LOCAL AM) GENERAL. Owing: to the extensive rash of letrnl i uu-nf, we are unable to give our usual variety dverl , i '" n ' tna tter in our present issue. This, however, n f rfdulße * , ,UI he avoided after next week. jgjj- The person who took a Carpet Bu Annual Meeting in the Odd Fallow's Hall.in |* ' g r ough oi Towanda, on Wednesday, the 3d, ot Sep . '-hr lab'i, at 10 o'clock, A. M, tembcr, c M pURJfER. P, ttidtnt. jgy The Subscriber has now cn hand a few 0 f the Coupon Bonds of the New Government C per cent. Loan This Loan the Government is now offering to the gabwriber at par, it is payable in 30 years with privilege 0 f redeeming alter 5 years and bears 6 per cent interest, n S RUSSELL, At the Banking House of B. S. RUSSELL, A Co. Teachers und Director? should give „ |r tiiularattention to the notice of the Superintendent, jyr the annual examinations. It is highly important, and Indeed absclutely necessary, as we und. rstand.that every prrson who expects to teach in the county, should be oh band at the examination in his own township, or iu the district where he is to teach. KG- A CARP —The undersigned hprehy ten der their sincere thanks to the Alesars. POMKROY, for the u*e of their Hall, and (or the many other acts ot kindness ibown tliera, and the mcu under their command, during their short stay in Troy. J. P. SPALDING, E. A. SPALDING, Aug. 19, 1562. CHAS. MEiIGtJK, RENDEZVOUS FOR DRAFTED MILITIA. —E!tnir hst neen''fßcially designated a- the rendezvous for the j jn.litia who may be drafted iu the counties of Broome, i Ti'lja, Oswego, Chenango, Cortland. Tompkins, | CL'tiuiig, Wavnc, Onondaga. Cayuga. Seneca, Ontario, j fcieubeu, Schuyler, Madison and Vales. — fo,- During the passed few weeks the Iri.-h boys oi this vicinity have been trying to organize a com- ! pai v ot volunteers, undei the name of Emmett Guards. ! List week they had the name of some twenty stout, ath | letic voung men on their muster roll .and we are now in- j formed that tlie company is disbanded, and that no fur- j tlier eff.ru will be made to re organize it. Whether this ! is from alack of encouragement on the part of our lead- ; icg citizens, or not we are unable to say. Somebody j <*u probably answer. LET HIM BE REMEMBERED —The WVll-L>NN.' Eannrr says t at among the 1 -t of volunteers published la 'hat paper isoue that deserves IU re than a passing notice. It is Mr. GKOKGS CAMEBSLL, who lias heretofore sent off eight of his s urs to the war. and "W he has Liiuseif volunteered. His two remaining boys axe not ol ge, or tlicy too, w'ouid have enlisted. feyy- A saou/ lire wi'UmtiMTS who loft this place,on Monday, we noticed one old, grey haired gen ! tlemaa. who had onjisted a a private. Upon being ques- ; tinned as to liis nge, relied '• that it was no built s ; bu-iue*. b<>w ' id lie was—he was young enoegh to ficht j and c-'uld stand inure than hall tire young fellows yet." i He staited for llarrisbirrg with his company—whether j he will be reec ved or not. remains to be seen. The eir j curo-tiir.ee serves to show the .djsposiuou of the man, | however. I T?sl_ GONE TO WAR. —On Sunday nnd Mon day last our town presented quite a military asjiect. tin Monday, three Companies un er command ot Captains W ATSTSS. SEAI.siiNii and PAKK. leit this place far C.itup Curtin. There companies all had a surpluss of men—a percentage for those likely to be rejected—ron-eqnently may all be safely counted tuil. We understand that a Company left Athens on the same day. We shall publish j the muster roll of each company as soot. J we can obtain them. —The Companies from this place left Troy, at 4 o'clock co Tuesday morning, for ILnruburg. fiszT" SINGULAR —We are informed upon 'he j most reliable authority, that a little child, not quite j e-ghteen mouth* old, U-loueing . • Mr HUSKY Hcosos.bf 1 Sheshequin, on Saturday night last, bad a si reeked snake j pass its bowels, which, from a'! apjiearaiiee was original | Iv trom ten to twelve inches in length. Tite snake wa- I nearly all digested, only about three inches of the head ! and neck rem lining sound. with six or eight inches u i ! the back bone and ribs attached. This is a most singular 1 circumstance, but for the truth of it there it no possible j doubt. ACCIDENT. Quite a MR.ptdar nech'ENT ■occuired at this place en Sntidiy evening last. A Mr. BOSWOHTH brought a load of volunteers from Leßaysvilie wiiha young and valuable team. While taking them from the stable one ol them became entangled in the har ness and fell to the ground so in j iri.ig him that he died in a few minutes. A subscription paper was immediate ly circulated among the voiuuteers, who, we understand, loon raised enough to purchase another horse. Inasmuch as by the law passed hist winter, the teachers of the several districts are required to attend District Prills, one day in every two weeks, I have decided not to hold any County Institute this fall. 1 sincerely regret being obliged to adopt this cour-e. and did not decide to do so, until I had consulted the State Superintendent upon this su' ject. the labors of the Institute and the examinations which follow immediately are more than I ran, in my present state of health, en dure. In order that I may have more time to devote to that labor. I -hall commence the examinations for this fall some three or loir wieks earlier than usual. It is hoped that teachers throughout the county will all feel it to be their duty to be present at the inspection in their re oective towns, and thereby avoid the necessity of pri vate examinations. C. R. COBUU.V. SA&R COMPARISONS —lt is useless to dent that the masses of the people have a deep-seated and set tied confidence in'• Strsapartiiia,' 1 as an alterative re medy. Notwithstanding this confidence has of late years been abused by many preparations claiming to possess its virtues but really with none at all, still the peop'e believe in its intrinsic value as a remedy, because they have known of its cures. The rage for large botfles at low prices, lias called into market many compounds of Sarsaparilia which contain scarcely any ol it.oreveu any medical virtues whatever. Yet everybody knows that barsaparilla is the great staple antidote for Scrofula, Eruptions and cutaneous diseases, ana the purification the blood, when they can get the real article, or an actual extract ot it. Such we are now able to inform them they can obtain. Dr. J. C Ayer A Co., the cele brated chemists ol the East, whose reputation assures us they do well whatever they undertake, are selling a Com pound Extract of ijarsaparil'a, which, although the bot tles do not contain quarts, for a doliar, do contain more of actual curative power than whole gallons of the staffs which have been in use. It is asserted that one bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparillu contains more than doable the amount of medicinal virtue, which is afforded by any ether. The fact is not only apparent to the taste, but its effects and cures afford incoutestible proof that it is true touch a remedy has been long sought for, and is every where needed by all classes of our community. (" Age,' Ujnthivja, K> ] legal. SHERIFF'S SALE. —By vriittie of writs of Vend. Expo, is-ued out oi the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, to ine directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday, the '2bth clay of August 1x63. the following described lot, piece or parcel ol land situate in . uscarora twp., bounded north by land Isaac B Dexter ana J.wues Hogeboom, cast by land of lletiry It Hall,south ls. al! improved, a framed house and barn aud a lew fruit trees thereon. Seiez d and taken in execution at the suit of J C I)e Witt to use of S W Paine vs II Adams. ALSO—The following described piece or parcel of land sLuate in Monroe, bounded n.i tli by Freeman Sweet,east and south by C L Waid, and we-t by U K Eliiutt and ! Freeman Sweet; containing 60 acres, more or iess, about j 15 acres improved, lug house aud a few fruit trees there- | on. Seiezed and taken in execution at the suit of G K Elli- ; ottvs Franklin Sweet. ALSO— i lie following described lot. piece or parcel of j land situate iu Ridgbury twp.. beginning at the N* Lea ner of lot No. 05 ot the allotment of the Bingham lands, ! iu Springfield twp.. convex ed to Samuel K.iynor. thence j along the north line oi said lot west 112 7 10 perches, i thence along tlie east line of lot No. 103 north I0.8 iu 1 perches, theoce along the south lineui 1 it, No. 03 iu Ridg | bury, conveyed to Wm T Jenkins and lot No. R.dg- ! bury, conveyed to Jeremiah C Miller atci Ralph, Wheeler, cast 165 8-to perches, thence along the west line ot 2 t No. 87, Springfield and Kidgbuiy, south 25° west 121 pr. j to the place —The following de-cribal lot. piece or parcel o: land srtiiiite- iu .Monroe i.oio' bounded u t:ig and G F Reumgtou. we-t by lalid <>. j James j Grace ai.d Lor. 11 Grace ; containing 112 acres 1 iu re or less, about 6ti acre- i.npr >veJ. 2 tra.ued h ..ises, | one trained barn, a log Ii rase. a.id .nut trees theieoL. Scize l an 1 taken in execution a', the suit ot it B k oung .- j jse v- Augustus h Wood. ALStt— I lie billowing described 1 it, piece or percelol land situate iu Rome twp , Beginning at the south con. er .cat >t c-ni e ed to Alansou Mo. lis, a eonu-r ot Lttiu couvc.feu to A V Mig.it, tiieiiee along the north line o -aid v'viuglu s land and line ot land conveyed to 1 nomas V'uugi;!, ilortu >6- west as Jlo ptrciie- to a corner o iaml conveyed to Joseph Vougbl, thence al >ng line o. his laud, n'.rih 23 perciie-, thence iiuitii 65° east 5s pr to the west corner ot -aid ,ot conveyed to tliiis .n .\l-.r lis. thence along 'lie Lne ot s.iitl List nietittoifeu lot,s.)iitt. t e.n.t do 4 lu perches to tiie place of beginning ; eo. 1.. ■: ;ia 3 1 acres. —.in .tiler lot situate in Ii 'toe twp . beginning at the east com; rot said lot ciaiveyed to Alanson Morris, then.a along Ills line, north 2.)° west 66 perches to an other coiner of s .1,1 1 t 111 line ot land- conveyed to .1" scph Voiig.it, thence 11! nig line ot his land, icdiii 65 c ca.-t si I. lu perches t.> tiie south west corner of a lo contracted to be sold to EM To win-r. tiieiiee along ttn sou ii .ine of said Towner's laud, east 25 3 10 perches t> the north west corner ola I>t conveyed to biuicn R .ek well, tiieiiee along the west line of his lot. south I® west 46 y-lo perches to the north comer ot a1 >l conveyed :• N I Be. man, tiieiiee along a line of said l"t, south 63° we-t 4 i 2 It) perches to the pi n e of b giitniug ; cuiitaui ing acres and 3o p relies, more or less. Another l"t si.uate ui Rome twp..bounded on the u..nb by land o; Joseph Vougbt. on the east t.y latin of tv ui B Clytiter. 00 the south by land of N I) Beeni.iii and west by land by NN m B Glyuier ; containing 42 acre iiior. or less, it being the same lot ot land deeded by Dan iel Russell and wile to Win Pepper. Jan. 6. I*sß. about 60 acres improved in the three tracts, trained house and j a small orchard ttrereoh. Seized ami tak.-u in execution at the suit of D Shoe maker's use vs Wm Pepper. ALbO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Burlington boro', b .uiided on tlie north bythepu .- lie highwaj , east by land of b. H. Hill, south l.y land •! b. H Hill ai.d lands ot the estate ol James Long, d c d . on the west b> land ot J >hsi F. Long, containing one Iml. an acre, more or .ess, all improved, a framed house, fram ed turn aud trait trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of N A Knapp 9S Suiuue! M>-K ,- au. ALSO— lire following described lot, piece or parcel ol j land situate n Athens nmn' bounded 011 the north l.y j laud of G N Stitpmaii. on '-heea-t b> a lot owned t.y 0 t | Welles. Jr., on tne south t.y Centre street, on tlie west by ! a lot owned l.y M Thompson, being lot No. 17. as l.tiu down on a map ot Athens b .ro, sutveyed l.y Z F Walker 1 and la-nig about 40 feet trout on Gentre st , and 110 leet j in the rear; all improved, with one fiaiued dwelling | house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tiie suit of N C liar- J ris vs A W Fox. ALSO—i ne tollowing described lot, piece or parcel ot j land situate 111 low audi boro', bounded north by a lot belonging to Hiram Yaw. east I.yCX Shiftman, south by . lot iu possi ssion ot Asa Douglass and west by Will-am ' street ; containing about 50 teet trout, and about 16J It. j back, trained house a id lruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ulysses 1 Mercurcur's use vs S W Prentice. ALSO—The toll >wing described piece or parcel ol : land situate in Wilmot township, bounded north by land ! of Michael and Patrick Burke, east by land ol Isaac Pow ell, south and west by land of Patrick Blade ; containing 1 s4 acres, be the saute more or le-s. about 36 acres itu j proved, one hovel, one log house and one framed barn , and truit trees thereon. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of Patrick Flaneiiry, executor of Michael Flautiery vs Isaac Mace. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel ot land situate in Granville twp., beginning at S P (Jhe ley's s E. corner, at the road, it being Joel Packard's north-east corner, tit-nee on Pack ira's line north B'J° west 53J perches t•a st ke and st-.ues near Thomas Ba ker's house, and -entre of ire road thence along the cen tre of the road north 37° east 12 8 lu perches to the corn er of Henry Waluoru's lot, thence south 53° east to said Walborn's . orner on tire fence, thence north 37° east on the line of Walborn and N B Porter 26 perches to Por ter's corner, a stake 25 feet iron railroad fence in the centre ot main road leading from Granville Gentre. then south m 3° east 22 p rches 4 links to a slake, thence on the west line of J K I >t, south we>t 25 per. to the pla. e of beginning ; Containing 5 acres and 137 pr more or less, being part of a large lot conveyed to H. Tiuclepaitgli by S P Ghe-ley and wi.e ; all unproved, a trained house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Henry Tin eleiian vs Hugh Maloy. Al^O—The following dewrfbed lot,irfcAO x- aarc: 1 of Effial. I land situate in Wells twp., bounded on the nor h by land ot Hiram Baker and s lonzo Noble, east by I H Brink, south by the highway and west by L L Lawrence and Hi ram Baker; containing 60 acres, more <>r less, about 4S acres improved, framed house, framed barn,wagon house and orchard thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit ol Joseph Muu on s use vs Amos Baker. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Wysox twp., beginning at a st..ke corner stand ing midway, equally distant upon a line commencing at a yellow pine, the non-cast corner ot laud deeded by Geo Wauzey to Geo Watson, by deed dated Dec 26.1*40, and running a westetly course to the east line a piece ot laud conveyed to the C .tnui mwealth of Pennsylvania l.y deed dated Aug. 2'J, lß3n, it being the north line of laud deeded aforesaid by Wauzey to Watson thence from tire corner so situated, a westerly course to the saiJ east lineot the land as aioresaid, conveyed by Geo. Wanzey to the Goinmonwealty oi Pa.,thence a northeily direction along said last mentioned line to a small parcel ol land, j about 2J acres conveyed by Geo. Wauzey to Myron S. < Warner, by deed of May Is, 1&41, thence east, north and I west around the said panel ol land agtin to intersect the 1 line of land conveyed ny Wauzey to the Common wealth j of Pennsylvania, thence a south-easteily Course along ! the towing path or li. cof canal traveled as a road to a ; corner near the guard lock, iu the road near the top of 1 the hill, ru-uiug east through W*y- sg, thence along said | road in an easteuly —thence north jj-> cast along a line of fence aud marked ; trees tu the place ot beginning ; the last mentioned iiue run by Ilarey ai.irgau a a division line between Wilmot | and Edwin B Couioatigh, it being that part of tiie land . conveyed a aforesaid nv Geo Wauzey to George 'A a.son. 1 wbicn is his norm ol the- lines in the deed j Ist mentioned . east of lauds deeded as aforesaid to the Common wealth i and Al S Warner, north of the Wysox road and we T of the aioresaid division line between said Wiiniut and j G'oo baugh ; containing about 44 acres, excepting there 1 from a parcel of land containing aoout 10 acres sold by I N F Brown trom tiie sout west corner ot said land to JllO \ E Geiger, as per ueed dated Oct. 7. 1858 and recorded in ! deed book Nc. 54, page 1, saiu iand all improved. Se Zed aud taken 1.1 execution al tne suit ot Joseph i Powell vs N F Brown. Al.-BG—Tne 1 ill .wing described lot, piece or parcel of ! land situate iu Towanda boro' bounded north by Chest I 11 it str. et.east by lands ol BaujnuiiuWilcox aud southwest by laud ol Al G >1 ercur,being oU lec-t Iroat on Chestnut st., and 156 led back, all unproved, With a trained dwelling ing house thereon. seized and taken in execution at the suit of Al C Aler j cur vs llor .ce A Cowies. AL>6-Tne tollowiug described lot, piece or parcel of ! laud situate iu Shesiieq.iin twp., beginning at a beech j tree, the u .rih .-ast corner o! lot No. 45, tUeuce east 77 I 7 10 perches lo a beech for a Corner, thence south 235 5 16 percm at-> a post for a corner, iticuco west along tlie ; north line ola lot now iu possession ot C B tiicn 77 010 , perches tu a post, thence north 235 9 10 peiches to tlie, place of beginning ; eoui.tiiiug 116 acres aud 6 i per-! dies, be tlie same, more or ics,.at>uut 56 acres improved, , a i .g tiou.se, 1 r.iuied baru and iruii trees tUereo 11. Sciz. d and taken in execution at tuc suit of \\ .lliani E Moore v- Joii.i 1. M rllory. AlBo —The tollowiug described 1 it, piece or parcel of i laudsttua.e in blauoiug Atone twp., o .onJed north by land ol Charles AlcGoiina aid Isaac Whipple,on tne east ! by land 01 Tuotnas Milieu aud Cuarles AlcCauua. noath .. \ Seized and taken in execution at tiie suit of Albert •, Neweii Vs Uoswelt iiagcr. ALsU—Hie tollowiug described lot, piece or parcel of j land situate ui Al ni.oc uvp., neginuing at a post, tiie:J so.itu e.isi corner oi tlenry Nor.nrop s la d, tueuces lut.re 1 J east pc-reiies to a corner, iLeiice ii .riii 17 a east, : i 44 perches 10 corner, tlieuce soatn 6>j 3 west 86 perches | Llieuce soulli 17° west ll perches, tlieuce uurtujsj-' wes. | perches to a corner, tucuve south t7 3 per ties to 1 iiie place of beginning.containing ~4 acre- aud 125 per. j m ne or iess, aoout 46 improved, 2 small shanties and a ! saw-mill thereon. Ai,>6—.l piece of land in Overton and Monroe twps., ! bounded norm by iand Wm NorlUrop and G L V\uid, on tlie east t.y lliraiu \\ A tieury N rtnop aud G L Ward, ; oil the South bV Win and I'llce Not lump and Me.- cereau and on the west t.y Alercercau, containing 47 I acres, more or less, about 36 acres improved, lramed i house, named bain and an old house and an orchard t Hereon. _ i Seized and taken in execution at tiie suit of Smith, 1 Gv.iinuei. A Go. v- Henry North.op and 11 >V .Northrop, j A i,B6 —I he lollotvitig d. Scribed lot, ) ic-ce Or pat eel u! laud situate 111 Gelt .y twp., bounded north by laud ot John and Flnlip aiciveel. eust l.y w m EelF y and !6 tvid j AlcGrauey .south by lauu ol Lymsu Bailey and on the west j .\ laud o. Saloui m aioleuburg and Edward Keliy. con 1 aailnlig 4" acres, ui ue o. less, aura'. 5r acres unproved, .ramen house, liauiecl baru aud uti orchard thereon. bc-ized aud taken in eXecnlton at tire suit ol A M Gdrno- ' chan Vs Lea is Jenkins. ALSO-the following described lot. piece or parcel of j l-ind situate lu West B u itugtou, b oinacJ 11 .rtti oy 1 ind ; of Ezra Goudard & 11 IN steven-, east by R 11 Wuid.s.uui j ,y LIIC highway, and west by li fv ftleVeus ; conlatnnig j .4 acres, moie or le-s, ad improved, trained house, ii°aur- ! eo barn, a..d lew ir .lt trees luelcou. rseized and take., lu execution at the suit of AA ilHam 11 ! Feck s use vs Harrison Adams. A LsU iue hallowing Ue-ci ioed lot, piece or parcel 01 and situate iu buißhUeld twp.. b< giuu ng at a post iu , .ne soatu angle o. t..e road n-aJi-.g uom sew.trd s inni . . the tiur.ci s scU-'-.i hoa.se, >0 called, s ufu 80 t-ast .long liic line o. said loan 14 perches, tlieuce south ij ~ere to a post, tlieu. e we-t 14 pe' nes to a post 10 ; .me oi tiignw .y il'oiu Burling. 0.1 to o.iuiible.d, thence .long sa.u in 3 .wa 5 1 10 peche-. t . tiie place ol begin- ! ■ lUCoiiia.niug j2 4 to j ciclics, mote 01 less, all iiiipi v co, tvalued house, 1 rained burn, and trull trees thereon. . Be./c>i un. 1 t.K. .1 IU execution al tne su.L ot 1 Uiia..Uci* A'atd Vs Sneltou G French. loc io,iow.og described lot. piece 1 r parcel of iand Sit.n.le ill deny IWp., bouuued 11 ill! by .and o. jlaittiew McMauon, east ny laud ot ilcuij Tetter, Jr., - .utb l.y ta.il o. G r AV el.e- a.id vve-t oy' UII l. u. .\lcX iuder At- Armor. Fu.l.p Richards, J t' A ii il rt >.l. c aiiiing 146 acres, more or less, aoout 35 acres improved, ) raintra u>ia.>tf, > uiiti iruit let,. - * Ilcicdu. Seizco ami taken ui execution at the suit oi G. C At- j wood vs I'tUr letter. ALSO—The toilowiug described lot, piece or parcel of land situate In Fine twp . beginning al .1 beech liit'souiii corner 01 vv.lira.it lots X > tut and 155 th -nee s. ulii .:. ,J ea-i 121 perches t'> a post, tiicncc south 50* west .>3 per- ; cues lo a p .-t, tiieucc 11.nth IL 3 we-l 173 perches to . a post to warrant corner, tin-.i u south b-j 3 east 75 per-| cues lo the puce ot tic-ginuiiig. G'uiilaitiiug 56 acres and 60 percties strtck ilteasare, about 2 acre- improved. Ai.sU—Another lot 1.1 tleirlck t-.vp.. k.i.wn as the 1 vlichaei t.r ioh lot. hounded as loliovvs. Beginning at tne ! south east CM.lerot John lughams lot No. 5'5, tlieuce j 101111 ■l° ea-i 42 pcrcues to .1 post, thence south 4o east 2 t peicu.-s lo a lieech, tiieiiee north I 3 cut 153 pel- j cues lo .. hemlock, thence hoi til 4.H- west 52 percties to j a post, lilt nee uorih BJ° west 32 per.lies lo a po.-t, t.ieucc j soatn ij 3 west 174 perches to in - place 01 IH.-giuu.iig. | GoiilaiiiiUg 00 acres, aud oJ perches, about 30 acres iul- j proven. AES J—Another lot in Derrick bounded as follows.— j Beginning at a uefceh on the uortli east corner ot a tot con- j u acted lo v. Al. Fertvius. tlieuce souths9 3 east 166 per- j cUes lo a post 011 tiie West ll.ieol Will Miutz s 1 . Und of it Wood, east by the highway, south aod-west 'nv iand of James U- Grace Costs-nitre 71 Scflai. acre o more or less, about 16 acres improved, wiih a shed and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—Another piece of land situate in Sr.rirSeld ! twp., bounded north by land o! J. C Grace, L. (irate.! Ain t sort Cole, and Theodore Leoniiio. vast f' land OJ Russell Young, south by iaud of Ku--.li Ynuiig, and J. Ree-er, and west by land cf J a men L'. Giar?, Low ; Grace, and Asa Wood. Containing 47 acies, more or ; less, about 20 acres improve J, a framed lara. a log b cm, and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—Another piece of land sitnote in Sprint," id twp., bounded north by land of Burgess, east i,,". ot Chas. B irges-.. and Unas. Phelps Jr., south nv" i .:.J rjf Martin I'biipis.and west by land of Enoch Merrill, i"..- ban Cooper. Jr., and others. Containing 77 acres 152 peiches more or less, about 50 acres improved, bei:i" lot No. 24, on C. F. Welles'map of Springfield two.", with a log house thereon. ALSO—Another piece of land situate in Springfield twp., bounded north and east by land of Theodore Wil der, south by the county road, and west by the north road. Containing 1 acre more or less, all improved with c framed dwelling house, a store, a framed barn and she-J. and fruit and oriental trees tbcro"a, i , piece of laud situate in Springfield twp., i oonnded rorth by land formeily of Whipple, now of Gardner Bennett, and formerly Aaron Wright, east by I 1 ind of Cluw. Burgess, south by land formerly of An drew Whipple, now Ervine Burgess, and west by land formerly of Leßoy Whipple, now Chas. Burgess. Con taining 12 acres, more or bss. ail improved, log house, fritn-.-u bouse, ;.ud fruit tices thereon. Seized a..d taken in execution at the suit of Samuel F. Bipley vs. Iliram Spear. A..SO The follow desciibed lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Terry twp., bounded north by the public highway leading I rum Terrytown to Albany, east by laud ot Matthew M.Mahon, south by C. F. Wells, H. Letter, B. Roberts and Augustus Lewis, aud west by land of C- F. Wells. Containing 145 acres, more or less, about 20 acres improved, one framed house, 2 board sheds and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of M. Eilen berger vs. Henry Ye ter. A LSO—Ti.e tullowi. g described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster twp., bounded north by land ot Mrs. Sally Edmuudson. east by tlie North Branch Canal, south by Mrs. Samuel Myers, aud west by the public! highway. Containing one half an acre, more or less, j all improved, Pained house, and a ftw fruit trees there- ! on. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of J. D. i Humphrey vs. L. A. Walker & E. M. Walker. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of' land situate in Towauda borough, bounded as follows : ! Beginning at the north line of the Public Square, at the ! south east corner of the lot contracted to be conveyed by j 0 L) Bartiett to Win B Ddge. tnence north about 5° east i along the line of said Dodge's lot, 32 feet to the north j eaot corner of said Dodge's lot, thence westerly along j the rear of said Dodge's lot, 20 leet to the line of I H ! Stephens' iot. thence north about 5° east along the line i of said Stephens' lot, 0 i teet, more or less, to the south- 1 west corner of the lot conveyed by O D Bartiett to Brad j ford county, thence easterly along the line of said lot, 66 I feet, mure or less, to the we-t line ot Water street, thence I southerly along the line ot Water street. 94 leet 6 inches, ; more or less, to the north side of the Public Square, j thence westerly along the line of the Public Square, 44 feet 3 inches, more or less to the place ot beginning. All j improved, one store house thereon. sscized and taken in execution at the suit of 0 D Bart- j leu to toe u-e of J C Adams vs James H Nevins and j Betij F Powell, administrators of S S Bailey, dee'd. ALSO—The following described iot, pit ce or parcel of ; land situate in Asylum bounded north by land ot t 'ariisle : B.ngess, east by land of Isaac Powell, south by land of j Pttr'ck Uia-le and west by unseated lands, containing ' about 90 acres, m -re or less, about 2b r.'Ues improved .one ; log house, one log baru, log shed and fruit trees thereon, j Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Josiah ; Jackson v~ Isaac Mace. ALSo—By virtue of sundry writs of Fi.F;v, will be ! exposed to public sale at the same time and place, the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in j Windham twp., beginning at tue east corner of lot ad- : joining the Diuioek lot south 69° west 6b perches to a notched log in the fence, and stakes and stones: thence j north 2® cast 147 perches north at® east 53 3-10 perches ; to a small beach tree, thence s.,uh 2u° west 147 perches j to the place of beginning. Containing 4-'$ acres, more or less, being part of waranfee of Kinney and Thomas i L Keroy,about 3d acres improved, with framed house, j aud orcb . ! thereon ALSO—Ore other lot in Windham and Rome tv?p., ' bounded north by lands of James Sihly, east By the Win. Sutherland hit, sonth by land* of Eld ward Board man, meat ; by laud <>f Koea Griswold. Containing ssj| acres, uor* or less, about b acres improved. Seized and taken in -xi cutuu at the suit of Martin H;- brce L.v'r. v.-.. Win. Miller. Ai.So —'lhe following described lot. piece or parcel of ' Und .-it.iate in iowaiui i borough, bounded ui follows : Beginning ut a point on state stuct, thence easterly along ' said street, 59 2 I 2 fe t to an alley, thence in a southerly 1 direction along said ai.cy, lib feet, to lands ofC L Ward, j theiu e a.dig tnc north l.ne of said \> ard s uud, b7 feet, 1 to the bank lot ot l.apoite. Mason & Co.. thence norther j ly nbuig the east line ol -aid bank lot. 22 leet, to laud ot j I>L Scott, thence easterly along s.;d Scott's south line, 3u leet. to lie east line ol said D 1, Scott, tbc-uce in a '■ northerly diii-i'ti .a along sniu east line about 88 feet to the place ol beginning. All improved, trained house aud frame ! barn theieon. A LSO—One other lot or piece or land situate in Wind- 1 hata twp., bounded on the uortii by lands of Wilhaui 1 Doanc, east by 1 ilnis of Jsetil Doane. south by land ol ' Price D >ane uuJ rs.ouuei west by laud o:' Price . 1 •■'.me aod Jo.-t-uh I '-niue. Containing 17 • acres, more • or ic.-s, aiiotit lbu uctea improved, two framed houses, ! t ,vo trailed barns, wit 2 sheds :ittached, two apple or- | chaidsand other fruit trees the: ton. - in Sheheqain township, 1 bounded north by lands ol Win Yo ;ag. east by lauds of j S.nnucl Vau-ice. south by lauus of Reuben Young, wet by land of Curtis Smith and If * 11 u t ):;. Containing 24 a- h-S. more or h—s. and being the same lot conveyed to 1 John Young by Harry Sui.ih. Sei/.'-d a'.-d takoii io execution at the salt of E A Par- ■ sons and Device Brigg .V Co vs Stephen Feit- n. ALSO— Tuc I t or piece of land j situate in'i'"W::nua i.. p. b uuidt ii as ioii ,ws : beginning at tie m.,hli- of the road near an oak post., opposite tiie i larm loruieiiy owned by Brown U Rockwell: thence ' small 26 ' east 96 r "is to a p >.-t o.i WelFngton Cox's iainl. tiicuee ?• nth 71s 3 west along the line of said Cox, ! and Win. Greggs, to a comer ot James Decker, and L. j i>. It iwuirais land !2i rods tiicnce 66® west aiong the \ line of sai i 15 iwutans ! ie I. 2 s <<>iis t-u the center of the ! anirtsaiil n ad. t hence north 42® east- along the center of , sain io.ni 39 r-.uran l. 1 ALSO—the LUoYricß described lot. piece or parcel oi land situate in t.iuilitield twp., bounded north by the Ligbwcy, east by Uuoa of Wa. Cotton and Gobi#, south | by lauds of Orson Cainer, west by John Lwughhe.it], : about 3 acres improved. ALSO—One other lot situate in Athen? boro'.bosndeJ north by lauds of Mrs. Welch, east by the Susquehanna river, south bylaudsof Henry McKinuey, 3d, west by lauds of F. A. Allen. Cont&iuirg (of an acre, more or less, ail improved, with 1 trained house, and a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of N. C. HarrisvsC. F. Weliea.Jr.,and J.F.Ovenahixe,adin'rs ol £.ll. Ovenshire, dee'd. ALSO—The following described lot, piece cr parcel of land situate In Tcrrv twp., bounded on the north, south east and weit by lauds of Uriah Terry, containing about 3 acres, more or less, about 2 acres Improved, with a log house and few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Stephen Feiiou vs Henry Vauderpool A Ambrose Vcnderpool. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate In Wyabwing two., beginning at a corner on Church street, the Nort-treat corner of a iot owned by A Lenis. thence along Church street, north 55° east 7$ perches to a comer "a the line of Joseph Gay lord'* muds, thence along said Hue sCtlth 3w c east S perches to a corner on lands ot A Fee, thence along life-? "• A. Fee, south 66° west 7J perches to a corner on A Lenis" land, thence along lino of said Lenis north 37° west S pr to the place of beginning ; contaiuiug CO perches, strict measure, all improved, framed house, frainod barn, and a trained building used as a wagon and blacksmith shop thereon. ALSO—Ono other lot situate in said twp , bonr.ued cn he north by Church at., oa the east by lands claimed to be owned by Emalin- DePew. on the south by lands of John l.yuch, on tue west by the Academy lot, containing about 3-0 of an acre, all improved, with a framed house thereon. _ Seized and taken in execution &t toe suit of C* C JLt wood vs J DePew & 3 DePew. ALSO—The following described iot, piece or parcel of land situate in Smithfeld twp., bounded north by the public highway, east by lands of E S. Tracy, south by land of Augustus Phelps, west by land of Herman s. framed shop and orc'iaid of fruit trees thereon. "Si-izeu .*nd taken in execution at tho suit or John Holme-vs. tVm.'J. L°ui. . r \1 SO—Tho 1 'Bowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Burlington twp., bounded north by the townhii line between Smith;'- • -'i bai.."Tf.m town ships. east by lands of Stanton Ciark.south y lanis of David Campbell, west bv land of SelL P Gusf.n. Con ta -"■ acre , m.re < r Its-;., about "5 improved, fram ed house," framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C F VV il son Vsj ('• A!-o, lieKoon. Schonmaker A Co, C F WiLsOn, et al a Hollister Compton. ... , , ALSO- The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ulster twp., bounded n"rth bv lards of Win McC-rty. eaM by land of Edmund Lnckwood and the Susquehanna liver, south by land of Edmund Cork wood, west by laud of Edmund Lock wood and C F Welles, Jr. Containing about 105 acres, more or ;css, about bO acres improved with a framed burn, framed Louse, and an orchard of young fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N C Kar ris vs T K Holcomb. , , . , , l.s< —The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in South Creek twp., bounded north by lauds ol Hansom Tanner, east by the highway, south by lands of James Burnham. we.-t by lanes lately sold at Sheriffs sale to S Vaußuskirk. Containing 55 lures, about 45 acres imnroved, framed house, framed barn, piank blacksmith shop, and a lew young fruit trees there- UIJ . _ _ T ._ Seized and taken in execution at tne suit of C F Wil son to the use of S Vaußuskirk vs Alansou Lewis. ALSO Tue following des-.rioeil lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Towatiua boro',bounded as follow* to wit: Beginning at a corner oa the wefc-t line of Second street, 50 it northerly from the north line of Maple street, thence i,„rtu west along tue north line, Samuel Huston's au C. L Ward's lot. 294 feet, more or ites, to the east line of 3d st., thence along the east side of 3d st.. 73 feet and 9 incli'-s to the southwest corner of James Phinnev's lot, thence south Ss° east along the scuth line of said Phin n-.-y's lot, 234 tret more or less, to the west side of 2u st., thence along the west side of said si. southerly 73 feet 9 inches to the place of beginning; all improved.! Train e.l house, framed barn, out buildings, and fruit trees thereon. . Seized and taken in execution at tue suit o. Biiven x Mead vs LLC. Hall. A!.m) The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Granville twp.. bounded as follows :—Be ginning at a post, the- south east corner of ft lot deeded to Wia Ballet, thence south 54 5-10 perches to a post, thence ive->i 5o oerciics to a post in the centre of the highway, thence north along said highway 33 perches to a post, thence north 10° east 30 perches aiong said road to a post, thence south 70° east 50 perches to the place of be ginning. 'Containing 21 acres and 83 perches, be the same more cr less, about Id acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J S Bul lock ys Sgth Loomis. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Shesheqnia twp., bounded as follows Beginning at a post, the south-east corner of Samuel Os imra's laud, thence along the south line of said Osburns' land north 88 12-60° west 282 4-10 perches to the corner oi the mountain road, thence along tne eentre of said road south west 12 per. lies, thence south 254° west 18 jperehes south 17j° west 29 7-10 perches,thence south 27 3 west 15 perches, thence south 14° west 19 perch es, thence south 32j 3 west 10 perches, thence south 504° west 8 perches, thence south 79|° west 34 perch es to the old line between the river and the mountain tracts, thence on said line south 10 10-60° east to a stake, the north-east corner of Harvy Mallory's land, theuee on the north line of Samuel Ostium and L S Kingsbury's land south 87 10-60° east 332 5-10 perches to a post in the west liue of George Rodger's land, thence north 2° 50 m east 107 perches to the place of beginning. Containing 180 acres and 147 perches of land, more or less, with about 60 acres improved, being in the warrantee name of William Spalding. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Snvder to the use of N C Harris vs Wm Lane. A. HANSON* SPALDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Aug. C, 1862. \ DM INI STRATRIX'S N OI*ICE.-Notioe XjL is hereby given, that all o' rsons indebted to the es tate of Heury W.Johnson, late of Athens twp., dee'd., are hereby requested to ntake immediate payment, and those having elaifria against said estate will present them duly autheutitated lor settlement. M. SALINA JOHNSON. June 24 V"f.2. Adm'x. THE NEW NATIONAL TAX LAW GET THE BEST -.v.LARGE IVY®. IVUh Paragraph Head-Linta and Index. BY far the beat aud most satisfactory edition offered is the CITIZEN'S STANDARD (DIME) EDITION, ! published by BEADLE &. Co., New York, it has the pre ; ference over all others in business circlee. It la the last j revised and authenticated copy. AGENTS WANTED to sell this edition. It has already had an immense sale in the great sea -oard cities, and agents have made from ten to tit teen dollars per day in its sale. Everybody must have a copy—every manufacturer, every merchant, every mechanic end every farmer. Compare it with other edi tions and hone other will Be taken. Sample copies eeat, post-paid, on receipt of ten cento. Address or call upon BEADLE A Co., Publishers, New York. A. F. COWLES, Agent for Bradford Co- Towanda. Jnly 30.1863. WAJL~OXi A TTWEft. HAVING MADE ARRANGEMENTS With a Solicitor ID Washington, we prepared to prosecute eiaima of every description against toe Unit ed States, especially those arising out of the present war for bounty, arrears, widow* and invalid pension*. 140BRQW & MERCTJR Towaeda. MeyH, IM>. JHfeCflftltffttt*. Sarsaparilla. i COMPOUND REMEDY, in which vr JL a. have labored to produce the moat effectual alter*' tire tliat can be made. It is a conteutraud extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater altc-rat ve powt r as to afford an effective an tidote tor the diabases Sa*.Aprill* ia reputed to cure, it ia believed thet aucb a remedy l.< wautcj by those wfc# suffer from ferrumous complaint*, and that one which wiU accomplish their eurc mast prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citieen*. llow COB ploicly this compound will do it has been proven by ex perlneut on manv of the worst cases to bo found of thn .olio wing complaints SCKOICLS AND OCRDYCLOCB COXPLAINTS, EKVPTIOM AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, UICEBS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, XIKCITA, SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, STPHILLV AND SYPHILITIC AFFECTIONS, MEKCCRIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NECCALOIA CK Tic DOLTOUKCCX, DEBXLITT, DVSPEPSU AND INDIRECTION, ERTBIPULA, ROSE OA ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed th# whole class of cetapiaiaU arising from IXRCEJTT or THE BLOOD. This compound wi I be found a great promoter of hecith, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul La mora wL'.cl fester in the biccdat that reason of tne year. By tlif tfmefJ expulsion of fthem many rankling disor ders are cipaed in the bud. Multitudes can by the aid of this rotsecv, spare'.hcTEselvcs fron the endurance of toul eruptiona aid ulcerous acres, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not as sisted to do this through the natural channels of tho body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you fine its imparities bursting the slcia ia pimples, eruptions. or aoree ; cleanse it when you find it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins: cleanse it whenever it is feul, usu your feelings wiil Ml! 1 yoa whan. Even where no particular disorder la felt, ! people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing ! the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all ia well; but with this pabuiuia of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something mast go wrong, and tha great marbiuery o: life is disordered ax overthrown. Sarssparii'a has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world eaa been egregious!? deceived by preparations of it, partly becansa the drug alone has total! the virtue that la claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to bn concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the via tue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsa parilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they cot only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. He nee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the cse of the various extracts of Sar-aparilia which Hood the market, until the narue itself is justly despised, and Laa become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still vre call this compound Sarsaparilla. and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rest# apob it. And we think we have ground for believing it L. s virtues which are ir resist&bie by the ordinary ran of the diseases it is intend ed to crue. Ia order to secure their complete eradica tion from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. Prepared by Dr. J.C. AYER A Co., Lowell, Maas~— Price, (1 per Bottle ; Six Boitki for ff. Oyer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As j; has long been ia constant use throughout thla tection, we need not dw more than assure the people ita quality i kept up to the best it ever hr.s been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief at! it fcj3 ever been louad to do. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, For the cure of Costivene=s, Jaundice, Dvapepln, Indi gestion, Dysentery, ioul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skia Diseases. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, VVoring, Goat, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill,and for puri fying the Blood. They are sugar coated, so that the meet seas.live can take them pleasantly, and they are the beet aperient in the world fur all the purposes of a ls!lv physic. Price 3d cents pc-r Box ; Five Boxes for 11,Ov. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians Statesmen, avd eminent person..-res, nave lent tneir names to certify the anp&ralied csnuiaese of th.-se remedies, Lutonr space here will not permit the Insertion of them. The Agent# bebw named furnish gratia our AMERICAN ALMANAC in . which thoy are given ; with siso full descriptions of tho above complaiats, ar.d the treatmcut that should be fol lowed lor their tare. Do not be put off by ur.pr locipied cea!rs with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Aria's and take no others. The sick waut the beet aid there ia for them, and they should have It. All our Remedies are female bvDr. H C PORTK,TW wanda ; GUERNSEY A DITCH KLI.,"Tioy : DALY A WH;TX, Leonard Hollow : D. D. PAREHURS, Leßoy ; TATLOB, Granville; D. WILCOX k Co., Canton; ANDKENS A ROCK WELL, Alba ; BIXBT, Yr'yalusing ; PIOLLKT, Wysex ; STEVENS & BURROWS, Stevensviile ; RODUERS, West Warren ; LONG k HONS, Burlington ; NEWELL & Co., Ul ster ; PERKINS, Athens ; MESHY, Buriingtoa ; AVERT A CAMr. f'smpicwr. : NICHOLS, Herrickviile ; I.JTTLK, Leßaysville ; BRONSON, Orwell ; BEIDLEUAN, Or colts Creek ; MOODT, Rome; KINNUY A GORS, Shesbeqtug. and by dealers everywhere. Towanda, July 31,1302. Scsqttcbauna Coilcgialc Institute, TO IV AND A, BRADFORD CO., PA. VACL'LTT ; Rev. JAMES Mc WILLI AM, Principal, Professor of Al>- ciem Languages. atd Mental and Moral Sciences. SAMUEL 1.. FiSLER, A. B. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. Prof. CHARLES R. CO BURN County Superintendent, General Director of Norma! Department. EDWARD T. LLLIOTI, LL. H., Lecturer and IrntroU in Hixtorv. Miss E. MAIVEN. 1 p. ec , Dlrtg „ p Mias E. C. CARTER, i 1 e P' r * 3B *'- Miss MARY B. ALLEN, Toacherof Vocaiand Ikstrnmen tal Music. Mr.D. CANFIFT.D DAYTON, StewarJ. Mrs.'.D. C. DAYTON, Matron. The Fail Term commences Y/EDNESPAY, AUGUST 20, and will continue 14 weeks. TUITION, PER TER.X I [Payable invariably in advance, or one-half oa entering the school, aud oue-ha.l at the middle of tbe term— fas* and contingencies included.j Primary, per term I 4 03 Pren&ratovy do# Higher, Ist year, ter teim 7 9U Higher, Ist and 3d year, per trtTX.I Ot Classics!, let y/-ar, prr term 7 •# Classical, 2d end ? 1 year, per term I c N. B. Pupils wiil be c.aased by the ruoat advanc<4 branch they respectively pursue. Pupils us.ng scholtrenlp!! are charged $1 per term fee fuel aad eaxtifigects. EXTRA XXPSNSNS I Frcncr. I 3 ft* Germa* -™- •§ W Drawiia t M Board ia the Institute, ptr week, including fuel and iigat I M Washing, per aoren It The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of la weeks each. The Anniveisaiy exst-.isea WUI bo hl4 a the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for LoSer.ce, creept lb cas* of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will Lot.aa hereto fa re, be taught ia the Institution, but by r .,jeelal arrangement—a class will be taught in a hiii bujoining the grounds of the laatitutw, by the Teacher ol Yofai Music. hue been adopted for the past term, and experience ha* proved it to be eminentiy superior to the pursued it former years. Special pains will ba tLen to secure the greatest progress of those wishing t* take letsona in this branch. Terms wiil be as heretofore • Tuition Piano Forte, per term 110 )• Use of instrument on which to take leasona. 19 do for practice 8 09 i Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tw els, Ac., and the table silver a- their option. It is desira bie that they also furnish their own bed and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, thes# will b furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that students from abroad should board in the Institution, aa better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. Normal Department— Special cxerci-es are arranges without extra charge for those prepuGug themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C. R- COBURN, the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's claaa, and direct the coime to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often a* practicable, and wiil deliver freqnent lectures on the Theory and Practice ot Teaching,as alro on other aubjeekn connected with Normal training. Those persons, therefore, intending to engage In teach* ing for the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to be present during the Fall tsrm. Prof. Cobura'a connection with the institution ta not such as to In any way Interfere with ths 4k>cfc*rge of tha regular duties of his office. No pains will bn spired • on the part of the FaonJly and Trustees In cnsUhiiag the high repnlaUtloa the instfta tkm has hitherto etfloyad. and is rendering it tftorf WlS hy ot tuture patronage *n TwinsHlt. yarch 18.1143