Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 18, 1862, Image 3

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flefc, BEHIND TIME. —In consequence of a
cr of our hands going to war, we were unable to
DUDI ,L inner to press as early as usual, this week. We
Cj cto be 00 time he>ealtcr '
—We understand that a large
belonging to a farmer in Ulster, was destroyed by
bar ° Saturday night last. The entire harvest of hay
,irC ° rain was consumed. We did not learn the origin of
J," fire, nor the proprietor's name.
JGY- A F. COWI.ES, of the News Room, is
receiving a large and splendid assortment ol School
P°,Y< and Stationery which he is selling at remarkably
-.vol \II in need of such articles cannot do bet
low prices
tcr than give him a call.
jga We understand that JOHN A.WILSON,
of HKBER WILSON, of Orwell, a member of the Fifth
New York Cavalry, died of typhoid fever, in the hospital j
• Washington, on the 9th inst. He was said to have !
bced an exemplary young man, and an excellent soldier. |
VFW MAIL ROUTE.—Congress at its j
lait session,-established a new mail route, number 2808. !
From Tioga, by Bailey Creek. Rutland, n 1 Hailansvil e
(\ustiiiville P- 0.,) to Columbia X Roads, 20 miles and
back, three times a;week.
Leave Tioga Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10 a.
m • arrive at Columbia X Roads by 4p. m.; leave Col
umbia X Roads Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 6
am . ; arrive at Tioga 12 m.
Proposals will be received for carrying the mails on
this route, on or before the 30th inst.
The undersigned is instructed l>y the
Executive Committee of the Bradford County Agricultur
al Society, to say,that after consulting with persons from
various parts of the county, they have decided to with
draw the premium list some time since published, and al
so to give notice that the Annual Exhibition of the Socie
ty will not he held. H. L. SCOTT, President, j
®SV,STATE FAIR —The next State Fair will
take place at Norrestown. September 30th, Ootober Ist,
2nd md 3d. The most liberal arrangements are being
made with railroad companies, and some or the most im
portant roads have agreed to carry freight free. Excur
sion tickets will be issued at reduced rates. The Railroad
rates will shortly by published. The premium list is very-
Urge, and the locality accessible by the Norrestown and
Philadelphia Railroad, Quite a number of articles have
already been entered for exhibition. From present indi
cations the Fair will be one of the largest ever held in the
SAT GONE TO WAR—The editor of this
paper having volunteered and gone, at the call of tie
(;, vern , r to protect the State lrom invasion, the readers
of the Reporter inust excuse all shortcomings, and make
allowance for the lack of editorial and all errors that may
appear iu the columns ot the paper.
night last, about 12 o'clock, a pedler named PATRICK
DALY was assailed by a party of some eight negroes, and
so severely injured that be now lies in a very cl itic il con
dition at the American hotel. DAI.T was known to have
a considerable amount of money, and it is supposed that
the object of the vidians was to rob and murder him.—
Had not assistance reached him at the very moment their
object would, undoubtedly, have been accomplished. It
strikes us that the borough authorities ought to investi
gate this, as well as other similar outrages committed by
these " black pets
A COINCIDENCE. —The Elmira Pres*
savs : The regiment organized just accross the State line
in BraJ/oid county, is numbered 141 st Pa. Regiment—
the same number us Col. 11 ATIIAWAY'S. That number i.-
destinel to win unfading laurels if the men are given an
opportunity of .-h- wing their quality, and we trust there
will be a generous rivalry between the " 141sts" to see
which shall carry off the most honors."
—The officers of the 141 st Pennsylvania regiment is—
Colonel—H. J. MADILL.
l.ieut. Colonel— til"Y H. WATKINS,
J Major —l. P. SPALDING,
All frcni this county.
At the request of the Superintendent,
we have printed, and shall keep on hand, all the blanks
repaired I>y School Directors, and will sell them iu pack
■ages containing
20 School Orders,
21 Agre°inents with Teachers,
■I Sheets of Collector s Warrents.
3 Collector's Beads.
3 Treasurer's Bonds.
3 Notices of the employment of teachers,
12 Annual Statements of District Accounts,
each package for one dollar.
We understand that the expense of such blanks can be
paid out of the School treasury.
HQ,. Owing to the fact flint so lar;re n num
ber of the male teachers from Smithfield and its vicinity
have gone into the army—also, that all the officers, or
nearly all, are out of the county, it has been thought ad
vi.-alde to postpone the meeting of the Teachers' Associ
ation which was to be held on the 12 A 13 i lists., nutil the
annua! meeting. The excitement consequent upon the
news from the-war absorbs at! other interests. Ail who
■were to take port in the meeting, will be expectdd to
perform the same parts at the annual meeting, of which
due notice will be given.
Sept. 1, 1862. C. R. CO BURN.
On Monday last, about two hundred
men left this place, for Harrisbtrrg rn response to the call
or the Governor, to protect the State from invasion. They
"were all armed and equipped, and went with the deter
mination to protect our borders as long as the State is
Th- company that left this immediate vicinity was
•commanded by
Captain —E. O.GOODRICH,
2d Limit A. J. TROCT,
This county has responded to the call of the Governor
with great enthusiasm. We have not been able to ascer
tain how many have really gone.
P. S.—Since the ab >ve was put in type, we learn that
these Companies have I een mustered into a Regiment,
and ordered to Cbambersburg. JOHN F. MEANS, Esq.,
of this plaoe, has been elected Lieut. Colonel. We have
not learned the names of the other officers.
In Honduras, invalids afflicted with
"Scrofula visit the streams that have drained from wild
lauds where Sarsaparilla grows. It is found that the
waters become impregnated w'rt'i the medicinal virtues of
this drug and the nativre drank it, bathe in it, and live
on it for weeks. Whatever its effects these " teal er in to
rtures have a reputation notanferior to oar own Sara
toga and great numbers sqrely obtain relief at them from
the eruptions, ulcerations, and sores, which are so afflict
ing always to a half civilized people. Yet I find all
■classes have more confidence in Dr. Ayer's Extract of
Sarsaparillfa, than in the impregnated waters or any
compound ef the foot fhart they can make. Those who
can afford to buy it, doo, and it is in very general use
here, curing them surer and quicker than they can get
t*!ief without it. Not a few ef our staple products go
thus to foreign lands are there manipulated by scientific
artisan skill, and then come back for OUT consumption
use.— Coriesjtondenl of the Her aid from TruxMlo.
e i
DRAFTING.—SpeciaI instructions have
been received by me requiring notice to be given that
the draft will be made of the 15th day of Septembet. 1862,
for the number of men to fill the quota for each district,
unless the district furnishes the men as Volunteers before
that day ; but in case the appeals could not be finished
by that time, the Governor might extend the time 7 but
the extension would not exceed five days, which will be
the 20tb. Each district (Township or Borough), can of
fer volunteers to the Commissioner at any time betore
that day to make up their quota, and thereby obviate the
draft entirely. But we are not authorized to subsist them
until the day of the draft.
As the sudden call for volunteers and Militia, has ex
hausted the supply of blankets fit for military purposes in
the market, and it will take some time to procure, l>y
manufacture or importation, a sufficient supply, all citi
zens who may volunteer, or be dratted, are advised to
take with them to the fendezvous, if possible, a good
stout woolen blanket. The regulation military blanket
is 84 X 06 inches, and weighs five pounds.
We are unable to ascertain with entire accuracy the
precise number of men to be drafted from each district
until the exemptions are decided, but we have made the
apportionment among the different districts as nearly as
possible, although we can only give an approximation to
the final result. The figures below can be relied upon as
very nearly correct.
The quota lor this county to fill the several requisitions
made upon this State by the War Department is 2944
The county has already sent to the service 2058
Of which there has been enlisted in the Re
gular Army and go le into other States, 301
This county has credit for 2357
Leaving to be drafted, 587
Apportioued in the districts as follows :
Albany 7 Ridgbury 04
Armenia 0 Springfield 51
Asylum TiSylvauia boro' 5
Athens twp 58jSouth Creek 39
" boro' 23 Smithfield 20
Burlington twp 0 Sheshequiu 0
" West 11 Standing Stone 29
" Boro' < ; l'owanda boro" 0
Columbia 121 L'owauda North 0
Canton 0 ; l'owauda twp 0
Franklia oj i'roy boro' 17
Granville 9jTroy twp 9
Herreck 9 Terry 0
Litchfield 14 l'uscarora 25
Leßoy 7 Ulster 25
Monroe twp ojWilmot 10
Monroe boro' ojWyalusing 10
Overton 12) Windham 40
Orwell 33 Warren 44
Pike 22 J Weils 05
Route twp liWysox 0
Rome boro' 2i
The draft will be done at 'l'owanda, on the 25th inst.
A printed or written notice oi his enrollment and draft
and ot the place of rendezvous of the drafted Military
force, shall be served by a person appointed by the Com
missioner, upon each person, or by leaving it at his last
place ot residence.
Any person so drafted may offer a substitute at the time
of the redezvous of the dratted .Militia force andsuch sub
stitute it he shall be an able bodied man between the age
of 18 and 45 years, and shall consent, in writing, (with
the consent of his parent or guardian, if a minor.) to sub
ject himself to all the duties and obligations to which his
principal would have been subject had he personally scrv.
Ed, shall be accepted in lieu of such principal.
HI! persons drafted will be required to report, in per
son, to me, at the Court House, in Towanda, on Tues
day, the 30th inst., at 12 o'clock M., prepared to leave
at once for Harrisburg.
JOHN' A. CODDING, Commissioner.
Important Dispatches.
WASHINGTON, Wednesday, Sept. 15.
A gentleman arrived from Annapolis states,
that three transports arrived there yesterday
(roui the Juuies Iliver, bringing 2.500 paroled
L iiion prisoners, including officers, teamsters,
sutlers and blacksmiths.
The whole number, in marching through
the city to Camp Carole, excited the sympa
thy of the citizens, because of their tattered
and destitute condition Many of them were
without shoes, hats or coats. The Govern
ment, in view of these facts, wi'l doublle S be
prompt in relieving their necessities. The
civilians have reached Washington.
It is represented that the i umber of pa
ruled prisoners at the camp is I etweeu eigln
a d eleven thousand, awaiting exchange.—
There are übout 2,000 sick and wounded in
the Ito.-pilals.
The guard vessels off Alexandria and Piney
Point, in the Potomac River, are distinguish
eel by a sepia re white fl ig with a red cross ol
"St Andrews." The fficers in command o
these vessels will furnish the naval Potooiai
pass to all masters ot vessels tiavig iting th<
r ver, after they shall have given proof that
tney are lawfully employed Vessels euteriii g
or departing the river will be subject to de
ten Hon if unprovided with a pass.
This pass must be signed by ANDREW A
GARWOOD, commanding the Flotilla of the PU
totijue River.
WASHINGTON .Sept. 12, lso2. J
GENERAL ORDERS Xo. 129—1. The Presi
dent directs that the first, second and thirn
corps of the Army of Virginia, announced it
General Orders Xo. 102, be hereafter de.-ig
uated the first, eleventh and twelfth. Th<
several army corps will now stand as follows :
The first, second, third and fourth, as ar
ranged in General Orders Xo. 101, of March
13, 1802, from the Headquarters Army o!
ilie Potomac.
The filth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth,
as announced in General Orders Xo. 84, ol
July 11, 1802, from this office.
The tenth, us announced in General Orders
Xo 123, of Sept. 3. 1862, from this office.
The eleventh and twelfth the same as the
first and second corps, " Army of Virginia."
2 By direction of the President, Captain
LLOYD BEALL, Second United States Infantry,
is hereby dismissed the service.
By order of the Secretary of Wa-,
L. THOM IS, Adjutant-General.
HARRISBCKG, Monday, Sept 15—8 p. M
Dispatches received from Hugerstowu say
General MeCleilan came up with the rear of
the Rebel army at Sharpsburge, and that a
battle is now in progress.
HAKRISBCRG,Tuesday, Sept. IC.
A dispatch just received at Headquarters
says Jackson has recrossed th Potomac, and
General MeCleilan has engaged him with tre
metidoas force this side of Sharpsburg,and ten
miles from that place.
The whole Rebel army in Maryland will be
annihilated or captured this night. X"o rebels
can be found about Hagerstown and Williams
port, and none two miles on the other bide of
the Potomac.
By Rev. M. A Fairchild. September 13, Mr. THOMAS J.
COOPER, of New York, to Miss ELIZA HOLCOMB,
of Rome, Pa.
At the residence of the bride's parents, in Towanda, Pa.,
September 16. 1862, by the Rev. Julus Foster, Mr.
[Duteronomy, 24th chapter, sth verse, says : " When
a mau hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war,
neither shall he be charged with any business ; bnt he
shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his
wife which he has taken."]
In Owego, on Wednesday, the 3d inst., by Rev. Morell
Fowler, CALVIN 11. PATCH, ofTowanda,and JANET
daughter of Col. D. C. McCallum.
In Richmond, Sept. 11th. by Elder J. R. Spencer, Mr.
ABEL J. GEROULD. of Smitbfisld, to Mrs. ANJELIA
CASS, of Richmond.
-IA. is hereby given that all peasons indebted to the es
tate of WM. 11. H. BROWN,late of Monroe boro' dee'd.,
are requested to make immediate pa3 - ment, and all hav
ing claims against said estate will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement.
Sept. 18, 1802.
is hereby gven, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of B. P. INGHAM, late of Terry township Uec'd.,
are hereby requesited to make payment without delay,
and all persons having demands against said estatel will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 11,1802. Administratrix.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of CHAS. H. ARNOUT, late of Monroe twp., dee'd.
are requested to make payment without delay, and those
having claims again-t said estate will present them dulv
authenticateddor settlement. REBECCA ARNOUT,"
Sept 11,1802. Administratrix
is herey given, that all persons indebted to estate
of JOHN I.A PORTE, late of Towanda boro' dee'd., are
requested to make payment without delay, and those hav
ing claims against said estate will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
B. LAPORTE, 1 . , ,
C. F. WELLES Jr., I Adm s
Sept. 13,1862.
ECU TOR'S NOTlCE.— Xotice is here
-i by given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Victor T. Stevens late of Athens twp., dee'd.,
arc hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Aug. 27, 1802.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate ol H. S. Salsbury,dee'd., late of Monroeton twp.,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay, and ail persons having demands against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Aug. 27,1862. Admistratois.
IriON.— Whereas, by an act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth, entitled " an act relating to the elections of
this Commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me to give pub
lic notice of such election to be held, and also the enu
meration in such notice what officers are to be elected, I,
A. .SPALDING, High Sheriff of the County of Brad
ford. do hereby make known and give notice to the elec
tors of said county, that a General Election will be held
in said county, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of October,
in the several districts in said county, to wit:
In Albany, at the sub-district school house, near Camp
bell's mills.
In Asylum, at the school house near Simeon Decker's.
In Athens boro', at the house of E. S. Mathewson.
In Athens twp., at the house of J. B. Hunt, in Athens
In Armenia, at the house of John S. Becker,
lit Burlington boro' at the hall of Henry Vosburg.
In Burlington twp., at the house of Koswell Luther.
In West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Uoddard.
In Canton, at the house of S C Myers,
In Columbia, " " James Morgan.
In Franklin, •' " Benjamin F Taylor,
In llerricks, at the school house in Herriekville.
In Lite field, at the house of C Bloodgood.
Iu Leßoy. at the school house in Leßoy.
In Monroe, at the house of It It Rockwell.
In Monroe boro. at the house of M M Coolbaitgh.
In Orwell, in Orwell Hill public school house.
In Overton, at the house oi l) Waltman.
In Pike, at the house of D Johnson.
In Rome, at the Academy.
In Ridgbury. at the house of B Herman.
In Slieshequiu, at the Valley House.
In Smithfield, at the house now occupied by John Scou
Iu Springfield, at the house of W H Root, now occu
pied by Jesse Hammond
In Sylvania boro', at the house of C Merritt.
In South Creek, at the school house near A Gillett's.
At Standing Stone,at the house of S Stevens,
In Terry, at the house of E J Shepard.
In Towanda boro", at the Grand Jury room, in the
Court House.
in Towanda twp.. at the school house near II L Scott's
Iu Towanda North, at the house of S A Mills,
In Troy b ro' at the Eagle Tavern.
In Troy twp., at the house of V M Long, in Troy boro'
in Tusearora. at the school house near James Black's.
In Ulster, at the house of S B Holcomb.
In Warren,at the house of It Cooper,
In Wei's, at the house of L Seely.
In Windham, at the house of 1! lvtiykendall,
In Wyalnsitig, at the house of S 11 Buck.
In the house of A J Stone.
In Wysox, at the house of J M Bred.
At which time and place the electors aforesaid will
elect by ballot
One person for Auditor General.
One person for Surveyor General.
One person to represent the counties of Bradford, Sul
livan. Columbia, Montour and Wyoming in the Congress
of the U. S.
One Member of the State Senate to represent the coun
ties of Brad'ord, Susquehanna and Wyoming.
Two persons to represent the county of Bradford in the
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn
One person for County Commissioner of the county of
One person lor Auditor of the county of Bradford.
One per-on for Surveyor of the county of Bradford.
And in and by said act, I am further directed to give
notice " that every person exeeptingjustices of the peace
who shall hold any office of profit and trust under the
government of the United States or this State, or of any
incorporated district and also every Member of Con
gress ami of the Legislature and the select and common
council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporat
ed district, is by law incapable ot holding or exercising
it the same time the office or appointment of Judge, In
spector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth
■ ml that no Inspector or other officer of any sucli election
hall be then eligible to any office ihcn to lie voted for.
By tiie 4th section of an act passed the Ist day of April
1540, i. is provided " that the 13th section of an act pass
ed July 2(1, 1*33, entitled '• An act relating to theeleetion
if this Commonwealth," shall not be construed as to pre
vent any military officer for serving as Judge, Inspector
it Clerk, at any general or special election of this Com
In the Ist section of the act first above mentioned, it is
1 enacted that every general and sp- id election shall be
| opened between 8 and 10 in the forenoon, and continue
without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in
the evening, when the polls shall be closed.
By the lßih section ol the act of February 3d, 1840, it
shall be lawful for the in-p ctors and judges ofanygener
il election which shall he hereafter held in Armenia elec
tion district of Bradford County to close the polls of such
election district at 5 o'clock, p. m.
By the 11th section of an act of 1853, it is provided that
ihe polls of theeleetion district of Tusearora twp., be
dosed at 5 o'clock, p. m.
It is farther directed, that the meeting of .Judges at the
Court House in Towanda, to make out the general return
-hall be on the 3d day alter the election, which will he
on the 17th day of October.
It is further directed that the meeting of return Judges
for the Congressional District meet at tiie Court House,
in Tunkhannock, on the 7th day alter the election, which
will be the '2lst.
It is further directed that the meeting of return judges
for the Senatorial district, meet at the court House, in
l'owanda, on the 7th day alter the election, which will
be the 21.
A.H.SPALDING, Sheriff.
Towanda, Sept. 13,1802.
HAVE purchased the large and well known establish
ment of I"). C. Hall, and are now receiving from New
Vork, the largest and most complete assortment of
ever offered for sale in this market, which will be sold
CHEAP for Cash orappoved Credit.
We have a large and well selected stock of Wood and
Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and
style of Parlor, Dining-Room. Six-Plate, and Cylinder
Stoves, which we can. and will sell as cheap as can be
purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a full
and complete assortment of
Nails and Glass, Paints and Oils, House Trimmings, Car
riage Trimmings. Springs, Iron Axels and Boxes, of
all sizes, Carpenters and Joiners Tools, Black,
smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular and Mill
Saws. Table and Pocket
of every description.
Pnmps, Lead-Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tubes.
the latest and most approved patters. A iarge quantity
of TIN-WARE AND STOVE PIPE, always on hand-
Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every "ame and
form of
JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted.Bees
GRAIN, Old Iron. Copper, Brittannia, Brass,
Wax and Feathers, taken in exchange for Goods.
We invite " the whole world and the rest of mankind,''
to call and examine our our goods before purchasing.—
Our motto will be use every man welland submit to noth
ina wrong.
teg- One door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell's
Block, Main street, CODDING & RUSSELL.
' s. RUSSELL. L Towanda, Sept. 21, 1860.
ileto &trfcerifscmcnts
given that the Commissioners andSnrgeon appointed
fur the County of Bradford ; to Superintend Draitmg.
will meet and decide all cases claiming Exemption from
draft, in the service of the United States, under Rogu! i
tions lor the enrollment and dralt ot Three hundred
thousand Militia, in the several districts of liradlord
County, at the places aud times,as tollo.vs -
North,and WYSOX, Monday, September 8, ISO'.', at
the Grand Jury Boom.
STONE, ASSYLL'.M, Tuesday, Sept. 9, Im2, at the
Grand Jury Room.
TON, FRANKLIN, LEROY, Wednesday, Sept. 10,
1662, at the lious of M. M. COOLBAUGH, in Muuroc
WEST BURLlNGTON,'Thursday,Sept. 11, 1802,attho
house of V. M. LONG, in Troy.
SYLVANIA, Friday, Sept. 12,1802, at V. M. LONG'S,
in Tiov Boro'.
TON Boro', Sat ur Jay, Sept. 1:5. Iso 2, at the house of
JAMES GREEN, East Smithlield.
FIELD, Monday, September 15, 1862, at the house of
J. S. SLOAN,in Athens,
DERRICK, Tuesday, Sept. 1(5, at the house of T.
UMPHREY, in Orwell.
PIKE, WARREN and TUSCARORA, Wednesday, Sept.
17, at the House of J. It. FLETCHER in Leßaysville.
WYALUSIMG, TERRY and WILMOT, Thursday. Sept.
18, at the house of Mrs. MARY Wilmot.
Commencing at 7, A. M.,and closing at 6 P.M. Those
claiming Exemption are requested to appear as early in
the day as possible.
Persons claiming exemption from draft, will please
bear in mind that the Commissioner and Surgeon have
all their time occupied in the discharge of their duties,
and they earnestly request ali persons having business
with them to study brevity and as*i*t them in transact
ing the business as rapidly as possible.
Do not block up the way and crowd around the offi
cers place of business, ljut soon as your business is done
be kind enough to leave the room for others.
We have not been informed and do not know the num
ber of men to he drafted from this County, Township or
Borough, nor the day when thedrafting will take place.
It is u.-eiess to ask these questions : We shall be in
formed in due time.
Persons claiming exemption by reason oi' conscien
tious scruples will he required to subscribe to an oath
or affirmation and they will be held liable to pay such
pecuniary equivalent for personal services as the Legisla
ture at its next session may provide.
School Directors are exempt from draft. All school
directors claiming exemption will he required to pro
duce Ids certificate of election ; or the President or
Secretary of the board may be qualified to the list of
school directors in the township or borough.
Persons under the age of 21 years will not he drafted.
They need not take up our time with questions.
Persons i laiming exemption from draft, wiil please
observe the following directions. It will save time if
you will read them carefully and follow them implicitly :
When you present yourself before the Surgeon tor
examination, state promptly and without being question
ed :
Ist. Your own name in full.
2d. The township and boro' where 3*oll arc enrolled.
3d. Your claim for exemption.
4th. As soon as the Surgeon lias done with you, give
place at once lor another.
Persons will he examined only at tlie places wlipre
they are directed to meet, unless at times when the offi
cers are umraployed with applicants from the places
By the laws of Pennsylvania, the draft will be!
made from the citizens '..etweea the age of 21 and 45,
JOHN A. CODDING, Commissioner.
E. 11. MASON, Surgeon.
September 4, 18fj2.
'1 KACHERS for the several districts of the county, j
will he bolden at the following times and places. Can-|
didatcs for inspection will please notice the followingpai - -
tieiilars :
I. Each examination will commence at 9 o'clock, a.m.,
and none will lie inspected who do not come in before ten
unless the delay he unavoidable.
11. Teachers will be ex; mined ONLY in the districts
in which they expedite teach, or in townships in which
they reside.
11l No person will he inspected who has been present
at any other examination, in the county during the year.
IV. Residents of other counties WILL NOT be exam
ined, unless they expect to teach in this county.
V. All persons who do not KNOW they will not teach
in the county during the year, are expected to he pres
ent for inspection, but those who do not intend to teach,
will not he allowed to join the classes.
VI. Each candidate will bring with him two sheets of
fools cap paper, pen, ink and lead pencil.
Directors are requested to lie present during the whole
time ot the examinations. They will find it to he a fa
vorable opportunity to enter into contract with their
Examinations will be held as follows :
Monroe twp. and Boro', Sept. 15. at the Borough house.
Franklin, Tuesday, Sept. 16, at Varney School house,
Granville, Wednesday, Sept. 17. at Taylor, "
Leßoy, Tuesday, Sept. ls>. at Corner's "
Canton, Friday, Sept. 19, Corner's "
Troy & Armenia, Monday, Sept. 22, Borough, "
Columbia, Tuesday 23, at Ausiinville "
Wells, Wednesday, Sept. 24, Furgeson "
South Creek.Thursday, Sept. 25, at Ueillet "
Ridgebury, Friday, Sept. 26. Burnham "
Smithlield, Saturday, Sept 27, at Centre "
Springfield. Monday, Sept. 29, Centre "
Burlington. West A Boro' Tue day Sept.3o, Boro' "
Towanda North Towanda <V Boro' Wednesday, 1
Sept. 31, Borough School House, I
Sitesheqnin, Friday Octobers, Snider "
Ulster, Monday, 1 ct 13, Warner, "
Athens, Tuesday. Oct. 14, Borough, •'
Litchfield, Wednesday, Oct. 15, Centre "
Windham. Thursday, Oct. 1(5, Kuykendall "
Warren, Friday, Oct. l7,Boweus's "
Orwell, Saturday Oct. 18. Hill "
Dike Monday, Oct 20, Village "
Derrick, Wednesday, Oct 22. Landon '*
Wyalusing, Thursday, Oct. 23d, Caniptown "
Tuscarora, Saturday, Oct. 25, Taylor "
Wilmot, Monday, Oct. 27, ingliam "
Terry. Tuesday, Oct 28, Terrytown, "
Asylum, Wednesday 29, Laporte "
Standing Stone, Thursday, Oct. 30, Stevens "
Rome, Friday, Oct. 31. Borough "
Wysox, Saturday, Nov. 1, Myersburg "
Albany & Overton, Tuesday, Nov. 4. at Brown "
C. It. CO BURN, Supt.
Towanda. Aug, 15, 1662.
0 I'ECI All COURT. —Notice is herdty
given that a Special Court will be held at Towanda.
Hon. R G. WHITE, presiding, commencing Monday
November 3d,1502, for the trial of the following causes:—
0. P. Ballard vs. Treat Shoemaker et al.
Charles ll.Shepard vs. A. 15. Smith, et al.
AM. Kirk vs. A. B. Smith,et al.
1. 15. Foster vs. A. B.Smith, et al. #
M. F. Ransom vs. David Arnold
Cyrus Shumway vs. Clark Holleuhack.
J. R. Ingersall. et al vs. U.S. Vaughn, et al.
Win. B. Ciymcrs use vs. C. L. Ward.
C. F. Bliss vs. Sarah Stone, adm'x.
P. F. Barstow's adm'x vs. Allen M'Kean.
U. S. Welles vs. C. N. Shipman, A ter ten.
James Heverley vs. John Sullivan, et al.
Luther dates vs. Lewis Mosier.
Horace W. Slaver vs. Foster & Morley.
Shipman & Welles vs. Rogers Fowler.
J. M. Weston'sex'r. vs. J. Corson, et al.
Z. Hick's Adm's vs. the N. B. Canal Company.
Henry Northrop vs. Smith Lent, ex'r.
S. W. Park vs. Wm. Frederick.
Catharine Nealley vs. Simeon Decker, 2'd
Jane Gibson vs. Wm. Gorseline.
James Clark vs David Armstrong.
Robert Haney vs. David Armstrong.
Samuel Archebald, et al. vs. Thomas Page.
Burton L. Smith vs. C. 15. &N. B. Chaffee.
H. &. P. i eck jr. vs C. F. Wilson,
Hiram Horton vs. Peter Tetter.
American Life Insurance A Trust Co. vs. H. W. Patrick.
American Life Insurance A Trust Co. vs. Charles F.
Welles jr.
American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. George A.
American Life Insurance & Tmst Co. vs. Edward H.
R. C. Chilson vs. Asylum Twp.
L. M. Hewitt vs.Z. Esseltine, et al.
L. M. Rundell vs. Asa Slater, et al.
D. C. Hall vs. C. S. Russell.
A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kellum,2d et al.
Benj. Cnmmlngs vs. Andrew Cummings.
S. B. Howell vs. Wm. Mouncey, et al.
Timothy Hireen vs. North Branch Canal.
Subpoenas for tirst week, returnable Monday, Nov.
3d, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M ; for second week, Monday
Nov. 10th, ISG2,at 10 o'clock A. M.
bushels of OATS, for which the highest market
price will be paid cash. W. A. ROCKWELL
Towanda, August 28, 1862.
THE highest premium paid for Gold and
Silver, also, for the IT.l T . S. Treasury notes old issue
Certificates for the back pa\ and bouuties of discharged
1 and deseased soldiers cashed bv
Towanda, Angnst 28,1862.
_l_ KINS, for sa eat 65 cents a piece. Also, a quanti
ty of Tubs at 38 cents a piece at G. H. DRAKE'S
June 11. Corrage Manufactory in Towanda
J. r1. COLLINS',
(First door South of Codding & Russell's.)
an unusnal large stock of Clothing. Cloths, Caseniers
Vesting*. Cent's Furnishing Goods, Hats X Caps, which
will be sold at greater bargains than before.
Will comprise almost every article worn by man or boy.
Vests, Shirts, Cellars,
Suspenders, Neck Ties,
Gloves, Wrappers, Socks.
Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention
is called to our New Style of
Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice,
and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some
eight years experience in this line of business, my cutter,
Mr. PENEI'AGKER, will be on hand, at all t;mes to do
cutting for those who wish it done.
If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get as good as
represented, call at
If yon wish to get the worth of your money, aud buy new
fresh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and you will be
satislied. No trouble to show goods and no forcing to buy
Goods sold for cash only. J. M. COLLINS.
Towanda, April '2l, lsG2.
New Arrangements.
JL ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for
merly carried on by J. I). HUMPHREY", in the store op
posite the Court House, where they will keep constantly
on hand a general assortment of
and a very large stock of ali kinds of LEATHER requir
ed lor a country trade. A full assortment of
Shoe Findings, Harness Trimmings,
"We expect to increase our facilities in th e manufactur
ing department, so as to bc,able to supjly dealers with a
superior article, at prices rivaling ail competition, and
especially " foreign," believing it of vital importance to
community to foster domestic productions as far as prac
Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery
owned by Messrs. Culp A Kirby, and rented the shop
formerly occupied by them, we offer tor sale a large stock
and will make to order almost anything in this line.
We respectfully invite public attention to our whole
stock in its various branches, trusting that by strict at
tention to business and zealous exertions lo supply' the
wants of community, we shall merit and receive a fair
share of public p itronage.
We are prepared to make to order anything in our line.
Also, do all kinds of repairing on very short notice
ffif* Cash paid lor Sheep pelts, Hides and Skins.
J. 1). UI'MPHHKY, IKA B. 8U1.1., J. E. DAYTON.
Towanda, April 2.1, 1862.
Tor PAens' and Boys' Wear,
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
1 lie Best and Cheapest Stock this market ever offered. !
and desirable goods should not fail to see my stock, !
if they want to save money by buying goods at the low
est price which can be had, at the clothing stoic i
No. 2 PATTON'S Block.
Towanda. May 15,1862.
37. IT. <&. 3. RAIL EOAS.
VJ MONDAY, MAY 5, 1802. Trains will leave Wa ;
verly at about the following hours, viz :
Buffalo Express.. .4.18 P MiN. Y. Express.. .11.33 A M i
Night Express 3.18 AM i Night Express.. .12 44 AM \
Mail 5.55 P V 1 Steamboat Expressa.oß P M |
Way 9.16 A M Way 1.30 P M
Way Freight 9-25 A M j Cincinnati Exprvss4.2l AM
Accommodation.. 1.07 PM ; Way Freight.... 3.10PM
The Nigh Express—east and west—runs every day
Cincinnati Express runs Sundays, hnt docs not run on
Mondays. Night Express of Sundays runs through to
Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. Mail remains over j
night at Elmira.
CHA'S. MTNOT, Gen'l Sup't.
tofore existing between the subscribers, and known
as the firm of M A 1)1 LI, A PATTON, is this day dissolv
ed by mutual consent. The books, notes and accounts of
said firm are in the liandsof J. G. PATTON for collec-
Dr. MADILL will continue the Drug business at the
old stand of MA DILL & PATTON, where he maybe
found at all times, when not professionally engaged, by
close attention to business, lie hopes to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
Towanda, April 3, 1862.
ZR,. ~w~- Trmrrg,
Where he has bought for cash a remarkable stock
of GOODS which he would call the attention of the pub
lic to, asking them to give his stock an inspection before
purchasing ; believ he can give them better bargains than
has ever been offered iu this market before. I have a gen
eral assortment of
I would call particular attention to my stock of FUR
HATS, which are 25 per cent, cheaper than ever sold in
tlio country. Also the
which is all the rage in the city—a fine article. I have
the summer pattern of the celebrated
from Philadelphia. Call and see. No charges to show
Goods. 11. W. EDDY.
Towanda, May 14, 1862.
Dissolution. —THE COPARTNER
ship lien tofore existing under the name of HER
MAN A VOORHIS, is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent of parties. All debts belonging to said firm must be
settled with said Herman, who will continue the busi
ness at the old stand in Springfield, Pa.
Ridgbury, July 23,1862.
(rood Flow and Good Bread!
LIES HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of
the house, and you will invariably receive in answer
The flour is poor or the yeast is poor.
To avoid these inubles buy your flour always at FOX'S
and use Stratton's Yeast Compound, to be had at the
same place; it always gives satisfaction.
The best quality of Wueat and Buckwheat Flour and
fresh ground Corn Meal, all at low prices, at the Cash
Grocery Store. E. T.FOX.
Jan. 28,1862.
SLER' Air-Tight Jars, the most simple, eonvenieu
and economical article of the kind in use;a 8 large stoc
su these justly celebrated jars, at much les than the u
ofal price, at FOX'S.
After the 16th of August, all subsnibers for Daily
papers, must pay in advance.
I have my News Bill to settle up every Tuesday ami all
will see bow necessary it is for me to have the Cash in
hand to keep my credit good, for six ('ays, at least.
I would rather do less business and have the (ash to
pay my bills promptly. A. F. COWLES.
Aug. 13,1862.
House with the best accomodations, as to water,
Ac. A good gardenspot. fruit trees, Ac., Ac. For terms
enquire at the News Boom.
ToWßnda, Aug. 11,1662.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
A COMPOUND REMEDY, in which we
XIL- have labored tc produce the most effectual altera
tive that can tie made. It is a concentrated extract of
Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of
still greater altcrat : ve power as to afford an effective an
tidote lor the diseases Sannparilla is reputed to cure. It
is believed that such a remedy is wanteJ by those who
suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will
accomplish their cure must prove ot immense service to
this large class of our afflicted tellow citizens. How com
pletely this compound will do it has been proven by ex
perineut on many of the worst cases to be found of tho
FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising
This compound wi.l be found a great promoter of
health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul hu
mors which fester in tlie blood at that season of the yea?.
By the timely expulsion of thein mnuy rankling disor
ders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can by the aid
of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of
foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the
system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not as
sfsted to do this through the natural channels ol the
body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated,
blood whenever you timi its impurities bursting through,
the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it whet?
you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins;
cleanse It whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell
you when. Even where no particular disorder is fell,,
people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing
the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but
with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no
lasting health. Sooner or later something must go
wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation,,
of accomplishing these ends. But the world has la-en
egregiously deceived by preparations ot it, partly because
the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for
it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be
concentrated extracts ol it, contain but little of the vir
tue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else.
During late years the public have been misled by large
bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsa
parilla for one dollar. Most ot these have been fiauds
upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any,
Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever.
ID nee, bitter and painlul disappointment has followed
the use of the various extracts of Sar-nparilla which
flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised,
and lias become synonymous with imposition and cheat.
Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to
supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the
load of obloquy which rests upoh it. And we think we
have ground tor believing it has virtues which are ir
resistable by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend
edtocrue. In order to secure their complete eradica
tion from the system, the remedy should be judiciously
taken according to directions on the buttle.
l'repared by Dr. J. C. AVER A Co., Lowell, Mass.—.
Price, il per Dottle ; Six Dottles for $5.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every
variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely
unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues,
wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in
constant use throughout this section, we need not do
more 'hail assure the people its quality is kept up to the
best it ever has heen, and that it may*be relied on to dec
for their relief all it has ever been lound to do.
For the cure ol Costiveness, Jaundice, Dvspepin, TndU
gestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache,.
Files, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Liver
Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum P
Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for puri
fying the Blood. They are sugar coated, so that the most
sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best
aperient in the world for all the purposes of a fuinily
physic. Price 25 cents per Box ; Five Boxes for SI,OO.
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians Statesmen r
and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify
the unparalled usefulness of these remedies, but our space
here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents
below named furnish gratis our AMERICAN ALMANAC in
which thoy are given ; with aiso lull descriptions of the
above complaints, and the treatment that should be foL
lowed for their cure.
Do not be put ot! by unprincipled dealers with other
preparations thev make more protit on. Demand AYER's
and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is.
for them, arid they should have it.
All our Remedies are for sale by Dr. H. C. PORTER, To
Leonard Hollow : D. D. PAUKIICRS, Leßoy ; TAYLOR,,
Granville; I). Wn.coX A Co., Canton; ANDREWS A ROCK
WELL, Alba ; BIXBY, Wyaiusing ; PIULLET, Wysox ;
STEVENS A BURROWS, Stevensville : RODGERS, West.
Warren ; LONG A SONS, Burlington ; NEWELL & Co., Ul
ster ; PERKINS, Athens : MERRY, Burlington ; AVERY"
A CAMP, Camptown : NICHOLS, Herrickville ; LITTLE,
Leßaysville ; BRONSON, Orwell ; BEIDLE IAN, Orcott's
Creek ; MOODY, Rome ; KINNEY & GORE, Sheshequin,
and by dealers everywhere.
Towanda, July 31. I,s(j2.
Jtosqacjjamta Collegiate Institute,
Rev. JAMES McWTLLIAM, Principal, Professor of An
cient Languages, and Mental and Mora! Sciences.
SAMUEL L.'l-TSLER, A. B. Professor of Mathematics
and Natural Science.
Prot.CHARLES R. COBURN, County Superintendent,
General Director of Normal Department.
EDWARD T. ELLIOTT, LL. D., Lecturer and Instructor
in History.
Miss E. HALVES. ) P
Miss E. C. CARTER. \ 1 rece P ,resßCT *
Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teacherof Vocal and Instruruem
tal Music.
Mrs..D. C. DAYTON, Matron.
The Fall Terra commences WEDNESDAY, AUGUST"
20, and will continue 14 weeks.
[Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering
the school, and one-halt at the middle of the term—fuel
and contingencies included.]
Primary, per term , $ 4 00
Preparatory 6 00-
Higher, Ist year, per term 7 qq
Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term
Classical, Ist year, per term 7. -jo
Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term g .<)&,
N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced
branch they respectively pursue.
Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 por term
fuel and contingents.
French $3 off
Genua' Too
Draw in,. 5 00
Board in '.he Institute, per week, including faeh
and 2 Of*
Washing, per dozen 3^
The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 1A
weeks each. The Anniversaiy exercises will be helifi at
the close of the Spring terra.
No deduction will be made for absence, except in case
of protracted illness of over two weeks-.
Instrumental Music, will not. as heretofore, be taught ir
the Institution,but by special arrangement—a class will
be taught in a hail adjoiningthe grounds of the lustitite,
by the Teacher ol Vocal Music.
| This arrangement has heen adopted for the past term,
and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to
the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be
taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to
take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore .
Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO Off
Use of instrument on which to take lessons iff
do for practice 2 Off
Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow
els, Ac., and the table silver a. their option. It Is desira
ble that they also furnish their own bed and bedding
when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be
furnished at a slight charge.
It is strongly recommended that students from abroad
should board in the Institution, as better opportunities
for advancement in study are thereby secured.
Normal Departnwnt —Special exercises are arranged
without extra charge for those preparing themselves as
Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. It. COBURN, the
able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools
in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea
cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued.
1 He will also be present- to conduct its exercises as often
1 as practicable, and will- delivei frequent lectures on the
; Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects
connected with Normal training.
Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach
ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage
to be present during the Fall term.
Prof. Coburn's connection with the institution is not
such as to in any way interfere with the discbarge of the
regular duties of his office.
No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and
Trustees in sustaining the high repulatation the institu
tion has hitherto enjoyed, ana in rendering it more wor
hy of future patronage and support.
JAMES iIcWILLIAM, Principal.
July 20. 162.
HHHK undersigned has on hand a supply \
JL Nails, from these well known work. The nails a.
made from Pennsylvania Iran, manufactured expressly
for this purpose, and are of as nperior quality. For safa
to dealers only, andon better terms than thev can obtain
in New York. Enquire at the Banking Office of H- S
Towanda March 18,1862.