Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 30, 1862, Image 1

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Thursday Morning, October 3D, IBf 2.
I Utisttllaiuotts.
(From The Philadelphia Press.)
flic Rebel lluid into PeiMsylvaiiia.
graphic explanation of the whole affair.
[The following letter was written by Hon. A. K.
M; i i m ,ol (Jhainbcisbuig.Fraukliu County, to a friend
ju iliut city ]
MY Dear FRIEND :—I have had a taste of
rebel iule, utid, although not so bad as it
niiiflit have been, my rather moderate love of
adventure would not invite a repetition of it
I leaebcd here on Friday evening, to fill sev
eral political appointment iu the county, and
when 1 got off the ears the telegiupli opera
tor called me aside, and informed uie that he
had a report from Greencastle, of the rebels
entering Metcersburg. We agreed that it
was pii-posterous, and thought its best not to
make the report public and alarm our people
itt-iiU-slv I supposed that a few cavalry
i..,.j , j.,.,,-.! the Dot an >e to lorage somewhere
1,. 10 Ut- i. ado.g oM re rsmirg. but nev
er lor a uitdin ut, eTiillt'tj their solvent iu : o
t:.u* I cam I. ohm .'* a ter tea re
oil*;., ij to the t' s- .U'aji' offi e to asm-, tain
ni'.i .c men, who had narrowly escaptQ Irvat
ihe i-i.e. i-nVi!;i \ s<a ( n uiiit sat >1 ut liuo jdace
The t. kaisq.ii wile iiud aiso been cut west,
and it w;i> tio-n tnanilesb U that ne bad Put
an hour to prcj-uie lot* our new unti novel
\ isitoi s.
I'j (Tui u' .'j'h- were contoiinded with astoni-li
' nit ut at tiie i-rul: :A atioactiV of the rebels
met tiutin" twd.iv miles in G *neral McC.el
-I*, I .
lull's rear ; but however ree.-Ucs- or well de
vised on their pari, the tact ami the rebels
were both .-taring our people in tiie face
Sit; The r:ii:i was pouring ti-r.vii in torrciits, and in
b- a ;inle time fit Zet > w. re scs t: running to and
fro, with ;heir mu-kets ; but tln re was no
fu^ai.izutiuii, and uo time to i fleet one. C<!
r j'j ]- v i ■ ,> ..1 1.. (ijjited to improvise mounted
im-kms foi lae sevciul roa*is on which tliey
glt elite r, bu*. i 1 sea got his I
liu-hiiis fell i. ud i ne cintti ring ot In ids was i
1 earn on ti.e vve.-teiis p.kc, and in a tew iini.-
.!tt - the re'eis advance w,i> in the centre of
the town. Tiny staud that they bore a flag
n! n ..(* •, u! i Wished to be taken to the com
r.-.o ; o.! of tin* pis.-t.
i si!j*>t .vis i of tti-j nU'Vi-ment. to
ifs \ (i.v ( ..u . ami tivii. Uruoks ut 11 -kTtr.^town,
Sdlh l t 11
wI. ii i vva> sent to meet the ui-linguishetl
'H. s'.rangeis. A hasty uits.-age to liagerstowu
• at-si Hairishurg stating the town use
7Tt si hi.'i; to be sui rendt 11 (I, cio-t >1 telegraph
(•' iiiiiiiiiicauon, and Mr. tii.more the operator,
j.i epr.ivd at once for the advent ui h> sncees
-nr-, struck out along the line towaid
itn,.. Harrisl) rg with ins instrument. I went up
b"" town to me t tii.- flog of truce, and found a
tip r.fVcs* looking "butiernntj" d topping wet, wiili
rom out aisv mark ol tank, bearing a dirty white
utu ciotlt os; a little stick l*le politely sisited.
sought the cttinsn u ier ... authoriMt -
of tin- town and in ti.e nsiine of the general
BE* 1
-A _cooitiistiiding the <'onledi rate forces, he oe
'"r in.iiiii il tise sarrendcf ot the -village lie re
' fo-t"i to L'ive hi-- name, or the name-of tin:
gviic; .ii could).'.! en-, slid he could not state
•visit terms they would siect pt a surrender
As I had no command other Plum tin*
* ter .1 and bewtlde'red Innne guards—all brave
[J tt enougli, but entirely without drill-or organizi
avit lion—atui about three hundred wounded men
in the 1 acted with the citizens as
i-hii Hie ot tiiein; and it did not require a [wotract
tiesf council to determine that we could not
resist cavalry and artillery. So
:, * *>ve cutieiuded that ihe venerable viliiage had to he eonsigiied over to rebel kr ping \\ e*
asoai Lid been kindly allowed thirty minutes to
u .l decide, at the end of which time, we were
—' '.iiformed, rebel artillery would demand sub
mission iu rather unple sanl tones Colonel
! I>. Kennedy c.ilom-1 by political brevet,
Jlh hke myself,) Judge KimrmT, }iro?ost
dia: ml your humble Servant, mounted three
'Tai " '"!* horses, and filed in with tire rebel es
ainW vert. sue-,.Ft a thunder o- cheei'S for the lu
le3 1 oi; hn.l groans tor the rebels, to meet we
75ct Jul not know Thorn, and to go we did not
km iv,* where W.h-mi umbrellas or 'jvi-r
--jokiß -'"Us, v.*e had the benefit, of drenching rain,
Irani' and I must admit that we were taatcd with
Oa' uliiiu-t ccurtesV bv our new sjssOciutes.
.ton* I 'K*y cm.*.-•.*-. il iit-!v and witiiout manilest-
II ng any deg.iva- ut bravado
|l After traveling a inde westward we were
infl •'ougut iii ah tit v a -qu ui of iinmu -d
l"R II (I'd infer I H
—-i| I the party, I
!• II 'n;M)Vt. Ii a..:, so (oil k ;;i i 1 c .us.i not
*■('-- ■II g lli —ll hilil I Mil, .. Vl) Ills II) I L,
-ceiv!® g liiformesl linn we wife :t c<inn)itte ■ '
'• >, and hat there was >.o org .t IZ
J,.. J.jl "ft* in ii.** town, nnd no tnilit ry cohiui • •
diet ur sit the post, he ststtid. in si i i ,-pt ei fni unO
1,1 rsii r-iike man: er. that fie d t!.e
hiiii t! ® B(lv:u.ce of the Oof* borate troc-ps —that in
d kiicvv |-t->i tanee would be, vain, auithe wish
the c.tizens to be fully advi-t d of his pur
|l P'*ie, s> as ; -.void needless los- of life and
"'Oiituu destruction of pi-opefiy II * said he
I ''tin tired upon at M> ret sburg ai d Cauip
;o-,l I yvl'stowii, and had great difficulty in ristruiii-
L I I "is troops, lie assured us that lie would
J I 6c, ' l, J' ul(JU *!y protect citizens —would allow no
I Su ' , ' ltl Center public or private house unless
nits 3 ' I U!i, Kt Louiuiand o an officer upon legitimate
ithf" I "Hsiiic-ss—that he would take sucli private
he I* : • ')' as be ueedi d lor his government or
| but that be would do .-o by m* ii under
j ' ""'ris who would allow uo wanton deStrue
o>"' I n' J "' a " 1 ' w ''o would give receipt for the same
e ° f .i ir <^sir, d, so that claim uiigtu be maid tbere
;EhU. V ! ''-sinst the Uuit'd States Government.
An property belonging to, or u-ed by the
biutid States, he staled, he would Use or
' estroy at his pleasure, and the wounded iu
D*e LotpitaU would be paroled. Be;ngaUni-
ted States ifficer myself, I naturally felt some
anxiety to know what my fate would be if he
should discover me, and I modestly suggested
that there might be some United States offi
cers iu the town in charge of wounded, stores,
or of recruiting offices, and asked what dispo
sition would he made of them . He answered
that he would parole them, unless he should
! have special reason for not doing so, and he
| instructed us that none such should be notified
jbyus to ieuve town. Here I was in en inter
l esting situation. If I remained, there might,
I in Gen. Hampton's opinion, be " special rea
-1 son" fur nut paroling me, and the fact that
tie had several citizens of Mercersburg with
him as prisoners did not diminish my appre
hensions. If I should leave as, I had am
pie opportunity afterwards to do, I might be
held as violating mv own agreement, and to 1
what ex ent my family and property might \
suffer iu consequence, coijecture had a very;
wide range. With ,-ixtv acres of corn in shock I
and three barms full of grain, excellent farm ;
ami saddle lions, and a number of best blood !
ed cattle, t lie question of property was wor- ;
ihy of a thought. I resolved to stay, as i
felt so bound by the terms of suit, nder, and
tuke my chances of discovery an i porole.
l'ne committee went ttirough the form of a
u'l'ave but Iril t Cun>uli atiun, MMiiewhsit exp <•-
(tiled, p- roups, b- the raia, and we then
-oitTUi.iy and lorin a ily Mirrendcr"d the town
up.m the i mi- pr qtOM-d True, thesnpuJa
' ■ - w. re iu v. rbul, and hut our* side able
; :u ; imi r !• rime, the weal tier.
imil' mii'i uuudi.igs gem ra'ly
l 'uVumtily to a treaty in, ami • . miiat therefore be without it. We
a A d • i'iii. -;uii to go a little in advanc - of
h s lor -to prepare our people for tin* sud
lie.i ii insiiion from the stars and stripes to
the stars and liars. Gen. Haruoton permit
ted my as- -males (u du so, tiut detailed me to
pilot iiis advance guard at otic'e to the tele
graph offi"e. I performed the duty assigned
me with no great coujj ueetious, a- I had semi
Mr Gdinore, the operator, begin to " fix up"
for them fully an hour in-fore, and the rebel
Uiat out wits him must lake a very eu< !y start.
Messrs. Kcincdy and Kimmeli proceed to
own iu get the people to retire peaceably
ami prevent any provoking demonstrations ;
ami ,-.i n-bel rule began in Caambersburg.—
T icy marched in very orderly, and most of
tiieir forces started out different roads to pro
cure huisis, lorage, and provisions.
I started in advance of them for my house,
but nut iu time to save 'he liois s. J eonfi
ilei.tly expected to tie overrun by them, and
to had tin place one scene of desolation in
the uiornidg. I resolved, however, tiiat things
should tic done soberly, if pu.v-ibly, and 1 had
jest time to destroy aii ti.e liquors Lot the
house. As tiieir pickets were aii around me
1 could not get it off. A barrel of best old
rye, wli eh Senator Finney hud .-cut. me to
prove tic superiority of the (Ji twfor.l C unity
article over ihat of Ft* nkl ijuieily roiled
out of a cellar side-door, and a good sized
iioie bored into it. A keg of (Jin rhoiizer's
best, sent tne several years ago, but never
tapped, followed Finney's testimonial to Craw
ion! county distillation ; spd a couple cusns
of i'n-bury's best Guard House importation,
in.d tire necks of the bottles taken off sum
marily,. and the eono ms given i i the angry
-tonn.* 1 finished just in time, for they were
soon -out upon me in force, :utd cve r y horse >n
the barn ten in all—was promptly oped
asiA mounted by a K*l-el cavalry man. Tney
pa--ed on towards Sluppetisburr, leaving a
jacket force on ti.e road.
In s:n hour ihey returned with ah the hors
es they could find, and dismount; d
the night, on the turnpike in front of my door.
It was now midnight, and i sat on my porch
observing their movements. .They had icy
best cornfield beside them, and their horses
fared well. In a little white one entered the
yard, ca.uie up to me, and, alter a profound
bow, politely asked for a few coals to start a
fire. 1 supplied, him, and informed him as
blandly as possible where lie would find wood
conveniently, as i had dim visions of cauip i
fires made of rny palings. . I was thanked in :
return, and the mild manne.od villain proceed
ed at once to strip the fence and kindle it rev. j
Sdon niter, a squad came and 'asked pcrmis- j
sion to get some w&t.r. I piloted them to j
the pump, and again •received a profusion of
Commnnk'ation having thus been opened be
tvvcen us, squads followed each other closely '
for water, but each called and asked p -rmis
m m bef.uv getting it, a nil promptly left the ;
yard. 1 was somce hat bewildered at tills nni
torin rourtf-y. and supposed it but a prelude j
to a general movement noon everything eata
ble 'in ihf m-niing. It was not a gratefni re
iieelaui mi b.-aitUiul mountain trout, I'-r m
tW'-ive. to twenty incites long, would probably
grace tin- rebel iireakt i t (ante ; tliat the j
i,oo i.'ii i jlv- - in ti.e yard in side tiletu wmild
u;o- mi. iv go wnh tue trout ; and the dwaif j
i; ,IIV t assured, a'uii.dunt pioiuiso of
. .let in ui then* go den burdens,
u*. one o'clock halt a dozen officers came
.. i i ami asked to have some c flee m nie
• • ; .i ui, off. ring to pay liberally for it in G n ; sciip. After concluding a treaty
we i it eft) on behalf of the colored servants, j
ccflee was promised them, and they a-kid lor j
a lithe : lead with it. They were wet andshlv ;
ering, and seeing a bright open wood tire in j
the library, tiny ,-ked je in ssiou to enter and j
v.uim themselves until tiieir coffee should be j
ready, assuring me that under no cireuiustau- j
ces should anything be disturbed by their men. J
I had uo alternative but to accept theai as my
guests until a migiii please them to depari,
and I did so with us good grace as possible.
Once seated around the tire, all reserve
seemed to be forgotten on i heir part, and they ;
opened a general conversation on politics, the j
war, tiie different battles, the merits of Gen- 1
erais in both armies. Ac. They spoke with 1
entire freedom upon every subject but their I
movement into Chambtrsburg. Most of them
were men of more than ordinary intelligence
and cult in e, and tiieir demeanor was iu all re
spects eminently conrteoi s. I took a cup of
coffee with theai, and have seldom seen any-
thingmore keenly relished. They said they
had not tasted coffee for weeks before, and
then they paid from $0 to $lO per pound for
it. When they were through, they asked
whether there was any coffee left, and finding
that there was some, they proposed to bring
some more officers end a few privates who
were prostrated by exposure to get what wa3
left. They were, of course, as welcome as
those present, and on they came in squads of
five or more, until e7 erf grain of browned cof
fee was exhausted. They then asked for tea,
and that was served to some twenty more.
Iu the meantime, a subordinate officer had
begged of me a little bread for himself and a j
few men, and he was supplied in the kitchen, j
He was followed by others in turn, until near- j
ly an hundred had been supplied with some- ;
thing to eat or drink. Aii. however, politely j
asked permission to enter the house, and be- i
haved with entire propriety. They did not j
make a -ingle rude or prolane remark, even to !
the servants Iu the meantime, the officers, ;
who had first entered the house, had filled j
their pipes frum the box of Killickinick en the j
mantle—after being assured that smoking was j
not offiensive--anil v.'e had another hour of .
a free talk on rnatteis i-enerally. When '.old i
that I was a decided Republican, the? thank- j
ed me for being candid ; but v/h.en, iu reply to i
their inquiries, I them that i cordially sus- -
Jut net! the Pre.-ideut's .•mancipation proclataa ;
f ion, they betrayed a lit tic nervmisut , but |
(I d not lor a moment forget their propriety.— ;
They admilttd t to be the most serious dan- ;
g- r tii it has yet threatened them, but they i
ume aii hupepul that it would net be sus j
t i.n. !in tli North witii . a'' lent ur.a.iim'.ty
to enforce it. They all declared themselves |
heartily s i k of the war, ' ut determined never ;
to be reunited with the Igor. i.
At fur o'eio! i: iu the morning the welcome ;
blu. t of the bogie was heard, and they rose j
hurriedly to depart. Thanking me for the l.os- j
pituiity they had iu i.u-d, we parted mutually
expressing the hope that . iiould we ever meet j
again, it would be under more pleasant cir-!
eumstauees. In a few minutes they were mouu- ;
ted and moved into Chamber.sburg. About J
seven o'clock I v.vnt into town ami found that
tin* first brigade, under Geo. Hampton, had
gbhe towards Gettysburg. Gen. Stuart sat
on his horse in the middle of the town, sur
rounded by his staff, and his command was ;
coming :;i from the country in large squads, ,
leading their old horses and riding their new !
, , a
ones tiny had lout.d in the stubleo hereabouts.
Gen. Stuart is of medium size, has a keen eye,
and weuts immense sandy whiskers and mous
tache. His demeanor to our people was that
of a huma e sol.iter, in several instances his
men commenced to take private property, but
they were arrested by General Stuart's pro
ro.-t guard. IN a single instance only that I
have heard of did they enter a store by intiui- j
id aii ug the All our shops and 1
sious weie closed, and with a very few excep
lions were not disturbed.
There we it con.-.iderable Government stores
here ; some two hundred pairs of shoes, a few ;
boxes of clouting, a large quantity of arruuu- |
nitiou captured recently from Gen Longstreet.
It. was stored iu the v.archotises of Wutiderlieh
A Mead. About eleven o'clock their rear
guard ready to leave, and they notified
the citizens residing near the war houses tore j
move ther families, as they were going to burn j
all public properi v. The railroad station-house !
and much,no sh >ps, round house, and the ware- I
hou-e- filled Willi aimuuaiuou were then find, :
■ end the last of the rebels fl -d the town. In a j
little tiiu.' u terrific exp!o-iou tohl that the j
flames had reached tlie powiitT, and for Itoui - i
-ih-.'fls were exploding with great rapidity.— i
The fire companies rune out as soon as the |
rebels left, but could not save any of the ■
buddings fired btcause of the shells. They
saved all others, however.
ko ended a day of rebel rule in Chambers- !
burg. They took some 800 horses- from our !
peopie, and destroyed, perhaps, SIOO,OOO 1
worth, of property lor the Cumberland Valley
Railroad Cuiu-'tauy, probably SO,OOO for \X un- j
deilich A Neiid, and $150,000 for the Gov- : Our peopie generally feel that, bad j
as (hey are, they are not so bad as they might ;
be. 1 presume that the cavalry we had with j
us are the flower of the rebel army. 'I hey are j
made up mainly of young men in Virginia, i
who owned fine horses, and have had cousidcra- j
l ile euhure. I should not like to risk a simi- j
lar experiment with their infantry I was
among them all the time here, and was ex- '
peeling every minute to be called upon to re- !
port to General iStuart ; but they did not |
seem to have time to look after prisoners, and
I luckily escaped. But from the fact that I
can't find a horse about ti.e barn, and that
my fence is stripped of paling to remind me ol '
the reality of the matter, it would seem like a
dream. It was so unexpected—so soon over
that our people had hardly titae to appre
ciate it.
Tiiey crossed the South Mountain about
eleven to day, on the Gettysburg pike, but
a here tli.-v will go from there is hard to con- j
*j> ctlire. Ttn-y are evidently aiming to recross |
the Fotouiac at or near Edwards' Ferry ; and j
if -o, Ge'iysburg may escape, as they may go j
by Mdi( rsiowu to Kinmetsburg. Il thiv \
should n cross below' Harper's Ferry, they will ;
owe tin-ir escape to the stupidity or want of
energy of our military leaders, for they were
advised in due season of the ne'.el route.
Hoping that I shall never again be called
upon to enuT'ain a circle of rebels around my
fireside, believe tne, -
Truly thine.
855, A little girl was standing by a win
dow uusily examining a hair which she had puil
ed from her head. " What are you doing, my
daughter F' a-ked her m itlier. " I'm looking
for the number, mama," said the child ; " the
Bible says the hairs of our head are ail num
bered, and I want to see what the number is
of this one."
A stout, muscular fdiow made appli
cation to the drafting commissioner of Lake
county. Ohio, the ether day, for exemption,
on the ground that it diuu't agree with bun
to miss his regular meals.
The Strange Cavalier.
" Let rae tell your fortune, pretty ladies —
very good fortune to you, ma'am," uried a dark
eyed gypsy, us two ladies turned the comer of
a beautifully sequestered lane, while the last
rav3 of n gorgeous sun were merging into the
more voluptuous tinge of a summer twilight.
" Cli, do let us have our fortune told—l
i should like to know my fortune !" exclaimed
| the younger of the ladies, who leaned upon
; the arm of her compauiou.
| " Nonsense, Annette." rejoined her friend,
■ nnd by this time they had reached the spot
I where the sybil was standing. Her appear
■ mice fully demonstrated her tribe ; her face
j was of the most swarthy nue, but interesting
! in the expression ; her eyes were jet black ;
and her dark elf locks, which hung disheveled
i ever her neck and shoulders, were, partly con
; eealed by a small hat that was tied under the
| chin by a partly colored handkerchief, while !
! her figure, of no ordinary mould, was cncum
! bered by the tattered fragments cf an old red i
■ eioak. The ladies paused for an instant to :
: contemplate tiid o'-jcct before them
j " I can tell you," said she, addressing the j
younger lady, " what, mayhap, you will not j
like to hear. You will love, but you will not j
i be loved again : you will sigh, but no sigh i
will tie returned to you ; you will weep, tears i
will fall on your cheek like dew on the sum- j
I iiver fiowc , that dries but receives fresh mois- !
! tore."
Without uttering a word, the ladies now
turned, and hastily pursued their way home
ward. They had wandered, attracted by the
1 cca ,;ty of the evening, farther than they had
| intended. The Baromss I) , for so we |
must introduce her to our readers, had taken j
under her protection Annette De .\l—, who
j K':i.; an orphan, and the sole remaining branch :
of a noble family. The Baroness D had ;
! herself been left an orphan at an early age.—
I Che had afterward married the Baron I) ,
wlio had been dead about two years at the
time our story commences, leaving her with
out progeny, her only child having died in its
infancy. She had inherited her husbuud's vast
e.-tutes, and was at this time residing in her
favorite castle, situated in the most beautiful
of the m idlaud counties of England.
The ladies silently pursued their way until
they reached the extensive avenue that form- 1
ed the barrier to the noble domain. Tree* of
regular but enormous height were thickly stud
ded on either side, and the Baroness frequent- !
iy started at the echo of their footsteps as she
pressed forward with her young companion. '
The moon had risen and now .shone in silvery ;
brightness, while not u zephyr fanned the fo- j
hage, nor a whisper broke upon the stillness i
of the night. They had reached about the ;
middle of the avenue, when they were alarmed
by the sound of horses' hoofs. Both started j
and fearfully looked behind them : the figure j
oi a man on horseback was distinctly visible ; j
retreat or flight was alike impossible, for iu an- i
other minute a cavalier, iu complete armor, I
and mounted on a panting charger, stood he- 1
side them, iu the next moment the kuight j
sprung from the saddle bow, and falling grace i
fully upon out* knee before the Latoueas, ex- ;
claimed :
" Fair lady, diignto take pity on a strati- |
gor knight., who is pursued by ids enemies ; |
even tiir.v," cried lie, with increased trepida- j
tion, "is a price set upon my head ; my par- j
ty have been defeated by some of Cromwell's ;
errny, and a number of my followers are slain. ■
Deign" then, kind lady, to grant me an asylum !
,iu your man.-i >ll for the night only ; and I
pledge you ou the faith of a true knight to re
quite your hospitality."
" Sir Kuight," replied the Baroness, "your
request is granted ; it is enough for me to
know that you are a royalist, and in danger ;
follow us then, and I promise you a safe re !
treat "
The cavalier arose, and was pcofuse in his |
expressions of thankfulness. In silence they j
now pursued their way, until they reached the i
principal cut ranee of the castle. The Baroness
rang at the massive portal, and in a few sec
onds it was opened by an aged domestic.
" Morden, see that you steed iacks not prop
el* food ; and for you, Sir Kuight, I bid you
welcome ; you need not lie apprehensive, I am
m'stress here, and there is none to thwart me."
They were now ushered by several domes
tics through a suite of rooms, until ihey eame '
to one brilliantly illuminated, and furnished ;
iu a style of magnificence suited to tho time ; i
the walls were of oak, richly carved ; and the
ceiling which formed a cupola, was of the same !
material. Upon a marble pedestal stood an ;
alabaster chandelier, in which were numerous i
lights, that gave a brilliancy to the whole
apartment. The Baroness politely motioned
her guest to a seat, and ordered the supper
presently to be ready. When the domestics
had quitted the apartment, she arose, and
takiug a small silver lamp from a table near
her, sue requested the cavalier to follow her.
*' Sir Knight," continued she, " while the
domestics are preparing our repast, I will show
you where you inay conceal yourself, and where
t ven should your pursuers demand an entrance,
they cannot discover you."
Then turning to her young friend, she said,
in a tone of assumed gaiety : " Annette, my
love, take your lyre, it will while away the
time till our return saying this, she quitted
the room, followed by the strange cavalier.
They proceeded through a long suite of
rooms which terminated in a winding gallery;
here they paused to unlock a door, which dis
covered a narrow staircase ; having ascended
several steps, they found themselves in a spa
cious apartment arras. It was perfectly square.
The Baroness advanced to one side of the
room, and lifting the banging, gently touched
an unseen spring ; instantly one of the panels
disappeared, and displayed a room of more
spacious dimensions than the former.
" Here, then, Sir Knight, exclaimed the
j the Baroness, "you may find a safe retreat ;
1 I will myself teach you the virtue of the
' sprißg, that iD case of a surprise, you may,
without difficulty, find your way to this apart
Having satisfied herself that her guest was
acquainted with the method of opening the
panel, the Baroness hastened to return to the
| saloon, fearful that Annette might be # uueasy
at her absence.
The dulcet notes of the lyre reached the
apartment. Annette expressed her joy at
| their return ; aud at the request of the cava
lier, saug a ballad with exquisite pathos aud
! uarmouy.
j Supper was now spread : the Baroness cour
| teou-iy invited her guest to partake of the
rich viands that were set before him. The
repast being euded, they entered into an in
teresting discussiou upon the probable result
of the fatal wars that had harassed every part
of that kingdom. The had lasted
about an hour, when the hearts of all present
seemed to staud still, as a loud knocking was
heard at the portai.
" Fiy, Sir Kuight," cried the Baroness, has
tily putting a lamp into his hand ; "ycur pur
suers are here—but fear nothing—remember
the secret spring !" The cavalier prer-sed the
hand ftorn which he took the lamp, aud hasti
ly quit the apartmeut.
The knocking was now renewed with re j
doubled violence ; auu the domestics were or
dered to give parley. It was, indeed, tome i
of Cromwell's party, who were in quest of
their unfortunate victim. They loudly de
m '.uded admittance which the Baroness, anx
ious to prolong the time for a while, desired
her servants to refuse. Soon, however, they
accompanied their knocking with threats, and
the porter was desired to suffer them to enter. I
A party of soldiers now rushed into tne hull.
Tney soon found their way to the saloon,
where the Baroness and Annette were seated !
in trembling agitation. The foremost of the j
jmrty, who seemed the chief iu commaud, now
" We believe you to be the Barouess D—,
and as sueh tuke you to be an adherent of
Gharies Stuart ; we, therefore, command you, i
ru the uuine of the commonwealth, iustantly to
deliver up him jou have concealed withiu these i
walls. This is our general's pleasure."
" You arc correct in the conclusion you
have formed of me," rejoined the Barouess ;
" but he whom you seek is not here ; but go,"
she continued, " you have irce access te every
part of my mansion."
No sooner had the Baroness ceased speak- |
iug, than tiie soldiers quitted the touai to com- :
meuce tiieir search.
About an hour elapaed, during which time
the iwo ladies sat iu a trembling state of anxie
ty and appreheusiou. At leugth a heavy
tread announced the return of the besiegers.
Their voices were raised us if iu "deep alterca
tion ; ai t'uey approached the saloon, it sunk
into audibly murmurs, accompanied by mut
tered threats aud imprecations. Tiie leader
ot the baud re-entered tiie apartmeut atiu said,
" vvc find that we have been mistaken, lady ;
but beware that you do not harbor any trai
tor, for you would sorely repeut your rash
The man then quitted the room, and com
manding the soldiers to follow him, the portal
once more closed upou the unwelcome visitants.
The Baroness having assured herself that peace
was restored, hastened to that part of the cas
tle where she had secured the unfortunate
stranger. As she trod ulong the spacious
apailmeuts, she often paused to ii.sieu, and it)
imagination she thought she could hear the
diead!ul imprecations tlfat had escaped the
soldiers ; but all was still, and she reached
the door of the captive knight.
Great was the cavalier'a joy at beholding
her, and pruiusely did no pour forth his ex
pressions ot thankfulness to his deliverer.—
i'hey continued to converse upon what had
passed tor souie time after they had reached
the saloon. The Barouess posted two of her
dome-lies in tae great hall lor the night, in
case of a second alarm ; and her guest entreat
ed permission to watch with them, but this
iiis kind hostess would not couscut to. They
now separated lor the night.
The next morning when they met at the
breakia.-t tubie, they recapitulated the events
oi the preceding uiglit, and a general thanks
giving was offered to that I'ower which had
protected them. If the Barouess and her
young triend had been charmed with the ele
gant deportment of the young cavalier on the
previous evening, they were now not less de
lighted at the graceful polish of his manners,
aud the refined intelligence that pervaded his
conversation. When breakfast was ov.r he
prepared to depart ; but the Baroness so warm
ly urged the necessity of his remaining until
his pursuers had quitted the precincts of the
castle, and so strongly animadverted upon the
probability that some secret emissary might be
lying iu wait for him, that he consented to re
main for a few days.
The time passed uninterruptedly in agreea
ble uud interesting discourse, which was occa
sionally varied by the sweet tones of the lyre,
to which Annette saug in strains of touching
melody, and at the request of the stranger
would lrequeutly repeat her lay. It was cu
the fifth day of the knight's sojourn at the cas
tle. The Baroness, Annette, aud the cavalier
were all seated iu the saloon, watching the
shades ot evening closing arouud them.
"To morrow, my kind friends, I must de
part," exclaimed the knight ; *' by dawn of
day my steed must be in readiness," and, con
tinued he, addressing the Barouess, at the
same time unclasping troui his neck a gold
chain of exquisite workmanship, " let me pre
sent you with this, and remember that you
may claim everything at my hands, fqr my
debt to you cannot easily be repaid." Say
ing this, he imprinted a kiss ou the hand that
was extended toward him.
On the following morning, at dawn of dsvy,
Mordeu was in the court-yard, holding the bri
die rein of the noble charger. In an instant
the knight had vaulted iu his saddle ; the old
porter- presented the stirrup cup, then gave
the parting benediction. The knight gave one
glance at tlie window, where olood the Baron
ess aud Annette, who had both risen at au
early hour in compliment to their suest ;
VOL. XXIII. —KO. 22.
thrice he saluted the fair inmates —in another
minute the horse and his rider had disappear'
It was on the 20th of May, 1061, that tho
i Baroness and her friend were seated at an
open window in the spacious library ; the cas
' tie clock h&d tolled the hour of uoou—the then
| accustomed diuner hour for all persous of
| quality.
" We must begin our journey to morrow,
dear Annette,'' exclaimed the Baroness, " for
I would behold our Monarch's triumphal en
try to the tliroue of his ancestors ; and who
knows," eontiuued she, as she gazed anxiously
upon her young friend's pallid countenance—
; " who knows hut what we may see him who
once sought shelter within these walls ; such
an event would, I know, give my dear friend
Annette spoke not ; but a pale blush over
-1 spread her fine features ; stil l she remained si
! lent. The remainder of the day was spent iu
making preparations for their departure.
On the following morning, the two friends
attended by a train of domestics, set out for
the metropolis ; and at the expiration of a
week, during which nothing particular happen
ed, arrived at the entrance of the vast city. It
was on the very day that the populace W(t
assembling to welcome their sovereign.
Triumphal arches, decorated with flowers
and interspersed with oak boughs, were raised
across the road, and at intervals through
every street. The windows in all the houses
were adorned with garlands, or hung with cost
ly drapery ; the bells of the neighboring
churches were sending forth a joyous peal,
while drums and trumpets resounded from eve
ry quarter. An immense multitude, hotb in
carriage and on foot, thronged every avenue.
The Baroness commanded her coachmau to
drive up one side, as a deafening shout reut
the air, intimating the monarch's approach
Another shout—aud another asceuded from
the people ; all eyes were turned to one indi
vidual. Mounted on a milk white charger,
his head uucovered, and repeatedly bowing to
the multitude, sat —Charles 11.
The Baroness' attention was suddenly call
ed to her young friend. She, too, looked that
way, but the sight had'beeu too much for her
—Annette de Montmorency bad faintod.—
She had seen the face before ; it wasthestrau
ger Kuight— it was CHARLES STUART.
The Prioe of a Wife.
It would be a curious speculation to trace
tie habits and customs which have, from the
earliest ag'-s, and in all communities, helped
to fasten upon us these sordid feelings which
make marriage something like a gambling
transaction in all barbarous nations, the fath
er of a girl conceived lie had a light to some
compensation from the husband lor her ser-
vices, and as a remuneration for the trouble
and expeuse of bringing Iter up. In the early
history of ail nations in their uneivalized state,
the custom prevailed : the woman is sold for a
price. Among the Hebrews and the Arabs
the price paid to the father was so cotirncs
very considerable. An ordinary price was
live or fix camels, and if the bride was very
beautiful, or highly connected (rank and sta
tion had their influence even in the earliest
ages,) the fifty sheep or a mere and foal were
added. At the siege of Troy an accomplished
lady was valued at four oxen. And when
Danaus found he could not get his daughters
married, he advertised that he was ready to
receive suitors for them without expecting
any presents—that is, that he was ready to
| get rid of them at any price, or at no price.
Among the savage tribes of our own days the
custom prevails. The red maiuof America
still ■ argaiiis fur his wife, and the price varies
from four horses down to a bottle of brandy.
The Russians do not mince the matter as mere
civahzed nations do, but when a marriage is
i proposed, the lover, accompanied by a friend
goes to the home of the bride, and says to the
j mother—"show ns your merchandise, we have
got money." Tiie ancient Assyrians deserve
: some credit for the custom they introduce ;
every year they put all their beauties up to
i auction, aud the prices that • were given for
these were applied byway of a portion of
; those who were not beautiful. Thus all, of
both soits, got married ; the one lor their
' beauty the other for the money which beauty
not their own had gained for them. They
J made sensuality give a dowry to avarice ; but
! slili marriage was a lottery.
| DEBT TO NKWSI'APKRS. —Xuwpaper subscrip
• tions are infallible tests of men's honesty. If
; he is dishonest he will cheat the printer some
, way—say that he has paid when he' has not
—declare he has the receipt somewhere—or
sent money and was lost by mail—or w ill take
| the paper and not pay for it on the plea that
i he did not subscribe for it ; or will move off,
I leaving it to come to the obiee he ielt. Thou
sands of professed christians are dishonest,
aud the printer's hook will tell fearfully in the
A horse doctor in a Western town w as
once elected constable. He was a thrifty,
well-to-do farrier and blacksmith, and doctor
ed and shod all the horses for twenty miles
around. After being constable for a year or
two, he took to hard drinking and became
poor. Finally, he determinnd to reform, but
found it hard work to quit his drinking habits.
Que day a man brought a horse to him to he
doctored. " The horse seems to be sound,"
said the man, " but you see he won't drink."
"If that's all that ads him," said the farrier,
" you have only to elect him constable—he'll
drink then fast enough, by thunder ! I've
tried it, you see, and know.''
BSsy* An editor describes a kissing scene
which he witnessed as " a solemn aud inter
esting occasion"—probably because he was
not allowed to participate.
" I say, Jack," shouted a Smithtield
drover, the other day, to his pal, " these
sheep vont move in this vcatber; lend us
bark of your dog, vill yon.