Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 04, 1862, Image 3

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jgV- The Senntorial Conferees of the District
omposcd of Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoming and Sul
fivau *i" metit at Sherwood's Susquehanna Co., on
Monday the l.'.tli day of September next.
Monday, the 25 h ult., forty four
volunteers left Sullivan county, lor Camp Curtin. Tak
j n g into consideration those that have previously gone,
gullivau is doing finely.
The scveu Companies from this County
were organized into a regiment with two companies from
Susquehanna and one from Wayne, at Harrisburg, last
week. Maj. H. J. MADILI. was elected Colonel, GUY H.
WATKINS Lieutenant Colonel ; I. P. SPALDING Major
On Friday last, they were armed and started for Wash- j
ington, being the first regiment organized in the State;
for the war. The regiment is Xo. 141. P. V. We have I
been premised the muster rolls, which we shall publish
as soon as received.
jfrg-The drouth lias been general through- ,
out the country, and much complaint is made in the lo
cal papers as to the damage done. The corn lias suffer- >
ed considerably, the ears are not filled up, and the yield j
will lie lighter than anticipated. Potatoes have also suf- j
fered for want of rain, while the grass is very much parch
ed. The peaches, in many sections, are shrivelling upon j
the trees, and those that are ripe are lacking in flavor.— j
Other is suffering.
ggjv. owinto the fact that fo laiqjc a tiutn- j
ber of the male teachers from Sinithfield and its vicinity j
have gone into the army—also, that all the officers, or j
nearly all, are out of the county, it has heen thought ad- ,
visable to postpone the meeting of the Teachers' Associ- j
ation which was to he held on the 12 A 13 iusts., uhtil the
annual meeting. The ex itement consequent upon the
news from the war absorbs all other interests. All who
were to take part in the meeting, will he expectdd to
perform the same parts at the annual meeting, of which
due notice will be given.
Sept. 1, 1802. C. It. COISURX.
BfGV, In important order has? been issued by
the War lfi pnrtnu-nl relative to the procurement of sub
stitutes in anticipation of a draft. By the terms of this
order, all attempts to procure substitutes in anticipation
of the draft will he regarded by the War Department as
discouraging enlistments ; and the persons who make
such attempts, and their aiders and abettors, aie liable to
nrre-t under the order of August Btli. By the same order
the publication of advertise meiits with a view of aiding
s :<-h attempts will hereafter render the publisher liable
to arrest.
NAMKS TO BE I!: \!. M !' Kit K.I) —J.ISOV k
WuiiiiiT K-q.. of Athens, has three sou.-- in the army,and j
lais now gone himself as Captain.
W. PfiKLi's, of .Smiihfieid, has five sons in the Union !
army. * ;
A. B. TKMI-I.LTON, of Hot rick, has four sons in the !
1A A. WEED. "f Burlington has six sons in the Union ;
service, one of whom !•- a Lieutenant,
lli sKT .Son, of this borough, has three sons in the !
Tii 'e are many mori families in the county,no doubt,
of whom "a have not been infill mi d, that have done as j
no! h this short list, however, shows that Bradford is
in t behind in patriotism or in furnishing men.
fvvs The following tvns written by a soldier
in the hospital, who lost his leg at the battle of Fair
Oaks, and signed L F. 13.
Good log. Thou wast a faithful friend,
And truly h.ixt thy duty done,
J th ink tin ; most that to the end
Thou di -st not let this body run.
Strange ]cir:ulox ! that in the tight
tViieii 1 of thee was thus bereft,
1 lost my left leg for '• tiie tight."'
And yet the right's the one that's left.
Bat whib- the sturdy stump remains
I may be aide y< to pitch it.
Foi i vi it now I've taken pains
To make an 1.13 ;. to match it.
R'nf" I n Hot iltiras, invalids afilu'D d with
S rottil.t visit the streams that have drained from wild
lauds where S ii-apuriiia grows. It is found that the
w iters me impregnate 1 wit i the n!edi-in i! virtues of
fins drug and the net Are drunk it. bathe ill it. and hie
on it tor weeks Whatever its effo :ts these " trait ring
jilacrt" have a reputation n >1 inferior to our own Sura
t 'ja and great nunihers surely obtain relic: atthent fioui
the eraptious, ulcerations, aid so;- wlii -h are so afflict
irig always to a halt civilized tie q>!c. Vet 1 find all
i las-es have more confidence in Dr. Aver'* Extract of
sar-apatill'ii, than in t':c impregnated wafers of any
compound ol the mot tliat the.v i .in make. Those who
r.ui atfi-id to liuv it. do >n, a;.:] it is in Very general use
in-re. curing *n; in sin r and quicker than they carl get
f' el without it. Not a few uf our staple products g .
'•; lo fen , v , lands are there manipulated hy- scientific
or artisan K 11. tiien come back for our consumption I
Kiel use. Cot i espondiiit of the Jitrrii'd frt/n Tt axilla.
learn through a private letter, says the Waverly Advo
fair, that Col. 11. L. KINNEY, of Corpus C'hristi, Texas, j killed iu a late battle between the French and Mex
ican-, he being in tlie army of the latter.
Col. KINNEY was a native of Bradford county, com
menced business in early life in Towanda ; went West j
during the period ol great land speculations ; failed there
iu the financial crisis of ; went quietly to Texas and
r-taldishcd the famous Kinney ltanch—afterwards the
city of Corpus Chri-ti ; after the Texan war, was cap 1
lured in Mexico and for a long time confined in the pris- j
on of Perots : was with Gen. TAYLOK in the Mexican war
—had extensive contracts to supply the army with beef
and mules: waded in gold tip to his eyes; become the j
proprietor of land enough in Texas tor a small state ; was j
h-d by his inordinate ambition to sacrifice it all in filli- j
blistering in Central America ; returned to Corpus Chris- j
ti penniless and friendless, and has now ended his event
ful career in lighting t?:e battles of his old arch enemy
a against their French invaders,
lie was about sixty years of age.
A Company of enterprising gentlemen of Steuben Co.> i
have organized a company at Hammondsport, N. Y., for '
the purpose of raising Grapes and the manufacture ot
pure Wines and Brandies. The climate upon the shore !
of ( rooked Lake, about Hamncomlsport is peculiar,
'y adapted to the gront'n of grapes and the experiment
has been so successful, that many acres of vines mule 1 '
cultivation, and thousands of gallons of Wine have been
A sample of the products which we have tested (o r
tasted) satisfies us that the Wines made by that Company
a| v destined to come into general use. The gentlemen
•''iiiposing this Company arc amongst the most respccta- j
ble and responsible citizens of Steuben county, and they
fpiarant* e the productions of the Company to be entirely
fre, a rid made solely from the juice of the grape.
Ike prices tt which the Wises and Brandys of the Com-
Tany aie off red place thein within the re a ch of the pub. j
■i' , being less than paid for the vile and adulterated,
rr ' x u, es generally retailed. The officers of the Associa
tion are (~ H. President, C. I). CHAMPLIX,
y. and Trcas. Address Hammondsport, N. Y.
!'"■> 1 "'i n —Repairs and changes are now going on
necessary to accommodate the new school, which will b e
opened in this borough about the first of October next.
Die privileges of education which will „e placed With.
,I,<; reach of our citizens, by t e establishment of thil j
Vadcmy, are of the highest order. There are no highe l ' j
e-'icatiocai institution iu fisgland, than the onr frem '
1 1 HI ——
whom there S:-ters emanate; and it should ten bigi t y
and distrust to learn, that although Catholics, prosely
tism is not sought or intended by them. The parent
school in- England is patronized by the Protkstant govern
meut of that country, which pays two hundred and fifty
dollars to the Normal department of the school at St-
Leonard s an 1 th; other school, of the Sisterhood, f-r
every Teacher educated by them. They have taught in
those schools, perhaps as many Prutistauts as Catholics
and none of their scholars,whom they have taken through
their whole course of study, have failed to prove how j
thorough is their systems, and how universal their ac'
Among otb'-rbranches, they will teach Latin and ail
the modem languages,Geometry,(Euclid ;) and Algebra!
Painting, both m water colors and oil ; Drawing with fla
inodles, gi ometrev, free hand, perspective, trom models,
landscapes, heads and figures ; illuminating ; uiakingthe
richest point lace, working in gold, and embroidery, and
; eve y species of needle work; be-bdes music, and alj
i the branches commonly taught in tlie higher female
schools. They propose instituting a saystein of
school for the elder Class of girls, whose employment in
i service, will prevent their going to tlie other schools.
| Their parish school, free to the poverty-stricken orphan<
; will be opened in a few days, in which will be taught tie
j usual subjects of a common school education. We bespeak
for these ladies a fair trial of their enterprize, and that
I consideration and forbearance of unkind doubts, always
clue to the educated stranger, especially of tlie weaker
and more defenceless sex. •
The editor of the Seranton Republican
; being present at Camp Curtin , when the 132 d Regiment
; was formed, pays the officers and men the following com. i
' pliment. The Regiment is composed of the foil wing Com
. pauies:—
j Capt. Townsend, Bradford county.
I Chase, " "
•' John, Catawissa Guards, Columbia co.
" Wiiituioyer, Bloomsburg Guards, Columbia co.
'• Shrcve, Danville Fencibles, Montour co.
" Stilwell, Seranton Guards, Luzerne co.
'• Archbald. Railroad Guards. "
" lughain, Wyoming Tigers, Wyoming co.
" Abbot, Carbon co.
" Willhelm, Lehigh Valley Guards, Lehigh co.
" We will answer for these men ; they will do their
duty without flinching. Their ompanies are all quite
up to, or near the maximum, and better stuff we do not j
j believe has gone out of that Camp. Capt. TOWNSEND is
a firm, determined, square-built m in, and he and Capt. !
CHASE who is stout, kind hearted, good humored, but j
prompt have their couscierfte iu this fight. We need j
say nothing better to tlicir credit than this, that when it j
was suggested that Bradford ought to have a field officer, j
they concluded each bad taken as iimeh responsibility as j
th y ought, in undertaking a captain's.
Capt. Wiiirii J.vK is a genial, liberal minded Columbia !
county dutch man, ar.d neither he nor Capt. JOHN will :
ever fiiiieli, or we are mistaken. Tlie latter is a keen, j
intelligent, blight-eyed young muu with a ready smile j
and seli-pos.-e.-.-ed manner, who gave up a profession to !
go to war. i
Capt. INGHAM i.- aire de-t, unassuming man who will j
strictly attend to bis own business and cimcieutiously J
j look after the wa..tsof his m il.
Capt. WILHEI.M U a sturdy, reliable, warm-hearted
! Geruiau, of Ca'lisle, who, we think, will never ask bis !
: b -v.- to "o where he v. iil not lead.
1 v apt. Am; .v. i- ,i lank, determined looking, lean faced j
er.ei eeti offi cr, who he- abandoned his business as coal 1
; operuf -r, -hipping 70.000 ton.-, a year, to crush out this j
• Rebellion.
tap:, i- a ertaraeter. He was with Walker the j
I FLLbu.-ter. and fins been in any number of fights ; a wi- •
ry, ready witi-J. mifh making, -limlublt. dark skinned
| yieing : fit- is all nerve and we guarantee will give
a good account of liiin.scif and men. Wo were moat fa
vorably impressed with every man of t tic in. and arc
on much mistaken if they do not make the 132 a crack j
Align-t 21. l-; 2. by the Rev J. If Ross, Mr. GUI!DON ;
BULL of 'i owanda. to Miss RE BI3CCA ANN VAX
GGRDKIi of Asylum.
ilrii) gt G t r n i ( a c m cnts
r 111-: ANNL" A L i:x \Mi .\ A I i DNS OF
jJL 1 13Ai HI3RS tor tlie several districts of the county.
; will be li"hb ii at the folhiwing times and jilaces. fan
•l.dati - toi inspection will please notice the iolio wing par
tieulai - : w
1. Lai-li ex iiuinaii ui will commence atfi o'clock, a.m..
and icon- w d be inspected who do not come 111 before ten
unlc-s the d.-luy be unavoidable.
II Te.e in-;- will l'i ex mined ONLY iu the districts
in v>h! h t:i• y cxpeet.lo teach, or in towuships in which
they reside.
iil N" pei'-oii will he inspected who has been present
at any otln-r examination, in the county during the year.
IV. Residents ot ot iicr c.,unties WILL NOT be exam
in. d, neie-s iLey expect to tench in this county.
V. ,v!i pei-on- iviei ii ■ n I KNOW they will not teach
in the county during the year, are expected to iie pres
ent •' I i. pe lion, fait those who do not intend to teach,
wi'i not be allowed to join the classes.
VI. lki-h i aiidiiiale will Ining with him two sheets of
fools cap paper, pen. ink and lead pencil.
Dire- tors are requested to fie present during the whole
time of the examinations. They will find it to be a fa
v u ifile opportunity to eulcr into contract with their
Ii aehers.
K\;"!".- will fie held ;>< foilows :
M e tivj . .in 1 I' u >',F"pl. Id. at the Borough house.
Franklin, I ue-day, Di. at Yariiey School house,
Gt u.villi*, Wednesday Sept. '7. at Taylor, "
!.••!{• •>-. Tue.-uay. Sept Is. at Corner's "
t aiitoii, Friil iy, Sept l'J, Corner's '•
l'io\ ,v Atinenia, Monday, Sept. 22, B .rough, "
■ Columbia. Tuesday 23, at Austiuville "
Weils. Wednesday Sept. 24, Furgesnti "
. South Creek, Thursday, Sept. '25, at Geillct "
Riilgefitny, Friday,ljept. 20. Burnluiin "
Smilhtii id. Saturday, Sept 27. at Centre "
Sp: itigiield. Monday, Sept. 2'.), Centre "
i Bui iiiigton. West A Bo;-.' File day Boro' "
Towanda Xo; th Towanda V Boro' Wednesday, )
Se| t ill, Borougti School House, f
■ Sheshequin. Friday October 3, Snider
F!-te , V.oi,day, ot 13. Warner, "
Atiiens, Tuesday. Oct. If. B trough,
Litili.'iold, Wednesday. Oct. lb. Centre "
Windham. Thursday, Oct. Id, Kuykendall
Warren. Friday, Oct. IT.Boweua'a "
Orwell. .Saturday Oct U, Hill "
l'ike Monday, (let 20, Village "
Herriek. Wedntsda}-, Oct 22. Landon "
Wyalusing. Thursday. Oct. 23d, C.amptown "
Tiiscarora. Saiuiday, Oct. 25, Taylor "
Wilmot, Mond iv, Oct. 27, Ingham "
Terry. Tuesday. Oct 28, Terry to Wu, "
; Asylum, Wednesday T.), Laporte "
S'aiiding Stone. Thursday. Oct. 30, Stevens "
I Rome, Friday, Oct. 31. Borough "
; Wysox, Saturday, Nov. 1. Myersbnrg "
! Albany A Overton, Tuesday, Nov. 4. at Brown "
C. R.COBURN, Sunt.
Towanda. Aug. 15. 18fi2.
HAVE p-u-cliased tlie large and well known establish |
tnent of D. C. Hall, and are now receiving from New
York, the largest and most complete assortment of
ever offered for sale in this market, which will be sold
CIII3AI' for Cash orappoved Credit.
We have a large and well selected stock of Wood :nd
Coal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and
| style of Parlor, Dining-Room. Six-Plate, and Cylinder
Stoves, which we can. and will sell as cheap as can be
j purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a full
and complete assortment of
Nails and Glass. Paints and Oils, House Trimmings, Car
l'iuge Trimmings. Springs, Iron Axels and Boxes, of
ail sizes. Carpenters and Joiners Tools, Black.
smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular and Mill
Saws, Table and Pocket
a. v r an BH "W 9
of every description.
Pumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tubes.
111(1 S'T.i \XI 4 4XI) PLATED WARE
: the latest and most approved patters. A iarge quantity
of TIN-WARE AND STOVEPIPE, always on liand.-
Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and
form of
JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted.Bees
GRAIN, Old Iron. Copper, Brittannia, Brass,
wax and Feathers, taken in exchange for Goods.
We invite " the whole world and the rest of mankind,"
to cali and examine our our goods before purchasing.--
Onr motto will be use every man welland submit to noth
-1 ina wrong.
FITS- One door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell'T
; Block, Main street, CODDING & RUSSELL.
1 C. S. itcssFtt. ( Towanda, Sept. 21, 1860.
iifto sfcbert(serants.
bu.-bels of OATS, tor which the highest market
price will be paid cash. W. A. RUCK WELL.
Towanda, August 28, 1862.
'TIHE highest premium paid for Gold and
_L Silver, also, for the l r . S. Treasury notes old issue.—
Certificates tor the back pa\ und bouuties of discharged
and deceased i-oidiers cashed bv
' B. S. RUSSELL, & Co.
Towanda, August 28,1862.
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is here
by given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Victor T. Stevens late of Athens twp., dee'd.,
are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate will present them
duly authenticated lor settlement.
Aug. 27, 1562.
ADM I N I sf IIA TOR'S N OTlCE.—Notice
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate ol 11. S. Salsfiury.dee'd.. late of Mouroeton twp.,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay, and all persons having demands against said estate
will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Aug. 27, 1862. Admistratois
Assignees sale.—The Assi!;,ees of
D. C. II ALL now offer at private sale, his house A
lot in the borough of Towanda, situate on Second Street
lot 724 by 294 leet. with alley in centre ; containing a
large house and barn, well-water running in house, with
large cif>treu in wood house, with a large quantity fruit
ol almost every kind, furniture, such as mahogany chairs
rockers, te-te a-te-tes, sofas, marble top side tables, Lis
bon marble top centre tables. Brussels, wool and oil
cloth carpets, stoves, dining room furniture, feather-beds
bedsteads and bedding, one cow, sulky, cutter, buggy,
harness, and one brown mare.
ALSO—A lot iu Dushore, Sullivan County, containing j
9'J feet on .Main St., running back from 00 to 110 ft., with I
large two story store, two store houses, framed barn and I
shed thereon. Also, one full set of tinner's tools, ma- !
chines, benches, pal terns and ail other implements for j
manufacturing iu that business, including a stock of iron,
stoves, hardware, carriage trimmings, tin ware, and nu- I
merous other goods, which will be sold at less than they i
can be bought under any other circumstances.
X. 15.—A1l parties indebted to D. C. HALL, by ac- j
count, note or otherwise, mast settle and pay immediate- '
ly.or cost will be made, without any respect to persons, i
13. W. SMITH,
1. H. SMITH,
Towanda. July 31, ISG2. Assignees.
I IST OF JURORS 'Jruwn lor September
J Term, lfco2.
j Burlington Boro'—S W Mil- lor.
j ler, ] Troy Tp—Samuel Williams, j
Franklin—P FFairchild,; M S Win stun, Reuben Case j
jJ 1. Johnson, Troy boro'—E C Williams, I
; Granville—Wm Shoemaker. Tuscarora- -Milton Lewis.
Lumuu Putnam, Wysox—l3 A Bennett,
: Litchfield—Daniel M tliory. Warren—Salmon King, Wni |
Pike —Chancy Seymour. Rogers,
: Rome—E W Taylor, - Wells—George Corey, Oscar i
; Sheshequin—CXAuiesGuy Havens,
\ Smith, Wjalusing—Charles Holleu- !
Springfield—Win Burgess, back,
i Standing Stone—John i'ay-;Ulster— Geo Lenox.
Athens twp—E A Murray.'Overton—Samuel A unable, 1
Ez"kicl Curry, Seth Mor- Dudley Bailey,
ley, John, j Pike—Jas H Jennings,
Albany—Augustus Steriger Ifiun - —Joseph Hor ton,
Russell Eldred, C W Cor IRidgbury— P D Covell,
iiin. Sheshequin—Wm Lane, EC
: Asylum—Wm Bowm 111, Vouglit,
; Burlington West—Charles Stone —Wm Griflis
I Taylor, Chas Swart wood. Wm kings'ev, j
James Foulke, r'pririgficld—liiraiu Chase,;
Columbia—A.-a A Bullock Wm T Daily,
, Edwin Slade. Jas Wilson.:Smithlield--E G Durfey. i
Cant ui —Wni J Cli.iniicli, I'us arora— Lutlier Keener,
Frank. 11 Gates \\ ilcox, Towanda tp—Ezra LDecker
Elijah Blake, Towanda 15oro'—H A Carey
Granville--Marcus Aye rs, J WelD-Jnliu Brownell,
W Pliidips, | Warren—Wm Rider, James
Hen ; k Thomas A Lee. P Nichols, A New- i
Lit. hficlu Johnson Roger.- man,
Wni Bostwii k. Vv y ilnsing--J C Vaughn Ed
M ini-'e tp—l F Woodrufl.' Hornet. \V C Camp,
; Orwell—W p Payson James Ulster—Tracy.
Pitcher, I
j Athens boro'—Charles 11 uii Standing Stone—XVin Stc- i
j tiiigdon. veus. Ste hen Bishop,
i Asylum—Reuben DeLong, South Creek—Philo Fassett | <
Cautuu- J L Wright, Sam'l W Y Glines Jr. , (
Owens, Troy tp—Guy Ballard, Ezra ,
Columbia—lVleg Peek ham, Loom is, Rausler Leonard, i
John W Kilgore, Terry—Erastus Shephard,
Franklin—John MeKre. Charles Viall.
Gra,'villi John MeNight. Tusearora—N J Cogswell.
Geo Burke, Towanda North—Will'm II
Herriek- Ezekiel Carr, Jt- Foster,
i remlah Anderson. W irren - - Rieliard Gibson, 1
1 Orwell —Burton Russell, ; Edwin E Butfington.
1 i'ikr Stephen Gorhain, 1 Windham—Stephen Wiek- '
1 Lewis. ham. 1 .
Ridgfiiiry -W SHal.-ted, Ed Wysox—John I! Hines, Ste-
Beck with. pbeu Sftiekland.
>lie.-hequi;. -Mar-hall Segar Wilmot—Herman Iforton j
Loyd Fishel", W II Bislioji, •
Q PECIAL COURT.—Notice is hertby '
O given t! a Special Court will fie held nt Towanda. j
II HI. R G. WHITE, presiding, commencing Monday j '
November 3d,1802, for the trial of the fo'lowing causes:— j
0. P. Ballard vs. Treat Shoemaker el al.
Charles H. Shepard vs. A. B- Smith, et al.
A M. Kirk vs. A. B. Smith, et a'. ; '
1. I! Foster vs. A. B. Smith, et al.
M. P. Ranaomvs. David Arnold
< 'yrus Shtiinway vs. Clark Hollenbaek.
J. R fng(r-all. et al vs. H. S. Vaughn, frl al; ; •
Win. H. t'iyuser's use vs. C; L. Ward. 1
C. F. Ifii-s vs. Sarah Stone,adm'.v ■ 1
D. P. Bar-low's ufltn'x vs. All u M'Keaii. s
H. S. Welles vs. C. N*. Sliipnian, A terten.
James lleveilcy v>. John Sullivan, et al.
Luther Gales v-. I.ewis Mosier.
Horace W. Slaver vs. Fo.-ter A Morley. <
ShipmanA Welles vs. Rogers Fowler. f
J. M. Weston's ex'r. vs. J. e'orson, et al. i <
'/i Hi. k - Adm's vs. the X. 15. Canal Companj 1 \ u
Henry Northrop vs. Sinilh Lent, ex'r.
S. W. Park vs. Win. Fiuueriek.
Catharine Xealley vs. Simeon Decker, 2'd
Jane Gibson vs. Win. Gorseline. I -
fKfo.M) WI.KF.
James Clark vs David Armstrong;
Robert Haiiey vs. David Armstrong. ! c
Samuel Areliebald, et. al. vs. Thomas Pagd. j 1
Burton I..Smith vs. C. B. AN. 15. Chalice. ; I
H. &. i'. cek jr. vs C. F. Wilson, 1
Hiram Horton vs. Peter Tetter. e
American Life Insurance A Trust Co. vs. If. W. Patrick.
American Life insurance A Trust Co- vs. Charles F.
Welles jr. 1
American Life Insurance A. Trust Co. vs. George A.
American Life Insurance A Trusf Co. vs. Edward 11.
R. C. OliiDon vs. Asylum Twp.
L. M. Hewitt vs.Z. Esseltine, et ai. ]
L. M. Uundell vs. Asa Slater, et al. I
1). C. Hall vs. C. S. Russell.
A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kellum,2d ct a!.
Berij. Cummings vs. Andiew Cnmmings.
S. B. Howell vs. Win. Mouneey,et al. t
Timothy Hireen vs. North Branch Canal. (
Subpoenas for first week, returnable Monday, Nov. !
3d, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M.; for second week, Monday, i j
Nov. 10th, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M.
It'iih Paragraph Head-Pines and Index.
BY far the best and most satisfactory edition
offered is the
published by BEADLE A Co., New York, it has the pre
ference over al! others in business circles. It is the last
revised and authenticated cony.
to sell this edition. It has already had an immense sale
i iu the great sea' oard cities, and agents have made from
teu to fifteen dollars per day in its sale. Everybody must
have a copy—every manufacturer, every merchant, every
mechanic end every farmer. Compare it with other edi
tions and none other will he taken. Sample copies seut,
posVpaid, on receipt of ten cents. Address or call upon
BEADLEA Co., Publishers, New Y'ork.
A. F. COWLES, Agent for Bradford Co.
Towanda, July 30,1862.
Afterthe 16th of August, all subscribers for Daily
papers, must pay in advance.
I have my News Bill to settle up every Tuesday,and all
will see how necessary it is for me to have the Cash in
hand to keep my credit good, for six days, at least.
I would rather do less business and have the cash to
pay my bills promptly. A. F. COWLES.
Ang. 13.1862.
House with the best accomodations, as to water,
Ac. A good garden spot, fruit trees, Ac., Ac. For terms
enquire at the News Room.
Towanda, Aug. 11, 1862.
Timothy seed—l2o bushels of
fine Timothy Seed, for sal® by
March 24, 1562. H. 6. MERC'CR.
Jttls teUaneous.
(First door South of Codding A Russell's )
an unusual large stock of Clothing, Cloth-, t'.uetuers
Vestings, Cent's Furnishing Goods, Hats & Cap.-, which
will be sold at greater bargains than before.
Will comprise almost every article worn by man or boy
Vests, Shirts, Collars,
Suspenders, Sffeck Ties,
Gloves, Wrappers, Socks,
Overalls, Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention
is called to our New Style of
Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice,
and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some
eight years experience in this line of business, mv cutter,
Mr. PEXEPACKER, will be on band, at all t ui'os to do
cutting for those who wish it doue.
j If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get as good as
I represented, call at
I If you wish to get the worth of your money, and buy new
| fresh Goods and fair dealing, call on us and you will be
j satisfied. No trouble to show goods and no forcing to buy
| Goods sold for cash only. J. M. COLLINS."
j T owanda, April 21. 18(52.
New Arrangements.
i J. Ed a Copartnership, will continue the business for
merly carried on by J. I). HUMPHREY. in the store op
| posite the Court House, where they will keep constantly
I on hand a general assortment of
| and a very large sto' k of all kinds of LEATHER requir-
I ed lor a country trade. A full assortment of
Shoe Findings, Harness Trimmings,
We expect to increase our facilities in the manufactur
ing department, so as to beside to supply dealers with a
superior article, at prices rivaling all competition, and
especially'• foreign," believing it of vital importance to i
community to foster domestic productions as far as prac- ,
Having purchased the stock of Harness and Saddlery i
owned by Messrs. Culp & Kirbv, and rented the shop j
formerly occupied by theiu, we offer tor sale a large stock
and will make to order almost anything iu this line. j
We respectfully invite public attention to our whole j
stock iu its various branches, trusting that by strict at- j
tention to business and zealous exertions to supply the i
wants of community, we shall merit and receive a lair ,
share of public patronage.
We are prepared to make to order anything in our line.
Also, do all kinds ot repairing on very short notice
tie>~ Cash paid (or Sheep pelts. Hides and Skins.
J. I). Iltiieuuiv, THAU. LULL, J.E.DAYTON.
Towatida. April 25, 1862.
For liens' and Boys' Wear.
Gents Furnishing Goods, j
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
The Best and Cheapest Stock this market ever offered. !
and desirable goods should not fail to see my stock, i
if they want to save money by buying goods at the low- J
est price which can be iiad, at the clothing store 1
Xu. 2 PATTOX'S Plock.
Totranda. May 15,1861.
VS. Tt. 6l 22. RAZZ. ROA23.
Vj MONDAY, MAY 5. I*o2. Trains will leave Wa i
verly at about the following hours, viz :
Buffalo Express.. .4.18 P M ,N. Y. Express.. .11.33 A M j
Night Express.. ..3.18 AMI Night Express... 12 44 AM j
Mail 5-o.j P V Steamboat ExpressS.OS 1* M '
Way D.lO A M Way 1.50 I'M '
Way Freight 0 25 A M Cincinnati Express 4.21 AM
Accommodation.. 1.07 1' M Way Freight.... 3.10 1' M
The Xigb Express—east and west runsw!very day
Cincinnati Express runs Sundays, lint docs not run on
Mondays. Night Express of Sundays runs through to
Buffalo, but does not run to Dunkirk. Mail reniainsover
night at Eluiira.
CHA'S. MINOT. Gen'l Sup't.
DISSOLUT lON.—The oripmtnership here
tofore existing between the subscribers, and known j
as the linn ofMADILLA I'ATTOX, is this day dissolv- |
ed bv mutual consent. The books, notes and accounts ot j
said tlnn are in the handsoi J. G. PATTON for collec-
Dr. MADILL will continue the Drug business at the
old stand ol M ADi! L <V PATTON, where lie may be
found at ail times, when not professionally engaged, by
close attention to business, lie hopes to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
Towanda, April 3. 1862.
3517 w. wnxrz i
Where he lias bought for cash a remarkable stock
of GOODS which lie would call the attention of the pub
lic to, asking them to give his stock an inspection before
purchasing : bclicy hecvn give tiicrn better bargains than
lias ever bceu offered iu this market before. 1 have a gen
eral assortment of
I would call particular attention to my stock ot FUR
II ATS, which are 25 per cent, cheaper than ever sold in
tlie Country. Also the
which is all the rage in the city—a fine article. T have
the summer pattern ot the celebrated
from Philadelphia. Call and see. No charges to show
Goods. 11. W; EDDY.
Towanda. May If. 1885. -
ship heretofore existing under the nahie of HER
MAN A VOORHIS, is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent of parties. All debts belonging to said tirm must he
settled with said Herman, who will continue the busi
ness at the old stand in Springfield. Pa.
Ridgbury, July 23,1862.
Good Flour and Good Bread!
y y LIEB HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the lady of
the house, and you will invariably receive in answer
The fiour is noor or the yeast is poor.
To avoid these ir üblesbuy your flour always at FOX'S
and use Stratton's Yeast Compound, to be" had at the
same place; it alwaj-s gives satisfaction.
The best quality of YV'ueat and Buckwheat Flour and
fresh ground Corn Meal, all at low prices, at the Cash
Grocery Store. E. T.FOX.
Jan. 28,1862.
NEW U. S. " 5—20" LOAN.
TOWANDA, June 30,1862. f
JL applications and furnish to subscribers the bonds
for the New Loan of the United States, authorized by the
Act of Congress, February 25, 1862. These Bonds are
issued in suras of SSO, SIOO, SSOO, and SI,OOO, with cou
pons attached, and are dated May 1, 1862, pevable in
twenty years, 'out redeemable at the option of {he Gov
ernment after five years, and bear interest at the rate of
6 per cent., payable in Gold on the Ist of May ana No
vember, in each year. 7 he Legal Tender Note* of the
United State will be received at par. Payment may al
so be made in other funds adding the enfrent rate of ex
change on New York- The allowed interest must be paid
in Gold or its equivalent. B. S. RUSSELL.
With your WOOL, for whßh the highest rrice in
ASH will be paid by W. A. ROCKWELL.
AyeFs Sarsaparilla.
have labored to produce the MOIT effectual altera
tive that can be made. It is a concentrated extract ol
Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of
-till greater alterative power as to afford an effective an
tidote lor the diseases Sa'saparilla is reputed to cure. It
' is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who
suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will
accomplish their cure must prove of iunneu-e service to
this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How com
pletely this compound will do It has been proven by ex
perinent on many of the worst cases to be found of the
FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arisiug
This compound wi.L be iound a great promoter ot
health, when taken in the spring, to C-xpel the foul hu
mors which tester in the blood at that season of the year.
By the timely expulsion of them many raukliug disor
der-are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can by the aid
of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of
foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the
system will strive to rid Itself of corruptions, if not as
sisted to do this through the natural channels ot the
body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated
blood whenever you lirni its impurities bursting through
the skin in pimples, eruptions, or 90ROB ; cleanse it when
you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins ;
cleanse it whenevei it H foul, and your feelings will tell
you when. Even wheie DO particular disorder is felt,
people enjoy belter health, and live louger. for cleansing
the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but
with this pabulum of lite disordered, there can be no
I lasting health. Soulier or later something must go
wrong, and the great machinery oi life is disordered or
Sarsaparilla has. and deserves much, the reputation,
of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been
egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because
the drug alone has uotall the virtue that is claiinea for I
it, but more because many preparations, pretending to he I
concentrated extracts of it, contain hut little of the vir- I
tue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else.
During late years the public have been misled by large ;
j bottles, pretending to give a quart ol Extract ot Sarsa- j
I parilia tor one dollar. Most of these have been frauds'
I upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any,
j Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. |
Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed I
, the use of the various extracts of Sar-aparilla which j
flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, i
and has become synonymous with imposition "and cheat. '
Stiii we call this compound Sartaparilla, and intend to j
I supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the I
1 load of obloquy which rests upoh it. And we think we !
; have ground tor believing it has virtues which are ir- i
1 resi-stahle by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend- j
edtocrue. In order to secure their complete eradica- j
I tion from the system, the remedy should be judiciously ;
| taken according to directions on the bottle.
Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER & Co., Lowell, Muss. — !
! Price, $1 pet ISotlle ; Six Bottles fen $5.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
I has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every!
! variety O! Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely I
j unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, |
wherever it lias been employed. As it has long been in J
constant use throughout this section, we need not do !
more THAN assure the people its..quality is kppt up to the
! best it ever has been, and that rt may be relied on to do ;
! tor their relief all it has ever been found to do.
J For the cure of Costiveness, Jaundice, lfyspepia, ludi- !
J ge-tion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, L
i Piles, Rheumatism. Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Liver J
J Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, j
I Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Diuner Pill, and for puri- I
; tying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most •
| sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best 1
; aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family J
J physic. Price 25 cents per Bex ; Five Boxes lor SI,OO.
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians Statesmen, '
! and eminent personages, have lent their names to certiiy
i THE unpuralled usefulness of these remedies, hut our space j
■ here v.:'! NET permit the the: :. The Agents '
| below named furnish gratis our AMERICAN AI.MANAC in !
| which thoy are given ; with also full descriptions of the
j above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
! lowed tor their cure.
Do not be put off by unpr iucipled dealers with other 1
! preparations they make more profit on. Demand AYEK'S I
: and take no others. The sick v.unt the best aid there is j
1 tor them, and they should have it.
All our Remedies arc- for sale by Dr. H. C. PORTKU, To- '
: wanda ; GUERNSEY & J)IT<'HULL, Troy : I)ALY& WHITE, I
1 Leonard Hollow ; 1). I). PARKHURS, Lelioy ; TAYLOR, '
I Granville: D. WILCOX & Co., Canton: ANDKKNS A ROCK- ]
J WELL, AJha : BIXBY, Wyalusing ; PIOLLKT, Wysox :
i STEVENS A BURROWS, Stevensville ; ROPGKRS. West
| Warren ; LONG & SONS, Burlington ; NEWEI.L & Co., Ui-
I ster ; PERKINS, Athens : MERRY, Burlington ; AVERY
j A CAMP. Camptown ; NICHOLS, Herrii kVille ; LITTLE, j
I Leßayavillc ; BKONSON, Orwell ; BKIDLR-JAV. Orcott's '
J Creek ; MOODY, Rome; KINNEY A GORE, Shashequin, j
1 and by dealers everywhere.
Towanda, July 31.1362.
; Collegiate Institute,
Rev. JAMES McWILLTAM. Principal, Professor of AH- I
cient Languages, and Mental and Moral Sciences.
SAMUEL L. FISLER, A. B. Professor of Mathematics J
and Natural Science.
Prot. CHARLES It. COBUIIN, County Superintendent, '
General Director of Normal Department,
J EDWARD T. ELLIOTT, Lb. 8., 1 lecturer and Instructor
in Histirv.
' Miss E. MA'LVEN. [ ~ .
j Miss K. C. CARTER, \ 1 IECE P LR " ST -"-
Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Teachcrof Vocal and Instlumea i
! tal Music.
Mrs. D. C. DAYTON . Matron.
The Fall Term commences WEDNESDAY, AUGUST
20, and will continue 14 weeks.
[Payable invariably in advance, or one-half on entering
"" the school, and tine fialt at the middle of the tertrt—fuel
and contingencies included.]
Primary, per term . j 4 00
Preparatory ;. 6 00
Higher, Ist year, per term 7 00
Higher, Ist and 2d year, per term S Oil
Classical, Ist per term 7 0 0
Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term G 00
N. B. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced
branch they respectively pursue.
Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for
fuel and contingents.
French $ 3 00
I Germ a' 3 00
Drawn. A 00
Board in 1 he Institute, per week, including fuel
and lig-.t \ 2 00
Washing, per dozen
The Collegiate year IS divided into three terms of 14
weeks each. The Annivfevsaiy exercises will be held at
the close of the Spring term.
No deduction will be made for absence, except iu case
of protracted illness of over two weeks.
Instrumental Music will not, as heretofore, be taught in
the Institution, but by special arrangement— A class will
be taught in a hall adjoining the grounds of the Institute,
by the Teacher oi Vocal Music.
'This arrangement has been adopted for the past term,
and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to
the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be
taken to secure the greatest progress of those wishing to
take lessons in this branch. Terms will be as heretofore .
Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO Off |
Use of instrument on which to take lessons; =0 '
do for practice 2 O'J
Pupils boat-ding in the Hall will furnish their owr TOW
e!s, &c., and the table silver AI. their option. It IS* desira
ble that they also furnish their own bed and bedding
when it is convenient, but when otherwise, T'JESE will be
furnished at a slight charge.
It is strongly recommended that from abroad
should board in the Institution, as BEBIER opportunities
for advancement in study are thereby secured.
Normal Department— Special exercises are arrangea
without extra charge for those; preparing themselves as
Teachers of Common Bchoo'.S. p R of. C. R. COBURN, the
able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools
in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea
cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued.
He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often
as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the
Theory and Practice of Teaching, as also oh othfer subjects
connected with Normal training.
Those persons, therefore. Intending to engage In teach
ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage
to be present during the Fall term.
Prof. Cobnrn's connection with the institution is not
such as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the
regular duties of his office.
No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and
Trustees In sustaining the high repulatation the institu
tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor
hy of future patronage ana support
July 2D. 186 J.
THE undersigned has on hand a supply ot
Nails, from these well known work. The nails are
made from Pennsjlvania Iron, manufactured expressly
for this purpose, and are of as uperior quality. For sale
to dealers' only, andon better terms than they can obtain
in New York. Enquire at the Banking Office ofß. H.
Towanda, March 18,1862;
rratmm i runm ii tarntrnrnm
fHe ileal.
( Wholesale and Retail. So 4, Pollen's Block, Corner
of Main and Bridge Sit., Too:and a Fa.)
DR. T. F. MADILL, i'roprleior.
The subscriber respectfully"
informs the Public that he ha-" purchased the ultove
Drug Store, and having thoroughly refitted and enlarged
it, and increased his facilities for Compounding Medicines
is prepared to supply every want of the public, ia tiro
line of
IfyjStock, almost entirely new, has been selected with
care, and embraces a full assortment of all articles belong
iug to the Drug Trade.
are received monthly, of Pure and Reliable Drugs and
Medicines, which will be -'old at prices that cauuot fall
to suit our patrons. My stock consists of
Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, aud
' Of every description, and the best quality for Medical
use. All the popular
Botanic iV Belectic Medicines, Tildvn s Alow
indie and fluid Extracts,
Alkaloids and Resinoids. All the best Trusses,
Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Braces,
Breast Pumps, Nipple Shalls & Shie! 's,
Nursing Bottles, Syringes, Cathters,
i Pocket Knives, Surgical Instruments of late style and
I best quality. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Pat
| tv, Ac. A lnrce supply of
1 For the Hat, Hair, and Shoes, Painting. Varnishing aud
White Washing, also for the Teeth and Nails.
of every variety. A large assortment of
Pure Essential Oils. Fine Perfumery and Toilet Soaps,
Buflklo and ivory Combs, Hair Dyes. Oils and
luvigorators. Kerosene, Burning Fluid,
Lamps, Shades, Chimneys,
Wicks, Ac.
Choice Tobacco, Cigars <£ Snuff 4
Ail the Dye Stuflfs, Fish Tackling, Ammunition, Ac.
Bird Cages, of every style and variety, Caps, Nests and
l>it- Dr. MA DILL will be found at his office, in the
Drug Store at all times, when engaged in out of door
| practice, when he will examine and prescribe for patient#
■ in hiswaij. free of charge.
J i hysiciaiis .supplied at reasonable rates. Prescription,
carefully compounded. The public are cordially invited
to examine and test our -nock and learn our prices.
Towanda.June24. 1862. T F. MADILL.
now ready 7~
HP HE Subscriber begs leave to call the at
j -L lent ion ot the public to the fact that lit- has enlarged
i his motive powei and purchased and set up additional
; machinery, and employed a larger number of workmen
; than formerly, so that lie is now prepared to execute or*-
dels for C.i.-thig-or Machinery with promptitude.
He has at his wc-ks nil the PATTERNS in use by the
late firm of Win. H. J'hiliips A Gen ot Lltnira N. Y., and
has also added to these, pait'-ih- of various kinds.
MILL IRONS furni-h- i ti Grist Mills, Gang, Gate,
Circular and Muley Saw Mill-, besides
different sizes and styles and in fact almost any kind
j Castings or Machinery in common use.
1 Steam Fittings such as Sham Pipes, Elbows, Heturn
; Brads, Reducers, Cotipiing*. Globe- I Wrr.v, Check
Valves. Gauge Cork , Oil Cups, IVhutlss, $ c.
I always on hand a?'d made to o dcr.
He is also prepared to lurni.-h STEAM BOILERS of
! any siz- or kind wanted.
j Small Castings made in Bra's or Composition. Cook
[ ing and Heating Siove- of different, sizes manufactured
and for sale at the above work-. Furniture for Cooking
Stoves and Stove Pipe alw.y . on } aud-
Persons who want <i! AIUXG ot any kind are informed
that the subscriber has more patterns for Gearing than
j auy other concern i:i thi> part ot tin country. They
j would be quite sure of finding among his Patterns Gear
ing that would answer-their wants aud thus save delay
I and expense in getting up work.
I lie makes also a large variety of Pulleys, Balaabe-
J hcpls mul ( ranks, \V nti'i* \\ ■ n!?o S:i\v
Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes, Iroa Fence, C&Uwaa'
! Plows, Ac.
j His equipment of machinery eoukists of as go*<f too!?
; as are made, and was selected with 2the design or btrng
able to do any job which might be offered, whether.'#rgw
or small. In short his effort has beeii to get up in ali
respects a first class establishment.
Terras Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash, paid.for
Old Pewter and Brittania.
Works situated ou J'r.ln Street near Barclay R. R
Canal Basin. <j. d. BAKTLETT.
Towanda, April 11. 1861. Proprietot.
From 83.000 to 84000 Worth
TO cr.
Having bought recently the
ytliens C; hi net Ware Rooms
And entire stock of FURNITURE front the late pro
prietor, R. M. WELLES, it will be sold for CASH
THE stock is large
-i and very complete, has been well
ifIgHHSBR] selected, aud is w*il adapted for the
wants of the eonutvy. N. B It is &
'•Hvalaitt common remark maile by visitors tc
'* this establishment, " Why, I had no
idea von had such a large and snlen
> did assortment of Furniture. I nave
/ wBB&sBM i Heon llot bing OUe it short of the city."
We bavv REDriTE.VDS from Fi.SO
land upwards. COTTAGE and other
I CHAIRS, in great variety, from W,OO
i ji to $25,00 per set. TARLESfroia $3,50
_jr \ upwards, aud
Everything else in Proportion.
Ta every style, size and price, to suit the meansand taate'
ef any and all customers. Call and see ouretock.
Athens, Pa., July 2-1 IS6I. F. N. PAGE.
Having made arrangement-
With a Solicitor in Washington, we aie prepared
to prosecute claims of every description againgt the Unit
ed States, especially those arising out of the present wnr
for bounty, arrears, widow's sad Invalid pensions.
i Towsuda, May 12,1662.