tIOCAL AND GENERAL. J p. BESIIKT ._The late raius bave eans- I Fderable rise in the Susquehanna, aßbrding our ■ ' n an excellent opportunity of getting their Brbernif' 1 n Kber to market. SPECIAL COURT.— Hon. R. G. WHITE I . d a Special Court, in this county, commencing I'jfunday next, the 3d November. I ihecks and sight dralts, can be had at the bank'ng I B.s. RUSSELL, a CO. I jgp. Ssow. —We were vifited, on Monday ■ _ : nc last, with the first flurry of snow of the season. time the weather presented quite a winterish I Iff- On tbe first page cf our paper will be I nd graphic account of the Rebel raid into this State, Cten BY A - K.M'CIXKE, of Chambersburg. The ac- L - C t will be found very interesting. I Sfc It i : Fjrgeeted that the drafted men I f Pennsylvania will be put upon the State Lines for de- This will be agreeable and profitable to all con- Jr!Kd-men will tight best of all for their homes. I SeT The Pennsylvania Baptist Stats Con- | I en! :.,n meets at Ilarrisbnrg, the last Tuesday (2?ih) Iv vt-nilier. The new house of worship, erected .'or the I H arri-bnrg church will be dedicated the Monday evening jig- II L Scorr, Esq , of this plncp, (,'ol- I lector of the Internal Revenue Taxes, for tlrs District, Its appointed B. F. PAXTON Collector cf Columbia coun • v The Republican says it is a good appointment. gas- IMPROVEMENT.—We notice that the pjvement in front of the Ward House has bcci hveie-l „ P and very much improved. There is char.cc for simi lar improvements iu many parts of our village. In fact j our .sidewalks are in a very dangerous condition in sec crul localities. The nnnnal meotinrv 0 f the Bradford County Teachers' Association, will be holden at Smith- j field, on Friday and Saturday, the 1 ith and 15th of No- : Temfier next, commencing <>n Friday at 10 o clock, a. m. j Addresses and Essays may be expected ; also di-missions ; upon topics connected with the cause of education. C.It.COBURN. RAILROAD MEN DRAFTED. Among these who were drafted at Scranton. were John Brisbia, Superintendent, It. A. Henry, General Freight Agent, W. 11. Fuller, Ticket Agent,and IV 11. Phelps, Paymas ter, all of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Rail road. This makes a heavy " draft"' on the Railroad Com pany. SSF DITTHERIA. —This terrible disease is raging to considerable extent in different parts of this •county. There have been several cases in this borough, few of which, however, terminated fatally. By reference toour obituary column it will be seen there are four deaths recorded from this disease, three of which we:-c members of one family. [FID IN TBE lIogI'ITAL.—WILI.IAM II • YILSOV. son of JOHN C. WILSON, ot this place, died in the Fairfax Seminary Hospital, near Alexandria, one day last week, of disease contracted in the army. He was a member of Co. F., sth Regiment Pa. Reserve. Mr. WILSON !I,i.- anotuer son (Je-SE A.,) iu the Hospi tal at Alexandria. WM. BLOCKER,of Capt. JACKSON'SCO., 141 st Regiment, died in the hospital, at Washington, this week. teT "CAN'T SEE IT."—The "Farmers' >: k A>>oi-i itiou Trotting Park," at Athens,issued pos ters and advertised in the Eltnira papers that there woui-1 be a trotting match on the Park, on the 23d and 24th OiV-ober, and that the Towanda Sax-Horn Band would be in attendance. Now this is a grand hoax—there is no Sax-Horn Band in this place, and our Athens neigh bors must have drawn on their imagination extensively to have" seen it." If the Association wish to retain a de eat reputation they should •' i •"'•form all they adver t se."' fcS" Mr. GEORGE D. SCOTT, deliver." 1 iL- c t ' ,on Saturday afternoon last, in the Public School II -use. in this borough, before a large and intelligent au •iiaiKT subject, 4- Exposures ar.it Duties of the Y'oung." There were many of Jig. Score's former pupils present, fir wlioc benefit the Lecture was principally devoted.— -Mr s. is a young man of acknowledged ability, and lias d-me good strvicein the cause of education nut only in tins borough bat throughout the county. IF-L HARD TIMES —This" udioly rebellion" Wakes bard times and affects all classes ot individuals— ! -'Wivi-ius high, dry-goods are high, and not to lie out done, some of our landlords have raised their whisky fr-'ir. kai! i ditpe to six and a fourth cents per drink ! The Internal Revenue Assessor is, no doubt, responsible f-T trightening these la-t named-individuals into the extra •i- ent '"narge We hope it may have a K-neflcial effect tpon " habituals," 44 regulars'" and 44 occasional." ARRESTED FOR FOKGERY. —0:i Mo:;dny g last, Constable EATON arrested a man named Ed erard Kr.tr, , charged with forging Checks on the Bank "i? House or I.AI'OKTE. MASON, A Co. 11c was lodged in jail, and on Tuesday morning was brought before Justice B'-uiitr, ami after a hearing was committed to jail, in default of t>ail ($300) to await trial. He bad forged several checks, all of which were of a less denomination than one dollar. Rather small busi ce.s. INS~ At the req'jest of the Superintendent, *e have printed, and shall keep on hand, all the blanks required by School Directors, aud will sell them iu pack- Ages containing 36 School Orders, -t AgfC"ments with Teachers, 3 ol Collector's Warrants. 3 Collector's Bonds, 3 Treasurer's Bonds, 3 Notices of the employment of teachers, 12 Annual Statements of District Accounts, fa ii package for one dollar. IVe understand that the expense of such blanks can be Paid out of the School treasury. All persons wishing tohavn their prop insured in safe and reliable Companies, can do so by falling on F. G. COBIRN, Esq., who has been appointed forthc Home Insurance Company, of New York, *Jb a Capital Stock of $1.000.000 ; ihe Hartford, of Con bectirut.Uapit.il Stock of $500,000; Unity, of London, branch in Philadelphia, with a subscribed Capital of $5,- °OO,OOO. These are said to lie the best Fire Insurance Companies in the United States, and the rates exceeding *y low. HUMILIATION AND PRAYER. —Several fv.esiastieal bodies have appointed a day of fasting, hu ■'• atiiin and prayer, in view of the state of he country. Li- Synod of Allegheny of the O. S. Presbyterian Church i!! (l the first Synod of the West, aud the Synod of Pitts- I '" r F of the United Presbyterian Church, have appoint *o the same day, viz.. the first Tuesday of November, *k;ch is to be observed, unless the national authorities 'O'.'uld designate for the same purpose another day. la - Uut Usc lUdr P co l ,le m W uaivc in th- 4 uaU(jnal Qbßer VdQC. ISU The cold piercing winds—the small flurry of snow—the ice and frost on the pavement in the morning, all indicate the approach of winter. Very soon old Boreas will have everything his own way, and it be hooves our citizens to prepare foi it. There are those among us who are already making extravagant prepara tions for the " cold and dreary season," and there are others—GOD pity them—who are illy prepared for the emergency. " The poor ye have always among you."— To them— " The piercing wind the shrinking flesh appal With sharp incisions— And everything denotes the approach of fall, Except provisions." ITFK, CENTS. —This kind of coin, at one time was looked upon" with disdain, and in many cases, par ties who received large amounts had to sell them at a discount. At present cents are in demand, and bring a good premium. Considering the large quantity coined at the mint, it becomes an interesting question as to the whereabouts of the numerous cents which have been dis tributed by the government. The mint in Philadelphia coins daily about two thousand dollars of them, all of which are distributed almost as soon as made ; but still they are scarce. It was thought that speculation in them could be prevented by giving only flve dollars' worth to each applicant; but the effort was a failure, as some per sons employ a number of boys to wait their turn, and thus accnmnV.'e quite a pile, which can afterwards be sold at a premium. BFfk. THE POTATO CROP —The round potato crop is likely to prove unusually short in the neighboring counties in thi3 State and New Jersey. Good round po tatoes are now selling in this irarket'at SO cents a bush el. The crop has been materially shortened by drought. In Missouri the same fact of a short crop i-, noticed. We see it stated that aun ircds of acres will not yield twenty '.uuiitds to the acre, end many that will not yield ten bushels. We clip the above from the Philadelphia Ledger, from which it appears that potatoes arc not so plentiful in ■ iir.e localities as they are in this section. They are tell ing in this market at from 20 10 25 cents per bushel, and slow rolesr.t. that. We advise our farmers to bol lon to their potatoes for a while, as prices v, : !1 certainly 1-a bet ter. We should not he surprised if they would bring $1 per bushel before Spring. Jo*We are informed that rcanyof the men who weie draff cd in this county, on the IClh ins*., have not yet-nr'ed themselves to the proper officer. Much curiosity is evinced to know the penalties under Stale and National lawn Tor refusing to serve when drafted. Ihe uralt is enforced under an act of Congress of July 17 1802, which provides, among other I Lings, that" ihe pre sident is a:ilki2, (65tu section, April 2d,) provides as follows : " Each and every * * * private of the militia who sh ill h..ve neglected or refused to serve when called into active service in pursuance of an order or requisition of tiie President of the United States, shall lie liable to the j penalties defined in the aet of Congress of February 2>tli, li' U.i, or any other acts that may thereafter be passed. On reference to the act of Congress referred to, it v,il! ! be found to embrace the following points:— " Every officer, non-commissioned officer, or private of the militia, who shall fail to obey the orders of the Pres ident of the United States * * * shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one year's pay, and not less than one month's pay, to be determined and adjudged by a court matial * * and such non commissioned officers and privates shall be liable to be imprisoned by a like sen tence, on failure of payment of the lines adjudged against i them, for one calendar mouth for every five dollars of such fine " It has been decided by the Supreme Court of this State that those who disobey the requisition are not employed in the service so as to lie liable to the articles of war, but that they are liable to be tried by courtmatial, under tbe above act. Such courtmartial must be constituted under the authority of the United States. fiST" "THE PF.T OF THE REGIMENT." —Here is a pathetic and characteristic little battle sketch, which might pass for an adaptation from the German hut for the tutorial signature, W. O. EATON, whose genial hu mor in prose modifies naturally into the simple pathos of such speaking verse as this : THE DRUMMER BOY OF ANTIETALT. Where Antietam's long battle. Made the mountain-echoes rattle. As brave thousands fell like cattle At the butcher's red employ ; His fragile figure seeming As be was sleeping, dreaming. His life-blood iroin it streaming, Lay the little drumer-boy. Ah, well a-duy! His son! had fled away; They never nmre may see him who once knew ; And the soldier ears that led On the music that he shed. No more shall hear his thrilling rat-tat-100. By the she'l our ranks that troubled, His tiny form was doubled. And through tbe wound that bubbled, Tbe childish spirit passed ; Yet no distorted feature Of the gallant little creature Evinced the change in Nature Which bad come to him at last. Ah, w 11-a day I As one. at home he lay ; As if the eradle's peace were felt anew ; But father more, nor mother. Nor sister more, nor brother Shall hear him proudly beat hi 3 rat-tat-too. Near where the stripling perished Lay the drum he so much cherished; And the sticks he nimbly flourished We his hands descried ; • li like him was battered By the missiles when they scattered ; Yet though they all were shattered, They had not left his side. Ah, we 1 a day ! As silently they lay As that young heart whose throbs were all so true And their mission fitly ended With his whose soul was blended With the magic of their stirring rat-tat too. Where he fell, the youth was buried . With the drum and sticks be carried ; And the swarthy soldiers tarried And forgot the victor's joy ; For hard was the reflection That a regiment's affection Gould give no resurrection To the little drummer-hoy. Ah, well-a-day! Sweet blossoms fail in May, But patriot blood is fertilizing dew ; His mem'rv 'twill revive And freshly keep alive. As long as soldiers love the rat-tat-too. SUto 2ltrt)crtf?ctontts. Si fill & WIHM GOODS AT A. WICKHAM & SON, A RE NOW RECEIVING A LARGE il Stock of New Goods, which we offer to cash pur chasers at as low prices as can be found in Bradford County. We would call attention to our highly increased stock of CLOTHS, CASSIiYIERES & VESTiNGS. in great variety, which can be made up by us to order, in the most approved style, as well as clothes purchased elsewhere. Also, MIDI-MIDI MCI! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Boots & Shoes, Hats &. Caps, Groceries, Crockery, Yankee Notions, Tinware, &c. Most kinds of Farmers' Produce received in ex change for goods. A. Y\ ICKHAM & SON. Towanda, Oct. 15,1862. FLASZEB. FOR SALE. /lAYUGA GROUND PLASTER FOP Vj sale in large or quantUje9f at MASON'SMiIk, , jiontoe. All kinds ol Grain taken in nnvment. J ". sALSeUKy a (Jo. I Oct. 22,18C2. Rfflal. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of CHAS. H. ARNOUT, late of Monroe twp.,dec'd. are requested to make payment without delay, and those having claims against said state will present them duly authenticated for settlement. REBECCA ARNOUT, Sept. 11,1802. Administratrix ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is herey given, that all persons indebted to estate of JOHN LAPORTE, late of Towanda boro' dee'd., are requested to make payment without delay, and those hav ing claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. B. LAPORTE, 1 C. F. WELLES Jr., J Aam s Sept. 13,18G2. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE —Notice is hereby gven, that all persons indebted to the es tate of B. P. INGHAM, late of Terry township dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estatelwill preseut them duly authenticated for settlement. LYDIA INGHAM, Sept. 11,1862. AdminN'ratrix. A DM INISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE—Notice -t\- is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of Charles H. Kellogg, late of Monroe, dee'd.,are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them daly au thenticated for settlement. L. S. CHUBBUCK, Oct. 22, 1862. A D MINI ST RA TO R'S NOTlCE—Notice xJL is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of Benjamin Reel, late of Windham, deed., arc-re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authen ticated for settlement. WM. H. RUSSELL, M M. H. RBEL, Oct. 22,1862. Administrators, \ DM I NISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice A\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot A. C.CP.ANMER, late of Ltllov twp., dee'd., are hereby requested to make payment without de-1 lay, and ail persons having demands'against said estate wiii p. es.nit them dul".; Uhcuficatcd for settlement. i A. B. I'OSS, ■'.XV BOISE, Oct. 22,1862. Adra'nistrators. A UDI TO R'S NOTICE.— Li the mailer of -X-J. the / stale of dfilte.i Ross, dee'd. 'ihe undersigned, an Amiiior. nppientcd by the Couit upon exceptions field to the final account of Ainiinistra tor, will attend toibc unties of hi appointment, at his office, in Towanda borough, on 1 i iJu.v. the 21st day of November, 1802, at 1 o'clock p.m., at which time and place ail persons intended use to ou fed to be nrc.-ent. GLOUGH 1). .11 .y. i.t.V;":, Auuitor. Towanda. Oct. 72.180*2. A UDITO'S NO'; ICE.—iV". C. Harris vs. X\. A. IV. Fox. —ln the Court o r Common Pleas if Bradford county, No. 244, February T., Is 1. The mid";' ' t'.cd, an A adilor. appointed by said Court to distribute v>.,„ s r.'i- -J by She;. s ;ie ol decadani's . real e-talc. wFI attend > the duties of his appointment at bis office in tbe bo tu; hof Towanda, on SATURDAY, ! the 22J liny of Novemb. r. 18!,-, at 1 o'clock, p. in., and all person aviir; clai suiion .-aid i.:oiii- s must present , liiein, or els-: be lorevor de'barm: i am the '-anie. G'JUUGJ 1). .MONT J NYE, Auditor. Oct. 22.1862. ADM I NISTRATOR'S SALE—By virtue -£3.. of an order of tire Orplur C- u ,; „f Bradford Co.. will be exposed to public sale on BATI RDAY, the sfh day oi'NOV.U.'I BUI: next, at I o'clo-k, P.M., on tho premises, (late tiie estate of ire. 11. Sicyhens, dee'd..) tfie whole of the lot en the north ride of the Public Square, in the borough of Tov/and.v, npon which the Bradford House for::'ly stood. Said lot will be sold in parcels iu laid down i-i a plot of the i.unc filed in the of lice of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court, to wit: Lot No. 2 I cing that part ot the whole lot which lies in the rear of tiie Union Block, being a strip 12 foot wide by 90 deep. No. 1. Bounded south by the public Square west by W. El well's lot. No. 2 and ('. L. Ward, north by Samuel Bunting and S. l'eltou, east by No. J, being -10 feet front bv 132 deep. " No. 3. Lying next east of No. 1, being 33 feet front by 132 deep. No. 4. Lying next east of No. 3, being same size. No. 5. Being the residue of the whole lot and lying north of No. 1, 2 and 3. TERMS One-fourth on confirmation of sale and res it'.ue on six months thereafter with interest and properly secured. JOHN M'MAHON, Oct. 15,1862. Administrator. T N THE SUPREME COURT 0F I' ENN A SYLVANIA, Eastern District, January Term, 1862, No. 20. In Equity. George W. Grove, a lirdib r of the bonds secured by the mortgage dated February 23. U >7. as well lor him self as for all others, holders of like bonds, who agreeing to contribute to the expenses ot this suit, may become parties thereto, vs. The Barclay Railroad and Coal Company,and Edward Hopper and Charles W. Bcresf'ord. Trustees named in said mortgage, and James Mactariunc, Assignee in Trust of said Company. The Ma ter to whom was referred the account of Ed ward Hopper end Charles W. Bcresford, Trustees above named to state, settle ar-1 adjust the same, and to report distribution thereupon among the parties interested, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the 27th day ot OCTOBER. Im'2. at 4 o'clock. P. M.. at his office, No. 221 South Sixth Street, in the city of Phil- j iidelphia, when and where all persons are required to present their claims or else be debarred from coming in j upon the fund. GARRICK MALLEKY, j Philadelphia. Oct. 10, IsQ2.3t Master. IIV the matter of the estate of lfenry Ransom, . late of Orwell tu-p. hi the Orphan's Court of JJrad ftrd County. Notice is hereby given that on petition of Win. C. Ran som, of Sheshequin township, the Orphan's Court of said county awarded an inquest, and a Jury of Inquest will be held on the premises, on Tuesday, November 23.1862, between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock, a. in., to ascertain whether a piece of land late theestateof H-nryß. ... oni, dee'd., can be divided without injury to the whole, said land is bounded and described as follows : Bounded on the south by the public highway leading from Rome to Orwell Hill, jvest by a road leading from Rome to Nichols, north by bands of F. A. Dimmock and east by land of Simeon Rockwell. Containing about one acre and a half or two acres, all improved, with one old framed house thereon. WM. C. RANSOM, Oct. 15,1.862. Administrator. KOTICS. HEADQUARTERS 57th RKC., P. Y.,) Camp Near Conard's Ferry. Md., Oct. 8, 18i;2. j THE following named members of Co. A. 57t'i l.eg. P. V , will save themselves trouble and money, by re porting at once at the commandent, at Camp Curtin, for transportation, to join their Regiment ; aiso, any other of the Regiment absent without leave— Furloughs no ex-. riivp if a'de to travel: T. S. Clark, M. O. Stark, Joseph Shaddock, H. W Terry, G. !>. Gregory, D. 1.. Bump, Wm. K. Keator, Michael Saxton. Julius B. Van Winkle, F. M. Hinds. PETER SIDES, -nimanding Co. A. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.— In pnrsn ance ol an order of the Orphan's Court of Bra Kord County, will tie exposed to public sale, at the dwelling house, on the premises, last hereafter described, at on • o'clock P- m.,"n Saturday, the 22d day of November l v ' 2, the following described tracts of land, situate in Smith field twp., to wit: —One lot or tract of land bounded on the west by land of Albeit Califf, smith by the public highway, east by land late of Harvy Durfey, dee'd., and north by land ol G. A. French, from which is to be d•- ducted about three acres, sold by said deceased to Henry | I Brighain, and half an acre sold to S. S. CAer, and by | him sold to Wm. I. Ross, said first described lot ot land ' alter deducting said lots sold as aforesaid ; containing about 44 acres of land, as supposed, with one fiamcd barn* thereon ere ted ; a few fruit tre'-s thereon growing, and about 25 acres improved. The other lot bounded on the west by land of li. C. Urigham, and by other lands of said deceased, on the smith by land ofS. S. Baker, on the ea-t by land of Edwin E. French, and on the north by la il of G. A. French, from which is to be deducted a .mil! lot of about three-fourths of an acre, on which Will i .m 1. Ross now resides and about half an acre sold by said de ceased to said Ross, said last describen lot so to be ex ! posed to public sale, as aforesaid. Containing, after mak , ing said deductions, about 40 acres, with about twenty ' acres improved, with a framed house, and framed barn thereon erected, and an apple orchard thereon growing said lands being ol the estate of said deceased. Attendance will be given and terms of sale made known by the subscriber. E. G. DURFEY , Smithfield. Oct. 22, 1862. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S N OTlCE.—Notice is hereby giv en that all persons indebted to the estate of \\ ilhaiu Walborn, late of OranWille. dee'd.. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present t Item duly authenticated for settle ment. \ GEORGE WALBORN, Jr., Oct. 28,1862. \ Auminist rator. DMINISNRATOR'sVwTICE—Notice is hereby giv en that all persons indebted to the estate of George Walborn, late of Grauvilla. dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them fcily Se " m(.nf GBORGE WALBORN, Jr., Oct. 28,1862. Art ":::^alor. fT AUTION Dorcas, n) y wife PHOEBE kJ B. FAIUCHILD. having left my bed and board with ; out just cause or provocation. J I'.ereby forbid any person I persons harboring or irustnig her on my acuo' l nt, j "M" S. M. FAIRCHJLD. Herrick, Oct. 24,15C2. SPECIAL COURT.—Notice is hereby given that a Special Court will be held at Towanda. Hon. R. G. White, presiding, commencing Monday November 3d, 1862, for the trial of the following causes:— 'first week. 0. P. Ballard vs. Treat Shoemaker et al. Charles H.Shepard vs. A. B. Smith, etal. A.M. Kirk vs. A. B. Smith,et al. 1. B. Foster vs. A. P.. Smith, et al. M. F. Ransom vs. David Arnold Cyrus Sliumway vs. Clark Hollenback. J. U. Ingersall, et al vs. H. S. Vaughn, et al. Win. B. Ciymer's use vs. C. L. Ward. C. F. Bliss vs. Sarah Stone, adm'x. I). F. Barstow's adm'x vs. Allen M'Kean. H. S. Welles vs. C. N. Shipman, & ter ten. James Heverley vs. John Sullivan, et al. Luther Gates vs. Lewis Mosier. Horace W. Slaver vs. Foster & Morley. Shipman & Welles vs. Rogers Fowler. J. M. Weston'sex'r. vs. J. Corson, et al. Z. Hick's Adru's vs. the N. B. Canal Company. Henry Northrop vs. Smith Lent, ex'r. S. W. Park vs. Wm. Frederick. Catharine Nealley vs. Simeon Decker, 2'd Jane Gibson vs. Wm. Gorseline. SECOND WEEK. James Clark vs. David Armstrong. Robert Haney vs. David Armstrong. Samuel Archebald, et al. vs. Thomas Page. Burton L.Smith vs.C. B. &N. B. Chaffee. H. k. P. t eckjr. vs. C. F. Wilson, Hiram Horton vs. Peter Tetter. American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. H. W. Patrick. American Life Insurance k Trust Co. vs. Charles F. Welles jr. American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. George A. Perkins. American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Edward 11. Perkins. R. C. Chilson vs. Asylum Twp. L. M. Hewitt vs.Z. Esse!tine, et al. L. M. Rundell vs. Asa Slater, et al. I). C. Hall vs. C. S. Russell. A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kelium,2d et al. Benj. Cumniings vs. Andrew Cuminings. S. 15. Howell vs. Wm. Mouncey.et al. Timothy Hireen vs. North Branch Canal. BRADFo'RD COUNTY SS. Subpoenas for first week, returnable Monday, Nov. 3d, 1362, at 10 o'clock A. M.; for second week, Monday, Nov. 10th, 1602, at 10 o'clock A. M. E. O. COODRICH. Prothonotary. IJnAE'FGIIIJ GO. EE. S % AT AN ORPHANS' COURT i f SEAJ. 8 held ia and for said Conaty, at Towanda, v. bohre the I on. CI.YSSi.S MERCUR, pii'video'ami his ,v oci.ite jub.ice< of the naid court on SATURDAY Ibe <5-day of Sc t. A.D.ISGI. la the mat tor of the estate of the "lar. i ion or valuation of the real c.-tato .f-ohn Don wily deceased On motion of Mr. A (Li is lim court "rant a rule directed to Ellen Donnolly Widow of John iioMioliy. a.id guard: aof Sarah and James Doanoily, mir.o i ni..o. Mary I!" Cone, m, formerly Mary !>•,:: joflyr.nd James McConoson her husband also to ; ace and Ma: garct Dcr.o.ly heirs and persons inter ested in said e late and all other persons interested to he an ! appear before tlie honorable the Judges ot the said court at a court to he he'd at Towanda, ou Monday thi Ist day of December, A. D-, lMki. there and then to agree or rclusn the real estate of said dccendent at the an raised v.d'Mtion put upon it by the inquest duly rc tm ncd by the court. Cc: t'.liul iron: the record Sept. 6.1362. N.C. E'.SCREE, Clerk. "\TOTICE —The citizens of Bradford (.'nnn- Jl V ty will rcsnecl'ully take notice that the Lists of Internal Revenue A- essments, will be open for the in spection of such per i.us as it may interest, until October 23, IS 12.at the following places, via : ATHENS. SYLVAN lit, TROY, LBROY. MONROE, WYMOX, W TALUS IXC, ORWELL, LERA YSYII.LE. The Assessor will hold an appeal at the Court House, in Towanda, for Bradford County, on the 2sih, 2'.)ih,3oth, and 21st days of October. when lit- will adiust any difficulties that may have arisen Iroin improper assess ments. BEX J. P. FORTNZR. Internal Revenue Assessor, 13th Pa, Collection District. Oliice at Catawi.ssa, Oct. 3,1362. A D MINI ST R ATO R'S NOTICE —Notice JTJL is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es tate of James Allen, late of Albany, dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticat ed for settlement. J. L.JONES, Oct. 6, 1862. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice j is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of Nehemlah Cobnrn, late of Warren, dee'd., are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having demands egainst said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. MICHAEL MOULTON, Oct. 6, ISC2. Administrator. \ DM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice jTi. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ol Newton T. Miller, late ot Orwell, dee'd., are re quested to make immediate payment, and all having (•[aims against said estate must present them duly au thenticated for settlement. CYRUS COOK, Oct. 2,1862. Ad. A I)M INISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE—Notice _a. V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Darling Jarvis, late of Pike, dee'd., are requested to made immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. D.M. BAILEY, Adm. Oct. 2.1862. DM INISTRATOICS NOTlCE—Notice ix is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate of Hiram Allis, late of Orwell, dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. ABEL DARLING, Adm. Oct. 2,1862. T?XECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice ishere .l J by given that -all persons indebted to the estate of Benjamin Sexton, late of Granville, dee'd., are retuested to make payment without delay, and those having claims egainst said estate must present them duly authenticated for settlement. OSCAR SAXTON. 1,,- JOHN J. SAXTON, f x "• Oct. 2. 1362. _ ______ 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that all peasons indebted to the es tate of WM. H. il. BROWN.late of Monroe liuro" dee'd.. are requested to make immediate payment, and all hav ing claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JOSEPH HOMET.J , OLIVE BROWN, J um s * Sept 18,1862. Dzsso&ustfcrr. Copartnership heretofore existing between Sam -1 uel i.yon Jr., and Henry J. Taylor, and doing busi-! iiess under tlie name and style of LYON & TAYLOR, j is this day dissolved by mutual consent. • S.LYON, Jr., H. J.TAYLOR. V ; w. The business w'll be continued, as heretofore, by SAMUEL LYON, Jr„ and all Book accounts to be set tled with him. Potterville, Pa., Oct. 1.1362. \ EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In (hi matter of 1A the estate of Shepard Pirree vs IVm. A. Pierce. No. 17 j May Term, 18G2. In the Courtof Common l'leas of Bradford county. The undersigned, an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds arising from Sheriff sale of deft will at tend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, 17th day of November 1362, at 1 o'clock, p.m., and all persons having claims on said monies must present them,or else be forever de barred from the same. P. D.MORROW, Oct. 16, lsC2. Auditor. "VTOTICE.—Hav ine transferred to E. W it BAIttD, Esq.. certain of my Notes and Accounts in the purchase of Real Estate, and all persons interested having been notified of the same transfer, those whose Accounts and Notes remain unsettled on the first No vember next, wili be leD for collection by law, as the same must lie settled at that time to close said purchase. Oct. 15.1*G2. M. E. SOLOMON, A EDITOR'S NOTICE. — Bevier, Briggs i \. Co. vs. Stephen Felton, No. 326, Sept. Term. 1360, and E. A. Parsons vs . Stephen Felton. Sept. T., 1862. In the Courtof Common Pleas of Bradford county The undersigned,an Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale ot defendant's real estate.will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the borough of Towanda, on THURSDAY, 13th Nov., 1362, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and all persons having claims upon said monies must present them, or else be foreve* debarred from the same . J. woo?, Oct. 15,1362. Auditor. 4 DM IN ISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE.—Notice l\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JANE JONES, late of AtliPjn, dee'd., are re quested to make immediate payment, ai id those having demands against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JOHN JONES, Oct. 15, 1362. Administrator. D MINI ATO R'S N OTIC E. -N otici? is he', eby given, that all persons indebted to the te of BRADFORD MORGAN, late of Armenia, dee'd., requested to make iminedaite payment, and those demands against said estate will preseut them dully au thenticated for settlement. MORGAN, Oct. 15. 1362. Administrator. ittfsccllaitfous- NEW SPRING GOODS*! AT J. M. COLLINS', (First door South ol Codding & Russell's.) JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK an unusnal large stock of Clothing, Cloths, Caseroers Vestings, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats A Caps, which will be sold at greater bargains than before. OUR SPRING STOCK Will comprise almost every article worn by man or boy. BUSINESS SUITS, COATS, PANTS Vests, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Gloves, Wrappers, Socks, Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention is called to our New Style of CLOTHS, CASIMERES AND TESTINGS, Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice, and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some eight years experience in this line of business, my cutter, Mr. PENEPACKER, will be on hand, at all times to do cutting for those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get as good as represented, call at COLLHsTS'. If yon wish to get the worth of your money, and buy new 1 fresh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and you will lie [ satisfied. No trouble to show goods and no forcing to buy ' Goods sold for cash only. J. M. COLLINS. 1 Towanda, April 21, 1362. New Arrangements. rnilE SUBSCRIBERS H A VING FORM- I ed a Copartner hip, will cont hue the luisii.- s for merly carried or. by J. !>. HUMPHREY, in the stoic op posite the Court House, where Ue/ will lcep cons.antly > on baud a general a ortmcut of BCOVii & SHOES, 7 | and a very large stock of all l.'ct's cf I,LATHER requlr- ' ed for a country trade. A foil wot Uncut of Slioe Finding, Harness Trimming, 1 SADDLERY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAILS CLASH, CROCKRIES,.'re., Ac. We expect to increase our facilities h< the manufactur ing department, so as to be,able to supply dealers with a superior article, at prices rivaling all competition, and especially " foreign," believing it of vital importance to community to tester domestic productions as far as prac ticable. Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery owned by M -ssrs. Culp & Kirby, and rented the shop formerly occupied by them, we offer tor sale a large stock of HARNESS, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS.&C and will make to order almost anything in this line. Wc respectfully invite public attention to our whole stock in its various branches, trusting that by strict at tention to business and zealous exertions to supply the want:; ot community, we shall merit and receive a (air share of public patronage. We are prepared to make to order anything in our line. Also, do all kinds of repairing on very short notice. air Cash paid (or Sheep pelts, Hides and Skins. J. P. IirUFUKKY, TBI B. BI LL, J. E. DAYTON. To van da, April 25, 1362. THE PATRONS OF WM. A, ROCKWELL And the public genera 11 find at liia store I AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF FALL COODB, Which will be sold on REASONABLE TERMS. 3_GIVE us a call. Towanda, Sept. 25,136'2. THE XDlß,_£nF I T. THOSE IN WANT OF BOOTS & SHOES, SHOULD GO TO THE TOWANDA BO OT & SHOE STORE, Opposite the Court House. CASH PAID FOR HIDES & PELTS, At HUMPHREY & CO'S. Towanda, Sept. 24 ,1362. Coal, liime, Cement, Fire Drick, Drain Tiles, &LC. IT IIERE is a Lime Kiln at the Barclay . Company's Basin, in Towanda, where is kept con stantly for sale, fresh burnt White Lime, made from the best quality of New Yolk lime stone at 25 cents per bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and 12* cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped on boats at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse I Cater Lime at $1 25 .per barrel, and Fire Brick at 8 cents each. Drain 'Files 2,3 and 4 inch tiles at 2. 3 and " cents per foot, a very nice article for draining land or about dwellings. Barclay Coal at $2 50 per ton for Lump Coal and l' 200 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at 25 cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay Coal Company, Towanda. J. MACFARLANE. Towanda, Oct. 6. 1862. Gen. Superintendent. Good Flour and Good Bread! WHY IS IT TIIAT SO MANY FAMI f \ LIES HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of the house, and you will invariably receive in answer : The flour is poor or the yeast is poor. To avoid these ir'utiles buy your flour always at FOX'S and use Stratum's Yeast Compound, to be had at the same place; it always gives satisfaction. The best quality of Wheat and Buckwheat Flour and fresh ground Corn Meal, all at low prices, at the Cash Grocery Store. " E. T.FOX. Jan. 28,1*62. FIRE INSURANCE. Insurance against Loss by Fire IN FIRST CLASS CA3H CAPITAL COMPANIES. APPLY TO JF. Gk COZBTJZRLN", TOWANDA, PA. _Scpt. 30, ISG2. ■ TTENSIONAGENCY—TO SOLDIERS I AND THEIR FRIENDS.—The undersigned having had considerable experience in procuring Pension Ronn j ties and back pay of soldiers, will attend to all business in that line, entrusted to his care, with promptness and fidelity. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county, Pa.— ■ Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONROE. Refers by permission to H. B. CARD, County Treasurer, Wellsbsro' Ta. 1). F. POMEROY. Troy, Pa. A. 11. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Pa. Oct. 22, 1362. PRESERVE YOUR FRUITS IN HAL A SLER' Air-Tight Jars, the most simple, conveniei and economical article of the kind in use;a s large stoc su these justly celebrated jars, at much les than the u ofal pricej at FOX'S. JfteWcal. THE TJISTTO^T DRUG STORE. (IVholtsale and Retail. \o 4, Patton's Block, Corner of Alain and Bridge Sis., Towanda. Pa.) "SR. T. F. MA DILL, Proprietor. THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY informs t!ie Public that lie has purchased the above I Drug Store, and having thoroughly refitted and enlarged t, and itu tea-cd h : s facilities for Compounding Medicines ' is prepared to .supply every want ol the public, in th® j' ine of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, , MyJStock, almost entirely new, has been selected with t care, and embraces a lull assortment ofall articles belong [ iug to the Drug l'rade. nsszs SUPPLIES I are received monthly, of Pure and Reliable Drugs and ! Medicines, whi 1 will be sold at prices that cannot fail ! to suit our patrons. My stock consists of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and PURE LIQUORS, Of every description , and the best quality for Medical use. All the popular INTENT MEDICINE ANI) A LARGE SUPPLY OP j HOMEOPATHIC FC CONCENTRATED MEDICINES ; Botanic Eclectic Medicines, Til don's Alco holic and Fluid Extracts, Alkaloids and Resinoids. All the best Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Breast Pumps, NippleShalls A Shields, Nursing Bottles, Syringes, Cathters, j A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS A STROPS, j Pocket Knives, Surgical Instruments of late style and j best quality, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Put. | ty, Ac. A large supply of BRUSHES For the Hat, Hair, and Shoes. Painting, Varnishing and White Washing, also for the Teeth and Nails. TQQTH POWDERS AND PASTES, of every variety. A large assortment of mum MfTdkiLSSi, Pure Essential Oils, Fine Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, Buffalo and Lvory Combs, Hair Dyes, Oils and Invigorators. Kerosene, Burning Fluid, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac. I Choice Tobacco, Cigars & Snuff, All the Dye Stuffs, Fish Tackling, Ammunition, Ac. Bird Cages, of every style and variety, Cups, Nests and Seeds. WW. Dr. MADILL will be found at his office, in the Drug Store at all times, when engaged in out of door practice, when he will examine and prescribe for patienta in His u-ay, free of c harge. Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Prescriptions carefully compounded. The public are cordially invited to examine and test our stock and learn our prices. Towanda, June 24, 1862. T. F. MADILL. I IST OF JURORS DRAWN FOR A ; XJ SPECIAL COURT, commencing Monday, Novem ber 3, 1862. FIRST WEEK. Athens twp—Tsaae Rice. [Ridghnry Lyman Wood- Albany—David Burdick. j ruff. Asylum—M T Vangorder, Springfield—Caleb S Burt, Jonathan Whipple. 1 Geo W Voorhia. Burlington twp RoswelliSheshequin-Lyman Horton, Luther, W B Shiner, FS' C C Gore. Avres. Terry—John Horton. Canton—Robert Lilley, Levi South Creek—George Dnn- Steel. i ham, Jr. Columbia—John Gnstiu. ! Towanda tp-Miehael Mitch- Franklin—Wm Lantz. j ell. Litchfield—A P Wolcott, Jo- Towanda boro'—C D Pa sepli Park, 2d. j sage. Leßoy—lt It Kingsley, John| Warren—Richard L Bowen, Kefley. J P Coburn. Monroe—RNorthrup. Wyalusing—J F Chamber- Orwell Cook. lain, G W Jackson, E B Pike—Nelson P Bosworth, Barnes. R W Coolbaugh. Wiimot—George Harford. Rome tp—Albert Richards, J A Moody. SECOND WEEK. Athens twp- Philip Cranse,lßidgbury—B E Buck. John F Satterlce. .Springfield—Salisbury Cole. Albany—Clark Babcoek. Sheshcquin—G F Vincent, Burlington W- -It It Phelps,! Charles Brown. W I) Gamage. Terry—Jacob Froutchy. Columbia—Ehiathau McLel- Towanda boro'—George E land, Stephen Keep, Geoj Fox. M Card. Stephen Bullock. Towanda North—Silas Mills. Canton—Geo GrilTin, A D froy twp Samuel Thorn- Spalding. Irad Wilson, Ji as. G Rockwell, Johii S Mix, Tuscarora—Wiimot Coburn, Horace Fitch. j Wyalusing Nathan Stal- Granville—Smith May, A M ford. Mott. Wiimot—F G Morrow. Litehtield-Sylvester Cotton.! Wells—David Knapp. Lelloy—A J Walter. Wysox—John S Frink. Monroe twp--Samuel Cole.|Windham William Kuy- Freeman Sweet, James W| kendall. Erwin. A. HANSON SPALDING, Towanda, Oct. 23, 1862. Sheriff. SPECIAL NOTICE TN ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT A seems to be the necessities of the times, and for my own business security, I have concluded to sell Goods FOR TUUUUDY PAY ! I believe I : ve as good credit-customers as any one, and most of ,i prompt paying ones, but future prosperity in busir.es I tnink requires that Groceries and Provi sions should be sold for cash. 1 hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire to please, to still retain all of my old patrons. *S"Those who are indebted to me will oblige me by settling up at once. E. T. FOX. Towanda. August 1,1861. N. "ST. &. E. RAIL liOAD. CHANGE OF TIME COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 5, 1862. Trains will leave Wa verly at about the following hours, viz : WESTWARD BOUND. | EASTWARD BOUND. Buffalo Express.. .4.18 P M I N. Y. Express.. .11.33 AXL Night Express 3.18 A MiNight Express... 12 44 A M Mail 5.56 P V 'steamboat Expresss.oß P M T Way 9.10 A M Way 1.50 I'M Way Freight 9-25 A M Cincinnati Exprvs.s4.2l AM Accommodation.. 1.07 PM, Way Freight.... 3.10 1' M The Nigh Express—east and west—runs every day. — Cincinnati Express runs Sundays, bnt docs not run oft Mondays. Night Expressed Sundkys runs through to. Buffalo". lut does not run to Dunkirk. Mail reataim over night at Limira. CHA'S. MyfCiT. G^rsnn't. , " Yxsr K A XCK. THE undersigned hf.s been appointed the Agent of the Insnran Company of North America, located at Philadelphia, j s now prepared to take risks, in town or county. This Company is one of the oldest in the United States, Raving been chartered in 1793, it has a capital of SSOO ~(iO. and is managed by a board of Di rectors of the very highest character for honor and in tegrity. All 'losses are adjusted promptly. Its rates are as low as those of any good Company, and property hold ers insuring in this Company may rest assured that they , can rely on the perfect safety of their policies in case of 5 loss. B. S. RUSSELL, g At the Thinking Office of B. S. RUSSELL & CO. - March 18,1862.—n41-tf. ;1 Cheese Worth Eating. R T IIAYE RECEIVED A LARGE DAI -1 rv of Cheese from Conrtland County, as good as was ever brought into this town. Please call and try it. if you like it yon can buy it cheap. T T. FOX. ~ WANTED. ONE BOAT LOAD OF BARREL HOO^ poles within forty days. W. A. ROCKWELL. Oct. 22. 1862. TIMOTHY SEED—I2O BUSHELS OF fine Timothy Seed, for sale by . March 24, 1862. H. S. - E UR.