Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 11, 1862, Image 3
lOCAL AND GENERAL. The Ladies of Towahda will £:vc an nt at the Court House, on Wednesday even |U' iW , I "p ii iiist . the proceeds of which will be used for P : ,J to f OU r sick and wounded stldiets. All ure i;.- attend. ♦ LIEUT. C. 11. KEU.OOG, of Cant INO Vcomraay solll re P imcntP - V " V, ' :W woonded ln " , jUle Washington, so severely lie lias 'died in the l>°*l' ltdl - He was sl,ot "'rough the " lt lieut K. was a son of Moses Kellogg of Albany j and H said to have been a brave and efficient G TST .IBROOK. of this place, lost his left arm in [ I, uttle, by the bursting of a shell. He was in L *tk''' 1! * avc lU>t of an * v otl,er can salt ies. O NR friend, Mr. GEO D. SCOTT, who, ~,s t three years, has had charge of the Free i 'i t this place, has tendered his resignation to the " V,! pi rectors, and accepted the position of l'riuci the High School at Catawissa. Mr. SCOTT, al ,,>j s vour.g man, is possesesd of superior ability and eminently successful as a teacher. We regret 't a, !ms decided to discontinue his labors here,and 'nituiate the people uf Catawissa upon procuring the . of an able, industrious and competent teacher, j, success attend hini. At the request of the Superintendent, have printed, and shall keep on hand, all the blanks I j,,.,11,y5ch00l Directors, and will sell them in pack t, containing i, xhiidl Orders, p AgrC'ineiits with Teachers, ■{(•silectcr's ilands, 3 Treasurer's Bonds. 3 \-uii.vs nt the employment of teachers. ■i \nnii.l Statements of District Accounts, ;h package tor one dollar. Ve understand that the expense of such blanks can be Id out of the School treasury. jg-Tlte Commissioner to superintend Draft .JOHN A ('IIIMINO, and Surgeon Dr. E. 11. MASON. engiged Monday and Tuesday, at this place, in rn" and determining claims for exemption, (or the mdiips adjacent to this place. A large crowd was in aJance l.' th Jajs, in.l the duties imposed upon the uinissioutr and Surgeon,arduous. From appearances r'oiirnpoition of the community are afiected with !K '. The utmost anxiety was manifested to get rid i, hance of Being drafted, and in some cases the it trivial excuses offered. hei - ' rnniissinner and Surgeon have a nt >st deleeate, > ami re-; ■ nsil le jiositioi;. Fortunately, they are I :IIP:I (iijoving the confidence of the public to such an t, that fl.eir deci.-ions will meet with approval. It le. that is the necessarily ha-ty disposal of the . iieM-uti-d, they may occa.-iotially err but such -. iii liai .lly be avoided. , ri-rct. exceedingly. to see such anxiety on the fa! It-bodied milt to escape the draft, Irotn frivh us \t. The Coiiiitiy, in her great need, has called for , The man is false to his country, and recri ant to V-, attemj t- to shirk the responsibilities of tiuuWe trust that every man who now claims to Vtinpt from aiding his country, will be held to a (accountability in the community where he livis, if his aim is based upon no go al grounds, tli t lie cluld nsunns I,]c as one who in his country's tx i ty ami piril. proved .•ithcra coward or a traitor. tjr The correspondent of the X. V. Times, stlie lolluwing incident of the late battle, which "in" lVnnsvlvaiiia regiments arc composed ot "glit kind of men. gin-lure the leit of oar line gave away, Patunlay ii n art-ib eming feature of the tight took pl.iee.— Ui liric.nle opposite (Jen. SKV.KOIK'S Brigade, of Urvviit.ii's command. made a charge. The tie > 1 . ipdi-kly disi-overed by the Commander of the I- lira. PORTER —who ordered the Sec >nd, Fifth !-x'ii Pciiiisylvania Reserves to charge also. IJc i' i" I'-cite uliag forces and ato it midway {there j i:ml: cveral feet lower than the surrounding sur nfllie land. The lirst struggle was to obtain pos '! : road, which the Union brigade succeeded repulsing the rebel brigade with terrible 'r. liile Maj. MAIUI.I, was waving the Hag of -1' i Regiment to rally the brigade after the de !!;■ t cnnsequeiit upon the charge, a shot cut the : •'•'•'in Hen. IlKYNonns rode forward, seized the bride tip and down the line with them wrapped i ilyarotmd his person, when'* the hoys" actually ! '1 tiring .and gave their General three rousing cheers fc VNIU.NS WA.S so much pleased with the conduct or I -'■i'!i that iie could only expivss.hi.s ap] n idation of • ■i duct by exclaiming** Bully fur you, boys," at ; iSftime throwing his cap high in the ail. This j : wither burst of applause. The brigade imiee* ; '".'l up in order, inarelied to the rear by tie C'lnipanies, and there reform-d in line ot battle Hitttii'h deliberation and coolness, amidst a -hower "• -bit and shell, as if on parade in a green lb id '■ IVII native State. These regiments belong to 11.1. corps, which acted so noble a p rt when vi r ■vjnn-t the enemy. It was almost at. the very Hsucceeding this charge that M c POWELL'S leit i r v fur want of s fficient support, which was close ; '• The cheers of the brigade were heard along the i '*.inis tfu' right where, very naturally, it was sup- j • a the left had gained some signal advantage,and j '"•rs were responded to a!onc\the whole line.— j J'j was soon turne 1 into grief, and their words j * f ' of denunciation upon the man who is held re j 'We for the disaster of that day-. have already briefly announced "" •bath, in Philadelphia, on Friday morning, —. I s '. I,of Hon. JOHN LAPORTE, but the long ■md services of (he deceased, as well as his high •'"•I ir. my estimable qualities, eutitle hiir. to a " ended notice. J II'OKTK was born r.t Asylum, in this county, V. d.iy of November, 1738, and was consequently ' Wars of age. His father. BARTHOLOMEW LA ret held in recollection by many of our older ' I'uring the French Revolution, a large number * tan. exiled fro in their native land, made aset which they named Axylum, in J "hey should find an asylum from the dreadful '~l persecutions ot France. Upon the Restoration • ei returned, but amongst those remaining was I? "KTK. it was here that Jndge LAPOKTE was where he for most of his life resided, cultivat tiie most extensive and valuable farms in the '' •'sod has filled many public places of honor i ' " "i inflexible integrity, and discharged their BbtiiUy and efficiently. He was first elected t: ' !s Coiiuty in 1522, was chosen to repicscnt —-n the legislature in 1627, served five years v '•>>', being elected Speaker the last session ' ' 116.12). in tjie fall of 1632 he was elected and reelected iirl63t. During the time lie . u •'• in Congress, measures of the most excit interest convulsed the country. Judge LA- ! ' ' much supporter of the policy of General t ''"ring the panic session, voted uniformly •j's aud policy of Old Hickory's Ailminis ' ■ D4O, he was commissioned as an Asso !DH n < l,u,d T. by Gov. PORTER, which place j L Ma y- 1h54.>, when he was appointed Stir- j office which he held Lii ji, IV '"R f° Towanda, in ISSO, as senior i'thet ' ' ,WUsft of I'APOKTE, MASON A Co. fed i, v ' e( a f > ' t,,lul i° n of the places of public <lM| '- In these degenerate times it is ■ !:U ran He paid him to say, that : h'Hit "f oart-cr, during the stormiest 6-n s ' ,* a " ale ' bis integrity and honesty 'nave ewn [)y the S ]j ghttt . t w ijj ? j >er of sns _ •At , to be, by all, a strictly honest 'hilully nlO assu mcd a place with a determin ' Pcabrm its duties to the best of bis abilities. .Judge LAPOKTE was one of the last of that o.l fashioned school of politicians, friends and advisers OI JACKSON and SHCNK, whose political virtues are wor thy ot emulation, but who, alas! are disappearing. A few perhaps are still left in the nation—but in our owe S.atc- lie was almost, i( not quite, the last representative o! that class ot men, who living through the troublous time* of JACKS, N'S administration, were fully rewardic by knowing that their firmness and honesty had earnee iorthein the respect and gratitude of the nation. In tho uarions relations of domestic life and the neigh , tnrhood, Judge LAPORTI: wastiot less successful tliau 11 s his political reputation, llis kindness, frankness and un . ! assuming nmuuers, with the intelligence gained by long f | a, l varied experience in public iito, bis recollection ol historic events, and personal acquaintance with historii personages, made liiin a delightful companion, whose ! conversation was both agreeable and profitable, 'flu ! high estimation in which lie was held by the community in with 1 be resided, attested bis private virtues and use j fulness. Happy shall we all be, if at the close of a life J extended as was his, we can descend to our graves follow i d by the same honor and respect, and unblemished witl i ' so few faults. he had none—for his greatest care was to avoid wounding Hie feelings, even with thos< with whom lie decidedly differed—and we doubt much, i • in aii the exasperations of party conflicts he caused out I | rankling wound. Paring the past tew years, disease, severe and painful i . somewhat affected his nervous system, diminishing his activity and Usefulness. His intimate friends watched with pain and anxiety the progress of his affliction, lesi hopeful than himself, who entertained hopes of ultimate recovery. But their worst apprehensions were realized in bis sudden death, not among strangers, for he was we knowi' nd respected where he died. Those who parts i with him here, in the hope of his return in improved health were inexpressibly shocked by the sudden au noiineement of his death, and the universal expressior | ol grief and rsgrt t which the information elicited, told ! li iw gre it Was the esteem and respect of the community ; where he resided. SSctu fi&tocrtfjrtorius. I YV -V.N ! LI) — A situation as a Fireman in a J ' > Saw mill or Grist mill. Best ot reference given. Addres- ti reman, Towauda, Pa. ( ULNKII A L ELECTION PRO OLA. MA- V J Tl< >X. Whereas, by an act of \s<cmbly of the Com monwealth, entitled 'an act relating to the" elections ot tiiio Commonwealth." it is enjoined upon me to give pub lie notice of such election to be held, and also the en it monition in such notice what offleers are to be elected, 1. A. . SPALDING, High Sherilf of the County of Brad ford. do hereby make known and give notice to the elec tors of said county, that u Genera! Election will lie held in said county, on TI'ESDAY. the 14tii day oi October, in the si veral districts in said county, to Wit : In Albany, at tiie sub district school house, near Camp bell's miils. In Asylum, at Hie school house near Simeon Pecker's, it. Athens h. r.c, at the house of K. S. Mathews in. In Alliens tw p., at the house ot J. B. Hunt, in Athens boro". In Armeiiia. Nt tit * house of John S."Becker. In Bui lint t oi boro" at tin tin!' of Henry Voslmrsr. in B oiling! o. twp., at the boost! o! Koswell l.iilln r. In West B trlingnn, at th- hau-e of Ezra Godd.ird. In ft: too. at the house of S (' Myers, In Columbia, " •' James Morgan. In rranUlin, •' " Bcojamiii F Taylor, !o ll< ; o i !;s. at the s. ho ! h". s. >:i llerriekville. In lield. it the li "ise of (' Bloodg 1. In l.eiloy, at the >, !i .ol bouse in i.efloy. In .Monroe, at the house ot it It It u-kwi-11. jt ii vji-iii-'c at the house ot M M Cm-Ihangli. In Orwell, in Orwell 1! 11 public, sclio d h >usc. In Overtoil, at tin hor.-e or!) Waltm m. 11l I'lk". Nt the house ol 1) .lohusoi). !:i B ene, at tiie Acail'-my. ii: Biilgbury. at tin h iim- of B Herman., hi Sbe.-lieqiliu. at the Valley House. In Siintulield. Nt tlie it 1 l-c now o • upicd hv John S -on ton. In sprit gilcM. at the houseo( Wll 11 ml, now occu pied by Jesse Hammond In Siivuniii boto', at tlie house ofMerritt. In South (hcek. at Hie school hou><. near V Gil'ett's. At Standing the house of S Stevens, lu Terry, at tho bouse of E J Shepard. In Towauda boro", at the Grand Jury room, in the Court House. In Towauda twp., at (lie school home near 11 I, Scott's In Towauda N' .rth. at the house of S A Miils, In Troy '■ i'o" at the Eagle Tavern, In Troy two... at the house of Y M, in Troy boro" I n Tuseami a. a; 1 :ie school house near James Bbu k's. 1 i l ister, at the Inuisi ol S IS Holcomh. In Warren, at the house of B Cooper, In W. 1 -. a! tiie house. <d I. St-dy lu V> imilt.-nn. at the h mse ot IS Kiiykendall, In yaois-tig, at the house ot S H Buck. In the of A J Stone, i It; Wysox. at the bouse ol J M Reed. At which f ue and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot (lie- person for Vulitor General. (hie tiers m for Sui \ eyor General. One pi-i.- .u to repri -cut tiie counties of Bradford, Sul liv.iii ('olnmbia, Montour and Wyoming in the Congress ! of t he C. S. ! t hie Member of the State Senate to represent the coun ties of Bradtard, Sasqaehanna and Wyoming, j Two persons to represent the county of Bradford in the ' House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pent;- | sjlvania. tine person for Comity Commissioner of the county of ! Bradford. One person for Auditor of tho cot n'y of Bradford, ti ... i . r-mi for Surveyor of the county of Bradford, i And in and bv said act. !am blither directed to give j notice " tii ti every persou excepting justices of the peace wiio siiall h >d any ofli e of profit and trust ttudir t e government ot the United Mates or this State, or of any j incorporated di-trict and also th it every Member of t 'an : gre— and of the Legislature and the -elect and common J council of any city, or commissioners of any iucorporat | cd district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising J at tin- same time the office or appointment ol Judge, In ; spcct iror Clerk of my c!e-lion of this Commonwealth 1 and that no Inspector or other officer of any such electio I shall be thin eligible to any office then to be voted for. By the -lilt sc-i-ri a ot an act passed the Ist day of April I l>4t,ic is provided " that the Kith section of an act pass | ed July 'id. lsllfl. entitled '• An act relating to the election I of this C,'' shall not be const rued as to pre | ent-any military officer for serving as Judge. Inspector ) dt Clerk, at any general or special election of this Com monwealth. , In tiie Ist section of the act first above mentioned, it is i etia-ti-d that every general and spoi i il election shall lie I opened between y and 10 in the f r -nooti, and continue | without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in • the evening, when the polls shall lie closed. By the IMb sccti >n < f the at of February 3d. lsttl, it shall iie lawful for tie imp ctorsand judges of an)' gener al election which shall be hereafter held in Armenia elec tion district of Bradford County to close the polls of such election district at , r > o'clock, p. nt. By the 11th section of an act of ls.iJpt i provided that ! the pulls of the election district ol Tuscarora twp., be ' closed at 5 o'clock, p.m. It is farther dire tid, that the meeting of Judges at the I Court House in T w inda, to make out the general return sha'l be on the ed day uteer the election, which will be on t'*® 17th dny o| October. It is further directed that the meeting of return judges for the Congressional District meet at the Court House, in Tunkhannock, on tire 7th day alter the election, which will he the 2fst. It is further directed that the meeting -of return judges for the Senatorial district, meet at the court House, in I'owanda, on the Ttli day alter the election, which will he the 21. A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff - . Towauda. Sept. 13. 18(52. THE NEW NATIONAL TAX LAW GET THE BEST LARGE TVI'E. ll'ilii Paragraph llcad-IJnes and Index. !> v far tiie hest and most satisfactory edition \J offered is the CITIZEN'S STANDARD (DIME) EDITION, published by IIKAIU.E & Co., New York, it has the pre ference over ail others in business circles. It is tne last re vised and authenticated cony. AGENTS WANTED to sell this edition. It has already had an immense sale iti the great : ea'.oanl cities, and agents have made from ten to fifteen dollars per day in its sale. Everybody must have a copy—every manufacturer, every merchant, every mechanic and every tanner. Compare it. with other edi timis and none other will be taken. Sample copies sent, post-paid,on receipt ol ten cents. Address or call upon BKADI.E A CO., Publishers, New York. _ , A. P. COWLES, Agent for Bradford Co. Towanda, July 30, ls<;2. ITjXECB TOR'S NOTICE. Notice is liere 1J hy given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of \ ictor T. Stevens late of Athens twp., dee'd., are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate w ill present them duly authenticated for settlement. GABRIL WALKER, Executor. Aug. 27, 1862. I DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE —Notice XJL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot H. S. S.ilsbury.dee'd., late of Monroeton twp., are hereby requested to make payment without de lay, -ind al! persons having demands against sairl estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZA BETII SALSBUItY, O. P. LYON, Aug. 27, l-i)?. Admiafratoih. Slcto DRAFTING.— NOTICE is HEREBY given that the Commissioners and Surgeon appointed 1 r the County of Bradford ; to Superintend Drafting, will meet and d-dde all oases claiming Exemption from drait, in the service <>l t!;e United States, under Regula tions for the enrollment and draft ot Three hundred thousand Militia, in the several districts of Bradford County, at the places and times, as follows t TO WAX DA Boo", TOWAXDA Twp., TOWANDA North,and WYSOX, Monday, September 8,1802, at the Grand Jury Room. BURLINGTON twp., SHESHEQUIN, STANDING STONE, ASSYLUM, Tuesday, Sept. 9,1802, at the Grand Jury Room. MONROE. two , MONROE Boro', ALBANY OVER TON , ERANKETN, LE ROY. Wednesday, Sept. 10. lofi'i, at the lious of M. Al. COOEBAUGH, in Monroe Borough. TROY twp.. CANTON. GRANVILLE. ARMENIA and WEST 111 .-BEING i'OX, I Thursday, Sept. 11,1*62, at the house of V. M LONG, in Troy." TROY Boro', WELLS, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CREEK, St LVAXIA. Friday, Sept. 12,1862, at V. M. LONG'S, in Troy Boro'. RIDGBUKt .Si'KINGFIKLD.SMITHFIELD, BURLING TON Boro\ Saturday, Sept. IJ. 1862, at the house of JAMES GREEN. East Smithtielil. ATHENS twp., ATHENS Boro', ULSTER and LITCH FIELD, Monday, September 15, 1862, at the house of J. S. SLOAN, in Athens, ORWELL, ROME twp., ROME Roro', WINDHAM and HKRHICK. Tuesday. Sept. 16, at of f. UMI'IIREY. in Orwell. PIKE, WABREN and TIJSCARORA, Wednesday, Sept. 17. at the Howe of J. R. FLETCHER in Leßavsville. WYALUSIMG, TERRY and WILMOT, Thursday. Sept. 18, at the house of Mrs. MARY MORTON, it Wilmot. C .mmeuring at 7, A. M.,aud closing at 6 P.M. Those claiming Exemption are requested to appear as early in the day as possible. Persons ( laiming exemption from draft, will please hear in mind that the Commissioner and Surgeon have all their time occupied in the discharge of their duties, and they earnestly request all persons having business with them to study brevity and assist them in transact ing the business as rapidly as possible. Do not block tip the way and crowd around the offi cers place ot business, but soon as your business is done be kind enough to leave the room for others. \\ e have not been informed and do not know the num ber o! men to be dratted from this County. Township or Borough, nor the day when the drafting will take place. It is useless to n>k these questions: We shall be in lortned in due time. Persons claiming exemption by reason of conscien tious scruples will be required to subscribe to au oath or affirmation and they will be held liable to pay such pecuniary equivalent for personal services as the Legisla ture at its uext session may provide. _ School Directors are exempt Irom draft. All school directors claiming exemption will be required to pro duce his certificate of election ; or the Presidi-nt or Secretary ot the board may be qualified to the list ot school directors in the township or borough. Persons under the age of 21 years will not. be drafted. need not take up our time with questions. _ Persons claiming exemption from draft, will please observe the following directions. It will save time if you will read them carefully and follow them implicitly : When you present yourself before the Surgeon for examination, state promptly and without being question -Ist. Your own name in full. 2d. The township and boro' where you are enrolled, fid. Your claim for exemption. t'li. As soon as the Surgeon has done with you, give place at once for another. Persons will tie ex imined only at the places where they are dire -ted to meet, unle-s at times when the offi cers are ummpioyed with applicants from the places advertised. I'-jr By the laws of Pennsylvania, the draft will be made from tlie citizens between the age of fil and 45 , JoIIX a. I'ODDINGj Commissioner. ; E. 11. MASON, Surgeon. September 4. 1862. i:x-a.2viir^ATioi\rs. IIH AXNT Alj EXAM iN A TIO XS 0 F X . LAt HERS for the several districts of the county, J will la* hidden at the following times and places. Can didates tor inspection will please notice the billowing par ticulars : I. Each examination will commence at 9 o'clock, a.m., i and none will he inspected who do not come in before ten j unless the delay be unavoidable. 11. Teachers will be examined ONLY in the districts | in which they e.\peet,to teach, or in townships in which 1 they reside. 11l No person will be inspected who has been present i at any other examination, in the county during the year. IV. Bc-ideuts of other counties WILL NOT be exam- j iited. unless lltey expect to teach in this county. \ . Ai! persons who do not KNOW they wilt not teach I in t lie county during the year, are expected to be pres- j cut tor inspection, but those who do not intend to teach, will not be allowed to join the classes. VI. Each candidate will bring with him two sheets of fools cap paper, pen, ink and lead pencil. Directors arc requested to be present during the whole time of the examinations. They will find it to fie a fa vorable opportunity to enter into contract with their teachers. Examinations will be held as follows : Monroe twp.ani! Born". Sept. lb, at the Borough house, j Franklin, Tuesday, sept. Id. at V'arney School house, Granville. Wednesday, Sept. 17, at Taylor, " LeiLiy, Tuesday. Sept. Is, at Corner's " Canton, Friday. Sept. Iff, Corner's " Troy A Armenia. .Monday, Sept. 22. Borough, " Ciiluinbia, Tuesday 2.1, at Austinville " WelD. Wednesday, Sept. 24, Furgeson " South Creek, Thursday, Sept. 2b, at Geillet " Sfidgebury, Friday, Sept. 2C, Barnhatn " -Miiithtiehl, Saturday, Sept 27. at Centre " Springfield. Monday, Sept. 2lf, Centre " Burlington, West & Brno'Tue-day Sept.3o, Boro' " Towanda Towanda fc Boro' Wednesday, I Sept. 31, Borough School House, J Sheshequin, Friday i (ctober 3, Snider *' USte:. Monday, ct 13. Warner, " \thens, Tuesday. Oct. I t, B trough, •* Litchfield. Wednesday. Oct, lb. Centre " V. ndiiaui. Tbarsday. Oct. Id, Kuykendall " Warren, Friday, Oct. 17,Boweus's " Orwell, Saturday Oct. Is. Hill " Dike Monday, Oct 20. Village " Herriek. Wednesday, Oct 22. London * " Wyalusii.g. Thursday, Oct. 23d. Camptown " I'iiscarora, Saturday, Oct. 25, Taylor " Wilitiot, Monday, Oct. 27, Ingham " Terry. Tuesday, Oct 2-s, Terrytown, " Asylum, Wednesday 2n. Laporte " Standing Stoue, Thursday, Oct. 30, Stevens " Uotne, Friday. Oct 31. Borough " Wysux, Saturilay, Nov. I, Mycrshurg " Albany & Overtoil, Tuesday, Nov. 4. at Brown " C. It. COBUBN, Supt. Towanda. Aug, 15, lSd'2. U PKCIAL COURT.—Notice is hertby O given that a Special Court will be held at Towanda. Hun II G. WHITE, presiding, commencing Monday , November 3d 18G2, fur the trial of the following causes:— FIRST WEEK. O. D. Ballard vs. Treat Shoemaker et al. Charles H.Shepard vs. A. B. Smith, et al. AM. Kirk vs. A. B. Smith.ct al. 1.15. Foster vs. A. B.Smith, et al. M. F. Hansom vs. David Arnold Cyrus Shutnway vs. Clark Hollenbaek. .). R. Ingersall. et al vs. H. S. Vaughn, et al-. Win. B. Clymer's nsevs. C. L. Ward. C. F. Bliss vs. Sarah Stone, adm'x, 1). F. Barstuw's adni'x vs. Allen M'Keaii. 11. S. Welles vs. C. N. Sliipman, A* ter ten. Jantes Beverley vs. John Sullivan, ct al. Luther Gates vs. Lewis Mosier. Horace W. Slaver vs. Foster A* Mm-ley. ShiptnanA Welles vs. Rogers Fowler. J. M. Weston'sex'r. vs. J. Corson, et al. Z. Hick's Adni's vs. the X. 15. Canal Company-. Henry Northrop vs. Smith Lent, ex'r. S. W. Park vs. Win. Frederick. Catharine Nealiey vs. Simeon l>ecker, 2'd Jane Gibson vs. Win. Gorseline. SECOND WEEK. .Tames Clark vs David Armstrong. Robert Haney vs. David Armstrong. Samuel Archebakl, et al. vs. TlionVas Page. Burton L. Smith vs. C. 15. k X. B. Chaffeb. H. &. P. i cckjr.vs. C. F. Wilson, lliram Horton vs. Peter Tetter. American Life Insurance k Trust Co. vs. H. W. Patrick. American Life Insurance k, Trust Co- vs. Charles F. Welles jr. American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. George A. Perkins. American Life Insurance & Trust Co. vs. Edward IT. Perkins. P. C. Chilson vs. Asylum Twp. L. M. Hewitt vs. Z. Esseltine, et a!. L. M. Kilndcll Vs. Asa Slater, et al. I). C. Hall vs. ('. S. Russell. A. B. Srihtli vs. Samuel Kellum,2d et al. Bonj. Cummings vs. Andrew Cummings. S. B Howell vs. Wm. Mouncey, etal. Timothy Hireen vs. Xorth Branch Canal. BRADFORD COUNTY SS. Subpoenas for first week, returnable Monday, Nov. 3d, 1802, at 10 o'clock A. M.; lor second week, Monday, Nov. 10th, lhG2,at 10 o'clock A. M. E. 0. GOODRICH. Protlmnotary. WA NTEIT IM,MEDI ATELY 20,000 bushels of OATS, ior which the highest market price will he paid cash. W. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, August 28, 1862. rpi-lE highest premium paid for Gold and JL Silver, also, for the U. S. Treasury notes old issue.— Certificates for the back pay ana bouuties of discharged and deseased soldiers cashed bv " B. S.RUSSELL, & Co. Towanda, August 28,18fi2. ~Li IFT Y iTIT^FI TEBtJT i T EI^ ~ FFit JL. KINS, for sa e u165 cents a piece. Also, aquauti ty of Tubs at 38 cents a piece at G. IJ. DRAKE'S June 11. Ccrrage Manufactory in Towanda iHiscrlfaucotis. NEW SPRING GOODS! AT J. M. COLLINS', (First door South ol Codding A KUSM.-U'S ) JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK an unusual large stock of Clothing, Cloth®. C ciners j Vestings, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats & (,'a.j a hick ' will be sold at greater bargains than before. OUR SPRING STOCK Will comprise almost every article worn hv man or boy. BUSINESS SUITS, COATS, PANTE Vests, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Neck Ties, G-loves, Wrappers, Socks, Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention is called to our New Style of CLOTHS, CAS IXERES AN 1) VESTI*OB, Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice, I and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some eight years experienac in this line ol business, my cutter, I Mr. PENEPACKER, will lib on hand, at all t.u.cs to do cutting for those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get as good as reprelented, call at COLLIE'S'. If you wish to get the worth of your money, and buy new fresh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and you will be satisfied. No trouble lo show goods and no forcing to buy Goods sold for cash only. J. M. COLLINS. Towanda, April 21,1862. New Arrangements. rrUIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING FORM A ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for merly carried on by J. 1). HUMPHREY, in the store op posite the Court House, where they will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of BOOTS & SHOES, and a very large stock of all kinds of LEATHER requir ed for a country trade. A full assortment of Shoe Findings, Harness Trimmings, SADDLERY. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, XAH.s' GLASS, GROCERIES. &c„ Ac. We expect to increase our facilities in the manufactur ing department, so as to be,able to supply dealers with a superior article, at prices rivaling all competition, and especially " foreign," believing it of vital importance to community to (outer domestic pr< Ructions us far as prac ticable. Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery owned by Messrs. Culp t Kirby, and rented the shop formerly occupied by them, we offer lor sale a large stock of HARNESS, B" IDLES, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS AC and will make to order almost anything in this line. We respectfully invite public attention to onr whole slock in its various branches, trusting that by strict at tention to business anil zealous exertions to supply the wants of community, we shall merit and receive a lair share of public patronage. We arc prepared to make to order anything in our line. Also, do all kinds of repairing on very short notice /Sfr Cash paid (or Sheep pelts. Hides and Skins. J. I). HUMPfIKKY. IHA B. BULL, J. E. DAYTON. Towanda, April 25, ]st!2. LOW AND RIUDITTSW TRICES. READY-MADK CLOTHING, Tor Icons' and Soys' Wear, ALSO, Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, LEATHER, OF ALL K!fD3, The Rest and Cheapest Flock this market ever offered. TIIE .U'YER IN SEARCH OF CHEAP and desirable goods should not fail to see 1113- stock, I if they want to save money by buying goods at the low- I est price which can be had, at the clothing store AT K. S()b()M A\, No. 2 RATION' S Block. Towanda. May li, Iff,2. W. *. & E. RAIL ROAD. PIIAXGE OF TIME COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY l*i;2. Trains will leave Wa verly at about the following hours, viz : WESTWARD BOI'ND. j EASTWARD UOrS'D. Buffalo Express.. .4.1k 1' M X. Y. Express.. .11.33 A M Night Express.... 3.1s A M Night Express. .12 1A M Mail 5.55 I' M | Steamboat Kxpresso.OS P M Way n.lO A M Way lift I'M Way Freight !)-25 A M .Cincinnati Express 4.21 AM Accommodation.. 1.07 1' iM I Way Freight 3.10 1' M The Nigh Express—cast and west runs every day Cincinnati Express runs Sundays, bnt does not run on Mondays. Night Express ol Hun,lays runs through to Buffalo, hut does not run to Dunkirk. Mail remains over night at Elinira. CHAkS. MI NOT, Gen'l Sup't. DISSOLUTION. —The coparttiership here tofore existing between the subscribers, and kimwn as the firm ofMADIELA I'ATTON, is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent.- The looks, notes and accounts of said firm are iu the hands ol J. G. I'ATTON for collee- T F. MA DILL. J. G. I'ATTON. Dr. MADTLL Will continue the Rri'.g business at the old stand of MADILL V I'ATTON, where he may be found at all times, when not professionally engaged, by close attention to business, he hopes to merit and receive u liberal share of public patronage. Towanda, April 3, 1562. T&. W. HAS RETURNED FROM THE CITY. Where lie has Ist light for cash a remarkable stock of GOODS which he would call the attention of the pub lic to. asking them to give his stock an inspection before purchasing ; belicv he can give them better bargains than has ever been offered in this market before, i have a gen eral assortment of CLOTH I N G ! HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, CANES, UMBRELLAS, GCOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDER*, AC\ I would call particular attention to my stock of FtTR 11 ATS, which are 25 per cent,, cheaper than ever sold in tiie country. Also the MONITOR CAP, which is ail the rage in the city a fine article. 1 have the summer pattern of the celebrated ©MHKDBB SOILS ELYS', from Philadelphia. Call and see. No charges to show Goods. It. W. EDDY. Toandft, gay 11.1861 DISSOLUTI OS —THE CO P A RT.N II II ship heretofore existing under the name of HER MAN & this day dissolved by miitoal con sent of parties. All debts "belonging to said firm must be settled with said Herman, who will continue the busi ness at the old stand in Springfield, Pa. GEORGE HERMAN, A. R. VOORHIS Ridgbnry, July 23,1802. Good Flonr and Good Broad! WII Y IS IT THAT SO MA XYFA MI LIES HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of the house, and you will invariably receive in answer : The flour is poor or the yeast is poor. To avoid these ir mbles buy your flour always at FOX'S and use Stratton's Yeast Compound, to be had at the same place; it always gives satisfaction. The best quality of Wneat and Buckwheat Flour and fresh ground Corn Meal, all at low prices, at the Cash Grocery Store. E- T. FOX. Jan. 28,18(12. PRESERVE YOUR FRUITS IX IIAL SEER' Air-Tight Jars, the most simple, convenien and economical article of the kind in use;a s large ~toc sn these justly celebrated jars, at much lea than the lit ofal price, at FOX'S. FAIR WARNING—TAKE NOTICE After the ltlth of August, all subscribers lor Daily papers, must pay in advance. I have my News Bill to settle up every Tuesday,and all will see how necessary it is for m'e to have the Cash in hand to keep my credit good, for six days, at least. I would rather do less business and have the cash to pay my bills promptly. A. F. COWLES. Aug. 13, 18(12. TO LET. \ COMFORTABLE & COXYEXIEXT _JTJL House with the best accomodations, as to water, Ac. A good garden-pot , trait trees, Ac., Ac. For terras enquire at the News Room. Towacda. Aug. 11, ls(12. iHfscelancoHS. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ! \ COMPOUND REMEDY, in which we have labored I? produce Hie most effectual alt era • :\ J e that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of , Cut a Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of -I ill greater altcraCve power as to afford an effective an- J tul .te for the diseases Sa"saparilla is reputed to cure. It ' 1 1 ciievcd that such a remedy is wanted by those who from Strumous complaints, ami that one which will • : , eemplish their cure mu.->t prove of immen-e service to this large class ot'our afflicted iellow citizens. How com pleiely this compound will do it has been proven by ex i j-erinett on many of tlie worst oases to be fouud of the ollowing complaints: | ScKorri. v AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS J AND EKUPTIVE DISF.CSES, I'i.urns, PIMPMS, Bi.oTcnes. | Tritons, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HE\P, SYPHILLS ASK SYPMILTTT." AFFFCTIOXS, MEKCUHIAL IMSKASE. DKOPSY. ! XKUIIAI.UIA on Tic DOULOUKKUX. DEBILITY, DYSPEPSIA | AM> f.vmoESTiox. EP.YSIPKLAP. RQSK OK ST. ANTHONY'S I KIKE, aud indeed the whole class of complaints arising I Iroin IMPRUITY op THE BLOOD. This compound wi 1 be found a great proindter of } health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul hu mors which fester in the blood at. that season of the year. | By the litnely expulsion of them many rankling disor j ders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can by the aid I of tiiis remedy, spare themselves from the endurance Ot tout eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system Will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not as sisted to do this through the natural channels ot the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you tinu its impurities bursting through 1 the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you lind it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no j lasting health. Sooner or later something must go | wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has. and deserves much, the reputation, lof accomplishing these ends. But the world has been i egregio'nsly deceived by preparations of it, partly because { the drug alone has not all tiic virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be j concentrated extracts of if, contain but little of the vir | tue of Sarsaparilla. or any tiling else. During late years the public have been misled by large j bottles, pr-.tending to give a quart of Extract ot Kaiet- J parilfa for one dollar. Most, of these have been frauds | upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, j Sarsaparilla, butofteu no curative properties whatever. | Hence, bitter and | uiniul disappointment lias followed | the use of Hie various extracts of Sarsaparilla which | Hood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, j and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. , Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to I supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the j load of obloquy which rests upoh it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are ir resistable by tho ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to erne. In order to secure their complete eradica tion from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. Prepared by Dr. J.t'. AVER A Co., Lowell, Mass.— Price, $1 per fiuith ; Sn Pottles for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every ! variety ot Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely i unnecessary for us to recount the evidence ot its virtues, • wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in | constant use throughout tiiis section, we need not do | more Hi.ui ;i--iirc the people its quality is kept up to the i best it ever lias been, and that it may be relied on to do ! for their relief all it In s ever been tound to do. I AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, | Per the enre (lostiveness, Jaundice, Dvspepia, Indi j section, Dysentery, Foul Stomach.Erysipelas, Headache, j Piles, Rheumatism. Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Liver | Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, (lout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Dili, and for puri ! tying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most I -ensitive can take them pleasantly, and they arc the best I aperient in the world for all Hie purposes of a family ! physic. Price Ho cents per Box ; Five Boxes for $1,0(1. Great numbers ol Clergymen, Physicians Statesmen, i and eminent personages, have lent their names to eerti y : he unparailed usefulness of these remedies, hut our space I here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents j below mimed furnish gratis our AMERICAN ALMANAC in I which thoy arc given : with also full descriptions of the above • omphunts, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be (nit off by uupr inciplod dealers With other I preparations they make more j, r>tit on. Demand A vkk'.S j and take 110 others. The sick want the best aid there is j for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are for sale by Dr. H. C. PORTER, To ; wanda : tit KKNSI y A DiTt'tmi.f;, Troy • DALY ,V. WHITE, J Leonard Hollow; D. D. PAKKIIUKS, Leßojr; I'ATLOK, (Danville: 1). Wti.cox &. Co.. Canton; ASDRESS & ROCK WELL. Alba : BIXBY, Wyalusitig ; PIOLLKT, Wywx ; STEVES. s A Merkows, Stovensville ; RODOKKS, West Warren ; RON,; A SONS, Burlington ; NEWELL A Co.. Cl ster ; PEl:ji!.vs, Athens ; MERRY, Burlington ; AVERY ;A C \Mr. <'nmptoWn ; NICHOLS, HerrickVille ; LITTI.E, j Leiiaysville ; BKONON. Orwell; BKIDLK JAN. Orcntt's J Creek ; MOOIM , Route; KINNEY A GORE, Slieshequin, and by dealers everywhere. | Towanda, July ill . lMi2. Collcgialc Institute, roll*AND A, BRADFORD CO., PA. FACILTY : Ilev. JAMES McWTLLIAM. Principal, Professor of An cient Languages. and Mental and Moral Sciences. SAMUEL L. FISLER, A. B. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prot.CHARLES It. COP,URN. County Superintendent, General Director of Normal Department. EDWARD T. ELLIOTT, LL. 8., Lecturer and Instructor ill Histirv Miss E. MALVEN. i n . Miss K. C. CARTER, f Preceptresses. Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teacher of Vocal and Instrument tal Music. Mr.D. CAXFfULD DAYTON, Steward. Mrs..D. C. DA VTON, Matron. The Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, and will continue It weeks. TFITION, PER Tfcnit : [Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one-half at the middle of the term -fuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per'term -. $ 4 00 Preparatory '. qOO Higher, Ist year, per term 7 pp Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term § pp Classical, Ist year, per term 7 0 „ Classical, 'id and 3d year, per terra S pp N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per terra fov fuel and contingents. EXTRA KXTENSES : French $ 3 00 Germv -- ... w. ............... 3 op Drawihg . 5 pp Board in ' he Institute, per week, including fuel and 2 Op Washing, per dozen 3g The Collegiate year is divided into three 'terms of 14 weeks each. The Annivcrsaiyexercises Will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, except iu case of protracted illness of oyer two weeks. Instrumental Music will not,as heretofore, be taught in I lie Institution, but by special arrangement a class will be taught in a hall ad joiniugthe grounds of the Institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience lias proved it to lie eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will he taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will he as heretofore . Tuition 011 Piano Forte, per term. slp pp Use ot instrument on which to take lessons £0 do for practice 2 00 Pupils boarding in the Hal! will furnish their own tow els. A-c., and the table silver a*their option. It is desira ble that they also furrtish their own tied and bedding when it is convenient, hut when otherwise, these will be furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abroad should board in the Institution, as better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. Normal Depnrtmrat —Special exercises are arranged without, extra charge for those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. R. CO BURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises Ms often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures oh the Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing tor the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall term. Prof. Coburn's connection with the institution is not such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will be spared, on the part of the Facultyand Trustees in sustaining the high repulatation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor liy of future patronage and support JAMES McWILLIAM, Principal. July 20, IRC.2. _ HARRtSBURO NAIL WORKS. - HE undersigned has on hand a supply of . Xaiis, from these well known Work. The nails are made from Pennsylvania Iron, manufactured expressly tor this purpose, and are of as uperior quality. lor sale to dealers only, audon better terms than they can obtain ! iu New York. Enquire at the Banking Office of B. S. i iIUSSKI.L &JCO. B.s. ItUSSLLL. Towatttiu. March IS, ISb'i. JTLRTFCSRI. THE -crusrioisr DRUG STORE. (IVhotrsah nn(l Rt[ait. ,V 4, Pattern'* Work, Corner of yioin find Bridge Sli., Totcanda Pa ) DR. T. F. MA DILL, Proprietor. THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY informs the Public Hist he lias purchased the above Drug Store, and having thoroughly refitted and enlarged it, and increased his facilities for Compounding Medicines is prepared to supply every want ol the public, in the 1 hie ol DRUGS AND MEDICINES, MyjStock, almost entirely new, has been selected with care, and embraces a lull assortment of all articles belong iug to the Drug Trade. FRESH SUPPLIES are received monthly, ol Pure and Reliable Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold at prices that cannot laiL to suit our patrons. My stock consists of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and PURE LIQUORS, Of every description, and the best quality for Medical use. All tiie popular PAT EMMEDICINE AND A LABOR SUPPLY OF HOMEOPATHIC A CONCENTRATED MEDICINES Botanic if- Eclectic Medicine*, Til Jon's Alco holic and Fluid Extracts, Alkaloids and Retinoids. All the best Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Breast Purnps, Nipple Shalls A Shields, Nursing Bottles, Syringes, Cathters, V LARUE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS A STROPS, Pocket Knives, Surgical fn-trninents of late style and best quality. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Put ty, Ac. A large supply of BRUSHES For the lint. Hair, and Shoes, Painting, Varnishing and White Washing, also for the Teeth and Nails. TOOTH POWDERS AND PASTE:S t of every variety. A large-assortment of ms¥Aisira§iii£® Pure Essential Oils. Fine Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, Buffalo and Ivory Corah*, Hair Dyes, Oils and luvigoratore. Kerosene, Burning Fluid, Lumps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac. Choice Tolmeeo, ( l i<i<irs & Snuff. All the Dye Stuff-. Fish Tackling. Ammunition. Ac. Bird Cugcr, of every -tyleand variety. Gups, Nests and Seeds. s'3-Dr. MA DILL will he found at his office, in the Drug Store at all times, when engaged in out. of door practice, when lie will examine and prescribe for patient* in his way, free of charge. Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Prescriptions carefully compounded. The public are cordially invited to examine and test our stock and learn our prices. Towanda, June 2-1. lsi',2. T. F. MADILL. NOW READY! EiRTLETTS'NEW IROHWORKS TOWANDA, EE NX A. THE Subscriber begs leave to call the at tention of the public to the fact that he lias enlarged K:s motive power and purchased and set up additional machinery, and employed a larger number of workmen than formerly, so that he is now prepared to execute or ders for Ca.-tings or Machinery with promptitude. He has af his works all the PATTERNS in use by the late firm of Win. H. Phillips A Son of Elrnira N. Y.. and has also added to these, patterns of various kinds. MILL IRON'S furnished for Grist Mills, Gang, Gate,. Circular and Muiey Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENGINES different sizes and styles and in fact almost any kinif Castings or Machinery in common use. Steam Fittings such as Steam Pipes, Flboics, Returni Rend*, Reducers, Coiqdings, Globe-Vatves, Check Fa/res, Gunge Cocks, Oil Cups, Whistles, fyc. always on hand and made to order. He is also prepared to furnish HTEAM BOILERS o( any siz' or kind wanted. Small Castings made in Brass or Composition. Cook in? and Heating Stoves of different sizes manufactured and for sale at the above works. Furniture lor Cooking StoVes and Stove Pipe always on band Persons who want GEARING of any kind are informed that the subscriber lias more patterns for blearing than any other concern in this part of the country. They 1 would he quite sure of finding among his Patterns Gear ing that would answer their wants and thus save delay aud expense in getting up work. He makes also a large vnrft'ty of Pulleys. Balanbe \b heels and Cranks, \\ ater Wheels ; also Saw Hummers, Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes, Iron Fence, Caldrons, Plows, Ac. His equipment of machinery consists of as good tools as are made, and was selected with Jtlie design ot being able to do any job which might he offered, whether large or small. In short his effort has been to get up in all respects a first class establishment. Terms Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid for Old Pewter and Brittania. Works situated on Main Street near Barclay R. B, Canal Basin. O. 1). BAUTLETT. Towauda, April it. 1801. Proprietor, GREAT BARGAINS From 53,000 to S4OOO Worth o? FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, To EE SOLD IMMEDIATELY Having bought recently the y I lions Ci binet Ware Kooiits And entire stock of FURNITURE from the lath pro prietor, It. M. WELLES, it will be sold for CASH AT PANIC PRICES. ' rp HE STOCK 13 LARGR J_ and very con'.p'ete, has been well' gjfSjgl selected,and is well adapted for th® wants t the country. X.B.—-It is a) wSttSKISfiS common remark made l>v visitors to' r " this establishment, " Why, I had no idea you had such a large and splien ) S r l -■ We have BEPSTEADS from -A an ,] upwards. COTTAGE and other CH AIRS, in great variety, from fCOff \\ M to $2.5, 00 per set. TABLES from $2,50 v \ upwards, and Everything else in Proportion# mom ■Br- ms* m_ jmr 9 la every style, size and price, to suit the mearisand taste of any and all customers. AS" Call and see our stock. Athens, Pa., July 21 1861. F. N. PAGE. WAR CLAIMS. HAYING MADE ARRANGEMENT With a Folicitol in Washington, we are prepare, to prosecute elaimsaff every description against the Unit ed States, especially those arising out of the present war for bounty, arrears, widows and invalid pensions. MORROW k MERCUB. Tort anda. May 13,186?.