M ~-. f nil' 1 - UW. IMil I iOCA L AA D GKNLRAL. as- Deaths IN THE HOSPITAL — JAMES CHUM-KEK and E P. STBAMJF.K, both members of ' ! (,th Fennsjlvania Reserve, under Captain CoW pa ' ! - '' the n oS pital at Fairfax Seminary last I GobEi o ieG I 0 jfcsie.—Wo had the pleasure, a few since, ol listeningto the" Towanda Orchestra," I -'"Ed of Prof. D. PRESTOS. This is an excellent I Kndt i r eniposed of several instruments, both " string and I j "and are prepared to play on all public occasions, *1 e tl'icir services may be needed. Their music caunot I be surras^ 11 ' The annnal raeeting of the Bradford I , v Teachers' Association, will be holden at Smith C 'Ten Friday and Saturday, the 14th and 15th ol No #e' ber next, commencing on Friday at 10 o'clock, a. m. and E-says may be expected ; also discussions ' tonics connected with the cause of education. u P° n 1 C.R.COBURN. jgfOur esteemed citizen,. WM. Ei.WF.I.L, li-i been elected President Judge of the twenty-sixth -j-il District, composed of the counties of Sullivan, fuli'-nihia and Wyoming, without opposition. That Mr. FiwEM-'wiH make an excellent Judge there is 110 ques ■ and we hope he may find a pleasant location in his *'™ di-trict. Our town will lose a useful citizen, and pTinishurg, (Mr. EI.WKLI.'S future home) will gain an intelligent and enterprising resident. The following is frcm a correspondence to the Philadelphia Inquirer of Friday la.-t. The affair occurred at Hilton Head, S. C. Mr. Ui u. was a native of this place, a son ot JXMKS P. Bri.i., deceased, and va s looked upon as a young man of sterling qualities . ••There was a tragedv in lite cantn of the Seventh Connecticut Ihgbm .it last . veiling. Lieutenant E. Lr.n --i-Kcit in a iii'-ment ot depression shot lnnisett. the 1 . ..rire t'lid; tlicet in his It-it side, causing almost inst.lll - death. Lieut; mint Bri.i. was ay. .:g man ot • tine l.riiinise, and wa- recently prmn-led to In* position from the ranks. His home M- in Meiidcn, Conn. PS" For. THE LADIES. — Wc like to keep our lady reader* booked up with regard to the fa-hions,— The " din k of a bonnet " which is now all the rage in the eastern cities . and without which 110 1. dv is con sidered up to the fashion, Is formed of deln at; ly tinted I yon* velvet, fancifully engrafted with fu.'/e, or blonde, ad rendered modestly piquant by the fall of a broad, deep veil. Tl e rim circle* more closely to the m. <• than in former seasons, and is interrinim.-.i with mingled fruits ami tl overs, or crimp -1 I-v.- anu St-Rorniu velvet. Over all a delicate white or pink feather jauntily flutters, j®-PREPARE FOR THE TAX COLLECTORS. — The rational tax law " into full iqietation, ami our citizens wil! soon be cal! d upon to pay their port lon of tlie expenses of th • war. The assessors have given notice to all inanii'.; tun is t-- • 'm b-t v. ctd and. make arrangements for taking out licenses, In default ot which they will be req ired to pay a fine equal to three times the cost of the- license. Blanks are also being served upou private faini!!--*. wi i.-h tin y are i-x; 1 ted t • 1.1 up with the various articles of value liable to oc taxed, ar.il return to tin *'■ : t c -i -tl. A •j ARRETTED. — On Monday afternoon last a young mm. under the influence of " tangle-foot," be came iii-pired with rather too much n '•rioti-m, and pro posed to end the war "in tive minutes,"'and was to have •• two battle* in i.ne day," which, in his imagination, would permanently close the v He only had one hat tic k -.vi vir v.: i.-h tc-r.lti -1 in -a ''-.-:-t--cfnl d-.-feat, and . - here, aiul .L .1 it v- ,ini !• '* ]'♦< u '* it i u| Tvith • | triuti?ai. At lite req-.-. ' of the Snperintendent, wc have printed, and shall keep on hand, all the blanks j required by School Directors, and will sell them iu pack age* containing 36 School Orders, 24 Agreements with Teachers, 3 of Collect r'* Warrants. 3 Collector's Bonds, 3 Treasurer's Bonds. 3 Notice* nfthe employ ..cut of teachers, 12 Annual Statement*of !>i*triot Accounts, each pack ore for one dollar. We inOerstacd that the expense oT .*-a: h i.-lanV* can be paid out of the School treasury . DEFACING TREASURY NOTES.— It is said that attempts have been made by dishonest persons to alter one dollar treasury notes to/' ten*, ly pasting oil ■ the word "ten." Unsu.*pt;>tii:g persons might take these " raised" bills for their apparent value, but ;; slight examination only is neces rty to discover tint the tace of the note is dotted with UK; words " otic- dollar. There is also a likeness of Secretary t'basc as large as life, while the genuine ten- are honored by the leal-aes of President 1.-neoln. Caution, therefore, is all that is required to guard against these altered lulls, it any are in circulation. As every one looks upon the " gt'o' n backs " as something that cannot be counterfeit ed, it is quite probable that rascals might take advantage oi this aid attempt the alteration spi-k.-n of. GI& IMPORTANT TO RCTCHF.rs, ACCTIONEEBS, Ac.—The C immissioner ot Internal Revenue has decided that, under the lic-w tax law, butchers who run a wagon through the country, trom which to sell their meat, must take out ap; flier's liceii.-c for the same. The license i tcn for one, and tilteen dollars tor two horses. It has tjeeu also decided that vendue criers conic under the head ot auctioneers, anil must take out a license be fore they can henceforth cry a single sale. The price of an auctioneer's license Is twenty fl kits. Hucksters who liuy up produce through the country and sell iu town.* or cities from tlivir wagons iim-t take out a pedler's license. It they haul tlu-ir produce to the city or town ,it:d sell the nce from stalls or tables, they are requited t > take out a dealer's license, providing their sales reach a lhot.-a:.fl- Bars annually. The following; 'totieehas been received, ami Directors w i-hing to avail themselves oi the law, can still have an opportunity, it the matter is attended to promptly. C. R. GOBURX. DRAFTED CO3-JMON SCHOOL TEACHERS. Pknn'A. Dr.r.vKT.M;.NTOI COMMON SCHOOLS,/ Harrisburg, Oct. 2D. 1862. 1 Dear Sir : —The Governor Ins received authority from the Se -rotary et War to tli.-; )>:,rg; G-u ;ty SuperinU u ik-utsaud IY-acher* troni the druit. wi ■ll it is proper .*<• to do, and lias authorized 111 c to say that it any have be; ;i dratted in your county whose withdrawal troni the schools will be injurious to the cause ol education, they will be discharged, on Ibrwaruing this Department a cer tificate signed by the President and Secretary, or by .1 majority ot the members of the proper Board of Direc tor*, slating— 1. That they are teachers either in actual charge oi schools, or appointed to take charge of school* at the commencement ol list m \t ensuing term of teaching iu the district. 2. That they are holder* of valid certificates from the proper Count\ Superintendents. 3. That their witlidr-wal trom their sciiools at the present time would be injurious to the cause of education. Upon the receipt nt thi* certificate, which should give the names ot the .eachers desired to be discharged, of the district in which they are teaching or are about to teach, •titd their Post OSlice address, necessary order will be i-Micd. < ouiitj - pcrlntendents who may hav" been drafted, will *t lie the tact to this Department. ;u;d w ill at once be discharged. Yours vei y truly. TiHiM V- H r,T RFvOWF>, JVif STOWING POTATOES. —As many of our latntcrs ami gardeners arc now slowing away tlieir win tor supply ol potatoes, the following hints on the sub ject Iri ru a correspondent of the Scientific American may prove of use. The writer says he has tried it four years, and that it lias proved a sovereign remedy, not having lost a bushel in that time after they were har vested, though in some cases they were half diseased when taken out of the ground. The receipt is as fol lows : " Dust over the floor of the bin with lime and put about six or seven inches deep of potatoes and dust with lime as before. Put in six or seven inches more of po tatoes, and lime again; repeating the operation till all ! are stowed in that way. One bushel of lime will do for" ty bushels of potatoes, though more will not hurt them ! the lime rather improving the flavor than otherwise.'' s> / The following is a list of the members j of " Lin-ta Hose Company," No. 3, of this place,now in the service of the United States. Out of twenty-one of the original members, it will be noticed that eighteen have rushed to the defence of our country in her peril;— 11. B. McKean, Cth Reg't., P. R. C. Edward Overton, jr.",soth Reg't., P. V. W. H. H. Gore, 6th Reg't., P. R.C. J. W. Mason,*oih U. S. Cavalry. Charles Mercur, 141 st Reg't., P. V. A. G. Mason, aid-de-camp to Gen. Meade. D. 11. Rarstow, 6th Reg't., P. R. C. E. S. Benedict, 57th Reg't., P. V., (deceased.) Dr. 5. I). Payne, U. S. N. Oscar Brown, 6th Reg't., P. R, C., (deceased.) T. Heyward, sth Reg't., P. R. C. Jesse A. Wilson, 141 st Reg't., P. V. Henry Fox, 57th Reg't., P. V. Robert J. Sherman, 141 st Reg't., P. V. Wm. McCormick. 141 st Reg't., P. Y. I.J.Cole, James Mercur, West Point. John Britten, sth Reg't., lb R. C. £*s7* "There is but a step from the sublime ; to the rididulous." This distance is not greater from j the poetical to the prosy. Somebody wrote some rather i pretty verses about " 1.0ve." Some other body borrow- j i d the metre and taking " Soap " for a theme, wrote some wicked verses in parody. Here ace the two pieces; I.OVE. j SOAP. We are young, i We want soap. And both are loving— ! Both need scrubbing— You l"ve me, Y'ou soap me, And i love you ; And i soap you ; E :cli. each other's Each. each other's Faults reproving— | Rough bides rubbing— Some in me, I Y'ou scrub me, And some in you. ; And 1 scrub you. What is best " What is best tor os to do ? For us to do ' l ive and love, ! Live and rub, Continue loving— ! Coutiuuerubbing— 'it loving me, i Y'ou rui bin- me, 1 loving \oi ; I 1 rubbing you ; Each, each other's | Each, each other's Faults reproving— Rough hides scrobbing,! Too reproving me, Yon scrubbing me, i you. ! Iyo \. This is best I This is best For i- to do. | For as i do. £lft) S*g 9JI A ?S2f (']•?=*?* fa f* fi ~i e l ' 4-i. \m lib tkS3 a.a a *• AT | A W77WS*?* Pe KCO .*•-'< ✓ ARE NOW RECEIVING A LARGE ' • A Stock of New Goods, which we offer to cash pur chasers at as low prices as can he found in Bradford County. We would call attention to our highly increased stock of CLOTHS, CASBIMEO & YEST.KGS. .t variety, which can be ; a.de up l>y u* to order. ' e. as well as clothes purchase• : A-,, ri -• 2 rjt! (e-r f ""A ft * i IlLtllr I b'Lti St. ii i'i WJ • ■ \JT Jj \i. tJ -ifl II -Y JLa.'* XX • A.- *7 y u> eo , j Ct 1'• .. j, io* . J VA v[, Groceries, Crockery, Yankee Notions, Tinware, Ac. Kit" Most kinds of Farmers' Produce received in ex change for goods. A. WICKHAM & SON. Towanda, Oct. 15. 1862. CLOT JrX X IST Or CHEAP FOB CASH. TMIE REST PLATE IN TOWANDA jL to buy well-made, durable and good tittiug AT REASONABLE PRICES IS AT M. E. SOLOMOFS CLOTHING STORE, NO. 2., PATTON'S BLOCK. Where an immense stock of FALX. 6c WiriT-ra CLOTISIISC* GEIMTS rtrnmssfrsTG- GCOBS, BOOTS 6c SHOES, HATS €l CAPS, And Ztcathcr of all kinds. Having bought early in the season, at low prices, for ca>h, we will sell correspondingly cheap. Com- one, come all and i xaiinne our good u a.s we aie cort.iin to give you a better article, lor le.-s money than can be obtained elsewhere. Remember the place— at M. E.SOLOMON'S. Towanda, Oct. 13, 1802. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE WILL BE PAID FOR Hides, Sheep Felts & Wool. AT THE CLOTHING STORE OF M. E, SOLOMON. PIASTER roil SABS. pAYRGA GROUND PLASTER FOR sale ia large or small quantities. at MASON'S Mills, in Monroe. All kinds of Grain taken in pavnient. J. S. SALS BURY & Co. Oct 32,1861. iriTHE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID ; JL for Buckwheat at 21 A. OX'S .'TILL.-, j Nov .5. 1 *62. Applicatica for harden. ~%TOTD'E is hereby given that an nj |)lica _Ll tion wiii be in de to the Governor of Pennsylvania i lor th •pa id-ui oi t• K■ N I 'i 1 1,'EsT ; ~i! 'r VLES li Lb' - ; MAN, convicted in the Quarter *c—ions ot Bradford i County of Larceny, and now eouiiricd in the Eastern Penitentiary oi Pennsylvania, ot which all pr> m* iu - t -rested will please take notice, Nov. 3,1862. DAVID FOREST. • r PHE highest prr-rainm paid for Gold and i A Silver, also, for the IT.l T . S. Treasury notes old issue.— Certiiiv Acs tor the hack par mid bouuties ot discharged and docased soldiers cashed by B. S.RUSSELL, & Go. j ' * -V a•} 1 S.caal. ADM IMS'! R \ TOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby giv* Y en that ail o- vsotis indebted to the estate of William Wslborn, late ot Granville, dee'd.. are reqoested to make immedia 'c paynien! mid tho.se having claims against r- i-i j estate must pie-eiit ihem duly authenticated lor settle ment. GEORGE WALBORN, Jr., Oct. 28,1862. Acmiuistrator.__ ADMIXISNRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby giv en that all persons indebted to the estate of George Walborn, late of Granville, dee'd.. are teipiested to make immediate paj'tnent, and those having claims against said estate must present them dnlv authenticated for settle ment. GEOItGE WALBORN, Jr., Oct. 28,15G2. Administrator. pAUTION —Whereas, my wife PHOEBE j \J B. FAIRCHTLD, having left my l>ed and Ixtard with out just cauS. CHUBBUCK, Oct. 22, 1862. ! A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice JA. i • hereby given tl- it all persons indebted to the es- I tate of Benjamin Reel, late of Windham, deed., are re- : guested to make inn.!.diaie payment, and those having 1 claims against aid ( state mu.st present them duiy autheu- | ticated toi settlement. WM. il. RI'SSELL, Wil. U. RBEL, Oct. 22,1862. Administrators, A DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE.—Notice! Ax. is herehc .iven.tliat a!i pei-ous indebted to the e-tut A. ' cT \XMER.hi!.- ot Lcßoy twp., dee'd., .-.re hi rely reipn-sted t make payment witlu-nt de lay, and afl persons having demands against said estate ( wiiip.u-. i :iluein uulyauihenti.ateii ior settlement. - A. n FOSS, ANDR'VW BOISE, Oct. 22, 1 '2. Admin.-trators. \ ll> I TOR'S NOTICE — ln the matter of , jl.\ the. intuit of Milton Rosa, dee'd. '1 he e:ui. ... .6. ;n '.uditi r. ;.p r :iinted by tin- Court j upon excepti< ns fie! to t! e tl. .si account of Alministra- j office, ia Towanda borough, on Friday, the 21st day ol November, 1862, at L o'clock p. in., at which time in ! place all persons interested are requested to be pre ent. < . >;. it' 1). 51 -NT.VNY'E, Auditor. " ■ A U 1 ) ii ( SNOI :t' !•" .V. (' Harris vs. .I. li'. in the Gourt of Con.mun Pleas •'. Bradford cot tv No. 246. February T.. 1-61. ' i id 4 the 22d day of November, 1862, at 1 o'clock, p. m., and all j : ■ i- I-• ! av. upon said monies must present them, Hi <-. Vue il.; . . >. .11- a. !ir. -aliie. fiii' .: i!i it. MoN'i AN YE, Auditor. Oct. 22.1862. ADM I NISI RATOR'S SALE—By virtn< A ui an order <-t the Orphans" Court of Bradford Co., will he 1 n --i d ! ■ ].id-lie sale on SATI itDAY', the sth day .i NOVEMBER next, at 1 o'clock, P.M., on the premises, (late the estate ot Ira H.Stephens, dec d.) tj.e .. l.ole oi i 11 lot • . the north side ot the Public . re, i > the •' ■( (-1 Towanda, upon ui leii tin 1, ; i ib- . I, 1. Moou. Eaiil li t wo! in ! in flee of the Clerk of Orphans' Conrt, to wit : No.-.'.i11.; 1 rt oi the whole lot which .a sin the rear '6 the Uuion Block, being strip 12 feet wide *N'i. 1. Bounded south by the put-lie Sqnare west by | . ' No. 3. Lying next east of No. 1, being 33 feet front by 132 d ep. No. 4. Lying next east of No. 3, being same size. No. 5. Being the residue ot the whole lot ar.d lying north ot No. i. 2 and 3. TERMS. —One-ti uith on confirmation of sale and res id i e'oti six months thereafter with interest and properly .-ciuied. JOHN M.MAHOX, Oct. 15,1*62. Adininist.ator. JN THE BUPREM i: COURT OP P!•:NN | JL SYLVAN!A. Eastern District, January Term, 1862, No. 26. iii E ; uiiy. George W Gii.ve.-a hohh-r of Hie bonds secured by I iiic i,i .!mi..' (I.'.tod !'• i riiary 1*57, as well tor him self as lor all ot:,. rs. liuiiiers < f like bonds, u ln) agreeing i to conti-ituite '• > the expenses oi this suit, may become i parties thereto, vs. The Barclay Railroad and Coal Company, and Edward Hopper and Charles W. Bcreslord. Trust'es named in said mortgage, and James .Maciariane, Assignee in Trust of said Company. The Ma ter to whom was referred the account of Ed ward Hopper; ml Charles W. Beresford. Trustees above named to state, settle and adjust the same, and to report distribution thereupon among t he parties in ten--ted, will attend to the duli sot' liii appointment on MONDAY", the 2Tiii d.iv 01 01 I'ORKit. ,*i>2, at 4 o'clock. P. M.. at his oiiice, No. 221 .-South Sixth Street, in the city of Phil adclpliia. when and where all persons are required to j pres.nt tin ir claims or else he debarred Irom coining in upon the fund. GARRICK MALLERY', Philadelphia, Oct. 10.1862.3* Master. I .Y Ihe matter of the estate of JL-nrij Hansom. L lull of Orii! tI. ji latin Oi j'hun's Court of Brail foe! (,'ui mte. Notice is hereby given that on petition of Win. C. Ran sum, of Shcshequiii township, the Orphan's Court of said county awarded an inquest, and a Jury of inquest will be held on the premises, on Tuesday. November 23.1*62. between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock, a. 111.. to ascertain whether a piece of land late the estate ot IB nry Ransom, dee'd., can h" divided without injury to the whole, said land is bounded and described ils follows ; Bounded on the south by the public highway leading from Rome to Orwell Hill, west by a road leading from Rome 10 Nichols, north by lands cf F. A. Diuimock and east by tamUot Simeon Rockwell. Containing about one acre au-l a half "r two acres, all improved, with otic old framed house theieou. A. HANSON SPALDING, Sheriff. Oct. 15, 1*62. ZSGTICS. Hr.AIKJI'.VRTKBS 57t1l Reo.. P. V., I Camp Near Conard's Ferry, Md., Oct. *, isi>2. j rpilF. following named members of Co. A. 57th Reg. P. ; i v , will save themselves trouble and money, by re- I porting at once at the commaiident, at Camp Curtin, tor I transportati >ll, t< join their Regiment : also, any other |ot the Regiment absent without leave— Furlough* no ex-. I ruse if ahli totrarel: ;'. S. < I nk. M. O. Stark, Jm-eph Sliaddueic. H. W Terry, G. 1">. Gri-srorv, 1). L. Bnmn, Win. K. Keator, Mi. bad Su.V. n. Juiius B. VauWiukle. F. M. Hinds. PETER SIDES, Cotmnamliug Co. A. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—In pnrsu ::nc ot an eider ol tlie Oi jilian's Court ol Bra Hold i County, will be expo-od to }nblic -ale, at the dwelling '■ house! on the pit .ui-es. last lierealter descrilied, atone I „Vi.. k p. m. .-ii Saturday, the 22<1 day of November 1*62, t!, • 11 win- ih-scrd "d tracts of land, situate in Smith : field twp., to wit Due lot or tract ot land bounded <•;: tia- 1 -t bv land of \ 1 tiert Calitf. sooth by flu- pablic , highway, ca-t bv land late of Harvy Durfty. dec d., and i norlh by land ot G. A. French. tr< in which is to be de | ducted about three acres, sold by said deceased to !L uty Brigbam, and half aa acre sold to S. S. Baker, and by hi oi > It Wm. I. Ross, said first described lot o! hod ! aiter deducting said lots sold as a;--ic-a -i : c Min g ; about 41 acre-of iand, as supposed, with one fiumcd i barn thereon ere ted ; a few truit trees thereon growing, i and about 25 acres improved. The other lot bounded on t: ; . west I v land of B.C. Brigham, and by otb?r lands of said decern*; d. on the south by land of s. s. Baker, mi the - ca-t 1 i ....1 rt F1 win F. French, and on the 1101 th-y land ot G. !v. Frcii'-h. troni which is to be deduetetQa small ' lot <>t a': out three-fourths <>f an acre, on which Wil'jani I. Ross now reside-, and about half an acre sold by said de - ceased to said Ross, said last dtscrilien lot so to IJC C-X --1 posed to public sale, as aforesaid. Containing, after mak- I ing said deductions, about 40 acres, with about twenty | acres improved, with a framed house, and framed barn - thereon erected, and ail apple orchard thereon growing said lands being ot the estate of said deceased. j Attendance will be given and term- of sale made known I by the subscriber. M. G. PUBFEY, smitfcrteld.Oct.22,l962. ' \dmitiistraUw Srnc-".-o:is as it may interest, until October : 2s, iKG'i.at the following places, via : ATHENS. SYLVAM A, i'ROY, I.EROY, MONROE, ■ WYSON, WYAU'SIXG. ORWELL, LERAYSVILLE. The Assessor will hold an appeal at the Court Mouse, i la ",'••> i: -ia. !-t Br.oitord County, on the'J-th, 2'.lth.'>i)tli, and 31st days of October, 1852, when he will adiust any : difficulties that may L.tVc arisen hum improper assess : nicnts. BENJ. P. FOKTXKR. . lot • a it Revenue Assessor. 1A tit la, Collection District. Office at Catawissa,Oct. 3,1862. I DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice a r._ is I. ,eby gi'.i n that dips:- as indebted to the es tate of •) aim - Ail. a. late of Ai ,atiy, dee'd., are requested to make ;mined! ito i ly.aent, aud all having claims a-a Inst 1 estate, iiai.-.t pre-.eut them duly autheuticat : I s< ttlemcnt. J. L.JONES, j Oct. 6,1<562. Administrator. | A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. —Notice ; -si. i- a 1 . , that ■II persons indebted to the es -1 tateoi Nel >miah Coborn, late ol Warren, dee'd., are re j it -• i! torn ike tun .c iiat • payment, and those having ! man da tiust -..!•! estate will present them duly au liieaticati-i for tCement. MICHAEL MOI'LTON, Oct. 6,1862. Administrator. I i>M I N I STRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice J is' ! .y •. that ad persons indebted to the es t; vn, ,wL • i . M:il< i, late ot Orwell, dec'il., are re quested to n. in !.ti.d--:e payment, and all having ciaitns against said estate must present them duly au thenticated for settlement. CYRUS COOK, Oci. 2, 1862. A dm. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ot Darling Ja'rvis, late of Pike, dee'd., are requested to made immediate payment, and those having claims against ii.l e-:at ' n:a.:t present them duly authenticated to- -etfi . lit. D.M. BAILEY, Adnt. Oct. 2, Mod. ADM i NISTRAT< )R f S NOTICE—Notice J. 3.. -s her< by giv .th it all persons indebted to thees *. : o: 11.. . ; A,'lis, he. .1 t rwell. dee'd., arc requested to make immi iiate payment, and those having claims : gainst said estate mu t present them duly authenticated for ettlement. ABEL DARLING, Adm. i NOTICE —Notice is here by given that all persons indebted to the estate of Benjamin .Sexton, late of Grauviile, dee'd., are retuested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said e.-tate must present them July authenticated for settlement. OSCAR SAXTON. ! p . JOHN J. SAXTON, j x ' Oct. 2,18(52. ! \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice ; J. V i- hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate oi WM. 11. H. BROWN.late; ol Monroe boro' dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and nil hav ing claims against -.id estate will present them duly au- I theiith atcd lor settlement. JOSEPH IIOMET,) . - . OLIYE BROWN, f Aa,n s ' Sept. IS. 18(52. _ D2ESSOZ.UEZQIII. rpilE Copartnership heretofore existing between Sam 1. uel Lyon Jr., end Henry J. Taylor, and doing busi ness under the name and style c>( LYOK & TAYLOR, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. LYON. Jr., 11. J.TAYLOR. V >„ The business will be continued, as heretofore, by SAMUEL LYON, Jr„ and all Book accounts to be set tled with him. Polterville, Pa., Oct. 1,1862. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In Ike matter of al. thi i sti te of She} ard Pierce ul l r m. A. Pierce, No. 17"> May Tei m, lso2. In the Court ol Common Picas ot Bradford county. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds arising from Sheriffsaleof deft will at tend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, 17th day of November Isij 2, at 1 o'clock, p.m., and all persons having c'airns on said monies must present them ,or else be forever de barred Irotnthe same. P. D.MORROW. Oct. 10, ifeo2. Atiditor. "VTOTICE.—Having transferred to EL W X * BAiRD, Esq.. ceitain of my Notes and Accounts in the purchase ol Real Estate, and all persons interested having been notified of the same transfer, those whose Accounts and Notes remain unsettled on the first No vember next, will be left fur collection by law, as the same must lie settled at that time to close said purchase. Oct. 15, lso2. M. E. SOLOMON, A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—J Bevier, Sriggs -i 3L i yl'o.vs. Strjrtrn Fell on , No. li'.'ii, Sept. Term. ISfiO, and i'-. A. I'ar.ton* vs. Stephen FelUm. — Sejit. T., l-i"2. In th ■ Court oi Common Pleas o! Bradford county The undersigned.an Auditor, appointed by said Court | to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale ot defendant's real estate.will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the borough of Towanda, on THURSDAY, 13th Nov., i-i.2, at 2 o'clock, p. nt., and all persons . having claims upon said monies must present them, or i else be forever debarred from the same J. WOOD, 1 Oct. 15,18(52. Auditor. | A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice i X A is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e.-tate of .JaNE JoNK 1 -. late of Athens, dee d., are re quested l" make immediate payment, and those having ■ demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JOHN JONES, Oct. 15, 1802. Administrator. (iood Flour iiiid Good Bread! WHY I* IT THAT SO MANY FAMI- U LIE- HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of i the bouse, and yen will invariably receive iu miawc-r:— : The flour i- poor or the yeast is poor. To av'id the 'it nble.-'uuv your llotir always at FOX'S and u-e Stratton's Yeast Uompound, to be had at the ! same place; itulway- gives -atistaction. The best quality of Wue it. and Buckwheat Flour and fresh gro iud Corn Meal, all at low prices, at ; j, , ft Grocery Store. E. r.FOX"" Jan. 28, l-i'.J. HARRISBURG NAIL VvORKsT" 11 K undersigned lias on nand a supply of _u_ Nails, from these well knov.n work. The nails are mad ■ from Pennsylvania lro- u- manufactured extiressly i for this purpose, and are of as uperior quality. For safe to ib aler- only, audoti better terms than they can obtain in New York. Emit ire at the Banking Office ofß. S. RTT-SEI.E &CO • B. S. RUSSELL. Hrv.-rndt;, ibiaofe 18, 1862, Jiitscrllanrous. NEW SPRING GOODS! AT J. M. COLLINS', (First door South of Codding & Russell's.) TUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK ef ait unusnal large stock of Clothing, Cloths, Casemers Yestings, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats A Caps, which will be sold at greater bargains than before. OUR SPRING STOCK Will comprise almost every article worn by man or boy. SJJSZKfESS SUITS, COAT 3, PANTS Vests, Shirts, Collars, Suspcndcr3, Ucck Ties, Gloves, Wrappers, Sochs, Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention is called to our New Style of CLOTHS, C.VSIiiLUES AX D VESTIXUS, Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice, and warranted iu avery way, or no sale, as we havasome eight years experienm* iu this line of business, my cutter, Mr. PENKPACKEB. will te on hand, at ail t. to 4e euttiug for those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get ae good as represented, call at If you wish to get the worth of your money, aud bny new fr;sh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and you will lie satisfied. No trouble to -how goods and no fore ng to buy- Goods sold for cash only. J. AI. COLLINS. Towanda, April 21,1862. New Arrangements. TIHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING FOR M- J. Ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for merly carried on by J. 1). HUMPHREY, in the store op posite the Court House, where they will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of BOOTS & SHOES, and a very large stock of all kinds of LEATHER requir ed for a country trade. A full assortment of Shoe Findings, Harness Triimnmss, HADDLERY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS GLASS, GROCERIES, Ac., Ac. We expect to increase our facilities in tiie manufactur ing department, so as to be.able to sup} ly dealers with a superior article, at prices rivaling all competition, and especially" foreign," believing it "I vital impoi-lame to community to luster domestic productions us far as prac ticable. Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery owned by Messrs. Culp A Kirby, aud rented the-hop formerly occupied by tliem, vrc offer lor sale a large stock of HARNESS, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, TRAVtLINS BAGS.&C j and will make to order almost anything in this line. We respectfully invite public attention to our whole stoi k in it- various branches, trusting that oy strict at tention to business and zealous exertions to supply the w ants of community, we shall merit and receive a lair share of public patronage. We are prepared to make to order anything in our line. Also, do all kind- of repairing on very short notice Sir Cash paid for Sheep pelts, Hides and Skins. J. O. HCMI'IIKF-V, iKA U. BCi.L, J. F. DAYTON. Towanda, April 25, 18(52. FRESH" ARRIVAL OF r !5 iSSS fjaTf.D finiliipp !fiii ihtif ffhltiJl Lt'JidsnS. rn HE SUBSCRIBER WOU LI) RETURN J_ thanks to the public for their patronage during the past year, ami ask the same 1 animating public to give liis new stock a fait examii atioa lx fore buying, be lieving lie can satisfy them both in goods and prices. I will sell my stock a- low, lor the qu-'lity, as any one in the country, which consists, as usi al, ol all articles in the Gentlemen's l'iii nis,.ing depnrm?nt. All Wool Cas simei'e suit-, Siik Mixed do., and some of a lower grade, as well as the liner Doeskin Coats, Pants & Vests, Silk Velvet and Grenadier Siik Vests, all of which goods 1 will represent true as to quality. Overcoats, all grades aud priet s. Under Shirts and Drawc.s, Bu-pendens, Ilo s...ties, Collars, Neck lit.,, Fine Linen Shirts, HATS CAPS. i ' ipps. Uiu!,n-!i >-'. GI res and Mittens, Ac., Ac. I would call especial attention to my large stock of Fur Hats, which I flatter inyseH i sell a little lower than the same j goods can be bought in town 1 mean what I say, and no humbug ;so give.us a call, aud if we don't sell you goods before you leave it will be our fault. We charge nothing for showing goods. I have the Fall Style ol the Celebrated Oakford Siik Hat, Now on exhibition, which needs no puffing to those wh have worn them. Respectfully, R. W. EDDY. Towanda, Oct. 14. 18iV2. THE PATRONS OF WM. A. ROCKWELL And the public gen eiallficd at his tlcre AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OP FALL GOODS, Which will be sold ou REASONABLE TERMS. 3,GIVE US A CALL. Towanda. Sept. 25,1802. TIEHED lAR.JXIET. THOSE IN WANT OF BOOTS & SHOES, SHOULD GO TO THE TOWANDA 130 OT & SHOE STOR E, Opposite tiie Court House. CASH PAID FOR HIDES & PELTS, At HUMPHREY & CO'S. Towanda, Sept.. 24.1-02. FIRE INSURANCE. Insurance against Loss By Eire IN FIRST CLA' ,-! CASH CAPiTAL COMPANIES. -U PLY TO i" 1 - <3-. COBTJBIT, TOWANDA, PA. Vent. 30, 1862. PENSION AGENCY.— TO SOLDIERS AND THEIR FRIENDS.—The undersigned having luid eon-:d(". able exjieri jji procuring Pension Boun ties and back pay of -oldiers, will attend to all Imsine.-s in ihat Hue, entrusted to his care, with promptness and fidelity. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address rue by b-tter at Sylvauia, Bradford county. Pa Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONROE. Refers fiy permission to 11. B. CARD. County Treasurer, Wellsbsro' Pa. D. F. I'OMKROY. Troy, Pa. A. II Sheriff, Towanda, Pa. Oct 22, 1802. iUffctcnl. THE lily^ DRUG STORE. (Wwlttmlr and Retail. No i, Patton* Block, Cor nor •/Main unit Bridgt Sit., Towanda. Pa.) DR. T. F. MADILL, i'roprirtor. The subscriber respectfullt Informs the Public that he has purchased the abov* Drug Store, and ha vine: thoroughly relitted and enlarged t, and increased his facilities for Compounding Medicine* is prepared to supply every want o! the public, in tlr* I iue of DKTJGS AND MEDICINES, MyJStock, almost entirely new, lias been selected with care, and embraces a lull assortment of all articles belong iug to the Drug Trade. F2HJS&2I SUPPLIES are received monthly, of Pure and Reliable Drugs and Medicines, which w ill be sold at pries tbat cannot (ail to suit our patrons. My stock consists of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and PURE LIQUORS\ Of every description, and tlie best quality for Medical use. All tiie ])opular PATENT MEDICINE AND A LARUE SUPPLY OF HOXEOPATHIC A COXCKXTR VTI-iD MEDUIXES. Botanic A Helvetic Medicines, Tildoris Alco holic and Fluid Extracts, Alkaloids and Resinoids. All the best Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Unices. J (resist Pumps, Nipple Shalis A Sliiel's, Nursing Buttlc.-.Syringe.-, Cut liters, A LA ROE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS & STROPS, Pocket Knives, Surgical Instruments of late style and best quality. Paints, Oils. Yarai.-hos, Window Olass, Put ty, Ac. A large supply ot BRUSHES For the H it. Hair, and Shoes, Painting. Varnishing and White Washing, also for the Teeth and Nails. TOOTH POWDERS AND PASTES,, of every variety. A large assortment of MIP/' iUr/JiiiSS, Pure Essential Oils. Fine Perfumery and T' 'let Soaps, Buffalo and Ivory (' nibs, Hair P., >-s, Oils and Invignratois. Kerosene. Rum'. Fluid, Lamps, Shades, t'hinine, s, \\ icks, Ac. Choice Tobacco, Cigars 2. FIHST WEEK. Athens twp— 1- Rice. IRidgbnry Lyman Wood* Albany—David B snli k. ! ruff. Asylum—M T Vangorder, J Springfield Caleb S Bnrt, Jonathan Whipple. GioW V • irhis. Burlington twp Boswell Sheshequin Lyman.Horton, Luther, \\ I, Gainer, F S' C 0 wore. Ayr.'s. Terry—John Horton. Canton—Robert Lilley, Levi 1 Booth < a George Dun* Steel. j ham, Jr. * ••iii'.ii'o.i .is i, 'hi. .Tow.in J.i to- Michael Mitch j Franklin-—Vt . . Runt. ell. Litchtield—A I'WU. ott, Jo Towanda boro'—C D Pas sepli Park, 2d. I sage. Leßoy—lt 11 Xing dcy, John Warren—Richard L Bowen, Kelley. J p Coburn. Monroe—RNortlmip. j Wyalusing—J F Chamber- Orwell Cook. \ lain. I! W Jackson, E B Pike- NeDon p Boswortli.i Barnes. R W t'oolbaugh. Wiiuiot—George Ilarford. Rome tp—Albert Richards, j J A Moody. SECOND WEEK, Athens twp- Fhilip Cranse.'Rida'mry—T> E Buck. John F Satti ile,-. ■ Springiield—Salisbury Colo. Albany—Clark Baheoek. Slie>!:equiu—G F Vincent, Burlington W- -R It Phelps.' Charles Brown. W I) Gamage. Terry- -Jacob Froutchy. ColuiiiViia—lviiuthan McLel- iow.iada boro' —George X land, Stephen Keep, Geo Fox. M Card. Stephen Bullock Towanda North—Silas Mills. Canton—Geo Grifiin, A 1)! Troy twp Samuel Thorn. Spalding. Irad Wilson, Jj as. G Rockwell. Johu S Mix.iTuscarora—WilmotCobarn, Horace Fiteh. j Wyalusing—Nathau Stai- Granville—Smith May, All j ford. Mott. jWilinot— F G Morrow. Litcliiield-SylVestev Cotton, j Wells—David Knapp. l.eltoy—A J Walter. ,Wysox—John S Frink. Monroe twp--Samuel Cole.| Windham William Kuy- Freeman Sweet, James W| keudall. Erwin. I A. HANSON SPALDING, Towan.la, Oct. 23. 1862. SlierifT. SPECIAL NOTICA. TN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT A seetns to he the necessities of the times, and for my own business security, 1 have concluded to sell Goods FOE lIEADY PAY! I believe I have as good credit-customers as any one, and most of them prompt paying ones, but future prosperity in biisin I think requires that Groceries and Provi sions should be sold for cash. 1 hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire to please, to still retain all of my old patrons. ifrT. e who are indebted to me will oblige me by settling up at once. E. T. FOX. Towanda. August 1, ISfil. IE. "ST. & 3. &A] nRANGE OF TIME COMMENCING MONDAY MAY 5, 1 BG2. Trains w.R leave Wa verly at about the following hours, viz. ; WRBTWAKI) BOI'XD. KA rWAKD Cn*Xl. BnHal • Express.. .-l.lt pMN. A' . ; VN! , .11.33 A M Night Express....3.lß AM X? ~i t Express.. .12.44 A M ' Steamboat Kxprcsss.oß P M Way ft.lo A •,] w u - 1.50 1' M Way Freight ....!-'2 r , A M Cincinnati Uxprvss4.2l AM Accommodation.. \ .07 I'M Way Freight.... 3.10 PM i he Nigh Ex' .ress—east and west—runs every day Cincinnati I mpress runs Sundays, but docs not rim on Mondays. Night Express of Sundays runs through to iu rialo < j , u t duei nor run to Dunkirk! Mail remains over biglit at Elntira. I Cll A'S. Ml NOT. Gen'l Snp't. ] ~ I^jranceT ; r plIE tintlersismcd hat been appointed tho 1 A tgent of the Ifisarnnce Company ol North America, located at Philadelphia, i- ltov. pi t pared to take risks, In town or enmity. This Company is one of the oldest in tlie United States, having been chartered in 1713, it hag a capital of $.">00,000. and is managed by a board of Di rectors of the very highest chara ter for honor and in t, :rity. All In- -i . are .iipested promptly. Its rates are as low as those of any goodComt ny, and propertyhdd ers in ariag in this C unpauy may iv-l assured that they can rely on the perfect safety of their policies in case of loss. ' U.S. RUSSELL, \t the Banking Oflicc of B. S. RUSSELL & CO. March 1), 1862.—nt1-tf. j ARDIAN'S SALE.—By virtan of a \A order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford county, will be 1 ypu-im to public . ile t: Till' RS[.VY, the 27th | day of NOVEMBER next, at I o'clock, P. M.,on the | premises, the following described property, to wit: A lot of land situate in Ulster township, hounded north and east bv land of James MeCarty. south by laud of Jason . Smith ami west by the puhlia highway. Containing about half an acre of laud, with a framed house and barn thereon, it being the tavern house formerly kept by P. P. Sweet. TERMS.—One fourth of Hie porch se money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the balance in one, two, and. three years theroalter, with luterest ELMORE EVERITT. Oct. 30.1862. Guard tan of Charlotte Elstww,