Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 18, 1862, Image 2
! K. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. Thursday Morning, September 18,1862. .Republican Stale Nomiuatious.* | FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, THOMAS K. CO CllU AN, OF YOKK COUNTY. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, WILLIAM S. ROSS, OF LL'ZEKNK COUNTY. RErUBLICAN CO. TICKET. FORCONGRESS: IION. GEORGE LANDON, FOR STATE SENATOR: WM. J. TERRELL, Of Susquehanna Co. FOR REPRESENTATIVES: BARTHOLOMEW LAEOIITE, DEMMER LILLET, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER: JOSEPIIUS CAMPBELL, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY : GEO. D. MONTANYE. FOR COUNTY SU JIVEYOF J. J. NEWELL, FOR COUNTY AUDITOR: G. R. ACItOYD. TO TIIE READERS OF THE REPORTER AND THE PUBLIC. Moved by the earnest cull of the Governor of this Commonwealth, for aid to repel the armed invaders os the soil ot the State, and believing I should prove recreant to the high est duty of a citizen, did I not volunteer my service to assist in driving hack the vandals who are threatening desolation upo" the lower counties, and even menacing the Capitol,— before this shall be read by those to whom the Reporter pays its usual weekly visits. I shall, at least be on the way, with other citizens of the respond to the Commonwealth's cry of help 1 1 beg the People of the County to excuse me, for the short period necessary, leaving my official post. The Prothonotary's office, will be open, as usual, and the arrangements are such that the public interests and convenience will not suffer. The time appears to be fast approaching, when WAR must be the business of every one, for the speedy and certain crush ing out of this- wicked rebellion. I am arlad that I am, consistently with my oth er duties, to bear my share of the danger of the present emergency. I trust that the peril to our State may speedily pass, and that— with those who go with me—-I may be permit ted to return,to behold our armies everywhere triumphant, and see the conquering of that peace, which will make an united nation, and a prosperous and happy people, Yours, for the good cause, E. O. GOODRICH. Sept. 15, 13G2. STATE SENATOR. It will be seen by the proceedings of the Senatorial Conference, which will lie found in another part of our paper, that Mr. VYM. J. TLP.RF.I.I., of Susquehanna Couuty, was placed in nomination by the Conference as a candi date to represent this district in the State Sen ate for the ensuing term. Mr. TERRELL, is a man of acknowledged ability, and will till the position with Credit to himself and con sti'uents. Owing to the late hour at which wu receive this intelligence, we are unable to make any extended remarks, but will refer to this subject hereafter. The reorganized army corps are now commanded as follows : —lst—Maj.-Gen. Jo Bcph llookcr, born in Massachusetts, appoint ed from California ; 2J—Maj.-Gen. EJwiu V. Sumner, born in Massachusetts, appointed from New York ; 3d—Maj.-Gen. Samuel P. Heintzelman, born in Pennsylvania, appointed from the same State ; Ith—Maj Gen. Eras mus D. Keycs, born in Massachusetts, ap pointed from Maine ; sth—Maj.-Gen. Fitz John Porter, born in New Hampshire, ap pointed from the District of Columbia ; 6th— Maj.-Gen. William 15. Franklin, born in Penn sylvania, appointed from the same State ; 7th Maj -Gen. John A. Dix, born in New Hampshire, appointed from New-York : Bth Maj.-Gen. John E. Wool, born in New-York, appointed from the same State ; 9th—Maj.- Gen. Ambrose E. Burnaide, born in Indiaua, appointed from Rhode Island ; 10th—Maj.- Gen. Ormsby M. Mitchel, born in Kentucky, appointed trom New-York ; 11th—Maj.-Gen. John Sedgwick, born in Connecticut, appoint ed from the same State ; 12th—Maj.-Gen. Franz Sigel, born in Germany, appointed from Missouri. The latest news from the West is that the rebels bad blockaded the Ohio river at Hamilton, nine miles below RisigSun, Indiana, stopping the passage of boats from Louisville. At Munfordsviile Colonel Wilder was still hold ing out gallantly againts the rebels. He had keen reinforced, as had the enemy also, it was said, by Generals Polk and Buckner. Their force is estimated at twenty-five thousand.— General Buel was reported at Dripping Springs on Monday morning ; and it was said on Tues day that he had got up to the fight and was then engaged. learn from Cincinnati, by dispatch dated Tuesday,that the Rebels again advanced on Monday and drove our pickets two and a half milt' 9 this sido of Florence. Another dis patch states that the Rebels are iutrenching south cf I loreuee. They had been joined by Humphrey Marshall. SENATORIAL CONFERENCE. At a meeting of the Senatorial Conferees of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoming and Sul livan counties, met'at Mr. SHERWOOD'S-, in Sns quebariua County, Sept. 15th, 18C2, on mo tion, F. B. STREETKR was called to the j Chair, and ANDREW FEX, Secretary. Motion- j cd and carried that Sullivan County be ad j milled to two votes iu this Conference. Bradford— E. W.Hale, Andrew Fee, C. F. Nichols, William Griffis, Dr. 11. Dewitt. Susquehanna —G. 11. Eklred, A-. Ghambsrlin, F. B. Streeter, H. Tyler. IVyoming— Stephen Dana, J. H. Brown. Sullivan —Geo. H. Wells. On motion, W.\r. TYRRELL was nominated for the State Senate of this District, and B. M HALL of Wyoming was nominated. TUR RFLI. received 9 votes and HALL 4 votes. — Nomination made unanimous. Adjourned to meet at Camptown ou the second Monday of September, 1804. THE WAR ON THE UPPER POTOMAC. From various sources we have received the most chceriDg reports from the seat of war in Maryland. We are thus led to anticipate, at any moment, a despatch from General MC CLELLAN, announcing a crushing defeat of the great Maryland liberating rebel army of Gen. LEE, with the capture of a large portion of his forces. Harper's Ferry—if we have obtained this victory—will have contributed not a little to the grand result. On Sunday last, while Gen. : MCCLELLAN was engaged with the main body of the army under General LEK, at South Mountain, some twelve miles away, a heavy rebel column under General A. P. HILL was completing its circle of batteries around our devoted forces at Harper's Ferry. On Mon day the place was surrendered, the capitula tion embracing some eight thousand prisoners of war. This news was well calculated to pro uuce a depressing effect and some distrust of the success of General MCCLELLAX'S move ments. But the lapse of a few hours com pletely changed the face of affairs. First, we were advised from Maryland that the rebels had, as it was supposed, in their flight from our army, completely evacuated the State ; next, that there was a rumor afloat that General MCCLKI.LAN bad brought the rebel army again to a stand, had fought a great battle, and had gained a glorious vic tory ; and next came the news that the rebel forces in occupation of Harper's Ferry, seized with a panic, had precipitately abandoned the place, leaving their prisoners to a great extent untrammeled by the terms of a parole, to go their way rejoicing. Thus this capture of Harper's Ferry, after a three days' bombard ment —if these reports be true—was to the rebel victors a short-lived exultation. We presume that they had not less than twenty five thousand men employed in this work. Our reports are from unofficial and some what indefinite authorities ; but from their general tenor we are inclined to believe that they are the harbingers to the official confir mation of a great and glorious victory. THE WAR IN MARYLAND. General McClellan has gained a glorious victory in Maryland. Following the rebels from Frederick iu their flight towards Harper's Ferry, he came up with them on the Hagers town road, at South Mountain, on Sunday morning, General Reno,Hooker and Boruside, with the Ninth army corps, attacked them gallantly, although the enemy occupied a splendid position on the heights, defended by his artillery. The fight lasted from early in the morning till nine at night, when the reb els were driven back with considerable loss General Lee admits a loss of 17,01)0 men.— Our loss was about 1,100, including, we re gret to say, the brave General Reno, who was shot dead while leading ou his men. On the other side General Lee is reported wound ed, and General Garland killed. We have taken 1,700 prisoners. General McClellan tells the story briefly in his four dispatches to General Haileek, pub lished in another column, and dated severally at ten o'clock Sunday night, three o'clock and ten o'clock yesterday morning. In his last dis patch, he says that the route and demoraliza tion of the rebel army is complete, that they are making for the river in a perfect panic,and that he is following them as fast as his men can move. The right wing of our army was confronted by the rebel Generals Hill and Longstreet. General Franklin commanded our extreme left, supported by the corps of Sumner, and Couch's division as reserves.— Frauklin also obtained a complete victory,and followed up the fight yesterday on the road to Harper's Ferry. At last reports the firing was still going on. The position on the crest i of the hill which General Burtiside so gallant ly won from the enemy on Sunday night was still held by him on Monday morning, and the fight was not renewed there. It commands the only road between the rebels and General Franklin's corps. It is remnrkable that Geu. McClellan dates his latest dispatch from Boli ver, to which place it appears he has moved his headquarters. The rebels abandoned llagerstown and pushed on towards the river. We are uot in formed of their latter movements, except that General Jackson made an attempt to reach Martinsburg in time to prevent General White joining Col. Miles at Harper's Ferry, in which he was foiled, for the latter officer had left there two hours before, aud arrived safely at Harper's Ferry. The position of Col. Miles at Harper's Ferry was considered all the more doubtful from the reports that the rebels had fortified Maryland Heights, from whence they could overpower him ; but this has been con tradicted. The reinforecmeuta of General White, however, have probably rendered him perfectly safe. This is a pretty fair record of our armies in Maryland, and gives a quietus to the hopes of the rebels in that State,, and will/probably put an and to their designs upon Pennsylvan ia although it hi reported in Baltimore that General Lee still intends to try an invasion of this State. MASON* AND SLIDELL COMING BACK. —We no tice in the proceedings of the reble Congress that it has been determined to recall Mason and Slidell from Europe. Perhaps this has , been done with the hope of thereby securinga recognition of the confederacy, on the same principle that a skilful angler slowly withdraws his bait when lie wishes the fish to make an eager rush for the hook. The question is, how ever, how are these.deplomatic rebels to get back? We know that the Navy Department is about dispatching Commodore Wilkes with a fleet to the Weil Indies, with instructions to 1 allow no more Anglo-rebel vessels to break the blockade. Commodore Wilkes, therefore will be on hand just in time to renew his acquaint ance with Slidell and Mason. It is doubtful if they will consent to ruu the risk of another interview with him. J6©" Bet ween the valleys of western Mary land there are two ridges. Frederick is upon one side, Hagerstown on the other, and Mid dletowu between A tnrnpike connects three. Where the easternmost ridge encounters the Potomac is a uarrw gap, just wide enough to aliow the railroad and canal to pass,and known as the Point of Rocks. From Hagerstown to Frederick is twenty five miles, and from Point of Rocks to where the turnpike crosses is ten miles. After their retreat from Frederick, the enemy crossed this ridge, and of course defend ed it. General MeClellan pressed upon them, and, after a desperate defence, the rear guard was defeated, and the gallant Hooker was, at j last advices, in hot pursuit, destroying and capturing at every step. The left of the army, led by a gallant Peunsylvanian—General Franklin—was equally successful. The chase was made as far as Middletown, and the ene my's baggage trains and troops seem to have paid deaaly for their excursion across the Po tomac. General Orders. HEADQUARTERS, PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA,) Harrisburg, Sept. 11, ISG2. j GENERAL ORDER —NO. 116. By authority of the President of the Uni ted States, fifty thousand of the freemen of Pennsylvania are hereby called for immediate service to repel the now imminent danger from invasion by the enemies of the country. Officers in command of company organiza tions as authorized by General Order, No. 35, dated Sept.. 10th, will at once report by tele graph, the place of their headquarters, so that orders may be issued from these headquarters for transportation to Harrisbnrg for such com panies as may be ordered to move. Further calls will be made for additional forces as the exigencies of the service may re [ quire. The formation of Companies under the General Order of September 10, should | continue to lie made as rapidly as possible un til all the able bodied loyal meu of Pennsyl vania are enrolled and ready for service. By order of A. G. CURTTX, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. A. L. RUSSELL, Adjutant General Penn'a. HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA MII.ITIA,) Harrisburg, Sept. 10, 1802. J GENERAL ORDER—NO. 35. In view of the danger of invasion now , threatening our State, by the enemies of the government, it is deemed necessary to cali tip on all the able-bodied men of Pennsylvania to organize immediately for the defence of the State, and be ready for marching orders, upon one hour's notice, to proceed to such points of rendezvous as the Governor may direct. It is ordered— 1. That Company organizations be made in accordance with the number required under the laws of the United States, to wit : One Captain, Ist Lieutenant, 2d Lieutenant, 80 privates as the minimum, and OS pri vales as the maximum standard of each com- I pany. The company officers to be elected by j each organization. | 2. As the call may be sudden, it is desira i ble that the officers and members of each com | pany provide themselves with tlie best arms | they can secure, with at least sixty rounds of i ammunition to suit the kind of arms in posses -1 sion of the soldier. Such persons as cannot secure and bring arms with them, will be fur uished by the government after their arrival at the place of rendezvous. 3. Eaeh officer and member of the company ! shall provide himself with good stout clothing, ! (uniform or otherwise,) boots, blanket and haversack, ready to go into camp when called into service. 4. Each company organization to be per : fected as soon as possible, aud report the name j of officer in command, the number of men and ; the place of its headquarters, to these head quarters, in order that they may be promptly notified to move when their services are re j quired. 5. Organizations, when ordered to move, will be furnished with transportation by the government. 6. On arrival at the place of rendezvous, they will be formed into regiments or soch other organizations as the Governor, Com mander-in-Chief of Pennsylvania, may direct. 7. So far as practicable and as may be found consistent with the interests of the pub lic service, companies from the same localities wiil be put together in such larger organiza tions as may be formed. 8. Organizations formed under the recent proclamation are earnestly requested to adopt j without delay such measures as may be neces ; sary to comply with this order. 9. Organizations called into the field under this order will be held for service for such time only as the pressing exigency for state defence may continue. By order of A. G. CI'RTIN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. A. L. RUSSELL, Adj't Gen. Penn. Bgy* Maj.-Gen. Pope had a fine reception in Chicago on Friday night. In his speech he declined to speak of recent matters so far as personal to himself, save to say most emphati cally that all stories of unkindness or disa greement between himself and Gen. Sigel were unfounded. Their relations had been and were like to be entirely cordial. BY TELEGRAPH, Over the Towandu Telegraph Line. The following dispatch was received at ths telegraph office, in this place, at 8 a. m., on Thursday • The rebels are all surrounded and out of provisions. It is thought they wiil all be cap- j turcd. BIRNSIDE has beaten them badley. Gen. MCCI.ELI.AN says : " I have sent SI GEI. across the river, aud the rebels retreat is cut off—be will have to surrender or be anni hilated. The rebels retreat Hagers town, and Gov. CCKTIN has sent 50,000 mili tia to meet them. LONGSTREET is killed and Gen. HILL wound ed." STILL LATER. I'IIILADELI'HIA, Sc pt. 18,15C2. A despatch dated near Hagerstown, Tues day, the Press says of the battle fought on Tuesday : " The battle raged with great spir it on either side, and was very heavy until to wards sundown. The Rebels were flanked by HOOKER and PORTER, aud severely punished ; their fire became faint and it was evident their ammunition was giving out. This morning the battle was renewed by the Rebels with renewed rigor, aud they acted as if they had been reinforced, and furnished with fresh am munition. The battle lasted until 4, p. in., when the Rebels retreated, leaving LONG STREET and the remains of his division on our hands as prisoners. The entire Rebel army must lie captured or annihilated. There is no chance left for them to cross the Potomac, as the river is rising and our troops are pushing them continually, aud sending prisoners to the rear. Six batteries of artillery belonging to LONGSTREET'S division were captured yester day and to-day, and it is believed we have ta ken nearly 15,000 prisoners since Sunday. STONEWALL JACKSON'S army is with General LF.E, and other distinguished officers will I e forced to surrender in a day or two at the far therest, and our Gens, are certain of ultimate and decisive success. Stores for our army arc coming byway of Baltimore and Ilarrisburg. Gen BIRNSIDE has re taken Harper's Fer ry, and is advancing on a special mission with his corps. Private Dispatches to day, from points near Harper's Ferry, seem to confirm, in all par ticulars, thegood news and leaves no reasonable doubt of the re-occupation of Harper's Ferry, by Gen. BANKS, and the occupation of all the rear fords betweeu Harper's Ferry aud Will iamsport. The Draft in Pennsylvania Postponed till September 25th. HAKRISBUKG. Sept. IS, The time for drafting men is postponed until the 25th instby the Governor. KM SMFER, Secretary of tlie Commonwealth. Dispatch from Gov Curtin. The following dispatch was telegraphed to 1 Philadelphia at midnight, on Sunday, by Gov. 1 Cm tin to a personal friend : IIARKISBUEGII, Sunday, Sept. 14. A battle is reported to have occurred to day, in Middletown Valley, and our last advices is that Longstreet marched with Lis division to reinforce the rebel army. We have not as yet learned the result. 1 invoked the people of Pennsylvania to i take up arms for the defence of the State, af | ter careful deliberation,with all the knowledge i I could gather, and with the .-approval and di : rect authority of the President of the United I States. I believe that destructive raids would have been made into the State, but for the raising of the people of Pennsylvania, and the actual presence of trorps on our border. If our Na tional army is defeated, no one can doubt that Pennsylvania is in great danger. Having done what is my duty, I cannot be more earnest in my appeal to the people. The people are responding to the call, and I fee I that this will prove the most brilliant event in the history of the loyalty and patriotic devo tion of Pennsylvania in this rebellion. In addition to the army of the .State now passing into active service, it is to be hoped that all the men fit for military service will en roll themselves, to he prepared for future calls to meet any emergency that the fortunes of waj- may bring to us. We are pushing for ward troops,and Gen. Reynolds goes to Chnm bersburgh in the morning to take command in person. A. G. CURTIN. COL. CIIARI.ES CAMPBELL, WO under stand. is to lead the advance of a force that is to proceed from the camps in this locality up the Cumberland Valley. He is as brave a man as ever drew a sword or struck a blow, and the best soldiers may consider themselves fortunate to follow in his lead. He will have command of a fine body of infantry, sufficient artillery for any emergency, until reinforced by other columns, while his cavalry will not be small. The Cumberland Yalley will be swarming with armed men, aud from what we learn there are already large forces marching from various points to that locality. Au iu vading column of the rebels will find an ene my behind every tree, in every fence corner, and in the very earth, which would be polluted by its approach.— Harrisbnrg Telegraph. SST The London Herald of the 2d inst. says : —Mr. Mason, the Commissioner from the Southern confederacy, is at present paying a visit to Scotlaud. On Thursday he was at Glasgow, and on Friday proceeded to Glen quoich, the residence of the Right. lion. Ed ward Ellice. He had previously been the guest of Mr. Stewart, of Murdoustoun Castle. THE INVASION OF MARYLAND. Desperate Battle at South Mountain. A Great and Glorious Victory. HEN. MTLKLLAVS OFFICIAL REPORTS. HEADQUARTERS OK THE ARMY OF TIIK POTOMAC,) Three Miles be\ou<! Middletown, > Sept. 14— 9:40 p. in. ) To Maj. Gen. H. W. HALLECK, Generul-in-Chief : SIR : After a very severe engagement, the corps of Gen. Hooker and Gen Reno havt carried the height commanding the Ilagtrs town road by storm. The troops behaved magnificently. They never fought better. Gen. Franklin has been hotly engaged on the extreme left. Ido not yet know the re sult, except that the firing indicated progress on his part. The action continued until after dark, and terminated leaving us in possession of the cu tire crest. It has been a glorious victory! I cannot yet tell whether the enemy will retreat during the night or appear in increased force in the morning. I regret to add that the gallant and able General Reno is killed. GEO. B. MCCI.ELI.AN, Mnj.-Gen. HEADQUARTERS, ARMY OF THE POTOMAC.) sept. 15,1862, 5 o'clock, a. m. J Major-Gen. H. W. HALLECK, General-in-Chief: SIR : I am happy to inform you that Geo. Franklin's success on the left wa> us complete as that on the center and right, ami resulted iu his getting possession of the Gap, after a severe engagement in a!i parts of the line. The troops, old and new, behaved with the utmost steadiness and gallantry, carrying, with but little assistance fro u our own artil lery, very strong positious, defended by artil lery and infantry. i do nut think our loss is'very severe. The corps of Geuerals I) LI. Hill and Long sircet were engaged with our right. We have takeu a considerable number of prisoners. The enemy disappeared during the night. Our troops are now advancing iu pursuit. I do not know where he will next be found. GEORGE B. M'CI,EI,I.AN", Miijor-Geueral Commanding. HEADQUARTERS, ARMY OK THE POTOMAC,) Sept. 15, s a. m. f HENRY W. HALLECK, General-in-Chief: SIR : I have just heard from Gen. Hooker, 'in the advance, who states that the informa tion is perfectly trustworthy that the enemy is making for the river iu a perfect panic, and Gen Lee stated last night, publicly, that lie must admit they had bien shockingly hipped. I am hurrying everything forward to endeavor to press their retreat to the utmost. GEORGE I>- M'CLELLAN. HEADQUARTERS, ARMY OF THE POTOMAC.) BOLIVAR, Monday, Sept. 15—10, a.m. ( To H. W. HAI.I.ECK, Gtneral-in Chief : SIR: In.orraation this moment received completely confirms the rout and demoraliza tion of the Rebel army. Gen. Lee is reported wounded, and Gar land killed. Gen. Hooker alone has over a thousand more prisoners, seven hundred having been j sent to Frederick. It is stated that Lee gives his loss as fifteen thousand ! We are following them as rapidly as the men can move. GEO. P>. M'CJ.Et.LAX, Major-General. THE NEWS IN WASHINGTON. WAKUINUTOX, Motiday, Sept. 15, 1862. The news from the Upper Potomac relieves, in a great measure, the city from a feeling of insecurity which has prevailed in it ever since the army fell back from Ceutreville behind the Potomac intrenehmeuts. As dispatch after dispatch announcing that the victory was more and more decisive arrived, the city was quietly joyful over the good news. The questions remained, lir.>t, whether Col. Miles had been able to maintain his po.-ition at Harper's Ft-rrv, and whether any con.-ideia ' tile portion of the army of invasion hud i been allowed to cross the I'ototuac would bt 1 enabled to recross it. At this writing, neither doubt is removed for a certainty, but hopes are entertained that Col. Miles was so far strengthened iu determi nation by the welcome sound of approaching artillery as to hold his own until relieved ; that tiie energy which has been shown since the battle begun, if we may believe the dis patches that reach us, wtil continue to be showu uuiil the victory be made complete— j that not. only its immediate fruits but those which legitimately belong to it may be gutb ! ered. It is hoped that the army which has been routed and demoralized will never be allowed | a moment's rest to reorganize and recuperate, : but will be followed remorselessly until not a regiment remains entire, and not a guerrilla j party infests any part of Virginia. "On to Richmond " is a cry in which all may join j now, without fear of rebuke. Richmond is i considered the true poiut at which to inter cept the retreating foe. A column of 25,000 i men, supported by guiboats, uuless our infor mation as to the condition of the Rebel Capi tal be false, can take it, and make Jeff. Da . vis and his Congress skedaddle. Gen. Ileno was killed wuile reconnoitering lin the woods to the left of our batteries. A j Rebel sharpshooter shot him dead instantly. Geo. Garland, who was in command of a | North Carolina brigade, was instantly killed by one of our shells, which struck him on the head. The Rebels were driven at every assault, and a complete victory was gained. Our loss was computed to be from 1,100 to 1,200 iu killed aud wounded ; the enemy's is thought to be much greater, and thousands of their men have been taken prisoners. Within a space of four rods over twenty dead Rebels were counted. ; Hospitals were made of the Lutheran, Ger i man Reformed, Episcopal, Methodist and Pro testant Methodist Churches in Middletown, which is about three miles from South Mouu i taiu, where the battle was fought. The Thirty sixth and Eleventh Ohio Regi raeuts captured 130 prisoners. The Twenty ; third and Twelfth Ohio Regiments 100 more. I The enemy were behind a stone wall, upon which our men charged, and springing over, ; captured their hidden foes, all of them laying dowu their arms, and surrendering themselves I prisoners. Of the Harper s Ferry fight 00 Saturday, we have the following particulars : Col. Miles was attacked on all side s. The morning was occupied with artillery fighting aud skirmishing. The enemy attempted to attack our forces aud to capture our guns. They were repulsed again and again and suffered terribly, but '1 length charged in such overwhelming \ that our men spiked their guns np oll Heights and rolled them down the U)oant a ;!' The enemy attempted to plant their Cain." ' upon the same hill, but were unable to d O V i eing in range of our artillery on the oih' side of the river. Their los* is thought to be very great ojr , is about 150 in killed and wounded. Pa ,J gers by the stage from Frederick, which |,A at 8 o'clock this morning, say that f,On, prisoners, taken by our troops, mostly atSomj, Mountain had arrived there. Letters from Frederiek City, a little behi (( j time, continue to reach us. One, written Saiurday night, contains a glowing accouu: c ,( the reception ol G>n. MrClellaa and his arc by the people of Frederick. AFFAIRS AT HARRISDLT>(; HAKUISBUKO, .SEJJT. 1.5 ' | Militia continues to arrive here every i l(w The spacious Capitol grounds ure filled r -'. tents, and the whole force is very large. Troops are sent on to Chamberburg y cr , rapidly Spencer Miller's howitzer batten 1 went yesterday. ' 1 THE FIGHTING IN MARYLAND. HAKIiISBCKO.Sep. 15 Scouts who left Hagerptown at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, says iliat Longstreei'j division, except Toombs' brigade, had | c |t fl a . gerstowo. The citizens report that a fight had taken I place near Middletown, and that MeCiellan i had been driven back two miles, but the fin a |! issue was so critical as to make it necesmrr for the rebels to order back Longstreet's coris to reinforce them. [NOTE. — It will be seen that this inform*, tion is not so late as that conveyed in Gener*. McClcllau's dispatch, which is dated 9 40 las: I evening.] , Colonel Brown's cavalry aDd Gen. Toombs' j brigude remain at llagerstown. Loring's division, which was encamped on Boonsboro' road, had also left. A large body of our cavalry has arrived a: Grccncastle cutting their way through frum tlie neighborhood of Harper's Ferry ; hut Gen Mlies still held his position. Five of the rebel cavalry were captured hj a squad t:f infantry at a point between Green castle and the State line, and brought into Chambersburg this morning. IIAKKISIU'RC, Sept. 15. The report in regard to the rebels planting their guns on Maryland heights is said to U true ; hut if Colonel Miles could hold his jo sition till noon lie would be reinforced and bt able to dislodge them. Stragglers from the rebel army are scatter ill all along the road lo Williamsport, win e the enemy is no doubt crossing. The ordering up of Longstreet's division was for the purpose of compelling the enemy to stand. An officer who has just come from Cliam* bersburg contradicts the reported eaptured 1,200 barreN of floor at llagerstown by the rebels, lie says they had not tlie necessary transportation at hand to effect their object. The citizens who left Chamberst>urg aid other places in the are again returning to their respective homes. J K. iv'gi-rs has been appointed Surgical and Medical Director at Chambersburg. He has secured the Academy building at that pla<.efor general hospital purposes. The ap pointuiciits is considered a good one. The Mayor of this city faithfully performs i his duty under the late proclamation by au I thoiityol the Governor in regard to persons | about leaving tlie city. Considering the large number of soldiers HOW here, tins city is quiet and orderly, no disturbance whatever having occurred The Governor and other officers are engag ed night and day in perfecting different miiiU ry organizations now going on here. | The news of the late battle has just been i received here. The peopL rejoice ut the vie tory of the Federal forces,but regret the death of lieu, Reno. CHAMBEKSBI'KG. Sept. 14 Parties arriving today trom the nei-'it-or i hood of \\ llltamsport report that a i>r:ioa of i Jackson's forces are moving towar-ls Martins burg lor ihe purpose of capturing Col White ' and lus command ; but lie had t vacua led the i place two lioais previous.and succeed in reach ing Harper's Ferry in safety. An engine, sent trom tins place th : s after , noon, proceeded as far as the State line, tilow ing the whistle as loud as possible. There were no signs of rebel pickets or companies. Citizens living near the lines, coming in to night, report no rebels iu the neighborhood- They had evacuated llagestown, but in what 1 direction they proceeded they could not teii. Their pickets, yesterday,captured one of Cap l Palmer's men, who, refusing lo accept the pi role, was carried off a prisoner. A man named Fitzhugh.a resident of Chßß berburg, and one of tlib party who captured, Captain Cook, is among the prisoners brough in. The telegraph wire which was destroyed br the rebels three miles out of liagerstowii *iii be repaired to-night, and commuuicatiou with that place again renewed. It is expected that General MeCiellan fill occupy llagerstown to-night with a lurge force. THE RESPONSE TO THE GOVERN OR'S CALL. HARKISBUKO , Pa., Wednesday, Sept. I<- The Governor states that 72,000 men have responded to his call for the defence of the State, and that he expects that the number will be increased to 100,000. These men are being furnished with equipments and moved to the State border as rapidly us possible. ANOTHER GREAT BATTLE IN TRO GRESS PHILADELPHIA, Sept. IS, L* 62 - A special dispatch to The Bulletin from Harrisburg says : " Telegraphic and railroad communicatiM" to llagerstown was reopened last night, show that that place had been totally abandoned bv the rebels and re-occupied by our troops. " It is rumored at llagerstown that anot" er battle is going on this morning bet wen Sharpsburg and Middleburg, but 110 partis lars have been reoeived. " Sharpsburg is near the Potomac, about miles west of Muldletown. " It is not unlikely that Gen. McCh?H® n engaging the rebels in the neighborhood day, and disputing their passage of the river " A hundred and eight prisoners, c*pt urrJ along with Gen. Longstreet's baggage- train by the cavalry that cut their way through fro® Harper's Ferry, arrived here this morning,* sJ fifty more have reached Chambersboffc.'