. BAILEY', Adm.
Oct. 2,1862.
XJL is hereby given that ell persons indebted to the es
tate of Hiram Allis, late of Orwell, dec'd.. are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having claims
against said estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ABEL DARLING. Adm.
Oct. 2.186'2.
I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here-
J hy given that all persons indebted to the estate of
Benjamin Sexton, late of Granville, dec'd., are retuested
to make payment without delay, and those having claims
against said estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
Oct. 2, 1862.
is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
. tate of Charles H. Kellogg, late of Monroe, dec'd..are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate must present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. L. S. CHtJBBUCK,
Oct. 22, 1862.
is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Benjamin Reel, late of Windham, deed., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate must present them duly authen
ticated for settlement. WM. H. RUSSELL,
Oct. 22,1862. f -• inistratora,
AND THEIR FRIE>, l >s.—The undersigned having
had considerable in procuring Pension Boun
ties and hack pr y ot soldiers, will attend to all business
in that eutrusted to his care, with promptness and
persons wishing to confer with me will please call or
addre&s ine by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county. Pa
Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONROE.
Refers by permission to
H. B. CARD, County Treasurer, Wellsbboro, Pa.
D. F. POMEROY. Troy, Pa.
A. H. SPALDIXG, Sheriff, Towanda, Pa.
Qct. 22.18*2.
XA. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of A. G.CKANMER, late of Lcltoy twp., dec'd.,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay, and all persons having demands against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 22,18(52. Administrate)ra.
is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the
estate of JANE JONES, late of Athens, dec'd., are* re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
demands against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. JOHN JONES,
Oct. 15, 18(52. Administrator^)
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby giv
en that all persons indebted to the estate of William
Walborn, late of Granville, dec'd.. are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claimsagainst said
estate must present them duly'authcnticated for settle
Oct. 2-, 1862. Administrator.
A DM INISN'RA TOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is hereby glv
.fX en that all persons indebted to the estate of George
Walborn, late of Granville, dec'd., are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against said
estate must present them duly authenticated for settle
Oct. 28,1862. Administrator.
/TAUTION —Whereas, my wife PIIOEBK
B. FAIKCHILD. having lett my bed and board with
out just cause or provocation. I hereby forbid any person
or persons harboring or trusting her on mv account.
Herrick. Oct. 24. 1862.
(First door South of Codding A Russell's.)
an unusual large stock of Clothing. Cloths, Casemers
Vestings, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hat.s A Caps, which
will be sold at greater bargains than before.
Will comprise almost every article worn by man or boy.
Vests, Shirts, Collars,
Suspenders, Neck Ties,
Gloves, Wrappers, Socks (
Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention
is called to our New Style of
Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice,
and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some
eight years experiense in this line of business, my cutter,
Mr. PENEPACKER, will be on hand, at all t.iees to de
cutting for those who wish it done.
If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get as good as
represented, call at
If you wish to get the worth of your money, and buy new
fresh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and you will b
satislied. No trouble to show goods and no forcing to buy
Goods sold for cash only. J. M. COLLINS.
Towanda , April 21,1862.
New Arrangements.
ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for*
rnerly carried on by J. D. HUMPHREY, in the store op
posite the Court House, where they will keep constantly
i on hand a general assortment of
and a very large stock of all kinds of LEATHER requir
ed for a country trade. A full assortment of
Shoe Findings, [Harness Triiiniiings,
We expect to increase our facilities in the manufacture
ing department, so as to be,able to supply dealers with A
superior article, at prices rivaling all competition, and
especially •' foreign," believing it of vital importance to
community to ioster domestic productions as far-as prac
Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery
owned by Messrs. Gulp A Kirby, and rented the shop
formerly occupied by them, we offer lor sale a large stock
and will make to order almost anything in this line.
We respectfully invite public attention to our whole
stock iu its various branches, trusting that by strict at
tention to business and zealous exertions to supply the
wants oi community, we shall merit and receive a fktr
share of public patronage.
We are prepared to make to order anything in our ilna.
Also, do ail kinds of repairing on very short notice.
Cash paid (or Sheep pelts, Hides and Skins.
Towanda, April 25, 1862.
And the public generally will find at his store
Which will be sold on
Towanda, Sept. 25, 1862.
Opposite the Court House,
Towanda, Sept. 24,1-862.
i Insurance against Loss by Fire
SepU 30, 18(52. e
GUARDIAN'S SALE.—virtue of atf
order of the Orphans' Court of county (
will be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY , the Tah
day of NOVEMBER next, at 1 o'clock. P. on the
nrem'ses. the following described ""'perty, to wit: \
lot of land situate in UM(. r township, bounded,'north an 4,
east by land of James McCarty, south by land of Jason"
Smith and west by the public highway. Containing
about halt an acre of land, with a framed house and barn
thereon, it'being the tavern house formerly kept byfP'.
P. Sweet.
TERMS— One fourth of the purchase money to be paid
C.o confirmation of sale, and the balance in one, two, and
three years thereafter, with interest i
fOct, 80. ISM. fuardlan of Charlotte EWA