AND GENERAL. notice that an effort is being made organize afiew Southern Tier (N. Y.) Begi sieut- jjWe are requested to state, for the beu of- WESTON'S country customers, that he will he gbscr'oat town for Feveral weeks. Ilia return and resm ion ot business will he duly noticed. J NEW USE FOR COAL OIL —Coal oil is •aid he a sure destroyer of hed hugs. Apply plentiful y „ a small hrush or feather to the places where they The cure is eflectaul and permanent giiames, < handeliers, &c., ruhfced slightly over with {OJ I, will not he disturbed by flics. During the past week we have been i,j t d with several refreshing showers, which have very B rially improved the appearance of vegetation gener al The Spring, thus lur. has been so dry that cousid tie apprehension is felt lor the salety of the hay and -rops. Present indications are that there will he bui pall yield. Other crops look comparatively well, with (exception of those in the localities w here the frost has cbed them. FIRE.—-ON Monday evening last, about ik, the alarm ot n e was sounoed through our street*, e different Fire Companies were immediately on the iund ol the st ene of conflagration, with their engines, e flie oiiginatcd in the barn on the premises of the man Catholic parsounge, on Second street. The barn. ;ether with quite a quantity ot grain and hay was con ned, but through the exertions oi' the Firemen, the ad. aiug buildings were saved. The loss is probably three .adred or lour bundled dollars. VOLUME XXIil. —Lust week complet d the twenty-second volume of the Reporter. We ha-.e ' he names of many subscribers on our hooks who have akeu this paper from the time it was -tinted to the pres nt. To them we return our acknowledgements, and ope that they have been paid as well as we have, tor, nliko most editors we have comparatively few delin utnts on our hooks. The current events of the pre-ent ear are o! the greatest interest to every reader, and no .ains nor labor will he spared to make the Reporter an ! Destructive and interesting family paper ; we therefore ,avite the patronage of our old Irieuds and solicit the fa vor of new patrons, as onr object will be to give a synop sis of the news beta local and national. IbST The citizens ot Rome and vicinity were agreeably entertained on Friday, May 23d, at the M. E. I Church, by the eloquent and patriotic remaiks of Hon. j GKO. LASDO.V. The people assembled from every quar I ter and the Church was soon tilled by an attentive and j appreciative audience, lly request of several. Mr. BAN. j DON occupied a leu minutes in speaking upon the subject i relative to the " tonnage tax,'' and bikfly explained the . reasons f r his vote in the Senate in I*ol. His reasoning was dear and conclusive,and to all unprejudiced persons, satisfactory. He then delivered a national di-cour-e which was listened to with marked attention. The effect was such as t elicit numerous responses and call forth he quent bursts of applause from the audience. The Leßaysvilie Brass Band was in attendance, and ; discoursed several pieces of rare merit, which were per- J formed to entire s-Uislacti n. A contribution was taken ; up to defray the expense? of its members, amounting to j twelve dollars. The meeting was one ot more than usual j Interest, and will be long remembered with feelings of; pleasure. 11. T. j G©- DISTRESSING SUICIDE—A most sn<] imi. dent occurred in Frederick. Mart land, on Monday night. , ►ays the Hani-Lurg Ttlrgruj.h. in the death by suicide cl ) Mi-s MuoKsa Wist:, aged eighteen years, the betrothed ! bride o! the young soldier, DENNIS HRFI.L. who died from j wounds received ou the hatiic field in •deience of the i •• Stars and Stupes." Miss WISH, it seems, while visit, j ing at a friend's house on Monday evening, was observed ! to swallow a draught of laudanum, from a two ounce vial; j but when spoken to about it, treated the subject with ! unconcern, remarking that she felt unwell.and toot it as- j 6 remedy. She then went to her home at Mr. JAMES T' ! SMITH'S residence in E. Church street, and retired t > rest. ' Tuesday morning she was found dead, her pet eon decent. ; ly composed arid the trace of a gratified smile lingering i on her face. It seems, tint, at the funeral of her 1 -vt r. j she placed her likeness under his head .and remarked that, she would not long survive him, and when tier own death was Uncovered, the photograph of her betrothed wa• found under her head, signifying the wish that it ehouid be interred with her remains. This is a sid episode ot the unnatural war which is devastating the land and lias added another fair victim to the broken-beat ted train, tificed at the shrine of tieasou. How TO MAIL MONEY. —Whm yen wish ! to send money in a letter let your hills be of -uch denom 1 lnaiions rs will require the least number to make the | desired iiraumt ; be Mire that they are good bills. Hut the money within the letter sheet so that .t may not come in i contact with the envelope, and secure the letter firmly. Put ou the postage -tatnn yourself, and ij welly drop it in the post office box, for register a letter is to label it as containing money. tYe find a lew good hints in these ; matbrs in Field Motes : In sending gold cr silver coin by letter, take a thin card the size of the letter when j folded, cutout holes the size of the coin, set the coin in I the holes and paste thin paper tightly over it to keep the money in its place. It is no u.-e to stick coin upon a water to the sheet of the letter—it always gets of} by jolting of mail matter. Any am Hint of silver less thuu i half a doll ir can go in a light letter sheet for single post- ; age ; a half a dollar iu au otdiuary letter always costs i double postage. ££§- MORNING WALK —We AGREE with an j intelligent eotemporary that those who have never tried the exercise ot a morning walk. (we mean an early morn ing wait taken about the time Aurora is shaking the dew-drops trom her gnldon locks.) are entirely strangers to its rejnvinnting, (there now. we did not intend t > use ' that big word ) and exhilarating influences Ye who love to elurubcr and dose away the precious hours of morning, j hut ' and catch and ht-piration of the b limy air, 1 idctied was yonng £."tance and freshness nt the verdant nie.ids j The Kni" aluiii and '""istened by •-nature's tear freak of the bridegroom, ana lhe I,lk ' ! raged, lie prudently held his peace and silk!'' 0 fT' the cereuiouy to proceed. e , A few words will explain the motives of the tndegroora. When -LouisXlV came back from his great campaign Tn the Palatiuate, he determined to Q"Ue his son,whose valor and daring in the war had greatly pleased him,to the wealthy Wards of the crvwa. lie proposed the onion to the yoeng Du chess of Kaliverene, and found her favorablv inclined. 3 She had just come to conrt, having just emerged from the couvent where she -had com P'eted her education. Slie had seen the yonng Count often,though e ad never designed to cast a glance upon C j knew he was brave and. noble, " , she thought handsome. Toe bar sinister i 3 e6cutcheoo was no objection. She ac cepted him. Loq ' 8 of tranche Compte, . like his father, WM something of A rep £ , W( 'Bld not accept her. My son,' said the Kiug, " J have resolved t vjou shall marry." jlly worthy sire and most excellent father," p: ;'d the Lonnt, •' I have resolved to do He was sot ID tbe habit r n . |T* DIHD, In Athens township. May 10, 18G2, Mrs. NANCY MUR RAY, widow of the late Abner Murray, ia the &Uth jear of her age. At Nortolk, Va., on the lGth ult., GILBERTCROWELL, bun ot George Crowell, ot Eaet Sin thfield.i'a. Death .that myaterioUs and unseeu messenger of an Al" mighty Power, has suinmoued away from earth another mortal. Daily aye, hourly too ! does the mournful ech oes of the iuneral dirge full upon the ear with a sad and melancholy pathos. We eau stand by the bedside of the weary, toil worn pilgrim, whose life journey is ended, who, tired and heart-sick, longs to lie dowu to sleep, to enter upon that rest whose quiet alum tars are uubroken, whose duration is eternal ; and sec the last spark of mortality expire, aud call death a ministering-augel. We can stand by the death-bed of infancy and call death a welcome messenger, opening the portals of a fair er. brighter and more glorious land to mortals yet unpo luted by crime, unknown tosiu. But when we see our comrades snatched away in the bloom of youth or vigor ot manhood, we almost murmur at the decrees of an All wise Providence. Yet, when we renumber that the de ceased fell while engaged in the defence of principles Worthy of the heart's blood of any American citizen, we can hardly wish to call him back. Disease accomplished that which a battle field might have done. One hour saw him in health,another a livid corpse. No comrade watched beside his couch, No friendly hand was near ; To soothe life's darkest hour, or shed A sympathizing teai. No father's blessing, sister's love, No mother s teuder care, Matched by the soldier's dying bod, Or kuelt'iu humble prayer. A mavtyr to our conntry's cause, Though the gory battle-field Enshrouded not his form in blood, Which a nation's honor sealed. Then honor to the soldier's grave, Though costly marble niaiks it not— It shall endure when traitor's names, In dark oblivion are forgot. J.N. ileto gldtocrtfsrmrnts. SHERIFF'S SALE —liy viriue ot u wr.t ot Als. Lev. Facias, issued out of the Court of com mon pleas of Bradford county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY', the J lit It day ol June. A. D., lsG2, at the court bou.-e, in To wan da, at 1 o'clock.p in.tbe following described lot, piece or parcel ot laud situate iu Athens borough, bowuued as lollovvs, to wt : On the north, east and by C. .-. Welles Jr., on the south by Hopkins street, being'JO feet Iront by 76 deep, till improved, trained house thereon. ALSO—Another lot of laud iu At liens boro', bounded north by J. B. Brockway, east by Muiu st., south by Joltu Jones, and west by hi its of Eustis Davis, being 60 feet trout, by 260 deep. All improved, framed house thereon. ALSO—One other lot in Athens boro, bounded north by Wbi. Kill and others, east by Main st., south by J . B. iiruckway aud west by lands uf 61.5. Rogers, being 4T feet by 100 Sect. Ail improved, 1 rained building used lor a C'.ibiuet shop. ALfsO—One other lot in Athens boro', bounded on the nor;h by lands of Sattei lee, Eby Main st., S. by C. X. Shipniuu, aud west by C N. Suipmau. Containing about on-third acte, ail improved, framed house, small trained stable and fruit trees thereou. ALSO—One other lot iu Athens boro', bounded noith bv G. X. hliipman, east by Main st., south by Peter Meeker, and west by C. X. Sb puiau. Containing about one third acte, all improved, framed house, small trained stable and a lew fruit trees liter.oil. Al.iO —One other lot in Athens hoto', bounded north by S>.i' east by Meeker A Shiftman, south by Pain* st., and we-t by Mehs Wilkinson. Containing about j acre, all unproved, framed liaru thereon. ALSO—One oilier lot iu Alliens buro', hounded north by i'uiue and Saticrice cast b , Wilk nson.s-'uih by Paine street and west by W Coleman. Containing about £ uci'tf, ilamed hou-e ami barn. ALbO—''ne other bit in Athens boro'. bounded on the west by F. Tyler, oil tin- north b\ Guy Tozer, ou the ea.-t ny Main t., on .lie south by G. I*. W ciies jr., coutaining toil a us. A.l iiiiproved. Seii.-ed ami taken iu exscution at the suit of Farmers' Uniou lusutauee Company to use of Jou.i Saltiua h vs- Uaauncy N. Sbipmau. ALSO—ify \irtue of sundry wri's of Vend Expo., wi 1 be- ex; osed to public sale, at the same time at.S place, the Tb j .\itig citsctibej lot, piece or parcel ot laud .si u.tle tit f rankliii twp , bounded on t e mirth bv 'he highway and lands ol Ai'.tra Gay, south by land o. M Marshall, east and west by land of Ahiia Gay. Conlaiuiug I acres, liiote oi less, all impiovcd. named bouse, buatd siied, u saw mill anil trees thereon. Si- zed and taken m execution at the fuit of Brown & liui kv.r-ll vs. G. \V . II iboid and Almiia lioliutd his a ile. Al.StJ—lue tiilloivmg tic-si riued lot, piece or parcel o laud situate in E.ugbuty twp., bound, d'wc-l by tnei>igl| way, unit i *' y 1 nid ol Geo. Mead, east by lata! of Pelt, su itii ny lauu ot H. Vouch is and laud Uelou ; tug to f lie M* Iliodist Church ; c-uitaing 2 aerts. mine ! less, all iiiiproved, a tiamea laveru house, a trained b' 1 I and Unit trees thereon. Seized and i .ilex tu execution at the suit of E. P ae " J ro.y v.i G U i-'ieoch ALMJ —By vutiie of a writ of Fi. Fa., will he 1 to public sale, at the same time and place, the top' la g , do-cribed lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in Wi 'nun j twp., bounded on the noitii by lanus oi l'olly Ciai-'"> T- | D iane and s. Felt-in on the cast by lauds ot P.| Gran ! daII aud W in. \\ heelbou.-e, on the south by the uliway. ] and on the west by hunts of p. Uoune, con tains' about 60 acres, about 66 acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit (A*' f- IT liusscil %'a Saiuuci Granuall. A. 11. SPALDINf Sheriff. Towanda, June 3, 18fi2. IILUIFFS SALE—I3v viripot a writ Ooi Fieri Facias i-aued out of the Goo common picas ot Brad ord county, to me direct* lvi '' ac p .sc-d U; public sale on "WEDNESDAY lli e 25th uay of Jane. 1 Sill', at 1 o'clock. I'. M-, at tltu lof Pr eep tor i-tii'bcs, in It'iine. the loilowiiig descr*' l ! lot, piece or p iroel of land situate in Rome born', igimiitig on the east side of tne highway at the soatu-'st corner of L L Moody s 1 it, thence along the higUw' south 24 j ■'west 100 leet to a post, corner of F. C. G'r ° '• >t. ilicncc : south (J > east "606 teet to a corner 'line ol J . Pass- j more, thence north 2lj° east, lou lee" J a corner of L L. , Moody's lot, then, c west along said' ooll .V line 205 feet • to tlie place ot beginning; contuinh' 2.500 leet, sftiel i measure, with a irameu house, fined barn and fruit | tiees thereon. ALSO—One other lot in Rome P"' bounded north by j lands ot Fe.slus G. Granmer, east F G Gianni.-r, south i bv Stephen ITu timer's estate., pi west liy Juitu Pass tuore. containing about acres >re or less. ALSO—One other lot of woad'r timber land in Rome j twp., bounded north bv land." 1 w W Kiiniy's estate, ' east by the highway, south by W Woodburu and west by Marcus Upham's estate, ocAming acres, mote or j less. ALSO—Preceptor Fcrbe'amerest in the real estate of I Artiesi l-'iube- dc-e'd . late oß'tne twp., lonsisting ot 16 acres end 50 pet cues ol ipt'oved lan t, hound d north by lauds <>| Harriet B irites. •>)' J G Towner, south by Undo! UL I t ih Ann Eusgi. *est by laud of Philander Towner, ail improved. ALisO—One other I >t riinibor land, lieing a portion of the estate of At nest Fit'' B 11 c'd., and hounded north by land of Alzin.i Diake-tst by R.>zin:i Forbes.south t>y the highway aud west; ' nidi of Win. McGabe, being same lot ol timber l uit'ct off to Preceptor Forbes, con taining 7 acres and 95 • v ' , es.and called lot No. 4. Seized and taken trxecution at the suit ol J W Wood buru vs Preceptor #ues. A. 11. SPALDING, Sheriff. Towanda, June 3 c l 2. /U 1 A1 ■ 111 A SA Lli —I t fiur.stiuiici; i.t vTf id an order rhe Gi phan's Court ol Cradford C ani ty, there uiil he t'osed to public sale, on the premises, at one o'cl >ck P. , ott Sttur.l.iy. June 21. lstli, all the right, title am'lr 'est ct the minor heirs of If .ratio B. Boiven. 1 .te of V 'en township, in aceitiin tract ol latid' oMtit t'e in the ten ship atore- 1(1 perches by land olie paused sudut.e and stones, thence north f ed her brain She dt ,! J - "■ Bnrhauk's land JJi 1 While she is uini e 5 what the Duke i 8 about. ' '.in the samel a- One night, about eight days after riage, the Duke, plainly attired and rau a cloak, roamed through the Faubourg vm Antouie, as was his wout, in quest of advet tares. * As he tnrned the corner of one of those nai low lanes that intersected that quarter at tha period, a piercing shriek brst apon his eat minified with suffocating cries for assistance. Ibe Duke's sword was oat in an instant He was brave to rashness. Without a mo ment's thought be plunged into the lane. tie beheld a female straggling hi the grast of a man. . 1 The roan fled precipitately at his approach and the girl 6ank into his arms, convolaiveh exclaimed:— ' " Save me, oh, save me !' The Deke sheathed his sword and endear ored to calm her fears- /""ii: s. iMio/cr u " Is now receiving ahf su PP'y °f SPRING GOODS Purchased since the liulreduction in prices. i TUB special attention of gtomer* from all sections of this and adjoining cou'iG' d hivited to this j Large, Choice Attractive Stock, which will be offof at the lowest prices. ! Towanda. April it. Isiij ; PIUNTSI DOMESTICS. The cheapest! the market, for cash at | MON^AITYES, (Corner of the Folic Square and Main Street.) tut ok feu fob sale MERRIMiC PRINTS AT 12 I-' Cts. Per Yard And other Goods proportion. The public are invited to call od examine for themselves. 23, All persorkn owing themselves indebted over six months, will do ell to call and settle. MOXTANIES. March 17. 181. .. NewSprng & Summer Goods mHE STBSCRIBERS HAVING R1 JL moved tohe south corner of the Mercur Block, i now opening large Stock of m MW itilil ciotling For Men and Boys I GEN 73 FURNISHING GOOX 300TS AND SHOES, / CROCKIfY, GROCERIES, YANKEE XOTIO.'Sic- Our st|2jg Mens Vsss from "•< 1 J b,0 ° j 45- Mitn. Boys and Youths Clothe- made to oitflarge 1 Election* of Fabrics alwov.-on band. fj : The niblic are invited to give us a call, as v W de ■ terminer not to be undersold lor cash. Most finds o Farmers Produce taken iu exchange. J I X. B.—Also sell FIXKLK & LYOXSeelebwfSettle i Sewing Machines, making the t ich al il#' aides. ~ A - WIGKUA33. Towanda A|ril 3, 1-62. I | 1862! 7 NEW SPRING C 003 S, i I AT TJRACY & MOOD'S. B I 11 G AOS FOR C A'll PURCHASERS. Towb£. April *. IC2 TRACY .11' 'ORE. Gar<-U Seeds of last yea* Crop. TTE LARGEST STOCK I? TOWN. JL-' almost every variety, iu large am fmall pack age large assortment of Peas iipackages. ALStf, 'S AVD D:ET SJB 3Y TH- PJUXD. cv Pleae c >ll and make J*r select*: of seeds from our assortment at / POX'S. Towanda. April 10. 1m12./ New Arrpig'eaients. r J H! ESU BSCR I B/R S HA r IXG FOR M- X ed a C'>parlner.-liip./ili <"iitinut the business for merly carried on by J. D/lIIMPHREf. in the store op posite the Court House,/nere they v\Jl keep constantly on lund a general as-orPent of BOOT! & SHOES, and a very large stock/' all kinds of LEAT HER req^ r " ed tor a country trade/ A lull assortment of Shoe Findiiiii/ Harness Trinnn/tes, SADDLERY, II A/>WARE, CROCKERY, X/ Ld G LASfJROCERIES. Ac., Ac. V.'e rxnect to im/ise our facilities in the 'if" c hir ing ilepaitment, st/s to to sup; ly d.-/ rs w 'th a -ujieii >r article, at/rices rivaling all ewiir/ ll,on - a " u especially •• forei.l' believing it ol vital iif'Ortatue to community to loJr domestic productions-® lar as l"' ac ' puroli*?d the stock of Harm/ nnd Saddlery owned l.y Me.— Culp A Kirhy, anda®n ted the shop foimerly occupy by them, we oiler fo/ :d ' c d large stock HARNESS, B S. TRUNKS, TRiVtUN. BAGSAC and will make' order almost anj/' n g in this line. We re-ncctfly invite public /"cntiou to our whole slock in m va"iis branches. tn/ in ftoy strict at tention to bfoess and zealous 1 '* 1 *. 1 l "" ls supply the wants ol coßiunity. wc shall *ntsrit and receive a lair share of pub* P itronage. , ... We are p,'ur. d t > make f order anything m our line. A1 si, do nil id .Is of lepairU? " a Vl ;ry short notice J6e" Casl'aid lor SheeY( )L 'lts. Hides and .Skin-. .T. I). lIUjHKKY, BL*LL, J. E. DAYTON. Towaud April 25, __ LOW AND MEDIUM PE.ICE3, RE/DY HADE CLOTHING FOR Bin's a:.(I Boys* Wear. ALSO, rSTTS' rUZtIVZSHZG GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, DOOTS AND SHOES, lAVTIIER OF ALL KINDS. THE BEST AXD ieapcst slock in market ever offered ! HIE BUYER IN SEARCH OFCHEAP i_ and desirable goods should not tail to see my stock, they want to save money by buying goods at the low it price which can be hail, at the clothing store M- 18. SOLOMAN. Xo. 2 PATTOX S Block. Towanda. May 15.1^02. "BYWi Er)UY7 HAS RETURNED FROM TIIE CITY, Where lie has bought lor cask a remarkable stock ot GOODS which he would call the attention of the pub lic to. asking them to give his stock an inspection before purchasing ; believ heccn give them better bargains than lias ever been offered in this market before. I have a gen • al assortment of *£■ Jo T H I N G J lie day he pressed his .Cy V e was OB ]^ one way in which Bergerooette could be woo —an honorable marriage. The Duke was in despair and at his wit's end. He bad a stormy sceoe with the King, who threatened to send him to the Bastde if he did not return to tbe*Duchess. tSo he came to Bergeronette, on the four teenth day, to meke a final effort to obtain her. Th°y were alone together in the gar den. r " Here rae, Bergeronette/ he cried, when he bad exhausted every argument and fonnd b* still firm, I swear to joo ware I free.. Tj Hcflal. RISUIIER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LjUS IN BRADFORD COUNTY.—In pursuance oi'an wof Assembly, passed the 13th day of March, 1815,#°^" er Acts of Assembly, will be exposed to Publi<§' e > at t! ' e Commissioners Utliee, iu Towamln Boroul on the 2d MONDAY in JUNE, 1862, the tracts ; o' uned laud described in the following lGt, unle.-a the t* upon the same are paid beiore that time. Nq Acres. Warrantee Names. Taxes, ! ALBANY TOWNSHIP. I 91 Auderson Joseph, $lO 67 , I 107 Barron John Jr. 12 Ik; 78 Castator Fredeick, 9 2o 60 Morris Samuel, 6 ;•' 84 Pear Abel. 9 80 J I 188 Roberts Robert, 22 22 ! 193 Roberts Hugh, 23 07 :' 93 Rush Moses, 10 85 i 250 Wagner Adam Harris Reuben jr. 29 05 60 Boweu Timothy owner, 5 90 / ! BCRLIXOTOW. I 412 Sackett BH, for'6l, 19 89 CANTOS. 60 Brady Win. 1 59 250 Shatuer Casper, 10 14 COLUMBIA. tIC7 168 Welling Charles, 2 89 FKANKLIS. 113 Cunningham D H 8 08 57 Cooley Henry, 8 14 400 Edge Samuel, 66 50 171 Edge GtiM-ge, 28 40 j 200 Haga Gebrge, . 14 25 400 Hardy James, 66 6f 400 Hardy Andrew, 66 f 400 Hardy Simon, 66.® 400 Hardy Nathan, 66 40 400 Hardy Paul. us Samuel, 6® 50 400 Siddons Joseph, 66 50 325 Siddons James, 54 02 175 Siddons Peter. 29 13 200 Wallace Samuel, 14 25 407| AdlamJobn, 29 05 407| Diddle Mark, Jr., 29 05 136 Bawn John, Jr., 22 62 205 Biddle James. 48 71 313 Baron John, Jr., 22 23 377 Diddle Wi liam. 26 89 130 Baker William, 30 88 397 Collins James, 29 22 250 Cox Jacob, 50 38 150 Curry Joaneah, 35 62 155 Dundass Thomas, 36 82 2144 Gratz William, 15 30 275 Graff John, 18 24 200 Graydon Andre 47 50 365 Govett Wiliiaik 25 94 250 Hall William. 59 38 375 lliltzlmer 255 Hiltzimer 454 lliltziraer J* 0 ® 53 92 250 Levi Aaron 59 38 275 Shoemaker* amea . 19 62 LgOY. 407| Antislle r >'- 32 75 202 Beat is F~derick, 5 40 402 IlotvirJnn Jr. 0 10 75 357 Doug!* s Andrew, 29 03 , 407| Morgu Jacob, 32 79 : 413 Pleiff George P. 10 99 181 WiuU John, 14 51 200 De l Henry. 5 15 411 William M-, 33 23 ] 255 B.tpcJohn,Jr., 22 90 427 Ho 6 John, 34 34 179 lift Henry, 14 45 200 Dikei William. 16 05 156 Oajp ial "n>ou Samuel, 12 52 200 rjuijussThomas, 16 05 3-1 Grjtluu Andrew, 30 66 349 Gir z Michael, 28 09 221 G# tz Hyraan, 17 72 340 QMtleworth George, 27 29 3yj yatz Barnard, 31 74 Aatz Simeon, 30 60 403 ieury Joseph, 32 73 Hall Charles, 33 89 3gS Hannon Josiah, 31 13 414 Lloyd Peter. 33 65 I 4j Pennington Benjamin, 35 10 1 34 Patton John, 26 90 fl Read Ccllinsjn, 17 83 yj Shoemaker James, 34 93 1 J63 Simmons Joseph, 29 76 425 Wilson William, 31 19 MOKKOK. 400 Anderson Samuel, 28 60 3'.l Anderson Joseph, 22 03 322 Castator Frederick, 22 94 172 Ellis Marcy, 12 26 97 Gray Wm, 6 90 400 Heuipton Robert, 28 50 50 Hopkins Robert, 358 200 North Samuel, 14 55 400 Shotts Peter, 23 50 1 400 Shotts Frederick, 23 50 400 Shotts George, 28 50 4160 Wallace Mary, 19 95 190 Woodrufl Hannah, 7 13 OVKKTOX. 343 Betz Henry, 44 05 343 Betz Sohn, 44 05 343 Detz Joseph, 44 05 343 Betz James, 41 05 400 Dyson Henry, 61 30 375 Cooley Samuel, 47 95 400 Castator Harmon, 51 30 400 Castator Joseph, 51 30 400 Cooley Joshua, 51 30 343 Edge Peter, 44 06 100 Ellis Marcy, 12 >-3 172 Edge George, 23 06 343 Fritz Samuel, 44 05 400 Haga Peter, 51 3o 400 Haga Nathan, 61 30 400 t aga Samuel, 61 35 200 Haga George, 21 60 1 400 Hardy Samuel, 51 30 375 Hardy James, 47 95 225 Hardy Henry, 28 04 j 390 Harr.s Ann, 49 91 400 Hillingsworth Stephen, 61 30 i 100 Ladley Andrew, . 12 83 375 Moore George, 47 95 , 40(1 Moore Paul, 51 30 j 393 Moore John, 49 95 200 North Samuel, 25 65 400 North Jonathan, 59 30 1 200 Palmer Thomas, 25 65 400 Seeley Peter, 51 30 ; 400 Scely Henry, 61 30 400 Seely Joseph, 61 30 400 Siddons Andrew, -> 61 30 400 Siddons George, 51 30 225 Siddons Peter, 28 82 75 Siddons James, 9 66 ( 400 Temple George, 61 30 ' 400 Temple Samuel, 51 30 4iio Temple Peter, 51 30 I*o Woodruff Hannah, 23 09 121 Baker John, 15 72 450 Eckliart George, 67 73 241 Erwine *' 29 93 50 Gentleworth George, 6 43 467 Hiltziiner Robert, 59 S5 198 Tyvout Andrew, 25 41 Rt no BURY. 151G 60 Carroll Charles. 1 04 1507 63 Carroll Charles, 1 10 TUSCAKORA. 250 Keeler John A Co., owners. 4 32 150 Shunt way Barrow cliff owner- 2 59 56 Field Henry, 96 50 Hughs Marth, 87 35 Porter James, 00 TKRRY. 272 Baldwin James, 14 07 237 Cortright Cornelius, 12 29 383 Cortright John, 19 86 301 Davenport Cornelius, 15 58 231 Davenport Daniel, 11 37 WILMOT. 126 Avery Christopher, 1161 216 Barrett Joel, 13 92 397 Carver John 36 66 104 Hollenback M. 9 65 104 Hollenback Sally, 965 69 Hibbard Hannah, 8 26 ISO Sterling Samuel Jr. 16 63 117 Sterling James, 10 77 ALSO—-?n pursuance of the provisions of the Act of he General Assembly, passed the 29th day of April.lß44 lection 41st, at the same time and place will be exposed it public sale, the tracts or parcels of lands or real estate lesignated in the following list, unless the taxes due up in the same are paid before.that time. **l < c 1 g - -iittiel child prazed at him steS 1 fle Biff something in the bleared eyes that made him shrink ; something that 6e"t his heart to beating. " J tell yoo, hook one," whispered the boy ; " 1 won't tell, and we'll go away and eat it." I don 1 want to steal/' 6aid the homeless child. Oh S yoo fool," mattered the bratal temp ter, and smote him in the eyes, his heavy hand dealing a blow that sent the poor little child against the wall, his whole frame quivering with angaisb. The terrible blow had almost blinded bio for a moment. A 6ob came np ID his throat. "Ob ! what have I dooe to be treated 10?" There never, never was a God, * •* T* ** • 1 aeo'l .... Ryan Martin; 50 50 396 .... Stockwell Charles, ' .... Houghly John, 132 132 3 9t> ALBANY. 1559—Boyiogton 00. , 100 100 902 I .... Murphy Stephen/ 1- . 130 130 11 72 | .... Corson iehabixL' 119 119 804 .... Martin John \V7 200200 IS 04 Harris Thomas 220 220 19 84 1 IS6o—Corson Ichal/1 119 119 863 Castor Isaac 100 2 98 430 i .... Donohue M/ <1 50 60 473 Martin Jol/W. 200200 264 ; Nichols Epard, 100 9 68 i .... Boyingt\>iesChasF. 140 35 135 4 94 BURLINGTON. 1859-yi urv y Samuel, 67 30 37 214 BURLINGTON WEST. 1859f Bailey Nathan, 60 50 91 .. j English James, 43 10 33 1 10 Hemraingway Daniel, 14 14 26 Potter Harrison, 50 13 37 98 jCO—Bailey Nathan, 50 60 91 CANTON . Baxter A F 10 10 19 '.... Geggee James 40 5 35 72 COLUMBIA. IS6o—Benaon John 260 60 2007 75 LEROY. 1860—Bailey Jer'h, 43 3 40 33 .... Craumer Perry, 60 50 60 31 LITCHFIELD. 1859—Goodsell Zina 50 25 25 1 60 .... Owens Est, 79 79 1 43 .... Sherman LII, 50 15 35 2 40 .... Stanfest Joseph 106 106 1 90 .... Snyder Wm. 50 10 40 1 44 .... Drake Marcena, 27 15 12 103 1860—Clafflin li It 25 25 50 MONROE TWF. 1859—Corbit Georjre, 300 300 5 74 Jackson Anirew, 100 100 5 70 .... N.Y.& Pa Iroa&C.Co 400 400 7 00 .... Naglee S. C. 250 1000 150 14 33 TowanJalron&CCo. 1100 1100 26 36 1860 Corbit George, 300 300 5 40 .... Jackson Andrew, 100 100 5 40 .... Mnnahan Dennis, 50 2 48 83 .... N.Y.APa.lron &C Co. 400 400 720 .... TowandalronC Co. 1100 1100 29 73 OVERTON. 1859 Campbell GW. 50 60 81 .... Cusick John, 60 8 62 60 Hinman A Paik, 400 400 12 40 .... Hay thorn John, 60 60 81 .... Leahy Patrick, 50 6 4 4 31! .... Willey John. 33 33 49 ISCo—Campbell W E 300 13 252 8 05 .... Campbell "W. 50 50 59 .... Hinman A Park, 400 400 10 80 .... Haytliorn uohn, 50 60 59 . .. McMichala Peter, 67 67 1 17 .... Willey John, 33 33 49 ORWELL . 1859—8u1l Ann E. 36 36 72 1860—Bull Ann E. 36 36 72 .... Mathews Geo. 18 18 36; TIES. 1859—Humphrey W 115 15 100 2 02 ... Vanankin A nuts 149 149 1 ,1 1860—Vanankin Amas 149 x 49 1 78 KIEGBURT. 1859—DeLaney Edward 2d 20 20 29 Donovan Ellen 100 10 90 2 23 •••• Wallace John 9 9 1 56; BMITHFIELD. 1859—Allen Jonathan 60 50 1 06 ! Reals T J 60 50 127 | .... McNinny Patrick 50 8 42 1 20; .... Marcel'is Carl 25 25 63 £ Pease Jesse, House & Tannery Lot 1 il .... Robbing Moses 100 16 84 2 47 Seeley Montillion 50 5 45 1 03 Strong John 20 7 13 60 1860—P.obhins Moses 100 16 84 1 47 SOUTH CREEK 1859—Berry John 75 10 65 2 61 .... Berry Geo " 60 60 464 Berry Joseph 50 50 4 64 ' .... Ferris Emmet 60 50 2 60 ! .... Ilaight Cornelius 110 10 100 8 78 Hath sway & Griffin 440 440 16 45 .... Kerrick Mahlon 45 5 40 3 26 .... Leonard Valorns 100 100 3 74 Murdoch W 67 15 62 5 65 .... Overton Edward 60 50 1 37 Parybett It 60 30 20 2 23 Quail Robert 34 34 1 28 1860—Kmmett Ferris 50 50 1 05 .... Hathaway & Griffin 440 440 5 80 : Kerrick Nelson 464 4 61 144 j .... Kerrick F A Tubbs 3 3 28 Leonard Valorns 100 100 1 32 .... Preston Ebenezern 100 100 1 99 .... Quail Robert 34 34 45 STANDING STONE IB6o—Sill Charles 100 20 80 3 25 BHEBIIEQUXN. 1859—Vought Laurence 1 22 TERRY TWr. 1859—Brown Julltis 50 50 1 60 Fessendon Theodore 60 CO 1 92 .. ..Wheeler Itichasl 4 2 2 32 ISGo—Roseubaum 60 60 72 TOWANDA BOHO. 1859—Carrier Sylvester, 1 House and Lot 59 TUSCAKORA. ISs9—Lacey J W 171 171 6 15 W A KEEN. ISs9—Morse Hiram 2 2 26 | WYALUSING. 1559—McCracken Lodema 20 2 13 35 WELLES. 1359—Hathaway A Griffin 1000 1000 13 20 1860—Hathaway A Uiiiiiu 1000 1000 60 CO WILMOT. 1859—Kirhankin Charles 43 43 53 Stalt'ord G II 65 65 79 1860—Aents John 35 35 43 i Carroll Pat 63 C 3 108 .... Kenedy Charles 40 40 4S .... Park John P2 12 14 j Sullivan W 62 52 62 ! N. B.— Notice is hereby given, that an amount aufflci j er.t to pay taxes and cost will be required in every case ! where the land is sold, at the time of sale, and unless I terms are complied with ihe land-* will be again exposed ' to sale. FRANCES WATTS, Treasurer, i Treasurer's Office. March 25.1862. INSURANCE: " undernamed has been appointed the . A rent of the Insurance Company of North America, located at Philadelphia, is now prepared to take risks, in town or county. This Company is one oi the oldest in the United States, having been chartered in 1793, it has a capital of $500,000, and is managed by a board of Di rectors of the very highest character for honor and in tegrity. All losses are adjusted promptly. Its rates are ! as low as those of any good Company, and property hold ers insuring in this Company may rest assured that they can rely on the perfect safety of their policies in case of loss. B.S. RUSSELL, At the Banking Office of B. S. RUSSELL A CO. March 18,1862. n4l-tf. IVrOTWTTHSTANDING TIIE HARD j it times, the subscriber has a little CAS HE , WHEREWITH TO PURCHASE , Farmers' Produce ! And has on hand a large stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, To be exchanged for the CASH. , "* v Towanda, May 20,1862. C ' B " ''B^t ■ - _ CIO6S fib 6 R ATiyiuoifsh for on lodge lodge -•guts ? 'S'well enough to stay up ou o'rrer nights—bot.'s all dam nonsense, ye know, to wait for a fell'r on lodg (hie) nights. She knows 's'well as I do, basin' Vgot to be 'tend ed to—committe Vgot tb report, an' var'ns o'rrtr little matters—she oughter 'ave more sense. Snid 6he had the head (hie) headache when I left'er—told me not to stay ont longer than I could 'elp. Well, I didn't ! how could I 'elp it ? Besides, I'll have the headache worse n she will'n the mornin'. So derilesh stupid in her to get the headache when she knew I'd big binness to 'tend to. Ah 1 these women, these women, they'll never (hie) learn anything never ! '"Bo let the world wag as wWe M K MB, IU be gay tad (hio) happy still.'" "Ha!ha Iha I (hlc) Wonder what's be- i&tscellancous. PLANTS, RAPE VINES, ROSES, VERREXAS, X Dialetri&s, Peonies and Flower Puis, lor sale at the Garden of HARRY MIX. Isabella 20 cts. each i Concord 50 " " Clinton 2u " " Illart'J Prolific . 0 •' 44 Delaware luO " ' 4 !Brown's t'a'wa 20 " " Rebecca 50 " " | W Sweet Water 50 " " Catawba 20 " " ! Diana 50 '* " No'n MoscadineOO " ' The gra;>eo of our own country are quite distinct -pc cien from the wine Grape ol Europe, and are usually stronger in growth, with longer and more entire foliage, and in their native state with a peculiar foxy odor or fla vor, and more or leas hardiness of pulp ; these t:.uU, however, disappear" ui process of cultivation ; and we have already obtained from the wild type new varieties, of high quality, and ol superior hardiness and productive ness in this, our northern climate, among tin.- be a ! know I offer for sale at exceedingly low prices, ai! of which I warrant true to name. PLOWEE POTS, At prices that will satisfy the reasonable, ail -lets, from 3 to U inches. Early WinningHtadt Cabbage C els. per doz. 44 *Ox Heart •' o 44 " " Sugar Loaf " t " " " Y'ork < ! * " " Large York •' • ti " " Large Early Dutch Cauliflower t> " Waicberen Brocoli tl " " Late .Dutch Cauliflower 6 •' " White Chinese Tomato '• " " i Early Purple Egg Plant 10 '• '• Large Round Purple Egg Plant. 10 " " Large Sweet Pepper Plant 10 '' " Large Bull Nose Pepper Plant 10 " " lied Cherry Pepper Plant 10 f4 " Fejee Island Tomato 10 41 44 Lycestcr's Perfectt d Tomato 10 Itcd Cherry Tomato 0 " " Large Smooth Yellow Tomato C 44 44 Large Smooth Red Tomato tf 4 4 44 FEJEE XSEAXSE r rC3*£ASQ, l ls a variety introduced by Ca it. Frazier.of Philadelphia I from the Fejee Island, laige and beautiful pink col * or, very firm in tic ah, and considered one ol the best ev -1 cr introduced. LYCESTEII'S PERFECTED TOMAfO, ! Large size, flesh abundant and tiun, it ranks with the I Fejee, and many think it best of nil. Color, pale purple . These varieties are new and h.ivc I con distributed spar ingly. Robert Buist X Sou. of Philadelphia, told me no better variety could be iai.-wJ. PERPETUAL, OR EV ER-BLOOMIXC ROSES. A few d istn of choice and rare variety, kaviug the quality of blooming the full season, from white to the darkest color. Depend upon it, i offer 11 >si- of real mer it, both in Europe aud America, , very decided acquisi tion in the line of rosea. i'i ice from oU cents to si. PEON lES. Itoae scented, pink, large Mae.! ■ mtiful and fine shape. White do., very large and splendid, b ib of which arc a great ornament to a flower garden, 'id cents each. DIALETRIAS, , One of the most grace: ul bowers that decks the floral de partment. 25 cents each. VERBENAS. The finest variety, all in pots, at prices that shall be satisfactory. Cail and see them. CUC,UMBER PLANTS, In pots, 12$ cents each, which can be turned out with safety, making an early crop, so much desired. SWEET POTATO PLANTS, Fifty cents per hundred. All sweet potatoes are raised by setting piauts. All may depend upon a supply this Spring, in fine condition to set troiu the 15th of May to the 25th of June. This gives ample time tor the potato to grow, as the plant is quite old—even three degrees south of us they du not set before the Ist of June. They are of early culture, and three plants to the hill, and*cuu be raised in Bradford county. Any information wanted, inquire at the garden. All late cabbage plants, out door culture, 25 cts. per hundred. CELERY, At 25 cts. per hundred. Thousands in line condition to set front the fifteenth of May to the first of August. £*- Much pains will be taken to make plants strong and stocky as possible, by transplanting, &c. Plants, Grape Vines, and all I sell,"may be ca: rich any distauee, as they will be packed in moss exceeding well. edeT I have a good pair of TEAM HORSES, a very ex cellent Lumber f\VO HORSE WAGON, and team har ness to sell. Terms made known to the applicant. A good bargain otleicd. Call aud see them at my barn. Tewaada, April is, 1862. NEW SPRING GOODS! I AT J. M. COLLINS*, (First door South ot Codding & Russell's.) ; TUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK *J an unusual I.n ge stock ot Clothing. Cio'Us, ( accruers ; Vfc-tings, Gent's Furnishing Goods. Hats X Caps, which i will Lc sold at greater bargains than before. CUR. SPRING STOCK i Will compri e almost every article worn by man or boy. BUSIBTHES SUITS, COATS, PANTS Vests, Shif t:;, Collars, Saspeudeis, Neck Ties, Cilcvcs, Wrappers, Socks, Overalls, Boy's Pants aud Jackets. Especial attention is called to our New Sty le of CLOTHS, CASIMEKES M) YLSTIXGS, Which are ready to make up to order, on short notice, and Warranted in every way, or n > sale, as we have some eight years experieu. in this iine of In;-mess, my cutter. Sir. PEXEPAt'KER, he ca hand, at all times to do cutting lor those who wish it done. BEAR IN MIND If you wish to buy clothing cheap, and get as good as represented, call at COLLIIPsT S 4 . It you wish to get the woi ".h of your money, and buy ne fresh Goods ami fair dealing, call on us and you will b satisfied. No ti c able to show gooas and no forcing to buy Goods sold for cash only. J. il. COLLINS. Towand.v, April 21.1 >G2. A DMINJSTRATQR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es : tale of i. 11. STEPHENS, late of North T ••.vauda, dee'd., i are requested to make payment without delay ,- 6 * I ]>" I May 2',. it-2. j .. think of the minister's X? YV/IUTOP' 44 " 1 oa like her ? Well, ai! can lir, ,8 you've got a very peculiar taste.— Why she's as proud as Lucifer—been married a whole week, and haseu't been to see me yet. Yoa presume 6he hasn't had time ? j don't see what the minister wanted to go out of town to get him a wife for, anyway ; and theD, above all things, to get tha f girlish-look* iug thing? Why didn't he take one of hfli par* isbioners ? There's my Arrabella Lucretiao woold have made tiim a better wife than be'a got now. And she's juet the right age for him. What do you say ?—.that Arrabella Lncretia is two years older than the minister? I should think it was apitty if I didn't know my own daughter's age, Mrs. Smith I If soap folks would mind their owu business, as I do. I'd thank them. IQu' There's a woman at the bottom of every mischief,' said Joe. ' Yea, implied Charity ; 'when I used to gat ivkf jria cbief, my* mother was at tht jpf —l sN ■