Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 19, 1862, Image 2

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Thursday Morning, June 19, 1862.
The Uuirni Ibss-es io-the late fierce battle at
Port Republic are particularly reported. A
glance at the paiofuliy lor.g list of names will
show with what despcrat courage onr brave
heroes contested the grouad, against a force
more than five times their number, led by
Jackson in person, to whom, as he well knew,
defeat would be utter destruction. We had
not more than 2,500 men ia the fight—parts
only of seven regiments, with a squad of
cavalry ; that cf this small force nearly one
quarter are kiiled and wounded, ia eloquent
testimony to their courage and valor. The 7th
Indiana reached Port Repulicwlth only about
300 men; they return 211 killed, wouuded and
missing. This gallant regiment held the right
wing for four honra against a vastly superior
Late accounts from Gen. Halieck's army
state that Gen. Buell, with 60,000 men, em
bracing two divisions of his origiual corps.and
all of Gen. Pope's forces, are in close pursuit
of the rebels nnder Gen. Polk. Gen. W. T.
Sherman's division ia on the Memphis and
Charleston Railrcad.repairing the bridges and
the track betweeD Corinth and Grand Junc
tion. Gen. Wood's division, of Buell's
corps, i 3 repairing the bridge over Bear Creek,
26 miles east of Corinth, on the Memphis and
Charleston Riilroad. Gen. Thomas has 6,-
09C men in Corinth,who are giving that town
and surrounding conntry a thorough renova
tion. Gens. MeClcruand and Wallace are at
Purdy, with 2,000 men. The Railroad from
Corinth to Jackson, Tenn., is being rapidly
put iu order, as also that from Jackson down
to Grand Junction ; so that in any emergency
before the completion of the bridges between
Corinth and Grand Junction, troops may be
forwarded without delay. Communication by
railroad with Columbus, Ky., is expected to
be opened iu a few days.
Saturday's dispatches from the army before
Richmond report active and mysterious move
ments on the part of the Rebels, but for what
purpose was not apparent. Large bodies
were moving from Richmond toward the late
battle field ; oar pickets at Old Church were
driven in, and early iu the morning an artil
lery fire was begun upon Geo. Sumner's front.
The Rebels seemed to be feeling for a weak
spot, preparaioiy to ranking another general
attack. No dispatches were received on Sun
day at Washington 'rem McClellan's army ;
the Fortress Monroe telegraph fine was on
of order.
Norfolk is get!ing into better feeling ; Uu
iou seutiments begin to find expression, and
trade is reviviug. At) expedition to Deep
Creek, 15 miles from Norfolk, on Friday, dis
covered a rebel post-office that kept regular
communication with Richmond. It was, of
course, broken np. It is thought there are
no Rebel forces east of the Blackwater River,
which is nearly 40 miles by rail from Norfolk.
All is quiet at Memphis. Two Eteamers
laden with sugar, cottou, and molasses, had
left for St. Louis. Many citizens were leav
ing for the North. It is is said there that,
after the evacuation of Corinth, Gen. Hind
man had gODe back to Arkansns with all the
troops from that State.
Kir* TLe Battle of Cross Keys, cn Sunday
between the forces of Jackson and Fremont,
was a complete victory for the latter. It was
closed by the coming cn of night, and durim:
the darkness the Rebels pursued their retreat.
On Monday morning Fremont advanced in
lino of battle, but tho enemy were missing,
having left all their dead and many of their
wounded on the field. Five hundred dead bod
ies were found, and their wounded were in ev
ery houre along the road toward Fort Repub
lic. Ambulances, wagons, arms, and clothing
strewed the field. The 6th Lonisiana lost all
but thirty men. Ou Monday morning Jack
son crossed the South Branch o( the Suenan
dob at Port Republic, burning the bridge (for
the possession of which he had the fight with
General Shields's,) aud hastened ou toward
the Blue Ridge. He will have no rest until
be his pat that natural barrier between his ar
my and the avenging forces of the Pathfinder, i
It is net impossible, even if he sncceeds in
crossing the mountains, that he will find Mc-
Dowell in his path, as it is comparatively easy
to send up forces from Fredericksburg byway
of Gordonsviile. In any event, Jackson has l
had about as lively a rime since he left Win- 1
cheater as the most enterprising rebel could
desire. It cannot be denied that he has work
ed with tremendous energy, and fought brav
ly. General Fremont's official dispatch speaks
iu high terms of the conduct of officers and
men in the battle cf Cross Keys. He rates
his killed at 125, and his wounded at about
500. His advance was just on the heels of
Jackson's rear guard at Port Republic,so close
that some of the Rebel officers left their horets
as they ran acroßS the bridge, which they had
just fired.
—On Saturday morning last, the State Treas
srer paid to tho Assistant Treasurer of the U.
S. $350,000, the final installment of Pennsyl
vania's quota of the direct tax imposed by the
ftCt of C'oDgress of July last,the whole amoant
paid being nearly $2,000,000. This prompt,
cess saves 15 par pen*. authorised to
Our Navy is haviDg a good time of it in
capturing prizes. It is stated that out hundred
seventy piizes have been taken. In con
sequence of the delay of the Government offi
cers in New York aud other cities in condemn
ing the rebel vessels and cargoes captured, it
is impossible to statu now the value of the
prizes, hence no estimate can be made of the
enormous amount of prise money to be distri
buted among the 6ailors in the naval service.
Some idea, however, m#y be formed of the
total by the single case of the Circassian,which
! arrived at New York a few days ago. This
| vessel and cargo is valued at $1,500,000. The
' sailors who captured her will, when she is con
demned, receive about $1,300 each.
It is said there are some fifteen vessels
equally valuable now on the ocean trying to
run the blockade.
About twenty thousand first class Enfield
rifles have recently been captured by our navy,
together with the vessels containing them,
while in the act of attempting to run the
blockade. It is said that English speculators
iu arms have shipped about twenty thousand
Enfieid rifles to Nassau, where they dispose of
them to rebel agents, who reship then with
the expectation of running the blockade.
steamships Bavaria and China,
from Liverpool to St. John's, N. F., bring us
a week from Europe. The China,
a new Cunard steamer, made the passage from
Quecnstown to Cape Race in five days and
seventeen hours. The Admiralty have grant
ed to the Atlantic Telegraph Company the
services of the ships and crews necessary for
revising and exteuding the former surveyes of
the route along which the oabie is intended to
be submerged. Further negotiations are in
progress, the result of which will undoubtedly
lead to facilities for raising the additional cap
ital necessary to complete this noble enter
prise. The Steamer Porpucine is to prepare
to take soundings, and will be ready iu about
ten days. English news is unimportant. The
House of Commons, on the 31 iost., divided
on the motion against the Government for a
reduction of the exjwraditures, and the motion
was negutived by 365 majority. A vessel with
a cargo of salt had sailed from Liverpool for
New Orleans. The J loniteur publishes an Im
perial decision reducing the French array in
Rome to a siugle division, consisting of three
divisional brigades, under the command of
Gen. Montebello. Accounts from the manu
facturing districts of Frauce are favorable, aud
the silk and other crops most satisfactory.—
Garibaldi had an]explanation at Turin with the
King's Aid-de-Camp. It is reported that all
differences between the Government and Gar
ribaldi had been arranged, aud he proceeded
to Belgrade. The Turks have beaten the
Montenegrins over the frontiers. Four villa
ges were burned, acd 700 Montenegrins killed.
The Montenegrins had been repulsed several
times, and were flying to the mountains. Cot
ton at Liverpool had advanced ont-fourth
pence. Breadstufl's generally dull and steady.
Provisions heavy, with a declining tendency.—
American Stocks were declining. CODSOIS
ninety-two and one-eighth.
gett, wife of Liut. A. Leggett of the Eighth
N. Y. Cavairy, was left in Winchester, Va.,
during the late Rebel occupation of that place,
her husband having retreated at short notice
with his regiment. She has since returned
to Rochester,after having enjoyed several day's
intercourse with the rebel chiefs, and she says
Jackson's force cannot have fallen below 40,
000 men. It was all day passing through
Winchester on its retreat, wheu it had every
reason (or economizing .time. It was this ar
my that Gen. Fremtnt, with less than 25,900
men, fought at Cross-Keys, holding his ground
firmly, though the rebels were very strongly
posted; it was this army which Geu. Fremont
advauced next morning iu battle array, but it
had stolen away during the night. " Stone
wall" Jackson is one of the best officers in the
Rebel service ; we do not say he was beaten
at Cross-Keys, but he certainly won no victo
ry, and he wovld have been caught between
Fremout and Shields next day, but for the
Mistake of Col. Carroll in not burning the
Port Republic bridge. That mistake has prob
ably cost the Union cause 1,000 men—Shield's
advance being crushed by the whole weight
of Jackson's army and pushed back down the
river, while " Stonewall" made his escape over i
the Blue Ridge. He rushed down the Valley !
very rapidly, but he has been run out of it ai j
full speed. His great strenghth and intimate i
knowledge of tiie county have saved birn from
capture or destruction.
of Illinois has decided a case brought before it
by the Slate Tuoeurer as to the forte of the
act of Congress making Treasury Dotes ale
gal tender. The court has decided that the
State law requiring gold and silver in the
payment of deOts to the State is as obligatory
as every and that the act of Congress does not
impair its force. Therefore the Stale taxes
must be paid in go d and silver. The act of
Congress does not, in the view of the Supreme
Court, overrule the law of the State.
TROUBLE. —The C. S. A. War Department
accuses Major General Benjamin Huger of
arrogating powers to himsell which do not be
long to him, and of misconstruing and violat
ing orders concerning the exchange of prison
era Huger is said to have stood in the waj
of the prompt release of Colonels Corcoran,
Wilcox and Bowmau. He has been ordered
to take the field for active service, and is now
in command of what is called a division of
rebel troops at Port Walthall Jnnctiou, on the
line of the Richmond and Petersburg railroad,
betwecu those two cities.
111 IB M THE union.
Gen. Shield's Advance Attacked
by Jackson.
The Rebels tyriven from their Position.
WASHINGTON, Wednesday, June 11.
Advices received at the Wur Department
state that Jaekson'a army attacked General
Shield's advance on Mauday morning near
Port Republic. The conflict is said to have
been maintained for lour hours by aboat two
thousand of our men against the main body of
Gen. Jackson's army. The enemy's force lie
came so overwhelming in numbers that our
advance was compelled to fall back, which it
did in good order until it met the main body
of Gen. Shield's command near Conrad's store.
As soon as this was effected the enemy in turn
retired. The fighting is said to have been very
severe, and the loss heavy oil both sides. No
further particulars have reached the Depart
A private letter states that Gen. Shields
had previously succeeded in destroying a large
quantity of supplies belonging to the rebels,
found at Mil ford and at Conrad's store.
The damage of the recent rains, including
the carrying away of bridges the south
branch of iho Shenaodoah River, material y
interfered w itli the Commissariat arrangements
1 and the movements of troops.
LCKAY. Tuesday. June 10, )
via WASHINGTON, Wednesday, June 11. }
Col. Carroll, commanding the Fourth Brig
ade, consisting of the Eighty Fourth Pennsyl
. vama, Eleventh Pennsylvania, the Sev.nth
Indiana, and First Virginia, altogether about
one tliousaid six hundred strong, reached Port
| Republic on Sunday, reconnoitred, found the
enemy in town, and had a skirmish. lie con
■ eluded to hold the bridge, and ordered it not
to be burned, and put guns in position com
inaiiding it. At 0 A. M , Monday, he was
opened on by some twenty heavy guns placed
in position during the night. Our forces tried
to reach the bridge, repeatedlv, to destroy it,
but were met by storms of bullets and had to
retire. A large cavalry force crossed and at
tacked our troops, while their i fantrv follow
ed, our men opposing them at every step, often
driving them back with heavy loss; but the
uumbers, after Gen. Tyler's Brigade airived,
were so much inferior to the enemy—theirs
being at least five to one—that it was iuipos
sible to hold our position, and we were coin
pelled to fall back, our boys fighting every foot
of the way. Afier falling buck some three or
four miles, a body of cavalry was sent to at
tack ns, nnt they were received in such man- !
ner as to compel them to retire, when the en- ,
gagement ended, having lusted five hours.—
Our loss in killed and wonnded is not known ;
bur it is large, as is also that of the enemy.
We lost a large number of prisoners.
Col. Can-til's horse feli, injuring the Colo- j
nel badly.
Capt. Roily, of Gen. Shields' Staff, was j
badly injured in the head. He received praise
from all who saw him fighting.
Col. Buckley, of tlie Twenty-Ninth Ohio,
was badly wounded. His men charged three
times to get his body, but it was ca;ried off by
the enemy.
Gen. Ashby, of cavalry notoriety, was posi- '
tively killed during tne fight at the bridge over !
Middle Ilivtr.
Capt. Keogh charged with a body of caval
ry, and held the bridge some time during a j
perfect storm of grape.
This was one of the most hotly contested !
engagements of the wnole war, as indicated by !
the loss compared with the numbers engaged. 1
The men fought like demons.
FRONT ROYAL, Jum 15-, JS(J2.
The resnlts of the battle of Port Republic,
on Monday lust, between a portion of Shields'
division and Jackson's army are now ascer
tained, as near us can be. The names already
given are known to be among the killed and
wounded, although many classed among the
missing ure no doubt badly injured ; but our
troops, I eing compelled to retire before u foe
so superior in numbers and in all other respects, :
except bravery, many were necessarily left on
the field, whose names coaid not be ascertain- :
ed. CM the large numbers classed as missing, !
many wiil, doubtless, find their way back to j
their regiments.
The lorce engaged was mostly composed of
Western men, who did their duly nobly, .s is
evidenced by their fighting a toe more than
five times their number for five hours, arid then
retreating in order, exepting one or two reg
iments which were completely surrounded and
compelled to take to the mountains, many of
whom maue their way back to the division.—
The Sevcuth Indiana regiment did noble duly,
holdiug their position on the right for lour
hours against a vastly superior force, Colonel
Gavin repeatedly charging and driving the
enemy like sheep. They left Fredericksburg j
eight hundred strong, and arrived at Port Re
public with only three hundred, the remainder
being left along the ronte, sick ar.d disabled,
aid after the fight they mustered about one
hundrid and forty, losing more than half their
The Twenty-Ninth and Sixty Sixth Ohio
regiments aUo lost heavily, as may be seen by
the list of casualties. The three batteries of
artillery Clark's.Robinson's and II un ting ton's
—are entitled to great praise for the gallant
part they took in the action
Had the First and Second brigades been
enabled to reach the scene of action, an entire
ly different result would uudoubtly have
Alter Monday's fight, it is understood, Jack
son took the road toward Skanurdsville, pass
ing through the gup ot the Blue Ridge Moun
tains, in a line for Gordonsville, at which point
is railroad communication with Richmond.
(Dispatch to the Cincinnati Gazette.)
I'OKT REPUBLIC, Va., June 9,1862.
We have had stirring times iu this depart
ment. Jacksou took his trains over the river
here on Friday and returned and gave us bat
tle yesterday, five miles from this place, on the
Harrisonburg road.
Tbe battle for two hoars raged fiercely.—
Scheuck had the right, Milroy the centre and
tbe Blencker division tbe left.
Sebexick was not assailed except by ikino
ishing fighting. Milroy was in the hottest of
the fight and drove the enemy back from point
to point. The first brigade of the Blencker
division, under Ge. Stahel, fought well and
held the enemy back for some two hours, snf
fering a great loss from a destructive fire from
the enemy. The left wing finally gave way,
and our whole line was ordered back half a
mile to a more favorable position. The enemy
did not advance, but commenced a retreat, as
we learn here, previous toour falling back, and
by ten o'clock this morning their whole army
had crossed the river and set fire to the bridge.
We pursued,but not in time to save the bridge
Surgeon Cantwell, of the Eighty Second Ohio,
was wounded, not dangerously. Capt. Chas.
Worth was mortally wounded.
The Seventy Third Ohio lost four killed and
three wounded ; the Third Virginia, four kill
ed and thirteen wounded ; the Fifth Virginia,
three killed and seventeen wounded ; the
Twenty-Fifth Ohio, six killed and sixty-eight
wounded ; the Sixtieth Ohio, four killed and
eleven wounded. Slahel's brigade lost, in kil
led, wounded and missing, four hundred and
five privates and twenty two officers. Several
Colonels and Captains were wounded and one
Captain killed in the Blencker division. Boh
lens brigade fost ten killed and seventy wound
ed. The Bucktuils lost one killed on] ten
wounded. Our total loss will be from one
hundred to one hundred and fifty killed, and
from four hundred to five hundred killed and
The enemy's loss was very heavy. Four
hundred of their dead, by actual count, were
found nnburied on one field. From the nuai
bers of their dead scattered in other parts of
ihe battle gronnd, it is believed that there are
two hundred more of their dead on the field
making their loss in killed six hundred, besides
; officers, who were carried aw-ay. Gen. Slew
i art was killed, Gen. Elsie wounded, Colonel
Hunghton mortally wounded, and Gen. Jaek
j son wourded in t he wrist.
CoI. S. S. Carroll, of Ohio, with two regi
meuts of Shields' division, reached the oppo
j site side of the river from here yesterday morn
; ing, and attempted to hold the bridge, bat was
driven back by Jackson. He opened with his
j artillery this morning on th • bridge, as the
rebel army were crossing, but was diiven back
i by the superior force of Jackson, uud retreut-
I ed down the liver.
The Floods in the Coal Region.
The coal business ha< never received so seri
ous a blow since it assumed the present pro
portions in trade, as by the recent (lood in
Pennsylvania. The more striking particulars
of this disaster are known to our readers. The
I rain began as early as a week ago last Sunday
in some sections, but the flood occurred on
Tuesday and Wednesday, the waters of the
Lehigh, Schuylkill und other rivers lising to a
i hight totully unprecedented, and carrying
away bridges, dwellings, boats, locks, and even
groves ot trees, with a great loss of human
life. The last and most important item is yet
: very uncertain. It is estimated that two hun
dred boatmen were drowued on the Lehigh,
: with many women and children. From the
vast mass of debris, consisting of timber, trees,
; broken dwellings, fragments of bridges, boats,
and what not, swept down the river and col
j lected in the grove of the Female School at
! Bethlehem, Pa , no less than thirteen bodies
j have been taken out up to the present time.
Our present purpose,however, is not so much
with this sad record as to state, more accu
rutely than has been hitherto done, the dam
age to the coal interests, and the etiteut to
which trade wili probably be interrupted.
The lir.-t to be mentioned, and the faithesi
South, is the Cumberland bituminous rcigion.
Two avenues bring tile coal from these mines
to market through Virginia and Maryland
the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, from Cum' er
land to Georgetown, and Ihe Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad, from Cumberland to Baltimore
The business here has been much interrupted
by military movements ; the lines having been,
at intervals, iu the hands of the rebels, in
consequence of this, the supply of bituminous
and SCUM bituminous coal had already heeii
greatly diminished. But the Harper's Ferry
bridge, which had been saved from the de
struclive hands of the rebels by great efforts,
yielded to the flood, and the transportation of
Coal is still further delayed. On the whole,
however, though considei able damage is done
to the mines and to the canal and railroads,
the prospect Is thai the canal will be in run
ning order in about ten or twelve days, aud
the road, within three or foot weeks.
Coming north, and entering the Anthracite
coal fields of Pennsylvania, we find that every
avenue, with scarcely a single or unimportant
exception, is at least tempnraril) closed. The
principal outlets are the Schuylkill Canal, the
Heading Railroad, the Lrlngli Canal, the
Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and the
Delaware and Hudson Canal. The Schuylkill
Canal will he repaired within three weeks, and
the Reading Road is scarcely damaged, but
will he delayed by the repairs necessary on the
lateral roads, which are its feeders. Of lateral
roads, the Mine Hill and Mill Creek are the
principal, and they will not he ready under
two weeks The Lackawanna Road will need
between one and two weeks, and the Delaware
and Hudson Canal from four to six weeks.—
The principal damage on the former is at I'ort
Jervis, the Lackawack Aqueduct, and the
Rock Lock The latter is entirely swept away.
The Lehigh Canal is the great sufferer.—
This Company's work is an improvement of the
Lehigh River, over which by their charter
ilny nave exclusive control. The Lehigh ia
fed Iroiu the mountains, and is liable to fresh
eis of the inoat rapid and violent character,—
Two great floods—one in 1841, and the other
iu 1860 had induced the Company to hudi
their locks, embankments, and bridges in the
most substantial manner, and it was hoped
that they might defy the elements. But the
present treshet has surpassed in violence any
before known, and has fairly cleaned out the
canal, locks, bridges, and all, particularly
above Mauch Chunk There is little hope
that it will be ready for use in its whole length '
this season. Indeed, it is believed that the
upper part towurd White Haven, will not be
reconstructed, but a railroad built instead.—
The sole reliance for Lehisrl. coal now remain
ing is the Lehigh Valley Railroad.from Mauch
Chunk, near which placo the most important
mines are situated, to Euslon. This road will
not be ready to transport coal iu less than
three weeks, though the Beaver Mendow (a 1
lateral road, joining the Lehigh Valley at
Mauch Chunk, and upon which its business
mainly depends) will be much longer delayed.
The proportions of coal carried by the Le
high Canal and Railroad were as follows last
year : The Canal, 994 705 tuns ; the Rail
road, 743.672 tuns. Tins coal is thought to
have no adequate substitute for furnace and
foundery purposes, and the cessatiou of ship
ment by the canal wili, of coorse, tend to ad
vance the price enormously. The total pro
duction of the Pennsylvania anthracite fields
last year was 7,775,000 tuns. The deficit this
year cuimot fali much short of 800,000 tuns.
It is impossible, of course, to estimate, even
with proximate accuracy, the amount of the
damage The loss of boats, although very
great, is perhaps the least item. A large
quantity of coal, in transit ch (he Lehigh,
probably 10,000 tuns, was lost. The damage
along the line, irrespective of that to the
canal, is very great. The canal itself must be
almost reconstructed ; and it is probable that
the large surplus which this remarkably pru
dent company had accumulated (about one
million two hundred thousand dollars) wdl
have to le entiely expended in repairing its
losses. It is almost childish to express an
opinion; lint when the damage on all the lims
is considered, both of public and private prop
erty, it can scarcely be reckoned at less than
$5,000,000. Among other losses, may be
mentioned the total destruction of the town of
YVelaspoft, in which three hundred houses were
swept away—a disaster wholly unexampled in
this country ; and yet only one of the many
items of this cumulative calamity.— JY. York
Incidents of the War,
A correspondent writing from Memphis,
describing the great naval engagement, gives
the following incidents, which shows so „e of
the horrors of war:—
" While ab this was going on, our gunboats j
were getting up speed head down the river. |
The Benton, being on the left of our line of
gunboats, became the antagonist of the Gen
Lovelf, on the right of the second line of rebel
boats. Capt. Phelps,one of the most tfficivot
artillerists in the service, ran his eyes along
the sights of one of the fifty pound rifled guns
at the Benton's bow, waited until the Lovell
swung into the position which would give
him a raking shot, and pulled the lanyard.—
The shot struck just below the water line and
ripped np the planks. The water poured in
with a rush, and in three minutes the vessel
was lying iu seventy five feet of water.
A ship going down in an instant with all on j
board, is a terrible scene—one calculated to <
appall the stoutest heart. The current of the !
river at Memphit sets close to the Tennessee I
side and rushes by like a strongman in a race
The pluroet gives from seventy five to oric
hundred feet of water. The Lovell beiug in
the middle of the current took the girgling,
whirling waters through her torn sides
Down, down, down—she settled like a lump
of lead. Her crew became terror stricken.—
They rushed hither and thither, bereft of rea
son. One poor fellow with his left arm torn
by a cannon shot, with unspeakable horror in
his countenance, was seen beckoning now to
those on shore and to those on the gunboats,
and now looking up to heaven to the Great
Father of us ail, for help ! Unavailing the
try. A moirent later, and the boat with a
lurch gave way beneath his feet,and drew him
down iu the eddying whirlpool.
A wail of agony went up from the water
and from the land. Fifty human beings were
buffeting the current, grasping at sticks and
straws and pieces of the boat, anu such mova
ble tilings as-floated by them.
" Help ! help ! help !" was the cry which
rose upon the aT, and reached the <a s of
thousand-', amid tin* intervals of the still tour
ing thunder of the cannonade J There was
no help f'roiu them on shore. No pen cart de
scribe the agony of that moment to thousands.
There were their friends, defeated, crushed,
humiliating, drowning, and tliev powerless to
h' lp. No wonder th it tears were shed on
shore. No wonder that women ! They
had been invited to a different entertainment
—to the annihilation of the "hirling Yankees."
They hud been promised an < xh bition of chiv
alry and prowess which shonld redeem all the
ground lost, in the war Aside from tlie pain
and agony cf the hour, prompted by human
svrapaths. was the bitterness of humiliation
' terrible to behold by thos- who have ridden
rough shod over all who did not choose to ac
i cent secession.
No sooner was theory for help heard than
by a natural impulse, there was a rush made
by the men of the Benton to render assistance.
The yawl was launched iu a moim-nt, and so
eager was the crew to save the drowning that
it was swamped in the rush, and two of the
noble hearted men were barely saved from
watery graves. Other boats put off from the
Beet and several we.e saved when nearly ex
hausted mre by their own efforts reached
the shore and crawled op the bank, m re dead
than aiive and were kindly cared for by the
crews of the Monarch and Queen of the West.
Btnve, noble heated tnen are the srilors of
the Western fleet ! Their all power to crush,
theirs all effort t? save—to crush an enemy,
to save when crushed ! How glorious such
conduct when contrasted with that which the
poor struggling sailors of the Cumberland re
ceived at Hampton Roads from those on board
the Mtrritnac. There rifis shots, here help !
Bright, amid all the distress all the horrors,
all the Infamy of this rebellion will shine for
ever, hke the stars of heaven, these acts of bu
James M. Watson,of the United States Navy,
arrived in this city yesterday. A singular ex
ploit of this effi-er has never yet been made
public. Toe mail steamer Northern Light,
which left Aspinwall 23 I of May 1 ist for Neiv
York, when about the latitude of Willmington
North Carolina,(dll in with the schooner Agnes
II Ward, of from 60 to 80 tons Inn den. She
show, d no colors, and answered to the steam
er's hail, "horn Wilmington, North Carolina.''
Here was a vessel which evidently hud run the
bio kude.
With a glass the cotton on her deck was
plainly visible. But the steamer was not a
tnan of war. What was to be done ? Fortu
nately. among the passengers was Commander
James M. Watson of the ited States Navy,
a native of the State of Virginia, on his return
from service on the Pacific cast; one of those
naval officers, who, though born on Southern
soil, have not forgotten that the United States
is their country. He told the Captain of the
steamer to furnish him a boat and crew and lie
would take the responsibility, as a naval offi
cer, of boarding und taking the prize.
A boat was lowered, manned by three or
four men unarmed Commander Watson took
his seat, and they were soou alongsi le of the
schooner. " Who ore you ?'' " Secesh.''—
" Come aboard and bring your flig," was the
conversation. The rebel master obeyed, de
ecended into the boat with his tmblem, and
he was Uncle Sam's prisoner A prize crew
was theu put aboard,a howser got out,and the
schooner was towed into New York harbor,
a*d proved to hne run the blockade tadeu
with eighteen bales of cotton, one hundred
aud eighty barrels of turpentine and some to
bacco.—PhiLdtkpKia Pni.
A CURIOS MACHINE.—Among the other co
rious instruments, exhibited in the Philosophi
cal Instrument Department iu the London
Grent Exhibition, is a machine, exhibited by
Mr. Peters, for microscopic writing. With
this machine of Mr. lieters, it is stated that
the words " Matthew Marshall, Bank of Eng.
lard," can he written in the two and a half
millionth of an inch in length ; and it is actu
elly suiii that calculations made on this data
show that the whole Bible can be written
twenty-two times in the space of ujsquare inch.
The words to be writteu microscopically are
written in pencil, in ordinary characters, on a
sheet of paper at the bottom of the instru
merit. But the pencil with which this is done
communicates by a series of Infers and gimbals
with another minute pencil and table at the
top, by mf-uns of which the ordinary writing
of the pencil and the microscopic writing both
move in unison, though the motion of the lat
ter is so graduated that a stroke of a quarter
of an inch at the bottom is only a stroke of a
millionth of an inch at the lop, the shape and
1 character of both marks being nevertheless
precisely alike iu outline. As a matter of
course, the microscopic writing at the top is
only visable under powerful .magnifiers,and the
Object of the machine is to murk hank notes
with certain minute signatures for the preveu
tiou of forgery.— Exckavgr.
plus, ttie surrender of which nas been reported
is a fluii: ishing city and port of entry of Shelby
county, Tunnes-ee. It is beautifully situated
on the Mississippi river, just below the mouth
of Wolf river, and on the fourth Chickasaw
Bluff,four hundred and twenty five miles bpfow
St. Louis, utid two hand red and nine miles
west by southwest of Nashville. It is the most
! populous and important town on the river he-
I Iweeu St Louis and' New Orleans,and occupies
j the only elijr'ltle site for a commercial depot
j from the month of the Ohio to Vicksoarg, a
distance of OR) miles. The bluff on which it is
situated is elevated ahout thirty feet above the
1 highest floods, and its bases is washed by the
! river tor a distance of three miles, while a bed
j of sandstone projects into the stream.and forms
a convenient landing. The appearance of
Memphis from the river is remarkably fine. An
esplanade, several hundred feet wide extends
along the bluff in trout of the to a n,and is bor
! den-d with blocks of Inrjre warehouses. It con
tains upwards often churches, one academy, A
i in dical office, several banks and a telegraph
! office. There is also a naval depot ut this
place, which was established by the United
i States Government. The river is deep enough
i to float the largest ship of-war trom lhi ß point
;to its mouth. The building of steamboats was
; formerly carried on here to a large extent, and
i many manufactories of cotton, iron and ropes
i were in operation. Several papers were pub*
j lislied in M- mphis a short time ago, some of
! which have lecenlly removed to Grauadu,.Mis
iicta Sftbrrtfermcnts.
: -L LEU S Air-Tight J irs, the most simple, convenient
j and economical article <>! the kind in u.-e ; a targe stock
i oi these ju>tly celebrated jars, at much less than the us
| ucl price, at FOX'S.
j A. A. is hereby givea, that all persons indebted to the
j e-iate ol Patrick Howley.dcc'd., late of North Towandi,
are hereby req tested to make pwymvrrt without de
lay. and Ol persons having demands against said estate
wiii present thein duly authenticated tor settlement.
JOil.N MCMAHON, Admistrator.
June 17. I sit 2.
War of the Rebellion, 1861.
i T D. GOODENOUGII hereby announce
*} to all persons interested, that he his jut recoived
: iron the city ot Washington, a package of Blank Korrat,
j tig-n!;'a ning the Bounty-M >ucy. Arrears of Pay, Half,
i Pay. Pensi ms, and all arrearages or sums of money duo
j i >r services, or by reason of tin; death ot any soldier of
j the present war. For the more speedy prosecution of
j said claims, lie has a-soci.ated himself with a reliable at-
I torney at the city of Washington. He Batters Yum -elf
i that trom his long experience m procuring Land War
| rants. Pensions, Ac., that he can give at iea-t as good
• satis acioii as those can who have had less experience,
' and on as reasonable terms.
! Towand i .June !4. 1-V2.
I A plctely equipped
!in the world. Comprising a better collection of beautiful*
i ?v trained horses, and a 1 rge number ot talented pertoTrrf
! ers ta in any company extant.- The Managers are happy
i in announcing to the public that they are able to cater
| f->r their amusement this season rf '<l2, in a superior man
| nor. The wagons have been newly painted and decorat
eisnas to nresent a neat ai & elegant appearance. The
li it,ess i. all new; the Baud Wagon isa triumph of art; the
Dres-es are ot the most costly description, manufactured
iiuin designs imported from Paris during the pas t winter
—ind to fact the- whole paraph am? linis ot sueb a descrip
tion as t >at once give general satisfaction to ail. Among
the principle features ot this establishment is the
introduced this season for the first time in any traveling
estnh ish neat. This scene is of the ratst exciting de
scription, and m ist be seen to be appreciated. Another
great feat ire is the
zt.we HALT.
This sceane illustrates with stiring vividness scenes in
the present war ; first the mirch and then the halt, giv
ing a correct idea of a night in
concluding with the Grand Charge.
are the best trained in the profession, foremost among
which Is the great
Who will be introduced by his trainer,
who will appeir at e i h performance and enliven the en
tertaiumeut with his iuexhaustahle Wit.
The perform ince comprises the Stars of both Hemis
pheres. forming a bright constellation of Attis.ic talent.
Look at the names : Dun Gardner. Geo. Derious, Mons
M Teste. W. King, The Great Unknown. C. Bicker, L.
Li.on. Miss Elizi Oa-dner, Little Minnie, R. Hemmings,
John Foster. Signoir Packer, R. King, W Hill, W.Green
It. Hall. Madame CamiHe, Young Dan, ud a host ot well
selected amateurs. Don't forget those
Dun Gardner, John Foster, and Young Dan.
On the morning ot the Exhibition the Company will
enter town in
beaded by Peter Britner's Brass Band, seated in their
B j >u Band Carriage, drawn by a line of splendid ho ses,
followed by all the curringt s, horses, ponies, luggage vans
Ac., Ac.
Afternoon and Evening. Doors open at 2 and 7, per
formance to commence half an hour later. Admission,
23 rents.
Will Exhibit, in Leßtysville, on Saturday. June 28, and
atToviaidu, Monday, June 30.
W. U. GARDNER, Agent.
C. WHITXBY.It BAW., Advertisers.
Sew Furniture and Chairs.
JL and extensive assortment ol Sofas. Mohogany Chaira
Mahogany and Walnut Rockers, Boston Rockers, Fin
ane seat, Wood, and Hush-bottom. Hair, Cane-seat and
ane bach Rockers, Loo kiug-Glasses, Cord and Tassels,
icture Frames, Ac.,
Cheaper than the Cheapest.
S3~ Please call and satisfy yourselves.
Towanda, June 2. ' Q,: ' " cu'.<^prs
TIMOTHY &EER—izo or'
Boe Timothy Heed, for sale by
tfarch Hi, 1862. H.J?. MERCUR-