ggrirsltol gtgarimeirt. "she Advantage derived from Shading the Soil with Green Crops, "Wf. hare frequently contended—and the additional experience which every year briugs with it odds further confirmation to the fact —that the rapid exhaustion of even our best soils is not due so roucu to coustaut cropping us to the hoed crops which play so promiuent it part in our system of ugricnlture. It is true that corn nut! tobacco draw largely upon our soils, and especially upon the phosphates and the po'rsb which they contain. It is true, also, " lout shallow and careless cultiva tion has done much to assist rn exhausting lands which were regarded at one time as of almost inexhaustible fertility," and statistics likewise show that whilst the area of cultiva tion has bten extended year after year, the average product per acre has diminished. One of the primary reasons why these crops have proved so deleterious to the soil, is the fact that the system of cultivation required to bring them to perfection keeps the intervals between the growing plants utterly bare dur ing the hottest months of the year. The ac tion of the sun upoa surfaces, together with the constant stirring of the soil tor the purpose oi keeping it loose and light and friable, whilst it promotes the solubility of iu plant food, yet at the same time exposes the osgunic and inorganic substances which constitute in their several proportions the cle moats of fertility to great loss, both by evapo ration and by washing rains. As an illustra tion of this process oi exhaustion by the sim ple eqposure of bare soil to the action of the son c.ii t!;<* raio in summer time, we may cite the following facts : A piece of laud kept constantly plowed, Without any crop whatever beiug grown upon ii, if not iUuWea to grow up in weeds, will gradually laps from a state of fertility iuto :JC of comparative barrenness it bus been loosing year after year, by evaporation and by lraching rains,the greater portion of its plant food, its vegitable and mineral wealth, if we may be } ram ted to so term it. As a signal proof 01 this we have in our mum's eye a peach orchard which twenty years ago was planted upon as line a of soil as is to be found uywhere within ten miles oi Baltimore. 11 was h light, loose chocolate soil, and the quality v i .the orchard v.yas originally planted, was that of the best tobacco laud. That orchard was plowed regularly every reason to promote tlie growth of the peach trees and to facilitate tii" ripening of the fruit It is the usual cus tom with the best pc&ch.growera. In twelve years, or by the 1., .e tire peach trees begun to thaw signs of decay, those fifty acres bore evi dent e of a foil that had been utterly exhaust -d. Y< t with the exception of the peach tree themselves, not a single crop of any k;uii had been taken from the land. Mow, this rapid exhaustion couid not bo cliaigcd to the de irm-.cis upon the soil by the peach trees alone, but to the fact that the so l was kept perfectly bare throughou the summer. Again—take tiieeonverse of the proposition. Bo long as Lads are kept shaded they continue to iueicuse in tertility. ldoes any one doabt this 1 I. t him turn out an old held, and af ter a while a new growth of wood and brush will spring up, except v.heu the land is worn i to goiiits, and wii.ii the growth of this wood the to opphig-* of the leaves and the shade of the foliage, a portion of the lost foiliiity of the- land wii! bo restored Yet the trees have been drav. .ug nutriment from the soil all through these years, 'lake another instance —leave a bed of eornstaiks, or a pile of brush upon a tielu that the previous season had been planted to corn, and is consequently bate of herbage or weeds ; or, build a iodder stack i i the lield axu ft nee it off from the cattle. — \Vh u the land comes into crop again the next K'c-Mi, the p'uee from which that pile of Kiuiks, or brush, or loader stack, will show a ranker growth than any other part of the field. "What was the rea on cf this difference ? lio'ljin? -re than the ground was kept ed, evvpor- uon was prevented, the 6oluble "'k' wi-ie i '~.::ed, und the laud got the ben dit of them. J 1. U l . C' 'S of tula kitld arc CUU alau it j coming np btioic the <ves of the observant farmer, aud from tin ra'fie m*" J -" \\\\ *■ (ii ; vut-y are susceptible of uone other : First—That the exposure of the soil to the sun, heat aud rain of our semi tropical eura mers rapidly exhausts it of its fertal.zing ele ments. Second—That covering or shading the soil preserve those elements. Third—That green crops, snob as clover, should take the place of hoed crops more fre quently|in our system of husbandry, and that tfiel 'ss frequent the surface of the soil is exposed to the wasting influence of sun,wind and rain, the longer it will retain its original condition ef fertility.— Baltimore Rural Register. Valv2 OF COAL ASHES. — A correspondent of the Dairy Farmer says : " The only object which I had in view at first iu using this article, was that of absorb ing the liquid portions of manure about the stable?, which was done by scattering them upon the lowest part* of the floor every morn ing after cleaning out the stables, at which arrangement the fowls- cf the barn seemed perfectly delighted, as they immediately com meuced devouring certain portions of the ash es as eagerly as though it was corn ; the re sult of which has been, that we have been supplied with an unusual quantity of eirgs dnr i; g the winter season ; as this article most likely furnishes them with the necessary ma terial for forming the shell. Tde next advan tage was that of seeing the cattle take their places in the stable, without slipping and fall ii;g, as thr-y frequently did before the ashes were used." BroKGE CAKE. —Five eggs, one quarter pound of flour, heavy weight, one half pound of 6ugar, lightweight, rind and juice of one b nnn. Fir<t beat the whites and yolks sepa rately, theu W"!l together, after which beat in the sugar, and stir ia the flour iigbtlv over the top ; aod the lemon und bake in a quick oven from fifteen to twenty minutes. Caram i.tks. —Una cup of raolasscsj two cups of cream or miik, or ie -tliird pound of bet ter, one and a quarter pound chocolate. Boil hard from forty to fifty minutes, stirring all the time to prevent burning theo pour into buttered pans. A vessel which railed from Boston, May 17, for Aiicirailia, look out two trotting 6'allions, grandsons of old Black Hawk, •ud aiae Merino sbeep from Veraaout flock. i&fscellaueous. NOW READY ! BtRTLETTS' NEW iSOH WORKS TOWANDA, PENNA. THE Subscriber begs leave to call the at tention of the public to the fact that he hes enlarged his motive power and purchased and set up additional machinery, and employed a larger number of workmen thanformerly, so that he i 3 now prepared to execute ot hers for Castings or Machinery with promptitude. He has at his works ail the PATTERNS m use by the late firm of Win. H. Philiips & Son ot Elmira . i., and has also added to these, patterns of various kind 9. MILL IRONS furnished for Grist Mills, Gang, Gate, Circular and Muley Saw Mills, besides STEAM ENCINES different sizes and styles and in fact almost any kind Castings or Machinery in common use. Steam Fitting* such a* Steam Pipes, Elbows. Return Rends, Reducers, Coupling, Globe-Valves, Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Oil Cups, tVhistles, $-c. always on hand and made to order. He is also prepared to furnish STEAM BOILERS of any siz r or kind wanted- Small Castings made in Br3s or Composition. Cook ing and Heating Stoves of different sizes manufactured and for sale at the above works. Furniture for Cooking Stoves and Stove Pipe always on hand Persons who want GEARING of any kind are informed that the subscriber has more patterns for Gearing than auv other concern in this part of the country. They would be quite sure of finding among his Patterns Gear ing that would answer their wants and thus save delay and expense in getting up work. He makes also a large variety of Pnlieys, Balanbe Wheels and Cranks, Water Wheels ; also Saw Gumniers, Thimble Skeins and Pipe Boxes, Irqji Fence, Caldrons, Plows, Ac. His equipment of machinery consists of as good tools as are made, and was selected with k the design ot being able to do any job which might be offered, whether large or small. )n short his effort has been to get up in all respects a first class establishment. Terms Reasonable. Orders solicited. Cash paid for Old Pewter and Brittania. Works situated on Main Street near Barclay It. It. Canal Basin. 0. D. BAItTLETT. To'wanda, April 11. ISCW Proprieiot. _ GREA T B ARGAINS F From 83,000 to 84000 WortL OY Fashionable Furniture •ro jts SOLD IMMEDIATELY 1 Having bought recently the Athens C; hi net Ware Rooms, And entire stock of FURNITURE from the late pro prietor, It. M. WELLES, it will be sold for CASH AT PA WIG PRICES. mHE STOCK IS LARGE JL aud very complete, has been well selected, and is well adapted lor the •IKSPPsw vrauts ot the country. N. 15.—1t is a V *rt':vsfe£af/ common remark made by visitors to this establishment, " Why, 1 had no ifiigSacaaafffj'fc. idea von bad such a large and splen- assortment, of Furniture. I have , S&fg ; AaBM W ■i.-.-.n nothine like it short of the city." f We have UERSTEA I>S from $-->0 and upwards. COTTAGE and other i-V*Stf 3sa & 4 '| CHAIRS, in great variety, trora f 1,00 t\ M to $25,00 per set. TABLES from $2,50 . '-ir upwards, aud Everything 1 else in Proportion. mL~J2 €S' HIS-- 89 Si** In every style, size and price, to suit the means-and taste ; of any and all customers, ifcg" Call and see our stock. Athens, Pa., Jaty 21 1861. i*A<b. | Attention is invited to my! Tjl desirable stock of Fall and Winter Clothing ! FOE WISNS St BOY'S WEAR, ITA.TS .A>sX> CAPS, BOOTS ANI) SHOES, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear, In all colors and sizes, for the present season, which 1 am offering at ASTONISHING LO All those wishing to get good bargains may call at the rti OTHIIMC STORE M. E. SOLOMON, ITo. 4 Tatton's Slock, TOWAITDA, HOTEL KEEPERS, DRUGGISTS, TARMERS,AND ALL WHO WAST ipusmb I HAVE just received from the City, o Large Stock of IMPORTED PURE LIQUORS, of every variety. My stock of LIQUORS lias been pur chased "for CASH, directly from the Importers, whereby I am enabled to furnish Farmers for the approaching Harvest, a Superior and Pure article of Li'juor, of any kind whatever, at LOWER PRICES than were ever be ore offered in Towauda. HOTEL KEEPERS Will find it greatly to their advantage to examinaint 6t<>ek before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have facilitiesfoi purchasing, which enables me to WHOLESALE m\ goods at N" ?w York WHOLESALE PRICES! Besides my Liquors are warranted pure and unadnlter ated. I have also on hand the Largest Stock and Great est Variety of Ever brought to Towanda, which having been purchaser directly front the Manufacturers and Importers, enablt me to compete with the Wholesale Tobacconists of tin city. Hotel keepers and others are respectfully invite? to an examination of my entire stock of Liquors, Cigar and Xo'vacco. Also, Groceries & Provisions, Of every description, will he kept constantly on hand, a prices LOWER than elsewhere in this town. Confident that I am enabled to sell my entire stock o Goods, either at Wholesale or Retail, less than like good can be purchased this side of the City, I respectfully s<> Unit the public to an examination at No. 5, Brick Row. H. W. NOBLE. Towanda, Jm>e I t. 18G0. KEROSINE OIL, FOR SALE CHEAI at FOX'S. Aug. 28.1561. NOTICE-Notice is given, that all persons indebted to the estate o Rl'-LBIN' GRIFFIN, dec d., hate of Sheshequin township hereby requested to make immediate payment, and ai persons hsving demands against said estate wi.l pleast present tbem duly authenticated for settlement. Miy 13.186 J. JOHN N. GRIFFIN. Ewecatar. i&tsccllaueous. BOOK BINDERY. THE subscriber having withdrawn from the Argus building would respectfully inform the public that he has removed his Plain and Fancy Bindery to the North Room of the Wa: u House, formerly occupied by the Post Office, where hejis now prepared to bind all kinds of Books in the most approved and workmanlike manner.— Having to share my profits with no second person I flat ter myseli that my prices will meet the satisfaction of the public. . Thankful for the confidence reposed In mr and the piib lie appreciation of my work, for the last two years, I shall endeavor in th 0 future to merit the continuance ot public support. Particular attention given to re-binding Books. All work will be warranted. Terms, Cash. jOtAlso,a large assortment ot' STATIONERY of the best quality, at tbe lowest prices. Justices' and Consta ble's BLAXKS, of all kinds. PICTURE FRAMES, round, square and oval; and pic tures framed to order, cheaper than ever known here. JOHANN F. BENDER. Towanda, Jan. 11,18C0. Bookbinder and Artist. LINCOLN TO BE ELECTED. "\7~ET c.!l these seem only to increase the JL businessjtnd prosperity of the Old Foundry and MACHINE SHOP, (South side of Pine st., one door East of H. S. Mer cur's Store.) The undersigned would call the attention of ail con cerned to the fact-,that he is prepared to do. and will ex ecute all work entrusted to him with dispatch,and in the most workman-like manner. FITTING UP MILL IRONS, REPAIRING STEAM ENGINES, from the simplest to the most complicate, in any of their parts, and WARRANTED to give satisfac tion. PLOWS always on hand of the most approved pat terns, wooded in the most substantial manner. Having recently added considerably to his facilities for doing work, and employing experienced workmen in every department, be is confident that he can satisfy all who favor him with their patronage. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct.l.j, 1800. Coal. Lime, Cement, Fire SJricL, Drain Tiles, &.c. THERE is n. Litnc Kiln at tlie Barclay Company's Basin, in Towanda. where is kept con stantly for sale, fresh burnt lihile Dime. made irom the best quality of New York lime stone at 25 cents per bushel, or $1 per barrel, headed up in barrels, and 12£ cents per bushel for slacked lime. I.ime shipped on boats at Towanua without additional charge. Also Syracuse Water Lime at $1 l."> iper barrel, and Fire Uriel; at 8 cents each. Drain Files 2,3 and 1 inch sizes at 2. 3 and 6 cents per foot, a very nice article tor drainin I-'iid or about dwellings. Merchants supplied with Be.aid-ley's Axes by the dozen. J id; Screws, for moving buildings, to let at 25 cents per day each. Barclay Coal at $2 25 per ton for Lnmp Coal and $2 00 per ton for Smith Coal. Coal delivered in Towan aa at 25 cents per load. All the above for sale at the office of the Barclay R. 11. &- Coai Company, Towanua. J. MACFARI.AIN. Towanda, Feb. 22.1 SCI. <>cu. Superintendent. CAUTIOSff " To be. or not to be— hat is the qnestlon ! Whether 'tis nobier in the mind to sutler The slings and arrows of ouiragcoa- opposition. Or by taking up arms against a sea of printing ink, And opposing, end theme' rpiiE proprietor of the Argnx takes o-ca*'on in artyer 1. tising Lis Bindery to indulge in an uncalled for fling about a " sort of a concern." whi.-h is hoping " to delude the public."' As 1 have opened a Bindery on my own ac count, the inference is that if the public bring their binding to inc. they are in no danger of being defrauded. For two years 1 have worked fr Mr. Fak-ons, and he has taken great pains t satisfy the public 1 was tbe " best Binder in America," as the columns of tbe Argu* wil testify. Has he been all that time " deluding the pub lie?" If 1 have been engaged in a fraud, be baa b.*cn I'n principal. But 1 refer to my work din ing that time a evidence tbnt there ha- been no fraud practiced. • Having served a long apprenticeship at the Bindery business, I have resumed business here on my own ac count,as 1 know of nothing which prevents me from bil lowing a legitimate and bawfnl calling lor my support.— I shall endeavor by good work and attention to my busi ness to give public satisfaction. March 15. JOHAXN F. BENDER, Binder. QI GARS k TOBACCO. 'J he best brands of Cigars in town at lowest also, Smoking and Chewing To mcco, w holesale and re tail, at FOX'S, ~g[ga ATTRACTIONS! YT** At Geo. 11. Wood's Gallery k TOWANDA, PA. Ra Yon can procure, at low prices, || \ PH © T © © IE APE 2 S Ij \ o f all si?s. up to life size, either plain or re \l touched, colored in oilor pastille. AVso. MELATNOTYPF.S and AMBROTYI'ES. and al most all other kinds of types. Pictures in good eases lor 25 cents, and other sizes and qualities wi proportion. Melainotypes made in all kinds of weather, (except for children. Ail work warranted. July 25.1861. LATEST FROM VV. A. R. W. A. ROCKWELL is again on hand wt> the r—=* New Goods of the Season \ ! TITTFSS GOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, YANKEE NOTION'S, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, LEATHER, BOOTS <i SHOES, WOODEN WARE. HATS AND CAPS. Those wishing a good bargain will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call, as the hard limes will not prevent us selling good articles at moderate prices. Although compelled to adopt the ready pay system, we feel confident that we can give our customers perfect sat isfaction. WM. A. ROCKWELL. Towanda, Sept. 25. 1861. SPECIAL NOTICE TN ACCORDANCE WITH YfHAT JL seems to be the necessities of the times, and for niv own business security, 1 have concluded to sell Goods FOR READY PAY! I helicve I have as good credit-customers as any one, and most of them prompt paying ones, but lutiirc prosperity in I think requires that Groceries and Provi sions should be sold for cash. 1 hope, by attention to business, and an earnest desire to please, to still retain all of 1113' old patrons. Those who are indebted to me will oblige me by settling up at once. E. X. FOX. Towanda, August 1, ISfil. THE WAR TO BE SETTLED] THE OLD TAILOR SHOP STILL IN MOTION, f H. HUNTING, THE OLD STAND vJT• BY TAILOR, would inform the public that he is ■till doing business at bis old stand, where he i- still pre lared to execute all kinds of work in his line on the short est notice, and in the most approved style. Hav ing lately secured one of the most perfect systems or cutting in existence, he can warrant smooth and easy its with safety. By an arrangement with the merchants, he is enabled 0 get up suits at a very low figure, for cash. He would nform the public that lie is agent tor A. Bartlmlfs Sew ng Machines, the best machine extant—which will be urnished for cash, for from S3O up to SBO, as may be de ired. N. B—He is prepared to clean and mend garments at easonabie rates, to suit the times—making them look learly as nice as new. Call and try him. 3-Cutting done as n&nal on short notice. Shop on Main st. opposite Codding & Russell's hard care store, and three doors south of Dr. Carter's grocery, ashions received every six mouths. G. H. B. Towanda, Nov. 20, 1861. FINE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES A FAMILY SrTPLl£s, fea than can't be beat , the best black Tea in town, also Sugar, Coffee, Soap. Fish. Pork, and aimo6t everything 1 the Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S. Cheese Worth Eating. f HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE DAI 1. rv ol Cheese from Courtlacd County,as good as was ver brought into this town. Please cell and try i, if /on like tt yon can buy it cheap. K. T. FOX- Jttmfiatrtrtf*, #c. cms, smt & BEiun. NOW IS YOUR TIME TOBUYYOtJR CLOTHING CHEAP AT YOUR OWN PRICES. PROCLAIM IT TO THE PEOPLE! 1 UST RECEIVED.—A Targe Stock of t) FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, at J. CORN'S Elmirf. Branch Clothing More. Says coolly, boldly and deliberately, that he takes tie foremost of the Clothing Merchants ot Towanda. Eigtheen hundred and sixl v-one has come, and the light and beauty of Spring shines upon us. with all its radiant splendor. I shall continue to sell Clothing, for Cash, cheaper than any other man, as my goods aie all bought cheap for cash, and they will be sold cheap for cash. My goods are all manufactured in FJmira, therefore, I can warrant them well made. Enough for me to say, I have everything in the line of CLO THI N (1! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS CAPS, &.C., That is kept in any other Store in town. My banner is on the breeze, " And long may it wave, O'er the land of the free, And the home of the brave ! I While her Stars and Stripes Shine out like sun. Telling all the nations That Freedom's beg in." This _ s a free country : therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can do tlie best, regardless of the cross and sour looks of old fogv merchants. 1 invite you to come and see me—country as well as the city are invited—every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or free are invited to call. Come one, come all. and stop your speed, We've Goods enough for all in need, The boys, themselves, are at their posts, And they alone can supply a host. O'er other dealers in this town. These same boys liave won renown, For selling the cheapest and the best, And selling more than all tbe rest! Hurrah! hurrah! o'er hill a d plain, Accept our thanks, and call again, Among our assortments you'll always find, Goods to lit, and please the mind. We're on hand and always willing. To sell our Go ds, and earn a shilling ! Bo hold your horses, and come this way, We shall he glad to see you ay day, At JOHN SHLAM'S Clothing Store, next door to If. S. Mereur s Dry Goods Store, Main Street, Towanda, Pa. ' N. B.—We wi-i) r* b* understood, that we are not to be undersold by any man. or combination of men. tor* No charge for showing our Ouods. Towanda. March 12,1862. J. CORK. Ihe Argus Book bindery O Is Ajain in Pull Cpcration ! T 7F. have the grntificath n of announcing to our frfends, YY customers, and the public, that we are now pre pared to do BOOK BIjS T3IIS (t, in all its Branches in the latest and most approved styles, and on the mo-t favorable terms. Having secured, permanently, the C. Wiiitkk ak. a finished workman from Philadelphia, and having added extensively to the fixtures of the con cern—giving greater facility than formerly—we can pre sent to the public the mo-t positive assurance of our abil ity to please our patrons. gir Customers should oe particular to remember that the " Argns Bindery," is in the Argus Building, as form erly, (iirst building north of the Ward House) and is con nected with our Book and Stationery Store and Printing Office, where all work should be delivered. CAUTION.—We are compelled injustice to ourselves, and our old customers, as well as to prevent an imposition upon the public generally, to caution them against a sort a concern, that falsely holds out 1-- ihe public that it is the Argus Bindery. I hw.fwiM is practiced no doubt, with a hope of deluding the Public. Against this bold and deliberate attempt to deceive, they are hereby cau tioned. j}- Particular attention paid to re Binding. All work guarranted. A'A" Country Produce of all kinds taken in payment for work. AiT Having made complete arrangements, we are pre pared to Rule and Bind BLANK BOOKS to any style or pattern, at prices as low as elsewhere. So wand a,March 5. 1860. E. A. PARSONS* NO COMPROMISE! AT THE UfM MABBLE WORKS! Located at Towniula, lYmi'a. aEOZIGS - ikcCABE TyOULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS ! T and the peonie of Bindford county in general, that j be hos ptireha-i d the Marlde Yard lormerly owned Yiy Taylor A ("ash, and lias added to his stock a large as : sortnient of American and Foreign Marble.| He invite® the public to see his large stock before pur chasing elsewhere, av he li is the hi-gest stock ever in this eonrity. Customers purchasing at the shop or sending their orders will save at least iiO percent, and not be troubled with agents looking alter grave stones before | the eiirpse is buried, and who are not responsible. Come I and see what you are getting. Having been in the busi j ness for the last li<> years, in the city ol Philadelphia, he intends to keep a variety always on hand of Marble Mirn j ties. Monuments, Crave Yard Posts, Head Stones and j Tombs at city prices. C 9, Yard on Main street, opposite Gen. Patton's. N. 11.— Alterations and Repairing promptly attended GEO. McCAHE. Towanda, Pee. IS. ISfil. Threshing Machine Agency ATTENTION ! FARMERS ! THE SUBSCRIBER IS SOLE AGENT in the county ot Bradford and the neighboring coun j ties in Pennsylvania and New York, for EMERY'S Celebrated Threshing Machines, EMERY'S ONE AND TWO HORSE POWERS, are i too well and popularly kuown to need any description : from me, and I will only say that they continue to de ; serve t iie reputation they have enjoyed for ten years of i being toe " best Endless Chain Horse Power in use."' | These Powers possess conveniences and'advantages pos sessed by sir other power. EME R Y'S NEW PATENT 'THRESHER AND CLEANER This a new Machine, and has not before been intro - dnced into this region. It has 110 endless chain straw J carrier, but separates all kinds of grain thoroughly from i the straw, by a combination of Pitts' Endless Canvass Celled Apron, a new Improved Revolving Picker, and ] the well known Vihratimr Riddle. It isa simple.durable j and efficient Machine, will thresh rapidly and clean thor oughly, without vasting, all kinds of grain. It will not i choke, run easily and steadily, without jumping, and is warranted to be superior to the common Rake Cleaner ! now in use. It remains only to he seen and tested, to be | pronounced by every experienced hand at threshing, to ; he an admirably contrived and constructed Thresher and i Cleaner. EMERY'S IMPROVED THRESHERS & SEPARATEES ; are not excelled by any in market, are well constructed, simple and durable. lam prepared to supply all kinds AGRICULTURAL MACKIIffERY at manufacturers prices and terms. ear For further information, illustrative and descrip tive Catalogues, prices, Ac., apply to K.'M. WELLES, Agent. Athens. Pa.. July 30,1861. A CARD. THE present depressed state of the Money Market having had tire effect to p'-ace many kindsjof Goods within the reach ot Cash buyers, at much lower prices 'hnn heretofore, the undersigned begs to give no tice that lie has availed himself of this reduction, to a large extent within the past ten days and is now offering many bargains such as have heretofore never ueen equall ed 111 this market. Dee. to. 1800. JOSEPH POWELL. JURIED FRUIT," GOOD DRIED APT LPS, B&elcberrtes. Raspberries gad Whortleberries, cheap FOXg iHrtitCitl. DR. PORTERS OLD DRUG STORE, Already admitte," to be Tlic largest, safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA f WITH An established rcpntatiou for keeping the best medicine, UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who devote the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles. and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become TL'ji s&siij nim mm<& With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Alii, AU7ICS.ES WARRANTED AS KETRESENTED. By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Impor ters or First Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses, the prices will always he at thelow est point for I'rime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass. DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS. Everything in thin extensive stock will be sold Cheap for Cash ! PRICES REDUCED, VIZ: Of Soaps, Perfumery, Brakes, Combs, Pocfcct 3lr,ives and Hazors, Lamps and Materials for Lie/lit. TRUSSES k SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE TG3ACCO &, SNUFF. All the Popular Patent Medicines, Tooth, Skin & Kair Preparations, Fancy Articles of all Descriptions, Eclectic, Bn'onic end Jfvinceopathic Medicines Spices, Dint Sect!. I.amp Stride. and G-arden Steels. FJSII TACKLE, AMMUNITION', Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced in Price, and revised lor the Cash System. DP. TORTER'S CAMPHEXE ! DIE POUTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any In tin Market. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS TCT jFair.ily Use, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, are warranted ft what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 37A cents- Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation •' 25 " I>r. Portems Tonic Elixir '• 50 " Dr Porter's Worm Syrup " 25 " Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphitcs.. " 100 " Dr. Porters Uterine Tonic " 150 " Dr. Porter's Blackberry Balsam " 25 " l)r. Porter's Tooth Ache Drops... " 25 " Dc Bortiir'ji Ceohalic Si'iuf " So Ilr. Porter's Tooth Powder •' 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricogene " 25 " Dr. Porter's Tricophile " 2.5 '• Dr. Porter's Shampoo " 25 " Dr. Porter's llorse and Cattle Lotion " 37j " Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 25 " Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Black Ink n. .. " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 37* '• Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 25 " Dr. Porter's Cit rite Mague.-ia " .Li " Medical \<B ice siven graiiiifni:>|j ai iheoflke Charging only for Medicine. £~3~Thankful for pa-t liberal patronage would respect - fully annouiire to his friends and the public thatno pains I shall be span d to satisfy and merit the continuance of i theirconfidenee and patronage, at tire Cash Drug* Store ! Ccrner of Main and Pine-streets. Tovar.da. Sept. 5, lsfil. pasqat|anna ColltgiaU Institute, TOIIA.XI/A, DRADFORD CO., I\i. FAon/rv : Rev. JAMES jrcWII.LiA.M. Principal. Professor of An cient Languages, and Mental and Moral Science.-. SAMUEL L. FISI.U.I!. A. B. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. 1 Pi'of. CHARLES 1!. CO BURN Cc-unty Superintendent. General Director of Nortnol Department. Miss NANf V BALLARD. Preceptress. Miss M.\RV B. ALLEN, Tearherot Vocal and Instrumen tal Music. Mr.D. CANTIELD DAYTON, Steward. Mrs. 1). C. DAYTON. Matron. The Spring Term commences WEDNESDAY,MARCH 26, and will continue 14 weeks. TUITION, IEK TF.KM : [ invariably in advance, or one-half on entering the school, and one-hall at the middle of the term—tuel and contingencies included.] Primary, per term $4 00 Preparatory 6 00 Higher, Ist year, per term 7 oo Higher, Ist and 2d year, per teim 8 00 Classical. 1-t ye-vr, per term 7 on Classical, 2d and 3d year, per term 8 00 N. 11. Pupils will be classed by the most advanced branch they respectively pursue. Pupils using scholarships are charged J1 per term for fuel and contingents. EXTRA EXFENSES: Frensr $ 3 00 Germs 3 00 Draw it. 5 00 Board in I he Institute, ptr week, including fuel and iigst 2 00 Washing, per dozen 38 The Collegiate year is divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. The 4nnrversaiy exercises will be held at the close of the Spring term. No deduction will be made for absence, exeept in case of protracted illness of over two weeks. Instrumental Music will heretofore, be taught in the Institution.lmt bv special arrangement—a class will be t-augbt in a hull adioiiiingthegroonds of the Institute, by the Teacher ot Vocal Music. This arrangement has been adopted for the past term, and experience has proved it to be eminently superior to the plan pursued in former years. Special pains will be taken to secure tlie greatest progress <5 those wishing to take lessons in this branch. Terms will he as heretofore : Tuition on Piano Forte, per term $lO 00 Use of instrument on which to take lessons 50 do for practice 2 0 f Pupils boarding in the Hall will furnish their own tow ekt, Ae., and the table silver a. their option. It is de-ira ble that they also furnish their own lied and bedding when it is convenient, but when otherwise, these will be furnished at a slight charge. It is strongly recommended that stndents from abroad should lioard in the Institution, as better opportunities for advancement in study are thereby secured. Normal Department —Special exercises are arranged without extra charge tor those preparing themselves as Teachers of Common Schools. Prof. C.R. CO HU R\" the able and well known Superintendent of Common Schools in the county, has kindly consented to organize the Tea cher's class, and direct the course to be pursued. He will also be present to conduct its exercises as often as practicable, and will deliver frequent lectures on the Theory and Practice of Tcaching, as also on other subjects connected with Normal training. Tlrose persons, therefore, intending to engage in teach ing tor the winter, will find it greatly to their advantage to he present during the Fail term. Prof. Cohnru's connection with the institution is not such-as to in any way interfere with the discharge of the regular duties of his office. No pains will be spared, on the part of the Faculty and Trustees in sustaining the high repnlatation the institu tion has hitherto enjoyed, and in rendering it more wor by of future patronage and support JAMES Mc WILLI AM, Principal. March 23, 18*2 Business (Earn. BENJ. M. PECK, attorney at LA IV, TO WAN DA, PA— All business ir.trnrted to his care, will receive prompt attention— Office WGFC Col. E. Smith, over Tracy & Moore's Store. April 11.18(81. THOMAS J. JNGHAM. ATTORNEY X A J LA H'. LA PORTE, Sullivan County. p A . HX. WILLI a MS, ATTORNEY A f • LA IV, CANTON PA., will attend to ail busj. ness entrusted to his care in thecourfs of Bradford, TIOTR* Lycomg and Sullivan Co'S. IDC* Soldiers claims and pensions promptly attended to June 24. 1802. E. OVERTON, JK G. li. MOXTANyji. FWEKTOX k MOX TAN YE, A TTOr Cs NEVS AT LA IF— Office in Union Block, fora. y occupied by 'J AS. MACFAKLANE. DR. E. H.MASON, PTTYSfCIA X AND Sl/RGEON, offers his professional services to THE people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his RESIDENT# on Pine street, where hecau always be found when net professionally engaged . EE. PARSONS' ATTOIIXEY AI • LA IV, TROY, Bradford Co., I'a. Office over V M. K 11. F. Long's store. Aug- 7, ] ELHANAX SMITH, having returned t Towanda, has opened a Law Office over Mercur' Store. Dec. 1.1857. IV T I)A VIES, A TTORNEY~AT LA fV, Towanda. Bradford comity, Pa, OFFI.-E with Win. Watkins, Esq., a lew doors north ot the WARD Ibmse. Jan. 8, 1861. \V 1 1' MOT & W A TXINS, ATTORNEYS ' ' AT LAW, TOWANDA, PA— Office formerly occupied by U. Mercur. DAVID WILMUT- | g. 11. WATKINS May 2. IBCI. A MEXICAN HOTEL, TOW AN LA -TX I'a . (near the bridge.) 51. .T CARRIER. ' Towanda . Nov. 20, IXLJL. Proprietor. DR. 11. WESTON, BEN 77.V7'. permanenffly located in Towandos ITT '"IUFKICE one door south ot Bailey&Neveus' Towanda, Feb. lit. 1^5:1. O. K. WQODRUFF-DEWTIST, PERMANENTLY located in Towanda. — Office No. 5, Brick Row. over H. W, NOBLES' Store Entrance one door south of Tracy Moores. F. G ■ COBUIFTN, A TTORNE Y AND NOTARY PUBLIC, AA Towanda, Pa. Office in the building formerly oc cupied by 11. I!. McKean. EYU All legal business attended to with promptness and care. Towanda. Aug. 20, 186!-tf. ~W_A_i iID HOUSE. Towanda, Fa. THE SnLsprihers liavintr Ipnsed litis wd? I. known Hotel for a term of years, would inform their friends and the traveling nnbMc. that they will be mint happy to accommoiiaie all WOO may favor tiu-in with* call. It will tie 'he aim c, T the present proprietors t make the WAKP HOUSE at once comfortable, pleasant and cheerful. Yours Truly, Jan.r 1 >:!. " POWELL K SMITH. MC CABERS CENTRAL MEAT MARKET. Below ./. Eingsbpi fs store, Ah; in st. R J" , HE subsi-ritier would respectfully tender his sincere J. thanks TO the public tor the very liberal patronage extended to liini, and solicits A oonrhituiiice of the same. HE bee- LEAVE TO a-siiie that lie intends t-< keep on hand as heretofore, a choice selection of MEATS OL ail kinds, the LI(*ST the country affords, which he intends to >eli FOR very small profits, either by the sido. quarter OR pound. £F.\ quantity ot lir-T qualit of SALT PORK,put UP by nivseli . 'heap, by the barrel 5r pound. Meats will be promptly delivered, at any place withia tlie corporal ion. Towanda. August 1?, 1859. J HcCABK. RAILROAD HOTEL, Near lite Barclay Raih rtad hrminus, TOWANDA, PENN'A. jLn R JORDAN iv>puetfully informs the " • the public TO ;t lie ha- 1,-.,>1 D JLIE we'l-known tav ern stand torinerly occupied by M. T. CAKKIKK. in tiis lower part ot the BOROUGH >-,? Towanda. whi -H JHIVING been refitted and thoroughly re furnished, he invites tI.W patronage of THE public with every confidence that lie can give entire satis'acti m to such as may lavor lii:n with a > ill. His BAI; WEI bp kept STORKED with tli* BPS? QUALITIES of j LIQUORS, and Hie LICST lirands ot UIGARs. Lxtensive stabling I - connected with the honse, and I reliable attendants will ' NLV b= K-yt. No pains M expense w; S BE spared to deserve tlie p.rt ronage of T 1 "- public _ Iq. CHARGES will be reasons ! hie. | Towanda, April 1. TB6T. TO THE BUYERS' OP FUR Nil ERE AND CHAIRS. IIA VINO greatly inerea-EFF my fo-WTR 1 STOCK of Cabinet Ware AND ("iiaira, 1 A:n i E W^ W " E> to ikspose of THESE accmnhia tions rapidly, and with T'LWT'LESIGN offer all articles at | uiiprccedeiited low PRICE.E. for Cash. Good SOFAS at . ; !FF to S2O. line (hriie Scat Chairs 75 ct. | each, a nice Bedstead for 20 shiHings. i have now more than 60 ifiiVcrent patterns OF Chairs, Bureaus Desks for the farmer or men-hunt . Looking Glasses T,ooking GIASR I'iates, Portrait and Picture Irainei of gilt. Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut corner: T) patterns of Sfaffds . extension, dining.tea and work Ta bles, Hall Stands, and in tact anything that can be found in a city Ware-house. A large assortment of ready-made Coffins, with a good Hears? I?ady, at uii times. Purchasers w IL be sure to find the right place, south side of the public square, one door east of Montanves. Towanda. Dee. 1. 1859. CHESTER WELLS. KEW NURDI. CODDING A RUSSELL, H AVE purchased the large and WELL known establish ment of 1). U. Hall, and arst now receiving from NE* York, the largest and most complete assortment of HARD-WARE, | ever offered for sale in this market, which will be sold CHEAP for Ua-h orappovod Creait. We have a large and well selected stock of Wood and I Goal COOKING STOVES, every variety of pattern and ; styie of Parlor. Ditiing-Ronm. Six-Plate, and Cylinder | Stoves, wlii-'h we can. and will sell as cheap as "can 1< | purchased in this or any adjoining county. Also a full ■ and complete assortment of IRON AND STEEL, Nails and Glass, Paints and Oils, House Trimmings, Far -1 iage Trimmings. Springs. Iron Axels and Boxes, of all sizes. Carpenters and Joiners Tools, Black, smiths Tools, Cross-cut, Circular and Mill Saws. Table and Pocket MZZ FU R B" HT C?S- 9 of evety description. Tumps, Lead-Pipe, Chain Pumps and Tubes. BRITTIXXI4 4SD PM F EDH IUC; the latest and most approved patters. A iarge quantity of TIN-WARE AND STOVE PIPE, always on hand- Patent Stretched Leather BELTING. Every name and! form of F A ion NO TOOLS. JOB WORK done on short notice and warranted Decs GRAIN. Old Iron. Copper, Rl'ittaonia, Brass, wax and Feathers, taken in exchange lor Goods. We invite " the whole world and the restof mankind, to call and examine our our gooffs before purchasing— Our motto will be use every niau wetland submit to noth ing wrong. AS* One door south of Tracy and Moore and Powell ' Block, Main street, CODDING A RUSSELL. JOHN A.COnOIKG, I O. H IMWttt. ( Towanda. Sept. 21. 1860. ~ Tyr/übiic TIMET FORWARD! MARCHf TO TIIK NEAYS 11 ONI! , \\ here idi mi ni {he J ulsl Kius' AND IF YOU WANT TO KEEP -A.JL well posted on the events that are passing before the American people, just ask for one of THE ILLUS TRATED PAPERS. They are realty worth double the price we ask for them. And while you are there yon may as well get a MAP showing all the important POINT* in the country. Or. you may want to write to your Iriend*. and yon rail get the very latest STE'E ot PATH® OTIC NOTE PA PER AND EN V ELOPES. TTIT Come and see what we have got. and satisfy your selves. Don't forget the place- THE MEWS ROOM. 1 Tewanda, June 12.1861
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers