'ifcUtucai. DR U G S TORE. (Wholesale and Retail. No -I, Pulton's Block, Corner of Main and Bridge Sis., Towanda . Pa.) DR. T. F. MADtLLjf Lroprictor. The subscriber respectfully informs the ?übl!c Ihnt he has purchased the above Drug Store, and having thoroughly relitted and enlarged t, and increased his facilities for Contpoiin-iiug Medicines is prepared to supply every want ot the public, iu the 1 iue of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, lifyJStoek, almost entirely new, has been selected with care, and embraces a lull assortment of all articles belong ing to the Drug Trade. FRESH SUPPLIES are received monthly, of Pure and Reliable Dings and Medicines, which will be sold at prices that cannot fail to suit our patrons. My stock consists ul Drills, Medicines and Chemicals, and PURE LIQUORS, 01 every description, and the best quality for Medical use. All the popular PATENT MEDICINE AND A LARGE SUPPLY OF HOMEOPATHIC S. LO.M L.MCATiiD MKBU'IXES JLiuluiuc, dj" Aclccl.ic Jledit'iiKs, JtldotL s Alco holic and Ehud Extracts, Alkaloids and Rcsinoids. All the Inst Trasses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces. Breast Pumps, Nipple Slialls XShiel s, Nursing Bottles, Syringes, Cathters, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS .V STROPS, Pocket Knives, surgical Instruments ol late -tvl.- and be>t quality. Paints, oils, Varnishes, Vv indow Glass, Put ty, Ac. A* iarge supply of ERUSHBS For the Hat. Hair, and RII'H S, Painting, Varnishing and White Washing, al- i for tlie Teeth and Nails. TQOTH POWCIRS AMD PASTES,. of every variety. A large assortment ol lMio®¥ i&!&Y3©IL!SS* Pure Essential Oils, Fine Perf anery and Toilet >• ips, Buffalo and Ivory (knnbs. Hair lives. Oi,. aa J luvigo rati lis. Kerosene, Barnini, Fluid, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac. Choice Tobacco, Cigars cC* Sua if. All the Dye Stuff's, Fish Tackling, Ammunition. Ac. Bird Cagen, of every style and variety, Cups, Xe.-ts and Seeds. ♦S.DI.MADILL will be found at bis office, iu the Drug Stoie .it all times, when engaged iu out of doer piwi-tiee, when he will examine anil pre.-cribe tor oiHixn* - tn hiswaj/, free of charge. Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Prescriptions oarefqlly eompt unded. The pnhlie are conßalTy invited to exarnim; and lest our stock and learn our pri • s. Towanda, June 21. 1802. T. F. MAD ILL. NOW READY ! ?) I OT! KIW ® EM! iti fs yifi ?■< iLii a j 11 LIS i it o li u y a siu TOWANDA, PENNA. npiiE Subscriber beg? leavo to cull the at JL tention of the public to the fact that be lias enlarged his motive power and purchased and set up additional machinery, and employed a larger number of workmen than formerly, so that he is now prepared to execute or ders for Ca-tings or Machinery with promptitude. He Iras at his works all the PATTERNS in use by the Lite lirm of Win. H. Phillips A Sou ol Lluiiia X. \ .*. and has also added to these, patterns of various kinds. MILL IRONS furnished for Gri-t Mills. Gang, Gate, Circular and Muley Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENGINES of different s./.es and styiei tz.l in fact almost any kind of Castings or Machinery in common use. Strum Fittings .•(<• 7i us Steam l'ipes, Wholes, Return licnd-s, Reducers, Couplings, tttohe- Ihdres, Check Valves, (iuagc Cock*, (til Cups, IVhislles, § c. always on hand and made to order. He is also prepared to furnish STEAM BOILERS of any siz- or kind wanted. Small Castings made in Brass or Composition. Cook ing and Heating Stoves of different si-zes manufactured and for -ale at the above works. Furniture for Cooking Stoves and Stove Pipe always on hand. Persons who want GEARING of any kind arc informed that the subscriber has more patterns for Gearing than any other concent in this part of the country. They would be quite sure of finding among his Patterns Gear ing that would answer their wants aud thus save delay aud expense in getting up work. He makes also a large variety of Pulleys, Baianbe Wheels and Cranks, Water Wheels ; also Saw Cummers, Thimble Skeins aud Pipe Boxes, iron Fence, Caldrons, Plows, Ac. His equipment of machinery conrists of as good tools as are made, and was selected with jt'ie design ot being able to do any job which might be ottered, whether large er small. In short his effort has been to get up iu all respect? a first class establishment. Terms Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid for OKI Pewter and Brittania. Works situated on .Main Street near Barclay R. K. Canal Basin. O. D. BARTLETT. Towanda, April 11. 18G1. Proprielot. GREAT BARGAINS From So,ooo to 84000 Worth OF FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. TO BE SOLD IMSAEDtATLLY Having bought recently the ytliens C< bi net Ware Rooms Aud entire stock of FURNITURE from the late pro prietor, R. M. WELLES, it will l>e sold for CASH AT PAKIQ R^OES, jd&QSs. TUIE STOCK IS LARGE -A- and very complete, has been well selected, and is well adapted for the WSafynfl wants of the country. N. B.—lt is a tElKl:!s[>.' common remark made ' y visitors to JnßraEgL this establishment, "Why, 1 had no idea you had .-ach a large aud sj.leu did assortment of Furniture. I 'nave / i seen nothing 'ike it short cf the ct:y." We hav • BEDSTEADS from $2,50 and upwards. COTTAGE and r.tlu- Cv*'lS CHAIRS, iu great variety, from #!.u i yh ur to $25,00 per set. TABLEolrom j2,ott aJT \ upwards, and Everything else in Proportion. €CZ3■<" ■ Zffiß" in every style, size and price, to suit the meansand taste Of *nv and an customers. *0- Call and see oar stock. Atlu'ws. Pa.. July 24 IF.X.PAGE. hARrtiSBURG NAIL WORKS. THE utidorsigued lifts on hand u supply of Nails, from these well known work. The nails are made from Pennsylvania Iron, manufactured expressly for this purpose, and are of as uperfor quality. For sa.'e to dealers only, audou better terms than they can obtain in New York. Emp ire at the Banking Office ol B. s. RUSSELL It CO 11. S. RUSSELL. Towauda, March 18, l?c2. jttfscrUanrous. BOOK BINDERY. rpHE subscriber having withdrawn frcm the Argus X building would respectfully inform the public that he has removed his Plain and Fan y Bindery to the North Room of the Wa: dilou.se, formerly occupied bv the Post Office, wlicte hejis now prepared to biml all kinds of Books in the most approved anu workmanlike maimer.— Having to share my profits with 110 second person 1 fat ter myseli that my prices will meet the satisfaction of the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub lic appreciation of my work, for last two years.! shall endeavor in th a future to merit the continuance ot public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work will lie warranted-. Terms A2"Also,a large assortment ol S'J A i 10XKRY the best qiiuiil y. at the lowest prices. Ju.-fkes and Cons ta ble's BLAXKS. of all kinds. . PICTURE FRAMED, •oiAd, square and oval: and pic tures framed to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOHAXX F. BENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11,1860. Bookbinder and Artist. UNCOLN TOE ELECTED. \7"ET ell these seem only to increase the I business and prosperity of the Old Foundry and iviACHms shop, (South side of Pine st., one door East ot H. S. Mer cur's Store.) The undersigned would call the attention of all con cerned to the fact, that he is prepared to do, and will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch,aud in the most workman-tike manner. KITTING UP MILL IRONS, REPAIRING STEAM ENG IN KS, from the simplest to the most complicate, in any of their parts, and WARRANTED to give satisfac tion. PLOWS always on hand of the most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to his facilities for" doing work, and employing experienced workmen in everv department, he is confident that he can satisfy all who favor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 15,1860. Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Lrick, Drain Tiles, Sic. npiIEUE is a Lime Kiln at the Barclay 1 Cuiii'iany's Bas'in, in Towanda, where is kept con stantly h■ r sale, fre.-h burnt II hit*- Lime. made irom the best quality of New \ork lime stone at 25 cents per bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and 12A eciils pel-bushel forslaehedliine. i.ime .-hipped on boats at Towanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse ll'a!< i Lime at ?! 15 per barrel, and Fire Uriel: at H cents each. Drain '/' tin 2,h and fmi h sizes at 2. .1 and ti cents per foot, a very nice article far drain)ri land or u'. ;,t dw Mings. Merchants supplied with Beard-ley's ci.ii .bv the dozen. J ich Screws, for moving buildings, to let at 25 cents per day each. ISarela i i at $2 25 per ton for Lump Goal and $2 (iU per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at 'N. cents per load. Alt the above for sale at the office of the Barclay It. h. A f ual t oiiii-Muy, io>, ..iivia. J. MACFARLAIN. Towanda, Feb • 22.1861. Geu. Superintendent. •• To be, or not to be - hat is the question ! Whether 'tis nobleriu the mind t<> suffer The -din "■ and arrows of outrageous opposition, Or Lv taking up :;i ;' 5 - against a sea printing ink, And opposing, end them. rpHK vroprictor of the '< g".-.- takes o easion in adver- JL ti.- ing his Bindery to indulge in an uncalled for Sing about a "sort of a concern,'" which is hoping " to delude the public.*' As 1 have opened a Bindery <>:: my own ac count, the inference is that if the public bring their hindiii" to uie, they are in no danger of being defrauded. For two year- " have worked for Mr. BAUSON-;, and lie lias taken great pains t satisfy the public I wast'n-'- bo-l Binder in 'America," as th" columns "f ♦he .-f >•*•* wil testify. Has lie been all that time " deluding the pub lie?"* If 1 have been engaged in a fraud, lie has been th principal. But I refer to my work daring that time a evidence that there has been no fraud practiced. Having si rved a baig appn for m-kin at the Bindery business, I have resumed b!is*ii®*. here on my own a - count,as 1 know of nothing which preventsme from fol lowing a legitimate and bawfuli ailing for my .support.— 1 sl.ali cade ivi rbyg' i d work and attention to lay busi i), ss t.o c'r. c public sc.tisfaction. March JOIIAXN F. BENDER, Binder. f NEW ATTRACTIONS ! .. — T-- At GJO. H. Wood's Gallery H; TOWANDA, PA. I You can procure, at low prices, I \IPB DTGBlEiiiPlia, ft \of all sizes, up to life size, either plain or re sji touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. MEL AIX OIY FES and AMBItOTYPES, and al most all other kinds of types. Pictures iu good cases lor 25 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Mclainotypes made in all kinds of weather, (except lor children. All work warranted. July 25, lt>Ul. SPECIAL MIOTICS IX ACCORDANCE WITII WHAT A seeius to be the necessities of the times, and for my own business security, 1 have concluded to sell Goods IV Olt HEADY PAY! f believe I have as good credit-customers as any one, and most of them prompt paying ones, hut luture prosperity in busiues I think requires that Groceries and Provi sions should be sold for cash. I hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire to please, to still retain all of my old patrons. #S*Tbose who are indebted so me will oblige me by settling up at once. E. T. FOX. Towanda, August I,lbfil. KSW FIRIV3. CODDING & RUSSELL, 7 R AVE purchased the large and well known establish ment of D. C. Hall, and are now receiving Horn New York, the largest and most complete assortment ot HARD-WARE, ever offered for sale in this market, which will be sold CHEAP for Cash orappoved Credit. We have a large anil well selected stock of Wood and Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and style of Parlor, Dining-Room. Six-Plate, and Cylinder Stoves, which we can, and will sell as cheap as can be purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a full and complete assortment ot IRON AMD STEEL, Nails and Glass, Paints aud Oils, House Trimmings, Car riage Trimmings. Springs, Iron Axels and Boxes, of all sizes, Carpenters and Joiners Tools, Black, smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular and Mill Saws, Table and Pocket cu:Mjtuelbsss."ax r> of every description. Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain l'umps and Tubes. RRITT.iXXKA A\l> PL4TGI) H ARE the latest, and most approved patters. A iarge quantity of TIN-WARE AND STOVE PIPE, always on hand.— Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and form ot FARMING TOOLS. JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted.Bees GRAIN, Old Iron, Copper, Brittaunia, Brass, wax and Feathers, taken iu exchange for Goods. We invite " the wh >le world and ti):-. test of mankind," to call and cxaiuiuu our our goods before purchasing.— Our motto will bo use every man wellandsuLmittu uuth iria wrong. hir One door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell's Bio. k, "'lain street, CODDING A RUSSELL. JOHN A.CODDING , £ c. s. fiUBi.T.. ( Towanda, Sept. 21, 1 >t>o. HE iiiidovfigiied has beet) Appointed the JL Agent of the Insurance Company of North Am. Rica, located at Philadcß is I. ,w prepared to take risks, I in town or county. This Company is oue ot the oldest in 1 the United States, having been chartered in 1793, it has ! a capital of 5500,000, and is managed by a b >ard of Di ' rectors of the very highest character for honor and in- All losses are adjusted promptly. Its rates are ['as low us those of any good Company, and property hold ers insuring iu this Company may rest assured that thev can rely ou the perfect safety of their policies incase of .loss. ILS. RI'SSELL, At the Banking Office of B. 6. RUSSELL St CO. March 1R,1(>2. —nil -tf. 5?0 LET. A COMFORTABLE & CONVENIENT FX House with the best accomodations, as to water, Ac. A good gardenspot, fruit trees, Ac., Ac. For terms enquire nt the News Ro >m. Towanda. Aug. 11, lbti2. FINE ASSORTMENT OF ~ fiIiOCBKIEM & FAMILY SCITUF.S, Tea than can't be beat, the b< st black Tea in town, also i Sugar, Coffee, Soap, Fish. Pork, aud almost everything I the Grocery line, for rale cheap at l-'OX'S. £Kfecrll&neoiio. THE OLD STAND STILL IN OPERATION. The subscriber would say to the citizens of Bradford County, that he has on band the largest stock of CAUNFAUE WORK that wasevei I offered in Northern Pennsylvania, consisting of 4 top buggies, 1 slide seat top buggy 4 two horse democrat 1 wagous, 2 with tops, 4 one horse democrat, 2 open bug ; gies, 2 lumber wagons, besides several second hand wag ons. Alt made of the best material, mostly of Eastern timber, and u; the latest style, and better made than any • other carriages in Northern Pennsylvania. The work is such that 1 warrant it to stand all reason ! able use. The above will be sold low for cash or approved credit, as I wish to get out of the business. 1 also have 3 sul kies for sale. i n. B.—Work made to order and repairing done on ' short notice. G.H. DIiAKE. | Towanda, April 23, 1802. 2m I Hew Furniture and Chairs. I T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ! JL and extensive assortment ol Solas, Mohogauy Chairs ' Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fin I ane-seat, Wood, and Rush-bottom, Hair, Cane-seat and j ane-back Rockers, Looking-G lasses, Cord and Tassels j leture Frames, &c., Cheaper than the Cheapest. Please call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda, June 20,1801. CHESTER WELES. - f /-} A r V 1118 IS THE ESTABLISHMENT L where you can find a very fine assortment ol WATCHES AND JEWELRY of decryptions, also a good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from lb shillings up. and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale, f am also agent for the ale of D. E. LENT'S celebrated Barometers, wbicli every farmer should always have. Pri ce> from to S2O, according to finish REPAIRING done as usual in a neat and workmanlike manner and war ranted. WM. A. CHAM BERLIN. iU if RLcriiaMHHilS. CHAIR, BESDTEAD & FURNISHING WAREItO'OM. ELI BiiOWNING ies].ectfully in f rhi. the public ibat i; - has puri iin-ed from ..'-un- Ma-.-i. ; inson bis stock of Furniture, and rented bis shop & rooms j and is prepared to offer to purchasers g eat indue* ments ,u ; i b- in !;i- K: c. lie wiii manufacture and keep I CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, ! .-JK'-iU" *•••- - Wa.-ljsjyjuls, Table*. &c..,kc.. ot fj 1 lie re, ii styles and prices, suited to f " "iV"-* * " the wants of the country. He asks .- ~'r — " " the attention ot those wishingto I k'jT, "• i } i- ,y to the ail :' !< s l;rpt by liini. . - j: f. ■/V ; ' 1"' '* determined that, in the (piality ) ■.'... - J_ Ol bis eX'-C-Hciicc <■! T11:11."- if —jg'™"* Tin "V" "< rial and ibe prict not to Le oautd u v ? f- Si,y any establishment. Beingcatls lied that the READY , PAY svstcm is the be.-1 for both P u '..Tiascr aiui ill a , bis business will be couducted upon I that system. He will, however, take in exchange for work, iili kinds ol Country Produce, at the market price TUBHI IT O 7 Of ill kinds, done to order, in the best manner, at reason tsr rite Undertaking Department wiH be contacted, I .is usual, by Mr. M .ikii.-on \> is pivp.-rcl with a new { and splendid tlgar >e to attend to all calls In hi.- line. ' Towan.la. April 7, I>o2. - - - • Now Spring & Summer Goods. •TUIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RE J4. moved to the south corner of tne ilercur Block, are 1 ow opening a large Stock of m B¥€l © ©ill Clothing' For Men and Boys. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, j CROCKERY, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. Our stuck of Spring and Summer Clothing, is all of our own manufacture. Coii.-isting in part of, Mens Coats from SO,BB to $20,00 | Mens Pants from 0,75 to 10, on Mens Vests from 0,7 <> <>.oo M< as. Buys and Youths Clothe- made to order, large ; selections of Fabrics alwuy-on baud. The public are invited to give us a call, as we arc de : termiued not to be iindcr.-oid lor cash. Most kinds of | Farmers Produce taken in/exchange. N. B Also sell FINK LEA LYONS celebrated Shuttle Sewing Machines, making tiie lock stieh alike on both sides. A. WICKHAM & SON. Towanda Aprillßo2. IT. S. MERCTJR Is now receiving a new supply of Purchased since the late reduction in prices. , riAHE special attention of nustomers from all sections of J. this and adjoining counties is invited to this Largo, Choice ami Allraclive Slock, which will be offered at the lowest prices. Towanda, Aprillß6s. PRINTS & DOMESTICS. The cheapest in the market, for cash at MOITTAITYES, (Corner of tlie Public Square and Main Street.) TUFA* OFFER FOR SALE FIERR'MAC FRINTS AT 12 1-2 Cts. Per Yard i And other Goods in proportion. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. 63, All persons knowing themselves indebted over six months, will do well to call and settle. MONT AN YES. I Maich 17, If 02. _ THE WAB TO BE SETTLED | THE OLD TAILOR SHOP STILL IN MO fION. 11. BUNTING, THE OLD STAND \ A • P.Y TAILOR, would inform the public that he is stii! doing business at his old stand, where he is .-till pre pared to exei"iU' all kinds ot work m liis line on the short est notice, and in the most approved style. Having lately secured one ol the most perfect svst nis for catting in existence, be can -.variant smooth and easy fits with safety. By an arran -nr-nt with the merchants, he is enabled to get up suits at u very low figure, lor cash. He would inform the } :Mi • that lie is agent for A. Bartiiolfs Sew ing Machines, the best machine extant—which will be furnished for cash,for from S3O up to sso, as may be de- i sired. X. B.— He is prepared to clean and mend garments nt , reasonable rates, to suit the times—making thorn look nearly as nice as new. Call and try him. AVCutting done as usual on short notice. Shop on Main st.. opposite Codding & Russell's hard- : , ware store, and three doors sooth ol Dr. Carter's grocery. ! , Fa-hions received every six months. G. H. B. | j Towanda, Nov. 20, i-61. Cheese Worth Eating. j IIA V B REC EIVKI) AL A Rft ED A I- ! X ry oi Cheese from Courtlaud County, as good as was 1 over brought into this town. ITease call and try it, it I you like it you can buy it cheap. E. T. FOX. l IfI FT Y Vll \ST 11A TB !5 U ITER FIR- I .X KINS, for sa eat 05 cents a piece. Also, a qnauti j ty of Tubs at 38 cents a piece at G. 11. DRAKE'S j June li. Currage Manufactory in Towanda ' A*c. CHESS, STUE UEIUTI. WOW SS YOUR TIME TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWN PRICES. PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE ! TUST RECEIVED.—A Large Stock of el FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, at J. CORN'S Elmira Branch Clothing Store. Snts coolly, boldly and deliberately, that he takes tie foremost of the Clothing Merchants ot Towanda. Eigtheen hundred and sixty-one has come, and the light and beauty of Spring shines upon us, with all its radiant splendor. 1 shall continue to sell Clothing, for Cash, cheaper than any other man, as my goods are all bought cheap for cash, and they will be sold cheap for cash. M7 goods are all manufactured in F.rmifa, therefore, I can warrant them well made. Enough for me to say, I have everything in the line of CLOT RING! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, &C. f That is kept, in any other Store in town. My banner is on the breeze, " And long may it wave, O'er the land of the free, And the home ot the brave 1 While her Stars and Strips 3 Shine out like sun. Telling ail the nations That Freedom's begun." This_.s a free country ; therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can do the best, regardless ol the cross and sour looks of old fogy merchants. I invite you to come and see me—country as well as the city are invited—every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call. Come one, come all, and stop your speed,- We've Goods enough for all in ne'-d; The boys, themselves, are at their posts, And they alone can supply a host. O'er otliei dealers in this town. These same boys have won renown, For selling the chcape-t and the best, And selling more than all the rest 1 Hurrah! hurrah! o'er hill a d plain, Accept our tliauks, and call again, A lien : our a--"it..ieu! - you'll always find, Goods to tit. and ph a-c the mind. We're on hand and always willino, To sell oar Go ds. aiel earn a -hilling ! So hold your liur-es, an-.l come thi.- way, Wc shall be glad to see you ay Jay, it JOHN SHLAM'S Clothing Store, next door to IT. S. Ilercur'a Dry Goods Store, Main Stn et, Towanda, E'a. N. B—We wish ' be understood, that we are not to be undersold by any man, or combination of men. 1 No < I arge for sliowing our Goods. Towanda, March 12. 1-1,2. J. CORN. A.X.W JjJOA UlliLCii '/ - 1 i/' ixgaiu iu 2'ull Operation I \\ r i. have Cn -.-rati:' atii • .-f announcing to our frfeuds. > \ ■ '-imers .ml the public, that we are now pre pared i 1 do BOOJC I!! XI>IN( 1. in all it- Branches in the latest cud most approved styles, and on the most favorable ti rras. Haviug secured, permanently, the services of Mr. H. G. \Y; iv; i;ak, a lini-iicil workman from l'hihiih-lphia, and having added extensivi '.\ to the fixtures of the con em- giving g'-'.itt r facility than iirmerly—wc can pre sent t i the public the most positive assurance of our abil ity to please our patrons. jt; I "list ■:!!••] • sli.ii.ld oe parti< alar to remember that tl, - " Vrgi.s Bindery,'' i- in the Argus Building, as form erly, (first building north of the Ward Hou-o) and is oon -icct.-'l Willi oi.i IJI •!•; a . I Si.iti i.e-ry Store ami Printing (MTi-a, \v!:ru- ,111 \'i ] -hi":!-! la h-11v"red. ( AL'TiUN.—W c arc compelled injustice to ourselves, and our old customers, a- \v, Ja- to pro\ent an imposition upon the public'generally, to caution them against a sort a concern, that falsely I, '.lds out to the public that it is the Argus Bindery- This/con,/ is practiced no doubt, with a hope of deluding the Public, Against this bold and deliberate attempt to deceive, they are liereoy cau tioned. Particular attention paid to re-Binding. All work guarranted. Mr Country Produce of all kinds taken In payment for work. • Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or patte.ni, at prices as low as elsewhere. Sowanrla, March 5, iB6O. E. A. PARSONS. NO COMPROMISE! AT TIIB UNIONMABBLE WORKS! Located nt Tovnda, Peim'a. rvicCASS] A,\ r OULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS V f and the people of Bradford county in general, that l.e has purchased tlic Marble Yard formerly owned by Taylor A ("ash, and has added to his stock a large as sortment of American and Foreign Marble. He invites the public to see his large stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as he has the largest stock ever in this county. Customers purchasing at the shop or sending their orders will save at least 50 percent, and not be troubled with agents looking alter grave stones before the corpse is buried, and who are not responsible. Come and sec ivhat you are getting. Having been in the busi ness for the last 26 years, iu the city- of Philadelphia, he intends to keep a variety always on hand of Marble Man tles, Monuments, Grave Yard Posts, Head Stones and Tombs, at city prices. 69 Yard on Main street, opposite Geo. Patton's. N. B.— Alterations and Repairing promptly attended GEO. McC'ABE. Towanda, Dee, 18, Tsf.i. Threshing Machine Agency ATTENTION ! FARMERS ! rSHIE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT JL in the county ol Bradford and the neighboring coun- ! ties in Pennsylvania and New York, for EMER Y ' S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are too well and popularly known to need any description from me, and I will only say that they continue to de serve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years, of being the " best Endless Chain Hor-e Power in use." These Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos sessed by no other power. E M EItY ' 8 XE W PAT E X T THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not before been intro duced into this legion, ft lias no endless chain straw carrier, but separates .ill kinds or grain thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass Ceiled Apron, a m-w improved Revolving Picker, and the wen *:> >wn Vibrating Riddle. It is a simple,durable and elHcivnt Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly, without '•..sting, all kinds of grain. It will not eliokc, run easily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to be superior to the common Rake Cleaner now in u-t . It remains only to be seen and tested, to be pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to lie an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATED are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds AGB.ICT3T.SSJRAS KACHIMTSY at manufacturers prices and terms. ta~ For further information, illustrative and descrto* tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., applv to K.'M. WELLES, Agent. Athens, Pa.. July 30,1801. A CAES. THE present depressed state of the Money Market having had the effect to place many kindsjof Goods within the reach of Cash buyers, at much lower prices 'hrtn heretofore, the undersigned begs to give 110 tice that he has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten days and is now offering many bargains such as have heretofore never ocen equall ed in this market. Dee. 10, 1-60. JQBBPH POWELL. JURIED FiU'IT GOOD DRIED ACTLES, Blackberries, Raspberries and Whortleberries, cheap FOXS- ' JKtWtal, DR. PORTER'S OLD DRUG STORE, Alreadyadmitted to oh The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA I WITJi An established reputation for keeping the best meiicine, UNEQUALLED In its faciiltics and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICfNE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles, and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become TUB ®MjJ SDilsBS SiT©SB With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL AUTICLLS WAKRANTKD AS HBPKESENTKD. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Impor ters or First Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always he at the low est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS &. DYE-STUFFS. i Everything in this ejfensive slodc will be sold Clwng for Cash ! j PRICKS KEDCCBD, VIZ: ( Of Soaps. Perfumery, Bribhes, Combs, docket Itnivcs and Razors, ; Lumps au what they are intended to give -uti>factiua. viz : J Dr. Porter .- Pecti rai Syrup iirV,- .171 cents !>r. RsWef# Family Embrocation * •• 25 " ! Dr. I'i-rivi r •• Dr. Porter's Worin Syrrp " 7-, .< Dr. P .rtj r'.* t'ini:|i. Syr. Ilypopbosphitc;;.. " lim " Dr. I'- rter's Uterine Tonic •• JJO < Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam.. " ts Dr. Porters Tooth Ache Dr>pa " •• Dr. l'oricr'- I ophidic >.iul! " " Dr. Porter's Tnoth Powder •' 2.5 " Dr. Porter's Tricogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophiie 25 Dr. Porter's Shampoo 25 " ir. Port--** ibu-. t and Cattle Lotion " ait " Dr. Pcrrti-r's Horse and Cattle Powder.... ( " 25" " Dr. I'oi ter's Bed Bug Poison " g r ) <> Dr. Port< r's Black Ink " 25 " Dr. Porter's Ch-ansing Fluid " Dr. Porter s Rat and Slice Poison " 25 " ; Dr. Porfro 's Citrate Magnesia " 25 " lit-dtfal Advice given gratuiiously aiiiieolutt Charging only for Medicine, i BJT Ihanklul 1 r pa.-t liberal patronage would respect fully anmumi * to his friends and the public that no pains ' j shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance of , theirconlideuce and jiatronage, at the Cash Drug Store ! Corner of Main and Pino streets. Towanda, Sept. ISOI. HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, FARMERS, AND ALL WHO WANT I HAS E jnst received from the Citv, a Large Stock of 15!1'01!TK!> I'URE LIQUORS, of every variety. My stock ol LIQUORS lias been pur chased lor ( V.-sll. directly Irom the Importers, whereby I am enabled to furnish fanners for the approaching : Harvest. a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any ; Kind whatever, at LOW EU PRICES than were ever be I t ore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examine my! ; stock before pmihasing elsewhere, i have facilitiesfo'i purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my j goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Liquors are warranted pure and unadnlter ated. 1 have also 011 hand the Largest Stock and Great; est Variety of i Ever brought to Towanda. which having been purchnsi e i directly from the .Manufacturers and Importers, enaldd me to compete with the \\ holesale Tobacconist* ot the ! city. Hotel keepers and others an- respectfully invites I to an examination of my entire stock ot Liquors, Cigais and To' acco. Also, Groceries & Provisions,; : Of every description, will be kept constantly ou hand, at ! prices I.UW Eli than elsewhere in this town. Confident tint i am enabled to *cli my entire stock of ' 1 Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods I can 1-c purchase ! thi* side of the City, I respectfully so i Ii it the public to ari examination at No. 5. Brick Row. H. W. NOBLE. Towanda, .Tune 11. 1860. MAAW cpT-M-m j ; FORWARD ! MARCH! f TO THE j Ts EAV S R ONI ! Where Von can tt the Lais! Xews! AND IF YOU WANT TO KEEP J.X. well posted on the events that are passing before the American people, just ask for one of THE ILLUS TRATED PAPERS. They are really worth double the price we ask tor them. And while you are there you •nay as well get a MAP showing all the important points in the country. Or, you may want to write to vour friends, and you can get the very latest *tyle of PA'l'KI OTIC NOTE PAPER AND EN VELOPES. Come and see what we have got. and satisfy your solve** Don't forget the place—THE MEWS ROOM. To' ■ ida. June 12. lsbl. KEROSINE OIL, FOIL SALE CHEAP • at FOX'S. 4ug.28, IfjCi. JJusfnrss rnrss. , tpDWAISb T. ELLIOTT, ATTrj,,, I £L ArFa - <*$!& Towandi, July '2:?, 1862 Ljr. : T>ENJ. M. PECK, -177V>/,. V/ , V J LAW, TO WANDA, PA.-All bus,^}, "I to bis care, will receive prompt yttenti,,., f J , Col. E. Smith, over Tracy &, Moure* StonF *'■ April 11,18(11. ; fTHOMAS J INO 11 AM, A T'j'nh ; X AT LAW, LAPORTE, Suiuy aB Con UN. WILLIAMS, Atfoß \,- v • LA W, CANTON PA., will attend u J lies* entrusted to his cure in the court.-ot K™ U i " '■* i Lycomg and Sullivan Co's. Soldiers claims and pensions promnßv *, dune 21.1862. '"'J att^ i: — OVERTON & MONTANAE at?! jyjXEYS AT LA If—Office in Union £*3 | Y occupied BYMAS. MtcFixr.ANK. lOUWo <*,f^ DR. E. H. MASON, PirvxiciA v /* i** ' " ff, ' rs '''* I ,r °fcsfiional seiricc 1 i people of 1 owanda and vicinity. Office at t,-, , .'4 | on Pine street, where lie can always he found professionally engaged ■ J *l*^ ' E B ~ CAISSONS, JTTOII.Xn AJ. /.Air.TBOY, Bradford Co., I', on,. ' M. .V 11. K. LouSI„. A '.' l "' E'-OAXAN SMITII.I.nvi,,,. *J Towanda, has opened a Law Office o-m- u1 Store. Dec. 1, Mil. 1 W T EA VI ES, ATTORN BY i-i TT •LA IV, Towanda, Bradford countv l' a r1 with W in. Watkins, Esq., a lew doors north of the ffJ I Honße - . **Si3j i A MERICAN HOTEL, TOH Ivf -XX Pa. (near the bridge.) M. .T C.\OIMFP 1 Towanda, Nov. 21), 1861. i>,. „ 1 I - - 1 r "Ptii,i. DR. li. \\ ESTOX, ])?■& //s/ - j'Cimnneiitiy i> . ?<-] in O ee ICE one door south of BailevV\',Li Towanda, Feb. ltU>.*>:. o. H. WOODRUFF-IDEXtfTISI, TDEI'M ANENTEV located in Towanda. J Office Vp. Thick flow, over If. W. NOBLES 'V" Entrance one dooi snathe/ Tracy A* Moores. F. G. COBUR^T, A TTORNEV AND NOTAR V PUBLir !" v il.I p. P.p.. ( iffiue in the building formerlrl copied hy 11. L. Mcivean. * 1 Ml. VIl legal business attended to with promptnearf Cfire. ™ Towanda. Aug.i, l-. i t!. . WII.MUT D.ao^J WILM: T 1L MORROW, ATTORNEVS AT I.AH'. TOWA.VDA, PEN'X'j, ( OJj. c ly r,erupted by Jttdg, Mercw.) / ! IE Vv AIK I Xs,i;:iviiisf vo'uiiteerwi, ,jj V* • gone int tin iv.t! aftnershfpi of >r ; -1 & ! KINS i dissolved. The new tlna of \Yf|,v,?i MORROW iv ill el p.-e Tip the business of Judge Merc 1,11 I '■ at- "s2. F. C. OOBURNt ATT'Y,, TOWANDA, r.V. J I I A vixu MADE ARRAXDRMKM , 1i in Hn-hiiutosi, wirlt ' !. Li.ilX McKh y now prepared to c -i'-p ' i] MiJit irv ' dm* in.'-, a. Governmeut, Ua ;k Pay, Bounty and Pensions, at ■ percentage. * [r:;inr." 9 i if u )i VOT-NO THRTfit iiuj f\ t\ I M:!:t.<.si:!:-.,1.u-J-ui.ldw.-rf.Hic !':!.( :--t \ . o! E;- I .t o!t: i.■i ic li-.uina N■: -cr'.-s. 1..; sted at T'. '.. an.!: a:-i .•. if • •.••SS.il,;; J.-.::. T'.; tiv. . ,ti • •*id noi.-t he - li. Ciap .- Vines by thehuu-Eedurf, and. very cheap. wortby^hasincss^inen, .*. rents, t.. salicit iTi- A liberal eotnpensa ion will be paid. i'ANIKL IIAEKIS* : Towanda, l'a.. July 23,1962.—1y. - wXris hoese, So-A/anda, Tn, fpIIE Subscribers iiiiviria- leased thi*" ' 1., known !' .let for a lerrn of years, would inform | friends ami tin: traveling public, that they will be i happy to accommodate ail who may favor them v.. ! call. It will be the aim of the present proprlet-irs make the WAKII HOI sk at once comfortable, plea-.: and cheerful. Yours Truly, Jan. 1" 1- I. I'oH'EI.I, \ SMll- M c C ABE'S CENTRAL MEAT MARKEI Uclmr J. Kingsbety's store, Main si. rpHE subscriber would re*}.ectfullv tender hi* 1 thanks to the public tor the very liberal pafr t, I (-.vteiiui-d to him, and *olh it.* a e.ontinuaiiee of tlit He begs leave to assure that he intend* to keep onl? a heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS ol ail kk: : the best the country affords, v/ltteh he intends t<> *fi!' j very -siuail protits, either by the nide. ijnafter <-r jxna i.r A quantity of tifsf qnalit-.-of SALT PURK.pati i by myself, cheap, by the barrel 5r pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place wit j the corporation. , Towanda, August 12,18.99. J KcCAW RAILROAD"HOTEij A* ear the Barclay Railroad terminus, i TOWANDA, PENN'A. j TR. JORDAN respeftfttlly inform? ii • the public that he hps r.c-ed tlie we'l-knovaa ern st:ind formerly occupied bv M. T. Cakkikk. in! lower part of the borough of Towauda, which ho been retittvJ and thoroughly re furnished, heinvi s! patronage of the public with every confidence ! ' can give entire satisfaction to such a.* may lator r with a call. ills I!au will be kept stocked with the best qualitio ' I.lOt'offS. and ihe best brands of CIGARS, j Extensive stabling is connected with the hoasf, l reliable attendants Will ~nly bs kept. No pains or expense wi.l be spared to deserve the ? r.inagc of thepublii;— aud the charges will here'si blc. Towanda. A pvil 1,1861. Sxtraordinary Sndticements TO THE BUYERS OK FURNITURE *ND Wfcik HAVING greatly increase'! myf-'y fe *.a*..p of Cabinet Ware and Chair*. ■ ■ i 'W 8 "® " determined to dispose of theseao'"®- 1 tions rapidly, and with that design offer all ariuso unprecedented low jirice*. for Cash. Good Sofas at Sit; !■: ?2i), tine Cane Scat Chairs .j each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shilling*. , I have now more than 60 different patterns of' bureaus I', -ks for the iarmer or merchant, 'i-sc. cooking giass Plates, Portrait and ■ of gilt, Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corw-"-.' patients of Stands : exteusion, dining,tea ami | ilk *. Hall Stands, and in fact anything that can be -• j in a city Ware-house. A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a * Hearse ready, at all times. , ! Pureh; ser.-will be sure to find the right place."* side of the public square, one door east 'b' ll '3'| C ; Towanda,D< . I■ >. CHK War of the Rebellion, 1261. ] lb GOODENOUGH hereby annoe* * t>> all persons interested, that he lia.- j;'* 1 tr.mi the eitv ni Wushiugtou, a package of Blank ■ f'.r obta uing the Bounty-Money. Arrears u! 1 : l'ay. Pensions, ana all arrearage* 1 r *,.ni- I ' lll t r sery: -es. or by reason of the death of any ' tbe present w tr. Eor the more speedy l , r | "*V.'\.i said ■ laims.he ha* a*.-' iated hlmselt with a rt ' , ,"'L S 4 torriey at the 1 ity of Washington. He that from his long experience in procuring innts, Pensions, Ac., that he can give at l J satisfaction as tiio-e can who have had h-s ex. 1 and 011 as reasonable terms. Towauda, June 11, I*.V2. NEW V. S. " 5---20" LOAN- Banking Hot si: or B.S. Russkli *' 1 Towanda. June ;>"■ '.e rriHE SERSCRIBER WILL A applications and furnish to sill *cribrrs t l , 1 for the New Loauof the United State*, j Act of Congress, February 2d, 1*62. The-e hi ! issued in .*um* of SSO, $10(1, #SOO, and fl l", • i pons attached, and are dated May 1. | twenty years, but rede rnahle at the option °' ernment after live years, and bear interest , j.i j 6 per cent., payable in Gold on the Ist ot : ,e, " f il vnuber, in each year. The Liza! Tender . • United States will be rtcticed at par. l'ay ,l,( ' ,u o 'fi so be made in other funds adding the current change on New York. The allowed interest ™ . in Gold or Hs equivalent. "• - 1 "-'