Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 13, 1862, Image 2

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Thursday lilomiugj November 13,1862.
Gen. McClellan Las been removed from the
command of the Army of the Potomac, and
retired trom active service. The order was
received at headquarters at eleveu o'clock on
Friday night. It was entirely unexpected to
all. On its receipt the command was immedi
ately turned over to Gen. Burnside. Gen.
McClellan and his staff were to leave on Sun
day for Trenton, where he is ordered to re
port. The order was delivered to him by
Gen. Buckingham in person. His last official
act was the issuing an address to his soldiers,
informing thcD, in a few words, that the
command had devolved on Geu. Burnside, aDd
taking an affectionate leave of them. As
General Hooker is to take the field, it is sup
posed that he is to take Gen. Burnside's place
a s late commander of corps d'armee.
Geo. Bayard was attacked by the Rebels
at Ruppahanuock bridge on Friday, but re
pulsed them. Ou Saturday he made an at
tack and drove the rebels back He holds
the bridge and all the neighboring fords, and
has sent for re inforcements.
We learn from headquarters of the Army
of the Potomac, under date of Sunday, that
General Pleasanton's Cavalry had a brush on
Saturday with the Rebels, under Stuart, near
Little Washington. Pleasantcu captured
three field pieces, one captain, a lieutenant,
ai.d five privates. On the same day, General
Bayard occupied aud now holds the railroad
bridge over the Rappahannock. There was
nothing new from the front. As we have
already reported, the Army Corps of General
Reynolds took possession of Warrenton on
Thursday. The place was occupied by Colo
nel Payne, with about four hundred men and
two howitzers. Gen. Longstreet's Army Corps
had occupied Culpepper Court-House for sev
eral days, but left the town last Saturday.
Trustworthy citizens confirm the general be
lief of intelligent army officers, that General
Lee has succeeded in eluding Gen. McClellan,
and that a large portion of Lee's army is at
Gordonsville. Gen. A. P. Hill's forces and
Stewart's Cavalry formed the rear guard of
Gen. Lee. The former was at Chester Gap
on Wednesday, and General Pleasanton had
pushed Gen. Stuart to Flint Hill. Our troops
found 270 wounded soldiers iu the hospital at
Warreuton. Lieut.-Col. Bluut, of Geu. Long
street's staff, was captured by Gen. Bayard.
Blunt is the Provost-Marshal-General in the
Rebel army, and was inspecting his pickets at
the time he was captured. Leading Seces
sionists here prophecy a great battle in a few
days. They represent that Stonewall Jack
son is only ten miles off, with a force of 70,-
000 men and that General Bragg is at Gor
donsville in great force. They also say there
is but little doubt that Jackson is threatening
to attack our forces at Waterloo.
Gen. McCook's army corps, comprising
Gens. Sill's, Woodruff's and Sheridan's divis
ions, reached Nashville on Friday. General
Critteudon's division arrived at Gallation on
Friday, aud was moving down toward Nash
ville. General Cheatham, with a portion of
General Bragg's army, with the exception of
10,000 or 15,000 meD, had left the Cumber
land Gap,and were pushing toward Nashville.
General Bragg had been pnt under arrest
and superseeded by Gen. Joseph E.Johnston.
Bragg's derelictions in the Kentucky campaign
it is stated, were the cause of his arrest. —
Nothing had been heard at Murfrcesboro,
which wus in canstant telegraphic communica
tion with Mobile, of the capture of the latter
city. 15,000 Rebel troops are at Mobile.
The draft has been again postponed in New
York State, an order from the Adjutant-Geu
erai stating for the information of Commis
sioners, that they are not to proceed with the
draft until they shall have received from his
Cepartment formal orders to the effect, aud
giving the number of men to be drafted in
each town. As no dates is now fixed, it is
pretty generally thought that there will be
no draft at all.
A letter dated Fortress Monroe, 6th inst.,
states that the " the gnuboat Delaware, from
Newborn, arrived here on the sth inst., briug
irg inteli genee that Gen. Foster's expedition
had surroundtd 3,000 Rebels at Plymouth,
N C., half of them cavalry, who uncondition
ally surrendered."
S&" The Rebels have seven negro regiments
in North Carolina. This is stated in the rebel
papers, and there can be no doubt of it. The
Federal Government organized one regiment
of negroes in the &me State, but wonld not
recognize it as part of the atmy. A late or
der has been issued, however, authorizing the
thorough organization of the regiment. But
ler also has a negro regiment in New Orleans.
" When Greek meets Greek, then comes the
tog of war." We should like to see these regi
ments pitted agaiDst each other. Another
remarkable development of the negro question
came to us by telegraph the other morning
Before, the Cubas supplied the South with
fresh cargoes, now, the South is supplying
Coba with slaves. It is stated that large
numbers of slaves have been shipped in ves
sels running the blockade, from Texas to Cu
ba, and then sold at much better prices than
they bring in the Southern States. Thus has
the slave trade changed its conrse. Curious,
tdeed, are the workings of this war.
The Why and the Wherefore,
EDITOR REPORTER : —To some of your read
ere at least, have I promised, when the ex
citement incident to a heated canvass had
passed, I would state frankly and fairly the
reasons why I gave my support to the straight
Republican candidates.
To fulfill this promise in part, I now ad
dress myself to the subject
Believing the peril of our Republic demand
ed every one of her electors to lay aside all j
bis former party affiliations, his petty indi- j
vidual preferences, and act only for the saving j
of.hia beloved country by whatsoever means
it might be, I gave my unsolicited support
to the straight Republican party, believing it
equivalent to giving my support to the Na
tional Administration.
As every loyal man must be either follow- ;
ing the lead of the National Administration,
giving active support to all its measures
against the Rebellion, or going before pre
paring the way which in the future the Gov
ernment will be obliged to adopt, it follows
logically that there can be no opposition par
ty possible, unless it rests upon open or secret
sympathy with the Rebellion. Hence, as one
formerly otaudiDg outside of the Republican
party, I asked no man to do that I would not
willingly do, viz : " pledge support to the du
ly nominated candidates of the Republican
party," though they were not the men of my
choice. I could not consent to countenance
a coalition which would weaken or
overthrow the National Administration, tho'
the parties should claim to be Republican.
For even such Republicanism must be known
by its fruits. I ask Republicans what effect
your coalition with and victory of a party op
posed to the Administration must have upon
the rebels ? Would it not tend to make them
the more hopeful, and because the more hope
lul, the more persistent in their enterprise ?
For opposing (in caucus) a coalition which
had for its purpose the cownfull of men who
have opposed the encroachments of the pro
slavery party aud stood boldly for right, hence
the natural allies of the National Administra
tion, I am threatened with enmity at your
hands through all time. Regardless of de
nunciation from those thus actuated by sel
fishness, I hope to remain the unflinching foe
of that system whose fnend3 declare is the
j " corner stone " of a Confederacy whose pes
! tilential breath we are now (perhaps uueou
| sciously) iuhaling, and which threatens '.osub
| vert our own free institutions It must be
evident to every loyal man that no compro
mise could be offered which the rebels would
ac:ept, that would uot forever subvert, the au
thority of the Government. We must pay
them a premium for treasou in the form of
new guarantees for Slavery, couseut to a per-
I maneut dissolution of the Union, or compel
them to submit to the authority of the Gener
al Government.
Not willing to yield my assent to rebel de
, mands, either directly or indirectly made, is
another reason for acting with the party I
i supposed most in sympathy with the National
Administration. You may deem it harsh to
| even hint that any of the electors of Bradford
, are indirectly iu sympathy with the Rebels.
Let us see :
Some of you assert that " Abolitionists"
are the " lateut" cause of this war ; that even
as moderate anti-slavery men as GROW and
WILMOT must be put down ' f that conservative
men must be elected to save the country.
What do those who utter these sentiments
mean ? Do they mean to say that we of the
North shall go into battle, spill our blood and
expend our treasure, while the CAUSE in which
we are engaged is unjust ? Yet this is the
kind of encouragement, the enthnsiasm they
are giving our soldiers, stripping them of the
inspiring consciousness of giving up their lives
for a just and great principle, meautime claim
ing to be loyal men and Republicans.
After all this, some of you would attach a
" stigma " to my cburacter, because amid such
surroundings we should feed a sense of "sor
row " or " shame," that in the uiuettenth cen
tury of a Christian era, privileged with every
incentive to education, freedom and patriotism,
we fiud men thus acting in sympathy with this
diabolical Rebellion.
At times, you complain of want of energy
on the part of the Government. If true, ibis
should satisfy you that any party less conser
vative than the Republican could never put
down the Rebellion by force of arms. Hence
the necessity of strengthening the Govern
ment to the utmost, or yielding to an inglo
rioos compromise dictated to us by those now
in arms to destroy. Choose your course ; but
beware lest you lose that for which our
fathers bled, and which our brothers are now
battling for—our Country f Anxious only
for its good, in which we are all alike interest
ed, I have aeted conscientiously ; and if wrong
to you, wrong to myself in commbn with you
all—which should time reveal, will be man
fully retracted by your humble fellow-citizen,
Tuscarora, Ifov. 5, 1862.
jJSf-The removal of General McClellan
creates intense excitement in Albany, N. Y.
Seuator Harris, iu a morning address to the
law students at the Albauv Law School, said
he was grieved and indignaut at this removal,
regarding it as a fatal mistake. He Las writ
ten a letter to General McClellaD, stating this
as his opinion.
Gen. IIALLECK has issued an order re
quiring all officers, of whatever grade, belong
ing to the Army of the Potomac, to proceed
to joiu their respective commands. The pen
alty for disobedience of this order will he dis
, missal from the isrvica.
Pennsylvania Election—Official.
cc o a S
s- 5 • •
i ► • :
• ? •
\dani9............. 7TTT 2,960 2,555 2,966 2,557
Allegheny 7 895 12,323 7 861 12,301
Armstrong 2,476 i 2,2.">0 2,477 2,268
Ben vp 1,734 2,268 1,728 2,285
Bedford 2,320 1,679 2,322 1,079
Berks 10,404 4,550 10,462 4,551
Blair 1,894 *,485 1,909 2,473
Bradford 1,7(51 5,824 1,810 5,809
Bucks 6,562 5,855 6,550 5,858
Butler 2,015 2,770 2,635 2,770
Cambria 2,734 1,535 2,74' 1,517
Cameron 136 196 134 l'J9
Carbon... 1,697 997 1,697 991
Centre.... 2,687 1,556 2,682 1,859
Chester 4,870 7,224 4,567 7,228
Clarion ... 2,355 1,396 2,377 1,382
Clearfield 2.167 1,315 2,160 1,305
Clinton 1.544 1,157 1,531 J'JJ?
Columbia 2,952 1,382 2,956 1,370
Crawford 3,589 5,006 3,588 5.010
Cumberland 3,515 2,671 3,519
Dauphin 3,276 4,150 3,289 4 137
Delaware 1,461 2,772 1,461
Elk 586 275 599 277
Erie 2,713 4.255 2,71-8 4,260
Fayette 3,689 2,709; 3,66,1 2,<10
Franklin 3,140 3,157! 3,1:55 3,162
Fulton 1,009 7261 1,009 726
Forest 59 821 59 82
Greene 2,869 940 2 888 966
Huntingdon 1,823 2,466 1,816 2,467
Indiana 1.596 3,396 1.589 3,389
Jefferson 1,483 1.412 1.486 1,414
Juniata 1,548 1,094 1,548 1,095
Lancaster 6,53'2 11,471 6,529 11.482
Lawrence 1,053 2,551 j 1,052 2,545
Lebanon 2,213 3,045! 2,200 3.000
Lehigh 4.750 2.806 4.7431 2,807
Luzerne 8,389 5,768 j 8,182 6,043
Lycoming... 3,521 2.608 3,5141 2,607
M'Kean 682 784: 6231 783
Mercer , 3,049 3.421; 3,045 3.418
Miffin 1 370 1,468 1,376 1.460
Monroe 2.118 456 2,109 442
Montgomery G,765 6,118 j 6,i(>2 5,117
Montour , 1,239 7651 1,238) <6O
Northampton 4.460 1.9091 4,461; 1.967
Northumberland 3,068 2.085 3,079 2,00-
i p evr y 1,959 1.917 j 1,9611 1,916
Philadelphia 33,323 36,124 33.250j 36,129
Pike 767 1351 774 128
Potter 326 1,103 319; 1,085
Schuylkill 7.075 5.481, <,077! 5,463
Snyder 1,253 1.592 1,245 1.603
[Somerset 1,415 2,47.) 1,412 2.4 7
Sullivan 60K 279 612) 280
Susquehanna 2,749 2,94.5 2,749, 3.9.<4
i Tioca ... 806 2.792 737, *2.7:1
| Union 1.155 1.580 1.129 1.602
I Venango 2 284 2.21:5! 2.285 2.209
i Warren 1.213; 1.868 1.215 1.862
; Washington 4.1G3j 3 734, 4,1)4
[Wayne. 2.760! 1.819 2.759 1.818
! Westmoreland •••• 5.0401 3,61)31 5,0*21); 3,000
Wyoming J ,345 i 1,154; 1,347) U6-
j York.... 7,396! 4,310; 7,413! 4,317
I Total i 218,981 215,266.218,651 215,484
Slenker's majority 3,715
Ilarr's do 3,170
BSf The gaps in the Bine Ilidge, through
! which un army can pass—of which we hear so
much—are seven in number, viz : Vcstall's,
eight miles from Harper's Ferry ; Snicker's,
i 24 miles from the ferry, through which passes
! the Alexandria and Harper's Ferry Turnpike;
Ashby'B,3B miles from Harper's Ferry,through
! which passes a branch pike from the Alexau
j drra to Winchester. Fourteen miles below
j Ashby's is Manassas Gap, through which
runs the ;ailroail ; eight miles below is Ches
| ter's Gap a road not much traveled, passes
j through it ; 20 miles still further down is
Thornton's Gap, through which the supplies
' for Lee's army were hauled in wagons from
Gordonsvillc and Culpepper. It is probable
that the main body of the rebels made good
their retreat through Thomtou's Gup some
! days ago.
BSsA- A significant meeting of the Pemocra
! ey was held last Monday evening at the head
: quarters of the Democratic L nion Associa
tion,corner of Twenty-second-street and Broad
way, New York. John Van Buren made a
' speech favoring the declaration of an armis-
I tice, to enable the people of the South to go
' home and elect representatives to Congress
; before the Ist of January, so as to avoid the
1 coming proclamation of freedom to their slaves.
| He was also in favor of a Convention to
! amend the Constitution so as to admit of the
j restoration of the old Union. Fernando Wood
1 and James Briggs made speeches in favor of
interposing the power of the State to prevent
the encroachments of alleged usurpation by
; the General Government. Gen. McCleiluu
; was nominated for the Presidency in 1804.
BfcaT" One of ihose brilliant affairs which
shed luster upon our "Volunteer Cavalry oc
curred on Sunday morning at Fredericksburg.
Capt. Eric Dabigren, of Gen. Sigtl's staff,
with GO of the Ist Indiana (Gen. Sigel's body
guard), and a small detachment of the Gih
Ohio Cavalry, dashed into Fredericksburg
early in the morning, where they found eight
companies of Virginia Cavalry. Without
giving the enemy time to form, Capt. D. fell
upon them with sixty of his men, when a des
perate hand to hand fight ensued, lasting for
three honrs, when the Rebels were routed.—
Capt. Dahlgren lost only one killed and three
missing. He returned safely on Sunday night
bringing 39 prisoners with their horses and
accouterments, aud two wagons loaded with
army cloth.
Our dispatches from Gen. Burnside's
Army represent the weather up to Sunday
evening as unseasonably cold, with two inches
of snow. The roads were still good. The
rebels were believed to be iu force at Culpep
per and Gordonsville. Gen. Sntnner has been
assigned to the command of the Secoud and
Sixth Army Corps. There was no marked
expression of regret iu the army at the change
from Gen. McClellan to Gen. Burnside. All
the division commanders had a long confer
ence with Gen. Burnside on Sunday morn
We learn from Missouri that the reb
els have been pursued into the Boston Monn
tains, and will be compelled to retreat beyond
Arkansas River. They have also been driven
from Pocahontas.
Prairie fires are causing much damage
in varions parts of Kansas, by the destruc
tion of crops, &c. A family of six persons
was burned to death or suffocated on the
prairie, in Anderson County, on Tuesday
kc., SLC M AC.
Gen. McClellan was this morning relieved
of the command of the Army of the Potomac.
General Bnrnside is next in command.
HEADQL'ARTERS of fhe Army of the Potomac, )
SALEM, Va.,Nov. B—l2 o'clock, M. F
The order relieving Mujor-General MeClel
lan from the commaud of the Army ot the
Potomac was received at headquarters at II
o-'clock last night. It was entirely unexpect
ed to all, ud therefore every one was ta
ken by surprise,
Ou its receipt the command was immedi
ately turned over to Gen. Burnside.
Gen. McClellan and his staff will leave to
morrow for Trenton, where he is ordered to
The order was delivered to him by Gen.
Buckingham in person.
His last official act was the issuing of an
address to his soldiers, informing them, tu a
fe v words,that the command had devolved on
Gen. Burnside, and taking an affectionate
leave of them.
There is no other news worthy of mention,
excepting the army is in motion.
Some time ago the President propounded
certain queries to Gen. Hufieck, the answers
to which would, it was thought, shed no lit
tie light npon the campaigns of Gen. McClel
lan since Gen. Halleck tecaaie Commander-in-
Chief. Full and clear answers have been
given to these queries, and the 'document,
containing them will shortly be made public
In this document the problem, why it is that
Gen. McClellan and Gen. Marcy, his Chief of
Staff, report directly to the President instead
of to Gen. Halleck, the Secretary of War, or
the Adjutant General, as military etiquette
prescribes, will be solved.
[From tfce Harrisburg Telegraph.J
Interesting Correspondence,
The following correspondence fully explains
itself It is of such eloquent interest, how
ever, that we cannot refrain from expressing
the pride we feel in thus transmitting it to the
people through the columns of the Telegraph.
The Eighty-fourth, regiment is among the no
blest in the list of gallant organizations that
now carrv the flags of the Commonwealth in
the van of the bailies for the Union. In re
turning its old flag to the stale authorities by
whom it was presented, it gives back the rec
ord of a service that will live in history while
the name of Pennsylvania represents a free
State. The flag which the gallant and lament
ed Murray presented to the Eighty-fourth, is
consigned to the Governor as the emblem
around which the heroes of this regiment ral
lied in some of the severest battles of the cam
paigu. This flag is presented to the Governor
as a memento for his personal preservation us
an emblem of the glory of a regimeut to whose
success he added so much officially, which he
can carry with him when he retires from the
Gubernatorial chair, and keep near himself
while he lives as one of the glorious links
which binds his name to the great events ol
the present. In thus honoring the Chief Mag
istrate of the Siate, the. war worn survivors
of the Eighty fourth have done themselves an
equal honor. It speaks well for their fealty
as citizens and their valor as soldiers, and we
believe that tiiis is the first presentation of the
kind that has yet been aiude to any of the
Governors of the States. The fl.'ig in question
is perfectly riddled with bullets, and though
much torn, strange to wiite, not a single stat
in its azure field has been marred by a bullet !
We have published no correspondence in re
lation to any of our regiments, so full of in
terest and honor as tiiat which follows between
the officers of the Eighty forth and Governor
HAKKISEI'KG, October 30, 18G2.
To A. G. CUKTIN, Governor of Pennsylvania :
GOVERNOR :—We, the undersigned officers
of the 84th ll>giment of Pennsylvania Voluu
leers, felt proud of the honor conferred upon
us by onr commander and comrades, when w<-
present to you in their behalf the national fi ig
which was presented to the Regimeut by Co!
Win. G. Murry on its departure :rcm llie
Side by side with the State flag, which we
returned to Adjutant Gen. Russell, this Hag
has passed through every cunfl.ctiu which the
Regiment has participated ; together they
have fired the hearts of the weary and worn
soldiers who marched and fought beneath them;
and togetln r they have drooped over the
graves of those who fell in their defence nnd
support. We have uo doubt wheu the war is
over and your brave legions return, but that
other flags will be presented to you that will
out-rival this ; for the flags born by the brave
sons of Pennsylvania, like the white plume in
the helmet of Navarre, have been guding
stars on the battle-field to lead the brave to
ihe paths of danger and of glory. You will
preceive that, though pierced by thirty bullets,
shattered by a shell, and torn by the rough
storms of three campaigns under Lauder,
Shields and Pope, uot a star is injured. And
as it is with these stars, may it tie with the
States they represent —when the storm of
civil war subsides, may they be as free from
treason poison as those stars are from treason
It is the desire, Governor, of the Regiment,
that you preserve this flag in uiemo-y of the
galleut hero who gave up his life in its defence
and for Pennsylvania's honor,and of his brave
soldiers who fell with him and under his suc
cessors for the same glori'.us cause.
Accept it too as a testi jony of the feelings
of esteem and admiration that the brave men
of thu 84th entertain for the Governor of their
We have the honor to subscribe ourselves
very respectfully,
Captains W ALSH, MILES and DURNO.
Committee of Presentation.
HARKISBURG, Pa., November 5, 1862. J
GENTLEMEN :—I have your communication
of the 30th tilt., tendering me the flag which
was presented to the 84th Regiment, by the
late Colonel Murray.
This present mores me deeply. As I recur
to the occasion, when, in the performance of a
grateful dntv, I gave iuto the hands of the
gallant man who was then at the head of your
Regimeut, the flag provided under directions
of a law of the Commonwealth, I well recol
lect his earnest declaration that the colors so
entrusted to him should be returned with hon
or to the State, or that he wouid fall in their
defence. He has uobly redeemed that pledge;
and though all good men will grieve at his
untimely end, yet all who loved him in life, |
can mingle with their tears a sentiment of bon j
est pFide that he died so gallantly } they can j
enjoy that richest legacy which a man can
leave to those wlto live after him, the memory
that bis life was consummated, thoogb in lis
prime, it. unflinching devotion to the cause of
his country. But the flag under which he
fought, and to whose delence he so pledged
himself, has net been surrendered or disgraced.
You have returned it to the State, with folds
tattered and splintered staff, bearing u|ou it
the evidence that the men of the 84th were
animated by the same patriotic spirit as their
leaders, and that in the desperate conflicts
through which they sustained their banner,
they bore themselves as soldiers true to < heir
duty, and faithful to our country, whose in
stitutions the army of the U< public have gone
forth to defend against the attack - of the most
wicked conspirators and the vilest of trait
J shall ever cherish the flag you have given
me as a trophy of yoar valor, as a m- morial of
oue of the bravest fights of this great war,
and us a testimonial of the kind regards to
wards myself, which it lias pleased the oSi
cers and ineu of the Eighty lourlh ti> euter
1 thank you for it, and beg that you will
convey to those whom you represent,assurances
of rov unfeigned interest in their welfare,individ
ually and a- a i e:iment,at.d my undonbting trust
that they will iu future never forget the inspir
ing example of him who fell at the head of
their columns, gallantly fighting to the last.
Very respectfully,
Yoors, &c„
Marry of the members of the 84th Regiment,
are from this and adjoining counties.
A IIAF.D CASE INDEED. —The I'ittsburg Dis
patch of the sth instant, says that at the be
cinniug of the Rebellion, a widow was residing
in that city in comparative comfort, supported
by the labor of two sons, one of whom was
married, the other a minor. When Sumter
fell, both these yotrg men promptly enlisted,
se; ved through the three months' campaign,
returned and re-enlisted for the war. The
woman is illiterate, bm a trne Christian and
mot iter. We became enlisted in her behalf
from her frequent visits to our office, with the
inquiry if we " had heard anything from her
boys," and also from her request that we
should " write a few lines to them for her,
and tell them to retne i.ber their Creator, and
to do their duty " For some time we had
missed the old lady's visits, and on Tuesday
she called on us with a mournful story.
! of her sons, at the second battle of Bull Run,
j received a woond in the hip, which, the phy
j sicians say, will certainly cause his death.
He had remained on the field for thirty six
: hours, and was then removed to a hospital,
I where his mother visited him. She remained
with him until Monday last, when the brave
fellow insisted that she should go home, and
thut, too, with the certainty almost that she
would never again see him alive. He had a
few days before received from the Govern
ment fifty-two dollars, every cent of which he
was resolute in compelling his mother to take,
sajing it would make her comfortable during
winter. At liarrisburg Depot, her wallet,
containing every c< nt she had in the world,
was stolen from her pocket. Shn called to
get ns to write to the Station Agent at the
Capital, but as we knew that would be fruitless,
we informed her that nothing could be done.
" Oil !" said she, " if mv poor boy only does
not hear of it." She has a sick girl depen
dent upon her 7 she is not healthy herself, and
literally has not oue cent.
At Beßevue Hospital, Oct. 1(5. E. G. WILLIAMS, of
Co. K. 50th IGg't., I'. V., aired "20 years ; sou of G.
D. an<J Lttcy Williams, of l'ike, Bradford Co., I'a.
The deceased was wounded at the late battle o? Bull
Run, and amputation at the thigh became necessary.—
In a few days after, tnat bane of the soldier ( Piacrna)
closed the scene. Some extracts of notes taken by a
stranger at the operation may not be amiss—which are
as follows : •' The appearance ;>f this young man solicit
ed the sympathy ol all who witnessed the operation.—
His personal appearance wasuttractivr—leantifi l rurh
auburn hair, every lecture >ho wed intellect and go. d
breeding. His face showed the mailt of a devoted moth
er, causing him to I# the easy, graceful man. When
laid opon the operating table, not a word was heard to
escape his lips; no sign of tear bleached those already
pale lips, but auxiouly looking round the room either
for some absent friend, or a desire for a mother's hand
to smooth those almost lifeless locks of hair that were
bathed in cold perspiration, or as a linal view of all
earthly things, while under the influence of ether, 1
heard him say : ' Save me, soldiers! oh ! save me, sol
diers!" This case 1 will never lorget ; that face has
made its indelible photograph on my memory."
Armenia—John B Morgan,! ty.
Burlington West John Towanda twp—ll L Scott
Blackwell, Ambrose SI. Ulster—John Conklin,
Swain. j Wysox—G E Reynolds,
Colombia— Howard Taylor,; Warren—John Murphy, Ja
Canton—David H Duait, | cob lde. Senaca Allen,
Herriek—l A l'ark, ! Windham- Jacob Shoemak-
Le Roy—Levi Saniord.Sulnyj er,
Morse, Wyalosing—Harrison Lamb
Monroe Boro—9 SH in man, Springfield—Kerry Harkues
Troy twp— Joseph Hunt, | Alvin Berry.
Troy boro—W C Kendall, ISiuithlield— F D Farnsworth
Towanda North-David Rut- Rome tp—Timothy Hiney,
Albany -J N Chapman, j el Adams,
Asylum—A C Young. Troy boro'—Win Morgan, S
Canton—J L Both well, DPj C Strong,
Knapp, Anaca Kendall, Towanda born—Cal Patch,
Franklin—katthew Matsha) Joseph Marshall,J W fay-
Columbia—Alvah M Cornell! lor, John Beidleman, J D
Granville—A J Drake, Goodenough ,Jno WMeans
Herriek—Cyrus Fuller, iTowanda tp—Jas SehoVill,
I a-Roy—ll 11 Holeomb, j Terry—S Bowman,
Litclilield—Stephen Evans, j Ulster—Archibald Forbes,
Monroe boro'—M M Cool- Warren—TrumauWhittaker
baugh, : Windham—William Haydon
Monroe tp—Chas M Brown,| Chester Weed, Robt Wil
Orwell—Jas Cleveland, ! so i,
Overton—G M Hottenstine, Wysox—L S Pierce.
Pike—O W Northrop, jWiimot—Jahu Wilson,
Springfield—-SSheunan, Jo i Wyalusing—Jerry Ackley.
Athens boro —Elisha Satter | Smith Bailey, E L Wilson
lee, Jaines Welch, jSmithfield —Jas Pitcher,A C
Asylum—Madison Decker,j Scott, W King, G Wilcox
Albany —Benjamin Wilcox A Culiff.
John Mathews, [Troy—Geo Porter, I, O Hei-
Burlington West—J G- rick.J Leonard, Thomas
Blakesley, I Merritt, Henry Jennings.
Burlington—lsaac Soper, |Towanda hofo'—J A Record
Canton—O Frisbie, H Lock- Terry—Morgan Morgans,
wood, Ulster—J Simmons, jr., J.
Herriek—Geo W Elliott, Vandyke,
Monroe—W J Mason, Wyalusing--,! Fee,
Orwell —L Robinson, jWilniot—l) Eilenberger,
South Creek—James Bun- Wysox—H Wood, F Allen,
ham, J N Young. Wells-J Briuk.
Springfield—M E Seymour.|
SHlP—Notice is hereby given that the copartner
ship heretofore existing between J AMES NESBI T and
WILLIAM N'ESBIT, is this day dissolved i>y mutual
consent. The business will hereafter be continued by
the said WILLIAM NESBIT, who will pay all debts of
the late firm. JAME9 NESBIT,
Herriek, Nov. 10, IPO2. WM. NESBI r.
SIONS The undersigned will attend to preparing
claims for baek pay, bounty and pensions.
REV. S. F. BROWN, Principal.
The winter term op this institution
will commence DECEMBER 1, 1862, and coutiuJ e
16 weeks.
Town's Speller, McNalley's Geography. Greenleaf.
Common School and National Arithmetics, Brow,',
Grammar. Davies' Alcebra, Geometry and Survcvin.
Parker's Philosophy, Ac. •'
Common English Branches |4 QQ
Higher Branches 5 25
HUT Board convenient at reasonable prices.
Oamptown. Nov. 13, 1862.
Will Insure against Loss or Damage by Fireon propr t .
ty in Town or Country, at reasonable rates.
" Dikkc'lOKS G. M. Hailenback. John Richard. Ham'l
Wadbams, L. D. Shoemaker, D. G. Dreshach. It. C. Smith
R. 1). Lacoe, Geo. P. Steele. W. W. Ketcham, C'harlta
Dorrance, Win. R. Ross, (j. M. Harding.
G. M.HOLLKNBACK, President
L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice Presid' t
It.C SMITH. Sec'y. *
W. G. STERLING, Treasurer.
Application for Insurance in the following Companiet
secured i
/Etna Insurance Company, Hatford, Assets 12,265 175
Fulton InsuranceCompauy, New York, Cabh
Capital, *200.000
Royal Insurance Company, Capital SIO.OOO 000
Liverpool A London Insurance Company,
Capital $6/JOO,OCO
Connecticut Mutual Assets, $4,500,000
H. CAMP, Agent.
Camp town. Nov. 5, ISG2.
HAYING purchased the Store and exten
sive stock of Goods of T. HUMPHREY, in Orwell,
now o fl'er great inducements to those who are in wantof
Boots, Shoes A Leather of all kinds. The highest prica
Orwell, Nov. 5,186-2. —n23 tf.
m fill & m goods
J.X. Stock of New Goods, which we offer to cash pur
| chasers at as low prices as can be found in Bradford
We woufd call attention to our highly increased stuck of
in grcß* variety, which can be made up by us to order,
iu the most approved style, as well as clothes purchased
elsewhere. Also,
Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps,
Groceries, Crockery, Yankee Notions. Tinware, Ac.
£e" Most kinds uf Farmers' Produce received in ex
change tor go-ids. A. WICKHAM A SON.
Towanda. Oct. 15, I^o2,
JL to buy well made, durable and good fittiug
Where an immense stock of
And Leather of all kinds.
Having bought early in the season, at low prices, for
cash, we will sell correspondingly cheap.
Come one, come all and examine our goods, as we s*
certain to give you a better article, for less money t!u 8
can be obtained elsewhere.
Remember the place— at M. E. SOLOMON S.
Towanda, Oct. 13,1802.
Hides, Sheep Pelts & Wool,
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to
estate of BRADFORD MORGAN, late of Armenia.
are'requested to make immedaite payment, an .. . ~ a ,
demands against said estate will present them duly
tbenticuted for settlement.
Oct. 15. 1862. Administrator^
Application for Pardon.
NOTICE is hereby given that an 2 PP" C ®
tion will be m -de to the Governor of I'enns) n*
! lor the pardon of ORRISON FOREST and 'll Lb?> ,
] MAN, convicted in the quarter Sessions ot or®
I County of Larceny, and now contined in toe KC
[ Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, ot which all pers°
tcrrsted will please take notice.
! Nov. 5, 1862. DAVID^OKE^
"VfOTICE. Havinir transferred to
• _L\ BAIRD, Esq.. certain of my Notes and M* ,
in the purchase ot Real Estate, and all persons in '
having been notified of the same transfer, ' ,y>
Accounts and Notes remain unsettled on ue
vember next, will be left for collection by ia.■ bise ,
same must be settled at that time to close said P" .
Oct. 15, 1862. M. E- Bt>l."M^>
Cnrap Near Conard's Ferry, Md., Oct. 8,1 *■
THE following named members of Co. A. 57t r|
V , will save themselves trouble and ,no "^ r , jn ' for |
porting at once at the commandent, at Camp c' g
transportation, to join their Regiment ; also wy g
,of the Regiment absent without leave— Fui hug*~ |
\ cuse if able to travel: .. k B- v ' I
T. S. Clark. M. O. Stark. Joseph g
i Terry, ti. D.Gregory, D. L. Bi. 111 !'. Hindj . I
Michael Saxton. Julius fl. VanWSIDES.
| Comnumd ,n 1