LOCAL AND GENERAL 4 EDWARD T. ELLIOTT, Esq , has opened office over PATCH'S store. See liis card in another column- of N'SLSON P- BROWN of this place, in the list oi founded prisoners at Richmond. *■ The entertainment on Wednesday even , GT the Court House, by Mr. W. H. DAVIS, was a d success. Mr. DAVIS, although somewhat out of gives evidence of superior telent and force. He bad a large 40(3 intelligent audience—for this place. revised adition of the School Laws gnd Decisions has been received, and directors can have copies, one each, by calling at the office of F. G. COBURN, ,ccnnd door below the Report*r office. These books do not belong to directors individually, but are to be care fully preserved, and handed over to their successors when {beir terms of office shall expire. C. R. COBURN. July 15, 1862. s#Mr. ELI?HA KEKLKR, of Herrick, pre sented us, a fe* days since, some apples that were grown in 1860. It will be two years in September next lince these apples were picked, and they are now as sound uthey were the day they were taken from the tree. Mr. KSELER kept them in an open barrel in his cellar, the ttaie as his other apples were stored. They are of the ruiset variety. \ <\ I®- LIEUT. N. J. CAMP — This gentleman, *hose narrative of his adventures while a prisoner ara