LOCAL AND GENERAL. FISH —One day last week ths water Shut Off the shute, and a large quantity of fisli were turcd, among which were a number ol very fine basa. FESTIVAL. —Remember the Ladies Fes tival lor the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers, at Flremens' Hall, this (Wednesday) evening. ggg*. FROST.— This vicinity was visited by quite a severe frost cn Monday and Tuesday nights. We have beard of no material injury being done. We understand that Hon. GEO. LAN ros will address the citizens of Franklin, this county, on tbc state ot the country, at ROBERT METTEKH'S, Saturday, June 23, at 5 o'clock, r u. Convocation of the Episcopal Cbnrch, at this place, concluded Its labors on Sunday evening last- The rite of Confirmation was conferred up- ON (seventeen persons, by Bishop STEVENS. The Bishop preached a very tine and eloquent discourse on the sub ject of Missions, on Saturday evening. ggy POISONED. —One day last week, a lit tle girl, about eleven years old, adopted child of JOSEPH J'OSES, lock tender, st North Towauda, while gathering tfitergreens. ate something which poisoned her, from the effect of which he died. She was buiie lat this place on Sunday. JGR REMEDY FOR BOILS —lnstead of the nseof the laucet for the suppression of boils at an early Dr. SPooxEß.of Boston, recommends an etherial solution of iodine (thirty grains o' iodine to one ounce of etber), applied with a brush, morning and evening. The same application gives relief in chillblains, and in erysi pelas. or it may be varied by a solution of nitrate of sil ver. It easy to try. GGY A GOOD HIT. —ln DCFFRY'S Tremont news room. Chicago, is displayed a sign which might be advantageously posted in the hou-es of very many sub scribers who pay for newspapers that many others may read tiieni. it reads as follows, a large sponge being hang over the space enclosed n brackets : " Gentlemen are requested not to [ ] their Reading " IMPORTANT TO ABSENT To enable the large number of volunteers now absent from their regiments, and who are tit fur duty, to return, the War Department has autorized the Governors of States { u give them passes or certificates, which will entitle them to transportation to the station ot nearest muster ic; officer or quartermaster, who will pay cost of such transportation on such ciutitiration or pass, and provide transportation fur the soldier to his regiment of station. A. LOCAL NEWS. — The local news tnaiket is decidedly dull—yet everybody glances at the local de part meat, and if it contains nothing the editor is lazy.— If he speaks of things as they are, lit: is mid. If be glos nes over, smoothes down the rough points, he is bribed. If he calls things by their proper names, lie is unlit for the position of an editor. li lie d >es, he is a ratth head, lacking stability. If he condemns the wrong, he is a good fellow, but lacks discretion. If he lets wrong and i jaries go annientioned, he is a coward. I'. he upholds a public man. lie does it to gratify a spite-is a tool of a clique, or belongs to the " oils." If he indulges in per jsor..ilities,Jh< is a slack-guard ; if he does not his paper is jc.il and insipid. Who wouldn't be an editor? To PREVENT HENS SETTING.— Put the :,sn ir. a tub, fiil it with water so that her feet will touch the bottom, and her body be at the top of the water; then c ver the tub up. so that -lie cannot fly out. As she can r. : sit down without getting wet, and will have to stand up,leave her in this position two or three hours, and then let her out. She will not set any more— Exchange -To MAKB'HESS LAY.— Put the hen in a tub of water -'. he water to come about three inches over her head.— l!' ve her in this condG ,f m for a few minutes only, then Iremove btr ami she will lay ince.ssan.ly. jgL. A Wif.D TVTAN CAPTURED. — A wild man Iwa l.i-t week found in the woods of Jackson county. In liiina.captuied and taken to the Superintendent of the ip -ir, to le cared for. Wi fata ken lie wa lound lying behind a tree thinly clad and asleep, lire imfortunab pan savsthat,fr the p stf't teen yifrs he has sills-ted |imost entirely up nroot . hobs and berries, and during It .it time but rarfciy (fit with any hi.man Iwiiig. Since lis apt .re lie his partaken ot but little Sivitishir.cnt.and t e itiidinotions are that his life is fast ebbing .tw.iy. All It ""-its to ascertain his name ar.d parentage have proved lanavailiiig. I BFD- ST AW BERRIES. —The edllrtr of LITE Get-; liti.i: mi Telegraph make tbc following recommendation , lon lb- mana'gaW'.etit of-st raw berries : I " When the fruit is forming, and especially when it ha- j Ic-mmented to ripen, the beds sboti'd be plentifully wa tered once a day, at least. Too need not be afraid of put rangou too much; the more the better. It will repay ■the labor tenfold. We find that rather low. m istground, fit glaringly exposed to the sun. and mulched/".s far to |l.r piefeired to high, exposed ground, without any pro- PectLn. A little shade d es not hurt strawberries, and liLobt soil, artificially or naturally, is decidedly to l e ■chosen. Tbc best uniform crops we ever raised, or ever Paw, were produced under such circumstances. If pro iperlv treated, there is no crop more certain tfcxn the Ptrawberry, or easier to obtain." NATIONAL HORSE FAIR —lt TTHONLD HE ememhered that tire great National Horse Fair will be eld at the Key store Park, Whliarasport, Pa., September _d to thesth, inclusive. Arrangements have been made io secure the finest assemblage of imported, blooded nnd 'at;ve breed of horses that has been collected in this 'entry. The list of premiums will be large, ranging as B 1 rh as {2(10. Liberal arrangements have been ar.d will B>e made with the different railroads. Williams-port lie- Bar situate in the beautiful valley of the West Branch of ■r>>: Susquehanna, and accessible by railroad from all WON of the United States, and is eminently well suited Btrthe exhibition. I Tii !• Mowing is a list of the officers : I Board of Manug rs —D. K. Jackman, J. N Bagg. Col. B G. Hathaway. P. II rdic, Henry Drinker. J. 11. Cow- F.J.*aid Lyon. Gouchm I". Mason and Wm. Ca'.der. I P'tsident—'A. E Kopp. ■ tf Marshal —W. F. Logan, I Trtasurer— 11. E. Taylor. hteretury —George M. De Pui. Further particulars will be published in the coarse of 1 us sentences ol Dr. Johnson,in perusing his weighty reasoning. But whatever vein he chose to indulge, his lung sage was al ays cbas e, and his thoughts pure. In whatever relation be was found, he was the same upright, generous, high minded gentleman. Love of money was no part of his character, nor would he be ex acting upon others in any respect, to subserve his own purposes. He lound pleasure rather iu contributing to the happiness of others. The subject of personal rcl'gion engaged his attention, at times, many years before his decease. The writer re. members with great pleasure the interest lie took in an adult Bible L'ia.ss, and the knowledge of the subject under examination, be was accustomed to manifest, sev eral yeiirs before he indulge d hope o! his own acceptauc e in the sight of God. A lew years before his death, he saw his way char to makeu public profession of religion. It was under the ministry of the lute Rev. l)r. JOHN Dor. RANGE, of Wilkes Banc. As might be expected, h's religion was not one of form m ucly, nor of impulse. It was the religion of the under* standing as well as of the heart. Few listened to the word with a nicer discrimination than he, or relislie . the simple doctrines of the cross with greater zest. His dis ease was of such a character in no small measure obscur ed the manifestation of the spiritual life ; but it was ob served that during his long, and exceedingly trying sut' ferings, his faith did not fail. His habitual desire was to depart and be with Christ—and the expression of this ■lesu e became more frequent and more earnest as he ap proached his end. He had been an indulgent father, and a tender bus. band. It seemed meet that one who had always shown suiii ready consideration for others, should have occasion at last lor a return of kind attentions. His pr.ilractcd sufferings afforded occasion for such attentions and cheer fully were they given by his family, who were with him but especially and most devotedly by her, who now in her widowhood, mourns his hiss. Mr. GOODRICH was twi -e married, and was most happy in his matrimonial connections ; and we have reason to believe that the Christian cximple of his companions a.i* among the most effective of the human means used in bringing liim to the foot of the cross. We are here reminded of the apostle's interrogation, "llow knowest thou. O, wife, whether thou shaft save thy husband ?" A large concourse at the tuneral testified the respect that was felt for the dead arid sympathy for the surviv ors ! To the Great Comforter we commend them for effectual consolation. In Wy ilusing, May 3. 1T,2, Mrs. CHARITY DONLEY, aged ; 3 years, 7 months and 17 days. The subject of this n'tiec in >ved from Oswego county, N". V.. some twenty-six years since, then a widow with six chihl en, five of which she brought with her and set tled in Wyalusing, this county, where she has since re sided, living most of the time with a son who has sup ported her declining years. Shu was for many years a profe.-sed Christian, treading her even path of life with industry, tempc-rencc, frugality anil Chri-tian faith and patience. She lived beyond the allotted time ofmrin.cn j 'J'ing uniform good health, with little exception, up to a short time previous to her death, when the worn out wheels of life stood gently still, und her freed spirit as een ed to its maker. S. F. B. In Monroeton township. May 23 of congestion of the the lung-;, HENRY S. SALSUURY, aged 53 years. miscellaneous. NEW ARRANGEMENTS, pHAIR. 13ESPTKAD k FURNISHING \J WAREROOM—ELI BROWNING lespectfnlly in toians the public that he has purchased irom -fames Mm k insnn his stuck of Furniture, and rented his shop & rooms and is prepared to offer to purchasers g eat inducements in all articles in his line. lie will manufacture and keep on hind at all time* a stock of CHAIRS, BEDSTF ADS> BUREAUS; ■ -if a fir'* J 'fh-rr-_ T a b) e .i ,£c.,il-c.. of iir ei -ent styles and prices, suited to the wants or the country. He a.*ks 2 1 1. j' f ilie attention nl those wishing to a|E If j&f 'J I[7l buy to the articles kept by him as *' e ' s determined that in the quality |r-"j fciji ig/niT •- j j* - ; i nl his work, the excellence of mate r' sJ" 1 * 1 " 1 rial and the prii-e not to lie nuutd >n * S . Mi}' any establishment. Beingsaiis fied thaf the READY PAY svstem is tire best for both purcliascr ami sYlier, his busine-s will be conducted upon thrt sy*tcm. He witl. however, take in exchange for woik all kinds of Country Produce, at the market price TITBITIIsra, 0 rall kinds, done to order, in the best manner, at reason able rates, and on short notice. ear The Undertaking Department will be conducted, as usual, bv Mr. Mackinson who is prepared with a new and splendid Hearse to attend to all calls in bis line. Towauda, Apii! 7,1862 miYLE. IDEIVIOREST'S QUARTERLY REVIEW OF FASHIONS, TY7ITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDI VV tinns, ihe summer number contains four large splendid fashicn-plates.three fiill—teed patterns of dressc?. comprising the new French Waist,an elegant Sleeve, and a Misspa Sack and a sheet ot new and beautiful Braid and Embroidering Patterns.together with nearly one hundred engraving*- of all the novelties lor summer honnets.i-luaks, trimmings, children's dresses etc., nnd val ,able informa tions to Milliners, Dress makers, Mothers, and ladies generally, presenting the largest and be*t Fashion Mag azine in the World, published 4i3 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25 cts., or Yearly $l, with the following valuable premium; Each \early subscriber will be entitled to a receipt for the selection of 50 cts. worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book, or from the show room,or they may he ordered and seut by mail any time during the Year, hy paying the postage. Splendid inducements to Can vassers. Summer No. now ready. JURIED FRUIT, GOOD DRIED AITLES, Blackberries, Raspberries aDd Wbortleberries.^ob^ajp PIFTY FIRST RATE BUTTER FIR' 1- KINS, for s8 eat 65 cents a piece. Also, a quanti ty of Tubs at 33 ceuts a piece nt (>. H. DR AKE'S June 11. Carrage Manufactory in Towanda. WOOL —FARMERS I THIS WAY With your WOOL, for which the hiirhest price in CASH will he paid by \V. A. ROCKWELL. "VTOTICE —NOTICE IS HEREBY G IV- X 1 en that an application will be made to hi 3 Excel lency, Governor A. G- CUUTIN, for the pardon ot Mar tin Love, now confiued iu the jail of Bradlord county for petty larceny. LEVOANY LOVE. Columbia, May 23.18C2. \ N APPRAISEMENT AND CLASSI XJL FICATON of the different persons engaged in the sale of Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, in thu county ol Bradford, for the year 1862, with the amount of Licenses thereunto attached : ATHENS BORO. I RIDOEBCKY. r.ie .! Class. Lie. Page .k Morley, 12 12 50; LB Gardner 14 700 C Gomstock, 14 7 00 T L Woodruff, 14 7 CO C Park & Son, 12 12 50 B F Buck. 14 7 00 Henry J Fritcher, 14 7 00; A K Tanner, 14 7 00 E Averill, 14 7 On! A H Voorhies, 14 2 00 H Garner, 14 7 001 STANDING STONE. G A Perkins, 14 7 OOi James E.--py, 14 7 00 N G arris, 14 7 00! George Stevens, 13 10 00 West Drake, 14 7 Oil! Henry W Tracy, 14 700 Welle*, Blood &C 0.14 7 00! SHKSHEQUIN. F M Page. 14 7 00! Kinny & Gore, 14 7 0 ) ATHENS TWP jEßiigham, 14 7 00 AP. Lincoln, 14 7 OOj SOUTH CKEUIC. David Gardner, 14 700 J M Youngs, 14 7 00 Anson Beidleman, 14 7 On; SPRINGFIELD. LParshall, 14 7 00[ Hurmon&Voprhiesl4 7 00 ALBANT. j Dailey & White, 14 700 R B Lancaster, 14 7 OOj SMITHFIELD. S D Streiter, 14 7 00|M Btillork .t Go., 13 10 on ASYLUM. j Diirfcy & Fritcher, 13 10 00 Ulysses Moody 14 7 00jC B Riggs, !4 700 BUKLINGTON. jE S Tracy, 14 7 00 J F Long & Sou, 13 10 Ooj TEKRYTOWN . JS Hill, 14 7 OOjJohn M Horton, 14 700 S W Miller. 14 7 OOj TROY BOKO. WEST BCKLINOTON. j Perinea & Go. 9 25 00 R Morley, 14 7 00| Nichols & Long, 12 12 50 COLUMBIA. jSM Leonard, 12 12 50 A B Austin, 14 7 00JF J Calkins, 14 7 00 CANTON. ; Gurney A Mitchell 14 7 Go Andr's & Rockwell,l4 7 fl(-Max veil ,t Leonardl2 12 60 J Vandyke, Jr., 14 7 00:G P Btllard, 13 It) 00 A Spaidiiig, 11 7 OOj FI. Ballard, 14 7 0U J S Baker, 14 7 00 E H Dewey, 14 7 00 D Wilcox, 14 Ton's w Paine, 14 7 00 A Doty, 14 7 OOjJewellJt Domeroy,l4 7 00 E W Col well. 14 7 OCi! TROY TWP SW A E Newman, 14 7 Ooj Re ten Stiles, 14 700 J E Bullock, 14 7 00 TOWANDA. W S Baker, 14 7 Oo'J DHnmphrey ACoH 7 CO J M Foster, 14 7 00 W \ Clmmberlin, 14 7 00 FRANKLIN, ICB Patch. 14 7 00 Barclay Goal Go 14 700j A F Cowles, 14 700 GRANVILLE. E T FOX, 11 7 00 1, D Taylor, 14 7 OOj-b'sepb Powell, 8 30 On K Meloy. 14 7 00: li IV Eddy. 14 7 00 Wni II Fhilnips. 14 7 001 Tracy ft Mocie, 13 10 00 lIFKHICK. 'HW'Nobie, 14 7 LO Stevens A Gogsrwtll 14 7 00 J M Collins, 14 7 00 George Nichls 1 % 14 7 OOjCodding & Russell. 12 12 50 I.EROY, |T F Miidill. 14 7 00 Lnmb A Kilbuin, 14 7 O'-'A Wickhain A 50u,13 10 00 l'E Barber, 14 7 OOj M iies Carter, 11 700 LITCHFIELD. J Colli. 14 7 00 John McKean, 14 700 i M E Solomon, 14 7 00 EG Harsh, 14 7 0- Wm A Rockwell, 13 10 00 MONROE. .J Beidleman, 14 7 00 A I. CramnerASun.l4 7 00 Hal) ; J A Record, 14 700 l.vman Blackmail, 14 7 null S Mcrctir, 12 i 2 50 W A Park, 14 7 OOjH C Porter, 14 7 00 OVEUTON. Montanyes, 12 12 50 Charles Hercbimci',l4 7 Oo' Parsons & Alvoid, 14 7 00 OXWELL. \ M Warner, 14 7 to T Humphrey, 12 12 50 Chester Wells, 14 7 00 SSUronson, 14 7 O't ULSTER. II Gibbs.k Soil, 13 111 0"l Newel! Rirny AG0.14 700 Lyon A Taylor, It 7 ooj Amasa Wat kins, 14 700 G J Norton, 14 7 0U ! WARREN. PIKE. Robert Co iper, 14 7 00 Stevens & Burrows,l4 7 Of). Talimadge.t! J>wen.l4 7 00 Bailey A Brother, 13 10 (\ WTAI.UMNO. L H Bronson, 13 10 00 I/iff 'tv A Ste"uus,l4 7 00 Gll Little, 13 10 00 Averv A Gamb, 14 700 LL Bos worth. 14 7 00|KM Bishop, * 10 10 0" ROME. Xngustus Lewis. 14 7 00 ti L Moody. 14 7 00 G M Bixby, 12 12 50 George Nichols, 14 700 wvsox. V E A J E Piollet, 13 10 00 Jones & Owen, 14 7 00 f IST AND CLASSIFICATION of per* J. J SOIL? enfe ized n the sale of Nostrums, iu the Coun ty of Bradford, lor the y -ar 18G2. ATNENS. jFLßallard, 5 G A Perkins, £ TOWANDA. TROY. T F Madill, 5 Gurnsey A Mitchell, 5Gi C l'-irter. 6 | IST AND CLASS I FICATON of the A-J Breivei - and Distillers in the County of Bradford, fur the year P G2. SHFSIFEQCIY. I TOWANDA. Snyder A Kfsbree, $25 . .\Loder, 15 SPRJNGFXELD. E Murry, 15 A Brace, 25, Henry EssenwJn®, 15 T.-OT, F U A G F Veil, 23 [ IST AND CLASSIFICATION of t! , Ai of the Kiting Houses, Ac , in the County of Brad ford, for the year 1862, ATHENS. 'T B Pardcn, 10 Michael Wal-li, $10; TOWANDA. BURLINGTON. i f V Wilson, 10 C D Ross. 10 JC Wilson, 10 CANTON. J W Shear. 10 H Tnttle. io lames Xe-tor, 10 E W Wob-ott, lo \ D ShijimaD, In II T Beard-ley, 10 \ EKv-mer. 10 -• ON ROS. jJohii Conley, 10 H II Ingham, lot ULSTER. R R Uuckwell. 10 J Smith, 10 ROMB. jU Shaw. 10 J R Harding IOiH S Davidson. 1' TYOY. ; Plowman A Claire, 10 Morgan Davidson, 10J WVALCSIKO, A 15 Eckart, 1"! William Ustick 10 s 1, Gable, 10- 1" IST AND CLASSIFICATION of the I J Bankers in the County ol Bradford, for year 1862. TOWANDA. ! TROY. Lnpnvte, Mason A Co., $25 Ponteroy Druthers, 25 B S Rns-ell & C >. 25i N dice is h" r e' y given tint an appeal will be held at the Cuminis-ioners Office, in the borough r.| Towanda, on Saturday, the 2-ith day of June. Any person feeling theni selvts aggrieved by the foregoing anpraLement can at tend if thev see fit. D. )1. i! VILEY, Leßaysville,May 21.1-62. Mer. Appraiser. 17. "ST. Si B. RAIL B.OAD. piIANGE OF TIME COMMENCING MoNDAV, MAY 5, IMI2. Trains will leave Wa veily at about tlie following hours, viz : WESTWARD BOUND. j EASTWARD BOUND. Buffalo Express. .4 18 P M N*. Y. Express... 11 33 A M Night Express... 3-l A MtNight Express.. .12 41 A M Mail 5.55 P : steamboat Exprest-5.08 I'M Way 9.10 A M Way 1.50 P M Way Freight ... !)•'2.5 A M Cincinnati Kxprvss 421 AM Accommodation.. 1.07 PM j Way Freight.... 3.10 PM j The Nigh Express—east and west—runs every day i Cincinnati Express runs Sundays, lint d >cs not ran on ; Mondays. Night Express ot Sundays runs through to Buffalo, tint does not run to Dunkirk. Mail remains over night at Elrnira. CIT \'S. MIN'GT. Gen'l Snp't, to Collectors. \ROU hie hereby Authorized to deduct five JL per cent, from the State tax of everv individual ; who shall pay h s or her Stale and County Taxes it: full, on or before the 21-t day of .June next, and the same shall be allowed you in your settlement with the Treasurer, j provided the same is b.y yon paid into the County Treas ury on or before the 26th and 27th days of June uext. By order of tbc Commissioners, E. P. COOLBAUGH, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, April 10. 1862. FCR SALE. A PAIR OF THREE YEAR OLD xl MULES, well broken, will be sold at a bargain. Rome. May 20 1*62. L- D- PRINCE. FOR SALE CHEAP. A SECOND HANDTWO HORSE CAR RIAGE, in pretty good condition, for sale at a bar gain. E - T - *' OX - Towanda,May 28,1562. EXECUTORS NOTICE —NOTICE IS ITTTT by "iven. that all persons indebted to the estate of Rr.Uß'i.V GRIFFIN, dec cL, late ot ShesKcqn'n township, hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all persons h-ving demands against caid estate wi 1 please ore*ent thent duly authenticated for settlement. May 13. lX'j2. JOHX V. GRIFFiN. Fxecn'or. "VTOTICE.—J. CORN has bought the en -I.N tire i-tock of Ready Made Clothing. Gents Furnish ing Goods, Hats and Caps, and all the rights, title and interest and claims of JOHN SHLAM.and is ready to sell off his old stook OF Fall and Winter Clothing 10 per cent, less than first cost, and "he will be very thankful to all of his old and new customers, if they will give him a call. N. B All the debtorsof the establishment are request ed to caii and pay their debts to J. Corn, immediately. Remember the place*—One door South of U. 8. Mer . cur's store. J CORN. Towanda,January 15.1892. RXmercue Is now receiving a new supply of SPRING G-GCfflS Purchased since the late reduction in prices. rpilE special attention of customers from Ii sections of X this and adjoining counties is invited to this Large, Choice and Attractive Stock, which will be offered at the lowest prices. Towanda. April 9. IBt>2. PRINTS & DOMESTICS. The cheapest in the market, for cash at MOI^TAITTES, (Corner of the Public Square and Main Street.) THEY OFFEK FOP. SALE MERRIMAC PRINTS AT 12 1-2 Cts. Per Yard And other Goods in proportion. The public are invited to call ahd examine for themselves. All persons knowing themselves indebted over six months, will do weli to call and settle MONT AN YES. March 17. IRG2. New Spring & Summer Goods. TiHE SUBSCRIBERS HAYING RE moved to the south corner of the Mercur Block, are now opening a large Stock of ©m ¥ <&©©bo $ Clcthing For Men and Boys. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, YANKEE NOTIONS, 4c. Our stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, is all of our own manufacture. Consisting in part of, Mens C' be undersold tor cash. Most kinds of ; Farmers Produce taken in exchange. N. 15.—Also sell FINKLK&LYONS celebrated Shuttle Sewing Machines, making tne iock sti<-Ii alike on ijoth ' sides. A. WICKIIAM & SON. Towanda April 3, ISC2. 186S! NEW SPRING GOODS. AT TItaYCY" & MOORE'S. BARG A I \ S FOR CASH PURCHASERS. Townndy, April 8, TR A r Y & MOORE. Garden Seeds of hist years Crop. TUIE LARGEST STOCK IN TOWN. Xof almost every variety, in large and small pack ages. A large assortment of Peas in packages, ALSO, TURNIPS AND B±T SZEU BY THE P>liNß. 3" Please c.ii! and make you.' selection of seed-, fr >:a our assoi tment at i OX S. T-wnndu April 10. l Ci '2. New Arrangements. nri HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING FORM- L ed a Copartnership. will • ..minnc the Lu.Mne.-s for uieily carried on by J. O- liCMl'li iti.'f. in the stoie op posits the Court House, where they will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of BOOTS & SHOES, and a very large stuck of all kinds nt LK.VT HER requir ed tor a country trade. A full assortment ot Shoe Findings, Harness Trimmings, SADDLERY, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, NAI Ltd GUA>3, GROCERIES, 4c., 4c. We expect to increase our facilities in t It e m-innf. ctur ing department, so as to Legible to sup- ly dealers with a superior article, at prlc—• rivaling al! c-inpetiticn, and especially •• foreign,' 1 '.dic ing it of vita 5 , importance to : <• immunity to luster domestic productions as lar as prac ticid le. IJav ng purchased the stork of Harness nod Saddlery owned by Messrs. Gulp 4 Kirhy, and rented the shop j to met' v occupied by livcui, a c oiVci tor sale a large stock of HARNESS, B' IDLES, TRUNKS, TfUYtLWI B4SSAC and will make to order almost anything in litis line. ; We respectfully invite put,lie attention to our whole stock in its various branches, tnis'ing tiitt Ly stri• t at ten'om to bu-iness-and zealous exertions to supply the wants save money fc.v buying goons r.t the low est price which cau be had, at the clothing store j M E. SOLOMAN. No. 2 PATTON'S Block. Towanda. May 15.1R62. JRj. " W. ~ EDDI ~ HAS RETURNED FROM the CITY, Where he has bought for cash a remarkable stock of GOODS which he would call theattention of the pub lic to. asking them to give his stock an inspection before purchasing ; believ becen give them better bargains than lias ever been offered in this mai kct before. I have a gen eral assortment of CLOTHING! K ATS, CAPS,SHIRTS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, CANES, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, &C. I would call particular attention to my sto. k of FUR lIATS, which are 25 per cent, cheaper than ever sold in tho country. Also the MONITOR CAP, which la all the rage in the city—a fine article. I have tho summer pattern of the celebrated ©&KEPSS!D SaiS SAT O from Philadelphia. Ceil and see. No charges to show Goods. R. W. EDDY Towanda. May 14,196! Ecsai SHERIFF'S SALE—By virtue of a writ of Aid. Lev. Facias, issued cut of the Conrt of com mon pieas of Bradford county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sle on THURSDAY, the 26th day of • Line, A. D., 1862. at the court house, in Towanda. at 1 | e'ei ck.p m.the following described iot,piece or parcel of liriusituate la Athens borough, bounced as ciluus, to v.- t: On the north, east and we,t by C. t. Welles Jr., on the south by Hopkius street, being 90 feet front by 75 ; deep, ail improved, framed house thereon. ALSO—Another lot of laud ia Athens boro', bounded north by J. B. Brockway, east by Main St., south by ' Joint Jones,aud west by tuire of F.ustis Davis, being 6o eet front, by 260 deep. All improved, framed house . thereon. j ALSO —One other lot ia Athens boro, bounded north ! by Win. Kill end others, east Ly Main st., south by J. B Brockway an 1 * ..est by lauds otM.S Rogers,being 44 feet t.y 100 feet. All improved, framed building used for a Cabinet shop. A LSD—One other lot in Athens boro', bounded on the nnrili by lands ot Satteilce, E by Main st., S. by C. N. Shipmati, and west by C N. Shipmau Containing about on-third ncre, a'f improved, framed house, small framed stable and fruit trees thereon. ALbO—Une other lot in Athens boro', bounded noith byC. N. Ship man, east by .Main St., south by Peter Meeker, and west by C.N. Shpmsu. Containing about otie-lhiid acie, all improved, framed house, small framed stable and a few fruit trees thereon. ALftO—One other lot in Atheus boro', bounded north by S&tterlee, east by Meeker 4 Shipmau. 60uth by Paine sr., and west by Wells Wilkinson. Containing about I acre, all improved, framed bam thereon. ALSO—une other lot in Athene boro', bounded north by Paine and Satterlee cast by Wiik nson,south by Paine street and west by IV. Colt-man. Containing about 4 acre, framed house and bain. ALSO—One other lot in Athens boro'. bounded on the west by F. Tyler, on the north by Guy Tozer, on the east by Main st., ou the south by (J. F. Welles jr., containing ten acres. Ail improved. be iced and taken in execution at the suit of Farmers' Union lnsutauce Company to use of John Salfrna-h vs- Chaunt y N. Shipmau. ALSO—by virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Expo., will be exposed to public sale, at the same time and place,the following described iot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Franklin twp., bounded on the north by the highway and lands ot Akiru south by laud of M. Marshall, east and west ly* land of Ahira Gay. Containing 4 acres, more 01 less, all improved, framed Louse, board shed, a saw mill and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown 4 Rockwell vs. G. W. Hollord and Almira Holford his wile. ALSO—The follow ing described lot, piece or parcel ot land situate iu Kidgbury twp., bounded west by the high way, north by land of Geo. Mead, east by land of Peter Milter, south by laud of A. ii. Voorhis and land belong ing to the M> thodist Church ; containg 2 acrc.-i, more or less,ail improved, a framed tavern house, a framed barn and fruit trees thereon. Seized and takex iu execution at the suit of E. Pome-* roy v C O French. ALh-O—By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa., will be exposed to public sale, at the same time and place, the following described lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Windham j twp., bounded 011 the noith by lands of Polly Crandall, P. | Doaue and S. Felton on the east by lands of Poiiy Cran dull and Win. VVbeelhouse, on tbe south by the highway, ; aud on the west by lauds of P. Dnaae, cJutaiuiug about 50 acres, ab>ut 35 acres improved. Al.6U—His interest being one-half in village lot. in Athens borough, bounded on the 1101 th by land of John Drake, east by Main st , south by land of Edward Her ! ink, and we-t by Chemung river. Containing about two • acres oi iind. t rained house, framed barn, and store I house and shed and iruit trees thereon. .Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Win. H. I Russell vs Samuel Crandall. A. 11. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, June 3, ISG2. SALE. —By virtue of a writ fr of Fieri Facias issued out of tbe Court of common i pleas ot Bradford county, fo me directed, will be c.v po-ed to public sale 011 WEDNESDAY, the 25th day ot June. lsH2, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the house of Precep tor Forlres. in R. ire, the follow ing described jot, piece or I parcel of land situate in Rome b ro', beginning 011 the j east side of lite highway at the onth-west corner of L. ! L- Moody's l it. thence along the highway south west , 109 feet t a p Ist. corner oi F. C. Cranmer'a lot. thence 1 south 6">j° east 205 leet to a corner in line of J. Pass mure, thence amah 24j 3 east 10c feet to s corner of LL. ! Moody's lot,theme west along said Moody line 205 feet I to the place ot beginning; containing 2.590 leet, strict | measure, with .1 framed house, framed barn and fruit 1 trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot in Rome boro' bounded north by 1 laud- ot I'estus C. Cranmer. east by F C Craomer, south by Stephen Cranmer's c -tate, and west by John Pass j more, eoatsining alout I 4 acres more or less. ALSO—One other lot oi wood, or timber land in Rome ' w;>., bounded n rth bv lands ot VV VV estate, ! east by tbe highway, south by J W Woodbum and west i by Marcus Upham's cstiu *. contj'.niiig 6 acres, more or | A1 ?. r > - Fre.--oiF.-.rbe's interest in the real estate of ' Amest Forbes di'c'd., lat*- o c R.iino twp., consisting 0! j 10 acres and 50 perches of Improved land, bound d north I. v ntfr s H or. tßarncs.east by J G Towner, south by ; i i.'id of Deborah Ann Ru-sell, wet by land of Philander j Towner, all improved. ALSO—One < • her lor of timber land, being a portion j tin estate I'f'Ari. .'tt Forbes dec *d.. and bounded north I by land of Alzhu Drake; east by Rozlna Forces, south by j 'he highway and west by lands of Win. MeCabe, being : ame lot of timber In .1 set off to Preceptor Forbes, con -1 tain ing 7 acre- and !•" p.-iv be*, and called lot No. 4. j Si zee and taken i:i execution at the suit of J W Wood- I bum v Preceptor Forbes. A. H. SPALDING, Sheriff. J Towanda, June .1, 1 c 62. |/ 1 UAKDIAN'S SALE —lit pursuance of j Y3T of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bradford Coun- I ty, there will be cxpo.-ed to jmblic sale, on the premises, at one o'clock I'. M . on Sit inlay, Jane 21, Istjg, all the right, title and i'lterc-t of the minor heirs of Horatio B. Bi. wen. Lite ot Warren towHsliip, in a certain tract ol land ' situate in the township aforesaid, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at stake ln north line of ; Jacob D. Bitrbaiik's land and corner of land ot Win. Kin j iiy Jr., then e north 3i 3 east lh 9-10 perches by land of ! r iid Ninny to stake a i l rbiues in Centre of highway. thence 92° east 10 j.ei die;-along sa'd highway to a spring ] ot water, thence north ;7" cast 25i perches to stake and I stones, theto e south 3A° we-t 30 6 10 perches by land of I Win. M. Chaffee to stake and stones, tire nee north Hs° j we: t iihiiigtlre north lineof J. I). Bur suit's land 32 2-10 j | peiches to pi 1-e ot begiuuing ; containing 5 acres, be the j : same nt >re or less. ALMJ—Another tract of land situate in the same town-1 j ship, bounded a- follows : Beginning ir, the centre of tbe 1 ( highway, north east of Win. M. Chaffee's shop, thence by 1 | the centre of the road north easterly 12 rods to the corn- , er otCalvin Dodge's lot, thence north-westerly by the | Mid Dodge's Kne near the course of the mill road sixteen | rods, thence sou.li 2b 3 west 21 r to the centre of the | highway west ot tlie said Choree's shop, thence east by | said highway 1 1 r "Is to the place of beginning ; contain ; ing 14 acres, be the same 111 oe or less, ail oi which the : sa 1 Ilorvlio 15. B oveii Pied seized. TKUJIS— One-half on confirmaticn of sale, and balance j 1 in one year with interest from condrmrtion of sale. LUGiND.Y BOWEN, GaartFan of 1 Sarah A. Rowen, Cyrus F. Bo wen, Martha L. Bowen. I May 19. G;2. Tnsijrance. j HUIE tindcrsiffneri lias been appointetl the j ' pert of tiie Insurance Company of North Ameri 'a, i located at Philadelphia, is now prepared to take risks, |in town or county. This Company is one ot tbe oldest in I the United States, having been chartered in 1793, it has • a capital of $590 ()UO. and is managed by a board of Di j rectors of the very highe.it character for honor and in- I tcgrity. All losses are adjusted promptly. Its rates are ; as low as those of any good Company, and property hold- I ers insuring in this Company may rest assured that they can rely ou the perfect safety of their policies in case of loss. li. S. RUSSELL. At the Banking Office of B. 3. RUSSELL 4 CO. March Is, lsi;2.—n4l-tf. AJ" OT \V ITIIST A N DING THE HARD ll times, the subscriber lias a little CS H > WHEREWITH TO PURCHASE Farmers 5 Produce ! And has on hand n large stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, To be exchanged for the CASH. C. B. PATCH. ! Towanda, May 20, 1P62. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ! is herey given, that all persons indebted to estate | of Henry Ransom, late of Orwell twp., dee'd., are requested to make payment without delay, and those hav j ing claims against said estate will present them duly I authenticated for settlement. WM. RANSOM, Adm. March 11,1*62. WANT EI)! SHEER FELTS AND WOOL, for which the highest price in cash will ■ be paid at | Towanda. 13,1361. PATCH'S. WAR CLAIXVIS. Having made arrangements With a Solicitor in Washington, we are prepared I to prosecute claims of every description against the Unit -1 ed States, especially those arising out of the present war, • for bountv, arrears, widows and invalid pensions. MORROW & MERCUR. I Towanda, May 12. j "TkRIED BEEF, for nule at 1 U rox's. .miscellaneous. _ PLANTS, F RAPE VISES, ROSES, VERUEXAS. V Dialetrias. Peonies and Flower Pots, lor sale at the Garden ol HARRY MIX. Isabei'a. . 20 eta. each. Concord ... 60 Clisiti.il 20 " *• Hart'd Prolific 60 •• ' Delaware 100 " " Brown's Ca'wa 80 " Rebecca...... 60 " W Sweet Water so Catawba 20 " " Diana 60 " " No'n Mu-eadine6o •• ••• The grapes of our own country are quite distinct spe cies from the wine Grape o! Europe, and are usually stronger in growth, with longer ami more entire foliage, and in their native state with a peculiar foxy oJoror Sa vor, and more or less hardiness of pulp ; these trait*, however, disappear in process of cultivation ; and _w have already obtained from the wild type new varieties, of high quality, and ot superior hardiness and productive, ness in this, our northern cliiuata, amoug the be 11 know I offer for saie at exceedingly low prices, all o! which 1 warrant true to name. FLOWER POTS, At juices that will satisfy the reasonable, all sizes, frotrt 3 to 14 inches. Early '-Vinutngstadt Cabbage b cts. per do*. " Ox Heart " d " Sugar Loaf " fi '* York " '• " " Large York " * t> Large Early Dutch Cauliflower C '• Walchereu Brocoli 6 *' ' Late Dutch Cauliflower 6 " '* White Chinese Tomato 6 " " Earl v Purple Egg Plant 10 Large Round Purple Egg Plant 10 Large Sweet Pepper Plant 10 Large Bull Nose Pepper Plant 10 " " Red Cherry Pepper Plant 10 " Fejee Island Tomato 10 " Lyeester's I'eifecttd Tomato 10 Red Cherry Tomato 0 Large Smooth Yellow Tomato. 6 " " Large Smooth Red Tomato " " FEJ EE ISL A3VD TOMATO, Is a varietv introduced by Capt. Frazier, of Philadelphia from the Fejee Island, large size and beautiful piuk col or, very firm tu flesh, and considered one of the best ev er introduced. LYCESTER'S PERFECTED TOMATO, Large size, flesh abundant and firm, it ranks with the Fejee, and many think it best of all. Color, pale purple . These varieties are new and have been distributed spar ingiy. Robert Buist A Son, of Philadelphia, told me no better variety could be raised. PERPETUAL,OR EVER-BLOOMINC I'.OSES. A few dozen of choice and rare variety, having the quality of blooming the full season, from white to the darkest color. Depend upon it, I offer Roses of real mer it, both in Europe and America, a very decided acquisi tion in the line ot rosea. Pi ice from 60 cents to $l. PEONIES. Rise scented, pink, large size, beautiful and flue shape. White do., very large and splendid, both of which are a great ornament to a flower garden. 26 cents each. DIALETRIAS, Oneof the most graceiul flowers that decks the floial de partment. 25 cents each. VERBENAS. The finest variety, all in pots, juices that shall be satisfactory. Call and see theiu. CUCUMBER PLANTS, In pots, 12J cents each, which can be turned out with safety, making an early crop, so much desired. SWEET POTATO PLANTS, Fifty rents per hundred. All sweet potatoes are raised by setting plants. All may depend upon a supply this Spring, in tine condition to set from the 15th of May to the 25th of June. This gives ample t.nie tor the potato to grow as the plant is quite old— even three degrees south of us they do not set belorethe Ist of June. They are of early cuituie, and three plants to the hill, and can be raised in Bradford county. Any Information w; uted, inquire at the garden All late cabbage plants, out door culture, 25 cts. per hundred. CELERY, At 25 ct. per hundred. Thousands in fine condition to set from the fifteenth of May to the first of August. ttiT Much pains will be taken to make j>lant3 strong and sto.-ky as possible, by transplanting, Ac. Plants, Grape Vines, and all I sell, may be carried any distance, as they wil! be packed in moss exceeding well. tp I have h good pair of TEAM HOUSES, a very ox cellent Lumber i VVO HORSE WAGON, and team bar i ess to sell. Terms teatk- known to the applicant. A go id bargain ottered. Call and see them at my barn. Towauda. April IS, 1902. NEW SPRING GOODS! AT J. Nl. COLLINS', (First door South ol Codding A Russell's.) TEST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK fj r.:i unusnnllarre stock of Clothing, Cloths, Cascniers Vesting.-, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats A Caps, which will he sold at greater bargains thau before. OUR SPRiNG STOCK Will comprise almost every article worn by man or boy . BUSireESS SUITS, COATS, PANTS Vests, Shirts, Collars, Suspenders, Neck Ties, G-loves, Wrappers, Socks, Overalls. Boy's Pants and Jackets. Especial attention is called to our Nc-w Style of VLOTUS, CASHMERES AAP TESTINGS, Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice, and warranted in every way, or no sale, as we have some eight years experience in this line of business, my cotter, Mr. PENEPACKEIt, will be on hand, at afi times to do cutting for those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get is good ax represented, call at COLLINf?. If you wish to get the worth of your money, and buy r,e fresh Goods and fair dealing, call -oa us and you will b satisfied. No trouble to show goods and no forcing to buy Goods sold for cah onlv. J. M. COLLINS. Towanda. April '21.1**62. ADM 1 N ITERATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ts tate of 1. H. STEPHENS,Iate ofNorth Towanda,dce'd.. are requested to make payment without delay,and those hiving claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated frr settlement. JOHN* AFcMAHON, April 10. 1*62. Administrator. IT^STRAY. — Came into the enclosure of the J subscriber, on or about the 2.1 instant, a YEARL ING BAY C'Ol.T. The owner is requested to prove pro perty. jiay charges and take it away. Orwell, April 23. G62 J AARON COLE, pAUTION — Whereas my L vifeSAlit \JANN, has left my Led and board without any just cause or provocatioc, I hereby forbid ail persons, harboring her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting altei this date. Warren. April 30.1-t'2. HORACE ARNOLD. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICE —/ the mutter of _k JL the estate of Albin litidd, deed. Notice is hereby given, that the undep-tgned, an Audi tor, appointed by the said Court tb distributc the mouies in the hands oi 1-1. Pomeroy, Trustee, raised by the sale of said decedent's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the offiee of Parsons A Carnarhan.iu Troy borough, on Friday .dune 0, 1862. at 1 o'clock, when ami where all persons having claims on said monies must present them, or else be forever debarred fn>m the same. W. 11. CARNACIIAN, Auditor. Tray, May 26,1862. A DMIN ISTRATR IX NOTIGE —Notice -irY. is hereby gven, that all persons indebted to the es tate 'if PERRY C. HEATH, late of Einithfleld tp., dee d., arc hereby rcqueslted to make payment without dehiv. and all persons having demands against said estatel will present tnem duly authenticated for settlement-. HANNAH HEATH, May 26,1862. Administratrix. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hcre- JIJ bv given, tint, all persons indebted to the estate'of LEVI i). LANDON dtceasdd, late of Canton twp.. are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and ail persons having demands against said estate will jilease present them duly authenticated for settlement. BENJAMIN LANDON, JOHN W.LANDON. Canton, May 13,1662. Executors. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP The copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm name of Goodrich, Newbery A, Peek is this day dissolved nv mutual consent. "JOHN E. GOODRICH, GEO. N. NEWBERY, * GEO. L. PECK, The notes and accounts of the late firm are in the handa of F. A. Pierce for collection. All persons indebted will please take notice and save cost. Troy, April 7,156T Stoppod Tcdalingr THE undersigned having concluded to quit the ped dling hasiness, will close out the ballanee of hiastock at a verv low figure. He will al-o call in a short time on bisold customers, and hopes they will be prepared to set tle up. fcAMUEL PREIFCS. Tcwanda.May 22,1063.