Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 03, 1862, Image 3
local and general. GEO. LANDON will address a pnb c meeting, in Slieshequin. on Saturday the 12th day of July, lSti'J, at two o'clock r. M. s£,'So PAPER NEXT WEEK. —No paper JU be j sSU id from this office next week. Fourth of July u a what's the matter." regr The Danville Democrat announces the from jail at that place, of HtnrM HALE, ncutenced for one year lor threatening to kid some one. I^*GRAND CONCERT —The Students of Allcmv College will give a concert at the Court House, )Q place, this (Wednesday) evening. From the pro gramme we judge it will be a line thing. Alumni of the University at Lew isbtirg have elected Rev. E. G. TAYLOR, of Cincinnati as orator, and Ihv.J. H. LYONS, of New York, Poet, for their Anniversary, July 20th. jig?- RETURNED —Dr. WESTON, after an ah trnce of several weeks, has returned, and his office is now t.pen to visitors. Those residing in the country can make their appointments by letter. Last week, in Ilarrisborg, a girl named Exiie WINGEKED, was handling a ]dstol which she thooglitto be unloaded, play fully pointed it at a com panion, Mrs. EDWAUIIS, and pulled the trigg.*r. A deaf euiug report followed, and Mrs HOWARDS fell to the floor shut through the breast. She died a few hours alter. jgy WILL RE AT THE IIOR.SE Snow—The valuable horse that was captured from the rebels at New. bcrn, X. C-.some time since, we learn, will be at Wil jiamsport at the Horse Sliw the coming fall. It is said that the proprietor, M. E. JORDAN, has been offered and refuseds2o,ooo for him. I®-VICTIMS OF THE FLOOD —On Friday Ut two mme bodies, one of a man and the other of a woman, were discovered b-irieJ in the sand near Burling ton about two miles below M.iueh Chunk. The remains vif a babe were also found no ir WVissport. All through the valley corpse* are continually discovered partly bur ied in the -and, r under the dri.t wood. The 10-sof life by this great freshet was terrible beyond calculation. jeg" A CURIOSITY.— ll.irmnn'S lat cu r io*ity isasmall baby ;a very pocket edition of the article. The baby is eight months ol Laud weighs only one pound and seven ounces. It is perfect in form and feature*. An idea of it- littleness may be gained front the fact that Mr. BAKNUM'S linger ring can be passed easily over its foot gufi ancle to the knee. v- £•3*?* pared to furnish the rewUnittrl State* tvv-rdy year six per cent. Coupon Bond-. noon the - ime terms as they are delivered to the ,-u! -eril tr* l,y the Government, viz : At par and accrued interest from May Ist. The B->iuhi ure i.**utd in denominations of SSO, SIOO. SSOO, SI .0' 0. For mure particular information apply tit their office KG- RAIL ROAD EXCURSION ON MHS FORTH —As there is tube no Celebration on the 4th. we are pleased to lean, that nn lix tii*ion train will be run <-n tie Raiciay Hal! Road leaving Towanda at 9a. m., ami Birciay at 4p. rn. An independent and informal pick ate will take pi i e at " Tilde R • k. ' one mile west of the mine-, at one o'clock. The Declaration of Imleoend eace will be red hut no tiresome speeches are to l>e al lmved. All arc invited to a tend and notified to bring their own lun 'a on-, as nothing will be provideJ but an apro'ite an J cold water. *> FEACIIF.S—An exchingf? paper suvs : T!:e leaves of many peach trees hive commenced curling this s<*.u-"tr. and tiie- fruit of ail s'u li has dropped off. It is-aid that l y digging around the roots of the trees* •quantities of worms may be found penetrating the h,*k and seriously damaging the trees. These worms may be destroyed with lye. ami the leaves will, after the de itrurtiog of the warm is accomplished, straighten and the young fruit will remair. 8?* I?„ CAUTION. —THE editor of the Pittstoii Gazett' says: "It may not be known to ail that the leaves of wild cherry are poi.-onoos to rait!. . A neigh bor of ours in West lhtt-tor,. i*-t a cow last week from this cause. The leaves, ( specially when partly wilted, are said by physicians, to contain a large quantity ot 'Pnivde* Acid, a deadiy pois,.*i. ( are siieuld !.e taken. :n trimming or cut ing down these tree-, that lire branch •fa are put where cattie cannot them. Tin* Rradfiinl hoy* in the tirmv, have, soireof tlmiri at least," -mcl* powd*'t." A letter from a private in ('apt. TLLFOUI/JS C unpany, fr((iri .* lutii Garo -ina. dated June Mh, gives an account ola liliieskinn ih in which tluee of the bo)s in that Company were w,sanded. Tiie rebels' gun* were lorded with buck-h HKNUY SCOTT, of this place, received three; J. S. BALL, four and Tow Mat seven. Neither of them are danger ousiy wounded. £©"' PENNSYLVANIA STATE TEACHERS' INSTI TCTF.—AH those engaged in teaching agd who wi*h to keep pace with the progress or the age, in the art of ac. <l'iiruig and the still more important art of imparting knowledge to those committed to their charge, should, before making arrangements for their summer vacation visiting remember that the State Tea.hers' Institute meets in the city of Reading.on the 12th of August next, and continues four days. As all teachers who labor in their avocation have need of re-nation, there is no better *ay than traveling la a healthy region like that between this section of country and Reading. Eminent men of onr own aud other States will lie there to give in*truc" tion. There i* no 2 hut the Reading Railroad Com pany will is.,ue axeursion tickets on that occasion. —* — 7 fcy In the lute battle near R't'hmond, 'Cnmpaufj F., sth Pennsylvania. Regiment, Cipt. STL* it- X'JCK was engaged. In the li*t of w uinded we notice the names of several in that C mpany. None are reported killed. As tar as wc have been able to ascertain, the list is as Isilows : Uieut. RIDDLE, side an£ head. MICHAEL GEHLEY, head, severely. Jous- REMU ART, shoulder, tevcily. THOMAS BKOSE, SICUAKD FITCH Eft. TQUTHF. U>F, OF FRUIT —As the practice of purchasing and eating-fruit ofall kinds is now in "Sue, we clip from an exchange a few suggestions iu T.-ferenve to the use of such luxuries, which may not be ami** : •* Fruit to lie beneficial, must be used in moder &h<>n and in season, as may lead te internal commotion *ud cholera morbus. Strawberries may be indulged in °d lib with or without cream : but it is hardly judicious t° allow a child six months old. to cut a quart of green gooseberries ju.t before going to bed. In eating cherries, P'ums and peaches, it is not necessary to swallow the P*'S, and it is injurious to women and children when car. Led to excess, lied currants should be us *d in modcra ion > unle-* reduced to pies ; but they are st'll better iu of wine. Pineapples should be pealed when ealen - the skin is rougii and liable to irritate the coats the stomach. The same rule is usually applied to a °dn"as and oranges, iu which case be sure and throw the skin* on the sidewalk as it is very amusing to see People slip down on them ; il they bicak a leg, there is & few <i, i[ jrs j or l j )e Bor g eon on ,j ail j^ t;n j or t [, e report • 'he act is therefore, both laudable and amnring.— Uieen apples should he eaten in moderation by children, a quait being sufficient for ft schoolboy to cat after dinner, By following these directions, people can enjoy the lux uries of the earth without risking a settlement in the cemetery." HINTS TO WRITERS OF BUSINESS LETTERS, Holbrook's United State's Ala it says : "It would be well for merchants and others, when mailing valuable letters, to do it in such a m(inner that legal proof can, if necessary, be produced to suln tantiate the fact of such letters having been actually deposited in the mails. It is customary to prepare such letters and hand them to a Post Office messenger tor mailing, without calling special attention to them, and thus, in ca-e of loss, no one is able to swear positively to the c--entil fact that the missing letters were actually mailed. In a recent case, tiiedat Rochester, this embarrassing state of tilings ex isted. and would have defeated justice, but for other strong presumptive evidence that the letter did get into the mails. A memorandum book, kept in every count ing house, in which the fact of the mailing ot valuable letters may be recorded by the person actually mailing thi-m. would involve but little trouble, and might prove of incalculable benefit." Too GOOD TO BF. LOST. One eveniup last week, a party of young" bloods" crossed the river for the purpose of attending a dance at a hotel not a hundred tniies !r un this place. As the evening was warm " refreshing" drinks were, of course, quite freely indulg ed in, till at !a-t " tangle foot" rather got the advantage of a portion of the crowd. One young gent proposed to " retire," and starting out, went to the canal, where he entirely undressed, whether for the purpose ot getting in to bed. or going into the water, docs not appear, but be that as it nmy, he at all event- started for home in a state of nudity,leaving his clothing on the bank of the canal lie crossed the bridge, climbed over the gat-, and from there went to his hotel, at the lower end of town, and the doors being locked crawled in at the window and made his way to his loom, where he went to bed. In the morning his clothes were found where he had left them, and alarm given that he bad been drowned. A messen ger was immediately de.-j a'llied to his hotel to ascer tain it he had returned, and tie' ord proceeding t> his room found him fast asleep, unconscious of the ex ci ement lie had caused arv ? his friends. V e have heard of people getting tight and losing their hat and boots, but losing a whole suit goes a little a bead ot anything that we have tver before heard of. A PERFECT AMAZON. Under tin* head ing the I.uzerne L ii o:i mentions an adventure of a char acter pretty well known therea'oonst by the b'iioys a BIG KATK' or Bl.ii: BONNET." She is a young woman of remarkably ea-y vntuo, an 1 dre-.-ed in the habii.unents o! the other sex, no doubt passes tor a good looking and exticmely fast v; ung mail, the C„iou ,-avs :—" Hap pening in tiie Coin t H mseoii Monday morning, we saw one oi the m i-1 decided specimens of bravery in petti conts it l,:i- ever been our lot to witness, 'ihe deputy sheriff walked :n with rather a pretty girl by hi* side, and alter sitting a few minutes the Judge sequested the giri to ■' stand up a* all present supposed to receive a sentence. We then le.-rned IKM- name t . be KATI: HAUT— she had been committed lro:n Hyde I*. rk, on a charge of die—ing in men's clothes. She was brought before Judge < onyngham on a writ of habeas corpus, and this honor not finding sutlißent ground for her imprison ment, di.-ibarged her. It is -aid that KATK, although ftpp.ut-utiy not ever, had already become quite a IT, TO —that she had a< ted lor a couple ot mouths as brake - man on a coal tiain on the D. L. & \V. I'.. li.. had been in the army,and *ii U'tly bef re her arrre-t, again en listed .' A* before *r ited, -he i* rather g pretty girl, and d 'uueil in a luil unit'n ut would doubtless make a bright 10. kng ' soldier boy.' She -tated that she was original ly !r >m Towanda. A* she passed out ol the Court House, u- tiantly h< r .cad, could hear the boys siiig out • bu'ly tor KAIL.' " —Who is K ATE HAUT? Can any of the " b'iioys" in form u* ? The repntation of our proverbial m to an lui thus bee-n wantonly a-*ai!c,l by" Bio KATE." The matter ouai.i t. •_. m. figf Tiie Senate Moiidnv passed the resolu tion pruvidiiiur tli it contracts tnadt* liv the De partmetits be publislied wto kiy in tiie newspa per. The resolution r.-iating to the compensa tion of Senators nppointiti to fill vacancies was passtd. Tltc biii uiakin<; further provi sions in relation to salvage was passed. It firovides that vessels and goods belonging to loyal citizens of the United States which have been captured by the 11 beJs, whet) tnkfti by the United Stales, shall be d< ivired to the owners without salt,ure. The bill granting a pension to the w low of Gtn C I Smith pass ed. Tie* biii an additiomi! oath to every officer of the Govet innent, except tiie Fre*iil nt, was sign ed lo '1 lie bill establish Big certain National Ar-enul*, was also passed. E-CAPE OF UI.BKL I'KISONKKS FROM CAMP MORTON—gentiiunin who reiuind tins city yifttt rday aftettioon, from IntJia'-apolis, gives us the following particulars of the escape of six rebel prisoners from Carup Morton, on Thursday afternoon last : it set m* that these six rebel prisoners hud obtained pm'niissioti, from the officer in com inand, to go to a creek near by, to bathe, tie.d an escort of six Home Guards, with Enfield till-s, was provided to aecompany them. Alter wa kmg along some distance, talking a: d laughing, lhe conversation turned on the supe riority of the E li. Id idle over any other arms, and one or two prisoners took lite guns from the Guard* to examine them. In an instant the six rebels became possessed of the arms of their escott, and, making tracks for the woods, were soon oat of sight — Cin. Gazelle. In Slicsheqnin June 2*. bv R-v. ?* J. Mr. J. A. KI NILS it RY to Mi s iiMM A -F.J Alt. ii eta) gitata r rtfsfin nts. ATONE Y TO LET.—O aporoved secur i*.L tv. ("I' live yeai*. Adilic-s Box No. 226, Towanda P..*t Office. NEW L 7 ." S. ,t 5—20" LOAN. BANKING lint-I: OF B. S. Russia.l, A Co.. I T"WAXI)A. June 3D. ls<;2. f RPIIE SUBSCRIBER WILL RECEIVE A sipplicatious ami furni-b to su'os riliei s tiie bond tor tin* New 1/i.inot tin- United Stales, aotlu'i ;/.ed by the Actot Coiigre--, February t*-b2. These Bonds are . i-.-ued in *i,ni- ot j'lii. sioo. Jibo. and JI.OUO, with cou i pons attached, and are dated May 1. 18(52, peysibie in ! twenty year*, but rede.-mable at tiie option ot the Gov : eruiuent after live yc >r-. and bear intere.-t nt the rate of ! (J per rent., pnyabh* in Hold oil the 1-t of May and Xo | v niier, in each year. 'the l.rgnl Tender .V le< of the , United States trill be rn lived at par. Payment may ai I so be made in other lands adding the current rate of ex : change ou New Yoik The allowed interest rn i-t be paid 1 in Hold or its equivalent. 15. S. RUSSELL. DISSOLUTION. —Thecopa tncrship hen*- tolore exi*ting between the .-u'l-criber-, aid known , a* tlielinn otMADILLA PA fl't)\, is this day di*>!v --• ed by mutual con-eat. The book-, notes and accounts of said firm ate in tiie bauds ot J. G. PA t'TON lor collec- T F. MADILL. J.C. PATTOX. Dr. MADILL will continue tiie Drug business at the old stand of MADILL & PATTOX, where he may be found at all times, when not prole—ionally engaged, bv clo*e nt ten'b>n to business, lie hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Towanda. April 3, 1862. (COOPERING —A huge supply of Firkins J and Butter Tubs, Barrels, Casks. Ciiurnes, Well Buckets, Wash Tubs, and all kind* ol Cooper's work kept constantly on hand, and all order- promptly tilled at ROCKWELL'S Shop, nearly opposite the Rail Road House. WANTED.—A good journeyman Cooper to carry on a shop, call at W. A- ROCKWELL. Towanda. Feb. 18. !892- ilciu astxTttscmtiUs D EUG ST ORE. (F Vhohsule and Retail. .V<> 4, Pattern's Work, Corner of Mia an / Bridge St■;., Towanda . l J a.) DR. T. F. SV3AD3LL, Proprietor. TUIE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY -I- iHforms tlie Public that lie has purchased the above Drug Store, ami having thoroughly refitted and enlarged it. and iucrea-ed his facilities for Compounding Medicines is prepared to supply every want o! the public, in the iiue of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Mv'Stock, almost entirely new, has been selected with care, and embraces a in 11 assortment ofall articles belong ing to the Drug Trade. PRE3E STTPPI.IES are received monthly. of Pure and Iteliaiiie Drugs and Medicines, which will he sold at prices that cannot tail to suit our patrons. My stock consists of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, and PURE LIQUORS, Of every description, and the le-t quality for Medical use. All the popular PATPNT MEDICINE AN'I) A LARGE SUPPLY OF HOMEOPATHIC & COXCEMI'ATKU MEDICINES Botanic Ecicdic ~\Ldicine.<t, Til,ion's Alco holic and Fluid Ertrncts, Alkaloids' and Resinoids. All the best Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, Shoulder Br.ices, Bre ist Pumps. Nipple Shalls A Khiei s, Nursing 15 dtles.Syringe-, Painters, A LARC 11 ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS k STROPS. Pocket Knives, Surgical Instruments of ate style and best qualify. Paints. Oil-. Varnishes, Window Glass, Put ty, Ac. A large sup dy of J3 JR TJ S IEEE ZED S For the Hit. Hair, ami Mi-vs. i'.n..' .ng. Varnishing and White i fur tin I'eelh and Nails. TQGTH PaWB&RS AN.H PASTES, of every variety. A fug- is-ortim.-iit of P&S3SY Ji'ir/J 11LS3# Pare Ks-cntial Fine Per: rn : c -ad Toilet Soaps, Buffalo aid Ivor, ("•:!.W-, li r 'vt-, Oils and liivigorutor- K*msene Honing Fluid, Lamps,:-l)mn s. Chimneys, Wick-, a Choice Jobacco, ( i'jurs & Sniuj. All the Dye Stuffs, Fish Tackling. Amm unit ion. Ac. l;rd Cages, o. every style .:i.4 vaiiety, Caps, Nests and to. Dr. MADILL will be found at Ms office, in the Drugstore :,f all time*, v. am engaged in nut ol dour practice wbi-!i lie- ■-■ ill e\tini j and prescribe lor patients in hit vn. free ol ch.irg . Physician* supplied ii reasonable rates. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Tin.-paid:.-are cordially invited to e.xainine and te-t our stuck and Earn our prices. Towauidit. June 24. 1-H>2. T. F. MADILL War of the Rebellion, 186!. T D GOODENOUGII hereby announce *} • to alt persona interested, that he has just received for obta the lluiintyMum . Arrears ot Pay, Hal' I'av. Pensions, anil all .irroai ages or -co* of iiium-y dot tor services, or by I.M- ■>. •>: ;!: death nt any soldier of the present war. !■'•■•■ th* more speedy prosecution of -aid claim-, he has a—•• "iited hlm-eif with a reliable at torney at Die i ity of Washington. lie ii.iUcis himself that from his long i-xpi ri,' • e in procuring I.and WVr rants. Pen-ions. Ac., that. I,< •mi givi it. least a-good satisfaction as the-,- can who have iiud less experience, and on as reasonable Tt-ri is. Towanda, June 14. !-*•'. 60 TOIN"S mm npniip BHHIR fgilufS 17011 H A.l. {£, AT WB3. A. ROCKWELL'S. Towand i. ,f in.<B. Wl. 3M. "L'. tft £L RAIL &OAB. piIAXGE OF TIME COMMENTING V7 MOXPA ;.'4 \ V o is... Train will leave Wa verly at about the tollowilr-' hour- v.. : WE*TW Aan HOUND. EASTWARD rurvp. BaSalo Express. .4 1* P M N. Y. Express.. .11.33 A M Night Express... b Is \ M Night K.vpre*-.. .12 i! A M Mai! ft.55 P Steamboat K.Npiesso.iA pJ) Way !i.M A M Way 1 AO PM Way Freight ...9-25 A M ( iiuiniiot. Kxprv--4-1 AM Accommodation.. 1.07 PM. Way Freight.... 3.1') PM The Nigh Express -ei-t and west - ru I- every day Cincinnati Kvpress run.-Sunday*, hut i-• e.- not run on Mondays. Night Express of Sundays runs through to lluft.iio. but d ies not run to Duukiik. M is remains over night at Elrnira. CIIA S. MINOT. Gen'! Sup't. BTotice to Collectors. VOU am I,ell by nutliorizi il to deduct five -JL per cent, from the Stale tux "f every individual who shall pay ii - or her Mate and County Taxes in full, on or before the -Ist day nix,. mid the - into .shall be allowed you in your settlement with the Treasurer, provided the -u'no i- bv you | aid into the County Treas ury on or be lore the 'lit!: and 27th days o; June next. By order ut the Comuii-.-ionei - L. 15. COOLBAUi.H, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, April If). 1862. VTOTICE.—J. CORN has boat; fit lite en i_\ t ire stock of Read.y Made < loth ing. Gents Pnrnisit ing (ioods. Hats and Caps, and all the rights, title and in'erest and claims of JOHN sll j, VM, and i- ready to sell off his old stock ot Fall and Winter Clothing It) per cent, h-.-s than first cost, and he will be very thankful to all ol his old and new they wil! give liini a call. N. 15. All the UeiiCosof the e-cbP-iirneut are request ed to cm! and pay their debts to J. Corn, immediately. Remember the place—One doer South of 11. S. Mer cur's store. J. CORN. Towanda. January lft. 1862. PRESERVE YOUR FRUITS IN HAL .1. LEU'S Air-Tight the ru-'-t simple, convenient and economical article of the kind in use ; a large stock oi these justly celebrated jars, at much less than tlie us ual price, at FOX S. FOIL CAaiTJ CHEAP. S ECO N D 11 ANI >T\V 0 HO USE CA R XI. RIAHE, in pretty good loiiuiti'.ui, for -.tie at a bar gain. E.T. FOX. Towanda. May 2s, lsr,2. Ep IFT Y FIRST RATE BUTTER FIR KINS, for >a eat fi. cents a piece. Also, a ijnanti ty of Tubs at 38 cent-a piece at (J. H. DRAKE S Jui.e 11. Carni'.'P Manufactory in Towanda. T*7QOL —FARMERS ! THIS WAY V T With .vonr WOOL, fur which the highest price in CASH will he paid by Mj • A. ROCKW ELL. "VTOTICE —NOTICE IS HEREBY GIY 11 en that an application will lc- imdeto his Ei'cel lency. Governor A. G. tM'RTIN, for the pardon oi Mar tin Love, now cuniiued in the jail of Bradtord county lor petty larceny. LKYOA.NY LOVE. Columbia, May 2s 1802. 4 DAH NI ST R A TRI X'S NOT ICE- Notice £ V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Henry W. Johnson, late of Athens twp., dee'd., are hereby reqne*tel to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. M SA LIN A JOHNSON, Jme 21,1802. Adra'*- .miscellaneous. " W.s. M intccjt ~ I Is now receiving a now snppiy of SPHIBI& Purchased since the late reduction in puces. ritllE special attention of customers from all sections of X this anu adjoining counties is invited to this Large, Choice and Attractive Stock, which will be offered at the lowest prices. Towanda. April 9. 181,2. PRIX TS A- DOMESTICS. The cheapest in the market, for cash at HVC O 2ST T.A. IN" "Y" lE] S , (Corner of the Public Square and Main Street.) TIIEY OFFEU FOn SALE MERRIMAC PRINTS AT 12 1-2 Cis. Per Yard 1 And other Goods in proportion. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. All persons knowing themselves indebted over six i months, will uo well to call and settle. MONTANYES. | March 17, 1862. New Spring & Summer Goods. IIE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING RE moved to the south corner of the Mercur Biock, are ; now opening a large Stock of 111! (&©@©Ss Clothing Tor Men and Boys. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. CROCKERY, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, Ac. I Onr stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, is all oi our | own manufacture. Consisting in part ot, ] Metis Coats irom SO.BS to $20.00 Mens Pants limit o.'-' to 10.00 j Mens Vests from 0.7 . o C.OO ! Sir Mens, Boys and Youths Clothe., made to order, large j selections of fabrics ulway-oa hand. The public are invited to give u> a call, as we are de j tennined n'ot to he undersold tor cash. Most kiuus of I Farmers Produce taken in exchange. I N. p, Also .-til FINKLE A LYONS celebrated Shuttle i Sewing Ma-chines, m..king t ie luck sti.-ls alike on both sides. A. WICKHAM A SON. Towanda April 3, IS-J2. 18 6 2! NEW SPRING GOODS, AT i i TRACY A MOORE'S. BARCt A I A S I FOP. |CASH PURCHASERS. Towandy, Ajnil 8. TRACY A MOORE. Ciirdim Seeds of lust years Crop. , THIE LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN, X of almost every variety, in large and sniail pack j ages. A large assortment of Peas in packages. ALSO, ! TURNIPS AND E-IET SEED BY IK: HJUND. tlf l'lta-e call and make } iur selection front j our assortment at I'OX'S. Towanda. April 10.1802. New Arrangements. TMIE SU BSC RIB ERS 11A VIX GFO R M jXed a Cop-irtm r-hip, will eontinne the husine-s for | itierly carri'd on l- tk HUMPH HEY. in the store p --i p-isite the 1 ourt lions.- whore t Ley will keep constantly on hand a general a>--irtment oi BOOTS & SHOES, ; and a very large - 0.-k oi ,k kinds of LEATHER requir ,ed iora country trade. A full assortment of :She Findings, Harness Trimmings, FADDLEEY, HARTiV.'ARE, ''ROCKERY, NAILS GLASS, GROCERIES.&c., Ac. We expect t>. i:f< -.. M i.e-iiit'es in the mannfactnr 1 ing departui'-iit, so as to beside to - ipj ly dealers witii a ! suppi-jur article ,rt prices rivaling all competition, and I e-ipeciaiiy ,' foreign, v '->-vii,g it.: vital importance to 1 community to Post, r dor.; --.tie productions as furasprac ! titrable. purchased the M-< k . f Harness and Saddlery 1 owned by Messrs. Cut. A nirf-y .. , ; I'm iiirr'v by them, we oiler tor sale a large stock : of HARNESS. R IDLES, TRUNKS. TRAVtLINS BASS.&C 1 and will make M order almost anything in this line j v.'e rc-spectfiilly invite public attention to our whole j stock in im various hranebes trusting that by strict st- I tetiti'in to business and zeuhuH exertions to supply the wants ot eoinir.unity. we shall merit and receive a lair ' share o." public patronage. We are |.rep;red to l.uik - t > 0r.1.-r anything in our line. I Also, do a!! kinds of repairing on very short notice W Cash paid lor Sheep pelts. Hides and Skins, j. n. nuMrnitF.v. tax n. CULL, J. E. II.VYTOX. j Towanda, April 2a, ISM. low jirjs mniux r&tcss, ! READY MADE CLOTHING j FOR Men's a d Boys Wear. Au®o, FUSWISKSG- G-OOHS, HATS AISX> CAPS, HOOT 3 AriTDSHOZS, EE Al HEU OF LL KINDS. THE BEST AND Cheapest slock in market ever offered ! THIIE BUYER IN SEARCH OF CHEAP I and desirable goods should not fail to see ray stock, i if they want t; save money i.y buying goo ;s at the low i est price which can lie had, at the clothing store INt. E. SOLO LSI AKN" No. 2 PATTON'S Block. Towanda. May 16.1662. -R. W. EDDI, HAS RETURNED FROM THE CITY, Where he has bought for cash a remarkable stock I of GOODS which he would call the attention of the pub i lie to, a-king them to give his stock an inspection before ! purchasing ; hcliev he can give them better bargains than lias ever been offered iu this market Beiore. 1 have a gen eral assortment of C L O T II ING! HATS, CAPS,SHIRTS, COLLARS, I NECKTIES, CANES, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS. &C. I would call particular attention to my stock of FUR II ATS, which are 25 per cent, cheaper than ever sold in j the country. Also the MONITOR CAP, which is all the rage in the city—a tine article. I have ' the summer pattern of the celebrated ©AIUUDJUD S3YA IDA© I from Philadelphia. Call aud see. No charges to show j Goods. R W. EDDY. Tovaciß, May 14, 1863 .fHCscclaneous. TH3 OLD STAWB STILL IN OPERATION. RRAE SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY TO X the citizens of Bradford County, that he has on hand the largest, stock of CARRIAGE WORK that was ever offered in Northern Pennsylvania, consi.-ting of 4 top buggies. 1 slide seat top buggy 4 two horse democrat wagons, 2 with tops, 4 one horse democrat, 2 open bug gies, 2 lumber wagons, besides several second hand wag ons. All made of the best material, mostly ol Eastern timber, and of the latest, style, and better made than any other carriages in Northern Pennsylvania. The work is such that 1 warrant it to stand all reason able use. The above will be sold low for cash or approved credit, as 1 wish to get out of the business. I also have 2 sul kies tor sale. X. B.— Work made to order and repairing none on short notice. G.H. DRAKE, 'i'owanua, April 22,18G2. 2m Mow Furniture and Chairs. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE 1 and extensive assortment ol Sofas, Mahogany Chair-- Mahogany aud Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fin ane-seat. Wood, and Rush-bottom. Hair, Cane scat and ane-bark Rockers, Looking-G lasses, Cord and Tassels, icture Frames, Ac., Cheaper than the Cheapest. Air Please call and satisfy yourselves. * Tuwanda. June 2i, I*ol. CHESTER WELES. yjjk 4*,: w £y V> J " ' / c V->- ■> AC /\.v > LIT HIS IS THE ESTABLISHMENT X where you can find a very fine assortment of WATCHES AND JEWELRY of all descriptions, also a good stock of < LOCKS, pile.< tanging from 10 -1 'IF:. ; up, and warranted to give good satisfaction or no sale. lam also agent tor the sale of D. I . LEXTN cc.-- . -■ Barometers, which every tanner should ahvgj .. Iri pes from $8 to $lO, according to finish 81 PAIRING done as u.-uatin a neat and workmanlike manner and war ranted. WM. A. CHAIIBERUX. FEW £FBNTS pHAIR, BESDTEAD & FURNISHING \J WAREROOM—F.LI BROWNING respectfully in forms the !> iblis that he has purchased from James Mack iason his stock of i uraiture.atMi rented his shop &: >oms and is prepared to <>il\ ;-to p;u--.\ i-e. g eat in-i ■■ - v a.-: in all articles in liisiiu *. He wiil manufacture and hot p on hand at all limes a stock of CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS, .gywr :rr V.'ashsfaiids, Tab'-:-, Ac., . ollf'-rent ; r 1 {Hyyvy*!"'•j*'J •'the want- ..' lb cou.ry. He the att a'iun I t•. -e wish; -g* to the articles k< :>t i.y hi:u... jffri jl**-- Y : ii d"t. i •■ i . Ve." l b v tied that the READY "PAY sy.-iei -ieb. <t for 1 purchaser and seller, his business wiil becond icted upon tint system. Be will, however, take In exchange for i work, all kinds ot Country Produ. *. at iiiaiktt price TTTPo 2>T Z IN" G- , Of all kinds, done to order, in t': best manner, at reason- j able rates.and short notice. tRT TheUiid- ik ; ng Department will be conducted, as Mr. Mackinson wh is prepared with a new and splendid LB U-e T AT tend to a.t talis M his IIDC. I Towanda, April 7, Im_'2. I rpHE unilersigrned lia:: ber-i the X Agent of the Insurance Company <-!" North At at PLikAlpliui. is now prepared to take ri. ks, in town or county. This Company is one of the ..idest ir theDuitedStates, having been chartered in i::it has a capital of cud H i. ar.aged tv a board < . rectors ol the wry Light-;. ' have.-tcr 1 r h -iicr and in t.-grity. All 10-- s are adjusted promptly. Its rates a. as low r.s those ..f any go.<! Company. ami property h"H ers insuring in this Company may rest assured that they can rely on the periect surety of their j.olich-s .ncase •.; loss. R.h. lII'ELL. At the Banking Office of B. S. RUSSELL ,v CO. March Is, 1M;2.—n41-t.. "VT OTWITHSTAN DIN G THE HARP i limes, the subscriber ims r it..l*3 C A. S tl , WHEREWITH TO PURCHASE Farmers' Produce I An J has on h&nu 3, forge stock of GROCERIES ATiD PRGVISiONS, 2 o be exchanged lur the CASH. CT? PATCH 1 1 owanun, aiayaw. i . HARRISBURG NAIL WORKS. ! THE nrolcraicned has on hand a sapply ol I Nails. from these well known work. The :;a c made trom Pennsylvania Iron, man bctaiyi expressly ; for tifis pwpow, and are of as uperior quality. lor sale j to dealers only, andoti better terms than they can obtain in New A ork. Emjuirc at the Bunking Office of L*. | RUSSELL A CO. 11. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, March TB, 1862. j ioTCXL ssatb&ssrs QI'ARTKIILY REVIEW OF FASHIONS, ! YXTI I'll GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND A "'''l-; VV tiohsj the suminer number contains four large] splendid fash ion-plates .three full-sized patterns! f dresses, j comprising the new French elegant Rleeve.and I a Misses S.ick.r.mi i. sl.t- 1 v;. .. ; !k. ... .n. • Ehnbroidering Patterns.togetherwith nearly liui engravingo of ail the novelties! r summer ury-t-, , trimniiugs. cliiidren'.- dresses, e1.., ,i ;. v 1 iu!;- ..a lions to MUlinei - . Dress make's, M-fii s . n:id la-Fits jteneraliy, presenting the largest and best Fast ion M azine in the World, published 4i.t Bro id tray, and i old everywhere at 22 cts., or i eaßy sl, v. :h tee fu - wmg valuable premium: Each yearly sui .ribcr ill b cr.tlti Ito r. r ; ~eiyt f the selection of 60 ct - worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book.oi from the B! owxoom.or they may tic or lered and sent by mail: ny time during the Year, byepaying the postage. Splendid indtfcetaents to Can va SSIN gammer No. now ready. Good Flow and Good Bread! WHY IS IT THAT SO MANY FAMI -1 V bin 3 HAVE POOR BREAD ! Ask the iady of I the house, and you wHi inv.-riubly f< cetvo in answer : [ The flour is poor or the yeast m poor. , j To avoid these ir nbles buy your floaralweys r.t FOX S and use St ration's Yeast Compound, to fie hah at the same place; it always gives eatisfactiOß. The besi quality of W.mat and Buckwheat Flmir and 1 fresh ground Corn Meal all at low prices, at the Cash j Grocery Store. h. a.i'OX. Jan. 28, ls-;2. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is liercy given, that all persona indebted to c=tate of Henry Ransom, late of Orwell twp., <i okb, are requested to make payment without delay, and thuae sav ing claims against said estate will present them duiy authenticated tor settlement. V.'M. RANSOM, Adm. March 11,1868. \Vf AN 7 !'EI) ! SHEER CELLS AND IT WOOL, for which the highest price in cash will be paid at Towanda. Pept. PAiCTlsi. WAR CIaiiZIVIS. HAYING MADE ARRANGEMENTS With a Solicitor in Washington, we are prepared i to prosecute claims of every description against the Unit ' ed States, especially timse arisiag out of the present war, i fur bouutv, arrears, widows and invalid pensions. | MORROW A MERCUR. Towanda. May 12,1D52. DRIED BEEF, for sale at FOX'S. ~ TOR SALE. A PAIR OF THREE YEAR OLD MULES, well broken, will be sold at a bargain- Rnitiv. jttfstcUancous. PLANTS, ' pRAPE VINES, ROSES, VERBENAS, | vT Di:t'etra. Pennies and Flower Pots, lor sale at the ! Garden of HARRY MIX. I Isr.belin 20 tla. eath.tConeord 60 " " i Clinton 20 " •' jllurt'u Prolific .0 •' " I Delaware itfO " " |Urow: 's ( a'wa 20 " " , lieheita 60 " " jw Sweet Wutersli " " | Catawba... . 20 " " iDlamt..6o " " i Nu'u MusvadinfeuO *' " } The grapes of our own country are quite distinct spo i cies from the wine Gran© ot Europe, sa l are usually j monger in growth, with lunger tutu more entire foliage, ! and in their native state wi'u a 'fcuii *' > v :y odor or ftv ; vor, and more or less luudiac.-- pt.ijj; these traits, : however, disappear in process <T cdtiv iiioa : and we ! Lave already oLI :Uicd from ine wild ty,.o new \ rietiee, ; of high quality, aud ot superior hardi: -na. 2 productive- I ness'tn this, our northern e l .in ,;te, am : ~V lies! 1 know j I oiler for sa.a at exceedingly law prices, ail of which I warrant true t > nam ritOWEH ros'.s, At prices that will satisfy the reasoawlhe, t.V. sizes, from | ?• to l f inches. Early Winninghiadt Cabbage • cts, per doz. | " Ox Heart •' C " i " Loaf C " '* York "• 6 " •• • " Large York - ....... a " " ! Large Early D'.teu Cauliflower I Wtilcheren Ilrocoii t> •• *• J lAte Dutch (.'auiifiiiv,er 6 " " . White Chinese Tenia.o 6 " •* I Early Porple Egg Plant .. 10 " ** 1 Larce Round Purple r ,*e Plant 10 " '• j Large Sweet Pepuer i'tapt W ■' h Large Bull lVj • Plant M " - j Bed Cherry Pepper PI in " ** 1 Fejee Island Tomato —lo " • ' Lycester's PerfeettdTomatO, 10 " ! Red Cherry 7 . it; ■ ... <5 *' * | Large ."n;!'"-Ot Yei'< v . ..... f. - " Large bnn.oth IP*'.: T •• " rnoSii ssiaAsrs v .TO, < Is a variety intri thu d y Cati'Lil tdelpbhk ! from the F{je Island, large sit • and 1< a itif il pfak coi j or, very fir:u iu flesh, and considered one .: ;ue i-est ev sr introduced. LYCSSTEH'S PERI'ECTiID IoMaTO, j Large size, Besb abuntlutii and firm, it ranks with tLe ! Fejee, and many think it ?- • .♦ a: . Coli r. prd e pnrpn , l These varieties arc new and hare : <* r distributed spar ; i.igy 1* > t'li.ia'jtij . 'i .i me a* J i better variety c..! .r.- ia. l-LRPETUAP,OR I i.' T> '.oo:.;iND EOSK3. j A few dozen of choice . rare variety, having the • i nallty of ; looming the full season, ■■■ un vrhite to the darkest co: Ce..*. i c-, ... . • tit. 1. of i* il raer ' it, Loth i . , o • ! ;* * iuisi • tio'.i in the line of roses. Price from >">o cents it sl. j rtK.v. i i Ibvae icenUd, r,ink, lire fuland finesha^fe . Yi'ii do.. , ; . arc a ! cv.-gt ornameut to'a Bow r:• ... n •.•*< cents each. P'P.fVK:^, I On. 1 1*. ' dr : !>:•• ijaeut. . j c -'.u I : 1 \i,i. Tl. fines v.".:.e1. .1 ' a'. c* -hat sLa'.l bo i eatisfactorv. Cu'i .. t >••• t; j C . "El ": PL.'E' 3. 1 !:• • . t-v 12" • .-r ' * ' oat with htVMvJT ro'i'Ai"') PLdiXT.-s . 1 fly cents per uundre I. Ail -swc-i-t j tatoes arc rtiaed by setting plants. .. .. lefwnd upon supply thi* it : P. :•; * • ai set ; ' if May to 2of . . . . ... , • l tee potato ;!. . • . i ... ' . •, . . .*.i -•. > .. t: v ' •.•'Jnn?. They | are i F early curtate, and three plants to the'hill, and can ■be raised Is Brad on * un . ...■ luforznstion ; in mire at the g rti< All I&te cabbage plants, out door culture, 2y cts. per handled. C • yr. v I At 25 cts. per hundred. Thousands 5a fine condition Be j set from the ti-'tfenth f May to the AugosU : pains will be taken to i aula strong land stocky as possible, by traosplanticßf. Ac. Plants, Grape Vines, and 11 f sell may i .* ■ arried any distance, aa they will packed iu mo®! ' x .* wdL ear I have n j TEAM iIUK&ES, a very e cellcntLurob< TWO 110R3E Y.".v ■> . i team hif* tesa toseli. Terms made known to the applicant* A Igo id bargain -• t . . o. and . them al my burn, i Towandz, Ap!.. j; i* _. NEW SPRING GOODS! f pj* j BAigy? w LB ii VI *22? sf ft :rat dvorSouth of C - 2. Russell i.j ; JUST RECEIVED FROM NEWTORK *J r. * : • - • C.'.-cmt-rs • V -tin /-. v,v I k Caps, which . \Vi*t LC oUtil 111 .'. t .v 1' til: * wlzUli IC. OI fl v>U" RliNiG Sio' -0 K i WH! .:i.-'.* .* '■:- , v.. . I. •• .* u:jji or boy." B'ti'smsLise -ou-isfs.pants v . A . A-i, Ainspeiiders, I-Jcck Cfics, (.*)OW9. XVrappers, 'decks, j Ovewlls■. B : ..•'• .' 1 Jackets ... eclal attention . i. Olt < i t LGiiiS. i .. Uk UUi.S A>B V£'iI:XGS, VThkl. r.:c :• ly i > ... • . t . i t notice, ;ii i v iu"'..:/ ; c* . *.. ..* !. . .*•• - ..*:a eight year' experieo*i-4n this tineo* hnsiuess. my cnu?r, I Mr. PEXGPACKE3, wiil bewi 1* 1 "• x.. Xxe del. A— jO l£ XiSvViio- • ; ::•'V "-' "•-•••- --• S>' c - s S'd M Ifjoavitbto j ft ivorth ofyour money and buy nf i';. -ill t.< ■ ~s . i . v. iii r.K f-a'.istied. No trouble to show goods and no fbrcing to buy Goods sold for cash only- J. -.1. COLLINS. Towaada. 2V 2. A DMi Ni.-'-i UAV il'S NO'i'ii. Notice -** l is hereby n, th I ] > indebted bo tbe es tate of I. H. SXLi'iJi-N:-. I •• ■' X rtb To <le<**d. nre relocated to . .-iki , •; ■ .-.'.u ;k ■■ -e having claims against s.s id estate wit n sent th ?m duly at.i - i.ic.' >1 ..cut. JjJN !; N.x'b/X, Aptfl 10. l-.•. ymmktratob PSTRA Y.—i. .. : • > • s io ; 10-ure oi tbe 1M subscriber, on oral out the 2d inst trt. <*. A EABL -IXO BAY ' ; v '• ru> pre pert". lav:•,.! take it aw.i*. 4 Orteell. Api.. - 2. AAKOS COLE. (1 —WiuTf. • iity ii wii.-r ALY J ANN, has '.eft my bed and bbard trithoutauy just cause or provocatu.-?. I he:'by forbid all persMtfa harbortng bar < my jc >■ nt its I will v.; n > debts of V.'r.Vn.iT.'-30, '■ '•'• STORAGE ARNOLD* \ UDITOR'S N O.Ti C E.— ln lut matter of Xr\ ;It:te f . KoticCi*heifcl ? giveo, that tho undersigned, an Audi tor.api>oiJ't-..l by ifc? > Gu*t • tie the tuosfc* in the tends of B. Pomeray.Tru —e. n -.<. by the Aw of decedent's real estate, will tu-nd * • Jt-cs of his appoint mer* . '• •. "it; e• : • r ' >i:u: h. n.ia Trey borough,oiFriday,Jane 6, • ■ InXii t>.:en present them, or the be ft) • r dciwi r d rhit he SABA .. . v '—2>.. ai A.. A —vjr. T; v.M _ 4 D.MINISTEA i i.:>C NOTICE,-rNotKj* " ■ l'' 1 C tattof PERRY C. LIEA rH, late of Snritl 8 rldtp.. are hereby rjaeslted t ica e {mjineut without ♦!•?! jr. and all persSßß :.r.\ rK " man I iii ss I estatfcl wi4 present thcoi -nis aulhi;:ilct'-l * •: iIWXAiI UWATn. May 2", IS'-?. ' j" i~7'XECUTOR , S NOTICE N wi ore- Ii bv g'ven 1'; i ■ • tiicestat<yof LEVI D. LANDOJf C ca d, hut taut n twp. s hereof rMuestscl to make : to paynient, ana ad pti.sous .*m'X d- :W ' ■ ' ; l"' as, > present thuni duly littffßticati 1 f"r settlCtnent. v ' BEXJAHtSLAiIDOS, Jn UK W.LANDO2T. Cantor. Mr:v Ift. !>"?• Exe--ut-)w.__ I~TISS(3IX"Tiv)-N Oi;' CUt'ARTN KiVsiIIP / The copartne-.- hip heretofore e>: : sti! •• 1 j'-vreti the subscriber- i:.i> or the I'm - :u.- -oo.ii i-h, New her J Peck is this day diwiived oy • -.sent. JO;;N n GooDnrcii. , t.KO. N. Mi-id ,i;\ , <!Li i. L. Pi.Cii. The notes and a'c*< of the. <• >lrni the hands of i\ A. I'ievce for cu: o-linn. All peiiiun.-. indebted will please take notice -"-u ave '-si. I'roy, April 7,1862. ~A 1) MINls lif.-vT't ursNO n Civ—Notice il is hereby <;lven. that all persons indebted to the estate ot Patrick Hotviov.ilec'd., lateoi Xorti' . owanda, t are hereby re'piest: i to tnuXo i... .Kiit ikitlvut (iu i.y and ail persons'vivi'-r deniand- wiii present tiictit d..-auiaenti ~ite tor sett.ciui-r.t. y JOHN .V-inista' .Inn" 17.1°<T