Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 04, 1862, Image 4
department. Toads and Bees. Toads are very useful animals to the farmer and gardener, uud it is a pity that they are not equally so to the bee keeper. The insec tiverous propensities that induce them to swal low beetles, moths and eatterpiilars, unfortun ately ler.d them to eat bees ; and not the big fat drones alone—those fussy old fellows, that, like some bipedal animals of higher order, make a great diu and do little—but the indus trious workers, that come home laden with honey or pollen, are taken in, and no questions asked. II is toadship sits quite still, and when over a poor little bee comes within reach of his long, flexible tongue, there is a quick snap, and presto, the bee is gone. Kot content with catching bees on clover heads, and among the flowers and grass, toady becomes impatient — lie marches up to the bee hive, and woe betide the poor, wearied bee that drops short of the alighting board when he is by. We ouce had two hives placed close to the ground, and with alighting boards that were easily accessible to the tond, if he chose to jump a Utile. One morning there were two middle-sized ones seated on the alighting boards, like sentries, on each side of the en trance, and they exacted toll from every bee that attempted to enter, and the toll was like thai levied by the old robber barons of the Rhine ; it was all they bad, and themselves too. The other hive had a great fat over grown fellow piayiug the part of King Crane. The way he look down a bee showed that he was an adapt at the business. There he sat, squatted on the board, with head close to the entrance, and his big goggle eyes sparkling Miss Uce alights. The great mouth is opened —the tongue thrust out, and as quickly drawn back, and with it the gatherer of honey.— Some minutes were devoted to the study of ibis trail in the toads character, and then they found Iheuselves taking an involuntary flight over a iikQn.--Ohio Farmer. HOGS IN TUB APPIE ORCHARD. —Nobody sends .such apples to market as my neighbor John Jacobs. lie always has apples to sell and gets the highest price. Folks prefer fair, large apples, and such are always packed iu Jacob's barrels. You might search them with a caudle and not find a knotty fruit or a worm hole. Such Rhode Island Greenings and Roxbury Russet ts I have never met with in the States. They are as handsome as any thing in the virgin soil of the west. 1 was going to Jacob's orchard last summer, and I had the curiosity to call and examine j for myself. Says 1, " Neighbor, what is there I in your soil that makes such smooth large ap ples 'I They arc a third larger than auythingl can got, and my trees look as well as yours. The secret is not iu the soil," Johu repli ed with a twinkle in his eye ; do you see those grutiters there ? My pork brings me fifty cents a pound—eight in flesh, and the balance iu fruit. I began to pasture my orchard ten years ago with hogs, and since that lira?- 1 have had no trouble with wormy fruit. Ap ples, as a general thing, don't fall from the tree unless something is the matter with them. The apple worm and curcuiio lay their eggs iu the fruit, and the apples drop early. The pigs devour the apples, and by September every un sound apple is gone and 1 have nothing but fair fruit left. The crop of it -eels for the ir.-xt year is destroyed by the pigs. They root around under the trees, keep the soil loose, manure the land some, and work over what manure I spread. The apples help the pigs, and the pigs help the apples." I saw John's secret at toco, and have pro filed by it. 1 never had so few insects as this spring, and I give pigs the credit for it. In turning the orchard into a pasture put in pigs • —not lank pikes with snouts like levers. You nrght lose trees as well as insects in that case But well bred animals, with judicious snouts, will root in a subdued and christiau-like muu ner.— Agriculturist. PIKE WATER FOB STOCK.—A good draught of good water is, probably, as. refreshing to beasts as it is to people. But in the hot sea son nearly all domestic animals sutler far more than we imagine, tor want of good water. — Sheep will thrive far better. Teams will en dure the heat tar better if they can have u plenty of clean pure water, and if milch cows must drink stagnant water wherever they can Cud it, how is it possible for them to give their usual flow of good milk ? It is impracticable for them to do it. Some people allow water to stand iu troughs dav after day, many times, and compel their animals to drink it all up. Did such people ever drink water from an old dirty slop-pail, efter it had been allowed to sta.':d tbo sun shine for two or three days ? Let them try the experiment of drinking such water, and wait the result; and they will be prepared t0 express a correct opinion, whether or not such water is us good for stock in the sultry days of August, as pure cold water would be. Water troughs and water tanks should be cleaned frequently during hot weather, and fresh water pumped into them several times a day. Milch cows require a vast quantity of pure water iu hot weather, iu order to produce the u-tial fljiV of good milk. The demand for grain aud breadstuff* is likely to be nnu-u:dly large. Not to speak oi the foreign market, there will be a great de mand at home. The operations of the war must have diminished lbs product of grains somewhat, iu the North and still moro in the South. With all the efforts of the Confeder ate Govcrnm. Nt to secure an increased supply of breadstuff* at home, it is not likely the South will produce as much grain us usual.— Our advancing i.rmy has found destitution in many places, and there is, doubtless, much more than has been heard of. There cannot fail to be a great demand for provisions iu the South as soon as tlx y are again thrown open to commerce. WEPMXG Fi.t- —The religious papers occa sionally get olTa spicy item. The reverend ed itor ot one of ihose papers, in a recent issue, says : " In mir experience, we have married people for 37 12 cents ; we have married for a counterfeit bill ! Dr. Bestian,iu copying this item,adds : " Wc may soften our German Iriend's grievances by quoting the case of the minister who received us a wedding fee a salt eodtiih, which, when he had taken it home for his table, was chidly eaten by the bride and groom, who called upon him at dinner.' QZg* A boat ing school miss, being unwell, tLought it not genteel to say billions, so she complained of beiig Williatn-ons. iiUsccllancQUS. BOOK BISMDERY. THE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus building would respectfully inlorra the public that he has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery to the North Room of the Wat dHouse, formerly occupied by the Post Office, where hejis now prepared to bind all kinds of Books in the most approved and workmanlike manner- Having to share my profits with no second person I flat ter myseli that my prices will meet the satisfaction ol the public. Thankful for the confidence reposed in me and the pub lic appreciation of mv work, for the last two years, I shall endeavor in th a, future to merit the continuance of public support. _ ... Particular attention given to re-lr,ndlng Books. Ail work will be warranted. Terms, Cash. fl©"Also, a large assortment of STATIONERA of the best quality, at the lowest prices. Justices and Consta ble's BI.AXKS, of all kinds. . PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval: and pic tures framed to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOHANN F. BENDER, Towanda, Jan. 11, ISOO. Bookbinder and Artist. LINC9LNTOBE ELECTED. -\rET ell these seem only to increase the J. business and prosperity of the Old Foundry and IWEACHINB SHOP, (South side of Pine St., one door East of H. S. Mer' cur's Store.) The undersigned would call the attention of all con cerned to the fact, that lie is prepared to do, and will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch,and in the most workman-like manner. FITTING UP MILL IRONS, REPAIRING STEAM ENGINES, from the'simplest to the most complicate, in any of their parts, and WARRANTED to give satistac tion. PLOWS always on hand of the most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to bis facilities for doimr work, and employing experienced workmen in every department, he is confident that he can satisfy all who favor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. IS, 1800. Coal, time, Cement, Fire Erick, Drain Tiles, &.c. mil ERE is a Lime Kiln at the Barclay J Company's Basin, in Towanda. where is kept con stantly fur sale, fresh burnt /1 kite I Ante, made irum the best quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents per bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and 12A cents per bushel for slacked lime. Lime shipped on boats at i'nwanda without additional charge. Also Syracuse Water Lime at £1 15 • per barrel, and Fire Brick at 8 cents each. Drain 'Files 2, ■> and 4 inch sixes, at 2. .1 and t> cents per foot, a very nice article for drainin land oi about dwellings. Merchants supplied with Beardsleyks Ares by the dozen. Jack Screws, for moving buildings, to let at 25 cent- per day each Barclay Coal at $2 25 per ton for Lump Coal and ?2 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan da at 25 cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the B.;. >. :ay 11. 11. & Coal Company, Towanda. J. II ACTA III.AIX. Towanda, Feb. 22.1*61. Cen. Superintendent. CilUxZOle. "To's. or r.ot to be hat is the question ! Whether his nobler in the mind to suffer The slincrs and arrows of outrageous opposition. Or bv taking up arms against a sea of 'printing ink, And opposing, end them. rpjJK proprietor of the .4rgs takes occasion in adver J. tisi'ng Lis Bindery to indulge in an uncalled for fling about a " sort of a concern," which is hoping " to delude the public." As i have opened a Bindery on my own ac count,the Inference is that if the pnblic bring their binding to me, they are in no danger of being defrauded- Fur two years I have worked for Mr. PARSONS, and lie has takt n great pains t satisfy the public I was the " best Binder in America," as the columns of the Argus wil testify. lias he been all that time " deluding the pub lb ?" If I have been engaged in a fraud, he has been tli principal. But I refer to my work during that time a evidence that there has been no fraud practiced. Having served a long apprenticeship at the Bindery business,'l have resumed business here on my own ac count,as i know of nothing which prevents me from fol lowing a legitimate and bawful calling for my support.— i shall endeavor by good work and attention to my busi ness to srive public satisfaction. March 1 . JOHANN F. BENDER, Binder. rjIGARS A TOBACCO. I he best brands of Cigars in town at lowest prices— also, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, wholesale and re tail, at " FOX'S, ! ""*a NEW ATTRACTIONS ! At Ceo. ST. Wood's Gallery E TOWANDA, PA. Yon can procure, at low prices, PIH ©ITO Er "iIAPIHSs, Of all sizes, up to life size, either plain or re v# touched, colored in oil or pastille. Also. M FT. AI NOT Y PES and AMBROTYPES, and al most all other kinds of types. Pictures in good cases lor ; 25 cents, and other sizes and qualities in proportion. Mclainotyp; s made in all kinds of weather, (except for | children. Ail work warrant* d. July 25.1 sul. LAT ESTFROM W. A. R. W. A . ROCKWELL is again on hand with the first New Goods of the esson ! DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, FANCY ANI) STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, I, FATHER, BOOTS & SHOES, WOODEN WARE. lIATS AND CAPS. Those wish!n a good bargain will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call, as the hard times will ' not prevent us selling good articles at moderate prices. ,' Although compelled to'adopt the ready pay system, we ' two , ntideHt that wc can give our customers perfect sat ! Isfaction. WM. A. ROCKWELL, j Towanda, srsciAL iffo7?cs TX ACCORDANCE WITH WHAT | A seems to be the necessities of the times, .2d for r'.v I own business security, I have'concluded to sell i>oods KOI! HEADY PAY! I believe I have as good credit-customers as any one, and : ■no'-t of th'-:n prompt paying ones, but future prosperity I in busine, i think requires that Groceries and Provi , ..ions should be sold for cash. 1 hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire ' to please, to still retain all of my old patrons. l liose who arc indebted to me will oblige me by ! settling up at oriee. E. T. FOX. Towanda, August 1,1861. TKE WAR TO BE SETTLED THE CLO TAiLOP. SHOP STILL IN MOTION. ( \ H. BUNTING. THE OLD STANP VT •BY TAILOR, would inform the '.die that be is stiil doing business at his old stand, where he is still pre pared to execute all kinds of work iu his line on the short est notice, and in the most approved style. Having lately secured one of the most perfect systems : for cutting in existence, lie can wartant smooth arid easy i tits with safety. j By an arrangement with the merchants, he is auabled : to get up suits at a very low figure, for cash. He would I inlorin the public that he is agent for A. Hartholfa Sew t iog Machines, the best machine extant—which will be Tarnished for cash, for from S6O up to tksO, as may be dc i sired. N. 15.—He is prepared to clean and mend garments at i reasonable rates, to suit the times—making them look nearly as nice as new. Call and try him. #3~Cuttii!g done as usual on short notice. Hhori on Muin st., opposite Codding & Russell's hard ware store, and three doors south of Dr. Carter's grocery, i Fashions received every six months. G. H. B. i Towanda. Nov. 20, lsGl. 1 jT FINE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES & FAMILY SI FPLIKS, Tea than cau't be beat, the best black Tea in town, also i iougar, Collee, Soap. Fish. Pork, and almost everything n the Grocery iiue, for sale cheap at FOX'S. Cheese Worth Eating. ;T HATE RECEIVED A LARGE DAI .Arv oi Cheese from Conrtland County.aa good as was i eveiironglit into this town. Please call and try it, it yea like it yon can buy it o'neap. ?. T. FOX. jttCsceilaucous. QZ& STAWD STILL IN OPERATION. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY TO the citizens of Bradford County, that lie has on ! hand the largest stock of C.VKKIAOB WORK that wasevet offered in Northern Pennsylvania, consisting of 4 top ! buggies, 1 slide seat top buggy 4 two horse democrat i wagons, 2 with tops, 4 one horse democrat, 2 open bug ; gies, 2 lumber wagons, besides several second hand wag i ons. Ail made of the best material, mo.-tly ol Eastern j timber, and o; the late.-t style, aud better made than any ! other carriages in Northern Pennsylvania, j The work is such that 1 warrant it to stand all reason able use. | The above will he sold low for cash or approved credit, las I wish to get out of the business. 1 also have 2 sul i kies lor sale. i N. B Work made to order and repairing done on j short notice. G. H. DRAKE, i Towanda, April 23, 1862. 2m New Furniture and Chairs. ' I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ; JL and extensive assortment ot Sofas, Mohogany Chairs , Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fin i ane-seat,"Wood, and Rush-bottom, Hair, Cane-seat and I ane-back Rockers, Looking-Glasses, Cord and Tassels j icture Frames, &c., Cheaper than the Cheapest. Please call and satisfy yourselves. Towanda, June 26,1861. CHESTER WELES. P : u i x*f f. />1 THUS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT L where you can find a very tine assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a i good stock of CLOCKS, prices ranging from 10 shillings < up, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale, f am also agent lor the -ale of If. E. LENT'S celebrated Barometers, which every farmer should always have. Pri ees from ?s to S2O, according to finish REPAIRING d-me as usual in a neat and workmanlike mam eruml war ranted. WM. A. CHA M BERLIN. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. / MIA IB BESDTEAD k FURNISHING vJ WARKROOM.—EL! BROWNING respectfully in forms tiie public that he has purchased from Jame s Mack inson his stock of Furniture, and rented Jtis .-hop A rooms i and is prepared to offer to purchasers g cat inducements in all articles in his line, lie wiil manufacture and keep on hand at all times a stock ot CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, Wa.-ii.staiids. Tables, Ac., A '., of 1 i!c i* ut sty!'-- and prices, suited t-> Jfe 11 • e attention <? UIOM- wishing to I|ppSia^y;j l l3ll-''y to the articles kept by j h- i- determined that in the quality ! iif hi- work, the exrelh-rcc ol mate i ,-jal aud the pii.-e not to I •• ouutd >n e._ & .8,. tsly any establishment. Beingsatis , lied t hat the RE VDY . PAY system i- the best lot both . purchaser aiid seilcr, his business will be conducted upon that system, lie will, however, takt e e.v.-haiigu tor j work all kinds ol Country Pn -duet . at the nuuket price TTTB2TI3TG, Ofall kinds, done to order, in the best manner, at reason able rates, and on short notice, j jj-jj- The Undertaking D< paitment will be conilucted, | as usual, by Mr. Mm kinson who is prepared with a new i and splendid Hearse to attend to all calls in his line, j Towanda. April 7.1862. New Spring & Summer Goods. R iMIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RE .1. moved to the south c rtierof tne Mcrcur Block, are ! ow opening a large Stuck or HI OOQBS I Clothing Tor Men and Boys. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS,. BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. | Our stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, is all of our i own manufacture. Consisting in part of. Men- ('cuts from $0, p 8 to $20,(10 Mens Pants iruu 0,75 to 10,< 0 ; Mens Vests from .7 <> 6 1 -0 4S" Mens, leys ami Youths Clothe- made to order, large I -elections of Fabrics alway- > n hand. The public are 'uvited to give us a call, as we arc de termined not to be under-old tor cash. Most kinds ol Farmers Produce takeu in exchange. N. B.- Also sell FINK EE A LYONS celebrated Shuttle ; Sewing Machines, making the l<>ek -to h alike >■>.< I-oh ! sides. A. WICK HAM k SON. Towanda April 3, 1862. 11. S. MERCt R Is now receiving a Tiew supply of SPRING TOOBS Purchased since the late reduction in prices. f 11HE special attention of eu-tomer- from all sections of J this and adjoining counties i- invited to this I Larg<\. Choice and Atirarlive Slock, which will be offered at the lowest prices. Townuda. April 9. 1862. PRINTS & DOMESTICS. The cheapest in the market, for cash at 2N£ O TST T ITT IE S , (Corner of the Public Square and Main Street.) TiIKY OFFER FOR SALE MERRiMAC PRINTS AT 12 1-2 Cts. Per Yard And other Good* in proportion. The public are invited to and examine for themselves. t; , All persons knowing themselves indebted over six mouths, will do well to rail and settle. MOXTANYES. March 17, Ih;2. ______ LXSI'ItANCK. 11 IIE undprsijrßeil has been nppointed the . Agent of the Insurance Company of North America, located at Philadelphia, is now prepared to take risks, in town or county. This Companj is one of the oldest in the United States, having been chartered in 1793, it has a capital of $500,000. and is managed by a board of Di rectors of the very highest character for honor and in tegrity. Alt losses are adjusted promptly. Its rates are as low as those of any good Company, and property hold ers insuring in this Company may rest assured that they can rely on the perfect safety of their policies in case ol loss. * U.S. RUSSELL, At the Banking Office of B. S. RUSSELL A CO. March 18,1862. —nil-tf. VT OT WI T HST A N PING THE HARD l\ times, the subscriber has a little C A. S PI , WHEREWITH TO PURCHASE Farmers' Produce ! And has on hand a large stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, To be exchanged for the CASH. C. B. PATCH. Towanda. May 20,1862. TIMOTHY" SEED—120 BUSHELS OF fine Timothy Seed, for gale by March 24. lrt. Jl. 8. MURMUR. JKmhanWK, CHUPNESS, STYLE & BEIUTI. NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWN PRICES. PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE! TUST RECEIVED.—A Large Stock of fl FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, at J. CORN'S Klmira Branch Clothing Store. Says coolly, boldly and deliberately, that he takes the foremost of the Clothing Merchants ot Towanda. Eigtheeu hundred and sixty-one has come, and the light and beauty of Spring shines upon us. with all its radiant splendor. I shall continue to sell Clothing, for Cash, cheaper than any other man, as my goods are all bought cheap for cash, aud they will be sold cheap for cash. My goods are all manufactured in Klmira, therefore, I can warrant them well made. Enough for me to say, 1 have everything m the line of C L OTHIN G ! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, &C., That is kept in any other Store in town. My banner is on the breeze, " And long may it wave, O'er the land of the tree, And the home of the brave 1 While her Stars and Stripes Rhine out like sun, Telling all the nations That Freedom's begin." This_.s a free country ; therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can do the best, regardless of the cross and sour looks of old fogy merchants. I invite you to come and see me—country as well as the city are invited—every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call. Come one, come all, and stop your speed, We've Goods enough for all in need, The boys, themselves, are at their posts, And they alone can supply a host. O'er ether dealers in this town. These same bovs have won renown, For selling the cheapest and the best, And selling more than all the rest 1 Hurrah! hurrah ! o'er hill a d plain, Accept our thanks, and call again. Among our assortments you'll always find, Goods to lit, and pTease the mind. We're on hand and always willing. To sell our Go ds, and earn a shilling 1 So hold your horses, and come this way, We shall he glad to see you any day, At JOHN SHL.VM'S Clothing Store, next door to 11. S. Mercur's Dry Goods Store, Main Street, Towanda, Pa. N. it.—We wish to be understood, that we are not to be undersold by any men. or combination of men. *3f* No charge b>>- showing our Goods. Towanda, March 12, 1862. J. CORN. The Argus Book bindery Again in Full Operation I UJK have the gratith-ath n of announcing to our frfends, 1 customers, aud the public, that we are now pre pared to do 1 iOOK HINDING, in ail it- Branches in the lab -t and most approved styles, and on the mo-t favorable terms. Having-e -ired. permanently, the C. WHITI KMI. :t finished w-rkmati from Philadelphia, and having added exten-ively to the fixtures of the con iei ii- giving gri-ater facility than formerly—we can pre sent to the put.he the mo-t po-itive assurance of our abil ity t-> ph-a.-e our patrons. uv~ Customers Should oe particular to remember that the " Argus Bindery," is in the Argus Building, as form erly, (first building north nfthe Ward House) and is con nected with our Book and Stationery Store and Printing Office, where all work should be delivered. CAUTION.—Wc are compelled injustice to ourselves, and our old customers, a- well as to prevent an imposition upon the pub-lie generally, to caution them against a sort a concern, that falsely holds out to the public that it is the Argu-Bindery. nrl is practiced no doubt, with a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold and deliberate attempt to deceive, they are hereby cau tioned. fctT Particular attention paid to re-Binding. All work gnat ranted. Kit Country Produce of all kinds taken in payment for work. Kit Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or patteju, at prices as low as elsewhere. Sowanda, March 5. l-'C-'i. E. A. PARSONS. NO COMPROMISE! AT TIIB Located a1 TOD iida, I Vim'a. GX3GRGIJ skcSAEZI \\r°Ul.l> INFORM HIS FRIENDS T T a:: I the people of Bradford county in general, that be has purcha -d the Marble hard formerly owned bv laylorA < u-h, aud has added to bis stock a large as- American and Foreign Marble. He invites the public to see his lug - stock before pur chasing elsewhere, a* he has the largest stock ever in this county. Customers purchasing at the shop or sending their orders will save at least 50 percent, and not i <• troubled with agents looking alter grave stones before the corpse is buried, and who are not responsible. Come and see what you are getting. Having been in the busi ness for the hist 2<i years, in the city of Philadelphia, he intends to keep a variety always on hand of Marble Man ties. Monuments. Grave Yard Posts, Head Stones and Tombs, at city prices. R Yard on Main street, opposite (Sen. I'atton's. N. B.—Altcratious and Repairing promptly attended GEO. McCABE. Towanda.Dee. 1-.lsol. Threshing Machine Agency ATTENTION ! FARMERS ! THIE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT JL in the county ot Bradford and the neighboring coun ties in Pennsylvania and New York, for E M E It Y ' S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are too well and popularly known to need an.y description from me, and I will only say that they continue to de serve the reputation they have enjoyed for ten years of being the " best Eudless Chain Horse Power in use." These Powers possess conveniences and advantages pos sessed by no other power. E M Elt Y ' S XE W 1> ATE X T THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not betid"? been intro duced into this region. It lias no endless chain sis,.'.7 carrier, but separates- all kinds of grant thoroughly from the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and the well known Vibrating ltiddle. It is a simple,durable and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly, without wasting, all kinds of grain. It will not choke, run easily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to tie superior to the common Pake Cleaner now in use. It remains only to be seen and tested, to be pronounced by every experienced band at threshing, to be an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATERS are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds of AGRXCtTIiTURAX. XVZACHZIffXIRV at manufacturers prices and terms. Up- For further information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., apply to U. SI. WELLES, Agent. Athens. Pa., July 30,1861. A CARD. r piTE present depressed state of the Money JL Market having had the effect to place many kindsjof Goods within the reach ot Cu*h buyers, at much lower prices 'ban heretofore, the undersigned hegs to give no tice that he has availed himself of this reduction, to a large exteu/ within the past ten davs and is now offering many barptins such as have heretofore never oeen equal! Ed in this market. Dec. 10. 1860. JOSEPH POWELL. JURIED FRUIT, ocon PRIED APVLES, Blaekhcnies, Rftvphirriss and Whortleberries, aheap FOX 4- iltciftal. DR. PORTERS OLD DEUG STORE, Already admitted to be The largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA! WITH An established reputation for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED Tn its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles, and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become upas Mail SMIT- e-smii With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL ARTICLES WAUKANTED AS KEPKKSEXTED. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Imnor ters or I- irst Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always be atthelow cst point for Prime (foods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, DRUGS &. DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this extensive stock trill be sold Cheng for Cash I rKI CE S REDUCED, VIZ: Of Soaps, Perfumery, Bruges, Combs, Pocket Knives and Razors, Lumps and Materials for Lvjht. TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE TOBACCO & SNUFF. All the Popular Patent. Medicines, Tooth, Skin &. Hair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclectic, Ilofanic and 110/ncfopaUiic JMrdbines Spices, Bird Seed, l.ump Shade < mid Garden Seed.t. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. j ( ouxiituliiig the n;o>t complete assortment, embracing the gnat wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised tor the Cash System. 1)R. PORTER'S CAMPHENE! DR. POUTER'S AL< OHOL ! DR. DORTER'S BURNING FLUID! Arc I-resh. daily prepared, ami unrivalled by anv iu th. .Market., DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS Fcr ; Family Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted t.. what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 374 rents Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation •• 25 " Dr. Porter's l'u.ic Elixer • 50 " I>r Purler's Worm Syren " 25 " Dr. l'orter's ('unip. Syr. Mypoplersphites.. " lot) " Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic 11 j.-q << Dr. Port*, r's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff 25 " Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder •' 25 " Dr. Porter's 'i'r-ieog- " 25 " Dr. Porter's Trii npidle " 25 " I>r. Porter's Shampoo < 25 " Dr. Porter's I!or>e and Cattle Lotion " 57J " Dr. Porter's Horse anu Cattle Powder " 25 " l>r. i'orter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Dr. I'orter's Dr. Port: r'-Clemt-iuv Fluid " ■ fr. Porter - R.-.t and Mice Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter'.-( i*.rate .Magnesia " 25 " llediual A<h ift given grainiicusiy af thPoOkt ( barging only for Medicine. ayThankful for past patronage would re-peet tuliv aniiouiu eto hi- friend- f *he pulilic tbatno pain shali be soared t>> satisfy and merit the continuance el theirconfidence and patronage, at the Cash Drug* Store ! Corner of Main and Pine streets. Towanda, 5. tool. HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, LARDERS, AND ALL WHO WANT — I HAVE just received from tlie Citv, Largo Stock of IMPORTED Fl'liE JJQUORS, of every variety. My stock of LiQUORS has been pur chased tor ( ASM, directly trom the Importers, whereiiv I am enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Liquor, of any kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever be ! ore offered in Towanda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will fiud it greatly to their advantage to examine my ; stock before purchasing elsewhere. I have facilities fo"i ' purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE my j goods at New York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Liquor.' are warranted pure and unadnlter ated. I have also on hand the Largest Stock and Great', est Variety of Ever brought to Towanda, which having been purchas e directly I'roni the Manntacturers and Importers, enabUt me to Compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists of tie city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invites to an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, C'igats and Tobacco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description. kept constantly on hand, at prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that I am enabled to sell iny entire stock of Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like goods can lie purchased this side of the City, I respectfully so li -it the public to an examination at No. 5, Brick Row. H. \V. NOBLE. Towanda, June 11, I*oo. . TIME! FORWARD! MARCH! TO THB ISTE W8 It OM! Where You can gel llie Latst h \\>! ,\NI) IF YOU WANT TO KEEP -Aa. well posted on the events that are passing befort the American people, i- t ask for one of THE il.l.l'S TRA IEU PAPERS. Tbey ire really worth double tin price we ask for then . An 1 while you are there von may as well get a MAP shoving all the important point in the country. Or yo i may want to write to yoni friends, and von can get the verv latest style of PATH! OTIC NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES. ffif Cotne aud see what we have got, and satisfy your solve. 1 " Don't forget the place—THE MEWS ROOM. Tat ida, Junel2.lSSl. Kerosine oil, for sale cheap at FOX'S. Ang.W ; !Wi. Business eatu. EDWARD T. ELLIOIT, attorn, AT LA IV, Towanda, la. Office ovt- i> ! 6tore. J #t <L Towanda, July 23 7 18G2 ly. I>E NJ. M. PECK. AT TO /; #r Y i U LA IV, TO WANDA ~PA—AII busin ew.iL, 4 " |to his care, will receive prompt attention (ifi, '-I I Co!. E. Smith, over Tracy & Moore's Store # WlI 4 j April 11,1861. fFHOMAS J. JNOHAM, ATTOi;\;/ v ; -L A T LA IV, LAPORTJL, Sullivan Connty, p a n.N. WILEI A MS, A TTOKNE v' i • LA IV, CANTON PA., will attend to all ■ ness entrusted to hisenre in thecourts of Bradford T '" j Lycourg and Sullivan Go's. ' 69* Soldiers claims and pensions prompt'* , I June 24. ISG2. 1 ' weM# tb *• ovbbtow,Jß: .::T:r7r::rr7.G: r ssssusr j /WKIITON & MOXTANYE, A TTop : AE ) ; s /} 7 L f l IV—Office iu Union Block w i y occupied Ly JAS. MACFAKLANE. -"Boron DR. E.H. MASON, PIT YSic IA y A vr, ' ofrers l,is professional service,,/ i people of fowanda and vicinity. Office at hi •on l'ine street, where lie can always be foumi\ r. t{ professionally engaged. 3 un<l *■ act ; R Ji - PARSONS. ATTOUXEy' rr XJ* LA IV, Tltoy, Bradford Co., I'a Offi.-L ;M - AM. P. Long's store. A „|j f r 'f v ! IH] 1 .,. 11 A * XA:s SMITH, baring returned • -M.J lowanda, has opened a Law Office over v.. - j Store. Dec. 1. 1857. I<rccr T\' T. DAVIES~ A TTORNEY at * t • !.A IV, Towanda, Bradford county- Pi r. n'!i h -, W m " U atkins ' h> 1-, a few doors north of the wf i . in ~°' Jan. 8, Im;i ; AMERICAN HOTEL, TolCaNla !il I'a. (near the bridge.> M. .T CARRIFII ' j _ lowanda..Nov. 20, 18|. Pr-X*. 1a ' - M LSTON, I)L V (mfww TIST, permanently located in To W l „l M' Konedoorsoil th of Ba i! i • v.V X e v t •! • i Towanda, Feb. 19,1859. " ' * ' O. XX. WOODRUFF-DENTIST. T>ER\IANENTLY located in Towanda.- IJ. Office No. 5, Brii L: Row. over H. W. NOBLES' SV i Entrance one door south of Tracy A M..ores. deeYii P. C. GOBUBJT, 4 TTORNEY ANI) NOTARY PUBLIC 7rV: <] ;l- 1 , , f a \.° ,lice iu thl ' building lerrnurlv oc cnped nv H. B. M< Kean. * " SO, Ail legal business attended to with promptness aad j Towanda, Aug. 20, 18fil-tf. i D. WILMOT „ VO .. K , WiLM T &. MORROW : ATTORNEYS AT LAW. TOWANDA, PENN A. I f fat* ly i cvui/itil h<j JwJgi Alercut.) / li\\A liv IN. *s,having vo'iinteprcii, ami 0 1,1 " 'finy. tin-partner-hip of Wli'.Mo Till-new tin.'. Ot U il.Mni { "P Mw ousinessni Judge M ~r an.; ' Wilm-it A.Wa I kins. i attend promptly to anv net*! 11\ be cu;rusted to them. Aug 14. 18t;2. F. C. COBURitj, ATT'Y., TOWANDA. PA. nv IN' I MARK\ RR \ \!jEMENI'S .in ashington, with Col. ALLEN McKEtV U now 1 d n. clle. t all Miiita y ;aim- UM ti „ , v. vera m :a, Sack Pay. iloiinty and Pen-i •>!-., at -m., ; I"' 1 ' 'tagi . i• v j . i 1 9*i ( \i W ) THRIFTY 1-RUIT nM I I'RKES.-ia: ,!;,H :nd dwarf emhr., • I dl the varieties of Fruit oftered I ,• the s'." i quehantM Nurseries,i'K-ated at Towan.laand .Pa. t!v oiM-.g al. The tr cs ire growing in g.."l l.mj j and in" -1 U- -tirapr Vinos By the hundred or th ,< i and very cheap. Rir V, .tvri n—A few intelligent, active and tpit --j wortiiy let-iuc-ss tnea, t. agent-, . i jt ir.ler- f.r f 1 *?" 8 ' L'unts. Shrubs. .Vc.. dleivernd in the foil oi 1 ■■■'>. A liberal compel- a ion will be p.,id. DANIEL HARKiNs. Towanda, Pa.. July 23, 15.;2 _; y. WARD HOCSE. Towanda, Pa. Stthsfribers liav'nir lensed this well J_ known M -tel for a terrr-of y.- r. would inf am their ' friends and the traveiing luiblic, that they will he nee! : !i i|ipv to a■•eoitisu .date all who may fav.r them witiia ! call. It will he the aim of the pn-seet propriettr l . t-i ; make the Wakii Mot s:: at ouoe comfortable, pleo-.-ant j ami cheerful. Yours Truly, Jan. 1 ■* 1 POWELL k SMTTH. MccA Be ' s .CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, fie/oir J. Kingsbfty\s store, Main st. r PME subscriber would respectfully tender liis sincere i thank-to the pui.lie for tnc very liberal patronage extended to him. and solicits a continuance of the same. Me begs leave to assure that he intends to keep on land as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS ot all kiadi, the best tie: country affords, winch lie intends to sell for very snail' profits, either by the -idc. quarter or pound. fct'A qua itity of lirst qiialit i SALT PORK, put up by myself, .'heap, l.y tiie barrel 5r pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place with in the corporation. Towanda. August 12,1859. J McCABE. JiA I LROAI) HOTEL," A car the Barclay Railroad In minus, TOWANDA, PENNA. r j l R. JORDAN"-o{fully n.forms the I- • the public tout be has >• rsd the we'l-known tar em stand lormerly occupied by M. T. CARKIKK, in the lower part of the borough of Towanda, which haviojt been reiitted and thoroughly re furaished. he invites the patronage of the public with every confidence that he can give entire satisfaction to such as may favor bin with a call. Hi- BAII will be kept stocked with the best qualitieso! LMJUORS, and the best brands of (TEARS. Extensive stabling is connected with the Uoase, asS reliable attendants v. ill •• nly b; kej>t. No pains or expense w; ! be spared to deserve the pat rouiige of t'-cpublic— cc-t rn charges will be reasima b!o. Towanda, April 1, 18fil. Extraordinary Inducements TO THE BUYERS OF FUR Nil URE aND CHAIRS. U A VIXG greatly increased my form Cabinet Ware and Chairs, 1 as "" to dispose of ttiese accutnlai tions rapidly, and with,that design offer all articles unprecedented hw prices, for Cash. Good Solas at flu to f'iti, line Cane Seat Chairs 75 ct,. each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shillings. I have now more than GO different patterns o' Chairs. Bureaus Desks for the farmer or merchant, I.ookint (Masses uooKing giass Plates, Portrait and Picture frame of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corner: patterns ~t Stands . extension, dining, tea and work Ts '-lcs, Mali Stands, and m tact anything that can be found in a city Ware house. A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a r - Hearse ready, at all times. Purchasers w 11 be sure to find :he right place. oiitu side of the public square, one door east of Montanyts- Towanda. Dec. 1, lsio. CHESTER WEEDS. War of the Rebellion, 1861. I D GOODENOIXi II hereby announce •/ • to all persons interested, tliat he has just recei vea from the city of Washington, a package ot Blank hi"'®'' for otita ning the Bouuty-Mouey, Arrears of Par. "*'* Pay. Pensions, and all arrearages or sums of money 4* tor services, or by reason of the death oi : \ soldier a the present war. For the more speedy prosecuti >n _ said claims, he Ins a—uciated himself with a reliable 1 torney at the city of Washington. He Hitters that from his long experience in procuring Land * rants. Pensions. Sic.., that lie can give at least asC satisfaction as those can who have le cxperieu- 1 and on as reason'i.le terms. Towanda, June 14 152, CASWIPTOWN ACADEMY Rev. S. F. Brown, Principal. r TT'.IK FALL TERM OF~7HIS INSTITUTION X commence AUGUST Is lsi>2, and cunt nue t*'' l '' weeks. BOOKS USKD — Towns' Speller. McNalley t,,v " rapliy. Grcaideal's Common School and National Ar luetics Brown's Grauiinar. Davies' Algebra, Geonu' . and surveying, and Parker's Philosophy. , . TERMS t'omuwu English Branches, $3 00 ; H'6 ir Branches, ft 00. t~g~ Board convenient at reasonable prices. REFERENCES.—The Board ol Trustees. E. B. oar 1" ' Cyrus Fuller, A. Fuller, D. D. Chaffee. !<• B. Cami>- L M. HEWETT, Prcsid nv HOMER CAMP, Secretary. 'tnmptown. Pa. .Ju1y31,1*63,