Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 13, 1862, Image 3

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M Special Court was held at this
■ ek before Judge WhiTk. The case of Bal-
B^lt Shoemaker, et. al., occupied nearly all
■fH' Tbe jury, alter being out all night, falling to
■ 8 verdict, were discharged.
| fl'e notice that S W. Al.vord, of the
■ St""-'" is just receiving a large and splen
of Books, Stationery, Pnotograph Al
which he proposes to sell at a very low fig-
B'jdrertisemeut next week.
® as-The annoal meeting of the Bradford
B Teachers' Association, will be holden at Smith
' priday and Saturday, the 14th and 15th ot No-
commencing oh Friday at 10 o'clock, a. tn.
and Essays may be expected ; also discussions
B t ics connected with the cause of education.
B 1 '" P ' C. B. COBURN.
■ jgr Soldiers' Letters. —In addressing let-
I to soldiers, persons are liable to put entirely too
„n the envelope when directing them. Letters
3 always lie addressed with the letter of the Com-
and not to the care of the Captain—in the latter
B°'tiie Captain alone can receive them from the Fost
The name of the person, the letter of the com-
K r and number of the regiment, is all that is uect>3-
■ Western Bradford Horsf. Fair. —
B><- Fair was held on the East Troy I'ark, Thursday
V; p r ijay of last week. The weather was propitious.
Ids -oddly number of horses competed for the premi
■ ; yaiong the " lucky ones." was the horse of E. P .
Kkisb. Of this village, which drew the premium of S2O,
■ the afternoon of the second day. We have not been
■rnished the particulars, and are consequently unable
■ jiTca more miuute account.— Troy Times.
I tat Gallantry. —There is nothing like
gallantry of manners there used to be some fifty
Kir* Now, gentleman lifts his hat to a lady;
■en, the hat entirely removed from the head, and
Be centlcinan stood before her uncovered. Now the
■nilenian takes a smack front her ruby lips, and hard
■ frks ri-J in the face; then, he struggled for tbe
■ck. and never drew along breath for half an hour
Bier; theu, he kneeled gracefully to tie up her shoe-
B ; >'< now, she puts her foot iuto his lap aud lie ties
B>tringwitha gape, aud releases the foot, without
Bveciucyor even a tight squeeze. We are growing
I fa?* Fulton applied steam to the great
Bic'.icul uses of the age ; Mouse has brought Galvanism
■ the daily servant of bullions of nten. Newton uti-
Bvtlltd the mazes of the stars aud made their in tions
■e mariner's guide on the trackless ocean. hat these
Bra have done in their departments, l>r. Aykh does in
■edicine. He turns the great discoveries in Science aud
Blinks to use in the cure of disease, and makes the oc*
Bit discoveries of the great chemists available for the
Bints of every day life. His medicines for the low prices
B which they are sold, bring within the reach of every
■an the best wisdom and best skill of modern times. —
B'i/mmgfoii (Del.) Statesman.
I stir At lhe request of the Superintendent,
■•have printed, and shall keep on hand, ail the blanks
Biuircd by School Directors, and will sell thi n; iu pack-
Bfi containing
B School Orders,
B-4 Agre'-meuts with Teachers,
B of Collector's Warrants.
3Collector's Bond-',
3 Treasurer 0 LCiuda,
3 Notices of the employment of teachers,
[l2 Annual Statements of District Accounts,
k 1 p.vkage for one Hollar.
|We understand th.iß the expense of such blanks can be
f.ii out of tbe School treasury.
Godey's Lady's Book for December
I J! ready upon our table, freighted with all the ijsceh
rrcTi-s C.oiikv has so well learned in thirty years to pro
ideforhis lady readers. The present he calls a " Christ
en Number," and the embellishments are a grateful an
j.jiatDn of the pleasures of that joyful time. Gf Mi
aow, confessedly, without a rival in catering for tie
vstes and folles of his lady readers. lie promises for
D coping year a long list of new attractions, which
i ! make " the Book more than ever a feminine ne
essity. Husbands, brothers and lovers! send on your
wney and the names of your " adored " to Gouky. for
Christmas present which will not fail of due apprecia
ftaT Bad for Tobacco Consumers.—Deal
is in tobacco are aboul us independent as dealers in
utton goods. Their prices are as stiff as ramrods. —
linufacturers of" fine cut " have put up the price about
irety-three per cent. . and cut down the quality of the
IrC'le in like proportion. This makes an increase of
liXty-ix |ir-r cent, in the wholesale price of a bad breath
lid discolored teeth. Tobacco chewers assert that the
Snecut now in market is made of old mattrasses satnra-
Win tobacco juice. The retail price of the article is
m Teased one-third. What is true of tobacco is also true
Bdcigars . •' Grabs '" have disappeared from the mar
ket, and " York county regalias," that sold for a shilling
M<'zen. are now worth double that amount. The plc-a
bnt fictions sold uuder fancy names as genuine Havanas
kike a serious hole in the smoker s pocket book. PuS
casts something now, if it never did before.
tor Old Boreas, with his chilly, snowy
P"1 slushy accompaniments, seems to have taken Father
Line by the forelock, and to have paid us a somewhat
pieisature and exceedingly unpleasant winter visit this
par. There are only three instances, so far as we can
fr'o'.lect. during several years back, when we were vis
r.ed by a regular snow storm so early in the season—
tatnely: on the 7th of November, 1848; on the 7tli of
November, 1853, and on the 4th of November, 1851. Tbe
fresent storm is therefore, the anniversary of those of
bis and 1853.
Shortly after six o'clock Friday morning—the night
living been bitterly cold, and, from the gusty wind,
viything but comfortable to outside passengers— snow
ivp&n to fall in large flakes, and towards seven it came
"lis'ti in a thick, incessant, keen and driving shower,
*nich laste 1 throughout the whole day. There is, how
ler, at the present writing, but little snow lingering,
Nd we hope to have many a sonny day yet this year.
80- Ten Ckxt.s were at one time attempt-
Nto be made the standard of pay for a day's labor, by
pke man who is now also attempting to escape the blovd
plied, orphanage, waste, desolation and sufferings of this
"it", Buchanan. He failed — and what a blessing it would
■ been if all bis efforts for evil had been attended by
a *'ke failure. From failing to have become the price
c ' f a day's labor, trn cents have assumed even more im
' -'"Ranee. It now requires ten cents to legalize the most
!:il portant contract of a man's life. Without a ten cent
s -amp affixed, a marriage certificate would be null and
Void— its recorded vows like ropes of sand, its rcspon
huities like Democratic principles, and its whole pur-
Pose like tbe Democratic party, a fraud. Love hereafter
maot live on tbe light of Luna. The nectar from roses
'-I not be sufficient for its nourishment. .A marriage
"Rificate is no longer a thing divested of the sordid
arte 'ings of the merchant. It must hav*- a ten cent
stamp pasted in one ol its corners, the tr ■ above and the
below the Hymenial Altar, where Cupid can make
a '-es as he attempts to decipher and define what to him
*'Die so strange an inscription. The marriage certi
a e an d the ten cent stamp are henceforth one and in
"T-irable. To the certificate the stamp must be affixed,
lea 1° • 't becomes as binding as adamant, and of a
, "R l * l which allows no man to put those aunder whom
bouud together. Honor to the tea cent stamp I
CHERIFF'S SALE.—By viitae of writs
Pfru?L n!L d tr E j P0 " issued out 01 the Court of Common
I leas ot Bradfoid county, to me directed and delivered
will be exposed to public sale. at. the Court House, in the'
borough of -ToWanda, on Monday, the Ist day of
December, 1862, the following described lot, piece orpar
-B*,eshequin twp., bounded north by
laud ot Adam Feught, east by John Maloy, south by John
Post; and west by Henry Monableaud George Chandler t
containing .>0 acres—abount 12 acres improved, and a lo*
house aud a few fruit trees thereon. °
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward
Brigham vs James Russell. u
.J l ?'r, A \. th * Suit of Euo^h Towner vs James M Rus
sen & ij L Moody vs same.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Leßoy twp., bounded north by Augustus
Kelly, east by Chauhcy Channel, south by the iowanda
Creek, and west by AMR West, containing 50 acres,
more or less, about 30 acres improved. Rained house,
I lamed barn, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John R.
C baa pel s use vs Rocelia S Stoue.
ALSO— Ihe following described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate inMest Burlington, bounded north by Ezra
Goddard, west by the public highway and Henry John
son, south A T West gate, and east by Ezra Godard; con
taining 14 acres, more or less—ail improved 2 framed
houses, framed barn, framed building used as a store,
framed blacksmith shop, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George B
Davidson vs It H Ward AHA Ward
ALSO The following descrilied lor, piece or parcel of
land situate in bheshequiu twp., bounded north by land
ot Mrs. Luliky, east by Abram Gore, south by land of C
C Gore, and west by the public highway, containing 30
acres more or less, about 26 acres improved, with fram
ed bouse, a framed barn, a large framed shop, and fruit
trees thereon.
AlJso—Another piece of land situate in Shesliequin,
bounded north by lurid of George Kinney, east bv Moses
>Y ifrkinsj south by Abram Gore, and west by Mrs Lucky
containing 75 acres, more or less, 40 acres improved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol' John
South worth vs Valentine Smith.
ALSO—lhe following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfield twp., bounded North by lot
No. 4, sold to J W Campbell, west by lot No 13 sold to
Clark J Brown, south by lot No. 24.and east by lot 15,
sold to D Meed, being lot No. 14 ol the sub division ot
\\ ai rant No. 1487, as made by Zcphon Flower, being 163
roils north and south, and 106 rods east and west, more
or less, about 40 acres improved, a log bcuse aud fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Marshall
Bullock vs Moses E Bobbins.
AL>C—The following described lot. piece or parcel of
laud situate in Troy A Armenia tups., bounded north by
road leading Irum Alonzo Thomas to Armenia Mountain
east by land of D It Mauley, Ponieroy, Freeman A John
Lil ey south by James L Buihwell, John Lilley, west by
E 11 impson, containing 300 acres, more or less, about
100 acres improved, 2 trained houses, lranied bain and
t rent trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harding A
Lee s use vs G F ManJey, Marcus Gillam, A J Manlev A
1 B Green lea tt. J
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
laud situate in Burlington twp.. bounded north by lands
of James Ross, east by Herman Tuttie, south by A J Ross
and west by the public highway—containing 54 acres
more or less, about 40 acres improved, framed house and
lranied barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles
lvuapp vs Tracy S Knapp.
, ALSO 1 lie inflowing descrilied lot, piece or parcel ol
land situate in Athens borough, bounded noith by lands
ot ifrexwell and Biiilge. street, on the east by lauds ot
Drexw cll. on the south by lands formerly owned bv Ship
man, Welles A Harris, on the west t.y Eiinira street and
being lots No. 105, iCO, 10i and 108, us laid down on a
luap ol Athens, as surveyed by Orson Rickey tor
the Hon. Edwarel Herrick, being 100 feet on Elmira St.,
74 3-10 itel on the nort line, 131 4-10 feet on the east line
and 100 leet on the south line ; framed wagon shop fram
blacksUiith shop, and trained shed thereon.
Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of N C Har
ris vs A I' Stevens.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Litchfield twp., beginning at a hemlock
the south-west corner oi lot No. 04. thence south 1° west
134 pert-lies to a hemlock on the north line of lot No. 74,
thence south Sifr cast 82 perches to a hemlock, thence
north I J east 134 perches to a post, thence north 80°
yvesi 82 perches to the place ol beginning, containing 70
acres and 64 perches, more or less, about 5 acres improv
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of P J De
Cater vs Stephen Host wick A Win Bustwick.
ALSO—lhe tallowing described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in West Burlington, beginning at a post on
the road at the S E coiner ot Joel Calkins' lot, thence
south 8,->° west 24 peichcs to a stone pile in the creek.
tl:i nee south 6° cast lu4 perches to a post, thence north
east 20 perches to a post by a pine stump, thence
north 6° west 8 perches to a post, thence north 84° east
12 perches lacking 12 links to a post, thence ninth 12°
west 2014 perches to a post, thence west 20 perches to a
hemlock, ibcnce south 32 perches to a post, then soutii
12- east K'f 6 lo pen lies 10 lhe place ol beginning— con
taining 4o acres and 50 perches, about 30 acres improved
—trained house, 2 liamcd Lams, wugi-u bouse and an or
chard tin-icon.
ALSO—A piece of land in Vest Burlington, beginning
at a beech the .-> W comer of lot No 83, thence east 105
7-10 belches to a post, thence south 14s 8 10 perches ton
post on the warrant line of lhe old survey 011 Sugar creek
—thence west 13 0 10 perches to a hemlock cornet on said
survey, thence south 74° yvest 06 perches to a post south
east corner ot lot No. M>, thence north 171 2 10 perches ;
to the place ol beginning, containing 103 acres and 42 j
perches, about 05 acres improved, framed house, limned !
barn, -Ii ogle machine and a young orchard thereon.
ALSO—A piece of land in West Burlington, bounded |
north and east by land of Ezra Godard, south liy A T
W estgate, aud west by the public highway and Henry
John 011, containing I A acres, more or less, all improved
—2 framed houses, framed barn, framed store, framed
blacksmith shop, and fruit trees thereon •
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I A Fierce
vs it If Ward A 11 A Ward.
A I.M)—Tue billowing described lot. piece or parcel of
land situate in Ridgbmy twp., bounded north by land ol
Ahner K< 1-ey, east and south by laud ot Thomas Decker,
and west by John Burt—containing 5 acres mine or less
nil impioved, a framed dwelling house, partly finished,a
board shed and fruit frees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John
Hointes vs Sophrina Allen A Anthony Allen.
ALSO—By virtue ot writs ot l'lus. Liev. Fnc., will be
exposed to public sale at the same time and place, the
billowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Burlington twp., bounded as follows, beginning at a pop
lai -S W corner ol lot N'o. 274 on warrant lot No. 4-136.
thence west on the south line of said warrant 202 perches
to a white maple tor a corner, thence north 7! 2-lo perch
es to a post, thence cast 202 perches to the west line ot
said lot No. 274, thence south 711 2 10 perches to the be
ginning. containing 100 acres strict measure, it being
taken from the south end of lots N'o. 275 A 276 on said
warrant No. 4436, with about 70 acres improved, with 1
framed house, 1 framed barn, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the s-oit of -sob I' Kir
by "s use vs Eiisha Foster A Jonathan Thompson A C T
ALSO—By virtue of sundry writs of I-'i. Fa., will lie ex
posed to public sale, at the same time and place, the fol
lowing described piece or parcel ol land situate in Terry
tw p , bounded on the north liy lands of Samuel Hillhanse
on the east by lands ol J 1, Jones, on the south by lands
of Hiram Stone, on the west by lands of Hiram Stone A
E.i 11 artinller ; containing 50 acres, more or less, about
20 acres improved ; one framed house framed barn two
framed shops and Iruit trees thereon.
Seii zed and taken in execution at the suit of J F Kir
by vs I) C Dibble.
ALSO—The fol owing described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Burlington twp , bounded as follows: On
the north by lands of Marceflus and A Campbell, on
the east by lads ol rf 1' Gustin. on the south by land of
Hurman l'uttle,and on the yvest by land of James Ross;
containing 50 acres, im re or less, about 25 acres improv
ed, log house, shed, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tbeo.
Curtis and U. Mercur vs. Charles Alexander.
ALLO—The following described lot, pieceor parcel of
land situate in Albany twp., bounded north by land of
David Miller and James Macfarland,east by land of Am
asa Ilaurock. and south and west by Kadoc Corson.—
Containing 170 acres, more or less, about 100 acres im
proved, yvith a framed bou-e. framed barn, lg black
smith shop and three apple orchards and other fruit trees
ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land in Albany
twp., bounded north by lands of Sheffield Wilcox, east
by Milton Hakes, Jos. Mcnardi and Simeon Chapman,
south by lands of Wells Wilcox and S. C. and Wm.
Means, and west by lands of Jnnn Hanson, John Holmes
and Jamesand Benjamin Wilcox. Containing 160 acres,
more or less, about 100 acres improved, two framed
louses, one log house, two framed barns, blacksmith |
shop and apple orchard aud other Iruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot in Albany twp.. bounded north
by laud of Sheffield Wilcox aud Milton Hakes, south by
land of Joseph Menardi, aud yvest by land of Z. Gillett.
Containing 20 acres, more or less, about eighteen acres
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Albany twp., bounded on the north by lands of the
Bat clay Coal Co., ou the east and south by the Sheffield
Wilcox farm, on the west by aforesaid Coal Company.
Containing 50 acres, moie or less, about 20 acres im
proved, one framed house, trained barn, satv mill and
lew fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. L.
Rockwell, surviving partner of Brown A Rockwell-Vs.
Rollin Wilcox and Sheffield Wilcox.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Smithfield twp., bounded on the north by
lands ot Elliot lluribnt, ou the east by lands of Nelson
Burlingame, on the south by land of l'hilander Ward, on
the west by the public highway A Gardner Burlingaine's
estate ; containing 50 acres, more or less, about 4li acres
improved, framed house, framed barn, corn house, aud
apple orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William T
Davies A J H Webb vs '1 A Burlingame.
ALSO—The folowing described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Monroe twp., bounded on the north and
east by lands of J L Rockwell, on the south by the Schra
der branch ot Towanda creek, 011 the west by lands of
David Cah ; containing about 160 acres j about 75 acres
ittipfovtd, a framed house, framed barn, and an orchard
of it nit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, pieee of parcel of land situate in
Monroe twp., beginning at a post on the bank of the
Schrader creek aud corner of lands of Wm. Northrop—
thence along the same south 48° east 2034 perches t > a
post, thence on the warrant line south 464°, west 29£ pr
to a corner, thence oh warrant line south I£° west'loS
| perches to a corner of land of B Northrop, thence along
: the same, north 434° west, to the Scrhad*rcreek, thence
; up the centre of the same, the several courses and dis
j tances to the line of Nancy Weston's lot, thence along the
; same, noith 43J° west to the north west corner ot Nan
j cy Weston's lot, thence on the warrantee line, north 58§°
east. 156 perches to the east side of Schrader creek, thence
up the same to the place of heginning ; containing ISO
acres, more or less, about 60 acres improved, with one
framed house, framed barn, and shed and an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit Of J L Rock
well, surviving partner of Brown & Rockwell vs William
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Springfield twp., bounded north by lands
of A Wood, east by the highway, south and west by lands
J U Grace, containing 26 acres more or less, about 16
improved, with a shed and fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—Auother piece of land in Springfield township,
hounded north by land of J U Grace, L "Grace. A Cole A
T Leonard,east by land of It Young, south by land of R
Young and J Reeser, west by land ot J U Grace. L Grace
and A Wood—containing 47 acres, about 20 acres im
proved, a framed barn, a log house and fruit trees threon
ALSO—Another piece of land in Smithfield township,
j hounded nor'h by lands of Burgess, east by lands of C
! Burgess and C I'hillips Jr., south by lands of M Phillips,
west bv land of E Merrell, L Cooper Jr and others—con
; tainiug 77 acres and 152 pr more or less, about 50 acres
improved, beiug lot No 24 on C F Welles' map of Spring
field twp., with a log house thereon.
ALSO—Another piece of laud in Springfield township,
bounded north and east by land of T Wilder, south by
the county road, west by the north road, containing one
acre, more or less, all improvedi with a framed dwelling
house, store house, framed barn and shed, fruit and orna
mental trees thereon.
ALSO—A piece of land in Springfield twp., bounded
north by land formerly of Whipple and uow of Gardner
Bennett, east by land of C Burgess, south by lands of E.
Burgess, west by land of C Burgess, containing 12 acres,
more or less, all improved, log house, and framed house,
fauit trees thereon.
Seized and taken m execution at the snit of Francis
Ripley YS Hiram Spear.
ToWanda, Nov. 5, 1862. Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
writs of \ en Ex, issued out of the Court of Common
Picas of Bradford county, to me directed aud delivered,
will be exposed to public sale, at the Cuuit House in the
borough of Towanda,on Thursday, December 4,1862, the
following described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in
Athens twp., bounded north by J P Green and L O Snell
east by D C Kimball and Ira Elsbree, south by William
Phelps, and west by Page A Bristo'.l, W. W. Woleott &
Ira & A C Elsbree—containing 250 acres, .150 improved,
a framed house framed barn, a shingle mill, a bog pen,
and corn house, and truir trees thereon.
Seized aril taken in execution at the suit of C S Russ
ell vs Franklin Murray.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Herrick, beginning at the south east cor
ner of Edmund Hager's land, and stones between two
creeks, thence north 80° west 54 2 10 perches to a beech
at the soiith-ea-t corner of N B Wet more's land, thence
north I|° east 60 perches to a post on G. Wiekhizer's
line, thece south 66° east - perches to E Hager's north
west eorner, thence south 34° west 160 perches to the
beginning—containing 45 acres more or less, about 30
acres improved, framed house and barn thereon.
ALSO —Another piece of land in said township, bound
ed north by land formerly owned by E J Turrell, east by
the highway leading from A Unties to llerrickville A
the highway leading from llerrickville to Fail-child's
mills, on the south by lands of Win Mcpherson and lite
State road, and west by laud of Amos Snow and Chester
Stewart—containing 60 acres, about 50 acres improved.
3 framed houses, frame barn, a wagon house and a few
fruit trees thereon.
A LSD A not In r piece of land in said township, begin
ning at a post, the north-west corner of a lot of land
deeded liy 1) I. DeCltastlean, the 17th day of July, 13:,
to E S Turrel[, thence south 88° west to a post on the
east line of Charles Stewart's lot, thence north 1° east to
the place of beginning—containing t.O acres, more or less
—about 20 acres improved, framed barn and shed there
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Crane A
Caldwell vs Charles Sill, J W Brown A Francis Angle,
trading as Sill, Angle A Co.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Albany twp., bounded on the north and
west by Wells Wilcox, south liy the highway, and east
by the Fowler Branch ; containing J acre, more or less,
ail imnroved, framed bouse, small trained barn and fruit
trees thereon.
Seiezed and taken in execution at the suit of J P Kirby
vs J N Chapman.
ALSO—'I lie following described lot, piece or parcel of
land, situate in Albany twp., bounded north by land of
Amasa Heverly, east by the Fowler Branch of Towanda
creek, south by land ot X Smith and Daniei Kellogg, and
west by land of the Coal Ci mpauy—containing 140 acres
more or less, about 60 acres improved, .rattled bouse, 2
trained barns and fruit tregs thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Arabellas
Mace vs I' 1. Wilcox.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Lev. Fnc., will be expos
ed to public sale, at the same time and place, tlie follow
ing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ath
ens borough,hounded north by ( hurt li street, east by Main
street, James Smith and I)r Hoyt, south by Bridge st.,
and west by Elmira st.. being 215 feet front by 220 leet
back, the north line being 350 feet, all imptoved, 1 large
building u.-td as a foundry A machine shop, blacksmith
shop, moulding room, and sheds and framed ban thereon
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of II S Wells' j
use vs.C N Sbipman and terretenants.
Towanda. Nov. 5.1862. Sheriff, j
REGISTER S NOTICES.—Notice is here
by given, that there has been filed and settled in i
the office of the Register ot Wills, in and for the county
ot Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the loi- |
lowing estates, viz :
Filial account of J. G. Towner, Executor of Arnest
Forbes. late of Rome.
Final account < ! G. H. I>uik, Guardian of Ja's M Ford,
of Pike.
Final account of Robert Bull A J R Irvine, Executors
of George W Cook, late of Monroe.
Final account of Samuel B Foster, Administrator de
bonis non, of Abial Foster, late of North Townanda.
Final account of J A Pieice, Guardian of Wm E A Ma
ry E Crans, of Ttoy.
Final account of John Horton, Executor of Isaac llor
ton, late of Shesheauin
Final account ot Achf -ah Allen, executrix of Jonathon
Hull, late of Smithfield.
Final Account ot Achsah Allen and Samuel Farwell,
executors of Warren Allen, late of Smithfield.
Partial account of F. Horton.Guardian of Susan, Alice,
Ellen G., Sautee A Elizabeth S Tritogle, A I.oVina Sbaits
heirs of Wm. Santee.
ALSO—The appraisement of property set off by Ex
ecutors or Administrators to widows or children, of the
following decedents:
Estate of Jeremiah Gulp.
" '■ James Clark,
" J. Mills,
" " J.K. Valance,
" " A.S.Coleman,
•' " 11. W. Johnson,
. n p err y c. Heath.
" " Solomon Bosworth,
" " James Brown.
And the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of Bradford County, on Monday, the Ist day of December
next, for conliiniation and allowance.
N.C. ELSBREE, Register.
Register's Office. Dec. 4,1862.
PROCLAMATION. —Whereas the lion.
U. MERCUR, President Judge of the 12th Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Comf' 1 * 8 of Rradford
and Susquehanna, and Honorables JOHN PASSMORE, and
V. M. LONG, Associate Judges, in and for said county
of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the
28th day of Sept. A. I). 1862, to me directed, for holding
a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace, Common Fleas arid Orphan's Court at To
wanda,for the County of Bradford, oiqMonday, the first
day of December next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Peace and Constables ol tbe County ol
Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper
person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. with
their records, inquisitions and other remembrances, to
do those things which to their ofliee appertains to be
done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or oth
erwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may
be in the jail of said County, or who shall be bound to
appear at the said court, are to be then and there to
prosecute against them as shall be just. Jurors are re
quested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to
their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 6th of Nov'br, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred ond sixty-two. and
of the Independence of the United States, the eighty
sixth. A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff.
IN the matter of the estate of Henry Ransom,
late of Orwell twp. In the Orphan's Court of Brad
ford County.
Notice is hereby given that on petition of Wm. C. Ran
som, of Shesliequin township, the Orphan's Court ot said
county awarded an inquest, and a Jury of Inquest will
be held on the premises, on Tuesday. November 23,1862,
between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock, a. m., to ascertain
whether a piece of land late the estate ol Henry Ransom,
dee'd., can be divided without injury to the whole, said
land is bounded and described as follows :
Bounded on the south by tbe putdic highway leading
from Rome to Orwell Hill, west by a road leading from
Rome to Nichols, north by lands of F. A. Dimmock and
east by land of Simeon Rockwell. Containing about one
acre and a half or two acres, all improved, with one old
framed house thereon.
Oct. 15, 1862.
nnce of an order of the Orphan's Court of lira 1 ford
County, will be exposed to public sale, at tbe dwelling
house, on the premises, last herealter described, at one
o'clock p. m., on Saturday, the 22d day of November 1862,
the following described tracts of land, situate in Smith
field twp., to wit :—One lot or tract of land bounded on
the west by land of Albert Califf, south by the public
highway, east by land late of Harvy Durfey, dec'd., and
north by land ol G. A. French, front which is to be de
ducted about three acres, sold by said deceased to Henry
Brigham, and hall an acre sold to S. S. Baker, and by
him sold to Win. I. Ross, said first described lot of land
after deducting said lots sold as aforesaid ; Containing
about 44 acres of laud, as supposed, with one framed
barn thereon erected ; a few fruit trees thereon growing,
and about 25 acres improved. The other lot bounded on
the west by lafid of H. C. Brigham, and by other lands of
said deceased, on the south by land of S. S. Baker, on the
eact by land of Edwin E. French, and on the north by land
i of G. A. French, from which is to be deducted a small
j lot of about three-fourths of an acre, on which William I.
| Ross now resides, and about half an acre sold by said de
, ceased to said Ross, said last describen lot so to be ex
| posed to public sale, as aforesaid. Containing, after mak
j ing said deductions, about 40 acres, with about twenty
i acres improved, with a framed house, and framed baru
■ thereon erected, and an apple orchard thereon growing—
: said lands being of the estate of said deceased.
Attendance will be given and terms of sale made known
I by the subscriber. E. G. DURFEY,
| Smithfield, Oct. 22, 1862. Administrator.
SEAL 1 held in and for said Count v. at Towanda,
before the Hon ULYSSES MERCUR,
president and his associate justices of the said court on
SATURDAY the 6,day of Sept. A. D. 1862. In the mat
ter of the estate of the pariition or valuation of the real
estate of John Donnolly deceased On motion of Mr.
Adams the court grant a rule directed to Ellen Donnolly,
Widow of John Donnolly. and guardian of Sarah and
James Donnolly, minors also, Mary M'Conoson, formerly
Mary Donnolly and James McConosou her husband also
to Grace and Margaret Donnolly heirs and persons inter
ested iu said estate and all other persons interested to
be and appear before the honorable the Judges of the
said court at a court to be held at Towanda, on Monday
the Ist day of December, A. D., 1862. there and then
to agree or refuse the real estate of said dccendcnt at the
appraised valuation put upon it by the inquest duly re
turned by the court.
Certified iroin the record Sept. 6,1862.
N.C. ELSBREE, Clerk.
PROCLAMATION. —Bradford Comity sa.
FARNSON S. MUMFORD, by lier next friend
Franeis A. Sexton vs. RICHARD O. MUMFORD, No,
254 May Term, 1862.
To Richard O. Ms mlord—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce
was issued to February Term, 1862, which was duly
returned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subpoena
was issued in said case, returned to May Term, 1862, up
on the return of which, proof was made that the said Ju-
Richard (). Vincent could not be found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday of De
cember next to answer said complaint. &e.
Towanda, Nov. 5,1862. Sheriff.
I>ROCLA M ATI ON.—Bradford comity, ss.
255, May Term, 1862.
Sophia H. Newton—Whereas a subpoena in Divorce
was issued to February Term, 1*62, which was duly re
turned non est inventus, and thereon an alias subprcna
was issued in said case, returnable to May Term, 1862,
upon the return of which, prool was made tiiat the said
Sophia 11 Newton could not be found in my bailiwick.
This notice is therefore to require you to appear before
the Judges of the said Court on the first Monday iu De
cember next, to answer said complaint, Ac.
Towanda. Nov. 5, 1882. Sheriff.
A UDITOR'S NOTlCE.— Bevier, Briggs
i l 4' Co. vs. Stephen Fclton, No. 326, Sept. Term.
1860, and E. A. I'm sons vs. Stephen Felton. Sept. T.,
1862. In tbe Court ol Common Pleas of Bradford county
The undersigned,an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale ol defendant's
real estate,will attend to the duties ol his appointment at
his ollice, in the borough of Towanda, on THURSDAY,
13th Nov., 1862, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and all persons
having claims upon said monies must present them, or
else be forever debarred Irom the same
Oct. 15,1862. Auditor.
4 EDITOR'S NOTICE —ln the mailer of
J- A. the estate of Milton Ross, dec'd.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by the Court
upon exceptions field to the final account of A lininistra
tur, will attend to the duties of bis appointment, at his
office, in Towanda borough, on Friday, the 21st day of
November, 1862, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and
place ail persons interested are requested to be present.
Towanda. Oct. 22, 1862.
AUPITO'S NOTICE.—A. C. Harris vs.
. A. IU. Fox. —lll the Court of Common Pleas ol
Bradford county, No. 246, February T., 1861.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court
to distribute monies raised by Sheriffs sale ol defendant's
real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in the borough ol Towanda,on SATURDAY,
the 22d day of November, 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. m.,and
all persons having claims upon said monies must present
them, or else be forever debarred from tbe same.
Oct. 22.1862.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE— III the matter of
the estate of Shepard PierCe vs I I'm. A. Pierce.
No. 175 May Teim, 18C2. Iu tbe Courtof Common Pleas
of Bradford county.
The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Conrt
to distribute funds arising from Sheriff sale of del't will at
tend to the duties ol his appointment at his office in the
borough of Towanda, on Mondaj', 17th day of November
1862. at 1 o'clock, p. m., and all persons having claims
on said monies mast present them .or else he forever de
barred from the same. P. D.MORROW,
Oct. 16, 1862. Auditor.
il is hereby given that a'l persons indebted to the es
tate of James Allen, late of Albany, dec'd., are requested
to make immediate payment, and all having claims
against said estate, must present them duly authenticat
ed for settlement. J. L.JONES,
Oct. 6.1862. Administrator.
is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es
tate of Nehemiah Coburti. late of Warren, dec'd., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
demands egainst said estate will present them duly au
thenticated fur settlement.
Oct. 6,1862. Administrator.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Newton T. Miller, late ot Orwell, dec'd., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and all having
cjaims against said estate must present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. CYRUS COOK,
Oct. 2, 1862. Adm.
is hereby given, that al! persons indebted to the es
tate ol Darling Jarvis, late of Pike, dec'd., are requested
to made immediate payment, and those having claims
against said estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement. D.M. BAILEY, Adm.
Oct. 2. ISU2.
A~ 7) MINI ST RA TO Il'S NOT IC E—Notice
is hereby given that all persons indebted to ilie es
tate of Hiram A His, late of Orwell, dec'd., are requested
to make immediate payment, and those having claims
against said estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement. ABEL DARLING, Adm.
I (EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice ishere-
J by given that all persous indebted to the estate of
Benjamin Sexton, late of Granville, dec'd., are retuested
to make payment without delay, and those having claims
egainst said estate must present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
JOHN J. SAXTON, \ bxrs '
Oct. 2, 1862. -
is hereby given that all peasons indebted to the es
tate of WM. H. H. BRCWN.Iate of Monroe bnro' dec'd.,
are requested to make immediate payment, and all hav
ing claims against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Sept. 18, 1862.
is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Charles 11. Kellogg, late of Monroe, dec'd.,are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate must present them duly au
thenticated lor settlement. L. S. CHUBBUCK,
Oct. 22, 1862.
is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Benjamin Reel, late of Windham, deed., are re
quested to make immediate payment, and those having
claims against said estate must present them duly authen
ticated for settlement. WM. H. RUSSELL,
Oct. 22,1862. Administrators,
for Buckwheat at MASON'S MILLS,
i Nov. 5,1862.
-Ll- is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate ot A. C.CRANMER, kite of Leßoy twp., dec'd.,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay , and all persons having demands against said estate
wiii presentthem duly authenticated for settlement.
Oct. 22,1862. Administrators.
JT.A. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of JANE JONES, late of Athens, dec'd., are re
quited to make immediate payment, and those having
demands against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. JOHN JONES,
Oct. 15, 1862. - Administrator.
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby giv
en that all persons indebted to the estate of William
Walborn, late of Granville, dec'd.. are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against said
estate must present them duly authenticated for settle
Oct. 23,1862. Administrator.
ADMINISNRATOR'B NOTlCE—Notice is hereby giv
en that all persons indebted to the estate of George
Walborn, late of Granville, dec'd., are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against said
estate must present them duly authenticated for settle
Oct. 28, 1862. Administrator.
(CAUTION —Whereas, my wife PHOEBE
J B. FAIRCHILD, having left my bed and board with
out just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid any person
or persons harboring or trusting her on my account.
Herrick. Oct. 24, 1362.
(First door South of Codding & Russell's.)
an unusnal large stock of Clothing, Cloths, Casemers
Nestings, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats A Caps, which
will be sold at greater bargains than before.
Will comprise almost every article worn by man or boy.
Vests, Shirts, Collars,
Suspenders, Neck Ties,
Gloves, Wrappers, Socks,
Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial- attention
is called to our New Style of
Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice,
and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some
eight years experience in this line of business, my cutter,
Mr. PENEPACKER, will be on hand, at all times te do
cutting for those who wish it done.
If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get as good as
represented, call at
If you wish to get the worth of your money, and buy new
fresh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and you will be
satisfied. No trouble to show goous and no forcing to buy
Goods sold for cash only. J. M. COLLINS.
Towanda, April 21, 1862.
New Arrangements.
ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for
merly carried on by J. D. HUMPHREY, in the store op
posite the Court House, where they will keep constantly
on hand a general assortment of
and a very large stock of all kinds of LEATHER requir
ed for a country trade. A full assortment of
Slioe Findings, Harness Trimmings,
We expect to increase our facilities in the manufactur
ing department, so as to be,able to supply dealers with a
superior article, at prices rivaling all competition, and
especially " foreign," believing it of vital importance to
community to toster domestic productions as far as prac
Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery
owned by Messrs. Culp & Kirby, and rented the shoii
formerly occupied by them, we offer tor sale a large stock
and will make to order almost anything in this line.
We respectfully invite public attention to our whole
stock in its various branches, trusting that by strict at
tention to business and zealous exertions to supply the
wants ot community, we shall merit and receive a fair
share of public patronage.
We are prepared to make to order anything in cur line.
Also, do all kinds of repairing on very short notice
#T Cash paid for Sheep pelts, Hides and Skins.
Towanda, April 25, 1862.
And the public generally will find at his store
Which will be sold on
Towiinda, Sept. 25,1862.
Opposite the Court House.
Towanda, Sept. 24 .1862.
Insurance against Loss by Eire
_Rept. 3(b 1862.
GUARDIAN'S SALE.—I3v virtue of an
order of the Orphans' Court ot Bradford county,
will be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY, the "27th
day of NOVEMBER next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the
premises, the following described property, to wit : A
lot of land situate in Ulster township, bounded north and
east by land of James McCarty. south by land of Jason
Smith and west by the public highway. Containing
ahout half an ac'fe of land, with a framed house and barn
thereon, it being the tavern house formerly kept by P.
P. Sweet.
TERMS One-fourth of the purchase money to be paid
j on confirmation of sale, and the balance in one, two, and
three years thereatter, with interest
[ Oct. 30. 1862. Guardian of Charlotte EUbree.
(tl'holesalf and Retail. Xo 4, Patton 1 1 Block, Cornet
of Main and Bridge Sit., Towanda . Pa.)
DR. T. F. MADILL, Proprietor.
informs the Public that he has purchased the Above
Drug Store, and having thoroughly refitted and enlarged
t, and increased his facilities for Compounding Medicines
is prepared to supply every want ot the public, In the
1 iue ot
MyJStock, almost entirely new, has been selected with
care, and embraces a lull assortment of ali articles belong
ing to the Drug Trade.
are received monthly, of Pure and Reliable Drugs and
Medicines, which will lie sold at prices that cannot fail
to suit our patrons. My stock consists of
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and
Of every description, and the best quality for Medical
use. All the popular
Botanic tj- Eclectic MedicineTildon't AlcO'
hulic and Fluid Extracts,
Alkaloids and Resinoids. All the best Trussea,
Abdominal Supporters, .Shoulder Braces.
Breast Pumps, Nipple Shalis & Shields,
Nursing Bottles, Syringes, Cathters,
Pocket Knives, Surgical Instrument* of late style and
best qualitj - . Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Put*
ty, Ac. A large supply of
For the Hat, Hair, and Shoes, Painting, Varnishing and
White Washing, also for the Teeth and Nails.
of every variety. A large assortment of
MHls¥ Mom IMS*
Pure Essential Oils. Fine Perfumery and Toilet Soaps,
Buffalo and Ivory Combs, Hair Dyes, Oils and
luvigorators. Kerosene, Burning Fluid,
Lamps, Shades, Chimneys,
Wicks, Ac.
Choice Tobacco, Cvjars & Snuff.
All the Dye Stuffs, Fish Tackling, Ammunition, Ac.
Bird Cages, of every style and variety, Cups, Nests and
ta, Dr. MADILL will he found at his office, in the
Drug Store at all times, when engaged in out of door
practice, when he will examine and prescribe tor patienU
m his way, free of charge.
Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Prescription#
carefully compounded. The public are cordially invited
to examine and test our stock and learn our prices.
Towanda, June 24, 1862. T. F. MADILL.
Thesubscriber would RETURN
thanks to the public for their patronage during the
past year, and ask the same discriminating public to
give "his new stock a fair examination before buying, be*
lieving he can satisfy them both in goods and prices. I
will sell my stock as low, for the quality, as any one in
the country, which consists, as usual, of all articles in
the Gentlemen's Furnishing department. All Wool Caa*
simere suits. Silk Mixed do., and some of a lower grade,
as well as the finer
Doeskin Coats, Pants & Vests,
Silk Velvet and Grenadier Silk Vests, all of which good#
I will represent true as to quality. Overcoats, all grade#
and prices, UnderShirts and Drawers, Suspenders, Ho
sieries, Collars, Neck Ties, Fine Linen Shirts,
Canes, Umbrellas, Gloves and Mittens, Ac*, Ac. I would,
call especial attention to my large stock of Fur HaU„
which I flatter myself I sell a little lower than the same
goods can be bought in town I mean what I say, and
no humbug ; so give us a call, and if we don't sell you
goods before you leave it will be our fault. We charge
nothing for showing goods. 1 have the Fall Style of the
Celebrated Oakford Silk Ilat,
Now on exhibition, which needs no puffing to tho9# wb
have worn them. Respectfully,
R. \Y. EDDY.
Towanda, Oct. 14, 1862.
A seems to be the necessities of the times, and for my
own business security, I have concluded to sell Goods
I believe I have as good credit-customers as any one, and
most of them prompt paying ones, but future prosperity.
in I think requires that Groceries and Provi
sions should be sold for cash.
1 hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire*
to please, to still retain al! of my old patrons.
ear Those who are indebted to me will oblige me by
settling up at once. E. T. FOX
Towanda. August 1,1861.
W* V. <fc E. RAIL ROAD. '
MONDAY, MAY 5, 1562. Trains will leave We*
verly at about the following hours, viz :
Buffalo Express.. 4-18 P M N. Y. Express.. .11.33 A M
Night Express 3.18 A M Night Express.. .12 44 A M
Mail 5.55 P V j Steamboat Expresss.oß P M
Way 9.10 A Mi Way 1.50 P M
Way Freight 9-25 A M Cincinnati Exprrss 4.21 AM
Accommodation.. 1.07 P M|Way Freight.... 3.10 P M
The Nigh Express—east and west—runs every day.—
Cincinnati Express runs Sundays, hnt docs- not run on
Mondays. Night Express of Sundays runs through to
Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. Mail remains over
night at Elmira.
OKA'S. MINOT. Oen'l Sup't.
THE undersigned has been appointed the
Agent of the Insurance Company of North America,
located at Philadelphia, is now prepared to take risks,
in town or county. This Company is one of the oldest in
the United States, having been chartered in 1793, it has
a capital of $.500,000. and is managed by a board of Di
rectors of the very highest character for honor and in*
tegrity. All losses are adjusted promptly. Its rates are
as low as those of anv good Company, aud property hold
ers insuring in this Company may rest assured that they
can rely on the perfect l safety of their policies in case of
loss. B. S. RUSSELL,
At the Banking Office of B. S. RUSSELL & CO.
March 18,1862. —n4l-tf.
X AND THEIR FRIENDS.—The undersigned having
had considerable experience in procuring Pension Boun
ties and ! ack pay of soldiers, will attend to all busineae
in that line, entrusted to his care, with promptness.and
Persons wishing to confer with me will please call of
address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county,-Pa.-,
Charges reasonable. GEO.P. MONROE*
Refers by permission to
11. B. CARD, County Treasurer, Wellsbsro' Pa.
D. F. POMEROY. Troy. Pa.
A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff, Towanda, Pa.
Oct. 22, 1862.
\J sale in large or small quantities, at MASON'S Mills,
in Monroe. All kinds of Grain taken in payment.
J . S. SAL6BUKY do Obe
Oct. 52,1862.